
by The Warner Brothers

First published

Unofficial sequel to "Loyalty" by InkyShades. Takes place after Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are married.

"You showed me your a true friend, but can I show you that I would do the same for you?"

Unofficial sequel to "Loyalty" by InkyShades.

-The Warner Brothers-


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The sounds of bells rang as Fluttershy made her way towards Rainbow Dash, and she was beautiful. Her sparkling dress Rarity had made for her, her beautiful head piece that she never thought she would wear in a million years, and even though Fluttershy didn't like to admit it, her body color made her look so beautiful, she felt like a creep because of it but she didn't care. After all, she was a beautiful creature.

Usually Fluttershy would have been too much of a chicken to even attend something like a wedding, but this was different, very different, because it was her wedding. She was more nervous than a cat trying to get down from a tree. As Fluttershy made her way up to Rainbow Dash in a shaky movement, soft cries were audible to Fluttershy’s perked ears, this made her feel a little more confident about marring a mare, not that she cared in the first place, but it made her feel a lot better. Since the wedding was at night Luna would have to hold it for the two. It seemed like Luna was the saddest of the group, she thought it was really cute that they a rock-solid love for each other. When Fluttershy was finally up at the center of attention she looked deep into Rainbow Dash’s teary eyes. After a short moment of suppressed voices Luna began to start the annual speech at every wedding.

“Mares and gentle colts, we are here today for the bonding of two mares that have really shown us the ‘True’ meaning of friendship, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.” Luna found herself having a hard time trying to restraint her tears. Being trapped on the moon for a thousand years and then seeing something like this really made a soft spot in her heart. “After all these two had been through together I think we can all agree that nothing can tear them apart.” Clapping and whistling was heard in the background, This made both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash warm up to each other a little more. “Now I think it is time for Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy to share their vows.” Luna took a step back as she tried to hide her tears.

“Go ahead Flutters.” The truth was Rainbow didn’t know what to say. She didn’t think about the vows and had to make some up, fast.

“Oh um… okay.” Fluttershy let out a soft squeal as she said her vows. She stuttered a little but it wasn’t too much of a noticeable thing. “Rainbow… I honestly don’t know what I would do If I didn’t have you by my side. You saved my life in so many ways that I don’t know how you’re still alive. I don’t deserve such a strong mare like yourself when I can’t even open a pickle jar, and I wish I could give you so much more then I can right now.”

Everypony started to break out in a waterfall of tears; even Luna couldn’t hold it back anymore. Letting her emotions get the best of her. She finally was able to make out her next sentence. “Now it’s your turn Rainbow” Luna said with a deep sadness in her voice. Stepping back again to try and hide her tears.

“All right then.” Rainbow couldn’t think of anything to say, so she said what came from her heart, hoping that it would come out as a bunch of scrambled up words. “Listen Fluttershy… There are no words to describe how much I love you, I know that I may be irresponsible at times, but I just hope that if something ever goes wrong in our relationship that you will be able to forgive me. I would very much fly around the world before I would let something happen to you. It just never seemed fair to me that somepony as kind and gentle as you should be given a hard time for anything in the word of Equestia. I would more likely give up my legs before I would give up on you. I love you.”

Luna was starting to lose all the emotions in her body besides love. She started to speak in big blobs of stuttering “By… the power invested… in me I pronounce you… mare and mare. You may ki-…” Luna couldn’t help herself anymore, she felt like these two ponies were meant for each other. With a firm voice over her tears she was able to get out “Just kiss already!” Luna said in a downpour of tears.

Rainbow went in for the kiss, taking Fluttershy and sweeping her off her hooves. Loud cheers and claps were heard in the background. Luna flew out the window to clear up her emotions. Suddenly they heard a crazy pink party pony scream in cheer. “Party at Sugar Cube Corner everypony!” Most of the ponies jumped in fright. They all looked a Pinkie like she was from a different planet. “Oops…”

Rainbow walked up to Pinkie Pie to tell her that neither of them where going to attend. They already had plans sorted out.

“There’s no way we’re going to that party Pinkie, not because we don’t want to but because we already had things planned for tonight.” Rainbow Dash said trying to calm Pinkie Pie down. “Sorry…”

Pinkie Pie look at Rainbow Dash with a deep look in her face, assuming she knew what Rainbow was talking about. “Oh I know what you mean…” Pinkie gave Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy a wink.

“Pinkie… I don’t know what to do with you sometimes…” Rainbow Dash was angry by what Pinkie was getting at. Not because she was embarrassed, but because of what happened with Fluttershy and that Stallion. It was a difficult topic for both of them to talk about.

The rest of the night went pretty well, Pinkie threw her party and Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy stayed in their cottage for the rest of the night, cuddling. The warm feeling of each other’s soft fur put them in sheer delight. Their heartbeat’s against each other’s chest made them both feel like they were complete. The room was lit by the burning red fireplace and a candle. Rainbow Dash knew that Fluttershy wasn’t ready to take their relationship to the next level, but that didn’t mean was going to block out the romantic feelings between them. Rainbow could see a worry staring to build in Fluttershy’s eyes. She knew something was wrong.

“What’s wrong Flutters? Is something on your mind?” Rainbow said with concern for her newlywed.

“Oh um… nothing.” Fluttershy was speaking in stutters. “It’s just that I was looking… back on the night you saved me… and… and… and…” Fluttershy started to break down in tears. “What if he comes back!? What if he was only giving me a hint of what he was really going to do to me?!” Fluttershy hugged tightly onto Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow wanted to cry but she had to be strong. “Fluttershy… I know you can never let go of what happened to you, I don’t think I could either. But you have to be strong, You can’t let the past effect your future. Besides… I’m here to protect you, I will never let anything bad ever happen to you again. You got to believe me.”

They clanged onto each other for a while before Fluttershy let go of her. “Thank you Dash… I wish I could defend for myself instead of having to rely on you so much.” Fluttershy gave Rainbow Dash a kiss on the lips. “I love you so much Rainbow.”

“Fluttershy stop thinking that you’re so weak. What you had to go through is not fun… and I’ll admit it myself… What happened to you happened to me too…” Rainbow said gathering enough courage to tell Fluttershy about her tragic life.

“Really? It happened to you to. Oh my goodness!” Fluttershy felt even worse after Rainbow had told her she was abused. Mainly because Rainbow had kept her chin high and Fluttershy could let go of it. “I’m sorry Rainbow… I’ll try to be stronger… if that’s okay with you.”

“Fluttershy please stop saying you’re sorry… I know it’s not an easy thing to let go of, especially when you had to deal with it for everyday for two years.” Rainbow started to flash back on her younger days when she was being abused.


“Daddy… please stop, you’re really starting to hurt me.” Rainbow squealed in pain as her father went faster. Rainbow Dash was still helpless at the time when this was going on, she was only 6.

“Oh shut up Rainbow! Mistakes don’t deserve to have a good life.” Rainbows father was incredibly drunk everyday he would she her.

Rainbow started to cry with her head drooped down. She didn’t like to cry, even at a time like this. “Mistakes don’t deserve to have a good life” those words circled around her head for quite some time. “Fluttershy… am I a mistake?...” Rainbow said in very sadden tone.

“Anything but one Rainbow. Why would you think something like that.” Fluttershy said in her soft voice.

“Because in my father’s eyes I guess I just never added up…” Rainbow was crying a stream of tears. She couldn’t help it anymore. She felt so… lonely, even If she was with Fluttershy. She went in for a hug with Fluttershy.

“It’s okay Rainbow… just remember… stay strong.” Fluttershy started to leave small cries from the corners of her eyes. “Just like you have always told me to, Remember?”

Rainbow started to feel better about past, but she couldn’t completely forget about it, just like mostly anypony couldn’t. Fluttershy heard a knocking at their door. None of them wanted to answer it but the knocking just wouldn’t stop.

“I’ll get it sweetie.” Rainbow Dash was more than happy to get the door so Fluttershy could have some alone time to think. “Why don’t you go to sleep? I’ll be right back.” The knocking on the door started getting louder and louder as Rainbow approached the door. When she opened the door she was in for a big surprise.

“Ah perfect!” It was the same stallion that they saw a few months back. Before Rainbow Dash could even attempt to speak an elastic bag was thrown over her head and was thrown to the ground on the outside grass. He pinned her to the ground “You are going to wish that you never came close to hurting me!” The stallion had multiple wounds from there last battle.

Rainbow Dash started to squirm and fight back at the stallion but it was no use. She felt the bag slip off of her head, gasping for air. “Do your worst you piece of shit!” Rainbow Dash said still trying to break free. “I’ll just beat yo-“ Rainbow couldn’t finish her sentence as the stallion slammed his two front hooves on her stomach. Rainbow could hear bones shatter in her body. She screamed like a swarm of locust hovering over her head.

Fluttershy woke up after that scream and looked out the window. She saw Rainbow getting killed by that same stallion that she encountered. Fluttershy ran down the stairs as fast as she could and out the door. “You leave her alone! Or you will be sorry! This is the only chance I’m giving you!” Fluttershy was in a rage that wouldn’t stop until this guy was dead, and she practiced since the last time they met.

Meanwhile Rainbow Dash knew she was done for. This stallion had slammed on her so hard that it hurt every time she tried to breath. Whatever happened in the end, she just hoped that stallion would die. Rainbow spit up a wad of blood from her mouth.

“Oh please, something as weak as you isn’t going to do anything to a strong pony like me.” The stallion said as he gave Rainbow Dash a slam to her legs. Everything in Rainbows body was starting to fade. She knew this was the end.

“Okay then… Just say I didn’t warn you.” Fluttershy let out a loud whistle. A flock of black bears came running out of the woods. “You see that stallion boys?... Kill him” Fluttershy ordered. The bears started to run towards the stallion with a hungry look on their faces. As the bears grabbed ahold of the stallion they ripped him to pieces, eating his raw flesh with pleasure. The only sound that could be heard from the now dead stallion was “Bitch!!!!”.

"That's… the last time you will ever hurt anything again." Fluttershy spat on the stallions body and cocked her head back to look at Rainbow Dash. What she saw was terrible… Rainbow's legs had been flattened to the ground, and her chest… Fluttershy didn't want to think about how it looked, all torn apart and bloody. She ran to Rainbow Dash in a streamline of tears.

"Dash! Common! You have to get up!" Fluttershy looked into Rainbow's eyes with sadness. "Please don't go Rainbow… we were going to be happy together." Fluttershy's voice trailed off in her tears.

"Flu… flu… flutters… don't give up… stay strong… I…… lo-" Was all Rainbow was able to get out before her eyes rolled back into her head. Her fight for survival was slowly fading. Fluttershy started to smack Rainbow across the face, hoping she would wake up.

"Dash! Wake up! Wake up… please… just wake up… I don't want you to die…" Fluttershy's heart was smashed into dust, she wasn't responding. Her tears rolling off of her face like white water. "Rainbow… please don't die…"

There was no doubt she was dead, and Fluttershy was going to have to accept it. "Just one more kiss, then I can move on… I hope." Fluttershy thought to herself. She slowly reached in for one last kiss. When Fluttershy's soft pink tongue made contact with Rainbow's cold and bitter tongue it sent waves of pleasure through Rainbow's slowly beating heart.

"You have to fight Rainbow Dash! You have came to far to give up hope! You can do it!" Rainbow had to tell Fluttershy her final words, before it was too late.

"Fluttershy? Can you… hear me?" Rainbow was having a hard time trying to make out every word that came out of her mouth.

Fluttershy was in absolute shock, did Rainbow Dash just talk? "Rainbow! Your alive?! Oh my Celestia it's a miracle!" Fluttershy squeaked in cheer. "Common we sti-" Was wall Fluttershy could get out before Rainbow cut her off.

"Shy… I don't have much time left, so I need to tell you something I was hoping I would take to my grave…" Rainbow Dash put every once of willpower she had to try and talk to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy was still producing tears, but she had to let Rainbow Dash say here last words to her. "Please… tell me…". Fluttershy squeaked.

Rainbow was speaking in stutters. But she could make out her final words. "Shy… that… stallion is your… your… your…"

"Spit it out Rainbow!" Fluttershy snapped and realized her tone. "Oh um… sorry."

With one final strand of will power Rainbow was able to make out her last word. "Brother…" Rainbow Dash let out a puff of air and died on the spot.