> Hunger > by Gypsy Writefag > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Hunger > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The very moment she opened her eyes, she knew. Like a stranger in the night it had come crawling, seeping into her, hanging her. Mere minutes passed as the hunger grew inside her. A giant emptiness deep inside her, needing to be filled. "No... no, not now," she whispered. Her thoughts ran laps around her mind, wanting so desperately to find a loophole. Anything to get rid of this terrible hunger. "No, no, no, no!" Button's mother pulled the sheets away, revealing the increasing pool of wetness around her. She immediately got out of bed and rushed to the calender hanging on the opposite wall. It was only Tuesday. Her eyes went back and forth, counting and re-counting the days between Tuesday and Friday. Every time she counted, more days seemed to pop up between the two. As if time itself was mocking her, pointing it's ugly finger and laughing. With ferocious roar, she smashed her hoof into the wall. "No, no, NO!" The mare rushed back to the bed and pulled out the box underneath it. She pulled out toy after toy, tossing them aside one by one. Her eyes fell upon them, knowing exactly what each and every one of them did. But despite their effectiveness, they seemed faded and inadequate as she looked upon them. Soon, the box was empty, devoid of any solution. Button's mother threw it against the wall and groaned. During her frantic search for help, the hunger had grown into pain inside her. Hell's week had come, and she could do nothing. "Mom? Are you okay?" Her eyes immediately found her son standing in the doorway. His little mouth was open slightly and his brows were furrowed. And his little body was so beautiful. It was the body of a good, kind colt. A colt who could help her. "N-No, sweetie, I'm... not," she replied. "Mommy needs... needs help." Button moved closer, one little step at a time. She felt her mouth salivate and her body scream with each step. Although on the other side of the room, his scent filled the air around her. It was a pure, masculine scent; one she so desperately needed. Already her mind was imagining what was to happen. Everything would be so good, so perfect. Button's mother shook her head, forcing the thoughts away. "No! Stay back!" The frightened colt stopped and slowly began moving back. "W-What's going on?" "Just... just stay away from me. Go into your room and play video games, anything! Just don't come near me!" Each word became increasingly harder to speak, each coherent thought blurring in her mind. "Mom, what's happening to you?" "I'll... I'll tell you later. Please go!" Button finally, and thankfully, listened to his mother's strained words and left the room. Despite doing her best to fight the intrusive thoughts, she couldn't help but admire his body as it disappeared around the corner. He could help her with that body, make her right again. "No, he's my son! I won't!" she scolded herself. Button's mother turned her back to the door and inhaled deeply. Despite the heavy intake of air, her body still felt quite empty. She clenched her teeth as she watched the wall. Her entire body was trembling, yearning to move. But she knew that the mind was stronger than the flesh. She would not be controlled nor used. "It's a nice wall, isn't it? Yes it is, but it could be better. How so? Well, we could paint the room. M-Make it n-nice and... bright." She groaned and stomped her hooves into the floor. Nothing seemed to work. Singing, talking, meditating, nothing. She had forgotten how difficult it was to be in heat. It had been so long since she was on her own. Throughout all the years, her husband was there to relieve her of this agony. With him being away for the week, she had no one. There was no one to help her. No one to save her from her own body. Nobody except Button. "No! I won't! What's wrong with you?! He's just a foal!" Button's mother collapsed, her body landing on the floor with a 'thump'. Despite having sat still and done nothing, her breathing was strained and ragged. "But he could help... He could- No. I, I won't... Even though he does have a nice... But it's wrong. Yes, it's wrong... So delightfully wrong... Ooh..." She squirmed on the floor, whimpering and panting. "B-Button could... he could... yes... yes he could..." There was no strength in the hunger she possessed, and the will behind her power was a primal thing. As it devoured her mind and body, she moved forward. Through the bedroom and into the hall. Everything around her seemed distant, like the walls were merely buildings far away. The door up ahead, the door to her salvation, was so impossibly distant. Her breathing turned harsh and quick as she galloped towards it. On and on she ran, yet the door never came closer. For hours she seemed to run, the endless thundering of her own hooves taunting her. There it was, right in front of her, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't reach it. All she ever wanted was to open the door and end the hunger. Nothing more, nothing less. She threw herself to the floor with a silent scream. Her mind itself had become a battlefield of thoughts. Back and forth the two sides went, slowly killing each other off. She was well aware of the price for her salvation, for feeding her hunger. It was a price she wished not to pay, but there was no way around it. It was either the the hunger or the shame, and the mare knew she had no choice. No matter how much she fought it, there never was another way. It had to be done. Button shrieked and fell to the floor as his door slammed open. Several comic books fell from the bookshelf and the TV rumbled deeply. In the doorway stood his mother, completely still as she was. Like a statue she stared at him; at his perfect body on the floor. "H-Hey, sweetie," she whispered. Her hooves went slowly across the floor, moving towards the remedy to the toxin in her body. "Mommy needs you to... help her." "But you said-" "I know!" Button cowered at the sound of her harsh tone. With him lying completely still, it didn't take her long to reach him. She placed her hooves on each side of his body and stared down. Despite the fright in his heart, Button forced himself to look at his mother. An odd aura seemed to gravitate around her; a cursed aura. Her hair was messy, her eyes crazed. If not for the familiar colors and cutie mark, he would have sworn this was an imposter. "You love mommy, d-don't you? Don't you?!" "Yes, yes!" "And you wouldn't let mommy feel bad, would you?" "N-No!" "So... you'll help me, yes?" "B-But you said I had to-" "You're going to help mommy, AREN'T YOU!?" Button whimpered beneath his mother, his eyes closed and body shaking. It was a sad sight to behold. Here was a pony who knew no hardships, cowering in fright from seeing his own mother. A spoiled little colt with too much free time. Button's mother felt disgusting sourness on her tongue. "You little brat! You won't even help your own mother?!" She leaned down and flopped him onto his belly. Despite his best resistance, the colt was no match for his mother's strength. "All you do is play video games all day! You barely even spend time with me!" "M-Mom, please!" "Is that what you want mares to see in you?! A lonely, weird colt who lives in a fantasy world?! Although the anger had put aside the hunger for a moment, it could not be contained. There was still something she needed so desperately. The only thing she could ever need. That which the emptiness within her craved so dearly. Her eyes fell onto her son's flaccid penis. This wouldn't do at all. Pinning him to the floor with her front legs, she leaned down towards his crotch. "You think a mare will want that?! Huh?! Do you?!" "Stop! I d-don't want-" "I don't care! Getting pinned down by a mare; you're pathetic." She wasted no time with being sensual or slow; her mouth dove straight onto the penis and began licking and sucking. "W-What are you doing, mom?! I don't like this!" His little body fought valiantly against the restraints, but to no avail. "Mom, please! Stop!" the colt cried. Tears had already filled his eyes, blurring the sight of his mother between his thighs. Simply tasting it was slowly appeasing the hunger inside her. But while it was helping somewhat, it almost made the aching worse. Sucking on this magnificent dick would never be enough to give her what she wanted. For now, she had to continue, however. It was slowly growing harder and bigger under the care of her wet, warm mouth. Button didn't moan, didn't sigh in relief nor excitement. He whimpered with every stroke of his mother's tongue, cried as she took his entire length inside her mouth. Although it felt like hours to the depraved, hungry mare, it only took her minutes to get the dick fully erect. She licked her lips as she looked upon it. The key to her own salvation was right there in front of her. It could rid her of her terrible curse. At least she hoped so. "Hmph, is that it? I expected more from you." She snorted onto it, causing it to twitch. "I guess it'll have to do." Button's tears fell to the floor in streams of pain. His little body constantly fought the strong hooves holding him down, but all he managed to do was exhaust himself. Button's mother moved forward, lining her swollen, puffy lips up with her son's flared head. "Open your eyes." "I d-don't want to!" "Open them!" His eyelids fluttered open against his better judgment. It took all of his will to look upon his mother, and it brought no small amount of tears to his eyes to do so. "You can't even handle a mare. Do you know how pathetic you are?" Button did not reply, he only stared at the blurry, distorted image of his mother. "What kind of son are you?" She stared her son right in the eye as she lowered her flank. Extreme jolts of pleasure shot through her as her son's flared head came in contact with her lips. Despite this pleasure, no moans nor gasps left her throat. She merely smiled as the emptiness inside her slowly filled up. Button cried and bawled as his mother sheathed him inside of her. Her slippery walls offered no resistance due to his small size and the immense amount of natural lubrication. "Look at you, crying like a foal. Do you think mares want a colt like you?" She couldn't help but exhale slowly when her rump met her son's groin. Finally her hunger could be satiated, fed like the wild beast it was. "You can't even hold your ground against a mare. And you're supposed to be a stallion?" Button's mother prepared herself for the glorious rutting about to commence. "Don't make me laugh." With those words she began riding him. As before, she spent no time taking it slow; the sooner the hunger went away, the better. His little body rocked and shook underneath her intense slamming of her rump. The hard shaft slipped around inside her, sending shivers through his mother's body. Although small, it was enough to make the mare lose herself in lust and joy. Her moans were loud and long, smothering her son's ears with their very being. "MOM, STOP! PLEASE!" Button shrieked, having finally found his voice. "PLEASE!" The colt's pleading fell on deaf ears, or at least ignorant ones. His mother continued with no intent of stopping, slamming his body with her round ass. "Do you hate me, i-is that it?! Don't y-you care about... me?!" she replied, panting through the sentences. "BUT I DON'T LIKE THIS!" "This is w-what life is like! This, this is what p-ponies do!" While the hunger and emptiness slowly but surely faded within Button's mother, anger and disappointment took their place. Her own son was nothing more than a selfish, incapable little runt. Anger and pleasure was a cocktail previously unknown to the mare, but never before had she felt this good. "This isn't s-some video g-game! This is real l-life!" "MOM, PLEASE!" "L-Look at you! Being t-taken by a m-mare!" "IT HURTS!" "I s-should make y-you wear dresses, you p-pathetic excuse for a colt!" "HELP ME!" Button's mother wanted to strike him, wanted to scream at him, but neither ever came. The remedy was slowly welling up inside her, overtaking her entire being. She put all of her force into taking her son's cock. It spread apart her walls with each thrust, which only served to drive her wilder. And her walls engulfed it, latched onto it like parasites. As her son screamed and pleaded helplessly underneath her, the hunger within her roared. Like a star collapsing in on itself her hunger ended, broken by its own power. She might have screamed or moaned, but she could not tell. A loud ringing in her ears blocked the sounds of the world as the hunger subsided. Button's mother closed her eyes and saw naught but heaven. Her body was calm, relaxed. Not even reflexes could fight the powerful, soul-shattering sexual peak rushing through her body. It was a fleeting moment of enlightenment, of ultimate pleasure. With the force of that very same exploding star, the world came crashing onto her. Her son's crying, the walls, the floor, all of it hit her in unison. She was lying on her back on the floor, staring at the ceiling. Her body felt alien, different somehow. As if it had been filled to the brim, yet no bigger. The corners of her mouth turned upwards into a smile when she recognized the lack of a soul-crushing hunger within her. Button's mother got up with renewed energy. Her son was lying on his bed, his shaft still hard. His little, frail tears crashed onto the sheets, turning it wet. "Thank you for your help, sweetie. Mommy really appreciates it." Although her son did not look at her, he still reacted to her words. They made him shake his head, as well as his entire body. The colt looked more like a bomb ready to explode than a pony. "Your father won't be home until Friday, so I'll probably be back." Button pulled the sheets over himself, hiding his body from view. His mother giggled quietly and went towards the door. Once within the frame of it, she turned to face her son once more. "You really were quite good. See you, sweetie." As she closed the door shut with a smile, a low rumbling began deep within her. Beyond her body, deep within her soul. It gained momentum and power, but slowly so. Although satiated for now, the hunger could never be appeased. Although it might sleep, it would always return. At least now she always had someone to help her. Quiet, happy tones rang in the hall as she hummed while trotting towards the kitchen. Hard work could make a mare so very hungry.