The Enemy Within

by scarletmanuka

First published

A new threat is facing Equestria but what exactly is it? Kirk, Spock and McCoy head to Ponyville to investigate.

A new threat is facing Equestria but what exactly is it? Kirk, Spock and McCoy head to Ponyville to investigate.

Chapter 1

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Captain’s Log, ponydate 1314.5 : We are en route back to Earth by the order of Commander Luna. The latest intel suggests a new threat may be facing Equestria - and it’s already among us. Luna has ordered an investigative team consisting of myself, Spock and McCoy to infiltrate Ponyville and assess the situation. It is imperative to neutralise the enemy whilst keeping pony casualties to a minimum. Sulu will take command of the EQS Enterprise whilst I am on earth.

Kirk completed his log entry and then poured himself a whiskey. He took a sip and gazed out of the window. Earth loomed large in his vision and he smiled in anticipation at being back on his beloved planet. The earth pony loved his ship and he loved his job but he did it all to protect the planet he adored.

There was a knock at the door and Spock entered. Kirk smiled at his friend and first officer, then waved a hoof at the whiskey. Spock raised an eyebrow.

“We have known each other for many years now, Captain. Have you ever known me to partake of an alcoholic beverage in all that time?”

Kirk chuckled. “It’s always worth a try.”

“What news of Earth?” Spock’s pointed Vulcan ears twitched.

Kirk’s demeanor became serious. “We’re walking in blind my friend. The only thing we are certain of is that there is a threat present. We just don’t know what it is or the extent of it.”

“Do we ever?” Spock asked.

“You have a point there.” Kirk shrugged.

“I have given the matter some thought and a disturbing conclusion has presented itself to me,” Spock said.

“Sit Spock and tell me your thoughts.” Kirk indicated a chain opposite.

The Vulcan unicorn sat and used his magic to pour a glass of water. “The nature of this threat has puzzled me. If an alien lifeform was present on Earth then surely somepony would have noticed? Celestia recently had an encounter with a Changeling. Could something similar be our target?”

Kirk rubbed his chin with his hoof. “Yes, it’s entirely possible. I doubt it would be a Changeling as their recent defeat has totally demoralised them, however we know that they are not the only shapeshifters that reside in the galaxy.”

“My thoughts exactly. It is logical to assume that where there is one variation then there surely will be others. I suggest that we use local pony knowledge to pinpoint those ponies that are not acting like themselves.”

Kirk smiled. “An admirable plan my friend. Your logic never ceases to amaze me.” He downed the rest of the whiskey and wiped his mouth with his hoof. “Bones, you, and I leave at first light.Get some rest, Spock. We have a busy mission ahead of us.”


Twilight huffed as she rose from her book to answer the quiet knock at the door. The princess had set her a new assignment and she’d had nothing but interruptions since she’d begun studying after breakfast. Rarity has seconded Spike for the day to help collect gems and Twilight was sorely missing the baby dragon. She hadn’t realised how much he did to keep her from being distracted.

Twilight half yanked the door open but felt her irritability fade as she saw it was Fluttershy on her doorstep. The timid pegasus did not usually turn up unannounced so Twilight assumed there must be something amiss.

“Hello Fluttershy,” she greeted her friend. “What’s up?”

“I’m sorry to bother you, Twilight. It’s just that I really need your advice on something. If that’s okay of course.”

“Of course, Fluttershy. Come on inside.” Twilight held the door open and ushered the pegasus inside.

“I do hope I’m not interrupting you,” Fluttershy said. “I normally wouldn’t call so early.”

“Not at all,” Twilight lied. “You know I’m always happy to help.”

Fluttershy nodded and took a seat on a chair that was only half covered in books. “Oh I know, Twilight! You’re the most helpful pony I’ve ever met. I can always count on you for wonderful advice.”

Twilight used her magic to clear a dozen textbooks off the chair opposite to the one Fluttershy perched on. “So what’s troubling you?”

“It’s Rainbow Dash. She came by this morning and I told her that I’m taking some bunnies for a picnic tomorrow. She said she has the day off and that she wants to come along” Fluttershy gulped.

“I’m sorry. I don’t think I quite understand. How is this a problem, Fluttershy?”

“Well Rainbow can be a little - boisterous - at times. I’m worried she’ll scare the bunnies. It’s supposed to be a relaxing picnic but I’m worried she’ll be too loud and energetic and the bunnies will freak out. I don’t know how to tell her that I don’t think it’s a good idea for her to come along.” Fluttershy cast her eyes down.

“I’m sure you’ve had to tell her in the past that you don't need her help,” Twilight said. “How did you do it then?”

“That’s just it!” Fluttershy cried. “She’s never offered before. She’s normally so busy practising her routines or napping that she never has time to waste on picnics.”

Twilight considered this. “True. It does seem out of character. I think you just have to tell her the truth, Fluttershy. Dash knows she’s louder than your average pony. I’m sure she’ll understand when you explain the bunnies are too timid for her company.”

Fluttershy nodded. “I guess you’re right. I’d better go. I don't want to take up any more of your time.”

Twilight saw her downcast friend to the door and then returned to the book she’d been reading. She’d barely read the next chapter before the door burst open and her personal space was filled with a prancing pink pony.

“Hi Twiley! Whatcha doin? Is it study? I bet it’s study! You’re always studying. I don't know how you do it. Don’t you get bored? I’d get bored. Studying isn’t nearly as exciting as parties. Ooh! Maybe I could make studying fun. Get some streamers and some balloons and cupcakes. Oh I love cupcakes. Chocolate is my favourite. Or maybe vanilla? Which is your favourite? I bet it’s chocolate too because chocolate is just the most wonderific flavour in the whole wide world! If you don’t like chocolate you must be a little - “ She twirled a hoof around her ear and rolled her eyes around. “I could also make little books out of edible paper and have them as party favours. Wouldn’t that be amazing? Oh and we could do candy bags but the bags could be in the shape of library bags. And - ”

Pinky!” Twilight yelled.

“ - we could all dress in school uniforms and - “ Pinky trailed off as Twilight’s scream finally registered. “Yes, Twilight?”

“What are you doing here?”

“Oops. I guess I got distracted there. Sorry. Rarity asked if you could come and get Spike. He’s not feeling well.”

“What’s wrong with him?” The fact that Pinky had digressed so much made Twilight positive that whatever was wrong with Spike could not be too serious.

“I’m not sure exactly. Rarity seemed mad though.”

“Rarity? Mad? At Spike?” Something didn’t quite add up here.

Pinky nodded. “Yup. She was super cranky.”

Twilight sighed. “Okay. Thanks for telling me, Pinkie. I’ll head down straight away.”

Twilight locked the door to the library and hung a Closed sign on it. Pinkie accompanied her into town but bounded off once they reached Sugar Cube Corner. The unicorn continued past shops and houses until she was on the outskirts of Ponyville. She turned a bend and saw Rarity on the slope of the low, rocky hill where she often collected gems. Spike was nowhere in sight.

“Rarity!” Twilight called as she approached the white fashionista.

“Twilight. Good. I’m glad Pinkie found you.”

“What’s the matter? Where’s Spike?”

Rarity tossed her mane. “I’ve put him over there.“ she nodded in the direction of her small cart. “He’s sleeping it off.”

“Oh dear. Did he overindulge?” Twilight asked.

“Overindulge? Overindulge? That little glutton ate almost all the gems I’d gathered for my new collection! It’s simply a disaster. I shall never be able to find the amount I need now. I’ll have to reconsider all my designs and start afresh.” Rarity was as irate as Twilight had ever seen her.

“I’m so sorry, Rarity.” the unicorn apologised. “Can I help you with your search?”

“It’s not your fault dear,” Rarity said. “It’s mine for allowing a gem guzzling dragon to accompany me. A mistake I shall not make again.”

Twilight glanced over at the sleeping dragon. She knew Spike would be devastated to have upset Rarity so much. His gem collecting adventures with Rarity were the highlight of his month. She could only hope that the white unicorn would change her mind once she had calmed down.

“I guess I’ll take him home then,” said Twilight.

Rarity sniffed. “Thank you.”

Twilight crossed to the cart and gently shook the dozing dragon. “Spike? Wake up. We need to go home.”

Spike groaned and slowly sat up. “Twilight? What are you doing here?”

“Rarity asked me to come and collect you.”

“Rarity?” Spike looked up with a smile which turned quickly into a grimace. “Oh no. Rarity. The gems. Ow. My tummy.” He took his extended belly in his claws and gently rubbed it. “Is she really that mad at me?”

“Let’s just say I think it would be wise to give Rarity some space for a while.”

“Okay,” Spike said quietly. He climbed out of the cart and started walking home. He kept his head down and avoided looking at Rarity as he passed her. He didn’t say a word to Twilight as they walked and once they arrived back at the treehouse he went immediately to his basket . Twilight stood for a moment looking up at their room and then shook her head and returned to her desk. Rarity adored Spike and must have had a very bad day to have gotten so mad at him.She was normally very forgiving when it came to her Spikey Wikey. Twilight hoped the unicorn’s anger would pass soon or she’d be stuck with a very mopey dragon.

Twilight stretched and then resumed her place in the textbook. Surely the afternoon would be peaceful enough to get in some serious reading.

Or not.

Not even an hour later there was an urgent knock at the door.

“Urgh! What now?”

Twilight flung the door wide open and stood all but glaring at the visitor. It was Applejack and the orange earth pony looked...different. Her regular Stetson was missing - in its place was a sprig of apple blossoms. Her tail had been carefully braided and unless Twilight was much mistaken there was a hint of blush on the pony’s cheeks.

“AJ. Hi.” The snarky comment Twilight had intended on delivering was wiped from her mind as she tried to comprehend her friend’s appearance.

“Howdy Twilight. I need your help. Mind if I come in?”

Still speechless Twilight nodded.

“I called in at the boutique but Rarity was out. I had no idea what to do but then I remembered that we’re the same size. I need a dress! Real quick too. I have nothin’ at home fancy enough.”

Twilight’s eyes bulged. “A dress?”

“Yeah. Ya know, one of them things you wear to make yourself pretty?”


“Are you okay, sugarcube? You seem to be having a mite trouble hearing today.”

Twilight mentally shook herself. “Sorry, Applejack. A dress. Yes. I have dresses you can borrow. Spike is asleep so I’ll nip up and bring a few down.”

“Thank you Twilight. Appreciate it.”

Twilight crept into the room she shared with Spike and pulled out several dresses she thought Applejack might like. She used her magic to take them downstairs so as not to crease them. Try as she might she could not fathom what was going on with her friend. AJ had not offered any explanation which lead Twilight to believe it was a sensitive topic. Maybe the farm pony had a date? Dash or Rarity would demand an answer but Twilight was more polite than that. If Applejack didn’t want to talk about it then Twilight wouldn’t pry.

Applejack looked through the dresses and chose a light green one. It was one of the more casual dresses though still more frilly than anything Twilight thought the earth pony owned.

“This is perfect. You’re a lifesaver, Twi.”

“Anytime,” Twilight replied.

Applejack promised to return the dress tomorrow then carefully picked the garment up in her mouth and left. Twilight watched her friend until she disappeared from view. She was dying of curiosity but pushed it aside as she once again returned to the assignment the princess had set her.

Before she could even finish the page there was another knock at the door. Twilight gave a primal scream and leapt from her desk.

“This had better be important!” She yelled as she pulled the door open.

Three strange stallions dressed in mustard yellow shirts stood outside. One of them stepped forward and offered her a hoof. “Captain James T Kirk. Trust me - saving the world is always important.”

Chapter 2

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“How much do you know about Equestria’s Planetary Defense System?” Kirk asked.

Twilight had invited the trio in and they were now sitting on various chairs around the library - all expect for the one called McCoy. He was browsing the books upon the shelves, pulling out any he found interesting.

“I know a little. I was in Canterlot when we were first attacked by the Venusians. I was only a filly back then, but my magic was already strong. I didn't partake in any of the actual fighting but I worked at finding spells to fight them.”

Twilight let her mind wander back to that time. She had only just been accepted as Celestia’s personal student and had been so eager to prove herself to the princess. She hardly slept, preferring to stay up until the wee hours of the morning studying in the castle library. She had been there when the attack had commenced.

No one had any idea what was happening. The citizens of Canterlot were pulled from slumber by an explosion that rocked the western part of town. Then came the army of Venusians. Large black ponies with red stripes on their coats and eyes as black as a moonless night. They spoke in a harsh, guttural tongue, in a language no one had ever heard before.

Twilight had worked around the clock with the Alicorns. They had hunted through what felt like every book in the library to find spells that would help counter attack the alien ponies. It was Luna who finally stumbled upon a spell powerful enough to make any difference. It was an ancient magic created by Star Swirl the Bearded and it took the power of both Alicorns to wield. It caused all who held ill will in their hearts towards Equestria to be banished back to whence they came.

It wasn’t just the Venusians who disappeared that day. A handful of Canterlot’s top politicians were not seen again.

Twilight mentally shook herself and focused on the present. “I was also present when Luna created the spell that allowed ponymade craft to fly in space.”

“You were there for that?” Kirk looked awed.

Twilight nodded. “It was the single most amazing piece of magic I have ever witnessed. It was only cast on a small pod but the potential was overwhelming. We’d discovered we were not alone in the universe but we could now protect ourselves.”

“Not all aliens we’ve encountered have been hostile. Take my Vulcan friend over there.” Kirk smiled fondly at the unicorn.

“Oh yes. He’s just the epitome of warm and fuzzy.” Dr McCoy muttered under his breath.

“Your predilection for pointing out my lack of pony emotion is irrelevant to this situation,” Spock responded.

McCoy waved a hoof. “My point precisely.”

“Gentlecolts! Please. We don’t have time for your sniping today,” Kirk admonished them. “So you’re aware then of what has happened in the years since our first launch?” he asked Twilight.

“I’m not that up to date anymore to be honest,” the purple mare apologised. “There hasn’t been another attack on Equestria and I’ve gotten caught up in my studies and life here in Ponyville. I hear the odd piece of news but I fear my knowledge is sorely lacking.”

“That won’t take long to correct.” Kirk smiled at her. “The specifics of our missions don’t matter so much. It’s more the overall picture that you need to understand.” He stood from the chair and moved towards the window. “In the few short years that we’ve been exploring out there - ” he gestured vaguely to the sky “ - we have made so many discoveries. Met numerous alien races. Befriended allies. Made enemies. Fought and won battles. Licked our wounds after defeat. Announced our presence to the galaxy.” He turned back to the small group. “Herein lies the problem. They know that we’re here. They know what resources we have. They are getting to know our weaknesses. They want what is ours.”

“They?” asked Twilight.

“Hostile alien races. And now it would seem that one of them has made their way to Equestria. Ponyville to be precise.”

Twilight gasped. “Are you sure?”

Kirk nodded. “Commander Luna is sure of the information she has received. It doesn’t seem to be a full scale infiltration as yet - possibly just a scouting party. But they’re here. It’s just a matter of time before they gather all the information they require and report back to their commanders.”

“How could they be here?” Twilight shook her head in disbelief. “Surely we would have noticed!”

McCoy laughed. “How? Do you expect them to have two heads? Or tentacles?”

Twilight blushed. “Well - no. But they’re aliens! The Venusians were different enough from us that we could tell right away that they were not Equestrians.”

“The ‘killing everything in sight’ may have had something to do with that,” McCoy countered.

Twilight glared at the doctor and he had the good grace to look abashed. “You know perfectly well what I mean.”

“Spock has a theory about what we might be up against,” Kirk told her.

Twilight listened as the Vulcan unicorn explained his theory about the aliens possibly being shapeshifters of some kind. She paled when he got to the part about ponies not acting like themselves.

“Funny you should mention that,” she murmured.

Kirk raised an eyebrow. “You’ve noticed something?”

Twilight squirmed in her chair. “Yes. No. Maybe? Some of my friends have been acting odd. That’s not unusual though. Ponies have off days!”

Kirk leaned forward in his chair. “How do you mean, odd?”

“It’s really probably nothing,” Twilight said. “It’s hard to explain properly without you knowing them. It’s just little things. Somepony being a bit more girly than normal. Another being more helpful. Then another friend got really mad at my baby dragon and she normally adores him.” Twilight winced. “It really doesn’t sound that ominous when I say it out loud.”

“It can be the small things that make all the difference,” Spock said.

“You honestly think my friends could have been replaced with shape shifting aliens?” It sounded so silly to Twilight.

“Possibly,” Kirk admitted. “We’d have to see them for ourselves.”

“And if they are aliens?” Twilight asked. “What of my friends? What would have happened to them? Do you think they’ll be okay?”

Kirk avoided her gaze. It was Spock who answered. “It is unlikely. The more possible scenario is that they have been killed and then discarded.”

Twilight gasped back a sob and McCoy glared at the unicorn. “You green blooded hobgoblin, Spock! You may be a Vulcan but have some damn tact!”

“It is the most logical assumption.Should I have withheld the information?" he asked the earth pony.

“You’re damn right you should have!” The doctor snarled.

“Enough!” Kirk rose from his seated position. “We have no way of knowing what could have happened. Instead of sitting around here making assumptions why don’t we go and find out?”

McCoy continued to glare at the unicorn but eventually nodded and looked away. Twilight wiped a hoof across her eyes and got to her feet. “It will be dark soon. We should leave now.”

McCoy and Spock headed for the door but Kirk stopped Twilight before she could join them.

“I just want you to know that I will do everything I can to save your friends. So will my crew. Spock can come across as being harsh at times but his heart is in the right place.” Kirk grinned. “Wait. I lied. It’s kind of down here.” He pointed with a hoof to where his liver was.

Twilight laughed despite her worry. “Thanks, Captain. I appreciate your help.”

“Please, call me Jim.”

Twilight nodded. “Thanks, Jim.”

Kirk held the door open for her. “Shall we?”


The sky was darkening quickly as weather pegasi herded in storm clouds. The eclectic group of ponies made their way across town to Carousel boutique. Twilight’s mane whipped about her face as the wind picked up and she felt the first specks of rain on her face. They reached the shop just as the heavens opened. Twilight knocked loudly to be heard over the downpour.

Rarity opened the door and quickly ushered them inside. “Whatever are you doing out in this weather, Twilight?”

“It’s a long story. I’d like you to meet some friends of mine. This is McCoy, Spock and Kirk.”

Rarity seemed to really look at the stallions for the first time. Her eyes lit up when she took in Kirk. Her hoof automatically went to her mane, smoothing down any wisps and she fluttered her eyelashes. “Why hello! It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Kirk took Rarity’s hoof in his own and placed a kiss upon it. “The pleasure is all mine,” Kirk murmured. “I must confess I have never seen beauty such as yours before.”

McCoy rolled his eyes. “Here we go again.”

Rarity giggled. “You flatter me sir.” She looked over at her friend. “Why have I not been introduced to your friends before, Twilight?”

“Ah...they’ve just arrived in town on business. First time to Ponyville.” They had decided on the way over that it would be best to avoid any mention of the Starfleet. “I thought I would introduce them to my friends this afternoon. You were first on the list.”

Rarity’s eyes brightened. “You’re forgiven then, darling. Can I get anypony a hot drink to warm up a little?”

They all nodded and Rarity disappeared through a door leading to the kitchen.

“Is she still acting unusual?” Spock asked.

Twilight frowned. “Not really. I must have been over thinking her reactions earlier. This is pretty normal for Rarity.”

“We have to be sure,” Kirk stated. “A shape shifter can adapt. We mustn’t be caught off guard.”

“How do we do that?” Twilight asked.

“Did you bring any of your scanning equipment with you, Bones?” Kirk asked.

The earth pony nodded and pulled a small rectangular box from a pocket. “I never go anywhere without a basic medical tricorder. I can use it to determine if the readings given off by Rarity differ to those of earth based ponies.”

“Excellent.” Kirk nodded.

“We just have to get her to stand still long enough to get an accurate reading.”

“Leave that to me,” Twilight said.

Rarity emerged from the kitchen. She was using her magic to carry the five mugs in front of her which she set down on a small coffee table.

“Drink up while they’re hot!” she announced.

“You are the most delightful hostess,” Kirk told her.

Rarity gave him a demure smile and fluttered her eyelashes again. Twilight decided she should jump right in before her friend battered those eyelashes right off her face.

“You trust me, Rarity. Don’t you?”

“Why of course I do, Twilight. Why would you ever doubt that?” Rarity had pulled her gaze away from the captain and gave her friend her full attention.

“I need to ask you to do something for me and I need you to not ask any questions until it’s over. Can you do that?”

Rarity frowned at the strange request. “Of course I can, darling. Is everything alright? You’re acting awfully strange today.”

“I know I am. I promise I’ll explain everything afterwards.”


“Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

Rarity smiled at the Pinkie Swear. “What do you need me to do?”

“Sit down over there and close your eyes. McCoy is a doctor and he’s going to use a machine to scan you.”

“A doctor? Do you think I’m sick?”

Twilight smiled at her friend and guided her over to the chaise. “It’s not as bad as it sounds. It won’t take long.”

Rarity sank into the cushions and dutifully closed her eyes. McCoy stood over the unicorn and held his tricorder just above her head. Each time a light began flashing he would press a different button and wait for another light. After a minute he smiled. “All clear. She’s one of us.”

Rarity’s eyes flew open. “One of us? What in Equestria does that mean?”

“These stallions are from Starfleet. Luna has detected a threat here in Ponyville and they have reason to believe that shape shifting aliens could be taking over local ponies. We need to scan anypony not acting like themselves.”

Rarity’s eye widened. “You don’t think I’ve been acting like me?”

Twilight shook her head. “Just a little.”

“I don’t understand? When? What did I do?”

“You kind of bit Spike’s head off today,” Twilight stated.

Rarity winced. “I guess I did. Poor Spikey Wikey.” She looked up at the purple mare. “Do you think he’ll ever forgive me?”

Twilight took a seat next to her friend. “Of course he will. This is Spike we’re talking about. He adores you!” She gave Rarity a playful nuzzle. “I know he upset you, but was there something else wrong?”

Rarity sighed. “Hoity Toity came to visit me last week. He hated all my new designs.”

“Come now, Rarity. I’m sure he didn't hate them.”

“He did!” Rarity wailed. “He called them hideous and garish. Garish!” Tears streamed down her face. “I’m positively devastated. He told me he wouldn’t stock any of them in his boutique in Canterlot and if I wanted anything to make his new line then I had to come up with something half decent in a hurry.”

“Oh dear.” Twilight put an arm around the sobbing unicorn.

“I’ve been designing all week and had finally completed a few dresses. I just needed the gems for the finishing touches. I was so upset when Spike ate them. I know he can’t help it - he’s a dragon after all. I shouldn’t have been so harsh on him. I just couldn’t help it.”

“Spike will understand. I’m just so happy that you’re actually you!”

“So am I!” Kirk winked at the unicorn.

“For crying out loud, Jim!” McCoy snapped. “For once can you keep your mind on the mission?”

“With beauty such as this in front me? Doubtful.”

Rarity blushed. “Look at me! I’m a mess. I’m just going to go freshen up. Please excuse me.”

She left the room and Twilight let out the breath she didn't realise she was holding. “Thank Celestia she’s herself. What now?”

“We proceed to the next pony you have identified as acting strange,” Spock told her.

Kirk cocked his head to one side. “The rain is coming down pretty heavy out there. The storm is going to hit rather soon. We might need to call it a night and pick up the search in the morning.”

Everyone nodded. “You can all stay at the library with Spike and I,” Twilight offered.

“Your hospitality is appreciated.” Kirk smiled.

Rarity returned to the room and they told her of the plan for the morning. She insisted on accompanying them and they made arrangements to meet after breakfast.

“Please tell Spike I’m sorry!” Rarity called after them as Twilight lead the three stallions into the storm.

“I will,” Twilight called but her voice was carried away on the wind. She put her head down and started galloping home.

Chapter 3

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Spike was furious with Twilight. He had woken to the sound of rain and had come downstairs to find the treehouse empty. Twilight had neglected to leave a note, and he had begun to worry. He was still upset over the incident with Rarity and he found himself pacing around the library. He grew edgy with each minute that passed, and he found himself running to the door at every small sound.

When Twilight returned - over an hour later - he found himself expressing his worry by yelling at her.

“Where have you been? I woke up and had no idea where you had gone. You didn't even leave a note. You always leave a note.It’s really stormy outside and I was so worried. You could have been hurt - or killed!” He paused in his tirade to take in the newcomers. “And just who are these ponies supposed to be?”

Twilight smiled at his outburst. “I’m sorry, Spike. You’re right - I should have left a note. These ponies are from Starfleet Command. I’m helping them with an investigation.” Spike looked impressed at the mention of Starfleet Command and he finally dropped the scowl from his face. “Am I forgiven?” Twilight asked. She held her hooves out to the dragon.

Spike nodded and stepped into the hug. “Just don’t ever do that to me again. I really was worried.” He hugged her harder and then stopped. He sniffed around Twilight. “Dior J’Adore? You’ve been to see Rarity!”

Twilight laughed. “Your ability to smell Rarity on me from a brief hug is uncanny.”

“Yet not surprising,” Kirk mentioned. “She is absolutely ravishing. One would assume she smells glorious also.”

“Glorious?” Spike spluttered. “She smells divine. She gave me one of her bottles of perfume that had a few drops left in it. I spray it on my pillow so I can smell her as I fall asleep.” Spike wrapped his arms around himself and stared off into space.

McCoy raised an eyebrow. “I’m going to go ahead and say that’s a bit creepy.”

“Play nice, Bones.” Kirk laughed. “The youth is obviously smitten. Who can blame him? I doubt I’ve ever seen such wondrous beauty in all the worlds we’ve traveled too.”

Spike snapped out of his reverie and he glared at his competition. “Listen here, mister! You keep your dirty hooves off Rarity! She’s off-limits.”

“I’m sure the lady can make her own decisions.” Kirk disagreed.

“I was here first!” Spike spat.

“Bedtime!” Twilight announced and started leading Spike away from the Captain. “Before someone throws down a gauntlet,” she added under her breath.

Spike gave the captain one last look before he turned and stomped up the stairs. He grumbled the entire time as Twilight tucked him into his basket, though she only caught the odd word. ‘Sycophant’ and ‘flunkie’ were repeated several times.

“Try to get some sleep, Spike. Don’t worry about Kirk.”

“But what if Rarity falls for him?” Spike asked. “I’ll never have a chance. Especially now that she hates me.” His eyes welled with tears.

“Oh, Spike! I completely forgot to tell you that Rarity apologised for yelling at you. She said to tell her ‘Spikey Wikey’ that all is forgiven.”

“Really?” Spike sat up so quickly he almost butted heads with Twilight.

“Really. I’m sorry, Spike. I should have told you as soon as we got home.”

He lay back down and snuggled into his blankets. “That’s okay, Twi. As long as I’m back in Rarity’s good books then nothing can go wrong. Even Captain Fancypants.”

Twilight laughed and kissed his forehead before shutting the door quietly behind her. She quickly made up the spare bed and the trundles in the spare room, and then went downstairs to see to her house guests.

“I apologise if I upset the little guy,” Kirk told her.

“He’ll get over it,” Twilight replied. “He’s just a little possessive of Rarity.”

“I’ll be more mindful of that,” Kirk told her.”I promise to rein it in.”

McCoy raised an eyebrow. “Doubtful.”

“Come now, Bones. You do me a disservice.”

“As much as the good doctor and I are usually in disharmony, I confess I must agree with him in this instance,” Spock stated.

Kirk laughed. “If you both agree then I guess you must know me better than I know myself. Come now. Let’s get some shut-eye.”


Twilight did not sleep well. She had vivid dreams that consisted of chasing after her friends, only to find that they were instead shadow creatures. The creatures led her deep into the Everfree Forest, where she stumbled upon the rotting remains of her real friends. She backed up and tripped over her own hooves, only to awaken suddenly as she hit the floor of her bedroom.

Twilight pulled herself to her hooves, and rubbed at her flank. It was already getting light outside, so she dismissed the idea of trying to get back to sleep. She had a quick shower, and by the time Spike and her houseguests had risen she already had breakfast cooking. She was serving up when Rarity knocked at the door.

“What’s the plan today?” Rarity asked as Twilight set a place for her at the table. Rarity sat, and tried to stifle a yawn.

“I was thinking we could head over to Applejack’s,” she suggested. “Even if Rainbow Dash isn’t quite - herself - she’ll still most likely be taking care of her weather duties this morning. AJ will be the easiest to get a hold of.”

Kirk nodded. “Sounds like a plan.” He looked across the table at Rarity. “May I say you look absolutely stunning today.”

Rarity blushed.

“Ouch!” Kirk leaned down and rubbed his shin.

Spike stood next to him with his foot raised, ready to strike again. “I told you last night. Back off!”

Kirk managed to look chastened. “My humblest apologies, Spike.”

“If you’re so sorry then why do you keep doing it?” The dragon demanded. Rarity looked between the two alpha males, an amused look on her face.

“The winged reptile has a point,” Spock commented.

“Reptile?” Spike was not impressed. “Don’t even get me started on you, Mr Pointy Ears!”

“Spike! That’s enough!” Twilight hated pulling Spike up short in front of company but he had crossed the line to plain rude. “These ponies are our guests. That is no way to speak to them. Apologise at once.”


“No buts. Now.”

“Fine.” He looked up at Kirk and Spock. “I’m sorry I was rude.”

“Apology accepted,” Kirk told him. Spock nodded.

“I’m sure it’s my fault,” Rarity interjected. “I’m sure Spikey Wikey is still upset at how poorly I treated him yesterday.” She rose from the table and took Spike into her arms. “I feel awful, dear. Can you ever forgive me?”

Spike smiled and closed his eyes to lean against Rarity. “Always.”

“I hate to break up this little love fest,” McCoy said. “But isn’t it time we got going? It’s only the fate of Equestria at stake.”

Kirk laughed. “Melodramatic as ever, Bones. Yet you have a point. Let’s get going.”

They left Spike to watch over the library and started on their way to Sweet Apple Acres. The banter over breakfast had help lighten Twilight’s mind, but she found the feeling of unease return the closer they got to the farm. Her nightmare was still fresh in her mind, and her breakfast was threatening to make a reappearance.

They found Applejack bucking apples in the north orchard. Her hair was back in its ponytail and the Stetson was perched on her head. She had worked up a sweat from bucking and had a smudge of dirt on her face.

‘I’m confused.” Kirk admitted. “Is this the pony who had been unusually helpful? Because I could have sworn you said we were visiting the dress borrowing pony this morning.”

“We are!” Twilight told him. “This is what Applejack normally wears. Her desire to wear a dress was what was unusual.” Twilight scratched her head with her hoof. “I guess AJ is back to normal too.”

“Perhaps,” Spock said. “However we should converse with her to elicit that it is not just her physical appearance that changed.”

Twilight nodded and approached the earth pony. “Hello, Applejack.”

Applejack gave one final buck and turned to meet the group. “Howdy, Twilight. Rarity. What brings you here today? Worried I’d do a runner with your dress so you sent some heavies to retrieve it?” She winked at the three stallions.

Twilight gave a nervous laugh. “No, not that. I’m sure you’ll return it. Speaking of the dress though… what was the occasion? It’s rare for you to get so dressed up.”

Applejack gave her a direct look. “Now, Twi. It’s unlike you to be so nosey. Why do you care anyways?”

“Applejack, darling, we’re just curious,” Rarity stated.

“Is that so?” Applejack raised an eyebrow. “So curious that you just had to march right down here while I’m busy working to ask? So curious in fact that you’ve dragged these visitors to Ponyville - who you haven’t even had the decency to introduce yet - down here just so you can inquire into my wardrobe?”

Rarity stammered under Applejack’s stare. She gave up trying to justify herself and fell quiet. The orange mare turned her gaze back to Twilight.

“Well?” she asked. “I ain’t got all day, Twi. There’s trees to be bucked, pigs to be fed, and hay to be stacked in the barn.”

“Sorry, AJ. The truth is that these ponies are from Starfleet Command. They’re investigating a possible alien incursion by shape-shifters and are targeting ponies who aren’t acting like themselves.”

“Is that so?”

“I know it sounds crazy but I assure you it’s the truth.”

Applejack considered this. “Well alright then. I guess me coming to you out of the blue and asking for a dress is the craziest thing that’s happened around here in a while.”

“We knew you’d understand!” Rarity gushed. “Now just give us a perfectly reasonable explanation, so we don't have to expose you for a dirty, invading shape-shifter.”

“Applebloom got an award at school for being so helpful in class. They had a fancy dinner for all the students who got awards and their family members. It was ‘semi formal’ so I had to make a bit of an effort. I thought you would have known, Rarity. Apple Bloom wasn’t the only filly to get an award. Sweetie Bell and Scoots did too. I was surprised not to see you there.”

Rarity stared at her in horror. “That was last night? Dear Celestia, Sweetie Bell is going to kill me! I got so worked up over my designs for Hoity Toity that I completely forgot.” The unicorn started crying. “I’m such a terrible sister. How could I forget such a thing?”

“She was pretty upset,” AJ told her. “You’re going to have to really make it up to her.”

Rarity nodded through her tears. Kirk stood next to her, an arm around her shoulders.

“You’re lucky you missed it to be honest,” Applejack added. “Pinkie went completely over the top with the party. I’m still shaking glitter out of my tail. That pony needs to learn the meaning of the word excess.”

“We’re sorry, Applejack,” Twilight told her friend. “We didn't mean to doubt you, but we had to be sure.”

Applejack nodded. “It’s alright. I understand.”

Twilight smiled and felt the knot in her stomach loosen a little. Only one more to go. “Fancy joining us to go and see Dash?” She asked AJ.

“Is she acting weird too?”

“She’s offering to help Fluttershy babysit some bunnies.”

“Damn! We’re in trouble. Let’s go.”