Silence of the night

by ikko-001

First published

One pony with no memory of his past, one prison called hospital and one event that will change everything.

Someone once said, "the past makes the person of the present and shapes his future".

201-C is the patient whose memory is lost in the shadows of the northern forest. The lightning and the sound of rain are its unique tracks he has of what happened the day he arrived at the hospital now calling prison. And liberty his only goal, isn't it?


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The raindrops were falling on the train tracks while I was walking aimlessly trying to leave behind the city of Las Pegasus. Around me I could only distinguish the straight path of the rails flanked by wet branches of the trees which reflection with moonlight made ​​them appear to be an extension of the stars that adorned the sky. With the sound of rain was also that of my footsteps on the wood of the track and the strong smell of my mane, I still did not know if it was because of the rain or my way through the city.

In my mind was only the memories of my old home and my urgen need of a bath. Friends, family and my job all was over, past history and all for the sake of my Sugarberry.

waaank! waaank!

The distant sound of a train make me look up for a moment to a far light in front of me. Too distant that it could be describe as a star, a real one.

waaank! waaank!

The sound was more and more lauder with the time, but I was stiff in my position. I have been many things, an adventurer, a singer, a fighter, but in the end after all these masks I only found insecurity and doubt. Oh Sugarberry if only you were here with me.

waaank! waaank!

A yellow light flashed in my eyes and a big pain quickly invaded my body, but faster as it comes it went away.

If only briefly...

Whites coats and Black rooms

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"The place where optimism most flourishes is the lunatic asylum.
Havelock Ellis"

"It was still dark when I get up, in the room was a deathly silence. I was afraid, no really. I looked around, for what I could see I realize that I was in a medical center, there were some empty beds, a cabinet with medical supplies, and a window to my left where I could see the moon in all its splendor. I tried to get out of bed, but I couldn't because the big pain I felt for any move I made. Searching for the origin of my pain I found out that all my back was covered in bandages. After a second attempt I realized that It was useless to continue and I gave up. So, I stay lying in bed until dawn when a nurse came to my room, she has a big surprise when she found me awake, I only reply her with a smile. Later a doctor came, he didn't say a word, he only looked at me and told the nurse to take me here. The few things that I can told you is that I was looking everywhere as the nurse take me out the room, the letter on my bed, "C", the number of my room, "201", the people outside, with all their hurry to go from one place to another, the view of the ocean from the window in front of this room, the calm of the picture, the beauty of a flock of seagulls flying in the horizon. That's all, doctor." I said sitting on a wheelchair.

"I see. Well I am glad you're awake, it's been a few weeks since you came and we did not know if in the end you would wake up." said the doctor from his desk.

"Doctor, I don't know what to say , there is much that I would like to ask …" I said excitedly.

"I know, but everything in its time." he added.

"Ok doctor." I said with disappointment.

"Very well , before I start I would like to ask about something, Who are you?" he ask me with a serious voice.

In my inside I was trying to remember all about my past, specially that, Who was I?

"Well?" he ask.

But I was keeping silent as I was looking at him, thinking. Who is him to ask me that?, hell I've told him that I don't remember anything.

"I don't not know. I can't remember anything before today." I answered

"I see" he told me as he pulled some files from his desk.

His voice was cold and his face emotionless, dressing with a white coat that was making contrast with his dark color and his red eyes. All making him have more resemblance with a demon than with a doctor, even he have a horn.

"I can only remember what I've told you." I said.

"Ok, so 201- C according to your medical history you were brought to the hospital by someone called Noteworthy, who found you in the north woods. According to the records you arrived unconscious with several blows around your body and your wings were almost burned with multiple fractures. It seems as if you had fought a dragon …" he said, as he was looking to some papers at his desk.

"Wait doctor, you just said that I had wings?" I quickly ask.

"Yes, that's correct. We had to amputate your wings." he answered without looking at me.

"I see …." I said with a shaky voice. Even a bomb exploding in my head wouldn't have made such an impact as what I have just heard. I WAS MAD, REALLY MAD.

"I cannot keep up with this shit, I'm leaving this." I said as I tried to get up from the wheelchair.

"I do not think it's a good idea, sir , especially after the operation for which you have passed." he added.

"Shut up!" I shouted, his cold voice and expressionless face made ​​me want to hit him in the jaw.

After feeling as if an elephant had passed on my back, I got up from my seat and walk straight to the door . My head was a whirlwind of emotions and ideas trying to be assimilated in the process but that only generated more questions.

"Wait!" he shouted after me.

"What do you want?" I said as I moved my hoof to the doorknob.

"Answers , sir. The injuries you suffered yesterday are not normal and there have not been reports of dragons since the establishment
of this town, so you don't think you should at least clarify how it is that someone in the middle of the forest ends with bruises and
burns of third degree, especially when the person who brought you stated and I quote : "I found him inside of a crater next to a huge
deformed metal structure. I can't tell what would have happened here to made that kind of destruction, many trees were still on fire
and others totally destroyed". As you can see you aren't a "normal" patient here and as director of this medical facility and your
doctor I have the right to know at least your name. So?" he said, but I was with only one thing in my head, get out of there and find some answers outside.

"I told you, I don't remember anything." I shouted him without looking.

"Very well, as you don't know I can't let you go. I hope you enjoy the darkness, because you will be sleeping for a while." he said before I can make any move.

After that I only remember a pin at my neck, then all went blurry and dizzy and by the time the white walls turned into black. I was again in my mind, looking at all the shadows that were covering my past. Who I was? Where I was? and What had happened to my that now I was with one big hole where my wings were? My mind was filling with all these questions…
Well, at least now my mind was full of something.