> The Darkness Within > by Eclipse Blackblood > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Beginings: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My dad ran an orphanage. He practically hated everyone but himself. The only reason he ran the orphanage is it was the family business for the past three generations or so. He couldn't get rid of it without having to pay massive taxes or something like that. I don't really know I only see him for about five minutes a day. He REALLY hated bronies. I also happened to be a brony. Well, I only became a brony because it annoyed my dad. He took advantage of that fact by having me spy on the other bronies that were in the orphanage. They snuck out once a week, so he sent me to see what they did. I would have gone even if he didn't tell me to. But then I found out what they did. I just expected them to watch Friendship is Magic on a portable TV. That is nothing like what I found. They took this show to a near cultic extreme. And they were the most normal people there. Their city was in a series of abandoned warehouses, which they had restored to the point they could safely live in them. Their houses used the same architectural styles that were used in Ponyville, but they were larger. All of the citizens wore very little clothing, but it was enough to qualify as modest, but just barely. They also had special tattoos that made them match several of the ponies, but none of them matched the elements of harmony, or the princesses. "Looking for the main six?" one of the bronies who I came here with asked. "Yeah, I expected about fifty of each." "Don't bother looking; it's against the rules to pick one of the ponies someone else already chose." "Sounds like you've been here before." "I have," he told me, "And this time I'm staying." I looked at what he brought with him. "You sure that little bag's going to be enough?" "All I need is my new identity, and the ruling council’s approval. After that, they'll provide the rest." "'Ruling council?'" "You'll see in a minute," After he said that he nodded his head forward. I looked ahead of our little group. I saw a faithfully done and lovingly detailed mural of Canterlot Castle, and in front of it a table with ten chairs. "Are we supposed to sit and wait on something?" I asked the same person form our group who mentioned the ruling counsel. Every other member of the small troupe stared at me with looks that varied from shock to disgust. Except for him. He looked like it took all of his strength to contain a burst of laughter. "I asked the same thing my first time here," he replied, as if to put the rest of our group at ease. "No, we're not allowed to sit there. That is the ruling counsel's table. And they should be here any second." Patrick, (no last name or middle initial on record) recounting events that lead to his involvement in with the Planescape. It had been a year since we were defeated as our greatest victory was nearly completed. We were repulsed out of Canterlot by the one pony we had least expected to be defeated by. Te result was the loss of half our numbers, and the birth of a constantly growing desire for revenge in queen Chrysalis, who was also my mother. "Nurel, come here." She was using that voice again. The voice that when you heard it you just know not doing what she wants would be very dangerous for your health. "Coming, mother." I had to sound confident, no matter how nervous I was, no matter how great my doubts. If she knew what I thought of her plan... The result would not be pleasant. I moved quickly through our stronghold, avoiding areas under reconstruction for some unknown reason. Unknown to most, by any means. Only three beings in all of reality knew the true reason, my mother, myself, and my mother's adviser, Piak. The reason behind the damage, as my mother's desire for revenge grew, so did an insanity that had come into her mind at the same time. I arrived shortly in the throne room, which was always in immaculate condition, despite the state of anything else. My mother was there, but that was where the normality ended. There was a triangular table in the middle of the room, one of the sides was facing the throne, and my mother stood there. Piak stood at one of the other sides, and even from the entrance to the room, I could tell the table was covered in documents on some form of esoteric lore. "Come, Nurel, the three of us have much to discuss." Events leading up to Nurel's involvement in the Planescape, pieced together from his lingering memories. I had an average life, for a spy employed by the royal guard, that is. I lived in a mid-sized apartment in Manehattan, had no romantic relationships, and a slightly above average income. I speak about twelve languages fluently, can fake several different accents, and know every major dialect of the languages I know. I have seven locks on my front door, and regularly check my apartment for monitoring devices of any kind. All in all, it was a pretty normal life. I had no idea what started out as an average day on the job would end in one of the most life changing event in my life. I was undercover in a group of smugglers. My cover name was Shady Crate, obviously a fake to anypony with at least half a brain, but luckily that level of intelligence is seen very rarely in smugglers outside of Canterlot. Unfortunately they were transferring goods to a group in Canterlot. That's when they knocked me out, bound and gagged me, and tied me to a tree. "Who are you really?" I had just regained consciousness when I heard that question. I must have gotten hit pretty hard, because everything was a shapeless multi-colored blob. All I could tell was my interrogator had a blackish coat, and a fiery red mane, and judging from the voice and accent was a mare from Canterlot. I also recognized her voice from somewhere, although I couldn't quite place it. I tried to answer but my voice was muffled by a piece of think cotton tied over my mouth. They we interrogating me, while I was gagged. How did they plan on getting any information out of me if I couldn't talk? "I might not be the sharpest knife in the drawer," Somepony else was talking, and whoever they were I couldn’t see them. "But I think it might be better to take the gag off before you try to make him talk." "It was a rhetorical question," the pony I thought was interrogating me was definitely a mare, but I still couldn't see her clearly. "I already know who he is; after all he is my younger brother." That was where I knew her voice from! She was my older sister, Silver Blade. She applied for a position in the royal guard, but was denied for undisclosed reasons. Not even a week after that she was the most wanted criminal in Equstria. Excerpt from the journal that belong the Black Cross, who was, at the apparent time of writing, head spy of Princess Celestia's Royal Guard. > Beginnings: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ruling counsel of their community had ten members, each of them a character from Friendship is Magic. They looked like better copies of the characters that the normal citizens, but that might be because I got a better look at them. They were the main six, the princesses, including Cadence, and shining armor. Each of them was in an outfit designed after their character's formal wear, and carefully tailored to their bodies. As they reached their seats, a dozen guards walked in, and, no surprise, they had armor just like the royal guards. "Welcome to Equestira on Earth," the speaker was the member of the counsel that looked like Princess Celestia. "You welcomed us before," one of the bronies I came here with, I didn't even have to look to know that. "I was welcoming the newcomer to our nation." Nation? Did they think of themselves as an independent nation when they were barely the size of a city? "I see the rest of you are ready to become full citizens." "However, you cannot become full citizens yet," Princess Luna spoke now. The looks of confusion and anger on their faces at that statement were quickly replaced with excitement when she finished talking. "First you must physically bond with a member of the counsel other then my sister or myself." I must have looked confused, or what Twilight Sparkle said next was standard prosedure, "It is the best way we have found to foster trust between ourselves, and our citizens." Rarity stood before she started to speak, and she stood slowly. "You do not get to choose your partner for this evening, for practical purposes, just as much as for aesthetic purposes." Now my group was angry again, they were muttering under their breath, the most common words being; shit, assholes, and, unfair. I could barely keep form laughing at how eager they were to sleep some girl that probably slept with fifty other guys, and maybe even a few girls. Fluttershy misunderstood my amusement at their lust, apparently thinking I was amused at how little they understood the rules for this so-called 'Equestria on Earth' because she spoke up. "I think their friend they brought with them understands more than they do," The fact that she spoke at a volume we could hear turned everyone's head in hear direction. "Could we, maybe, make the process of become a citizen a little, faster? Just for him?" Great. Now one of them wants to sleep with me. "Are you sure he would have the values that we require in our citizens?" Luna asked, almost demandingly. And now they're pissed at each other. a second of thought later, What values could they expect in their citizens with eight of them required to sleep with anyone who wants to live here? "If he doesn't, I'm sure he'll learn them quickly." "Then you have my permission." Celestia approved of what Fluttershy just proposed, that means no one could do anything about it. On second thought, maybe this form of government wouldn't be so bad. Patrick, (no last or middle name on record) continuing the story of how he became involved in the Planescape. "Your plan is impossible! The crystal shards haven't been seen since the war that nearly destroyed the world before the beginning of recorded history!" I could no longer contain my thoughts on Piak's plan, even if it wasn't him who was telling me what it was. "We only need the one that has resurfaced. After we have that our queen, who - I shouldn't have to remind you this - is your mother, will be able to use Princess Celestia's own power against her." Piak was on the defensive now, and would use any facts he could to make his plan seem the preferable course of action. "If you recall the legend properly, Piak, you'll remember that it says Crenshinibon - the crystal shard involved in this plan - controls the wielder. Not the other way around, like you expect!" "It can only control those with a weak will-" "Or a strong enough desire for power," I interrupted Piak before he could put himself back in an advantageous position, "or vengeance." "I have a strong enough will to resist the Shard's influence "It's also contained under the Crystal Tower, which is now known as the Crystal Palace, which is where Princess Cadence and Shining Armor live." As soon as the words left my mouth, I knew I said just the wrong thing, at just the right time. The fires of vengeance grew to a new height in her eyes, and her face set in an expression that was nearly a sneer. "Then we will raze the Crystal Tower if necessary to recover Crenshinibon." The continuation of how Nurel became involved in the Planescape, higher level of detail due to increased detail of remaining memories. Every one of the smuggler’s was asleep now, and it was time to untie myself. A couple minutes work with a basic telekinesis spell, and I was free, for the most part. All I had to do now was get clear of their camp, and report to Princess Celestia or Princess Luna. Who I reported to would depend on the time of day. I was almost out of their camp when a heard a familiar voice. "Where do you think you're going?" I forgot how light of a sleeper my sister was. "I never did find out why you were here." "Look, I have to meet somepony," not quite the truth, but not quite a lie either, "I'm sure your, uhm, friends, would understand." "If you don't tell me what you're really doing here," She levitated a sword out of what seemed to be empty air, "let's just say, it'll be unpleasant. And messy." "Let's just back up a step there, Crimson -" "DON'T CALL ME THAT ANYMORE!" Her sword was less than an inch from my neck, and all the other smugglers were up on the hooves, ready for trouble. "MY NAME IS CRIMSON BLADE AND -" "You prefer to be addresses with your full name or just as 'Blade.'" I finished her sentence for her, "I'm sorry, I forgot. Now, how about you move your steel insterment of death away from my neck, and I'll tell you why I'm here." "Give me a reason to believe you won't run as soon as you get the chance." "Give me the benefit of the doubt." "Start talking first." "Okay, then. Short version; I'm getting paid. A lot." Blade's eyes narrowed slightly at the mention of the fortune on the line for me. She pulled her sword back. "How much is 'a lot.'" "Exactly, I don't know. Roughly, enough money to live in comfort the rest of my life." "Give me half, or the rest of your life will be very, very short." "You see, I get paid based on how much information I gather on this little operation, so answer a few questions, and you have yourself a deal." "Three question, that's all I'll answer." I was going to have to pick what I asked, along with how I asked carefully. "Okay, first question; what are you smuggling into Canterlot?" "Nothing." "What do you mean 'nothing'?" "I mean just that, nothing." She had a smug grin now. "That makes two of your three questions." I was going to have to pick my last question very carefully now. "What are you smuggling?" "Weapons. That's you last question. Now, run along, and hurry back with my money." I took one last look around their camp before I started off at a full gallop towards Canterlot. "Twelve." I said under my breath as I tried to cover as much ground as I could before I had to sleep. "There are twelve of them." > Beginnings: Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I knew exactly what I was going to say to Fluttershy when I saw her. I was escorted by the guards to her room, and I was there before she was. That gave me a minute to finalize my thoughts on what I was going to say. "This isn't the nicest room here." She said from behind me. "Huh?" I didn't even hear her walk in. "My room's the least well designed out of all of the ruling counsel." "That's probably just opinion," I looked over my shoulder at her, "I think it looks nice." She laughed for a second then stopped, suddenly serious. "We aren't here to exchange pleasantries," She walked over to a vanity by her bed, "I'll be ready to start in a minute." "Yeah, about that." "What about it?" She had he dress half off. "I, uh, I, shit." Her dress was all the way off now, and she had on just enough underneath to qualify as still being modest. I saw two vertical rows of feathers on her back. "Are those supposed to be wings?" "Yes, pretty well done, aren't they." She was looking at me over her shoulder, while she was untying the cloth around her chest. "How much gene splicing was involved?" She let the cloth fall to the floor, and turned around to face me before she answered. "Just a little, and it doesn't hurt." My face felt like I had a fever, "You know I was joking, right?" "I know you were," She put one of her hands on my shoulder, "Now, why don't we get started?" Later we were lying in her bed together, after we had finished. We were staring at the ceiling in silence, she was pressed up against me, and I had an arm around her shoulders. A few minutes ago, I found out there was far more to their culture then I had already pieced together, including the choice that was coming for me. When she spoke up, I was deep in thought, and almost didn't hear her, despite the fact that her head was half an inch from me ear. "So, how did I do, compared to the other girls that you've been with?" "Huh?" I was torn from my thoughts, "Oh, you were the best one." She blushed heavily. "You're just saying that." "No, I'm not." I looked right at her, "I lost my virginity tonight, too." She sat up when I said that. "How did you know I was a virgin?" Shit, this is going to be hard to talk my way out of. "Would you believe it was a lucky guess?' "Not for a second." "I knew that was a long shot." "How did you really know?" she was staring at me hard, and her eyes narrowed, almost to slits. "I'll tell you," I wasn't lying this time, "but only if you promise not to lynch me." "Why would I lynch you?" I had her attention now. "Promise first, then I'll tell you." "I promise," She raised her right had as she started, "not to be involved in any lynching, that includes you in the list of victims." Close enough. "I, accidentally, read your mind." "Could you, explain that?' "Would you like to here the short version, or the long version?" "The short version." "Right, where to begin. I have psionic abilities. I'm not always in full control of them. The most I can do is move small - and I mean small - objects, telepathic communication over short distances, and, once, teleportaion. Well, that's what I can do on purpose anyway. "I can achieve more impressive results without consciously meaning to. Most commonly premonitions, time dilation, and, of course mind reading. "Mind reading and telepathy require easy access to the target mind, and can be prevented easily. Everything else, I'm not exactly sure." "So, you can't read my mind if I don't want you to?" "Maybe." "What do you mean?" "Sometimes I can break though mental defenses," I looked back to the ceiling. "But, that's enough about that." "What else could there be to talk about?" "The fact that I now have to choose between slavery and death is high on that list." "I was hoping I wouldn't have to explain that to you," she was honestly sad about this. "There isn't much that I need cleared up." "What don't you understand?" "Do I still get to choose a pony to become or is that predetermined?" "You don't get to be a pony," She closed her eyes, and her expression darkened. "You're going to be something like a changeling." "Will I be your personal slave, or just some random unpaid laborer?" "A little bit of both, really." "That's all I needed to know." The door swung open, and Celestia walked in, carrying a loaded crossbow. "Good," She looked pissed, she sounded pissed, and she was standing like she was pissed. "Because now it's time for you to choose." I climbed out of the bed. "I'm guessing that waiting until you aren't so pissed about," I gestured vaguely in her direction, "whatever it is you're pissed about, is out of the question?" "Yes, and you interrupting isn't helping improve my mood." "Are there more rules to choosing my own fate that I should know about?" I put as much sarcasm in my voice as I could. She completely ignored my remark. "As I was saying, now it's time for you to choose. If this were a normal case, that is. It has been brought to my attention that you pose a threat to our plans as long as you remain alive, so you are going to die." "I was going to choose slavery," I intended to find out as much as I could about this. "So, do I get a last request?" "That depends on what it is." "I want to know who told you I was a threat to your plans." "His name is Piak," she leveled the crossbow at my heart. "Not that you can do much with that information now." She fired the bolt at me. I reacted as soon as the bolt was in motion. I telekineticly pushed back on the bolt as hard as I could, not that it did me a lot of good. The bolt missed my heart, and instead hit my diaphragm. The shock I felt at my sudden inability to breath was mirrored perfectly be Celestia's expression. I fell to my knees, and my head fell forward. I was kneeling on a door. I fell on the door, it opened, and I fell through into darkness. Patrick (No, last name or middle initial on record) finishing his story on how he became involved in the Planescape. I was training for battle. I had to be ready by next month, because that was when we would infiltrate the Crystal Empire to "recover" Crenshinibon. "Nurel," I didn't even here my mother walk into the room. "We need to talk about your behavior." "You should be asleep right now." I didn't even break my concentration on my training. "The only reason I'm still awake is you said I had to train for the upcoming invasion." "Don't try to change the subject." I wasn't looking at her face, but I knew her eyes narrowed. "You might not approve of my plan, but after yours failed, I couldn't take the chance of letting you be involved in planning this." "My plan only failed because of unforeseeable circumstances. But even then, I was the one that came up with it. We both know that Piak thought up this plan." "No," she had my full attention now, "I devised this plan. The only role Piak played in it's creation was bringing the Shard's existence to my attention." "I'm sorry mother, I thought -" "I know what you thought about this plan, and I know what you think about this plan. If you continue to behave as if you never caused that defeat at Canterlot -" "I DIDN'T CAUSE ANYTHING!" I wasn't even think about what I was saying anymore. "My plan only failed because YOU didn't mimic Princess Cadence's personality well enough to fool the unicorn that wields the element of magic. She saw through your disguise, freed the real Cadence, and then you put her close enough to Shining Armor that she could break the spell. It's not my fault our invasion failed it's your fault." The next thing I knew I was sprawled out on my back in one of the corridors, with a dull pain in the back of my head. I felt the back of my head. I was bleeding, and my mother was standing over me, sneering. "You will never speak to me like that again. Do I make myself clear?" "Did you have to put me though a wall to make your point?" She slashed my face with her horn. "Do I make my self clear?" "Yes, mother. You made yourself clear." "Good." She stepped back enough for me to stand back up. "Now, Piak would like a word with you." I would have responded, but she began to charge a spell, so I made my way towards Piak's chambers. I was a mostly uneventful flight. Mostly. He met me half-way there. "You wanted to have a word with me?" I asked. "Yes. You were half right about this being my plan." He began charging a spell. "Retrieving Crenshinibon was our queen's plan, but that's only the first step in mine." He released the spell, and before I could even blink, my throat was slit. "And now you die. No hard feelings, you just know to much." I was certain the smug look on his face would be the last thing I saw. Then I noticed a door that wasn't there before, one that was built into the floor. I fell onto it, and then through it. Though it, and into darkness. End of the story of how Nurel became involved in the Planescape. Level of detail in recounting due to level of detail in memories. I was being followed. I had an idea who it was, and that only made me work harder to put some distance between me and them. And then I heard something I never would have expected. Buzzing? But that could only mean... I looked back over my shoulder, and saw I was right, with both guesses. I was being followed by my sister's gang of smugglers. And they had changelings, a lot of changelings. I began charging a spell. "Is that who you're smuggling those weapons to, Silver?" I called back over my shoulder. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT!" Somehow she starter galloping faster. Perfect. I waited until she closed the gap almost entirely. A few of the changeling kept up with her, and that made my plan word all the better. I released the spell and they almost caught up with me. Almost. They ran in to an invisible wall, and bounced off. I spun around so I could watch my spell at work. The second Silver touched the ground, the wall burst into the colors of the rainbow. Yes, my new spell worked perfectly so far. "Impressive, Black Cross," said a voice behind me, "But to bad you won't receive credit for inventing it." "What do you mean I won't get credit for it?" I turned around, and it took all of my willpower to maintain my composure. How did they surround me so quickly? "I mean you won't, but only because you won't be around long enough to take credit for it." The speaker was a changeling. I would have asked him what he was talking about, but then it was suddenly unbearably hot. Painfully hot. They were burning me alive!Then the grass around me ignited, and all I could see was fire. They must have thought that I couldn't hear them anymore, that I was already unconscious, or even dead. "Go report to Piak, tell him we won't have to worry about any more interference form this one." I didn't hear a response, if there was one. I didn't here anything else, not even the fire. I was distracted by the ground at my hooves. But "ground" isn't the right word. I was standing on a wooden door, and strangely, it looked like it wasn't even effected by the fire it was surrounded by. It opened, and I fell in. End of the story of how Black Cross became in the Planescape. Strangely found in his journal from before he was involved in the Planescape. > Sigil > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sigil, the City of Doors, ruled by the enigmatic "Lady of Pain." The one place in the entirety of the Planescape with no discrimination. Sigil is the one place in all of reality where an angel and a demon can be seen making polite conversation over tea. We know, because we were there. Erganthar was the only earth archon that's driving purpose wasn't causing destruction at the behest of a primordial or evil spell caster. No, Erganthar's main purpose, ever since the Lady of Pain summoned it to Sigil was orienting newcomers to life in Sigil, no matter how temporary their stay. And this strange being that was lying on it's back in the middle of the room, clearly unconscious, was definitely a newcomer. It had clothing it's lower body, and a gray cloth that was tattered on one side covering it's head. This newcomer was different then any other being in Sigil. It was covered in black chitin plates on it's upper body, and possibly the lower body too, but Erganthar couldn't tell. Clothing tends to get in the way of the sense of sight. It had three dark aqua-green stripes on each side of it's neck, and four chevrons, point downward, on the front of it's torso. It's forearms and hand had holes arranged almost like a pattern that was unique to each side. It was hairless as far as Erganthar could tell, and had no discernible location where it could have had any. It's physiology suggested it was an aberrant being, but until what nature of being it is was determined, it was Erganthar's problem. And with such a strange body, Erganthar didn't want to think of what was going on in it's mind. Patrick was sitting there, under a tree that wasn't there, as he always did when he was sleeping. Only this time he wasn't sleeping, he was unconscious because of pain. He was on the psionic plane, free to wander into the minds of those nearby, and possibly learn more about his situation. The only reason he remained in his mind was he wasn't alone. An aqua-green unicorn with a navy-blue mane and tail was fighting a changeling a short distance away. Or, they would have been fighting, if their magic worked. Patrick couldn't help but smile as the raced to cast the first spell, hoping off the other before having to worry about a retaliation. "I better stop them before they hurt themselves," his psionic form said under it's breath. "That's not going to work here," he called out to them, his voice amplified by his will. "Only psionics work here." "What in Celestia's name are psionics?" The unicorn demanded. "What type of creature form the bowls of Tartarus are you?" the changeling at least sounded calm. "Tell me your names first, then i'll answer your questions in the order received." "Why should we listen to you?" Cocky unicorn Patrick noted. "Well for one, you're trespassing in my mind." "Why's everything gray?" the changeling asked, it's tone almost mocking. "I'd expect a demon's thought to be about something, I don't know, destructive." "I won't answer any more questions until you two tell me your names." "Fine, you stubborn ape-like demon thing, I am Nurel, prince and general of the changelings." "Okay, Nurel. And you?" "Why do you care what my name is?" "Would you like me to make up a name for you?" "That depends what have you got?" "Inkar Thromfdan." "What does that even mean?" "It's Itharnic for 'Stubborn Shit-head'." "My name's Black Cross." "Okay then. Now to answer your questions," Patrick stood up and walked toward them, "Psionics are simmilar in effect to magic, but are a totally different force. I am not a being from Tartarus, or any other hell, I am a human. And the reason everything is grey is we are in the far outer reaches of my mind, in the area that my thoughts intersect with the psionic plane, so I have no control over appearances here, except for my own." I have come to the conclusion that we all died, and have been forced into one physical form by some arcane anomaly, most likely being teleported to the exact same location at the exact same time. That would, in fact, make this the location where our consciousnesses meet with each other, and the psionic plane. And now that therory is about to be put to the test." Before Black Cross or Nurel could ask what he meant, Patrick smiled knowingly and explained, "We're waking up." Erganthar merely watched as the creature on it's office floor began to move. It sat up, with a slight groan, and the cloth covering it's head slid off. It had two fangs, and appeared to have a form of flexible chitin covering it's head. It's ears were similar to those of a half-elf, but slightly larger. It had slightly tattered-looking insect-like wing, which were an orange-gray. "Where, am I?" It asked. "You are in Sigil," Erganthar answered, it's gravely voice echoing in the quiet room, "I am to explain the rules of the city, and determine what form of being you are." "Sigil?" The newcomers eyes shot open, which were the same color as it's wings, and without a pupils.. "As in the Sigil? The City of Doors?" "Yes, that Sigil." "Well, that explains why you have a desk job." "May I resume my task?" "What? Oh, sorry." "Sigil has only three rules. They are as follows; First, no provoking conflict between any inhabitants or guests of Sigil, including yourself. Second, no stealing items that belong to any other being. And third, do not attempt to aid a being imprisoned in a maze." "How exactly are those rules enforced?" "Depending on the severity of which the rule was broken the punishments in acted are; ejection from the city to the nearest plane, ejection from the city into the void, or, imprisonment in a maze." "What if a being imprisoned in a maze is good at solving mazes?" "The city itself is sentient, and the mazes are endless. The only ways out of the mazes are death or returning to your home plane." "If the mazes are endless, how would you return to your home plane?" "I am unsure of exactly how that works. Now to determine what form of being you are." "Your guess is a good as mine." "Your physiology suggests an aberrant being. I am unsure of psychology and past experience, both of which are required to complete classification." "So, you want me, to tell you, my life story?" "That is the nearest approximation possible." "Get comfortable, this is going to take a while." In three hours we summed up our lives, each of us controlling our shared body for while we told our own story. Black Cross sounded like he was paying as much attention to the world around him as to his story, but he was able to recount his life in amazing detail. Nurel sounded cocky and arrogant, and took the most time out of the three of us. They agreed that I sounded scared and confused the whole five seconds it took me to tell my story. I only took five seconds because of my telepathic abilities. Black cross used illusions of the different ponies he encountered. Nurel just wouldn't shut up. "Psychology suggests aberrant," Ergathar said when it was sure they had finished recounting their pasts. "Past experience suggests undead." "So, what race does that mean we are now?" The being's consciousness that identified itself as "Patrick" was speaking again. "Race that best matches is 'Revenent'. Classification that best matches abilities and skills is 'Warlock'." "And what about my psionic abilities?" "Due to psionic abilities, sub-classification 'Wild Talent' is included in you information. With all due consideration made, you would do well as an adventurer." "Before we can be an adventurer we would need to practice, and Sigil doesn't exactly sound like the ideal locale for the practicing." "After you have acquired all necessary equipment the city will guide you to the ideal location for you to hone your skills. You can find all the equipment you need in the chest behind you." "But there's no chest," Patrick said as he turned around, but to his surprise, sure enough, there was a chest behind him. "But it wasn't there." "You will only find the necessary equipment in that chest. Armor, weapons, a training manual - or in your, unique case, manuals - A modest sum of wealth, several basic healing potions, and a basic supply kit for general purpose use. You are not required to take all of the equipment provided, but it is strongly recommended." "Is everything in the supply kit labeled?" "No, but the individual pieces of equipment are named and detailed in the manuals." The newly drafted adventurer went eagerly about retrieving and donning the equipment, and and was obviously pleased by the aesthetics. "The three of us agreed that we like the way the armor and dagger look. Did the city generate the appearance based on our pasts?" "Yes, a semi-Gothic style was determined to be well suited to your tastes. You are now an emissary of Sigil in the Planescape. You will find instructions for your task on a scroll with your supplies." Patrick braced himself, and stepped through the door that suddenly appeared where the chest had been. As they fell through the void, being whisked along by the energy from Sigil, their destination came into sight. A destination that was familiar to them all. Character Creation complete. Race: Revenent Features: Past Lives: Human (bonus psionic ability), Unicorn (bonus starting spell), Changeling (Spider Climb(constent effect)) Racial Abilities: Dark Reaping, Unnatural Vitality, Death's Blessing Class: Warlock Features: Eldritch Pact (Star pact), Eldritch Blast, Prime Shot, Shadow Walk, Warlock's Curse Pact Benefits: Dire Radiance(Pact Spell), Fate of the Void(Curse Effect) Class skills: Arcana, Bluff, History, Insight, Intimidate, Religion, Streetwise, Thievery Character Statistics: Strength: 8 Constitution: 17 Dexterity: 10 Intelligence: 18 Wisdom: 12 Charisma: 17 Abilities: Spells: Dire Radiance, Eldritch Blast, Dreadful Word, Vampiric Embrace, Armor of Agathys Psionics: Telepathy, Telekinesis, Mind link, Mental Probe, Chameleon Power, Psionic blast Inventory: Leather armor, +1 Pact Dagger, Adventurers kit, Training manuals, Instructional scroll > Safe Haven? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You don't know fear until you leave what was your home and your prison, find someplace you think you'll be safe and happy, and then find someone from your past. Someone who only wants to drag you back. When Black Cross woke up it was midnight. At least, he thought it was midnight. It's hard to tell time in the Everfree forest without a timepiece of some kind. When he checked for his pocket watch he remembered what happened. Mostly because he had never owned a pocket watch. For a minute, I thought you forgot about us. Patrick remarked. "Is this what we sounded like to you?" Black Cross asked him out load. That's what he told me. Thank you Nurel. Patrick commented, his thoughts dripping with sarcasm. Stop thinking like that. Your sarcasm feels weird. "Would the two of you just-" A rustle in the nearby foliage silenced the three of them. Next came a voice that Patrick recognized. "Who's there, sneakin' into mah family's orchard through the forest?" Put me in control of the body, quick! "Anypony out there better come out now, else I'm gonna go an' get Big Mac." Patrick pulled up the hood on their tattered gray clock, hoped it covered what the clothing and armor didn't, and stepped out of the forest. He held up a hand in front of his face to block the early morning sunlight that was going directly into his eyes. "I mean no harm," he said, "and I can assure you-" "What in Equestria are you supposed to be?" Applejack demanded, taking a half-step back as this strange, and obviously frighting, creature stepped out of the Everfree forest. "I am an adventurer," Patrick said, "I mean you no harm, and-" "That's not what ah meant." "I am a Revenent." "What is that supposed t' even mean?" Before Patrick could even open his mouth - which was, thankfully, hidden be the shadow his hand cast over his face - to respond, and rainbow-colored streak cut across the landscape behind Applejack. Rainbow Dash stopped moving forward not far behind Applejack. While she was stopping she said, "AJ! Twilight's in Ponyville to visit, and-" When she came to a stop she noticed Patrick standing at the edge of the Everfree forest. "What is that?" Applejack looked back over her shoulder at Rainbow Dash. "It was just gettin' around t' sayin'." "He." Applejack and Rainbow Dash both looked at Patrick, somewhat startled by his sudden interjection. "What?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I was correcting your friend, 'AJ' I think you called her," Patrick said pointing at Applejack with the hand that wasn't keeping his face obscured. "I am a 'he,' not an 'it.'" Applejack looked back to Rainbow Dash. "You said Twilight's in town?" Rainbow Dash simply nodded, clearly stunned speechless by that fact that this strange creature from the Everfree forest could speak. "I think she'll want tah know about this." Again, Rainbow Dash simply nodded. "So, am I to come with you to meet this 'Twilight' character?" Rainbow Dash shook her head, as if to jar her thoughts into a coherent structure, then answered, "No, you can wait here. No need to cause a panic in town." "I assure you I could follow you without causing a panic in this town of 'Ponyville.'" "An' just how do you plan on doin' that?" In response Patrick faded from view, except for a faint outline. "By not to walking into anypony, or breaking anything." Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Patrick made it to the Ponyville library without incident. Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy were already there. After the usual pleasantries shared with a friend you haven't seen in a while, Applejack got right down to business. "Twi, have you ever read 'bout somthin' called a Revenent?" A look of concern came onto Twilight's face. "Applejack, where did you hear about those?" "There was somethin' at the edge of the Everfree that said it was one." "And it stayed there, right?" They could all hear the panic rising in Twilight's voice. "Uh, no. It came here with me and RD, I think." "You think. You mean, you're not sure whether or not it followed you into town?" "Well, yeah we're not sure," Rainbow Dash interrupted. "It's kind of hard to tell if something's following you when it's invisible." "Oh, this is bad. We have to find it before it causes trouble." Pinkie Pie squinted at the air behind Twilight, and tilted her head to the left then to the right. "Pinkie Pie, what the hay are you starin' at?" Pinkie tilted her head back to the left. "I don't know," she said slowly, "but I know something's there." "If you can't see anything, how would you possibly know-" Rarity began to ask. She was interrupted by Patrick ending his invisibility. Fluttershy screamed and bolted off somewhere none of them could see. "The hood's down isn't it?" Patrick asked letting his annoyance creep into his tone. He was answered with five variations of "yes." "Mind explain' why you look like a changeling?" "Get comfortable, this could take a while." When Patrick finished the story of how him, Black Cross, and Nurel had died and somehow become one being -- which Fluttershy came back out of wherever she was hiding sometime in the middle of -- The seven of them sat in silence while the ponies digested what he told them. Twilight was the first to respond. "Let me get this straight. The three of you died, met in the space between your minds that you shared, woke up in a room none of you have ever seen, told you life stories, took the equipment you were given, came here on unknown orders, and just happened to show up in the Everfree forest not far from Sweet Apple Acres." "That's the simple version of it, but, yeah." "That just has to many coincidences to be true." "Oh really?" "Really." "Then why do you think I'm here?" "I think you're a changeling using magic to disguise as, whatever it is you're disguised as, so you could sneak into Ponyville in the middle of the night, steal the elements of harmony without anypony knowing, or likely thinking that the changelings are involved, and then use that "Creshinibon" thing that's hidden in the crystal empire to conquer Equstria unopposed." "Wouldn't have made more sense for my story to have been a weird dream I had due to an infected head wound that was severe enough to cause me to forget everything about my past, and cause my near deleterious mind to except the fictions explanation for my condition as fact?" "You look to much like a changeling for insanity to be the reason you're here, but either way you'd be dangerous." "Don't judge a book by it's cover." Twilight looked annoyed now, but before she could open her mouth to respond there was a loud deep 'thud' out side, followed shortly by a shock wave that knocked all the books off of the shelves, and caused every window in the library to shatter. While the six ponies in the room were scrambling for cover, Patrick just stood that amazed and terrified by what he saw outside. He saw another human. A very familiar human. > Acts of War > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- War. A strange and abstract concept. People say violence doesn't solve anything, yet war ends rivalries, creates new alliances, and leads to new advances in science and medicine. But for as many problems as it solves, it creates new problems, sometimes more numerous than those it solves. That's why I never fought in my youth, and that's why I hope, that when all this is done, I'll never have to fight again. "It can't be her," Patrick said, to stunned to do anything else, "it just can't be." Is she the one you- Nurel began. Don't even think about thinking that. Black Cross interrupted. Why not? Nurel tried to sound innocent when he asked, but failed miserably, and broke out into echoey thought-laughter. "Is it just me," Rainbow dash said, shocking Patrick out of his trance-like state, "or does that thing look kinda like Fluttershy?" All of them where staring out of the broken window now, and they all agreed that it did look like Fluttershy. And then, more of them walked into the clearing in front of the library. Most of them looked like royal guards, some of them looked like various residents of Ponyville. "Twi, do ya know somthin' 'bout what's going on out there?" "Sorry, Applejack, but I don't." "Then what do ya suppose we do?" "I don't know," Twilight was clearly distressed, "Maybe we should try talking to them." "That won't work." Patrick stated. "Why not?" Twilight asked. No, demanded was closer to what she did then asked. "Remember my story?" "What about it?" Twilight asked, genuinely missing the point. "Do I really have to spell it out for you?" "I know what you mean," Fluttershy said, although apparently, no one but Patrick heard her, "And, I think, I'm starting to actually, um, believe you." I'm part of you, and I don't believe you. Shut up, Nurel. Make me, I dare you. Patrick envisioned a gag over his mouth, and when Nurel repeated his request it came out as a muffled incoherent noise. "Wait, what?" Rainbow Dash demanded, outraged, "You don't actually believe his insane story do you?" "And here I thought you were supposed to be friends." The six of them turned toward the source of the new voice in the conversation. All except Patrick, who had once again turned invisible. The newest member of their conversation was just outside the window, and looked similar to Fluttershy. "Why don't you tell me who else you were talking to?" "Why don't you tell us your name?" "It won't matter for long, but my name is Sarah." Twilight stepped forward. "I have two questions before I answer yours." Twilight stepped back when Sarah leveled a crossbow at her face. "How about for every question of mine you answer I'll answer a question of yours?" Twilight swallowed, then nervously said, "I-I think that sounds like a f-fair trade." "Okay, good. You already know what my first question is." "He said his name was Patrick." Sarah's eyes widened, "But that's impossible, he's dead. When did he get here?" "You have to answer one of my question's now remember?" "Yes. There, I answered that question, now you have to answer mine." "You cheated." "Oh yeah? Says who?" "Yes you did. And I say you did." Twilight said with a smirk. "What's got you so confident?" Sarah asked, an annoyed look on her face. "I answered two of your questions, and this one makes three. Now you have two answer three of mine." "You cheated!" "Only because you cheated first." "I suppose that's fair," Sarah excepted defeat, for now. "Okay, what's you first question." "What are you doing here?" "This is the beginning of a hostile take over of Equestria." "Why?" "We were ostracized in our homeland because we viewed things differently, and it's in our races' nature to strive to be the best at everything, which caused us to evolve along a warlike path." "What are you doing with the residents of Ponyville?" "Taking them prisoner," Sarah shrugged, "Unless they resist. I'm sure you can guess what happens to the ones that fight back," she said that she motioned with toward the door with her crossbow. Meanwhile, on the ceiling... "We've got to do something!" Patrick shouted as he stormed about angrily, creating and uprooting trees. "Look at the situation," Black Cross reasoned, "There's nothing we can do." "Mmph." Nurel added. "I'm sorry, what was that Nurel?" Black cross taunted. "I'm actually inclined to agree with you for once." "I knew if you thought about this logically, you'd see our best bet is to get out of here, and -" "Not you Cross," Patrick cut him off, "Have any ideas about how we could pull that off?" "Wait, you can understand that muffled grunting?" "It's just so you can't hear him." "So you did something for solely my benefit." "No, I did that," Patrick motioned to the gag tied around Nurel's head, "so you two would stop arguing long enough for me to think." "You did the same thing with me too, didn't you?" "Of course, why would I make just one of you suffer for something both of you did?" "Mmph." "What did he say?" "That time he said I'm power mad, and remind him of his mother." "I meant that you agreed with." "We should attack the humans that are in Ponyville." "Would you un-gag us so I can tell him directly what I think of his plan?" Nurel's gag vanished, so Black Cross asumed his had as well, mostly because he had no other way of telling. Nurel spoke before Black Cross could even open his mouth. "Before you comment on my plan, I'm going to tell you the details that ape," Nurel glared at Patrick, who just shrugged, "left out. I recommend a carefully timed assault that involves swooping down at them from above while making full use of the limited number of ranged offensive spells and psionics at our disposal, only ending the invisibility effect long enough that it won't use the energy necessary to rain death upon our foes heads." "Not a bad plan for a bug, I guess," Black Cross said, "Although there are several problems with it." "Like what, exactly?" Nurel cast Black Cross a venomous glare. Black cross ignored him, as well as he could while staring him down. "Well first off, while for grounded warriors swooping is bad, it would likely be just as tiring as maintaining invisibility would. Second, We might not have any offensive ranged abilities of any kind at our disposal in this shared form." "And this would be why I gagged you two." "Okay then, what's you're plan, ape." "First, we have to read, to find out what we can do, then, second, based off of those findings, we will each fill a different role in controlling our shared body, and third, we do our best not to die." "What books could possibly tell us what this body is capable of?" "The one's we came here with," Patrick made a gesture as if holding something out and a book apeared in form of each of them. "Cross, you get Encyclopedia Magicka because it seems closest tor you forte, and Nurel, you get Open Grave, because Beginners guide to Psionics, volume five seems more my forte then either of yours." "So, ape, you're telling me that I get a horror novel, because the two instructional manuals fall into your fotres insted of mine." "I have two comments to that. First, stop calling me ape, or I will destroy your lungs. Second, read the subtitle." "Secrets of the Undead. What do you hope to find out in this?" "What exactly a 'Revenent' is." > First Blood > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soon after Twilight got what information she could about the situation, more enemy soldiers knocked down the door to the library. Heavily outnumbered, and without the Elements, Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie went without a fight. The fight was quickly beaten out of Rainbow Dash, and she had to be carried away, due to the simple fact that you can't move yourself when unconscious. None of them were there, when Spike was rudely awakened form his nap, and none of them saw the soldier who found Spike walk out with a necklace made of dragon bones and twine. It was only a few seconds after they left that Patrick came out of his self-induced trance. He saw the soldiers leave, and saw the necklace. It was then that he knew his plan to kill every last human soldier in Ponyville was justified. And it was then that Nurel chose to interrupt Patrick's train of thought. "Explain again why I'm controlling the body this time." Because, Patrick explained, you are the one who read the book that had information on Revenents, which means you understand how our body works better then me or Cross. But we all explained what we found out, Black Cross added, so the way I see it, any one of us would be just a suited to control of our body. "You know, referring to this as 'our body' makes this awkward." Get over yourself. Both of you shut up and let me explain my thought process behind this. They shut up. I control the psionic defenses, and other psionic abilities because I am the only one with experience in that field. Make sense so far? Black Cross, and Nurel answered in the affirmative.Okay, good. Cross, you're in charge of the magic because you are a unicorn. Nurel is in charge of the body because neither one of us was in charge of it yet, and so that we could focus more completely on our areas of control. So, Nurel controls our body because of the process of elimination? Yes. "That is the dumbest way to make a decision I have ever heard of." For once, I agree with you. See, Cross, Nurel, you're already starting to work together. And don't worry so much, It's only while we're going to be in battle. Patrick, why don't you just say fighting instead of 'in battle'? "We fight all the time, he's just trying not to confuse you." Why don't we just get this over with? "Now I agree with you, Cross." Don't call me that. I only let Patrick do that because he could kill me without killing himself. If you say so, Cross. Rainbow Dash was chained down while she was still out cold, And was not happy in the least when she came to. Rarity had a black cloth tied around he horn that somehow negated all of her attempts to use magic, even to remove it. Applejack was tied to a fence by her right hind-leg, a primitive technique, but it was proving very effective.. Fluttershy's wings were tied to her sides using a greenish-black fabric none of them had seen before. Twilight had a black cloth tied around her horn, and her wings tied the same way as Fluttershy's. And Pinkie Pie, they couldn't figure out a way to restrain her no matter how hard they tried. That was as much of the situation Twilight figured out before they led her away from the rest of Ponyville's inhabitants. She couldn't figure out where they were taking her, which tends to be the case when blindfolded. At least, Twilight assumed that tended to be the case. It was made even more infuriating by the fact that every time she tried to ask where they were taking her, the hit her in the back of the head. Hard. She decided it would be best to stop asking before she got a bruise. When they stopped and removed her blind fold, there was a light shining in her eyes. Thankfully, it was quickly moved. As Twilight's eyes adjusted she faintly heard heard voices muttering, and hoof-steps around her. No, not hoof-steps, the rhythm was wrong, and they weren't as loud as they should be. When her eyes were fully adjusted back to normal light levels, she looked around and saw humans -- that's what Sarah called them -- In lab coats all around her, taking measurements. Somehow they had strapped he in place without her noticing, and had removed her restraints. She wanted to ask what was going on, and whether or not these humans were doctors, but strangely couldn't move her mouth. She didn't feel anything keeping he mother closed. Then it hit her, she didn't feel anything. She looked around looking for an IV of some kind of anesthetic, but instead she saw another human, leaning against the wall, staring right at her. I wouldn't move around to much if I were you. It's much easier to injure yourself when you can't feel pain. Can't feel pain? To answer your questions, yes, these are doctors. As for what's going on, well, they're taking as complete of a physical examination as they can without killing you. And you can't feel pain because I'm suppressing all of your senses except sight. Well, cut it out. The human staring at her smiled evilly. Twilight instantly disliked that smile. If you insist. Twilight could feel the restraints holding her in place biting into her legs and torso, along with a pain near her left flank, and a needle sliding out the right of her stomach area. But it wasn't what she felt that scared her, but what she heard. "The machine is calibrated, insert the rectal thermometer now." The doctors either didn't know or didn't care that she had all of her senses back in full, because they didn't even bother to warm the thermometer first. It was inserted forcibly, but that isn't why Twilight screamed. "DEAR CELESTIA, THAT'S COLD!"