> Every Point in Time Comes to an End > by Mydnyt Rayn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Terra Hart sat at the edge of a stream near her home. It was a great day outside, just as the weather team said it would be, and so Terra sat there enjoyng Celestia's warm sun. It was not often for her to sit and relax by the stream. Terra only sat there when she needed time away from life. She sat there to think, to rest her body, or just to sit lay and take a nap. It was her place of comfort and peace. It was a nice, gentle stream, too, that had been there when she moved in around two years ago. A little more introduction on Terra. Terra is a light brown earth pony mare with some light grey streaks in her already medium grey mane. She was very talented in most things but had no cutie mark yet. Terra was shy and kept to herself, but had ponies she talked to from time to time. But she didn't have that many friends. She knew friendship was important, but it didn't occur to her she needed any. She was just fine by herself. Almost everything she did was by herself. School projects, contests, everything she could think of. She grew up doing everthing alone and perfectly fine with it. She always seemed to get more work done. Terra stood up from her place by the sream and began walking back to her home. She looked up at the sky, now taking notice of the reds and oranges of the setting sun. Night time was coming, counting off another day in life. As Luna's moon took the suns place in the sky, Terra walked slowley to her doorstep. She took one look up at the moon, then slowley walked inside, closing the door quietly behind her. She walked into the bathroom. She began brushing her teeth and humming softly to herself. She rinsed her mouth out and put her brush away. She walked into her bedroom, climbed onto her bed and got settled in. Tomorrow was a new day and she needed the rest for what it would bring. She slowed her breathing and closed her eyes. Beep Beep Beep Terra hit the snooze button on her alarm clock and stiffled a yawn. It had been a peacful night and sleep and now a peacful day will be upon her shortly. She sat up and got off her bed, setting and laying the sheets, tyding up her bed. She went into the kitchen to eat breakfast and after finishing a good serving of oats, went to go take a shower. It was her normal morning routine that she followed every day. She dryed off and stood in front of the bathroom sink, brushing her teeth. Another part of the routine. After rinsing her mouth and putting her toothbrush away, Terra went out and let the day start. She tended her garden and watered her flowers. Gardening was one of her many hobbies and it always gave a good supply of vegitables and watermelons. She tended to the tomatoes and cucumbers, squash and lettuce. It was a nice garden. Then there was her neighbor. He was about her age with a dark red coat and had grey streaks running through his black mane and tail. Terra had a crush on him and sort of knew him from elementry school, but was way to shy to talk to him. She tried multiple times but could never get the courage to ask. She always had no courage whn it came to falking to boys. It always never turned out or always became awkward. Terra watched him, not in a creeper kind of way, but in an admirable way. He was a nice stallion and always helped ponies out. He was also a quiet pony when she saw him, but his name she never got. Being too shy, she never asked what it was. Terra just went back to watering her flowers when she noticed something. He was looking at her. And he was smiling. Did her like her, too? She just kept watering, trying not to look back. He then turned and walked away, heading for the center of Ponyville. She watched as he walked out of sight. After snapping back to reality, Terra finished watering then walked into town herself. Everypony walked about, going about there business. She stopped by the library to borrow a book and bought some groceries. The book was called Time Travel and was about a mare or stallion who went back in time to relive memories that have been lost or forgotten. Terra looked up from her and to the clock with a yawn. It was aboutnfive thirty meaning it was time for dinner. She walked into the kitchen and opened up a cookbook. She turned to a page witha nice looking salad so, that's what she made. It was a common salad, but it was one Terra liked. After dinner, Terra walked to the bathroom and began brushing her teeth. She rinsed and put her brush away, then walked back to where the book was. She looked at it a little longer, then set it on her bookcase. 'It would be nice to go back in time like that.' Terra thought. She walked into the living room and Knock Knock Knock Who could that be? Terra walked over do the door, but when she opened it, a blinding flash of green light overcame her. Terra woke up a couple minutes later. She couldn't see anything. 'Why is it dark? Wait, why is it wet?' Terra asked herself. She felt around with her hoof around. She felt a warm and wet, soft surface. 'Oh my gosh. Am I in... a pony? It couldn't be possible. It was just- oh my gosh. She kicked at the wall then heard soft sounds behind the wall. She then felt herself moving. Great, she was in a pony. Her mother in fact. After waiting for what felt like hours, Terra heard more sounds outside. When the moving stopped, she felt herself being jerked forward. Then after a couple more minutes, bright lights surrounded her. She was set down in her mother's hooves, and meet her eyes. She just looked at Terra, tears forming in her eyes. "Hello, my little Hart." Her mother whispered. "My little Terra Hart." Terra was about to relive her life for who knows how long. To be continued...