The never ending party.

by The Warner Brothers

First published

Pinkie finally knows how here parents died

When Pinkie Pie finds out about what happen to her true family she goes into a deep depression. Maybe all she needs is some pony special to make her happy.

OTHER STORY'S: Don't go to sleep is my next project… a Scootaloo and Rainbow dash story… that story will NOT be done until late August or early September.

Cover art is not mine.

NOTE: This story is finished! However I will be making 2 bonus chapters… they will come out soon… and thanks for the comments, fav's, and likes.

Chapter one: Love at 1st sight

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"I'm really starting to get worried about Pinkie Pie guys. She's been sitting in that corner for almost a week now." Rainbow dash was probably the most worried out of the 6.

"I guess it would be hard for any pony to hear the there parents died to save them." Fluttershy could feel her pain.

Pinkie Pie had found out that her parents died in a fire after they left a oven on for to long. The fire pony could only save one of them. So Pinkie Pie's parents died for her to live.

"Why… why hasn't any pony… told me this before… I always thought my parents were world famous bakers… you guys lied to me." Pinkie Pie said rocking back and forth in her corner.

"I… I think I'm going to go get some fresh air…" Pinkie Pie went outside to clear her head.

"I knew there was something those ponies were hiding from me." Pinkie said as she walked out into the ever free forest. She found a nice shady spot under a tree and decided to take a nap. A few hours later she woke up to the breathing of a pack of timber wolves.

"Holly filly shit!" She screamed as jolting away from the timber wolves. After what seemed like hours of running she finally was to tired to go on anymore. She backed up against a rock as the wolves closed in on her.

"Leave that pony alone you bunch of shit breaths!" A giant boulder surrounded by a green aurora hovered over the pack of wolves. The green around the rock faded and landed on the wolves.

"Common we got to get out of here!" Said the mystery pony as he threw Pinkie on his back. Pinkie Pie didn't know what was going on.

When they got out of the forest the unknown pony placed Pinkie on the ground and introduced himself.

"I am Pontic. Sorry that I didn't introduce myself earlier." All that Pinkie heard was "I am Pontic." As his beautiful green body and black mane shined over the sun. His light green eyes glimmered in the suns reflection. His horn gave a shadow effect in the direction he was looking at Pinkie. Pinkie Pie was in love.

"Miss… are you okay?" Pinkie snapped back to reality. "Huh… oh sorry. My name is Pinkie Pie. It's nice to meet you Pontic!" Pinkie couldn't help but blush when she talked to him.

"You know you should never walk in the ever free forest unprotected right? Those timber wolves will eat you alive. I saw you were outnumbered and in trouble. So I threw a boulder on the wolves."

Pinkie was having the hardest time trying to focus on Pontic's words then his beautiful eyes.

"I know… hey thanks for saving me back there… your a real life saver!" Pinkie looked at his flank and noticed he had a purple and black heart with a flaming arrow sticking threw it.

"All in a days work my good mare…" Pontic started to walk off into the direction of where the sunset was. Pinkie couldn't help herself to ask him if he would come over to Sugar Cube Corner for lunch tomorrow.

"Wait Pontic!…" Pinkie shouted as she caught up with him. "Can you come over to Sugar Cube Corner tomorrow for some lunch?… and so I can introduce you to my friends?…" Pinkie's heart was beating like a train engine. She never felt this way around any pony before.

"Sure… I'll be over at 12:30pm tomorrow. I bet your friends are extremely nice." Pontic looked deep into Pinkie's eyes. The way they looked was amazing… the way they reflected of the sun was absolutely amazing.

Pinkie gave Pontic a hug before he headed of back to pony vile. Pinkie hopped up and down the whole way back to Sugar Cube Corner. Her friends were still there wondering where she was. They tried to talk to Pinkie about were she was. But she ignored them as she hopped up to her room. Thinking about what tomorrow would bring for her.

"Why do you feel this way Pinkie? He isn't into you. Who knows?… he could already have a wife… or worst… kids!
Maybe you should just take it slow… so he doesn't think your a creep. Make him feel like he loves you. Boy I bet mom and dad would be proud… if only they could see me now…" Pinkie thought over and over again.

When the next day arrived Pinkie Pie set up a table for her and Pontic. As soon as he came in Pinkie rushed over to him showing where she had set up the table. "What can I get to you eat? We have anything you can think of to eat here." Pinkie was talking to fast for Pontic to understand her.

"Whoa you dont have to talk so fast... could ya slow down." Pontic looked at Pinkie confused.

Pinkie was a ticking time bomb. She felt like she was the only mare in pony vile. She tried to slow down but still had some trouble.

"What can I get ya to eat..." Pinkie said trying to slow down her talking. "I wish he would order my ass to eat." Pinkie thought to herself.

"Suprise me!..." Pontic said. "I'll eat anything you bring out for me.

Pinkie knew just what she was going to bring him. "Okay then... your order will be out shortly..." Pinkie tried to make what she was going to bring him as clear as possible without giving it away." I'll be right out...

Chapter two: You can't live in the future if you keep living in the past

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Pinkie pie came out about thirty minutes later. She was wearing a dark pink thong, pink and black stripped socks, and a party hat full of many different colors.

"Here's your surprise!" Pinkie bent over sticking her tail up in the air. "A nice hot steaming asshole just for you…"

Pontic looked at pinkie if she was from a different world.
"Oh my god Pinkie… I'm 13 years old!" Pontic disciplined.

Pinkie just sat there… speechless. Pontic looked so much older then really was. He looked like he was at least 16… But 13?! Pinkie was 17 at the time. She was so ashamed at herself. "Pontic… I'm…"

Pontic ran out the door. Crying… he couldn't tell pinkie why he was so upset… it wasn't her… it was his father. Pontic didn't know how to fully cope with his past… but any pony could see why he would be upset.


This flash back states back to when Pontic was seven years old.

"Daddy… please stop… your hurting me! What have I done to deserve this… ouch!" Pontic was screaming in pain as he was experiencing a terrible rape. "Why… why did you kill mommy?! You cold heartless bastard!"

Pontic's dad slapped him on the ass. "Now that's not nice to treat your father like that is it?… if you don't shut up you will be like the rest of those dead bears I killed that are hanging on the ceiling!" Pontic's dad was incredibly drunk that night… "Your mom was a whore you know that right!"

Pontic wasn't going to take anymore of his fathers bullshit. He levitated a arrow he found in his dads room. He threw it right into his dads heart as he jolted out of his house never to return. The only time he looked back was to see his newly obtained cutie mark.


"Wait!… Pontic I'm sorry!… please don't leave." Pinkie screamed at the top of her lungs as she fell to the ground in tears. "I'm… so sorry… I was taking this to fast… I knew this was a bad idea."

Pontic ran into the ever free forest crying about his past. "Why… why am I the only pony who can't move on! You have to face reality! What happened happened and you can't change it!"

Pontic couldn't use any of his magic. The only thing that he focused on was trying to forget the bad memories.

Pontic heard something that sounded like heavy, hot breathing. He turned around to see that there was a pack of at least 50 timber wolves behind him. "SHIT!!!!!!!!!" Pontic screamed.

Back in pony vile pinkie wasn't handling the whole ordeal very well. Her depression came back and was worst then it was before. She was starting to think about suicide. She started to write a death letter when Applejack slammed the door open.

"Pinkie!… ya have to come see this! Some pony is getting chased by a huge pack of timber wolves!" Apple said shortly to follow leaving her room.

"Pinkie!" Pinkie knew that voice from anywhere. It was Pontic! "Hold on! I'm coming!" Pinkie screamed.

She ran outside as fast as she could only to she her love of her life was being chased. "Hold on! I'm coming for you babe!" Pinkie gasped as she saw Pontic was heading for Illusion Cliff… Illusion Cliff was a 900ft drop waterfall that from a distance looked like a flat grassy land.

Pontic was seconds away from the cliffs end. Pinkie gave all her power and ran as fast as she could. She jumped trying to grab ahold of Pontic's hoofs but she barely missed them. They both went flying of the edge of the cliff falling to what they thought would be there death…

"Oh no…" said the mane 5. "She's… she's… dead…" Applejack said placing her hat over her chest.

With one of the elements of harmony gone… what would happen to all of the ponies?… would they ever be able to live without a element. The answer is no because Pinkie Pie or Pontic are dead… yet.

Chapter three: I love you

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Pinkie was a terrible swimmer. The rapids from the water fall were to much for pinkie to even attempt to try and swim. "Pontic! Help!…" Pinkie let out with a scream. She was constantly being pushed under water, trying her best to stay afloat.

"Hold on Pinkie… I'm coming!" Pontic got out of the water on a nearby bank. He ran up to Pinkie Pie and jumped in the water. "Don't worry… everything will be fine." Pontic said as he threw Pinkie on his shoulder and got out of the water. He put her down on the grass.

Pinkie wasn't breathing… Pontic proceeded to give her CPR. Her breathing was starting to come back.

About fifteen minutes later she got up on her hooves again. "Pontic… you saved my life twice now… how can I… " Pontic cut Pinkie off with a kiss. Pinkie Pie was in absolute bliss… not only had Pontic saved her life twice. But he showed that he had feelings for her.

Pinkie didn't want to take things to fast. She knew she didn't want to ruin something as good as this. They parted about 20 seconds later. She couldn't help but look at Pontic's penis either. For some reason it was hard and… big. They both looked at Pontic's penis and looked back at each other.

"Well… what are we waiting for? You know you want it." Pontic said in a sexy tone that pinkie only dreamed of him talking in.

"But Pontic… your 13 years old! Are you sure you want to do this? Hell… I'm not even a adult yet." Pinkie said trying her hardest not to look at Pontic's erect organ…

"Trust me… I'm sure"

Pinkie took Pontic's penis into her pussy. Making sure she got the pleasure she wanted while not hurting Pontic.

A few minutes later.

"Oh… Pinkie! I'm going to cum!" Pontic said in heavy breathing. She knew he was close… the moment was seconds away from happening. They would soon both lose there virginity!

Pontic let out a loud scream as he released his hot sticky fluids into Pinkie's mare hood. They separated shortly after they were done.

"Pontic… I love you with all my heart. Please… promise me you'll never leave me. Your the only family I have." Pinkie said while cuddling up to Pontic.

"I promise… and what do you mean… only family." He said with a confused look.

"Oh… all my family died in a house fire when I was young… I wasn't even at the age that I could talk." Pinkie said trying to keep her tears back.

"Really? Because…" Pontic stopped for a moment to make himself talk. "Because my father killed my mother and raped me when I was seven. That's how I got my cutie mark… The only way I knew I would live is if I killed my father." Pontic let out a couple of small tears. Only for Pinkie to wipe them away.

"Listen… I can't tell you how lucky I am that I found someone like you, and trust me. I know what it's like to lose someone you love… in more ways then one." Pinkie said trying to restrain her tears.

The moon's light was reflecting of of the lake. The nighttime sky was full of stars… making it a perfect overview of where they would have to sleep for the night.

"Well I think we're going to have to hit the hay if we're going to get back to pony vile tomorrow." Pontic said with a loud yawn.

Pinkie put Pontic's arm over her body. She felt safe this way. "Good night my prince. I love you." Pinkie said giving him a kiss.

"Good night my princess. Sweet dreams…" they both fell into a deep slumber.

Chapter four: I will protect you.

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Pinkie woke up very earily. It was about 6 o'clock am. She saw that Pontic was still sleeping and it didnt look like he would wake up for a long time. She thought she would go find some berries for them to eat.

Pontic has never been more tired than he was now. With all the things he did for pinkie I guess any pony could see why. He awoke when he felt some pony throwing him into a bag. "Hey... what the hell are you doing! Let me out!" He screamed. The pony that stole him didnt reply.

While Pinkie was out getting berries she saw a pony in a dark black cape running right towards her. By the time she tried to flee they already got her in a potato bag... "Hey dumbshit! What the hell do you think your doing!" She yelled but they still werent talking to her.

After what seemed like hours they finally let Pinkie out of the bag. "Hello Pinkie... Long time no see huh?" Said a pony in a black cloak. Pinkie knew that voice from some where... she just couldnt tell who it was. The unkown pony took its cloak off. Pinkie didn't belive who was standing infront of her. It was Pinkie's big brother.

"Sugar Cane?... Is that really you?!" Pinkie said before Sugar Cane yelled at her. "SHUT UP! YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WHO I AM AND WHY YOUR HERE!" He screamed. Pinkie looked at he wall on her right. Pontic was chained up on the wall. One of his legs, ears, and even eyes were cut out.

"Pontic!" Pinkie ran up to him crying. "What happened!" Pontic had loss to much blood to think right. He couldnt even talk. "Pontic! No... you cant die on me! You need to wake up!" It was no use trying to talk to him.

"Now how does it feel to for some pony to kill your love. Because you sure didnt care when you did it to me!" Sugar Cane gave a evil laugh as he left the place they were in.

Pinkie knew why Sugar Cane did what he did. Pinkie was the one who left the oven on for to long. Trying to bake her family a treat. When Sugar Cane saw that the oven caught on fire he ran out the door hoping his parents would come outside... but they never did.

"Common Pontic! We... have to... get you out... of... here!" Pinkie was at full blast crying. She knew if she didn't do some thing he was going to die. Pinkie then saw there was a ton of baking mix in the room they were in. She only knew one place that would have that much baking mix in it... Sugar Cube Corner!

Pinkie Pie saw were the stairs were. She put Pontic on her back and ran as fast as she could to the hospital. Every pony was having a funeral at Sugar Cube Corner because they thought Pinkie was dead. When they saw Pinkie jolt out of Sugar Cube Corner they all gasped. Pinkie didn't bother to stop running.

When she finaly got to the hospital she barged through the doors. "Quick! Get this pony medics now!"

When the doctors came out to tell Pinkie the news she nearly flipped. "Oh please tell me he's okay! He's alive isnt he?"

"Yes he is alive... But your lucky you got here when you did... if you would of waited five minutes... he would of been dead. You can go see him if you want... But be careful. He's still getting use to his new leg and ear... We couldn't do anything about his eye"

Pinkie ran faster to Pontic's room then Rainbow Dash could fly. Inside she saw Pontic. Every thing about him was the same except for a few cuts and his missing eye. Pinkie ran over to him and gave him a kiss that seemed like it would never end.

"I'm so glad your okay Pontic. I don't know what I would ever do without you." Pinkie said leaving a tear in both their eyes... Or in Pontic's case... eye.

"Listen Pinkie..." Pinkie jumped on his bed getting under the covers with him. "Every time I look at you I feel like some pony is lighting my insides on fire. I've wanted to ask you this since I met you and I know its on such a short time but..." Pontic sucked up his gut. "Will you marry me?..."

Pinkie jumped in excitement! She really never though she would marry a thirteen year old but she was going to!

"Oh Pontic… Yes!… of course I'll marry you!" Pinkie brought him close to her. Not even the blanket was warmer then the feel of Pontic's body. "Ya know… you still didn't eat my meal I prepared for you… do you want it now?" Pontic smiled at Pinkie.

"Can it wait until we get out of her? I really don't think this is the place for that."

Pinkie smiled. "Of course honey… anything for you."

~5 days later~

"We'll Pinkie… I think I speak for all of us when we say we couldn't be more happier for you…" Twilight said letting a small tear run down her face. All of Pinkie's friends gave her a smile. The sound of bells rang.

Pinkie ran up to Pontic as she didn't want to wait anymore. She gave him a kiss and said "I now declare ourselves married." and took him back to Sugar Cube Corner.

"Oh Pinkie… we gotta love ya." Applejack said in a laugh.


"Oh yes! Stick it down further, harder, faster!" Pinkie orgasmed. "I'm having the party of my life!" Little did she know her friends were downstairs.

"Slam your horn up my ass!" Pinkie screamed in pleasure.

"I think we should leave those two alone… they sound like there having fun." Fluttershy said in her soft voice.

"Oh Pontic… your cream donuts are amazing!" Every pony knew what she was talking about…

~4 months later~

Pinkie was starting to gain weight… and a lot of it. She went to the doctors to see if something was making her fat or if she was just eating to much. The doctor came out.

"Pinkie… your not fat… your pregnant…"