> Broken Promises > by Andy4849 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 15 Years Ago > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Broken Promises By Skyler Hall "15 years ago Celestia had a child named Aurora she was controller of the Auroras and the spark that started a war. The name of this war was the Changeling War. It lasted three years starting with the first battle of Canterlot and ending with strange disappearance of Celestia's Daughter" "Twilight why am is supposed to know about this?" "Well Rainbow I was wondering if you knew anything about Aurora?" "Other than what you just told me I know nothing about her, anyway I gotta go you know weather, nap, stuff" "Rainbow you have no idea" > Chapter 1: Who is Aurora? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Broken Promises By Skyler Hall Rainbow Dash After leaving Twilight's house I when't around and setup the weather for the day. About 20 minutes later I had almost finished all I had to do was move a cloud from over Sweet Apple Acers. Then it hit me. A searing pain in my head and my whole body began to paralyze starting with my back legs then front legs and lastly my wings. I started ton loose consciousness. Right before I passed out I hit the ground. Twilight Sparkle About Twenty Minutes after Rainbow had left I heard a screaming noise outside. I ran out to see Rainbow falling from the sky and I saw her hit the ground over Sweet Apple Acers. I flew over there as fast as I could. As I landed I saw AppleJack and Big Mac lifting a wounded Rainbow Dash out of the small crater she had created on her impact. "Oh Celestia not now." I said to myself as I ran over to help them. We got Rainbow on Big Mac's back and then ran off to the hospital. When we got there a whole team of medical staff rushed around Rainbow and took her off to some other part of the hospital. A doctor came up to us and asked "What happened." "She fell" AppleJack replied "From where?" "A cloud." "That doesn't make sense, she would have to fall from space at a strange angel to get that kind of injury, and ever then it would be highly unlikely that that would happen." A while later Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinke Pie came through the door all at once "We came as soon as we herd, I saw Rainbow fall from the sky and I had a wibble wobble this morning and when I saw Rainbow I knew something was happening and, and oh dear," Pinke Pie said at nearly incomprehensible speed "Did she even breathe?" Rarity asked Fluttershy "Never mind that what does a wibble wobble mean?" I asked "It means a promise is about to be broken" "No not that anything but that please not that." "Um, Twilight what are you talking about" Fluttershy asked "I can't tell you but she can" I pointed to Celestia who was standing in the doorway "Hello, My little ponies," She said. Rainbow Dash I was falling, all around me were memories of another life. One I usually can't remember, but for some reason they were resurfacing now as somepony approached one who I knew some how one who reminded me of the past and the one who gave birth to me. for she was my mother and soon I would know her name.All of a sudden I felt every emotion at once. Happy and sad, cheerful and angry, love and hate. Twilight Sparkle Celestia told the five of us the story of what was happening to Rainbow. "As most of you probably know I hid my daughter Aurora when my husband Fire Charge died in the last battle of the changeling war. I did it to prevent any further deaths. When I kid her I disguised her as a pegasus in a Cloudsdale orphanage. I erased her image from every living things memory including her own and from there on she would know herself as..." "Rainbow Dash," Rarity said "Yes I told Twilight after she became a princess, but I made her promise not to tell anypony. I am here because Rainbow Dash is becoming Princess Aurora again, I must be here after all she is my daughter" Rainbow Dash Something was happening, I could feel a change in the elements of harmony. Its as if some thing was causing a disturbance (in the force). It was changing the powers themselves. Also I could sense my mother drawing near and I would awaken and finally know her name. Twilight Sparkle Me, Princess Celestia, and the 4 other ponies walked cautiously in to the room where our hurt friend (/daughter) lay shaking in pain. She was breathing heavily, above that abnormally "Mommy," she asked from her subconscious state "Yes my Aurora I am here," Celestia said walking up to where Rainbow was. "It hurts," Rainbow replied as her whole body gave a massive shake "Is she awake?" I asked "No," Celestia gently replied "But it is starting soon." As she said that Rainbow's body glowed with a bright light that filled up the whole room. Outside the Auroras shined for the first time in twelve years Princess Luna I stared out the window at the Auroras which I had not seen since Nightmare Moon had been banished from the moon. "Your majesty what is it?" A guard asked "The Auroras are back!" I replied "Does that mean that your sisters daughter is back?" "Yes, and if you excuse me I have to speak to the country." I walked out on to the balcony where all of equestria would be listening and said "You are all probably wondering what just happened well my sister's daughter returned." Rainbow Dash I awoke startled not remembering any of the dream that had previously taken place. Around me I saw my friends and Princess Celestia?! I was so shocked that I slammed my head into the wall behind me. The princess was here but why? "Rainbow are you okay," Fluttershy asked "Why?" I asked "What happened?" "Um..." All five of my friends said at once "I can explain," Celestia said "Rainbow Dash you are..." "What?" I asked "My daughter, Princess Aurora" I burst out laughing and said "Good one but really why?" "Look at your head" I glanced up to see a horn attached to my head" "What?" I asked I looked down at my hooves were glowing along with the rest of my body just as Princess Aurora was said to have. "What?" I asked the princess. > Note > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Serious revisions are underway on the Intro and chapter 1 but i will not be able to update them till at least next week. I'm studying for exams, I have a cold, and my grandmother died so I don't have enough time right now. This will be removed eventually.