> Fallout Equestria : Dead Mare's Hand > by PBY_Jacko115 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 : Dealing The Cards > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A tower of engineering genius shone gloriously in the night sky. It's patrons however, nonexistent. At the foot of it, stallions and mares stumbled about in their uniforms, their minds free of the outside dangers for a short while. Security bots rolled around, ending any disputes anyone had. Outside, a masked stallion scanned the area, brought up an anti-machine rifle and fired, the .50 caliber bullet spinning through the air and then through a drugged out mare's head, smashing against the broken road. Far off in the hills, a buck watched from a pair of binoculars held by his magic. One of his colleagues ordering others past him. It all ended the night with a group of ponies around an unmoving body, a shallow grave being dug beside him. War... War never changes. Even when atomic balefire has scorched Equus, war never changed. The weapons and tactics changed, but the underlying motive hasn't. Whether for power, lust, greed, or pure bloodshed, war hasn't changed. We were brought here today by a war fought by our ancestors over a reason that could've been changed if it weren't for stubborn aristocrats. And now, 'The Courier' is going to learn firsthand in the following future, of how war can devastate the lives of all that surround him. The only choice is, who to fight for? ---- "Hey, look who decided to wake up." My head was about to split open as that voice spoke. I pushed myself into a sitting position and looked up. I recognized a few of them as Great Mongolers but I couldn't put my hoof one the checkered suit. "Can we just waste him already?" One of them spoke, in impatience. "You Mongols may kill ponies without looking them in the eye, but I'm not a fink, dig?" Sweet friggin' Luna, I already hated him. 'Checkers' looked over towards me and held out my package, a simple platinum chip. He put it back in his pocket and looked at me, the smallest of smirks on his face. "From where you're sitting this may look like a run of 18-karat bad luck. But the truth is," He pulled out a golden inlaid pistol with his magic, "the game was rigged from the start." I barely had a chance to jump at him before he pulled the trigger. Then everything went white. ---- Nothing could describe the splitting pain I was rece-... Okay, maybe that time in Neighvarro was worse but still. I turned my head to the side and moved to get up, only to be stopped by somepony. I opened my eyes and let them focus on the pony beside me. The stallion was in an outfit you would see on many wasteland ranchers nowadays. He had the age lines of pony who knew the wastes all too well. "Whoa there, easy pal! Got quite the head there. How about your name? Can you tell me your name?" What I wanted to say was, 'Apparently Mangy the Mutt.', but instead came out something a little more proper. "Yeah, it's..... Shit, just give me a second Doc..." "Don't worry, we can get it later. Let's get you on your hooves here." The Doc grunted as he rolled me out of bed and onto the cold, hard floor. I'm not going to lie, my head was about to say, 'Adios Brain!'. Letting my very stallion-ish whine roll out, I got to my hooves and waited for more of the Doc's instructions. "Hmph, alright, let's get you to the vigor tester machine over there. No need to hurry, it ain't a race." He motioned over towards the machine against the wall. I stumbled over, threatening to fall a few times before the Doc helped me the rest of the way. I put my hoof into the slot and let the damned thing do it's judgement. Strength : 5 (Damned machine's broken Doc.) Perception : 6 (Better than a goulie, right Doc?) Endurance : 5 (Do~c, the machine is broken again!) Charisma : 5 (WHAT'D YOU SAY YOU PIECE OF SHIT!) Intelligence : 8 (Ma always said I could've been an accountant.) Agility : 6 (Flash! Ah~!) Luck : 5 (Neighvarro was a bitch.) "Well look-y there, maybe them bullets done your brain some good." The Doc let out a soft chuckle as I sighed at the results. Luna be damned machine. "Alright. Only a few more tests before I can let you go. More of a formality really, not expectin' to find a family history of ponies gettin' shot in the head." He had the questioning eye as if to confirm his suspicion. "Nah. Brothers were always street smarter. I had the notion to charge an alicorn with a penknife before." I said lamely as the Doc just stared at me, wide-eyed and mouth open. He laughed with disbelief and grabbed the papers I needed to fill out and threw them to me. Wow, seems like it was made for a school filly after my thorough completion of the test. I handed him back the papers and he scanned through them. "Okay, I'm going to say a word and I want you to say the first word that comes to mind." He cleared his throat and began. I didn't really pay attention, so I just rolled with it until he hit 'mother'. "I'd rather not Doc." "Alright then son. Here's the results." He left me to my own devices as I read the results. Looks like I'm a problem solver, a fixer-upper, a.... Something. Looks like I got my new name. I looked around the house until I found him waiting at the door. "Here," He stopped me before I walked out the door. "These were on you when the bot dug you up. Thought I'd find something about some next of kin but it was just about a platinum chip. Here's some of my old barding too. You didn't have none so you might as well take this. It won't do much for me." I took beaten armor he held out. It had a few holes here and there along with a battle saddle attached. "Being a doctor seems to be more dangerous than I thought when I first entered the wastes. Wish Horse hadn't booted us out of 10." I thought over his words. Surely being any sort of laborer in the wastes was dangerous, but what did 10 have to do with it? "Nice little nine-mil you have. You might want to get something bigger for that saddle though. Get a shotgun or something." He added on, handing me my trusty nine-millimeter Browner's Quick-Shot. Might be on the weak side, but I've got more than enough bullets to compensate. I nodded some thanks to him and proceeded to open the door. > Legends Live On > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Alright kiddos, that's enough for today. We'll pick up on Uncle Gears story later. I am beat." The fillies and colts surrounding the greying buck whined and stomped their hooves on the ground, their thirst for the end unsatisfied. The stallion gave a weary chuckle as he gazed upon the crowd with worn eyes. "Now, I said later. Not tomorrow, later. Y'all need to learn the difference when it comes to that." Some of them seemed to accept the fact, but the others still sulked. Slowly arising from his chair, the stallion moved past the foals and into the kitchen, heading straight for the ancient fridge. "They really seem to like Gear's autobiography Rusty. Maybe we should go visit him and tell him that." Even though the years took it's toll on the angelic voice, it sounded like the most heavenly thing to Rusty. He turned around with a Sparkle-Cola in his mouth, barely holding onto it as he smiled slightly. He set it down on the counter top and replied, "Sure thing Rose. I'm just hoping that the NLR will let us this time. Those assho-" "Rusty!" "Dinguses seem to have a stick so far shoved up where the sun don't shine, they won't even let family visit. Sorry Rose, they just." Rusty sighed as the mare moved closer and put a hoof on his neck. "It's okay," Rose said softly, "We were all saddened by his death. Nobody could've seen it coming, not even the doctors. Stress caught up to him and he couldn't bare to live without her anymore. It's better for him this way." Rusty stared blankly as he let memories flood him, Rose soothing him with her hoof. She moved him to a nearby table and left him there, leaving for the reading room. She stood in the doorway until one of the older fillies saw her and told them to quiet down. "Sorry kids, but the reading is going to continue tomorrow. Old Man Rusty isn't feeling too good, okay?" Most of the older colts and fillies understood, turning to explain to the youngers that story time would continue tomorrow. Rose smiled slightly and turned back to the kitchen. She saw Rusty still at the table, the only difference being that the Sparkle-Cola was on the table and half-full and the old buck's eyes were a hazy red. Rusty turned to look at Rose and sobbed. He buried his face into his legs even as Rose tried to hug him. Silent sobs filled the house, the painstaking memories of a once great hero now gone. --- "Alright kiddos, on with the story right?" Rusty put on his daily mask of cheerfulness as he pulled the book out from under the chair. He was met with sounds of agreement as they crowded around him. The old buck flipped to the page he left on and began. -- The sun blinded me as I saw light for figurative first time. My eyes adjusted as I looked around. It was small, just a few houses with a schoolhouse, a saloon, a store and a far-off cemetery. My first order of business, check the cemetery. I started my walk, only to be stopped by a massive robot in my way. "Well howdy partner! Might I say, you look fit as a fiddle." The thing had an Appleoosan as it drawled out the words. I stared at it, realizing it had a screen with a young buck's face, a wide smile and a Stetson on top of the head. "Uh, hi?" "Oh, where are my manners! I'm Securipony model Mk. II number 738-B. Though most people just call me Braeburn." Okay, it was official, I didn't like it at all. I was going to speak before it again, cut me off. "Now you're probably wonderin' how you're still alive, well, Ol' Braeburn was takin' a stroll when I heard those pinheads in the cemetery. I decided to lay low until they've gone and then I dug you up!" I blankly stared at it as the face on the monitor flickered. It was no use trying to speak as the damned thing went on about how it took me to Doc's and a bunch of other details I honestly didn't care about. I stopped it briefly and waved it farewell. I couldn't help but feel like someone was drilling holes in the back of my head. I entered the saloon, passing by an armored mare and her dog. Passing into the bar, I saw the bartender and a buck arguing over somepony's whereabouts. When I heard the mention of the town being threatened I just pulled the 9mm out and clenched it in my mouth. I saw the bartenders eyes widen and I quickly put a bullet in the buck's head. I heard shouts of alarm in the lobby and the stallion sitting at the counter just sighed. The bartender looked like she just about had a heart attack and the armored mare from before came bursting through with her gun. She saw the body on the ground and I could've sworn that dog of hers had the best shit-eating grin it could pull. I walked over to the mare and started off the conversation. "So, who the hell was the poor sap I just shot?" "Just some asshole that enforces the Powder Gangers. Anyways, you best be hopin' the Gangers don't come down on the town. They got the manpower and weapons to do so." And with that she just left me to the other room. I sighed and looked at the body. The NLR, some idiots with good notions. I liked them, kind enough, or if you're against them, brutal enough. Especially since their government is completely based off of Luna's old jurisdiction. So, these guys were with formerly with the NLR, my mind pieced together and now they've done gone and turned raider which means I'm going to have to kill them. Celestia be damned, I just woke up from getting shot in the head to!