> Legend of Rainbow Dash: Elements of Time > by RandomPerson52 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Rainbow's fate > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today was a wonderful day in Ponyville. Apple Jack was out apple bucking, Rarity was getting materials ready for a new dress, FlutterShy was tending to her animals, Pinkie was planning another random party, Rainbow Dash was practicing her stunts, and Twilight was cleaning her library from another night of studying. “TWILIGHT! TWILGHT!” Spike franticly called her name upstairs. Twilight sprinted upstairs to see what happened. “Ugh... Spike, what did you do this time?” “I didn't do anything! But, I just got this letter from Princess Celestia. I think its an emergency.” “Why do you say that?” “She doesn't have her normal introduction.” “Spike, how many times have I told you NOT to go through my mail without my permission? Still, that won't mean anything.” Twilight opened the letter and read aloud. “Dear Twilight Sparkle, I request that you come to Canterlot right away with your friend Rainbow Dash. This is an emergency. Princess Celestia.” “Told ya it was an emergency, Twilight.” “Okay, you proved me wrong. Now you stay here, I gotta go get Rainbow.” Twilight went downstairs and out the door to go get Dash. Twilight scanned all of her surroundings for Rainbow Dash. She found her doing some stunts over Sweet Apple acres. “Hey Rainbow, down here!” Twilight called from the ground. The rainbow maned pegasus didn't listen. Twilight took a deep breath.“RAINBOW DASH, GET DOWN HERE NOW!” That got Rainbow's attention, so she swooped down to the lavender unicorn. “Hey Twilight, hows it goin'?” “Pretty good but, you gotta come with me somewhere.” “Wow really, where?" “To Canterlot to see Princess Celestia. She needs you immediately.” “Ha! I knew it!” “Knew what?” “I'm finally gonna get to be a WonderBolt!” “Okay, if you say so.” The two headed off to Canterlot. It had only taken a few hours. Soon enough, they had finally reached the castle. “Ah, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, your here.” “Hello Princess Celestia, we came just as you requested.” Twilight announced. “Alright come on, I'm ready to become a WonderBolt!” Rainbow exclaimed excitedly. “I'm sorry Rainbow Dash but, this has nothing to do with the WonderBolts.” The Princess said softly. Rainbow's excitement bursted like an upset Pinkie Pie's hair. “W-what do you mean this has NOTHING to do with the WonderBolts?!” “I'm sorry but, this is more important than the WonderBolts.” Rainbow crossed her arms. “Oh yeah, whats more important than the WonderBolts?” “The fate of Equestria.” “Huh?... What do I have anything to do with the fate of Equestria?” “Rainbow Dash, you're part of an old Equestrian prophecy.” “What do ya mean?” Celestia face hoofed herself. “You control the fate of Equestria.” Rainbow stood there with a face that looked like she was trying to say. “What?” "Here I'll explain. Thousands of years ago when Equestria was new, a war had started between Equestria and Bukarite. Bukarite was populated by many, many mares but only one stallion. Near the end of the war, a man said he saw into the future. He said that thousands of years after the war, in Bukarite, the nest prince would finally step up to become king. He also-..." "I really don't understand how I'm a part of this." "Well Rainbow, I was just about to tell you why you're a part of this." "Oh... Okay, go on." "Anyways, he told that years from that time period, a rainbow maned pegasus will rise up and save Equestria from the new Bukarite king." "Whats the name of the Bukarite king?" "His name is Night Shade." Twilight finally had time to ask her question."So, do I have anything to do with this?" "Why yes you're a part of this. Why else would I have called you here if it only delt with your friend Rainbow?" There was a long moment of silence. "So, what am i suppose to do?" Twilight asked. "I'll show you." Celestia's horn started to glow and Twilight felt her back tingle as pegasus wings grew. In fact, she was shrinking too! "Whoa, what am I suppose to be?" "You're Rainbow's guardian. You must help her and protect her when she needs it." Rainbow was amazed "THATS SO COOL!!! Me next! ME NEXT!!!!" "Funny you should say that Rainbow because, I was just about to do that." Celestia's horn glowed again. When Rainbow opened her eyes she saw she was wearing a jade tunic with other Earth-like tones, tan boots on her hind hooves, a green hat, and had a small sword and shield on her back. Rainbow and Twilight were just about to set off when Celestia called their names. "WAIT! RAINBOW DASH, TWILIGHT SPARKLE, COME BACK!!!!" They went to the princess. "What is it Princess Celestia?" "Here you'll need this before you leave." Celestia handed over a pale colored instrument that looked like the princess' cutie mark. "My parents told me that the magical song this instrument holds used to help me sleep when I was a young filly. I think it might have more power than its thought to be so, it might be able to help you." Rainbow then thanked the princess and set off on her adventure with Twilight. > Chapter 2: The Great Canterlot Tree > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Uh... Hey Dash?" Twilight asked. "What is it my mini flying unicorn friend?" Twilight rolled her eyes. "Do you have any idea where were going?" Dash thought for a second. "Oh well this is just great! How are we supposed to save Equestria, without knowing where were going?! Its not like a maps gonna come out of nowhere from the sky!" Out of the blue, a sheet of paper came from the sky and smashed its self into Rainbow's face. "Oh my gosh! I just found a map! I knew I could do it." Twilight facehoofed herself. "Okay, where does it say we have to go?" "To some place called, The Great Canterlot Tree." RD and Twilight raced off to find the tree without a response from the unicorn. "Do ya see anything yet?" Twilight questioned the cyan pegasus. "No, nothing... OW!!! Yet..." Rainbow had just crashed head first into a large oak tree. "Who ever is here, state thy name." Dash let out the most high-pitched girly-girl scream she had ever done. "Oh... Uh... M-my name is Rainbow Dash. I have come as a request of from what I think is a map from Princess Celestia." "Ah yes, the future hero of Equestria. I need your help, a man recently came here asking for the locations of the Elements of Time. I refused to tell him, in which he put a curse on me. I am sure to die any minute, unless the curse is broken in time." The tree widened what look like his mouth. "Hurry Rainbow, you must try and save me." Twilight and Dash bolted into to the tree, only to be greeted by a carnivorous plant. "Hurry Dash! Kill it!" Rainbow drew out her sword and slashed the plant's stem. Many more creatures appeared from the shadows, trying to slow them down. They then found them self’s at the top of a flight of stairs. Rainbow became frightened when a giant spider came down from its web and tried to attack her. "RAINBOW, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! KILL IT!" "I can't! I'm afraid of spiders!" "Oh dear Celestia..." Twilight made Dash stick the sword in front of herself. She pushed RD so she would collide with the back of the spider, thus it died. The two saw a huge spiderweb covering the hole they had to go through. Rainbow got an idea. "CANON BALL!!!" She jumped off a ledge and broke the web. Rainbow eventually landed in a pool of water. When she got a back onto dry land, she headed strait for a door. The area was full of spiderwebs, making Dash claustrophobic and to almost squeeze the life out of Twilight. Surprisingly, it just lead to a long hallway with a door at the end. They went through the door and found themselves in an almost pitch-black room with white smoke on the ground. The two slowly tip-toed to the center of the room. All of a sudden, a giant creature came down from the ceiling and startled the two. "AAAAHHHH!!!!" They yelled at the top of their lungs as they sprinted to the door. It was closing in on them. They coward in fear when they heard an unfamiliar male voice. "Don't worry! I'll help you!" This unknown pegasus swooped in to help the two. Finally, the monster was as dead as a door nail. "Oh thank you SOOOOO much!!!" Rainbow thanked her hero. "You're welcome. So, who might you be my pretty pegasus?" Rainbow smiled and giggled as her heart fluttered by his complement. "Oh, my name is Rainbow Dash. Whats yours?" "My name is Night Shade." "RAINBOW!!! NIGHT SHADE 12 O' CLOCK!!!" Rainbow got out of her trance, drew out her sword, and pushed him up against the wall. "Do you really think you could trick me?! I know what you're up to! You wanna trick me so you can come along and try to take over Equestria! Well, it ain't gonna work!" "Please, you don't understand! If you put away your sword, I'll explain everything!" Rainbow put away her sword to get some talk out of him. "Alright then, fire away." "Look, I'm not what ya think I am. I'm not like my father or any of my grandfathers. I don't believe in the idea of taking over countries, especially Equestria." "So, you're a good guy?" Twilight asked. "Yes, I'm actually trying to reverse everything that my father has done so far. I could give that up to help you two, if its okay." "Hmmm... I dunno... We have to think about it." Dash answered. Dash turned around to her friend Twilight with a face that trying to say 'YES HE HAS TO COME! IF YOU SAY NO, YOU'RE SUCH A PARTY POOPER!!!'. Twilight just didn't want to start an argument. "Fine... He can come." RD did an expected girly-girl squeaking sound of excitement. Her happiness soon turned into fear when the ground started to shake. "Uh oh! We need to get out of here! Hurry Dash, grab my hoof!" Dash grabbed on to his hoof. All three of them sprinted their way out of the tree. They were finally out, sadly the tree had died. Each of them were panting, mostly from fear. "So, am I able to help?" Shade questioned the cyan filly. "Uh... Um... Y-yeah s-sure, if its fine with Twilight Sperkle, I mean Sparkle, its fine with Rainbow Crash, I mean Dash!" Dash blushed with embarrassment from her several mistakes. Though Night Shade thought it was a little cute. > Chapter 3: Kakariko Village and the Graveyard > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Okay Rainbow, where shall we go next?" Twilight asked. "I say we go somewhere safe for now. Like a town or something..." "Well, is there any place on the map?" "Yeah, its called Kakariko Village." "Wheres that?" "Well, we're here." Dash said as she pointed to the map. "So this place is over...... Here." To their disappointment, it was all the way across the map. "Alright mares, I'll show ya the quickest way there." Night Shade decided to lead the way to the village, as he had been there many times as a young colt. All Dash did was stare at him as he walked, but Twilight didn't like the look of her face, especially her smile, so she slapped her in the back of the head to get her back into reality. Soon enough, they found themselves in a peaceful little village. "Oh, hello there. Welcome to Kakariko Village." The three turned around to see a mare earth-pony with light yellow fur and a auburn mane. "Hi, I'm guessing your a native of this village aren't you?" Twilight questioned the filly. "Why yes, I am. I'm the chicken herder here but sadly, I'm allergic to chickens." Rainbow was trying to comprehend why that mare is a chicken herder if she is allergic to chicken, until she heard screams coming from her friend Twilight. She watched the lavender unicorn get chased by a chicken. She picked up the chicken and started to yell at it. "THATS A BAD SCOOTALOO!!!!! We don't chase Twilight and try to eat her! Now go back to the filly that’s allergic to you." When she heard Night Shade chuckle at her, she blushed a felt like an idiot. The herder stood up on her hind hooves, put on rubber gloves, picked up the chicken and put it in the pen. "Ya know what, you look very familiar." "From where?" "You look like someone from one of my story books." "So, wait a sec... Some guy wrote a story about me?" "I don't really know, but when I was a little filly my mother told me a story about how a pegasus mare and her friend saved Equestria. I'm guessing you are her since the character ended up going to a village like this so she could play an instrument with a mystical song in the graveyard to retrieve an element." Dash thought she was crazy, but Night Shade believed her. "So, where may be the village graveyard?" Night Shade asked. "Its just up that path over there. There’s a giant tombstone that belongs to the royal family, I thinks that’s where you need to play the song." Night Shade thanked her and started to head up the path, in which Rainbow and Twilight followed. "Ha, do you really think this is gonna work?" RD asked Night Shade. "I mean come on, me playing some dumb song with supposed magical powers isn't gonna do anything." The rainbow-maned pegasus took out the element and started to play, nothing happened. "Ha, ya see I knew it wasn't gonna wor-... AAAAAHHHHH!!!!" The ground opened below Dash's hooves, NS and Twilight jumped in. Shade tried his best not to fall on Rainbow, but ended up doing so. "Sorry...." Night Shade tried to put on his best smile while apologizing, all Dash did was scowl at him and turned around headed for the door at the end of the room. 'Why do I like him?' Dash wondered to herself. Rainbow tried her best to open the door. "Hey, why won't this stupid thing open?!" "Well, you'll listen to me, I'd tell you tha-." The tan pegasus answer was ignored by the rainbow filly. "CHARGE!!!!" Dash ramed herself into the door, only for it to not open. Night rolled his eyes and began to help her again. "Look, just kill the bats and the door will open." "Jeez, why didn't you just tell me that before. I was listening the entire time and ya didn't answer me." Shade had the thoughts as Rainbow did earlier; 'Why do I like her?' Dash went on and destroyed the creatures until the door finally opened. RD grabbed Night Shade's hoof and ran out the door. Dash was stopped dead in her tracks by a zombie. "What the hay?!" That’s all Rainbow could do as the dead pony slowly approached her, she couldn't even move. Rainbow Dash knew she had a bad feeling about that place, but she didn't listen to herself. She closed her eyes and let fate decide what was going to happen. She heard a screech come from the zombie, she opened her eyes to find out Night Shade cleared the entire room. Rainbow got up and hugged him, he thought to himself; 'And she's supposedly the fate of Equestria.' The went strait to the next room. When they got in there, the found a grave that said; "Here lies the composers of the royal family. May this tune be used after the passing Princess Celestia." Rainbow was a little confused about what its for, but after her first discovery, she may need to keep this one in mind too. For some reason, there was no element to be found. "Well, maybe since this is called the 'Sun Song', maybe you gotta play it on there." Twilight pointed tho the Element of Sun that was in Dash's hooves. Rainbow put it up to her mouth and started to play. All of a sudden, they were transported outside. What didn't make sense to them was that it was daylight when the went in there, it was now about 10:30 at night. They headed back to the village. "So Rainbow, where should we stay tonight?" Night Shade asked. There was no answer. He looked down at the ground to find the cyan filly already passed out on the ground. He smiled to himself and picked her up. The chicken herder told the three they could stay there for the night. Night Shade put Rainbow Dash to bed, Twilight watched from the corner as Shade looked down at Dash with a smile. Twilight eventually smiled to herself as she could tell Night had feelings for Rainbow. Before Shade put himself to bed, he slowly kissed Rainbow Dash on the cheek, knowing Dash would never know. > Chapter 4: Goron City > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Its was finally a brand new day as the sun slowly rose over Kakariko Village. Villagers awoke to do their daily duties. Rainbow woke up to the cocka-doodle-doo of the rosters, to then be suprised with Night Shade in her face. "Oh my Celestia... Please, just please, don't ever do that again..." She just wasn't in the mood for anything at the moment. She's never been used to waking up this early in the morning, while Night Shade was. As in his home country, he and his father woke up at the crack of dawn, training the mares for wars and one-on-one battles. Mainly, as they knew Dash would soon discover her destiny. Night Shade knew at the moment his father, Dark Night, was preparing new soldiers for the arrival of the young hero and her crush. "Well Dashie, ya can't stay in bed all day. C'mon, there's breakfast waiting for you on the table." NS was in a very cheerie mood, but Dash couldn't understand why. Maybe he did something nice for her? Rainbow walked over to the table, she hadn't even heard him call her Dashie. her mind kept telling her to go to back to bed, though her stomach made the final decision. The rainbow-maned filly finished her food so she could hop back to bed and sleep for the next few hours. Dash was stopped from catching a few more z's by Twilight. "So Rainbow, what's the next place on the map?" Dash groaned as took the map out of her cap. "Uhg, fine... The closest place on the map is some place called... Death Mountain, ain't that dandy?" "Well c'mon, get outta bed! We need to get going!" Twilight was as cheerie as Night Shade was before. 'What is wrong with these ponies?! I can't stand being up at this hour! Well if I do this, the day will end faster...' Dash thought to herself. The cyan pegasus mare gathered everything they needed and headed out the door. Rainbow was just happy to find out that the entrance to Death Mountain was just across from where they spent the night. They were stopped by one of the royal gaurds, guarding the gate. "Halt, who goes there?" "Well, who in the hay do ya think it is? Nightmare Moon?" "Uh Dash, I really don't think you should talk to a royal guard like that..." Sparkle was starting to get a little worried. "You're little flying friend is right. I don't have to take you're cocky adittude miss. Now, what may you need?" "Look, we need to get through there and I think we need to go to some place called...." Rainbow looked at the map and found a city. "Goron city. As you should know, I'm suppose to be the hero of Equestria." The gaurd just started to laugh at her. "Aha ha ha ha! Do you really think I'm suppose to believe that? Still, you kids should go find some place else to play. Death Mountain is to dangerous for young ones like you. There's no way Celestia would EVER send a bunch of kids here!" "Well Princess Celestia DID send me here, and I AM the hero of Equestria!" The guard just blankly stared at her. "Still don't believe me?" She pointed to NS. "This is Night Shade, he's supposed to be the new king of Bukarite, but he bailed on his dad and he's trying to reverse everything his dad has done. Along with me." "Okay, fine, I believe you." The royal guard opened the gate. "You'll be sorry that I even let you in here when some creature comes out of nowhere, since you look like the kind of person that can get scared easly." "Yeah, yeah, whatever..." Dash completely ignored him and trotted through the gate. Twilight and Shade began to follow her. Dash was humming a song to herself as she trotted down the path. Eventually, she felt like she almost had a heart attack when a brightly colored mutant spider popped out of nowhere. "HOLY CRAP!" Rainbow grabbed her chest because it felt like her heart almost jumped out. She was able to catch her breath as the creature got closer and closer. This time, she didn't want to have NS feel like he's the one that's doing all of the work. She took a deep breath and pulled out her sword. She charged, jumped into the air, held the sword with the tip of the blade pointing down, shut her eyes tight, and let fate decide the rest. RD opened her eyes as soon as she felt land. She was amazed to discover that she had gotten rid of the spider. "Yes!..." Rainbow felt proud of herself while Sparkle face-hoofed herself. "So c'mon you guys, we should hurry and get to the top." The three went up the trail. "Ha! We'll get to Goron City in no... OW!... Time..." A rolling, light-brown, creature ran over RD. "Rainbow, are you okay?" NS became worried. "I dunno... At least I think so..." Night Shade helped Dashie onto her hooves. At the end of the trail, they noticed a hole that looked like an entrance. The three trotted through the entrance and finally found themselves in Goron City. "Huh... So this is Goron City? I imagined it a little bit bigger that this." Twilight was shocked by the results on how the city looked. "Well, let's not mess around... I just wanna get this day over and done with." The cyan pegasus flew down to the lowest level of the city. To her left, she saw what looked like a cloth covering a hole. Rainbow became curious and went through it as Shade and Sparkle followed. At the end they noticed a Goron, but he looked alot bigger than the rest. "Uh.... Excuse me, but uh.... Who are you?" Rainbow became nervous as he look like he could beat the hay out of her, if he wanted. "I am the king of the Gorons. Who may you be?" "I-I'm Rainbow Dash, this is Night Shade, and this is my friend Twilight Sparkle." "Ahhh, Rainbow Dash. I've been waiting for you, Celestia has told me much about you. As for one, she had said that you'd be showing up here sooner or later. I have a gift for you that you'll need on your quest... On one condition..." "Of coarse, what may that be you're highness?" It felt weird to Dash on how that he didn't even rule over her. "Come back here later with the Song of the Forest and I'll give you you're reward." "Wait, Song of the Forest? The only forest in Equestria is the... Oh no... Not the Everfree Forest!" "Yes now, run along and hurry. I'll be waiting here for you to return." The three made their way out of the city as RD's jaw still looked like it was going to touch the ground, along with Twilight. NS thought they were nuts. 'What could be so scary about a place called the Everfree Forest?' Night Shade thought to himself. 'It sounds kinda nice...'