> Innocent Beginnings: Filthy Business > by Mercury Zero > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Filthy Business > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Fillies and gentlecolts. Mister Filthy Rich!" There was a chorus of clopping applause rising up from the audience when Filthy stepped out onto the auditorium stage and looked out at the audience with a smile. He lifted one foreleg with a practiced grin and the cheers from the throng of suited business ponies rose to a crescendo. There were at least two-hundred ponies who had decided to come to the opening event of the Manehatten Business Symposium; each of them wearing a small lanyard with an ID badge around their necks. Dozens of security staff members with their bright orange badges helped usher the stragglers to their seats in time for the keynote speech to begin. The circular walls of the convention hall auditorium were covered with windows, and in all directions, the majestic Manehatten skyline glistened in the light of the morning sun. Filthy had to strain to see all the guests over the glare of the spotlights and slide projectors pointed at the stage, but he smiled nonetheless, and nodded in all directions, acknowledging the barely visible audience. The applause continued to thunder throughout the stadium, and echo off the glass walls and concrete ceilings of the convention center. Filthy made his way toward the podium where the convention manager was waiting with a hoof outstretched. They clasped ankles, shook hooves with firm grips, and smiled at one another. They shared a few words that weren’t picked up by the microphone. From the audience’s perspective, they were speaking a silent greeting, and the convention manager mimed a soundless laugh over the crackling sound of applause. Grinning brightly at whatever joke he must have just told the convention manager, Filthy reached out to give him a pat on the scruff, and one final nod, before walking up toward the podium. “That was one amazing introduction, everypony. Let’s hear it, one more time, for all the incredible work these guys have done setting up this convention.” The applause surged to its peak once more, and Filthy drew a slow and satisfied smile. He waited patiently for the roar of the convention goers to settle down into silence before he began his speech. Mergers and Acquisitions. Never underestimate the importance of knowing how to do a good acquisition. Over the past thirty years, Barnyard Bargains has grown from a from a single hardware store in the small town of Ponyville, into the largest chain of department stores in all of Equestria, with over nine hundred locations, a market capitalization of nearly four-hundred million bits, and almost a billion bits in revenue every single year. Now, I can safely say, without any reservation, that in all that time, the most critical skill in my arsenal was the ability to know how, when, and why to make a high quality acquisition. … The Hot To Trot Bar & Grill wasn’t known for its food. The drinks were okay, but most ponies were interested in the company, so to speak. The place was old, even back then. The walls were strewn with antique chotchkies like worn horseshoes and bent road signs, not to mention the plethora of old photographs and paintings depicting what Ponyville looked like a few generations back when it was first pioneered by the Smith family. It was fairly early, so the bulk of the evening rush hadn’t begun yet. Aside from a small hoofful of customers, and a bartender, dressed neatly in a black and white uniform, polishing the bar with a rag, it was pretty much empty. Happy hour was certain to liven the place up, but for now the atmosphere was peaceful and intimate. There wasn’t even any music playing yet. The lighting was dim, and there was a faint hazy tinge of fog in the air, accompanied by the distinct scent of pipe tobacco. Somepony in there definitely liked their chocolate flavored loose tobacco. Filthy Rich had been known to partake in the occasional cigar, himself, not to mention some other, more self-destructive vices. When he opened the door to the bar, a beam of light from the sunset shot in and lit up the bartop, causing more than one barfly to squint and grimace at the unwelcome illumination. Filthy reached up, pulled on the knot of his tie to loosen its grip on his throat, and popped open his top shirt button. It had been a long day for Filthy, and this was the first time he had been in the shade all day, after inspecting the construction site for his fourth department store. ... The next, and most important step, when preparing for an acquisition, is to know the market; pick your targets carefully. You can’t be wasting your time with bad leads. Hone your ability to spot a good investment, and spot it before your competitors do. … Filthy half smiled with his eyes fixed on a lonely corner of the bar, way back behind the icebox and right next to the dingy wooden walls. A canary yellow pegasus pony was there, staring down at the bar top with her ears hung low. She looked like she was barely old enough to be in an establishment like this. Filthy made his way into the bar, and gave the bartender a nod as he passed by. “Evenin’, Mr. Rich.” “Good evening, Appletini.” Filthy’s smile grew bigger as he got closer to the far end of the bar. He ran his tongue against the tip of one of his sharper teeth and stared intently at the young pegasus. Stepping up quietly behind her, his expression abruptly melted away, and adopted a curled brow and gentle frown of concern. “Hey. Fluttershy, right? I’m a friend of Applejack’s grandmother. I think we’ve met.” With a gentle voice, he asked, “What’s up, are you okay?” Fluttershy perked her ears up half way, and looked up to see who was addressing her. “Oh um…” she murmured, looking back down at the bar top and shrinking nervously. “Hi, Mr. Rich.” She gently grabbed a small c-shaped gold plated ankle band, and pulled it in close to her chest, hiding it with both her fore hooves. She didn’t seem interested in answering Filthy’s other question. She just stared off at the bar with a forlorn expression. Filthy took a seat next to her, and glanced over from a comfortable distance. “Do you want to talk about it?” Fluttershy just shook her head, and gently ran the tip of her hoof on her golden band. “No. I’m okay. Don’t worry about me.” … Research; research; research; research. From the moment you lay eyes on an opportunity to acquire, you should already know more about your target than they know about themselves. … “Is that a purity anklet?” Fluttershy’s downtrodden expression curled into full-on grief. She buried her head down against the scuffed wood grain of the overused bar top and covered her head in her fore hooves. “Hey,” Filthy whispered softly. “It’s alright. Let me buy you a drink and we can talk about it, okay?” He gently set a hoof, reassuringly, on Fluttershy’s scruff. “I don’t drink alc—” “Scotch on the rocks, and a banana daiquiri,” Filthy called out to the bartender. He set some bits, including a generous tip, onto the bar. “Oh um… okay,” Fluttershy mumbled. The bartender was quick to get them their drinks. He set Filthy’s usual drink in front of him, and nudged a banana daiquiri over to Fluttershy. Filthy picked up his drink with a soft jingle of melting ice. “If you don’t want to talk, that’s okay too, but I can tell you’re hurting. Did you break your chastity pledge?” As though it were an afterthought, he added, “Have a sip.” Fluttershy, distracted by her own thoughts, reached out to grab her daiquiri and gave it a sip absent-mindedly. Still clapping her lips, she responded, “No. I’m still saving myself until marriage.” When you actually sit down to negociate, remember, they’re going to be fully aware of what they’re holding over you. They’re going to know exactly how much they’re worth, and they’re going to know exactly what you’re after. If they weren’t worth the effort, you wouldn’t be there. If they were too stupid to see exactly what you want, why would you want to acquire them in the first place? The fact that you’re there, in that room, and they haven’t already told you to hit the bricks is proof in itself that you have a tough road to hoe. If they feel like you’re disrespecting their position, then your opportunity is going to die on the vine. Be honest about it, and always rise to the challenge. Fluttershy took a few more gentle sips through her straw. She was careful not to drink the cold cocktail too quickly. “I think you’re going to marry a very lucky stallion, someday.” Fluttershy swallowed her mouthful of cocktail with a lump in her throat, coughed gently, and broke into a fiery blush. She squeaked out a sweet timid sound, and turned to look at Filthy. He was giving her a direct but gentle stare. Fluttershy looked up at Filthy for as long as she could before she felt compelled to look away self-consciously. She stared at her drink. Filthy noticed a pensive expression on Fluttershy’s face, and gave her some time to think. He lifted his scotch to his muzzle, and took a sip. He was doing his best to make sure the glass was blocking Fluttershy’s view of his lips as he fought to suppress a grin. “My coltfriend—um… my ex-coltfriend… He had one too, but he doesn’t anymore. I was saving myself for him, and I thought he was saving himself for me, but he had sex with another mare.” Despite her best efforts, fluttershy’s muzzle curled with heartbreak and she covered her eyes with the back of her hoof, closing them tightly. Filthy reached out toward the bar to gently clasp Fluttershy’s wrist, holding hooves tightly. Fluttershy uncovered her eyes to look down at the clasped hooves. She sniffed softly, and squeezed back. She continued, “I wanted to, lots of times. We even held each other, sometimes, when we were alone, and I might have—I didn’t… He told me he wanted to wait, too, Mr. Rich. I didn’t want to pressure him… I never want to pressure anypony. My friends tell me to be more assertive, and I guess I—” “Fluttershy, you can’t blame yourself.” “Oh okay.” ... Always keep your target off balance. I can’t tell you how many negotiations fall apart because one side or the other allowed their opponents to start thinking about the big picture. If you think enough, some detail or another is going to come up that makes you completely lose your nerve and scuttle the whole operation. There are a million ways to fail, but only one way to succeed. Go, and don’t look back. If you remember one thing from this presentation, remember that. … “Let’s dance.” Filthy leaned over to give Fluttershy a playful look, and she slowly lifted her glance to look at him. She looked back at his smile with a quivering gaze, and a blush that didn’t seem to be getting any less bright. Not waiting for an answer, Filthy let go of Fluttershy’s hoof, and hopped down off his barstool. “But—oh, what?—No, no.” Fluttershy looked back at the bar and shook her head rapidly. “We can’t because there’s no music. I’m so sorry… Maybe next time?” “Appletini,” Filthy called out, without taking his eyes off of Fluttershy’s now timidly averted gaze. “Let’s hear something upbeat. Maybe something from DJ PON-Three?” “You got it, boss.” The bartender turned around and made his way toward the stereo. “B-boss?” Fluttershy asked? “Bought this place years ago.” Fluttershy slipped down of her barstool in time for the deceptively subtle beat of the music to start echoing through the hazy room. She looked up at Filthy uncertainly. Even though he was the youngest millionaire in Ponyville he was still at least ten years older than Fluttershy, but that didn’t make him any less handsome. In fact, he had the distinguished look of a mature stallion, especially with his sharp looking suit. Behind Filthy, the dance floor came to life with red and yellow lights. The business-stallion’s half-dim silhouette reached out with both fore hooves toward Fluttershy. “Come on. It’ll be fun. That’s why you came here, isn’t it? You wanted to have fun?” Fluttershy started to shrink away from Filthy. Her voice cracked softly as she was about to answer. “I…” ... Ultimately, you’ll just get a feel for this sort of thing. You need to be perceptive, and if you’re not, then you’re in the wrong business. It’s just as much about instinct as it is about facts and figures. … “Please. It’ll make me happy.” Filthy’s words softened and he hung his head slightly, allowing his smile to melt away. “Is it okay? If we dance?” Fluttershy looked up at Filthy swiftly. She frowned at his expression, and nodded rapidly. “Um… Uh huh… Okay,” she said. Filthy’s smile returned, and Fluttershy beamed up at him contentedly. She set her forehooves in his, and lifted off into a low hover to be pulled into the center of the dance floor, just in time for the beat to drop. While she hovered, she curled up in the air apprehensively, and looked to see how many of the barflies had turned to eyeball the dance floor. She counted up to three before Filthy interrupted her. “Come on Fluttershy, you have to move around more than that.” Filthy swayed to the music slowly, bouncing his head and shaking his hips. “Like this.” He gave Fluttershy a wink and made a corny little twisting dance move that made her giggle. The pegasus mare kept giggling as she did a little half hearted swirl of her own, spinning in place above the dance floor with a tiny flap of her wings. “Um, is that right?” “Now you’re getting it!” Fluttershy couldn’t keep the smile off her face if she tried, now. They swayed and bounced to the beat with more and more energy as the song went on, and it wasn’t long before she forgot about the onlookers entirely, and focused entirely on Filthy, watching him grin right back at her. “This is fun,” giggled Fluttershy. “Of course it’s fun, it’s dancing!” Fluttershy gave Filthy a coy grin. Filthy’s grin fell away into astonished delight. He clopped his forehooves together and barked with amusement. “This is your first time dancing isn’t it?” Fluttershy shrunk away from Filthy demurely, then reached out to playfully push on his shoulder to rebuff him. “Silly billy. Is that bad?” Filthy was a little surprised by the playful touch, and it made his shocked expression linger even longer than it was going to, but his smile returned slowly; bigger than ever. … There’s an old trick I would use back in my days as a salesman. Try to get them thinking about closing the deal long before you actually suggest it. That way they’ll think it’s their own idea. … “I’m really glad your first time was with me.” “Me too,” Fluttershy replied with a nod. Filthy turned his body so he was alongside Fluttershy, and he gave her a gentle bump with his flank. She eeped, and giggled, giving him a little bump back, then covering her mouth with both fore hooves. “Oh. Uh, Sorry,” she bubbled. “No you’re not.” Filthy laughed. Fluttershy giggled and curled away sweetly, all but confirming Filthy’s accusation. The sounds of the soft conversations and clinking glass of the bar returned suddenly as song finished and the music faded away. Fluttershy looked around timidly with the jarring reminder that she’s still in a bar, and for some reason making herself the center of attention. With a mischievous expression, Filthy turned his head toward the bar. “Come on. Your drink is going to melt, and besides. I want to show you something.” He walked off away from the dance floor, and turned backward for a moment to make sure that fluttershy was following him. He gulped hard and blinked. Fluttershy was following him, but she was also looking at him. It might not have meant anything, if it was some other mare, but Fluttershy was looking back at him boldly, without averting her eyes for a moment. He almost absent-mindedly bumped into another bargoer. Filthy excitedly turned around, prancing off to quickly scoop up his scotch and Fluttershy’s daiquiri, then squeak his way behind the bar. Fluttershy paused, and blinked. “Oh… um, are we supposed to go back there?” “Yeah. Come on, Appletini doesn’t mind. I think I’d mind if he minded, and he doesn’t want that. Come on, beautiful. I want to show you the best room in the place.” Fluttershy held fast, and looked back at the dance floor for a moment. She looked over to the door, too, and nibbled her lower lip. “Um…” She glanced down at her right fore ankle, too. It felt so bare. She turned to look at her original seat, and a gleam of gold caught her eye for a moment. She swallowed hard and drew a slow breath that shook in her throat from her nerves. “Okay.” ... Paydirt. Back in the gold rush, that’s what they’d called it if they found gold while digging through gravel. It’s that moment when you know that there’s no turning back. All that you need to do now is close the deal, and pop a bottle of wine. … The pair slipped in through the kitchen entrance, and past the bustling cooking crew as they prepared for happy hour, and into a back room. The entrance to the back room looked a lot better maintained, or perhaps less used, than the rest of the establishment. The door was a fine hardwood, and the interior was even nicer. It had varnished hardwood walls lining both sides of a staircase that led down to a comfortable looking carpeted room. The faint light of oil lamps flickered up from below. “It’s the wine room. This place may be a bit of a hole in the wall, but if the customers order it, we can get them whatever they want to drink.” Filthy descended the stairs while he continued his explanation. Fluttershy followed him, and leaned and stretched to peek around him and catch a glimpse of the basement. The old staircase creaked softly. “Some of the bottles down here are older than my grandfather.” Filthy turned around briefly. “Would you mind closing the door behind you? The cellar needs to have a specific temperature and humidity.” Fluttershy jumped a little and turned around. “Oh, I’m sorry.” She reached out a hoof toward the door knob, and swallowed. Her hoof lingered on it for a moment, and she listened to Filthy’s squeaking hoofsteps behind her. After a moment, she pulled the door shut. “I also use it as a VIP room for my business partners.” The cellar was beautiful. The walls were lined with hundreds of wine bottles that glittered in the light of the kerosene lamp hanging near the stairwell. Fluttershy had an eye for good stitching, and she could tell that the carpet was hoof woven. There was a small dinner table that seated four, with some clean wine glasses and a humidor filled with cigars sitting on top of it, as well as a hoofful of small sofas and coffee tables. It was big enough to host a party for a dozen ponies. It even had its own bathroom. Filthy set the scotch and daiquiri down on one of the coffee tables, and walked over to one of the walls. He took a deep breath, and hummed thoughtfully as he picked through the bottles of wine, before settling on one with a smile. He gently dusted it off, and started gently drilling into the top with a bottle opener. “Well? What do you think.” “Oh! It’s very very nice. I think it’s the best wine cellar I’ve ever seen.” Filthy stopped turning his corkscrew for just a moment to look up at Fluttershy incredulously. He shook his head and laughed. “It’s the only wine cellar you’ve ever seen, isn’t it?” Fluttershy gently rubbed her fore hoof on the carpet. “Um… yes.” Pop! “Well then, that officially makes it a pattern then. This is a night of firsts, and I think that deserves a toast.” He filled up two glasses, and set them down next to the other drinks on the coffee table. “Aren’t you going to have a seat?” Fluttershy jumped slightly, and hovered over toward the sofa next to the coffee table with a sheepish grin. “Oops. I’m sorry. I’m nervous,” she said while forcing out a giggle, and landing, haunches first, onto the small faux leather sofa. Filthy reassured Fluttershy very softly. “Hey. There’s no reason to be nervous. Just take your time and relax. Maybe tell me a bit about yourself?” He took a seat next to Fluttershy. “Maybe tell me how you got to be so sweet?” He picked up his scotch and drank the last of it down. Fluttershy giggled genuinely now, and gave Filthy a little nudge on the shoulder with her hoof. “I’m not as nice as you, and you’re really good at dancing.” Filthy laughed skeptically into his scotch glass and set it aside. “You definitely don’t see many dancers then.” He scooted a little closer to Fluttershy, nearly brushing his side up against her. “Are—hmm. Are you always like that?” Filthy fought against it, but a look of confusion started to creep into his expression. Fluttershy frowned, and picked up her glass of wine. She gave it a testing sip, before murmuring an apology. “Oh, um, I’m sorry.” “Yes, like that, exactly. Do you realize you haven’t said a single selfish thing tonight? You were scared to dance, but you danced for me. You were scared to drink, but you accepted my drink.” Filthy paused to turn his head uncertainty. “We barely met before tonight, and you even remembered my name.” He gently rubbed at the moist rim of his scotch glass. “You came here with a broken heart, and all you’ve cared about is whether you were making me happy. Even when you were talking about your ex.” He grit his teeth. “Fluttershy, he cheated on you. The bastard cheated on you. You’re allowed to be mad, but all you were worried about was whether or not you made him happy. You even wished you were more assertive with him so that, maybe, he would have taken advantage of you instead of somepony else.” Fluttershy hung her head for a moment, then tipped back her glass of wine, rapidly gulping it down, much to Filthy’s shock. “Fluttershy… I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up your ex again.” ... Sometimes things can get a little ugly at the discussion table. If that happens to you, then just remember a few things. First, and most critically, always expect the unexpected. … Fluttershy leaned gently toward Filthy, laying her side up against his and pressing her muzzle against his cheek. Filthy drew a sharp breath of surprise in response, sitting up stiffly with the fur of his scruff bristling from goose bumps. “Fluttershy, what are you—this isn’t—We shouldn’t be doing this.” Fluttershy nuzzled on Filthy’s neck, then looked up at him with her sweet, timid eyes. “Um. Doing what, Mr. Rich?” Filthy scooched away, but Fluttershy followed, hugging her body up closely to his. He was close enough to hear her heartbeat thumping madly in her chest and neck. Her fur was warm, and very soft. He was close enough, now, to tell that she uses a simple wildflower scented shampoo. “Th-this, Fluttershy. This.” ... Go for the throat. … Fluttershy leaned in and slipped her lips against Filthy’s neck, suckling on the fur over his adam’s apple. Filthy’s eyes shot open wide. She whimpered a soft moan against him, and he skittered in his seat. The faux leather groaned and creaked under his haunches. With her lips still pressed against Filthy’s neck, she whispered, “But, I want you to tell me what we’re doing. So… so that I know what you’re talking about.” “S-sweet Celestia.” Filthy’s voice quivered and cracked in pitch. He backed away from Fluttershy so far that he was practically crawling backward up the wall. “Fluttershy, I wanted, I mean, I didn’t mean to lead you on, but I’m having some doubts here. Is this what you… I mean…” ... Don’t show a moment’s hesitation or weakness. … Filthy couldn’t help but melt into his seat, wide eyed with shock, when Fluttershy’s nibbled up Filthy’s chest and nipped at the lower side of his jaw. Fluttershy begged him, “It’s okay. I like it. But, maybe tell me the words? Please? Say what I want.” Filthy reached out, grabbed his glass of wine, and tipped it back much like Fluttershy did. “Fluttershy. I thought that this is… having sex is… that taking your virginity is what I wanted—” Fluttershy proffered a delighted moan that made Filthy grimace with temptation “—but you can’t possibly want this. Not your first time. Not in some wine cellar.” ... Hit him where it hurts. … Filthy drew a shocked gasp when he felt Fluttershy’s fore hoof sliding down his chest, over his abdomen, and against his sheath. Filthy couldn’t help but grind and buck his hips against Fluttershy’s hoof while she teased the tip of his member out of his sheath. With her lips still on his jaw, he stared down over her shoulders, and looked over her back rapaciously. Her wings were twitching now in short, intermittent fits of clenching and stretching. Her tail was flitting and jerking against the upholstery. He grasped her by both shoulders, and half-heartedly pushed her away from him. He clutched her tightly, so that Fluttershy would know that he wasn’t about to let her squirm free and cuddle back up to him, but she didn’t resist being pushed away at all. She was even more beautiful from the front. Filthy kept her at leg’s length, and looked her over. She had lifted one of her hooves up to her lips and was nibbling on it nervously, but her eyes stared back at him. Her cheeks were on fire with a lustful blush, and her body was trembling now. ... Don’t give him an ounce of mercy. … “You—you can kiss me…” Fluttershy’s voice was softer, and deeper than usual when she begged him. “Please kiss me. Be gentle.” Filthy’s forelegs buckled weakly, unable to keep pushing Fluttershy away. They fell almost limply down to the couch below. He swallowed hard and drew a sudden breath when, free from his grip, Fluttershy started moving toward him again at an agonizingly slow pace. Her muzzle drew closer and closer to his. Filthy closed off the final few inches by leaning forward to kiss Fluttershy. He wrapped his forelegs under her wings, and embraced her tightly to his breast. He moved forward without breaking the kiss, and gently tilted until he fell onto the couch, with Fluttershy under him. When the weight of a full grown earth pony laid down on the young pegasus’ body, she arched her back and stretched her legs. Her trembling instantly increased in strength, and she whimpered with nervous tension. Filthy frowned at the sound of Fluttershy’s whimpers, and started to pull himself off of her, but he was pulled back down by her forelegs, wrapped around his nape. It wasn’t Filthy’s first time with a pegasus mare. He reached down to one of Fluttershy’s twitching wings, and gently pressed in his hooftip, just under the bones of her downy feathers. With a startled moan of pleasure, fluttershy pressed her face up against Filthy’s cheek. She was rhythmically squirming and grinding her legs and chest up against Filthy’s body now, and firmly petting her hooves down over his ribs and flanks, squeezing and pressing down on his cutie marks. The sound of Filthy’s lust was guttural and sharp. He groaned out and twitched his hips at the feeling of Fluttershy’s hooves exploring his body. Fluttershy squeaked when she felt Filthy’s member run slickly across her belly and over one of her nipples. “Is—Is that your—” Filthy’s chest heaved, and he breathed heavily through his nose. He gently leaned over to suckle and nip at Fluttershy’s other wing. His deep voice sent vibrations up her bones, and made her shudder and arch her back. He didn’t mince words. “Yes.” Fluttershy closed her eyes, swallowed hard, and furrowed her brow. She barely moved, and didn’t say anything as Filthy’s blatant lust grew more desperate and frenzied. He gave the sensitive spots on Fluttershy’s wings a soft chomp, testing her limits. Her body curled hard, and she cried out a pleasure soaked whine. “Aanh! Ohh.” “Unh. You’re so wet,” Filthy mumbled while pressing his belly between Fluttershy’s hind legs. Fluttershy squeaked sharply with embarrassment, covering her face. “Are you ready?” Filthy asked, drawing his muzzle up to look at Fluttershy, nose to nose. Fluttershy opened her eyes when she felt Filthy draw in close to her nose, and she reached up to gently set one hoof on each of his cheeks. She hesitated for a moment, then nodded a rapid, unsure nod. Filthy watched her eyes intensely as he arched his hips, and slipped himself gradually inside of Fluttershy. They both drew shivering, tremulous breaths against one another’s lips and held their eye contact while he slipped himself inside her. Filthy started, gradually, to thrust. He addressed Fluttershy with an airy groan, “Wow, that feels incredible, Fluttershy. You’re so hot. I wanted this so bad.” Fluttershy strained to respond, but moans and cries rose in her throat to stifle her words. She squirmed and rubbed her back against the tacky, hot surface of the couch upholstery. She locked necks with her lover, and stared up at the lavish white and brown coffered ceiling of the wine cellar. Filthy’s breath puffed sharply against Fluttershy’s neck. He buried his nose against the surface of the couch, holding necks with Fluttershy tightly, and leaned back to start thrusting himself more aggressively. There was a shriek of lust from below as Filthy increased his pace, and Fluttershy’s body twisted sharply. “I’m gonna—hah!” “Oh damn, you’re going to cum already? That’s getting me so—” Rather than resorting to words, he finished sentence with a lecherous growl, and punctuated it with even faster and more needy thrusts. Fluttershy’s hind hooves pounded down against the sofa, and she rolled her hips back up against Filthy. Her muscles tensed and arched, curling her backwards to press her belly hard into Filthy. She was rocked from ears to hooves by sharp, spasmodic twitches, and wailed out Filthy’s name with her muzzle curled and her jaw parted. Filthy couldn’t reign in his lust anymore; not after feeling Fluttershy in the throes of such an intense orgasm, and much less after knowing it was the first one she’d ever had during sex. His growls of lust barked and hiccuped from his thrusts as he lost all restraint, and hammered wetly into Fluttershy. Fluttershy was panting heavily, with a blissful, yet tense expression. She writhed and squeezed Filthy’s body atop hers, drawing close to lick and nibble at his ear, moaning into it. “More. Hah-arder.” “Damn. Damn yes.” Filthy didn’t need to be asked twice. He panted loudly and pumped into fluttershy at a frantic pace. “You’re so tight! You’re so much tighter than my wife.” Fluttershy’s blissful glow seemed to end abruptly. Her jaw dropped wide and her eyes shot open as far as they could. She shook her head with disbelief, unseen by Filthy, who continued to hold her tightly, neck to neck. Filthy didn’t contain the sounds of his orgasm. He roared a throaty cry of desire, and jammed himself to the hilt into Fluttershy, firing thick shots of his essence into her. He drew his head away from Fluttershy’s neck and curled his spine, and Fluttershy watched the contorted expression of pleasure on his face above her. Exhausted, Filthy collapsed against the still trembling pegasus, and caught his breath gradually, holding her in a sweet embrace. He heaved a long sigh of contentment. Fluttershy gave Filthy a bashful kiss on the lips, and a worried expression. He smiled, laughed softly, and kissed her back. “Thank you, Fluttershy. I think you might be the kindest pony I’ve ever known.” Filthy clapped along with the audience as they applauded him. He almost stepped away from the microphone before turning back to call out with a muffled, clippy amplified voice. “And I couldn’t have gotten to where I am today, without the love and support of my beautiful wife and daughter.” Filthy pointed a fore hoof toward the front row, and made a hoof motion for them to stand up. “Hah. Come on, don’t be shy! Come on, stand up.” A young earth pony mare, barely old enough to meet the legal drinking age, stood up on her chair, and smiled smugly at the audience. “Atta girl, Diamond Tiara! I love you both.” “Thank you, fillies and gentlecolts, and enjoy the rest of the conference.”