Mane 6 Milfs

by Nitewalker

First published

The love between a mother and son is the purest form of love in the world. The love between six mothers and six sons however, is something else entirely...

The love between a mother and her son is the purest form of love in the world. But, when provided the right circumstances, that love can blossom into something much more... erotic. Six young stallions are about to find themselves confronted with these specific sets of circumstances, and the love they hold for their mothers will soon blossom into something they never could have expected.

Camping Out

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Celestia’s sun shined to start the morning, beckoning ponies to wake from their slumber in the Campgrounds of Neighagra Falls. Painting the sky an elaborate mix of orange and red, the sparkling golden rays seemed to breath new life into whatever it touched. The bright green foliage surrounding the mostly desolate campsite was covered in a thin sparkling sheen of wet dew, and when Celestia’s sunshine passed by, it gave the soft greens of the trees, grass, and flowers an otherworldy and heavenly glow.

The small plot of land was mostly quiet, populated by little more than a small family of rabbits and a few wandering birds, the only sound was the distant echo of falling water that originated from the towering waterfalls for which the campground was named. Down below resided six small tents, the likes of which rested in a large circle surrounding a meticulously constructed stone campfire. A few bags of snackfoods and playfilly magazines lay scattered around the still smoldering pit, the only sign that anypony was actually occupying the makeshift camp.

Suddenly, the entrance to one of the tents burst open, a light pink shade flew out the unzipped door. A dark pink colt jumped out with a large, toothy grin spread across his face, his curly, crimson mane frizzled, knotted and messy, as it always was. He sucked in a deep breath, shouting, “C’mon, everypony! It’s time to get up!” With a swift gesture, he pulled out a flugelhorn, the oddly-shaped violet instrument practically sparkling in the early morning light, practically begging the ecstatic pony to put it to use. He sucked in a deep breath, wrapped his lips around the small, circular end of the instrument, and blew, eager to rouse his fellow ponies from their slumber.

A low, dulcet tone resonated throughout the campsite, loud enough to disturb a trio of dozing birds in a nearby tree, sending them fluttering away, skittishly trying to escape the obnoxious sound. Once the flugelhorn’s sour note had finished, the telltale signs of movement could be seen within each of the other five occupied tents, exasperated groans and the muffled sound of unzipping sleeping bags shortly followed.

“For the love of all that’s good and bountiful in this world, Berry Blast!” An agitated voice was heard, coming from the largest and most elaborately decorated of the tents. “Why on Equestria must you insist on bringing that dreadful instrument with you wherever you go?” From out of the lavish tent came a gray-coated young colt, a light blue sleeping mask resting above his bright green eyes and an irritated scowl marring his expression.

In the tent adjacent to him, one that was rustic but functional, an alabaster colt came out, yawning and grunting as he emerged. A playfilly magazine lay over his snout, the front cover that of a pretty young pegasus mare with her legs spread, slit dripping wet with feminine juices, just begging to be filled. He gave his bloodshot brown eyes a couple curious blinks, as if he didn’t even notice it, his wings unfurled slightly in response to the cool morning air, a light gust of wind blowing past and knocking th e magazine free from its perch. It hit the ground with a heavy thump. He didn’t pay it any mind.

“Whu?” Inquired the droopy colt, looking around with a hazy half lidded gaze. “Berry? Foxtrot? Wut in tarnation are ya’ll yellin’ ‘bout?”

“If I had to hazard a guess...” A squeaky high pitched voice spoke out, on the cusp of full masculinity but not quite there. The voice came from behind a thin layer of shadowy black tarp. It was the simplest of the tents, built with practicality in mind, more so than looks anyway. The zipper protruding from the tent’s front door was wrapped up in a soft red sparkling glow, quickly winding around the door and undoing itself. Out popped a crimson coated colt. A smile adorned his face as he adjusted his signature pair of thick square spectacles, gingerly stepping over the soft black tarp of his tent’s entrance, the likes of which now lay upon the ground in a crumpled heap. “I’d say that Berry’s flugelhorn has upset our mutual friend Foxtrot.” The stallion shrugged his shoulders and ran a skinny red hoof through his somewhat disheveled long brown mane. “Sounds like a reasonable deduction to make anyway, don’t you think Jonathan?”

Jonathon gave his hanging head a heavy shake, trying in vain to wake himself up. “Uh, sure Crimson, yeah, makes total sense...” He answered dismissively.

Right next to Jonothan’s tent, one of pale yellow, decorated with a colorful assortment of flowers, a colt’s head shyly poked out to see what the ruckus was outside. His luscious blue mane fell over his violet eyes, yellow coat sparkling as it caught a few stray rays from the sun overhead. He took a few ginger steps forward, casting a curious gaze around the campsite in an attempt to locate the source of the disturbance. Naturally, that gaze landed on Berry Blast, as it often did when something unexpected or obnoxious had happened.

“B-Berry...” He started, his voice soft from both fatigue and his natural reserved nature. “I thought your mom told you to leave her flugel horn at home.”

The pink stallion chuckled, holding up the instrument like it was a prized souvenier. “Pffft, come on Gentle Breeze it’s not hers, its my dads! And she won’t miss it anyway, she’s been all saddy waddy for like, a whole month!.”

A high pitched yawn punctuated Berry’s statement, the final colt finally rousing from his dreamless slumber. A shadowy silhouette visible behind the thin purple walls of his tent. It was the smallest of the group, and a discarded booklet of tent building directions lay just outside the entrance. A soft blue glow lights up the inside, and the entrance magically dissipates, floating away in a puff of grey smoke.

A slender azure colt marches outside, grin on his face as he stands next to Gentle Breeze. The colts share a look and mumble ‘good morning’ to one another. He appeared to be the youngest of the bunch, a good head and shoulders smaller than his companions, and his soft violet eyes still carried a glint of naivety and sincere enchantment with the world around him, qualities that are unfortunately lost with age.

“~Hiiii Shining Star!~” Sang Berry Blast, bouncing up and down in place. “You look super duper awake this morning, way more than all these other grumpy mcgrumpsters...”

Shining Star took a look at his fellow campers. Gentle Breeze looked like he was about to nod off back to sleep, only snapping back to attention whenever his head slumped too far forward, Foxtrot was off near his tent mumbling incoherently to himself and haughtily sorting through his bags, deep brown circles hung beneath his bloodshot blue eyes, Jonathan Smith looked like he’d just been yanked out of the worlds most pleasant dream, his eyes half lidded as he laid down, uncomfortably shifting his hind legs every few seconds, as if something was bothering him... Shining didn’t know what it could possibly be, if it was that bad he should just get up and move.

Crimson Gust appeared to be the only one, aside from himself and Berry Blast, who appeared somewhat presentable. Gently flipping through the last few pages of an old Daring Do novel he’d brought along the other night.

“My mom’s Camping Guidebook recommends you get a full nine hours of sleep every night while camping.” Shining explained. “She made me promise to not stay up too late, so that’s why I went to bed early.” His expression became thoughtful. “What did you guys do after I went to sleep? I heard lots of groaning and stuff after I went to bed...”

A deep shade of crimson passed over each of the colt’s faces. Even Berry Blast seemed uncharacteristically silent. What the younger colt didn’t know, was that after he’d gone to bed, the older boys had passed around Smith’s collection of playfilly magazines and some hard cider he’d managed to nick from his mom’s basement.

After a few hours of drinking... and sharing some of the more risque images they’d come across, they’d all become so aroused that the very thought of going to bed unsatisfied seemed like an awful way to end the otherwise exciting evening. After a few moments of planning, the five colts had come up with a fun way to spice up their midnight snacks, and get rid of their hard ons to boot.

They’d gathered around the fire pit, made sure to place an open bag of marshmallows where each of them could easily reach, and taken care of their collective problem one by one. Needless to say, the five of them soon had a tasty, if slightly saltier snack to finish off by morning.

“Y-you’ll learn when you’re older!” Chimed in Jonathon, his hind legs still squirming, almost more than they were before.

Shining Star scoffed. “I’m two years younger than you guys!”

“Well that’s two years too young!” The older stallion shot back, giving his shining black mane a dismissive flick.

The unicorn rolled his eyes. “Fine, if you guys don’t want to talk about it whatever, I don’t care that much anyway.”

“Good.” Came a simple reply, Crimson Gust, who marched over and took a seat next to the younger stallion, placing his book down beside him, his horn fizzling out with a spark. “Curiosity killed the cat, as they say.” The unicorn focused his attention back to Berry Blast, raising an inquisitive eyebrow. “Berry, why did you wake us up so early?

The excited colt let out another laugh. “Because we need to get everything cleaned up silly! We can’t just leave all these snacks and mags layin’ around!” He pointed towards a few of the discarded candy wrappers and naughty magazines for emphasis, before giggling again. “And, it totally gave me a chance to test out my flugel horn...”

An exasperated sigh rang out throughout the campsite, Foxtrot’s signature way of displaying his distaste for a suggested action. “Must we really? Why not simply leave it here? Nopony’ll know it was us.”

Gentle Breeze snapped to attention. “We can’t do that Fox!” Exclaimed the usually reserved stallion. “My mom said that pollution can really damage an animal’s habitat, and I’d feel awful if we were responsible for something as awful as that.”

“Yeah Foxtrot.” Agreed Shining Star, his face filled with distaste at the suggestion. “Don’t be such a douche, we aren’t going to just leave this stuff here.”

The stallion’s mouth opened in surprise at the vulgar insult. “Why Shining Star! What would your mother say if she heard you using such foul language!?”

The younger colt smirked. “She’d probably be happy that I’m expanding my vocabulary.”

Seeing that Shining wasn’t going to take the bait and be bullied into leaving him alone, Foxtrot instead refocused his attentions to Gentle Breeze, who’d likely be an easier target to manipulate. “Come now Breezy, your mom says lots of things.” He offered the reclusive stallion a disarming smirk. “Like that it’s okay to be breastfeeding a sixteen year old stallion.” Gentle Breeze felt blood rush up to his cheeks, the embarrassment now plain to see. “So why don’t we just assume that she’s wrong about the whole environment thing too?”

“Foxtrot!” The booming authoritative voice snapped the stallion out of his manipulative haze, looking over to see Jonathon glaring at him. “Ah’d suggest ya’ll shut yer mouth and start cleanin’... unless ya’ll want yer mom ta find out about them suits ya’ll been stealin’ from her back room.”

That seemed to shut the snooty stallion’s trap. And he sulkily stomped off to go tidy up near his tent. He’d been pinching older clothing items from his mother’s backroom for the better part of a month, hocking them out to random passers by for cheap. His mother, Rarity, was a well known fashion designer throughout Equestria, and her clothing ran for fairly steep prices when sold officially. So he’d been nabbing himself some easy bits by selling a lot of what she hadn’t planned on using. His mother wouldn’t approve, she always donated whatever it was she didn’t sell, but to Foxtrot that seemed like an incredible waste.

Berry smiled again, unfazed by Foxtrot’s minnie fit. “Alright everypony, if we get crackin’ now we can have everything packed up and cleaned up by lunch time!”

With less than enthusiastic exclamations of agreement the colts set about tidying the campgrounds up, it was mostly silent work, nopony was really awake enough to talk about anything trivial. Surprisingly enough, Gentle Breeze had been the first to finish cleaning up his mess, as he’d had the necessary foresight to avoid making that big of one in the first place, messes were always so bothersome, and he didn’t wish to burden anyone else with his own, so he’d kept his mess to a minimum.

Of course... he’d balanced out that tidiness by making the biggest mess on the marshmallows last night, but that wasn’t necessarily something that had been difficult to clean, since everypony had pitched in to help clean it up.

With nothing else to do, the shy stallion had decided to make himself useful by helping out the others. Shining Star and Crimson Gust were almost done cleaning up their portions of the camp, so he didn’t feel like he’d be much use to either of them. He was still a little upset at Foxtrot for the breastfeeding comment, so the pegasus didn’t plan on doing him any favors for a good long while. Something about the air surrounding Jonathon told him that the oddly named gruff farm stallion would rather be left alone for the time being, so he’d decided to give Berry Blast a hoof in the meantime. And besides, he’d had something on his mind that he’d wanted to talk to the cheery stallion about for a while.

“H-hey Berry?” Inquired the shy pegasus, fluttering over with a few easy beats of his wings.

The excitable stallion whipped around, big blue eyes wide with glee. “Yeah Breezy Weezy?”

“You said your mom’s been, um... sad lately?” He inquired, his voice soft as he bent down to help pick up some of the trash.

Berry, unfazed by the question, gave his head three big nods in the affirmative. “Yep! She’s been super down lately, my papa hasn’t been home for a long time. And it’s really hitting her super duper hard.”

“W-well...” Gentle Breeze gently clopped his two front hooves together in a nervous display. “My mom’s been pretty sad lately too.”

“Aww, why’s that?”

“Well, next week is my mom and dad’s anniversary...” He explained, his voice carried a deep tone of sadness. “And she’s been, well, pretty sad about it.”

Berry’s expression registered an honest sympathy as he placed a comforting hoof on his friend’s shoulder. Gentle’s father had passed away last year, caught in a freak storm from the Everfree that had hit Ponyville by surprise. The family had never really been the same since. Fluttershy had only recently made the decision to have another child, magical insemination, from some remnants her husband had left behind. Fluttershy had become dependant on a populated household, and since Gentle would likely be departing in a few years to pursue his own dreams and life, she’d need another happy little foal running around to keep her company.

“I was wondering, you’re good at cheering ponies up. D-do you have any ideas?”

Berry gave his wide blue eyes a few curious blinks, before a smile practically split his face apart. “Of course, your mommy is the most important pony in the world to you right!?” He asked. Gentle slwoly nodded his head, she was, as far as he knew. “Well, I’ve got something very special planned for my mommy for when I get home tonight...” The stallion’s voice carried a hint of mischievous glee, almost as if he harbored dark intentions for his caretaker, Gentle felt a chill dance up and down his spine at the thought but forced them away. Berry loved his mom, he’d never do anything to hurt her, it was probably just a party, had to be. “It’s something only my daddy does for her, but I think I’ve got it figured out now! Doing it should totally make her all kinds of happy wappy! Why don’t you try and find something special to do for her? Something that’ll help her remember happier times?”

The pegasus pressed a soft golden feather to his chin in thought, sifting through his distant memories in search of something he and his mother could do together to ease the air of depression hanging around the house. A sudden memory concerning his mother’s teats and the feeling of warm milk pouring down his throat flashed through his mind, a rose colored blush tinting his cheeks in response…

His mother was unfortunately suffering from a few debilitating side effects due to recently impregnating herself via magical insemination (a brash decision she’d made after a bout of depression a few weeks ago). The most egregious of which was the massive swelling of her breasts, Gentle could still picture the soft yellow orbs hanging beneath his mother’s lower body, teats hard and dripping with sweet white milk… they’d been haunting his idle thoughts for the past week or two, and he’d often catch himself lapsing into fond memories of suckling from them when he was younger.

The way they swayed and bounced as she flew about the house…

The way her hardened pink nipples would make her moan in agonized pleasure as they brushed against her legs…

The way her face would scrunch up in pleasure as she desperately milked them with her hooves…

“Equestria to Gentle Breeze!” A loud voice snapped the daydreaming pegasus out of his haze. “You dozin’ off there silly!?”

“S-sorry Berry, just thinking about… stuff.” He quietly replied, not lying but not telling all of the truth.

“Oooh, funsies! Welp, my stuff’s all cleaned up.” Berry bent down and picked up his small brown pair of camping saddlebags, the small burlap sacks had been stuffed to the brim last night with bags of snacks and drinks, now it was stuffed to the brim with empty snack bags and drinks. “We’d better get all our tents picked up and head on out of here.” The stallion grinned around the brown strap in his mouth. “I’ve gotta get home soon if I wanna have enough time tonight to cheer my mommy up!”

“Yeah… What is your special plan anyway?” Gentle quickly inquired, his interest having long since been piqued. It was only something Berry’s dad had done for his mother… special treats perhaps? Then again, when he’d shopped at Pinkie’s sweet shop he couldn’t recall ever seeing Berry’s father in the kitchen, apparently the business stallion had a tendency to produce ‘baked bad’s’, whatever those were…

Berry strapped the saddlebags to his back. “Oh come on Gently Wently! I hate explaining my master plans!” He giggled, pressing a dark pink hoof up to his slender lips. “The details always sound so… forced!"

“Well… okay then.” Gentle murmured uneasily, a confused look on his face as he marched across the campsite, hesitantly going about packing up his tent.

The next hour crawled by for the boys, filled with menial labor and crude jokes at one another’s expense. Eventually, after many ‘your mom’ jokes, the six sons had succeeded in packing up their tents.

Together they marched out of the campgrounds, stopping only long enough to ditch their hard cider cans in the nearest dumpster, before they each went their own way. The six each had business to attend to back home, and all were eager to see it done.

Least of all… Berry Blast

Special Suprise

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Berry Blast hummed a small tune to himself as he marched down the quiet Ponyville street. A wide smile adorning his face as his hooves clopped audibly against the hard cobble road beneath, his burlap saddlebag jostled and rocked with each small step he made. His bright blue eyes wandered towards a small pink building at the end of the street. The little flutter of happiness in his chest only increasing as he did.

‘Pinkie’s Sweet Eats!’ Read the brightly colored sign that hung above the pair of white doors beneath, the sign in question was designed to look like a chocolate cake that had been written on with vanilla frosting, a trio of blue candles stuck out of the top of the fake piece of confectionery. At the door was a white card that read “Closed until owner is no longer saddy waddy.” Berry felt a pang of sadness collide with the fluttery happiness in his chest, a touch of a frown etching its way into his features as he read the sign. His poor mommy… he’d do anything to see her be happy again. A quick peek into the windows revealed nothing, the blinds were halfway shut and the lights were off, he could see a fine line of dust coating the interior of the window from where he stood. Apparently his mommy hadn’t been cleaning the place up like usual, that wasn’t a good sign either. She wasn’t as persnickety as that Mrs. Rarity pony she always had over, but she at least kept the foyer nice and tidy.

Berry pulled out a key and unlocked the door, locking it as he entered. The dimly lit sweet shop was a stark contrast to the bright and cheery sunshine outside, oily black shadows crawled along the smooth tile floor and pink walls, broken up only by a large shaft of sunlight pouring in through the open doorway. The sparkly golden rays of Celestia’s sun breathing a little much needed life into the almost creepily dark room, Berry’s eyes followed the shaft of light, and found that it stopped right at the front desk. A simple white countertop occupied with little more than a few small menus, some colorful blue streamers, and a cash register.

A sudden shift in movement at the back of the store caught the stallion’s eye, and he strained his vision to see what it was, taking a few curious steps deeper into the store. The stale scent of dough and sugar assaulted his nostrils, but caused little distraction. After all, he was the son of Ponyville’s most prized baker, his earliest memory was sitting in his playpen and eating warm chocolate chip cookies, the smell of baked goods was one he’d never have trouble recognizing.

“Mommy?” He inquired, cocking his head to the side, slanting his eyes in a vain attempt to improve his vision. “Is that you?”

There was the distinct sound of hooves clopping on cold tile as the kitchen door swung open, a droopy pink mare stepping forth, he felt his heart start beating and his cheeks grow warm as he recognized her, Pinkie Pie, his mother. Pinkie was often considered one of the if not the happiest ponies in all of Equestria, but you wouldn’t know that to look at her now. Her once poofy pink mane was straight and dead looking, her eyes were puffy and red from tears and an almost permanent frown made up her face. Berry trotted over to the lump of sadness, cautiously reaching out a hoof and wrapping it around her shoulders. “Hi Mommy, how you holding up?” he asked tentatively. Pinkie turned her head slowly from the bowl of frosting she was stirring idly to get her mind off her husband. He was away on trip to Trottingham for a week and the fact that he missed his going-away party left her devastated.

Pinkie merely grumbled and moaned out in despair in response. Berry, concerned with his mother’s welfare, trotted on over to her side and gently placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Listen mommy, I know you’re really sad about Daddy’s leaving but you should really get some rest, maybe that might do some good for you” he suggested with a small smile. With a tired nod, Pinkie stopped her idle stirring and ascended up the stairway to her living quarters. As she did so, her son was not too far behind,

Pinkie’s bedroom was decorated with a lively assortment of colors. Pink was, naturally, the most prominent of them, but a gentle sea of soft blues and darker reds joined it, the smooth cerulean blue walls and soft crimson carpet meshing in grandiose unison with the bright pink bed she and Berry’s father occupied during the night.

Berry felt a twinge of excitement in his belly as he slowly led his mother over to the bed, thoughts of what was to come filling his head. He tried in vain to calm himself, but couldn’t keep a giddy grin from spreading across his face. The hoof he had wrapped around his mother’s shoulder tightened ever so slightly, and the usually bubbly mare squirmed a little in response to the added tightness.

“S-sorry mommy!” He quickly apologized, helping her onto the bed after loosening his grip. “I’m just a little excited is all.” He giggled as his mother raised an eyebrow, settling into the covers.

“Excited about what Berry?” She inquired, her voice as lackluster and lifeless as it had been only a few moments prior.

The young stallion was silent for a few brief moments, shifting anxiously back and forth on his hooves before eventually joining his mother on the bed. She recoiled slightly, her bloodshot eyes widening as he slunk a little closer.

“About my special surprise.” He finally answered. “I’m gonna do something special for you… to cheer you up.”

Pinkie recoiled slightly, somewhat unnerved by the sudden shaky tone in her son’s voice, normally the words ‘cheer you up’ would have the bubbly party pony bouncing up and down with joy, but for some reason she couldn’t quite put her hoof on, she didn’t really want to see what this ‘special surprise’ was.

“Berry sweetie that’s okay.” Pinkie slunk backwards a little bit on the bed, the soft velvet covers beneath her rump comforting. “I-I think I’ll live without this little surprise.”

Berry frowned slightly and shook his head vigorously, “No mom, you can’t live without this surprise, not while I have anything to do about it” as he finished that declaration he lunged at his dear mother! Pinkie recoiled in shock as her son’s lips were mashed against her own, hot breath cascading across her lips as he forced his tongue into her mouth, it was brash, sloppy, inexperienced, and rushed, but Pinkie couldn’t deny the flutter of excitement in her stomach as it happened. Her son’s sweet tongue tasted of strawberries and sugar. Her mind blanked as his lips were suddenly yanked away, her breath hitching as she moved her lips in an attempt to speak, but before she could utter a sound she felt her son grab her shoulders with his hooves, forcing her whole body down onto the bed completely. Pinkie’s eyes widened at what had happened registered in her mind but before she could try to stop him, the pink mare felt her two hooves being pinned by her son’s.

The mother stared into her son’s eyes for a few moments, half lidded with excitement as his sloppy tongue hung from his mouth, a strand of saliva still dangling from his chin as he shifted forward, pinning her back legs to the bed with his lower body, he began to slowly straddle her hips.

“B-Berry what are yo-?” Pinkie’s voice faded away as her bloodshot blue eyes traveled downwards towards her son’s pelvis. There, pulsating and dripping with anticipation, was her son’s thick black cock. Pinkie felt a shiver dance up and down her spine as her son’s shaft rubbed up and down her soft underbelly, a small bead of pre dripping from his mottled head, hitting her stomach and sinking into her fur. She stared at such an impressive stallionhood, it was bigger than her husband’s, by at least an inch.

She felt her slit grow wet with anticipation, it had been so long... “No I shouldn’t think like that, this is wrong, it’s my son… my son’s raping me…” She thought to herself hastily trying to keep her dwindling sense intact.

“Do you like it mommy?” Berry asked, his voice hitching due to his apparent excitement, he bit his lower lip before continuing, feverishly rubbing his spear of flesh up and down her stomach. “I was worried it wouldn’t be big enough.” He giggled. “But I’m bigger than most the other boys… so I think It’s okay.”

Pinkie suddenly snapped back into reality, fading out of her hypnotization, tearing her eyes away from her son’s cock. This was wrong, really wrong! She could make at least half a dozen songs about how this was wrong! She started to struggle, trying to push her son’s thicker and burlier frame off of her own, to no real avail.

“Berry baby!” She pleaded. “You know that you aren’t supposed to t-touch a filly like that unless she’s your super special somepony remember!?”

Berry offered her a deceptively charming smile, giggling, as if she’d said something extremely silly. “But mom! You are my super special somepony!” He leaned down, pressing his lips against her own in a speedy kiss, more of a peck than anything else, but the display of affection was enough to calm her insistent flailings. “See? I love you mommy, and I want to see you happy…”

Pinkie sniffled a little. “B-but why are you doing this to me Berry?”

Before responding, Berry traced a hoof down Pinkie’s stomach, making her shiver and squirm at the soft touch. Her mind was telling her to fight back again, but her aching pussy was begging her son to continue, this wasn’t right, this was her baby boy, her little cupcake…

“Because mommy, seeing you sad makes me sad…” Berry’s soft tone of voice was like honey in Pinkie’s ear, she looked up, staring into his big blue eyes as he smiled down at her. “And I know daddy’s been gone for a long time, so he can’t do… this.” Pinkie nearly screeched in pleasure as her son began to play and tickle at her engorged clit with his hoof, her pussy winked, her sweet feminine juices leaked out, soaking the soft bed sheets below in her liquid excitement.

Pinkie squirmed, letting out a petite moan as electric shocks of pleasure rocked her body and her mind raced with guilty and heated thoughts.

This is my son… oh Celestia this is my son… he’s touching me… ah… it feels so good, Berry… it’s been so long, b-but it’s wrong… my baby boy.

The eager young stallion felt his cock jolt upwards as his mother’s expression morphed into one of heated excitement. Her pudgy cheeks flushed a deep red crimson and her lips curled upwards into a pleasured smile. Berry couldn’t keep the smirk of satisfaction from crawling across his face as he saw his mother’s mane start to curl and twirl at the ends.

It’s working! He thought excitedly. I’m gonna make you happier than anypony else in the world mommy, so happy that you won’t stop throwing parties for a week…

After a few brief moments of playing with his mother’s shivering clit he let his hoof wander downwards, softly stroking her quivering vaginal lips as he gently released her foreleg. Despite her previous protests, Berry knew he had her right where he wanted her, she wouldn’t fight back, her own son’s ministrations were just too enticing.

“Oooh, mommy, I don’t think I can take it anymore…” He squealed, reaching down with his free hoof and gliding it up and down his slick ebony cock, the light from the lamp above shining down on it and giving it a glorious sheen as he excitedly tugged on the member, happily smacking it against his mother’s belly with each passing stroke. “I want it so bad mommy!”

Pinkie glanced downwards, the soft ministrations against her pussy making her squeal in terrible delight. When her tired and bleary gaze landed on her son’s twitching monster of a cock, she felt her pussy wink again in desire. Her hair began to friz and fizzle at the ends, and she felt that irresistible smile creep across her face, she kept telling herself that she didn’t want this… that it was wrong to let her son do this to her… but no matter how much she tried to reason with herself, it did little to quell the deep sexual ache in her stomach that demanded she be filled with that impressive youthful cock.

After a moment or two of complex debate, and watching her son feverishly try to please himself while tending to his mother, Pinkie made a decision… a decision she didn’t know if she’d love, or regret.

“B-Bubble?” She inquired, her voice uncharacteristically quiet. Her son looked down at his mother, a goofy smile on his face as his front legs continued their feverish ministrations. “Y-you can put it in…”

The colt’s face lit up with joy at the acceptance, a happy chuckle leaving his throat as he slid downwards, letting his hooves fall away as he repositioned his hips, lining his pulsing stallionhood up with his mother’s slick cunt, Pinkie grimaced as her pussy pulsed in desire, begging to be filled.

Berry smirked. “I love you mommy.” Then, he jerked forward, driving his shaft into his mother’s beckoning hole, forcing himself back into the place from whence he’d come…

Not being able to take it anymore, the young stallion carefully inserted his wet cock, gasping and moaning at how good his first time was feeling. “Ah! mommy! your insides feel so good, its so hot and slippery! I want more of it!” Berry yelled out, promptly shoving in the rest of his member. Pinkie gasped and yelled out in ecstasy, her tongue lolling out from the sudden spearing she just took then hung her head back as she savored the feeling of a cock in her soaking folds.

After a moment of basking in the sensation of penetrating his lovely mother, Berry reared up, pulling himself away before spearing back into her again. He started a speedy yet skilled rhythm, and somewhere in the back of her mind Pinkie began to wonder if her son had done this before, he wasn’t quite as skilled as any of the stallion’s she’d had in the past, but his girth and size was making up for that in spades...

Pinkie opened her mouth to scream in bliss, but no words came out, a cock… a cock was inside her… her son’s cock, she realized, but couldn’t for the life of her find the time to care about.

“Ahh… mommy…” Her son cooed, his sweet lust filled voice traveling over the wet smacking sounds of his balls against her flank. “D-does it feel thi-this good for you?”

Again Pinkie felt the more sensible part of her brain frantically claw its way back to the forefront of her thoughts, trying to push away the hazy cloud of pleasure and lust that had filled her brain. It wanted her to scream out that this was wrong, to try and fight her son off, to disown him, to threaten him, to do anything in her power to make him stop. But her voice of discontent was fighting a losing battle, each feverish thrust brought that familiar tingling in her loins closer and closer to its peaking point, and she knew that these thoughts would be forever cast to the wayside as soon as said point was reached.

Then Pinkie could really feel it, it started as a small tingly sensation in her stomach, one that only grew in power as she was driven backwards into the soft silken sheets of her bed. She looked upwards, blurry vision stained by tears of pleasure, she felt the dopey smile on her face widen as she looked upon her son’s blissful expression, the pulsing of his hot shaft and the feverish pace of his thrusting did little to avail the growing tingling sensation, the likes of which had now snaked its way down to her soaking lips.

She groaned and bit her lip, jerking her head to the right as she bit down upon a mouthful of her soft red blanket, which was damp and wet with the sweat of the two horny ponies. Droplets of salty liquid rained down upon Pinkie’s smaller frame as her son bent forward, fur clinging to him like a second musky skin. Somewhere deep in the recesses of Pinkie’s erotic mind she began to wonder how many calories this was burning, she’d been putting on some weight lately, and didn’t want to get too pudgy… especially if she was going to have two horny stallions pining for her once the day was done.

Berry was in heaven, the soft velvety walls of his mother’s wonderful vagina grabbed and pulled at his thick ebony shaft, trying to milk him for all he was worth. He moaned in tandem with his thrusts, giggling and chortling each time his mommy’s face scrunched up in pleasure. A quick glance to the right revealed that the mare’s distinct pink mane was slowly regaining its buoyant, curly, bouncy shape.

“B-Berry!” The calling of his name sent a chill up and down the stallion’s spine, the high lilting tone one of pleasure and love, filled with a needy desire and a deep seated affection.

“Mommy!” he yelled in answer, moaning in lust at the pleasures enveloping his very being. “I-I’m gonna cum mommy! Ooooh! I’m gonna do it!”

Pinkie couldn’t take it anymore! She wanted, no, needed to cum! Her previously straight hair burst back to life, colorful and delightful as it curled of it’s own accord, her lips slid upwards into a delighted smile, and her big flappy tongue lolled out of her mouth. She screamed in ecstasy, giggling with each thrust as her son picked up his pace, his thick stallionhood pulsing and leaking inside of her, begging for release.

“Do it Berry! Cum for your momma!"

He could feel it, the tightening of his balls, the swirling of his cum, his cock hardening as his mother’s tight cunt squeezed and pulled at his pulsing shaft. He bit his lower lip, hard enough to draw blood, as he placed his hooves on his mother’s hips and began to furiously drive himself forward with the strength only a horny teenage boy could muster.

The sweet melodic sounds of Pinkie’s voice gently broke through the fog clouding his mind. Each panted moan and enthusiastic swear acted like a direct shot of adrenaline, the erratic movement of his hips increasing in ferocity and fervor. Soon, the heat and the pressure reached a crescendo, the proverbial pot was boiling over, and neither of them could stop it.

Pinkie hit the wall first, an excited squeal hitching in her throat as her inner walls clamped down on Berry’s shaft. Her entire body shooked, quivered, it was like an explosion of flaming ecstasy. She could feel the sheets around her crotch grow increasingly damp in response, and after the electric tingles of pleasure running up and down her spine died away, she went limp, a giant grin spreading across her entire face, lighting it up, a deep crimson blush stained her cheeks as her limp body was gently rocked back and forth by her son’s feverish pounding.

Berry was next, the impending buildup of his release and the pleasure therein only enhanced by the euphoric smile on his mother’s face. He could feel his balls tighten as his semen churned therein. For a moment he considered releasing it inside, the taboo idea of filling his mother with his seed, her son’s seed, was incredibly enticing. But he managed to pull his own hazy mind together long enough to realize that his mother might not be ‘safe’.

“M-mommy…” He whispered, voice hoarse from panting and grunting. He couldn’t finish the words, but the gentle hoof on his shoulder told him that his mother understood.

“Outside, Berry!” That signature bouncy tone was unmistakable, and Berry feverishly nodded to show that he understood.

He gave one last, particularly vicious, thrust into his mother’s slippery folds. Groaning as he felt his aching cock pulse and bounce, ready to release. With a yank he pulled it free, his head slipping out with a wet *pop* as he reared up, using both hooves to furiously clop his member, eager to give his mother the load she wanted.

Three powerful jets of semen burst forth as the stallion groaned, panting furiously as he painted his mother’s lower half in cum. The mare moaned and bit her lip as each hot stream of cum danced across her hind legs and lower belly, coating her in a thick layer of her son’s seed. Then a silly thought entered her head, the thought that she’d make a pretty good toaster strudel.

Berry sighed, tongue lolling out of his mouth in a silly, almost cartoonish manner. He glanced downwards, his mother’s joyous, yet content, expression filling him with a sense of accomplishment. A feeling that was almost as good, if not better, as conquering his mother and making her cum had been.

Pinkie giggled, reaching downwards with a hoof to scoop up some of the cum that was now soaking into the soft sweaty fur of her belly. She began to gently rub it into herself, moaning hotly as she did, the sweet sensation of her little boy’s warm cum giving her a high the likes of which she’d never quite felt before. It had been so naughty… so fun… so taboo… and he’d done it, just for her.

Private presents were the best kinds of presents…

She brought her now semen soaked hoof up to her mouth, letting out a cute little moan as she watched her son’s deflating cock twitch, half hardening again at the tempting sight. She giggled, reaching out with her tongue and licking up the sweet sugary semen, moaning in delight.

And there’d be a lot more presents where that came from… she’d make sure of that.