Darkness, an Eternity

by The Real Darkness

First published

One soul, not much, but it can still leave an impact to affect two worlds and utterly change them both.

One soul, one past, one terror, one darkness, many slaughters and horrors. A story of heartbreak, emotions, mental breakdowns, holy figures, and one true darkness. Do not align to his cause.

Lucius, a name I tried to throw away a long time ago...It had worked, but the people now call me The Darkest One. I guess you could say I deserve that name, after all I do and always will dwell in darkness. I have killed many by my hand and I wield the darkest blade that contains the infinite power and fury of a demigod in it. That soul devouring I have done, the torturing, and the existence eraser...But what if I said I wanted it to stop, I might have another chance for it. This new world full of ponies seems almost perfect, I hope I won't screw up and make it corrupted with my darkness. If I do then I will probably become know as a dimension destroyer...

Let me weave this great and morbid tale for you...

Planning to be rewritten from ground up, originally based on my main work of fiction. Will be rewritten once that monster is fed.


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Blackness...all I ever saw besides the black fire skull that was the unholy god who guided me here today. But all of this is nonsense to the unknowning mind, let me share with you the importance of my life and events that pulled me here. It all started the day of my birth...

I felt the contractions that pushed me towards the exit of my mother's womb. I bursted through and felt that great heat from the sun that peered through the window. I also felt a surge of power through me. I could see. Something that no newborn could do. I felt that power surge through me up to my insignificant hands and purple flames of great darkness broke forth. My father had been the only one to see and know about that for the longest time. From the day I reached five years of age and forth, I trained and trained and trained while being discriminated at.

My life had turned around that sorrow filled day, when I found my father dead. He was barely alive when I stumbled upon him in the alleys of the small town eight miles away from our small house that sat between a grassland and a badland. All my father said was to keep training and I would see my destiny. I followed what he wished for me to do even if I was bloodied and bone broken after a day of training. I grew very strong after that day...

On my fifteenth birthday, all I got was a dead mother. She had jumped off the roof when I was considered an adult. From the day I was born, I was followed in my mind by a death filled voice. It beckoned me to gather materials for some portal ritual. It asked for an angels wing, a dark creature, and a lot of the blood of the innocent.

I listened to its wants and gathered the ingredients. It guided me as I painted the symbol upon the badlands rocks with the blood. I placed the wing and captured creature where it wanted. It demanded for me to put my dark power into it. I crafted a small orb made of my pure dark energy and hurled it out of my hand. As it impacted with the ground, there wasn't any explosion. The symbol glew bright red when the orb made contact then iluminated black.

An orange rimmed portal appeared and shown a black stone temple coated with a mass of blood stains all over. I entered it and was in a world full of black skies and grey land. I quickly pushed open the door and was met with a huge room with stained glass windows that told the legend I follow. A huge door was in front of me as I had walked down the room, holding my simple steel sword tightly in my right hand. The voice called to me once I stepped in. A sword with a five jeweled handguard, a black skull attached to the bottom of the black ribboned handle, and a dark aura that was the most intense ever felt stood in an obsidian pedestal. The voice came from the sword and it stated it was and is the darkest blade, the sword of death, Mortis Lamina. I threw the steel sword away and ran to the dark blade. I grabbed its handle and pulled it from its resting spot. This was my destiny and I knew it. Crescent moon shaped blades formed on the sharp sides of the blade. I was called to this place to rule it. I was the king of this corrupt land known as the Underworld. All this became clear to me,

After I had been alive and terrorized the earth for two thousand years, my wife was slain and I with my two sons and daughter was sealed for three thousand years in destabilization chambers. When we all awoke from me being the first to awake and free us all with the help of the dark sword, we weren't in a world we knew...

Chapter 1: Eternity Returns (Part 1)

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My vision returned and I was still in the chamber, but the glass had rotted away. I felt like I had been asleep for quite some time. My friend, the dark blade, had told me that I was gone for three thousand years. I stepped out and onto the rusted metal floor. I saw my children in front of me all still inside their chambers. I blasted them all open, shooting corrupt lighting from my hands. They didn't come to, but I sensed they all had life. I went through the huge gaping hole in the wall that my chamber was attached to. Black mist appeared on my right and with it came five of my skeletal guards.

"You five are to stay and protect my children at all times until I say otherwise." I ordered them and they nodded before entering the ancient building.

I observed my surroundings. I saw nothing, but tall grass and a village of some kind far off. I made my hair into its slicked back position. My royal red silk robes, studded with gems of all kind was untouched from all the years I had spent in a dormant state. I bounded off with such fast speed that I easily broke the sound barrier. I was approaching the village fast.

I zoomed past a creature filled cottage that exploded with cries of many animals as I started to slow. I wondered how my exotic and rare animals were as I dug my heels into the life filled grass. I cloaked myself by shifting into the spirit realm. Many ghosts live here, but...for some reason...it was empty. At least I was hidden from everything mortal. As soon as I entered the village I was struck with such a sight I lost some mental focus and left the ghost realm. I was slowly becoming a solid physical form as the eyes of many...pony citizens laid upon me. I figured I might as well make an entrance since this wasn't the same Earth.

"Good evening, citizens," I started with a bow,"you all have the honor of standing in front of royalty."

Many whispers were heard among them. I hung my head in despair. I thought I might be able to change things.

"Might as well live my life as I had been for the last two thousand years..." I said quietly,"alone wallowing in my sorrow and dread." I pronounced the last part with a low volume.

I turned around, my robes rose up in the wind created from my movement. I was almost free from the judging eyes when I was stopped.

"Wait!" a female voice called from behind me.

"Have you come to mock me?" I asked, not turning.

"Who would make fun of a gentleman?" the pony responded.

"May we go somewhere else to speak? I would love to chat with such an understanding individual, but I don't like being stared at." I finally turned and looked slightly down to meet a white coated unicorn with a curled violet mane and tail.

"Of course. Let us go to my place." she answered.

We made our way to a circular home/boutique. I had eyes upon me the entire trip. I was used to it since my people would do the same, but with smiles. Upon arrival to this high class unicorn citizen's dwelling, I closed all blinds of the windows.

"Why did you close the blinds?" the unicorn asked me.

"Trust me, please. I am going to tell you everything about me." I stated.

"A-alright, I guess I can trust a gentleman." She said worried for herself.

I then focused a small ball made of my energy. I formed it into strings and attached one end to my forehead and the same to her with the other end of the strings. She flinched at first, but her body fell limp same as mine did the minute the strings touched her forehead. I was sending information to her and also receiving knowledge. Lumps would shoot through the purple and black strings that carried the information.

After a few moments of information passing through my perfect method, she knew everything I wanted her to know about me and I knew everything I wanted to know about her.

"What did you do!?" Rarity demanded an answer.

"I gave you the information about me and got some about you. You are Rarity, a fashionista and this is the Carousel Boutique.Your friends are Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash." I stated.

"And you are Lucius, single father of two sons and a daughter." Rarity said. I took that for proof that she got the information,"But why couldn't we just talk-". She was quite rudely cut off.

The door then slammed open revealing Rarity's friends. I was lifted by a purple magic aura and flung against the wall violently.

"Rarity, run!" a purple unicorn shouted. This is Twilight Sparkle, a lavender unicorn with a matching purple mane highlighted with a streak of magenta. I stood unharmed. It was and always will be extremely hard to harm me.

"Twilight! That man has been through a lot! He's lost a wife and a child, and he has no friends." I was surprised Rarity defended me. She knew most of my past which isn't all that good,"You are the one of us who knows most about friendship, show us that then!" Mmm, psychology.

"Didn't even hurt." I said and stood,"but don't damage this robe, it means a lot to me." I had broken free from her magic so easily.

"How did that NOT hurt!?" Twilight screamed at me,"And how did you break free of my spell?"

"When you're immortal and me, nothing tends to harm you." I said with a sly smile,"And your magic has no will...it is just from a book or a teacher and practice until you know how to properly do it. Now power...whether is be a blessing or a given right or power, has your will as its power."

"Twilight! What in tarnation's goin' on in there?" an orange pony asked on her way in and she stared at me.

Two puffs of purple dark mist appeared on my right and a white holy puff of clouds appeared on my left. My seventeen year old, tan skinned daughter, Anna, came from the first dissipating dark mist, her brown hair reaching down to her lower back, brushed into an almost perfect group of parallel lines, while my fifteen year old son, Ben, with neatly combed black hair, came from the second. Ulric, my blonde haired son with holy powers came from the white light energy filled clouds, his pale skin matching the whiteness well. Anna and Ben took after me while Ulric took after his deceased mother.

"Ulric, Anna, Ben, so glad you all could join us." I said and hugged all three of them, receiving loving hugs back from all of them.

Anna was wearing a purple dress that faded to white at the bottom and frilled elegantly. A silver lace was throughout it as it cloaked her whole body. Ulric was wearing his pure white armor, designed with stories of his conquers that he had already done and trimmed with the greatest of gold. with a long silver sword on his side, no shield in sight. Ben adorned black armor, half as thick as my own armor, crafted from obsidian and symbols of much meaning to the Underworld were etched in, with a black sword that was zigzagged down to the tip laid rested on his back., the thick long blade was made from jet, a specialty of mine that I crafted for him on his fifteenth birthday. Both of my sons wore the symbol for death upon their chest plates.

"Um, Dad, where are we?" Anna asked me once I released them.

"Yeah, this doesn't look like Earth." Ulric remarked.

"This is Earth, but it is now called Equestria. It seems the planet has gone under a rebirth. We were in those damn chambers for three thousand years." I answered.

"Next question, who and what the are they?" Ben asked pointing to Rarity, Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash. They had come in and were staring at my children and me.

"From the information Miss Rarity gave me, that is Twilight," I pointed to the purple unicorn in front of me in a defensive pose,"that is Applejack," I moved my pointing finger to the left of Twilight who was also in an attack stance,"Rarity," I pointed to her directly in front of me looking at me with a friendly smile,"Rainbow Dash," I pointed at a cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail flying above Twilight,"Pinkie Pie," I moved my finger to the right of Twilight at the pink puffy maned pony,"and that is Fluttershy," I pointed under the couch.

"How did you know us?!" Pinkie screamed.

"Yea! Are you a spy!?" Rainbow dash said coming close to my face, pressing her nose against mine. I saw Ben grip his sword and slowly take a battle stance. I laid my hand on his shoulder and he relaxed, but still held the sword tightly.

"If I was a spy...well, I wouldn't need to be one, I can know most information anytime I want." I turned around and walked four steps.

"Why wouldn't you ever need to be one?" Twilight asked with curiosity.

"I could kill anything I please or look into its mind." I said turning back and throwing my hands in the air.

"Good thing ya called the princess, Twilight. We could be in trouble here." Applejack said and like clockwork I heard some rumbling outside.

"Ulric, Ben, Anna. Stay in here and don't harm them." I said and they responded with a nod.

"I assume this must be some welcoming committee." I said as I jumped over the ponies and walked outside.

"Interesting..." I said aloud as many black pegasi with bat wings in purple armor and white pegasi with feather wings in gold armor stood behind two alicorns.

The first alicorn was a deep blue with a matching, sparkling mane and tail, this is Luna who wore sliver attire. The second was a pure white with a flowing pink, green, and blue mane and tail, this is Celestia who wore golden attire. The guards flew into the air, hovering and all holding spears that pointed at me.

"I'll attend to you two princesses later. I have a party to get to and I shan't keep my guests waiting." I said with a small bow before I jumped into the air.

I dropped my illusion midair to bring out my wings. In my true form I am a black-boned skeleton. I clutched into a ball and started to put out my wings. The flaps in the back of my robe opened to allow my wings out. I stretched my limbs and uncurled as my wings shout out. Each of them were black bones with no shin and had a length of two yards each.

"I'd be glad to show you all had to waltz..." I said aloud as I took a battle pose. I quickly counted that there were roughly two hundred guards, all flying and ready for battle.

I didn't need Mortis Lamina at all for this fight, it would make it too easy. I formed dark fire and lightning around my body, clasping it to my shape. I gusted my wings once and bursted with great speed, becoming a bullet of pure terror. I busted straight through them all, making a little more than half hit the ground injured with some broken bones. I stopped for a moment while the guards were trying to regain their composure after seeing their comrades so easily defeated. I took this time to look down, the ponies and alicorns were staring up with opened mouths. My children, on the other hand, were smiling. They hadn't seen me fight in forever.

"Is that all you have!? My weakest trainee could wipe my castle floors with your faces!" I said with a smirk and they all surrounded me, excluding the ones lying on the ground, injured beyond battle.

The guards that circled me attempted to stab me to which I simply flew higher and quickly formed a dark orb in my hand and exploded it upon the closest below me. All the rest crashed out of the sky and landed all over ponyville from the explosion.They were alive, but far from being able to fight.

"You call yourselves guards? So shameful." I said as I drew my wings back inside my bones. I formed my illusion before I started to fall. I landed and slowly went into a crouch. I stood proudly. All of the ponies mouths were open. The few remaining guards landed, putting their spears on the ground.

"That was only about three percent of my power, I didn't get to have any fun." I said, smiling. They were all about to run except Rarity.

" Do not flee. I have no intend to harm any of you, especially Miss Rarity, the first to welcome me here." I said, I really didn't want to be branded that dreaded name again.

"Don't worry, Princesses. He's telling the truth." Rarity said and they all calmed.

A friend...standing up for me. How I longed for this to happen. Those years of resentment, hatred, beration, and sweet dark darkness.

"Would you mind explaining myself to them, Miss Rarity? I have some business to attend to." I asked.

"Of course, darling. Go tend to your business." Rarity replied. My head drooped and I felt like I was impaled on a holy blade that burned of hatred to the darkness.

"Don't..Don't ever speak like that..." I said with dread and despair in my voice.

"Why not, dearie?" Rarity asked and nudged my side.

Her...she talks like she used to...Violet...

"Just don't..." I lifted my head and dug a lightning bolt shaped whistle from my robes and blew it, I needed to know that all of my special friends were okay.

Eternity Returns (Part 2)

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AN: For future references a single ~ means Lucius has contacted his sword. Many ~ means he has mind connected with someone. Many - means a scene change.


The whistle made two slow high pitched squeals followed by three, the first two of the three being low and the last being high pitched. This tune rung out in the air three times, traveling a very far distance.

A black portal ripped open in the sky and the cry of a phoenix pierced the air and shut out all other sounds. A huge bird with a white patch of feathers on its chest bursted from the portal with a black body. The portal quickly shut behind it. The bird's feathers on its wings were dyed a deep blue at the start of the wings and slowly faded to white at the tip. Sparks raced all around it. the bird cried once more before slowing to a hover behind me.

"What kind of bird is that?!" Fluttershy asked while she ran up to it, curiousity in her eyes.

"This isn't a breed of bird. He is the only one of his kind. He is the legendary Thunderbird, spoke of as a myth. He is similar to a phoenix, but he controls electricity. I saved him from some demon collectors a very long time back and he still hasn't forgotten it." I said and grabbed onto one of his talons with my feet still on the ground.

"You don't mind if I craft a residence here, do you Celestia?" I asked.

"Where would you build it?" Celestia responded with concern.

"In those quiet looking woods over there." I said and pointed over to the Everfree Forest.

"I'll allow it." Celestia responded.

"Thank you." I responded then patted the Thunderbird with my right hand. He gusted his wings greatly and mini thunderbolts rained from his wings making black scorched spots the size of small mushrooms.

Chapter 2: Just Like Home [Part 1]

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I soared over the forest noticing all weird creatures. I have seen some odd monsters through my infinite lifetime, but these...timberwolves and ursa majors are really making me itchy to fight them.

I landed next to the castle of the two sisters. I would make this my home. I dismissed the Thunderbird and he flew back through a dark portal that opened in the sky.


"Hello, Celestia." I said telepathically.

"Who's there?!" Celestia yelled in her castle with the elements and her sister near her.

"It's me Lucius. I'm speaking through you mentally." I responded.

"What's wrong, dear sister?" Luna asked.

When I mind connect with someone I can see everything and feel everything from their perspective.

"Nothing, just Lucius speaking through my mind." Celestia responded. All the ponies in the throne room wore shocked faces.

"Just think of what you want to say and I'll hear it. Now to more important matters. May I remodel and rebuild the castle ruins in the Everfree Forest?" I asked.

"You may." I heard Celestia's response after a long train of thinking.

"Thank you, dear Celestia." I stopped mind connection when I felt her many different emotions of hers flare when I transmitted that.


I started to float bricks and shape them using my dark grip. The bricks were flying as the castle was being redesigned at lightning speeds, I was also cutting new onws from the surrounding rocks. I was going to repair this place and make it mine


"Mind connection? But he doesn't even have a horn or know magic! How could he possibly know a spell that very few unicorns could use?" Twilight was very skeptical.

"He has to if he did and maybe he can use magic with a different apparatus." Luna suggested.

"Actually, it isn't magic." Rarity interrupted the guessing game.

"Then what is it, Rarity?" Fluttershy asked.

"I don't know, I know that it is something that comes from deep within him, but I'm not sure." Rarity responded.

"Then we shall head to the EverFree Forest, find this mysterious man named Lucius, and interrogate him." Celestia said and guided them to prepare themselves for the meeting before traveling with a flash of her horn, all of them teleported to the castle ruins.

EverFree Forest...Afternoon

I just finished making the black stone castle and placing furnishings made from the trees around inside when I felt a holy presence behind me. I could tell it was attempting to be cloaked, but due to the extreme level of darkness in my being, I saw through the simple cover of its emission. I swung around quickly and grabbed whatever it is that appeared by its neck with my left hand. a white figure, wings, perhaps an angel. I summoned my favorite blade in my right hand and I prepared to plunge my blade into its heart when the blinding wind from my movement cleared and the rush withdrew a little from me. This 'angel' was in fact Celestia.

This small movement was made within a fraction of a second.

I felt a lot of magic build around me as well as a cloaked dark aura nearby Celestia. Luna, of course, appeared with a charged horn with the Elements of Harmony.

"Put the Princess down!" Twilight demanded while I continued to burrow into Celestia's soul through her magenta eyes.

I knew she could see the hate, the dwindling murder, and the darkness in my red pupils, I didn't care, I was used to such things. I could clearly see the fear, worry, and confusion in her eyes with the presence of panic and thinking.

"I should have brought this up earlier..." I spoke, adding more confusion to her and everyone around."You're a holy being..."

"What?" All but Luna questioned in unison.

"Celestia here has holy energy about her..." I spoke obviously.

Twilight's heart was most likely broken...I sure do love myself.

"You're lying, there is no holy being that lives!" Twilight uproared.

"Luna possesses dark attributes." I added, still keeping a grip on Celestia, Mortis Lamina ready to spear her chest. I was absorbing her magic, making her fatigue slowly.

"Put our sister down, immediately!" Luna boomed.

I wasn't scared of her at all. I could eviscerate all around me easily, but I wanted to get on good terms with these ponies so I complied.

Celestia dropped to the ground when I loosened my grip. She looked like a corpse.

"Sorry, but I don't like holy things too much." I said while Celestia stood, shaky, attempting to regain her composure.

"Welp, time for recess..." I spoke out loud walking away.

Mortal, you have no idea how much I fucked up now...you'll see my troubles.

I had uncloaked my dark aura, forgetting of the consequences.

"You all must flee, especially Luna. Some unwanted people are headed here." I commanded.

A blinding light filled the sky and all the Elements screamed, panicking. I sent them and Luna away in black mist, teleporting them somewhere into the Everfree Forest. Celestia stood, dumbfounded, before running off toward the ponies.

"Long time, no see, guys." I conversed with myself.

The eye burning light grew dimmer as a yellow portal was opened from it. It was sure to be seen all the way from the Crystal Empire. as it flashed once the portal was stable.

Hundreds of winged figures poured out from the holy transportation. They carried many types of weapons as they fled out. The portal closed, restoring the sky when the last exited, leaving thousands hovering dozens of miles in the sky.

I had dark fire surround my blade while I dropped my illusion.

Chapter 2: Just Like Home [Part 2]

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I spread my great black bone wings and took to the sky, smiling, feeling a tear of the heart come.

Damn...I missed the taste of battle and rush of spilling holy blood...

I saw myself high above the Everfree Forest, perhaps hundred of miles between the ground and us. I had decided to summon guards, so summon them I will.

My guards are all summoned from the Underworld in the most peculiar way. A huge portal is charged by my dark energy, which I put into a core for the portal to use. I just send mental thoughts over to it and the portal uses my dark energy to outline the guards I want based upon what I requested, it also loud-speakers my voice, letting them know what they'll be fighting and how to go about it. All this was started when I asked myself hundreds of years back, 'what couldn't dark energy do?'.

I charged energy into my dark friend and slashed the ground below me apart, a black and portal line swirling door opened, the portal's counterpart ready.

Guards jumped out, wearing the mostly purple and black lined armor with grace, handling all forty-five pounds with ease and grace. They landed around it and spread to the most strategic positions when they saw the angels. I had ordered two dragon riders with carried archers to come, and they arrived on schedule. The two riders, gripping their lances tightly as they flew vertical and came to my altitude. A third dragon that I hadn't ordered for rose out, my faithful rapier wielding royal guard riding it. The dragon stopped, flying next to me.

All my dragons were skeletal, just as the dark spirit form of all living thing is. But this dragon next to me, is different. I infused him with my own powers, the first dragon, an ancient mystery for mortals. Retneguile was the name he was given by my great godly father when he was created. A black flame brewed and hungered for battle in his chest.

"Your majesty, when I heard you were flying, I brought him from his cave and got him here quickly. For your great return." Edward stated, a happy vibe coming from him.

"That's why I love you eight royals, always ready to join me in the fray and slay. The few guards who actually care for their king, even if they don't show it." I spoke and jumped onto Retneguile, taking the saddle from Edward.

"I'll go lead the lower ranks on the ground, you have fun up here, your majesty." He finished speaking and jumped to the ground, gracefully landing after the long plummet, rolling twice after.

Edward readied most of the guards with their bows, pulling back the three pound arrows.

My arrows were of the highest quality, fast as the mortals' cowardish bullets, powerful enough to slam you onto your back, and stilk able to be shot. The head was not like any arrow head, it was a hollow iron ball, covered in spikes that extend out when it flys. These were made once I started the dark energy industrialisation in the Underworld. They were propeled up, so they stay on track, with my dark energy that I supplied to the fletchers. The arrow heads didn't extend into a ball, until they were taken from the quiver. These arrows slayed many creatures, mortals, and angels countless times in our battles.

"What the hay is going on here?!" Twilight had teleported back. The angels were staring off with us, equal hatred for each other shared.

My children were all present as well, Ben and Ulric ready to fight. Anna was surrounded by a group of guards as she held her shadowblade. The other elements were present down there along with the princesses and two new ponies, Princess Cadenza Mi Amore and Shining Armor. But introductions would come at a later time.

The commanding angel, wielding a flaming sword, flew in front of me. It was time to chat before war, as all noble armies did.

"We'll only say it once, you can flee now and prevent your destruction, or stay and be slaughtered." I spoke, staring at the leader of their soon to skirmish party.

"We'll stay and defeat you, I hope that won't be a problem." He replied in a holy voice filled with some kind of justice.

"So be it..." I grabbed my specially crafted lance from Retneguile's side,"Let the battle begin!" I bellowed to all.

Retneguile was a good friend of mine, bearing four wings, six legs, and a spade tail accompanied with a spike ball tail. He was of enormous size, far greater and more powerful than the other dragons. He was, after all, the first.

"For the Underworld!" My faithful guards shouted to the sky.

"For you..." I whispered to myself.

"For the new wielder!" The angels let out their own war cry.

Some of the angels took to the ground to attack the few guards seen there.

The dragonriders that flew with me, took to their own, each carrying three archers with the rider.

I flew straight up and into the crowd of flying angels who raised their shield and began to ready their weapons.

Retneguile and I made a damn good team in battle, this statement couldn't be denied.

Retneguile dovedown into the crowd and I rose my lance, charging dark energy into it. I speared two angels onto it, swinging them off, spiraling them to the ground.

"FIIIRRE!" I heard Edward shout from below as he was fencing gracefully with his double bladed rapier, parrying blows and sending foes into their allies.

My guard's arrows bursted out of the trees and straight up into the sky of angels.

Angels grunted and shouted with pain as the spikes were lodged into their limbs and torso, sending them to the ground, heavily wounded or dead. Arrows were now shot out of the trees in all directions with no timing as they flew to the now cautious angels.

A great smile graced my face as I slapped angels about with my lance while Retneguile chewed, bit, and slammed his legs and head into them.

"Retneguile, give them a taste of darkness, old friend." I spoke to him and he laughed drawing his head back, inhaling air.

The dark fire grew aroused in his rib cage and blasted out of his mouth, scorching the air and angels in front of us.

"I forgot how much fun this is." He commented, laughing heartily as he slayed more and more.

Most of the angels in the sky were forced to the ground, injured or running. The dragons were sent back into the portal at my command. I dove off Retneguile as he headed back, leaving my lance on his side.

Landing atop an angel in the woods, I looked about, listening to the clash of steel. The forest was empty of battle and the archers were forced to draw swords as they went into the open field in front of my newly made castle.

I drew the Death Sword from my back and ran to the battle, quickly arriving even in my thick ruby armor.

"Such fun!" I bellowed, slamming my blade into the back of an angel. Blood poured from his back, gracing the ground with its great powers, splattering my helmet and chestplate, giving me more of an intimidating look.

I continued to fight, the ponies of this world wondering just how my guards were so strong.

I believe I covered their training, but in case not...they are all pushed to their nonexistence so many times while they train.

Blood was over all of us and covering the ground so beautifully, the humans did know splashing paint was good art, but blood always left more interesting shapes.

After a while, all the angels were laying face down, drinking in the blood that they seeped from their motionless bodies. My guards had gone back into the castle and left me with the arc angel, my royal guards still staying out to protect my precious children.

We had one angel captured, ready for the portal ritual.

I quickly formed a large hollow dark orb and sent it above the battlefield, blue flames already gathering in it from the fallen angels. It grew larger as more and more joined their ranks among the destroyed. I quickly ran towards the arc angel, my arm prepped to begin my slashes of dread and despair.

"Keep trying. I enjoy killing you all so dearly. My day would not be complete." I taunted, swinging quickly across, my body spinning around as he barely blocked my blow, his arm easily tossed aside.

"Such a good effort...if it wasn't me." I replied to his feeble attempt and began an onslauht of graceful slashes, carrying my essense into each one, slamming the arc angel in all directions.

After that intial blow to knock his block away, my next strike came back in a downward diagonal line, smacking his arm clear off, forcing him to drop his shield and gallons of beautiful crimson. The next I spun, building kinetic energy in my right arm, rapidly building speed and ensured it cut him deep across his entire torso. I kept my energy flowing with one more spin in my barrage of death and speared him clear onto my blade by his thick thigh, splintering his armor like plastic. I held his body to the air.

"And victory..." I smiled, silence all around me.

"We could have avoided all of this if you just went back from where you came."

I slashed out of his thigh, his body splattering on the ground, leg ripped from his body in a rain of red drops. His head was left with a large indent from his landing, a few bones broken.

"Sorry if you all had to see that...I...am the new force here. King Lucius of the Underworld," I nodded my head as I had suddenly rushed in front of all the ponies, "pleased to meet you all. I already know your names."

"Mother of Celestia, we are all doomed to die." Shining Armor mumbled under his breath.

"No, not yet, Shining...Down to business...Have you found any explanation for how I was sent here?" I turned to the princesses, my eyes still having the same battle lusted glare that thirsted for more violence.

"Yes, we actually have," Celestia responded, "we should make our way to the Crystal Empire."

"So we shall." I said softly, shrouding us all in dark mist, making all but the princesses and Rarity panic.

We had quickly arrived in the Crystal Palace from my efficient transportation, in one of the many sky blue halls decorated with rich furniture and exotic flowers.

"Show me the way. You know I do not like to wait." My tone was serious and sounded like it held an unknown threat behind it.

Without a word, Celestia led the whole group and me down the halls, an air of fear around them all as they stayed silent.

I love my passive intimidations.

With the silent trip complete, we arrived to a huge double door, one of the many here.

"Elements, Cadence, and Shining Armor, I need you to wait outside please."

"Understood, princess." Twilight spoke and nodded her head.

Celestia led me into the dark room with outlined black shapes of various castle decor.

Chapter 3: All That Remains

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"There, that mirror..." I spoke before any of them could utter a word, lighting the room with a good sized dark flame.

"How exactly did you know?" Celestia asked, surprised in my knowledge of the secret portal that was a woman's elaborate window of beautification.

"Can you feel it? All the souls right there, ripe for my revenge. This is absolutely wonderful, a way of traveling into a world without accessing the Not." I was beginning to smile quite maliciously, thinking of all the ways that world would fall.

"Wait, what?!" Celestia outraged, surprised at my words.

Luna and Cadenza began to back away oh so slowly, scared of me from what they had already seen. I was a being to be afraid of after all, I did slay trillions, destroyed cities daily, and took so much joy in what I do.

"Why are you so shocked? The humans deserve every right of the death they are receiving. They did take her away from me and that will not stand, justice must be delivered. And after, the heavens will kneel before me when I blow open the golden gates and send forth their deserved hell."

"Lucius, don't do this. Everybody deserves a second chance at life, even you had a second chance, many chances." Celestia was trying her best to persuade me not to do this.

"I was not granted a second chance by them, nothing is going to change the fact that they all deserve to die." I raised up my hand to the mirror, dark energy visibly flowing to it.

"You will not be able to open it up, that portal is stuck closed for three moons." Luna spoke smugly, sure she would foil my plan.

A great gust of wind forced them all to battle it to stay standing, the portal glowing softly, opened. There is nothing dark energy can't do...

Mortal, welcome to my world

I began to approach it, my armor slowly fading in around me from the dark energies that I controlled. My armor was so very elaborate an decorative, many people wonder how my blacksmiths created it. Almost impenetrable, it is made from ruby with half a foot encasing me, quite a hard thing to get resources for, and with a black, shining obsidian coat over it. Spikes sprout as high as eight inches to just an inch, decreasing in size as it went down my my shoulders to my forearms and down my outer thighs, shorter there. Curved blades, like talons, came from my fingers and toes, just more pain infliction for anyone who dares to defy me. To top of all of it, the armor had many symbols and engraved designs in it, making me appear magnificent but also intimidating, the symbol for death in the Underworld, the symbol on my kingdom's banner, was studded into the chestplate as well as the back plate. A well made, purple fur, thick cape covered my back, purely for decoration, but that piece wasn't here today, it was time to fight, not impress.

My illusion already dropped and wings out through the special flaps that seal perfectly in my armor, pupils glowing with the dark fire in them, the hunger for spilling crimson grew within me. And with the thirst for blood, came the thirst for vengeance. As with all of that, came the thoughts and the foresight in my head, and the great things I would be doing. I found myself smiling.

I walked through the portal, remembering my unshared plan to turn the town I popped out of into a soul ranch for me. And well enough, I came out in front of Canterlot High, everyone looking at me with fear as I floated above the town and swallowed every building, every tree, every person, and every farm in it with a giant black bubble which I then proceeded to move, with quite a lot of compacted dirt and rocks below it to Equestria. A great new human town would be sustained in front of my castle, right inside the canyon.

With the town gone, I had a great aura of darkness coming off me and the crater below me, which housed a purple portal, which deposited my forces, my dragonriders with their great, bus long lances, my highly skilled elite teams, and even my great chimeric beast into the fight, which I will explain later. All my great ways of destroying these humans were here, and I could feel every counter-force coming out of the yet to be affected, other side of the Earth, every single angel, it seemed they were sending almost all in the heavens. My dark aura was too strong for them to create a portal directly in it.

And the humans, oh I forgot them so easily, their lives just mean absolutely nothing. I could taste every delectable fear and scream of terror and agony from each and every soul before my forces destroyed said soul and sent it to the darkest blade, my friend in my hand. I loved doing this.

I remembered that I was still destroying Earth, the land was already burning from fire my forces started, the land grey and ruined, following the way the Underworld is. I created a small, burning, sparking dark orb, slowly pouring my energy into it as it sat in the air, growing bigger and bigger.

I felt a holy presence near me right before I was tackled and sent flying back through the mirror with whomever had done so. I had left the mirror because it would have served as an instrument for my human cattle to escape their pin that is a city. I found myself back in Equestria, soon on my feet in the room with the mirror, the Elements of Harmony, as Celestia would call them, stood in the room now, staring wide eyed at me and my foolish assailant.

And there he was, an imperfect reincarnation of Dacius, yet another wielder of the Heavenly Sword for me to slay. That accursed blade may have had a simple, shining white blade with engravings, but the handle and handguard were a literal angel with wings, quite elaborate. I knew this blade well for I fought it countless times. The man holding it was a young boy, barely old enough to grow stubble on his cheeks, he had great wings, impressive for a kid, his armor was also matching that of an Arc Angel's, just a little more detail and work put into it.

"Good thing you are here. We get to continue the Legend today. Watch in awe, ponies, for you get to witness the history of every universe!" I boomed in the room, Dacius silently preparing himself for battle against me.

"What is going on?!" Twilight shouted, first of the ponies to say something.

I decided to entertain with dialogue, let the foolish, but I am going to enjoy this, I am going to let the brave kid have a false hope for killing me.

"Simple, Twilight, my dear. The extinction of Earth and those damned humans on them. Darkness is always going to reign supreme." I smiled to myself, hidden under my helmet as I walked toward the holy being, my footprints burning with pitch black fire from my intense dark aura and energy stored up inside me. You can actually feel the hatred for the wielder of the heavenly blade, the inevitable murder, and death all around me. I had this power and I loved it.

:Death is eminent for you." My voice got even more demonic, dark, and fear inducing than before, striking terror into every creature that heard me.

I struck my blade over him and he amazingly blocked, but at the cost of his weapon quickly digging deep into the floor of the Crystal Palace from my blow, digging it all the way to the handguard.

"Lucius, stop this!" Celestia regained her senses and foolishly chose to oppose me. She shot a ray of heated, holy energy at me which I easily took, corrupted it into my own dark energy and shot it back towards her, scaring her before I changed it around to my real foe, who impressively blocked it with his reclaimed weapon, continuing to block it as I sapped the energy out of her forcefully, causing her to collapse unconscious when she ran out.

"Stop!" Luna cried over her sister, opting to not attack me, knowing it would in fact help me.

"Not until he dies a great suffering death." I responded, glaring back at Dacius.

"Before you even think of overcoming me, consider that I conquered hell and extinguished her flames, I destroyed universes in my wake."

"I will still destroy you." He retorted quite simply."

"Foolish mortal, I hope you have been training."

I had been charging my dark energy this whole time, and now I am pumping it into my body and powering myself. My body size increased slightly as my fingers and toes under my armor grew out into sharpened blades. Black fire began to race all over me from my immense power as I kept getting more and more from the Death Sword. Death was my essence.

Everyone in that room shuddered at the sight of me except for Dacius. He simply came at me, charging, jumping up and laying his blade upon me.

This boy had courage, which was just about all he had other than being well trained, but he was still stupid to even try. I quickly grabbed his foot and tore him from the air and introduced his front side to the crystal floor. I picked him up and began strangling him, laughing just a little, showing that I was having quite a lot of fun.

"You are very amusing to toy with." I said clearly to his face before I sent him straight through the thick crystal wall, leaving a good gap.

I raced after him, catching up easily before he hit the next wall, and then the floor. I drove my hand through his chest and pierced his heart, engulfing his body in dark flames, watching as the Heaven Sword disappeared from his hand in white flames.

I walked back through the gap in the wall, sensing my forces have finished up slaying the angels and the humans, already gone from Earth. I began to send the great orb, now three times the size of Earth into the planet, causing it to break apart into the smallest pieces, destroying everything that was left of the humans.

"Was there every any doubt?"

I smiled, knowing exactly what was next. It was time to get the very last thing for the portal to the Heavens, blood of the wicked, which meant it was time to go to
Tartarus. Celestia was awake as I began to revert my form, my armor fading as I put my illusion back up and was dressed in my normal royal robes.

"All of you will live, I want you as friends, not enemies." I spoke and Rairty trotted up to me.

"We are all wondering, what are you going to do, King Lucius?" She asked quite politely.

"While I enjoy the recognition, please call me just Lucius, Miss Rarity. My plans are to strengthen your entire nation, from security to magic and everything in between." I smiled and patted her head, my blood lust sated.

"And also to bring back someone dear to me." I added after a slight pause.

"And who is this person thou speakest of?" Luna inquired.

"My wife, who now lives in the Heavens against her will..." I responded, saddened, remembering that she was slain by those damned humans.

"We can't let you do that." Celestia spoke, daring to rival me yet again.

"I already know that your sister is starting to accept that I am far superior. Watch your words as well, an elite team or an extremely high ranked guard is all it would take to end your life, Celestia." I responded, glaring at her, defying my plan of actions.

"I am also improving your own kingdom, so maybe you should let me do what needs to be done." I added.

I know I already had the wing from one of my dragon's to serve as the opposite of an angel's wing. I also knew that I had a captured angel. All that was left for the portal ritual to the Heavens was blood of the wicked and I already mentioned where to go to get that.

"Do you still plan to stop me, Celestia?" I asked, wondering if her opinion changed.

"Only if you bring harm to my little ponies." She responded, once again calm and regal.

"Now then, I need somebody to point me the way to Tartarus. I have things to slay." I stated, receiving confused looks from all of them.

"I need blood of the wicked, and I need it quite badly." I explained myself.

"If that is the case, then I can show you where it is." Twilight spoke shyly, still very scared of me. I can not even blame her for the nightmares she would surely have of me while she slept.

"Good, but we can do so tomorrow, I need my rest to regenerate all this lost dark energy and so do you all. I am sure I have traumatized many of you. When I do go to Tartarus, I want you to come with me, Miss Rarity, so you can at least inform Twilight to not be afraid of me as much and explain to her why I am doing what I am doing along the way." I spoke and with that I left in a puff of dark mist, appearing in my room of the castle in Equestria.

I quickly took off my robes, leaving myself in my sleeveless vest like shirt and pants, taking off my boots after. I then collapsed on my bed, knowing I would not be disturbed with three of seven of my royal guards watching over me while I slept and rejuvenated my dark energy. So, slept I did.

Chapter 4: Tartarus Swathed in True Darkness

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After one full day of sleep, I had enough energy to make Tartarus empty, but I would have to rest again. It was worth it no matter how exhausted I got. All of it was worth it if I could undo a death and bring a person back.

Coincidentally, I had guests that morning, and since I do not need to eat, even if it is an enjoyable process, I decided to tend to my guests, which would either be Celestia or Rarity and Twilight, or perhaps all three of them.

With that said, I donned a new set of robes after quite a quick shower and began the long trek through my new style halls that matched the way the Underworld Castle was, oh great nostalgia indeed. The drapery was still being knitted and sowed together, which took time even for my amazing seamstresses, so some halls were adorned with them, some were not.

I arrived at the front gates of my new home in about ten minutes. Not nearly as long as it took in the Underworld to do, half an hour to an hour depending if you were rushing or not.

My guards opened the doors and behind the gates outside of the castle, was indeed, Twilight and Rarity.

"Good morning, friends, nice to see you all so early." I spoke even if the sun was at a 45 degree angle.

"It is ten in the morning...you like to sleep in, don't you?" Twilight commented.

"I really do not even need sleep, I only slept while my wife was still about and that was because it was enjoyable to sleep next to her. But this time, I used up quite a lot of energy and put a lot of strain on my body, so I had to recuperate." I responded, smiling, glad to see that after Rarity's explanation of me, Twilight was no longer afraid.

"To Tartarus today, correct?" Rarity asked in a chipper voice.

"Indeed, and so we shall depart at once, on foot." I answered.

Twilight stood a bit annoyed, but agreed to the method of travel none the less, leading us in the direction to the gates of Tartarus. We all engaged in some talk along the way, these ponies loved to make friends and talk...

"So, what is your world like?" Twilight asked.

"Which one, Earth, which I utterly destroyed yesterday, or the Underworld, which I rule over?" I asked, us not making eye contact as we walked through some woods.'

"The Underworld, I already know about earth." Twilight responded.

Rarity was just staying silent as she walked beside me, Twilight leading us. She must just be observing our conversation.

"Did Rarity not discuss it with you yesterday?"

"She didn't, she only told me what you were doing and your reasons behind it as well as the extent of your power and about your family."

"Well, the Underworld has trillions and trillions of citizens, making us the biggest kingdom to exist without a doubt. We have so many in our guard force and they are so well trained. All who have been slain by me, associate themselves with me, or do not go to the heavens, end up in the Underworld." I spoke,smiling.

"Do they even enjoy it there?"

"Indeed, it is like an endless life with all your loved ones there. My guards are happy to serve as they get a chance to visit Earth many times."

"Are you lying to me?" Twilight accused.

"No, darling. Lucius is not lying to you, he may seem like a bad person, but he never lies." Rarity defended me.

Having many friends here doesn't seem all that bad...

The rest of the way to the gates of Tartarus was silent as we went through a swamp and arrived at a cave, Cerberus outside, who didn't attacked, since he recognized Twilight.

A great stone slab with inscribed runes stood against the flat cave wall behind Cerberus. This three-headed dog would pose no problem to my mission.

"Before I continue, I should let you know something, Twilight." I spoke.

"And what is it?" She was obviously intrigued while I continued to stare at the stone slab behind Cerberus.

"What I do affects everyone and the status of everything in every universe. I was the reason for Nightmare Moon arising at the time she did, why she returned and why Luna was getting bitterness in in her heart. I was going through the things that made me who I am, going through my trials as a King, my rising as a being of true darkness. Discord came back and caused chaos because I was causing chaos on Earth, slaying many people, crashing down countless cities. Even why Sombra came up...was because of me."

I decided it was time the show began ad so, I summoned my friend into my hand and quickly soul bonded with it.

Soul bonding with someone or something is only a feat or the extraordinary, but when this is done, two souls embody one body and they share the actions. It sounds very dangerous, considering if the two fight over what the body does, it can become deadly for them during battle, so the Death Sword and I have decided to take turns based upon who killed someone last. This is a way of obtaining great power.

I began to use this great power and armor denser and harder than any known or unknown material began to cover my body, my illusion fading. The armor pieces, just enough to call good protection, melded into my bones, protecting my shins and the back of my legs as well as my thighs. My arms, forearms, and my wrists have also been covered by this metal, fusing with me quite well, becoming secured in position. The edges of these plates of armor were sharp, the plates simple with no design, unlike my battle armor that was forged for me.

Soul bonding also gave euphoria in emotions, making whomever who soul bonded the happiest they have ever been, making them an almost unstoppable force.

For me, I really was unstoppable.

The armor was adorned with special gems that were not anywhere else, but on it, they each represented part of the dark blade's power.

Ravisite, a red jewel, on the shin guard of my left leg, representing the great strength darkness had.

Eviscerium, a purple gem, embedded in my left forearm piece, showing the great speed that darkness had, after all, it was always there before light ran in.

Bloton, a very out of place white metal that sparkles like any other gem, it was lustrous on my right leg, showing the endurance that darkness has for surviving many purges of holy forces.

Dimarin, a blue crystal in my right arm, it showed all the power of just pure dark energy, which these ponies have seen quite a lot of.

And Evarkenite, a pure black stone in my chestplate, the superior to all, the perfect mixture of all the great powers of darkness together.

I invaded Cerberus' mind and froze his movements, making sure he could not stop me. Twilight and Rarity sat in awe, speechless at what I had done. I then poured my dark energy into the stone slab, breaking open the portal to Tartarus, flames spouting out, heat filling the whole cavern.

I looked in and down, a spiral of land going down deep into the flames, a tornado of lava and fire was centered in the middle, demons walking everywhere, some chained, some free, their chains broken of so much time imprisoned. They noticed me and I dived right on in, creating a purple orb that blocked their exit and the holding cell for their blood.

Eviscerium was glowing brightly and with it came changes the the dark blade in my hand.

The Death Sword split into two crescent blades, becoming a liquid until it reformed in this graceful, curved, decorative form, arcing perfectly, spikes at the end of each one, my hands behind the blades. I landed with grace on the burning hot stone that didn't bother me at all.

The demons all looked at me with blood lust, wanting to kill the invader for the sake of killing something. They quickly charged, unaware that they were going to meet death quite quickly.

I quickly moved my arms, my movements barely keeping up with my mind as my arms were blurring constantly, my body a living whirlwind. The blades were invisible from my motions, skin tearing and bone cutting winds were generated from them. The demons were clearly torn and cut clean, flying limb by limb, head by head. Their tainted blood was zooming all the way up to the purple orb, pooling inside, good amounts already gathered.

I quickly raced downward, going deeper and deeper into Tartarus, slaying more and more powerful demons, their ugliness showing their power. But no matter how strong they were, they could not overcome me. The purple orb I created was quickly filled and disappeared, the blood staying in a container at the castle, a new dark orb replacing the old, storing more, starting anew.

I was easily cutting through all of the foul creatures, dozens and dozens of demons were falling from my vicious attacks.

In a few more minutes, Tartarus was left empty and twenty purple orbs had been filled, the last one with roughly a third space left.

I had decided to teleport Rarity and Twilight home as I went back to the castle myself.

It was there that I broke my soul bond and reached the emotional lowest of lows. Breaking a soul bond puts strain on the body and lower your emotions back down and puts them even lower, making you in a state that is mentally unstable. I immediately opted to sleep, so sleep I did, beginning to recuperate my energy. The ritual would be tomorrow.

Chapter 5: The Darkest One Returns

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I stood in the tallest tower in Canterlot, Celestia's room, she requested it was done up here so it could easily be contained if something went awry and the destruction would be minimal up so high in the air. All the elements stood behind her, Luna at her side. Even Cadenza and Shining Armor made it up here, if only to protect the others.

"Finally, all the pieces are in place...we have all we need to destroy a home of a god." I spoke, taking the blood and painting a large circle on the floor, Celestia's rug had been moved before all this.

I easily painted the symbol of life, the very one I saw many times on the armor of my greatest foe that always fell by my blade. Three circles remained on the outer edges of the ritual design, one I placed the skeletal dragon's wing on, the next I placed the sedated angel on, he was quite knocked out from drugs, and the third, I put Celestia on.

"Pour your holy energy into the center of the great circle...this is what is left." I commanded.

Celestia hesitated.

"Auntie, he is doing this for love, for someone he holds so dearly. Just remember what I told you." Cadenza spoke with her very feminine voice.

Celestia sighed, firing a beam of her energy into the circle, making it instantly glow yellow, shining the repeated pattern on the dome ceiling.

The design quickly began the catch with white flames, the angel and the wing floating into the air and spinning slowly, rapidly gaining speed as they centered the middle. Celestia continued to blast the ritual cir le with her energy.

"Royals, show yourselves." I spoke and all seven royal guards appeared from dark mist, each one carrying their own specially made weapons and standarized bow that only they held.

"You seven will lead the forces into what will most certainly be a great battle. We must win, this is our final attack." I informed them.

"Wait, what?" Twilight questioned.

My forces were crowded in the corridors, easily keeping all of Celestia's guards out, making sure I could move in without a problem. All of them were present, the Underworld guarded from reapers by a great black shield charged from the large dark energy core below the city there, the same went for my Equestrian castle. Eighteen billion of my forces were there, gathered from multiple universes, all trained extremely well. My elite teams, specialists, and even my dungeon keepers were present, nothing could stop us all. The ponies had been outwitted, I transported them through a portal when we were all in this room...the preparation for the ritual was a great excuse.

"You have been outplayed..." I mumbled back, the ponies still in awe at what was happening.

The two ritual objects clashed together in the middle, a white blinding light exploded from them, a yellow rimmed portal shown, showing the very golden gates on top of clouds that revealed the golden city and marble streets behind them, a great castle in the distance. The circle had turned from the deep crimson of tainted blood to a shining yellow that added a great design to Celestia's floor.

My royal guards opened Celestia's bedroom door and my forces ran in, entering the portal, dozens moving, two royals already inside to lead them to our inevitable victory.

"Sorry Celestia, but I had to, I could not go in by myself, I would survive, but not return with my lovely wife." I spoke.

"How dare thou fib to us!" Luna yelled at me.

"I never lied. I just hid this from you." After many great numbers of my forces had entered, a royal guard would go in to lead them, already sounds of battle were coming from the portal.

"But...I thought..." Cadence looked quite broken as she spoke her words.

"Yes, it was partly for love, but also partly for my deep hatred of holy forces. Celestia will be the last holy being alive." I spoke, waiting and waiting for my forces to finish entering.

After a while, my forces stopped entering, the roof soon being lifted with my great dark grip, moving every brick and structural piece aside neatly piling them in the room. My dragons and other skeletal creatures began to enter the portal, providing our second main offense in the last battle of the war.

"This time...none of them will live." I spoke walking to the portal.

A wall of yellow light blocked me and I traced it's energy supply back to its source.

"Celestia, do not try to stop me, you WILL regret it."

"I must not allow you to go through that portal, even if Cadence approves of it."

"You foolish horse." I disappeared in black mist, reappearing behind her, gripping her horn and applying excessive amounts of pressure, causing her a lot of pain.

While doing so, I snapped each one of her limbs and fractured them as much as I desired, damaging even her wings. I let go of her horn, leaving her as a crumpled mess on the floor. I once again walked to the portal and entered.

Chapter 6: The Beginning of the End

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It was time to unleash full darkness upon the heavens. The portal was left open, I made sure of it.

The sight...it was glorious. Blood everywhere, death in the air, dark energies overwhelming the holy auras. I began to let my darkness seep in, causing drastic effects of the environment in this supposed paradise. The golden clouds began to turn to black and rage with the fury of storms, the stone buildings carved and sculpted to look like masterpieces began to slowly crumble and age thousands of years in mere moments. The shining sun that hung so close to the land has slowly dimmed before it burst and roasted many angels. I could feel her aura far in the distance...the darkness that mixed with holy. I began rushing through the battlefield that was all of the heavens. And of course, the damned beings attempted to stop me, but they could not do much, none could ever do much, they quickly fell by my blade or fell ill from my dark energies.

Yes, sickness, the worst kind of "virus" known. Humans dubbed it Descent, which thoroughly sums up all of it, the hopelessness that falls over you and all those around you, knowing you'll die and become one of mine regardless of what you do. It was the best illness to hit the world. And it looked glorious. First came the color loss from your skin, your eyes, everything and you began to turn a beautiful mixture of black and deep purple, the colors that often ran with dark energy. At this point, the carrier of my blessing was ostracized from all others as their mind slowly went more and more insane until they went right past mania into dementia and went on to being extremely paranoid and violent. They would attempt to kill anything near them that moved from their paranoia and the added anger.

Soon, yes soon, I stood at the entrance to a great building, shoving the door open and seeing all the familiar faces, thirteen...I quickly turned around and ran out, chased by angels with great wings and holding very well known blades...the previous users of the one thing I despised the most. I kept on going until I went through the portal, stopping among the rubble, the ponies staring at me yet again and the figures who came out. I needed to fight them all somewhere that wasn't their territory, somewhere where they couldn't manipulate the environment, and Equestria was perfect.

All of them had brought the assault on me and I was stuck defending myself, even with all my current power. This would be a difficult battle. I quickly sent out a message and a soul, a very familiar one zoomed from the dark blade in my hands. A large form of a royal guard stood, Siegfried, returning in all his glory, holding the sword that would rival the size of any monument, just a simple, black edge and white fuller made up the sharp blade, the handle was half the height of himself. He held it with ease, dark energy coming off of him. He quickly began swinging about the room, crushing more of it to clear structure for his massive sword to swing more properly. I had made the entire place once again grow gloomy with my presence. I quickly began the fight, charging in at them with Siegfried standing behind me.

I was on the offense for a little while, swinging rapidly and with precision, trying to end each life around me quickly. The minute one swipe came at me, I found myself defending. I heard a large wind motion and soon jumped, a few did with me and we continued battling in the air. Two of the twelve had been clearly crushed and sliced in half by Siegfried's great blade. I was pushing off other angels to remain in the center while changing to offensive yet again. Blood has exploded all over the rubble and the remaining combatants.

I only managed to get a good slash on one of them that I achieved after using the force of one of the angels parries and turning it into a quickly made attack on the leg of the now bleeding angel. It was after this that I had to go right back to being on a defensive stance. Seigfried had begun to swing his great blade at us in the air, knowing I would move out of the way. He caused the Angels to have something more to worry about. I quickly gathered dark energy within myself before letting out a powerful burst of it, causing the angels to fling back. I chased after one of them, impaling it onto my blade, defeating it with ease. Nine of the twelve remained. I used my force to fling myself off and back into the air.

They soon were upon me once again, harsh on their offensive. I had to use everything I knew to come out as winner in this, and I knew it, they knew it. I quickly began to charge even more dark energy up, this time I had a different idea in mind. There was a very hard to do thing that few powerful beings could do, and I began to manifest two shadows forms of me on the ground, near Seigfried. My mind began to process much more acutely as I took in the same analysis three times, save for what I was touching and me view point. I was seeing through three pairs of eyes as the black and purple swirling forms of me formed shadow blades and rushed at the angels in the air, Seigfried still swinging, his own form slowly dispersing as his soul's power waned. He would soon return to the Death Sword, without a doubt. Some of the angels soon got distracted, focusing on the other two forms of me. They divided quite well, three for each of us. I was able to slowly turn the tides of my own battles and began to take the offensive side, moving with great speed, the angels barely able to counter, parry, or block any of my attacks.

They began to heavily endorse the uses of their holy energy, forcing me to expend even more of my own. Our battles were taken everywhere in the room, fought on walls, the floor, sometimes using the roof as an advantage. I had to avoid blasts of yellow beams and orbs, but eventually, they had tired themselves out after many hours of battling and must have slipped up, allowing me to off each of them, one by one. Each time I was swift, and thorough, making sure my blade ended them. I had my two copies disappear and Seigfried was already back inside my dark blade, his last duty performed.

I continued to have dark energy pumped thoroughly into me, gaining more and more strength to continue on. I landed on the floor silently. All the ponies present were indeed smart and chose to watch the battles from afar and stared at my in fear and awe at what I had done. I slayed the souls of all twelve who were once wielders of the Heaven Sword...except one who once was, the main reason why this siege began.

And there was the reason, my wife, returned. Long blonde hair, reaching to her thighs, blue piercing eyes that were almost always soft, but this event probably had her emotions spiked. Round cheeks that were described everything cute, a button nose to further show the femininity present on her, she was the most beautiful mortal that lived...now immortal. In a regal white dress trimmed with real golden embroiderings that accented her beauty even more. She was perfect inside and out, her palish skin seeming to glow as she stood in front of the portal. I continued to stare at her, overwhelmed with emotions.

"I told you it was for love...all in the end, he really did love her to do this." Cadence spoke. I ignored her completely, I ignored all my surroundings, nothing mattered right now.

After a while of us just staring at each other, I finally began to slowly walk towards her, her piercing gaze never changing. There was complete silence in the room until about halfway there was a great cheering coming from the portal, no more sounds of battling...My forces had indeed won...they were probably soon going to gather fallen brothers and sisters armor suits and prepare the ceremonies for honoring them...and then come out and close off the portal.

I continued walking once the cheering ended, she still never changed her gaze, though she did look down to the fallen twelve wielders, her own angelic wings outstretched, she was the only person that could morally call herself an angel. About ten steps away she formed a yellow orb in her left hand and held it up as if she was going to throw it, the heavenly blade soon forming in her hand, she pointed the legendary blade at me.

"Take no steps further or I will end you..." She spoke in a commanding voice. They had to have changed her, filled her head with all these false intentions of mine. She accepted that I killed and destroyed before all this, it is what I do.

"I see they've done things to your head...to change your view on your husband. But what of your own kids?" I questioned, hoping to play at some strings in her heart.

"They are all dark, just like you." She retorted.

"Even Ulric?"

"Him too." I was astonished at these words...and I was forming a plan even as we spoke.

"How will you end me? you know my powers surpass anyone's now." This was a mind game now.

"Because I know you won't dare hurt me."

"And so you'd rather like me to spiral downward into such a mad descent that I bring even more ruin, suffering, and despair to mortals as are my ways when dealing with these things?" I knew I had her.

"I'll save them from you, easily. I've grown with my powers now..." She became something so very different.

"Can't you see that he's trying to recall memories and bring the real you back? He loves you with all his heart, he did this siege to bring you back!" Cadence spoke, probably the only one of them to be on my side.

"He only did it to wipe out all the angels." Her mind was too changed, it'd take so much to undo this.

"That's only one reason...the other was to get you back." I slowly walked toward her again, she lowered her blade.

She once again thrust it up to my face but before it hit me, I grabbed it, despite the cut it left that burned in my skin with such a maddening pain. She tried blasting the orb at me but I quickly nullified it using an overwhelming amount of dark energy. And I just embraced her, I hugged her tight, and I didn't know why. I hoped that it would bring her back...somewhere, deep down inside me, even though that the thousands of years of knowledge within my head told me it wouldn't...but I experienced for the first time in forever, such a human emotion, such hope within me.

Chapter 7: The Middle and the Intervention

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I continued hugging her tight, and she had done nothing back. There was no return of the embrace, I was just hugging a person who was blinded by forces that shouldn't have intervened. I felt wetness come to my eyes and tears slowly began rolling down my cheeks as I held her, my armor maybe causing her some discomfort, but that soon faded away and my illusion set in once again, my body covered in my heavy, regal black robe, gemstones dim from the atmosphere around us that soon left and went back to normal, the room bright colors again, but now in ruins.

And I stood, in utter silence, weeping, dampening her shoulder for a good while before a blast of holy energy pushed me off her that punched me right in my stomach. I went stumbling back, tears still freely flowing. The ponies could now see these tears and they were all astonished, except for Cadence, who knew all too well what was taking place.

I felt the pain burn on my front side. I began to call upon my dark energy once more, but I barely could. I couldn't strip her of her holy powers temporarily, I was only able to heal myself and numb the pain physically. I looked to the audience and scanned each of their faces. Celestia looked on in disbelief and confusion, Luna held some of the same emotion in her face, but her eyes shown sympathy, Rainbow Dash was only looking on in awe, Shining Armor stood mouth closed, but in his eyes lay confusion. I looked back to her, Violet, and she still held a piercing gaze, but it looked a bit softer. I once more looked to the ponies, scanning again. Pinkie Pie was crying silently with me even though my own tears were slowly coming to a halt. Rarity had sympathy and a tad bit of anger on her muzzle. Applejack just kept her eyes on my wife in disbelief of the event that was happening. Fluttershy was crying, her face hidden behind her mane and her head pointed to the ground. Twilight was looking on in interest and had too many emotions burning inside her to describe what she was feeling. A cold wind passed through the now open building, it was only then that I took in my surroundings once more and found it was night. I also found Cadence absent now...odd considering she was here just a moment ago.

I caught her eyes once more as I began to felt the repercussions of using so much energy and not getting a big enough supplement of darkness. My arms grew tired and weak, my stance began to get sloppy, my vision struggled, but I wouldn't pass out now, no, I made sure I was going to continue, through my driving will.

"You've changed so much....I don't think you even remember all the time we spent...together." I spoke weakly.

"I do, but my eyes are open now, monster." Her words stung, that much was true.

"You don't remember any of the emotions....they closed them, they blinded you from your more mortal life and stole what we had from us." I slowly began walking towards her once more, the blade pointed out at me again. I began to walk around her, somehow managing.

"You will not manipulate me anymore."

At this point, I was hoping this was all a dream as was about to wake up from a recovery period after a great battle, but the exhaustion, the pain, the scene was all too real for it to be a dream. It was much worse, it was reality.

I slowly entered the portal and the guards looked at me, rushing to my side and helping me stand, "We must withdraw and bring the seven royals, I'll be back to destroy this place soon, for now, I want guards to be positioned at the portal." I spoke easier as some gave me their energy, "I need the seven royals with me, Maximillian, Sophia, Mitsurugi, Vincent, Edward, Frederick, and Bardiche. Begin cleaning this place up and heading home, but guard the portal well and leave it open. Do not let Celestia come near it, the higher ranks will explain to those of you who do not yet know." At the call of my word, there were the seven royals, weapons on their back and ready to serve faithfully. Maximillian with his superior defending skills of his spear and giant shield, ensured my forces would live through sieges on a fortress. Frederick, the master of shadows, didn't really ever use his many daggers at all and was my only swift answer for a hard to get problem. Bardiche was truly my bravest guard, always ready with that spiraling one edged poleaxe of his to defend the people during any attack.

I turned back around and exited the portal, my wife still present and the royals were now feeding me energy and helping me stand. I stared at her once more, her beauty was hidden away be the ideas of those that sought to destroy me and everything I worked for. I walked towards her once more and she stepped back, intimidated by the presence of the royals. I used the energy they were feeding me and encapsulated her in a orb of darkness and crafted a dark energy core above it to prevent her from escaping or using holy powers to bust out of it, she was as if she never became godly.

"To the Equestrian castle....I'll have to sort this out." I spoke, the ponies had only watched what went on,"Pray to him that our Queen returns to us unharmed." The royals gathered more energy up and quickly dismissed us in dark mist, leaving nothing behind except for all the destroyed stone of the castle, the sign that we were there. Guards were already at the portal, keeping an eye on it.

We appeared in my room and I quickly began to walk, slowly with the help of the seven to grow the size of the prison, making it fit the walls of my room and added a better dark energy core, one that could function for decades without upkeep. I walked out freely with my wife now stuck inside the room alone, but with all the comforts she needed.

"You may all go now....leave me be here so I can rest." I spoke with a struggle and they were hesitant because of the oaths they took, but nonetheless left to go back to their duties and help the guards clean up from the battle, they either helped around or spent their time training in the Underworld. The energy quickly left me and I had immense struggles to stay awake.

"You can't keep me here, I will get out." Violet spoke from behind the dark barrier, the door to my room open, she was staring down at me as I rested against the wall in the doorway, just beyond the barrier.

"I'm going to get the real you back." I retorted, smiling up to her before the peace of sleep took me and I found myself falling out into the hall, laying on my side.

"You'll neve-." I heard part of her sentence before I collapsed.


'You're attempting to make the impossible happen.' I was now sucked into what was most indefinitely, His domain of where he talked to me. The original God of Darkness that shares my name.

'We've done that since the day I was born.' I had mentally replied. I was stuck here talking to him until he was done and he knew that.

'I may not even be able to do this, and my power stretches far. I can manipulate her, but I know you don't want her back forcefully.' He replied in his dark, echoing tone.

'I'll do it myself as long as I have you to keep her from harming any of our people.'

'Fine...and I would really enjoy more souls to come my way.' He finished and then flooded away from my sight, the black flame skull now gone.

I was once again in complete blackness of my deep sleep.


I awoke with a jolt, a servant jumping and barely holding onto the food and wine she had brought up, no doubt for her, she always did enjoy the foods that our kitchens produced. The chefs must also be on board with wanting their Queen back, and the entire Underworld must be yearning for her voices in our war conferences as they know what she represents.

The voice of the people practically died when she was taken and now I plan to revive that voice to once again make an input in what we decide as we plan our battle strategies.

The servant abruptly bowed and quietly entered the room, passing through the barrier with my help. She set the food down on the bedside nightstand and quickly ran out, scared for her life. A gloriously cooked and seasoned chop of venison with a parmesan dusted salad with a note sitting beside it and a perfectly measured glass of wine for an accompaniment sat, waiting to be eaten.

I knew I was no where near the amount of power I was supposed to be at for battle, especially with a holy force, but I stood and entered the room anyways. I immediately noticed she was standing at the far end of the room, looking out the balcony, the curtains pulled aside and the barrier preventing her from exiting. She was still dressed in the same heavenly garb she had adorned when I found her, she stared out, her blade in hand, watching the guards do their training in the courtyard.

"You have food." I spoke in a complete monotone voice. I was surely dead of emotion if not empty of most of it.

"I won't accept anything from you." She spoke with a sting in her words that left a pang in my heart.

"It's not drugged or anything, I promise. There is no dark energies being expended right now except for the ore that keeps the barrier up." I replied and was met with a long silence.

"Why do you still stand here?" She spoke and turned to face me, a hate burning in her eyes.

"Maybe because I'm stupid. Maybe because I'm foolish for even trying to bring the Violet I knew back. Perhaps I'm a bit delusional or desperate. I know one thing for sure, I'm not the only one who wants you back. The people want to be heard more in the war room so they are taken into account more and can speak for themselves easier. Even the servants and the chefs in the kitchens want you back, otherwise they would not send you the food on your nightstand." I told her truth, and all of it. I finally willed my body to exit and began my trip to the courtyard, where the guards were training.

Upon my arrival, they quickly began to beef up whatever activity they were doing. They all wanted to gain my eye and be specialized in something as I have done in the past. Nothing mattered at this time, nothing mattered but returning the only person who really mattered in my existence to their proper place. I was supposed to be seeing about the trials for the new dragonrider crownings for tonight, but I wouldn't even judge those. There were most likely, numerous problems building up on my desk, but I didn't care anymore.

I walked the courtyard until I sent the guards to train in front of the castle, at the path leading up to it, just over the newly built bridge that replaced the inefficient wooden swaying one. I always preferred stone more. I called a servant to fetch the somewhat rusted with blood steel blade I had trained with as a child and they did so quickly. I began to run through simple swipes and swings, flowing my attacks on the air together fluidly. I continued to get more and more advanced, but I wasn't able to push my body too far, and in spite of that simple fact I still kept training, staying at a level of expertise I usually pass. Even simple training wasn't clearing my mind, so harvesting more souls would do nothing for me at all.

After a few hours, the sun hanged directly overhead and I had the same servant replace my steel childhood back from where it came in my room. I let the guards return to the courtyard and heard that I soon had a visitor in my study. I was already guessing it was Cadence and that I would receive a talking to about what I was doing from her and probably the six elements and maybe even the princesses. I began the walk into the castle and up the staircases to my study, kept next to my bedroom.

I found the room empty, stacks and stacks of papers were piling up on my deck and around it, a path for me to reach my chair and drawers of my desk. I scanned my study at least three times before walking forward and shutting the door, heading to look out the window. There I viewed the guards in the courtyard and they were training as hard as ever. After a few moments of looking, I felt hooves wrap around me from behind and I had shoved whatever it was on me away and used what little dark energy that I had built up to form a shadow blade and pointed it at the perpetrator. I quickly let the energy flow back into me upon seeing who I was threatening.

"Cadence. Why are you here at such a time? I thought the princesses would be here to try and stop my plans once more." I spoke in a dead deep voice.

"I convinced them and the Elements to not come. I wanted to talk with you myself. I'm not here to lecture you." She spoke.

"Then leave. I have much to do between repairing what they did and taking care of my kingdom." I turned back around to view the window, "Must I show you-".

"You must be busy since you're just watching your guards train. I know you won't take on the duties of your kingdom." She had cut me off.

"Our business is still concluded."

"You may be used to have such an overwhelming force for you to control, but there is no one in here but us and you aren't back to a power close enough to stop me." She retorted and a long silence followed.

"Fine, I'll listen to whatever you have to say."

"I know your heart is damaged badly. Your own wife rejecting you and attempting to hurt you. She wants to kill you and end the Underworld's long thriving era. I know you want the real Violet back and I want to help you, but the others do not want to. They see this is wrong, as keeping a prisoner." She spoke.

"Lies. All of it are lies, you work with them. If you dare try to free or harm her, I'll wage war on all of Equestria and we will not stop until all your lives have ended and you become our new mounts for battle." I turned to her, "I may be weak, but Celestia and Luna have both seen the power of my forces. Whenever we clean an area, we only take supplies and what belongs to us, the dead bodies stay and so does the damage."

"I won't harm her, you have my word." She apparently promised.

"I guess you'll have to prove that. And how would you help me, your love magic is beyond the power of gods."

"Because it is in her mind and I know tricks to getting her to remember. I once brought an old couple back together after one of the spouses had dementia. My magic can't cure such a thing."

I grunted and turned back around,"What is it then?"

"You have to bring back who she is through memories. Show her pictures, have her read documents. Let your people talk to her."

"She still holds that blade....that's my first problem to solve." I walked out of the room, slightly tugging her tail to urge her to come.

She followed me to my room and I opened the door, she lay on the bed, the food finished and the plate still on the nightstand. She immediately looked over with a burning hatred. Every time I saw that glare, there was a pang of pain in my heart and it hurt more than anything else.

"I'll watch over her, you go and order things I suggested and get your duties underway, your kingdom needs you." Cadence said and walked in, Violet hadn't changed her glare to me at all.

I exited the room and left the door open. I went about the castle, telling servants to take turns and check the sheet to see whom had visited so they'd know who they had to tell to visit. This sheet, with other pieces of paper near it, was left next to the door on the wall. Servants were already lining up to go in and talk to her. I had sent guards to also collect some physical forms of memories of the time we had spent together and to give them to Cadence. I had walked all the way back to my study after and began on the papers at my desk.

There were many legal requests for buildings and asking for authorizations to do an action that interfered with the land a lot. I eventually had to accept the request to make a new large marble wall outside and make another zone for people to live and businesses to grow in the new residential areas. Few of the papers out of the hundreds, proportionally speaking, were disputes and it fitted the almost perfect paradise of the Underworld. I had sat at my desk for the entire day, opting to jsut sleep at it when I was finished, working through a third of the papers for only more to arrive in the morning.

Chapter 8: Hints of Something Darker

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I had awoken to food on my desk and more papers in the main stack at the early hours of the morning. I stared down at the food, knowing a servant had definitely brought it and the papers. Just simple scrambled eggs, sausage and a small pancake. I would never have much time to really settle down and enjoy my food, even if it was cooked and seasoned perfectly. I began to eat quickly, finishing in the next minute or two before going back to the many papers, finishing a lot as the day went on, hours passing as the morning became the afternoon and I thankfully finished soon after.

I stood and walked out of my study, walking to my room to find that Cadence was there and the servants were waiting outside in a line, ready to pick up from where they left off yesterday. I had only heard Cadence's voice, but she was yelling, as if it was at someone. I had more power than I did yesterday, so I could surely fight or do what was needed to end an argument. I opened the door and walked in, seeing the princesses there with their pet Twilight. They all turned to me.

"If you plan to stop me or take her away, the repercussions will be dire and you know it, Celestia." I spoke in a harsh tone.

"Equestria will be-." She began.

"No, it won't be ready for any attacks, it never will from me. I can crush your entire kingdom, all of your race in a single day." I walked to her, "Must I remind you what happened to your legs? Even I see they are still in casts and you are using magic to support yourself."

"He's doing this because he's dedicated and she really is being controlled. She isn't herself because of what she holds." Cadence spoke.

"Lies. I am myself, he only opened my eyes." Violet turned around to face all of us, the damned holy blade in her right hand.

"The minute I can destroy that thing, is the minute I can finally begin to get you back." I retorted in a desperate voice.

I grabbed Celestia by her tail and dragged her out of the room roughly before turning to Twilight and Luna, "Follow her out unless you want to be thrown out too." Luna had stared off with me, but eventually came to realization that she was outmatched and left the room.

"I'm sorry, Princess, but Cadence babysitted me and she's the Princess of Love. This is stuff that she knows better than you. How do I know that you aren't just trying to serve holy forces like Lucius suggests?"

"Because he's serving Darkness, and Darkness is wrong, it's made Luna turn against us." Celestia spoke and got an evil glare from her sister.

"We're just trying to live more normal lives in a perfect place. Luna would have most likely lead your people to a more fair ruling, even if a few bones had to be broken in your hierarchy." i spoke back, attempting to plant the seeds of chaos.

The room had become silent until Twilight finally spoke after a long while of deep thought.

"I'm supporting him, Princess. He's the one who's right here. You are only trying to serve the holy." She spoke and stood her ground.

"Luna, it's either join your sister or leave." I stated simply,

She hesitantly walked out of the room and began to walk out of the castle with Celestia soon after once I gave her a bit of enthusiasm to leave. I walked back into the room, catching the glare of my wife. It was here that I noticed she must have tossed away her wedding ring. I walked to the bed and she quickly put her sword up to stop me, and it was effective at halting me. I grabbed the blade, despite the pain and tore it from her hand, flinging it into the wall, my hand burnt black. I gently gripped her hand and took my own ring off, sliding it onto her fourth finger.

"It contains the fondest of memories, the main reason why I haven't gone off the deep end." I spoke.

"It doesn't-."

"It does matter now...listen to the servants without the sword, I urge you." I began, " I urge you to just listen to their stories and their lives and what they wish for. Look at all the memorabilia from from out times together. Let your eyes see and your heart speak, don't listen to him." I pointed at the sword in the wall and sent a lot of dark energy at it, continually doing so, expending a lot of my regained energy to put it into a docile form.

"We'll keep an eye on her, don't worry, Lucius." Cadence spoke.

"I do have a lot to do. I trust in you, don't break it." I spoke and left the room, feeling a bit better but no where close to where I should feel.

I walked down to the courtyard, viewing the guards training and I began the simple routine of drilling them and setting up matches in between their harsher training that ensured they underwent a lot of stamina training and punishment. I watched them battle, constantly giving them pointers on stance and what they could do to better themselves.

"Hold your ground, I know as a sneak with those daggers that you love to zip around and doge everything, but blocking with one and striking with the other is an extremely useful tactic for swift killing." I spoke as I circled the arena, arms crossed, deeply entranced by them.


"Keep your sword in a constant flow of attacks without being too costly on energy. I only swing fast and hard if I know that it will do damage or disarm my opponent. Do some sidesteps or sway out of the way of his counter attacks and then try to get the upper hand." I once again advised.

"Lucius." I heard the voice in the crowds.

"You will address me as your majesty or with the title of-." I looked over and saw who was speaking.

"I was wondering if there was any way I could help." A peppy Twilight spoke to me. The combat in the small wooden fenced arena was getting louder and more heated due to the tips I gave them.

"No, not really unless you could help organize things for me...that doesn't mean I'm giving you permission to look at any of the papers I go through. Not even a building form." I spoke firmly.

"And what would I organize?" She asked, with a curiosity in her eyes.

"Talk to any of the royal guards, they'll point you in the right direction. Bardiche is probably best for things going on in the Underworld, if you can contact him. I am busy now though." I finished, looking back to the fight and seeing both guards had a lot of battle marks on them from the spout and they were exhausted, but still fighting hard.

I continued to watch, not noticing Twilight's absence. They kept at it, heaving and somehow still moving quickly and with precision. I eventually stopped them.

"You are now a warrior second class." I pointed the one holding the sword," And you are a first class sneak. Both of you keep training, but relax for now." I finished, my hand lowering from the dual dagger wielder.

I continued watching more matches but not man more stuck out to me and I eventually head up to see the progress. I hurried up the stairs, walking with a fast pace and I still spotted Cadence in the room, and she immediately handed me a letter upon entry using her magic. Violet looked perplexed to continue hearing the stories of the servants. I immediately ripped open the letter as it was signed by Princess Celestia on it.

It explained of what we were doing was wrong and how everything was doomed to fail. She really thought she could keep my hopes down so it would be harder to bring her back. It's already begun to work some. She also went on to tell of how she was doing this because she thought it was right and not for holy forces. I knew this was a blatant lie and I had enough of what she was doing. She had even gotten Luna to put some words into it. She would be a fool to think she could stop me. I was calling a three letter word on her that I hadn't done in a while.

"Cadence, I'm sending a huge detachment of my forces to your Crystal Empire to strengthen it and have it become a place of rest for my soldiers." I spoke and pulled a servant out of the line," Send for a courier the best we have. Make sure Twilight stays busy in the Underworld with Bardiche." I spoke and they nodded, quickly getting another servant to help them.

I sent out my first mental message to Maximillian, who I told to take thousands of the guards from the underworld and himself and set up at the Crystal Empire in the Frozen North. He quickly began to do so, organizing rapidly.

I walked out of the room and began to send a mental message to my number one, my general, Vincent. I told him to gather at least ten thousand of my forces and make sure they are the battle thirsty type. I entered my study and grabbed a piece of parchment, the courier coming into the room.

Dear Celestia,


~King Lucius~

I packaged it into a simple thick envelope, sealed it and sent it off with the Courier, telling him exact directions. I would not stand for her any longer. Cadence has seen what was written on the paper and the anger on my face.

"Before you even begin...nobody is going to stop me from getting my real wife back to me...nobody. You're with me and Celestia just needs to be taught a lesson, and an overwhelming presence of power will see to that." I spoke and the immense hate in my voice had silenced her.

I went back into the room, calling Sophia there to me. I quickly had her make a smaller cage, sort of like the one that was keeping Violet from leaving early. It was powered by another dark core. This time, I grabbed the sword, my hand burning from holding the heavenly blade. I effortlessly pulled it out of my wall and shoved it into the cage, permanently leaving it docile until I had the power to destroy it once and for all. Only my rage drove that, my little dark energy I still had healed me up some. I quickly resolved to lay down next to Violet, who was sitting on the bed, listening to servants still.

Cadence made sure they would keep coming until she knew all of their stories, and I couldn't thank her enough for that. I resolved to sleep, knowing it was a bit dangerous. My wife had given me a hateful glare, but it wasn't as bad as before. She was slowly, very slowly coming back because I had gotten the blade away from her. I looked to Cadence.

"Make sure I also stay safe while I rest and gather my energy." I spoke, going off to sleep.

I knew I would win this war if I was smart about it, crushing one small town and leaving citizens alive should scare Celestia enough and if it doesn't stop her, we march even further. She was no doubt trying to bolster security in her towns. I knew my plans already and Vincent would be ready to march tonight, when I awaken to once again cause terror.

Chapter 9: The Middle of the End

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I had no restraint anymore. I wanted Celestia and her pitiful force she calls an army to tremble and submit. I am sure she bolstered much and had many things done by now. I was awake in the room, servants now talking a little less to Violet, they were coming from the Underworld now. I stood and quickly walked to my closet, opening it and walking into the large, almost barren stone room.

"She'd always keep so many different elegant dresses in places like these. It'd almost smother my own robes." I talked to myself, knowing Cadence was in my bedroom.

I closed the doors and quickly tossed aside my robes into a basket at the end of the hall like closet. I went to a stone wall of the closet and touched a panel, pushing ever so slightly. The stone moved inwards and a large panel slid in and aside. I do so enjoy putting on my armor the proper way sometimes. I quickly began to don it, putting on my cuirass and greaves first, securing them to each other, using my dark powers to put the leather straps together on the inside and keep them locked in placed. I did the same with the rest of my armor, putting it on piece by piece. I held my helmet in hand and walked out. I was sure my dark powers were well replenished now, I had a good amount to defeat many powerful foes.

"Cadence, please do continue to watch over her. I trust in you and you have my word that her citizens will not be harmed unless I must pull the final straw." I spoke to her, walking to my bed and putting on my helmet, quickly securing it and putting the visor down.

"I trust you. You haven't brought unnecessary harm yet. I'll watch over her." She speaks, "Just do be careful, Celestia is powerful." She futilely warned me.

"I have more than enough to take her down." I looked at Violet for a moment, smiling, my face barely visible at this distance. She only stared down at me as I crouched with an empty expression.

I reached under the bed, finding the indent and pushing on it, another stone panel moving out of the way. I reached down into it and heaved a giant black shield from under the bed. The shield was at least three or four time the size of me. This was my shield which I used for sieges. It had spikes on the bottom of the large, round, bumpy, plate. These spikes may have only been on one hemisphere of it, on the edge, but they were what kept me stable during a big forceful attack or helped me plan out things during sieges and protect my underlings. It looked like black polished bone, but anyone who saw it forged know it was made of the special ore only found in the Underworld. It was forged quite well and was engraved with many markings and designs of an unknown manner to mortals. The shield held my symbol put into the center of it, large and glowing with darkness. There was a small dark core present in it to easier reflect the force of blows and to strengthen it.

I let my illusion down as I walked out of the room, quickly walking to the front of the castle, part of my massive army there, the thousands I had ordered. I had then sent a mental message to Maximillian to approach Ponyville. If I wanted to win, I'd have to keep the elements of harmony contained and in my possession. I quickly began to shout to my troops as I walked all around them and in front of the bridge.

"It's been a while since we've laid siege to anything, so today will be a different day for a lot of you. I know you to be the most battle fueled people in my forces, but today...we do not kill, we will only toss citizens from their homes and destroy them. We will force submission. We only need to attack the elements and only incapacitate them at that, you'll know them by their fighting spirit. This also means to detain them in one area...the town hall. We will utterly destroy their homes." I finished and turned around to the bridge, the Death Sword forming in my hand, "March!"

I began walking and synchronized footsteps echoed behind me. I had told Maximillian to bring siege equipment and he would be the source of arms for destruction. I had the guards march through the dead of the night through the Everfree, no creature dared to approach our roaring noise. I kept them marching for two or three more hours and we arrived on the outskirts of Ponyville. I had quickly sent in guards to catch and capture Fluttershy, binding her in ropes and being carried as we went. I ordered the troops to surround Ponyville, and so we did.

"Vincent, make sure no pony tries to escape the town..." I looked to him and spoke, releasing massive amounts of dark energy into the land about me as it turned to my kind of apocalyptic again.

The trees instantly died, their leaves turning to dust and the same fate falling upon all the flora. I quickly created a large, thick bubble about Ponyville that only my men and I could traverse through. I contained the spread of the disease in the purple bubble. I quickly ordered my men to charge on into Ponyville, and they began to force ponies from their homes and also started to destroy their property and essentials. I walked in during it and there were still many men left outside the bubble while others did work, trading off every now and then. It worked like this for the longest of time, ponies being tied up in bonds and put in the middle of the town halls and also inside. I knew Twilight was busy in the Underworld and knew that she had no way of knowing. I made sure each of the elements was tracked down and captured, but there was no need to track down Rainbow Dash, Applejack, or Pinkie Pie, those three all came for me or were easily found. Rarity had been found hiding among the captured, she's smart. And so we let her be since she was a friend of mine after all. We continued to destroy until Maximillian arrived with some trebuchets, explosives, and battering rams. It was simple siege equipment, but it would do.

I ordered the men to quickly pick up the rams and begin smashing in and collapsing houses using walls and knocking out support beams and they did just that very quickly. I had also called for a courier and sent the same one as before to Celestia, dictating that she submit or suffer more consequences. He traveled quickly as my guards continued to destroy every building. I began my trek to the Golden Oaks Library and upon arrival, I forced the door open and immediately saw the case that held the Elements of Harmony. I quickly snatched them out of it and put them all inside my armor, pressed against my leather suit. I quickly left the treehouse intact and slipped away, waiting for a response from Celestia, she was definitely thinking now. My guards had destroyed all the homes except for the treehouse and the homes of the elements, I had them wait, fire in hand and ready to burn their crops.

I walked back to where all the ponies were tied up and panicking at what was happening, Rainbow and Applejack were cursing my name. I looked about, trying to find Rarity and we did find each and approach one another. I laid a hand on her back, rubbing, attempting to soothe her. I walked into an alley that was barren of any of my guards and the ponies.

"Lucius, Sir, what are you doing?" She asked immediately, trying to keep her cool.

"You'll be the only element to know this and I know you won't get in my way. Celestia had swore herself and Luna to stop the reversal of my wife's return. They'd rather take her from me before she returns once more. It's a terrible thing I can not allow. I'm just being very firm, Miss Rarity." I spoke to her and she was wide-eyed.

"You must be joking! All these ponies barely have any place for shelter and now you plan to burn their crops!" She was most certainly shocked, but not afraid.

"Your home as well as the other Elements are intact. The crops will only be burned when Celestia refuses to surrender once she arrives. All of those who need homes may come work for me at the castle and have food, shelter, and some luxuries as servants or as guards if they wish." I finished my explanation, smiling.

"What happens when Celestia doesn't surrender?" She asked, worried for the citizens and a bit shocked to see me like this.

"I take some of you in, and she'll either surrender believing I made you slaves when I certainly did not. Or..." I was smiling now.


"I walk into her home after her citizens have had a few hours to evacuate and I crush it. If she doesn't surrender now or after I have your people working as happy workers or guards for me, I will crush Canterlot." I spoke and Rarity was again panicking.

"I trust you won't hurt the citizens of Canterlot except for those who stay and oppose you?"Rarity asked.

"Indeed." I turned away to head back to the crowd of captured ponies.

"You care this much about her?" Rarity had her one last question.

"She's one of four important things in my eternal life. Her, my family, my kingdom and its people, and last but not least, praising my giver of power, Lucius, the God of Darkness whom share my name." I spoke and walked out of the alley, Rarity following silently and attempting to calm the masses when I arrived back.

I saw a healed Celestia, her limbs in perfect health most likely due to healing magic, fly in and hover above the bubble, she released a large beam of her magic mixed with some holy energy, the ponies were looking relieved. My shield over Ponyville held tightly and barely suffered and damages.

"Release my people, Lucius!" she shouted and the ponies were cheering.

"If you all don't hush during this talk, you will ALL fall ill and be one of my people!" I was of course lying, but the false fear they had of my threat kept them all quiet, except for Rainbow Dash, who was silenced with more rope in her mouth.

"Stop this madness, you will not win." Celestia landed on the shield, still attempting to break through it with magic.

"You won't get through. Surrender to me and my forces or your people suffer more. I called this war and I'm finishing it!" I shouted.

"Ponykind will never surrender to you!" She shouted.

"Loyals of Darkness, burn all of their crops and do not stop the flames if they spread elsewhere. Keep the Elements homes intact!" I shouted quite loudly and the crackling of fire from all over was soon heard, "People of Ponyville, should you choose to join me like Rarity at my castle, you will have many luxuries in your line of service as a guard or as a servant. You will have the best meals and drinks you could think of!" I shouted once more.

Celestia flew off in and anger, most likely mad at me, but she hadn't surrendered, she was likely going to evacuate Canterlot and prepare her own troops, she knew that must be my next stop. She would be crushed there and killed if I had to slay her.

I had more dark energy get pumped into me from my darkest of dark blades. I began to cut the ground, making a bubble with Ponyville. I began to lift it, with all my guards and broken structures on it, moving it to my Castle. I made a small hole in the shield.

"Those who wish to join me, say so and you will be let free and put into the castle to explore and find your ways around, my guards will have more housing quarters built within a day or two. If you attempt to run, you will be contained and put back inside the remains of Ponyville and transferred back to where your town should normally be. You have fifteen minutes to decide and leave the shield." I spoke loudly to the crowd and ponies began to cry to be freed.

They wished to help me just to survive after the destruction of Ponyville, few did while most wished to oppose me after what had been done. My guards were running about, untying them. The ponies after being untied ran out of the bubble, galloping towards the castle and through the hole, walking to the castle once they left. Few of them had to be captured and tied back up. After the fifteen minutes, I moved the town back and solidified it into the ground where it once was, perfectly sealing the hole. The bubble went down and my guards had untied a few ponies so they could untie the others. We soon gathered ourselves and began the march to Canterlot, making good progress as we never stopped, my guards were trained as such.

Chapter 10: The End of the End

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We all stood, my guards, Vincent, Maximillian, along with Cadence who wanted to show up. I was waiting on my children to ready themselves and eventually Anna, Ulric, and Ben appeared, dressed in battle armor except for Anna who wore her a simple dress, all a solid color black and it appeared to be breathable and flexible with her movements. I looked up and saw a giant pink bubble before me, a white and yellow swirling one below it. All royal guards were with me, including Bardiche. I had ordered them here to witness their King make history and beauty in war again. Cadence was present on my side with Shining Armor. That meant Twilight was generating the shield.

I amplified my voice in a huge effort, the dark blade once more in my hand and sending dark energy through me in massive amounts as my armor was on me.

"You ponies have one hour to flee your city or you will be crushed in your homes as they fall. You will not be harmed if you reach the end of the shields!"

I knew all heard me, even Celestia and still so few turned up. She must have instilled a confidence in them,. a courage to stand against me. They will fall.

"I shall uphold my promise, Cadence. Only those who stand against me will be slain, pray for your people to see error in their ways now."

I turned to the guards and sprouted my wings from my back, taking to the air some so all my forces could see me.

"Today, we reclaim our Queen and solidify her return. Today, we make more history and we show even more blasphemous beings the truth. Darkness will and always shall win over any light! Let us crash upon these shields like the force of many souls embedded within our God!" I turned to the bubbles and point my blade,"Charge and bring the despair!"

My forces did exactly as told, all shouting war cries and quickly brandishing their weapons, slamming siege equipment against the first pink bubble and slashing with blade of all kinds, trying to crack and shatter it with all sorts of sharp and blunt instruments. The pink bubble fell quickly and my forces moved on to the white and yellow bubble. The seven royals jumped up and landed on the walls of it, quickly pouring dark energy into it, suppressing it's strength. I flew higher and sent a large beam of darkness. Pitch black and swirling with purple, a giant ray crashed down upon the shield and it soon gave way. I landed in the middle of the city, finding some citizens hiding in fear in their homes. My guards were quickly firing all manners of ammunition from the trebuchets, even using the urns filled with volatile dark energy that exploded in massive beauty, crumbling buildings quickly.

My armies were still making sounds of battle and war as they invaded, the fleeing ponies remaining unharmed. Sounds of conflicts were heard all over the city, blood was to be spilt for hours. I wanted to make it to the castle the fun way, through the front doors. I kept my wings out, but folded them against my armor. I smirked, knowing this was to be a fun battle.

I shot out a large rope of dark energy from my hand at a citizen that had the nerve to attempt to end me with knives. I strangled him in front of all of them, making his head burst afterwards. Guards quickly formed ranks all about me, ready with their spears and all being a slightly different variant in color than the last. I took a battle stance and begin dashing to and fro in the area they left me, making sure they would not enclose upon me. I bloodied them quickly, felling them with single strikes. Their blood upon my blade sizzled and disappeared, the master within it pleased at his offering. All the souls were being sent to the Underworld save for a third, a third would go to him. I continued the festival I was hosting for the guards for a while until I began to rapidly build up dark energy in my left hand and shot out a large spike that gave off cold air towards the castle, clearing the way by killing many guards.

It was a feat I was still working on, forming ice through manipulating water with my dark energy, the spike I formed was a light purple and barely transparent. I begin a rush towards the castle, killing any and all who stood in my way, foolish citizens, and loyal guards of Celestia alike. I continued for quite a while, enjoying the slaughtering of these ponies along the way. Many of the buildings were crumbling as I went. I reached the courtyard and blasted a hole into the gold painted steel gate, many guards awaiting me, flying and on the ground.

"You all chose the wrong side...you saw your brothers and sisters die easily." I built up energy rapidly in my left hand again.

The ground troops charged me and I quickly found myself parrying and blocking blows, focusing on charging energy until my hand was amass with black and purple sparking and glowing from it. I Quickly aimed up at the castle and shot a ray that continued for what seemed like forever, blasting a hole through the castle that was decently sized, I moved this ray to hit all guards in the air, one by one, causing the castle to undergo massive destruction. The seven royals had output their energy into cores around the city like I told them and a dark purple bubble soon came into vision around the city, Canterlot ponies were now trapped. This meant that guards were lined up at this shield to slaughter them.

As I fired the ray, the grounded ponies gained a look of shock and horror for a while that soon passed and they fell upon me again. I immediately began concentrating heavily and formed three shadow version of me to fight off the guards while I dealt while I dealt with aerial troops. Canterlot Castle already lost a lot of key stones, but it still stood in solitude. I finished the job, killing off all flying pegasi, some learning to land. I had wrecked the courtyard sculptures and some of the castle. I had even forced a tower to fall upon the horde of guards upon me, killing many and causing a disruption in their tactics. I continued to fight them for a while before I noticed a black and purple light coming from atop the castle.

"Enough!" I uproared, having a hunch as to what was happening. I once again lost my illusion fully and my armor faded away, moved back to the castle in its secret location. A large dark energy explosion killed off guards around me for many yards.

A black shell enveloped me once more and I had soul boned with Mortis Lamina, forcing a large amount of happiness, satisfaction, and so many other positive emotions into me. I was just a black skeleton again, with armor integrated into my bone, impenetrable armor of a sorts. I soon found the gems were in their proper place on me, one in each limb. I quickly had Dimarin glow upon my right arm, the crystal shining bright in its color. I jumped high from an earth shaking spout of dark flames that roasted those below me. I began to float, my wings outstretched, but not flapping. This is what made me different to all immortals. I formed large black clouds of my energy overhead and soon, shards of dark energy poured from them, spearing and impaling the guards, causing screams of agony and pain below me. I continued the storm and rose above the clouds. I floated over to where the odd purple and black light was coming from. On the roof of the castle, there was Celestia, trying to perform the ritual I performed a a fifteen year old lad.

"You have everything but an angel." I spoke and soon, I had saw a truth in Celestia. I hadn't lef the castle here that well prepared for battle, so she most likely snuck in when Ponyville was under attack and kidnapped her. Violet was tied up in one of the circles, a pony walking into the other one, Luna standing in the third with a charged horn.

"Lucius, I will enter your realm, I will see it for myself, and I will stop your entire kingdom." She spoke, giving me a look of hatred.

"You already made a grave mistake taking my wife like this, especially against her will!" I was enraged and Dimarin faded, Evarkenite soon replacing it, the dark blade in my hand melting into a metal form and covering my entire body, forming an even more elegant armor, one that has destructive powers.

Violet looked at the ponies, afraid, and she was most surely afraid. She looked to me with a neutral expression, still scared beyond words. She was most likely trying to judge me and what she saw me as.

"Take one step closer, and I will end you." Celestia threatened.

"Your people will soon be mine, your kingdom is already gone, your guards here will die and so will any other form of resistance. Equestria will be ruled by me or one I place to rule it. Attacking me won't change it. Besides," I floated all six Elements of Harmony out of my armor," I win, and Luna may have her place ruling over her people if she stays loyal to me." I knew I neede someone who could run Equestria better than me and who understood it here.

"She will never-" Celstia began.

"Shut your sluttish mouth! Let her speak for herself." I shot a burst of dark energy out that was too quick for any of them to see and it be shot through her horn, breaking it off easily.

"I wo....won't-" Luna began to speak, looking down at the ritual circle, the design being my kingdom's symbol.

"Do not speak for Celestia, speak for yourself." I approached slowly, the Elements or Harmony surrounding Luna as I allowed them, "I know you wish to see to it that your people live normal lives after all this and I wish to have someone govern them who understand them better than me. I will rarely interfere with their daily lives as long as they conform to me." I finished.

"I refuse. I apologize, Lucius, but Equestria will not bow so easily to you!" She attempted to take the Elements from me, but I quickly took them back and began pouring dark energy into each one, rapidly causing them to decay and become destroyed, each one falling to the ground below, making them useless.

"Foolish! I am an unstoppable god now! I will have my vengeance!" I roared and Luna attempted to shoot a dark energy orb into the circle in the center and succeeded, causing Violet to soon writhe in her binds, afraid and in pain. I zoomed to her before she could be consumed by the spell and took her, carrying her in my arms, my dark aura now revealed causing a terrible uneasiness to her, "Do not fear, you are safe once more." I looked to Luna, the ritual now ended. None of them saw how fast I moved. I landed and set Violet upon the ground,, walking slowly towards Luna.

"You will be defeated." She spoke, I knew she faltered in her words.

"You will rule alone...my attack is done. Listen." I began and they did listen, there were cries of victory from my forces and only buildings were left to be destroyed, and they were indeed being destroyed quickly. Fire was heard all throughout the city, "This is how it will be Luna, and how it will be with the rest of the six elements. You may be an alliance with me, an enemy with me, or simply stand aside and stay out of my way. You'll choose soon." I finished.

I once again amplified my voice and ordered all the soldiers to leave and take the shield down. I told them all to return to their duties and fortify our castle here more. Twilight had remained silent for all of these events.

"Now, Celestia. I have one more piece of business to conduct here, seeing you can't you magic after I destroyed your pride." I spoke and approached her.

"Lucius...don't..." Twilight spoke from behind me. I turned back and faced her, tears in her eyes.

"You'll rule Equestria too...and you'll always be welcome in the Underworld for your services, as well as Rarity and any of the other elements if they behave themselves." I spoke, silencing her, my words sounding extremely shocking to her bran, "And this must be done."

I shoved my hand through Celestia's neck, bursting out the other end, my claws gauntlet covered in blood.

"All this could have been avoided if you had surrendered, I hope you learned that much before you die, you worthless piece of meat." I formed a fist with my hand and lowered it, her neck sliding down and hanging on my fist. I then walked to the edge of the rooftop we were on and tossed her off. Her fall would be her final countdown in her life.

I silently walked over to my wife and cut her bindings, letting her stand before I picked her up and rushed back to the castle. She surprisingly offered no resistance. I entered the castle and set her down in my bed, covering her up, letting her relax as she was definitely tired. She now acted like a respectful guest here, it was a major change from the hatred she originally showed me. I formed the dark core once more that Celestia somehow managed to destroy and secured the room again before walking to the balcony and staring out at the rising sun. Equestria had gone through a massive change. A good change no doubt.

Chapter 11: Return

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I had resorted to staying in my current form, I enjoyed it so. My wife seemed to be more comfortable with me and my powers as I was around her more, so I resorted to just staying in the room most of the day. I had dug the heavenly blade out of the smaller dark core that was hidden away in my closet and I felt only a twinge of burning pain from holding it. The pain soon left me as I poured more and more of my pure dark essence into it. A knock at the door had temporarily interrupted me and stopped the flow of energy into the damned holy blade for jsut a moment before I continued it.

"You may enter." I spoke and turned toward the door, Violet was still in the closet, going through all the dresses I had transferred from the Underworld castle to here. I'll never understand her need for them anymore than I already do.

Cadence, Shining Armor, and the elements entered. All looking a bit mad at me, but mostly looking for answers.

"Why...? Why kill the Princess?" Twilight was first to speak. She didn't seem to want much pleasantries.

"Because she would have stopped me from having my wife return to her natural way. Because I needed to so she would no longer threaten dark forces such as my people and my armies. Because I could." I answered.

"We'll stand out of-" Twilight began, but Cadence quickly cut her off.

"Stand with you of course." She spoke for her. I knew she wanted to remain friends to some extent, even if I had them under my thumb.

"Now that this incident is over. Let the past stay the past. I can be your friend and so much more if you just do the same back to me. Equestria will no longer have to fear any threat. You no longer have to fear me. I also decided a different course of action." I spoke more, the elements getting a troubled look on their faces, full of doubt.

"What is this plan, Lucius?" Rarity inquired, still shaken by what had happened.

"Cadence will rule over all of Equestria. Shining will assist, but not too much. You six," I pointed at the elements, "will help her greatly and assist the smaller settlements here. Princess Luna will control and train the armies of Equestria, she'll receive Maximillian to help her."

"I can't rule over everyone, I'm not experienced enough!" Cadence argued.

"All of you will learn to accept your positions and we will move on as allies, not as tyrant and oppressed people." I finished, affirming my decision and they all went quiet, "You all also have exclusive access to my guard trainers and Underworld facilities to use at my discretion, you need only ask for permission. There are also guest rooms here in case you wish to stay for a short while."

"This is sudden...why such friendliness?" Applejack questioned. It seems these ponies were full of inquiries.

I began to feel the holy presence in the blade leave more and more, as if it was being forced out of the blade. I was removing a god from a blade to be destroyed.

"This is how the Underworld does things. Those that do not require killing or need my wrath to show an example to the rest of the world have a chance to move on with us as allies, become enemies, or live on as if we never interfered anymore. I did this despite the suggestions of my generals, we are not so bad, I am not so bad. Your people can also rest easy knowing their afterlife is perfect."

"And you'll think we'll just trust you?" Rainbow spoke up, a bit angry and challenging my words.

"Go to Canterlot, see your capital with your own two eyes. If you get in my way, more of that destruction lies ahead. I'm giving you a chance for this force of mine to be on your side as a protector and as political and social equals." I replied.

"Does anyone feel that soothing presence?" Shining interrupted our conversation.

A bright light came from the blade I was holding and I quickly dropped it, not out of pain, but out of knowledge. A little larger silhouette of a man bathed in golden light appeared. As the light faded, he bent down and picked up the now absent spirit sword. His skin was white and purer than any snow and he had no marks of aging or injuries upon him. His hair were in long locks of braided blonde hair as if he was of Norse origin and was raised as a European. He was dressed in golden and marble plate armor. The marble exchanging with the gold plates as it scaled in large circles down his chest and pelvic area, his leggings made of gold rings as well as his gauntlets. His boots were most certainly made of the special marble that the buildings of the heavens were. His eyes were pure white with two yellow orbs of light glowing in the center, they were not normal pupils.

"Impressive, you've cast me out of my blade in a less powerful form than when I was once born through my father's power. I see you've grown much closer than what I thought to my brother." His voice was soothing to everyone and seemed to flow perfectly as if he was lectured by a thousand English professors that were inside of him.

Mortis Lamina, Lucius the God, spoke through me, forcing my mouth to move without my own will.

"We'll battle soon enough, go out and wait for my more mortal reincarnation to handle some business. We'll settle this." My voice was not my own. The words that came out were also perfect, but they echoed with a low rumble of a demonic sound, the very words of it seeming able to kill large bears and whales with heart attacks.

"Very well. We'll see this as our final battle this time." He soon disappeared after his words, a bright yellow light shining through my courtyard window as the guards stopped and drew weapons, backing away from him, remaining wary, waiting for their King to challenge him.

"What is going on, Lu....Lucius?" Violet spoke from behind me, standing at the balcony, looking out the purple shield.

I turned around me and remained dead silent, as did the ponies. Her voice sounded, normal. Normal. Not filled with any hate or resentment, but hate. I slowed walked up to her side.

"The powers against me that took you from me have been forced to return in a physical form. Equestria is soon to be a battleground between two Gods. Light and Dark will soon be let out again for battling. I'll try my best to make it end quick." I looked to Violet, "I'm glad to see you better like this, soon, maybe soon, you'll return and things will be back to the way they were."

"I'm still confused on what to think. Go, your people need you." She spoke normally to me.

"Sorry, friends, maybe you can join Violet and watch the fights if you can keep up with us. I must solve this quickly." I took down the dark core, absorbing the remaining dark energy. My wife showed no intention of running.

I jumped down from the balcony and landed with a thud in the ground, the grass and dirt being moved about and dug up, another job for the gardeners. The dark blade formed in my hand, the armor of it still about me, even more power was surging through us. I continued to ascend in power, surging more and more darkness through me. I began to feel the other will in me forcing my body to walk. I was in reality sharing my body, my vessel, with the my God. I felt incredible, like nothing could stop me, not even this holy being before me. My body continued to walk with my taking control of my arm and raising the dark blade in my right hand as we stopped before him, gaining his attention.

"You were dragged into this, under other circumstances, I would have attempted to create a new vessel for you to inhabit. But standing here has shown me that you love the Dark, and thus you are my enemy, not a forced conflict. If you die, you will cease to exist, whether you are comfortable with that or not, this still must happen. Are you ready?" Dacius, the God of Light spoke in his smooth voice. He wished to make this an honorable fight, as does the Underworld does ever since the beginning of time. I now see where we got our morals from.

"Yes," I began in my own voice,"we are ready." The sentence was finished by the darker voice inside of me.

I raise the blade into a better battling position and the real Dacius did the same. I rushed at him, beginning my own onslaught before he could his. The moment our blades clashed, a great power was used and released a shockwave into our surrounds, the grass being torn up from the ground around us in short distances. In longer distances, the grass blew heavily and the trees shook, and the guard were forced back, stumbling before heading inside. We clashed again and the same force imploded. I took more control over my body and my God allowed me. I slashed upwards, my blade being caught by his and I soon crouched. I forced my legs up and he was sent flying into the air, his wings sprouting out from his back, being quite large, larger than any I've seen in the heavens, having a wingspan a large as two buses from Earth that humans used. I spread my own and took to the skies, zooming towards him and swinging again, causing a loud ringing noise to vibrate through the air, we continued like this for a while, bouncing all throughout the air, beginning to go speeds that would cause normal living beings to lose their flesh. The God of Darkness soon took control once more.

"You're strong yourself, but I see that I now interchange against fighters. Now I face my brother." Dacius spoke, understanding what we were doing.

I felt my body going toward him and then disappearing only to reappear on the other side, our blade catching his. My wings flapped harshly, forcing Dacius to the ground again, standing and holding against the driving force. My arms began to move by his will, swinging swiftly, just as fast if not faster than we were in the air. There seemed to be no end to the battle in the near future. The land was being torn asunder from our immense power clashing.

"Tell me, why do you do this? I know my brother's motives, but not yours. You were just handed a crown, why do you care?" Dacius spoke, having interest in conversation while we fought.

"The same reason your followers fought me, to protect their own and the mortals of all universes. I had followers, humans and my own people, now ponies. I am sworn to protect them the best I can so long as my signet is still in my hands. I do this to ensure our future, our survival, and our happiness." I spoke, hearing loud hoofsteps and footsteps alike from behind me, some guards and the ponies were down here no doubtly.

"There must be more to it than that. You were only handed your office." He spoke once more, trying to get a better answer from me. Our viewers stood a good distance away, but surely heard everything. Dacius had jumped away and jumped back, beginning his attacks as we went onto the defensive. My body partner was focusing on fighting while I spoke.

"There is, and you're right about that. He gave me the one life I needed, he saved me from death, he gave me something to live for, more than just once. I swore to her I'd protect her with my own life, and that's another reason why I do this. I swore I'd serve him well, and I'm keeping my word."

I began to take control again, putting my emotions into my battle, swinging harder, faster, and fighting more interpretative like. I suppose this is what set me apart from Gods. I was just as powerful, but I had a more mortal characteristic, true feelings. Ambition, desire, determination, love, desperation, these feelings are what put me at an edge over them. Dacius began to have little troubles at parts when I continued my assault. I had one particular strike right after another that grazed his leg and caused a good injury, no blood coming from him, but still good enough to injure him and cause damage. The battle continued like this for a while, and slowly by slowly he would endure more injuries, becoming less and less efficient and more and more defensive.

The battlefield was a mess, all kinds of plant life were decimated and the very ground was warped into new hills and gulches. Dacius lay at our feet, battleworn, and most certainly defeated. We held the dark blade to him, pointed directly at his neck.

"Well done...I suppose the better brother won. But remember this, if it weren't for your bond with him, you wouldn't have won. Treat him with respect...you two should be equals." Dacius spoke with his last breaths.

"Trust me, we are now." I replied and drove the dark blade into his neck and his breathing ended.

I withdrew the blade and the heavenly sword in the now dead God of Light's hand slowly began to fade away, rapidly leaving in a flurry of yellow and white particles, as did Dacius's body. I felt no holy presence near me again, I turned to face the ponies and found them there, silent and in awe once more. No holy aura came from Violet either, yet her wings remained and she did too. I slowly began to break the soul bond with the other body inside me. I felt his presence slowly leave me and enter the blade in my right hand again, the armor fading from me and my illusion slowly coming back. I didn't have much power left and could only manage a smile before I quickly fell over, face first into the ground. I was bare, naked, lying on the ground, my face pressed to the dirt, but I was only conscious to notice this for just a mere moment longer, my robes not on me. I was now in a long resting period.

Chapter 12: Second Sunlight

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I awoke, my eyes snapping open, my energy back in its full glory now. I saw I was laying in bed, in my bedroom, I felt heat upon my left side and saw Violet, laying near me, arm over me. I suppose she came to her senses or she's almost back to where she belongs. She wasn't particularly close to me, but I could feel her body heat and some of her side on me, perhaps she just thought I was close to death. I didn't need to really have a body temperature, I actually did it just for her so she'd have something warm to cuddle up to and now it seems she was trying to repay the favor. I began to use up the tiny bit of dark energy that I use every day and rarely has any impact on my energy pools. My illusion was still on, I began to radiate heat, making my body warm to the touch, and...

And....I was still naked, a set of robes on my nightstand. I looked about the room, lifting my head up and finding that my bottom half was covered by a blanket shared between me and my wife. She was most surely coming back to us. I found Rarity and Cadence staring at me, specifically my body which showed my training and scars of battle to make the illusion more realistic...even if I looked like a full mortal with it on already, being able to be touched properly and everything except sweat and bleed. Cadence was staring right at my eyes and Rarity was much more distracted by my scar ridden but well toned chest and abdomen.

"I see Vincent most likely put me here and you two decided to watch over me." I began, sitting up, carefully moving Violet's hand as to not wake her, my voice in a hushed tone, "And eyes are up here Rarity." She snapped out of it and looked up at my face now.

"I...uhhhh...uhm. Sorry, dear." She took a while to find her words, a light blush on her face.

"We did indeed decide to look after you...I've decided to be an ally of yours and so have Twilight and her friends, even if Applejack and Rainbow Dash had to disdainfully accept it." Cadence answered.

."I suppose the rest of ponykind should soon follow, or most of it. Any resistances shall be dealt with harshly. I want you to not worry," I formed up a dark wall, preventing them from being able to see my nude form as I stood slowly out of bed, dressing in my robes, " I will protect you from threats, I will train your guards, and I will help your people prosper as long as they become my people upon death. And you, Cadence, will help Luna rule over Equestria, you think with your morals and not with the mindset of helping the people, having a balance between the two helps to voice the people better and ensure their well-being." I had finished my monologue, the dark wall fading as I had my robe vest and pants on. I then sat and put on my socks and then my simple black leather boots, standing afterwards to put the robe's overcoat and jacket on.

"I have no doubt about that, I trust you and so do some of the elements...some." Cadence responded, "I believe she is making a comeback to you, Lucius. She's not let go of you once during your sleep. And you've been out for a week and a half about. This is the eleventh day."

"And that means there are duties to attend to. I know my people are fine, they had no need to worry over me, they've seen me through such bad times like these." I spoke and walked to the door, "I must begin my work on my royal duties. We may speak later." Cadence and Rarity nodded, staying in the room to most likely watch over Violet.

I walked over to my study and sat in my chair, quickly beginning work, massive amounts of paperwork being present. I worked through the fresher ones, showing more important events and reports of what is happening in Equestria, my royals must have organized outposts and resupply stops for the reconnaissance teams they also must have put together. They were amazing at being generals too, they could do everything. I found that they were a good amount of resistances built up and scattered throughout, one specifically large group known as Second Sunlight seemed to be heading most of the major resistance operations to exclude ponykind from me and isolate us. Something to be dealt with swiftly.

I stayed at my desk working for hours, new papers being delivered to me at nightfall, nobody disturbing me once while I worked. I stayed up throughout the night and finished the papers in the morning, including the ones that arrived at ten AM drop off. So many activities had happened and the Underworld was growing in businesses, but not so much in population. the new pony souls would most certainly solve that.

It was then that I realized there was no true holy force left in existence to oppose me and I would only handle threats addressed to me, my allies, my people, and the problems of keeping the kingdom running smoothly. And this made my fighting skills almost useless. I would rarely have to participate in any battles. I decided that ridding Equestria of this Second Sunlight organization would be my primary goal. And I had already began to plan that out in my mind.

I stood from my deck and walked out of my study, heading outside into the front yard of the castle, continuing on and walking out of the built walls toward the great ravine. I directed myself to the black bubble surrounding the human town of Equine Hills. I had entered it, making a hole for me in it and began my walk to the mayor's house, she was most certainly the head of the government here now. The entire way was filled with staring and fear, people forced to walk after their cars ran out of gas. Many of them stared at me with fear or hate, wishing I never befell upon their town. I arrived and with no mannerism, opened the door of the house and walked through the foyer and into the living room.

"Mayor, I'd like a word." I announced my arrival, noting some security cameras in the corners of the walls. I soon heard footsteps from the stairs and found a human a match of Mayor Mare from Ponyville; grey hair, a light beige skin tone, a few wrinkles, a pair of blue rimmed glasses, and well dressed in a women's tan suit.

"Oh, it's you. What can I do for you today, sir?" She addressed me with a smile and the highest of manners.

"Your people will have a chance to communicate with the ponies of this world and intermingle, a chance at living better and growing more."

"There must be something you want in return for it." She was indeed a practiced politician.

"You catch on quick. I'd like to get a few of your people in my town dedicated even more to me, I need reconnaissance done to get information on an organization. I now asserted myself as the biggest player of power in this world. I already promise a good afterlife to your people."

"I'll-" I had interrupted her sentence, already knowing what she had planned to be saying.

"It's now or never and never means I have to search for more ways to get what needs to be done done. It'll also put you guys in less favor of me. Decide now, this is how you be a true leader." I spoke quickly and with a firm tone, she had most certainly got the message.

She took a small moment to mull it over in her mind, an understandable decision.

"No, you'll have to find a new way. We'll keep our current condition and arrangement." She replied with quite and unexpected answer.

I suppose she knew as an experienced crisis manager, she knew I would try to obtain control over her and her people by giving her no choice. She must be trying to get on my nerves at this point. I just walked out and walked back through the streets, going back to the castle. I had immediately began to think of a new plan and there would be quite a lot of deception in them. I continued along the way and quickly ordered Vincent to follow me as a show of force. We were going to campaign.

I had just arrived in my bedroom to see that Cadence and Rarity had left and Violet was sitting on the bed, immediately looking up to me upon my arrival.

"Where had you gone?" She asked, she was returning to normal, mostly reading the files and entry logs I had written.

"I went to go attempt to start a plan to put down a resistance and it went awry. I'm only here to make sure you are alright, I'll be launching a quickly thought up second plan." I replied, her standing and walking to me as I stood at the door, ready to leave and begin my mission.

"Oh..." She seemed saddened at hearing that I would leave soon, "Well, where are you going?"

"All over Equestria with Vincent, we're going to make displays and crush this resistance the hard way." I kept my answer simple, I knew the normal Violet and these were the answers to keep her from worrying too much.

"Well, just, be careful and..." She left on a long pause before sighing, "Nevermind." She finished, saddened even more.

I took her into my arms and hugged her tight, receiving the same hug back but nothing more as we soon disconnected. I walked out of the room before stopping and turning back to her.

"I'll return to you, I promise." I spoke and quickly began a fast walk down the halls and out of the castle, Vincent following me closely. Once I had left the view of the castle, I began a mad sprint, becoming a blur and Vincent soon following suit, keeping up with me. He drew his twinblade from his back.

I decided our first stop would be Ponyville, to make sure the resistance wasn't there trying to harbor itself upon hatred for me.

Chapter 13: Political Radicals

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I remained in my own robes, but held my great equal held in my hand. I know these ponies would hate me for what I had to do here and so I needed to have him there to enforce my presence more. I had slowed down to a walk upon my arrival, seeing scaffolds about the town, ponies trying to rebuild what they lost. New crops had been planted over the old ones, seedlings most likely sprouted over the nutrients left from the ones that burnt. I continued to approach, walking to Fluttershy's Cottage, a building left untouched. I had made sure that the elements' houses would remain intact after the destruction. As we walked to the door, I looked behind me and saw beauty.

There stood Canterlot, the city still burning on the mountain side. You could see all the ruin and widespread destruction of the buildings, it was no longer a glorious sight for the ponies. It was a marker for my power, it demonstrated to all what exactly I could do and how I could control other races easily.

I knocked on the door and heard the sounds of many animals from inside, ones that didn't sound like Fluttershy's. She must have taken in all the pets of the ponies, I knew the other elements' houses would most likely be filled with citizens then until more buildings became available. The sounds were eventually calmed by a soft voice inside.

"Hush, friends, it's probably just another pony looking to get something to eat." Fluttershy spoke inside, opening the door and holding out bread, smiling at me with her eyes closed, "Here you go, I hope your house is soon to be rebuilt." She froze when she opened her eyes, fear filling her. The blue oceans in her face looked like they experienced the destruction, panic, and fear from that night all over again.

"Hello, dear Fluttershy. If your animals need food, just come up to the castle and my workers will be more than happy to help, Violet may jump in herself. Just don't join the Second Sunlight resistance here, I won't support such an organization." I spoke to her, sheathing my friend upon my back, Vincent following suit.

"I...uh...uh...might come." She managed to squeak out.

"We'd welcome you with open arms. We're trying to build a path out of the Everfree and into Ponyville for such things and secure it, but we can't until I know for sure there is no resistance. We can supply food and maybe build some temporary shelters for ponies here. Do you know of any people in Second Sunlight?" I questioned, my voice being soft toned and friendly, but still holding it's gruffness and depth from being a seasoned war veteran and ruler.

"I'm sorry, I-I don't want to start trouble, but check elsewhere, the group is here." She responded and quickly closed the door.

"A bit rude, but I suppose that means to check the actual village. Come." I ordered Vincent and we both began to walk at a fast pace to Ponyville, arriving after a few minutes.

The citizens began to back away from us, cowering and hiding behind rubble, a few were shaky, but brave enough to stay at the same distance they were when I entered, not budging at all, but holding their ground. I began to make my way to Golden Oaks in attempt to see if Twilight was there or was located some other place. Upon nearing it, I heard loud conversation and a lot of varying noises from inside the library, this was definitely a place where ponies sought refuge. The noise was quite loud when I arrived at the front of it and noticed there was an odd engraved full moon in the root next to the door.

"Vincent, have some scouts check into that mark, it looks like trouble." I knocked on the door after he had nodded to me. The library went a bit quiet, some voices still talking after I knocked.

A pony with a red and deep pink mane and a cream color answered the door and immediately froze in fear.

"Good day, ma'am. I'm sure you know who I am. I came by to see if Twilight was home." I answered with a friendly voice, showing some manners and respect in my words. The mare was frightened beyond words.

"S-she...she she is." The fear filled mare stammered out and stepped aside quickly as I walked in, Vincent staying close to me. The entire pony filled room went quiet.

The pupils of all the civilians landed on me and Vincent, some filled with hate, but most with fear. I began to search about for the tell tale colors of Twilight and found her to not be in the main library area. I walked up the stairs, moving through the silent crowd that was now whispering. I found Twilight's room and knocked on it.

"Just a minute!" I heard her voice called from within. She had answered the door after a few moments, opening it, "Oh, Lucius, it's nice to see you today." I know she had feigned some of that. Her eyes were bloodshot, most likely from the death of her mentor and the stress that being a major political player had. She probably hasn't slept in a while and finished crying not to long ago.

"I came here on business. I'm just here to thank you for accepting your role that I handed you so willingly, even if it is more stress than you are used to. Remember that I do guard your world now so nothing can ever happen to it again. I was hoping you could help me look into this Second Sunlight resistance, I am not allowing such a group to fester in my own new people and cause a disruption to my own people's lives." I spoke out the long sentences and she came out of her room and quietly shut the door. I had now noticed when she moved out of the way that the room was filled with sleeping bags and linens and ponies were strewn across the floor sleeping.

These citizens were smart when recovering from a crisis, they had worked out a schedule so that there would be constant rebuilding until everything was back to normal. By some sleeping during the day, there would be workers repairing at night. They weren't much for reacting to an immediate crisis though.

"Come." Twilight whispered and began to walk to a closet opening it and entering inside. I followed suit, Vincent remaining outside the closet, staying vigilant. The closet door was shut.

"I suppose you do know something." I began.

"First of all, I'm a bit mad at you for appointing me to such a high position without my consent, most of are except Rainbow, she's accepted it quite quickly. But yes, I believe I know something." She began in a harsh tone and lightened as she spoke.

"Then do share what you do know."

"I'm sure you saw the full moon mark on the root by the door when you came in. That mark was not there until you..." She faltered for a moment until I nodded, showing the signal that I knew what she was talking about, "but that may have something to do with this resistance you are talking about. I am pretty sure the members will not near the library or any of the others' houses. But check into the marks, they must mean something." She finished.

"Thanks for the info, Twilight. I'll supply the town with food and temporary shelters when the resistance is dealt with. There will soon be a road made."

I exited the closet and began a hurried walk outside the library and back toward the Everfree. Vincent followed close behind me and began a sprint as we hurried back to the castle. I quickly rushed past my room and entered my study, beginning to record my findings and writing on the parchment with a speed and sloppiness that only an urgency could force. I began to send letters out to my best sneaks, informing them of where to go and what information to get. I told them to observe for an entire day and watch the workings of all the citizens, keeping a close log. I continued to write for the next two hours, preparing scrolls for delivery to the scouts. I had written twenty before finishing and walking out of my study, holding some written papers for a different use.. I walked into the quarters of the guards and began to gather a large amount. I ordered them out to the front of the castle to begin cutting a path through the forest and to Ponyville. They most likely inferred to make a stone pathway atop the grass as well and lights along the way.

I entered my bedroom and was quickly greeted by another hug and it immediately broke my concentration as I took in soft skin, warm arms, and a gentle embrace.

"I see you missed me." I spoke, a slight smile on my face.

"Very so, you were gone for quite a while." Violet responded, looking up at me with a large smile before burying her head once again into my robes.

"I'll have to soon depart again and gather some forces to watch over Ponyville sternly. And don't worry, I'll be careful about that too." I laughed with my lips sealed, a deep sound vibrating in my throat up to my mouth. She smiled up at me once again.

"I...need to talk with you when you have time." Her smile fled her face and a neutral expression replaced it even though her eyes told stories of worry.

"I'll return quickly then." I bent my head down and kissed her forehead, sliding from her grip. My hand traced down her arm that she left outstretched. Her hand gripping my own at the end.

I gave her a glance with a smile and received the same as I left her sight from the doorway. I quickly made my way into the guard's quarters again and rounded up many more guards and soon had them on a march, following me to Ponyville. These plans would be sure to find them or prevent them from doing any major operations and if not, more drastic actions need to be taken.

I led the small, but yet big group of guards compared to other forces through the Everfree, drumming up a lot of synchronized metallic noises. We heard no animal approach and the sky remained quiet as we continued on, going on to Fluttershy's cottage and soon Ponyville. I turned to them as they halted we I did.

"Today, we crush resistance in this town. All of you are to form a barrier around Ponyville as we bring you supplies. Camps will be established soon. Take shifts to ensure that there is a constant watch on who enters and who exits." I had amplified my voice so that all could hear, even some of the citizens within the town.

The guards began to organize themselves, few staying where they are at while others circled around all the buildings, even cutting off the trail to Sweet Apple Acres. I entered the town, pulling out one of the papers I had in my hand.

Citizens of Ponyville

There has been word of a resistance known as Second Sunlight and the new ruler would like them to be stopped. These political warmongers will cause innocent deaths and unneeded force. The King Lucius asks for direct apprehension of these criminals that conspire to overthrow your planned perfect afterlives. Arrest them on site or come with information to the castle in the Everfree. There will soon be a road established to the castle through the Everfree that will be guarded at all times. Report any immediate instances to the patrolling guards

A direct arrest and confirmation of the charge of conspiracy on the arrested individual will earn compensation of protection, and wealth or status.
After conformation of an anonymous tip, compensation of wealth and minor protection will be given.

Removal of this poster will enforce strict repercussions.

King Lucius

I went around the town, quickly posting them at turns in the roads and common areas of meeting. The ponies viewed them once I was a good ways away. The guards now constantly patrolling the areas of the town, even peeking into the alleys at times.. I knew this would heavily deter their activities and give a slim chance that I would receive a tip to find them. I soon began on my way, returning to the castle quickly, the guards having gotten a third of the way through the thick brush and trees. I found may way up to my bedroom, the sun now showing the lateness in the day. My wife was napping, and even though I yearned to hear what she was wishing to talk with me about, I refused to wake her. I quietly walked over to the balcony, not making a single sound due to my training in the arts of stealth, an option that proved useful countless times when I hadn't gained all the power I did. I looked out to the courtyard, watching the guards train once more.

I began to think of the human "soul farm" I had made. They refused to help me and they were only sitting there, giving me souls very slowly. I would need to find a way to get more out of them and receive more benefits than just souls from them. Integrating them into the normal pony towns here, would most likely help to understand them and learn more of them as they return back and slowly become more friendly with me through my kindness. This, sadly, was a problem for later, a new species suddenly being included in Equestria would cause a bit of a disruption.

I continued to watch the guards train for quite a while until I heard a movement from the bed. I turned behind me and saw Violet was indded, waking up, dressed in a simple nightgown. I walked over, crouching before here as she lay, slowly stretching on the bed, eyes closed. When she opened them as she had decided to stay laying, she instantly noticed me and smiled.

"I'm ready for that chat you wanted." I smirked, all seriousness and thought of the current resistance leaving my mind.

"Then allow me to dress myself better, I'll see you at the entrance to the forest. Go ahead and wait for me." She responded, still laying still.

I wrapped an arm around her and drew her into a warm, gentle embrace; kissing her forehead as I stood, I began to walk to the door, looking around and giving her a smile as she slowly sat up. I headed down the many flights of stairs and walked to the bridge, waiting at it patiently, the sun had barely moved from it's position, but there was already a noticeable amount of sunlight that left the ground, giving a softer view of all the colors about me.

After a few minutes, maybe ten or twenty, she walked out and began walking to me, wearing a simple purple dress that was laced tightly in the back. She bore flat shoes as she walked, the grass barely tickling her ankles. As she neared, I offered my hand, her taking it and we soon crossed the bride and walked into the path that the guards were making before she lead me into the actual forest through a small break in the bushes. After a long ways in, she began to speak.

"Well, we're alone now, so I can share what I've been thinking with you." She spoke, facing ahead and looking at all the flora in our way.

"Do tell, I'm eager to know." I had a goofy smile that only she could give plastered to my face.

"Cadence helped me to remember who you were and who I was very well. I remember that I sometimes was present when you called war council to plan movements, and I learned a lot in them about what we on. I was an active person in our activities and I sometimes inputted points, changing your plans slightly." She began.

"Yes, you did. I had avoided some areas for battlegrounds to preserve the nature and wildlife there as well as some people and their peaceful ways of living." I was recalling many memories on the many maps I had drawn plans on.

"I know that you were strict when it came to business and strict training the guards so they were ready for any battle and to defend themselves and their fellow men. But you were kind to the people, you never harmed them unless you had to. And this 'war' here that you won, you did the exact same. I remember you and me and all the things we had done. I'm no longer an agent of holy forces." I smiled big as her words and halted, stopping our walk. We had turned to face each other, hand-in-hand.

"I'm back and I'm yours again." She spoke in the simplest words that rung the most beautiful noises to my ears. We embraced and engaged in a long delayed kiss that held for just a few seconds, but it felt much longer and so much more meaningful than just a simple symbol of love.

Chapter 14: Swift Darkness

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After our embrace, we quickly took each other into a warm and tight embrace. She had buried her head once again in my arms, my own laying over hers. I began to play with her hair, running my finger through it slowly. Her locks had been brushed and straightened quite well this day, most likely for this occasion, the longest strands reaching just past her butt, laying over the area in her back where her wings meet. We had stayed there, enjoying each other's presences for many precious moments before continuing on and beginning to walk back to the castle.

"So, what are the happenings in Equestria now?" She questioned. I had an arm firmly kept around her, making her side pressed up against me as we walked.

"Well, we had just defeated the main ruler here and I appointed the proper authority to rule in my stead as I go about doing what I do. And we have a resistance founded in Ponyville, which I am dealing with quickly."

"I know the first part...you had killed her right in front of me. Why did you have to do it so brutally?" She questioned, the last part of her sentence going into a quiet solemn voice.

"To send a message, but I was also quite angry when I had heard they took you from me. You know you're quite important to me." I spoke, receiving a heavy pull and hug on my arm. I looked to her.

"It was still a bit much..."

"It was effective in what it intended to do." We had almost reached the path and both of us had gone silent when we did, ponies were walking the finished paved road. Stone laid out well with glass braziers on pillars that rested on both sides of the path.

The ponies had stopped and looked at me with a sort of distaste. They continued to just stare at me with a sort of hate, but some had a sort of sympathy for me for an odd reason. The ponies had to have started some kind of story or my past may have been leaked out by someone. Only few there had looked at me with a smile, either of respect, fear, or honest belief that I am a good being. I only needed a few to have hope in me, that's how manipulating the public works. I continued to hold her close to me.

"I know some of you may have hate for me or most likely fear me or both. But do know that I can better take care of your threats. I can eradicate those that threaten Equestria and pacify the common and daily threats of beasts and monsters. I can promise this and you will see in due time."

"You're nothing but trouble and we don't want you here." One of the more wealthier and higher reputation holders spoke up directly. I was used to the waltzes of political events on ballroom floors filled with pitfalls and spikes.

"If I leave, who will protect you? The elements of harmony are not going to work anymore. Holy forces are gone, and Celestia only has her magic, she can't protect all of you ponies as well as I could." He had gone silent.

"We'd rather die than be forced to live under your rule!" A lower status citizen tried to begin another chaotic event. I dealt with these sudden proclaims quickly, they can turn into a nuisance-like uproar quickly.

"If you died, you wouldn't be here, you would be in my kingdom directly, which is paradise for the dead. And even if you weren't with me, your souls would be lost among a plane of no existence. You would cease to even exist and that's something no mind could ever conceive." They fell silent from my response yet again.

"Be glad you live, be glad you've been promised an afterlife. Eventually, you'll come to accept me and praise me for this. I can offer you things Celestia could never do, just believe in me and obey." I left Violet's side and walked up to one of the ponies.

The gray maned, lime green old pony began to shake in fear. The other ponies had slowly backed away when I approached her. I laid my hand upon her head and focuses, she shook more and sealed her eyes tight. There were gasps all around as the visible wrinkles on her face and body began to clear up, tighten, and form young, beautiful skin once more, her fur tightening to her body and gaining a new luster. The mop of mane she had quickly healed as well, returning to a ever so light blonde. She no longer shook and stood easily, rejuvenated of all energy. I took away my hand and she remained the same, a dark aura, a sign of my energy, was left about her ever so slightly.

I wrapped my arm around my lovely wife again and began the trek back to the castle once more, walking down the stone path. The ponies behind me were still stunned, shocked, astonished from my actions, but yet all of them seemed to praise the wonders I did and complimented the newly reborn pony on her looks once more.

"Trying hard enough to get them to like you?" Violet said with a slight giggle as we crossed the stone bridge, ponies still coming to the castle.

"Well, if they see me as a Dark Messiah, they'll be more accepting and we'll soon lead them in better directions. We can also have great steeds for our forces and horses that could talk to you while you rode them." I looked to her, "It'd be an interesting experience."

"An unnerving one." We had both fell silent upon the entry into the castle.

There was a line forming from the door, ponies waiting to see me in the throne room of the castle, ready to speak of conspiracies and traitors to their nation that underwent a dark epiphany. These were sometimes of little use to me, but they always helped in the end.

Violet left a kiss upon my lips before walking off down corridors and up many stairs to reach our room most likely. She always left me when I had business to conduct and citizens to speak with. My brother by name formed in my hand from dark flames, the metal shining from the dark flame lit torches in the room. I walked up and took my seat upon the throne, one of my three advisers coming to my side, standing at my right. I laid the tip of the Death Sword at my feet, between them, leaning forward and holding the handle with both hands, giving an intimidating pose already, prepared to squeeze all information from these ponies.

The guards at the front doors opened the huge wooden gates again, guiding the very first pony in and forming a barrier to keep the others out, closing the doors and standing outside with them. Two higher ranking warriors of mine were in the room, standing at either side of the designated speaking spot for citizens, a small black square outlined on the purple carpet that lead to the throne. The pony began to walk up, a yellow coat and red curly mane accented by his baker's apron, showing he must have just gotten done with work as flour and other stains were on it. He bowed his head to me when he had reached the platform. I could feel his nervous vibe solidifying the air around me. I ate chunks from the metaphorical air about him with my presence, pose, and stare.

"I see you just came from work. Very responsible. And what would you tell me about Second Sunlight or its members?" I began, my voice commanding and deep as it normally is.

"I...I..." He began.

"State your name, occupation, residency, and address his Majesty properly when you speak." Both of the guards said roughly, their hands laying on the pommel and handle of their swords, as directed by me for further pressing of informants.

"I'm-I'm Carrot Cake, co-owner of Sugarcube Corner with my wife Cup Cake, I live at my business, Sugarcube Corner, in Ponyville, your...Majesty." He spoke quickly and had a hard time exerting the last part of his sentence.

"And what have you heard?" I leaned forward more, intent on trying to get him to slip up somewhere in case he was leaving some information out.

"The resistance is mostly working in different basements and sometimes in the remains of crop fields." He spoke quickly again.

"Who owns these basements?" My adviser had begun to take notes on the information he was giving. I was still busy being the inquisitor here.

"I don't know. I just heard they used basements."

"Where did you hear it?"

"From one of my uh-customers." He slipped up.

"Ponyville is such a small town and you most likely heard it from someone you know well or a very regular customer. You must know a name."

"B...Berry Punch!" His voice cracked and squeaked from the large amount of stress he was under.

"Go send out other guards to arrest Berry Punch and bring her to me immediately." I looked at Carrot Cake still as one of the higher ranking soldiers in the throne room, the one to the left of Carrot Cake was in a light jog out of the throne room and towards the quarters.

"Don't her any of us, please!"

"Is that a plea? Are you with her as well?" I stood and walked down the five steps to his level and stood above him, sword in my right hand.

"N-n-no...no, your Majesty!" He bowed his head and shut his eyes hard.

"Arrest him too along with the entire Cake family and send for Pinkie Pie."

Soon after, once the throne room was clear again, I sat upon the throne and the next pony came in, stating facts about themselves and their physical life before coming forth with something to say. Sometimes the informants would repeat or get themselves in the dungeons with the others. I had told the guards to keep them locked up based on what evidence claim they were involved with. Organization is key to deciphering these things. Most of the ponies that had told me things had me send out for arrest warrants on more and more ponies, the dungeons would most certainly be noisy or quiet depending on the attitudes of the guards that ran the jailor shifts for the month, perhaps the accompanying Pinkie would keep them entertained and happy. It was late, very late, when I had finished. The sun was down and the moon and stars shone, all ponies taken care of now. I had made sure that none were allowed to leave until their evidence claims were questioned and examined by me personally.

I stood up from the throne, the dark sword disappearing in black flames to return to the void where it was kept. I walked outside and stared about, Guards doing simple training routines at night, servants working, and everything else quiet. I remained outside for a bit before returning to my room, where I had a sleeping magnificence to see. I climbed in bed, and she quickly, but silently embraced me. I did the same to her, generating warmth just as well as the now cold fireplace in the room did. I had gone to sleep, the information gleaned from ponies gone in just a snap by her.

Chapter 15: Blood in Hand (Part 1)

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I found myself waking at the usual time that was five in the morning, leaving my wife in bed with nothing more than a kiss, a 'I love you', and a quick shower. I had things to do and they were quite pressing. The moment I exited my room, I found a guard speaking to me, a lower rank of Knight, he was without his lance but did carry his shortsword.

"There are ponies petitioning for the release of the prisoners, your Majesty." He had bowed as he said his message.

"Thank you, I will deal with them immediately. On your way." I said a quick reply and began a fast walk down the main corridor of the hallways and to the stairwell, descending deep past the basements and into the dungeons.

From here, I began to pull each pony aside and interrogating them, finding out more and calling guards down many times to go and check facts they stated. I only had to search their minds a few times with the trouble makers, the liars, the deceivers, the fibbers, and the nervous wrecks that couldn't form sentences in front of my intimidating presence. Many were sent free and only a third of my dungeons were occupied, one pony to a cell. I still sat upon the throne, questioning Pinkie now,

"You know ponies have been saying that you are harboring traitors in your basement." I began.

"I'm not! Whatever pony said that is craaazzzzy!" I got a cheery response.

"Forget it. I'll do a personal investigation." I spoke and stood, forming my thick ruby, obsidian covered armor. I had the cape attached this time. I only mean to be a show of force this time.

I walked past her, speaking as I walked, "You are free to go."

I opened the double doors myself, in an anger induced fast walk. I was sick and tired of all this running about to just solve such a simple problem. I found myself through the guarded path of the Everfree quickly standing at Fluttershy's cottage. I passed by it and quickly charged dark energy within my and sent it into the ground. Ponyville separated from all the other lands, Sweet Apple Acres even lifted up into the air with it. I kept the landmass going higher and higher before encapsulating it in a large black bubble. I walked to Sugarcube corner, resisting the urge to end some of these infernal ponies now. Mortals are always so bothersome and infuriating. I kicked down the door of the bakery, taking my aggression out on it. I began to search the place until I found a cellar door with a ladder behind the counter. I broke through it with a well placed stomp and jumped into the basement.

I found it having many labeled crates obvious for a bakery, some being flour, others being powder based baking goods, but no matter the item, it found itself elsewhere. I began tossing about the crates and some sacks, finding another mark located behind some. I bent down and observed it, finding it to be a sun, just like Celestia's cutiemark. I ran my fingers across it, noting that it was engraved. I continued moving object around until I saw wood in the stone basement wall. I uncovered it and found there was a door. I quickly kicked it in and found myself looking at a table full of ponies who stared at me in awe and fear.

The silence was there for only a mere moment before spells began to come way my, objects thrown at me, some missed.

When the ponies noticed that all their efforts were in vain they began to think of a way past me. All were found to be in some kind of black cloak. There were beds down here and other things that showed signs of living; cards for entertainment, canned foods, and even a small stove with pots and pans. I entered, sealing the entrance with a deep purple wall.

"All of you are guilty of treason, this is punishable by cruel executions...surrender yourselves to me and your sentence may be easier." I spoke firmly as I began to walk to the first I saw, a stallion with a disheveled yellow mane, his brown fur looking unkempt. He looked up at me in fear, the others running for the door and banging on it.

The stallion then did the unexpected and threw his hoof at my armor as hard as he could, only making me move back a tad, his hoof now injured from my armor. I cracked my fist over his head, putting him under quick. My gaze shifted toward the door, the ponies there banging on the wall. I walked over, getting each one of them incapacitated by my own hands. I gathered them up in my dark grip and left the bakery, a large group of ponies outside staring at me as the knocked out resistance was above me.

"Let this be a lesson to all of you. I have the power and I can root out all of you that resist me. If you listen to me kindly, I will send back the same." I continued through, going through the thick crowd of ponies that had gathered, a path parting for me. I returned Ponyville back into the ground after all of it was over, making the large bubble fade away.

I transported them myself all the way back to the castle, handing them to the jailers, Pinkie Pie was still in the throne room and I had refused to see her until after the new prisoners were dealt with.

I began a walk back to Ponyville in my normal black decorated robes, Pinkie talking to me.

"I may have caused damage to your bakery so just get in contact with one of my advisers and he'll access the damages and money needed for repairs."

"That's fine! But what about the ponies in the dungeon, they don't seem okay to me." Pinkie started cheery and sounded sad at the end.

"They're due for execution on the charge of treason. I must make examples to crush this resistance in Ponyville. You're free to go since I believe you had no idea they were down there."

"Thanks! But do you really have to hurt those ponies that bad? Wouldn't jail time be enough?" Pinkie was beginning to bargain with me.

"I must, if not, the resistance will still stand and things will be much harder to do. And enough about this."

We soon arrived back in Ponyville where she went back to the Bakery with Mr. and Mrs. Cake already there after being set free. The others ponies that were imprisoned had also been freed. I began to walk about Ponyville myself, looking for anything off. Soon enough, I'd introduce actual humans from the soul farm I had placed here, making things prosper through the knowledge and morals of both species combining. I arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, deciding to go to a quieter area. I began to walk down the trail myself, headed to the family cabin after getting a sudden idea.

I reached their door and knocked on it three times, all firm. The little Applebloom answered and quickly cowered backwards, letting the door fly open. I know some ponies feared me, but this was a bit excessive.

"Little Applebloom, you're a brave filly and I bring no harm to you. Could you get Applejack for me?" She nodded, shaking before disappearing in a tuft of dust when she galloped through the house quickly. I stayed at the door.

A few moments passed before Applejack came up from behind me.

"What do you want?" She asked in an annoyed voice, "don't you have everything you want from Equestria already?" She scowled at me.

"I'm bettering your world, Applejack. You have a much stronger protector over you, I hope all of you ponies realize that soon. If Sombra comes knocking again or an evil creature appears in Equestria, you have my promise it will be dealt with swiftly."

"We'll see." She rolled her eyes at me.

"I want you to send some of your best apples to the humans here, it's time you get acquainted." I spoke and turned away, walking back down the path I came.

"What? But where are they? I'm all for being nice to new pon- er, humans, but where do I go?" Applejack asked in a confused manner.

"You'll figure it out." I let dark mist surround me as I disappeared in it and reappeared from dark flames in front of my castle.

I had planned to let them start knowing that I can be a very benevolent leader as well, but I first needed to attend to my pressing duty. The executions, which are to take place in Ponyville's plaza. setting examples is a powerful way to get a people to listen and follow you. They would eventually forgive me for the slaying of Celestia, eventually. I have her in the Underworld, learning about our way of life before I return her to Equestria in hew new state.

I saw Frederick standing in front of the castle and he immediately approached me when I reformed.

"Your Majesty, the ponies are ready to be executed, the stage is set in Ponyville."

I decided to take my time and walk to Ponyville through the path that was built and another idea hit me. I could tear down more of the Everfree forest and build homes for ponies to leave in near me. I made a mental note to have my constructors draw plans for pony-like homes to add in. I needed to begin kinder acts since I established my foothold here firmly.

Once I arrived, I already saw ponies gathered around the center of town, staring at the hooded ponies in shackles that were wait to be executed. I formed Lamenta Mortis into my right hand and walked onto the stage, looking to the crowd.

"They have been accused of Treason. These are the supposed Second Sun members." My few words were met with some boos before I brandished my sword high in the air. I never liked giving long execution speeches for the public. I gave them all a few more moments to themselves. Everyone faces death alone and there is beauty in that. That ebauty can't be missed.

"I will give you all a few moments to make peace with whatever supernatural force you wish or to collect and prepare yourself. Die courageously." I whispered to them and walked to the one on the farthest right of the stage, putting my blade up to his throat. His body was entirely cloaked and his head was fully hooded. I never showed the faces nor body of the races schedules to be executed.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Ready..." I heard a weak masculine voice reply in a shallow whisper. He had enough courage to look death in the eye and accept it.

"Well done."

I quickly slung my blade across, segregating his head from his body and showering blood onto the small stage's wooden flooring and the other ponies fated to die. I followed down the line, repeating the process until I reached the last one.

"Ready?" I repeated again, placing Lamenta Mortis at the ponies throat.

"Buck you!" She shouted before whipping her chains at my legs. I dropped my blade when she continued to flail, stepping away.

"You clearly aren't fit for executions this way. I'll give you a warrior's death instead. Does that suit your fancy?" I leaned in close and said the last one directly into her ear. Manipulating could be enjoyable, but I liked this pony. She had some bravery, some audacious nerve in her.

"You two! Take her back to the castle and give her a weapon of her choosing, any weapon and any armor. Put her in the training grounds. Have some other guards fix up some stand for watching. I'm sure this pony would love to have a chance to battle me. Let her train with any of you as much as she wants, but do not be slain." I pointed and gave quick orders to the some of the guards on duty. I often got too excited at the thought of battling a being like this.

And tomorrow, I would find out what stones she really had, but I still have some business to attend to.