> Tipsy Wubs > by Bigbigbig > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > I don't have a problem > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “VINYL!” Octavia screamed, despite the close quarters of a two bedroom apartment. “Meh-what?” Vinyl asked, clearly not paying attention to Octavia. Vinyl swings away from her computer in her chair and pulls her headphones off her head. “What you *HICCUP* need?” Vinyl sayed, looking at Octavia through her (now foggy) purple shades. “Well I don’t need anything, but you have a serious problem!” Octavia snarled. Vinyl looks at Octavia with confused eyes not sure if Octavia is kidding or just being a bitch. “What in the Star-spangled fuck are you talking about Octavia? I’m don’t *HICCUP* have a problem.” Vinyl giggled, grabbing her half empty can of Buckwiesr and gulping it down. “That right there is the problem Vinyl!” Octavia hissed as she bitch slaps the can out of vinyl’s grasp. (Not that hard since ponies don’t have, well, hands.) “You don’t have any control and drink yourself to an even more reckless state.” Octavia exclaimed. Vinyl stood up from here chair now furious because her beverage is not within reaching distance. “Octavia, I know I drink a lot but that is no reason to throw mah beer.” Vinyl slured. “Besides, *Hiccup* I am not a reckless drunk.” Vinyl stammered as she tries to walk towards Octavia, but only to find out that Octavia was spinning around the room and Vinyl soon face planting into the coffee table in the living room. Have no fear, for Vinyl’s head is strong enough for any wooden foe and smashes right through the unsuspecting table. “VINYL!” Octavia cried out. “Are you ok you damned idiot?” she asked as she runs over to check on vinyl. “I win!” Vinyl yelled, trying to play off her fall as some sort of challenge towards the wooden opponent, she doesn’t foal her roommate in any way. “This is what I am talking about Vinyl.” Octavia scolded but not without a hint of worry. “This the fourth time this week that you have been drinking too much and hurting yourself.” Octavia stood and headed to the bathroom for the frequently used first-aid kit. She comes back and looks over Vinyl’s injuries. Octavia hunched over Vinyl looking over the drunken pony and her injuries. Vinyl looked into Octavia's eyes, looking deep within OCtavia till Vinyl is feeling something in her gut. Vinyl then lounges forward and kisses Octavia on the lips, only to have her head slammed back into the floor. “What the fuck Vinyl!” Octavia yelled while getting up. “Sorry.” Vinyl sayed. “This just reminds me of those dirty stories that you tell me not to read on HumFiction.” “Vinyl you are drunk, go to bed.” Octavia sayed obviously not worried about Vinyl’s cuts now. “Ah, come on Tavi, you know that you liked it.” Vinyl teased. “I knew reading those fics would give you bad ideas when you are drunk.” Octavia stated as she walks to here room ready for bed after Vinyl’s jokes. Vinyl does the same but not before she glazes over the mail Octavia brought in earlier that day. “Bills, Bills, Bills, Ad for Viagra, Some personal letters for Octavia.” Vinyl said aloud but not enough for Octavia to hear. Something catches her eyes, a letter addressed for Octavia. “A Pamphlet for Alcoholics Anonymous?" Vinyl asked confused. "What a bunch of fucking losers!” Vinyl laughed. She comes to the conclusion that the AA must have just sent it the wrong pony. With a good laugh Vinyl headed for bed but not before she vomits in the bathroom. The next day Vinyl woke up earlier than she had ever waken up in about a week. “Damn this hangover, making me wake up before 3 pm.” Vinyl said as she slides out of bed, not using her legs because that would require effort. Octavia walks into her room with a smug smile on her face. “Oooooooooh vinyl!” Octavia sang at a rather annoying high pitch. Vinyl covers her head with her pillow that followed her slump down to the ground and moans from the headache. “I get it Octavia now shut the hell up.” Vinyl pleaded. Octavia trots to Vinyl’s side and removes the pillow. Vinyl looks up to her and tried to smile. “Go away can’t you see I’m sleeping.” Now playing with the pillow, Vinyl and Octavia stumble out of Vinyl’s room and into the living room/kitchen. Vinyl soon regretted trying to be more playful as she felt the full brunt of her hangover. “Ow!” Vinyl screamed. Octavia turns around and returned to her more caring self, observing Vinyl. “Are you not feeling well vinyl? Maybe you should go lay back down.” Octavia said with a worry. “Yeah, that is a good idea. Can you make me some coffee?” Vinyl said while holding her hoof to her temple. “Sure thing, just remember we have to go to my bands 10 year anniversary party later tonight.” Octavia reminded Vinyl. “Yeah Yeah, just wake me when you want to go.” Vinyl said as she invaded her bed once again to escape as her head explodes. “Let us hope we can avoid any mishaps.” Octavia said under her breath as she started brewing the coffee. Octavia had a small frown on her knowing just how wild Vinyl could get around Alcohol. Later that night Vinyl awoke to the smell of coffee and slightly less pounding head. She got out of bed (using her legs this time) to investigate. “Oh good you are awake.” Octavia stated as she is setting the table for dinner. “I was going to wake you so we can have a little talk before we eat and then head to the party.” “Sure thing Tavi, what about?” vinyl says as she falls into her chair at the end of the table. “Well, you see Vinyl I think you should stay away from the alcohol tonight.” Octavia hastily said, knowing that Vinyl doesn’t like to talk about drinking when it involves limitations. “I was just thinking that lately you have been going overboard with the drinking and that you should really consider cutting back…a-at least for tonight.” Vinyl looked at Octavia not want to hurt her feelings and said, “Sure thing Tavi, anything for you.” Octavia gives a breath of relief as Vinyl raised her hoof. “On one condition.” Vinyl said. “You have to stop giving me shit about drinking at home. OK?” Octavia looked over at Vinyl not wanting to tell her of the plans she had for Vinyl later that week, but agreeed to the terms. Octavia then handed Vinyl her coffee and they both eat their dinner. Both ponies headed over to the party knowing their promises they made. The pones continued to walk until they reached what looked like an old opera house, because it was. “The Pony-Populous” Octavia said with a wide smile. “It is where my band mates and me had our first show. I even left my first Cello I played here in the trophy room.” Octavia said while she showed Vinyl the Cello behind the window on the front of the building. Vinyl looked at the old wooden instrument and back at Octavia. She was practically glowing, strange since she wasn’t pregnant to vinyl’s knowledge. “This place has such a strange name Tavi. wh-” Vinyl scratch said as she was interrupted by Octavia. “Don’t call me that name here! It is very embarrassing." Octavia ranted, "This building earned its name by accepting ponies from all walks of life, it is very famous for housing some of the best pony musicians of the last decade.” Octavia said angrily. Vinyl looked at Octavia witha raised eye brow. “Well then why haven’t I played here?” Vinyl asked playfully, knowing it would poke some of Octavia’s buttons. Octavia simply frowned and walked inside to go meet her friends from her band, she ignored Vinyl. Vinyl soon followed going nowhere in particular, she tried to find a pony she might have a conversation with. Vinyl knew that was not going to happen however, because all she saw were spiffed up ponies dressed in nice attire, and bitchy looking ladies with sticks up their asses. (This is Vinyl’s thoughts not mine.) Vinyl soon found that dressed as she is with her fanciest dress and shoes she was out classed. Octavia had said that what she wore was fine, but Vinyl knew that was a lie. After an hour Vinyl found the food and drink table. Tempted by the fine wines and other assorted adult beverages Vinyl back away remembering her promises she made. Vinyl might have wanted a drink, but being able to walk away saved her and her promise. Finding another corner to sit in she spotted Octavia. Octavia looked like she was having a great time with her old friends. Vinyl made a move to go join her, now that she may be calmed down from their little scuffle outside, only to be stopped by a waiter pony with an assortment of wines. “Would you like to taste some of our finer wines miss?” The waiter asked handing Vinyl a small sample of wine. Vinyl eyed the waiter pony sceptically. “You mean I don’t have to drink it?” Vinyl asked hopefully. “Why of course young lady, we were paid to supply this party with our exquisite wines so that ponies may try some and purchase our wines.” The waiter said. “All right!” Vinyl said as she grabbed the drink and throw it into her mouth. The flavor was intoxicating. A Mix of natural berries and a sturdy alcohol made Vinyl squee form just a taste. She lost all control and let the fine liquid slid down her throat. “Damn that’s good!” She said as she drank the ‘sample.’ “Miss you aren’t supposed to drink the sample.” The waiter said as he held up a waste container for the spit of the ‘privileged ponies.’ “No way!” Vinyl said grabbing another glass. “This shit is way too good not to drink.” Downing another shot of wine is a second. Vinyl then grabed the whole bottle and took a hearty gulp of the red liquid. “You have no idea how long I have been needing a drink.” She exhales as she dives back in for another chug. Vinyl was finally relaxed while she drank away. Some how drinking always made her feel better and less anxious. Vinyl continues making an ass of herself until she is good and drunk. Now encumbered with the magical power of being drunk Vinyl became the funniest pony in the room. Telling jokes, making faces, and making accurate observations of the pony government. However, to every pony else she was just saying vulgar words in-between snickering, gagging, and what seemed like horrible racial slurs. Her faces are just Vinyl spiting on other ponies for not laughing at her obviously funny jokes and her flipping other ponies off. (With hooves? How does that work?) Octavia finally finds out that Vinyl is being a complete asshat and rushed out of the main lobby to find her drunk friend. After plenty of time to get pissed at Vinyl for not only breaking a promise but being drunk as fuck, Octavia found Vinyl in the one place she didn’t want Vinyl. Near the display case at the front of the building. “Hey guys check me out, I’m like *HICCUP* those guys in the band The Whoof.” Vinyl slurs as she has drawn a crowd. Vinyl was standing on the platform that once held Octavia’s prized cello. Octavia looked on in horror as saw what Vinyle was doing. “No Vinyl!” Octavia screamed, but it was too late. Vinyl had Octavia’s cello in her hooves like she was playing a guitar. She soon switch the instrument to a lumberjack grip, holding the cello like an axe. "FUCK THIS SHIT!" Vinyl yelled. With one drunken swing she smashed Octavia’s cello in half. Splinters flew in all directions showering the disgusted crowd in a hail of Octavia’s accomplishments. (Sad life for Octavia.) "Wooooooo thank you everyone, good night!" Vinyl screamed as she slumped on the pedestal. The crowd soon dispersed and looked in Octavia's direction. Octavia stood there stunned by Vinyl’s brutish actions. She continued to stand there until she regained composer and walked to the now unconscious Vinyl on the trophy stand. Octavia grabbed Vinyl and throw her onto her back, not before Vinyl threw up of course, and left. As she walked through the front door many ponies gave a look that tore Octavia on the inside. However, she soldiered on and pretended not to notice. They took a cab knowing too well that Vinyl could not walk. Once home Octavia helped Vinyl undress before dropping her into bed. She then covered Vinyl in her covers and leaned in to tell Vinyl a secret. “Vinyl, you have a problem and I’m going to help you through it. So get some sleep and we will talk about it in the morning.” Octavia said while walking towards the door. Octavia then whispered, “You are total bitch sometimes.” Before slamming the door. > The morning after > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vinyl woke up smelling something strange. It smelled as if she was stuck in a daycare center that was overloaded with little bastards. (Did I mention Vinyl hates kids.) Vinyl took another whiff as she familiarized herself with the vial smell. She panicked for only a second and started to move. She felt under the cover to reassure herself. YEP! She piss-shat herself. "Oh fuck." Vinyl wined. "I guess I got really hammered last night." Vinyl stood up and rushed to the bathroom, surprise! Before she started to clean up she had to empty her insides once again, from the mouth. "Hot damn that must have been some party." Vinyl said almost triumphantly. Vinyl exited the bathroom after 30 minutes of scrubbing her, ...you know. Vinyl stumbled into the Kitchen sitting down at the table. When she sat down her head finally realized it was beat to shit and started making Vinyl scream in pain. "JESUS HOLY-SHIT-ON-A-FUCK-SANDWICH CHRIST." Vinyl yelled. She grabbed her head and stomped her rear hooves into the ground. "I know!" she said to no one. Vinyl hurriedly jumped to the fridge and quickly gave it a huge before opening the glorious holder of alcohol. "If I get drunk again I won't have a hang over any more." Vinyl said, continuing not to talk to anyone. "This plan is foal-proof." She said feeling almost smart. She looked into the fridge with horror on her face. "Who in the fuck took my bloody mare mix?" Vinyl heard the front door open and stared at Octavia. "What are you doing Vinyl?" Octavia said with a snicker. Octavia walked over to Vinyl to hear her sad tale of having no alcohol. Octavia could not wait for her to get started. "My sweet, innocent booze is gone." Cried Vinyl. Octavia was going to milk her for those tears since she still felt piss off for last night. "Oh no! Poor Vinyl, tell me all about it and how it makes you feel." Octavia said sarcastically. Vinyl then begins to cry against Octavia's shoulder. "You are such an asshole." Vinyl said. "I'M THE ASSHOLE?!" Octavia yelled shrugging off her sarcastic mood and going full rage mode. "Do you have any idea what you did last night?" Vinyl looked up at Octavia seeing that she is in a mood Vinyl has never seen. Vinyl stopped crying and began to worry what could have caused Octavia's angry bitch mode. "I..I fucked up didn't I?" Vinyl now said feeling ashamed. Octavia looked at Vinyl calming down to her normal motherly mood. Octavia hugged Vinyl against her in a total non-sexual way. "Yes you did, you fuck up." Octavia said in a playful manner. "You made a real ass of yourself last night in front of all my other friends AND smashed my very first cello. So I made the decision for you." Vinyl's ears perked up after Octavia was finish talking, not knowing what Octavia meant by 'Made the decision for you.' "Well, I'm sorry." Vinyl said getting up. Vinyl slowly walked over to the pantry looking for some of her less used alcoholic beverages. "You won't find any in there, or anywhere else in this house." Octavia said smugly. Vinyl looked over to Octavia not sure what to say. She stood in the kitchen with her raging headache slowly taking in what Octavia just said. "But how are we supposed to make Happy-jack pancakes without some Applejack Daniels?" Vinyl said, extremely confused. Vinyl continued to look towards Octavia now seeing her staring to smile. "Oh Vinyl it will be so fun, just give it a chance." Octavia said with a cheeky wink. She loved the face Vinyl was giving her. Vinyl was red with anger but also remembered through her headache that Octavia was still mad at her. Vinyl calmed down and decided to ask Octavia what she was talking about. "It was why I was gone all morning, but I guess you weren't up anyways." "OK, Tavi please just tell me what you 'decided' for me." Vinyl asked, annoyed with Octavia's stalls mixed with her hang over. "heh,..Vinyl I signed you with a group that will help with your problem." Octavia giggled. "Uhg, Tavi please just tell me." Vinyl said. "I signed you up for Alcoholics Anonymous." Octavia finally explained. Vinyl face hoofed and looked Octavia in the face. Vinyl soon changed face as she saw how serous Octavia looked. "You have got to be kidding me." Vinyl wined. > Well, Hi there neighbor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vinyl walked down a long corridor in the Ponyville recreation center. She was looking for a small room used normally for neighborhood meetings and little kids parties. This room would be her torture chamber for the evening. Vinyl agreed to go to the AA meeting after pleading with Octavia over the matter. "Please Octavia I don't want to go to a stupid, boring AA meeting with a bunch of losers." "Vinyl!" Octavia said sternly, now engaging scolding motherly mood. "You are going to that meeting not for you, but for me. You owe me after your episode last night." Octavia looked away and folded her front hooves. Vinyl realized there was going to be no way out of this and submitted with Octavia's wishes. "Fine you win Octavia." Vinyl said. Octavia then looked back at Vinyl and gave her a warm friendly hug. "You know I care about you Vinyl, and I can't see you go down this path. Who knows where it might take you?" Octavia said. Octavia was right, no matter how stupid and reckless Vinyl acted, Octavia always helped her pull out of her slump. Vinyl thought this as she still held onto Octavia not wanting to let such a good friend to fad away. The two friends unclasped their hug, Vinyl made her way to the door to go to her meeting with the freaks. Octavia simply watched as Vinyl left, putting on a wicked smile as Vinyl let the front door close behind her. back in the rec. center Vinyl found the small room and glanced inside. Gazing at her new companions she cringed at the sight of them. The closest pony next to the door with an empty chair next to him looked as if he never heard of a shower. Wearing nothing but overalls and a piece of straw in his mouth, the hick-pony glanced at Vinyl with discerning eyes. The pony to his right was a military pony. The military pony looked to have slightly better hygiene despite only having two legs. The only way Vinyl knew he was from the military was because he wore his duds from the Dragon wars a couple decades ago. He seemed to be anxious and always looking behind him. weird. The pony on the far left on the other side of the empty chair was taking up two chairs. He was a bulky buck with a dumbbell cutie mark. Vinyl snickered when she saw his tiny wings on his back, causing the pony to shift frantically in his seat to hid his wings. Vinyl then saw the bloated mass of I-give-up-on-life sitting on the left of pee-wee wings. Vinyl was certain the blob of pony depression was a female, but wasn't totally sure. Sitting down next to the her 'classmates' she spotted the teacher of this worthless group. A small pony wearing a sweater vest and tan slacks. "Hello everypony my name is Mr. Rogers as many of you know. I only bring up names because we have a new arrival this evening." Mr. Rogers says with the up-most positivity. "Miss if you would be so kind as to give us your name and say hi to your new neighbors." Vinyl stood up despite her best judgement. "I'm Vinyl Scratch....uhh, Hi there....neighbors." She said as she read the slogan of a poster on the wall. "Oh great, you already know our motto in this little family." Mr. Rogers said with a mighty grin. "Well, why don't the rest of you introduce yourselves to little miss Vinyl Scratch." The Hick stood up first, adjusting his only piece of clothing. "I'm Trash Bin, but most ponies just call me White Trash on accountin' of my white coat." White Trash sat back down heavy not really in the best of moods. After Trash sits the skittish military pony waddles onto the floor with his two front and only legs. "I'm C-Cannon Fodder." He said as he quickly scrambled back onto his chair looking like he was going to explode or something. Next, the bulky pony stands next trying to hide his wings with his front hooves behind his back. "I'm Snow Flake." He said avoiding eye contact. "I like to lift and show off how strong I am to other ponies." However, Snow Flake showed no actions proving his statement. Lastly the tub of pony waste inhaled deeply, signalling she was next, or having a stroke. "I'm Rosey, but most people don't call me that since no pony loves me." She began to cry into her hands. What the fuck. Mr. roger let Rosey finish her sobs before smiling and signaling to start. "Ok everypony, time to start with the healing." Mr. rogers said. "Since Vinyl is new here she will have to learn how to admit her problems, so if someone else could be so bold and show her how it is done." White Trash stood looking pissed off and began to speak, rather loudly. "I don't have a fucking problem!" He exclaimed. "I love my booze, I would drink it every day if the court didn't put me under house arrest and making go to mandatory AA meetings. My damn wife charged me with assault, not my fault she can't take on the beast." White Trash said proudly. "I don't drink beer because I like the taste, I DRINK IT BECAUSE I FUCKING HAVE TO!" White Trash's face was now extremely red. "Mother fucking first wife took the only thing I truly loved in this world." White Trash now had tears rolling down his face mixing with his foaming mouth. "She took mah sheep. That is why I drink." White Trash sat down still enraged with bring back memories. "Good Mr. Bin, letting others know why you started down a bad path is the first step in the other direction." Mr. Rogers said calmly. "Mr. Fodder would you like to go next or would that bring you into one of your war visions again?" Cannon Fodder looked at Mr. Rogers and quickly shock his head no. "I see, we are all here for you when you decide to talk." Cannon Fodder just continued to looking behind him as he quickly drank from his hidden flask, calming him down a bit. Snow Flake took the stand starring at the ground as he stood. "Umm I have a drinking problem." He spat out. "Good job, that is the first step." Mr. Rogers said. "Why do you think you have this problem?" "Umm." Snow Flake said, not knowing if to share it with the new pony in the room. Snow Flake put on a brave face and whispered. "Because my wings make me feel...small." "I'm sorry Snowy, but what was that?" Mr. Rogers said. "He said his wings make him feel more like a mare than a stallion." White Trash laughed. Snow Flake started to tear up at the hurtful comment. "Yes, my wings make me unselfconscious of myself. That is why I feel like I have to be stronger that everypony else." Snow Flake said almost in sobs. "When I drink I feel better about myself and everypony seems to like me more." "Thank you Snowy for sharing," Mr. Rodgers said. Snow Flake sat down with a small smile as he wiped his tears. "You should know by now that those aren't your real friends if they can't like you for who you are Snow." Snow took in a deep breath and looked back at Mr. Rogers, happier. The whale in the corner soon sprang to life as she began to talk. "At least people like SOME part of you!" Rosey yelled as she began sweating from the extra movement. "Alcohol is the only one I can count on. Every man leaves me and I have to sink into the bottle from killing myself." "Now Rosey, a beautiful mare like yourself should not say such things." Mr. Rogers said comforting the Elephant. "I don't know? From the rest of you losers the blimp seems to be the one with the most brains, funny considering it is being crush by fat." White Trash said through a teeth baring smile. Rosey began to cry uncontrollably and the group had to wait till she returned to just having labored breath. "Now now Rosey, don't listen to any stallion or mare that is calling you harsh words. They are all wrong because you have as much beauty as any Canterlot model." Mr. Rogers said with an unknown kindness. Rosey calmed down and the group returned their eyes to Vinyl, who was stunned from the display. "Well, miss would you like to share your problem with the group?" Mr. Rogers said. Vinyl stood up knowing that her story was not half as fucked up as these ponies. She explained the events of the night before and how she was only here because of her friend. "Thank you Vinyl." Mr. Rogers almost said to quickly, seeming to change his mood form what Vinyl saw earlier. "Great work today ponies, make sure to be a good neighbor and stay sober." Everypony was getting ready to leave and so was Vinyl, until she was told to stay after everypony else was gone. Once the room was clear except for Mr. Rogers and Vinyl herself, Rogers sat down. "Have a seat." He said. Vinyl did as she was told not expecting what was going to happen next. "Do you smoke Vinyl?" Rogers said as he opened a pack of cigarettes and lit a lighter. "Uh, no Mr. Rogers." Vinyl said, not understanding why he was asking. "Really? Wow, rare for an alcoholic to not be a chain smoker." Rogers said as he inhaled his first bit of smoke. "And don't call me 'Mr. Rogers' any more that is more for the freaks of the AA meeting. Rogers will be fine." Vinyl was speechless not knowing if he was serious. "The reason I kept you after kid was to have a little chat. I know you are not a fuck up like those assholes....yet." Rogers said giving Vinyl a stern look. "What do you mean Mr- I mean Rogers?" Vinyl said before Rogers stood up and grabbed Vinyl by the chin with one hoof making sure Vinyl was starring into his eyes. "what I mean bitch is stop fucking up your life." Roger said as he held Vinyl harder making sure she couldn't move. Vinyl noticed that the male pony had more strength then his body let on. Rogers finally released Vinyl only to grab her by the hair. "you know kid I used to be like you. I loved to party and have fun. My friends also loved to have fun." Rogers said switching moods from glee to seriousness. "Of course, having a drink is harmless with friends right?" Rogers asked looking into Vinyl's confused face. "My friend and I loved to play drinking games in college and later on after college. One fateful night however, I had more to drink then I normally do." Rogers said as he released Vinyl's hair and began pacing around the room, Vinyl was no trembling from the physical and audio abuse she received. "HAHA! It was all a big joke, no biggy right? That is what we both said before we made a huge mistake that landed me in prison and a dead friend." Rogers looked piss off and it only frightened Vinyl more. "You want to know what we did? How alcohol and drinking abuse ruined my life?!" Vinyl was to frozen from fear to answer. "We were in a club dancing when this group of assholes confronted me and my friend. We thought nothing of it, but being in a new club on the shady side of town we should have known better." Rogers moaned feeling guilt return from deep with in. "My friend, the one who would later be a corpse rotting in the street was throwing his fathers money around like the drunken dipshit he was." Rogers smiled at the memory of his friend throwing his money around. "Little did we know, that made us a target. My friend and I were drunk out of our minds and knew that we had to walk home." Rogers began to stare at the wall behind Vinyl, who was holding her hooves. "The group of thug that confronted us in the club were now following us. They jumped us from a hidden alley and stabbed my friend with the money and ran off." Rogers tensed. "Soon after the police arrived, but instead of helping me they arrested me. I was held responsible for my best friends death and spent 10 years in prison." Rogers lifted his shirt to show several scars that varied in width. "This is what happens in prison along with other...things." Rogers dropped his shirt and starred at Vinyl. "Yep! you are totally prison bait, a total cell slut." Vinyl gasped as she heard what Rogers was saying. "Soon after I was released I got the shit job of baby sitting failures with petty problems." Rogers grabbed another cigarette and quickly lit it. "I like you kid, you seem smart and I don't want you to go through what I went through, or worse what those bitches are complaining about." Vinyl soon regained composure and sat up. "I don't want to see you back here again kid, now get out." Vinyl nodded and got up. Rogers let out a puff of smoke as Vinyl left. "Hahaha, gets them every time." Rogers said with a smirk. Rogers now put the fake cigarette away and washed the fake scars away. "The old scared straight tactic." Rogers exited the room with a silly smile on his face. Later Vinyl entered the small apartment and spotted Octavia. She was practicing music with her non broken cello. Vinyl ran up to Octavia and gave her a huge. "I'm sorry I hurt you Tavi just please don't let me get that reckless again." Vinyl cried. "I don't want to drink any more if that means hurting you." Octavia continued to hug Vinyl with a mug smile on her face. Her revenge was complete. "So did my friend Mr. Rogers help you with your problem?" Octavia said forcing herself not to laugh.