A Dash of Hope

by Pizza201

First published

Rainbow Blitz suddenly shows up in Dash's Ponyville, and won't say why. He always runs off whenever Dash asks him why he's here. What the heck is going on?

It's been weeks since Rainbow Dash last saw Rainbow Blitz, when she got stuck in his dimension. Now she's back home, their last conversation still ringing on in her head. Why hadn't he told her sooner? Why did she have to leave so soon?
Then one day, Blitz suddenly shows up in her Ponyville. His intentions are unknown, for whenever Dash tries to talk to him, his either blushes and keeps quiet, or just flies off.
Based on On A Cross and Arrow by Conner Cogwork, the events in this story are what happened after the effects of the original.

Rated T for gore and violence.

Chapter 1: The Spell

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Dimension: B

"Guys, I know you really miss them." Dusk Shine stated. The room filled with murmurs of agreement, except for one colt.

"Pfft. As if. I'm GLAD that Filly-Faker is gone!" Rainbow Blitz announced. Applejack snickered.
"Y'all sure about that, Blitz? Ah reckon ya said somthin' ta Dash before she left. Didn't ya?"

"Shut your mouth, farmboy!"

"Ah can't put my hoof on what it was..." Applejack let out a laugh.

"I SAID SHUT IT!" Rainbow Blitz tried to keep a straight face, but he was still blushing.

"Oh yeah it was "Ah think Ah love you." Applejack smirked. "Care ta explain that?"
((This part based on the image of the link))

"I-I was bluffing! As if I would like that Filly-Faker!" Blitz blushed even more. AJ let out another laugh. Elusive just rolled his eyes at the scene.

"I certainly miss Rarity! The mare of my dreams~ " He said, starting to daydream. AJ was about to barf.

"I really miss my new best friend Pinkie Pie! We never even got a chance to throw our super-duper special hybrid Berririffic-Pinkielicious Berry-Pinkie Bubble-Pie Bash-Party!" Berry chimed in.

"And... um if you don't mind me saying... I kinda miss Fluttershy..." Butterscotch joined in, starting to blush.

"Great! So everypony misses their alter-ego mare self, right?" Dusk Shine stated.

"Not me! I wouldn't miss that Filly-Faker if my Life depended on it!" Blitz snorted.

"Y'all sure about that?"


"Okay then..." Dusk Shine began. "Anyway, When Twilight and I were working on the spell to get them home, we were chatting about what we would do if this event ever occurred. We then found a spell in one of my books that could teleport one pony to wherever they please."

"Why can't we just do whatever they did?" Butterscotch asked, calmly.

"Good question. Where the spell she did would be more efficient, it would take alot of power, and there are higher chances of it going terribly wrong." Dusk answered him. "It's just easier on me to do it this way."

"Wait, darling. Did you say you can teleport only one pony?" Elusive asked.


"Then who's gonna go?"

"Well, I kinda need one of you to volunteer to test the spell on?"

"I guess I can do it..." The Rainbow-Maned colt said.

"Is this about Dash again?" Applejack asked him.

"W-What?!?!? N-NO! AS IF!" Blitz blushed.

"Anyway, Blitz thank you for volunteering. When you get there, I want you to go find Twilight. She'll find a way to get you back here and we will know if the spell worked." Dusk stated.

"Yeah yeah sure whatever." Blitz answered. "Just use the spell."

"Just a sec..." What was Dusk waiting for? "SPINES!" Dusk bellowed. "Come here for a sec!"

"What is it Dusk?"

"Can you get me the book on inter-dimensional travel?"

"Sure thing,Dusk!" the little helper said ask she went to go get the book Dusk had requested. "Here it is!" She said as she handed it to him.

"Thanks." Dusk said to his little helper. "Now Blitz. Stay still or the spell won't work." Blitz did what he was told, and Dusk used the spell. Blitz disappeared, due to the spell. "This is about Dash isn't it?" Dusk asked Applejack.


Chapter 2: Finding Dash

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Dimension A: Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash was sitting by her self, still thinking about what Blitz had said to her before she left. I think I love you. Those 5 words just kept repeating themselves in her head, over and over again. Why hadn't he told her sooner? It would have been easier for her to take if he had told her much sooner. She took a moment to try and collect her thoughts by sitting on a cloud not to far from the Everfree Forest.

Dimension A: Rainbow Blitz

He had awoken to find himself in the middle of a clearing inside the Everfree Forest. The spell had probably worked, so he was in the Dashies dimension. He had not thought this out. How am I gonna tell her? He had walked out of the forest. Then he took off. He didn't notice a young filly on the cloud right next to him as he passed it. To much to his surprise-

"HEY!" Blitz froze. It was Dash. "COLT-CRUDDER?!?!? "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?!?!?!??" she asked him, quite frantically. All Blitz could do was turn around and blush, before he took off at the speed of light. Rainbow Dash only remained for a second longer before she gave chase. "GET BACK HERE!!" She yelled. But Rainbow Blitz didn't turn back. He didn't reply. He couldn't reply. "COME BACK!" Rainbow Dash called out again, her voice ragged for breath. "LET'S TALK THIS OVER!" Blitz didn't of course.

Blitz halted, and Rainbow Dash tried to slow down to avoid a collision. Rainbow Blitz brought his hind legs up, and when Dash was close enough, he let out a strong buck. It hit Dash in the face, and she propelled backward. Yet, Dash got back up and continued her chase, even though she had blurry vision and 2 black eyes. It took her extra effort to come within close range once more, but she managed it, despite a throbbing head. "RAINBOW BLITZ! STOP! TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON!"

"I CAN'T!!" Blitz found himself finally replying. "I CAN'T LET YOU CATCH ME!!"

"WHY NOT?!" She yelled back.

Blitz looked over his shoulder, keeping silent. I'm afraid. He realized with shock. I don't know why. But I'm afraid. Dash could see the fear in his eyes. But what was he afraid of?

Dimension A: Rainbow Dash A little later

"GET AWAY! PLEASE!" Rainbow Blitz shouted at his pursuer. Dash stopped, raised an eyebrow, and gave chase again, going faster this time. I have to catch him. She thought. Blitz not noticing she didn't stop, halted right infront of the entrance to a clearing. He looked left, he looked right. He had just realized he had nowhere to go. Dash wasn't able to slow down in time. She crashed into the colt.

Dimension A: Rainbow Dash 10 Minutes Later

The crash had surprised the unknowing colt. The two ponies had been knocked out a good ten minutes. Dash was the first one to wake up. She had cautiously trotted over to Blitz, who was about to wake up. She let out a soft giggle.

Dimension A: Rainbow Blitz

Blitz slowly opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was.... He let out a scream before flying off at top speed out of the forest. "RAINBOW BLITZ!" The filly called out to him.

Dimension A: Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash let out a groan. That crash had been pretty bad, she even thought some ribs were broken, She tried to fly and catch up with the cyan colt that had been there moments ago. Sadly, the pain in her left wing was to much to bare. She would have to try and find him later. She tried to process what just happened.

"Okay," she said, pacing. "I wake up to find my colt double staring at me, I chase him, he bucks me in the face," she said that part in disgust. "I crash into him, and he flies off with out reason!" She held her head. "My brain hurts." She said, both metaphorically and physically. She could barely walk, but she had to get out of the forest. She needed to tell somepony.

"I can't tell AJ, she'd just make fun of me for my crush on Blitz. I can't tell Pinkie, she would throw a party. I can't talk to Rarity, she'd-" Then Dash realized what she had to do. I have to go find Twilight. Now.

Dimension A: Rainbow Dash15 minutes later

Rainbow Dash had finally made it to the trebrary. Fluttershy was checking out a book on animals.

"RAINBOW DASH! Are you okay?" Fluttershy practically screamed.

"DO I LOOK LIKE I'M OK?!?!?" Dash yelled. Fluttershy let out a shriek.

"Rainbow Dash! What in the wide wide world of Equestria happened?" Twilight said, noticing two black eyes on the rainbow mares face. "And why did you come here and not go to St. Horsepitals?

"And risk me being seen in public like this!?!"

"You can be so stubborn sometimes." Twilight said, getting to work on a healing spell to help her friend.

Dimension A: Rainbow Dash

When Dash was fully healed, Fluttershy spoke.

"So... um... what did happen to you?" asked a shaken Fluttershy.

"Rainbow Blitz..."


"He... He did it... He's H-Here." Rainbow said, looking down.

"What happened?" Twilight asked with a serious tone.

"I woke up to find him just staring at me, so I chased him. Then he bucked me in the face," she said that part in disgust. "And then I cras-" She was cut off, thankfully.

"Rainbow, if you miss him that much you can just tell me."

"W-What? No! I-I don't miss t-that C-Colt-Crudder AT ALL!" Rainbow Dash blushed. "Besides, He is here!"

"If ya don't miss 'em, then why are ya blushin', sugarcube?" Applejack trotted in. "An' If Ah remember correctly, he said that he thought he liked ya, an' then ya said-"

"Don't say it, cowgirl." Dash said, under her breath.

"Ah remember ya said "Ah think Ah like ya to." Ain't that right?" AJ teased.

"If you ever say that again, May Celestia have mercy..." Rainbow Dash scolded, blushing even more.

"Rainbow! I'm not saying I believe you or anything, but why do you think Blitz is here?" Twilight asked.

"Because I saw him!" Dash answered.

"Where, exactly?" Twilight was getting curious.

"Near the Everfree Forest!" Dash replyed.

"Y'all sure about that, Dash?"


"Actually, Dash may be right." Twilight stated.

"She is?" Aj and Fluttershy both asked, confused.

"Yeah. Before We all left, Dusk Shine and I were talking. We found a spell that could transport one pony to wherever." She stated. "We agreed that they should use it first to see how it goes, and the pony that missed his alter-ego self the most should be the first to try it out." Applejack snickered.

"So, what y'all sayin' is that..." She glanced at Dash, and then at Twilight.

"Yep." Was Twilight's automatic reply.

"Is there something I'm missing here?" Dash was confused. Applejack and Twilight giggled.

"Yeah, w-what's going on?" Fluttershy was confused as well.

"Oh it's nothing sugercube."

"Yeah, what she *Giggle* said."

"Okay..." Dash knew something was up, but she let it slip by. For now. "So yeah... See ya two later!" She said as she zoomed out of there in a blur. Fluttershy followed. Applejack and Twilight were still laughing.

"Ya really think that's the case?" AJ asked.

"Positive. Why else would he be first?"

"Good point, Twah." Aj smirked. "She did seem ta miss him that much."

"Hehe. I guess he did to. Maybe even more." Twilight winked.