> The seventh element > by Kalebdash64 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: The imposible happens [ fixed] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You might be asking why the hell am I tied and blindfolded.... Somewhere. I really really REALLY don't have the slightest clue where exactly am I. Soooooooo yeah, I'm just going to tell you what happened before this mess. ***************THIS MORNING**************** It was eleven in the morning. A perfect time to sleep when being home alone. My dad Xavier A. Rodriguez is an archeologist and my mom Sandra Rodriguez is a scientist. Together they....um, exploreish. Eh who cares. I was happily sleeping when my phone rang. I ignored it. The phone rang and rang and rang and RANG until I answered. "Ah, what do you want!?!" It was my friend Raul. "Oh good a friendly voice" "Why the hell are you calling me in the middle of the night?" "Uh, its....almost twelve in the afternoon" "Its night time somewhere" "Do you know where the lake is Kaleb?" "Ya" "Well me, Jason, and Jasmine found something" "Something?," I asked. "Something," he answered exited. "Sounds lame and I have plans" "Uhuh, like what?" "An MLP marathon" "A what? Come here right Now our frienships over" "Oooooookaaaay" He hung up. After using the bathroom, eating and getting dressed [random guy: Not taking a shower nor combing your hair eh?] I left my house and headed to the lake. *******************AT THE LAKE****************** The lake was empty. "RAÚL!," I yelled at the top of my lungs. No answer. I got lasoed and pulled into the woods. It was Jasmine. "Hi Kaleb," she waved inocently. "Dude," Jason started. "You made it" "Raúl made me," I complained. "Yeah we were forced too and he decided to make a vote of who will go down the trench and get the thing." "What trench," I asked. They pointed behind me. "Im here guys," Raúl said."ok Its simple, we have to not find the burned stick," He looked at me. "Why dont you go first Kaleb" "Ok,"the first stick was burned stick. "Bad luck bro," Jason said. I focused on Raúl ."Son of a_ ****************AT THE BOTTOM OF ThE TRENCH************** Whatever it was knew that I was getting closer because it was getting brighter and brighter until it was a round me. I got levitated into the air and my vision when dark. The first thing I felt was wind. Lots and lots of wind. All I saw were black and blue lights spinning around me. Out of nowhere I crashed with a cyan blurand I came crashing to the ground spinning until I hit my head with a rock and blacked out. I regained conciousness and began to hear two familiar voices. My head hurt so bad. I picked up my backpack and sneaked all the way to the voices. "I swear Shy there was a flying hairless ape," Rainbow Dash said "I hope Its alright," Fluttershy said. "I gotta go and tell the others to be on the look out," she flew away. "My one and only chance," I whispered to myself and I sotos a little too fast with a stupid grin on my face. [random guy: yeah yeah not creepy at all -cough- creeper -cough-] Fluttershy was paralized with fear. I imediatly regretted unhiding when RD's voice. "There it is," I got tacked and I blacked out. ******************NOW******************* I heard steps and whispers before the blindfold was off. Twilight Sparkle was sitting on a chair with a notepad and quill at her comand. "Name?" > Chapter2: The Fluffy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Huh?" "Name," Rainbow Dash said."Naaaaaaaaaaamee" "Uh, I can undestand you" [ramdom guy: Its smartass time] "Then answer her question" "Nah, I dont trust kidnappers" "Why you_ "Rainbow!," Twilight said. "Lets all have a talk in the other room," she focused on me. "If you try to escape I will find you and never let you see day or nightlight again" "Thats going to be hard considering all these windows" "Ugh, lets go," they left the room. [random guy: program smartass disengaged. Plan 68.34575575751 #escape activated] What was completly weird was Pinkie pie. In the show she was happy and bouncing. Here she was having a weird schico stare before she left and afully quiet. I wiggled my arms until they slipped out. I then untied my legs and stood up. The floorboards creeaked and I flinched. I tiptoed all the way to the other room and at every step the floorboards creeaked. I was now at the room where the mane six where. I was at the door when my phone rang. [random guy: welp Equestria has signal, my life is complete ^v^] They all turned. Twilight got so mad, her mane turned into fire and made a mad dash after me. I did the same.... but the other way that is while answering my phone. "I WARNED YOU, " the fire alicorn yelled. "Hello?" "No way, No fucking way youre alive!," Jason exclaimed. "Cant talk now Jay, a fire pony is after me arse," I hung up and kept running until they lost sight of me."cant -Gasp- run anymore" Pinkie tackled me to the ground. Applejack was behind her. Pinkie's teeth were sharp and her voice was metalic. "I found you," her eyes turned red and felt heavier and heavier in my chest. "After a millenia I knew you would return" Apple Jack frowned. "Ah, Pinkie" Pinkie was looking at my knecklace."And he has brought me an element, how generous" I heard a snap. Im guessing it came from my ribcage. "What?" Pinkie turned into a bipedal dragon thing with metal scales and had a red gem on its left side. It was also getting taller until about.....nine feet tall. The situation got weirder when a sword spawned at my left hand. The blade was blue in the shape of a leaf. It was light and at the handlebar had a crecent moon carved on like my kneclace wich has an emerald crecent moon. I quickly grabbed the sword and slashed its left arm and it jumped back bellowing in pain missing Applejack by an inch. She was just there frozen in shock. The thing_ I'll call it fluffy since it still has her hair, bared its fangs at me and hissed. Fluffy then grabbed Applejack. She screamed and kicked but it was no use. I had zero experience with sword fights.....or metal dragons for that matter. "Let me go!," Applejack yelled as she kicked. I raised my sword. "Let her go, and I'll let you live" Fluffy laughed. [random guy: finnaly some action. -grabs a Bag of popcorn-] "Surrender and I will spare her ,or_ "Or?" "I will eat you both," Fluffy smiled in victoy. I ran towards the dragon with my sword ready to attack. The dragon did the same. "Go for the gem," a voice in my head did as so. As I slashed the gem I got scratched in the chest and flew back to the ground. My sword gained momentum and stabbed the gem. Fluffy froze and exploded with Applejack in its claws. Applejack was now free falling when a pink blur grabbed her and dólares down. It was Pinkie Pie. As soon as they landed, they galloped towards me. "You saved us," Applejack said. "Yeah," I said with the adrenaline all gone everything hurt."you're welcome by the way" "Hi I'm Pinkie Pie thanks for saving me from that mean old dragon whats your name?," she waited for an answer. "Uh, Kaleb I...feel lightheaded," I blackeout. I woke up in a room. I had bandages on my chest. I took them off, and took a light blue shirt that was on the night stand. I still had my kneclace and jean on. After my head head went through the shirt I found myself face to face with Pinkie Pie. She was smiling. "Hi," she said. "Uh, hi?," I yawned and stretched. When I opened my eyes Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Twilight Sparkle were in the room. Twilight moved closer to me. Then she hit my head wich made a woodlike noise. "O-w, what was that for?," I asked rubbing my head. "It wouldve been worse," she said. "Worser," Pinkie said [random guy: -raises eyebrow- is that even a real word?] "Mom mom," a little filly walked inside levitating a piece of paper." Look at my drawing mom!," she showed the drawing to Twilight. The filly had a black coat, a purple mane, a headband, and glasses. It was Nyx. "Wow Nyx, its beautiful,"Twilight said. "Um, Rainbow Dash?," I said. "Yeah?" "Sorry for getting on your nerves you know how escape plans work" "No problem, friends?" "Yeah," we brohooved. [random guy: lucky punk] "Wait a minute," Twilight said. "How do you know Rainbow's name?" I shugged. "Its a long story" Twilight made a notepad and quill apear. "We have time" > Chapter3: No more weird stuff right? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After some explaining on how I know everypony... Wich took about an hour they were looking at me in awe. "So let me this straight you watched us for your enjoyment?",RD asked. "Yep",I said looking through my backpack."Does it really sound that... I stopped as I saw the golden necklace. "Yep," AJ said. I finally found what I was looking for. My flipflops. I put they on clossed my backpack and placed it on my back but it felt unconfortable. "What's wrong, darling?",Rarity asked. I guess my reaction gave it away that something was wrong.I check es my backpack and my drawing book was placed wrong and It fell on the floor open to reveal RD doing a sonic rainboom while the rest of the mane six were cheering on the ground.At the sight of the drawing Twilight levitaed the notebook to her and her friends and that made me blush. I didn't have anything inapropiate drawn but I got embarased when people or in this case ponies looked at my drawings.I sat on the bed while they watched my drawings. "Hi", Nyx said. "H hi I'm Kaleb",I said. She scared the life out of me.Like in call of duty when a bomb almost hit you and it turns gray and white well it was something like that.I get tackled to the bed by RD. "Ok this is getting old",I said. "That..was...AWESOME!",RD said really exited. "Oh you mean my drawings?", I asked RD getting of me. "YES!",they said in unison. "Can I keep this one if its not too much to ask I mean",Fluttershy pointed to the one where she was hugging erangel bunny and he to her( this drawing is real it took me a week. I'm breaking the 4th wall damit Pinkie!).I reached to my notebook ripped the drawing and gave it to her."Oh thank you so much",she said. "Ok lets go I don't want to be here all day"I said. "Good point. Lets go Nyx", Twilight called. "Coming mom", Nyx followed Twilight out the door with all of us following behind. They were talking about all the wonders of Ponyville but I was actually thinking about my home and my parents...OH SHIT MOM'S GONA KILL ME! Or probably oh yolo.I scratched the backside of my head. I was getting a few stares from the ponies and probably some cake rumor of me eating ponies.The Windows blew the oposite direction from where we were walking and the wind blew my black hair on my eyes.Which was annoying me.Lyra was waving a golf at me and I did the same. "So what do you eat on your world Kaly?",Pinkie Pie asked. "Kaly?",I said. "Yes thats the nickname I gave you do you like it?",Pinkie Pie smiled from ear to ear waiting for my answer. "Sure", I said. "And?",Pinkie asked. "Y you mean what I eat?",I asked.Damit things don't go better for me don't they.I deffinetly can't say meat I started panicking inside."Uh fruits and vegetables", I gave a fake smile. "Okey dokie lokie then kres get you a salad",Pinkie said in an unhuman way. (Duh she's not human whatever you know what I mean).She began walking faster. To be honest(finally) I hate salad and don't get me started with vegetables but I guess I have to make a sacryfice. As I headed towards Twilight's library I heard something that got the best of me. "I heard it has 50 different deseases", a pony said. "You know that if you gossip lies they come true to the one that says it ",I said. "Really?", the pony asked. "No, but you should've seen the look on your face",I said. Everypony started to laugh good thing they understood that I was kidding. "Ho'd ya know that was gona make em laugh?", AJ asked. "I didn't",I admitted." I just wanted them to shut up" As soon as Twilight opened the door a net went flying towards AJ ( possibly intended for me) and I pulled her out of the way.I heard hoofsteps inside coming our way.The Cutie Mark Crusaders came out running(more like galloping) towards the entrance with brooms and football helmets (OH GOD CUTENESS OVERLORD).Oh crap their coming my way. "CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS CREATURE CATCHERS!!! YAY!!",they yelled in unison as I got behind AJ. "You don't need to hunt any aliens he's not an alien",Twilight said. "Um Twilight technically I am an alien since I'm not from here",I said feeling weird about it.Theire sooooooooooo adorable you just want to hug them until your arms break. "Anyways why don't you introduce yourselfs", Twilight suggested. My phone rang and nearly caused the ponies to die.I take my phone out and it says princess Celestia.(*pewsie pie prossesing mode 3...2...1... WTF).I answer the call. "Hello?" > Chapter4: traumas and changes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Is this Kaleb Rodriguez?",the voice asked. "Y- yes how did you call me?",I asked. "I'm the princess I can do whatever I want",she said with a soft voice. "So you want us to go to Canterlot?",I asked. "Indeed and also I've always wanted to use an IPhone", she said. I facepalmed.I think the ponies were trying to know who was I talking to."Um alright I guess we're on our way?",I said without confidence. "We will expect your arrival",she hung up the phone. "But I didn't even say bye",I whispered to myself.I looked at my iPhone energy it said 66%.I placed it in my pocket.[ the pajamas are mine I was supposed to be moving to New Hamshire today.] The crusaders walked towards me with sad expressions.[Oh god so cute even when sad] "We're sorry",they said in a sad tone. "Can you forgive us",Sweetie Belle gave me puppy eyes. "I...Um...ah",I couldn't say anything.She was so cute I couldn't control myself and I hugged her. She flinched for a moment and returned the hug."S-sure"I said.I placed her back on the floor.I saw Scootaloo making a throw up face and the others say aww."Sorry couldn't help it",I blushed. Spike ran outside with a letter and car keys?"Twi...",he stopped when he saw me.[SHIT] he dropped the objects and ran towards me. I wasn't in the mood to run all the way back to the town so I got behind Twilight. "It's ok Spike he's with us", Twilight gestured me to go to meet the dragon."Spike I would like you to meet Kaleb", she said. Spike said nothing carefully studieing every part of my body. I was getting a little uncomfortable."Hi I'm Spike",he smiled and we shook hands[well more like hand and claw]. We broke our hand shake."Nice to meet you Spike",I sad.[pokerface].I looked at the car keys and walked towards them.Everyone looked at me while I picked the keys up.Those were my mom's keys now she'll be really pissed. "What is it?",They asked in unison. I didn't answer and pressed the panic button.A car alarm went on behind Twilight's library.Fluttershy made a goat sound and fell on her back frozen stiff.I did the impossible to keep myself from laughing and stopped the alarm. "What the hay was that?!?",RD yelled. "You'll see",I said with a stupid smirk on my face. We walked to the back and found my mom's SUV.my stuff might be inside since we were moving.I unlocked the doors and opened the driver's door grinning from ear to ear.Finally the day I get to drive is here. "Is that a chariot?",Twilight asked. "No it's a vehicle from my wo... "Ah call shotgun",AJ interupted.she opened the door and got in. "I'm not gona question how you opened the door",I said stupified for what AJ just did. I got in the driver's seat, Twilight ,Nyx,RD,Fluttershy,and Rarity on the back and the crusaders in the part where all my stuff was.AJ sat shotgun like she said.Twilight used her magic to close the doors with her magic. "Whaf fhish?",RD had a Taco Bell bag on her mouth. I quickly snatch the bag and hide it in my seat. If they see meat they're gona flip out! I turned on the SUV and they jumped from surprise. I didn't know how to make it drive. "Um ah D...is for.....DRIVE", I place it on drive and accidentally made it drive a little too fast and stopped instantly."sorry girls first time driving",I did the closest thing to a *squee* a human could do. "It's quite alright darling, just take it slow ok?",Rarity said. I remembered that I don't know where's Canterlot."Where's Canterlot?",I asked getting down the windshields. They all pointed a hoof towards the Everfree forest. They noticed where they pointed and hid their hooves scared. I closed the windshields and turned the car towards the Everfree forest. "Wait, you can't go in there",Twilight said. "Why?", I asked. "The plants grow...the animals take care of themselves...and the clouds move ON THEIR OWN", they said. "Yeah like in my world", I said happily. They gasped in horror.I turned on the a/c and drived towards the forest. I turned on the radio. There was only static. I turned it off quickly. "So anyone knows any scary stories?",I asked.[ What the hell am I thinking] "What's wrong with you", RD growled at me. "Geez sorry didn't know it was that scary", I mumbled. After an akward silence the SUV jumped.I probably tinned over something. "AHHHHH",we screamed. I stopped and got out of the car.There were thousands of blue flowers all around.In the distance was a pony without a face."HOLY CRAP WHAT THE HELL?",I get into the car closed the door and put the lock. The pony was now in front of my door. I screamed like a "man" and opened the door hitting the creature and knocking it on the ground right in front of the car. I was whatthefucking all the way during this.I quickly closed the door and drove the car through the creature and continuing to drive. The ponies where horrified at what just happened while Sweetie Belle was in tears. Fluttershy yellow coat was pure white.Rarity was passed out.Pinkie Pie had no words. RD in a trauma. AJ hugging me. The crusaders hidden in my stuff. Me well I was cursing and cursing."I am deffinetly not coming here again this thing can stay in Canterlot",I said. I drove into a tunnel. It was so dark I couldn't see anyone.My body began to feel a burning sensation. I couldn't hold the wheel anymore for some reason and my seat felt uncomfortable.My flip flops fell out of my feet but I kept driving. After a few minutes the tunnel's exit was now visible. My ribs where about to break from AJ's embrace. We got out of the tunnel. We could see Canterlot in the distance just a mile away. I reached for my phone but didn't grab it. "Huh?, I looked down to my hands."Hooves?", I was beyond stupidfied. This is a little to much for me in one day. The ponies noticed my new features and looked at me without blinking. Rarity started waking up. "I just had the strangest drea...oh my who's that handsome stallion?", she asked. There was no answer. "Uh what just happened", Applebloom asked. "I'm not sure", I confessed. We reached the Canterlot entrance. "Hault", one of the guards stopped us. I lowered the windshield in my door." Hi", I said nervously. "Name?" > Chapter5: Another surprise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "M- my name?",I Panicked and looked behind the guard where there was a storm and a few lighting strikes."Wait a minute Storm-light...Stormlight?,Eh could be worse",I thought to myself. The guard grew impatient waiting for an answer."Aren't you going to answer my question?" "Stormlight... "Sparkle!!", Twilight interupted. "Princess Twilight!",he bowed at her presence.[More like a return from Narnia.*gets thrown a book from twilight getting hit in the face*OW!].The guard stood."You may proceed",He opened the gates. AJ was still breaking my ribs with her hug.She was trembling with fear.I noticed Sweetie Belle being conforted by Rarity while she sobbed. RD was playing though but I knew she was scared. Nyx and Twilight were the only ones who were back from Narnia. But Scootaloo, Appleboom, Futtershy, and Pinkie were frozen stiff. "Um twilight care to explain what the hell was that?!", I said. "Watch your thounge there are little ones in here", Rarity said in a dry tone. "But...Yeah sorry", I sighted." So Twilight am I getting an answer... She frowned."I don't know what that was maibe the Princess will know", she said. I heard a SNAP. I looked down at AJ."can...*cough cough* uo let me g*cough* go?", I tried to breathe.Holy crap I think she broke my rib.Im not sure. AJ's grip got thighter." Please j-just a few more minutes and I'll let ya go", she whimpered. I looked at her. She had those green pleading eyes that could get easily the world if she wanted to. I couldn't say no. I sighted in defeat."Fine", After a few minutes of silence and me trying to avoid running over ponies I parked in front of the castle. Since I had no hands I took the keys out with my mouth.They tasted horrible. When I moved my head I was muzzle to muzzle from AJ.[ random guy: "come on kiss her already for crying outloud!"] I felt myself blushing as she got closer. "STORMLIGHT", yelled Twilight. I hit my head with the driver's wheel. I groaned."what?" "Can we talk for a second?", she asked with a serious tone. "Uh sure", I tried to open the door. Twilight noticed and opened it for me."thanks" I was about to get out but AJ's grip kept me there. " Huston, we have a problem" "What?!" I pointed to AJ. "It's a human reference" In a flash I was standing face to face with Twilight. She looked into my brown eyes [well I think there brown all I know is that my coat is light cream with a little cyan.] and that made me uncomfortable but I kept quiet." Do you know that little voice that ponies have in their head and tells them what to do?" "Y-yeah?" "What does yours say" "Uh...the girls ... Um... Off limits...and you don't trust me" "You know you're smarter than...." "I look, yeah I get that a lot" We walked back [faceplant] to find all the ponies out of the vehicle. Most of them were fine but Fluttershy was frozen stiff. What's next the princess comes to greet us? The princesses walked towards us from the castle. "Speak of the devil", I said in an annoyed tone. Fluttershy lost her freezer frame "WHAT!!" "Sorry it's a human thing" Twilight had an annoyed look on her face. "A human thing" "Are you seriously mocking me?" Our conversation was stopped by the presence of the Princesses.They all bowed except for me. The lunar Princess got mad at my 'rebellion' and gave me an evil look."Thou dare disrespect our presence" "Im sorry Princess Luna I don't know how to bow on this body" I shugged. She understood what I explained."Thy apologize shall do, proceed sister" "You're Kaleb Rodriguez?" Her tone was comforting. "Y- yes" The princess gave me a warm smile while the other one kept a pokerface. Maybe she likes the new name better since it was easier to pronounce. "You might be wondering why I have summoned you here besides Stormlight's arrival" No answer from anypony. "I am here to announce that an element of harmony that was lost in time has returned" she walked towards me and hugged me she had tears of joy in her eyes."Welcome back little brother" > Chapter6: Not a single normal day for me but atleast I got an explanation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "WHAT", we were stunned. Imagine this. A Brony/pony/ bother of The royal sisters [ oh god so all these years of me eating...meat......oooh crap]. But thats not posible I was human until a few minutes ago. My ribs still hurt and Luna joining our hug did no better. My coat was now the same color as Luna's. I didn't pay much attention to that "Sorry to...ruin the moment but that's not possible I was human until a few minutes ago" Celestia and Luna broke our hug they both looked at me with a warm smile. "We cannot answer that" [great, more question] "But" Celestia broke in. "You might still remember your time here,don't you?" I knew exactly what she was talking about I remembered my name. Stormlight. I was about to say yes as Luna and I collapsed. I blacked out. I opened my eyes. I was floating in, Nothing. The scene changed and I was in the Canterlot castle. There was a little white filly with a pink mane, and two dark foals one had a light blue mane while the other also had a light blue mane with a silver lightning in the middle. I'm guessing they were twins. The filly was playing with the two foals tickling them.The castle rumbled and the roof was ripped out like a cookie. A dark red dragon with horns and red eyes. It's laughter echoed trough what's left of the castle. I was stuck watching while it reached for the ponies. It caught the silver striked foal. It encinerated the pony in green flames. The scene changed once more I was now following the green flames all the way to...my front porch? There was now a naked baby in the porch. Wait a minute that's me! I...the baby was crying loudly. The door opened and my...human mom was there with her right arm with a cast. My human dad was at her side. My human parents picked me up and my vision faded. I opened my eyes. I was on the most comfortable bed in the universe. I looked at my left and Luna snoring gently on the bed. My body felt different I was now as big as Luna. Well I looked pretty much like her but my mane was shorter. My cutiemark was like hers but with a pencil and a lightning across. Luna shifted uncomfortably.I got out of bed and headed towards the door. "Where are you going in the middle of the night" "AHHHH...hey, Princess" Celestia smiled kindly." You can call me Tia if you please" "Sure Tia, about that question I don't know what time it is" My stomach rumbled really loudly and I blushed embarrassed. "Sorry about that" "Let's get you something to eat, you've come a long way and we have all night to talk little brother" "Um ok, but what about Luna?" Tia looked at the resting body of our sister." Let her rest" We walked towards the dinning table. The royal chef stood at my right as I sat down. "What may you like" I am horrible choosing things absolutely the worst of the worst.[ No kidding ] "Um...what do you suggest?" He looked sunned. "Me?" "Yes" "How about a daisy sandwich with some apple juice" He waited for an answer probably a no. "Sure" He galloped his way out of the room nervous. "What was that about?" Tia frowned. "What do you mean?" "I mean he almost passed out, why?" "It could be our nephew prince Blueblood, he can be a bit harsh sometimes" "Oh" I knew what she meant. I remembered all that Rarity went through with HIM[ in Rarity's romantic noise] during season 1 finale. But this real life. My thoughts disappeared as a plate and a glass of apple juice was place on the table. I looked at the nervous stallion."thank you" He semed to relax a little and left. I picked up the sandwich with my hooves [...] . I took my first bite. The flavor was unbelievable, like nothing I've ever tasted before. I picked up the juice [ Random. Guy in the back: Hey Isaac this guy's questioning your phisics]. When I finished I noticed Tia had left. I got out of my chair and headed for the door. A spear blocked my path. "HALT, who goes there?" "Uh, dude I've been on that table for like half an hour" "HALT, who goes there?" He fell asleep on the job that sucks. I shook him and he woke up. " Hey, how about if you go to sleep" "I can't Im supposed to be doing my job_ "But you're tired, go to sleep we'll be fine" "Thank you" he bowed and went to sleep.The door slammed open the mane 6 and Tia were standing inches from me with horrified expressions. I frowned. "What's wrong?" "He's back_ "Who's back?" "Sombra" > Chapter7 : a love story begins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I started laughing and laughing. I stopped. "Wait, you're serious?" "He's comin this way!", AJ was trembling. Celestia regained composure. "Go get Luna, your element is also in your room" I galloped all the way to our room. I opened the door gently and headed to the snoring body of Luna. I gave her a soft shake. She opened her eyes and a smile was formed in her face. " Is it morning already?", she was rubbing her left eye. " No it's the middle of the night" I sighted. "Sombra's back and he's_ "Coming this way",she was looking at the window horrified. I headed towards the night stand. I opened one of the drawers[...] and my element was there. Luna's eyes widened. " the element of Courage" I placed it on my neck. Luna was on my side as we ran across the hallway with atleast 20 guards behind us. We were now in the garden. Luna was still half asleep some drool was on her right cheek. I reached a hoof and cleaned it out. She took notice. "Thank you Stormy" I let the nickname pass. "No problem" We kept walking straight. The sky was filled with smoke. The mane6 and Tia gestured us to come and join them. They all were wearing their elements. "Everypony ready?" "Ready", we said in unison. There was a roar of laughter and the mane6 including me were now being held by smoke. I was now back at the Castle I saw them fading. AJ , RD, Twilight , Rarity, Pinkie Pie , Fluttershy , Tia , and Luna disappearing I was now on a hospital bed in a body cast. " nononononononono, this can't be happening!" Laughter ecoed . "Fear of being alone, how pathetic" "Aw go suck a lemon" "Do you have any idea who you are talking to?" "Do I look like I care?", I smiled in victory for making him mad. "Kneel at your king" "Yeah, not happening" The whole scene changed it was now pitch black. "Now kneel or your marefriend will pay with her life", AJ was behind Sombra. " I will do things to her that will hunt you for the re....ssssssssssssssssssssssssss I frowned. "What the hell?" It sounded like static. I woke up I was now in a purple aura with the mane6 and me encircling Twilight. A seven colored rainbow shot through us and formed a rainbow tornado around Sombra he was screaming in pain. There was now nothing I now falling to me death while having wings. I reached for AJ and Pinkie. I struggled to open my wings to glide. Twilight caught Rarity while Fluttershy and RD were joining us. RD smiled. "Hey not bad, you did better than Twilight on her first try" Twilight blushed. "Rainbow I said I was sorry" "Sorry doesn't get Soaring returning to Ponyville any_ " Can we get down now this is no time to be awake" I looked at her." How can you think of sleeping after that", you could see annoyance in their eyes. I dropped AJ and caught her in my back. "Sorry I've got butter hooves" " Rainbow can ya'll hold Pinkie for a second, I've got to talk with Stormlig here" "Sure", she grabbed Pinkie she started giggling. " That tickles", she kept giggling. AJ looked at me. Her emerald green eyes glowed from the moonlight. " mind if we land sugarcube?" "Uh, sure", I landed in the middle of the city. Some buildings were on fire but I'm guessing nopony was hurt. "What'd you wanna talk abo_ My question was stopped by AJ's lips in mine. The world would've ended right now and I wouldn't care at all. Now I didn't want to leave her side. " Get a room", We both looked up at the laughing Pegasus still holding a wide smiled Pinkie Pie. "Awww youtwolooksocutetogether" "Um...yay?",Fluttershy was happy. I looked at AJ and she looked at me. "So are we now_ , she nodded happily. I couldn't help smiling to. I could've sworn that Rarity gave me a dirty look while Twilight was smiling. "Can we leave all the happiness until tomorrow Im a little tired", I wrapped a wing around AJ. She blushed and giggled. "So am I" "Same here" "Okie dokie lockie" "I agree" "What are we waiting for?" After minutes of walking we entered the castle. Luna told me to sleep on AJ's room since we were together now. How'd she know, if you ask me Female intuition. The sky was still covered in clouds and it began to rain. I entered AJ's room Applebloom was sleeping on a smaller bed. Twilight had taken our elements to place them somewhere safe. I picked the left side and AJ slept in the right. Once she hit the bed she was out like a light and apparently so did I. > Chapter8: the Apple family > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I dreamed I was human. I was on the beach in ST. Thomas [U.S.V.I.] sitting on a beach towel looking at the moon across the horizon. The waves were soft and relaxing. I was tempted to dive in for a swim. "Beautiful is it not?" I looked behind me. Luna was there. "Yes, it is" I looked back at the sea " I used to come here with my human dad during the summer, It's one of my favorite places" "I noticed your arrival has not been, peaceful" "Heh-heh, yeah" I changed back to my real self.[ pony] "But it's been fun" She sat with me on the towel. "Can I ask you a question?" "Uh, sure" "What is this", she was holding my Beats headphones. "Oh these are headphones, they're to hear music" "How?" "I'll show you in the morning" "Why not now?" "So I can keep you waiting" She huffed. "You're no fun" I laughed. I saw on my left Percy Jackson , Hazel ,and Frank going on a quest. "Oh right Im dreaming, for a second I thought I was going insane" Luna was now laughing. "I have to go one of my subjects is having a nightmare" "Ok bye sis" I opened my eyes it was 3:42 Am. I looked around this wasn't the room we were in. Applebloom wasn't here. I think this is AJ's house. "How the hell did I_ , BOOM! There was a lightning strike close to the house. The light illuminated the room. Applejack grabbed me tightly with her hooves. She was still sound asleep. I struggled to lose her grip but made it worse. She was now in my chest. I sighted in defeat and wrapped my hooves around her. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I woke up in the morning with someone clearing their throat. I looked at the door. Big Mac was there. [dont laugh dontlaugh...pft hahahaha]. He mouthed the words ' hooves out flanks'. I looked at my hooves. The were in AJ's flanks. I quickly removed them blushing in embarrassment. "Sorry", I whispered. He gave me a dirty look and closed the door. AJ started snickering. "Looks like someponys in trouble" "You planned that didn't you?" "Maibe", she got out of bed putting her signature hat on. "How did we get here anyway?" I got out of bed. "I don't know but I feel smaller" "Uh, Stormlig look in the mirror quick" I galloped to the bathroom with was on the right side of the room. My horn was shorter and I was shorter. My wings were still on my back. I looked less divineish."You know what I'm just gona roll with it" "Huh?" We walked downstairs to get hit by Granny Smith's cane. "Burgler burgler!", she kept screeaming. My head went on a wee trance for a few seconds" AJ stopped her. "Are ya ok Storm?" "N- no" "Yeh he's fine" "So much for a good morning" I heard hoofsteps coming downstairs. "What the hay happened here?" I got up from the floor. "I feel bad for the robers that might have come here in the past" Granny Smith walked slowly towards me. There was a screeching soung every time she walked. She stopped inches from my face. Her toothless grin was too painful to bear. "Welcome to the family mah name's Granny Smith" "Uh, I'm Stormlight" "Well watcha waiting for go n sit n the table" My head hurt like crazy but with AJ's help I got to my seat. As The rest of the family was talking I was thinking of my family and friends back on Earth. Just the thought made me homesick. "Are y'all redy ta work on tha farm?" "Huh?, um...sure" "Then what are ya waiting for",AJ literally pushed me all the way outside. She stopped in front of an apple tree. "Our first chore of tha day is apple buckin" "Oooooookay, how exactly do I do that?" "You'll have ta find out yer self sugarcube" "This is gona suck", I mumbled. "What?" I give my back to the tree. I lift my back hooves in the air. I hit the trees and the apples fall to some crates and I fell on my face. The pain on my back hooves flowed through my body. "Was that all?" "No, only 75 more trees to go" "You've got to be kidding me" "I was its actually a lot more trees" > Chapter9: Day 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After what felt like years we finnished apple bucking,feeding the animals, and even paint the barn we rested below a tree that was a few meters from the house. I could barely feel my hooves. Applejack leaned on my shoulder and I wrapped a wing around her. We watched as the crusaders were building something that looked like a catapult. It was atleast 6 feet tall. With duct tape holding it together. They put a bowling ball in the catapult. "Mind if we move to a different spot?" "Ah was thinkin the same thing" We were walking out from range when I heard a scream. "LOOK OU_ I blacked out. "S...lig" ".torm...ht" "Stormlight!" I was on AJ's bed. My head was in so much pain. "What happened?" "Ya got hit by a bowling ball," she pointed a hoof to the bowling ball. It had some blood in it. "I'm impressed y'all still alive" "So am I" She smiled. "Atleast your sence of humor is still here," her face got serious and looked at the door. "Y'all can come in now" Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle entered the room frowning. Sweetie Belle was in tears. I managed a smile. " hey, girls" Applebloom started. "Were so sorry" "Yeah really sorry it happen again," Scootaloo added. "Did any of you got their cutiemark?" "No," they said in perfect unison. Sweetie Belle made eye contact. "Aren't you mad?" "Nah, this will heal I'm alive so no harm done, well sort of" AJ still looked kinda annoyed. "That's yer apology?" "Applejack, relax it was still pretty cool" "I guess yer right," she looked back at the crusaders. "All right y'all can go now" They exited the room without a word and closed the door. The pain in my head vanished.AJ was somewhere in the room while I was looking through my backpack that was in this room the whole time. I found what I was looking for, my iPad. The screen wasn't broke. I struggled to get it to open. The headphones were gone [ thanks Luna] so I hid it back. I heard a flush in the bathroom and AJ walked towards the bed and rested at my side. I decided to play smart. "Did you wash your hooves?" She looked at me with the best wtf face ever. "What kind of question is that, of couse I wash'd mah hooves" "I_ , the door slammed open Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash, and Rarity entered the room. Pinkie's hair was straight flat [no cupcakes, sisters no]. Pinkie ran towards me and grabbed me in a hug. Her hair poofed back to normal and some of it fell on my right eye. We broke our hug. "Ohmygoshareyouallright? Applejacktolduswhathappenedandwecamehereasfastaswecould" I prossesed for a second. "Yeah I'm fine just a small headache, how did we get here anyways?" Twilight got closer. "What happened to you? You look smaller" "I don't know and I'm not gona question it" Pinkie gasped loudly and and zoomed out of the room. "What was that about"[really?] "It could be anything," Rainbow Dash responded. " spececially if it's Pinkie Pie" "Can I fix that wound with my magic?," Twilight waited for an answer. "Sure," I lowered my head where my wound was. The bandages came off. My head had warm feeling for a slight moment and then it vanished. So did the headache. "Alright we can go now" "Go where?" "Any where you want to go.....I mean if that's ok with you," Fluttershy shyed out. "Where do you all think we should_ Pinkie zoomed back. "I'm...*gasp*... Back...*All of you...*gasp*...follow me * gasp*" "Where?" "The barn...*gasp*",Thump she was out like a light. Twilight lifted Pinkie with her magic and we headed to the barn. We were now a few meters from the barn. "Can't you fly?" I looked up at the confused face of Rainbow Dash. "I forgot how" "Don't worry I'll teach you how to fly" "And I'll teach you magic", Twilight added. I was so exited. "Thank you so much" AJ opened the door. It was pitch black inside. The lights turned on. "SUPRISE!!!" > Chapter10: grounded for drinking juice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I nearly died I felt my heart in my back hooves and my soul long gone. There were ballons and streamers everywhere and Somewhere I read my name [well part of my name]. It said 'welcome to Ponyville Stormli'. I wonder what the hell happened to the rest of it. Pinkie Pie pushed me inside since I was too suprised. I'm really hard to impress because I saw my friend Raul fall off a 6 story building and nothing happened to him. That's a freaking impressive view. "Everypony, this is Stormlight," she looked at me. "Stormlight, this is Everypony" I waved a hoof a them. "Hi," they obviously had no clue I was the human from....1,2,3,4...5 days ago. The music played. They all started dancing and talking and I'm my case studying the piece of cake that was on my plate. I took a bite. My sweet tooth hurt so bad from it sweetness. Someponies came to ask me where I was from. I said Canterlot. [ I couldn't think of anywhere else]. Lyra was in front of me with possibly the weirdest pokerface ever. "I know who you are" I chocked with a peice of cake. "I *cough* don't know what you mean" "Don't play dumb with me I know that you're the human" "Heh-heh, about that I was never human I was raised by humans" "How's it like having hands?" "It's great I guess,"I looked at my new hooves."I actually miss them" "See you around then," she disappeared in the crowd. I knew that she was still watching me. I got up from my seat and walked towards the mane 6 [ Yay]. As I was a few inches I remembered I was walking and faceplanted. "Somepony's gone typsy," Dash held a hoof to help me. I reached door her hoof. "Thanks" They were talking to me about how they helped Dash's favorite author finish her book which I'm not gona get into details.[ too awesome to talk about it] We danced and ate and played pranks and talked and I became a dj and I passed out about 3 in the morning. Luna was looking at me annoyed. "What?" "A hangover is not permitted especially for a prince" "What exactly did I drink?" She sighted. "Applejuice" "Logic why do you betray me" She still looked upset. "I'm sorry It won't happen again" "It will not happen again because from now on you will live with Tia and I and I will personally teach you how to act like loyalty" "Uh, y... You can't be serious" "I am" "But- "No buts, [ he he butt] you will be come to Canterlot at 7 sharp" "Or what?," I challenged. "No wings nor horn and Tia and I will go and get you" "Ugh, fine" "No technology," she added "Dammit" "Now goodnight" I had so many fucking nightmares.I woke up. I felt pathetic for getting a hangover with apple juice. My head was spinning my wings were gone and my horn too. I lost my temper. "LUUUUUUUUUUUNA!" > Chapter11: Compromise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Until you learn your lesson little brother," Celestia's voice ecoed in my head. "Uuuuuuuuuuugh, so much rage", lightning crackled."the hell?" Two mini tornadoes formed infront of me. I jumped back asthe two tornadoes turned into two royal guards one male and another female. Both of them had serious expressions. The female pony was the first to speak."The princesses are waiting for you your magesty" "Who and what are you?" "The name's Tempest and thats Typhoon, We are your personal Royal guards. Now we must hurry at once" "Oooookay" "Step foward please", Typhoon said. I did as so. Around us a tornado formed and in a few seconds we were in the Canterlot castle. "YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF" "Ah, Luna what did I do" "YOU ARE GIVING A BAD EXAMPLE TO ALL OF EQUESTRIA" "I can't feel my face", I muttered. Luna levitated a magazine and it slapped my face. I gasped. The images were horrible. And Im not going into detail. "I need names" "I do not understand" The person...er ponies who took these pictures" "The pictures were annonymus" I dragged my attention at Typhoon."Can I borrow that spear?" "Yes you magesty", he passed me the spear. "Luna the population is going to lower", I began walking out holding the spear with my mouth. "Give it up Stormy, you can have your horn and wings back but you have to stay here" I stopped. "Fine, here catch", I threw Typhoon his spear back and it shocked him. He didn't even wince "That is another reason why you have to stay.To learn to control your powers and learn to harnest it. I will teach you how to raise the moon and then we can share it. Wont that be fun?", she smiled. "Ah, I don't have a choice do I?" "No" "Can I still shank the annon?" "NO!!!" > Chapter 12: a nephew and a breakup? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna and i spent hours teaching me how to read hieroglyphs until i fell asleep. "WAKE UP," she used her Canterlot Voice. "AAAAAAAAh!!!! ," i yelled. "Why do you insist on sleeping when you know that I will wake you?," she asked. "I am tired, let me go to sleeeeeeep," Luna gets up and drags me to other room. It was a huge balcony. Tia was there waiting for us. Tia nodded to Luna and vise versa. Tia lowered the sun while Luna lifted the moon. It was an impressive sight to witness. I have no idea how i am still awake. My eyelids feel like they have anchors attached to them. When the moon was high in the sky both Tia and Luna flew down. Tia walked past me and inside while Luna used her magic to drag me inside. She was saying something but i was too tired to sleep. As if my mind decided to sleep with my eyes open when suddenly Luna threw ice cold water at me. "Aaaaaaaaah!!!!," i trembled. "Are you still tired Stormy?," she asked. "S_s....so c_c_cold," She sighted. "fine you can go to sleep... "WOOO......wait theres a catch isnt there?" She nodded."if you can levitate this rock," she levitated a rock to her hoof. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the rock with all my will as i felt lightheaded for a few secconds. When i opened my eyes the rock was on the floor while Luna was in midair satisfied from my achievement. "You have done well brother, we can finally rest," she said with a yawn and I yawned too. The second after i yawned the magic faded and Luna laded on the floor with a loud thud. "Sorry" (random guy: *sings gipsy bard*) Together we walked towards our room yawning during the way. I felt something behind me and when I turned around, there was nothing. I alone kept walking because Luna began to sleepwalk so I was guiding her until I found our room. I guided Luna towards our bed and placed a blanket on her. After I closed the door I heard hoofsteps pass by. Im guessing it was a night guard passing by.....guarding (random guy: no kidding). I walked to our bed and got under the covers. Luna grabbed me in a hug as she snorred softly. I hugged her back and I fell asleep. I felt a rough shake and I opened me eyes and was now face to faces with Luna and Tia. "w-whats going on?" "There was a robery in the castle,"Luna said. "The elements, they are gone," Tia looked out the window."Discord and our nephew are involved" "Blueblood?," I asked. "no, his name is Kobe, he is quite easy to identify......," Tia began to cry as Luna tried to comfort her. "Why Twilight and the others haven't caught them?,"i asked. "they have been discorded and after we undiscorded them, they......lost most of their knowledge about you," Luna said. I immediately got up from the bed."How about Applejack, does she remember US?," I asked. Luna shook her head sadly. "how does this Kobe guy look like?" "he is gray, earthponydraconequss hybrid, and always wears a bowtie and a fez," Luna said. "Thats all I need," i began to walk out the door when Luna stopped me by my shoulder. "Storm~" "I'll be back, I promise,"