Fluttershy's Human Life

by LOLSquad

First published

A short tale of friends and foes Fluttershy encounters in her day to day life in downtown Atlanta.

Fluttershy takes a giant leap toward adventure when she asks to be transformed into a human and placed in human society. What a better place to learn than downtown Atlanta (Cue sarcasm)! Everything is going semi-well when someone tries to rob her on the street, but a nice boy helps get her back on her feet. (This is where the story turns "lovey-dovey" by the way).

This story was just an idea that was lingering after school one day, and now its a work in progress. I will upload the chapters as I write them, which is sometimes a long process, so be patient with me please!

Trying to phone home

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Fluttershy walked passed the various stores and buildings in downtown Atlanta. She was bundled up, complete with a green wool hat and matching mittens, a yellow button up jacket, a sky-blue scarf that covered up to her nose, and black snow boots. Even though she hadn't seen it snow in Atlanta since she got there two years ago, she thought she should be ready for any event.

With her she carried a bag with her personal items, like her phone and her favorite brand of blush, and a handwritten letter for her friend Twilight Sparkle from back home. When she left for the strange new world, Twilight had one request: that she write to her every week. Fluttershy graciously accepted and was transported to the new world she would soon call “home”.

The reason she decided that a human world would be the best place to move was because she wanted to see how different cultures lived, and what’s more “different” than a different race! So she had Twilight call in a favor to Princess Celestia (she was far too shy to ask herself), asking if she could transform her and send her to our world. She accepted, gave her the necessary “human-like” papers for her to become a citizen in whichever country she chose, and sent her off to live her life. What Fluttershy didn't expect was getting a job to be so hard. Luckily, the Princess pulled something together so she had a place to stay in Atlanta when she arrived. It wasn't the fanciest suite in the hotel, but it was a warm bed to sleep in.

When she finally landed a job tending to wounded animals under a vet’s supervision, she started to save enough money to move into an apartment just out of Atlanta, but every once in awhile she liked to walk through the streets. She didn't know anybody here except for some people at work, so she was usually alone. She didn't mind though, she would like to have some company, but having a place to herself and her thoughts was also nice. She did have a little company; she brought home one of the bunnies someone had abandoned at the vet. She’s been nursing her back to health, talking to her and feeding her, and she even named her Angel Bunny in honor of the one she left behind. The bunny was nice, but she didn't quite respond in the ways that the original Angel Bunny did.

As she was walking down the street, she noticed someone asking for change. She stopped in front of him, dug through her bag for any extra money she could find, and held it out for him. He went to take it, but held onto Fluttershy’s hand for a moment.

“Bless you, kind stranger.” He said, letting go of her hands. She smiled at him, and was instantly warmed by her good deed. Beaming with joy, she continued to walk down the street. Her smile instantly faded when someone ran up from behind her and stole her bag off of her.

“Hey!! Please don’t take that!!” She yelled, running after the man, but he was too fast for her. She slowed, tears filling her eyes.

Suddenly, another man started chasing the criminal. As soon as he got close enough, he tackled the thief to the ground, landing a blow on his head making sure he doesn’t get up. He grabbed the bag and turned to see if there was anyone to claim it. He saw Fluttershy, tears streaming down her face, running up to him.

“My goodness are you alright?” She asked, voice shaking.

“I should be asking you the same question. Is this yours ma’am?” He said holding out the bag. Fluttershy nodded and took the bag. She tried to avoid eye contact with him, but he was trying to look her straight in the eyes. She finally shifted her gaze up to his face, and he was staring right back in hers. Fluttershy couldn’t break her gaze, she was staring right into the perfect blue eyes of another man she’d never met before, but it somehow felt... right.

“Hello?” He asked. Fluttershy shook her head a little, looking down to see that both his hands were on hers, holding the bag in them so she wouldn't drop it. She could feel the warmth of his hands seeping through her mittens, and she felt it flood the rest of her body. This made her nervous..

“Oh, sorry...” She said gripping her bag tighter. “Did you say something?”

“I just wanted to know what your name was.” He said with a chuckle.

“Oh.. my friends just call me.. Fluttershy...” She said.

“Well miss Fluttershy, why would a girl such as yourself be walking around the streets of Atlanta alone at night?” He said putting on a slightly mischievous smile.

“Well, I have to mail out this letter to my friend back home, I need to write her every week, and I don’t want to let her down...” Fluttershy said.

“I see, I believe the post office is closed now though. It is nearly 10 at night now..” The man said, checking his watch.

“I’m not going to the post office, I go to a girls house to drop off my letters every week... she, um.. mails them out for me when the post office opens!” Fluttershy lied. She goes to the woman’s house, not to have her mail the letter, but to have her send it to the Princess. The girls name was Starlight Charmer. She was already here with permission from the princess, learning about the ways of human society. She was studying under the guidance of the princess, and like Twilight, had a baby dragon assistant, though her’s was named Flame.

“Then I shall walk you to her house. No need to have a lovely young woman like you walking alone in the dark, especially with people like this guy.” He pointed at the man he knocked out, who was apparently conscious once more and trying to crawl away. “My names Justin by the way.” He turned to look back at her. She instantly dropped the gaze she had on him and blushed. She didn’t want to invite him along because it was far away, and what would he think when he got to the woman's house and saw what she did with the letter?! But, she also didn’t want to leave his side, and not only because he’d just saved her. She’d felt comfortable standing around him, even if she was still acting shy, so she just nodded.

“O-okay, well.. Her house is this way..” She said. When she turned to walk towards Starlights house, a cool wind picked up blowing in the opposite direction, as if it were telling her she’d forgot something, to turn back. She turned fast, almost falling over, but Justin was standing directly behind her. He caught her in her arms and held her tight.

“Woah the wind is crazy tonight! We shouldn’t stay out too long, it’s going to get cold. How far away is this womans house from here?” Justin asked.

“It’s not too far, just passed the The Varsity.” Fluttershy replied.

“That’s a couple miles from here!! You say you walk that every week!?” Justin said surprised.

“Yes, is that far? Oh I’m sorry, you don’t have to walk with me if you don’t want to..” She said, sounding increasingly sad.

“No!! No I just didn’t know it was that far away.. I’ll still walk with you okay?” Justin said trying to look her in the eyes, but she had her face buried in his chest. He heard a muffled “okay” come from her mouth. When she finally let go, her cheeks were red and her eyes were like globes.

“What's wrong?” Justin asked.

“It’s just... your chest was... nevermind.. can we start walking now please?” Fluttershy said. They both started to walk, but Justin was wondering about his chest. He looked down and found a wet spot on the right side of his shirt, and he hoped to god it wasn’t snot. He zipped up his jacket and put his hands back in his pocket. Fluttershy was walking to his left, and the wind kept blowing all her hair that wasn’t restricted by the hat.

The rest of the long walk was taken in mostly silence with the occasional glance at each other, but it wasn’t the awkward walk you would take with your mom through the mall, it was more of a comfortable walk you’d take with your hero, one where you feel safe. When they finally reached Starlight’s house Fluttershy spoke once more.

“So, I think if you want... can you wait out here please?”

“Uhh, yeah sure. Take your time.” Justin said with a smile.

“Thank you!” Fluttershy said, smiling back. Before she left, she gave him a quick hug, then scurried inside the house.

A few moments past before Starlight answered the door looking like she’d just rolled out of bed.

“Really Fluttershy? I told you last time, come. Over. Earlier.” She said rubbing her eyes. She had hair that was dyed a deep green and faded on one side. She wore sky blue short shorts and a light red tank top as pajamas.

“Sorry... I just needed to mail the letter, and I was so busy with work, this small puppy kept wagging it’s cute wittle tail at me, so we played for hours and hours! And-”

“STOP!! I get it you love animals. Now where is the letter?” Starlight asked, annoyed and tired.

“Oh yeah, sorry I have it right here.” Fluttershy retrieved the letter from her bag and handed it to the girl with green bedhead. “Thank you so mu-”

“Yeah yeah yeah.” Starlight said closing the door. Fluttershy faintly heard her yell “Flaaaame, come and get it!”

She walked back to where Justin was standing and didn’t say a word.

“Everything went okay?” Justin said. She nodded, but didn’t say anything. “Would you like me to walk you home now?”

“Yes please.” She said softly. They walked almost all of the way back in silence, standing no more and no less than a couple feet away from each other at all times. When they came near Fluttershy’s apartment they stood, as if they were both waiting for the other to say something.

“Well, I better go inside now, it’s getting late.” Fulttershy said.

“Yeah, I better get going as well, I gotta get up early... for that... important thing I have going on... yeah...” Justin lied.

“Well, it was nice meeting you Justin!”

“Oh the pleasure was all mine, believe me! If you ever need a companion just give me a call okay?” Justin said. He handed her a card with his number on it. She took it and smiled at him. “Maybe, if you want... perhaps tomorrow you might need a companion for the night? Maybe for dinner?”

“Oh sure! That sounds lovely, I’ll see you then!” Fluttershy said as her face lit up.

“Great! I’ll call you tomorrow then!” Justin said. They then hugged, and as they were moving apart, Justin’s lips brushed Fluttershy’s cheek. Her cheeks burned red, and she watched him as he waved goodbye and walked alone out of the apartment building and off into the night.