> Family Bonding: The Collaboration > by SmileandSoar > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Evaluating Your Options > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canterlot Gardens - Present The hooded pony sat on a bench, waiting for the arrival of her cohort. The scenery around her was beautiful. It was the middle of summer, and the sun was shining down on the gardens, warming the spirits of everyone there... Except for Milfy. She was there on important business, concerning her young son, Button Mash. Ponyville - One week earlier Button's Mother had always given her son the best care she could provide; after all, her cutie mark was a heart and a baby bottle. But for whatever reason, Button always seemed to be avoiding her. He would only talk to her if he had to, and spent most of his time locked up in his room, lost inside lands of fantasy. He spent most of his time there, but even if he did go out, he only had a small group of friends. And it worried her that there was only one mare in the group. A cute little filly named Sweetie Belle, but still only one. One day during school hours, Milfy went out with her girlfriends for their weekly meet-up. She may have been a mother, but she was quite young. Today, she met up with Lyra and Bon-Bon at Sugarcube Corner. The happy pink mare that lived there was bouncing around and taking orders. "And what'll it be for you?" She asked Milfy. "Milfy!" Lyra said loudly to get her attention. "Huh? Oh...um...Rainbow Frosting cupcake, extra sprinkles." The pink mare hopped off to fill the order. Milfy went back to staring out the window until her mint-green friend snapped her back to attention. "Milfy, you've been kind of distant lately. Is something wrong?" "Oh...It's just Button. He hasn't been very social lately." "Aren't colts his age supposed to be super-social, especially with the fillies?" "Usually, but he's been lost in his other world. Nothing in this one seems to get to him." "Humans!!!" Lyra yelled out suddenly, startling the pink mare and making her drop their order. The mare reacted quickly and bent her body almost like it was made of rubber to catch them. She deposited the cupcakes, then moved on. "What?" Milfy asked before taking a bite of her cupcake. "You said nothing in this world could reach him. So let's try another world!" Bon-Bon rolled her eyes. "For the last time Lyra, humans are just a myth!" She began to take a drink of her soda, but spat out what was in her mouth when Lyra said; "Rainbow Dash says they're real." "What?" "Rainbow Dash told me what Princess Sparkle told her about the human world. Princess Celestia has a portal to it. It only opens every 30 moons. But I found a spell in the library that will force it open for one week. But it can only be done once." Milfy thought about this...it seemed ridiculous...but maybe Lyra was on to something. "All right Lyra, what's the plan?" Bon-Bon looked at her with wide eyes. "You can't be serious." "Well......" Lyra started... Canterlot Gardens - Present So here she was, on the seventh day. Lyra had entered the the human world to observe how they dealt with despondent children., among her own personal interest. It was approaching evening when Lyra returned. "Hey, Milfy! That was awesome! I learned so much about humanity! It's real! All of it! Skyscrapers, the internet, McDonald's..." "That's great Lyra, but did you learn anything that will help Button?" Milfy interrupted. "Ugh, way to be a buzzkill. Fine. I'll skip right to it." Lyra pulled some photographs out of her saddlebag. Milfy examined them, and her jaw dropped. "From my studies, this is how human parents deal with despondent children." Lyra said. "A...are...are you sure about this, Lyra?" "I saw it with my own eyes." "Well...I don't have...I need a...where are we gonna get those...?" "Hm..." Lyra hummed in thought. "I think Pinkie Pie has some." Milfy's House - The next day Button had already come home from school, and was completely absorbed in his video games. Milfy went upstairs to talk to her son. "Button, sweetie, did you finish your homework?" "Yeah, high charisma...roll an eight." he mumbled. Milfy sighed. It was as she feared. She wouldn't be able to reach him in a normal way. She sighed again and went back to her bedroom, leaving her son with his video games. Lyra's words ran through her mind. "Your son must be what the humans call 'gay'." She picked up one of the toys she had borrowed from Pinkie Pie. Within a minute she was back in the room. Button's Mother quickly began strapping the fake dick onto herself. It was quite a bother to get on, and in the time she was fiddling with the straps, Button noticed the movement from the corner of his eye. "Mom, what are you doing?" he asked, his voice a mix of confusion and terror. "Putting on my strap-on. sweetie." She replied. With a satisfying smack on her flank, the last strap was in place. "Bend over." "What...OH CRAP!" Button's Mother left him no time to react. She threw herself at her son, landing right on top of him. The little colt squirmed underneath her weight, but it was no use. There was no getting away. "Now, now, sweetie. Lie still." "BUT I DON'T WANT THIS!" The colt screamed, his voice almost a girly screech. "Sure you do. Isn't that why you spend so much time around colts instead of fillies?" "I DON'T EVEN!" "Shhhh... Just trust mommy." With a little bit of effort, Button's Mother managed to line up the dildo with her son's tiny anus. He let out a quiet squeak as it pressed against the puffy exterior, slowly spreading apart his tight walls. "Mom, please, I'll do anything you say, I promise! Just don't do this!" Button's Mother chuckled and whispered into her son's ear. "Bite the pillow; I'm going in dry." "I don't have a pillow...OWOWOWOWOWOHOOHOWOWOW MY ANUS!!!!" In one instant, the rubber phallus forced its way into the son's anus, spreading apart his interior. It certainly was tough to push forward with no lubrication, but with just a bit of effort, Button's mother managed to get farther and farther. Despite the toy being on of the smaller in her possession, there was quite simply wasn't room for it within her son's body. By the time two-thirds was inside of him, she had to stop pushing forward, lest she seriously hurt the child. "How do you feel, sweetie?" she asked, her voice calm and caring. "Err...hgh...p-pain..." Button whispered. His voice twitched alongside the rest of his body. Although she had just penetrated him like this, he had not screamed nor cried, which was quite the admirable feat for the young colt. Later that night, a scarred Button stumbled down the stairs, finding his mother in the kitchen. "Son, I asked you to do the dishes. This is what happens when you don't do the dishes." "That's what this was about?!?!" Button shrieked, his voice still slightly more shrill after the abuse he just received. "No no, that was a joke." "A JOKE!?!?" Button started crying and stumbled back up the stairs, slamming his door behind him. Milfy followed and knocked on the door. "Button, I know something that'll make you feel better." Her son was quiet on the other side of the door. "THE SMELL OF ADVENTURE!" "Go away, mom!" Button yelled from the other side. "Sweetie, I'm just trying to expand your horizons. I'm showing you your options. If you didn't like that, we can always try something else." Just the thought made Milfy moist...the sudden realization of how much she truely enjoyed what had happened just earlier that night. "Next time you can give mommy the adventure!" "Mom! This is wrong." Button responded. "Honey, I can hear you clopping in there." Button was silent for a minute, then the door opened. Button looked up at his mother. "Mom, did I level up?" Milfy smiled. "Not yet, you still need more experience." "How do I get more points?" "Isn't it obvious? Go on more adventures!" The colt thought it over. "All right mom. But I'm done for now. I think I've had enough adventure for one night." "Okay honey. The next adventure can wait, now shut off the games and get some sleep." > A Chat With Sweetie Belle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Button wasn't paying much attention in school the next day. His mind was in the gutters. Literally. He kept thinking about what had happened last night, and every time he did, he had to mentally force his hoof away from his crotch. The fact that the teacher told them to think "long and hard" about the most recent problem didn't help. He wasn't really interested in Isaac Neighton's theories at the moment. Luckily, he lost his boner when the teacher said "what goes up must come down." When class finally ended, which seemed to take forever, Button was the first to run outside. Lunch was the farthest thing from his mind; he just wanted to get out of the classroom and be by himself, alone with his thoughts. He tried to sit down, but his still-throbbing anus forced him back up. It was more emotional pain, but it still hurt down there. He had sucked it up in class, but now he just stood there against the wall on the far side of the school house, about ready to burst into tears. But then he wasn't alone anymore; Sweetie Belle had come around to join him. He looked down. "Hey, Button." The little white filly said in a cheery voice. "H...hey Sweetie Belle." Button replied, still looking down. Normally, chatting with Sweetie Belle would have cheered him up. But today, she was the last pony he wanted to see. "Expand your horizons," his mother's words echoed in his head. He shook it to clear his thoughts, then he realized that Sweetie Belle was still watching. He looked up at her. Her beautiful green eyes stared back, with a hint of concern in them. She had her head tilted sideways, thoroughly examining him. "Button...are you all right?" She asked. "You're acting pretty strange. And you were really fidgety in class." Button tensed and blushed a little, wondering exactly how much his friend had noticed. "I...well...I don't really...I can't talk about it." "What?" Sweetie Belle asked, confused at the word choice. "You can't talk about it? Did you promise to keep a secret?" "N-not exactly..." He stammered... He couldn't think of anything that would end the conversation without making his friend suspicious. Sweetie Belle stared back at him, obviously wanting to press farther, but she decided against it. "Uh-huh. Anyway, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo have to work on the farm, so I'm free today. Wanna do something after school?" Button didn't say anything at first. He liked hanging out with Sweetie Belle, but now wasn't the time for that. But if he turned her down, she'd probably get even more suspicious. "Button, are you sure you're all right?" She asked again. She put a hoof to his forehead to check his temperature. He recoiled at the touch. "It's, it's nothing. Yeah, after school? That's fine." Button said quickly, retreating away from Sweetie. "You're acting funny..." She replied, but not moving forward. "Funny? Nothing's funny here! I'm completely normal!" He said, still backing away. "Nothing wrong here. After school, yeah. I'll see you then!" And with that, he was around to another side of the building. Sweetie Belle stood there with a vacant stare at the place Button had been standing a few seconds before. She snapped herself back and shrugged her shoulders. Button had agreed to hang out, so that was good enough. She turned around and walked away. Button couldn't help peaking back out as Sweetie Belle walked away. He had to suppress himself as he watched her adorable flank sway back and forth, her tail bouncing over-top her sweet plot. Now that he was alone, he let himself get hard. It was the time for more adventure. He wanted inside that filly. And now he was going to hang out with her later. "Ahhhhh!" Button yelled as he realized what he had just gotten himself into. No way he would be eating any lunch now. Some fillies had taken notice of the scream and were coming to check out the source, so he got himself out of there before anypony noticed. Half an hour later, lunch was over, and he was back in class. The pain in his rump had subsided, his mind solely dominated by one thought: He wanted Sweetie Belle. And he wanted her now. He wanted to be underneath her, to feel her weight on top of him. His mind so full of fantasy the remainder of the class seemed to speed by... The bell rang and Button got out of his seat to leave the room. He made it out without getting called by the teacher, and he met up with Sweetie Belle outside. She was eager to see him, and that only made him feel more awkward. Her mind seemed to be on perfectly normal things like milkshakes and mini golf. It would have been a fun day, except that he constantly had to suppress the urge to clop. Then his day was made when she asked if he wanted to come back to Carousel Boutique with her for the evening. A while after Sweetie Belle had led Button to her pristine girly room. Her pure white walls and stuffed animals, the books on their shelves and desk neatly arranged just adding to the awkwardness of the whole situation. He just could not stop staring at her, he absolutely needed an adventure with this pony. Button sat there trying his best to control himself and hide his rigid joystick from his only filly friend, doing an utterly horrible job and only drawing more attention to it. "Button...you seem to be having a little trouble over there." "My...uh...my joystick is a little stuck." "Well in that case," the little filly said, jumping off her bed and strutting over to Button, slowly swishing her tail back and forth and trying to move her mane a little more out of the way. "I guess I'll just have to help you out a little bit." "Wha...what do you mea...!" The sentence was cut off completely as he had to stifle a moan as her tongue flicked up across his throbbing dick, her eyes getting wider as it still continued to grow. "My my Button...I didn't think most foals were this large!" She tried to say sensually, her excitement seeping into her voice. "I...I-I hadn't noticed." Button managed to stutter, Sweetie's slow grooming of him with her tongue causing his thoughts to come in a jumbled unintelligible manner. "Can feel...experience. Gaining...might level up soon...oh goodness!" Sweetie Bell stopped, looked at Button with eyes full of confusion, the lust still flowing underneath. "What do you mean experience?" "The kind that comes from going on adventures!" "What do you mean adventures?" Sweetie slowly looking more and more excited. "Well, the kind you have with a mare of course!" Button raised up even more and began to squirm a little, causing his oversized foal cock to accidentally smack the filly in the face. "Ouch!" she exclaimed. "That thing's really heavy!" "Haha sorry Sweetie Belle, I didn't mean to do that, not used to it being this hard." "Well...am I causing that?" She asked with more than a little mischief in her voice. "I think sooOOOOO!!!!" His voice rose to an extreme volume and pitch as Sweetie plunged his dick deep into her mouth, swirling her tongue around the head and shaft, all the while still trying to speak. "Yomvhf mnow masjthat thishhh thing really can't even fit in my mouth..." Her words slowly becoming more clear as she removed it from her mouth. "Whawha-what was that?!" "Ummm...something I read in one of Rairity's books...ummm...I'm not sure what it was called..." Her face blushing immensely. "I only saw that part I swear! I didn't read anymore of it...except the rest of the book...and the series...and everything else by the author..." her voice slowly fading away to silence. "Well! Maybe you can be my adventure buddy!" Button's joy was just overflowing. "Oh Button, we should go adventuring every-BUTTON!!! WAKE UP!" The sweetness of the her voice completely disappearing...wait... It was just then that Button realized that something wasn't right. "Button! Wake up!" Miss Cheerilee said a little softer this time; she was obviously exasperated by this daily occurrence, but she needed to quiet it down since he was waking up. Button groaned, not sure what was going on. Then everything snapped in place, and his hooves went straight to his crotch underneath his desk. He had fallen asleep in class again, and now he was hoping no one would notice his boner. Cheerilee looked down at the colt, shook her head, then walked away. Button let out a hushed sigh of relief; it seemed nopony had noticed. He looked up at the clock. Only five minutes left in the school day. Only five more minutes lost in his recently acquired thoughts. They seemed to take forever, but the day eventually ended, and Button went outside, getting passed the teacher, to find Sweetie Belle waiting for him. "Hey, Button!" She said excitedly. "Ready for an adventure?" > Enhance the Experience? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So how'd it go, Milfy?" Lyra asked. She hadn't heard yet about yesterday's events. Milfy was walking around town on her daily errands, but her focus was somewhere else. On Button, to be exact. She thought she had gotten through to the colt last night, but he had left the house this morning without saying even a single word to her. She had been stuck thinking about that all morning, but Lyra's shout snapped her mind back to the present. "Hm? Oh. Hi Lyra." Milfy said, focusing back on reality. "What was that?" "Did my studies of the humans help Button?" Replied the mint-green unicorn. "I'm not really sure. At first he wasn't happy about it, then he seemed to accept it. But this morning he left without even waiting for me to make him a lunch." Lyra thought about it. "Well, that actually sounds a lot like the human reactions. So the appropriate response, based on what I found out, would be to enhance the experience." "What exactly does that mean?" Milfy asked. "Um... what exactly did you do?" Milfy described in explicit detail what she had done with her son's anus the night before. Lyra listened to the story intently, then pondered how she could respond. After a moment of thought, she told Milfy she would just need some good practice. "P-Practice?" Replied Button's mother, slightly stuttering. "Wh-What?" "Well, you just need to perform better." "Are you insulting my..." Cut off by: "We both know you were never good at this Milfy. You always had the seduction thing going for you, but you were never very good in bed." Milfy's face grew bright red at the comment as she stared blankly at her friend. She was too flustered to speak, but Lyra could read her expression as "how could you say that?" Lyra simply giggled and continued to talk. "In the human world, the kids didn't always enjoy it either. So the parents would try again, usually using different techniques to enhance the experience." "Lyra..." But she was cut off again. "No, no. It's fine. We just need to get you some new moves." The green unicorn stopped to think. "Lyra..." But she still couldn't finish a sentence. "And I think I know somepony that could help..." "LYRA!" Milfy shouted, finally getting the mare's attention. Along with the attention of every other pony in the area. Milfy glanced around awkwardly at the ponies now staring at her. She pulled Lyra away to a more secluded area, as the ponies started to return to their business. "Lyra, do you think maybe I should just try talking to Button again?" "Milfy," Lyra said seriously, "if talking was going to work, would we have needed to go on this adventure in the first place? I wouldn't have needed to go to the human world for you. And didn't you just try talking last night? And it got nowhere." Milfy frowned. Unfortunately, Lyra was probably right. She sighed, then nodded to Lyra to carry on. "Okay then. As I was saying, I think I know somepony who can teach you a thing or two..." ... Milfy glanced around nervously. What had Lyra gotten her into? She had seen a lot of strange things, from the world of Ponymon to the prince captured by monsters in Super Mareio Sisters. But there was a chance that, even among all her son's video games, this was the weirdest thing she had done. She flinched as the "investigation" taking place at Sugarcube Corner went between her legs. A few seconds later, Pinkie Pie came back around to talk to her patient. At Lyra's request, she was sharing her knowledge with Milfy. "Weeell..." Pinkie started, "physically, you seem perfectly handy-dandy." the inspector said cheerily. "Okay," Milfy replied, "so what can you do for me?" Pinkie thought about it for a few seconds, then turned around, planting her plot right in Milfy's face. "Hoof. Pussy. Now." Pinkie commanded her subject. "Wha-what?" Milfy stammered, surprised by this forward approach. "Try me. Show me what you've got." Milfy was still a little stunned, but she raised her hoof up to the pink flesh and started to fiddle around. She started out gently, but slowly gained confidence, and split apart Pinkie's wall. The pink pony had so far remained silent, but she couldn't stifle a giggle of pleasure as Milfy gently blew into her open cunt. Milfy wasn't sure what to do next. "How far is this going?" She asked, a little hesitant to continue. "I told you to hit me with your best shot, didn't I? See if you can make Pinkie feel the party!" The pink mare said, looking back and wearing a silly grin. Milfy paused for a second, then plunged face-first into Pinkie Pie, her tongue lapping at everything it could reach. Pinkie burst out laughing, and fell straight forward to the floor. She was still wailing joyous noises when she flipped over and saw Milfy's blank stare, which only made her laugh harder. After a minute or two, she finally calmed down with one last heavy sigh. "Sorry," Pinkie said, "but I just love to laugh." Milfy just stood there, not knowing how to reply. So Pinkie continued to talk. "Yeah, I can teach you what I know. Just give me a sec." And with that, Pinkie was down the stairs and out the door like a flash. Pinkie found herself out on the streets near Sugarcube Corner, looking at all the ponies passing by. She simply watched them go, not an unusual occurrence for her by any means, until one struck her fancy. A young, reasonably handsome stallion passed by, and Pinkie Pie giggled at her own plan. Then she got herself serious and walked over to him. "Hey," she said, calling for him to stop. The stallion paused in his movements and looked at Pinkie. "Can I help you?" He asked, but Pinkie didn't reply. She simply circled around him a few times, making him feel uncomfortable. Just when he was about to freak out and run away, she stopped in front of him and put on a lustful stare. "Wanna make your way to bed with me?" She asked, giving him seductive bedroom eyes. The stallion took a step back as his face grew bright red. "uh... uh.... um...." Was all he could muster. Pinkie turned around, intentionally swaying her hips a little extra bit. She looked back with a sly smile and said: "Follow me if you do." The poor gentlecolt never saw it coming, one moment he was walking along expecting a good time, the next he was waking up strapped to a table in a basement. A pink mare standing over him and another standing in the back of the room...it seemed like they were saying something... "So basically, you're going to practice on this guy! He's not from here, so you don't have to worry about the day after stuff either!" Pinkie explained. "B-but...I don't know him! How could I do that?" the other mare asked. "Well, just show me what you can do. That way I can learn how to help!" "O-okay..." And with that, she sauntered on over to the stallion she didn't know, trying to sway her hips and swish her mane in a way he might find appealing even though he was restrained. "Hello there sir...I'm sorry about this but...I-I promise I will take good care of you and to try and help you enjoy it..." At that time Pinkie began cranking a wheel that began to make the pony stand vertically, allowing his entire stallionhood to be revealed. Then Milfy looked at Pinkie hoping for some advice...but seeing that none was forthcoming she decided to just try her best. She leaned down to try and nuzzle his cock gently trying to tease it upwards, without that working she slowly began fiddling with it with her hooves. "No, no! Not like that. It's tender salami and you want a good lick" Milfy blushed slightly and began to slowly lick across his head, swirling it slowly around the sides, then dropping down to the testicles to suck on them. Her forehooves still working on the shaft, her tongue moistening the stallions tender bits, the stallion slowly growing harder and larger, around this time realizing that even at full length this fully grown stallion is only slightly larger than her dear sweet Button...and he was only a colt. "Oh my Celestia" she couldn't stop that exclamation from escaping her lips and his cock seemed to respond. Obviously he thought she was talking about him. Well, lets show him a good time. She began sliding her tongue up and down his shaft feeling him slowly pulling against his restraints wanting to mount her more and more. "No no no! Calm yourself, you'll get some soon." Milfy said before sliding his dick into her mouth stopping halfway down and lightly digging her teeth in before pulling back up, the stallions face a mix of pain and pleasure. "Not bad, not bad," Pinkie said, "Now get in there and ride him like a chu-chu." With that the cranking began again, forcing Milfy to work to continue sucking his hard cock and playing with his balls. Once there was stable enough footing she climbed atop the table with him and ran her tongue up his body until it came to his neck, stopped and began nibbling his ear while using her hind legs to continue working on his stallionhood. "P-P-Please...please..." The stallion almost beginning to cry managed to mumble. "Please what?" Milfy whispered in his ear. "Do you want this?" Sliding her extremely wet pussy over his dick, teasing his cock making him strain even more against his restraints. "I-I can't wait much more" He said moaning from the shear pleasure of the situation. At that point Milfy simply dropped almost crushing the poor stallions testicles and began moshing around so horribly she made Derpy look coordinated. By now Pinkie Pie had had enough, and she grabbed Milfy off the poor stallion. "Allright, I see where this is going." Pinkie Pie said. "Hm... what to do... Okay, I guess I have to demonstrate." She moved forward and got in position, slowly rubbing her hoof down the stallion's sides. He jostled a little, still recovering from the pain of his last experience and not really sure if he wanted another. But Milfy had managed to get him hard, so Pinkie didn't have much more work to do. "Okie Doki Loki." She said slowly, putting emphasis on each syllable as she moved ever so close to her prey. Milfy just watched, seeing the stallion's wide eyes, though she couldn't tell if it was fear or adrenaline. Pinkie had mounted the stallion with a majestic ease, and was moving up and down, constantly changing speeds, and the stallion was moaning in pure ecstasy, clearly enjoying Pinkie's moves more. With each motion Pinkie herself began to turn pinker working herself towards a climax attempting to catch herself up with the pony she was currently riding. At this point it wasn't going to take too horribly much to push both over the edge; but the thing to cause it was both of them noticing Milfy pleasuring herself in the corner. Pinkie abruptly began a circular grinding motion; "It's just like a tilt-a-whirl!" She screamed, exactly describing her own motion, with an increasing voice of her screaming "whee" she began to twitch uncontrollably, and upon reaching her climax, a cannon went off somewhere. The stallion upon which she was sitting cried out in pain and absolute joy as he reached the same point exploding with energy and causing a thick white slime to fill and begin oozing out around his dick which was still buried deep inside of Pinkies tight slot. "And that is how you please a pony!" Pinkie said not even phased by the amount of physical effort she just exerted as she flipped off the table and pushed the still masturbating Milfy back over. "Now, it's your turn again, I hope you paid attention!" The poor stallion once again adopted the guise of fear. Milfy climbed on top and began undoing the straps that help him to the table. "Please...just put your dick in me...I know I'm not very good...but I'll try my best..." She lowered herself onto the stallion completely soaking the table with her juices. "It just feels soooo good." The stallion placed his hooves on her hips helping to guide her in her up and down motion, adding in a little front and back motion. Her pussy gripping and holding tightly to his giant stallion cock, the pressure slowly building again in both of them, and the tightness of her walls causing him to quickly reach his climax again, filling her completely to the brim in his thick white cum. But she wasn't done yet, she continued even faster forcing him to continue spewing out more and more until finally she also reached her point of no return. It ran a shock all the way up her body, from her loins all the way to the tip of her nose and back the whole way down to her hindhooves. The shuddering caused her to be unable to breath and continued so long she blacked out... A few hours later, Milfy came to on the floor in Sugarcube Corner. When Pinkie saw that she was awake, she told her that the mess had already been cleaned up, and that she had learned well. "And now you can go please ponies too!" Pinkie said. And that's exactly what Milfy planned to do. > Do the Sweetie Mash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Button and Sweetie Belle both fell forward, screaming, then landed on the ground, groaning. "Okay, I don't think I did that right..." Button moaned. "Button, you need to be less clumsy. Try again. And this time, put your back into it." Sweetie Belle replied. The two got back up and continued to push the heavy cart towards the Boutique. Rarity had conscripted Sweetie Belle into helping her gather material for her latest fashion line, and Sweetie Belle had seduced Button into helping. Simply by existing. She didn't know it at the moment, but her older sister's charm had been inherited well. They had gone to get some fabrics, as well as some new sowing needles, and had stopped at Sugarcube Corner for a milkshake before heading home. But they had only had enough bits for one, so they had needed to share one. And all this was killing Button, who still couldn't get his messed up thoughts out of his mind. He didn't drink much of the milkshake, which only made Sweetie Belle even more worried about him. But she didn't want to press him out in public. So she figured they could talk back the Boutique after Rarity left for her weekly meeting with Fluttershy. Button, on the other hand, wanted so badly to just burst out and tell Sweetie Belle everything that had happened, but he was too afraid of what would happen if he did. So they just sat there in an awkward silence, both trying their best not to stare at the other. After what seemed like forever, the milkshake was finished and they silently got up to go back. And here they were now, pushing the cart that had ended up being to heavy to pull. After returning to Carousel Boutique, the two helped Rarity unpack her massive cart-load, and then put everything away. Then that left an hour of more awkward sitting around. Every conversation Sweetie tried to start just led to Button eventually losing focus and staring off into the distance. Button was on the verge of a breakdown. His own emotions and desires filling up his little body, but also just the weight of everything that had happened over the past day. Motherly rape, arousing dreams, and he had no idea why it was all happening. But he couldn't talk to anypony about it. What would they think? Then Rarity announced that she was heading out for her meet-up with Fluttershy, and the two young ponies were left alone. For a few more minutes, Button stared off towards the ceiling. Sweetie Belle poked his shoulder with her hoof. "Button?" She asked, finally ready to ask what was going on in his head. He made no response. "Button, what's wrong? You haven't been yourself today and..." She topped talking as Button burst out into tears. He fell backwards, sprawled out on the floor, bawling his eyes out. Sweetie Belle instantly burst into apology and asked if she had said something wrong. Not that it was likely, since she hadn't said much but... After a minute or two of crying, Button calmed down and just sat there on the floor. He didn't move for a little bit, but he eventually made his decision. He sat up and looked Sweetie Belle straight in the eyes. "Sweetie Belle, can I tell you something?" He asked. "Of course. You can always. Talk to me." "I'm serious. You can't tell anypony about this. Like ever. I'm gonna struggle enough just to get it out of my mouth." "All right, I promise not to tell anypony." "Pinkie Pie promise?" "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Button sighed again, then started his story. Sweetie Belle said nothing throughout Button's talk, only looked at him with a confused and concerned stare. He actually thought it felt good to get all this off his chest. He finished the part about the night before, leaving Sweetie quite shocked. But he wasn't really near done. He kept on talking about the events of today. He was almost through a summary of today's classes. He paused, preparing for what was about to come, and kind of expecting Sweetie Belle to kick him out. "And then I fell asleep and started dreaming..." He paused again. This was difficult. "..." "Button, are you sure you want to keep going?" Sweetie Belle asked. Button wanted nothing more then to stop talking. But he had come this far, and he felt he needed to finish. "No, but I have to." He replied. "Then I fell asleep, and I dreamed about... you." Sweetie Belle actually looked kind of happy about that. "You... um... shouldn't celebrate. I... I dreamed about having sex with you." Sweetie Belle's face was hard to read. She didn't really seem angry, but she wasn't jumping in excitement. She seemed to be chewing it over, not really sure what to say. "I'm... I don't know if... I'm ready for that..." Was what finally came out of her mouth. "I know. I'm sorry. I really shouldn't have told you that, but it's what happened. It might of just been trauma, but I really, really..." But he was cut off by Sweetie Belle putting a hoof up to his mouth. Her eyes went half shut and she started to wear a sly smile. "But I guess I could give it a try." She said. Button looked at her in a mix of surprise and delight. Of all the scenarios he had come up with in his head, this actually hadn't been one of them. She leaned in very close, her breath causing Button's cock to stand on end; seriously, this thing could not get any straighter if he tried. Her mouth looked so inviting and her eyes were just so sexual...he couldn't control himself anymore he had to have her, right here, right now. "I'm sorry Sweetie Belle..." "Sorry for wh-" He jumped on her and pinned her forehooves to her bed and lightly bit her neck causing her to twitch violently. "Button...don't be so rough!" "Sweetie, I want you more than anything else..." "Well..." She looked him straight in the eyes, "You can have me." She used her hind hooves to help guide him into her already wet pussy, the pressure of his dick slowly beginning to spread her walls. "Oh god Button...it...it hurts, stop..." "No." "What?" "No." And with that he thrust, shoving his over-sized foal cock balls deep into Sweetie's tight pussy. Her cry of pain was almost rivaled by Button's cry of pleasure. "Oh god...B-Button, its so hard...and it...it doesn't quite fit...it hurts...your dick, its pressing against the top of me..." "It feels good though too...doesn't it?" He slowly began to slide his dick out to the tip of the head, then slamming it back into her, over and over. "It feels...it feels soooooo good..." Her eyes began to roll into the back of her head. She began to work with him, pulling away and then pushing back together, pulling him closer and deeper each time, her pleasure with each thrust growing. "Sex me harder Button." "I uh...I don't think that's the phrase...I think its 'fuck me harder'..." His hooves releasing Sweetie's allowing her to reach up and wrap them tightly around Button's neck, pulling him in to kiss him, his giant dick still attempting to reach her stomach. "Button...I-I...I...I feel...sooo goooooood!" Her tight pink walls, gripped his dick, stopping him from from pulling out and started sucking him in, the whole way, until his dick felt like it was in her stomach. She started shaking uncontrollably and a superfluous amount of fluids began soaking the bed and the fur around both of their crotches... "I feel all the bonus experience leaking out everywhere. I can't let that go to waste." He pulled the whole way out and bent down to slowly lick up all the rest juices flowing out of her pink pussy, pushing his head further in to reach as far in as he could with his dexterous tongue. "Oh Button...I don't know if I can keep going..." Sweetie said. And then everything turned upside down. The door burst open and Lyra came running in, yelling for Button. "Hey, Button, Rarity said you were here and.... oh... Ummm. Sorry to interrupt." The foals didn't know what to do at this point. As if Lyra bursting in wasn't bad enough, Button's mother caught up a few seconds later. But she was left completely speechless as she absorbed the situation around her. She was just about to explode in fury when Lyra spoke up, breaking her moment. "Well, this complicates things, eh Milfy? But don't worry. I found this result in my research too. All you have to do is..." > Family Bonding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You want us to WHAT?" Scootaloo and Apple Bloom said in unison. "Look, I know it sounds weird," Sweetie Belle started, "but I really want to do this with Button, and we need two more parts. Besides, we might even get our Cutie Marks." Apple Bloom looked doubtful. "A porn Cutie Mark? What would that even be?" She asked. "Well," Scootaloo put in, "some ponies say Rainbow Dash's Cutie Mark actually just means she likes to flash a lot..." "Ugh, I don't even..." Apple Bloom replied. Scootaloo sighed. "Fine Sweetie Belle, we'll help. But if this ends badly, don't expect us to take any more of your suggestions." Sweetie Belle nodded, but inside she let out a cheer. SUCCESS! It was the day after she and Button had been caught in the Boutique. Yesterday had been really frightening when Button's mother had come in. The look on her face had been so terrifying that Sweetie Belle wasn't actually sure they were going to make it out in one piece. But Lyra had managed to diffuse the situation by putting in a suggestion from her story. Jumbled love tangles are best displayed through graphic images. In other words, make a movie about it. Lyra had volunteered herself for film crew, and Button and Milfy were the main cast, along with Sweetie Belle, and now the entire Cutie Mark Crusaders. Milfy was blowing off some stress by "exercising." She had been pretty shocked to find Button fucking up Sweetie Belle. She didn't think her encouragement would have led her son to try that. Some family bonding experience if it just drove Button off to somepony else. If Lyra hadn't been there, well... Not even Milfy was sure what exactly would have happened. But it definitely would not have been pretty. She hadn't said a word to her son since; she wasn't sure what to say, or whether she would be able to talk to him without losing control at the moment. She had no idea whether she would erupt into a fit of anger or a fit of horny lunacism, but she didn't want to find out. So she merely decided to avoid the colt until their production began this afternoon. Button had no idea how he had gotten himself into this. All he had wanted was a little action with Sweetie Belle. And it had been the best minute or so of his young life. But now he had scored himself a starring role in a porn movie. How did that even work? For Sweetie the Belles Toll? What was this shit? And why did Lyra think this was a good idea? He was worried about what exactly was going to happen. He was a little worried since his mother hadn't said anything on the way back home, or since then. "Ugh!" Button moaned out loud. His dick still hurt from everything that had gone on yesterday, and now he was gonna be doing more today. Was that a good thing? He had no idea. He actually sort of liked the idea, but at the same time really didn't want involved in any more of his mother's crazy shenanigans. But whether he wanted to or not, it was almost the time Lyra had booked for them at the Ponyville Studio. So he sighed and lugged himself out of bed; time to do or die. The studio was located near the Boutique, right behind it, as a matter of fact. But for whatever reason, no one really ever noticed it was there. It was a giant building lengthwise, but it wasn't very tall, so it was shadowed out by Rarity's shop most of the time. But Button didn't really care about that. His mind was completely on other things, like usual. But instead of his fantasy worlds, he was thinking about cold hard reality. Going inside, he found that Sweetie Belle and her friends Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were already there. Lyra was in the back, taking stock on things that Button couldn't even guess what they were. The green unicorn noticed his entrance and called him over. "Good morning, Button." She said as he slowly walked over. "Umm... hi Ms Lyra." Was Button's reply. "So... is this really happening?" Lyra looked at him like he had a third eye. "Why wouldn't it?" This is the pinnacle of my research! I'm testing to see whether humanity's solutions can be applied in Equestria! And it's also a glorious moment for you, too." "Huh? It is?" "Of course! This is your mom's attempt to reconnect your family. The big moment where you all make up and become happy together!" Button didn't quite follow, and Lyra could tell from his expression. "You didn't know your mom was doing this for you?" "Um, no. I had no idea why this whole thing suddenly started. What do you mean reconnect? Is there a problem with my family?" "Your mother is just concerned about your help. She was just worried that you spend too much time in your own world, and that you don't have enough friends." Button wasn't sure how to reply. His mom was just doing this because she was worried about him? That actually made him feel slightly better; at least now he had a reason. Sure, he spent a lot of time gaming, but he had more friends than his mom realized. He was actually a pretty outgoing colt, but maybe he had been ignoring his mom a little too much lately. At that moment, his mother entered the building. "Thanks, Ms Lyra. I'll see you later." Button said, and dashed off before she could reply. She shrugged and went back to her stock check. Colts these days. Button made his way to the other side of the room, running over to his mom. "Mom!" He shouted as he ran right into her and gave her a hug. Milfy didn't know what to do, but she didn't have much of a chance to do anything before he started jabbering in his game-speed voice. "mom, I'm really really sorry. Lyra told me you were trying to make us a better family and I realized I kind-of have been far off lately and maybe I could try to be a little more social and I'm sorry that I didn't do the dishes and you should of just told me that you were worried about me and maybe this all wouldn't have happened but-" But she put her hoof up to his mouth and cut him off. Tears of joy were starting to well up in her eyes. "I'm sorry, honey. I tried to talk to you, but nothing seemed to reach you, so I asked Lyra for advice. She observed some humans and found out that how they dealt with despondent children, and that's pretty much what has happened since." She hugged her son back. "Mom, I promise to try harder to be part of a family." "Okay, sweetie." She said, overjoyed. "Okay." "So, I guess it all worked out." He said. "Yeah. Now there's really no need to-" But she got cut off as Lyra grabbed her and pulled her to the wall, chaining her up against it. "All right, everypony! Let's get this show on the road!" She shouted. "Lyra, wait a-" Milfy tried to get in, but the green pony was beyond reach as she ran back to get the camera ready. "Scene one. The young hero rescues his fairy from the villain!" She yelled, putting some cutout wings on Milfy and queuing to Button to take his place. "Wah - Oh shit!" He yelled out as a stage hand pushed him onto the set. No script. Okay. Where was this going? On the other side, Sweetie Belle and her friends apparently already knew what they were doing, because they were already in position around his mother. Then Lyra decided to explain the plot. "The hero arrives at the castle lair to find his Fairy Fuckmother being tortured by the villain, Rotten Core, and her two henchman, Munchkin and Deathabelle. He proceeds to fight them in combat and rescue her. Good luck, Button! And... ACTION!" "Wha...?" Button just stood there, having no idea what he should do. ...well, time to wing it. Maybe those RPGs had been good for something. No one had given him a script, so he could pretty much do whatever the hell he wanted. So he ran off set real fast and went to his saddlebag and pulled out something. Everypony else was confused, but Button ran back into the camera's shot, wearing a fake mustache. "The Stache has arrived!" He shouted, assuming his favorite hero guise. Lyra shrugged again, and the film kept rolling. Button ran forward to where his beloved Fuckmother was chained up, really getting into the role now. "So, you came!" Rotten Core said in an adorable southern drawl somewhere off the camera's current shot. "But you're far too late!" The camera zoomed over onto the Filly Fucker 5000 with hydrolic piston action. Rotten Core aligned the machine up with his Fuckmother's anus. Munchkin, the orange subordinate, stepped forward. "Everyone else is already dead, except your fairy." She said maniacally. Then the white one, Deathabelle, stepped forward. "But don't worry, we're still going to kill her." That one said. "Mmm-hm" The Stache replied. "But first I'm going to rape her!" Rotten Core returned to the spotlight. "Neat." "But before I do any of that, we're going to rape you!" "Oh? See that would be intimidating, if you were, well... intimidating." "Are you mocking me?" "No! No, no, no, no, no. Pssh, yeah!" Fast as lightning, The Stache whipped out out his stallion sized super cock, his ace weapon, and charged at Rotten Core. The villain tried to respond: "Your weapon won't help with-" but she was cut off by his weapon getting rammed straight into her throat. His cock tickled the base of her uvula, but she barely resisted the urge to throw up. When The Stache saw that his weapon was ineffective, he tried ramming it in harder and deeper. Rotten Core responded by closing her mouth around his dick. Her saliva had lubricated his weapon to the point that it almost slid out of its victim, but The Stache held fast. Munchkin charged forward, yelling: "We're going to get you... off!" And she tackled him, shoving her plot into his face. Deathabelle used this moment to turn on the Filly Fucker 5000, easing it into the Fuckmother's soft, marshmallowy butthole. The cry of pain was drowned out only by the cry of pleasure when the machine went in dry. "Bite the pillow!" Deathabelle yelled at the Fuckmother. "Oh wait, you don't have one!" She said with a horrible twisted grin appearing on her face. Milfy's acting completely dropped there. This was the moment that she realized... Sweetie knew! Now this was more than a movie! This was the filly's sweet sugary revenge! The machine began to vibrate and move deeper and deeper into the Fuckmother's ass. Milfy was too busy moaning in ecstasy to complain about this filly's uprising. In the mean time, Munchkin was viciously vibrating her virgin vag on The Stache's mouth, as he tried to yell out "No free rides!" While that went on, Rotten Core began forcefilly sucking on his fruity foal flesh. The Stache tried his hardest to get himself free, but Rotten Core was just too rough. But then The Stache heard the lustful scream of his Fuckmother, and he grew with superpony strength. The sudden expansion caused Rotten Core to begin to suffocate as she was filled up from head to tail. At the same time, he found Munchkin's clitoris and bit down, causing her to shout in pain. Pushing the two off of him, he made his way over to his screaming Fuckmother. On the verge of an orgasm, The Stache only had a small amount of time to free her before the machine's settings would cause her end. He ran forward, aiming to smash the machine, but found Deathabelle blocking his path. "You'll never save her, Stache!" Deathabelle yelled, and pulled a lever on the Filly Fucker 5000. A compartment opened on the side, revealing a strap on of her own. It was bigger. It was wider. And The Stache's face grew pale with terror. She quickly attached it, and now she was leading the charge. Their blades collided with a meaty *thwap,* but neither side gave an inch. This power struggle continued on for what felt like minutes, until another moan from the Fuckmother distracted The Stache, giving Deathabelle the perfect moment to pounce on him. As she shoved him to the ground a forehoof pushed his sack up, revealing his own hidden hole, her other hoof guided her prelubricated dildo deep into The Stache's asshole. The hero screamed in burning agony, but yet it was strangely enjoyable. The sensation became even more confusing as she slid his tip into her mouth, her hooves working vigorously. "Oh, you dirty bitch, work the shaft!" He moaned out. Deathabelle replied with a bite on his head, eliciting another scream. The Stache's scream was joined by one from his Fuckmother. This was his last chance. He firmly planted his forehooves on the ground, and thrust his lower body up. He pushed himself deep into Deathabelle's throat, the sheer force of his erection forcing her off of him. Finally free, The Stache made his way over to the Filly Fucker 5000, re-sheathing his weapon. He began to fiddle with the controls and managed to undo the top latching on his Fuckmother. But then, right before he finished freeing her, an inexplicable urge came over him. He moved forward, igniting his weapon for one last blaze of glory. He forced his Fuckmother's mouth open, creating a perfect vacuum around his cock. The Cum Slut Crusaders tried in one last effort to pull the Stache away from his Fuckmother, less their power be unveiled. But they were unable to separate the two. And that's when it happened. Three explosions all went off at once, The Stache's hot sticky cum filling his Fuckmother's mouth, and The Fuckmother reaching a violent pinnacle, shattering her body and soul. In the final explosion of the Filly Fucker 5000, the entire castle was sent straight to sweet oblivion. ... "And that, dear, is where fillies come from." Button's mother finished telling her son the story. She was glad to have that over with. "But mom, I still have a question. Where exactly does-" But he was cut off by his mother, who told him that it was time for bed. Maybe some day he would have his questions answered. So she tucked him in, turned out the lights, and exited the room, closing the door behind her. She heard him say "I love you mom" before it shut. She went back to her own room to lie down for a while. Unfortunately, she couldn't get herself to fall asleep. She got back up and blinked. She got out of bed and opened her drawer. Going through it, she found some small pieces of destroyed cutout wings, a letter from Lyra apologizing for Button's head trama, and the dildos she had borrowed from Pinkie. She closed the drawer and went back to her bed, mumbling one last thing before going to sleep. "Time for adventure."