> Rainbow Dash's Midnight Encounter > by StripyFlash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Rainbow Dash's Midnight Encounter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash's Midnight Encounter It was a beautiful day, by anypony's standards. The sun glared down in all its solar beauty, made perfect by the goddess, Celestia. A cool breeze passed through the pleasantly cool air of the skies above Ponyville; creating unparalleled, excellent flying weather. Rainbow Dash utilised this to its fullest extent. She always utilised days like this. What a waste it would be not to, she thought to herself. All those poor earth-ponies beneath her, mulling about their daily lives... she didn't want to be so cruel as to say she pitied them, but she did. How could any one pony live life without the freedom and elegance that having wings gave you? It was a third dimension to life that Rainbow Dash could not bear to live without. With her hooves outstretched, Rainbow Dash continued her absent-minded musings as she flew in simple loops, twisting her body left and right, closing her eyes and smiling as the wind brushed past her fur and made her feel electric and full of adrenaline, the pegasus absolutely elated by the summer weather. Rainbow Dash thought about how gracefully she flew; it had been no wonder as to why the Wonderbolts were so eager to take her on... in fact, the only surprise was why they hadn't done so sooner. She intended to visit the palace today, Canterlot Palace, to be precise. She had an important meeting with the two princess, Luna and Celestia, to discuss the Elements of Harmony, or something. Yadda yadda. Rainbow Dash cared extremely little for things like that; she might be more than willing to defend Equestria from evil threats and the like but discussing the finer details of how it all worked was something for eggheads, like Twilight Sparkle. Which made Rainbow Dash think for a moment, something she didn't do terribly often, but when she did, it was quick and to the point – why was she being invited? Why not somepony else? Oh, but how little it mattered. When you were summoned by the rulers of Equestria, you did their bidding – unless you wanted to make yourself an enemy of the most powerful entities walking the realm, and if you truly desired that, you were perhaps a slight bit foolish. Rainbow Dash was more than happy to comply, even if it did mean less flying and more talking – but hey, meeting with the princesses did well for her reputation with the fans, and that was all right by her. The magnificent tips of the Canterlot spires were visible in the distance now, some even rising above the clouds. They were beautiful colours, shades of purple, pink and gold, and every other regal colour imaginable, the skill that had gone into the architectural design of the place being simply stunning. Not that Rainbow Dash cared for such things. Her focus was on the grand palace set out before her, and that was her only destination. Rainbow Dash arrived on the crimson-red carpet, trimmed with gold; that in turn was embossed with eloquent floral patterns. Rainbow Dash wasn't paying attention to any of that though, simply trotting into the main hall of the palace with her slightly dirty hooves; unkempt mane and roughed up fur, smirking happily to herself. The white unicorn guard to her right and grey-black pegasus guard to her left courtesied as she entered, bowing down before the princesses' guest. She made the short climb up the steps to Celestia's always impressive throne, fit for only a princess (or perhaps a queen, but Celestia certainly isn't a queen now, is she?). Celestia was sat casually splayed out on her seat of power; the elbow of one fore leg upon the right legrest of her throne, her chin in turn sat upon her golden sandal, beady, observant eyes watching Rainbow Dash as she ascended the flight of stairs. “Rainbow Dash! What a pleasure it is to have you here. I trust your flight here was brief and safe?” Celestia asked in her typical calm and gratingly neutral voice, so utterly passive and soothing that even the most disgruntled of stallions couldn't help but pause their actions and listen to the words of wisdom she had to share. She looked upon Rainbow Dash with her pastel-pink eyes, smiling broadly, with such an expression of happiness it could almost be considered false. “Oh, er, yeah. It was fine. Nice, cool wind out there today, and the sun is out and blazing,” Rainbow Dash remarked, not even stopping to consider the fact she was talking to the mare who raised the sun on a daily basis. “So, as I'm sure you're already aware, I summoned you here today to discuss the small matter of your position as the Element of Loyalty. I'd like to go into the precise specifics of what it means to be such...” Celestia's explanation went on for hours, at least, to Rainbow Dash, it felt that way. She'd managed to not fall asleep, thankfully, although she'd come dangerously close at least four of five times. By the end of it, Rainbow Dash managed to remain awake by focusing on the glistening, purple jewel embedded within Celestia's tiara, the sunlight it reflected being inexplicably amusing to her. “So then, my little pony. Is that all clear to you?” Celestia asked, smiling near enough condescendingly at Rainbow Dash, the rainbow mare's eyes beginning to roll up into the back of her head out of sheer boredom. “Oh, er... yep! I got it!” she chuckled, nodding, sweat running down her face, gritting her teeth, knowing full well that she hadn't memorised a single word of Celestia's lecture. Celestia smirked at her. It took more than that to fool the ancient protector of the world, but she played along anyhow. Nodding faintly, the white-furred mare seemed to show total acceptance of Rainbow Dash's ploy. “Now then, my sister wishes to speak to you as well. However, generally speaking, she's only active at night. If you do not mind waiting, you are more than welcome to make full use of the accommodations at the palace,” Celestia finished, continuing to nod sagely. Rainbow Dash grinned. This was why she didn't mind visiting the palace. Dashing into the banquet hall, Rainbow Dash began to tuck into whatever tasty feast was laid out, there always being an array of the most fabulous foods on offer at the palace. Expertly dressed salads, hay from exotic parts of Equestria and even the odd zap apple here and there, Rainbow Dash not stopping to question why those were there. Soon enough, Rainbow Dash's appetite had died down, not being the most difficult of mares to fill; and, at the end of the day, she had to keep watch of eating habits to stay in tip-top flying condition. Rainbow Dash spent the rest of her day at the palace playing pranks on unsuspecting guards and trying to determine whether she could pinch Celestia's tiara and wear it if she was fast enough, although fortunately she eventually decided it was too much hassle to bother with. Eventually, however, it was time to go and see Celestia's sister, Princess Luna. Dashie bounded off across the royal gardens, going to Luna's personal, private, isolated tower. Just how the indigo alicorn liked it. Unlike Celestia, however, Luna was not particularly known for her patience. Rainbow Dash reached the top of the steps, opening the great, intricately carved wooden door to Luna's private chambers. There Luna stood, flanked by two of her finest night guards – impressive creatures, hulking over the average pony. They were at least half a head taller than perhaps even Big Macintosh, Rainbow Dash thought, and they looked far more intimidating than the average royal guard; wild, grey fur, vampire-like fangs, otherworldly purple armour and to top it all off; bat wings. Rainbow Dash gulped. Despite being the fearless veteran flier she was, Rainbow Dash couldn't deny the innate intimidation Luna's night guard held over her, their wicked smirks like something out of horror stories for young colts and fillies. Luna stood calmly sandwiched between them both, not at all fazed by the penetrating aureolin glares of the two night guard; unlike the cowering Rainbow Dash. Luna grinned intently at the blue pegasus's arrival. “Welcome, Rainbow Dash,” she began. “We trust thou are here to be informed about the alternate side of the ramifications of instilling perfect loyalty within the subjects of Princess Celestia?” Rainbow Dash cringed. Yet again with the fancy, pretentious-sounding words that she had so little time for, nodding her head reluctantly. And so Luna began to blather on for what seemed like an age, even longer than Celestia did, Luna relishing in the opportunity to talk to a pony other than her sister or Twilight Sparkle about such abstract and elusive concepts. Unfortunately for Rainbow Dash, she couldn't pull it off twice. By the end of Luna's lecture, she was fast asleep, a tendril of drool hanging down her chin as her blue lips sucked the air around them, Rainbow Dash beginning to make dismal snoring sounds as she fell onto her back, legs splayed out carelessly. Luna winced, looking at Rainbow Dash as if she had been told the most offensive joke known to ponykind, filled with indignant rage as she realised Rainbow Dash had been ignoring her the entire time. “RAINBOW DASH!” Luna screamed at the top of her lungs in an unnatural, almost disembodied, booming voice, her eyes flaring white with pure wrath. Rainbow Dash bolted up immediately, sitting still with her hind legs spread out carelessly to create a 'V' shape, her violet eyes wide as they hurriedly scanned their surroundings, her tired brain desperately trying to comprehend what was going on. “How DARE you ignore us, the Princess of Night! We just explained to thy perhaps one of the core aspects to the most integral inner workings of all harmony-based magic in Equestria, and thou SLEPT THROUGH IT?!” “I... er, yeah?” Rainbow Dash swiftly replied, staggering to her hooves. She gulped, dreading what the alicorn would think to do next. “This cannot stand! One believes thou is in need of punishment!” “Sure, a few laps around the palace? I can handle that. Sorry, Princess,” “Thy insignificant apology matters naught! What Element of Loyalty is so loyal she doesn't even bother to listen to her superiors' vitally important advice?” “Well, maybe you shouldn't be so boring!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. The look in Luna's eyes said it all. Rainbow Dash gulped quietly once again, really, really regretting what she had just said. In fact, she wished she hadn't said it at all. She was surprised Luna wasn't trying to kill her after that soul-destroying glare the Princess of Night gave her. “Us... boring. Thou offends us, Rainbow Dash. One must be punished. Loyalty must be instilled within thy, and one must be disciplined!” Luna growled, rising above Rainbow Dash even higher than before. Rainbow Dash didn't know the night princess too well, but now she definitely knew not to anger her. “I trust you have no qualms with my night guard...” Rainbow Dash shook her head desperately, as if to say 'no, I don't', but she was too paralysed with racking fear to move her lips. What could the blue-furred alicorn have in mind for her? Rainbow Dash didn't have to think for particularly long once again, however, this being a bizarre relief to her. She swiftly found her body enveloped by the indigo haze of Luna's levitation magic, being turned onto her front, before thrust against the floor. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt, Luna's magic creating a soft barrier for the mare to land against; having wanted to merely scare her rather than literally, physically hurt her. It became more and more apparent to Rainbow Dash what Luna had in mind as she found the princess's two, hulking night guards that were previously by her sides standing over her, one just above her plot, the other, her head. Luna's magic seeped into Rainbow Dash's fur, working like some sort of subtle aphrodisiac; it having never truly been her intention to 'punish' Rainbow Dash – more just make sure she listens next time. Finding herself inexplicably aroused, having not fully come to grips with the situation just yet, Rainbow Dash blinked her wide, confused eyes. Finally she made the connection within her brain as the night guard looming over head's semi-erect shaft slapped against her face, both stallions being well hung with hefty, filled to the brim ball sacks. Rainbow Dash trembled and shuddered, but her fear had all but gone away, finding herself in perhaps one of her most interesting escapades to date. The command from the stallion in front of her was simple enough; “Lick it,” and she began to do exactly as she was told. The blue pegasus's plump, orange tongue jabbed timidly at the night guard's thick length at first, but soon enough, Rainbow Dash found herself quite willingly dragging the rough, flat side of her tongue across the stallion's meaty rod, licking the bulging, veiny thing over and over. This had the inevitable effect of making the stallion's cock grow in length until he was at his full girth and size, being impressively huge; his unnatural form clearly aiding in the matter – Rainbow Dash struggled to recall ever seeing a stallion's junk so impressive. “Open wide,” was the next command from her new stallion master, and Rainbow Dash was more than compliant to do so. Her lips parted, revealing her warm, wet mouth; which the night guard was all too ready to bury his length deep inside. Rainbow Dash's eyes widened once again as he pushed his erect cock down her throat with ease, his length sitting inside her mouth balls-deep, forcing her to gag somewhat. However, Rainbow Dash received minimal relief for a while, forced to choke on the hefty stallion equipment of the night guard, him grunting as a glob of pre spurted free from the tip of his cock and down her throat, no doubt giving Rainbow Dash a good idea of what she was in for. The stallion looming over her plot finally made his move, wrapping his fore legs nice and tightly around Rainbow Dash's waist, making sure she wasn't going anywhere as he held her firmly and securely between his powerful, grey hooves. Rainbow Dash felt the bulging length of the stallion behind her pressuring against her vulva, his cock head rubbing up and down against her wet slit. With her fore legs splayed out across the ground in front of her and with her waist in the firm grasp of the night guard, Rainbow Dash swiftly came to the realisation that quite literally her only option was to pleasure the two, no matter how uncomfortable she was with their hulking size. Then; in barely half a second, the night guard thrust his cock head into her marehood. It was easy enough, eliciting a muffled groan from Rainbow Dash, barely audible. However, the rest of the push inside would be much, much more difficult for him due to his sheer size, the stallion having to push past Rainbow Dash's wet, constricting walls. Nonetheless, the guard's strength was more than enough as he began to push his cock deep into the slit of the mare suspended by his front hooves. The sensation was more than enough to make Rainbow Dash's eyes roll back; the mare experiencing pure, unadulterated pleasure; yet she had little time to focus on how she felt as the night guard at her front crouched down somewhat. She tried to understand why but the stallion didn't give her the time figure it out, instead demonstrating to her as it was clear he was in the perfect position to begin thrusting away like a piston. And so he did. Rainbow Dash felt her throat forced wide as the stallion's bulky cock was pumped inside of her mouth over and over, making the mare gag, moan and splutter all at once. And, while Rainbow Dash was relentlessly facefucked, so too were her nethers abused by the stallion mounting her from behind, ploughing her slit with ease. Luna watched in glee, not reducing herself to go so low as to clop in front of others, but it was clear the mare found the whole display arousing. For a while, the stamina of both parties kept the unremitting sexual intercourse at a stalemate, the sound of both stallions' balls making wet, fleshy smacks against Rainbow Dash's face and plot and her muffled whines and gagging sounds filling the air. However, inevitably, somepony had to orgasm first; and in this scenario it was Rainbow Dash, it being near enough impossible to outmatch the unnatural energy of Luna's night guards. She came hard and fast, Rainbow Dash's eyes rolling back once again, having never felt somepony drive her to cum so easily. Her nethers clamped like a vice around the cock thrusting away at her slit as her marejuices splattered across the floor behind her, eliciting a snigger from Luna. This did next to nothing to slow down the stallion abusing her marehood; however, in fact, it only seemed to encourage him to go harder on her, grunting and making quiet moans himself all the while. The stallions' relentless abuse of Rainbow Dash's orifices went on for almost half an hour, forcing her to orgasm once again, Rainbow Dash having truly been fucked silly by the point she realised bother stallions were on the verge of cumming themselves. She braced herself, although she could do little to be prepared for what she was about to receive. The night guard at the front came first, Rainbow Dash noticing his thrusts were becoming far more erratic and much less rhythmic than they were before, his cock beginning to twitch and bulge as he began to pull out - Rainbow Dash was grateful at first that he wasn't going to put her through the ordeal of swallowing his load, but no such luck. The stallion simply wanted to make sure Rainbow Dash got to taste every last drop as his cock throbbed one last time. before shooting his searing hot sticky seed, rope after rope, directly down her throat. Rainbow Dash had no choice but to swallow, not sure whether she found the taste of him pleasant, although she was a bit too out of her senses to complain. At that moment the stallion behind her increased his already firm grasp of her waist, suddenly ploughing her far harder than before. Rainbow Dash tried to swallow the stallion in front's copious load before the other came, although was unable to manage it, what with there being so much, as the stallion slamming away at her slit came also. He pumped strands of warm night guard cum while hilted deep inside of her, his cock being barely visible, although his ball sack was quite clearly pressed against her vulva as he filled her womb with ease, beginning to over flow in a matter of seconds, his cum running down the mare's hind legs. Both stallions' orgasms went on for a long time, as if to compliment the long time they'd reamed the mare, Rainbow Dash almost passing out from having the night guard's hefty shaft releasing its load down her throat for such a long time. However, finally, they were done, pulling out of Rainbow Dash, leaving her a defiled mess. Rainbow Dash dribbled cum, the night guard's seed running down her chin and forming a small puddle on the floor, her plot being splattered white with a pool of seed beneath it. She panted heavily, looking up at Luna with a befuddled look as she tried to comprehend what had just happened to her. Luna smiled, petting the two well-performing night guards on their backs, the pair looking elated and absolutely refreshed, grinning as their messy stallionhoods hung between their legs. Luna levitated the exhausted Rainbow Dash onto her own bed despite the mess created by having such a sticky, cum-covered mare on it would bring. Rainbow Dash swiftly fell into a deep sleep, her dreams filled with more erotic surprises, no doubt influenced once again by Luna's magic. One thing was certain, however – she'd come to not regret angering the princess one small bit, likely meaning her nonchalant, prankster attitude would continue; much to the princesses dismay. Not all lessons can be taught in one night...