> Twilight's Fall > by TittySparkles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Revenge is a dish best served cold and sloppy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie had won. Standing across from the purple unicorn, she had proved her dominance in the arcane arts. All it took was one simple age spell, and Trixie knew Twilight couldn’t beat it. Ready to cast Twilight out forever, she started to walk toward her, only to be stopped as Twilight’s friends stepped in front of her. “You made your point, Trixie. Leave her alone!” The cyan pegasus blurted out as she stood her ground, flaring her wings out to look intimidating. Trixie said nothing, lighting up her horn and turning the once-cocky flier into a simple rain cloud.  Her friends gasped and stared in shock at what Dash had become. they turned back to Trixie with angry glares on their faces. “Oh, please. None of you can beat my magical prowess,” Trixie stated in an arrogant tone as she planted a hoof firmly to the ground. “You turn her back this second, Trixie!” Applejack spoke up as she positioned her body like she was ready to charge her. “Heh. And what is a miserable little earth pony like you going to do about it?” Trixie laughed as the familiar red aura came to her horn. “Can’t do anything when you’re a fence post now, can you?” Before Applejack could answer, she was suddenly hit with a beam of magic and instantly transformed into a small fence post with a brown Stetson resting on top of it. “Stop this madness at once!” Rarity said to Trixie as she lit up her horn for a spell. “What’s a lowly unicorn like you going to do!? I bet you only know basic levitation!” Trixie boomed as she turned her hatred onto her. Rarity said nothing. Not wanting to feel useless, she still fired a spell at her. Though Trixie was caught off guard for a second, she retaliated with a spell of her own. Both beams of magic connected, making the impromptu duel appear as a standstill. Sadly the edge was quickly given to Trixie who still had more magic than Rarity, even without the amulet aiding her. The fight was over within seconds and as Rarity got hit with the spell, she took the form of a large rock. “Ha. like you even had a chance,” Trixie said in a very confident tone before turning her attention to the trembling yellow pegasus nearby. Feeling her evil glare, Fluttershy looked at her and froze up instantly. She knew she couldn’t fight back, given her timid nature, but a sinking feeling told her that she was going to end up like her fellow friends. “You going to try your luck little pony?” Trixie said with a huff before she trotted to Fluttershy and put her face right into hers. Fluttershy said nothing, only letting incoherent squeaks leave her mouth. Trixie prepared to turn the timid pegasus into something, but her attention was quickly drawn elsewhere. The recently defeated purple unicorn was standing up, ready to go for a second round. “Leave my friends alone, Trixie!” Twilight snarled at her as she flared up her horn. “Oh please, I’ve already beaten you Twilight Snarkle! Maybe I should put that useless horn of yours in the trash!” Trixie replied, as she conjured up the same spell she used to get rid of Pinkie’s mouth. Before Twilight could stop it, the floating white pointer latched on to her horn and quickly it pulled it away, turning Twilight into a lowly earth pony. Feeling her magic suddenly get cut off, Twilight panicked and try to jump for her horn as it floated to the garbage can. “What’s wrong, Twilight? Afraid to lose the only thing that makes you, you?” Trixie laughed as the hopeless pony flailed about for her horn. Twilight said nothing, continuing to jump at it, until the trash can opened up and ate her horn before disappearing into thin air. Seeing that her horn was gone, Twilight stared in shock and quickly turned around to Trixie, more mad than ever. “You’re going too far, Trixie! Please give me back my horn and my friends and I’ll say I’m sorry!” Twilight’s pleaded, her voice on the edge of anger and panic. “It’s too late for apologizes, Twilight! You ruined my life after the Ursa incident and now I’ll ruin yours!” Trixie bellowed and her horn turned a bright crimson red before it shot out multiple beams of magic, each targeting her friends. The first beam hit Fluttershy, instantly turning her into a small tree that had a bird’s nest resting on top of it. The second hit the mouthless Pinkie Pie, transforming her into a pony-sized cupcake, adorned with colorful sprinkles. The last went for Spike, and though dragons were usually more resistant to magic, she hit him with the age spell and reverted him back into an egg. Twilight stared in shock: all her friends were nothing but inanimate objects. If she had her horn she could easily reverse a few of them,  but she knew Spike would be near impossible to fix. Feeling weak and powerless, Twilight slowly backed up out of fear for her well-being. When Trixie turned to Twilight’s friends, Twilight saw nothing but pure hate in her eyes, yet when she looked at Twilight, that hate was shown ten-fold. “Now that they’re out of the way, I can properly deal with you!” Trixie said with a huge grin plastered across her face. She wrapped Twilight in magic and got ready to toss her out of the town. Twilight fumbled around in the air for a few seconds, panicking as she felt herself being turned around, making her face the woods nearby. Trixie got ready to throw her away like garbage, until she stopped and stared at Twilight’s backside. Seeing Twilight’s pink folds nearly call out for attention, Trixie’s power-crazed mind thought of a new way to ruin Twilight. Curious to why Trixie hadn’t tossed her yet, Twilight looked over her shoulder and saw the mad unicorn staring at her vagina with curious eyes. Blushing, Twilight forced her tail to cover it up, making Trixie look away and think of something. “Well, I don’t think I’ll banish you quite yet,” Trixie said as she dropped Twilight to the ground. Then she turned around and looked for something to bind the now-earth pony Twilight with, to make sure she didn’t run off. While Twilight hit the ground with a hard thud, Trixie noticed a nearby house that had a bucket being held up in the air by a piece of rope knotted around the a drainage pipe. Quickly conjuring up a pair of scissors and cut the rope near the bucket, Trixie let all its contents spill to the ground. Once the bottom was taken care of she focused on the knotted area and cut it as well. Pulling away the rope, she frowned, seeing it was a bit too small for her tastes. Altering her spell, she started to manipulate it, allowing the rough hairs to stretch out and get longer. What was about three feet before, was now just over six. Hearing her rival groan from a bit of pain, Trixie brought the rope to Twilight’s body and wrapped her front hooves together before she stuck them to her sides and tied them around her midsection. Twilight struggled but it was futile without her magic to aid her. “Let me go!” Twilight said in a panic as she continued to try to squirm out of the ropes. They were slightly loose but not enough for Twilight to wiggle out of them to freedom. “Oh, you’re not going anywhere, Twilight,” Trixie said with an evil grin on her face as she trotted to her and stood over her trapped body. “Once I’m done with you, you’ll wish you were never born!” Twilight clammed up and swallowed back her fear. She wasn’t sure what evil Trixie was fully capable of, but she started making guesses in area’s of putting a saddle on her and leading her around like a pet to things like walking around with a vibrator stuck in her vagina. “Look, I’m sorry about what I did before! I didn’t want to show you up with my magic but I had no choice,” Twilight said back, trying her best to get through to her, kicking her back legs to no avail. Trixie didn’t listen, instead breaking off a piece of rope. Extending it again she forced Twilight’s mouth open and brought it across her mouth, cutting her off from forming proper words. Twilight groaned and whined as she tried to bite through it, but Trixie just laughed at her futile efforts. “Don’t worry, Twilight. I’ll make sure the whole town watches you get humiliated,” Trixie said to her, slowly licking her lips at the thought of breaking her down into nothing but a whore.   ~~~ The curious crowd stood at the center of town, scared out of their minds as the azure unicorn pranced around, setting up statues of herself all over the place. Through a glass dome she put over the town—making sure no one escaped her wrath—the setting sun shone its dying light on the figures that littered the area. In the middle of the crowd of ponies was Trixie and a subdued Twilight, hung up from a flickering street light. Her body swung around aimlessly as she was mere feet from touching the ground. Standing near the quiet, hornless pony, Trixie snickered as she thought about how to ruin Twilight first. “Are you ready to give the crowd a show, Twilight?” Trixie asked her, ready to have her way with Twilight. Twilight said nothing, unsure of how Trixie meant to embarrass her more than she had. Losing her horn was already a harsh enough blow to deal with. Relying on it for most of her life, Twilight felt empty without it resting upon her head.  “What the hay do you want from me?” Twilight asked through her roped mouth, snarling at the cocky unicorn staring at her. The words were barely understandable, thanks to the rope, but Trixie was able to make out what she was saying. “I’m surprised you haven’t figured it out, Sparkle! I’m going to make you feel how I felt after my name was ruined by you. In a way, you raped me, Twilight. Now I’m going to rape you, but unlike your mental trauma, I’m going to ruin you both physically and mentally! Do you know how many years I studied under my own mother who was one of the greatest illusionists of all time? I spent my whole life trying to master spells and then you come along and make it all look easy! I was crushed when I left Ponyville, my career was ruined and word got around that I was a hack magician. It got so bad that I had to turn to... things I wasn’t proud of for making ends meet! You ever sell your body out for mere bits a day just to get enough food in your stomach? You ever say no to certain customers and they just have their way with you anyway? You ever get tossed into a pile of mud after they are done and realize they never left you a single bit? Of course not because you’re nothing but a pampered unicorn who got mentored by the princess of Equestria! I loathe everything about you and you’ll see just much how hate I can dish out.” Trixie took a deep breath and snapped at her captive before she lit up her horn, ready to cast her first spell. Twilight stared at Trixie and said nothing. She opened her mouth to speak to Trixie but the words wouldn't come out. What was she supposed to say? Sorry for fixing a mistake that was caused by a bunch of your fans? Sorry you ran out of town before they could even talk? No amount of words would save Twilight and she knew it. Looking away Twilight frowned, leaving the angered mare without an answer. “Can’t answer me can you? That’s what I thought,” Trixie said as she snorted air out of her nose and calmed down a bit. “Ladies and gentlecolts! I am about to give you all a show you’ll never forget! The last time I was here, you only got a taste of what I could do. Now I promise a show worthy of a crowd!” she said as she turned her attention to the crowd and stood on her hind legs, sticking her hooves in the air. The crowd said nothing, fearing that they would end up like the nearby pile of objects if they uttered any wrong words. “For my first trick, I will turn this captive mare into a freak that while have not one, but two horns,” Trixie said to the crowd before she went back down and turned her attention back to Twilight. Before anyone could utter a response, a magical beam hit Twilight in the pelvis, for a brief second it hurt Twilight, but the feeling of something foreign started to grow from it. First she felt her vagina shrink slightly, making room for her cock and balls to grow. Twilight winced and whined and she felt her pussy slowly shrink back to how it felt when she was a filly. Thankfully it didn’t hurt, but just the feeling of the magic working her privates felt wrong on all levels. Once her vagina was smaller, two small bumps appeared where her slit used to be before they grew into a slightly undersized set of stallion’s balls. The cock came next, slowly growing out of her coat and grew just about four inches. Smiling at her spell, Trixie altered it slightly and shrank Twilight’s cock, making it only appear about two inches. Once the spell was complete, Trixie smiled and the crowd gasped at the small erection. “Ahh, how fitting. Seems you have the smallest prick out of the whole town,” Trixie laughed and she focused her magic on Twilight’s tail, yanking it upwards. “Maybe all that magic you had was overcompensating for something else altogether.” Twilight ignored Trixie’s words, instead staring at the new addition to her body with wide eyes. She read about how they looked like in books but to see and actually feel what a penis felt like, scared the purple mare. Not wanting to look at it Twilight looked to the crowd and noticed a few colts giggling at the sight of her new dick. Biting her lip she began to realize how colts with small dicks felt when they got noticed. Turning Twilight’s body in the air, Trixie smiled as she showed every corner of the crowd the small penis she had gifted Twilight with. A fair amount gasped in horror, while others stared on with surprised looks on their faces. Surveying the scene she noticed of one her biggest fans slowly get hard from seeing the purple mare’s backside. Looking beside him, Snips was about to speak to his friend but he stopped as he saw the nervous expression on his face, along with his little stallion starting to poke out of his sheathe. Looking away, Snips said nothing and continued to watch the show. “Trixie, please don’t do this!” Twilight begged through her rope, feeling nothing but  embarrassment. “Now for my next trick, I shall make a cock disappear!” Trixie said out loud, ignoring the pleas from Twilight, before she focused the same spell on herself. Twilight stared in shock and so did the crowd. Unlike Twilight’s two inch pinch, Trixie gave herself a proper stallion cock. Just from looking at it she knew it was about six inches and had more girth than a regular stallion’s cock.  “It’s only fitting that the better mare has the bigger cock!” Trixie said to Twilight as she started to approach her, allowing a large grin appear across her face and unnerving the trapped mare. Twilight panicked and started flailing her legs in the air in an effort to try and kick her away. Trixie just laughed at Twilight and focused her magic on her legs, forcing them stay still and slightly open as well. “Seems you need to be taught a lesson then,” Trixie said as she ran her hoof over Twilight’s cutie mark in a slow yet arousing manner before she conjured up a new spell and looked at Twilight’s small dick that was actually going flaccid. “I’ll make you enjoy this whether you like it or not.” As the spell finished, a small riding crop floated by Trixie’s head, with a target in mind. Giving Twilight barely any time to register the item in her mind, Trixie brought the end of it across Twilight’s nuts. Letting out a whinny and feeling her nuts wiggle for a second; Twilight tried to close her legs, refusing to be hit again. Trixie watched with a smile on her face as Twilight trembled and tried to close and protect her privates, knowing very well she couldn’t. Bringing the crop against her balls again, a loud slap rang out along with another painful moan from Twilight. “Ha! How pathetic! My pride has taken harder hits than that, Snarkle!” Trixie snarled before she hit her again, aiming for the other nut. Her voice carried the tone of an angry and very bitter mare. There was no remorse in her actions as she continued to hit her mark over and over again.  Twilight kept whimpering and trying to fidget for freedom but it was no use. Trixie continued to punish her and soon her nuts were red. What surprised Trixie was the fact that Twilight’s penis was slowly starting to harden again from the abuse. “Well, well, well,” Trixie chuckled as she brought the tip to her tongue and licked it. “Seems you enjoy a bit of abuse, Snarkle. Only fitting for a whore!” Trixie aimed for her balls again, but before she hit one, she arched the whip up and slapped it against Twilight’s growing erection. Twilight let out a loud wail as her eyes started to water, trying to deduce why she was actually getting hard from it. Trixie continued to hit her erection, enjoying every slap that could be heard. There was no way she was turned on by the abuse or the fact that ponies were watching and not doing anything to stop Trixie. “Look at you,” Trixie said softly as she moved the whip away to evaluate her handy work. “That bit of red against your crotch seems very suiting. If it wasn’t for that penis of yours, I would say you were in heat!” Finishing her sentence Trixie struck again, aiming below Twilight’s balls and hitting her pussy. Twilight shook her head; trying to stop her crying as she started to feel numb below her waist. She wasn’t sure what was wrong with her. Every hit from the crop hurt Twilight, but at the same time a spark of something else shot through her body. She didn’t want to admit it, but it was her own arousal. The abuse she had no love for, and she certainly had no love for the many eyes watching her abuse go on either. She couldn’t figure it out, nor would she as Trixie brought the whip against her erection one last time. Once it hit, a bit of precum dribbled down to the ground. “Haha,” Trixie paused as she noticed the white fluid drip out of Twilight’s erection. “Ha, you are enjoying this you two bit pony! Maybe I’ll follow up with my next trick.” Turning for her audience, Trixie made the crop disappear before she stood on her hind legs again. “Terribly sorry for the delay my ever-so-patient ponies! Now I’ll make a cock disappear!” For a brief second, Trixie disappeared only to reappear behind Twilight, ready to violate a hole of her choosing. Looking down at her amulet she was happy she actually teleported for real, instead of using a stupid smoke bomb. “Worth every single bit!” She hissed under her breath as she traced her hooves over Twilight’s thighs before resting them on her haunches. Feeling the rather soft hooves brush against her, Twilight’s eyes went wide as she felt the wet tip of Trixie’s erection brushing against her asshole. Knowing very well that she aimed to start rutting her, Twilight used all her will and closed her legs slightly, enough to draw the attention of the mad mare. “Points for effort, Sparkle, but you can’t win without your magic!” Using her own natural strength, Trixie put both her hooves to the inside of Twilight’s thighs before forcing them open more, giving her more room to work with. Twilight stared back at her rival with a broken expression on her face but Trixie simply ignored her and adjusted the rope slightly so Twilight’s body was sitting up straight. Wrapping her hooves around Twilight’s legs, she pulled down slightly, letting Twilight’s nuts rest against Trixie erection. The ponies in the front row gasped and got an eyeful as Trixie slowly rocked her hips back and forth, letting her meaty erection brush against Twilight’s privates. A few looked away knowing she planned to fuck her upright, while others watched intently, their curious nature slowly taking over. “Don’t worry, Twilight. With this spell I can fill you up substantially and you’ll never get pregnant from it,” Trixie told her as she placed her head into Twilight’s back. “As much as I want to have you become my broodmare, turning into a proper male is revolting to think about.” “Now, which hole do I pick,” Trixie hissed, continuing to rub her large cock against Twilight. Pulling her hips back, her erection lined up to Twilight ass, ready to bury it inside of her. Letting the tip brush against her hole, Trixie shivered with excitement, while Twilight whined through her rope. Swirling a glob of spit around in her mouth, Trixie asked, "Tell me Twilight... is this your first time?” Twilight said nothing, unsure of how to answer her question. She was no idiot to the effects of a pony wanting to get laid and though she barred herself in her room, using toys to sate her need, she never had a real stallion do anything to her. She had read books on the subject but no amount of reading was going to make anything easier for her. “I’ll take your silence as a yes,” Trixie said pleased to know she would ruin Twilight that much more. Aiming her head down, Trixie spat out a glob of spit and hit the tip of her erection, giving it a bit of moisture for entering Twilight’s ass. Taking a deep breath, Trixie started to push forward, letting the tip enter into her ass. Twilight`s eyes went wide with horror as she felt the tip move in. Its girth became fully noticeable as she continued to push it in, making Twilight want to scream.  “Does it scare you, Twilight?” Trixie asked as she rocked her hips slightly, making the mare hyperventilate. Twilight nodded, trying to clench her ass cheeks together in an effort to stop Trixie. “Good,” She answered back, taking a deep breath. “Now, let the real show begin!” Pulling her erection back, she jerked her hips and buried a few more inches of it inside of Twilight. “Please! AH!” Twilight cried as a whimper escaped through her lips. As passively knowledgeable in sex as Twilight was, she never ventured into the area of trying anal out with her toys. she knew it was going to hurt like hell, and wished she could have at least tried it once before so her first experience with it wouldn't have to be such a horrid act. Feeling the full length of Trixie’s dick being gripped by her own asshole; Twilight cried out until Trixie worked it enough so she was inside. Moments later, any kind of screaming had ceased, as it pushed past limits she didn't know she had. There was no loosening her up, or anything done to prepare her for the experience. Trixie wanted Twilight to feel nothing but pain, and quickly started to thrust her hips, letting them connect with Twilight’s thighs. “How does that feel, Sparkle? Do you want it to be bigger?” Trixie teased, lighting up her horn to do just that. Twilight responded, but the words left her mouth before her mind to make proper words. Thought Trixie didn’t make any sense of her words, she could easily use her response to her advantage. "oh, you do want it to be bigger? what a dirty whore you are," she laughed before letting the spell take effect. Twilight did nothing but scream in her mind to be free. Talking to Trixie would get her nowhere and she was about to promise herself to stay quiet. That was, until she felt Trixie increase the girth of her dick. Painful gasps started to escape Twilight’s throat, as it slowly got bigger inside of her. No amount of words could ever be spoken to describe the pain Twilight was in, yet nothing could prepare for what happened next. Feeling her body tighten up, Twilight didn’t have any time to react to it. It just happened.  As her body spasmed for a second she felt it relax before a drizzle of liquid left her pussy and landed on the ground below. As she felt it leave, her body became paralyzed with fear as she realized she just pissed herself in public. When the deed was done, she looked around and noticed a few colts were laughing at her; she began to cry, feeling like a filly who had wet herself in class. “Haha, how pathetic are you?” Trixie said as she felt a bit of the warm liquid splash against her legs. “Couldn’t even hold it in. Even I haven’t been that humiliated!” Clenching her eyes shut, Twilight tried to stop herself from crying. She wanted to beg Trixie to stop and just let her rot but she couldn’t even speak anymore. The worst part was that she was still hard, and though it hurt to be embarrassed like she was, she was close to cumming. Content with having the mare break even more, Trixie started to thrust harder, making Twilight’s frail frame bounce. As much as Trixie wanted to keep rutting her in the air, she wanted to make Twilight rest in her pool of piss. She adjusted the rope, to bring Twilight’s body to the ground and rested her stomach in it before she turned Twilight on her side and held her left leg up. Trixie’s monster erection never stopped moving, her thrusts were deep and fueled by pleasure. Bringing one of her hooves up, Trixie pressed it into Twilight’s head, making her tear-soaked head press harder into the soft dirt. Letting her smile twist into a sick grin, Trixie pushed harder and faster making Twilight’s cries come out as painful and depressing. As she cried a hint of pleasure arouse from the trapped mare. Every pound of Trixie’s dick sent a small jolt of pleasure into her own dick. With every sloppy slap of her ass, Twilight knew she was getting closer and closer to cumming. Trixie heard it too as Twilight’s breathing got faster and louder. She could feel her body tightening and occasionally she would look at Twilight’s prick and notice it twitching. Any second Twilight would let out a girly moan, spray her marecum into the air, and be that much more humiliated. Eventually it happened. Twilight started to shake her head violently trying to lose the feeling building up in her cock. So close, she could feel everything start to tighten up. She hoped it would drizzle and not draw any attention, but her plan backfired and a small stream of cum sprayed out of her dick. Letting it land on the ground, while some hit her chest, Trixie smiled and didn’t stop working Twilight’s ass. “Would you look at that, seems you enjoy this after all. How does it feel to to be a whore, Twilight?” Trixie asked. Twilight said nothing, pouting softly as her dick stopped surging and slowly went flaccid. Her first orgasm. With another pony. It felt wrong. Time became a mere thought as Trixie continued on. Her voice had ceased to torment the already broken mare more than it needed to be. Trixie tried to pace her breathing to be in time with her thrusts but eventually both became erratic, signaling a climatic end. “Don’t worry, Sparkle. I’m almost done,” Trixie grunted as she felt the semen start to build up for release. “Sadly for you, you’re not done.” With a loud grunt and groan, Trixie’s body froze up and she felt the surge of semen run through her cock and into Twilight’s abused ass. Hissing under her breath, Trixie forced her body to rock a few more times, letting the dying sensation of a magic climax play out. Twilight’s ass got filled for the most part, and what didn’t stay inside, coated Trixie’s shaft and balls. After her cock was done surging, Trixie took a deep breath and turned Twilight’s face to look at her. The bound unicorn had a glassy look in her eyes, making her look like an soulless husk of a pony. Content with her expression, she pulled her sloppy erection out and moved in front of Twilight. “Snip! Snails! Step forward!” Trixie shouted out, not taking her eyes off of the mare she had just fucked relentlessly. Both colts tensed up and slowly trotted towards the showmare they idolized. The smallest walked with fear in his steps while the other walked with a bit of a wobble thanks to the large erection he was sporting from watching Trixie violate Twilight. “The Great and Powerful Trixie needs some time to recuperate,” Trixie said as she felt her erection slowly move back into her sheathe, tired from its use. “Trixie shall grant you both the privilege of having your own turn with her.” Hearing this, Twilight’s body came to life as she screamed through her rope to Trixie, begging her to stop. She already felt empty, sick, and humiliated from having the whole town watch her get fucked, and the feeling was much greater considering she actually came as well. Clenching her legs shut, Twilight winced from the earlier pain inflicted on her nuts and felt her eyes starting to tear up again. Both colts stared at the bond mare, not sure of what to make of Trixie’s proposal. For both of them though, it would be a chance to actually get laid for once. School wasn’t fair to them and neither was their social lives. Most of the time they would stick with each other and enjoy the day away from ponies, either playing video games or even hitting the pool together. Of course they remained just friends, and the topic of females would come up from time to time. They would always talk about which mare they would rut the most or even the mare they wanted to try it first with. “And just so you two and even Twilight enjoy it more,” Trixie said with a smirk as her horn lit back up. “I think I’ll make you both proper ages.” Hitting both of them with the spell, everyone looked on as they floated into the air and slowly started to age again. While the advance in aging was new to Snips, Snails found that the second time didn’t scare him as much as the first. While Snails grew only a few inches, Snips grew about to the same size as a normal stallion, give or take a few inches on the height. Snails’ once short mane was now long enough to brush against his back and he had a small, yet noticeable brown goatee on his chin. For Snips, after he was high enough, a small yet noticeable black mustache appeared on his face. “Wow, I’m almost as big as you!” Snips said to his friend in a low and almost burly tone. As Twilight watched the spell get used, she stared on in horror, her eyes not leaving Snails’ erection. It was about five inches before, but now it was seven and Twilight cringed at the thought of having it inside of her. Feeling a cold stare from Trixie, Twilight cried for help. Looking to the crowd of ponies, she wished one of them would step forward and try to save her. Many eyes stared in shock; ponies with kids had departed the area, not wanting their kids to see the horrid scene. It was for the better considering a few stallions were sporting erections and struggling to hide them. It was not just stallions, mares were also fidgeting their back legs, getting aroused from the abuse Twilight was going through. It enraged and hurt Twilight to know ponies she thought of as friends were getting aroused from her pain. “How do you like your new bodies boys?” Trixie asked as she pointed her horn at the ground and made a stone throne jut out of it. “I trust you know how to put them to use.” Looking at Trixie, both stallions turned to Twilight who was still against the ground, covered in Trixie’s labor. While Snips was hesitant to do anything, Snails smiled and knew his first lay would be thanks to his idol. He certainly wasn’t going to pass it up.  “Yes, Great and Powerful Trixie,” Snails said, breaking the small silence, before he slowly trotted to Twilight. “I know exactly what to do with it.” His words were accompanied by a grin that made Twilight feel sick. Hearing Snail’s voice, it slowly reminded Twilight of her brother’s tone. The only difference was that her brother couldn’t save her, nor would anyone for that matter. Seeing his friend obey Trixie so easily, Snips took a deep breath and started to trot closer as well. “I call bottom!” he said with a bit of eagerness in his voice. Twilight started to go into a  deeper panic. Everything started escalating faster than she could watch, and even with the rope still around her body, she flailed about like a fish out of water, screaming and trying to escape from the horrible situation. “You know Trixie made her vagina the size of a filly’s right?” Snails answered back as he gave his friend a curious look. “Better than sticking your dick into the sloppy hole she just fucked.” Snips answered back, making Trixie chuckle a bit on the side. “Whatever, I’ll take a sloppy ass over a filly’s hole any day.” Snails scoffed, as he moved behind Twilight. “Awesome!” Snips replied as he laid down on the ground, letting his pudgy rolls fall down. “But I’m not waiting for you to finish. We’ll do her at the same time!” Twilight’s looked at the pudgy stallion and started to notice his own erection was steadily growing. Thanks to his fat, Twilight wasn’t able to see it earlier but her mind became even more frantic at the thought of getting rutted by two stallions at the same time. “Heh, have fun letting that little dick of hers flop against you!” Snails laughed at him, causing a few stallions in the crowd to laugh as well. Looking to the crowd, Trixie smiled at the state of it. When she was fucking Twilight, ponies looked on with hate and disgust at her very being. Now that things were getting more interesting a few were shamelessly clopping, while one couple in the fair back of the audience was rutting on the spot behind one of her statues. “You think this is bad now Twilight, wait until I put you through a gauntlet of endless dicks rutting you from behind!” Trixie thought with a smile, slowly counting all the stallions in the town. As she continued counting the stallions, she noticed that a few ponies started to approach her with angry glares. One was a mint unicorn and the other was beige earth pony. Feeling that they were probably going to cause some trouble, Trixie laughed and quickly hit them with a spell before it even could begin. Both mares froze up, the mint one becoming a small plushie on the ground while the other became chocolate bar. The crowd gasped. Any ponies that wanted to stop the madness knew they would end up like those two and immediately let go of any plans they had to help Twilight. “Whatever, lower her onto me will you?” Snips rebutted to Snail’s earlier comment as he reached down and stroked his hoof against his penis, making it fully long. Trixie looked back and continued to watch the fun. Twilight moaned and cried and she tried to struggle out of her bindings again, even though she knew it was futile. Noticing her struggle, Snails used a bit of his own magic and stopped her legs from flailing about. Twilight whined harder and shook her head and tried to protest but both sex driven colts wanted her badly. Everything was going from bad to horrible for Twilight. Snails picked her up and lifted her over Snips’ pudgy body. The closer she moved to him, the more she found he reeked of shit and sweat, most likely from not bathing or showering for days Out of the corner of her eyes she watched with dread as Snails stood on his hindlegs and pressed his hooves against her flank, steadying her body perfectly. The more Twilight went down, the more she screamed and panicked, wanting someone, anyone, to save her.  Looking to the crowd one last time, she made one last Attempt to beg that they not rape her but her pleas were silenced when she felt Snips erection brush against her small pussy. Barely giving her time to get ready for it, Snips thrusted his body upward and penetrated her tightness, and only stopped once he felt some resistance from it. Feeling his large prick enter into her smaller hole, Twilight let out a muffled scream. Not waiting for his turn, Snails pushed Twilight’s body down, making it rest against Snips cushiony fat, before he built up a glob of spit in his mouth at spit at his erection. It was unneeded but Snails wanted a bit extra ease when he entered her ass. Brushing the tip of his erection against her slightly gaping ass, Snails snorted a blast of hot air out of his nose before he stuck it in. Twilight’s body froze up as both pushed in, feeling both her holes get stretched to nearly ripping limits. The pain caused her mind to blank for a second until she noted that Snails dick was a few inches longer than what Trixie punished her with. “Man is she tight!” Snips grunted out, feeling her slightly wet walls wrap around his erection, which provided him with a very satisfying feeling. “Hey make sure your balls don’t slap against mine against mine, too!” “You already have her dick sticking into your gut, gayass, nothing is gayer than that!” Snails replied as he started to break into a fast and eager pace. Twilight’s muffled screams fell on deaf ears and slowly died down into into muffled cries as both stallions' large, slick members violated her even more than Trixie already had. She wanted to ignore the pain and quickly clenched her eyes shut, thinking it was all a bad dream and it would go away if she opened them again. Sadly the pain didn’t leave and, slowly opening her eyes, she saw the crazed showmare staring at her from her throne. There was no strength left in her body to protest, so she just stayed still and allowed them to do as they pleased. With no point in voicing her discomfort, she had realized no one would listen nor did anyone even care. Even with the few that did care were unwilling to do anything to help. Wanting to feel up her body, Snails ran his hooves up and down her sides, letting his slightly rough hooves dance across her fur before it crossed the ropes and back again. Seeing his friend feel her up, Snips followed up as well, letting his own hooves brush against her shoulders. Twilight tingled with discomfort at their touch but she stayed quiet, too tired to cry anymore and hoping if she didn't move, they might lose interest. Both stallions’ motions were jerky, showing they truly had no prior experience with a mare. They might have been aged up to look like proper stallions, but she knew they were still horny teenagers in their minds. Snips was slightly more erratic, thanks to his smaller size and weight. His breathing was heavily and his breath reeked of cabbage and daisies, making Twilight feel sick to her stomach. She couldn’t even turn her head away, his breath always finding its way to her nostrils. Snails was more well-paced thanks to his larger erection. Though her ass was still filled, Twilight could still feel the rough texture of his member grinding against her walls. The worst part about everything was she felt herself getting hard again, knowing she was going to cum eventually. She already felt embarrassed thanks to Trixie getting her off with her whipping. She could feel her little prick slowly coming back out of its sheathe, ready to squirt more dribbles of seed against the ground or Snips’ chest. She could feel it, and she hated herself for it. Looking down slightly, Snips noticed her dick started to grow and felt a bit odd thanks to it. He knew it was a fake but just seeing it grow like a normal penis irked him. “Ugh, she’s actually getting hard again!” Snips said with a bit of disgust, knowing he couldn’t ignore the feeling of it. “Let’s trade spots, Snails.” “No way, her ass is the best thing ever!” Snails replied as he slapped her flank with his hoof, not slowing down on his motions. Twilight’s legs jittered in response to his hit and a soft whine escaped her mouth. “Get more creative boys! Why don’t you make her feel like she’s actually worth something? Or you could just do whatever you want with her. She is nothing but trash anyway.” Trixie spoke up from her throne, slowly getting hard again. Once both of them filled Twilight up, she would have one last round with her before she called it a day. Smiling at her whine, Snails hit her again much harder than the first. For a brief second a bit of malice was placed in his smack thanks to years of pent up anger from being bullied at school. He always hated the girls who teased him and mocked him for being dumb. He was more grateful to Trixie for giving him a chance to release that frustration. Content with the brief abuse he leaned into her back and nibbled at her ear playfully. Pulling her head away Twilight tried to avoid but teeth but a second attempt from him ended the brief struggle. Twilight had no desire for false affections that were the result of Trixie’s puppeteering. Snails let go of her ear and mover his mouth behind it, before planting small kisses on it. Down below Snips was getting the same idea, ignoring all the watchful eyes, he started to kiss her neck. Feeling their slimy lips made her face cringe and her body feel more disgusted than when she pissed herself. Continuing to kiss her ear, the scent of her mane caught Snails attention before he buried his face in it, breathing deeply.  “What’s her mane smell like?” Snips chuckled, letting his hot breath graze against her cheek. Twilight felt like she was going to vomit, smelling his rancid breath seep into her nostrils, the idea of vomiting on him actually seemed like a good idea to get them off of her.  As much as she wanted to, however, his breath wasn’t bad enough to make her vomit. “Mhmm, her mane smells like Miss Cheerilee’s,” Snails hummed quietly. As he spoke Trixie noticed a few ponies in the crowd turn around and face a mare who looked shocked to be looked at. Trixie wasn’t familiar with many ponies of the town but she could tell the shocked mare must have been Cheerilee. Trixie watched for a few second hearing her speak up that she never did anything with him out of school before she focused back on the scene. “Please just finish up and leave me alone,” Twilight begged in her mind, every part of her body feeling sore. “I’m not impressed boys!” Trixie spoke up, wanting Twilight to get more disgusted with them. “You rut a mare for the first time and you can’t even be bothered give her a kiss?” Twilight was surprised when she heard her voice and quickly looked at the pudgy stallion under her. Snips looked back before a stupid grin got plastered across his face as he moved his forehoof under her neck, pushing her chin up slightly. Not wanting his putrid lips to touch her, she jerked her head to the side, moving it away from his hoof. Trixie saw her fight back slightly, and in response she lit up her horn and forced twilight's face forward. Then she removed the rope around her mouth and puckered the bound mare's lips to receive Snips' kiss.Seeing her forced to obey, Snips gave his hips a hard thrust before he pressed his lips against hers. Twilight nearly lost her lunch as it happened, his slimy tongue traveling around her mouth like a little leech getting ready to suck a bit of life out of her. Thankfully it was short but as Snips pulled away, Twilight felt a hoof pull her chin slightly before Snails also kissed her. Her body shivered and she was disgusted that they actually listened. Once Snails moved away Twilight spit out both of their build up and drew in a breath to scream, but the rope was put back across her mouth. “Ahhh, what a sight.” Trixie said to herself. Her erection was fully ready for a second go now. As much as she wanted to ruin Twilight’s body more, though, she wanted to make sure both stallions pumped her body full of semen first. Trixie might have not wanted to get Twilight pregnant with her own dick, but she had no qualms about letting two low-class simpletons knock up one of the most gifted unicorns in centuries.   “Mhm, I’m getting close!” Snips grunted out. His body was starting to become more slippery and sweaty thanks to most likely the only exercise he had actually got in his life. “S-same here bud,” said Snails, letting Twilight know the end was approaching. While she was content with the pain ending the voice of Trixie spoke up again, making her realize the torment wouldn’t end without more suffering. “Make sure you both leave it in her. It’s only fair to give as much as you receive.” Both stallions grunted and switched from their jerky thrust to more spastic back and forth actions. “NO. Please don’t!” Twilight’s mind raced. She couldn’t bear the thought of having a child at her age. She wasn’t ready and really didn’t want to father the two dumbest ponies in the town: though was at her best for mating, agewise, she was still an Element of Harmony and student to princess Celestia. Looking to the town for support she suddenly noticed the nearby plushie and chocolate bar on the ground, and the ponies staring at them with fear. The plushie was easily noticeable thanks to its mint color, although it took Twilight a second to realize who the bar was well. It gave her a bit of relief that ponies wanted to help, but not that relief was negated by the fact that none of them were willing to risk having Trixie turn them into an item. Snails grunted into her mane, giving her ass a hard and painful thrust. Her attention quickly went back to the ponies she was sandwiched between. “Don’t, please don’t,” she prayed to herself. Burying his head into her shoulder Snails’ low grunts slowly turned into a whinny. Pushing as hard and fast as he could, nothing was going to stop him from achieving an orgasm but he slowed down as he heard his friends voice crack slightly. Before Twilight could focus her mind on Snips, she felt it. Warm seed, Snips’ seed, poured into her womb. It caught Twilight by surprise; she was expecting more signs from him. While Snails had louder grunts, Snips was quieter, but apparently just fast. The only conclusion she could come up with was because of his smaller size that he finished first.  Wanting to be free of the slimy feeling of being cummed inside of, Twilight screamed in her mind as she tried to force her body off of him. “Good,” Trixie said quietly as she wrapped her magic around Snips and pulled him away from them. As he moved, Twilight’s coat rubbed against his greasy frame before she fell down to the ground. The sad part was her previous pool of piss was still lingering about. While most of it got onto Snips’ back, there was still enough for Twilight to fall in to make a small splash. “Why me?”  That was the question that haunted her. Why? Why did Trixie do this to her? Sure, she had sent Trixie packing, but to take revenge on a level so was unnatural, it puzzled her. Even the last time Trixie was in Ponyville she was nowhere near as mad as she was now. Looking at the unicorn with misty eyes she idly noticed the amulet around her neck. Suddenly her thoughts were cut off as Snails pulled out before he gave her hard erection a punch. As she whimpered from the blow, he quickly put his erection back in, that time going for the hole Snips just used. Her body tensed up and she could feel the full length inside of her for a brief second, before his thrusts became jerky once again. Twilight could feel the tightness of his balls as they slapped against her backside and knew he was very close to finishing as well. She didn’t want a second stallion to cum inside of her and started to beg him to stop. “Pull out right now! Please don’t do this!” She begged through her rope, letting only jumbled words to come out. He didn’t listen, and Twilight desperately tried to shift her body to make him fall out. Sadly, it was fruitless and Twilight knew no matter how much she tried it was staying in. Snails kept moving, barely realizing she was actually struggling. He kept on, eyes shut and teeth bared as the big finish started to loom ever closer. Twilight didn’t want it to happen. She started to cry again. Still struggling out of desperation, she placed her head against the dirt, smearing piss all over her cheek, and tried once again to pull away. For a second it actually worked but Snails shifted his body, pressing his hooves on her shoulders before he started to moan and groan with pleasure. “Please don’t,” she begged before Snail groaned loudly and stopped. As she felt the first strand invade her ravaged womb, Twilight closed her eyes and did her best to try and ignore it. Sadly she couldn’t thanks to her own inner walls clenching around his shaft, keeping him close. Though it was the second time, she never realized it was so hot inside of her. She wanted to scream, cry, complain, even curse at him and Snips for leaving it in. The only thing she could do was moan painfully as each strand was accompanied by his hips jerking forward, making sure every last drop was put in her. “Good, Now it’s my turn,” Trixie said softly to herself as she flared up her horn and pushed Snails away, sliding his still hard erection out of Twilight’s sore backside with a loud *pop*. Twilight winced, but said nothing, the feeling of many little slimy would-be-ponies swim around in her hole, making her body tingle unpleasantly. She didn’t want to move from her spot and just turned her face into the dirt, ashamed to even live anymore. Her mind momentarily filled with an absurd idea that maybe if she stayed still the cum would just idly drip out of her instead.The feeling was short lived as Trixie grabbed her mane and yanked her head up and stared at her empty expression. “We are not done yet, Sparkle!” Trixie said as she let go of Twilight’s mane and pressed her erection into the other unicorn’s face. Wanting to ignore it, Twilight moved her face away and tried to rest her head on the ground again. Unfortunately for her Trixie adjusted the rope, making Twilight hang in the air and forcing her face to be level with the powder-blue member. Not even trying to look away from it would help Twilight. The cold earth that was touching her body, the only distraction she’d had before, was gone, and replaced with the chilly bite of the afternoon air. Looking up slightly, she noticed some rain clouds in position for an afternoon shower that was supposed to take place very soon. How fitting that it would rain on the day she was humiliated beyond repair. “Open up!” Trixie commanded, placing her hooves on Twilight’s head and pushing her erection into Twilight’s lips. Jabbing at them slightly, Twilight pinched her lips harder together for a brief until she knew it was pointless. Not having much choice, Twilight listened. Bringing her mouth close to its tip, she closed her eyes and cried softly. The last thing she noticed before she closed her eyes was that Trixie had shortened its length, most likely to allow Twilight to take the thing inside her throat with ease. Trixie said nothing as she moved her hoof to her mane and brushed it against the area where her horn used to be. Feeling her brush against the spot, Twilight was given a friendly reminder of what was gone. “You must miss your horn, Sparkle. Be a good girl and I may return it at some point!” Trixie seethed, her words nothing but lies. Twilight didn’t care for her empty words. Nothing would make her feel the same after what already happened to her. She would feel lucky if she could be let go and forced to wallow in her bed for the rest of her life. It didn’t take Trixie long to eventually force the whole length into Twilight’s throat, making it bulge slightly. Even with its smaller size, it felt very uncomfortable and much harder to try and breath.  Feeling her erect member pressing against the back of her throat, Twilight did everything she could to not gag and vomit on her erection. Certainly it would end the torture for a moment, but she also had a sinking feeling that Trixie would make her suck it off even if she threw up on it. “Hmm, how does it feel, Sparkle?” Trixie asked her, starting to rock her hips. Twilight said nothing, instead letting her eyes flutter open and close as she stared at Trixie’s gut. While she was irked that Twilight wasn’t even trying to communicate, Trixie was happy to know her rival was practically dead on the inside. Twilight just continued to look on as Trixie thrusted her hips for minutes on end. Her throat was slowly getting used to the cock, but it was starting to get dry, making her crave some kind of water to drink. As much as Trixie wanted to make Twilight swallow her load, she realized a money shot would be much more fitting to end everything. “It doesn’t end here, Sparkle. I promised you would wish you were never born and I meant it,” Trixie told her as she pulled up and stroked her hoof against her erection. “Maybe I’ll take you on a tour across the country, letting stallions use you as a simple breeding mare for the rest of your life!” Twilight just looked up at Trixie, seeing her crazy smile stare back at her. She was already wishing she was dead and feared for what was to come. The cumshot came quickly, and with a few grunts Trixie sprayed Twilight’s face. Considering that she was already spent from filling Twilight’s ass, she only managed about two strands to put on the other mare’s face. Once the cum started to dribble out of her dick instead of shooting out, Trixie forced the tip into Twilight’s mouth. Out of sexual instinct Twilight’s tongue swirled around it for a second, letting a bit of the salty mixture drool down the back of her throat. “Now Sparkle, why don’t you tell me how much you enjoyed this,” Trixie said to her, fapping her still hard erection until all the jizz found it’s way out. “I...” Twilight start to say but stopped herself briefly. She wanted to say nothing to her but the abuse she took would end faster if she played to Trixie’s ego. With almost no life in her voice, she started to speak up. “I... Enjoyed every second of it, Trixie.” She said to her in a dead tone, staring into space, letting only the motion of Trixie’s hoof be seen at the corner of her eyes. “I’m nothing but a whore who was thankful you put me in my place. I was foolish to think I ever had more talent than you ever did. If... If you ever wish to put me in my place again than just... rape me.” Once it was over, Trixie undid both futa spells and held Twilight’s head up by her mane. “Heheh, how pathetic,” She snapped as she pushed Twilight’s face into the dirt. “Now, for the rest of you,” Trixie started to say as she went back on all four hooves and turned for the large crowd. “Why don’t you give this mare a hoof for her showmareship?” she added as she pointed to the cum stained pony in the mud. The crowd did nothing, feeling sorry for what Twilight had to endure. They were ready to tell Trixie off but the sight of her horn turning red made them think otherwise. Slowly stamping their hooves against the ground, the air erupted into the clopping too close to the stamping of ponies. The ground shook a bit but Twilight did nothing to acknowledge it. “Good. And to finish a quick message for the stallions in town,” Trixie said as she turned to Applejack’s fence post and and conjured up a sign and placed it over the pole. For a few seconds Trixie conjured up a quill and wrote on the board. All stallions of Ponyville are to report to the center of town tomorrow at noon for the new daily ritual of rutting the town whore. Any neighsayers will be punished severely with the threat of castration and banishment from town! A few stallions spoke among themselves, some worried while a few were actually excited at the chance to rut Twilight. Turning back to her, Trixie smiled as the town started to leave the area and head back home, mentally scarred from what they saw. “Don’t worry, Sparkle. While I rest up, I’ll provide you with company.” Picking the limp pony up, Trixie took the rope from around her mouth and extended it, then split it into two and tied Twilight’s legs so they were spread out and tied to the light above. Next Trixie made a small wheel appear between Twilight’s legs that was adorned with rubber arrows that would brush against Twilight’s sore pussy when it spun. A quick addition of a gerbil running on the wheel and Twilight felt the rubber bits slap against her very much abused cunt. “Have fun, Sparkle. I’ll be back later!” Trixie finished off as she turned around, letting her silver tail brush against the mares face. Giving Twilight a perfect glance at her vagina, Trixie sashayed her hips and made her way to Twilight’s library. Once she was gone Twilight found herself alone with her memories of abuse and pain. They only things that gave her comfort were her friends, resting nearby, unable to move any more than she could. A sudden crack of lightning heralded the start of a downpour, and Twilight knew all hope was lost.