> It Just Gets Weirder From Here... > by Scott Grimm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > What are you hiding Twi? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It Just Gets Weirder From Here...: What Are You Hiding Twi?" The upper room of the library - the one which Twilight called 'home'- was still as the two mares looked into each other's eyes. Twilight, the nervous one of the two scrambled her hooves around to hold an unknown object behind her back, pressing up against one of the many bookshelves in the room. Sliding down the book case as time progressed. Her body acting as if it was collapsing from its own weight as her marefriend, Rainbow Dash, looked upon her with suspecting eyes. The room was dimly lit by one lonesome candle upon the nightstand next to the bed, to the right of Twilight. With a light step forward, Rainbow Dash approached thee increasingly frightened mare. Twilight's eyes became further and further beaded until they were the size of a pin. Her brow, flushed by a cold sweat accompanied with the loud thumping of her heart. Gulping down hard, Twilight watched as the confused Rainbow Dash spoke. "Twi, what's behind your back?" The multi-colored mare asked, raising a hoof just slightly up towards Twilight. "Nothing!" Was her instant response. A trace of fear quite evident. Sarcastically, Rainbow Dash played along,"Right, and you're just leaning up against your bookshelf with a box behind your back because it's comfortable. Right?" "Mmhmm." An erratic nod, conjoined by an awkwardly forced smile went along with her answer. Rainbow Dash didn't say a word after. Simply see just started tilting her head back and forth, trying to gain a better vantage point to see what her marefriend had hidden behind her back. With each motion the blue mare would make, Twilight would instantly counter it, moving her body in front of the mysterious package. Growing tired of this game, Rainbow Dash stopped her vantage seeking and begun to stare into Twilgiht's eyes once more. Sinking her head down, Rainbow approached Twilight slowly as if she was a cheetah in the wild, stalking her prey. In a very monotone voice she repeated the question, "Twi, what's behind your back?" She finished her sentence by moving another hoof or two closer. The lavender mare dared not respond to her. Her nerve was cracking under the constant bombardment of Rainbow's glare. Gulping down hard once more, Twilight averted her eyes from Rainbow for just a second and not a second more before returning to her gaze. But that second was long enough for Rainbow Dash to see. Turning her head to the right, towards the night stand, she looked down at the floor and could see something sticking out from beneath the bottom of it. Rainbow gave a quick glance at Twilight, a smirk lined on her face before she turned back down, snatching up whatever the object it may be. Lifting it up slowly to the dim light, Rainbow revealed what she had picked up. It was a magazine. Old, tattered, wrinkled and folded up slightly. All of these things would make Twilight cringe just at the sight of them. Being a major bookworm and overall 'neat freak' Twilight would have never let a book, or magazine for that matter, get into such a worn condition. A whimper could be heard from Twilight as Rainbow gave another confused glance to her before turning the magazine to its side to face the candle. With better lighting now on it's cover, it's title was revealed. "Domination, Masochism and everything else you're too afraid to try". The blue mares magenta eye's went wide. With her mouth agape she looked on at Twilight, searching for what to say next. Twilight, the quiet, reserved, and respectable librarian from a quiet peaceful town like Ponyville, shouldn't have this sort of literature in her room. Letting out a defeated sigh, Twilight's hooves slowly went limp, letting the object she had tried to desperately to hide from her marefriend down to the floor, revealing it's contents. Whips, bottles, various lotions, hoof cuffs, blindfolds, gag balls, you name it, she had it. Anything and everything sexually oriented, known to pony kind spilled out onto Twilight's bedroom floor. As one of the bottles rolled it's way to the base of Rainbow's hoof, a tiny squeak could be heard from the mares mouth, quickly followed by an eye twinge. Finally the cogs in Rainbow's brain decided to continue working and she was finally able to produce a somewhat coherent sentence. "T-Twilight, just what the hell is all of this?" With her hooves held to her closed shut eyes, Twilight responded. "I didn't want you to find out...Not like this anyways." "Find out? Find out what?" Letting out another sigh, Twilight let her shoulders slump down some. Raising her head, she met the magenta eyes of her marefriend. "Remember a few months back, before the Gala, when we all had to get dresses from Rarity?" How could she forget? The Grand Galloping Gala was thee social event in all of Equestria. Everypony who was anypony would be attending the event. Not to mention Rainbow Dash's idols, The Wonderbolts, Equestria's greatest flyers. All of her life she had tried to excel at flying in hopes to someday join their ranks. "Yeah, what about that?" Rainbow Dash had no idea in what correlation the Gala had to do with what now laid on the wooden floor below. "Well, when I went there to get fitted for my dress, Rarity was helping another customer. She seemed really excited to be helping them too, I just assumed it was a famous high up pony that would help her business along if things went over well. So, deciding to not be a bother, I sat down in the waiting room and began to flip through the magazine selection Rarity had placed out for her awaiting customers. As I flipped through the extremely out of date content on the table in the middle of the room, I discovered... That." Twilight pointed a hoof at the magazine that Rainbow held within her hooves. Rainbow Dash looked back down at the old piece of 'literature' before lifting her gaze back up at Twilight as she continued her tale. "Naturally I was as shocked as you were when I saw that. Instantly I covered it back up, stacking multiple magazines on top of it. I figured it was just one from Rarity's 'private' collection and she simply misplaced it. But, as I sat there, I continued to look at the pile, curious about the contents of the booklet. Until I finally snapped. I made sure no one was looking before I dug it back up." Twilight gave a slight cough, clearing her throat, "As I flipped through page after page, the acts that it described and showed. All of them, strange, new, and... Erotic." A blush appeared on Twilight's face as she leaned her head into her shoulder, embarrassed to admit that to Rainbow. In turn, seeing Twi blush, Rainbow did as well. "I mean I know these things are dirty, and they're unusual. But I couldn't help but be intrigued. I mean half of these acts I've never even heard of before! And there they laid in front of me, right before my eyes. As I continued to read on, I could hear hoofsteps making their way towards me, so I stuffed it into my saddlebags. Ever since then, I've been going page by page through the book, buying the needed 'equipment' for each action and trying them out on myself. Alone." Twilight leaned down and started to gather up the tools from off of the floor and place each one back in the box. "When you told me you were going to be out for the night, I decided it would be a good idea to try out a new one." Twilight fell to her rump at the end of her sentence. A quiet sob could be heard from her. "You must think I'm some kind of sick, twisted pony for trying these." Twilight raised a bottle with one of her hooves and let it drop from her grip. Rainbow's eyes darted between the box, the magazine and Twilight. Her mind struggling once more to find the words she so desperately needed. When she finally did speak, she regretted her words, "Well yeah." Smooth. "Y-You really think I'm a sick and twisted pony?" Twilight asked as she lifted her head to see Rainbow Dash, tears welling up in her eyes. "Well, what I mean is... It's not like... I don't exactly-" Rainbow Dash scrambled for a way to recover from what she had just said until her shoulders finally slumped down, along with her head. "Look. When we first got together, I knew you were weird. I knew you had your quirks. What with constantly keeping the library in tip-top shape with its maintenance. Constantly beating on me for folding the pages of books to mark my place instead of using a bookmarker. And let's not forgot when you have your 'episodes' when something doesn't quite go the way you had planned and you just completely and utterly freak out!" Rainbow Dash took a few steps towards Twilight and placed a hoof on her shoulder, "And this is just another one of your quirks. I don't think you're sick or twisted, just weird. And I like ya weird." She finished her sentence with a wipe of her hoof across Twilight cheek, collecting the tears that had been rolling down her cheek. "Really?" A sniffle was heard from the lavender mare. "Really, and If this kind of 'stuff' makes you happy then I won't think of you any differently." Dash said as she lifted a whip off the floor and held it loosely, allowing it to sway back and forth. "It's just, different. Ya know?" "Yeah... I know." Twilight started to fiddle with her hooves as her gaze went downward once more. "Would you. Would you like to try it with me?" She managed to squeak out. "What." Dash deadpanned. "Would you like to try one the things they describe in the magazine?" "Eh, no. I don't care if you do it Twi, but I'm not that kind of mare." Rainbow declared as she placed the whip in the opened box that laid on the floor. "So then you do think it's weird." "What? No, I'm just not into it is all." "The magazine said that the ponies that say that, do think about it and they're just afraid to admit it." "Yeah, I'm sure that magazine says a lot of other crazy things." "It also said ponies will most likely deny it. That they're too ashamed of their true feelings." "True feelings? Okay whatever Twilight. I don't care if you're into it but I'm not. I'm a simple mare, I'm not into all of.. this." Rainbow waved her hooves at the box filled with the various sex objects. "It also calls mares and stallions who don't want to try it, chickens." "Come again?" Rainbow raised an eyebrow at the comment. "You saying I'm chicken?" "No, no. I'm not, but the magazine is." Twilight pointed back at the piece of literature. "Oh is it now? You. Me. Bed, now. I'll show that piece of scrap that I aint no chicken!" "I'll go get the cattle prod!" Twilight's mood instantly brightened up, becoming bubbly and chipper. "What?"