The Black Coated Filly

by bellensnow

First published

When your a foal, and your born with a black coat things can get hectic. Lets follow Marble Trays life as a black coated foal

Marbles life was good as a foal, but when school started things got hectic. She was bullied by diamond tiara and silverspoon. Lets follow her as she goes through her life.


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"Here you go Mrs. Pie, a beautiful filly." Nurse Red heart said as she handed a small bundle to Pinkie. Pinkie now had her foal after waiting for a whole 10 months. She was early but healthy. Pinkie's filly was a unicorn, had a black coat, Pinkie's bright pink hair with a dark blue streak,and amethyst colored eyes. Her husband, Pokey, was overjoyed with with the arrival of his own foal. He had just hope that being pre-mature didn't have ant defects on the foal.

"We need a name for your filly." Nurse Red heart said. Pinkie had the name ready for a month. She was going to name her after her desisted sister.

"Marble Tray." Pinkie said.

"Beautiful, I'll let your friends in now." Nurse Red heart said as she was leaving. Her friends filed into the room.

"Oh Pinkie we're so happy for you!" Twilight said. Her smile was almost as big as Pokeys.

"She has your hair darling." Rarity pointed out.

"Yeah she dose." Pinkie said her voice a combination of wonder and tiredness.

"If you two need anything call me." Fluttershy said.

"Will do." Pokey replied.

"I have to plan a party!" Pinkie said suddenly.

"Oh Pinkie." Rainbow Dash said as she punched her lightly. And at that moment everything was fine for that filly but that would all change.

Chapter 1

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"Ok Marble time for school, go make some new friends." Pinkie told her daughter excitedly. Today was Marbles first day of school at ponyville high..

"Ok mom." Marble said.

"Have fun!" Pokey yelled after her.

"See you after!" After a deep breath and a wave to her parents Marble went to the school field. She saw that some of the other filly's and colt's where playing hoofball.

"Can I join?" Marble asked when she got close to one player. This player was a gray pegusus colt with a black mane. "Sure!" He said. "You can be on my team.

"Cool, what's your name?" Marble asked the colt.

"Rumble, yours?" Rumble asked.

"Marble Tray but you can call me Marble." She told Rumble.

"Awesome." Rumble said. So Marble, Rumbke and some other filly's and colt's played hoofball until the bell rang.

"See you at recess." Rumble said as he galloped to get the ball.

"Ok!" Marble yelled back. "Wow my first friend..." She said to no pony in particular. School, as she had predicted, was boring. Marble couldn't wait to get to recess so she could play hoofball. As Miss Cherallie droned on and on about how equestria came to be a note fell on her desk.

"A note?" Marble whispered to herself. It said to pass it on so that's what she did she didn't want to get in trouble in class. She hoped she never would, but alas she was wrong. Something always happens to black coated foals.

Marble was more organized than the other filly's and colts, so it took her longer to get outside. When she got outside she heard somepony bullying somepony else. They shouldn't do that, I should go help. Marble thought to herself. When she got there a crowed was already there.

"Wow." Marble said astonished.

"There's so many ponies here already." Marble stood in the crowd until she heard the bully saying some meaner things. Now I need to help. Marble thought to herself.

"Hey!! Stop bullying them!" Marble said as she fought her way through the crowed. Diamond tiaras ears pricked up at the sound of another filly telling her not to do something.

"And who do you think you are!?!" DT shouted.

"Umm, hi, yeah that would have been me." Marble said now beginning to get scared.

"Why are you sticking up for them?" DT asked in a "I'm a rich filly" voice.

"Because they look like nice ponies." Marble said shooting them a smile.

"We'll no pony else here thinks so,so you're out of luck." DT said as she shot a demonic look at the other students. "Okay? How about because I don't have a cutie mark as well?" Marble questioned.

"Oh, then I'll stop. You seem like a cool pony who are you gonna pick me or the blackflanks? DT asked.

"Why did you call them that? I think I'll go with them. But I don't see why you're so mean to them." Marble told DT.

"Its because they not special." Silver Spoon said.

"They are to special!" Marble said.

"They are wonderful ponies. You two aren't."

"Hmph!" DT scoffed as she turned around.

"Fine we'll leave you four blankflanks alone then." DT said as she and Spoon walked off.

"Your just another pony to put in my black book." DT whispered.

"Hi!" Marble heard a voice say after that was done.

"Thanks for getting Diamond tiara off our backs." That was said by a Snow white unicorn.

"My names Sweetie Belle, that's Apple Bloom and Scootaloo."

"Hi, howdy." said the other two fillies.

"Umm "We where wondering if ya would like to hang out with us after school today." The filly, now known as Apple Bloom, asked her.

"Where would we be going?" Marble asked.

"Only to suger cube corner. We where gonna get milkshakes. The others filly, now known as Scootaloo said.

"Oh I'd have to ask mum when she comes to pick me up. I'm sure she'll say yes." BRIIIIIIIING

"Oh that's the bell we should get back inside." Sweetie Belle said see you after school um-

"Marble" the black coated filly supplied.

"Okay see you!" Sweetie said as she ran off. Marbles day was off to a good start. But you'll never know what'll happen tomorrow.

Chapter 2

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BRIIIIING!!!! The bell that symbols that school was over had rang and the school day was now over. Marble couldn't wait to go to sugarcube corner with her new friends. Marble packed up all her stuff and bounced out of the schoolhouse like her mother would have. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo were with her too. They had spoken about having a new crusader for a long time and they had found the perfect pony. Now they just need to see if Marble would be willing to join. Let's see what Marble will say.

"Mum, can I go to sugarcube corner with Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo!" Marble yelled across the park.

"Silly you don't have to ask. I work there." Pinkie said when her daughter got over there. And with that she swooped her in to a big hug. "How was school?" Pinkie asked.

"It was fun! I made 4 new friends!" Marble said excitedly.

"Yea Misses pinkie." Apple bloom said.

"We'll let's get going to sugarcube corner then." Pinkie said.

"Yaaaaaaay!!!" The girls yelled in unison.

At sugarcube corner...

"Mum can you get us some milkshakes please?" Marbel asked.

"Of course darling, What would you girls like?" Pinkie replied

"One strawberry milkshake!" Sweetie said.

"One chocolate milkshake please." Apple Bloom said

"Same here." Scootaloo added on to Apple Blooms order.

"A vanilla milkshake please mum." Marble said.

"Okie doki loki!" Pinkie said as she hopped of to the kitchen.

"So..." Apple Bloom began. "We were wonderin if ya would like to become a crusader?"

"Whats that?" Marble asked.

"A crusader is somepony who goes on adventures to find some something, We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders because we don't have our cutie marks yet." Sweetie replied.

"That would be so much fun!" Marble said excitedly.

"I told you girls she'd say yes, That is a yes right?" Scootaloo asked.

"Of course!" Marble told her. "I would love to be a crusader with you girls."

"Awesome! Sweetie you need to make her a cape before next week ok?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Aye aye captin!!" Sweetie replied.

"On the other hoof, How was your first day at school?" Scootaloo asked taking a sip of her milkshake.

"It was pretty good, a note fell on my desk but unless it was addressed to me i would never read it." Marble said.

" That was probably Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon talking about us again." Sweetie said with a sad face.

"Well speak of the devil." Apple Bloom said as Diamond Tiara and Silver Soon walked in..
They were laughing and talking about something obviously very funny. Marble thought she heard her name once or twice as they walked up to an empty counter. "Ahem!' Diamond Tiara cleared her throat loudly trying to get someone to take her order.

"Sorry guys, i'll be right back. if or the cakes aren't at the counter its my job to take the orders." Marble said apologetically.

"Its all right sugercube, Good luck with them two." Apple Bloom said.

"I'll try." Marble said as she bounced off to the counter. "Hello, Welcome to Sugercube Corner, What can i help you with today?" Marble asked in her cheerful voice. She was going to be nice to these two even if it killed her.

"Finally," Diamond Tiara said with her eyes closed and muzzle up. "We would like two raspberry scones, Please."

"Coming right up." Marble said. "do you girls want a table or will you be going soon?" Marble asked politely.

"A table please." Diamond Tiara said.

"Ok, follow me please." Marble said as she started to walk towards a table. "Please sit here, i'll be right back with your scones." Marble said as she started to walk away. Sliver Spoon quietly got up and followed her back to the counter.

"Um, I'm sorry to interrupt but could I also get a vanilla milkshake and a chocolate cupcake to go please." Silver spoon asked quietly.

"Of course." Marble said. "Just let me go and make the milkshake."

"Thank you." Silver Spoon said as Marble came back with the milkshake in a togo cup and the cupcake in a box. "Marble right?" Silver Spoon asked.

"Yes that is my name." Marble said.

"Silver Spoon." Silver Spoon said. "I'm sorry for being so mean at school today, its just that Diamond Tiara is my only friend and all the other ponies hate me so i follow her lead so that i would never lose her as a friend."

"Thats all right. Maybe if you want we can hang out sometime." Marble said.

"That would be great!" Silver Spoon said. "Thank you."

"How about friday after school?" Marble asked.

"That can work, I can ask my parents if your aloud to sleepover." Silver Spoon said.

"Ok!" Marble said cheerfully. "Tell me tomorrow at school."

"Ok. Um i'll be going to sit with Diamond Tiara now." Silver Spoon said.

"Ok, I'll Talk to you later." Marble said as she started to bring the scones to Diamond Tiaras table.

"About time!" Diamond Tiara said hautally.

"I'm sorry miss, I had to help another customer who was in a hurry." Marble said.

"Ugh, Whatever." Diamond Tiara said. "You can leave now."
And with that Marble went back to sit with her friends.

"That must of been horrible." Scootaloo said.

"It was. The grey one isn't that bad but that pink one... Marble trailed off.

"Ah know." Apple Bloom said, "Try having to work with her."

"You had to work with her, of all ponies?" Marble questioned.

"Ya we had gotton in a fight on ma farm and we had broken through the chicken coup, we had to fix it and she wouldn't lift a hoof." Apple Bloom said.

"Wow." Marble said a look of awe on her face.

"That's Diamond Tiara for you." Scootaloo said.

"Oh look they're leaving." Sweetie pointed out happily.

"Thank Celestia." Marble said. "But that means that you girls should go to because shop will be closing up soon." Marble said sadly.

"Awe!" All three girls said in unison.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Marble said.

"Yeah. See you tomorrow Marble!" Scootaloo said as she took towards the door.

"Bye Marble. See ya tomorrow!" Apple Bloom said as she to started to walk towards the door.

"Bye Marble!" Sweetie said as she hugged her new friend. "See you!"

Bye girls." Marble said as they all walked out of the store.
What an amazing group of friends. Marble thought as she started to go through the last bit of work that had to be done before the store was closed. I just hope me and Silver Spoon can have just as good of a friendship.

Chapter 3

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"Wake up silly pie." Pinkie said as she shook her daughter.

"Hgn-no, MOM!" Marble squealed as pinkie licked her. "Ewwww, now i need to have a shower!"

"Then you better get going silly." Pinkie said as she ushered herself out of the room.

"Celestia damn it mom!" Marble said to no one in particular.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 mins later ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Marble had just gotten out of the shower just as breakfast was finished cooking, so the moment she opened the washroom door the smell of buckwheet pancakes and hay bacon hit her nostrils like a slap to the face. "Yum, dads buckwheet pancakes and hay bacon for breakfast." Marble said as she made her way down stairs. "Dad only makes these for special occasions. Whats going on now?" Marble wondered out loud. Just then she had realized that she had stopped right at the stairs. "I better get downstairs before mom comes to get me." Marble thought out loud. Upon going downstairs she saw a grey filly, a white mare, and a silver stallion. Thats odd, the stores not open yet. Marble thought. She had also seen her parents talking to them, she had heard her name come up a few times. As she walked up to her parents she voiced her question. "I'm not in trouble correct?"

"Correct." Her father pokey said "These ponies here are Blue Chip and Gold Spoon, Silver Spoons parents." At mention of her name Silver Spoon peeked her head out from behind her mother.

"Marble!" She whisper-yelled.

"Yeah?"Marble questioned as she walked over.

"I'm really sorry about this, my parents are a tad over protective. They've never meet you and they didn't know you were Pinkies child, so they had to come over here and meet you and your parents." Silver Spoon said.

"Thats alright." Marble said. "My parents- "And where is this wonderful filly?" Blue Chip inquired cutting Marble off.

"Um, I'm right here sir." Marble said as she magicked a spot light over her head.

"Ah wonderful." The white mare said. "My name is Gold Spoon, and this is Blue Chip, We are Silver Spoons parents."

"Nice to meet you Gold Spoon." Marble said as she gave a small curtsy.

"No need for such formality." Blue Chip said. "We are not of royal status."

Marble smiled sheepishly. She was always formal when meeting ponies who were older than her. "Well now that we've gotten introductions out of the way how about some breakfast?" Pokey asked.

"Oh me!" Pinkie said as she bounced off into the dining area.
---------------------------------------------------------------- about an hour later -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Ok off to school you girls go." Pinkie said, ushering them out the door.

"Ok mom, i love you see you after school." Marble said as she was pushed out the door. It was only a few minutes after that moment that the two fillies started talking.

"Well, that was... eventful." Silver Spoon said staling to find the correct word.

"Yeah it was." Marble said. "Is it me or are both of our families crazy?"

"I think both of our families are crazy. But you dad makes really good buckwheet pancakes." Silver said.

"Thanks, you should try the cakes he makes for cute cenerieas. So what did your parents say about me sleeping over?" Marble asked.

"They said that if it was ok with your parents then you were aloud, But they'll be gone for the weekend." Silver said.

"Maybe we could invite a few other ponies to stay for a few hours and we can have a small party." Marble said.

"Oh my Celestia. That would be awesome. But who would we invite?" Silver asked.

"Well i was thinking Sweetie, Bloom, Scoots, Rumble, and Pip Squeak." Marble said.

"Well i don't know about Bloom and them, but Rumble and Pip Squeak are ok." Silver said.

"Its ok, I'll ask Bloom and them and we can both ask Rumble and Pip." Marble said.

"Deal, We can ask Pip and Rumble," Silver Spoon looked up. "Right now, because their right in front of us, come on lets catch up." Silver said as she ran towards them.

"Hey Pip! Hey Rumble." Marble said when she was close enough so that they could hear her.

"We," Silver motioned to herself and Marble. "Were wondering if you would like to come to a party at my place tonight say around 6?" Silver asked.

"Sure!" Pip said.

"What about you Rumble?" Marble asked, she was trying her hardest to sound like she didn't like him as more then a friend.

"Um, S-sure," Rumble stuttered. He blushed as he said he would come, he really liked Marble but she didn't know that.

"Awesome!" Silver said. "So we'll see you at 6?"

"Hell yeah!" Pip said. "But wait whats your address?"

"Oh its 5723 Ponyville road." Silver said. "Oh and can you not tell Diamond about this, shes not invited, she really dosn't like Marble because of how she stood up for Bloom and them."

"No problem." Rumble said. "If you want we can walk with Marble the rest of the way so D.T doesn't think you were walking with her."

"If you wouldn't mind... Sorry Marble but diamond hates you." Silver said.

"Its all good Silver, I don't like diamond anyway, but i'll be the bigger mare and be nice to her anyways." Marble said, "Now you go so that she doesn't get suspicious."

"Thanks Marble, I'll see you after school." Silver said as she hugged Marble. "Bye guys!" Silver said as she walked away from the group.

"Bye!!" Rumble,Pip and Marble said together.
As the small group of three was walking towards the school Pip kept pushing Rumble into Marble. Everytime that Pip would do that Rumbles wings would stiffen, one reason for balance the other because of the close proximity between himself and his crush. Marble being a unicorn noticed his wings but thought nothing of it because she didn't know that they stiffen because of arousal.

"Hey Marble can you walk ahead a little while i talk to Pip in private?" Rumble asked.

"Yeah i can do that." Marble said. "The school is close anyways, so i'll see you to after school."

"Yeah um i'll talk to you later. Bye." Rumble said as Marble walked off. Unfortunately for him, he couldn't keep his eyes off of her flank and Pip just so happened to notice.

"You like the new girl?" Pip asked as soon as he thought Marble was far enough away that she couldn't hear him.

"Yeah... Which is why you pushing me into her was pissing me off you idiot." Rumble stated.

"Well sorry princess," Pip said sarcastically.

"Whatever lets just go to school." Rumble said.

Chapter 4

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Upon walking to the school grounds Marble saw her friends Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo. Upon seeing them she called out, "Hey guys!!"

"Hi Marble!" Sweetie said excitedly.

"Whats up?" Scootaloo asked.

"Nothing much, i just wanted to know if you guys wanted to come to a party say around 6?" Marble said sounding oh so cool.

"Well ah'll go." Bloom said. "What about you gals, ya in?"

"Hell yeah!!" Scootaloo said fist bumping the air.

"If you girls are going i'm going." Sweetie said. "Who all is going to be there?"

"Us four, Silver Spoon, Pip Squeak and Rumble." Marble said.

"Eww, why is Silver spoon going to be there?" Scootaloo asked.

"Oh well i wanted to get to know her better so me and her have been hanging out after school when im not hanging with you girls..." Marble explained.

"Why?" Scootaloo asked. "She a bucking bitch."

"Actually shes not. She doesn't even talk about you guys, hell most of the time she talks about how much she hates Diamond Tiara." Marble said. She was telling the truth but she still couldn't tell if they believed her or not.

"Fine, we'll see that tonight for ourselves." Scootaloo said. It was a challenge. One that she was going to lose.

"So wheres this party being held?" Sweetie asked.

"At 5723 Ponyville road." Marble said. "Don't bring anything but yourselves, i've got everything covered."

"Ok so can we- BRINGGGGG "Damnit school bell!" Scootaloo said. "So are we hanging after school or do you and Silver Spoon need to set up?"

"If its ok with you guys i'll need to hang with Silver so we can set up and what not."

"Fine, So we'll see you at break?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yeah." Marble said as Sweetie, Bloom and Scoots walked in to the building. Today was going to be a long day if Scoots kept acting so cold. "Oh well having your friends act cold is better than having none at all." Marble said to no pony.

-----------------------------------------------------------In class----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sweetie, Bloom and Scoots are coming to the party, Got anypony else in mind? Anyhow this note refers to what we are doing at our party what games, what drinks, what type of food. (I got food cover cuz of where i work) But yeah need your imput.

Marble had suddenly looked up because she felt like she was being watched. She was, Miss. Cheeralie had asked her to solve the mathematical equation on the board.

"Oh! Um the answer to the equation X= 2Y+4 is..." Marble had quickly writin down some work and answered "24 Madam."

"Very good Marble, I thought you weren't paying attention." Miss. Cheeralie said.
Marble smiled and went back to folding the note she had in hoof she had to get it to Silver without Diamond Tiara seeing it. That was going to be a challenge. she had passed it to Snails, who had passed it to Snips, who had passed it to Twist, who had passed it to Bloom, who had passed it to Sweetie, who had passed it to Scoots, who had passed it to Rumble who had almost passed it to Diamond Tiara but thought better of it and passed it to Pip, who had passed it to Silver. Marble had saw Silver read it wan reply while watching Miss. Cheeralie and pass it back through the line of Pip, Rumble, Scoots, Sweetie, Bloom, Twist, Snips, and Snails right back to Marble.

Thats good, umm I dont really know what to do for games (You can figure those out, nothing like pin the tail on the pony though), for drinks i was hoping your mum could make some of her famous punch (two batches most likely) and i could go see berry punch and possibly spike the punch, and maybe get some drinks from her. For food well it really can't be that hard to guess, we'll need really sweet stuff most likely from the bakery, seeing as you work/live there thats your job too. Your the host not me, it was your idea. As for other people i was thinking maybe we invite spike and Blue Skies, i dont know just a possibility, their around our age, there both older but come on whats a party without a few older students, i'll text them and ask.
Marble had read the letter and was kinda surprised about the fact that Silver had said it was her party but whatever maybe this was how she was going to get her cutie mark she wouldn't be last in the class Bloom didn't have hers yet but... She had quikly mad a reply and passed it back through the chain they had made.

Ok tell me what they say and my party huh. Well i'll make a list of games and we can review it after school, and your only invite spike because hes Blues BEST friend and you like Blue. but whatever i'll talk to you after school

Silver had to suppress a giggle from the fact that Marble was correct, she did like Blue. but that was not the matter right now . right now the matter was telling Marble that Blue and Spike had said yes.

Both Spike and Blue said yes!!! and yeah its your party. Its your party cuz its your idea, duh! celestia get a brain, lol, but ok talk to you after school.

Silver had passed the note through the chain back to Marble. The smile that was exchanged between the two young mares was one that looked like this was going to be the best night ever.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------After school---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"So..." Marble began as soon as Diamond Tiara was out of the school grounds. "I guess we have to go to Sugar Cube Corner now right?"

"Yeah," Silver said. "Lets wait like five minutes so that i know Diamond Tiara wont be out and about."

"Yeah we probably should." Marble said. "On the other hoof for games i was thinking spin the bottle, 7 minutes in heaven, A dance circle, and maybe if Berry Punch will give us some alcohol beer pong and whatever other drinking games everypony can come up with.

" Oh my Celestia yes." Silver said. "I might get to kiss Blue then!!" She said jumping up and down and squealing like a filly.

"We should go. Come on Silver." Marble said as she started to walk.

"Hm?" Silver questioned looking up form her day dream. "Oh! yeah!" She jumped as she started to walk.

"So for food lets say we get a cake, 3 dozen cupckaes, 3 dozen cookies, 2 pails of ice cream, and 4 pizzas." Marble said.

"Yeah, that should be more than enough food for 9- 10 ponies, Blue wants to know if his younger brother River can come, hes only a year younger than us." Silver said.

"Yeah River can come, Sweetie likes him anyway." Marble replied.

"Wait Sweetie Belle like River?" Silver said.

"Yeah i found it odd too. I think they might be dating with the amount of time they spend together." Marble said.

"Ouff, Oww!" Marble said as she ran into the door of sugar cube corner. "Oh well it looks like we're here."
Of course Silver Spoon was off in a corner giggling about the fact that Marble had just run it to the door of her own house.

"Silver!! Don't laugh at me!" Marble exclaimed.

"Its funny." Silver said.

"Whatever," Marble said with a wave of her hoof. "Lets just go and get the food."

"Ok." Silver said still partially giggling.
Ting-a-ling. The bell on top of the door jingled its little jingle as the girls walked in.

"Why hello there girls, what brings you to sugar cube corner today?" Mrs. Cake asked.

"Just here to pick up an order grandma." Marble said ;Umm number 35 please"

"Oh dearie thats a big order, do you girls want any help with that?" Mrs. Cake asked.

"No thanks grandma we've got it we're strong young mares." Marble said.

"Ok dearie let me go and get the order, i'll be right back." Mrs. Cakje saud.

"Thank you grandma!" Marble yelled into the kitchen.
When Mrs. Cake came back the girls loaded up there saddle bags and headed to Silvers. Upon arrival both girls dropped they saddle bags and rushed inside to the cool air of a air conditioned house.

"Oh thank celestia your house is air conditioned." Marble stated.

"Yeah i know." Silver said. "Well no time to waste lets get set up we can relax later."

"Ok, so we need two tables, we might have to move the furniture, and a room for 7 minutes in heaven.

"Got it!" Silver said as she dragged two tables into the main room.
Marble was right they were going to have to move furniture around, an easy task for a unicorn. She had moved a couple of thing to make room for a circle for spin the bottle, and room for the two tables. One for the food and the punch. And the other for the drinking games. In all that took the just under two hours and it was now 5.

"OK." Silver said. "Now we need to see if Berry Punch will give us some alcohol."

"She totally will we're like almost a year from 18." Marble said feeling confident.

"Ok lets go then." Silver said.

----------------------------------------------------10 mins later-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*knock knock* Marble had knocked on Berry Punchs door. When Berry Punch had opened it she was the nicest mare in the world and had asked... "Umm Miss. Punch, Silver Spoon and I were wondering if you might be able to hook us up with some alcohol."

"Oh I can do that, but what do i get in return?" Berry Punch asked.
Silver had produced a large bag of bits from her saddle bag and said "200 bits. No more no less."

"Good deal girls, come in and grab what you want and then be on your way." Berry Punch said.

"Thank you Miss. Punch." Marble said.
As soon as the girls had grabbed what they wanted, they were on their way.

"Well that was easier than i thought it was going to be." Silver said.

"Yeah." Marble agreed. "But thats Berry for you bring her a large sum of money and you can get basically whatever you want, now come on we need to get back to your house we only have half an hour before guests start showing up.