> The Hero of Equestria > by Bronies4ever39 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THe Hero of Equestriea: Charpte 1 It was a dark and cold night and the moon was full over the house. I was sleeping when it happened. I started to dream and in teh dream was a scarey voice and it spoke to me. I listend to what it said and it sopoke. "Nick, you shall be the hero of Equestria," it said in a voice. "But first you will face dark and mysterious trails that will test you and try and kill u. It will not be easy, but u are needed. There is no one else who can do." And I said "who are u?" But the voice sad "U dont need to no that yet." "Okay" I said ."but what is the Equestria anyway?" "You will see" said the voice and then it stopped. Then I woke up. So there I was in my bed awake. I decided the dream was a dream and I went to bed again but I couldnt sleep. Those words kept replaying in my brian. That was when suddenly there was a big flesh of light outside and it was strange. I decided to go and see what it is and so I did and went outside. There I saw some lights flashing and I went up to them then there was an explosion in the sky and a big portal in the sky and it started polling me up and then it ate me and I didnt no were I saw and it was weird. So I waited and then when I came I was in a really nice looking place with grass. A pony came up to me and it was Twilight Sparkle. I thought she was really pretty even though she's a pony and she talked to me. "Hi there Im Twilight Sparkle" she "Hi I'm Nick" I sad. "Where is this place." "This is Equetstria she said. "Oh" I said. "That sounds familliar." I new I had heard that word before but I didn't know where. "Where r you from?" seh esked. "I'm from Earth" said I. "I'm a humna." "Oh" said Twilite. "Hey your pony who is talking? Isnt that weird?" I asked sincce horses dont talk. "No" she said. "It normla here." "oja" I said. "let's go to ponyville now" she said. "Ill show you all my friends." "Okay" said me and then I started following her and stuff. But we didnt get to ponyfille. instead suddenly a pony started coming from nowhere and i didnt even know them It was a strange pony in black who was wearing a maks that was black. It covered their face so we couldt tell who it wsa. Twilight couldnt tell eithe. "Who are you," said Twilight to masked pony. "THE ONE KNOWN AS NICK MUST DIE!!!!!!" SAID THE MASK PONY. 'HE THREATENDS THE PLANS!" "No!" Twilight said as she dong magic. "I will not let u kill my friend!" "U CANT STO ME TWILIGHT SPERKEL!!!!!!!!!!!" sad the mask pony who started doing magic 2. "Stop fighting!" i shooted. "We can get along.! Then i jumped into the magics and it was weird. At first the pain by then it stopped and it felt kind of funny and i felt my boy start fo changing! I dint no what had happened at frist but it was weird and i had changed. "NO IT WAS SUPPODE TWO KILL HIM NOT DO THS!!!!!" sad mask pony. "Nick, you've" Twilight gasp "I looked. I didnt understand at first but then Isaw. I HAS TRANSformed into a pony! "NOOOO!" said maske. "THIS CANNOY BE!" Then the mask pony ran away. So I was pony and I had a black skin and red hair that was long and I was pegasus pony so I had awesome wings and could fly. "This is pretty cool" I said as I flied "I liek beng pony." "Yeah. it is cool" said twilight. "okay lets go" I said and then we went to Ponyville. At ponyville. i saw twilightf friends. "these are the friends" said twilight. "friends this is nich who is new friend. he is pony now but he used 3 be a pony." "hello nick im fluttershy" said fluttershy who was really cute and nice looking. "and howdy ahm Applejack partner!" said APplejack who was also cute and had nice hat and funny acksent. "Im rarity darling!" said Rarity in kind of flity voice. She was really pretty. "And Im RAINBOW DASH!" said Rainbow Dash who was really cool. "its god to met u" I said and I smiled. They seemed like nice ponies and I liked them all already. They wood b good friends. "Me and Nick was attacked by strange pony in mask said Twilight. "Mask pony?" said Rarity. "WHo cod that be?" "Maybe it was somepony bad like Trixie or Discord or one of those other people we met" said Fluttershy. "I dont think so" said Twsilight. "They were wearing a mask!" "I know" Fluttershy. "We should go ask Princess Celestia." "Yes" said Twilight. "that is good plans. let us to Canterlot and ask." "Whats celestia?" asked Nick who didn't know. "She is princess pony who is like god who rules over all ponies whit her magic" said Applejack. "She is our firned who we right letters 2." "I see" I said. "We should so see her then. What's a canterlot?" "Canterlot is other city in Equestria that is like ponyville only noty," said Fluttershy. "it is close by and it is were Twiulight is from before she moved to Ponyville with us." "Oh," said I and I nodded. "let's go there then. SO then there was and we went to canterlot and it was other place in Eqyestria and it was really pretty. At castle we went to see the princess but instead we saw the other princess who is her sister. She is Luna and she was really pretty and cool looking. I hoped I would be her firend too but i could tell something wasnt rite. "LUNA!" said Twilight. "Where is ur sister?' "Twilight" said Luna. "it is godo u are here? There has been problem!" "What's going on?" asked Applejack. "Yeah. what" said Raroty. "Is there problem?" asked I as I looked around and stuff. "PRINCESS CELESTIA HAS VANISHED!" said Luna loudly. Everyone was shocked. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teh Hero of Erquestria;Chapter 2 "O no!" said Rainbow Dash. "Princesss Ceslesita has ben vanish?" "Thats rite, sad Luna. "she is no longer here. i think she wsa kidnap." "Whou wloud do sumthing so terrorible?" asked Rartity. "DO you no who tok her?" asked Flurtershy "I do not," Luna said. "but I think it was.... MASK PONY!" THey all gasp! "NO!" said Twilight.e "What if it is same maske pony who attacked us?' "Iy vcoud be,' I said. "I wonder who is mask pony and what they want with me and cesliteisa. "I dont no but we must do something about this and find celestia and stop mask pony before it is 2 late and they have done sumthing evil and bad" said Rainbor Dash. "OH NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" said someone who was not one of the man 6 or Nick or Luna. "Who said that?" asaid Luna who did not know where the voice came from. "It wasat any of us," said Applejack who looked. And then a pony came. It was Derp hoves. She looked consorned. "Whas wrong derpy?'a asked Radbow Dash. "has something bad hapenesd?" "Yes!" sad Derpy. "And it is sumthing bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "How bad?" asked Twilight. "What is happening?" "POnyville is udner attc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" said Derpy then fell over "NO NOT PONYV IELS!!!" shotfed everyone there. THey was worried tabout ponyvill and all their friends and familes. "WE MUST GO TO PONYVILLE AND STOP THE ATAK!" said Luna. And then they all went and Ponyville. It looked badly. ALl the hoses were on fire and there were poniess creaming and bad ponies were all over the place kicking things and using wepaons and there were lots and lots of bad stuff and it was violent. "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" shouted rarittty. "You bad ponys must sto this! It is gong 2 far!" "YOU CANNOT STOP US!!!" shouted masked pony who was there and was leadign the bad ponies who were other bad ponies that were bad. "SOON EQERESTREWAU WULL BELONG TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHHHAAHAAHH!!!!" "I WILL TOP U!" SHOUT TWILIGHT AND SHE USED MAGIC> RARIty and Luna used macig 2 but the rest of use dint have matic so we went and we strated 2 beat up onies with our fists instead. Mean Rainbow Dash used flying since we had wigns. Fluttershy dint fight because she was sacred. SO fight goes one for a log time and I was really cool and the fight was awesome and there was all this fighting and it was violent but not too bad since they're still ponies and they weren using weaspn yet but they mite later since that wood be cool. Then the bad ponies and the mask poiny ran away, but Ponyvill had been ruined. "our bloved ponyville it is ruin," said Rarity. "What is to do now?" "I don't know, Rarityt. I don't know," said Applejack. i knew we would have to rebuild. I would help and ponyville would be even better than before. Then we could go and gifght eteh evil ponies and get our revenge and I would be the hreo of esquestria like in the propency in the dream. I saw then that Twilite was sad so I came to her and smled. "Will fix this Twilight. Will set everytfghing rite," I said. "I'll make sure of it. You can count on me..." "oh nick" Twirlgiht said. "you r so cool. you really are a great friend." She smiled cutely and i just new things wood be oaky. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The hehro of equestriea: Chapter 3 SO then i helped all the ponies rebuilt ponyville. And we did it and it wsa even better than before becauese veryrrogng helped make it and I helped too os it wse good. Everyone was really harpy. SO Pinkie Pie decidded to throw a big party to celebrate the town being revuilt and everyone was invited and so it was going to be tons of fun. I was at the party when Fluttershy. "You really did a great job for the town Nick" said Fluttershyt. "We cuntd of done it withowt u!" "Im only glad i culd help u ponies" I said "You are all my freds after all." "And your a good firend" hersaid Applejack who was with family. "EYup!" said Big Macintohs who was thier. Everyone laughed and then Pinkie came. "Hey NIck!" she said. "have some cake it is good and u deserve it!" I took the cake and ate it. Then pikine sarted 2 sing one of hr songs that she does somtimes and it was fun. So I went then and i sawed the otter ponies. And there was all the ponies from ponyville, like applle bloom, sweety bel and scootalooo, and then over there was Derpy and then there was granny smirth and luna and zecroa and chairalee and dr hoofs and lira and bonbon and all the background ponies and the spike and everyone and all the amnials too. I saaw them all but I dint see twilite saprkel so i locked fort her. So then things got all quiet and then the music changed and it was vinl scrotch who was being dj at part since she's awesome and she put on a new song. It was a really slow romantic song. Just as it started it was Turn around and there i sawn her! It was Twilight sparkle. She was wearing a sexy new dress made by rariyt. "U liook really great 2day, Twilight" I said as I got all close. "no u do," Said Twilight. "Your so strong and cool adn helpful Nick. Im sogland that you came." And then we started to dance all romatically and it was really romantic. You could juts feel the romance in the air as we dancered. I dint want to look away from twilight since she was so butifull but if i did id have see that other copples had stated dancing 2. CHarilee was dancing with Big mc and derpyp was dacning with dr hooves adn lyra wads dancing with bonbon since that's kind of hot and Rarity was even dancing with Applejak since I kind of lik that ship. but dint notice any of them cuz i was dancing with twilight sparkle and it was god.o "your best pony, Twilight sparkle," I sadi. "oh nick, your so swet" twilight said "will you be my girlfriend?" "Okay" said and then the sog got was going to end soon, so we got in close and then, we started 2 kis. It was a really good kiss 2 and we were happily. and the other ponies were kissing aslo and they were happy two but that dint matter to me at the moment because of twilight. in that momet i was happy and i did not care about the professy or the evil ponies or the maksed pony i just wanted it 2 last forever. Then the song ended and vynl but on a more ubpeat song and we all started dancing again but not romati which was cool too. I was ahppy that trwilite was girlfreidn now so it was good. Then Pinkie stated 2 sing some more and we all ate some more cake and it was just a good time and everyone was gland. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Importent authers note: Hi pple who r reading my story. I hope u lik it. Anyeway, I was gonna make the story more viloet and clopclop but i decided no to anymore since maybe then it will bre more populer. sorry if u was looking forward to the mature contacts, but i think the story will still be god anyway. Hreo of eqetria: Cahpter 5 So the party eventually over and me and Twilight went back to her house for some fun times that I cant talk about since story is no long mature reated. It was really good though and Twilight was happy and so Was I. It was good and then we went to sleep and then we woke up and then it was the new day and it was morning. We went to meat with the oters. "So the ponyville has been rebuilded" said Applejack, "But we still do not know who maks pony is?" "Yes and all those evil ponies..." said Rarity. "And the princess is still kiidspnap." "It makes me mad!" said Twilight. "We msut dow wsomething." "Yes but wat?" said Pinkie Pie. "We shuld go ask someone who knows things," said Fluttershy. "like ho?" asked Twilight. "Maybe Zecora? said Applejack. "She knew lost of things." "That sounds liek a good plan" said Twilight. "lets go to the everyfree forrest." "Okay" I saiid. So we went to the everfree forest then and it was a forest and it was dark andi t was kind of scary but it wasn't too bad since I was a brave and strong pony who was awesome. We was going in the forest when suddenly we was attacked! It was a manticore from like in the show but it was mean so we beat it up and then we kept going. Eventually we reched Zecora's house but she was nowhere to be found. Instead.... in the house... we found... THE MASK PONY! "YOU WILL ALL DIE FOR BEING HERE!" said the mask Pony. "I WILL NOT LET YOU GETR IN THE WSAS YOF MY EVIL PLANS! HAHAHAHAHAHAaAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "Dam u!" shouted Applejack. "What did u do withZecra and the princesse?" "U WILL NEVEWR NO!" SHOTTED MASK. "Will stop u!" shouted Twilight doing magic to kill the maks pony. But the mask pony did the magic firs and suddenly the ponies came. It was the evil ponies who were all black and evil looking with red eyes. They started atticking usa with magic bullets made of magic. I fought them for a whil but it was too much. We was no mach for them! We ran away but then Fllytershy was captuered! "No! Not FLuttyrshy!" shouted Pinky, but it was too late. We had to keep runing or it would be all of us sharing her fat. And then we wet back to ponyvill. "What do we do now?" Rarity. "We must think of something" said Twilite. "We should go to see Luna again," said Applejack. "maybew she knwos someting." "Okay said Rarity and then we went back to Canterlo ot see luma. Luna was there and she sawed us. She came. "Hi guys" she sad. "What's happened luna" said Rarity. "nothing," said Luna. "But i has consulted the legens and no what muts be don!" "What" me said. "There is magical items even more powerfol than the elemits of harmoney! You must go on a jorney and find them all and use their power to destry the bad ponies and mask pony and save my siter and the ohtters." "I see" said Applejack. "We will do you" "Yes!" said twilight. "You can cout onus!" "Good do not fail youw will be the heroes of eqquestria!" said the princess. "we will!" I said and then we went.