> Life After Life > by vansmidt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One: The End > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello readers. I am Archangel, Watcher and Guardian of Equestria. I am the embodiment of pure positive and negative energy working together in harmonious synergy. An unimaginable force to be reckoned with. Before all of that nonsense however, I was just a simple human being called by the name of Jon VanSmidt. This is the chronicle of my journey to a heavenly life and a higher state of being, and the wonderful creatures that helped me get there. UPSTATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY, SYRACUSE NY / JULY 27, 2073 I stared off into the dark void. I had been there before, quite a few times actually. "Will I wake up this time? Should I?", I asked myself in my head. "I don't see the point. I have nothing to wake up to anymore." "CLEAR!", yelled an echoing voice from somewhere unknown. Lightning scattered across the void and I felt a burning pain, and a sensation of being pulled away from it all. "Well, here we go again I suppose." "CLEAR!", screamed the voice again only this time much sharper. The void rippled and broke into bright white light, that burning pain now throbbing. I finally realized I was just waking up when I opened my eyes to the group of medical personnel leaning over me. That white light wasn't what I was hoping for either, I looked around and shook my head, just yet another emergency room visit. And my chest burned from a damn defibrillator shock. Then a younger looking doctor came over to me with a clipboard and a pretty bleak expression on his face. "Mr. VanSmidt? Can you hear me alright?", he asked plainly. I only nodded, still quite shocked by the whole situation and my chest hurt so bad I wasn't sure if my mouth was gonna work. "Alright then.", he began, "Mr. VanSmidt you've just suffered from a major heart attack." "Shit son only one this time?", I said in my nowadays usual smart ass tone. I guess my mouth still worked too. He didn't seem to find it very funny though. "Mmm Hmm, well sir it was a bad one this time. You were rushed here after collapsing in the grocery store downtown. Lucky for you, there were a lot of eyes and cameras present.", he simply stated. Lucky? He was right, I was lucky to have it happen in a crowded place rather than alone in my house. Still, lucky wasn't exactly my favorite word lately. I'm eighty-two years old. My 'everything' is screwed up at any given point. This was the third heart attack in two weeks! Hell, 'lucky' was about my least favorite word for the past thirty years, I won't even go into before that, or my childhood! First my wife battles and loses horribly to cancer! Then, my only daughter decides to turn her sadness for the loss of her mother into anger and a false sense of retribution, and joins the military knowing how against it I was. She died one year later in a car accident of all unexpected things! She didn't even get close to any warfare. Finally from all of the mental and emotional stress that caused me as a husband and a father, it's a damn wonder that I'm still breathing! My wonderfully simple life has blown up into a catastrophic tragedy! So put frankly, 'lucky' can go FUCK ITSELF!!! "Umm sir, are you with me right now?", the doc asked looking very perplexed. I looked down and noticed my hands were balled up tightly, my teeth were gritted, and I felt a very strained expression on my face fading away. I must have zoned out in rage mode pretty bad for a minute. "Uh yea, sorry I must have zoned out.", I chuckled awkwardly. "Okay, that's fine. Now sir, this is the part I never like.", he lowered his head and sighed. "Mr. VanSmidt, I'm afraid I don't have any good news this time. Your heart is severely damaged beyond repair, and honestly, the fact that you are still here is a miracle." I laughed a little, "Geez Doc, don't candy coat it or nothing." He seemed to cringe a little at that, "I'm really sorry sir, I hate to be the bearer of bad news." "Don't sweat it sonny, when you get to be my age and go through the shit I have, you start almost liking the idea of it being over.", I said trying to reassure him. I don't think it worked though because he only seemed to nervously cringe more. I couldn't blame him though, even though I said what I did, I was even still a little scared of the unknown. Then it hit me again, out of nowhere, a thought. A thought I hadn't payed any attention to for a long time. It was something that came to my mind almost without me thinking it, as far back as when I deployed with the Marines in my early twenties. Back then I thought to myself about what happens in the end of this life. What if the worst were to happen to me? Do we all really have to die? Can't we just transcend into something else? Something better? Then, where do we go? Does it have to be one of two extremely different places? All these questions plagued my mind here and there throughout my younger life until one day another thought hit me. 'Free will'. I thought maybe, just maybe if I believed enough. If I wanted something enough, then maybe I could have a choice in it all. I could go to that place I called heaven back in my childhood days. If only I could remember what it was called. Ah crap I zoned out again! "Right, well thank you sir, that's an interesting point of view. I need to go see another patient now, but I'll be back in the morning with more exact results on your condition. Try to get some rest Mr. VanSmidt. See you in the morning.", he said as he turned for the door and exited. "Well we will s-", I started to joke again but figured he had enough of that for one day, so I just watched him leave. I let out a deep pained sigh and let my head sink into the pillow. It had been one hell of a day, and sleep took me quickly. I awoke the next morning feeling quite rested despite my circumstances. I also recalled a few strange fragments of a dream that I couldn't piece together. They were of beautiful places and beings I could not quite make any sense of. Shortly into the dream though, it all turned dark, and there was only one emotion present, pure fear. That's when I abruptly woke up. It was weird to say the least. I just laid there thinking for a while until the same doctor from yesterday came walking in. "Hello Mr. VanSmidt, did you sleep alright?", he asked. "Yea, not too bad. Thanks for asking. Umm, any news on those results doc?", I asked nervously. "Yes sir, the results are in.", he said with a hint of negativity. "Sir, from the look of things, you may have less time than we previously thought. I'm saying maybe a week, or two max. I'm sorry." My eyes went wide at the thought. I knew I was pushing my luck as is, but I didn't think it would be that soon. "Well, thank you for telling me son. I gotta say, your job must be hard having to tell people these things, but I want you to know, there aren't any hard feelings from me. I'm sure everything has been done to help me, but a person's time is gonna be when it's gonna be. I think I'm ready for the next step anyway, whatever it may be.", I sighed and slightly smiled at him. "Thank you sir, that really means a lot coming from you. I've never had a patient as brave and understanding as you before. I just hope that when it finally comes time for me, I can have such a positive outlook on things as well.", he then looked at his watch, "Ugh! Where does the time go? It's been a pleasure talking with you Mr. VanSmidt, but unfortunately I have a whole floor of patients waiting on me. I'll have to talk with you later, but the nurse will be in soon to take your vitals and get you anything you need.", he said putting his hand out towards me. I took his hand, shook it firmly, and smiled, "Thanks doc, it's been short, but sweet. Oh, and by the way, call me Jon. All that proper 'Mr.' shit makes me feel old or something.", I joked and gave him a wink. He actually laughed at that one. "Alright will do M-, I mean Jon, have a good morning.", he chuckled as he left the room in a hurry. About an hour passed and the nurse finally came in. I had a specific request for her in mind. I was pretty sure I was gonna be told no, but maybe if I played the dying wish card she'd let me get away with it. Dirty minds be gone! "Good morning Mr. VanSmidt. My name is Chelsea and I'm just gonna take some vitals here alright?", she said walking up to me. "Do your worst.", I jeered. She finished what she was doing and finally asked the question I was waiting for, "Is there anything else I can do for you sir?" I looked out the window and smiled, "There is just one thing. As you may have heard, I don't have much time left. So there's just one thing I want to do before I go. Call it a man's pride or whatever, but I want to get out of this bed, go outside on my own two feet, and breath in the fresh morning air one last time. Can you help me make that happen Ma'am?" "Well sir, that's against hospital policy, unless you want to sign an insurance waiver.", she said concerned. "Sure! I'll sign whatever, I just want to go outside for goodness sake.", I said impatiently. The nurse then left the room and returned a minute later with some papers. "Alright sir, if you'll just sign and date here and initial these we can go ahead and go outside. Now, I must insist you let me help you out of bed and for the first few steps so we can make sure you're okay to do this.", she said sternly. "Fair enough!", I replied happily signing the waiver and leaning up in bed. I then carefully dragged my legs over the edge and slid down to the floor. My chest felt stiff as hell, and my legs ached, but I didn't care anymore. The nurse then helped me stand up all the way. Damn I was weak. "Are you sure about this sir?", she asked nervously. "Yep, worth it.", I grunted through gritted teeth. From there I slowly but surely shuffled down the hallway towards the elevator with the nurse close behind. When we reached the ground floor my chest started throbbing and I was breathing heavy. "Sir I really think this is a bad idea. We need to get you back upstairs.", the nurse pleaded, clutching my arm. "No! I don't care if it kills me, this is the last piece of happiness I can think of and I'm gonna get it!", I growled desperately. I then wrenched my arm away from her and made my way quickly through the lobby to the courtyard. I was now clenching my chest in pain and breathing heavier than ever. The door was only inches away. The pain was getting unbearable. Then, the automatic doors flew open and I was blinded by a white flash. I had figured my eyes would need to adjust, but damn! Then I realized the light wasn't fading. I was surrounded by pure white. It didn't hurt my eyes anymore though. I turned around, the doors, the nurse, hell the whole hospital and everything was just, gone. I almost wanted to be afraid and panic, but I couldn't help but feel warm and at peace in this place, like I had just let go of everything holding me down. I felt great! 'But what now?', I thought. Then, a voice so powerful it sounded like pure thunder, spoke to me, "Welcome Jon VanSmidt. I have been expecting you.", said the voice, seeming to come from everywhere at once. "Who are you?! Are you God?!", I yelled frightened. "Do not be afraid my child, you are in a perfect place of being right now. However, I have been called many names by many beings. What name you choose to call me by matters little to me. Just know that I AM.", the voice thundered. "Right. Great, I understand.", I said not really feeling any less frightened. "Do you not know why you are here Jon? Do you not remember your wishes from your younger years?", it asked sounding genuinely curious. "No, uh, not really. I mean, I remember always thinking there was more to life than just eventually dying and going to heaven or hell. Also, I sort of recall wanting to go to another world of some kind, something I think was in a cartoon. I can't remember the name, I just know it was a wonderful place. I don't know anymore than that.", I rambled, struggling to remember more. "Ah yes, very close. I will remind you now. You always did look beyond just what you were told to believe. You even had a favorite quote, 'The only impossibility, is something being impossible.'. I found this intriguing about you. Of all the mortal beings I have watched throughout the currents of time, you have been the most open-minded to just about anything. To you nothing was impossible, it was only yet to be discovered. You knew deep down there was more to everything, that you didn't have to be on a set path. You believed you could make your own choices, you believed in true free will, even beyond the life you just left. Finally, there was a world you wished to go to. A world that was filled with love, peace, and unity. A beautiful place you called a worldly heaven.", the voice stated happily. "Wow, haha, I guess I was a pretty imaginative kid. But you know, things changed a lot in my life. Sure, I loved peace and unity and all that good stuff. But after my mother passed away from a heart attack, and my delusional father decided to take that and everything else out on me before he wrapped his car around a friggin tree! And, especially after my wife...and my daughter! I-I-", I started to tear up and feel my anger surging, "I didn't know what to believe anymore! Truthfully I didn't really care! Oh and by the way, since you seem to be the 'Almighty' or something, I wanted to ask you something. Why the hell did I have to lose everything?! My life was perfectly simple! I mean my wife and fucking daughter for shit's sake. They were supposed to bury me!", I raged. I heard nothing for a moment, then the voice calmly replied, "Jon, I am truly sorry for the pain you have experienced through your life but I must make you aware of something no human being really knows. It is about the soul. A soul is a living entity that knows all there is to know, but seeks the actual experience of this knowledge. Some are very old and experienced while others are new and seek to experience the very simplest of things. So, when someone is born into the world, a soul, old or new, will enter the body becoming one with it, giving it life and purpose. Now, what people really don't understand is, that while they may make all of the outward decisions in life, the soul makes the ultimate inward decisions that shape a person's life. Even if that means experiencing something terrible like pain or even, death. The bottom line is that a soul's purpose is to constantly move forward and experience all it knows." "So what I'm supposed understand here is, both my wife and daughter, my parents too, all had souls that wanted to experience death? What the hell? And why couldn't you, being all powerful and such, do anything about that?", I asked still ignorantly furious. "I may be all powerful, but I abide by only one rule. I will not tamper with free will!", it said forcefully. I hung my head and sighed loudly, "Fine, whatever. Nothing is bringing any of them back anyway. I just have two more questions, then do whatever you planned to do with me. One. Are my wife, daughter and parents at least in a better place and happy? Two. What does this all mean for my soul then?" "Your wife, daughter and mother are all in their own finest renditions of heaven, happy and without a single worry. Your father however, for reasons not even I can explain, his fate and further existence is shrouded to my view. It is truly a strange mystery but I know as much as you do. As for your soul now, that is a far more enormous subject. You have tied with you one of the oldest souls in existence. It has lived hundreds of thousands of lives and experienced more than any other soul in it's league. Perhaps you remember having many dreams that seemed more like brief glimpses of distant memory rather than jumbled nonsense? Those are actually fragments from the many different lives your soul has run through over time. Your soul has already done so much, it is ready to evolve, to move on to something greater than all of it's experiences combined. So, what this means, why I chose you and your soul, is because I need to ask something of you.", it answered. I scoffed and shook my head."Sounds just like dear ol' Dad, a mystery to the end and even beyond, I never really did get him. And wait...you, ask something of me? I mean, my soul sounds great and all, but me? What do you expect to get out of me?", I asked, my anger and frustration now being overcome with pure curiosity. "I will get to the point then. A great force of evil, that wants nothing more than to devour everything good in existence, is moving across the universe, one good world at a time. It's details and motives are also deeply shrouded, I know very little of it other than it leaves every world it comes across lifeless, as if the very energy of life itself has be taken. So, I with the universe itself, have chosen you to bring balance to this evil and ultimately the universe as well. You are the most qualified. I will not directly deal with with this evil for it has a will of it's own and as you already know, I will not tamper with free will myself. However, you are a being of equal free will, a free agent, and should you choose to accept this great task, you could stand against it. You could bring balance once again. It's purely your choice.", the voice declared. I was in slight disbelief at what I hearing, and I wasn't sure what to say at this point, so I just kept listening. "Also, you must also know one key detail, the world you wished to go to, is real, and is where this evil will make it's next raid. That is another reason why I have chosen you Jon. Now I know you've always disagreed with all of the fighting and bloodshed in your world, but I also know how much more you want only love, peace, and harmony, and that you would stop at nothing to defend that. Those three values are what this world holds so dear. They do not know the horrors of war and pointless violence, but they sense the evil is coming. They will need someone to answer for them, to fight on there behalf. They will need hope, and a hero to give it to them. These are their prayers I have heard. So Jon VanSmidt, will you answer on all behalves?!", the voice shouted. I stood there still unbelieving for a moment, then found my resolve and sense of young adventure again, "Yes! Yes I will!" "Very well then. Now, I will have you swear an oath to yourself and all of existence. Do you, Jon VanSmidt swear to fight this evil for the sake of bringing balance and order to the universe? Do you accept responsibility for the gift of power I will bestow upon you? And finally, do you promise not to use this position of power for personal tyrannical gains?", it asked in a more serious tone. I knelt down on one knee and put my right arm across my chest, "I swear, accept, and promise to all!" "So be it! I now bestow upon you a power no mortal has ever known. It is pure positive and negative energy fused together in perfect harmonious synergy. It is fueled by the never ending supply of negative and positive forces in the universe, and ultimately your own will to succeed. I call it 'Invictae Concordat', the invincible agreement.", the voice proclaimed. "It's force is beyond imagination. You will have to unlock and discover your abilities with this power little by little. Too much all at once and you would be ripped apart along with the world you stand upon.", it warned. At that, I stood and saw a silvery translucent wisp come down towards me. It stopped just in front of my chest. It then glowed intensely right before shooting straight into me. I felt like I was just ripped in half then slammed back together again, atom by atom. Every nerve was on fire. To say I suddenly felt 'energized', would be an extreme understatement. I then looked down at my hands and the rest of my body. I was young again! Every part of me was completely restored. I also seemed to be in far better shape this time than I was at this age before. I never felt more alive! "This is amazing! And this only the beginning?", I excitedly shouted. The voice gave a slight chuckle at my excitement, "Yes. there is much to be discovered, in due time. For now, enjoy this responsibly, you may later need it for unimaginable things. Now, finally I give you your new name and title, if you'll have it. You may choose to go by it or still by your formal name, but I believe it will have a better impact where you're about to go to. I shall call you, Archangel, Guardian of Equestria!" Equestria! That was the name of my dream world! But I still could not remember much about it or it's inhabitants. I just recalled it's beauty and everything about it being wonderful and magical. Now, I was excited, as if I wasn't before. "Thank you for this. This is truly incredible! I do accept my new name and title and I will do my very best.", I said to the unseen voice. "I know you will, you are an amazing creature Jon. Thank you for accepting this. I am a bit regretful though, that you have to fight for your own heaven. But there is no one better suited for this daunting task than you, and the situation is what it is by way of evil will. And the only way to stop it is by crushing it with your will power! Now then! As Archangel. Go forth and bring balance. The Great War starts on this innocent world. It is up to you if it ends there! See you on the other side.", said the voice with a hint playfulness in it. "See you then!", I said with a smirk. At that moment the white space all around me started to look distorted and began to fade. I had the rushing sensation of falling all of the sudden. I felt really hot, but my new-found energy was flaring all over my body like it was shielding me from something. Strange, but I definitely wasn't expecting what happened next. All traces of the white space suddenly erupted violently away into darkness and silence. I looked at what I imagined was down. Nothing but black space and, stars? Then I looked up. I focused my vision and realized I was looking at large bodies of water and land masses. A planet! I WAS FALLING FROM ORBIT! "Oh, shit!", was all I managed to get out. > Chapter Two: A Prophecy Arrives > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANTERLOT CASTLE, EQUESTRIA / TIMELINE UNKNOWN Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stood outside on one of their castles highest balconies, surveying the land. The sun had just been set by it's great white monarch, and the moon now cast a dull grey light over the hills and valleys. The town of Ponyville could just barely be seen in the distance between the mountain ridge and hills. It was a calm quiet evening just like any other one, but the royal sisters sensed something was going wrong very quickly in the surrounding provinces, and that it would soon reach this land as well. It felt purely evil, like the world itself was becoming darker and sick with something. The magical field was out of balance, and no beings could feel that more than them. Something was coming, there was no denying it. There had already been small reports of vicious attacks on remote towns and villages. At first it was thought to be random wild animal attacks, but those who actually survived these attacks reported seeing creatures never seen anywhere before in Equestria. Witnesses said they were the most violent of creatures, and would appear out of thin air in a burst of smoke and shadow, ponynap a few unicorns and destroy everything else with cold calculated attacks, then disappear just as easily as they came. Those witnesses usually then broke down into feelings of pure fear and depression, unable to speak further, as if something unseen had a cold grip on their minds. These reports were gaining in numbers, and each one was more disturbing than the last. Celestia finally broke the evening silence with a sigh and spoke, " I just don't understand it all Sister. We have watched over and protected Equestria for thousands of years, and now something terrible has somehow slipped our watchful gaze.", she said, frustration clear in her voice. "I fear it is something far more powerful than anything we have ever faced in the past Tia. It doesn't feel like it's any one bad thing or problem. It feels as if everything negative is coming to our doorstep, and this is only the beginning!", Luna shuddered. Celestia looked at her sister and nodded as if something just occurred to her, " I know, I feel the same about it all. Also, this all seems so strangely familiar to the beginning of something. Something I had forgotten about for centuries." "What is it Tia?", Luna asked raising an eyebrow. Celestia put a hoof to her chin, thinking for a moment, then began, "You of course remember Star Swirl the Bearded don't you Sis?" "Yes perfectly, why?", asked Luna, now extremely curious at the mention of Equestria's greatest wizard. "Well as you may know he spent most of his last years very close by my side, only revealing his greatest achievements to me, and me alone. This was for the sake of magical safety and balance, as I'm sure you understand dear Sister.", Celestia started. Luna gave her sister a perplexed stare, "Right, I understand. But what are you getting at Tia?" Celestia took a deep breath and started again, "When Star Swirl was on his death bed he called me to be alone with him in his final hours. He said he had something very important to tell me, something to warn me about. He told me he had one final, unfinished spell he was trying to perfect before he fell ill. It was a spell that only the most adept of magic users could wield. One that would allow the user to glimpse into the future and foresee important events. He called it the 'Spell of Prophecy'." "Spell of prophecy? I've never heard of any such spell.", Luna said trying to think. "Like I said little Sis, he only shared his greatest works with me. However it was not this new and powerful spell he wanted to warn me about. It was what had happened to him when he tried to use it. He went on to explain that he fell into a trance like state. He then started to see flashes of different scenes, like a jumbled dream at first. Some of them were of the pleasant, normal life in Equestria, while others portrayed evil and horrible happenings. It all condensed around two feelings in his mind, pure fear and then, hope. Then, something amazing happened but he could not see it clearly enough to make anything of it. Finally, he heard a specific set of words in this trance and they were branded in his mind, never to be forgotten.", Celestia explained. "What did he say? Did he repeat them to you?", Luna asked excitedly. "He did. He said it was his 'prophecy'. His final purpose in life. He then told me the words he heard in his trance. And I quote, 'Behold, I have seen the days of Future's past. The days of light and good coming to their last. Be wary, a great evil will arise. But when hope seems lost, a powerful hero will fall from the skies. A great war will be fought. But by his will, a stop will be put to this evil onslaught.', those were his last words. He passed away early the next morning.", Ceslestia answered, now staring off into infinity in deep thought. Luna pondered everything she just heard for a moment, then put a hoof on her sister's shoulder, "Wow. I knew he was a very powerful wizard, but I had no idea of anything like this. Why didn't you mention this long ago Tia?" Celestia hung her head low, her expression now one of sorrow, and softly spoke, "I'm sorry to say that, back then, so long ago, I just thought the many long years had been catching up to him. Put simply, I thought he may have just been crazy or senile, and blew what was left of his mind away with some wild spell. And now, after hearing of what's been happening around us and how it's all adding up, I feel terrible for thinking that way about him. He was a good, wise old friend after all. I should have been more open-minded, maybe took him more seriously and made preparations, maybe even defens-" Luna interrupted her big sister with a tight hug, "Tia. You can't put that on yourself now, that was then. We just have to make the best out of whatever happens now. And do our very best to protect our subjects. That is our main concern now. I can't help but wonder though, about that prophecy. I mean, the evil is obviously here, but what about that powerful her-" She was suddenly cut off by a thunderous boom echoing throughout the night sky. Then, they both saw it. A bright white flash of light expanded in the upper reaches of Equestria's atmosphere. From the expanding disc of light exploded a searing white streak of light that looked like a shooting star, moving at immense speeds towards the ground. But instead of burning out like most shooting stars, this mysterious light started flaring up more and more, gaining intensity. Celestia looked sharply at her sister shocked, "A meteor?!" "No! That can't be it, I keep these types of things in check with my magic, how would that be possible?", Luna retorted, even more shocked than her big sister. "Whatever it may be, it could cause major collateral damage, we must deflect it!", Celestia shouted. "Agreed Sister!", Luna yelled back, now determined to at least fix this before it became a catastrophe. The two great alicorn sisters' horns glowed with an immensely bright light as they both focused their magic together. Seconds later a powerful beam of pure magical energy fired at the speed of light towards the falling object. The beam connected with incredible force, and then, nothing happened! Celestia and Luna both slumped down in exhaustion from their combined energy use, dumbfounded by it's ineffective outcome. "That, can't be possible!", Luna gasped. Celestia shook her head in disbelief, "What manner of thing is this? Did you feel what I did when we connected with it Luna?" Luna picked her head up and looked helplessly at the plummeting phenomena, "I did, that is no meteor. I felt a powerful life force within it's center. I don't recognize it, but whatever that energy is surrounding it, made one of our strongest spells look like pathetic foals' play!" At that moment, when the falling light was reaching it's last couple miles in the drop, it suddenly started to pull up on it's own, but was still sharply angled towards the ground. It then veered into a sharp curve, then spiraled into another in the opposite direction of the last. It seemed to be completely out of control. Finally the object seemed to level out, but with only a few thousand feet left in it's descent, there was no time to maneuver. The intense light slammed into the peak of a high hill, surprisingly crushing straight through it, sending earth and trees into the air all around. From there it took a violent dive straight into the valley below, impacting with a bright flash and deafening boom that shook everything and everypony in Canterlot. Whatever it was, it was now an enormous, smoldering crater in the valley right between Canterlot and Ponyville. The sisters looked down at the crater and then at each other, mouths agape, not sure where to begin. Then, Luna let out an unexpected sigh of relief, "I'm officially without a clue right now, but at least it didn't destroy anything important, or anypony better yet." "Yes, we can certainly be thankful for that, but we must go investigate this immediately! Divines only know what this could be or mean.", Celestia said, concern evident in her voice. "Maybe it could be our 'Powerful Hero' from the prophecy.", Luna teased, trying to lighten the tension, but with underlying seriousness. Celestia raised a surprised eyebrow at her little sister, "Maybe Luna, it does fairly match up, but I just don't know. Anything seems possible at this point. For all we know, this could just be more unknown evil. But for now, gather some of our finest guards and ready a search party. We must approach this with extreme caution and assume the worst possible scenario." "Yes Sister, we will be ready to depart in ten minutes. And, I understand your caution Tia, but I still like the thought of having a hero around. I still have hope in this situation.", Luna said with a reassuring smile, then turned and trotted back into the castle to gather the search party. "Then I hope your thoughts are reality dear little Sister.", Celestia said under her breath as she watched her sister exit. She then looked back at the smoking crater in the valley, "After all, hope may be all we have now." COLD HARD GROUND, EQUESTRIA / TIMELINE UNKNOWN There I was again, in that familiar black void. Only this time there were no voices, no sounds at all. However, this time I had plenty of reasons to wake up. At that thought the void started to slowly disperse. I could barely begin to hear the sound of a slight breeze and fire crackling on wood. I then thought about moving. Big mistake! Every nerve in my body screamed to my brain in agonizing pain. Aside from the intense pain though, I could feel the ground beneath me. It was cold and hard, and strangely felt like a glass window. So I just laid there for a little while, until I worked up the courage to maybe just open my eyes and that's all. When I finally got my eyes to open I realized I was facing sideways, with my right shoulder embedded in the ground. That, and the 'ground', was actually what looked like crackled glass all around me. I also saw a few scattered trees on fire around the area, as well as it obviously being nighttime. "What the hell happened?', I thought. Then I quickly remembered the fall. A chill ran down my spine as I recalled the image of the ground speeding towards me. After a few more minutes of being in that awkward position and looking at my surroundings, I finally decided to try moving again. I felt so weak and drained, my new energy nowhere to be found. I imagined it must have taken everything to keep me intact through that much trauma. The pain was insane, but I managed to move my legs. They were free, but I needed to get my shoulder dislodged. Being in the position I was, I couldn't use my legs for leverage. It was all up to my left arm and jerking my body. I ignored the pain and placed my left hand on the glassy surface ready to push. Once. It didn't even budge. Twice. I heard the glass crack. The third time was the painful charm as my shoulder and right side finally came free. Time to stand. Thankfully, of all my body parts, my legs were the least affected by the impact. I managed to get up on the first try amazingly. I finally decided to look myself over for injuries. I was visibly unscathed, but that's when I realized I was bare-assed naked. "Guess my great new name and title didn't come with any great new clothes. Oh well.", I muttered to myself. I looked around once more. I was in a valley and at least a football field sized portion of land was glassed in a three-sixty around me. Smoke was starting to rise all over the place, making it hard to see anything. "Holy shit! I hope nobody was around here.", I said to myself, concerned about my possible collateral damage. I was just about to pick a direction to start waking when I heard a noise a little ways away. It sounded like a thud and light clatter of metal, like something else fell or landed. I stared in the general direction of the noise, not sure what to expect. It was quiet for a few minutes, then I heard voices, multiple ones. One sounded like it was shouting orders, and I thought I heard another say 'princess'. They started getting closer. I thought about hiding at first, because I still couldn't remember anything about the inhabitants of this dream world of mine, but there weren't really any places to hide considering the fact that I blew them all to shit. Also, I felt extremely banged up and there was no way I was going stay on my feet all night. So, I decided to just take my chances and walk towards the voices. The rising smoke was getting thicker and I couldn't see more than a few feet ahead of myself now. I must have been going the right way though because the voices were much louder now. I slowly pushed my aching self a little further and I started seeing silhouettes through the smoke. I felt like I was slipping consciousness, getting weaker and more lethargic with each step. But I could swear that I was seeing little horses, some with lights on their heads, and they looked like where the voices were coming from. I weakly chuckled at the thought, "Haha, talking horses, now I really must be losing it." "Did you hear that?", one of the shadows whispered. "Yea, it sounded like it was only a few feet in front of us. Who goes there?! Your Highness, we may have something over here!", said another. "On my way!"' shouted a powerful female voice. Those two voices were indeed only feet from me now. I had to get to them and hope they would help me. I pushed myself ahead once more with my last ounce of strength. A cross breeze blew away the remaining smoke in front of me, and I just stopped and stared. Only ten feet in front of me were three horses. From what little I could tell, in my extremely dazed state, was that they didn't look like how I remembered horses on Earth. Especially their faces. They had so much expression in them. Two of them were wearing some kind of shiny armor or something. The third one was larger, and was a bright white horse with a mane I have never seen on any horses in my lifetime. It also had a horn and large wings, and what looked to be a painting or tattoo of the sun on it's ass. I was really feeling out of it badly at this point, the affects of my weakness now taking over. I was hardly standing when I leaned in a little closer and laughed weakly. "Silly looking horses, where's your owners? I really, nee- need some help right now.", I said, barely slurring the words out of my mouth and looking around for more people-like beings. The big white horse walked up a little closer to me and stared me straight in the eyes, making me feel uncomfortable. Then it opened it's mouth and... SPOKE?! "Who are you, and how did you get here? Why-", was all I remember hearing, then the impact of the ground once more. CANTERLOT LOWER VALLEY, EQUESTRIA Princess Celestia looked down at the naked creature she just approached and spoke to seconds ago, in utter shock. A human! Yes, she knew what they were. One of the most dangerous creatures in existence. They were smart, cunning, and able to adapt to just about any situation. She was able to observe their world and many others, when the celestial bodies would align just right, through a magical artifact that resembled a telescope. Another small wonder developed by Starswirl. She was appalled by the human race compared her own. Always fighting each other and using violence to make things happen. She tried to see the good in them time and time again, but every chance she got to observe them, there were always just too many horrible things going on among them to notice the good. She knew deep down that it may just be during bad times and that there were indeed some good and pure humans. But as far as she was concerned for now, the majority were as evil as whatever was currently plaguing her precious land. And now, one was right in front of her, passed out on it's face, on her land! There was no telling at the moment if it was an evil or pure human either. How did it get here? Why is it here? Why is it naked?! Could it really have been the falling star? Or further more, the second piece of that far-fetched proph- Her thoughts were immediately put on hold as her little sister came running up. "Tia! The guards said you found something! What is it, what have you found? Is it- Oh good heavens! What in Tartarus is that?!", Luna shouted in surprise at the new creature on the ground before her. Celestia hid her apprehension about humans for a moment and answered, "It's called a 'human'." "And, what is that?", asked Luna pressing for more. "Something that is not, and should not be of this world. A dangerous creature.", Celestia replied, now letting a little of her distaste show. Luna looked all over the human on the ground and chuckled, "This thing doesn't look that dangerous. It does seem pretty muscular and a bit larger than us, but it doesn't have any claws, spikes, or anything wild like that on it." "That's just it Luna, it doesn't have those things, because it doesn't need them. Humans are adaptive and smart. They can craft any kind of tools they need to succeed in any given situation.", Celestia warned. Luna only seemed more interested in the human now. "That's impressive.", she said, earning an irritated look from her sister. Celestia sighed, "LuLu, please just trust me, it is dangerous." Suddenly, Luna gave her sister a quizzical stare. "How would you happen to know that Tia? Did it attack you? Is that why it's on the ground?", Luna began interrogating. "Well, no. It fainted or something. It's still breathing. I promise.", Celestia retorted. "So, you're telling me this is a wildly dangerous creature, and it fainted in front of you?", Luna started laughing. "Well I-", Celestia stuttered, slightly miffed by her sister's taunts. Luna had to speak through her own laughter, "Oh dear Sister, I am sorry, but you don't exactly carry the demeanor to make somepony faint. You are too kind and beautiful. Maybe it found you to be too stunning.", she snickered, but then became serious. "By the way though, I meant to ask, how do you know so much about these 'Humans' anyway?" Celestia rolled her eyes at her sister's playful antics and decided it wouldn't hurt to tell her. "Another one of Starswirls' great inventions no less. Let's just say the large telescope in the castle observatory can, on universal occasion and with the right spell, see far more than just what you control in the night sky Luna." "Oh, I see. So you like to spy on other worlds and beings now.", Luna joked. "Spy? No, of coarse not. It's called observing.", Celestia quickly defended, but to no avail. "Yes. Yes. I'm sure Tia, now what are we going to do with this one anyway? Ugh! I tire of calling it, well, 'IT'!", Luna said frustrated. Her horn then glowed brightly for a moment, and the human was lifted up, flipped over, then set quickly back on the ground. It was Celestia's turn to laugh now, at her little sisters reaction to the new sight before them. "Oh my! It is most certainly a 'he'! Good heavens, do these creatures possess no sheath? It's just all out for the world to see!", Luna blurted out, a little embarrassed. Celestia finally stifled her laughter and answered. "Their bodies work a lot like ours do, minus being bipedal and having a few extra digits on ends of their limbs. They call themselves 'male' and 'female' instead of 'stallion' and 'mare'. This one indeed is a male, and they do not have sheaths. They wear clothing all of the time, nowadays anyway." "Well that's strange, but I suppose it's to be expected from a new and mysterious creature. I do like new things though. But back to my previous question, what are we going to do with him?" Luna asked, concern for this supposedly dangerous human evident in her voice. Celestia just stood and stared at him, going over tons of scenarios in her mind all at once. At first, she just wanted to throw him into the deepest dungeon the castle had. Then she thought about how, if he was that source of power she and Luna felt, then no dungeon would even hold him anyway. There was one feeling nagging her mind the whole time though. Every time she tried to look at him in a way that made him out to be evil, she felt completely wrong. She looked at his face and couldn't help but feel a warm and pure presence about him. She was almost feeling compassionate for him, but she wasn't about to let her guard down. She had a better idea. If this human really did possess any good in his heart then perhaps he could be completely won over with kindness and friendship. She was going to keep a suspicious eye on him, but this was worth a shot. After all, he really could be the prophesied one, and if that was so, she didn't want to give him a criminal's welcome. "I think your feelings of hope may be rubbing off on me Luna. I do have hope for him. Besides, if he is the one in the prophecy and can withstand a fall like that, I believe it would be in our better interests to treat him as a friend rather than an enemy. We have enough problems as is. And who knows, he may even be able to help us against this new mysterious evil. He's going to stay with us for now. I don't completely like the idea but it's going to have to work.", Celestia finally answered, smiling at her little sister. Luna seemed to perk up at her sister's decision. "Oh this should be fun! I hope he likes staying up late at night. But not to worry Tia, I will of course keep a watchful eye over him at all times. "I'm sure you will dear.", Celestia chuckled. One of the royal guards came trotting up beside them and reported, "Your Majesties, the search party has finished scouting out the immediate area and has found no one and nothing else in the vicinity. What are our orders now for this...thing, Princesses?" "Prepare our guest chambers, and have the doctor their waiting, he, is coming with us.", Celestia commanded. "Bu-but, your Highness, isn't it-he, dangerous?", the guard asked, shocked by his ruler's orders. "He will be under careful watch and guard in those chambers, but until I say otherwise, Lieutenant, he is our guest and shall be treated as such. Am I understood?", Celestia said sternly. The guard then quickly saluted, "As you wish Princess!", and bolted off to make the ordered preparations. Celestia then looked over to Luna and smiled. "I don't know about you LuLu, but I think I could use a good nights rest like our new hopeful friend here." "I may be the princess of the night, but that sounds wonderful right about now.", Luna agreed with a yawn. "Let's be off then.", Celestia said catching that yawn from Luna. The two royal sisters both used their magic to carefully pick the human up and carry him to their personal chariot. Once settled inside with him on one side and them on the other, the chariot swiftly lifted high into the night sky back to Canterlot Castle. Back on the ground in the crater a quiet blast of black smoke erupted from nothingness. When the smoke cleared, there stood a dark black creature, blacker than the darkest of nights. It's form was tall and muscular with all manner of small spikes and sharp edges adorning the armor that it wore. It had three curved horns atop it's head and it's dark purple eyes gave a sickening glow in the night as it watched the royal chariot fly away. It's razer sharp teeth glimmered in the moonlight as it gave an evil smile. "So it is true then.", the dark one said in an unnaturally deep demonic tone, and then let out a horrific laugh into to the silent night, "Oh, this is going to be, so much fun!" > Chapter Three: Dream World > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANTERLOT CASTLE, EQUESTRIA / MORNING I groggily opened my eyes after what felt like an eternity of slumber. I could have been out for days by the way I felt. When the haziness finally cleared I noticed I was in a huge, plushy canopy bed. I checked all of my members for movement. Surprisingly there was little to no pain anymore. I quickly jumped out of bed and surveyed the spacious room. It was incredibly luxurious, round in shape , and had an overly high ceiling adorned with celestial bodies. To my left was a balcony, but the doors were closed and had a strange looking lock on them. The same was found with a large pair of golden double doors directly in front of me. "What the hell is this all about? What am I, some kind of posh life prisoner or something?", I said to myself mostly, and any possible beings that may hear me. I checked around the room a little more and came to a small table on my right with a couple of apples and pastry looking items on it. Seeing that made me remember my stomach, damn I was hungry! I was a little leery of eating some foreign food, but I figured if I was set up and sent here to destroy powerful evil, then an apple probably wouldn't be my demise. I hoped. I grabbed one and scarfed it down. Best apple ever! While finishing off a second apple, I noticed a full length mirror back by the bed. I quickly made my way over to it to make sure everything was still the way it was supposed to be. I couldn't help smiling at what I saw. There I stood, a completely new man. I was a little over six feet tall, and had to be around two-hundred and twenty pounds of solid muscle. My hair was back to it's dark brown color, and my eyes had that icy blue shine to them again. My new body was far beyond what it ever was before and...still naked. Seriously, what the hell? Then, without warning, the main double doors abruptly opened causing me to let out a less than manly yelp and jump for the bed. I peeked my head out from under the covers. There before me in the front of the room, stood two grey, armored stallions, both unicorns. I suddenly remembered that night, when I came upon those armored horses, and when the large, beautiful white horse spoke to me. Then I had a major realization. These horses, no wait, they're ponies. These ponies were the inhabitants of this dream world of mine. The ones from that TV show I watched so long ago! I guess I got my memories back along with my body. I was pulled out of my brief moment of clarity when one of the armored unicorns stepped up and spoke to me. "Don't worry human, we aren't here to harm you. We're just the royal guard. Now then, the princesses have requested your presence upon your arousal.", the lead guard said in a calm but authoritative tone. I tried to play off my jumpiness,"I wasn't worried, that much. Wait, Princesses?", I then remembered them from my past as well. "Yes. Princess Celestia and her sister Princess Luna.", answered the guard in the back. "Well I'd be more than happy to come with you right now but I have a particular issue.", I said looking under the blanket, hoping they would just catch the hint. The lead guard gave me a confused look, "What kind of issue are you having exactly?" "I can't go in front of royalty like this!", I said motioning my hand up and down over myself. The lead guard looked back at his comrade, then back at me, "Sir, what are you talking about?" "Ugh! I'm naked! I wear clothing normally. You know, the little things made out of cloth! I kinda need them, I don't really feel comfortable walking up to the Princesses just swinging in the wind!", I said now a little annoyed at them and my drafty situation. "Oh dear, I see. I'm sorry Sir, we had no idea. We thought you may have just been that way normally. You see, clothing here is purely an optional thing, mostly for cold weather or special occasions. That, and even if we knew, you are the first of your kind in this world, so naturally we don't have any clothing of your type.", the lead guard explained. I quickly lost my annoyance. Damn, I should have known and remembered that of all things. I face-palmed and apologized, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be impatient with you, it's just, I'm still trying to believe that I'm really here. Anyway, I still need something to cover up with." The rear guard then stepped up and smiled, "It's alright Sir, we are all here to help. Also, if it makes you feel any better, that blanket looks like it could make a decent cloak." "Good idea.", I replied. Then I quickly pulled the blanket up over my shoulders and slid out of the bed. Instead of a simple thrown over cloak though, I managed to wrap it in a way that it resembled a toga. I had it going over one shoulder and around my waist with the ends hanging in the front and back like a loincloth. "Even better.", said both of the guards in unison. "I feel like one of those ancient Greek athletes or something.", I said chuckling, only earning two more confused looks from the guard ponies. "Never mind that." "Right, well now we don't want to keep the Princesses waiting all day. If there are no more issues, please follow us to the throne room Sir.", said the lead guard as he turned for the door. "I'm good now, thanks. I actually can't wait to meet the Princesses, the real life ones.", I said, catching what I just said a little too late. The rear guard caught it and gave me a confused look, "What do you mean by real life ones?" Damnit! I certainly couldn't explain to them that they were all just part of a TV show from my world that somehow paired up perfectly with this reality of theirs. "Oh, did I say 'The', I just meant real princesses in general. I never met a princess before, that's all.", I said quickly, hoping he bought it. He did. "Oh, well today is your lucky day then. Lets get a move on.", He said joining his partner at the door. "Right behind you!", I chimed with a grin. The three of us made our way out of the room and down the hallway. It was lengthy with a high ceiling, and everything was so ornate and luxurious. The cartoon show just couldn't do any of the aesthetics justice. There were huge lifelike paintings on the walls and small pillars with stone busts on the shiny marble floor beneath them. I must have had a pretty awestruck expression on my face because one of the guards looked back and chuckled. "Magnificent isn't it?", he asked smiling. "Yes it's incredible!", I said, excited to see more. He then looked back at his partner, "It gets better,oh and by the way, we forgot to address ourselves. I am Lieutenant Swift Spell, and my associate here is Sergeant Iron Horn." "Well, it is a pleasure to meet you both. I am, well, my name is Archangel.", I said almost forgetting my new name. "Interesting name.", Iron Horn said plainly. "Yes indeed it is, what does it mean?", asked Swift Spell, seeming to be more genuinely interested. I thought for a moment on how I should explain it to him. Better stay simple for now, I figured. "Its simple definition is just an angel of high rank as far as I know. It's just a name to me.", I said in a boring manner, hoping to change the subject. "Hmm, still interesting though.", Swift Spell said quietly to himself as he turned his attention to the double doors coming up just ahead of us at the end of the hallway. Swift Spell's horn flashed for a brief moment and the huge doors swung open letting in the bright daylight. We continued out through an open courtyard, that had all kinds of plant and animal life thriving within it. Celestia's sun was shining brightly high in the sky, and the weather was simply perfect. I was so busy taking it all in that I almost forgot to look straight ahead. Then Swift bumped my side and motioned his hoof towards our destination. I looked and my jaw immediately dropped. There it was, the majority of Canterlot Castle in all it's royal glory, glistening in the morning sunlight. It was absolutely enormous, with sky scraping spires and massive buildings and archways. Again, the TV show had nothing on this real life experience. I could hardly contain my joy. "Now that, is magnificence at its finest!" "Yes it is a true architectural marvel. Ah, we are almost there now.", Swift said as we reached the other side of the courtyard. He opened the new set of doors and we made our way through into a wide open room. A small set of stairs led down to a wide landing that led to a similar set of stairs and door on the opposite side. To the right was a wider, main set of stairs that led down to a glossy checkered floor. There was an enormous, beautiful chandelier hanging in the center of the ceiling. This must have been the main entrance, because at the end of the checkered floor was a high golden archway with two large openings for coming and going. Just outside was a large pathway, or road, going out over a bridge towards the village of Canterlot. Another great site to see. We came to the landing and Swift and Iron motioned to halt. That's when I noticed the giant doors just to our left. 'Must be the throne room.', I thought, now feeling a few butterflies in my stomach. "Okay Archangel, we're here, wait a moment with Sergeant Iron while I report to the Princesses.", Swift ordered. He then slowly cracked open one of the doors and slipped in. I looked over at Iron who actually seemed bored by all of this. "So, are the Princesses usually pretty nice or what?", I asked, feeling a little nervous over not knowing what to expect in a real life encounter with fiction. He scoffed slightly, "Usually, yes. However, and no offense, but you aren't usual, so I can't honestly say how this is going to go. "None taken, and your're right about that. I just have no idea what they think of me or how they'll react to me.", I said, only getting more nervous. "React to you? Hah, they are how you got to the castle in the first place, ya know. They personally brought you back in their own carriage. Your reaction to them however, well Princess Celestia, was the funny thing." he said snickering. It was hazy, but the memory of the night of my arrival came rushing back to me. "Holy shit! She was the one I saw last before I passed out. Of course! I feel stupid.", I said with a sigh. "Yup, you went down like a sack of apples. It was really hard to keep my composure in front of her Highness. But hey, don't take it hard, you were pretty beat up that night, and I guess waking up on a new world and seeing creatures you haven't ever seen in your life before would be quite a shock." He said thinking back on it all. I laughed in my head at the truth of it all. "Right, yea it was and still is quite a lot to accept. But I think I'll manage.", I said giving him a sly smile. At that moment Swift finally poked his head and hoof out of the door and waved us in. We started towards the door then Iron Horn stopped right before the door and looked back at me. "Well Archangel its been nice chatting, but I feel it is my duty to say, that if nothing else, just be respectful. And no funny business. I know our orders are to treat you as a guest, and we will continue to do so, but we are still guards none the less. If we feel like you are a threat we will act on it. I'm only saying this in a professional manner, I assure you. Now, lets get in there shall we?" "Thank you for your professionalism, and I can assure you, that there will be absolutely no trouble from me. I just want to find out what the next step is." I assured him as I made my way through the door. When I entered I looked the entire room over. It was more amazing than the last. It was like a great hall, and had to be at least a hundred feet to the actual throne area. There were huge stained glass windows all along the way down. A red velvet carpet led me all the way down to the Princesses. Guards were posted every ten feet on both sides. A bit much, but I guess I may have been the reason for that. As I kept walking I looked back and noticed my escort stayed behind. Just little ol' me now, not awkward at all. When I was only a few more steps away my attention fell fully on the two regal alicorn sisters staring down at me. Their sheer image was entrancing and breathtaking. Almost unreal. It's no wonder why they are looked at as goddesses. I almost froze, but then just fell to one knee in a respectful bow, saying nothing. ~~~ Celestia sat up a little straighter on her throne as the human approached. She was still uneasy over the thought of him being in her castle, being possibly violent and disrespec-wait, did he just bow down to them, on his own accord?! There before her was one the most unpredictable, and maybe unruly creatures in her mind, showing complete respect and humility.That was unexpected. It was a good start though. It would make her plan of winning him over by showing him kindness and friendship all the more simple. ~~~ Luna watched carefully as the creature her sister called a possibly dangerous human came walking up to them. She looked him up and down. He still didn't seem dangerous, evil, or anything of that sort. His walk was strong and graceful, and he had a look of pure peace and happiness on his face. Maybe a little nervousness too, understandable. She knew he was completely different, foreign even, but she felt an urge to like him and give him a solid chance at things. After all, she of all ponies would know what it feels like to be an outcast. To be looked at negatively. She had to hide a slight smile though when he was just standing there staring at them dumbstruck for a moment, and then practically fell to the floor in a bow. He was rather silly, in a good, respectful way. ~~~ "Rise sir, you may approach the throne.", said Princess Celestia with a smile. I stood up and came within feet of the sisters. "Thank you your Highness." "I do believe introductions are in order, please do tell us your name.", Luna spoke up in a subtly excited manner. I gave her a soft smile, swallowed my nervousness and answered, "My name is Archangel, your Highness.". Princess Celestia cleared her throat and looked at me with a friendly but generic smile, "It is a pleasure to meet you Archangel, we are glad to see you found some...clothing.". Luna seemed to fidget and blush a little at that remark. "And I must say, that's an interesting name for a human. I am Princess Celestia and this is my sister Princess Luna. We are the rulers of this land and of day and night." "The pleasure is all mine you- whoa, wait a minute, you know what I am?! How?!", I asked completely shocked. Celestia took a deep breath and looked over at her sister who just shrugged and awkwardly looked off out the window. She then turned back to me, a dry expression on her face. "Oh well I don't see the point in delaying anything or keeping secrets. Yes Archangel we, and only we, save for a few possible individuals, know what you are and even where you came from. Everypony else just knows rumors about your existence here and the loud thump you made in the valley the other night. What we don't know though is why you are here and how. Lastly but most importantly, we don't know you for who you are just yet, and I have to admit, from what I've seen of your race, you may have a lot of good nature to prove." I was not expecting that! They are pretty much deities though, so who knows how much they can possibly know. And did she just insult my race? O-freakin'-kay then. This was a curve ball none the less, so I better just come out with it all and be honest. Can't imagine lying straight to a couple of demi-gods being in my best interests. So I began to put it all out there. "Your Highness this is all so very surprising to me, the things you know that is, and I'm very curious about all of that. However, I will reveal to you everything I possibly can about myself and my race, in complete honesty. If you will give me the time to explain." "It's a start. You have our attention, please do continue.", Celestia said dryly. "Thank you, I will try to make this as brief and understandable as I can, I am still trying to take it all in myself. Okay. First, as a human, I feel the need to defend a few points about my race and maybe clear some things up. I don't know the things you may have seen, and for how long either. Now I do know that our story has some questionable pages in the history books. But I would think, you of all beings would understand and notice, that no matter what happened when, it wasn't all of us as a whole, ever. In fact, a lot of us fought against the bad things or people, even if it was fighting, it was to promote a positive outcome. But I guess all you saw was violence, period. And you wrote us off right there didn't you?! I'll have you know we strive to better ourselves everyday, it's hard, it's our way of life though. Most of us just want love, peace, and harmony. Sure there's disagreements and war, we ain't perfect, but who is? You? No one is!", I fumed, not realizing my disrespectful tone, not really caring anymore either. I think I saw Celestia's eye twitch a little, and Luna's attention was now back on me, a pretty surprised look across her face. "Noted, please continue.", Celestia said sounding mildly irritated now. I rapidly remembered where I was and decided to tone things down a little. I figured it would probably be better to hold my ground with softer subjects. "Please forgive my fervor on the subject your Highness. As far as I know, I am humanity's only voice in this world, I only wish to defend it by showing it's greatest morals, virtues and potential. In my world, I stood by these in my everyday life. Love, peace, and harmony were my hopes for humanity as a whole, and my goal personally. I even once fought in a war myself for a short time, I didn't like the things I saw, so I strayed away from things like that. All I wanted was the simple life, and a family. I got it all too. I found the love of my life. We had everything together. We even had a beautiful daughter, and then-", I immediately stopped due to my throat involuntarily locking up and my chest tightening. I then hung my head trying not to let the inevitable tears show. The memory was like a twisting knife in my side. Still only causing pain. Celestia's serious expression dropped noticeably at my sudden state of decaying emotion, and Luna was now staring at me, a look of concern on her face. I shakily picked my head back up and continued. "I'm sorry about that, I would just rather not talk about it. It was irrelevant to why I'm actually here anyway." Luna broke her silence and spoke to me. "You have experienced great loss and heartache haven't you? I can see it in your eyes, the love and sorrow for the lost. I am sorry for your pain. But, please if you can, will you tell us more about your unusual circumstances here?" "I too am sorry for your suffering. And I respect your passion to uphold your races' better aspects. Your nobility is already a good mark in your character. But I too must ask you to explain these strange happenings.", Celestia added, coming off a bit softer now. Time to put away the painful past for now and tell the real interesting story I figured. "Yes I have, a great deal of it, but thank you for your consideration. And yes, I will tell you, but you may not believe it." To make a long unnecessary portion of story shorter, I told them everything. Starting with the end of my old life and heavenly wishes, coming into contact with the powerful being, and His evil-slaying proposition for me. Then, my new name, title, and power. Finally, how I just came crashing down into their world. I even mentioned the TV show, which they also somehow knew about. "So there you have it then, that's me as of now.", I finished, finally recalling all of my recent events. It was the princesses' turn to look a little shocked this time. Celestia was the first speak. "That all sounds so far fetched, but none the less you are here. And you don't exactly look like most humans I've seen. You do look more...pure and enhanced. Even still, you have to understand, we are rulers, and we have nothing but concern for our subjects and their well being. We still need to gain each others trust over time. There is one thing though that I feel I must share with you. There was a sort of prophecy floating around, and a lot that you have told us matches up fairly well. Namely you." I gave her a curious glance. "And what do you mean by that?" "This prophecy says that a 'Hero' will fall from the skies and put an end to this evil we have been speaking of. Now you did fall from the heavens, that much is true. I don't see how else you would have gotten yourself here. But you are going to have to prove yourself as a hero, in big areas and small. Especially if you are going to be the guardian of this world.", Luna said before her sister could answer. "A hero huh? Yea the big man upstairs said something about that too. Listen Princesses, I will cooperate with anything you wish. Differences can be hashed out later, for now, I have a duty. And it is to Equestria and it's safety. I love this world and it's inhabitants, and I will do whatever I have to do to protect it, and prove that love. I am here to serve and protect.", I said with determination in my voice. The alicorn sisters looked at each other for a moment. Luna gave her sister a told you so sort of smirk. Celestia gave her a slight smile, then looked back at me with a softer expression than she had before. "Serve and protect you say? That's a very noble statement. I have to ask though. Why choose this world Archangel, why do you see it as a heavenly place, why do you wish to fight so hard for it? It seems such a heavy burden for just one to take on.". I stood there for a moment thinking on the best way to answer those questions. Then it was clear. "It's worth it your Highness.This place is pure and good, it lives by love and friendship. Violence is almost never the answer to problems here. Anywhere I look, I see beauty and happiness. These things are only the beginning answers to your questions. When I look deeper at it, I think of all the happy families and innocent lives.", I paused a moment, then decided to open up a little more than before. "I had a happy family once and a great life like I said before, and just like that, one by one, I lost everyone and everything with little to no warning. So when I think about something that would purposely threaten that, on any world, I would happily fight to the bitter end to stop it! With or without the means to do so." "Your passion is obvious Archangel. And there is no denying that dark times are ahead of us, so that passion may be just the thing we need to get through. Like I said before, we will need to gain each others trust over time, but we most certainly accept your noble service. We may need any help we can get. Along with your will to fight though, you did say you were given a gift of incredible power. Could you perhaps give us an example?", Celestia asked now genuinely interested. Ahh crap, I haven't had the slightest sensation of my energy since I face-planted here. "Oh right. I'll, uh...try my best. I still feel a little weak from, well you know, slamming into your planet.", I joked half seriously. "It's alright Archangel just try your best, we understand.", Luna said almost as if cheering me on. I couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm towards me. "What should I do? I've never had an ability like this before and I didn't exactly get to go over the 'controls' before being thrown into atmosphere. How do I focus it?" "Well, that may be hard for us to help you with. You see, when we felt your energy, it was unlike any magical energy we're familiar with. That's just about all we know and use here in this world. Whatever is flowing through you is beyond anything we have ever come in contact with. But with magic you just focus on what is within and around you and what you want it to do. Its power is generally measured by experience. Maybe you could try that.", Luna explained. "Interesting, I don't feel powerful though, at all right now. But hey it's worth a try. Okay here it goes.", I said doubting myself. Again I stood there, still and silent, focusing on my emotional energy. Very human of me, but I had to start somewhere. I thought about all the bad things, and thoughts that made me angry. I actually started to feel something building inside, so I thought deeper, stronger thoughts. Thoughts about my wife and daughter, this beautiful world and it's ponies, and my love for them all. Then it happened. The thought of losing everything and everyone hit me. My mind went blank and dark, my body was shaking and felt electrified. Then it really happened. Celestia started growing concerned. "Archangel? Are you alr-" "I WILL NOT LOSE THEM TOO!", I suddenly roared at the top of my lungs. When I did my whole body looked as if it was engulfed in pure white flames, my eyes too were searing white hot, leaking pure energy. I was entranced, unable to move. Two seconds later the energy dispersed off of me in all directions like a shock wave, knocking a couple of guards to their knees and making the princesses jump in surprise. I then slumped to the floor weak from exhaustion. "Wha- what just happened?", I barely managed to gasp out. "That, I believe was your energy indeed, but in a fragile, emotionally controlled state. It makes sense Archangel, your emotions are weak right now and so your energy suffers from it. One of two things may need to happen, either you gain control and strength in your emotions, or you find another catalyst to spark the energy. There is so much potential built up inside of you. You just have to relearn yourself and your abilities.", Princess Celestia answered while regaining her composure. "I'm terribly sorry about that. I could feel all of it, but it was so hard to control. I have never felt anything like that before. I thought I was better than that, you must think of me as failure.", I said picking myself up off the floor. Princess Luna stepped down from the throne and to my surprise held out her hoof to help me up. I took the help, hell I needed it. I felt like shit again. "Don't feel bad about this, nopony got hurt and you just need time and practice. It is rather impressive that you were able to even conjure up that much power, considering that you are most likely the only human to ever possess a gift like this. We will do whatever we can to help you figure yourself out. And don't you call yourself a failure, your not done already alright.", Luna reassured me. I was really beginning to favor her of the two. "Thank you Princess, that gives me hope. But, what's the next step? Where do I even start?", I asked, hoping to leave this event behind as quickly as possible. "I was just getting to that actually. We are sending you to the little town of Ponyville, which I'm sure you know of.", Celestia stated as she came down towards us. Ponyville! I could hardly contain my excitement. "Yes, of course I have! I mean, yea...nice town." Celestia then continued to explain my next steps. "Good then I'm sure you know of a great many other names and things I'm about to inform you of. Which is why I must say, there is to be absolutely no mention of our knowledge of your world and your knowledge of ours. As far as everypony from here on is concerned, you are completely new to everything here, which in physical reality, now you are, but you know what I'm getting at. Also it is okay to explain to them who and what you are, what your potential is, and a very simple explanation of how you got here, not the full story, please. For all they really need to know, you just appeared in the sky and all you remember is your name and purpose here. Finally. Please. Please, do not mention anything to due with any 'coming evils'. These ponies know only peace in their day to day lives and I do not want that shattered needlessly. These are just some simple ground rules to keep things in order. I hope you understand." "I understand. For what it's worth now, you have my word.", I said still trying not to look too excited. "Good, you will travel there by carriage first thing in the morning. Now Archangel, I haven't arranged for you to stay anywhere when you get there. I have only announced to the ponies there the arrival of a new creature in our land and that you'll be coming tomorrow. So the rest will be part of proving yourself, a test of sorts. Many of them may be timid of you at first, but you just show them that pure spirit of yours and they will love you. Learn the magic of friendship, trust me, it's a powerful thing.", Celestia said putting a wingtip over my shoulder. "Oh, I just can't wait to go. I hope I do great with everypony there. I'll do my very best!", I said feeling like a little kid again. "I almost forgot to mention my most faithful stu- I mean, Princess, Twilight Sparkle. Even I am still getting used to that one. Anyway, you should probably get well acquainted with her first. She could effectively help you practice your focus and power. When she gets a task she won't quit until it's taken care of.", Celestia informed. "Also a unicorn pony named Rarity is the best seamstress you can find around these parts. She lives in a boutique on the edge of the town. She would most likely be able to help you with your...clothing issue.", Luna piped in, slightly blushing again. "Right, I'll be sure to try and meet up with all six of the elements. I'm sure they will be the greatest help.", I said trying not laugh at Luna still staring at my ridiculous excuse for clothing. "Any questions before we convene Archangel?", Celestia asked. My previous excitement suddenly ran cold as I remembered the serious portions of my new reality there. "Yes. I actually have a rather important one." Both Princesses then gave me a gesture to continue. I then cleared my throat and asked, "With this looming threat, whatever it may be. What defenses and preparations have you made thus far?". Luna immediately shot an uneasy glance at her sister and backed away behind her slightly, as if putting her on the spot. There was an awkward pause for a moment but Celestia finally answered, "Forgive me. I was and still am a bit skeptical about giving you that information, being that it is protective in nature. Nothing personal, as I said, trust will need to be earned over time. However without being too detailed, you can rest assured that the Royal Guard is at its highest number of well trained soldiers since it was formed. Also, the castle and Canterlot is surrounded by a strong magical barrier." Celestia gave a weak smile after telling me this as if what she said didn't make her feel any better, or safer. It certainly didn't make me feel any better. I was tempted to ask a million more questions, especially given my military background. However, she made it pretty clear, spoken or unspoken, that she did not wish to tell me very much, yet. Something was telling me that she did not have a clue what was coming and that she hasn't done a damn thing to proactively defend against this threat. Guards are great and magical barriers are good, but trained armies and a means of counter-attack are far better. I knew full well that Celestia was not some naïve little pony, but maybe she never faced a threat of this magnitude. Hell, I never have, but I would have had a little more to show for it, minus the magical barrier bit. I then realized that Celestia and I were just staring at each other ridiculously as if we just had that entire thought process as an audible conversation. I broke the silence. "Well. That's, good to hear. I'm certainly glad you have things under control and ready.", I said with as much sincerity as I could muster. "That's all I wanted to ask. I can't wait to get started in Ponyville! When do I go?". Celestia appeared to visibly relax a bit at my sudden change of subject. "It's settled then, we have a new guardian in training. I will have the guards take you back to your room now Archangel. You should get some rest after today's ordeal. Tomorrow you go to Ponyville to start your training and begin to show us who you really are, through your actions and behavior. Good luck and rest well.", Celestia said taking back her regal pose upon the throne. "Sweet dreams Archangel.", Luna said with a smile as she joined her sister. "Thank you both, you have been so very understanding and hospitable to me. Again, I will do my best to learn all I can and show myself worthy of this world. I hope to be an asset and most importantly, a friend to everypony I can.", I stated with a bow. I was then met by Swift Spell and Iron Horn again, and we made our way back to my room for the rest of the afternoon and evening. As I walked back, I pondered Celestia's strange demeanor and how uneasy she was at the mention of defense preparations. I had a feeling that I may be playing a much larger part in this entire ordeal than just getting myself ready for this coming threat. However, in my present state, I was the only thing I could handle or worry about for the time being. Even though that alone was proving difficult. At that moment, I washed the thoughts from my mind and decided that a night of sleep would probably be the most beneficial thing at that point. ~~~ Princess Celestia watched the new human named Archangel walk out of the throne room, a new sense of hope for him, and greater curiosity about him in her mind. However, she too felt every bit of the uneasiness that he felt regarding the readiness of their forces. Would it be enough? Was there more she could have done or could still be doing with such short notice? These and more antagonistic questions plagued her mind until she forcibly stifled them. She then looked over at her sister and gave a weak smile. "What's that smile all about Tia?", asked Luna. "Oh I was just thinking how about how right you were about having hope for him. He is nothing close to guardian material right now, but he did survive a fall from the cosmos and that energy, I just have to know more about it. Something seems so familiar about it. He may not know it yet, but I used my magic to search deeper into his being. What I found was remarkable.", Celestia explained. "I was going to do that too, but I decided to help him up off the floor. I guess I just have some form of compassion for him. He seems so powerful yet so broken inside. It's sad really. But do tell what you found Sister.", Luna said interested. Celestia thought it over for a second then continued. "The only other source of power I know of that resembles our new friend's power is, the Elements of Harmony! Only his power is a little more complex, as if it doesn't have limits, but that can't be possible." "Didn't those fall from the heavens during a harsh time as well?", Luna asked now intrigued by this possible connection. "Yes, in fact they did. Who knows, they could have come from the same place. But that's a mystery for later I suppose.", Celestia answered. "It's all so very interesting to think about, but I just hope the best for him in his trials. He has a lot to learn, and I don't know how much time we have before things turn for the worst.", Luna said thinking it all over. Celestia put a wing around her little sister pulling her close. "I know Lulu, if he is everything we hope he is, then he will do fine. I just hope we made the right decision sending him to live closely among our subjects. We are trusting him with a lot more than I thought we would a couple days ago." Luna laid her head against her sister and smiled. "He'll do the right thing." ~~~ When I got back into my room I said goodbye to the guards and crash landed in the bed. I was in a little pain and completely worn out. It was an interesting day to say the least. I had a lot on my plate and a lot to prove now. Also, I was extremely disappointed in my abilities earlier. I thought I was supposed to be powerful. Yea, I was told I would need to 'unlock and discover' my abilities little by little, yet I was still so frustrated that I couldn't just do it already. Despite it all, I couldn't help smiling as I fell asleep. I was after all, finally in my dream world. > Chapter Four: Unexpected Host > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANTERLOT CASTLE, EQUESTRIA I was abruptly awoken from a dreamless sleep by a loud knocking on the door. "Wha- who the hell knocks on a hospital room door like that? Oh wait, that's right...old life.", I mumbled to myself, quickly remembering where I really was again. "Archangel! It's Lieutenant Swift Spell. I'm here to escort you to your carriage, time to get up!", yelled Swift, muffled behind the door. I sluggishly oozed out of bed and shuffled towards the door. "Alright. Alright, I'm coming! Hold your horses...or, ponies." I opened the door to the somewhat impatient guard pony. It was just him this time. "Good morning sunshine, sleep well?", Swift joked. I just rubbed my eyes and looked back at my room's window. "Morning?! It's pitch black out there. What gives?" "It won't be dark for much longer. Also, most things get started at sunrise in Ponyville, so Her Highness suggested a very early start for you. If we leave in the next five minutes, we should arrive with the sunrise.", Swift explained in his more professional tone. "Ah darn no continental breakfast? Oh well, lets leave right now then. It's not like I have any clothes to pack or anything.", I joked back, now feeling more invigorated by the good nights rest. Swift chuckled a little at my now usual issue. "Right, that being said, I think we might drop you off near that one seamstress's house. I can't recall her name at the moment." I just smiled over the answer in my head, and decided to keep it there after remembering Celestia's ground rules. "Good idea, I just hope she's feeling generous." "Lets get going then shall we.", Swift said as he made his way out into the hallway. I followed him out, taking one last look at my luxurious room, and we made our way out to the same courtyard as yesterday. Instead of going straight through this time, we took a left through a small garden walkway. At the end it lead to a large open platform. The dark early morning sky was now fully visible. Such a beautiful work of art on a cosmic canvas by Luna's magic. I for one love her night. My stargazing was interrupted by Swift chuckling at my side. "You really are one for the sights huh. Anyway, we're here." I brought my gaze back down to earth and refocused my vision. There ahead of us was a large golden, open front carriage with two burly looking pegasi ponies hooked up to the front. "And here I thought I might be taking the train or something boring.", I said now excited. Swift just smiled. "Nope. This is standard travel for royalty and their students. Well, you better get going then. From what I here, you've got a lot of work to do." "You have no idea...Alright Swift, hopefully I won't be away too long. I like it here after all.", I said approaching the carriage. "Good luck Archangel.", Swift said waving me off. "Thanks. Lord knows I'll need it.", I replied, waving back and taking a seat. I then looked at the two pegasi in front and decided to break the ice with my ride. "Good morning gentlecolts, how are you?", I said a little too happy for the early hour. They both looked back at me seeming a little surprised at me speaking. Then one decided to reply. "We are just fine sir, are you ready to get going?" "Good. Yea, ready when you ar-aaahhh!", My tongue was flung into the back of my throat as we thrust off of the platform with surprising speed. "Damn.", I whispered. When I regained my bearing, I sat back up in my seat and leaned over the edge of the carriage. I took a look below and could barely see the ground. We had to be over a couple thousand feet in the air. I just sat there for a while, zoning out in deep thought about everything that had happened in such a short time. 'It's all real, and I'm really here. It's almost hard to accept, but too good not to.', I reasoned in my head. The dawn started to break the horizon while I was thinking and it made me think about Celestia. Her and how things felt awkward, and so uneasy between us. I can understand her being on guard about me because I'm actually here and I have a lot of potential abilities. Her attitude towards humans in general however, I found very surprising and unsettling for a being as old and wise as her. Maybe all she ever did see, when she could, was bad times and events, but still. I guess I will just have to prove otherwise and show her a better view, through myself. She is after all giving me the benefit of the doubt, I suppose I could give her the same. Now that I think about it, I got off lucky. If one these ponies were to just appear on Earth, there would be no end to their harassment, by the government and the general public...and bronies, dear god especially them. I was snapped out of my train of thought by one of the pegasus guards. "We are about five minutes away now!" "Oh. Okay thanks.", I replied as I leaned back over the edge. I was just about to zone out over the dawning horizon some more when something caught my eye from below. Far off in a distant treeline, a glimmering black streak rocketed into the sky, then appeared to stop...I thought. I was wrong, that streak didn't stop. It changed course, right for us in fact, and it was coming just as fast. Out of nowhere my skin started to crawl with energy, just like when I fell from orbit. Strange again, but whatever, we had other issues! I turned to the clueless guards and screamed. "Incoming! Land this motherfu-" There was an ear splitting crack and boom, and I was ripped from the carriage with extreme force. My old body would have been bloody bits and pieces after something like that. Everything went black, so quick. ~~~ Out in the scattered tree lines of the Equestrian valley, the Dark One lowered a smoldering obsidian staff and smiled maliciously as he watched the antimatter orb he just fired connect with it's intended target. The destructive effects were magnificent, a once regal royal carriage, now shattered falling debris. "Aww, too bad.", was all he said right before vanishing again in a burst of black smoke. ~~~ I was quickly awoken by the sickening feeling of spiraling out of control and falling, my energy gone again. I quickly managed to right myself into a shabby skydive and scanned my surroundings. I saw both of the pegasi guards, intact but falling unconsciously towards the edge of Ponyville, which was coming quick. There was no time to freak out, I knew I had to do something, and fast. I pulled my arms in and dove faster through the air towards the unconscious guards. I slammed into the first, then managed to grab and pull in the second guard pony. One in each arm. There was maybe a few hundred feet left. "Okay... Uhh, energy fly?! Power, float?!", I screamed, desperate for something, anything to happen. It all happened so fast. I reeled around in the air and put my back towards the ground with the guards over top of me hoping to take some of the impact away from them. "Stupid energy do something now goddamnit!", I cursed. The last thing I heard before darkness claimed me was something that sounded like an electro-static hum that intensified right before the expected thump of the ground. I stopped cringing and tried to move. It didn't happen, in fact I couldn't even feel my entire body. But this all felt a little familiar. Just when I thought about that, the darkness faded into bright white light. "Back already?", boomed that thunderous voice I immediately recognized. "Whoa shit! Am I dead...again?", I asked, a little freaked out...again. The voice chuckled a little before answering. "You never did die Jon, you transcended remember?" "Right, yeah I remember. But why am I here again? I thought I had a job to do. I thought I was given incredible power too!", I yelled, still bewildered by the current situation. "I was just getting to that. You were given power. And I will remind you, that I told you your power will need to be discovered slowly. You see, you never really left your old body and mind. A body and mind that isn't accustomed to such great and powerful things. Even though your particular mind is very accepting, these things still aren't natural to you, you might call them supernatural.", the voice said sounding a little amused by the subtle pun. I was getting impatient. "Ha-ha, seriously though, how can I make it work? It does things all by itself, but how do I control it? I feel like it has a mind of it's own." "That's just the problem. You, in your current state, are trying to completely tackle a universal power source of almost limitless proportions all at once. Discover slowly remember? Anyway, I will try to simplify it for you as much as I can. You must free your mind from expectations, empty it, let things be as they are. This energy is yours, it flows through you regardless of what your mind accepts or not. Right now though it merely acts as a reflex to danger and strong emotions, like adrenaline, as I'm sure you've noticed. You can however learn to focus the flow and output of this power. It is similar to controlling your emotions. After all, an emotion is energy in motion. Over all though, when the time is right, you will know and feel what to do.", the voice explained. "I guess I didn't think of it that way. I did expect way too much way too fast. Like I was gonna have the power of 'the Force' or something right off the bat. It makes enough sense though, I'm not gonna question every little detail about it. Just, empty the mind and lets things flow mostly, right?", I asked trying to sum it all up. "Yes that's a start, all things will come to pass in due time. Now then, I have to ask, do you want to go back now?", the voice asked. "What?! Yes of course I want to go back, I'm just getting started.", I blurted out, surprised by the question. "I know you do, but I have to ask, it's your will and choice after all. Very well then Jon, until next time...again.", the voice stated. "Alright, until then. Good-", I got cut off by the white space ripping away once more. I get cut off a lot it seems. This time though, I was looking up at the sky rather than falling from it. "-Bye.", I wheezed. I then felt the sensation of my body rapidly returning and sat up. I was in a knee deep crater facing Ponyville, which was just across an open field now. One of the guards was laying over my legs and the other was just behind him. I checked his vitals, amazingly he was still breathing and had a decent pulse. I then pulled him off and crawled over to the other guard. He wasn't as lucky. He had a clearly broken leg, and his pulse and breathing was weak. That pissed me off, somebody was seriously gonna pay for this cheap shot. Just as I was about to pick up the injured stallions and bring them into town, a wagon that resembled an ambulance came speeding out of Ponyville. Two husky looking stallions were pulling it and they weren't wasting any time. They were upon us in seconds, and screeched to a halt. The two stallions, both earth ponies, unhooked themselves and two unicorn mares jumped out of the back. They all gave me a short strange look, but quickly returned to their duties. "What happened here? Are you alright?", one of the mares asked as they all ran up. "I don't know for sure, I think we got shot down by something. I'm just fine, but they're not, him especially!", I explained, pointing to the more injured guard. "Shot down?! What? Who would or could do such a thing? Are you sure you're alright sir?", asked the other mare, appearing thoroughly unsettled by the thought. "Yes I'm good to go, again, don't worry about me.", I insisted. I helped them load up the casualties and they were about to go when one of the stallions came over to me. "Sir, last chance go if you need to, I highly suggest you get checked out." I was getting annoyed. "For the last time, I AM FINE! And, you don't even know what I am so how could you treat me anyway? Hmm? Now get those poor guards to the hospital ASAP! And one last thing, make sure this immediately gets reported to the princesses!", I scolded in my former military tone. The medical pony jumped at my serious tone and quickly hooked himself back up to the carriage. "Uh, uh, yes sir good point, right away. Umm, good luck.", he stammered as they started to pull away. And then they were off as fast as they came. I stood there staring at the crater for a moment, deciding what to do. Part of me would love to go gallivanting off into the woods to try and find the prick responsible for all of this. However, I had no clue where to start, and I really needed to get things sorted out with myself. Not to mention, I still have to go meet the locals and hopefully find a place to stay. So I made my way into Ponyville. It was a beautiful day as one would expect from a dream world like this. The buildings, plants, and whole town was just exquisite. But as I made my way further into town, I never felt more like a stranger. Everypony around was quiet and staring at me, whispering to each other. I could have sworn I heard one little filly blurt out something like hornless minotaur . I just sheepishly waved and smiled at the surrounding ponies and kept walking. A few minutes passed and I came to what I think was the center of town. Only more awkward stares and whispers met me there. I was really starting to get uneasy about things, then I heard hoofsteps coming up behind me and a loud gasp. I just froze, and one single thought passed through my mind. 'Oh shit...Pinkie!' I slowly turned around and was completely shocked at how wrong I was. There stood Lyra Heartstrings with the biggest shit-eatin' grin I ever saw on a pony. "OH! MY! GOSH! You really do exist!", she blurted out suddenly. I just stood there and stared at her, probably with a dumb expression on my face, before finding my tongue. "Umm, yea I exist alright. Thanks for noticing?", I said, not sure what to make of this situation yet. Lyra only seemed to get more excited. "Wow! You speak our language too? That's so great! Oh where are my manners, I'm Lyra Heartstrings and I am the only pony in town who studies and knows anything about humans." Damn, how could I have forgotten that one. She was one of my favorite background ponies from the show and stories when I was young. And for the record, she is much prettier and cuter in real life. "Well Lyra I must say after this awkward morning, it is wonderful to meet you. My name is Archangel and I could use some help finding my way around here." "Aww, I'm sorry about that, everypony can be a little shy of newcomers but they'll come around. Also I would love to help you Archangel. Anything at all.", she said with genuine kindness. "I really appreciate your kindness. I just need to find Princess Twilight Sparkle or one of the other Elements of Harmony. Can you point me in the right direction?", I asked with a smile. Her expression changed to one of slight disappointment. "Well I heard they're all out in the Everfree forest at the old castle ruins. But, your'e not actually thinking of going all the way out there now are you?" I thought about it for a second. I had no idea how to find my way out there or anywhere, and I don't think anypony here would be my guide for a trek like that. I just sighed. "No, I guess not, I don't know my way around here. Hell, I don't even know what to do with myself.", I said kicking the dirt in frustration. Lyra looked down and away a little while sheepishly rubbing her hoof on her leg. "You could umm, stay with me, I mean, if you'd like to that is. Until they get back or however long you need to.", she said shyly, but with hopefulness evident in her voice. I gave her a big smile. "That is really nice of you to offer, but I don't want to be a burden or take up space in your home though." All of Lyra's shyness disappeared at once with my answer. "Are you kidding?! I would love to have you, a real live human, at my house. Which is fairly big by the way. So burden? No way, and there is plenty of space, even for a big fella like you. It would be awesome!", she said with a playful smile. 'Big fella?', I thought for a moment, then realized that I was actually pretty big compared to the average sized pony like Lyra. On all fours her head only came about as high as my belly button, but if she were to stand on her hind legs she'd probably be close to level with my face. The Princesses were a different story, especially Celestia. "Well when you put it like that, how can I refuse? After all, I really don't have anywhere else to go and it's been an interesting morning.", I said laughing at her excited nature. "Great, it will be my pleasure. Follow me.", she said with a tone that I was almost certain was alluring. She then turned around, obviously over swaying her flank, and began to strut away towards her house. I finally snapped my eyes off of her friggin' ass and shook my head. 'What the hell? That was a bit, friendly.', I thought. But I did notice something definitely different from the show. Let's just say these ponies aren't missing anything...back there. Anyway, I caught up with her and we walked another way through town on the way to her house. Along the way more ponies looked at the both of us a little perplexed, but not as awkwardly now. Must have been Lyra I guess. Surprisingly, we didn't say anything to each other along the way, just exchanged the occasional smiling glance. We finally came up to a nice, well decorated, two story red house. It had flowers outside of every window and was overall, very girly for lack of a better term. Oh well, it's a place to stay none the less. "Well, here we are, home sweet home. Come on in.", Lyra said, using her magic to open the door. Having to duck slightly through the doorway, I stepped inside with her right behind me and looked the place over. There was a wide open living room with a wrap around couch right in front, and stairs to the second story directly on the right. To the left was a doorway that I assume led to the kitchen and on the right, under the stairs was another doorway to a bathroom. It was cozy to say the least. I walked further in and turned around to Lyra, wondering what she wanted to do next. "What's the matter silly? Go ahead and sit down, make yourself comfortable.", she said bumping past my hip and taking a seat on the end of the sofa. I took a seat and chuckled at her question. "Nothing, it's just a nice place. I used to own a nice house, quite a while ago though. I had better clothes too.", I said, shaking my head at my excuse for clothing, which was now tattered and slightly charred from the explosion earlier. Lyra suddenly looked a little surprised by me saying that. "You had a house? Like this one? And better clothes? But I thought humans didn't have things like that. From what I've read and seen in books, they lived in trees or caves and their clothing was similar to what you have on now." I now looked equally surprised. "Yeah, I did. Most humans do. That's all a bit strange, you said you saw all of this in books? Where did you get books like that?" "Yep! I found a few of them under some rocks in the library of the old castle ruins. The whole archive was supposedly completely cleared out, but obviously not!", she shouted with a tone of pride. "Interesting, do you mind if I take a look at one of these books Lyra?", I asked, very curious to see what Celestia may have recorded on my race so long ago. Lyra was halfway up the stairs by the end of my request. "I'll be right back with them." A minute later she returned down the stairs, hovering three large books in her magic aura. She set them down on a coffee table in front of me and opened one up. Inside were several familiar illustrations. No doubt these drawings were of humans and there daily activities. The only odd thing was that these humans looked to be from around the early tribal periods. They wore animal skin clothing resembling my disheveled blanket setup, and their homes were indeed in caves and low lying trees. 'My god Celestia, you've been watching since the retched beginnings haven't you, incredible.', was all I could think. My thoughts were cut short by Lyra staring at me excitedly. "So...what do you think? Looks like you, just a little more rough around the edges, right?", she eagerly asked. I closed the book and smiled at her. "Thank you for showing me this. It truly is interesting to come across a record like this, but this is really old right?" She looked to be in thought about where I was going with this before answering. "Well yes, I'm sure these documents have to be thousands of years old." "Right, I thought so. So doesn't that make you wonder how far the human race may have progressed over that many years? I mean you don't honestly think we stayed like this for that long do you?", I questioned while pointing at the book I just looked at. Lyra pondered my words for a moment then replied. "Wow, you know I guess I didn't look at it like that. Maybe because these are the only records I found and also because hardly anything changes in this world. Common things have been the same in Equestria for millennia." "It makes sense, you've had the same leaders that whole time. Continuous rule, continuous lifestyle. My world is just the opposite. No one rule abounds, so there is always war and disagreements. Sure we have advanced heavily, but all the bad things just advanced right along with us.", I said sighing in disappointment. Lyra seemed concerned about my sudden mood change. "Oh dear, it sounds like a rough place. I have to imagine you are happy to be here then aren't you? Which, by the way, how did-" I cut her off because I knew where she was taking this conversation and my ground rules were clear. I then got up and sat closer to her and looked her in the eyes. "Lyra, I know what you were about to ask, and I'm sure you have a ton of questions about me and my world. But listen, I really like you and I would love to tell you all about it, but for reasons I can't say right now, I just can't go into it that much. But honestly and to sum it up, I pretty much just appeared in this world, and now I'm in training to discover my hidden, let's say talents, by direction of the Princesses'. That's it." "That's it? Alrighty then. That's a little weird, but hey if you say so, rules are rules. Don't worry I won't push it big guy.", she said somehow just as happy as usual. "Thank you for being so understanding, after all, I'm still trying to figure quite a few things out for myself. And Big Guy? You have a nickname for me already?", I asked with a grin. "I can call you whatever you want me too, I just liked that one.", she said blushing a little. I just gave her a smirk. "I think I can live with it. I've definitely had worse." "It's a deal then.", she agreed. She then leaned back into the couch, stretched and looked around the house in a bored manner. "So what do you want to do now?" "Hey it's your house ponygirl, you decide.", I shot back, hoping to kill her boredom. "Ponygirl! Don't tell me that's gonna be my nickname now!", Lyra laughed. "Okay maybe not that, but I'll be thinking. Back to what to do though, I got nothing. But I gotta say I'm pretty tired from this morning.", I said failing to hold back a yawn. Lyra just giggled. "Aww, is the Big Guy human sleepy? That's fine, you should take a nice afternoon nap. I have to go out and run some errands anyway. That's what I was on my way to do earlier when I ran into you. Rest up now, I look forward to seeing you when I get back." "Me too. Thanks again Lyra, I really appreciate all of this. See you later.", I said, laying down and seeing her off. "No problem. Later buddy", she said as she made her way out. I rolled over on the sofa and got comfortable, which was easy because the couch was amazing. "Man, everything here is just so damn perfect.", I mumbled as I fell into a deep slumber. It felt like only minutes passed before I awoke from yet another dreamless sleep. I was about to drift off again, but I felt an odd draft. I sat up and quickly realized the issue. My clothing was nowhere to be found! I jumped to my feet and surveyed the room. It was getting dark outside so it was hard to see inside the house. "Geez, how long was I out?", I asked myself, looking out the window. "About six hours! Geez is right sleepyhead.", Lyra giggled as she flipped on the light, making me jump. I reeled around to face the laughing pony. "Lyra! Why the hell am I naked?!" Lyra stopped giggling and her expression changed to what was an unmistakably naughty smile. "What's the matter buddy, you don't need clothes that badly do you? We don't wear anything most of the time, so why do you have to?" I looked down at my exposed area then back at her. "Isn't it just a tiny bit obvious?", I said, not sure if I felt more awkward or annoyed at the moment. Lyra started coming closer. "Oh I definitely wouldn't say tiny.", she giggled devilishly. "Oh come on! Really? Why are you coming on to me Lyra? We aren't even the same species for goodness sake!", I reasoned, while backing away into the sofa. "Because, you are a big, muscular, sexy human and I want to learn every, little, thing about you, any way I can.", she said lustfully, putting a hoof on my abs and gently pressing me down onto the sofa. I just went down with her hoof almost helplessly surprised by what was actually happening. She then crawled slowly up onto my lap with her hooves pressed against my chest, and her face only inches from mine. She smelled like sweet flowers and her flank was dangerously close to my humanity. My heart was pounding, and I was beginning to sweat. 'This pony is about to fuck me!', my mind screamed, not helping anything. I finally snapped out of it, grabbed her by the shoulders, sat up straight and looked her dead in the eyes. "Lyra, please just wait. I can't do this. It's just, I don't know, it doesn't seem right. Oh damn, how do I say this? You are such a kind pony, and I really didn't expect this out of you. It really caught me off guard. I thought maybe we could get to be good friends someday first at least. Not this, not right now." Lyra's face suddenly went blank and she backed off of my lap and sat her flank on the coffee table behind her, never breaking eye contact with me. Her lip started to quiver, then out of nowhere she hung her head and burst into tears. "I'm so sorry Archangel, I don't know what I was thinking. It's just that, I've been so lonely for a long time and I really like you. I guess I just got infatuated with the fantasy of playing around with the very thing I've studied for so long. And finding you, a real life human, got me all fired up. Oh my gosh, I feel terrible, can you ever forgive me for this?" As much as I thought I would be, I really couldn't feel angry towards her. Everyone has fantasies and so few actually get to physically be with their fantasy, so I could hardly blame her. I put my hand under her chin and picked her head up. I couldn't help but smile at her big tear soaked eyes. "Hey, it's alright. We all do things in life we regret. I won't hold this one against you, and if it makes you feel any better, I'd still like to be your friend. And, I forgive you...ponygirl." Lyra couldn't stop laughing through her tears and sniffles, overjoyed by my unexpected patience with her. She then jumped forward and threw her forelegs around my neck giving me a tight hug. "Thank you. You're the best, most understanding friend anypony could ever ask for. I'll be your ponygirl friend for as long as I live. I promise." "It's official then, Lyra Heartstrings, you are my first friend in Equestria. Now, is there a chance you could grab another blanket for a friend?", I said trying to keep a straight face. "Oh dear, yes of course. One second!", she yelled back while trotting into the other room. She came back with a nice, new looking, black and white checkered blanket. I put it on much like I did with the last one and made sure it wasn't going anywhere. Once I was done, another set of yawns forced their way out. It was getting late and that nap didn't completely kill my fatigue. Lyra noticed this and appeared to be a little distraught in her expressions. "What's wrong now Lyra?", I questioned with concern for her feelings. "Well, it's almost bedtime, and I know you're tired, but I understand if you wouldn't want to stay here. You know, after what I did and all. I could find you another place to spend the night, or maybe even get you a motel room. If you'd like to that is, it's the least I could do.", she said, timidly shuffling her hoof on the floor. I put my hand on her head and ruffled her already messy hair. "I appreciate the offer but, I'm in the house of a friend, and friends put things behind them, remember silly filly?" "Hehe, yea okay. I'm glad you see it that way. Let's get some sleep then shall we, I'm sure you've got a big day ahead of you tomorrow. I'll be right upstairs if you need anything.", she informed, obvious happy I decided to stay. I got comfortable on the couch once more and started drifting off. "Thanks Lyra, I'll be fine. Goodnight." "Goodnight Archangel, sweet dreams.", she whispered as she ascended the rest of the stairs. I closed my eyes and once again sleep claimed me swiftly. But my trail of dreamless nights was about to take a very different, and interesting turn. > Chapter Five: Dreams and Reality > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I suddenly felt the urge to open my eyes, even though I was still very sleepy. When I did, I looked around to see I was still obviously in Lyra's living room. However, something wasn't quite right. Everything looked and seemed the same in the room, but it all had a strange blur to it. A moment later there was a subtle clanking noise that came from the front door, making me jump in surprise. Strangely, when my gaze fell upon the door and the path leading up to it, my vision cleared up perfectly. "What is wrong with my eyes right now? Did Lyra roofie me or something?", I joked to myself. I focused on the door again and decided to go over and investigate the noise. When I got up and walked over, I felt really light and slow, like I was drifting through water. Or, like a dream. 'No, that can't be what's going on here, everything is too real and in the right place. Then again I never had a lucid dream before. Maybe that's what's happening here.', my mind went on trying to deduct a valid reason for the strange sensations I was getting from my surroundings. I slowly walked through the doorway, and what I saw next ran horrid chills down my spine. Ponyville was absolutely annihilated and engulfed in flames. Houses were in splinters, smoldering craters were everywhere, and it was so cold and dark. I then looked to the heavens and my heart dropped. Half of the moon was where it should be, the rest was obliterated across the night sky. I fell to my knees, pain in my heart and tears in my eyes, never taking them off the moon. "Oh my god, this can't be right, what the hell happened?!", I screamed angrily. "Thankfully, nothing yet.", said a strong yet soft voice behind me. I whipped around too see Princess Luna walking up from out of nowhere. "Luna! I-I mean Princess, wha- what happened here?!", I stammered, startled by her sudden presence. "Good evening Archangel. Like I said, nothing yet, nothing in reality anyway.", she replied in a strangely calm manner. "Reality? What do you mean, why are you so calm? Does this scene behind me not disturb you?", I anxiously asked. Luna looked beyond me for a moment then returned her calm gaze back to me with a slight smile. "It does indeed disturb me, but perhaps you should take another look." I slowly turned around to see the horrible image once more. It wasn't there anymore! There, instead of Ponyville, was just the night sky filled with stars and a now, fully intact moon over a wide open field of grass. I went to turn back again but Luna was now sitting right by my side looking off into the night as well. "This is all just a dream isn't it. Please, just tell me it is Your Highness.", I pleaded. "Indeed it is. And please, you may just call me Luna, I tire of all these royal titles. It's nice to simply enjoy the night as just another pony once in a while.", she said sounding much less like an intimidating goddess. I took a deep breath, sat down and gazed off into the night with her. "Alright, as you wish, Luna. So let me get this straight, we and all of this, are in my dreams right now?" "Yes." she said quietly. "Please forgive my feeble mind but, if it is just a dream, what were all of those horrible things I just witnessed and why did they feel so real?", I asked, now wanting to make sure it all was in no way real. Luna then turned to me, a mild look of concern on her face. "Normally I would call it a nightmare, but that would be an understatement. What you just saw was a manifestation of your absolute worst fear. It's more like a premonition, it isn't real yet. However if you were to let that fear consume you and your mind, those horrors could become a reality for everyone. Archangel, there is a message in every dream. The message here, is that you must not doubt and give up on yourself, you must not let your actions be fear-based. I see the love you have for this world, hold on to that. Let that be your strength and resolve in the coming trials." "That was all fear in my mind? Damn, I'm usually not afraid of anything, but I guess I can see how I let my love for this world become a fear of losing it all, and how that could hold me back. I should have known I'd be prone to that of all things. After all, in my past life I didn't have a worry or fear in the world, but I ended up losing everyone and everything I loved. But, my love for them and for all of you will forever be my source of perseverance.", I said staring off into the stars, one lonely tear running down my cheek. Luna noticed my expression and moved a little closer, placing her hoof on the top of my hand, surprising me. "I'm truly sorry for your loss Archangel. As you may know, I too know how it felt to build a great life in love and happiness, then lose it all. Only...I was the one to throw it all away.", she said, hanging her head and looking away before continuing. "You are a very strong individual despite your hardships, I can see that, and everyone else soon will as well. You are here for a reason, you have already proved yourself a hero just yesterday. I received word of the incident with carriage, those guards owe their lives to you." She was still looking away, but I found myself stuck, really staring at her for the first time since I'd been in this world. She was stunning, her image made only more divine by the moonlight bathing her in its soft white glow. And for once I didn't feel like I was just staring at another pony, I was caught on another living being that was caring, kind, and breathtakingly beautiful. And now that I thought of it, she was my favorite pony from my younger years. I was beginning to feel something deep inside myself, a feeling I hadn't felt for ages. I finally snapped out of my entranced stare and found my words. "They don't owe me a thing, after all, that is my purpose here. To save lives, and to be a hero anyway I can. I'd do it for anyone. Also, I have to thank you, for how much you believe in me. It helps me, a lot. And Luna, for the record, I don't think it was all your fault or doing, you know, way back then. If what I saw and know is what really happened, then I believe an outside source is at least partially responsible. I just can't make myself believe it was all you, it doesn't seem right. Jealousy can make monsters out of us, but not like that.", I stated, taking a chance and placing my hand on her hoof. Luna seemed slightly taken aback by my sudden actions and words. I was beginning to think I might have offended her, but to my surprise she just looked at me and smiled brightly. "No one, has ever said anything like that to me, with the exception of my sister. Thank you, you don't know how much it means to hear that. I still carry that horrible memory with me every day and night, but hearing that you, a new person and opinion, believes better of me, makes it hurt a little less." "You're very welcome, I'm glad to hear that. It's good to believe in each other. It's a great strength I feel we will need in the future. By the way, and this off subject, but I have to say this is the longest and best dream I've ever had.", I said smiling back, hoping to bring the conversation to a lighter mood. Luna perked up, now seeming intrigued. "Oh? And what exactly made it that way?" "Well for starters, it just feels so real, yet more amazing than reality. This place is beautiful, and being here with you is-", I cut myself off before I said too much too fast. "Being here with me is what?", she asked cocking an eyebrow with an interested smirk. I panicked for words, I couldn't just tell her how I felt out of nowhere. What, was I just gonna go and tell the goddess of the night, hey I really like you and think you're divinely beautiful? Hell. No. "I'm sorry. I just meant to say that it's quite an experience, with it being real now and all." Nice save...jackass. Luna chuckled softly. "I'm sure it is. I'm curious though, what did you dream about in your past life?" "That's a good question. Well when I was young, before I stopped having dreams altogether, I would dream of simple, happy things. Things like being here in Equestria, not as a hero or anything like that, but just living here, enjoying life itself. Or things like seeing all the great sights here, meeting famous ponies, and seeing the princesses too of course.", I said with a grin. "I see. Is that all you dreamed about?", she inquired unexpectedly. "I guess so, I mean it was a long time ago so it's hard to recall everything. Why do you ask that though?", I queried, curious of what she was getting at. Luna looked to be in deep thought for a moment then explained. "It's just a curious thing. You see, the energy you have bonded with seems to negate and nullify most magic we have. For example, my sister and I tried to stop your fall when you arrived here, but our brute force spell was useless against your energy. Also, from what I could tell of your aura, it seems to protect you both outside and inside, to include your mind. It's absolutely impervious. However, I happened to notice that it reaches a calm and soft state when you are happy and at peace with your surroundings, or whoever is with you. Now I obviously have to use magic to be here in your dreams. So the only way I can imagine that I could possibly be here is because, you wanted me here." Damn, I should have known better. She's a demi-god, I should know it's probably a little hard to hide things from her. She's been around a little longer than I have. Regardless, I had to find a way to come clean without dumping all my true feelings. I definitely didn't want that, considering I wasn't even sure of them yet. So I just laughed it off. "Okay. Okay. Guilty as charged. Back then I used to wish you would visit me in a dream, just like this." "And what about now, does this wish finally feel granted?", she asked, seeming almost excited at my answer. "Well you are here aren't you?", I joked. Luna shook her head and smiled. "I suppose I am, aren't I?" We both shared a laugh, then began to gaze into the night sky again, not saying a word. After a few moments of silence I remembered a question that I always thought would very interesting to ask the princess of the night. "Tell me Luna, what do you dream about? What wishes do you have?" To my surprise, she appeared to be caught off guard by that for a second. She then let out a short, nervous sounding laugh. "Me? Oh, I don't really dream, not anymore. I just visit others' dreams mostly. And, I don't really have any wishes that I can think of." "Oh, okay. I see.", I said, not buying it. That was a very strange reaction from her, but I didn't want to pry. Suddenly, the whole dreamscape distorted for a moment and I felt like I was being dragged away. I quickly looked at Luna for an explanation. "What was that?!" "Don't be alarmed, it's just your natural time to wake up. Before you go though, I must say this was an enjoyable experience and a pleasure speaking with you Archangel. I'm sure we will think of more curiosities to exchange with each other for next time. Also remember the messages and warnings, and what you need to do for yourself. I look forward to us meeting again. Goodbye for now.", she calmly said with a smile. "Alright then. I will not forget, and the pleasure was mine Princess, until next time." Everything was black in an instant, then I realized a second later that it was just my eyelids. I opened my eyes to find myself exactly where I went to sleep last night. Still on Lyra's sofa. Celestia's sunlight was now starting to creep over the horizon. "Trippy.", I muttered. Strangely, even though that was all a dream, I still felt like I was up all night. So, I laid back down and decided to sleep in for a while. That wouldn't be a problem...would it? ~~~ Luna sat on her bed in her dark room, in deep thought about the night she just spent with Archangel. It was a wonderful new experience for her to say the least. She didn't really let on that she felt that way, but she just wanted to keep things somewhat professional. She genuinely did enjoy his company, and the things he said were so encouraging. It was uplifting to have someone besides her sister believe in her for once. There was a thing or two she couldn't get off her mind though. He was acting a bit strange, like he was hiding something. Nothing bad, but something he wasn't comfortable with. And that question towards the end, why did she choke? She acted like a little filly about it. But why, why did he, this strange and different creature, cause her to lose her goddess-like bearing. Yes, she believes in him, hopes the best for him, and even cares for him. But is there something more? Her thoughts plagued her mind until she decided to just fall back into her pillows and go to sleep. Before nodding off, she gazed out her window towards Ponyville one last time. "Why do you make me feel the way I do?", she whispered. > Chapter Six: Awake by Six > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was finally beginning to come around from my nice little sleep-in, and while my eyes refused to open my ears did not. I began to hear several faint voices and didn't think much of it until I realized I was only half asleep and certainly not dreaming anymore. At that thought I jolted awake and sat up on the couch. I was immediately met by six sets of quizzical, startled stares, and one frightened squeak. There before me stood the six ponies I knew all too well. The Mane Six. They were every bit as incredible in real life as the princesses, and my heart fluttered at the sight of them. Maybe they felt the same about me, I don't know, but I didn't realize we were still just staring at each other awkwardly, until Princess Twilight Sparkle approached me cautiously. "Hello. I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle. This is Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and hiding behind her is Fluttershy. You must be Archangel, right?", she queried timidly, while the rest gave a sheepish wave. I hopped off the couch and gave a slight bow out of respect for her new title. "Yes your Highness I am, and it's a pleasure to meet you all. I've, heard a lot about you." "Oh please, that's not necessary, just Twilight is fine. I'm assuming Princess Celestia informed you a little about us. We've also received a rather large amount of information about you in a letter from her, and we came back as soon as we read it. Lyra told us you were here while she was out this morning. I understand you are in training and require some help with your abilities correct?", she asked with a hint of interest. "Pardon me darling, but there was also a little side note from Princess Luna about getting you some new clothes. Paid for by her Highness herself too.", Rarity piped in. A pink blur shot up to me and began to prance around me. "Ooh hey! Does this mean we can have a super duper power training new clothes welcome to Ponyville party?!?!", a very excited Pinkie exclaimed, catching her breath. "Uh-", I started. "Hold on just one minute everypony! We don't really even know him yet, he could be dangerous or evil!", Rainbow Dash yelled, flying up between me and Pinkie, and staring me down aggressively. "Hey, but I-", I tried again. "Now you just take it easy there Rainbow, that ain't no way to treat a newcomer!", Applejack growled as she bit down on Rainbow's tail and brought her back to the floor. Sheesh! I was beginning to feel pony overload in a matter of seconds, but I guess I could have imagined this from what I've seen of them before. Fluttershy however, was of course still not involving herself in the escalating moment. Twilight rolled her eyes and let out a loud groan. "Everypony quiet! You were about to say something Archangel?" I just shook my head and laughed at their behavior for a second, then began. "I was just going to say that, yes I do need help with my abilities, a lot of it in fact. I really do need some realistic clothing. And I especially mean none of you any harm, that I can promise. Also, parties are always good.", I said glancing a smile at Pinkie. "Well we are all here to help, all of us.", Twilight said glaring at Rainbow. "Yeah. Yeah. I'm still keeping an eye on you Archy.", Rainbow said sounding partially defeated. "Thank you Twilight.", I replied. With things now a little more settled down finally, Fluttershy , to my surprise, slowly walked up to me and looked me in the eyes. "Um, excuse me, why exactly are you here Archangel?", she asked in her soft little tone. My god she was adorable. I knelt down to her level and met her face to face. I didn't want to overload her with details knowing her delicate manner, so I kept it simple. "I've been told that there's a lot of bad things happening here and more to come. Someone very powerful and I care very much about you all and want nothing more than to help you. That's what I'm here to do.", I said shooting an irritated glance at Rainbow as well. "Well I'm glad to hear it, the last thing anypony needs around here is another big meany stomping around causing chaos.", Fluttershy replied with a little more confidence in her voice. Twilight then perked up. "Speaking of chaos, we also heard about what happened yesterday morning. Do you have any idea what that may have been or who had anything to do with it?" "Oh that bullshit, no, I have no idea about that particularly.", I said, leaning in a little closer to her ear and whispering, "However I do have a lot to tell you, and maybe only you should know it until we can formulate an effective action plan. Is there somewhere we can discuss things privately, just you and I?" Twilight cocked her head to the side for a moment with a puzzled expression. A second later the light bulb came on. "Oh. Okay, yes...I've got an idea, and a better place.", she whispered back, "Hey Pinkie, you know what? That party sounds like a great idea, but lets have it at my place, tonight. Think you can handle that?", Twilight asked, confident in her question. I thought Pinkie was gonna pop from excitement. "Are you serious?! I'll have it done lickedy split, and it'll be the best power training new clothes welcome to Ponyville party ever!", she squealed, sprinting out of the house at unreal speeds. "The party?!", I silently mouthed and frantically gestured back at Twilight, while the rest were momentarily distracted by Pinkie's mach speed exit. I was a little confused by her sudden, odd decision. It wasn't my first guess for privacy, that's for sure. She calmly waved her hoof, and whispered, "Just trust me." Rarity then stepped up, clearing her throat. "Speaking of those new clothes again. While that blanket is nice, it most certainly does not suit your, figure. It simply must be replaced! I would need to take few quick measurements and notes though, if you'll allow me to." "Of course, take what you need and thank you, you have no idea how much of an, issue, this has been.", I happily said recalling my embarrassing circumstances. "Oh it's really my pleasure dear. I always do enjoy a new fashion challenge. Now hold still please, this will only take a moment.", she said cheerfully as she hovered all manner of measuring tapes and marking instruments around my half covered body. It did indeed only take her a moment. "Alright that should do it then. One last detail though, I'm thinking one dominate color and an accent color. What colors would you prefer? And trust me I have them all." It really didn't matter what color it was, it could be hot pink for all I cared, at least it would be actual clothing, but I gave it some thought anyway. I do feel like I'm an angel or something, considering the name, so mostly white feels appropriate. And I hold evil below and lessor to me, so smaller black accents could symbolize that. "Mostly white with black accents would be nice.", I replied. "Very neutral choice, but white is a very nice, pure and flawless look. I find the black a bit odd, but I can certainly envision it and furthermore create it. I will work hard on it today after the party and most likely have it finished and perfected by tomorrow morning. But for now, I'll be off to pick up a few materials for the job, I'll meet you all at the library a little later.", Rarity concluded with the usual flair in her voice as she trotted off. "Great! So it's settled then, your new outfit is in the makings, and we have a party to get to now. Lets head over to the library everyone.", Twilight suggested to the rest of us still in the room. "Already? That was, fast.", I said surprised. Applejack chuckled at my surprise. "That's Pinkie Pie for ya, and knowin' her, it was probably ready a minute ago. Which is good 'cause I'm starving." I then remembered my stomach and felt all too human again when I realized how long it had been since I last ate. I wondered if I even really needed food to survive anymore, but either way it would sure be nice to have. The mares began to head out the door starting with Rainbow Dash, who still seemed pretty frustrated. As we started walking through town, I noticed ponies were now actually smiling and waving at us all, maybe not so much me but I'll take what I can get for now. I kept watching Rainbow though, who was hovering just above and ahead. I almost felt bad, but then again her reaction was predictable, and I can't really say I blame her either. I truly am a stranger right now, for now. I was taken from my thoughts by surprise when she suddenly stopped and shook her head, let out a deep sigh, and fluttered back to me. "Hey. Archy, now don't think I'm going soft or anything here but, maybe we got off on the wrong hoof, or whatever those things you have are. Anyway, I just hope you really are here to be our friend and help us like you said. It's still going to take time for us, especially me, to build trust and friendship though.", Dash said in a serious but hopeful tone. I smiled genuinely at her. "I fully understand Dash, and I respect your caution and honesty. I'm gonna do my best to prove myself day by day, any way I can. It is after all part of my training." "You know Rainbow, being the element of honesty and all, I could have told you that there, and what he said back at the house was all the truth.", AJ spoke up. "Yup. I know. I just wanted to give him a hard time.", Dash said with a sly grin and wink, right before blasting off down the street and around the corner. AJ scoffed and shook her head, walking up by my side. "Good grief that pony, I'm tellin' you what. She'll deny it to the bitter end, but that little display just means she likes ya. And for the record Archangel, we all like the thought of having someone new around too, especially someone who wants to be our friend and help us like you do, with whatever we're up against." "That's for sure.", Twilight said smiling. "Mmm-Hmm.", Fluttershy agreed. "Thank you girls, that really makes me feel a whole lot better about things here. I already have so many things to work out with myself and my responsibilities, that the last thing I wanted to worry about was messing anything up with the ponies that I hope will be my closest allies, and friends.", I shared, beginning to feel a good bond forming with them. "Well you can scratch that one off your worry list there sugarcube. We all gotta work together when the goin' gets get rough, no matter what our differences may be at the time. And besides, your only difference is, well bein' different, and the last time I checked, that ain't no problem.", AJ assured me. I smiled appreciatively at AJ's comment, and her common nickname. "Good to know AJ, thanks." "Alright here we are.", Twilight informed us as we came around the last house on the bend. There it was, the good ol' library, in all it's tree-like glory. It really was just a hollowed out tree, a damn big and fancy one though. There were all kinds of lights and muffled sounds coming from within as we approached. "I guess Pinkie really did get things going already.", I reckoned, knowing, but still surprised by Pinkie's mysterious abilities. Twilight chuckled as we reached the door. "Prepare yourself.", she warned playfully. She then opened the door with her magic and we were met with bursts of confetti, loud bass-heavy music, and a huge welcome banner overhead. Quite a few of the townsponies were also attending the party, along with Rainbow Dash and a couple other recognizable ponies already enjoying the festivities at the back of the room. Everything was decorated to the maximum, and there was a huge, delicious looking cake sitting on the center pedestal. "Holy crap.", was all I could get out before Pinkie practically appeared in front of me, bouncing up and down. "Welcome to Ponyville Archangel!", she loudly announced inches from my damn face, and I'm assuming to the rest of the ponies in the room. "Thanks Pinkie, this is quite the party you've put together so fast.", I said trying to recover my nerves and detour the awkwardness of her in my face. Didn't work. She only smiled brighter and bounced closer. "Oh it's what I do best! If there was an element of partying I would be it, but laughter is just fine too. Hey do you wanna see what activities we have for the party?" I looked at Twilight with a face that screamed save me, to which she thankfully caught onto and intervened. "Umm hey Pinkie, before we get all started tonight, I actually should take Archangel and inform him about all of the rules and how things work around here. Since he's new to everything. You know, official princess business and all.", she coaxed. Without hesitation Pinkie then threw up a goofy salute. "Oki doki loki! But don't keep him all day and night, there's a ton of fun to be had, and cake!" As we were about to make our way to a more private place, a little purple and green dragon came running up to Twilight and was about to spout something off then froze when he noticed me towering over him. I just gave him an awkward smile. Twilight chuckled at her little assistant's reaction to me and pointed a hoof towards me. "Spike, this is Archangel. He's a friend and new to Equestria. Archangel, this is my loyal assistant Spike." "Nice to meet you Spike.", I greeted, squatting down with an outstretched hand towards the baby dragon. He gave my hand a curious look for a second then smiled. "It's nice to meet you too, any friend of Twi's is a friend of mine. Also it's nice to see someone else with claws, or whatever, like mine for once." "Was there something you wanted to tell me before Spike?", Twilight asked. "Oh, I was just coming to tell you that Pinkie randomly burst into the house with half of the town and started a party!", he cried. Twilight laughed and gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Sorry Spike, it was my idea, and there was no time to tell you, especially by Pinkie's speeds. I have to go discuss some things with Archangel now, why don't you go enjoy the party awhile. I see pin the tail on the Manticore over there!" "Ahh I love that game! See you guys later then!", he cheered as he ran off. Twilight then nodded her head for me to follow her. We ascended a flight of stairs to the second level, which was also filled with many partying ponies I did and didn't recognize. We took one more set of stairs and went through a small doorway. We were now in her bedroom. I found that odd, but I pretty much knew I had nothing risque to worry about with her, unlike some other pony I know. "Is this private enough Archangel?", she inquired as she shut the door. I noticed that most of the party's noise was immediately cut off and we were definitely alone. "This will do just fine." She then pulled up a chair and had me take a seat as she did the same. "So, what are these things we needed to discuss so privately?", she asked, her full attention now locked onto me. I didn't really know where to begin. I had so much to say about so many things, but had to remember my ground rules too, even for her. I figured I better start with the most pressing issue that everyone has been seemingly overlooking. "There are many things to discuss, as far as me and my training, who I am and all that, but first and foremost we need to address this looming threat in Equestria. Maybe you heard me say to Fluttershy the thing about me and someone very powerful caring about you and helping you?", I questioned. "Yes I remember.", she replied, waiting for more. I thought again on how I was going to explain myself and my duties without dumping all of the unnecessary details Celestia said to leave out. "Okay, well I was told by said supernatural being that an incredibly evil threat was coming to Equestria, that there would be a great war, and that through my will, I could be the end of it. Skipping the short and sweet of things, here I am now commissioned by this being to fight for your race, with a gift of great power I can't seem to control and an unknown amount of time until things get really bad around here.", I explained anxiously. Twilight placed a hoof on her chin, in deep thought for a moment, then quickly came back to reality. "I see. You also said something about an action plan right?" "Yes! The word war was used. Now considering that, I don't think just little ol' me is going to be enough to make a total stand against our enemy. Especially in my uncertain condition, and even if I was at full potential, I just simply can't be everywhere at once. What I'm trying say is, we are going to need an army, ponies will have to fight...and there will most likely be losses.", I said hanging my head to the all too realistic truth of war. Twilight seemed utterly distraught by this new and foreign thought, but quickly gained a look of seriousness in her eyes. "These ponies know nothing about war, I don't either beyond what I've read in books, what do you suggest we do?" "We need to convince Princess Celestia to make preparations and defenses, because for some reason she hasn't yet. She claims she has but what she has informed me of doesn't sound like it's gonna be enough. Perhaps because she does not know the possible severity of this threat. She needs to consider things such as a warfare training camp for any pony who will fight. Also, reaching out to the Griffin kingdoms and anyone else for support should be attempted. We really need to do anything we can do right away, we need to militarize Equestria. War is coming Twilight, and it won't wait for us.", I cautioned. "This is all so much to take in right now. I knew some strange and bad things were happening here and there, but I had no idea it was the beginnings of something like this. How could we be so blind? Alright, have to stay calm. I will write a letter to Celestia right this instant telling her what you just suggested. But in the meantime, you should go enjoy your party while you can. It is just for you after all, and it would keep things on the calm side for a little longer. Just please keep these thoughts and words in this room so nopony gets worked up. I want them to continue enjoying life as long as they can until they absolutely must know everything.", she said as she found her paper and quill. I got up and walked over to her, placing a hand on her shoulder in a comforting manner. "My lips are sealed. Be strong Twilight, we will get through this any way we have to, I promise. However, forget the letter, I feel that we need to approach Celestia about this matter in person. No greater point needs to be made than this. But for tonight, it is indeed a good idea to keep things calm as they are, I guess I'll go see what activities Pinkie had in mind exactly." She just gave me an approving nod and smile, but fear was still ever so prevalent in her expression. I then left her room and began down the stairs. Along the way I was thinking about the promise I just made to her. I don't usually make promises like that, I don't like to, because in my mind and my past experiences with people, they're just made for breaking no matter how hard you try, and that's it. However, I personally knew I would be six feet under, for real, before breaking that one. On a lighter note in my mind, I realized that things were seemingly good around here for now, and that if this was gonna be my heaven, I might as well get used to having some fun. What could that possibly hurt? So I took the next flight of stairs down to the party.