> The Cutie Mark Crisis > by Jingle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Getting Their Marks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "This is the day we all get our mark!" Apple bloom exclaimed. "Totally!" Sweetie Belle squeaked. "Definantly!" Scootaloo agreed. "Ya," Babs said. Babs was in town and staying with Apple Bloom. "We'll let's go!" Apple Bloom said. The four fillies were going to see a gypsy who would tell them what their talent was. Babs, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom ran into town and found the gypsy's shop. They went inside and found the gypsy sitting at a table looking at a crystal ball. The gypsy was a tall, black, and white mare with a long flowing mane. She was gazing into a crystal ball that was filling with curls of smoke, sitting on a stand of pure gold. "Um, hi," Babs said to the gypsy, who seemed unaware that the four fillies had entered. "Sit to have your talent seen in the mystical crystal ball," the gypsy said, a powerful tone to her voice. "I'll go first," Babs said, sitting down in the chair across from the gypsy. Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom all rushed behind Babs. They crowded around her, waiting to see what Babs special talent was. "I see, you. You are an actress, acting in a very successful movie," the gypsy confirmed. "Not bad," Babs said, looking satisfied. "Me next! Me next!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed, rushing to the chair as soon as Babs got up. "See anything yet?" Sweetie Belle asked. "No, the crystal ball must activate first," the gypsy said, staring into the ball. "Oh, ok. How about now?" Sweetie Belle asked. She squirmed around in the seat, being very impatient. "No, give me some time," the gypsy said, her voice booming. "Ok," Sweetie Belle whispered. "Ok, young filly. Your talent is singing, but not professionally," the gypsy said, with a small sigh of relif. Sweetie Belle jumped out of the seat with a huge smile on her face. Sweetie Brlle couldn't believe her talent was singing, she loved singing. "I guess I'll go next," Apple Bloom said, getting into the chair. In the background, she could hear Sweetie Belle and Babs Seed chatting about what their cutie marks will look like. "Ah, my dear filly. Your special talent is working the apple farm," the gypsy told Apple Bloom, though Apple Bloom already sort of expected that as her talent since almost everypony in her family has an apple cutie mark. "Yeah! My turn!" Scootaloo said, flapping her tiny wing. Scootaloo jumped into the chair. "Filly, your talent is blurry and unclear. For your talent you must search here," the gypsy said softly, pointing to Scootaloo's heart. Scootaloo hopped off the chair, disappointed and discouraged. While the other three Cutie Mark Crusaders talked about their talents, she just walked behind them with her head down. "Oh come on Scoot, cheer up, I'm sure you'll find your talent," Apple Bloom called. "No I won't," Scootaloo muttered. "Alright then," Apple Bloom said. "Oh, oh, oh! We should watch each other get out marks!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. "That's a great idea!" Babs said. "Me first!" Apple Bloom shouted. All the Cutie Mark Crusaders went to Sweet Apple acres first to watch Apple Bloom get her cutie mark. When they got there, the three fillies stood back and kept their eyes on Apple Bloom. "So, that gypsy said my talent was working the apple farm. I'm just gonna start bucking apples and see if I get my mark," Apple Bloom said. Apple Bloom stood up on her front legs and kicked her back legs into an apple tree. All the apples from that tree rained down into the preset buckets. Apple Bloom repeated the process many times while Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Babs watched her. Apple Bloom kicked one more tree, about to give up, when suddenly Sweetie Belle started screaming. "What is it?" Apple Bloom asked, worry in her tone. "You got your cutie mark!" Sweetie Belle squeaked. Apple Bloom gasped with joy and craned her neck around to see her new cutie mark. Her cutie mark was a big, budding apple tree. "That sure does look good on you cous," Babs said, staring at her cousins cutie mark. "Me next!" Sweetie Belle shouted. The Cutie Mark Crusaders ran up to their club house, talking and laughing, with Scootaloo trailing behind. "Let's here that awesome singing!" Apple Bloom said ecstaticly. "Alright," Sweetie Belle said, some shyness creeping into her tone. Sweetie Belle started singing their Cutie Mark Crusaders theme song. She sung threw the first verse and the chorus, still nothing. She kept singing and went threw the second verse, still nothing. When she got to the chorus the second time, Apple Bloom shouted. "Cutie Mark!" Apple Bloom shouted, so excited that all her friends were going to get their cutie marks. "Oh My Gosh!" Sweetie Belle shouted, looking back at her cutie mark. It was a black staff with pretty pink music notes. Sweetie Belle stared at her cutie mark, overjoyed. "Let's go get my mark now!" Babs said. "Stay here." Apple Bloom said. Apple Bloom cantered up to the barn. She trotted up the stairs and grabbed her little video camera. Apple Bloom cantered back down the stairs and all the way back to their clubhouse. "I... Got... It..." Apple Bloom said, breathing heavily. Babs started laughing, then set the video camera up on the window sill so it could record her acting. Babs started reenacting the Daring Do movies. By the second movie, Babs discovered she got her cutie mark. Babs looked back at her cutie mark to find a big stage with red curtains. Scootaloo slipped out the door, not wanting to hear all about how great it was to have a cutie mark. While the rest of the Crusaders talked, Scootaloo ran to find Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo knew she could help. > Enjoyment and Disapointment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Role call for the first ever meeting of the Cutie Marked!" Apple Bloom announced. The three ponies who had gotten their cutie marks created a new club, Cutie Marked, where they celebrate and show off their talents. Scootaloo, being a blank flank, was not invited to their netting and she wouldn't be until she revived her cutie mark. "Sweetie Belle?" Apple Bloom asked. "Here!" Sweetie Belle called out. Apple Bloom checked off the box next to Sweetie Belle's picture. "Babs?" Apple Bloom asked. "Here," Babs said. Apple Bloom checked off the box next to Babs' picture. "And, of course, I'm here, so that's everyone," Apple Bloom said happily. While the other fillies were celebrating their talents, Scootaloo was desperately trying everything to find her cutie mark. Scootaloo made a plan to help her get her cutie mark as fast as possible. First, Scootaloo would get a list off every thing that is possible for a pony to do. Then she would get Rainbow Dash to coach her on all the possible talents and record her progress. She would then have Twilight analyze the records and tell her the potential talents. Scootaloo would then further test these possible talents, one if which would lead to her cutie mark. It was a perfect plan! Scootaloo hopped on her little blue scooter and flapped her wing, propelling her forward. She rode it over to Twilights house, ready to start phase one of her plan. Scootaloo knocked in the front door of Twilight's library. Twilight used her magic to swiftly open the wooden door. "Hi Scootaloo, what can I do for you?" Twilight asked. "Princess Twilight-" Scootaloo started before Twilight interrupted her. "Please just call me Twilight," the alicorn said with a kind smile. "Twilight, could I ask you a favor?" Scootaloo asked. "Of course, I'd be happy to help," Twilight said. "Great! Can you make a list of everything it is possible for a pegasus pony to do?" "Sure, it shouldn't be too hard with magic," "Thanks a ton Twilight!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "No problem, you can come I while I make the list," "Alright." Scootaloo walked into the library, looking around at the shelves filled with a countless number of books. Twilight trotted over to an empty scroll and a quill. She used her magic to quickly make a huge list of every talent a pony could have. The quill stroked the parchment scroll with amazing speed, writing every talent possible. "Done," Twilight said, the magical glow around the quill and her horn faded as the quill dropped to the desk. "Thanks Twilight! You're the best!" Scootaloo exclaimed. 'Now to Rainbow Dash's!' Scootaloo thought, she couldn't wait to get her mark. Scootaloo grabbed the scroll and ran outside. The pegasus filly jumped onto her scooter and ride it over to Rainbow Dashes cloud home, eager to get started. "Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo called from below the massive cloud that hovered above Ponyville. "Who is it?" Rainbow Dash called from her bedroom. "It's me! Scootaloo!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "Oh, hey kid," Rainbow Dash replied, flying out of her door and down to the ground. "Hey Rainbow Dash, can you help me with something?" "Sure Scoot, what'd you need?" Rainbow Dash asked, now standing next to the little filly. "Can you coach me? So I can get my cutie mark," Scootaloo explained. "I guess, since I'm done cloud busting early," Rainbow Dash agreed. "Thank you so so so much!" Scootaloo shouted, she was going to get her mark. > Game on! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Art! Go!" Rainbow Dash shouted, blowing her whistle. Scootaloo grabbed a peice of construction paper and a quill. She started to draw herself and Rainbow Dash flying together. After several quick strokes if her quill, Scootaloo showed Rainbow her drawing so Rainbow Dash could keep recorde of it. Rainbow Dash put a big 'x' over art. "Next is... Building! Go!" Rainbow Dash shouted. Scootaloo dug threw a pile of supplies to find some wood plank, a hammer, and nails. Scootaloo went to work, driving the nails into the planks of wood. After a while of building, Scootaloo showed Rainbow Dash her work. "Umm Scoot? What is that supposed to be?" Rainbow Dash asked softly. "A table," Scootaloo said. "Good job," Rainbow Dash said, a false kindness slipping into her voice. Rainbow Dash drew an x over building too. "Dancing! Go!" Rainbow Dash shouted, storing down, this was going to take a while. Scootaloo let out a gasp of excitement, finally something she was actually good at. Scootaloo thought for a while, putting together a quick routine to preform for Rainbow Dash. She carefully planned everything out, determined to prove she was good a something. "Ready!" Scootaloo said, excited about her cutie mark. "Let's see it," Rainbow Dash said. Scootaloo nodded and got into her firsts pose. Scootaloo quickly spun, pulling her head down and then up at the last second. She did a series of flips, spins and leaps. She soared through the air, not flying, but jumping. She flapped her tiny wings to help her catch air. Scootaloo finished with a 720 degree flip. "Woah, you are good at dancing!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, putting a check next to dancing. This went on for a while, Rainbow Dash shouting out talents and Scootaloo trying her hardest to be successful at performing them. About three hours later they were halfway down the list. "Music," Rainbow Dash said, no longer excited about her job of coaching the little filly. "Alright," Scootaloo said. The pegasus filly dug through the supplies pile and found a learning to DJ kit. She opened up the kit and found a small turn table and and started to experiment with it. She sat there a while and finally signaled Rainbow Dash that she was ready. "Go ahead," Rainbow Dash said. Scootaloo nodded and started playing some music. It actually sound pretty good, like something Vinyl Scratch would play. Scootaloo was impressed at her own talent. "Wow, good job!" Rainbow Dash said, putting a check next to music. Scootaloo smiled, she had done good at a few things so far. This went on for 4 more hours before they were finally done. Rainbow Dash looked through Twilight's list and rewrote all of the things Scootaloo did good at. "I have your results!" Rainbow Dash announced. > Hospitality and Hospitals > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I welcome you all to the first meeting of the Cutie Marked!" Sweetie Belle said ecstatically. "Now that role call is done lets discuss our first topic, helping each other show off our amazing talents," Babs Seed said. "I have a good idea for you to show off your talent Apple Bloom!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. "What's that?" Apple Bloom asked. "Well, I was thinking that we could set up a stand in the Ponyville market place and you could sell all your apple treats there," Sweetie Belle said. "That's a great idea!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. "I have and idea for Sweetie Belle," Babs Seed announced. "What are you waiting for? Lets hear it!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. "We could put on a concert at school," Babs said. "No! I hate singing in front of ponies," Sweetie Belle said nervously. "Come on Sweetie Belle, it's your special talent, you'll do great!" Apple Bloom said, trying to cheer Sweetie Belle up. "You make a good point," Sweetie Belle said, still pondering the idea. "Come on," Babs pleaded. "Hmm, alright," Sweetie Belle agreed with a sheepish smile. "Yes!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. The three ponies went on, sharing ideas and laughing. They were about to be put to the ultimate test of hospitality and kinds, though they didn't know it yet. There was a small knock on the door. "Come in," Sweetie Belle said. When the Cutie Marked club saw who walked in the foot they went silent. "Sliver Spoon!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. Silver Spoon nodded shyly. She was afraid the three ponies wouldn't be very welcoming after how she and Diamond Tiara had treated them. "Hey, if you came back here to make fun of my friends..." Babs threatened. "No, no, it's not like that," Silver Spoon said. "Then why are you here?" Apple Bloom asked. "Diamond Tiara kicked me out of the group," Silver Spoon said sadly. "What do you want us to do about it?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Maybe we could... Be friends?" Silver Spoon said, a questioning tone creeping into her voice. "Why should we be friends with you?" Babs asked. "Because Diamond Tiara made me act so mean to you, I always felt guilty about it," Silver Spoon pleaded. "We forgive you," Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle said in unison. "You do? Thank you so much!" Silver Spoon exclaimed. "Well, I don't, good thing I'm going back to Manehatten in two weeks," Babs said coldly. Silver Spoon gave a sad and pleading look to Babs. "I guess we can be friends for now," Babs said softly. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Silver Spoon exclaimed. * * * "I have your results!" Rainbow Dash announced. "Uhh, Scoot, are you ok?" Scootaloo laid sprawled out on the ground, panting heavily and shaking. "Uhh, Scootaloo?" Rainbow Dash asked. The little pegasus filly did not respond. 'Twilight will know what's wrong!' Rainbow Dash thought. "Be back in a dash," Rainbow Dash muttered to Scootaloo as she flew off to Twilights house. When she got there all Rainbow Dash managed to say between pants was, "Scootaloo... Something wrong... At the park... Hurry." Rainbow Dash flew off and Twilight captured her in an aura of purple magic, teleporting both of them to the park. The two friends found Scootaloo in the same state Rainbow Dash had left her. "Twilight, what's wrong with her?" Rainbow Dash asked, in a panic. "I don't know, you better just take her to the hospital," Twilight said calmly. "Ok," Rainbow Dash said quickly, and with that she had the pegasus filly in her arms and was flying off towards the hospital.