> A kiss for the petals > by emachel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The warmth of your heart. Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I felt bad about myself. I know that depression is a popular term amongst teenage girls nowaydays, but it kinda felt real for me nonetheless. I wasn't emo or sad on purpose, I just could barely see any happyness in my life after all that happened. Being rejected – not by a boyfriend, but by family, society... I felt unwanted. Felt like I no longer belong to that place. Felt like however hard I try, I will never be able to redeem myself for who I am. I wonder if they'll even notice – I thought to myself, leaving an empty page on the table. I've been struggling to write something on it for several minutes, but failed in the end. I don't believe any words had the capacity to stress the burden I've been wearing all this tim nor that I was able to find a line that wouldn't end up too confusing for anyone else to comprehend. Am I even human anymore? - I wondered. The air had a warm smell that night and there was no wind whatsoever. Strangely, I felt the wind anyways. Not so strangely, but rather as expected, that was the last thing that I felt. The first thing I heard was the sound of birds singing. Then I felt a warm breeze of wind on my hair. And finally, I opened up my eyes to see I'm in some kind of forest. Is this what they describe as „afterlife?” - I asked myself. To be honest, it felt strangely close to my ordinary life, apart from the fact that I couldn't recall ever being in such a place. The forest was brighter, more lively and overall had a warmer climate that you could expect. To be honest, it felt unusually pleasant just to be there, or at least it would if not the fact that I also took a look at myself. I spread open my eyes in disbelief. This wasn't my body. To be honest, it didn't even look remotely similiar. For starters, my skin was yellow. Bright yellow, to be precise. My hair style was also different, shorter than it used to be and the color was light pink. If that wasn't enough, I was sitting there completely naked and I could see I have some strange symbol tattooed on both of my breasts. Last, but certainly not least, I had a tail. It had the same color as my hair, but it was even longer, ending a little bit past my knees when I stood up, though it was a bit curly as well. I had no idea what I had turned into and it felt kinda awkward to walk in a forest having nothing on myself. Well, as long as there was noone else there that didn't make much of a problem anyways, so I just focused on figuring out where the hell am I. "Oh, here you are Fluttershy!" - I heard a female voice coming from behind. Though it was clearly not addressed to me, I turned myself just to see if there's anyone up there. What I saw caused me to freeze immediately. "I've been looking for you for hours!" - the person said as she smiled at me. She looked kind of similiar to me. Her skin was purple, her hair as well as tail blue. She was all naked and also had some symbols on her chest. Even though her face and body looked like one of a human, she certainly wasn't one. One thing I noticed about her is that she also had a horn on her head and she looked very beautiful. "Sorry, but I don't think we've met before" – I replied to her and froze again. This time I was schocked by my own voice, which was way more warm and calm than it used to be. I could even go as far saying it was kind of cute. "Eh? Fluttershy, but it's me! Twilight Sparkle! Is something wrong" "Twilight... Sparkle? Is that a name?" - I asked. - "And why do you call me Fluttershy"? The girl just kept staring at me with surprise written all over her face. "Because... You are Fluttershy, obviously. Have you lost your memory or something" "Well, I kinda appeared here out of nowhere to be honest" – I replied. - "Though I remember myself being a human not so long ago." "A human?" - she asked. - "And what is this?" Oh, great. So there are no humans in here after all – I realised. "I think it would be pretty hard to explain. Let's just say I used to be a different kind of being." "Like you weren't born as a pony?" "So we are ponies?" - I said, pretty surprised to find it out. "Well, yes... Isn't that obvious?" "Not really. You see, in my world ponies don't look like this..." "And what do you mean by this?" "They are less... Human to be honest." "You make no sense at all, Fluttershy" – said the pony that called herself Twilight Sparkle. - "Might we get out of here and talk in private?" "Sure" – I agreed, though it wasn't like there was anyone else around anyways. The pony girl took the lead and escorted me through the forest. At some point the way got narrow, so I had to walk behind her, which allowed me to take a closer look at her. It did feel kind of naughty knowing she wasn't wearing anything and nor was I, yet it didn't stop me from taking a glace at her out of curiosity. And I must admit, her body was indeed at a great shape. She had a pair of slick legs and a thin waist, but her biggest assets were just between them. Althogh the tail stood in the way, I still managed to take a peek at her crack. It felt pretty weird to do so, but I couldn't really stop myself from doing it, partially because she had a really great looking butt... Well, seems like my feelings towards my own sex didn't change much or at all. Thing is I rarely get to see other female girl not wearing anything, let it be a human or a human looking pony, so I felt strangely excited about that. It would have been a little bit frightening if I got wet though, since... Well, she would see it. So sadly, I had to tame my dirty thoughts at least a bit. Which wasn't that easy, to be honest. "Can I ask you one more question before we get wherever we're going to?" "Yeah, sure" – Twilight happily replied. - "Just make it short one." "So... Why are we not wearing any clothes?..." She turned her head, looking at me with surprise again. "And why would we?" - she asked in response. I gotta admit she had a point in here. - "We're not going to any ball or anything so..." "I see" – I replied. "Do you usually wear clothes... Wherever you claim to come from?" "For most of the time, yes.: After a few minutes we finally made it to our destination. On the edge of the forest, there was a small, yet cozy looking cottage. Twilight opened the door without even needing a key and we both went in. "That's a nice looking house you have" – I said. "Well, this is your home to be honest" – she replied. "Oh." The place looked warm and comfortable. The floor was made out of wood and there was a fireplace at the end of the room. Since there was also a mirror, I obviously didn't miss an occassion to look at myself. "Wow" – I whispered. "What now?" - Twilight, who was apparently standing right next to me, asked. The reason I was so shocked was the fact how different I looked from what I used to be in human world. I was just beatiful in comparison to that. I'm not going to say I was completely ugly, but well – not even close to that. My body looked really fit as well, but my face was not the one that I ever knew – it was calm, warm and full of delicacy and ellegance, all together pretty. "It's just that I don't look like myself at all" – I explained to her. - "Apart from some parts, I barely recognise myself..." "Well, it looks like you're not Fluttershy anymore for real" – she said. "You don't really like it, do you?" - I aked, seeing that her tone was a bit sad. "Sorry, it's nothing personal" – was her reply – "I just really liked her. She was a dear friend for me." "I see." The mood felt kinda awkward, so Twilight proposed to make some tea for us. I sat down on a chair and waited for her to join me as well. When she was finally done, she decided to continue the conversation. "So... This might a bit rude from me not to have asked before, but... What is your actual name?" "Sorry, I..." "I asked what was your actual name" – she repeated herself. "No, I heard your question at the first time. What I meant is that... Well, I can't remember it anymore." Another awkward of silence passed, but she decided to continue anyways. "Ok, so... Do you even remember how you got there? Or, what you did before you got here?" "I..." - I desperately tried to brush through my memories. - "I think that... I was about to die." "To die?..." "Yes." "And from what exactly?" "I don't really remember that one either" – I said, stating the truth. -" All I can recall is the feeling of emptiness and awareness of the end..." "Maybe it was just a bad dream?" - she suggested. "I'm not sure... It felt kind of real. I mean, the memory of me being a human still feels real." "Well, I've never heard this word before" – she admitted. - "So there might be something to it. I'll try to look it up and maybe make some reasearch. I'll see if I can find anything related to this term and they maybe we'll know." "That's very kind of you" – I said. - "But you don't really have to do it if you don't want to, I mean..." "That's exactly what would Fluttershy say" – she interrupted me with a smile. "Is it?" "Yeah... She was always the kind of person who was nice to others and tried not to be a bother to anyone." "I see. Sadly that sounds not quite like what I used to be." "So what kind of person were you... Well, I think I'll just stick with calling you Fluttershy, just because you look like her and you don't remember your real name either." "Fine by me" – I said, although it felt like someone just gave me a new nickname, which was pretty cool in its own way. - "Frankly I can remember being an outsider. I had no real friends or people whom I could rely on. They didn't like me, because I was different. I think it was because I couldn't find any acceptance, I soon became depressed. I think I might have even commited a suicide in the end." "That is pretty sad story. Though I still don't really understand in what way you were different." "I think it was because I prefered girls" – I admitted. - "Strangely, I remember a lot connected to it. My parents were against it probably, so they thought of me as a spoiled child. My classmated made fun of me as soon as they found out as well. And they did through the girl that I confessed to. She laughed at me and then reveiled the truth to others. That was horrible. I... Are you alright?" - I asked, as I saw her looking down at the ground and nervously shaking her very tightly bound legs. "Sorry, I was just... Distracted for a moment" – she said. I then realised that I was sitting with my legs open all the time. Well, I was wearing trousers all the time when I was a human, so I pretty much got used to doing it, but now I just realised she could have been looking at me all the time. "Twilight" – I said. - "You really liked Fluttershy, didn't you?" "She was a very close friend, yes" – she replied. "Just a friend?" - I invigilated further. She blushed even more than she was already and still refused to rise her head. "I... Wouldn't ever do anything to Fluttershy. I mean... She was a dear friend after all. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to force myself onto her..." "Did you ever try to tell her?" "No" – she replied. - "I was scared she would call me a freak or something worse... Kind of like you were..." I gently put my hands on her cheeks. She seemed abashed just by this, as she spread her eyes wide open. "You don't have to be scared anymore" – I told her. - "I think I've just found what I've been looking for the entire time." She now looked straight into my eyes. "And what do you mean by..." I decided not to let her finish this time. Instead, I interrupted her by touching her lips with my own. She stopped in disbelief, but quickly returned the favour. We closed our eyes as were exchaning kisses. Her lips felt so soft and warm, that I wanted to keep this going forever, but I also wanted to do even more. "You are beautiful Twilight" – I said. - "Even though I've only met you, I want to learn so much more about you!" "It's fine, Fluttershy" – she replied, letting me feel lust in her voice. - "Learn all that you want!" I embraced her tightly as I kissed her again, this time putting my toungue into her mouth. "Mmmmm!" - she yelled, but finally let me in. I swiftly penetrated insides of her mouth, letting our tounges meet and wrap around themselfes. With our tounges touching and going inside each other's mouths alongside with sweet saliva juices mixing up together, I felt a rushing feeling of pleasure going down my spine. I didn't even imagine french kissing would feel that good alone. "Your saliva is so sweet" – I told Twilight between kisses. - "It's making me so wet right now!" -More, Fluttershy – she desperately kept asking me to keep going. - "Learn about me even more!" I answered her requests by gently kissing her all over her head, starting from her forehead, moving onto ears, cheeks, lips and eventually her neck. She didn't say anything, but thanks to her silent moans I could easily tell she was feeling the same kind of pleasure that I was experiencing, which made me even hornier. I finally made it to her tiny chest. Her breasts were small, but they had cute round shape and felt really soft when I grabbem them with my hands. I looked down my own chest, which was arguably better formed than her, and smiled. "You don't have to make fun of them being small, you know" – Twilight said with a little envious voice. "It's not it" – I replied. - "I just thought my breasts are looking the same as when I was a human. Apart from that strange tatoos of course." "You mean Cutie Marks?" - she asked. - "I see, so you were always on the big side." "I wouldn't really go as far as calling them big. Maybe medium at most." "Large breasts are not very common amongst ponies" – Twilight explained. - "Most of us are just as flat-chasted as I am. Fluttershy... I mean, you, are the one exception I know of." "I see. That makes me a bit happy, I think" – I admitted while massaging Twilight's chest and playing with her hard nipples. "Sadly, I never got to exprience it myself. Though I don't think I'll restrain myself anymore" – she said, laying her hands on my breasts and tightly squeezing them. "Mhmmm" - I moaned, enjoying the sensation of her movements. "You like having your breasts played with, do you?" - she continued to tease me, pinching my nipples and returning the favour from before. "It feels amazing, Twilight" – I answered her. - "Touch them even more! Ahhhhhhh!" - I moaned even louder, as she started kissing and sucking on my nipples. "Seems like I've found your weak spot" – she said glad with herself. "Let me find yours as well then" – I said, trying not to lose her. Reaching my hands towards her crotch, I gently brushed through her petals. "Mhmm!" - she whispered in daze. "You like it?" - I asked as I countinued to slowly rub her pussy entrance. "It's a bit embarassing" – she admitted. - "Though I love the sensation it gives me..." I touched her breast with one hand, massaging her labia with the other one. Her nipples were hard as rock and I could feel her love juices coming out as well. "You're so hot, Twilight" – I told her. - "Like your entire body was on fire." "Aaaah! You made me that way, Fluttershy!" - she yelled between moans. - "But I don't really complain about it either..." "I want to see even more of that side of yours" – I whispered into her ear, as I reached her tiny clit. "Aaaaaaaaaaaah!" - she screamed. - "My clitoris feels so hot! I think you finally found my weak spot after all..." "Are you about to cum?" - I asked, seeing her pussy was overflowing with juices already. "Sorry, Fluttershy" – she said. - "But just doing it with you is too much..." "It's okay, Twilight" – I told her. - "I want to see your cumming face, so don't hold back anymore!" "Even before" – she yelled – "let me have one more kiss with you!" I moved my head towards hers, letting her slide inside my mouth this time. Our lips and tounges touched each other, as she was rapidly moving hers, desperately unleashing all of her lust inside my mouth. "Mhmmmmmmmm!" - I moaned, feeling her own ecstasy moving onto myself with just one kiss. "I can't hold it anymore, Fluttershy" – she said, when we finally parted our lips. I didn't even notice, but I was no longer gently rubbing her, but went crazy on her clit instead. Her pussy twitched, my hands were already all covered in her sweet juices and she herself was moaning from pleasure, as the final moment was inevitably reaching her. "I'm cumming! - she screamed, as I slid my fingers inside her vagina and immediately felt her pussy throbbing. - "Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!" - she yelled, overwhelmed with the pleasure. Her pussy twitched, presenting me with even more juices and she continued to moan even louder through her climax. "Ah... Ah..." - she was trying to catch her breath, still clinging to last waves of her orgasm. "That was incredible..." - she whispered to me, laying still on the sofa. "You were amazing as well!" - I said, hugging tightly her body - "You looked so adorable when you came" - I praised her, kissing her gently on the cheek and proceeding to rub my face against hers. "It's weird... I don't think I'd be able to do this with old Fluttershy... But now it feels different when it's you. In a way, I'm kind of glad that all of this happened." "Oh, stop it! Or else I'll be forced to fall in love with you!" "Don't you want to fall in love with me?" - she asked with sadness. "I didn't mean that. In fact, I'd be glad to make you my lover" – I replied, wrapping tightly around her and indulging in another kiss. The warmth and softness of her lips soon embraced me, sending waves of pleasure all over my body. I didn't really care that the person I'd been doing all this was a mere stranger nor that she may have been doing all of this just cause she loved the person whom body I was in, all that mattered to me was the warm and pleasant feeling of being together and wanting each other, combined with the urge to lose myself in it. I didn't really mean what I've become or where have I been placed, just the fact that I could be with her was enough to make me want to stay in that shape. "I think I'm already in love with you, Twilight" – I said after our lips finally parted. - "I want to keep making love to you more and more..." "Me too" – she said. - "I think I'm madly in love with the new Fluttershy..." We kissed once again, our whole bodies embracing each other. I could feel her tounge on my tounge, her lips on my lips, her nipples on my nipples, even between our interlocked legs I could feel our pussies touching each other. We were both completely drenched and immersed in pleasure. I've never been so close to anyone else, it's almost like we've become one at this point. "This feels amazing!" - I yelled. "I'm feeling it too" – Twilight joined me. - "This time we can finally both enjoy this sensation!" "I feel like I could cum already from this!" "Me too" – she admitted. - "How about we cum together?" "Yes!" - I agreed. - "Let's both cum!" Our kisses became ever more passionate, our pussies were grinding against each other with much more force than before and overall our bodies were melting from the sensation of us making love. I could already sense the imminent wave of enormous pleasure that was rushing through my consciousness. Instead of holding it back however, I welcomed it with great happiness. It was the first time I was about to cum from doing it with someone else and I was eager to find out how great it must feel." "Cum for me, Fluttershy" – Twilight whispered. - "I can tell how close you are." "Cum for me as well!" - I yelled. - "I love you, Twilight!" "I really love you too, Fluttershy!" Finally, the long-awaited climax filled all my senses, causing me to spasm in pleasure. "Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!" - we screamed, both reaching our orgasms at the same time. The sensation was so overwhelming I could barely withstand it. Not only did I feel my own spasms of pleasure, I also felt Twilight's ecstatic breath, her shaking body and her pussy twitching across my own. I could tell another, this time different kind of sensation was reaching towards me as well. It felt embarassing at first, but soon I realised there's no way I would be able to hold it inside me, so in the end I gave up and let it out. A warm stream of juices ejaculated from my pussy, falling mostly on Twilight's body. As ashamed as I felt about myself, I quickly found out that she was doing the same thing as well. We both ended up squirting at each other, which felt pretty awkward, although I didn't mind it all, since it was a proof we both got to feel good. Enjoying the afterglow, we both layed breathlessly staring at the ceiling, covered with each other's love juices. "I didn't even imagine that doing it with other girl would be such a wonderful experience" – Twilight confessed. "I think this was the best... Feeling I ever had in my life." "To think it was possible only because you had turned into Fluttershy's body..." "That's... Pretty weird, isn't it?" "Well" – Twilight gave me a warm smile. - "I'm not really prejudiced, but maybe we were ment to meet after all?" "Probably" – I smiled back at her, letting our lips meet. - "I could never get enough of that..." "Me neither... Mhmmm" – she moaned as our tounges were dancing around each other. "I wish I could be always making love to you" – I said. "Don't worry, Fluttershy" – she comforted me. - "We'll have a lot of occiasions to have sex now that you're here." "I can't wait for that" – I stated with excitement. My memories from that time are still very fresh and clear. I remember her beatiful face, smiling at me. I remember her hot body working hard to bring me as much pleasure as I was capable of taking. I remember myself streching from ecstasy. I remember falling asleep from exhaustion tightly clinging to each other. But most of all, I remember that warm feeling in my heart. The feeling that made want to live once more.