Story: Practice; Alone, so alone.

by Mr Sarcasm

First published

Darkness has killed a mass of the Human population, and the only way to survive is through the Light.

Through the night, there is a way to thrive in the absence of the light. Only once has this happened, but never so horribly.

(May contain some parts (or spoilers) referring to the movie, Vanishing on 7th street, and the ever great story, Fallout Equestria.)

Rated Teen for Blood, Gore, and Questionable content.

Chapter 1: Welcome to the "new" world.

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[Video/audio feed start, a black and blue striped pony Pegasus with his wings rested against his sides, sits directly in front and looks into the camera, face filled with the expression's of Anger, Fear, Loneliness, Regret, and Sorrow.

"Recording 0100 hours... Day 94 of.."

Mumbles under breath, looks downward as if saddened or depressed.

"Whatever the hell this is.."

Spits in disgust, just barely missing the camera.

"I've never told this to anyone before. N-now don't go tellin just anyone about it, because they'll never hear me admit it aloud."

Mentally prepares himself, closes eyes, takes deep breath, opens eyes again, and focus's all attention on camera.


"...One day when I was in my boring old Biology class, I - I just fell asleep.."

Looks back down, and closes eye's as if concentrating.

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Alone in a small room, with all power lost. Lied a being of small form, snoring lightly and UN-conscious. Chest rising and falling with each breath, and skin lightly pulsating to every rhythmic beat of it's heart.

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"I don't remember much of the dream I was experiencing. But I do know it was scary and dark! J- just like the room in which I awoke. A-and, I feel.. As if all, that's happened.. Is all somehow.. My fault...."

Tears swell in eyes, sniffling out a cry.

"Another detail from the dream I had.."

Closes eyes as if concentrating.

"The room in question was full of broken bun-sen burners, warped and broken glasses scattered onto the floors, and dis-assembled desks/tables littered the entire room, all equipment though, look as if people were in a desperate attempt to build a fort of some kind. The air was the color of pitch black, save for small bits of dull moon-light escaping from the massively cracked windows that no longer show reflection, and window blinds that, only are somewhat successful at doing their job at blocking the light.. I guess I was still in my biology class."

"Blood, from some creature, as well as some other remnants that I can only describe as paint and Battery Acid. Stained and ate into large portions of the walls... The room looked as if a war waged in here."

Takes deep breath, nervously looks away.

"Wh-when I w-woke up, from the dream, everything, was different.."


The darkness tugged at the sun relentlessly to cast it's endless en-devour of night onto the planets surface once more. When the moon rose highest in the sky, while the sun was no where to be seen. Most of the darkness retreated to shadows being cast under every structure. The darkness once again failed to destroy "every" creature, but was satisfied that the night would at least be quiet, and let the conscious being live... For now..


"I was lying on my back facing the ceiling. And, it was just, tattered, torn, and moldy.. Most of the small blocks that was the ceiling portrayed had fallen to the floor. Small specs scattered across each desk like a decoration, and layers of dust or... Dirt covered everything within sight."

Sun noticeably moves behind every structure, to officially end the current daytime. Nothing beyond the border inside the building makes sense, no laws of motion. Not even time it's self seems able to keep anything in align.

"Every piece, O-of the ceiling tile, had small jagged edges. I looked up higher, to where I remember the American flag proudly hung.. "

Character gulp's.

"It... It looked like a large chunk had been chewed off by.. Something... Something, bad. Very, very, bad.. Strangely though, I was fine. Completely un-touched by whatever obamanation had passed by."

Sun is no longer within perceivable sight, like a lamp has been shut off, and nothing but black can be seen.


Lights a candle.


The night was watching the being with UN-controlled fascination, eyeing it's every move from the deepest corners of the room, admiration filling it's dark heart from what curse filled words it let slip past it's flapping air hole with ease, and without the least of a feeling it UN-shamefully called remorse.


"The room, as well as torn to shit. There also seemed to appear plant life, developing inside of the seems of the wall."

"I felt like I was there for hours scanning the room now, what only felt like mere minutes when I was there. But, the creepiest part was, every second I was inside that room.. Er.. Just being alive, and still is, was... I.. I just feel, like I'm being watched. Something.. Ancient. And... It don't feel like a benevolent force is watching me either. No...quite the opposite actually."

"...A couple of days later, I was... Afraid, yet.. Intrigued by the darkness on the walls and under many buildings at night. I do my best to avoid any and all sorts of light.. All because the darkness, sort of Comforts me, with soft spoken words and the most beautiful sounds one could call music... It.. It speaks to me."

Character shutters, starts shaking from recent memories.

"..And after a while, I began to think I was going crazy. D-do you believe that? Me, going insane?!... I don't believe that.. I.. Can't believe that. Because it's impossible for me to lose my mind."

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The once sleeping being woke up to a very bright, yellowish, warm, and welcoming light, shining into it's pupils making his retina's contract, and eventually, completely awake the form that was snoring lightly on the ground.

"What the, F-fuck?!"

It groggily mumbled under it's breath.

The being slowly opened it's eyes and stirred on the ground in a futile attempt to wake it's self. The being, while muttering non-understandable slander to it's self, slowly began to rise on two front legs. Since being a quadrupedal form, is what it has to do sit upright.

"T'is a new day, my furry little friend. Remember, stay sane, and never trust the shadows."

The being's ears flickered from side-to-side. Eyes widened in fear and anticipation of what might happen next. The being quickly slammed it's hooves onto the ground again, to keep from falling on it's haunches, and to be at a complete and full height.

-H-hellllooooo?! I-Is anybody there?-

The being's sudden vocal outburst violently echoed through the hallway, eliciting a response from nothing.

"What did that voice mean.. My 'furry' little friend?..."

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"How many times can one go completely mad, before one completely breaks and commit's suicide... Or worse?.... "

"Because, a couple of years ago, I had a friend. She was my beeesst friend! And eventually, after a while of friendship and tolerance for the both of us.. I popped the question... The look on her face was one of admiration, beauty, and love. And remember back this, back then I was Human, not Pony. I loved her with all my heart and so much, that my brain could barely fathom what I felt for her."

"We... We had something, special. I loved her, and I know that she loved me back. So, don't be surprised about what I'm about to tell you next..

Her face changed from a loving and compassionate full emotion, to one of disappointment and fear. As if she were afraid for what was about to come. Sheee....

..she said no."

"My heart sank... So much, that I thought I was going to shit it out like a geyser shoot's water straight into the air."

"The....the weirdest part.... I remember killing myself the following night."

Slam's hoof on the ground as if he were trying to punch a hole through the earth.


Begins to tear up, starting to sob.

"Wh-why am I alive?... What the FUCK HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS??!!"

Violently kicks camera away, screen fizzes to black.

Heavy sob's and hiccups from depression heard through the span of minutes, no more video feed enabled.

"I-...I'm just going to bed, I don't care if you can hear me anymore... I've said ENOUGH, for now.

Goodbye, for a very looong tiiime."

Voice breaks on last two words.

Video and Audio feed disconnect

End Chapter 1...


Tell me what y'all think, I'm doing this story both for your entertainment, and for my improvement.

Feel free to criticize heavily, I don't care if anybody likes it. I'm doing my best.

If anybody finds any mistakes in grammar or punctuation, please point it out. It'd be lot's a help.

And just in case you didn't understand what I'm doing.

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- -- ------------ ------- ---------- ------------ --------- -------- ------- = This means I'm switching into another point of view, somewhere else.

= This means the start/finish of the story-line.

--------------------------------------------- = And this means what's going on around the character in point of view.

This will NOT be posted at the ending of all chapters, unless requested by comment, or PM.