We Own The Night

by Sofia123

First published

Cadence, Shining, Luna and the rest wake up after a hard party. What happened exactly that night?

Cadence, Shining, Luna and the rest wake up after a hard party. What happened exactly that night?

We Own The Night

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I woke up on the apartments couch, vision blurry. The apartment wasn't destroyed… it was even tied up. Everything on its place. Well, a bit dirty here and there, but nothing radical. The strange thing was that I couldn't remember last night. I looked out and saw my husband Shining Armor, sleeping in the middle of the floor with a silly face, with a cup on his right hoof.

"Cadence,” he smiled by saying my name in his sleep. I thought it was cute, but I had to wake him up.

"Yo, Shining. Wake up." I said, getting off the sofa, but I fell, because of my sprained hoof. "Ouch… Shining. Shining!" I tried to shout, but he wouldn't wake up. Maybe it was a wild night. “I have a present for you."

"Where? What is it?" Shining immediately woke up. It made me laugh, but then he became completely conscious. "Cadence? What happened?"

"That's what I was hoping for you to answer. I can't remember a thing."

"Let me…" Shining approached the juice boxes and read something out loud. "Do not mix: side-effects may contain different coloured tongue, headaches, and temporary amnesia. PS: the effects might mix up."

"Then we should thank Pinkie Pie for mixing the drinks. C'mon, let's find the others." We started by searching through the apartment, first in the bathroom.

"Anyone there?" Shining asked, opening the door. At first, we didn't see anyone, but then we looked in the bathtub, and saw Luna sleeping in there, with the bath curtain covering her. "Umm… Luna?"

"Uh?" Luna asked, waking up. "Shining? Cadence? What happened?”

"We were sort of hoping you could answer that." I said. "We can't remember a thing of what happened last night."

"Then we're three… Uh?" Luna asked, sitting up, holding the curtain. "Why am I naked?" Shining almost had a nosebleed. I laughed seeing him holding it up.

"You are married; Shining...You are married, Shining…" Shining whispered, scolding himself. Luna wrapped tighter the curtain so it wouldn't fall and stood up.

"Why are you here? It wasn't a sleepover." Luna asked, though, we already had stated that we didn't know. We decided to go to Shining's bedroom, to see who we would find. Turns out there were Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle and Rarity, sleeping: Rainbow Dash was on the bed, Twilight on the desk chair, and Rarity in the middle of the floor.

"Wake up!" I yelled, making them wake up almost immediately.

"What's the rampage all about?" Rarity said, holding her head, like if it was about to drop. What was funny was that her mane had turned red. I couldn't help but to laugh a bit when I noticed it.

“Ugh …” Twilight coughed and coughed, waking up. “Cadence …”

"What happened last night?" Rainbow Dash asked, in the same situation as us. "And why is Shining's tongue blue? It matches his mane.”

"Oh. Side-effect." Shining explained, confirming it with a little mirror which belonged to Luna. Then, we went to her room, finding Photo Finish on the floor, Derpy and Doctor Whooves in bed, both fully dressed. Pinkie had her face painted in white, with a black star on the right side of the face. We looked through the window and spotted the twin brothers Flim and Flam sleeping on the fire-escape stairs, with sleeping Applejack between them.

At the living room, after waking up and reuniting everypony:

"Ok, does anypony remember what happened last night?" I asked, but everypony had the same exact answer.


"Then, we have many questions to answer: why was Luna sleeping naked in the bathroom? Why is Pinkie's face painted? Why is Rarity's mane red? Why is my back hoof sprained? Why was everypony here sleeping besides most of our friends? And why do I have this feeling that something's off in this scenario?"

"That's because Celestia's missing." Applejack said, making us realize that Celestia of all ponies was missing.

"And where's Vinyl Scratch?" Derpy asked, also noticing that the unicorn disc jockey was missing.

"She's right here." Twilight Sparkle said, followed by Vinyl Scratch and Neon Lights.

"You know where Princess Celestia is?" They all nodded no. "Than do any of you know what happened last night?" Same answer.

"This beep just got real." Luna said, taking out some sunglassess she had. And she really did say beep, not some sort of swear.

"Let's start searching. Luna, put on some clothes. Shining, take pictures for us to know what questions to ask." He became quite excited with that. "I'm going out for a moment."

After five minutes:

"Then let's go fresh up." Luna said, in her usual outfit. "Let's go get some drinks to wake up, like cappuccinos. Cadence, Shining and I will go get the drinks. The rest, well, take the paint off face and hair." She was mainly referring to Pinkie, though, Apple jack had a few unusual prints on her neck, but nothing on her mouth.

At the mall's café:

We received the strangest greeting ever from everyone. "THE PRINCESS!"

"Umm… Let's not ask about it." I said, still feeling quite a strong headache.

"Oh no… forgot the wallet.” Luna groaned.

"Let me pay. I brought mine." Shining said, searching every inch of his mane.

"Why did you bring your wallet to a party?" Luna asked, not understanding Shining.

“Let's see how much we can buy with… 1000000¥!" We stared at the great amount of money Shining asked. His wallet was filled with many, MANY notes and multiple coins.

"Wait… Check your mane!" I said, making everyone check their mane, to see if we had more clues.

"I have… my watch and a lollipop. Don't know where the lollipop came from.” Shining said, showing the red lollipop.

"I got… a lipstick which isn't mine and a bill from this café. Apparently I drank a Frappuccino in the middle of the night." Luna answered, showing her possessions.

"I got a melted chocolate… at least I hope it’s chocolate… And a bill from the hospital." I said. Then, some random colt with a red and green propeller hat gave Shining a top hat and then ran away. "We really need to know what happened last night."

"Let's get to the apartment." Shining said, leading the way back. When we got back, everypony already had their face washed. We were still worried about Celestia, but we didn't wait to say "Check your mane!"

"Whoa!" Flim yelled.

"What?" The Doctor asked.

"My phone has at least 50 messages of my phone."

"Why didn't you notice before?" Shining yelled. “Also, why do you have a phone?”

"I was kind of seeing all foggy. The last message says ‘Goin' 2 make laundry’."

"To the laundry room at the basement!" Rainbow Dash yelled(with adding “with 20 percent cooler action‼) , blasting off the apartment, dashing downstairs, with us following her. We then found Celestia sleeping against a laundry machine. Of course, I took a little while longer, because of my sprained hoof.

"Celestia, wake up."

"Uh? Is it morning already? Well, I guess I overslept, because of last night."

"Wait. You remember last night?" Shining asked, quite astonished. We all were.

"Yeah. You wanna hear it?"

Obviously, yes. We went to the apartment and Celestia sat down on the armchair, while the rest of us sat down on the couch.

"It all started when most of our colleagues left. You were all crazy bananas, and since I didn't drink that mix, I remember every single thing. First, Cadence tried to dance on the table with only one hoof and blind."

"That explains my sprained hoof."

"Exactly. Then, you accidently hit Shining and he hit his head, making him faint.

Then, somehow, Luna wanted a drink, so almost everyone dashed to the mall. I followed you, and the only ponies remaining here were Applejack and the Flim Flam Brothers."

"Then who painted my face were those three. Then, Doctor Whooves and Neon made a bet. If Luna would sleep in the bathtub completely naked and not catch a cold, she would win a lollipop, a chocolate, and a lipstick he stole from the mall. Originally they planned for Vinyl to sleep naked, but Neon shook it off since he didn’t want to be responsible for the joke.”

"Why the buck would I accept that bet?"

Vinyl glared daggers at Neon, and he shivered in fright.

"Because… well, you were all crazy, so… I still don't know why you asked me all this, Shining spent the whole night taking photos with his cellphone … whatever that is.”

"Wait, what?" Shining asked, checking his phone that in fact the Creator owned and groaned. "Whoa… the memory is almost full. Whoa… Wait, before we see all this, why did they guys at the mall said "the princess", why I had tons of money in my wallet, and why did you went to make laundry?"

"Luna first refused the bet, so Neon spilled a bit of food on it, and I went to clean it, but slipped and fell. The gentleman was because Shining made a contraption by accident, which ended up on you getting a top hat on your head. About the money, Shining made some dancing act, and everybody threw out money to us. Now, shall we see the photos?"

I shook my head, and trotted off.