> Blast from the Past > by IrishTrickster > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: A Chance Meeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first thing I noted that the room was clean. Not a single item out of place. The bed was made, covers tightened, pillows fluffed up and the duvet smooth without a single crease. The carpet looked freshly cleaned and it was comfy to the touch. The numerous drawers looked pristine with the wood polished. Windows closed and looked to have been wiped clean every day. The room was clean. Too clean. Much too spotless for a foalnapping to take place. That’s what I first believed. That the crime didn’t take place here. On first glance, the room was perfect. Expensive as well. The cost of that bed alone could fund her rent for a few months at best. Let’s not get started on how long the carpet would head for. Nevertheless, a single drop of blood that stood out from the snow-white carpet proved that it had indeed took place here. Forensics had swabbed it and only time and technology would tell if it belonged to the culprit or the victim. Twilight Sparkle. Possibly the biggest case we’ve had so far. Personal student of Princess Celestia. When she had been informed I was not surprised at it. She was connected to the ruler of Equestria, of course at some point somepony was going to attempt something. I just didn’t expect them to succeed. Security was tight. Upon entering the grand castle, I counted many guards and knew there would be more. And it would be easy to stand out in a place like this. But yet she was missing. Running away was unlikely, the princess may have been firm but she wouldn’t be downright rude to anypony, especially her prized student. And Celestia would likely have many ponies holding grudges against her “I-I don’t know! I was gone to get a snack last night. Maybe if I was there the entire time then maybe she wouldn’t have been took!” The baby dragon bawled right in front of me, tears spilling out of his eyes like a stream. Never in my life would I expect to encounter a dragon before. Nonetheless a baby one. He was tiny, barely reaching my neck where his green scales managed to reach the height. “It’s not your fault,” I assure him, trying to keep my tone formal. I did not ask to be stuck with the dragonsitting duty whilst my colleagues searched for evidence. It was a struggle to keep myself acting polite to him. He frowned, still crying, “But it was! If only I didn’t get hungry!” The sentence sounded incredulous to be that I almost burst out laughing though the last bit of willpower I held managed to retain me from doing so. “Just calm down, Spike, isn’t it?” He nodded and I sighed, “We’ll find her. Don’t worry, the Canterlot Police Department can do anything.” Not anything. To be honest out success rate was only 67% but that was better than nothing. He pouted, looking on the verge of more tears, “O-okay…promise me?” I paused. He looked so hopeful, green eyes wide with fear and I swallow a lump in my throat, “Promise.” He seemed pleased as he didn’t start crying and just remained silent then. “Miss. Dash?” I spun around to see a guard looking at me. The appearance of them baffled me. They all looked the same, blue mane, white coat. I heard a rumor that it was a disguise spell and it seemed likely though it still made my head spin, “Yeah?” “Could you please follow me? The princess requests your appearance.” My eyes go wide. The princess wants to see me? Of all the strange things that happened today, this seems to take the cake. I can only manage a nod and next thing I know, I’m off and following him. The guard led me through numerous hallways and doors until he stopped outside two large brass doors and looked at me, “Be respectful to her and you should be okay.” He advised before indicating for myself to go in. I push open one of the doors and enter, trotting down the carpet and stopping once I caught sight of the esteemed princess. This is the closest I’ve ever gotten to seeing her. The rare occasions I got a glimpse were during any parades or other events that required her presence. Her expression was steely but also sad. Her eyes had a tint of red to them. She had been crying. When she saw me, she approached me. I tried to keep calm though when royalty is standing five hoof away from you, you can get a little weary. “Thank you for coming here, Detective Dash,” The princess just said my name. It felt weird, “You might be curious to know why I asked for you?” I could only nod and she sighed, “My personal student has gone missing, somepony has took her. I don’t want fifty detectives looking all over Equestria for her. I just want one…you.” “Me?” “Yes. You’ve only been a member of the force for three years and yet, you passed from being a simple rookie into a fine detective. That is talent and it’s just what I need.” “Some ponies have been there longer than me, perhaps you should get them?” I did not want this. Just me? The princess wants me? Normally I would think that of course she wanted me, I was awesome but now I just felt nervous. “I want you,” Her tone was slightly firm before she frowned and looked at me, her gaze pleading, “I know this is a big responsibility but please?” She looked helpless, desperate even. I look down and sigh, “Fine. But I’m not exactly the best choice. You might regret it and-woah!” I exclaimed as a large white wing goes around me and Celestia hugged me to her. “Thank you,” She said quietly, pressing me to her, “Just…thank you.” “No problem, Princess,” I muffle. When she released me, she turned, “You won’t be alone. Somepony will be joining you. Not a detective but somepony who can help us out with the information. Unfortunately, she’s a criminal.” “…what?” “She’s agreed to work with us as long as in return we release her. Do not worry, we wouldn’t do this and risk the chance of her harming you. We have that taken care of.” Great, just great, “Fine. Where is she?” “You will escorted down to her cell.” “May I leave?” “Yes, you may.” I turn, jitters in my stomach. When I exit, the guard from before is still there and says for me to follow him. We head through more hallways before going through a dark doorway and heading down steps. Very clichéd from the looks of things. I trot slowly, frowning. A criminal for a partner. Just my rotten luck. I then notice that the guard took a turn and follow. It must be a private cell, we encountered nopony else. A door was in our way. The guard unlocked it and I entered to see it was a sort of bedroom. A bed in the corner, another door and a table. It didn’t seem like the kind of place to hold a criminal. “You sure this is the right place?” “Eeyup, y’all came to the right place,” A country drawl said from behind me that sounded familiar. I turn around to be met with a charming smirk, a blonde mane and a familiar set of bright green eyes. That smirk, those eyes. Don’t tell me it’s… “Howdy, sugar cube.” “Oh crap…”