On These Broken Wings

by NekoFallenOne

First published

The story about a Pegasus who struggles to regain his lost life after a tragic accident.

Have you ever stopped to gaze up at the sky, enjoying the sheer beauty of it all? When you are watching the slow movement of the clouds, and soaking in the warmth of the sun, ever notice something shimmering slightly in the corner of your eye? You may try your best to discover what that shimmer might be, or to catch another glimpse, but it would be futile. The moment you turn your head to focus, it zips off in another direction, never to be seen again.
Someponies may say that it was a trick of the light, or perhaps dust in your eye. While others would direct you to a doctor to get your vision checked out. Both would be wrong.
For there is a story to go with this strange phenomenon, and it is quite the tale indeed. For that is no mere illusion born from Celestia's sun, or a stray piece of dust. It is actually a pony, and his name is Sky Shimmer.

Chapter 1: Skyfall

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Have you ever stopped to gaze up at the sky, enjoying the sheer beauty of it all? When you are watching the slow movement of the clouds, and soaking in the warmth of the sun, ever notice something shimmering slightly in the corner of your eye? You may try your best to discover what that shimmer might be, or to catch another glimpse, but it would be futile. The moment you turn your head to focus, it zips off in another direction, never to be seen again.

Someponies may say that it was a trick of the light, or perhaps dust in your eye. While others would direct you to a doctor to get your vision checked out. Both would be wrong.

For there is a story to go with this strange phenomenon, and it is quite the tale indeed. For that is no mere illusion born from Celestia's sun, or a stray piece of dust. It is actually a pony, and his name is Sky Shimmer.

Chapter 1: Skyfall

It was another beautiful day in Equestria, the weather ponies did a great job clearing all the dark clouds from the sky, allowing Celestia's sun to shine unhindered upon the inhabitants of Ponyville and the surrounding areas. A slight breeze blew through the rolling hills of Sweet Apple Acres, sending the leaves aflutter and the apples gently swaying upon their branches.

Down in the center of town, colts and fillies went about their daily routines, some heading off to work, making their rounds in the marketplace, or perhaps stopping for a small treat at Sugarcube Corner. The fountain, always a popular spot for ponies to rest and catch up on gossip, take a light lunch, or even wait for their very special somepony to profess their undying love, was busy as usual.

And up, high in the sky, a small speck could be seen against the otherwise pristine blue sky. A few ponies looked upwards, then dismissing it as perhaps a passing bird. Others paid it no attention, rather focused on reading the latest in the gossip column. While others, the ones who like to pay attention to detail, would look upwards at the speck, and notice something quite odd.

The speck was slowly getting larger. As many ponies continued to stare up at it, they could see it growing by the second. Almost as if it was something falling. Though there may have been a spark of concern for whatever may be dropping out of the sky, those watching seemed to be drawn to it. Waiting, wanting to see what it may be.

With a deafening explosion, the object in question slammed into the center of the fountain, sending mortar, stone, pones and water in all directions. Broken free, the water shot up high into the air like a geyser, raining down onto anypony in the area.

As the dust and debris cloud slowly cleared, and the unfortunate ponies sitting by the fountain got back to their hooves, what lay among the ruins was soon cause of panic and concern.

Amongst the stone and rubble of the once majestic town centerpiece, lay the body of a pegasus. Body bruised and bloody, wings a mangle of flesh, bone and feathers, a small stream of blood trickling from the corner of his mouth.

“Quick, somepony get some help!” cried a nearby pony, her red mane whipping about as she turned yellow head, her green eyes scanning the crowd, the Cutie Mark on her flank easy to spot, a single red rose. Uncaring as to the destruction of her flower cart, Roseluck's eyes focused on a nearby pegasus, motioning with a hoof. “You! Please, fly as fast as you can to Ponyville Urgent Care! Tell them that there has been a terrible accident!”

The pegasus nodded, turning on her haunches, she quickly took off into the sky, a worried expression on her face.

Turning back to the crowd, Roseluck spotted a pair of large stallions near a cart, one of which she recognized. “Big Macintosh! I need you and your friend to empty that applecart quickly and help to transport him!” This was met with a solemn nod and a 'eehyup!' from the red workhorse.

Turning back to the ruins of the fountain, she carefully made her way closer to the fallen pegasus, cringing slightly at the gruesome sight. As she neared him, she let out a small sigh, as she spotted his chest slowly rising and falling, albeit a bit ragged. “At least he is still breathing..” she muttered to nopony in particular. Reaching out a hoof to push strands of his grey mane from his face, she whispered softly to him, as she waited for Big Mac to get the cart ready. “Just hang in there!”

Twenty minutes earlier...

Flying. There is nothing in Equestria quite like it. The freedom a pony felt as they soared through the clear skies, feeling the wind caressing their face and flowing under wing. The exhilaration one felt upon diving down, only to pull back at the last moment, rocketing back into the sky. Never being restricted to plodding along the ground upon one's hooves.

These feelings, and many more, flowed through Sky Shimmer's mind, as he flew. Wings catching the updrafts, allowing him to rest his muscles and glide through the sky. Looking downwards, he could make out the buildings and streets of Ponyville, small dots of many colors marking the various ponies who called the small town home.

Just two more weeks! He thought to himself, pushing his wings against the air to gain more altitude. Two weeks, then I can try out for the new Royal Guard!

Ever since the return of Princess Luna, there had been a call for new recruits to join the Royal Guard, to supplement their numbers and provide an escort for the princess of the night. Sky Shimmer had not thought of joining such an elite force when it was still only Princess Celestia ruling, but something about the new ruler called to him. It just felt right.

To fly as escort, serving the beautiful Princess Luna, and helping to protect the realm would be a dream job for anypony. Especially a skilled flier such as Sky Shimmer.

Grey mane blowing in the breeze, and grey and black tail flowing behind him, Sky Shimmer twisted in the air, enjoying the feeling of the wind blowing across his grey coat and wings. He loved to fly, and took every opportunity to take to the skies as he could get.

Closing his red eyes, he let his thoughts wander as he continued to spin through the air. Soon a slight change in sound caused his ears to twitch to the side. Squinting, he concentrated on the new sound, trying to figure out just what it may be, but all he could make out was that it appeared to be coming closer to him.

Pulling himself out of the spin, Sky Shimmer opened his eyes and looked towards the direction of the strange sound. At first, there was nothing but open sky all around. As he was about to give up, he spotted something in the distance, what appeared to be a slight ripple of color amongst the blue. Whatever it might be, he was certain of one thing: it was heading his way. Fast.

With a heavy flap of his wings, he tried to bank out of the way of whatever it was that was approaching him, wanting to avoid it until he was certain as to what it may be. Unfortunately this turned to out to be futile, as just when he started to turn, it collided with the pegasus.

The force of the wind was incredible, Sky Shimmer felt as if he had just collided with a wall made up of pure air. His ears were filled with a deafening roar, as he was violently pushed to the side, being carried along through the sky. Craning his neck to the side, all he could see was a blinding display of color, all the shades of a rainbow crammed together.

No matter what he tried to do, he continued to be pushed through the air by the sheer force of the wind. His muscles straining, feathers blown chaotically, and hooves wheeling about blindly. What in the hay is this? He thought as he struggled to free himself.

Turning his head to face the direction he was being forced, his eyes widened in shock at the sight before him. A large thundercloud loomed eerily ahead, seemingly out of place in the pristine blue sky. It was not necessarily the cloud that shocked him, but what was atop it.

Sky Shimmer could see the unmistakable yellow mane and grey coat of a certain pegasus, bouncing merrily atop the dark cloud, with not a care in the world, causing forks of lightning to randomly shoot out from the mass.

Damnit! I can't stop...! he thought to himself, as his vision became filled with the dark, rolling clouds on one side, and the bright, eye-searing spectrum of colors on his other flank. Closing his eyes, and whispering a silent prayer to the Princesses, he simply let himself be blown into the oncoming storm.

Pain. Horrible, joint-tearing, flesh-searing, mind-numbing pain shot through Sky Shimmer's entire body as the two forces collided with a thundering explosion. He could feel the intense heat of every strike of lightning, nostrils filled with the stench of burning hide and feathers. Luckily his hearing had become a dull roar, or he would have become terrified of the hideous howls and screams emitting from his muzzle.

What felt like an eternity of never-ending torture, lasted only mere seconds, but Sky Shimmer had lost track of all time after the initial impact. The force of the wind and subsequent collision with the thunderhead rocked his body in all matter of directions, completely disorienting the pegasus.

As suddenly as it began, it was over. Mind reeling from intense pain, unable to feel most of his body, Sky Shimmer slowly opened his eyes in time to see the inner trailing edge of the prismatic force carrying on through the clear sky, having obliterated the thundercloud upon impact. He could not see any sign of the grey pegasus, and his heart sank, hoping that nothing had happened to her.

Sighing, he closed his eyes for a moment, before they shot back open upon a sudden realization. He was still thousands of feet in the air, and his wings were no longer moving.

Turning his head this way and that, Sky Shimmer frantically attempted to determine the basic principal of which way was up. His mind slowly came to the realization that gravity still worked, and that he was currently falling backwards at an alarming rate.

Attempting to right himself mid-air, a simple trick that every pegasus learned at an extremely young age, he soon became panicked. No matter how hard he tried, he continued to fall backwards, wings not responding to such simple commands. Craning his neck at an almost impossible angle, which caused him to begin to spin mid-air, Sky Shimmer strained to look at his back.

The sight before his eyes almost caused his stomach to turn, and he was thankful that he was unable to feel most of his body. Closing his eyes, he ceased his futile efforts to right himself and gave in to his inevitable fate.

With a sickening crunch, Sky Shimmer felt his body impact the ground at incredibly high speed. Felt the bones in his legs crack and hide tearing from his flesh. Pain quickly washed over him once more, followed by a numbness that seemed quite plesant.

The last thing he heard before darkness overtook him completely was a muffled voice crying out for help.

Chapter 2: Dark and Dreary

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Chapter 2: Dark and Dreary

Darkness. Pure, blissful darkness.

The dark void surrounded Sky Shimmer. He could not see or sense anything around his body, it felt as if his ears were filled with cotton, mouth unable to taste, eyes not willing to see, and his nose filled with only a faint, nauseating odor, one that he was unable to put a hoof on.

Drifting through such emptiness, the only sense fully left to him was his own thoughts, yet even those came slow and foggy, as if each individual thought fought it's hardest to come to the surface of his mind. Almost as if something was trying to keep them at bay. As it was, his sense of time was non-existent.

How long he drifted through the dark, peaceful, and utterly terrifying void, he did not know. The only coherent thing his mind seemed to be able to process was the absolute lack of any feeling whatsoever. This both pleased, and concerned him.

After what could have been eons, perhaps even mere seconds, his mind became aware of something else.

A strange sound, nearly inaudible, began to fight against the numbness and darkness, begging for his attention. Fighting through the cotton that filled his ears and the strange fog that had surrounded his mind.

It took a while for his mind to start to procedures what it is was, the fog in his mind slowly dissipating, as he concentrated all his effort on the noise.


In the void, his ears twitched, in an attempt to locate the source of the sound. All of his concentration soon became focused, using every ounce of strength he could muster, to find out what was making the noise.



*Beeep* ….. *Beeep*

The sound became much clearer, his mind finally making some sort of rationalization as to the definition of the sound, and the direction it was emitting from. Being the only other thing in the void along with him, he fought against the darkness, willing himself to follow the sound of the beeping to it's source, not wanting to be alone.

As he concentrated and urged himself closer to the sound, the beeping slowly became louder, more focused, and regular.

Muffled voices soon began to fill Sky Shimmer's hearing. He was unable to make out just what they were saying, the fog in his mind and cotton feeling in his ears still hampering his senses, he found it a welcome addition to the beeping sound he had followed out of the darkness.

Ever so slowly, he tried to open his eyes, closing them again quickly as bright light threatened to blind him. Breathing slowly for a few moments, he once again slowly opened them, allowing his eyes time to adjust to the light.

Looking to the left, vision blurry, his ears twitched slightly, as his mind slowly was able to lock onto the source of the beeping. Ever so slowly, the fog through which he was gazing began to lift, and the shape of strange silver boxes began to focus in his view.

It took him a few moments to realize what they were. Monitoring devices. The front of the equipment were aglow with images of strange lines, a few of which seemed to spike in time with the beeping noise emanating from the machine. Noticing a set of brightly colored wires hanging from the back of the equipment, he trailed them down and across the space between it and the bed, some of them slipping beneath the covers, while one set led to his leg. A strange round pad was connected to the wire and strapped just above his hoof.

Slowly lifting this hoof to eye level, he studied the strange pad, twisting his leg back and forth. Reaching out with his other forehoof, taking note of the bandages wrapped all along his leg, he plucked at the pad, pulling it slowly away from his skin.

The machine next to him cried out with a horrible squeal.

His ears twitched to the right, as the sounds of frantic hoofbeats filled his hearing.

Turning to face the direction of the new sound, he saw a door slide open, slamming against it's frame in the urgency of a pony in a long white coat to enter the room. This new pony was flanked by two others, dressed in light pink scrubs with matching hats, each with a red cross and heart design upon them.

The one in white skidded to a halt next to the bed, causing the other two to nearly crash right into him. Blinking in surprise, he reached up and adjusted the spectacles that had slipped down his muzzle, as his eyes wandered down Sky Shimmer's body, still covered in the sheet.

“Ahem. Well.. Sorry about the commotion..” he stammered, as he fought to regain his composure. “We just heard the warning from one of the monitoring devices, and came rushing in, fearing something bad had happened...”

Looking down at the small pad in his hoof, Sky Shimmer blushed slightly, letting it drop back into place, silencing the annoying squeal from the machine. “Oh... Sorry about that...” he replied, voice coming out in a thin raspy sound, throat feeling like sandpaper.

Upon hearing this, one of the other ponies, a Nurse Sky Shimmer now recognized, turned to a counter on the other side of the room. Her horn glowed slightly, causing a glass to levitate over to a sink, filling it with water, and then adding a straw, before floating it over to hover in front of Sky Shimmer's head.

Nodding his thanks, he leaned forward and took a long, refreshing, and incredibly welcome sip from the water. Once his thirst was sufficiency quenched, he smiled at the nurse, eliciting a small blush upon her cheeks, as she floated it over to a nearby side table.

Clearing his throat, the doctor smiled and nodded to the two nurses. Nodding themselves, the two mares turned and slowly left the room, closing the door softly behind them.

“Glad to see that you are awake.” The doctor began, pulling a nearby stool closer and sitting down upon it. “After that nasty accident, we were unsure as to when you would awaken, if ever.” This last was said with grim tone to his voice, eyes dropping slightly away from Sky Shimmer's.

“Accident?” Sky Shimmer asked, head still fuzzy and having no memory of why he might be in a hospital to begin with. “I do not remember any...”

His voice trailed off, as random images and sounds flashed before his vision. Flying in the sky, bright rainbows, a thundercloud, falling, then darkness. Shaking his head to try to clear his mind of such visions, he looked back up at the doctor.

“So... it was not just a dream then.” He asked, voice slightly shaken from the memories. Seeing the doctor nod, he continued. “H-how... How long was I out...?”

Looking up, the doctor turned and studied a calendar hanging on one of the walls near the doorway. His face scowled in concentration, lips moving as if mumbling to himself, before he nodded and turned back to face Sky Shimmer. “Three weeks.”

“T-t-.. Three weeks?” Sky Shimmer stuttered, blinking in surprise. To which the doctor simply nodded. “No wonder I feel tired...”

Sighing, the doctor got up and retrieved a file hanging off the end of the bed, flipping through a few pages. “That would partially be due to the painkillers and paralizers we had to administer.” he stated grimly, still looking at the parchment. “You were an absolute mess when you were rushed in here. We nearly lost you a few times, especially during the operations. In order to try and keep you alive, and from further injuring yourself, it was decided to put you in a combination of a drug and magic-induced coma...”

The color was slowly draining from Sky Shimmer's silver coat, making him look even more pale, as he took everything in. Sitting up slowly, causing a groan to escape his lips and a raised eyebrow from the doctor, he shook his head slowly. “You mentioned operations...?”

A grim look took over the doctor's expression as he slowly nodded. “Like I said, you were an absolute mess when you were brought in. Once we were able to stabilize you, there was a hell of a lot of work we had to do. Both of your back legs were broken, a few of the bones nearly shattered from your impact with the fountain. Though we managed to mend them well enough, though we did have to use some surgical splints and screws to hold a few together, but we will be able to remove them in about a month's time.”

Sky Shimmer blinked in confusion. “Fountain?”

This brought a small nod from the doctor, as he continued to flip through the parchment in the file. “Yes. When you plummeted from the sky, you crashed directly in the fountain in the center of Ponyville. Obliterating it completely, and scaring the bridles off of all the ponies nearby.” When a look of concern crossed Sky Shimmer's features, the doctor shook his head. “Do not worry, no other ponies got seriously injured. Just some minor cuts and bruises.” His eyes once again were downcast as he continued. “The same could not be said for you...”

Breathing a heavy sigh, he continued. “You also suffered a number of broken ribs, a slight fracture to your skull and bruising along most of your body. Thankfully the magic of the surgeons and nurses on hand were able to mend those, if not easily, but at least they were not too major. You will feel sore for a while, as magic healing can only go so far...”

Lifting the sheet slightly, Sky Shimmer peered beneath it. His entire body, from upper torso all the way down to the tips of his rear hooves, were wrapped in bandages. Slowly he moved first one rear hoof, then the other, smiling as they gently rose and fell, only eliciting slight pain from the movement, as most of his body was still numb.

Suddenly his ears perked up, as his brain finally caught on to one bit the doctor said: ...as magic healing can only go so far... as well as the realization of a strong lack of feeling in one area of his body.

Turning his head as far as it could, Sky Shimmer looked down at his back.

“We tried everything we could...” the doctor began, as he saw his patient start to turn his head. “The damage was far too great..”

Sky Shimmer's ears heard the words, but his brain refused to comprehend them. His eyes focused on the heavily wrapped areas on his back.

“...between the damage done by what looks like lighting strikes... and the impact with the ground...”

No matter how hard he concentrated. Mind reeling, muscles straining. He could not feel anything.

“... trust me. We tried everything we could imagine.” The doctor continued. “...the damage was just too great...”

His wings.

Sky Shimmer could no longer feel his wings.

The part of him that made him special. What helped to provide the most pleasure and peace within himself, were now taken away from him.

He could see both of them, wrapped up tightly in bandages, the forms beneath not responding to anything he tried.

“... I am sorry, Sky Shimmer. You will never be able to fly again.” The doctor's words died off, grief and sadness clearly in his voice. Tears running down his cheeks.

Still unable, unwilling, to hear the voice of the doctor, Sky Shimmer stared at his back. Mind unable to comprehend the loss of his appendages. Slowly reaching down, he grasped the end of one of the bandages in his teeth, and began to pull back.

Looking up, the doctor saw this, but was too slow to properly react. With a startled cry of “No, don't!”, he moved towards the distraught pegasus.

In one swift movement, Sky Shimmer pulled back, tearing the bandages up and away from his right wing. As the white fabric was pulled off, a broken, mangled and blackened shape that once resembled a wing, slipped out, falling limply to his side.

The feathers had been burned clean off, the hide blackened from the flames and strikes of lightning. Bones could be seen clearly in a few spots, and the joints were twisted, tilting at a gruesome angle, becoming a cruel mockery of the once beautiful wing.

Silence filled the small hospital room, the beeping of the monitors the only sound for a while. Soon, even those began to increase in tone and regularity. The chest of Sky Shimmer rising and falling in rapid succession.

With a incredibly cry, Sky Shimmer's eyes rolled up into the back of his head, his body following suit and crashing back to the bed, in a faint that would make even a pony such as Rarity jealous.

Chapter 3: Nightmares

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Chapter 3: Nightmares

The wind ruffling the feathers and sending his mane and tail flowing out behind him, as each downward stroke of his wings pushed his body faster, higher, sent a feeling of exhilaration through Sky Shimmer. There was nothing like flying.

Quickly glancing back over his shoulder, he saw a few of the other pegasi slowly slipping further behind, unable to keep up with his speed and maneuverability. The obstacles set out for the entrance exam for Princess Luna's royal guards proving a bit trickier for them. Various loops, hairpin turns and clouds that would suddenly release a target to either attack or avoid floated in the air above Ponyville, the location for this year's test.

This was almost too easy for the grey pegasus, wings beating quickly as he performed a barrel roll around a dark cloud, his wingtips barely touching the surface, causing slight ripples to form. Looking back, he smiled, seeing the almost corkscrew shape he left in his wake.

Nearly two months of intense training had paid off. Sky Shimmer smiled softly to himself, seeing the other pegasi taking the exam fading to small specks in the distance.

Whipping around the tops of buildings, skimming the treetops over the Everfree Forrest, and blasting his way though clouds, he pushed himself farther than he normally could. There was no limits to the speed or agility of which he could fly. The sky was his playground, part of him, and nothing could take it from him.

Suddenly he spotted something ahead, looming dark and angry across the horizon. A huge thunderhead covered the sky as far as he could see. The thick mass devoid of any color other than black, almost as if the sky itself had torn asunder and left nothing but a void, brilliant flashes lit it's interior, each strike blinding.

Turning his head, Sky Shimmer tried to find a way around the clouds, but there was no escape. He was surrounded by blackness, the sky slowly darkening with each beat of his wings, as it took him closer to the edge of the thunderstorm. A cold, eerie presence could be felt flowing from the storm, full of malevolent intent. In one bright flash of lightning, his mind could almost make out a glowing set of eyes, deep within the storm, staring straight into his very soul.

Looking upwards, hoping he could somehow find a way to fly over the storm, his eyes widened in shock. A brilliant rainbow covered the remaining section of the sky which was not currently filled with dark, angry clouds. Though this was no ordinary rainbow, as it appeared to loop back around upon itself, no beginning nor end.

Panic began to fill his mind, ears twitching, eyes rolling in an attempt to spot somewhere, anywhere, that would provide refuge from the storm. Looking down at the ground, another shock filled his already overwhelmed mind.

Where the gently rolling hillsides, apple orchards and buildings that made up Ponyville and it's surrounding area, only dark, jagged rocks could be seen. The rainbow above cast eery shadows along the ground, eliciting visions of claws reaching out towards him.

Closing his eyes shut, he beat his wings as hard as he could, hoping that somehow he would be able to punch through the looming threat of the thundercloud, and escape. Only nothing happened.

Sky Shimmer opened his eyes in shock, as he once more tried to beat his wings, only to feel absolutely nothing.

Straining his neck, he looked out over his back, and a strangled cry escaped his lips.

His large, beautiful wings were gone. Replaced with crude and morbid intimidation of real wings. The plumage had been burned off, and the bones were twisted and blackened.

Without any forward momentum, or even the ability to hover mid-air, gravity swiftly took hold upon the pegasus.

Crying out, Sky Shimmer began to plummet to the awaiting rocks, already slick and glistening with blood.

Sky Shimmer's eyes shot open, a startled cry escaping his lips. Heart racing, he could feel his body covered with a layer of cold sweat. The sheets clinging to his form, twisted around his legs.

It took his senses a few moments to focus, his eyes staring up at the white ceiling of his hospital room. The steady drone of medical equipment nearby filled his ears, and a slight, metallic taste filled his mouth. He had bitten the inside of a cheek during his nightmare.

Slowly, painfully, he sat up, looking down at the mess he had made of the bedspread, having tossed and turned frantically during the night. And even more so during the dream. Sighing, he slowly laid back down, pulling the sheets back over his bandaged body, wincing at the twinge of pain that shot up from one of his hind legs.

Part of his mind waited for the searing pain from his wings as he lay back, but all he could feel was an absent numbness from his now useless appendages. A few tears escaped and slunk slowly down his cheeks, remembering the ghastly sight and the knowledge that he would never take to the sky again.

He was just closing his eyes, his mind spinning with questions as to what he will do now that the sky was taken from him, how the other pegasi would treat him, and what would be on the menu for lunch, when an odd sound caught his ears.

Slowly opening his eyes once more, ears pivoting to the source of the sound, he scanned the dimly lit hospital room.

Various machines surrounded the bed, each monitoring his vital signs, wires ran from the boxes, many of which were still attached to his body courtesy of the small round pads. A large window filled one wall, curtains pulled open to provide a wonderful view of darkly rolling hills, while a black sky filled with brilliant stars covered the horizon. Smiling softly, he was still amazed at the beautiful sight, Princess Luna had a wonderful touch when it came to the night sky, not a single cloud marred her work of art.

Across from the bed was a smaller door, slightly ajar, which led to a private bathroom, and beside this was a small wardrobe for storing various personal effects. The wall opposite the window was covered with cabinets and drawers, as well as a door that his mind told him led to the hospital's corridors, being the only other door in the room.

After scanning the room, ears still pivoting in an attempt to locate the noise, his eyes fell upon a small sofa, tucked into a corner beneath the window. Upon this lay another pony, fast asleep. Somepony, most likely a nurse, had thoughtfully draped a blanket across his visitor, leaving only the head and the end of a tail visible.

Though he could not see most of the pony curled beneath the blanket, Sky Shimmer recognized the pure white mane and emerald coat of one of his dearest friends. One of the long forelocks had slipped down during the night, lightly tickling her muzzle, causing Feathersong to lightly sneeze ever so often, providing a source to accompany the sound he had heard before.

A soft smile fell across Sky Shimmer's lips, seeing his friend laying there. Feathersong was an incredibly kind pegasus, soft-spoken, but always willing to help a friend in need. It warmed his heart to see her there, watching over him like this.

He thought of calling out to her, to let her know that he was alright, but stopped himself before he could utter a word. Her mane, and what could be seen of her tail, seemed disheveled, eyes red-rimmed and puffy, as if she had cried herself to sleep. She appeared completely exhausted, and he would have felt horrible to wake her, thinking it best to let her get some rest. There would be plenty of time to talk come morning.

Closing his eyes, he let himself sink back into the bed, thankful that the nursing staff had chosen a softer bedding for him, and allowed himself to slowly sink back into sleep.

The nightmares did not return, allowing Sky Shimmer to get the rest he needed.

Off in the distance, atop a hillside, one could make out the silhouette of a pony, framed by the majestic glowing disc of the moon. Wings outstretched, head held high, eyes glowing brilliantly, yet with a hint of sadness to them, gazing directly towards the hospital.

“Sleep well, poor Sky Shimmer.” Princess Luna whispered to the wind.

A single tear fell from her eyes, floating off in the wind on a trail of stardust.

Warm sunlight fell through the open window, bathing the small hospital room in it's warm embrace, pushing back the shadows to the far corners where they would wait until nightfall, before once again venturing out to cloak the room in darkness.

The rays slowly crept up across the bed, inching it's way up the covered form of the pony resting under the covers. Sheets rising and falling in a slow rhythm, deep, even breaths. As they inched higher, the warmth tickled at the nose of the sleeping pegasus, causing a small sneeze.

Slowly opening his eyes, Sky Shimmer blinked at the bright sunlight, bringing a hoof up to shade his vision, as he awoke, casting his gaze around the room.

The sofa where he had spotted his friend was empty, the blanket neatly folded up and lain back across the plush cushions. Feathersong had awoken much earlier, and slipped out quietly to not wake him. A soft smile crossed Sky Shimmer's lips, making a mental note to thank his friend for watching over him during the night.

A noise outside his door caught his attention, bringing his thoughts back to the present, causing his ears to swivel towards the source. The door was closed, though he thought he could make out the silhouettes of a few ponies through the foggy glass.

Having just awoken from a deep sleep, his ears took a few moments to adjust, the murmur of sound slowly forming into words that he could just make out through the thick glass and wood.

“...but I have to see him....” One voice was nearly shouting. “...I mean.... we have to see him....”

“... do not know if he is awake...” another interrupted the first voice, a heavier, masculine one by the tone. “...or if he wants...”

There was a slight crashing sound, and he could see two of the shadows jump back slightly. It may have been a trick of the lighting, but it almost looked like one of the forms had facehoofed.

“...sorry... did not mean to...” A third voice, slightly higher-pitched than the first, responded.

Shaking his head, stopping suddenly and putting his hooves to his temples as a wave of nausea and dizziness threatened to overtake him, Sky Shimmer smiled. Leaning as far as he could towards the doorway, he opened his mouth and yawned loudly, quite over-exaggerating the sound, followed by a loud coughing. He winced, feeling a burning sensation in his lungs and the pain of stitches threatening to pull.

Laying back on the bed, he turned to see the doorknob turning, the door slowly being pushed open. The head of the doctor he had talked to the day previous poked in through the opening. Spotting Sky Shimmer laying in bed, awake, he smiled. “Um, Sky Shimmer. Sorry about the racket. There are, uh, two ponies out here who have been demanding to see you.”

Cocking his head to the side, Sky Shimmer shot the doctor a confused look.

“Well, ah, one has been demanding to see you, and the other appears to be in complete distress, and says that she will not be able to calm down until she has seen you.” The doctor added, quickly peeking back over his shoulder at the two shadows hovering on the other side of the thick glass.

Sky Shimmer yawned and stretched, once again wincing at the action, feeling the tender skin around his wounds pull slightly. Looking back at the doctor, he smiled and nodded. “It is alright, doctor...” he stopped, suddenly realizing that he had no idea of the name of the doctor who had saved his life. Blushing slightly, he cocked his head to the side. “Actually, I do not even know your name...”

Blinking, the doctor gave him a confused look himself. Suddenly it dawned on him that on their previous exchange, he had completely forgotten to introduce himself. “It's Helpinghoof.” he responded, nodding at his patient, before adding. “Oh, and those two nurses were Nurse Redheart and her assistant, Clear Joy.” Giving a slight wink, he smirked. “Clear Joy was the one who got you the water. After that, she was blushing for hours!”

This brought a small chuckle from Sky Shimmer, glad that even in his position, he was able to make another pony happy.

“Hey, what's happening?” A voice called out from behind Helpinghoof, one that seemed vaguely familiar to Sky Shimmer. “Can we go in or not?”

Helpinghoof turned to look behind him once more, before turning back to face his patient. “Um, is it alright if these two come in to see you? If they cause you any discomfort, I can get some nurses to see them out...”

Shaking his head, much slower this time, Sky Shimmer waved a hoof. “It's alright, you can let them in.”

As his words were leaving his lips, the door burst open fully, slamming back against the nearby cabinet. Doctor Helpinghoof's white coat fluttered around him, as a pony darted past him and into the room.

Blinking from the sound of the crashing door, Sky Shimmer pulled his gaze from a slightly stunned doctor, to the visitor now standing, make that hovering, inside his room.

His eyes widened in surprise. Hovering a few feet from the side of his hospital bed, was a cyan pegasus, her windswept mane and tail literally a rainbow of colours. Sky Shimmer's mind quickly tried to process what he was seeing, as he looked up from the rainbow tail, to the crimson eyes of the pegasus hovering beside him.

“So, um. How are you doing?” Rainbow Dash asked, scratching at the back of her mane nervously.

Sky Shimmer was at a loss for words. His mind still stumbling, trying to find some reason why Rainbow Dash, one of the heroes of Equestria, and the fastest, most agile and awesome pegasus, would be hovering at his hospital bedside. Opening his mouth, he tried to speak. “Uh... R-rainbow D-dash?”

Smiling, Dash did a quick flip in the air, brushing her hoof against her chest. “The one and only!”

“Wh-what are you doing here?” he asked, mind still slow at proccessing.

“Duh. To see how you are doing!” she replied, looking down at him. Her smile and bright eyes began to soften, turning slowly into a frown and sorrowful gaze. “Especially after what happened to you...”

Sky Shimmer cocked an eyebrow at the cyan mare, puzzled as to this sudden change. “After my accident?” Shaking his head slowly, he added. “I am surprised that somepony like you would want to visit a nobody like me. Did not even think you would know who I was.”

Rainbow Dash blinked, a look of pain mixed with guilt crossing her expression. Slowly she landed, walking up to the bedside. The sudden change in her demeanor made Sky Shimmer pause, curious as to why.

“Well...” Looking downwards, the mare appeared to be fighting a mental battle of sorts, lips moving as if arguing with herself about something. Slowly looking up, Sky Shimmer was shocked to see that her eyes were wet, the beginning of tears forming at the corners.

With a shaky voice, Rainbow Dash continued. “It was... partly my fault.”

“Partly your fault...” Sky Shimmer repeated, unsure as to what to make of this. He turned back towards the door, as he heard another set of hooves on the tile floor of his room. A grey pegasus mare, mane and tail a soft yellow, had made her way into the room. Her whole body shook, the sounds of sobs echoing in the small room. Coming to a stop on the other side of his bed, her face tilted up towards him, tears freely flowing from her amber eyes.

“I am...also... to blame...” Derpy Hooves cried out. Throwing her forehooves onto his bed, burying her head into them as she sobbed.

Chapter 4: Visitations and Confessions

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Chapter 4: Visitations and Confessions

Sky Shimmer could only stare in shock at the two mares on either side of his bed.

Rainbow Dash was trying her best to keep back her emotions, playing the 'cool' card, but even he could see her struggling against the tide. Derpy on the other hoof, was still bawling her eyes out, her body shuddering with each sob.

Both of these mares had come barging into his hospital room, claiming that they each had something to do with the horrible accident that took the sky from him. But before he could find out anything more, Derpy had begun to cry her little heart out.

His mind was flooded with thoughts and feelings. Anger, hatred, sadness, shock, pain and even heartache. After such an incident, and open confession from the two mares, he was well within his rights to vent his frustrations. But upon seeing their sorrowful expressions and hearing the shaking timber in their voices, he felt his anger subside, flames of wrath being smothered by the overwhelming need to comfort the distraught mares.

It was part of Sky Shimmer's nature to want to do whatever he could to help those around him, even if it was at the cost of his own needs or feelings. Putting the needs of those he cared about above his own, and asking nothing in return. Sure, this may have been seen as naivete or acting like a doormat, but as long as those around him were happy, that is all that mattered.

Not to say that he was unwilling to stick up for himself, he just preferred to seek alternate ways of ending an argument, or to make everything work out for everypony.

Turning to Rainbow Dash, he raised an eyebrow in question. “You said that the accident was partially your fault?” Though there was no accusation in his tone, there still was an undercurrent of confusion. His mind was muddled, only able to remember flashes of events from the accident, like a photograph that was torn to pieces and scattered to the winds, leaving only a few fragments behind.

Wincing slightly at the question, Dash nodded slowly. Reaching back, she began to rub the back of her head nervously, ruffling her prismatic mane. “Yeah, but it was not on purpose or anything. It really was an accident...” Sighing, she mentally yelled at herself for trying to stall and avoid the subject. “As you probably knew, there was a huge event going on up in Canterlot.”

Not knowing where she was going with this, Sky Shimmer nodded. “Yeah, I heard about it. The Royal Wedding, or something like that...”

Nodding slowly, Dash continued. “Well, even with all the craziness that happened with the wedding, the groom being Twi's brother, and the bride her former foal-sitter, not to mention the whole thing with the Changelings, everything turned out find in the end.”

None of this made any sense to Sky Shimmer, and the look of absolute confusion on his face caused Rainbow Dash to start to explain more, but soon stopped herself, knowing that all the details of what happened at the wedding would just be another way to avoid the issue at hoof.

Taking a breath to try and calm herself, she looked up at the sky through the small window. “After all was said and done, as a special present to the new couple, I was asked to preform a Sonic Rainboom to mark the occasion...”

“A Sonic Rainboom?” Sky Shimmer asked, still slightly confused. He was just about to ask what that had to do with the accident, before his mind clicked. A wall of color, blasting through the skies towards me. He thought, remembering the shock and awe of what he witnessed. “So.. that is what hit me..”

“Yeah, and it was an incredibly powerful one to boot!” Pride shot through the cyan pegasus, standing on her hind legs, chest puffed out and wings extended. “Got the angle perfect, so that the explosion centered atop the palace. Everypony was surprised and excited!” But her pride faltered, lowering herself back to the floor, wings tucked in tightly along her sides. Slowly Rainbow dash nodded, fear crossing her expression. “You must have been hit by the leading edge of it... the force pushing you along through the skies...”

Sky Shimmer winced at this, remembering all too well the force of that Rainboom, how he had lost all control to that violent explosion of air and color. “And that is when I hit...”

Cringing slightly, Derpy looked up, tears still cascading down from her beautiful amber eyes. “I... I did not mean it!” she cried, clutching at the blankets as if they were a life raft, feeling herself drowning, as if they were the only thing keeping her afloat. “All I was supposed to do... was get rid of one cloud! But..but... it did not want to go...”

Sighing, Sky Shimmer reached out towards the grey mare.

Seeing his hoof coming towards her, Derpy cringed, bracing herself for the strike, knowing that he would be well within his rights to punish her for the clumsiness that had plagued her life. Just like everyone else did.

But after a moment, her eyes opened in complete shock.

The strike never happened.

Instead, she felt the soft, comforting feeling of her mane being stroked in a tender, reassuring way. She stared up at Sky Shimmer, a look of complete bewilderment on her face, eyes still overflowing with tears. “W-why?”

Sky Shimmer softly smiled at the distraught mare, though part of his mind still wanted to yell at both of them for ruining his life. He knew that no matter how much yelling or blame he put on these two, nothing could change the past.

Well, perhaps a time-travel spell, but those were quite dangerous, and often had unforeseen consequences. Only one pony he knew of could perform such feats, with the aid of a strange blue box.

“Miss Hooves, it is not your fault.” he responded, trying to console her.


Shaking his head, wincing slightly at the dizziness that still plagued him, he continued. “It was just an accident. Yes, I may have collided with the thunderhead you were trying to remove.” Turning to Raibow Dash, he added. “And I did get knocked around by the edge of your Rainboom.”

Sighing, he looked down, closing his own eyes. “But it was my fault for not paying attention to what was going on around me. I was too wrapped-up in my own thoughts to react fast enough.”

“Hey now, don't go saying stuff like that!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, hovering slightly off the floor, feathers ruffled, looking a bit offended at the remark. In her mind, no pegasus worth their wings should ever demean themselves for any lack of skill when it comes to flying.

Opening his eyes, he looked up at the hovering pegasus. “What? Would you rather have me yell and scream at the two of you? Cry at how unfair life is, and that the two of you destroyed mine? That I will no longer be able to fly, to feel the wind beneath my wings?”

He could feel Derpy shuddering beneath his hoof, her sorrow now mixed with fear. Sighing, he tried to comfort her once more, hoof gently stroking her mane. Slowly she began to settle, though her tears continued to fall. “Life is unfair.” he continued, tone much lower and even. “Yes, if it was not for your Sonic Rainboom, or the thundercloud, I would not be here. Hell, it seems like a miracle that I even survived at all...”

Turning his head, he looked out of the window at the clear sky. Off in the distance, he could make out small shapes of other pegasi flitting about, on some errand or another, perhaps just enjoying this beautiful day. A sharp pain tore through his heart, knowing that such things were now impossible for him to undertake. Even the mundane task of flying from one place to another was now beyond him.

Sighing heavily, Sky Shimmer pulled his gaze from the sky to the two mares beside him. “But... I did survive. And I guess that is one blessing. Even battered, broken and bruised, I can still go on.” Gently lifting the chin of the grey mare, he smiled softly. “Accidents happen, even really bad ones. There is no sense crying about it, or trying to place blame. All a pony has to do is recover from it, and continue on.”

Derpy nodded slowly, no stranger to accidents herself. “Yeah...” she replied, voice still shaky with tears, though with a hint of strength building slowly. “Sometimes there is nothing you can do to stop them... Just have to pick up the pieces and continue...” A slight blush crossed her cheeks. “It took me a while to figure that one out for myself.”

Sky Shimmer nodded, smiling softly. Shifting awkwardly in the bed, trying to find a position where his, now useless, wings were not pressing into his back. Opening his mouth to say something else, he was interrupted by a tapping on the door.

Turning his head, he saw the door slowly opening, and the head of a white unicorn with a long pink mane popped in through the opening. It took him a moment to recognize her as the same nurse who had retrieved the water for him.

“Nurse Clear Joy?” he asked, remembering her name from his earlier conversation with Doctor Helpinghoof.

A slight blush crossed the young unicorn's cheeks, as she nodded. Excitement at the fact that he knew her name clear on her expression. “Y-yes!” Slowly she made her way into the room, which was slowly becoming cramped with all the extra bodies. “But it is not Nurse, well, not yet anyway. I still need to pass my exams...”

Blinking in embarrassment, she almost face-hoofed. “S-sorry! I do tend to ramble when I am nervous or excited...” Taking a breath to calm herself, she continued. “Anyways, I am sorry to say that your two friends have to leave for a bit. It is time to change your bandages...”

Sighing and nodding, Sky Shimmer turned to the two pegasi. “Sorry about this. It was nice to meet both of you, though I do wish that it was under better circumstances.”

This brought a slight chuckle from Dash, as she remembered her time in the hospital for a busted wing. “Yeah, meeting people when they are laid up in bed is never fun. I wish that we could have met a different way.” Rubbing the back of her head again, she added. “Heard that you were actually a great flier, would have loved to check out your moves...” Blinking, she suddenly realized what she said, and did face-hoof at her lack of consideration.

Sky Shimmer winced slightly at her remark, but did not say anything.

Derpy looked up at him from where she was still sitting by the bed, sadness in her eyes, but at least there were no more tears. “I am still so very, very, very, very, very sorry!” This brought another soft smile from Sky Shimmer, as he ruffled her mane playfully, which made the grey mare smile.

“Um.. if it is alright with you.. could I come visit you again?” Derpy asked, unsure as to whether he would still want her company after what she told him.

Smiling, Sky Shimmer nodded. “I think I would like that very much.” Cocking his head to the side, he thought for a moment, before lightly poking her in the nose with his hoof. “And no more apologizing! Got it?”

This brought a giggle from the mare, as she playfully poked him back. “Okay!” Suddenly a thought came to her, and she smiled brightly. “Oh! Oh! Oh! Next time, when I visit you, I will bring some muffins!”


“Yep! Muffins! Muffins are amazing! And I am told that I bake some really good ones!” Derpy smiled, pride and joy filling her previously somber expression. Getting up, she smiled and turned to leave, waving over her shoulder at Sky Shimmer.

Making her way to the door, Rainbow Dash turned. “I'll drop by again as well. Never nice to be without company in a place like this. Can drive a pony crazy.” Turning, she followed Derpy out of the doorway.

The room felt a bit more roomy, but also quieter, without the two pegasi. Clear Joy gently closed the door behind the two mares, before heading to one of the various cabinets lining the one wall of the room. Her horn glowed as she removed a small pile of clean bandages, splints and medical tape, levitating each to a nearby rolling table.

Once she assembled the needed supplies, she turned back to face her patient. “Ok, first thing we have to do is to remove the old wrappings, to see how you are healing.” Making her way to the bedside, the table being pulled along via her magic, Clear Joy looked along the exposed bits of Sky Shimmer's body. “Now, where to start...”

Before she could continue, the door to the room burst back open, nearly crashing off of it's track. Both ponies turned to see what caused the disturbance.

Standing in the doorway was Rainbow Dash, mane frazzled and she was breathing heavily. Clutched in her mouth was the shape of a well-loved book.

Making her way over to the bed, she laid the volume onto the bedside table. Smiling nervously, scratching the back of her head once more, she looked at the other two in the room. “Uh, sorry about that. I had thought of something as I was leaving...”

Clearing her throat, she gestured towards the book. The cover showed a tan pegasus with black and white mane, wearing a kakhi vest and pith hemet, one of her wings were bandaged, and she was looking up at a brilliant blue statue. The title read: Darring Do and the Sapphire Stone “When I was in here, with my broken wing, one of my best friends gave me this book to read to pass the time. At first I didn't care about it, thinking it was totally lame to read, something only eggheads would do...”

The look on Sky Shimmer and Clear Joy's face told her that she was rambling once more. Shaking her head, she continued. “Anyways... this book really helped me to pass the time, as well as deal with my own issues. I thought that it might also help you, as it did me.” Looking from Sky Shimmer, to Clear Joy and her table of supplies, Dash blinked, then started to back out of the room.

“Uh, sorry again for barging in. I didn't mean to interrupt you.” Backing out of the room, she pulled the door slowly shut. “I will drop by again, but will make sure that you are ok with it first.” The door closed, and the two watched her silhouette move off down the corridor.

Sighing, Clear Joy turned from the door and back to her patient. Looking from the supplies to the bed, she tried to make up her mind. “Okay, let's start with your leg, shall we?”

Chapter 5: Of Light and Darkness

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Chapter 5: Of light and darkness.

Pulling the blanket back, Clear Joy exposed Sky Shimmer's injured leg, still held stiff and immobile, to aid in mending, the fracture had been quite extensive, but Doctor Helpinghoof was quite skilled, and was able to set it right. She had told him that his leg looked to be healing quite nicely, as she re-wrapped the limb in fresh bandages, and that he should be able to put weight on it in a few days time. Even better, that he should not even have a limp at all.

When her attention turned to his back, he could only grimace, not in pain, but in disgust, at his crippled, now-useless wings. Once freed from their bindings, the charred appendages hung limply from his body, lifeless and grotesque.

He did not look as she carefully unwrapped, inspected, then re-wrapped each wing, but from the sighs coming from her, he could tell that it was a bad sight to behold.

After she had finished, checked the monitors and made sure all was in order and he did not require anything, she silently slipped from his room.

Twisting and turning in bed, Sky Shimmer fought to find a more comfortable position, as he tried to figure out something to keep his mind occupied, away from his injuries and the question of what to do next.

His eye fell upon the hardbound book laying upon his bedside table. Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone. Rainbow Dash had left it for him to read, saying that it had helped her when she was in a similar situation.

Reaching over, he picked up the volume, noting the wear-marks and other signs of a well-loved book. He smiled slightly, noticing the similarities between the daring heroine on the cover, and the mare who gave it to him.

Thinking that it may help to at least pass the time, he opened the cover. Chapter 1 : The Adventure Begins...

It had been a little while since nurse Clear Joy had left the room, leaving Sky Shimmer reclined in bed, fresh bandages now wrapping his injured leg and crippled wings. Before him was the open pages of the book, hie eyes scanning each line, drinking up the words.

When he had begun to read, he did not know what to make of the story, as it simply threw the reader right into the action, no back story or clue as to who the protagonist was and why they were in the jungle in the first place.

Soon, that did not matter, as Sky Shimmer soon found himself drawn into the tale, eagerly turning each page, wanting to know what happens next, will Daring make it out safely, or will she meet some cruel fate?

She dodged the arrows, stepping on some, and did a backflip, landing on her back hooves - right on top of a hole where a spike was about to shoot upwards. She straightened herself out of the way and jumped over it. She jumped on top of another hole, and then jumped again before the spike could have time to impale her.

He was so engrossed into the tale, that Sky Shimmer did not hear the soft knocking on his door.

She kept jumping until she saw a giant slab of rectangular cement start to block off her path. Then Daring began flat-out running, moving left and right to avoid the spikes popping up everywhere. She slid under the block at the last second and stood up facing the recently placed door and wiped the sweat off of her forehead. Daring turned around and took a step - right on another trap button.

The soft knocking came again, a little louder this time, causing his ears to perk up and swivel towards the source. Turning his head, he saw a silhouette through the tinted glass timidly looking in. Why they would be trying to look in was beyond him, for the glass did not provide any visibility.

Clearing his throat, he called out. “It's open.”

Slowly the door slid open, revealing a face that made him smile, Feathersong, one of his oldest friends.

Timidly stepping through the doorway was a light green pegasus with a long white mane. When she turned towards the bed, her brilliant blue eyes widened in surprise and joy.

“Sky Shimmer!” she cried, rushing to the side of his bed, planting forehooves lightly on the sheets. “You are awake! Well, I heard that you had woken from the nurses, but when I came to see you, you were asleep again...”

Concern and worry filled her soft, melodic voice. That was one thing Sky Shimmer truly loved about his friend. Her voice could always ease any feeling of worry or anger just by listening to it's soft tones. But it really shone when she was singing, the melody carried upon her voice would lift your spirits, like a feather floating upon a gentle spring breeze, and her Cutie Mark displayed this perfectly. A music note with two feathers floating within it.

“Yeah, it's kinda funny when you think about it.” Sky Shimmer responded, laughing slightly. “I was asleep for three weeks, you would think I was well rested enough to stay awake for more than ten minutes!”

“That's not funny!” Feathersong scolded, her eyes narrowing slightly. “You were badly hurt! You needed your rest.” Sighing, she looked away, though he could clearly see tears forming in her eyes. “I...I was worried about you...”

Placing a hoof upon one of hers, Sky Shimmer smiled reassuringly. “Thank you for your concern, Feathersong. It truly does mean a lot to me.” This caused her to turn back to him, a slight blush crossing her cheeks. “I did notice you asleep on the couch last night.”

This caused her to blush a little deeper. “W-well... I was worried. I asked the nurses if it was alright if I could stay by your side, just in case you woke again and needed something... Especially considering you have no family here...”

“And I thank you for that. You are always there when I need a friend.” He nodded slowly. It was true, he had no family in Ponyville. Both of his parents had died when he was really young, both caught in a terrible avalanche out one some sort of expedition to Crescent Moon Canyon, near the borders to the Zebra homelands. After the incident, he was brought up by his uncle in Fillydelphia. When he was old enough to make it out on his own, Sky Shimmer had moved to Ponyville with an offer to join one of the weather teams.

When the incident with the return of Nightmare Moon, and her subsequent restoration to her former self, he soon had a new goal. His hopes were that he could hone his skills in flying to one day join the Canterlot Royal Guard in service under Princess Luna.

But now that was a useless dream, crushed along with his wings.

Feathersong saw the look of pain and sadness cross Sky Shimmer's face, and she quickly embraced him in a hug.

Startled out of his thoughts, Sky Shimmer looked down at his friend, a feeling of comfort and love pushing away the darkness. Sighing, he returned the embrace. “It's alright, I am ok.”

Shaking her head, she looked up at him. “No you are not! I know you...” sighing, she looked back down at the sheets between them. “You always do your best to make other people happy, to cover up your own pain and suffering for their sakes. I know it is part of who you are, but...”

Lifting her eyes, she looked right into his crimson gaze. “But.. you do not have to be like that. Not now... Not when your pain is obvious...”

Sighing heavily, Sky Shimmer brought a hoof up to lightly stroke her white mane. “I know, I know... It is just hard for me to do so...” Shaking his head, he looked out the window, watching a sparrow flutter from one branch to another. “I do not know if I even know how to deal with everything. It all happened so fast, there has not been truly any time to figure things out...”

Nodding slowly, Feathersong broke the embrace, walking over towards the window, gazing out to the world. “I know it will take time. But you have to remember one thing...”

Sky Shimmer cocked his head to the side. “And that would be?”

Turning to face him, the look of concern, as well as a hint of sternness, on her features. “That you are not alone in all of this. You do not, should not, have to try to do everything by yourself. I am here if you need me, when you need me.”

Smiling, he nodded. Always the kind heart, he thought. No matter how timid she can seem, Feathersong can be quite strong-willed when needed. Even if she is scared of flying, and sometimes her own shadow! This last thought brought a small chuckle. “I will remember that, Feathersong. Thank you.”

Puzzled by the chuckle, she was about to ask, but thought better of it. “As long as you remember that promise.” Turning back from the window, she cocked her head to the side, eying him. “So, is there anything you need?”

“Well, I am a bit parched...” He replied, just now realizing that his throat was indeed a bit dry. Must be the air in here. Hospitals have always seemed so oppressive to me.

Laughing lightly, Feathersong smiled. “Water it is!” With that, she turned and headed to the hallway in search of refreshment.

As the days went by, Sky Shimmer's wounds slowly began to mend. Doctor Helpinghoof, with the assistance of Nurse-in-training Clear Joy, used their healing magic to aid in the recovery of his broken legs, and soon was able to remove the cast entirely. Though even with the cast removed, he was warned not to put much, if any, weight onto his hooves, keeping him bedridden for a few more days at least.

Though the healing magic worked to fix his other injuries, there was nothing that any doctors could do to repair his broken wings. They remained bound and useless to his back, a grim reminder that the joys of flight were taken from him.

Even though he kept a calm, relaxed and sometimes happy demeanor when being visited by the doctors and nurses, inside Sky Shimmer was slowly slipping into a deep depression. His nights were filled with horrible nightmares, black skies and dark clouds, flashes of lightning and a sense of falling. When he awoke, covered in a sheen of cold sweat, panting, it took a while for his mind to calm down, reminding himself that it was all a dream.. until the crushing dead weight on his back told him otherwise.

True to their words, he was visited every day by his friends. Feathersong would stay and chat with him about her day, idle gossip and the kinds of nonsense that close friends tend to talk about to waste time. Rainbow Dash would join him on occasion, blabbering on about the Wonderbolts, or to see how far into the Daring Do books he was, discussing parts of the story, and always had the next volume at the ready for when he finished one book.

And just like she said, when Derpy came to see how he was doing, she would always arrive with a large basket over flowing with steaming muffins. Sky Shimmer was truly amazed at the quantity in the basket, and was even more surprised when he took his first bite, savoring the taste of the fluffy treats. She was not kidding when she said that she baked good muffins!

Time spent with his old friend, and the two new ones that were suddenly in his life, though he wished he would have met them under better terms, was a nice distraction from his dark thoughts. The random talks, tasty muffins, and sympathy from those three mares, with the visits from Clear Joy, made Sky Shimmer truly happy, not caring that he was stuck in a hospital bed.

But soon after each visitor left, the room seemed too small, empty and cold. The beeping of the equipment, the white walls and murmuring voices from outside his door, was a reminder of his situation. The hopelessness of being a pegasus that could no longer fly.

What would his life be like, how would others react to seeing him like he was now? Was there any point to it anymore, was he so useless now that he no longer could fly? Should he just save everypony's time and effort and just give up and end it? Such thoughts, and others, filled his mind, spinning and twisting, forcing his spirit into a dark hole, with no way to escape.

Sky Shimmer knew of some pegasi who live nearly their entire lives on the ground, but that was a lifestyle choice for them, not something forced upon them. All his life he lived in the clouds, flying was part of who he was, there was nothing else that mattered as long as he could take flight.

Sighing heavily, Sky Shimmer reached over to the bedside table, picking up the volume on top of a small stack of books. All different volumes of Daring Do, thoughtfully provided by Rainbow Dash. At least, when alone and faced with such depressing thoughts, he could loose himself for a while in a book.

Turning a few pages, he found where he had left off, and rejoined Daring Do on another one of her many adventures.


“There has to be something here! Somepony must have a way, an idea or even a suggestion of what could help!” cried a voice into the dimly lit corridors.

Row upon row of bookcases lined the walls, filled to the brim with old, dusty volumes of ancient Equestrian history and lore. Magical candlelight illuminated the darkness, pushing the shadows to the far corners of the vast library. Though the light was not truly needed, for the one pacing between the rows, searching each shelf for a volume, scroll, parchment, anything that could help, was able to see quite well in the dark. One could say that it was part of her very being.

“No, that's not it.” the soft voice mumbled to herself, as another volume was placed back onto the shelf it came from. “This one would only be good if it was some sort of curse...” with a heavy sigh, yet another scroll was re-rolled and tossed onto a pile. “Is there nothing here that can help at all! What use is a grand library if it does not contain useful information!”

This last ended in a near shout, the windowpanes vibrating slightly, dust stirring from the shelves, dancing in the air only to settle back down onto another area. Looking around the room, a heavy sigh filled the silence, teardrops slowly falling onto the soft carpet underhoof.

A slow creaking sound interrupted the silence, causing the crying mare to turn her head towards the doorway, bright light from the hallway beyond flooded the room, casting deeper shadows and illuminating the distraught form sitting in the middle of the library.

“I thought I heard somepony in here. It is nearly morning, I am surprised to find you in here...” came a soft voice from the doorway. Stepping inside slowly, the expression on the pony's face turned from surprise to concern, as she spotted the other. “Dear sister, what is the matter?”

Hearing the voice caused the distraught pony to raise her head, looking at the figure of her sister silhouetted against the light of the hallway. “Oh Tia! I do not know what to do!” Leaping to her hooves, the younger sibling rushed into the warm embrace of her elder sister, burying her muzzle deep in the soft, radiant mane.

Celestia placed a hoof around the shaking shoulders of her younger sister, worry now etching their way across her face. “Luna, what is it that has you so upset?”

Taking a deep breath to try and control her voice, Luna looked up at Celestia, trying to think of what to say, how to explain it all. “Well, do you remember hearing about that horrible accident that happened in Ponyville the day of the wedding between Shining Armor and Princess Cadence?”

Remembering getting word about the accident soon after it had happened, Celstia nodded slowly. “Yes, a poor pegasus was gravely injured after being hit by the edge of a sonic rainboom and a thundercloud. Thankfully he survived the crash.” Tilting her head to the side, she looked at her sister, puzzled. “Why has this incident so upset you? Ponies do get injured all the time, as unfortunate as that is.”

Luna shook her head, her usually regal and starry mane hanging limply around her. “I know that.” sighing, she thought for a moment before continuing. “The pegasus' name is Sky Shimmer. I have been following his dreams since the accident.”

This brought a slightly concerned look to her sister's face. “Luna...”

Bringing a hoof up, she waved the comment away. “I know, I know. I should only help to guide the dreamers when they are in need, and not meddle in their privacy.” shaking her head, she closed her eyes, a tear escaping to fall down her cheek. “But you do not understand. His dreams are filled with terror, darkness and nightmares, ones that even I am powerless to stop.”

Releasing herself from the embrace, Luna turned and walked between the shelves, hooves making hollow sounds echo throughout the vast royal library. “When I first looked into his dream, feeling fear resounding throughout the night, I learned something about him...”

Not saying a word, knowing that to interrupt now would serve no purpose, Celestia simply followed her younger sister in silence.

Stopping, Luna turned to look back. “He had his heart set to join my Royal Guard, and was practicing so very hard to be accepted. The sky, flying, it was his life! And now that dream has been taken so suddenly from him!” Unable to hold back any longer, Luna openly wept, the carpet beneath their hooves darkening with each drop. “How can fate be so very cruel?”

Sighing, Celestia walked slowly to her sister's side, draping a wing comfortingly around the dark alicorn. “Fate can be quite cruel at times, and not even powerful magic could prevent such a thing from happening. I checked into it myself, the doctors did all that they could to try and help him, but the damage to his wings was far too great for even the most powerful of healing magics.”

Shaking her head, Luna looked up in defiance at her elder sister. “But there has to be something, some way to fix it! There has to!” voice breaking, Luna collapsed to the floor, her heartbreaking sobs echoed throughout the halls. Kneeling down next to her, Celestia tried to console her dear sister.

She has her heart so set on this, she thought to herself. Turning her head, she gazed at the endless rows of books and scrolls. There does have to be something we can do, or somepony who may know something...