Opalescence eats a fly...And burns down the Carousel Boutique while she's at it

by nightwolf

First published

Opalescence hates annoying things. so when a fly enters the Carousel Boutique, she naturally goes crazy. But she didn't have to eat it...did she?

Opalescence hates annoying things. so when a fly enters the Carousel Boutique, she naturally goes crazy. But she didn't have to eat it...did she? Yes, she did to the absolute horror of Rarity.

Inspired by my cat who has a fascination with eating flies rather than mice.

The little fly that started it all

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This is how I burned down my...captor's? Owner's? Friend's? Mum's? I don't know, one of those, take your pick. Anyway, this is how I basically burned down her entire life. It was an accident! Although...I do like picturing myself as one with a plan. But hey, since when to cats have plans? I certainly don't. It started with a fly. The annoying little-I shouldn't swear...The annoying little...thingies...I shall now tell you how I might or might not on purpose burned down her lively-hood.


It was a normal day. Well, as normal as you can get when the only fashionista in town is going crazy because she might not be able to fulfill her clients orders. As for me, I was just trying to sleep on some very expensive fabric that couldn't get any marks or hair on it that she needed.

"Opalescence! What in Equestria to you think you're sleeping on?!" A blue magical aura picked me up and tossed me unceremoniously across the room. "This is the fabric that Fancy Pants wanted for his wife's wedding dress!"


"Oh this will take forever to clean out! Opal!" Rarity wailed and pulled out her 'fainting couch' that seems to have similar properties to Pinkie Pie and her being whenever she is mentioned/needed. With the white mare lying down dead to all else but the fabric, I wandered off to sleep on something just as precious.


I leaped around. A fly! The little devil! How in Equestria could it have got in here?! Rarity covers the place in insect repellent, much to the disgust of Fluttershy. I decided to attack it. I mean, I hate the little black things. More than dogs and mice. Yes, even more that those soft squeaky things and the four-legged fanatics of balls and sticks. Seriously, what's up with that? Anyway, I'm off topic.

Leaping my majestic tiger leap towards the intruder, I unsheathed my claws ready to rip into it. Only I face-planted into the wall. The annoyance out-smarted me! ME! Racing after it, I might have knocked over a poniquin, which may have knocked over a vase of flowers which in turn might have hit the wall which could've taken out a large chunk. Surprisingly, Rarity didn't come storming see what the commotion was about.

"Rarity!" a kind-of squeaky but not quite, yet very annoying voice screeched out.

"What is it Sweetie Belle?"

"Can I go crusading with Scootaloo and Apple Bloom?"


"Ok, thanks!" The door slammed shut behind the little filly.

Good. The devil's spawn known as Sweetie Belle was out. Now I could sleep...If only the fly would leave! Again, racing after it, dodging the fallen poniquin and leaping majestically over the "fainted" Rarity. How could a little black thing evade me? The destroyer of fabrics and murderer of unwary mice (again, to Fluttershy's disgust).

"Opal? What in Equestria are you doing?"

Damn. Rarity was now up. Or maybe it was the fact that I was screeching my lungs out as I constantly skidded on the polished floor. Why didn't Rarity have carpet? I could have already caught that fly! Flying almost bird-like over a couple of poniquins, I all but crash landed on the sewing machine table and sent it sailing across the room which smashed into Rarity. Although, she did half block it with her magic, she still managed to get a black eye after that incident.

"Opal! Stop that this instant!"

As if I was going to listen to her while this fly rampaged around the room. On occasion, I might listen to her, but not usually, so it was nothing different. Rarity went to charge up her horn most likely to stop me, but I might have sent a newly made dress her way, so she used her magic for that. I think it was for Princess Luna. That was the only dress not to get burnt I think.

"Opal!" Rarity wailed out.

The fly came dangerously close to a burning candle, which went for a roller coaster ride across the room. It landed on Rarity, it's flame already starting to spread. Rarity squealed and shook it off. This sent it onto...my...bed...Memo to self: Have a memorial service for my bed.

The fly was still trying to evade my capture while the candle flame spread across the wicker and cotton. Rarity was too busy trying to asses the damage to her "perfect mane" and "perfect coat" to notice the now ferociously burning bed and floor. A cinder leaped to catch onto Fancy Pants's wife's dress material and that in turn was lying on some miscellaneous material. Uncaring for my own safety, I squealed and kept on racing through the boutique desperate to grab this fly.

"Opal! Quick, come here!" Rarity screamed. I barely paused to asses the damage. My only thought?


The entire boutique was on fire. Flames leaped out broken windows and rafters were falling without any care on who or what they might land on. Who would have guessed that a candle and some fabrics could light up this place. Maybe it was to do with the insect repellent covered walls. I don't know, but it was fast.

"Miss Rarity!" A fire trucks siren pealed out. Rarity scooped me up with her magic. I turned and watched the fly get incinerated in Tartarus's fire.

Yes, finally...

Rarity screamed. A giant bit of wood had almost taken her head off and now blocked our exit. I started mewling, much to my embarrassment.

"Shh shh, it's okay kitty..." Rarity murmured more to herself than me...Wait, did she call herself a kitty? Weird...Anyway, back to the burning of the boutique.

"Don't worry Rarity! We'll get you out!"

Why was no-pony worried about me? Wasn't fair...I caught glimpses of red-clad ponies leaping around. Rarity started coughing quite a bit, me following suit. With the sound of an explosion, the four princesses arrived. All together, they busted the wood apart and Rarity with me in tow jumped joyfully out a broken window, scratching me with jagged bits of glass. I yowled my discontent.

"Shush Opal."

"Oh Rarity! You're OK!"

"Is that my dress you're holding?"



"You ok sugar cube?"

"S'more party!!" Rarity was befuddled with all the questions.

"Oh, you're hurt! Quick, let's get some ointment on that burn"

"Make way! Make way!" The fire ponies brought out the hose and trained it on the flaming shell of Carousel Boutique. Letting the water fly, the place collapsed into a smoking mass of soaking blackened wood. Rarity laid on the ground and bawled in front of her friends and the princesses no less. Meanwhile, I was released from Rarity's magical grasp. Licking my singed fur, which was absolutely disgusting by the way, and cleaning the cuts from the broken window, I happened to be in the path of an approaching fire pony with a giant hose. Of course I got stood on.

"...the fire was started by a candle..."

It seemed that Rarity was telling the others how the fire started. I hoped that she didn't bring my name up.

"A candle?"

"Yes. Opal knocked it over."

Nine pairs of eyeballs swiveled my way. Mewling like a hurt kitten, which wasn't hard because of the fire pony's boots, I crawled towards them all. A golden magical aura picked me up and I was soon held in the gaze of the purple/pink eyes of the Sun Princess.

"This little cat?" Celestia questioned. "Should I send her to the moon?"

"Really Celestia, stop sending things to the moon! Just yesterday, you sent the royal kitchen up there!" Luna complained.

"No, it was just an accident, it's not necessary." Rarity replied. Celestia looked disappointed.

"How long should repairs be?" Rarity asked

"Well, considering the structure, the objects you had in there and their precise..." Princess Twilight Sparkle went on a mathematical spiel about boring things.

"Twi, do us a favour, and can it." Applejack said. "Rarity, you're welcome to stay at ma place if ya want."

Rarity sniffled and nodded. Snatching me up with her magic once again, I was dragged to Sweet Apple Acres.

The flies.

Oh dear sweet Celestia, the flies.

They required my...attention...

Stage One: Destroy the fly at the Carousel Boutique with any means necessary :STATUS: COMPLETED

Stage Two: Destroy all the flies at Sweet Apple Acres, no matter what happens :STATUS: IN ACTION