> Auraborn > by SamMaherGamer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Child > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was once a child with many fantasies. The child would build worlds in its mind, and develop the mightiest thoughts. The child recently disappeared off the face of the earth. No one could find this child. The child who dreamed of being in a world so great, it would bring its fantasies to life. The worlds name, Canterlot. Samuel was in bed one cold night thinking of his dreams becoming a reality. His blinds were pulled completely up, even though his mother said to keep them down during the nighttime. Sam liked it that way. It let the light from the street lamps behind the house into his bedroom. He had his headphones set up so that he could listen to his music at night. Sam specifically listened to 'dubstep' and 'action' music only. He couldn't stand other types. The music helped him think during the night. Sam had a slightly-saturated, brown mullet and a contagious smile. He was 13 years old, but was close to 14 due to his birthday being in a month. He had deep hazel eyes, large hands and an above-average build. He had a flexible body and a large amount of persistence and will. A storm started to brew outside and Sam heard a clap of thunder through his headphones. The thunder inclined him to take his headphones off and curiosity made him look out the window. Crystalline raindrops pelted the glass and Sam sat in a deep trance for about 30 minutes. Afterwards, he shook himself out of the trance, wrapped himself back up in his tattered sheets and fell asleep thinking his biggest fantasies - My Little Pony. Dear Somebody I wish I was brought to their world. I want to be somebody important. I would like to be happy. But I'd like a 'twist.' Something that makes this other world different. I don't want the world created, but found. I want to forget completely about most of my old life. Mostly the part where I make this current wish, and the part about knowing the names of people and places. Thank you... A flash of light somehow had made its way into Sam's dream. His dream had started off in a large room with quartz pillars, polished marble floors, and large, colourful banners. Right above his cloudy perspective of the room was an amazing, large, crystal chandelier. The roof was painted with huge, fascinating paintings, and there was a foggy hall at the end of a red carpet. That's when Sam saw the flash of light. He groggily woke to an ear-piercing, screeching noise in which gave Sam a skull-crunching headache. He was about to dash towards the kitchen for some medication, but instead froze. Something was flashing outside. It was the exact blinding light he had seen in his dream, and it made him feel lighter, stronger, and for once, happy. Just seconds after he stopped, the flashing faded, and into view came a large meteor. But there was something strange about it - it was in the shape of a 7-sided, star-like disc. It pulsed as bright as the sun itself, but seemed to dim to a faint purple as it reached the atmosphere. Then it exploded to a fiery aura of bright purple... > Meteor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For every dimension, there is a second standing next to it. For that second one, there is another. So on, so forth. But if two of those dimension worked differently, and one leaked into the other, what would happen? Twilight Sparkle was pacing the hallways of the castle warily. She'd never faced anything like this. It seemed to be an impossible task. A dragon with magic-blocking scales? Invincible scales more like it. There was nothing she could do about it. She'd tried everything. Even the Elements of Harmony couldn't defeat it, let alone Celestia.' 'There's no reason to worry yet, Twilight.' Came a voice from behind her. Twilight whirled around to see Princess Celestia, causing her to stumble back a few steps. 'I'm not worrying, I just -' 'Yes you are Twilight, you always pace when you worry,' Celestia giggled 'It's okay you know.' 'How princess? We have no more food, your forcefield is wearing out, and we have no way to defeat the dragon. So how just how is it okay?' 'We have each other.' Celestia replied. Just then, one of Celestia's guards came and whispered something into Celestia's ear. 'Okay.' Celestia whispered back to the guard. 'I have to leave you now, but I'll be in the throne room with everypony else if you need me. With that, Celestia walked down the hallway to the throne room. Twilight had nothing else to do, so she headed over there too. Everypony had been kept in the throne room after being evacuated from Ponyville and Equestria. A dragon entered Ponyville and made its way to Equestria 5 days ago, and everypony was sick of being cramped up in the throne room. Celestia created a forcefield around the castle, but it started to fade about a day ago. The dragon would strike the forcefield every now and then, cracking the forcefield and causing Celestia to recoil. Twilight started to wish. She tried to make it all go away. To find a solution. She kept her eyes closed and prayed. Although unaware of doing it, Twilight was using her magic while she prayed. She seemed to foresee an event. She saw a fiery, purple meteor... Sam was aware that this was not any ordinary meteor. But he stood paralysed. The meteor seemed to come closer and closer. When it was almost at the house, nothing else was visible. It had covered any landscapes that were existent and blocked them from view. Even when the meteor was this close, Sam didn't budge. The meteor hit the window, then everything went in slow motion. The shattered fragments of glass flew inwards, and a slight ripple rode across the glass followed by small cracks, then large flying shards. The glass seemed to splinter and warp in so many different ways. The meteor star-face turned directly towards Sam, then sucked him in, as if it were a strong black hole. However, it only sucked him in. Not his headphones. Not the sheets. Not even the splinters of glass. As soon as he was pulled in, his whole world went dark. What felt like a whole night of sleep passed. Sam felt no body, nor any headache. He felt free. Free as a bird. As a plane. As a star... Star? That's it. He'd been pulled in by a... His sense of thought was cut off by a screeching sound. That exact one when he saw the flashing light... The screeching stopped. Sam didn't know where he was, nor where he was going. But it felt good. Sam felt free... > Intruder > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle was reading a book on 'powerful magic' when she heard a high-pitched whistling sound. She put the book down and searched for the source of the sound. The throne room of the castle was filled with a blinding light. The light caused most ponies to stumble back or put their hooves over their eyes. From the midst of the light, a silhouette took form. The light faded, and the noise dulled. Out of the light stepped a being with five small tendrils coming from its hooves. It stood on its two hind legs and had no coat. It's skin was a peachy colour, and its mane was short. It wore outrageously weird clothing, and it had a rather tiny snout. It seemed to be a form of earth pony, as it had no horn or wings. This being twilight seemed to remember from somewhere. The mirror she used to get into the other world and retrieve her crown. That was it! The human looked puzzled, but started to make sense of things when Celestia ordered the guards to arrest him. Sam was pulled into a new world. A new old world. New to him, old to most. He saw that blinding light again, and into view came a circular crowd of ponies that surrounded him at every angle. All eyes were on him. They looked like they'd seen a ghost. Sam should have been the one freaking out. Everyone had a pony-like body. They were all different. Some had horns, some had wings. Some were blue, some were yellow. Something was tugging at the corner of his mind, but he was in shock due to recent events. Then he remembered: My Little Pony. That's where they were from. He was about to say something when several dozen guards came charging at him. Sam hesitated, but managed to pull away as soon as one of the guards leapt. The guard slid along the ground, rolled to its feet and kept running. Sam was being chased through the room by dozens of guards and he couldn't do much... 'May as well make my mark.' He muttered to himself. At that moment, another dozen guards came around to corner him in the edge of the room. Sam bolted and did a barrel roll to dodge some of the guards, but afterwards was tripped and slid across the ground, only to receive multiple carpet burns and a couple of bruises. Guards piled on top of him and bound his hands tight with a leather cuffs. As a guard brought Sam to his feet, another tightened the strap at Sam's wrists. 'What has brought you here human?' The petite white one with rainbow shades of hair demanded. 'I don't know.' Said Sam. 'Are you a spy? Evil?' Asked the white one. 'No,' Sam said. 'At least, I don't think so.' 'Why did you run?' 'Because there were guards running for me.' Sam said innocently. 'Lock him up.' She said. 'But Celestia!' Another butted in. She had an irresistible purple coat and violet hair streaked with a shade of pink. 'Twighlight. Humans are dangerous.' Celestia replied. 'How?' Twilight asked. 'I've been to their world before, and they weren't dangerous.' 'That was a subworld.' 'A what?' 'A subworld. It's a world nearby the human world. It's a further dimensional layer.' 'So what you're telling me is that the world Sunset Shimmer and I went to wasn't fully formed?' Twilight confirmed. 'Yes. The real world has had a rare conflict before. The humans brought destructive information to this world, which is okay. But they used it for themselves. They started building... Things.' Celestia went on. 'I didn't know they'd bring harm, in fact, I thought they'd help. But they didn't, and they released destructive weapons upon Equestria. I managed to take them out, but they're dangerous.' 'But were they our age? Or old? Because I'm pretty sure a teenager doesn't know about evil weapons, nor taking over the world.' Twilight let out a sigh. 'Look, I'll babysit him in my quarters. Hand home to me and everything will be fine. What's the worst that could happen.' 'Okay twilight, but I'm holding you partly responsible for any havoc caused by this being. As you may not know, humans will transform into ponies in approximately a week due to the physical change of the world around them. Do I have your word that you'll look after him?' 'You do.' Twilight stated. Celestia used her magic to untie the strap and move Sam to her side. Twilight took Sam away slowly... > Late Introductions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was rethinking the earlier event between she and Celestia. She didn't know if she could keep the promise, worrying her beyond belief. The walk to her quarters was long and boring. Twilight tried to talk to the human hoping to strike up a conversation. 'So, what's your name?' She asked. 'Sam.' He mumbled. 'So Sam,' She said awkwardly. 'What brings you here?' 'I dunno,' Sam moaned. 'I was brought here randomly. I just... I don't know.' 'Here we are.' They arrived at Twilight's quarters. The golden-lined, oak door creaked open to reveal blue bed sheets and a small bedside. Opposite the bed was a small desk with an ink pot. On the floor were a couple of stacks of books. Some were open, but most closed. There was a scribble of notes in what seemed to be a leather-covered notepad. The floor was polished marble covered with a large, ornate carpet. 'Just make yourself at home.' Twilight offered. Sam took a seat at the edge of the room, and started fiddling with the zip on his jacket. Twilight frowned. She'd never seen somepony so depressed. Usually when she introduced someone to her room they had a sudden urge to lay down on the bed. 'Everything ok?' Twilight asked. 'Yes. I'm fine,' He stuttered. 'I just don't know what to do.' 'Make, invent, build, help, clean, cook, read. You can do anything around here.' 'I'd like to find some answers.' Sam said. 'Like what?' She asked. 'Like why everyone is camping out in the throne room. Why I came here. Why you helped me.' 'Everypony's in the throne room because there's an invincible dragon outside trying to burst through Celestia's forcefield. That's also why she's so cranky right now. And the reason I helped you is because you seemed... Special.' Twilight explained. 'Alright. Now I'd like to invent. I'm going to help you get rid of that dragon.' Sam triumphed. Sam was sketching up a design for a crossbow that shot led pellets. He had the frame and design perfect, but needed an easier trigger. His other sketches were of Molotov cocktails and fantasy weapons he liked to draw. Sam heard knocking at the door. He froze, turned around and looked at twilight for acknowledgement. 'Who is it?' She asked. 'It's us, Twilight. Who else would it be?' Twilight opened the door to let 5 other ponies inside. 'Hello Twilight.' Said the one with the orange coat and cowboy hat. 'Hey Applejack.' Twilight answered. A blue pony with wings and a rainbow-coloured mane flew in, then straight up to Sam, as if sizing him up for a fight. 'Hey Twi? You haven't introduced us to your friend yet.' 'Ah yes, Rainbow Dash. girls, this is Sam.' The sentence forced out a few hellos before the ponies came over to inspect Sam. 'He looks rather... Strange.' The white one with purple curls blurted out. 'Thats because he's a human, Rarity.' Twilight stated. 'Fluttershy,' Twilight asked. 'Everything okay?' Fluttershy, who must've been the yellow one with pink hair, was curled up hiding on the floor. She let out a small whimper. The pink one was almost shouting in Sam's face trying to introduce him to herself and others. Once all that was through, Sam requested some wood and a knife. Twilight happily teleported off to find the supplies for Sam. Sam couldn't hide it from himself; she was somewhat attractive. It was the body, the mind, and the soul. It all pieced together so perfectly. Nothing more would ever be needed to improve her. But he couldn't let these feelings show. Sam wasn't like that. He was Tough. He'd never let those feelings show unless she felt the same. And what pony would ever love this slab of meat? No one, Obviously. Twilight appeared back about 2 minutes later with the wood and knife Sam had requested. She handed them to him and lay on the bed. Sam went over to the desk and started carving away at the wood. The other ponies hovered around Twilight's quarters as if expecting something to happen... > Access Denied > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Several hours later - about 1:00am - Sam had completed constructing his crossbow. He'd had to put Twilight through a couple more trips, but she happily accepted an excuse to get some fresh air. Being in a room with 6 other ponies for 5 hours isn't quite like being in a midsummer breeze. The crossbow consisted of a wooden trigger in which could be wound back into place once fired. The crossbow would shoot small, marble-sized, led pellets at a target, and pierce it just like a bullet would. Sam thought it was extraordinary that he made such an impressive weapon. 'I should be a blacksmith.' Sam whispered to himself. 'You should.' Said Twilight. Sam jumped. He thought she'd been asleep for hours now. 'I'm off to show the princess.' Sam claimed. 'You mean the princesses.' Twilight corrected. 'There's 2?' 'Actually, there's 4. And 1 prince.' 'Wow.' Sam said in wonder. 'Anyway, yes I'll come with you. I am your 'supervisor' after all.' Celestia's door was being guarded by about 14 guards, all standing in a row. Sam and Twilight stepped in, but it was only twilight who made it 2 steps. As soon as Sam stepped foot in Celestia's quarters, the guards were on him. Sam sidestepped one, but was tackled by another. 'Stop!' Twilight shouted, but it didn't stop. Sam handed twilight the crossbow and ammo. 'You tell her for me.' Sam wheezed from under the pile of guards. 'Okay. Just promise me you won't die.' She smiled. 'I promise.' Sam gasped. Twilight made her way into Celestia's quarters, and saw Celestia out on her balcony. She hesitated as she made her way to Celestia's side. 'Yes. Twilight?' Celestia asked. 'It's Sam,' Twilight started. 'He made a weapon that may be able to take down the dragon.' 'What?' Celestia stumbled back. 'Sam made a weapon.' Twilight pulled the crossbow out to show Celestia. Celestia didn't look. All she said to acknowledge her was: meet me in testing room A3. With that, she spread her wings and took off. Twilight came and returned to Sam's side. The guards now stepped back, and Twilight took Sam back to her quarters. 'You have a black eye.' Said Twilight. 'Yeah, about that,' Sam started. 'There were guards everywhere, and I got clobbered.' 'Yep. Look, Celestia and Luna will meet you at testing room A3. 'What. Now? 'I think so.' Twilight took a sip from a crystalline glass cup. > Blood Moon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Sister,' Celestia shouted. 'Testing room A3. Now.' 'What is it sister?' Luna asked. 'Sam has a weapon in which he reckons could stop the dragon.' 'But you didn't believe in Sam.' 'I'm starting to foresee things Luna. Things about Sam.' 'What do you see in stock for Sam?' 'Not much I can reveal now, for he has to reveal the true extent of his power himself. We must not underestimate him. However, I am rather stressed at the moment, and if something goes wrong I might turn nasty.' The two of them stood for a moment, relishing the air gratefully. After about 5 minutes, they entered the testing facility. A large room lined with iron and led stood bare. They entered and stood waiting for Sam and Twilight... Sam and Twilight raced down the hall. Surprisingly his human legs carried him faster than Twilight's pony ones. By the time they got there, their legs ached and their hearts pounded. They took a minute to cool down, then entered the training room. Celestia and Luna had been standing in the middle of the room, waiting for their arrival. As soon as Sam came in, he pulled out the small, bow-like weapon. 'That's what your weapon is? A slingshot?' Celestia asked. 'Nope, even better,' Said Sam. Loading the band with the small, led pellet. 'You may want to protect yourselves or stand back.' 'No. I'm fine here,' Celestia pointed out. 'And so is my sister.' Luna's eyes shot open in disbelief. Celestia was urging him to fire, but she doesn't even have a forcefield up. She can't make a forcefield though. Luna thought. 'Fire it,' Celestia said. 'Fire it now!' 'I don't want you to -' 'Now!' She shouted. 'At your own risk.' Sam stated as he pulled the trigger. A led pellet flew around the room ricocheting of the walls, roof and floor. At one point it flew past Celestia's head. What seemed like hours was only seconds as the pellet flew and pelted the flesh of Princess Luna. The pellet sunk deep into the collarbone. Really deep. It lodged itself below one of the lower ribs and important muscles. Time slowed. Sam ran to Luna saying 'I'm sorry' and 'let me help.' But Celestia wasn't having any of it. She rammed Sam out of the way and knelt before Luna. She was about to use a healing spell when Sam yelled 'Stop!' Celestia didn't listen and started the spell. Sounds of splintering bone and slopping meat came from the wound, but the loudest sound was the scream of pain that Luna made when Celestia started the healing. She stopped as soon as she screamed, taking all of the information in. 'Celestia! The healing spell will break her ribs while she has a projectile in her chest. Let me help.' Celestia looked pitifully down at her sister. Luna seemed to almost nod at her. 'Ok,' Celestia said. 'Just don't let her die.' 'I won't.' Sam replied. 'Twilight, I need a scalpel, some tweezers, a damp cloth. A needle and thread, and some bandages. Quick!' And with a flash, twilight was gone. Sam needed that pellet out. It was made out of led, and led poisons you... Within a few minutes, Twilight was back. She had all the stuff in a saddlebag she must've collected on her way. Sam grabbed the scalpel. 'This may hurt you Luna, but I need to expand the would.' With that, he slid the scalpel down from where the flesh was punctured. Sam picked up the cloth every couple of minutes and soaked up the blood. The puncture was now big enough to fit a hand in. Sam grabbed the tweezers and reached deep down into Luna's chest. With a tug and a pull, the pellet came out. Once out, Sam hesitated, then soaked up a bit more blood. Sam stitched the wound together with the needle and thread. It was blue, which was a smart colour, because Luna is also blue. It hides the fact that its even there at all. Twilight. Smart pony. Once stitched up, Sam wrapped the bandage around her wound and tied it around the back. The sad part was, during that whole operation, Luna was screaming and crying. After the operation, Luna had to limp for her front-right leg was affected. Everyone had gathered around the door as soon as it was opened. Celestia walked by. Followed by Luna. Then Twilight. Then Sam, surrounded by guards. Celestia's precautions... Celestia explained what happened. She explained everything 'but' Sam helping Luna. She took credit for that. She also accused him of using the crossbow on purpose. Twilight and Luna were both as shocked as Sam was. And now, the cell. Sam was stuck in jail. He was as depressed as ever. It may as well be the end...