
by temperanceluvr

First published

Twilight Sparkle has a hard time adjusting to being a princess, but an old classmate from Canterlot comes to Ponyville to show her the way.

After her coronation, Twilight began to realize that adjusting to being treated like a princess was going to be a lot harder than she had first thought. Luckily, somepony had already known that the transition would be hard for Twilight and sent somepony to help her with the transition. Shocked at her old classmate's arrival, Twilight tells Moondancer about how she learned about the magic of friendship from the ponies in Ponyville.
Moondancer and her baby dragon, Bubbles, work together to help Twilight adjust to being a princess, but also to help her understand the challenges and benefits that come along with it. Although, Twilight isn't the only pony who needs a little guidance, as Moondancer and Bubbles discover a secret that lies deep in the heart of the oceans of Equestria.

Chapter 1 - The First Step

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A young unicorn disembarked the train as it stopped in Ponyville. She looked around at all the ponies and smiled as they all scampered about with smiles on their faces. Her companion walked up beside her and also gave a big smile.

The two made their way through Ponyville toward the library where the new princess lived. When they got to the library, the unicorn knocked on the door.

"Spike, could you get that please?"

"Sure, Twilight,"

As soon as Spike opened the door, his mouth fell open in surprise.

"It's good to see you again, Spike." the unicorn smiled. "It's been a long time since we've seen you—you've sure grown up a lot."

Spike blinked, too shocked to say anything. The unicorns companion, a female baby dragon smiled and lunged at him, knocking him to the ground. "SPIKEY!!!" she cried as she gave him a hug. "I missed you so much!"

"What's all the commotion about?" Twilight asked as she walked over to the door. "Who's at the—" she stopped short when she saw the unicorn. "Moondancer?"

Moondancer gave a polite bow. "It is an honor to see you again, Princess Twilight." she smiled, emphasizing Twilight's new title as a Princess. "A lot has happened since we last saw each other, hasn't it?"

Twilight smiled. "Yes, a lot has happened, but please, you don't have to call me 'Princess'."

Twilight welcomed her old friends into her home and Spike rushed off to make some tea, Moondancer's companion following right behind.

"When I heard the news about you becoming a princess, I was so excited. I wanted to go to your coronation, but Zip and Zap were sick with a cold and I had to stay home to take care of them." Moondancer said as she sat down with Twilight.

"Don't worry about it, Moondancer, I understand. How is the rest of your family doing?"

Moondancer thought for a moment. "Well, Flash Spark has been training with dad at the Canterlot Castle so he can join the night guards next month. And Twinkleshine opened her own café in Canterlot, 'a la mode', and it's already becoming one of the most popular hotspots in town."

"That's amazing!"

"So, what have you been up to Twilight?" Moondancer asked eagerly. "Bubbles and I haven't heard from you at all since you moved here from Canterlot."

Just then, Spike and Bubbles brought out the tea and gave each of the ponies a cup.

"I've been spending most of my time studying the magic of friendship." Twilight told her guests. "I never knew what having friends was like until I moved here—all of my friends here are great."

Moondancer's face fell as Twilight tells her all about her friends in Ponyville. She felt a twinge of sadness as she realized that Twilight never thought of her as a friend when they were fillies growing up in Canterlot.

Moondancer forced a smile. "O-Oh? That... that sounds... nice..."

Twilight claped her hooves excitedly. "I can't wait for you to meet them! They're all super amazing!"

"Heh... yeah... I-I can't wait." Moondancer said weakly.

Bubbles looked over at Moondancer curiously. Why is Moondancer acting so weird all of a sudden? she thought as she watched her friend carefully.

"Well, we better get going." Moondancer said as she stood up suddenly. "It was a long trip and we really should start settling in."

Twilight and Spike were surprised as well as disappointed. "Oh, right. Well, that's understandable." Twilight said as she and Spike walked their friends to the door.

Bubbles turned to Spike. "Would you mind if we stop by again tomorrow?" she asked eagerly. "I wanna play with Spike some more."

Spike smiled. "I don't mind Bubbles. Hey! I can introduce you to Rarity!" his face lit up. "She asked if I would help her gather some more gems for her new line of clothes."

Bubbles' eyes lit up. "That sounds like fun! Count me in!" she turns to Moondancer. "What about you, Moondancer?"

"I can't Bubbles, remember? The princess sent me here to help Twilight adjust to being a princess, not to play around."

Bubbles blushed a little. "Oh... hehe, right."

Twilight blinked. "Princess Celestia sent you to help me?"

Moondancer shook her head. "No, no, no. Princess Cadence sent me to help."

"Princess Cadence?!" Twilight exclaimed in surprise.

Moondancer nodded. "I've been studying under Cadence since I first created the dancing lights back in Canterlot." she thought for a minute. "I thought you knew—I mean, I assumed you didn't come to my get-together in the castle courtyard because you already knew that Cadence was making me her apprentice."

Twilight lowered her head and looked away from her friend guiltily. "I'm so sorry, Moondancer. I should've been more considerate." she apologized. "Wait, if you were just having a get-together to announce Cadence making you her apprentice, why was everypony bringing a gift?"

Moondancer giggled. "Because the night before, when I first made the dancing lights, my cutie mark appeared." she showed them her cutie mark, a crescent moon with a ribbon wrapped around it and a little star next to the crescent moon.

Bubbles put her claws on her hips proudly. "I told everypony about Moondancer's cutie mark, so they decided to throw a party for her." she looked over at Spike angrilly. "I had thought you both would've been there after Spike promised to come!"

Spike laughed nervously and hid behind Twilight.

"I'm sorry Bubbles," Twilight apologized. "It was my fault we missed Moondancer's party. I was so caught up with finding out more about the Elements of Harmony that we didn't have time to go."

"It's fine Twilight, really." Moondancer said hurriedly. "Now we really have to get going."

"Okay, well I'll see you tomorrow."

Twilight and Spike waved goodbye to their friends as they made their way toward their new home. Bubbles decides to ask Moondancer what had bothered her so much after they got to Twilight's house.

"Um, Moondancer?" Bubbles began, unsure of how to ask. "Is everything alright? While we were at Twilight's, it seemed like something Twilight said might've... upset you or something.

"I-It's nothing, Bubbles, really. I just wanna start unpacking is all." Moondancer replied, clearly not wanting to discuss the matter.

Bubbles could see that Moondancer was lying, but she didn't press the matter. When they reached their new home, the two started to unpack. When they were almost finished, Moondancer reached for the pictures to place on the fireplace mantle and paused. She stared sadly at the last one she placed on the mantle.

I never knew what having friends was like until I moved here. Moondancer's eyes tear up as Twilight's words echoed in her ears. All of my friends here are great.

Moondancer lowered her head and went off to her bedroom. Bubbles looked up at the picture and saw it was the one Twilight and Moondancer took right after they passed their entrance exams for Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. She looked over at Moondancer, who was lying on her bed staring up at the stars, and realized what had upset Moondancer before.

The next day, Moondancer and Bubbles made their way to Twilight's library. When they got there, they saw Mayor Mare and her secretary leaving.

"Thank you so much for your help, Princess." Mayor said gratefully.

"It's no problem at all Mayor, but please, you don't have to call me 'Princess'." Twilight said embarrassed.

As the two mares left Twilight's house, Moondancer and Bubbles walked over to Twilight. Bubbles took no time in running into the library to find Spike.

"Good morning, Twilight." Moondancer greeted her friend. "What was that all about?"

"Oh, good morning, Moondancer," Twilight welcomed Moondancer inside. "The mayor just wanted some help deciding on topics for the next town meeting." she sighed, "I really wish everypony would stop calling me 'Princess,' it doesn't feel right."

Moondancer shook her head. "Twilight, you're still overthinking things—just like when we were fillies."

"Wakey, wakey Spikey! The sun says HELLO~~!!!"

The two mares hear Spike fall out of bed at Bubbles' loud wake-up call. He tumbled down the stairs, his blanket twisted around his legs. Bubbles walks down the stairs after he hits the floor, giggling at his trip down the stairs.

Spike groaned and rubbed his head. "Talk about a wake-up call." he turned to Bubbles annoyed, "Why'd you yell in my ear like that Bubbles?"

Bubbles giggled. "I couldn't help it, I'm just super excited about spending the day with you is all." she helps him up. "So who's this Rarity? Is she fun? Does she like games?"

Bubbles followed Spike out of the library, continuing to ask questions about Rarity.

Moondancer turns to Twilight. "Since they're heading out, why don't you and I go get something to eat?"

"That sounds like a good idea." Twilight said with a smile. "Then I can give you the grand tour of Ponyville!"

The two mares walked through Ponyville, Twilight showing Moondancer all the best places in town. They stopped at Sugarcube Corner to grab a bite to eat.

"Wow, Ponyville is even better than I thought it'd be." Moondancer said before taking a sip of her drink.

Twilight took a bite of her cupcake. "Every pony is really nice here too. There's never a dull moment either—especially around Pinkie Pie."

Twilight finished her cupcake and Mrs. Cake quickly brought another over and put it on her plate.

"Here you are, Princess." she said to Twilight.

"Oh, thank you Mrs. Cake, but I'm fine, really." Twilight said embarrassed.

"Don't be shy dear, it's on the house." Mrs. Cake insisted. "Just let me know if there's anything else you need, Princess."

As Moondancer continued to drink her tea, she saw Twilight becoming more uncomfortable each time she was called 'Princess'.

Moondancer places her drink on the table. "Twilight, are you alright?" she asked concerned.

Twilight sighed. "I wish everypony would stop treating me so differently. I haven't changed since I became a princess. I'm still me!"

"But Twilight, you are a princess now." Moondancer placed her hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "I know it's hard, but you just have to get used to it. Give it some time and—"

"I don't want to get used to it!!" Twilight exclaimed, jumping up. "I just want to go back to before I became a princess!"

Twilight ran out of the café in tears and Moondancer ran after her. Twilight stops on a bridge and Moondancer slows down when she sees her.

"Twilight, I know how you feel. Having to adjust to something new and everypony expecting certain things from you." Moondancer said sympathetically, walking up to Twilight. She looks down at the river below them. "I felt the same way when I had to move to the Crystal Empire with Cadence." she looks over at Twilight. "But you know, if it bothers you so much, why don't you just tell everypony how you feel at the town meeting tonight?"

Twilight thinks about Moondancer's suggestion and realizes she's right. "You're right, Moondancer, I should just tell everypony how I feel." she hugs Moondancer. "You're so smart Moondancer, you're always giving the best advice."

Moondancer's eyes fill with tears, but she quickly blinks them away. "Anything for you, Twilight."

Rarity, Spike and Bubbles headed towards the gem caves on the edge of Ponyville. Spike pulls along his wagon and Bubbles walks beside Rarity, chatting with her.

"I'm so happy to be near Spike again." Bubbles said excitedly. "There aren't any other baby dragons in Canterlot or the Crystal Empire. I missed having Spike to play with."

Rarity looks at Bubbles in surprise. "You lived in the Crystal Empire?"

"Yeah," Bubbles replied. "When Cadence was given the Crystal Empire to rule over, Moondancer and I moved with her and Shining Armor. She is Moondancer's mentor after all."

They reached the caves and began their search for gems. Soon they had found enough gems for Rarity's entire line. As they made their way back to Ponyville, Rarity's horn begins to glow as they pass by a lake.

"Oh, what's this?" Rarity follows her horn toward the edge of the lake. "It seems that there are more gems over here. Hmm, they must be in the lake."

"In the lake?" Spike looks down at the water and gulps. "Sorry Rarity, I would get them for you, but I can't swim."

Rarity pats his head. "It's okay Spikey Wikey, We've still got plenty of gems for my clothes."

Rarity and Spike started to walk back to Ponyville again, but Bubbles stayed standing beside the lake, her eyes fixated on the water.

Spike looked over his shoulder and saw Bubbles staring at the water. "Bubbles, you coming?"

"Don't worry about those gems sweetie, we have more than enough for my line already." Rarity said to her.

Bubbles didn't seem to hear them and she flexed her claws, webbing appearing between them. She dove into the water as Rarity and Spike gasped and rushed over to the lake. Bubbles found the gems at the bottom of the lake and quickly gathered them up. She swam back up to the surface with her arms full of beautiful gems. Rarity and Spike gasped at the sheer beauty of the gems in Bubbles' claws.

"I... I've never seen such beautiful gems before!" Rarity sighed, completely in awe.

Bubbles carried the gems over to the wagon and added them to the pile.

"I didn't know you could swim, Bubbles." Spike said in surprise. "And when'd you learn how to do that?" he pointed to the webbing between her claws.

Bubbles looks at her claws and the webbing retracted back into her claws. "I don't know... I guess I always knew." she shrugged.

That night at the Ponyville town meeting, Twilight prepared to tell everyone how she felt about her new title.

"Before we end the meeting tonight, Princess Twilight would like to say a few words." Mayore said before stepping aside and giving Twilight the floor.

Twilight stepped onstage and the ponies got quiet. She glanced over at Moondancer, who gave her a smile and reassuring nod.

"Thank you everypony, I know all of you are aware that I wasn't always a princess. I became one overnight. I didn't ask for it, but it's who I am now. I won't say that I don't want to be called 'Princess,' but you don't need to treat me so differently now that that's who I've become. I still have a lot to learn about being a princess, but I don't want anypony to give me special treatment. I'm still the same Twilight Sparkle who moved here from Canterlot, so please just treat me as you always have. That's all I ask. Thank you for your time."

The ponies all erupted in cheers and applause when Twilight finished. She stepped down and walked over to Moondancer.

"You see? That wasn't so hard. Now everypony knows how you feel." Moondancer smiled.

"Thanks Moondancer, really." Twilight notices her friends walking over. "Oh, look, there're my friends. C'mon, I wana introduce you."

Moondancer hesitates. "O-Oh, okay..." she reluctantly follows Twilight over to her friends.

Twilight introduces Moondancer to her friends. Rarity, Bubbles and Spike walk in and join the group, both baby dragons sporting new fashions using the gems Bubbles retrieved from the lake. As everypony complimented Rarity's designs, Moondancer slowly backed away from the group.

"Oh Rarity, they are beautiful, don't you—" Twilight looked around for Moondancer. "Hey, where'd Moondancer go?"

"She was here just a second ago." Applejack said.

"Maybe she was feeling overwhelmed and went home?" Fluttershy suggested.

"But Moondancer's always been a social pony, why would she suddenly be shy now?" Twilight said confused.

Bubbles looked out the window and sighed. She's not shy, she's just sad because she thinks you never thought of her as a friend, Twilight.

Moondancer ran through Ponyville, tears flying from her eyes as she made her way back home.