Secrets in Ponyville

by Shadow Eclipse

First published

A teenage brony ends up in Equestria. After being transformed into a pegasus known as Shadow Eclipse upon arrival, he soon discovers there is more to Ponyville and all of Equestria than he originally thought.

A teenage brony named Keenan is transported to Equestria overnight. Upon arrival, he is transformed into a pegasus stallion named Shadow Eclipse. Not long after showing up in Equestria he discovers that there is more to Ponyville and the rest of Equestria than he thought. The story follows him on his adventures (literal and sexual) throughout Equestria.

This is my first EVER attempt at writing my own story of any type. Let alone a clopfic. Constructive criticism is appreciated.

Credit to JunglePony on deviantart for the picture.


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Secrets in Ponyville

There was a loud pounding noise on the door followed by a loud voice from the other side.

“Keenan! Wake up! You're going to be late for school!”

He quickly awoke rather annoyed that his dream had been rudely interrupted. He turned over and glanced at his alarm clock on his nightstand. It read “7:45 AM”. He soon realized he had overslept by nearly an hour.

“I'm coming! I'll be down in a minute!” Keenan yelled back to his older sister.

He abruptly sat up in bed and climbed off of his black and red futon. As he was standing up he almost tripped on the pile of mixed clean and dirty clothes near the foot of the bed. Catching himself before he fell, he reached down and rooted around until he found all the pieces of his outfit. He hurriedly threw them on, almost putting his black Rainbow Dash cutie mark shirt on backwards.

Keenan was about 5' 4” tall, a bit on the heavier looking side weighing about 185 pounds. He had short medium brown hair with a sort of neck-beard thing because he was too lazy to shave his facial hair regularly. He had an interesting shade of greenish-gray eyes and a less-than-pale skin tone. He was pretty much a typical sixteen year old, he was lazy, loved playing games with his friends online, drank more Mountain Dew than was good for him, among many other things. He was a brony as were all of his friends. He remembered when his friends had told him that they were watching My Little Pony after he had gotten home from working at a camp all summer long. He reacted by calling them odd and just brushing it off, but ultimately they convinced him to watch one episode and ever since he had loved the music, artwork, stories, episodes, and the fandom as a whole.

Keenan stumbled groggily into the hallway and then to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He sprayed himself with Axe deodorant, wet his hair and ran a comb through it. The then went running downstairs, grabbed his backpack, and ran outside to the car where his sister was waiting for him. He looked at the time on his iPhone and it read “7:58 AM”, he made it in time. His sister Ashley began pulling out of their driveway to drive them both to school.

The school year was nearly over, only a two weeks left until Summer break. Ashley was excited since she was a Senior and would be graduating in a few weeks. Keenan on the other hand wasn't as excited, he was only a Junior and still had another full year to go of high school.

Ashley started interrogating Keenan on why he overslept, “Why didn't you wake up on time? You almost made me late.” Being on time was a big deal to her since she had maintained a perfect attendance record all through high school. She loved school, and Keenan thought she was completely nuts for it.

“I'm sorry, I was up late with the guys online,” Keenan replied with a sigh. Luckily the ride from their house to the school was only a couple minutes, he couldn't stand her constant lecturing him about how he should study more and go to sleep earlier.

It wasn't long before they had arrived at Southwestern Area High School and went their separate ways. Keenan went straight to his locker to stow away his backpack and get his notebook. He went into his homeroom and sat down right next to his best friend Ian. Ian was a brony as well, in fact he was the main reason Keenan got into the fandom in the first place.

“What's up dude?” Ian asked him.

“Nothing really, almost overslept because I was up so late reading clopfics,” Keenan responded.

“Nice, you're virtually addicted to those things aren't you?” Ian asked already knowing the answer.

“You have no room to talk bro,” Keenan jokingly said back.

“I suppose you are right. But anyway, I was reading this really sweet fan fiction last night about this guy getting transported to Equestria and getting to live there forever. Wouldn't that be awesome?” Ian told him enthusiastically.

“Don't we wish? Anything to get out of this hell hole. Plus, living in Equestria? What brony in their right mind wouldn't want that!?” Keenan replied rather happy now that they were on the topic of ponies and fan fiction.

Some time passed after their short discussion and the bell rang to go to first period. Keenan and Ian said bye to each other and proceeded to their respective classes. The day drug on for Keenan, but finally 3:00 came. He made his way out of the school and into his sister's car. They were home shortly, and Keenan grabbed some junk food and a few cans of pop and went up to his room. He laid down on his bed and began reading assorted fan fictions. Before he knew it, the clock was reading “10:00 PM”. He was starting to feel a bit drowsy anyway, so he thought it best to go to sleep a bit early.

Soon Keenan had fallen sound asleep and was beginning to dream about Equestria again as he had the night before. It wasn't long before he woke up, but there was something out of the ordinary. He glanced around the room he was in and noticed it wasn't his room. His poster-covered white walls were traded for a light tan color with a deep wood grain. He wasn't laying on his black and red futon, but a large decorated bed with decorated covers and pillows on it. He looked for the clock that would normally be on his nightstand only to notice that there wasn't a nightstand there.

Confused at what was going on and at the same time thinking he was still dreaming, he attempted to wake himself up with no success. Suddenly a familiar face had appeared at the foot of his new bed, however it wasn't exactly somebody he had met before. It was none other than Twilight Sparkle. A member of the mane six from Friendship is Magic. Almost certain he was dreaming at this point, he went to rub his eyes but froze in half amazement and half fear at the sight in front of his own eyes. He was staring at his hands, or hooves rather. He had a set of hooves.

“Welcome to Ponyville,” Twilight said with a bright smile on her face. He couldn't respond. His mouth just hung open in utter amazement. His eyes spotted a mirror on the other side of the room. He jumped out of bed and ran over to the mirror. He couldn't believe his eyes.

What stood before him in that mirror was a jet-black pegasus stallion with a mane and tail that had a fiery combination of red and yellow-orange in them. He saw on his flank a cutie mark resembling a solar eclipse. However, his eyes were still that same distinct shade of greenish-gray. All he could do was stare with his mouth hanging open, speechless.

Twilight Sparkle walked up next to him and said “Hello Shadow Eclipse, and welcome to Ponyville. Or should I say, welcome to Equestria.”

A Dream Come True?

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Secrets in Ponyville
“A Dream Come True?”

Shadow Eclipse asked Twilight Sparkle “Am I dreaming? Or is this actually happening?”

Twilight was glowing, she was happy about something. Shadow was about to find out what that thing was that she was so happy about. “No, Shadow, you are not dreaming. You are really here in Ponyville, Equestria. I brought you here,” she said and continued to explain what had happened, “You were transported here to Equestria through the use of a spell I have been researching. The spell is supposed to transport something called a 'human' from a distant realm here to Equestria. In the process of this, since these otherworldly creatures cannot exist in their true form here in our realm of existence, it transforms the human into a pony just like all of us.”

Mesmerized and confused at what he was hearing, Shadow Eclipse responded with a simple “Wow.”

“It's one of the great spells created long ago by Starswirl The Bearded,” Twilight continued explaining, “However, nopony except myself has ever successfully cast this spell. I discovered that the human targeted by the spell must be knowledgeable in the magic of friendship, which supposedly also exists in your realm. This is why I selected you, Keenan, or should I say Shadow Eclipse. You were gifted with the knowledge of the magic of friendship.”

At this point, Shadow was beyond disbelief. The simple idea that there is magic that powerful was unbelievable to him. Then, as his mind was processing all of this, a thought began to creep into his mind. He began wondering if there was any other reason Twilight had brought him there. Shadow decided he would ask, “Twilight, is there any other reason you brought me here?”

Twilight began to blush a little, “” she shyly replied, “I can decide exactly how the pony that the human transforms into looks.”

Shadow was a bit confused. “That didn't exactly answer my question Twilight,” Shadow Eclipse said in response to Twilight's mildly evasive statement.

“I...I wanted to create the stallion of my dreams...” Twilight said quietly.

Now Shadow was starting to understand. There were two purposes for his being brought to Equestria. The first being that Twilight was attempting to complete and cast an extremely powerful magical spell as part of her studies. The other was that she wanted a stallion, but not just any stallion, a stallion tailored to her exact specifications. “Why would a mare as beautiful as yourself need to create a stallion? I'll bet you have stallions lining up outside to be with you,” Shadow complimented Twilight.

Twilight's faint blush intensified to a deep and obvious one at Shadow's compliment. She wanted him, badly, she just wasn't sure how to tell him. They had only met a few mere minutes ago, and asking the still shocked former human for sex seemed a bit aggressive and fast moving. Although, she could already feel herself being turned on just by looking at the hot stallion. She could feel the moistness starting to get worse. Twilight wasn't sure if she could resist him very long. “Why...thank you...that's very kind of you,” Twilight thanked him.

“You're very welcome Twilight,” Shadow responded politely.

At this point, Twilight could no longer resist the urge to ask Shadow to have sex with her. She was already wet just thinking about him inside her. “Shadow...I...I want to have sex with you...” Twilight blushed intensely. She had never asked a stallion for sex before. This would be her first time. She was excited and getting wetter by the second.

Stunned at her request, Shadow didn't immediately reply. After he was able to process what he was just asked and by whom, he asked, “Really? I mean...sure...if you really want to...” Shadow was trying to hide his own excitement at the situation, when he was Keenan the human, Twilight Sparkle was his favorite character. Almost every clopfic he had ever read involved Twilight in some way. And now all of his human fantasies were about to come true within minutes of arriving in Ponyville. He was already feeling himself getting hard. All of his fantasies rushing around in his head, some of them mere minutes from coming to life.

After hearing Shadow's reply to her statement she thought she might lose control and pounce on him, but Twilight was able to maintain minimal self control. She followed him as Shadow walked to her bed, the same bed he woke up in a few minutes ago. Shadow jumped up onto Twilight's bed and invited her up with him. Twilight then hastily jumped onto her bed and laid on her back. She sprawled out exposing her soaking wet pussy to Shadow. “Take me. I'm yours Shadow,” Twilight Sparkle said in a seductive tone. Shadow had a raging boner at seeing this sight before him. He could smell her arousal, it was so strong that it was clouding his mind, all he could think about was having his way with her. However, Shadow was determined to please her as well, seeing as she brought him there to begin with.

Shadow leaned down to her and gave her a deep, passionate kiss. Twilight's blush made a return during this, and at the same time it was turning her on further since he was sensitive enough to make her feel loved and wanted before taking her. Shadow's lips moved from her lips, to her cheek, to her ear. Once he reached her ear he began to nibble on it softly while his hooves wondered all over Twilight's body.

Twilight's normally sharp, very intelligent brain had practically turned to mush now. She was so entirely aroused that she couldn't think at all. But she allowed Shadow to tease her and explore her body as she enjoyed it. She felt him move from her ear down her entire body with his lips until he reached the area right above her clit. She felt him give a few extra kisses to this area before moving onto her clit. As soon as his tongue touched her clit she felt an unexplainable sensation rush through her whole body. It felt so good. Twilight grabbed Shadow's mane and pushed his head down to keep him from stopping. Suddenly she felt a warm tingly sensation concentrate near her clit and unexpectedly explode into waves of pleasure that surged through her entire body. The sensation only lasted a few seconds, but it was the best thing she had ever felt. It was her first orgasm, she had never experienced anything like it before. She collapsed back onto the bed sprawled out.

Shadow was surprised at the intensity of her orgasm, and he could tell the amount of pleasure she was feeling. He wanted to give her another, only this time he wanted to be inside her when it happened. He asked softly, “Twilight, is it ok?”

Twilight barely was able to spit out, “Yes.”

Shadow positioned the tip of his fully erect dick at the entrance of Twilight's virgin pussy. He slowly slid his way inside her, he didn't get far before he encountered her hymen. He warned her that it might hurt and proceeded to push all the way inside her. Twilight had flinched in pain. Seeing this, he started moving very slowly in and out of her as he leaned down and gave her another passionate kiss. He whispered, “It's ok.” With that he started moving slightly faster, he was savoring every bit of Twilight's incredibly tight pussy. It was better than in his fantasies. After a minute or so Shadow sped up a bit again. He was slowly increasing the speed to better ease the pain from taking her virginity.

The intense pain Twilight had experienced when Shadow took her virginity was fading now. It was helping that he wasn't just bucking her as hard as he could too. She was beginning to feel sensations of pleasure. She felt him thrusting his entire shaft in and out of her. It was so amazing to feel a stallion inside her, and she was savoring every second of it.

Shadow's thrusts had fallen into a steady pace. He was completely beside himself feeling every inch of his member engulfed by the purple mare's unimaginably tight pussy. He was focused on one goal at this point: finishing himself off. He was beginning to feel his impending orgasm creeping up on him. Shadow slowed down a bit and said, “Twilight...I'm close to cumming.”

After hearing this Twilight half yelled half moaned, “Cum inside me Shadow!”

Shadow wasn't expecting that response from her, but he in his state of pleasure, didn't question it and decided to fulfill Twilight's request. Shadow began thrusting himself full speed in and out of Twilight. She began to moan loudly and Shadow could tell she was close to another orgasm. He continued what he was doing while trying to fight off his inevitable finish. Twilight threw back her head and her whole body tensed up as she came. Shadow felt her vaginal walls tighten around his shaft. It was so tight that he could barely move. When Twilight's muscles loosened from her orgasm her vaginal muscles were still convulsing in pleasure around Shadow's dick. He couldn't take it anymore. With one final, deep thrust into Twilight's pussy, he came. Shadow blew his massive load of cum all over the inside of Twilight's pussy.

Twilight felt Shadow's hot seed deep inside her. As he pulled his shaft out of her she felt as some of his semen leaked out. She felt so special and so connected to him. It was like her dream come true. He knew just how to pleasure her. Excellent.

Shadow felt exhausted but extremely satisfied with his performance, and judging by the looks of Twilight and her heaving breathing, she was too. He was beginning to think he would like living here in Ponyville. It hadn't even been a day before he had sex with his favorite pony. Shadow then cuddled with Twilight and they fell asleep together, Shadow holding her in his arms.