> A simple misunderstanding. > by EvilRat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Make sure to get the context first > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         Dash was in a hurry. She had been sent to Sugarcube corner to get snacks for Applejack, Rarity, and herself. Since the girls had that incident last month, the adults tried to keep a closer eye on them. She decided on the way back, she’d have a look in on the girls to make sure they were safe. As she drew close, she began to overhear a conversation going on. She slowed down, trying to listen in on what was being said. If they were planning something, she wanted to know about it. As she drew near, the voices became clear to her.         “Just lick it Sweetie Belle.” Scootaloo said.         “But it looks like it’s sticky.” Sweetie protested.                  “Aw, I licked it an I’m fine.” Applebloom said.         “Yeah, and she liked it.” Scootaloo interjected.         “But now it has her germs on it.” Sweetie said         “If you don’t want your turn Sweetie, I’ll just lick it myself.” Scootaloo insisted.         “No, I’ll lick it.” Sweetie said, and a slurping sound followed. “Wow, it does taste good!”         “See, I told you it would.” Scootaloo replied.         Once Rainbow heard that, she bolted for the farm house. She needed the others to get here right away and stop what was going on in the clubhouse. The girls were way too young to be experimenting like that!         Earlier that morning         Scootaloo came buzzing up to Applebloom and Sweetie Belle on her scooter. She was late as usual, but she had a reason for it today. She had to do several extra chores so she could get a few extra bits. She wanted to treat her friends for a change. “‘Bout time you got here featherbrain.” Applebloom said. “You’ll find out soon enough why I was late.” Then Scootaloo blew a raspberry at Applebloom. “Will you two stop arguing. You know I don’t like it when you argue.” Sweetie implored. “Sorry bout that Sweetie. Lets get on with it slow poke.” Applebloom poked Scootaloo in the ribs beneath her wing. “I’ll show you slow!” With that, Scootaloo took off on her scooter, in the direction of Bon Bon’s candy store. “Why you little...” Applebloom and Sweetie took off after her. When they arrived, Scootaloo rushed inside to see what treats she could afford for her friends. She only had 3 bits to spend, but she wanted to get them something good. Last weekend, Sweetie had treated them all to cupcakes at Sugarcube Corner. The week before, Applebloom had bought milkshakes for them all. She felt obligated to get something good for her friends. Then she saw it. The greatest piece of candy she had ever seen. "What... is that? It's so bright... and colorful... and taaastyyyy...!" she asked Bon Bon in awe. “It’s a new candy I made called an ‘Everlasting Jawbreaker’. It’s a candy that a filly or colt can enjoy for hours, with different layers of flavors. Would you like one?” Bon Bon replied. “How much do they cost?” Scootaloo asked. “Three bits each.” Bon Bon replied. Scootaloo felt her heart drop. Three bits? Seriously!? But that's all the money I have! And I can't walk out of here with only one and leave my friends in the dust! Ohhh, darn it all... think, Scootaloo, think! What could you do to fix that...? Eureka! Bon Bon said a filly could enjoy one for hours. I bet three fillies could share one for quite a while. "I'll take it! Oh, sorry. I'll take it, please!" She offered Bon Bon her three bits. “Thank you, and enjoy.” Bon Bon said cheerfully. As the three fillies left the store, Applebloom asked Scootaloo “What did ya get?” "I got us all something. Trust me, it's gonna blow your mind... hehehe." Scootaloo said as they took off toward their clubhouse. They slowed as they approached the clubhouse. They arrived and ran up the ramps opening the door. Once inside, Applebloom and Sweetie looked at Scootaloo, practically bouncing in place,  and waited to see what treat they would be sharing this weekend. “Here it is.” Scootaloo said and showed them the jawbreaker. “But there’s only one of them.” Sweetie pointed out. “We can share it.” Scootaloo said. “But we will all be licking it. Isn’t that kinda... gross?” Sweetie complained. “Aw, it’ll be fine. Won’t be the first time we’ve done something like this. It’s not like any of us have cooties or somethin’.” Applebloom said. “I guess.” Sweetie said, giving in. ‘Applebloom is right. It’s not like we have cooties.’ “Thats the spirit. You go first Applebloom.” Scootaloo said as she offered it to her. Applebloom took the candy and licked it. The first flavor on the jawbreaker was sour apple. It tasted better than a real sour apple. She shuddered in enjoyment. “Wow, that’s really good. Your turn Sweetie.” “I still don’t know about this.” Sweetie said as she backed away slightly. “Just lick it Sweetie Belle.” Scootaloo said.         “But it looks like it’s sticky.” Sweetie protested.                  “Aw, I licked it an I’m fine.” Applebloom said.         “Yeah, and she liked it.” Scootaloo interjected.         “But now it has her germs on it.” Sweetie said         “If you don’t want your turn Sweetie, I’ll just lick it myself.” Scootaloo insisted.         “No, I’ll lick it.” Sweetie said, gave the candy a lick. “Wow, it does taste good!” She then passed it to Scootaloo.         “See, I told you it would.” Scootaloo replied and gave it a lick of her own.         The three continued to pass the jawbreaker around, enjoying the different flavors it contained.         Meanwhile, at the farmhouse.         Dash rushed into the farmhouse, panting. She tried to speak but was too out of breath. Her mouth hung open, drawing in air leaving her unable to speak. Her mane and tail were more disheveled than normal. “Ya’ll look like you’ve seen a ghost Dash.” Applejack said.         After a quick moment, Dash regained her breath. “The girls are doing something really bad at the clubhouse.”         “Whatever can they be doing that would make you rush here so quickly?” Rarity asked, setting her teacup on the table.         “It sounded like they are experimenting with sex.” Dash spit out.         Applejack and Rarity both gasped, their eyes widened, and their brows rose. Rarity seemed on the verge of fainting. “They know there ain’t no colts allowed in that clubhouse. I’ll tan Applebloom’s hide if she broke that rule, and she knows it.”         “I seriously doubt there are any colts there Applejack.” Dash said, waiting for it to sink in.         “While I would have no problem if Sweetie prefered the company of other fillies, all three of them are far too young to be even thinking about things like this.” Rarity flatly stated.         “I agree completely Rares. They’re just kids after all.” Applejack nodded as she said.         “Then let’s stop talking and go stop them!” Dash said         As they left, all three were lost in their own thoughts.         Oh dear! Sweetie's experimenting with her friends!? But the first time is supposed to be very caring and romantic, a steamy night spent with your lover by candlelight! This isn't right at all!! Rarity thought as she ran for the clubhouse.         What will this do to Scootaloo!? It’s bad enough the things ponies say about me being a lesbian, I don’t want her to go through that at her age! And what if she does like fillies! Nothing good can come from this! Okay, calm down Dash, no matter what, you have to stay calm, for her sake. Dash thought.         Applejack was almost too shocked to think of much at this point. My  cousin is like that, and none of our family shunned her. But still, Applebloom is still too young an age for a filly to be even considering such things!!         The three mares, lost in thought, almost passed the clubhouse. When they arrived, they had worked themselves up so much that they almost broke the door off its hinges when they threw it open. When it opened, the scene was something none of them expected.         “Hiya sis, what’s up?” Applebloom said as she passed the jawbreaker, moist with saliva, to Sweetie Belle.         “Um... what have you three been up to all morning?” Applejack stammered, totally unsure of how to understand how what she was thinking before translated into the scene before her. I’m gonna rip out Dash’s feathers when this is done.         “We were just sharin’ this here piece of candy. Is somethin’ wrong sis?” Applebloom asked confused, one of her eyebrows raised at her sister’s mood. What’s gotten into them?         “I believe there was a small misunderstanding. Please carry on girls.” Rarity said, giving Dash a dirty look. Oh, just you wait Dash, I’ll pay you back for this.         The three mares slowly closed the door and made their way back to the farmhouse in silence. When they arrived, the three sat down, just waiting for the other hoof to drop. Then Dash broke the silence. “If either of you heard what I heard, you’d have reacted the same way.”         “Did you even bother to look in the window?” Rarity asked, venom dripping from her voice.         “Well, no.” Dash said sheepishly.         “And why not?” Applejack demanded, stomping her hoof.         “Well... I don’t know. What it sounded like they were doing was bad enough. How do you think I would have felt if I had actually saw them doing... that?” Dash said, looking sheepish.         The other two look at each other and pondered. Then they looked at Dash and simply nodded. The three mutually decided in silence to continue with their existing plans for the morning and do their best to forget the disturbing mental image Dash’s comment gave them.