> Equestrian Monster Hunters > by Vv_-Carnelian-_vV > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: The Orphanage (intro) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Alright children! Time to wake up, breakfast is ready!" Vinyl started to wake up as she heard the voice of the caretaker of the orphanage telling her and the others to get up and get ready for the day. She sat up in her bed while scratching her electric blue hair and heard the sound of her best friend in the bunk above her snoring. Glaring, Vinyl climbed up to see Rainbow Dash and her long rainbow hair covering her cyan tank top and shorts that were decorated with her trademark "Rainbow Lightning Bolt" cloud. Letting out a exhausted breath, she shook her friend to wake her up, "Dash, wake up. Breakfast..." "Mwah- wha?" She mumbled as she was shaken out of her sleep. Her eyes widen as she processed the word breakfast. "Man... I don't think I can handle another day of porridge," she grumbled as she remembered the contents of the breakfast at the orphanage. "Hey, it isn't that bad. Stop being such a little kid," "I'm not little! Besides you can't call me that since we are the same age!" "I'm pretty sure that twelve-years-old is little," Vinyl replied with a smug look. They did this every morning to get each other fully awake. The two were almost like sisters and sometimes were even mistaken as such. No matter what they were doing, they would most likely always be seen next to each other. They had both been there for around two years, both arriving within a week of each other. Although the two of them never lied to each other, they promised each other to never ask the other how their parents died. They also never felt like talking about their parents, for the memories of them were too painful. After getting ready for the day, eating breakfast, and playing outside for a while (with the exception of Vinyl and Rainbow Dash who thought sleeping in a tree and reading a book near said tree to be a nicer way to spend the time), the orphans were told to come inside to meet their new guest. This was rare for the orphanage due to not many people wanted to see parentless children, for it reminded them of what lurked in the Everfree Forest. While returning to the building, Vinyl and Dash were trying to guess who the visitor might be. "A clown? Seriously Dash?" chuckled Vinyl. "I don't know, maybe?" shrugged Dash. "Well, I think that it might be some kind of rich guy from Canterlot doing some sort of charity work," "Could be, only one way to find out!" Dash began to race towards the orphanage much to Vinyl's surprise, who then imitated her friend in a attempt to beat the athlete. But of course this was futile for Dash was the fastest kid in the orphanage and never lost a race or athletic trial. Back at the Orphanage, the girls were out of breath and barely heard the caretaker call them over to the room with the guest. The girls obeyed and were shocked at who was there. "Oh hello there you two! I was just about to start, you can sit over here, I think it's empty," greeted a young woman with blonde hair wearing a uniform know very well by the two girls. Dash and Vinyl, while still in shock, rushed to the spot she pointed towards and beamed at the young woman. She looked at them in surprise and glanced at the caretaker who smiled at the two children. At that moment the uniformed woman smirked in understanding and faced the children. "Well, as I was saying, my name is Captain Rebecca Chase. Although my friends in my hunting party call me Cloud Kicker! I am what is known as a huntress, someone who hunts down monsters to protect Equestria from the likes of: werewolves, serpents, chimeras and more!" Cloud Kicker explained to the kids in awe. Vinyl was looking at her with inspiration while Dash saw possibly one of the coolest people in the world. "There are three types of hunters: Magi, Rangers, and Knights. Which one you become, if you decide you would like to be one, depends upon you birthright based off of your lineage. For example: a Magi's birthright comes from the unicorn goddess Arcadia, a Ranger's Birthright comes from Rosella the Pegasus Goddess, and lastly Knights get their birthright from the Mare Goddess Viola. Each have different ways of doing things but we all have three things in common, first we work together in hunting parties to cover each others weaknesses; second we each champion a noble which means we protect, serve, and represent them outside of Canterlot; and lastly we each do whatever we can do in order to help our hometowns prosper throughout the year. I am a Ranger who serves Lady Glittershot, and I use to reside here in Ponyville." Dash and Vinyl were both enthralled by the Ranger. They heard about hunters before they came to the orphanage and Cloud Kicker, the youngest Huntress being at the age of eight-teen, was here telling everyone here what they were like and what they did. They both dreamed of becoming Huntresses since the first day of hearing about them. They listened to the stories that Cloud Kicker told them and asked many questions. After a while the others went off to do other things or go to adoption interviews which no one would dare miss out on, but Dash and Vinyl were now sitting at a table with Cloud Kicker talking to her about her experience as a Ranger. They were like that for another two hours before the caretaker came by to see what they were up to. "Oh my- are you three still at it?" she asked. Cloud Kicker looked at her with a embarrassed expression. "Yeah, I didn't realized how much of a hero I was to these two before I started talking to them," replied the Ranger. Then her eyes widened as she remembered the other reason why she came. "Hey Ms. Fluttershy, you said that these two's adoption interviews don't go well right?" Fluttershy nodded, "Well, I happen to know a married couple who happen to be looking to adopt." This made the girls excited. "Really!?" squealed Vinyl. "What are they like!?" questioned Rainbow Dash. "Well, they live and own Sweet Apple Acres, they adopted both a orphaned nephew and a homeless girl on the streets, one of them is a fashion designer that is quite famous in both Ponyville and Canterlot, and one last thing that usually makes kids say no to them..." replied a skeptical Cloud Kicker. The girls noticed this and became kind of worried. "What is it?" asked Vinyl. "They are lesbians," She said hoping that the girls would still want to meet her friends. The girls looked at each other confused, then looked back at Cloud Kicker. "Huh?" asked Dash. "They are two women who are attracted to, in simple terms, other women like a man and women would be." stated Fluttershy. She then started to feel nervous when the three looked at them in a confused manner. "Err... I happen to be one... though I am single at the moment..." "Umm... yeah... that is pretty much it," agreed Cloud Kicker, who in all honesty was expecting Fluttershy to be straight but was well... 'shy' around guys. She then noticed the girls had that interested look on their faces and she guessed what was going to happen next... "When can we met them?" they both asked at the same time. > Chapter 2: The Interview > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Are we there yet?" a bored girl groaned in the back of a horse drawn cart. The little seven-year-old had purple hair and violet eyes, she wore her normal jeans, red shirt, and pink sneakers. She was bored from the hour long trip to wherever they were going and was annoyed that her parents refused to answer her constant questions. Her brother, a red-head with green eyes named GoldRush at the age of thirteen, was practicing carving out a block of wood with his carving knife. The girl knew that she shouldn't bother him while he worked on his wood carving, but that didn't stop her boredom. "No Scootaloo, but we will be soon," one of her mothers replied. She held a mirror in her hand as she focused it on her dark purple hair so she could make it look at orderly as possible. She was obviously trying to make her best impression for someone, but who Scootaloo wasn't sure. "Oh come now Rarity, ah'm sure that they ought' tah know by now," chuckled her other mother whose hair was as golden as the sun, and eyes greener than the trees of the orchard that surrounded their farm. "Oh fine Applejack..." Rarity turned towards GoldRush and Scootaloo who both had given their undivided attention to her, "There are two girls in a orphanage that Cloud Kicker said would be interested in meeting us so, since those two being the first ones ever to actually accept our request, we are going to have a adoption interview with them." "Really!? Wow, what are they like?" Scootaloo exclaimed with pure enthusiasm. She had been wanting a sister even before she was adopted by Applejack and Rarity, GoldRush wasn't exactly a girl so she was excited about these two new girls that could end up being her new sisters. "One has electric-blue hair and red eyes, very smart and creative, I believe that she knows how to play guitar and violin. The other's hair is rainbow colored with violet eyes, athletic, friendly, and competes in a lot of competitions whenever she can. I think that Cloud Kicker said that they are both twelve-years-old? Anyways, they both seem to want to become Huntresses," Rarity explained. Scootaloo looked at her mother in awe while GoldRush looked semi-impressed. He wasn't much into smarty pants things or sports, but he always admired those who were either musically talented or a good friend. "Well, ah can't say that ah'm excited to meet these two gal's but ah guess ah'll make the most of all of it..." sighed GoldRush. "Vinyl, listen to me. Are you listening to me?" a man fearfully asked Vinyl as she heard the vicious, and bloodthirsty howls of the animals coming from the forest. She turned her head to the man and nodded quickly. "Good, now I want you to go into the cellar and hide. Do not come out for any reason, no matter what you hear okay?" "What about you daddy?" asked Vinyl. "I'll be okay, now please go hide in the cellar. Remember not to make any noise-" A loud thud came from the door as Vinyl was lead down into the cellar. Her father pushed her the rest of the way through and slammed the cellar down shut and locked it... Vinyl woke up with a start. She looked around her to see Dash shaking her awake. Glaring at her, Vinyl frowned at her friend. She had a wide grin and was obviously excited for something. Vinyl felt like she should've been excited too but she couldn't remember exactly why. "What is it?" she asked. "Dude! Don't you remember!? Today's the day!" Dash exclaimed with excitement. Vinyl's eyes widened as she remembered about what exactly was supposed to happen today. A big, stupid grin spread across her face as she jumped out of bed and pulled Dash into a bear hug. "Oh my gosh! I can't believe that I forgot that today is the day of the adoption interview!" "Okay, okay! I'm excited too, but could you let me go please?" pleaded Dash as she was starting to suffocate. Vinyl obeyed her request and started to gather her most appealing outfit. Although, to be fair: the outfit consisted of a button-up shirt, black dress pants, and a pair of black flats. She didn't have many clothes, so this was by far the best she had. She looked towards her rainbow styled friend to see her in a sporty, but very formal, outfit: a cyan dress that reached down to her knees but stayed near her legs, flats of the same color, her lucky black gloves that she never took off, and lastly a sky blue jacket. As they both finished getting dressed (the orphanage didn't have a proper bathhouse like most others so they made do with just going down to the nearby lake for a swim if they ever got too dirty.) brushed their teeth, and began waiting in the interview room. Obviously they knew that it would be around another half hour or two before they got here, but they didn't want to risk anything. Applejack slowed the cart down to a stop in front of the orphanage that Cloud Kicker had told them about. She recognized that it belonged to Fluttershy, her and Rarity's choice of god mother for their children. She smiled to herself as she was sure that good old Flutters' was keeping those two girls well behaved and good natured. She noticed her family was getting out of the cart and waiting for her to join them. Walking up to the front door, they noticed a small woman with long pink hair and light blue eyes. She walked up to Rarity and Applejack and pulled the two of them into a hug. "It's been so long since I've seen you two! How has your family been doing?" asked the abnormally social caretaker. Both Applejack and Rarity stared at Fluttershy in amazement that she was being so socially active that they didn't know if she was a changeling, or if a lack of seeing her friends made her that way. Fluttershy noticed their stares and sighed a bit knowing why they were in amazement. "I've been taking therapy... with Pinkie Pie..." she told them tired of having to explain her behavior to everyone she met up with from her past. Her explanation was enough to get both to let out a 'Oh...' and a apology from the couple. While all of this was happening, Scootaloo and GoldRush were off to the side talking with two of the orphan girls that were playing outside. "Oh, so your the family here to see Dash and Vinyl?" asked one of the girls. "Yeah, from what we heard they seem pretty nice." replied Scootaloo. The other girl smiled and nodded her head rapidly. "Oh yes! They are very awesome friends! I don't think they ever bullied or insulted anyone here now that I think about it..." "Huh... You're right... Wait what about that one time?" ask the first orphan. "Oh silly, Neon started that!" Both Scootaloo and GoldRush looked at each other and gave each other a confused look. From what they talked with their mothers during the hour long conversation (at least that it felt like, really, who talks that long about what kind of dresses they would make for future children?) they were told that Vinyl and Rainbow Dash had never once been considered for adoption. But then these two had just told them that they were possibly the best children here, so why weren't they already with families? "Kids, come on! They're already waiting for us!" called Rarity. GoldRush and Scootaloo both ran towards their mother and followed them inside and down a hall to a old wooden door. Scootaloo was beginning to wonder if they would be snotty, kind, geeky, among many other things when Applejack motioned the rest of her family over to her. Applejack leaned in and began to whisper. "Alright, now Fluttershy told me that these gals' been through a lot. We aren't to ask them who their parents were or how they died. Ya'll make sure you think about what ya'll say and how ya'll say it." she looked at her children and wife to make sure they understood as they all nodded their heads to confirm. She opened the door and motioned for her family to follow her. Scootaloo looked around the room as she entered and noticed that it was decorated with grey wallpaper, a single stained glass window, one lopsided wooden table rough to the touch, and six wobbly wooden chairs, and in the middle of it all stood the two orphans, Vinyl, and Rainbow Dash. "Hello, are you two Vinyl and Rainbow Dash?" asked Rarity in a hopeful tone. The girls nodded and Rarity squealed in delight. "OH FABULOUS! The two of you are just too adorable!" Vinyl smiled at how good-natured the purple haired woman was. She also hoped that Cloud Kicker was right about these two. She noticed the woman's wife walk in with who she guessed were their two children. The two women introduced themselves as they all sat at the table. "Hello girls, I'm Rarity, and this is my wife Applejack," Applejack gave a tip of her hat, "My Daughter Scootaloo," she waved at the girls, "and our son, as well as Applejack's nephew, GoldRush," GoldRush gave a curt nod towards the girls causing them to blush a bit. Which of course made them feel weird considering that they might end up being siblings. "Well, ah say we ought to get start what about ya'll?" asked Applejack. The girls nodded and told the family everything about themselves. From their dreams, to their hobbies, as well as school and grades. The orphanage had a teacher that came by in the evening to make sure that they got a proper education. The six of them talked about everything from Dash's interest in sports, to Vinyl's musical and academic talent, then somehow moving onto the topic of Scootaloo and her aunts: Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. They were all the same age and hanged out on the farm all day whenever they had the chance after helping out on the farm. Scootaloo and Dash seemed like they got along nicely talking about sports and stunts, while GoldRush and Vinyl were in a really deep conversation about art and music. The two mothers smiled at how well the four children were getting along. Applejack gave a look towards Rarity who nodded with a knowing smile and turned to the kids. "Will you give us a minute kids? We need to talk to Fluttershy about something..." she asked them. The four of them nodded with confusion on their faces allowing Rarity and Applejack to exit the room as they met up with the pink haired caretaker who was waiting outside of the room. Fluttershy gave them a 'well-what-do-you-think?' gesture, she was obviously worried about what their answer would be. Rarity looked towards the door then back at Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, I swear if you don't let us adopt those two I might just have to sue you for them..."