Dinner with My Goddess of a Mare-friend

by John 117

First published

Luna and I spend share our love with one another

After an afternoon with Luna, I get to spend the night with her, and heated events ensue between us.

Co-Author: ReaperofSouls42

Dinner Together

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It was a Friday afternoon, and the sun was beating down on the whole town; luckily though I had a swimming pool in my back yard, so I grabbed my things and changed into a swimsuit. I walk out casually, waiting on someone else to arrive. I hear the screen door close and turn around, looking back at Luna as she walks out in a black bikini, her midnight blue fur shining brightly in the afternoon sun. Her bikini hugs her in all the right places, and shows off her great curves. I smile and walk up to her, kissing her lightly on the check; her fur tickling me slightly. I pull her close and smile wickedly at her.

“What are thou thinking about?” she says mischievously.

“Oh…..nothing,” I pull her closer into my arms and pick her up, laughing as I do. Realizing my intent, she starts to scream, trying to hold back laughter. I walk forward and start to swing her in my arms towards the water, laughing as I do when I see her reactions. She starts to threaten me, but laughs the whole time. At the last second I jump in, her still in my arms. I come up for air, spitting out water from my mouth. Luna comes up shortly after, gasping for air, water dripping off of her fur. I look at her, trying to suppress a laugh.

“Oh, thou think that was funny?” I nod my head, smiling the whole time. She smiles at me, and begins to swim up to me. My smile vanishes, and I look around.

“Now, Luna, let’s not get to out of hand here. It was all fun and games…. Luna?” She doesn’t hear me, and lights up her horn in my direction. I try to swim away, gaining some distance between myself and her. Sadly though, it’s a small pool, and Luna has magic. Her hands shoot out, and I’m instantly frozen in place. My arms can’t move, and neither can my legs. I look at her, my head, eyes, and mouth the only thing that can move. She swims up to me, smiling evilly.

“Me thinks I like you more like this,” she says. I laugh and shake my head.

“No you don’t; how am I supposed to rut you silly tonight if I can’t move?” She looks at me seriously, blushing as bright as a rose through her blue fur.

“We…You…I can’t even….fine.” Her magic vanished instantly, and I feel my body relax. All at once, however, the water gathers around Luna and creates a large tidal wave, splashing me in the face. She stands up triumphantly, her fist in the air and yells.

“SPLASH FIGHT!” I shake my head, trying to clear it of water when another, smaller wave hits me. That gets my attention, and I focus my strength into the water, pushing my arms forward. A wave is created, and splashes Luna right in the face. We start to go at it, splashing one another for what felt like an hour. She laughed the whole time, and soon we noticed that the sun was going down. We didn’t really care all that much though. Luna was goddess of the night after all. And when you’re dating her, you sort of become a night owl. See, when Luna’s world created a trans-dimensional portal in my city, I was one of the first people to meet them. Luna had been one of the first through it, along with a few others. They didn’t really catch my eye as much as she did. Apparently the portal turned them into half humans, and she stood at around 5.9 when she finally came through. Her coat was a midnight blue, and her hair waving in an imagined wind with stars twinkling in it. I knew right then and there that I had to get to know her more, and once the whole ‘saving the world from imploding because of the portal’ thing was over, she accepted my request and went out with me. We grew closer and closer, until we finally decided to live together. How the whole immortal thing is going to work out, I’m not really sure, but Luan says she and her sister are working on it. I come up for more air as another wave hits me. Man, how much life has changed. I laugh, bringing Luna closer. She smiles, nuzzling up to me. We share a kiss, smiling at one another. She sighs, and kisses me once more.

“Shouldn’t thou be getting dinner ready?” I frown a bit, not wanting to leave her. She pouts a little, and gives the saddest eyes I’ve ever seen. Royalty my ass; she’s a full blown teenager if she can do that so well! I sigh and nod my head.

“Alright, alright; just stop looking at me like that.” She laughs and kisses me quickly, before pushing away from me and diving back into the water, her blue tail floating somewhat on the surface of the water. I get out of the pool and dry off with a towel I brought out with me.

I walk into the kitchen, grabbing the necessary ingredients for burgers and salad. While Luna may not be able to eat meat here, she doesn’t mind me eating it in the slightest, and vice versa when she eats flowers and such. It’s her thing to stay healthy, and meat is mine. I season it with some Tony’s, salt, and a little pit of pepper then walk out and start up the grill. I let it heat up and walk back inside. I grab a large salad bowl and a cutting board. I take a head of lettuce, some baby carrots, olives, and cut them up, dicing them nicely into large piles. I take those and pour them into the bowl, then add croutons (Luna seems to have an obsession with them; they apparently don’t have them in Equestria) along with her favorite salad dressing; Italian. I finish the salad off with some parmesan. I then walk out with the burgers and put them on the grill, the satisfying hiss of the meat hitting my ear drums. I stand there grilling, looking back at Luna as she floats in the water on some blow up that we’ve got. She lays there, her eyes closed, smiling to herself as she enjoys the last rays of sun. I smile and turn back to the burgers, happy with my life so far.

I take off the burgers and walk inside. I grab toppings for the burgers, and walk outside with it all. I balance it all on my arms, since I used to be a waiter, to the outside table where I carefully lay it down on the table.

“Luna, dinner’s ready!” I call to her. She instantly gets up, splashing around as her somewhat dry mane now gets wet once more. She walks out of the pool, her fur shimmering in the last rays of sun catch the dripping water on her fur as her feet dance on the hot concrete around the pool. She yelps, and walks swiftly to the table, where she sits down. I smile at her, surprising a laugh. She notices, and growls lightly at me. This only causes me to laugh more as I sit down across from her.

“Dig in,” I say to her. She complies, grabbing a plate and setting it in front of her. She then grabs the salad bowl and puts some of the salad on her plate. I grabbed some slices onions, lettuce, cheese, and ketchup for my burger. While Luna’s fine with me eating meat, it helps her when I eat something green with it, or on it. We eat in silence, enjoying our own food. I did sample some of Luna’s salad though. While olives aren’t my favorite, the salad was good. Well….I did make it. We finished our diner; Luna grabbed the plates and utensils, bringing them inside where she rinsed them off with water. I sat outside and looked towards the darkening sky. The stars are beginning to shine, and the moon is rising from its hiding spot beyond the horizon. Walking back outside, Luna sits next to me and cuddles up next to me. Her fur is warm, and I’m aware of her wing enfolding us from behind, shielding us from any wind that might make us cold. I smile and kiss her forehead, content with life and all that’s happened.

“This is the life Luna…..I couldn’t be happier.” I sign and nuzzle up against her. She smiles as well and nods.

“Tis a fortunate thing that you and I met before all that has taken place. And tis very fortunate for you that I took your sense of humor as a good thing.” We both laugh and I nod, knowing that had she not…well, I may not be here right now had she not. I smile and kiss her lightly, standing up with her next to me and walking back into the house. Time for the real fun to begin.

I laid down on the bed with a t-shirt and gym shorts on as I waited for Luna to come out of the bathroom. I had changed and gotten ready for bed while she went to ‘freshen up’ and change into her pajamas. Pajamas my ass… The door silently creaked open and I straighten up and looked at her. She walked out in a large white shirt that covered most of her body, with a pair of shorts on underneath, giving her a cute college girl look. I stood up and walked up to her, caressing her cheek in my hand. I bring her closer and kissed her deeply, loving the feel of her lips on mine.

“Mmmmmmm, dost thou wish to continue? Or shall we stay here like this?” Instead of answer her with words, I take action. I turn her around and lay her down softly on our bed, making sure to take extra care not to hurt her wings. She slowly took her shirt off, her bra the only thing covering her large mounds. I decided to give her the same courtesy and removed my shirt as well. She looked at my bare chest with a hint of longing and lust. As I lay next to her, she leaned forward to lock lips with mine. As our tongues fought for supremacy, I slowly caressed her left cheek with my fingers. I leave trails of my touch from her cheek to her nape, listening as she sighs pleasantly. She then places her hands on my bare chest and glides her fingers down to your abdomen. It slightly tickled; I let out a slight chuckle before looking into her beautiful cyan colored eyes, which were looking at you playfully.

“I forget thou are very sensitive there,” she giggled cutely towards me.

“Somehow I doubt that… and besides, I know how to push your buttons as well,” I smiled deviously as I lowered my hand that was caressing her cheek down her neck very slowly and just before reaching her breasts, I lifted my hand and skipped over them. I continue by tracing my fingers down her diaphragm, taking in the feeling of her soft fur. I could tell she was getting anxious and impatient at how slow I was going, I continued the pace, slowly caressing her stomach, down further to her belly button. She was starting to squirm with anticipation now as she awaited my touch to her nether regions. I ventured further, my hand finally reaching her pants line. I let my fingers slide underneath them, watching Luna hitch her breath, then releasing it when I diverted and traced up her side.

“T-thou are cruel to tease me like that!” She looks at me, trying to feign annoyance.

“Oh? You don’t like it when I tease you?” A devious smile spread across my lips.

She nervously looks away before sighing in defeat. “We love it when you tease us, please don’t stop.” Luna wraps her arms around your neck before deeply kissing you.

I nearly melted under the kiss, but managed to compose myself and started rubbing her hip gently. She sighed heavily when my hand traveled to her inner thigh; I felt her spreading her legs apart to allow my hand better access. A few minutes passed by as her soft sighs have now turned into erratic whimpers and moans. I had migrated to nearly every part of her body except the most sensitive parts. By this time, she was silently begging me to ravage her with her body language. Therefore, I decided it was time to give her what she wanted. I reach down to her pants and fiddle with the button a little before releasing its restraints as well as unzipping them as well.

“I-it’s about t-time!” She nearly yells at me.

I laugh at her impatience. “I had to warm you up first; I wanted you to have as much pleasure out of this as I can give,” I give her a seducing smile.

Luna was flustered by your words. “Thou di-didn’t need to g-go so far for u-us!” She continuously shuddered as she tried to remain calm.

“But I want to, I get more pleasure when I’m pleasuring you,” I stated matter-of-factly to her.

She looked at me, completely dumbfounded. “We can’t get over how attentive you are.”

I gave her a mischievous smile before continuing to remove her pants. “Your panties are completely soaked, Luna,” I smiled mischievously at her as she crossed her arms and looked away.

“What did thou expect; I was being tortured for twenty minutes!” She shouted.

I didn’t answer her; instead, I lightly ran a finger up her slit, causing her to let out a surprised yelp. I soon kept lightly stroking her crevice as I stared into her eyes as she gripped the bed sheets while I teased her wet folds. Her eyes seemingly glossy from over stimulation only spurred my motives. After another minute went by, I stopped. She looked at me in confusion and irritation. I gave her a wink before hooking a finger on either side of her pantie loops and slowly slid them down her legs and off. I held them up for her to see just how wet she was, making her blush. I then went a step further and slowly licked up the crotch of them, making her go wide-eyed.

“You taste so good, Luna. I can’t get enough of it,” I say, watching as she fidgeted under the embarrassment.

Without a moment’s hesitation, I dove into her awaiting marehood, teasing and caressing it with my tongue. She squeals in delight and shock as I began licking and sucking on her dripping wet lips, making loud slurping noises.

“C-could th-thou not be so loud, it’s embarrassing,” she managed to say through my torture and her moaning.

I stared up at her from in-between her legs. “I’m sorry, but I can’t hold back, I want you to feel amazing!” You dive back into her mare hood even rougher this time, causing her to scream out in pleasure, her fingers gripping my hair. I can hear how much she was enjoying herself. However, I wanted her to feel much more, I slide my tongue deep into her pulsating opening, and she immediately clenched her hands and pushed my head into her crotch. She started moaning loudly, lighting grinding against my tongue. Her nectar was constantly leaking out of her slit, dripping down my face. I couldn’t help but try to catch it all in my mouth. It tasted sweet and pleasant and I never wanted to stop giving her this pleasure for the rest of my life.

“Th-thou c-can’t take much more!” She wrapped her legs around my neck as she arched forward, her wings spread out completely erect as she orgasmed, hard. She moaned out in pleasure as her sweet nectar squirted into your mouth. She convulsed slightly from the sheer amount of pleasure coursing through her body as she laid there. I try lapping up every bit of it as she slowly came back down from her high.

She looked down at me, panting heavily still. “Th-thou knows how to pl-please a mare…” She gives me a loving smile.

“Only you and that’s how it’ll stay,” I stated.

“But now it’s our turn to pleasure thee…” She cups my face and pulls me into a kiss as I lay on her naked form as she forces her tongue into my mouth, kissing me feverishly. Before I could act however, she uses magic to flip me off her and onto the bed before straddling my hips and looking down at me seductively.

“We shall give thou the same treatment that thou has given us,” She slowly reaches up and unclasps her bra and tossing it aside, revealing her melon sized breasts. I blushed a little at the site, she was truly a remarkable sight, and to have her all to myself was just icing on the cake.

She slowly started crawling downwards until she was face to face with my hips. She uses magic again to unbutton and slowly pull down my pants and underwear in one go, watching as my throbbing member stood at attention for her. She deviously licks her lips and begins lowering her head while looking up at me, obviously loving my reaction to her forward behavior.

“It seems so strong and full of life,” She hummed as she dragged her slim fingers softly across the shaft of my member. I groaned when she went back up to the tip. She let her breath gently caress my hardened spear as she began gently stroking it continuously. Her warm breath made it start to twitch in her hand, which only spurred her on further; she leans in and kisses the tip of my manhood, making a light smacking noise when she pulled away.

I let out a soft moan as I watched her stroke and eye my member, a strong sense of lust in them. Suddenly, she lightly wrapped her lips around the crown and slowly dragged her tongue downward to the base of my balls. It felt like a jolt of electricity shot through my spine when she did so. I couldn’t help but groan in pleasure when she did so. Her hot, moist tongue mixed with the saliva felt amazing. It was all I could not to grab the back of her head and shove my pulsating member into her mouth. Luna must’ve known what I was thinking because she looked up at me and smiled cunningly.

“I bet thou wishes to feel what the inside of our mouth feels like on your member, hm?” Her comment caught me off guard, making my cheeks turn red.

“We’ve known of your dreams lately, very pronounced and detailed might we add,” She explained.

“Y-you looked at what I was dreaming again?” I start to worry slightly as I was unsure about some of them since they got oddly kinky.

“Well, curiosity got the better of us, and I have to admit we were surprised. But then I found myself playing along a lot in them…” She admitted with a clever smirk plastered on her face.

“S-so you were the reason they went into so much detail!?” I sit up slightly at the realization.

“Does this displease thou?” She asked, slightly unsure.

“No, it was amazing! It just finally made sense why I had so many wet dreams lately,” I smiled at her as she contently went back to stroking my member.

She started wrapping her delicate fingers around my shaft, gripping it firmly. I watch as she begins stroking my member roughly. Then, without missing a beat, wrapped her lips around my entire head and twirled her tongue around it repeatedly. A steady stream of moans started escaping your lips as she works on your member. I felt her coating my head with her saliva as she began sucking and lightly bobbing her head, slowly going deeper and deeper until she removed her hand and took my whole spire into her mouth, all the while locking eyes with me. She continued bobbing her head at a moderate pace, one of her free hands moved up to start massaging my jewels. Her moans were vibrating my manhood, adding to the sheer pleasure as well, I can't tell if I can last much longer if she kept the pace up. My face must've given it away because she slowed down with her motions to let me calm down a bit. However, she continued lightly licking the tip of my throbbing member.

Luna stopped and took a deep breath. “Thou has very tasty pre-cum, I can’t wait to taste the rest,” She said in a seductive voice.

I tried but failed holding back a large moan when she suddenly took my spire deep into her mouth. She immediately picked up the pace, her head movements became faster and faster as she locked eyes with you once more, silently telling you she wanted you to cum loads into her awaiting mouth. I started breathing heavily when she was refusing to let up; I wasn’t going to last very long at all.

“L-Luna, I’m going to-” I didn’t bother trying to hold it back, she wanted it and I wanted to feel the release my body was begging me for. I began moaning loudly, as I gazed down, her lustful stare sent me over the edge. With a loud groan, I came hard into Luna’s mouth, she gave a look of surprise at first, barely holding all of your cum inside her mouth. However, she manages and drinks down my nectar hungrily.

She took a few moments to catch her breath before speaking. “You were delicious!”

“Only the best for you, Luna.” I winked at her playfully, “Now then, how about round two?” I asked her, she seemed to light up at the question.

“That sounds wonderful!” She almost immediately sat up, crawled closer and kissed me, forcing her tongue into my mouth. I could still slightly taste my cum, but it didn’t bother me at all; I was too entranced with the fact that her wet folds were pressing against my hardening member.

Suddenly, she pulled away and seemed to stare into my very soul. “I cannot wait any longer; I want you to dominate me…” She coos, slowly getting off of my lap, crawling slowly away from me and swaying her butt back and forth. She then laid her head on the bed and stuck her rump further into the air, lifting up her tail so you could get a better view.

“What are thou waiting for? We want your member shoved into my opening right now!” She pleaded, while giving me an enticing stare.

“Yes, my princess; I’ll give you anything you want,” I sit up smiling at her and positioned yourself behind her before placing your manhood at her awaiting entrance.

I looked over her shoulder to make sure she was ready, she simply flicks her tail in my face out of impatience, making me chuckle a little. Without hesitating, I slid the full length into her folds, her gasp in pleasure told me she loved the little surprise so I quickly pulled out and rammed my member back into her, spearing her repeatedly. She began to moan and squeal with pleasure and excitement. The feeling of her inner walls squeezing my shaft and head felt amazing, but I didn’t want to make sure she came quickly. I reached around and started to rub her clit, which sparked another sharp gasp from her lips, before being replaced with louder moans as she gripped the bed sheets.

I could feel her cum saturating my shaft, making shoving my throbbing member deep into her crevice even easier. Suddenly, I had a devious idea that I wanted to try out on her so I stopped rubbing her clit, much to her displeasure. I slowly pulled out of her sopping wet marehood and rested the tip at her entrance before stopping my thrusts and gently grabbing her tail.

Luna took a couple of deep breaths before turning her head, her eyelids half open. “Wh-what is thou up to-” She is interrupted when I pulled on her tail, making her spear herself on my member. She moaned from the sudden sensation; I thrust forward making her lean forward before pulling her back onto my shaft. She started to understand and began thrusting herself onto my cock repeatedly, of course, I helped by dragging her back by her tail which she seemed to love judging by the way she was moaning.

“We are getting close to our climax, we beg for you to not stop!” I answer her by meeting her thrusts with my own, making the pleasure Luna and I were feeling much more enjoyable. By now, Luna was wildly thrusting herself onto my pulsating spear, yelling out my name, begging me to make her cum. And with a few more thrusts, she screamed out in pure bliss as her nectar poured out of her throbbing opening, and onto the bed itself, soaking it. She collapsed in a heap, breathing heavily as she tried recovering from her massive orgasm. I managed to hold out for her, resting you notice Luna looking at your still erected manhood.

“Thou… have yet to feel thy release…?” She asked as she panting heavily.

“Yeah, I wanted to give you as much pleasure as possible, remember?” I said with a big smile planted on my face.

She slowly sits up, falls backwards onto your chest and looked up at me. “Thou are not getting away with that!” She then turned around and sat on my lap, wrapping her arms around the back of my neck for support. She looked at me, her half-lidded eyes looking into mine like a predator looking at its prey.

She pulled me into a deep kiss, biting my lower lip in the process. I placed my hands on her hips, letting them slowly drift to her rump, squeezing it softly. Luna seemed to enjoy it since she let out soft moan as I did so. I began moving my hands back up her body, slowly as she shivered from it lightly tickling her until I found my destination, her large mounds. I softly squeezed them as well, getting another satisfactory moan from her. I started to knead them like dough; they felt amazing, soft but firm. She started moaning non stop when I began to massage her perfect breasts. Luna was grinding against my lap roughly, her panting and moaning getting more erratic from me roughly kneading her mounds and our passionate kissing.

She looked down at my crotch and smiled deviously. “Looks like thou is ready,” she looks back up and kissed me again. “This time it’s my turn to please you!”

She didn’t wait for my reply. Luna got to her knees, reached down, and grabbed my stiffened member. As she placed the tip against her wet folds, she began rubbing it up and down them roughly, my manhood getting soaked in the process. I tried to stifle my grunts of pleasure as she continued to torture me, but it was getting difficult when she looked up at me, her eyes half-lidded as she was biting her lower lip. It was almost unbearably sexy and I couldn’t stop myself from moaning aloud when she started probing her opening, the tip of my throbbing spear getting squeezed by her opening. She smiled mischievously as she pulled the tip out then slammed herself down onto my shaft. I let out a surprised yelp that quickly changed to small grunts of pleasure when her walls started to tighten around my spire, her wings were twitching as the fanned out a little. Luna had her tongue hanging out, making a lude face I couldn’t help but get even harder as I looked at her expression; I wanted to shove her onto the bed and dominate her, but I knew she wanted to pleasure me, so I forced myself to calm down.

Luna re-wrapped her arms around your neck as she began repeatedly spearing herself onto my shaft, her cries of pleasure slowly getting louder with each thrust. I decided to grab her cute butt and help her slid up and down my member, her precum flowing down my balls. She continued at her pace until I begged her to go faster. She complied happily and started bouncing up and down rapidly, her inner walls gripping tightly around my shaft with every insertion. Luna was bouncing wildly, burying my rod deep into her crevice, her cries of pure bliss echoed through the room with mine, It was easy to tell she was close to her release, but so was I.

“I-I’m getting cl-close!” She screamed, digging her nails into my back, but not hard enough to draw blood.

“S-same!” I blurted out, digging my fingers into her soft rump.

Her mounds bounced rapidly in front of me, her eyes shut tight from the immense pleasure coursing through her body. I could hear her butt slapping against my wet thighs as she moved up and down rapidly, I wanted to release my seed really badly, but I also wanted to hold out and cum with her, she was enjoying herself to much to not give her that pleasure. She opened her eyes and looked into mine once again before moving in to kiss me deeply, forcing her tongue into my mouth and wrestling my mine into submission. By this time, Luna was moaning loudly into my mouth, signaling that she was about to climax, which meant I could as well. Suddenly, her walls clinched around my shaft as she let out a cry of pure bliss as she came. It gushed out around my member while she thrusted downward, sending me over the edge as well. I let out a loud cry as I shot my load deep into her marehood over and over, filling her to the brim with my seed. Luna has a mini orgasm just from that alone.

Her walls shivered and quaked as I finally finished releasing my load deep inside her. Her own juices leaking out and around my shaft and down onto the bed. “I-I can feel thou hot seed inside me, it feels amazing…” Luna says as she gasps for air.

“Luna, that was amazing. I want to have this feeling with you and only you for the rest of my life,” you said, as she rested against you.

“I feel the same, my love,” She hugged me and I did the same.

We embraced each other for a while until we started to feel sleepy and decided to lie down in each other’s arms in blissful slumber.