> Voracious Dash > by Hipster Cloudchaser > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Day Six - AppleDash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack’s motions grew progressively bolder. Her hooves trailed a path down Rainbow’s sides to rest on her flanks. Rainbow responded in kind, grasping at Applejack’s toned plot and rubbing it vigorously. Applejack broke their kiss to moan. “Ah know ya’ve been pent up a while now. Probably longer ‘n me.” Applejack licked Rainbow’s lips. “So Ah’d like ya ta get the first go of it. Ah’m just as clueless as you, so just… tell me what ya like, alright?” Rainbow nodded, blushing as Applejack pulled away. She was spread out on her back, limbs of no help. Her tail still covered her nethers modestly, though it had become noticeably matted. Slowly, she moved it aside to lay herself bare to her marefriend. Applejack eyed Rainbow’s marehood hungrily, and went with her first instincts. She lowered her head to Rainbow’s stomach, placing a trail of kisses down to her aching flower. Rainbow opened her mouth to protest the slowness with which Applejack was proceeding, but it died with a gasp as Applejack gave a surreptitious lick along the folds of her labia. She moaned as Applejack gained confidence, licking with more purpose and vigor. One particularly strong lick parted Rainbow’s folds and kissed the hyper-sensitive flesh within. “Applejack!” Rainbow gasped, moving her hooves to Applejack’s shoulders. Applejack changed tact with a smirk, licking deeper and deeper into Rainbow’s marehood. Rainbow cried out as Applejack’s nose brushed against her clit, devolving further into incomprehensible moans of passion. Her hooves fell from Applejack’s shoulders as she lost the strength to hold them up, completely lost to Applejack’s efforts. Applejack shuddered as she felt herself wink, desperately needing Rainbow’s own attentions. She soldiered on, determined to give Rainbow her well-deserved satisfaction. But after a few more licks, it was getting hard to ignore. Applejack gave one final lick, dragging it all across Rainbow’s outer lips and unintentionally along the length of her clit. Rainbow cried out as that last touch sent her over the edge, spraying Applejack’s muzzle with her liquid joy. Rainbow panted, teetering on the edge of consciousness. “Applejack,” she managed, determined not to give in to the welcoming arms of sleep. She shook off her fatigue and tackled Applejack over, nipping softly on her ear. Applejack groaned in desire, pushing Rainbow off of her and spreading her legs. The sight of Applejack’s dripping marehood was instruction enough as she set about pleasing her mare before Applejack could get out more than a syllable. “Rainbow!” Applejack cried as Rainbow licked her clit. She gave it a kiss before moving on to her true prize. She gave Applejack’s lips a couple of testing licks before spreading her open with a hoof. Applejack threw her head back as Rainbow dove right in, giving no warning. She felt her head spin as her peak steadily built up. Once Rainbow no longer needed her hoof to assist her in spreading Applejack’s folds, she let it wander elsewhere. In an unexpected move, she let it brush against Applejack’s dock before dragging it across her plot hole. Applejack gasped, shifting her hips upward. Satisfied with the reaction she had gotten, she left that hoof to play with Applejack’s plot, while she reached the other up to rub against Applejack’s lower belly. With each lick, Rainbow made sure to bump her nose against Applejack’s clit. Applejack’s climax built at a feverish pace, unable to do more than grasp at air for something to bring her back to reality. That fight was quickly lost as she lost all control, her limbs seizing up as her nethers exploded in a surge of pleasure. Rainbow withdrew her tongue as she felt Applejack’s walls clench, holding it out to catch Applejack’s juices. The taste reminded her of hard cider, prompting her to lick against Applejack’s marehood for more. She was rewarded with another small spurt before Applejack’s muscles relaxed more than any massage could ever hope to achieve. “Rainbow, Ah…” Applejack panted, trying to wrap her hooves around Rainbow as she lay beside her. “That was…” “Awesome?” Rainbow suggested. “You were, too.” Applejack giggled weakly. “What happened ta keepin’ it vanilla, though?” “Hey, I was curious. And you seemed to like it so I figured, why stop?” Rainbow shrugged. “I guess that means that might be a possible avenue of exploration?” “One o’ the ones Ah’m sure we’re both curious about,” Applejack agreed. “It can be really awesome if you do it right,” Rainbow relayed. “I’ve tried out a few things myself. The theme seems to be that you need a lot of lube.” “Ah’m sure we’ll find somethin’,” Applejack said, finally managing to bring a forehoof around Rainbow’s shoulders. “Fer now, though, Ah kinda wanna-“ Applejack was interrupted by a snore from Rainbow. She laughed, shaking her head as she snuggled up to her marefriend and let sleep take over. > Day Six - RariMac > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity joined Mac on the bed, looming over him for a kiss on the nose before she worked her head down his neck, across his chest and down to his belly. But her real prize was lower still. After a pause, he found Rarity looking up at him questioningly. It took him a few moments to register that she was asking for permission. “Ah’m all yours, Rare,” Big Mac said, nodding. Rarity grinned. “Excellent.” Snaking her head down further, she gave Mac’s stiffening stallionhood a kiss. Mac shuddered in response as Rarity set about coaxing it further with a few licks to the sensitive head. “Oh Celestia, Rare,” Mac moaned, unable to stop the seminal fluid that dribbled out of the tip. Rarity licked it up appreciatively before moving further down his rapidly-hardening member. She stopped halfway down to play with his median ring, taking it between her lips and applying all sorts of different pressures to it. Once Rarity felt it could stand on its own, she took a step back to size up what she had to work with in the future. “My, aren’t you quite well-endowed, Mac. Perhaps that Big really does have more than one meaning.” She spared a glance between her own legs before returning her attention to Mac’s. If her eyes were to be trusted, Mac had a good three inches on her in length, and about half an inch in thickness. Just thinking about all she could do with such a fine specimen had her heart pumping. “But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, shall we?” Rarity said, continuing to lavish kisses and licks to Mac’s massive member. Unsurprisingly, Rarity detected the faint taste of apples on Mac’s flesh, as well as a hint of the scent in the musk it emanated. I suppose it really is true that you are what you eat, Rarity mused, licking Mac’s stallionhood all the way from the base to the tip. She noticed that the head was starting to expand slightly, meaning that her playtime was coming to an end. On one last whim, Rarity sized up the thickness Mac’s head had achieved. It was a little intimidating, but she felt she could do it. She wrapped her lips around it like an open-mouth kiss, flicking her tongue against the tip as she did so. But before she could get more than the head in her mouth, it flared out, making her wince in pain as a hot, sticky liquid flooded her mouth. She tried to swallow as much as she could, but with Mac’s flare holding her mouth wider than her jaw was comfortable with, most of it dribbled out onto Mac’s thigh. Rarity gasped once Mac’s member softened enough to fall from her mouth. She rubbed her jaw, wincing. “That will definitely take some getting used to,” she mused. “Ah didn’t hurt ya, did Ah?” Mac panted. Rarity shook her head. “I’ll be fine. But it does make me wonder just how much lube we’ll need. I’ll have to ask Lotus for some tips.” “So she is all sexy!” Big Mac gasped. “Ah knew Ah saw it in ‘er eyes, Ah…” Rarity giggled as Mac’s head fell back to the pillow, unable to be supported. “Just relax, Mac. Sex talk is just something mares do. It’s nothing out of the ordinary. And speaking of Lotus, I’m afraid I may have ruined a bit of her work.” Rarity lowered her head to Mac’s thigh and set about licking it clean. Mac moaned lightly at the touch, straining to sit up. “Ah feel like Ah’ve gotta…” “Return the favor?” Rarity suggested. “Don’t worry about it. Like I said, you’ve done more than enough for tonight. But if you’re really so eager, I’m sure I could make some time tomorrow.” “But ya didn’t… ya know,” Mac blushed. Rarity smiled. “I’m more than happy to work for free for my coltfriend. It is a mare’s duty to please her stallion, is it not?” “Ah love you so much,” Mac mumbled before his eyes flitted closed and sleep overtook him. Rarity giggled, finishing up her work. This was certainly a taste she could get used to. Retracting her head to inspect her work, she found the fur still matted, but more by saliva now than anything else. She decided it was the best she could do for now. Besides, she could always tempt Mac into another trip to the spa tomorrow. With another giggle, Rarity curled up with her sleeping coltfriend under the covers, giving him a kiss on the cheek before drifting off to sleep. > Day Seven - AppleDash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the kind of fun Rainbow had in mind today, there was some preliminary cleaning to be done. And seeing as how they were going to be taking a shower anyway, what better way to enjoy the wash? Applejack made sure to add a sway to her hips as she led Rainbow into the shower, grinning as she heard the telling sound of Rainbow’s wings unfolding. Partly out of a desire to tease her, Applejack started off innocently enough washing Rainbow’s face and neck area. While Applejack was busying herself washing behind Rainbow’s ears, Rainbow took the opportunity to lick Applejack on the nose. Applejack stifled a sneeze, taking the soap to her nose absently. Rainbow frowned. “Well, if you’re gonna be like that, I’ll make it so you get my tongue on you anyway!” Rainbow snatched the soap from Applejack’s confused hooves and stuck out her tongue to give the soap a long lick. Or what would have been a long lick had she not made a gagging noise and dropped the soap the second her tongue touched it. “Okay, maybe not the best idea.” Applejack laughed, reaching down to grab the dropped soap. Sensing another opportunity, Rainbow stepped to the side and hooked a wing around Applejack’s plot and gave it a squeeze. Applejack jumped slightly at the touch, accidentally head-butting Rainbow’s other wing in the process. “Ow, Applejack,” Rainbow complained, retracting her wing and realigning the ruffled feathers. “Serves ya right fer pullin’ somethin’ like that,” Applejack sneered jokingly. “Hey, I can’t help it! Your plot is just way too damn sexy!” Rainbow defended. Applejack smirked. “Well Ah reckon yer gonna get well acquainted with it soon.” “Just as planned,” Rainbow said, rubbing her hooves together dramatically before a touch from behind made her jump. “H-hey!” “Now we’re even,” Applejack chirped in response. “No we’re not! I just touched your flank, I didn’t go straight for the hole!” Rainbow shot back. “Nope, Ah reckon ya did that yesterday,” Applejack answered smoothly. Rainbow frowned. “Okay, good point.” “Don’t worry, Ah’m sure we’ll lose track of the score ‘fore too long,” Applejack said, setting about cleaning Rainbow’s plot thoroughly. Rainbow bit back a gasp each time Applejack’s hoof brushed one of her sensitive bits, which was quite often considering they were her main focus. “I’m gonna get you back so hard for this.” “Lookin’ forward to it.” Applejack signaled the end of her cleaning by giving Rainbow’s plot hole a little lick. “Tastes like apples,” she jested. “Oh it’s on now,” Rainbow said, soaping up the tips of her wings. Applejack squeaked as Rainbow used her dexterous feathers to tease at Applejack’s rear with short, quick strokes. Soaped as they were, her wings also proved to be quite effective cleaning tools. They also were slicked quite well, as Rainbow found out in the best possible way. “Rainbow!” Applejack gasped, surprised, as one of Rainbow’s primaries darted inside her briefly. “Ya dirty little filly.” “Says the mare who used her tongue,” Rainbow shot back, sticking her tongue out. Applejack licked Rainbow’s extended tongue. “Hey, no fair!” Rainbow protested. “You’re the one who stuck her tongue out,” Applejack pointed out. “Now are we gonna wash up some more er get right to it?” Rainbow shrugged. “I don’t know, I’m pretty excited. And we’re gonna just get all sweaty and stuff anyways, so…” Applejack smirked, turning off the water. “Ya know, the only other pony in the house is Granny, and she’s pretty hard ta wake up from her nap.” “So you’re saying we can be as loud as we want?” Rainbow asked hopefully. Applejack nodded, giggling. “Awesome.” Applejack led Rainbow back to her room, tail lifted provocatively. Rainbow nipped at the hair tie and pulled it loose, noting the way Applejack’s tail cascaded down her backside. She also noted how it took away her nice view. Applejack noticed Rainbow’s shenanigans as she tried to move her free-flowing tail out of the way. Applejack chuckled as Rainbow struggled with her unruly tail. “Now maybe ya understand how hard it is ta get like that. Or maybe ya will when ya help me when we’re done.” Rainbow frowned. “Killjoy.” “Ah don’t see yer wings sharin’ the sentiment,” Applejack teased, hopping up onto her bed. Rainbow shut the door behind them with her tail as Applejack freed her mane from its tie. “Sexy.” “Only fer you,” Applejack returned, tossing the hair-tie onto her nightstand. Rainbow joined Applejack on the bed as something struck her. “You know, we’ve gotten this far and we haven’t even thought of how we’re gonna do this.” “What do ya mean?” “I mean, unless you’ve been hiding a dildo from me or something…” Applejack blushed. “N-no, Ah don’t think so. Mac might have one, but…” “But he’d probably yell at us for using it,” Rainbow finished. “Oh, I know! We were talking about this earlier!” Applejack blinked as Rainbow stuck her head into her closet and started to rummage around. When she poked her head back out triumphantly with Applejack’s new drumsticks in her mouth, Applejack face-hoofed. “Rainbow, Ah’m not sure that’s a good idea. Ah mean, they’re wood. We could get splinters.” “Not from this kinda stuff,” Rainbow said, depositing the sticks on the bed. “They make ‘em real smooth.” Applejack eyed the things warily. “You sure?” In answer, Rainbow hopped onto the bed, picked up one of the sticks, gave it a quick lick, and promptly slid the tip inside her rump with a little moan of pleasure. Applejack blushed at the spectacle, watching as Rainbow pushed it deeper, stopping only to leave enough room to grasp it and pull it out. Rainbow looked up to Applejack expectantly. “That ain’t fair, you got way more practice than Ah do,” Applejack complained. Rainbow shrugged with her wings. “Not really. I mean, without the proper toys, all I really had to work with were my wings.” “Better than what Ah could do with just mah hooves,” Applejack insisted. “What, you scared you won’t be able to get it as deep as me?” Rainbow teased. Applejack shook her head defiantly, copying Rainbow’s motions of licking the thing before easing it into her anal passage. She bit her lip as it slid inside, unused to the sensation. When she found she could go no further, she compared her progress with Rainbow’s to find them almost exactly equal. “Heh, how do ya like them apples?” Rainbow raised her brows appreciatively. “Very much.” She leaned down to lick at Applejack's stretched rim. “Hey, no cheatin’!” Applejack said, prying Rainbow’s face from her crotch. “Oh, so it’s a race you want?” Rainbow purred. Applejack chuckled. “We ain’t even started yet, sugarcube. Ya said we needed a bit o’ work on our foreplay, and ya’ve been teasin’ me nonstop with them wings o’ yers.” Rainbow flared her wings dramatically. “Oh, so you think you can tame these babies?” “Is that a challenge?” Applejack grinned. “Always,” Rainbow returned. Applejack made to pounce on Rainbow, who dodged into the air. “Ha, gonna have to try harder than that, AJ!” “Oh, Ah’m plenty prepared ta do just that, Rainbow.” Applejack ducked her head under her bed, resurfacing with her lasso in her mouth. Before Rainbow could protest, Applejack had her reeled in by the torso. “Hey, that’s not fair! I never said ropes were allowed!” Rainbow said, squirming under Applejack. “Ya never said they weren’t,” Applejack laughed. “Maybe ya should start expectin’ that. This lasso’s turnin’ out ta be yer nemesis.” Rainbow managed to squirm her way free of Applejack’s grip, adopting a fighting stance at the foot of Applejack’s bed. “Then let’s have a showdown, you and me. Right here, right now.” “Would this be a bad time ta make a joke about havin’ a stick up yer flank?” Applejack asked. Rainbow snorted in amusement, trying to fight back giggles. “Okay, I admit that was a good one.” “Ah do aim ta please,” Applejack quipped, brandishing her lasso. Rainbow grinned, “Time to finish this.” Applejack tossed her rope out to try to bind Rainbow, but she dodged to the right. Seizing the opportunity, Applejack advanced on Rainbow, attempting to tackle her. Rainbow lashed out a wing to parry Applejack’s advance. Applejack caught the wing in her teeth, grinning. Rainbow gasped, trying her hardest not to give in as Applejack played with the tip of the feather in her mouth. “Okay, maybe that wasn’t the smartest idea,” Rainbow groaned. Applejack chuckled. “Give up yet?” “Never!” Rainbow declared in defiance, using her free feathers to tickle Applejack’s nose, pulling her wing free at the slackening of Applejack’s grip. “Yer a tricky one, Dash,” Applejack observed, Rainbow grinned. “It’s gonna take way more than that to beat me.” Rainbow gasped as she suddenly found herself bound by Applejack’s lasso. “Ya mean like this?” “How did you…?” “Ah didn’t have ta do much. Ya sat right down on top o’ it,” Applejack said. Rainbow frowned. “I did?” “Might be a good idea ta watch yer step around me, Dashie,” Applejack cooed, advancing upon Rainbow’s bound form and licking the length of one of her primaries. Rainbow moaned in appreciation. “You know, if you treat your prisoners this nice, I might just have to get caught more often.” “Ah did get trained in the art o’ wing massages, remember,” Applejack said, placing a kiss on one of Rainbow’s wingtips. “Ah know all the spots on yer wings.” As Applejack played with Rainbow’s wings, she curled her tail around to grasp the drumstick still invading Rainbow’s ass. Rainbow gasped at the touch, moaning as Applejack began to thrust it in and out. As fun as Rainbow’s wings were, Applejack found herself craving something else. With a parting kiss to Rainbow’s wings, she moved her head down lower, trailing kisses down her belly to Rainbow’s dripping marehood. She kissed Rainbow’s clit in greeting before parting her folds with her muzzle and lapping at the sensitive flesh inside. Rainbow moaned in delight. Between her soft tongue and the makeshift dildo, she felt her peak building rapidly. “Don’t stop,” she gasped. Applejack responded by nosing Rainbow’s clit and increasing the speed of her tail-thrusts. Before long, Rainbow cried out as her walls clenched, locking the drumstick in place while her marehood shot leaked its nectar into Applejack’s waiting mouth. Applejack licked up the treat appreciatively before moving her attention south. She licked against Rainbow’s clenched rim, loosening it enough to slip the drumstick out and close shortly after. “Wow, Applejack,” Rainbow panted. “When did you get so good at that?” “Yesterday,” Applejack replied, giving Rainbow a kiss on the lips. Rainbow moaned into the kiss before weakly pushing Applejack to the bed, wriggling her way out of the rope that bound her. “It’s my turn, now.” “Don’t keep me waiting,” Applejack giggled, spreading her legs apart. Rainbow’s first target was the obvious one, the drumstick in Applejack’s butt. Her first action, however, earned a whine from Applejack as it was slid out of her. Before she could protest, Rainbow spoke. “I’m not gonna need this one anymore,” Rainbow said, holding up the other drumstick. “So how’s about we put it to good use, hm?” Applejack gasped as she felt Rainbow’s tongue teasing her star. It slowly loosened enough to accept Rainbow’s tongue inside. She set about licking every inch of it she could reach before retracting her tongue, a strand of saliva briefly connecting it to Applejack’s prepped anus. In answer to Applejack’s unformed question, Rainbow slipped both drumsticks into Applejack, who gasped at the new thickness. Rainbow noted that the drumsticks settled into a north-south orientation within Applejack’s unattended plot. She gripped one in each wing and experimentally tried to turn them to an east-west formation. “Rainbow!” Applejack gasped, nearly at the threshold of pain. Rainbow noted Applejack’s tone and re-oriented them to their previous alignment. This inevitably led to an idea. Rainbow took the two drumsticks and began to spin them around, stretching Applejack’s walls every which way. Applejack moaned in response, to Rainbow’s delight. But Rainbow soon grew bored of this repetitive motion, and on another whim pulled one of the drumsticks free of Applejack’s ass and moved it northwards to Applejack’s marehood. With a little push, Applejack was penetrated two-fold, a fact punctuated with Applejack’s loudest moan yet. Rainbow wasn’t done yet, however. Tilting the two drumsticks together like chopsticks, Rainbow began to assault Applejack’s g-spot with a pincer move. Applejack cried out as the action quickly brought her to an electrifying release, which Rainbow was all too eager to lap up. With a little tug, she pulled the drumsticks free and set them on the bed beside a panting Applejack. “R-rainbow, what…?” Rainbow giggled as she lay beside Applejack. “Come on, don’t tell me you’ve never heard of your g-spot.” “Mah what?” Rainbow rolled her eyes humoredly. “It’s this little spot between your vag and your ass that feels really good when you touch it. It takes a bit to find it, but when you do… well, you tell me.” “A little fast, but… amazin’,” Applejack relayed. “You’ll have to show me sometime,” Rainbow said, nuzzling into Applejack’s heaving chest. “Hopefully when we get some proper toys.” Rainbow lifted the drumsticks to inspect the sticky mess they were now coated in. “We’re probably gonna have to wash these before you use them.” “Ya think?” Applejack laughed. Rainbow shrugged, dropping her head back down to Applejack’s chest. “So, quick shower before dinner?” Applejack nodded. “Just gimme a second ta catch mah breath first.” Rainbow giggled, shifting into a comfortable position to wait. > Day Eight - RariMac > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mac chased Rarity through Ponyville with quite a tantalizing view to goad him on. Rarity had forgone the usual concealment spell, letting her stiffening stallionhood flap behind her in plain sight of her pursuant. Were Carousel Boutique not more than two blocks from her parents’ house, of course, it would be an entirely different matter. Rarity reached her home before any curious eyes could oust her secret and rushed up to her bathroom. When Mac arrived shortly afterwards, he was befuddled to find Rarity’s bedroom conspicuously empty. He frowned, suspicious of some sort of surprise attack. He looked all around the room, but could find no sign of her pearlescent coat or perfectly coiffed purple mane. Left alone to fantasize, Mac took a seat on Rarity’s bed to wait. He promptly fell off of said bed when he saw Rarity standing in the doorway. “Don’t do that,” Mac panted, trying to calm his hammering chest. “Why not? It’s far more exciting this way,” Rarity giggled. She advanced upon the prone stallion with a swing in her step, pulling him back up onto the bed to lay over her and giving his lips a lick. Mac eagerly picked up where they had left off, blushing when he felt Rarity’s member rub against his stomach. His own soon joined hers in erect excitement. Mac moaned as their lengths were pressed up against each other, dancing in time with their tongues. Big Mac gave a little thrust, but a shove from Rarity revealed she had other things in mind. Blushing heavily, Rarity turned to face her pillows and collapsed her front half atop them, shifting her tail out of the way to lay herself bare for her lover. “You know, just because Rainbow and Applejack beat us doesn’t mean we can’t outdo them.” Mac developed a blush of his own. “Are ya sure about this, Rare? It all seems kinda sudden.” Rarity lilted. “Believe me, Mac; I’ve wanted this for a long time. Now get up here and get me lubed up.” “With what?” Mac asked obliviously. “With your tongue, silly,” Rarity laughed. Big Mac’s eyes widened. “Ah’m uh, not sure that’s-“ “Don’t be shy; I just cleaned.” Mac gulped. “Well, alright…” He got back onto the bed and surreptitiously touched his tongue to Rarity’s plot hole. Rarity whimpered at the touch, wordlessly egging him on. Upon finding the taste quite enticing, Mac eagerly began to lap at her star. Rarity gasped as Mac’s tongue breached her rim, unable to contain a spurt of pre onto her bed sheets. Plunging his tongue as far as it would go, Mac began to idly stroke himself with a hoof. “Alright, I think that should be enou-“ Rarity’s sentence was cut off by a long moan after Mac’s tongue brushed against her prostate. Mac retracted his tongue worriedly. “Somethin’ wrong, Rare?” “Not at all,” Rarity cooed, righting herself. “Now give me that hunk of stallion.” Before Mac could ask what Rarity was doing, the head of his member was engulfed by Rarity’s mouth. Groaning in appreciation, Mac’s hooves tried to force another inch into her maw, but Rarity pulled back, satisfied with her lubrication. She gave the tip a parting lick, giggling as she was rewarded with a spurt of pre. “Now,” Rarity repositioned herself in her earlier pose, “we can get started. By your lead, Mac.” “O-okay,” Mac stuttered. “Yer sure about this?” “Of course I am,” Rarity giggled, waving her rump in the air. “Now give it to me before I have to take it myself!” With no more room for pussyhoofing, Mac placed his hooves on Rarity’s flanks and heaved himself up, guiding his tip to Rarity’s star. Rarity cooed in anticipation, trying to thrust back onto his shaft. “Alright, ya asked fer it.” Rarity cried out as Mac’s head popped inside her, filling her as she had never been before. She grinded her hips against him, working another inch or two inside her ass. But before she could sink him deeper than his medial ring, Mac began to pull out. Her protest died in her throat as Mac thrust himself back in past his ring. “Oh my gosh, Mac. Don’t stop,” Rarity moaned, letting herself go limp against his efforts. Mac was all too eager to pick up her slack, giving another thrust into her depths. “Yer tighter ‘n Ah was expectin’.” “You’re bigger than I was,” Rarity returned. “You sure know how to take a girl’s virginity.” “It’s quite an honor,” Mac chuckled, penetrating deeper with each thrust until her could feel his thighs smack against Rarity’s. Rarity giggled as she felt a bit of pre leak into her plot, delighting as each thrust had Mac’s medial ring rub perfectly against her prostate. She clenched and relaxed her walls in time with each in an attempt to maximize their pleasure. The only problem was she couldn’t decide whether the thrust in or the pull out was better. “Not sure how much longer Ah can hold out like this,” Mac warned, panting. “I’ll race you,” Rarity teased between gasps. Not one to turn down a challenge, Mac sped up his thrusts, pumping his hips as fast as Rarity’s rump would allow. Rarity reached a hoof between her legs to flick against her bulging flare. As Mac gave a final, ball-slapping thrust, Rarity’s walls clenched as both reached their peaks simultaneously. Rarity moaned as Mac’s seed began to pump into her while her own made a mess of her sheets. Her legs gave out, causing Mac to fall on top of her. Rarity sighed in contentment as their climaxes subsided. “That was amazing, Mac. Only makes me want to ravage you even more.” Mac chuckled. “Ah’m not complainin’.” “It was… quite tiring, though,” Rarity admitted, vision starting to swim. “Don’t reckon we can sleep like this,” Mac pointed out. Rarity was already asleep. Mac laughed, shaking his head. He pulled his shrinking stallionhood out of Rarity’s back passage, noting how it remained stretched from the pounding it received. Rarity shivered in her sleep as it was exposed to the open air. Guiltily, Mac licked at Rarity’s rim until it closed back up, smiling as he heard Rarity moan in her sleep. Task complete, Mac yawned as he felt a strange fatigue wash over him. Shedding the cum-stained sheets and depositing them in the hamper, Mac wrapped them both in the remaining blankets and snuggled up close to his mare, humming as he felt Rarity’s legs entwine around his. Giving her a kiss on the forehead, Mac fell into the welcoming embrace of sleep. > Day Eight - AppleDash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “We’ve got a hundred bits to work with, and most of this stuff costs around five! We could stock up on all we’ll ever need! Ooh, check this out, AJ!” Applejack blushed as Rainbow held up a set of anal beads stylized to look just like apples. “Says here you can inflate them to the size of real apples, too.” That explained the button. “That sounds like it could be fun,” Applejack admitted. “They’re even rubbery like real apples!” Rainbow gushed, completely sold on the toy. “We have to get these. They’re only five bits, too!” Applejack nodded slowly, preparing for the next item Rainbow took exception to. “What’s this? A magical feeldoe?” “A magical what now?” “It’s like a strap-on, but without the straps,” Rainbow explained. “This little bulb on the end here keeps it locked in your vag. And it says it’s enchanted with a special kind of come-to-life spell. It conforms to your proportions and even your colors – I guess that’s why it’s all white – and it even makes its own jizz. Wow, fancy. But the kicker is that,” Rainbow gasped, “it lets you feel everything! So it’d be like having a real dick!” Applejack blinked. “That sounds pretty neat. How much?” “Ten bits!” Rainbow answered giddily. “Oh, mare we’re gonna have so much fun with this stuff.” Applejack couldn’t help but agree. These toys certainly sounded like a whole lot of fun. But something on one of the shelves caught her eye. It seemed to be a bottle of rainbow-colored liquid. Upon inspection, it was revealed to be some sort of aphrodisiac extracted from liquid rainbow. Also on the shelf were a number of other liquid nuances. One that allowed the breasts to lactate when not nursing caught her eye. When not lactating, a mare’s breasts were flat; only during the nursing period were they substantial. Unable to contain her curiosity, and seeing as how it was only a bit, Applejack grabbed a bottle of it and continued to browse, sure to grab a few bottles of lube as well. Rainbow returned to her side with what she called the classics. These included a normal dildo, a double-ended dildo, a two-pronged dildo, and a double-ended two-pronged dildo. “Just for good measure.” “Never know what we’re gonna do next, right?” Applejack agreed. “Do I have to choose just one?” Rainbow giggled. “Depends on just how much ya think ya can fit at once,” Applejack jested. Rainbow grinned. “Oh, yeah. We’re gonna have so much fun.” Laughing, Applejack led the way back to the counter, where Trixie waited for them. She smiled at the stash they had gotten. “I almost forgot one more thing. A special gift from Rarity.” Trixie ducked into the back room, returning shortly with something neither mare thought they would ever see Rarity make. But there before them were custom made socks and panties for each of them. Rainbow gasped. “Now I’m gonna have to hug Rarity, too!” She accepted the gift giddily. “I was just thinking about our wardrobe. I mean, we’ve got bits and ropes and stuff, but we don’t really have any sexy gear.” “Well, Ah do have a pair o’ chaps and a vest,” Applejack admitted sheepishly. “Ah reckon you could make that pretty sexy if ya wanted.” Rainbow grinned. “I think we have all we’ll ever need.” A quick exchange with the register left them with thirty-seven bits to spare. “And there’s plenty o’ neat one-time-use things here. Ah got a couple Ah thought could be fun.” “And with that much left over, I don’t think we have to worry about running out of lube any time soon,” Rainbow added. “Ah don’t know, ya can be quite the horndog,” Applejack teased. Rainbow scoffed. “Come on, AJ. I’m not that bad.” “You two make quite the amusing couple,” Trixie commented, bagging their purchases. “I can only imagine how you must be in bed.” “Wanna find out?” Rainbow asked, earning a sock from Applejack. “Rainbow, we talked about this.” “Come on, AJ, aren’t you even a little curious? I mean, she’s got both a dick and a vag! That would be so much fun,” Rainbow goaded. Applejack rolled her eyes. “Maybe one day, when ya’ve been a good filly, Ah’ll consider it.” Rainbow kissed Applejack happily. “You’re the best, AJ.” “Ah try mah best,” Applejack chuckled. With a wave good-bye, they were on their way, with a new friend to their credit, and a whole heap of fun toys to boot. Applejack yawned. “Ah’m a little tired. Ya think we could wait ‘til tomorrow ‘fore we start foolin’ around with this stuff?” “Sure,” Rainbow answered, suppressing a yawn of her own. “I’m pretty beat, too.” “Ain’t nothin compared ta what ya’ll be tomorrow,” Applejack promised. Rainbow giggled. “Can’t wait.” > Day Nine - AppleDash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contrary to her command, Applejack was the one who tackled Rainbow to the bed, not that Rainbow was complaining. But they hadn’t even gotten out the toys yet, and she found that much easier to complain about. “I like your eagerness, but don’t we need to do something else first?” Rainbow hinted. “Nope,” Applejack grinned. “This is just gonna be a quickie. Don’t wanna make ‘em wait too long. ‘Specially after we missed out last time.” Rainbow frowned. “But if we’re just talking about getting off fast, then the quickest way to do that would need some preparations.” Applejack rolled her eyes humoredly. “Ah’m not just talkin’ about the sex part. Time ain’t gonna stop just ‘cause we ain’t buckin’ yet.” “It wouldn’t take that long!” Rainbow protested. “I mean, if we skipped the sexiness in the shower, we could… Actually, why not do it in the shower? That would cut down on time a lot!” Applejack chuckled. “C’mon Rainbow, is it really so bad ta skip the toys this time?” Rainbow sighed. “Fine, we’ll do it your way. But you still owe me for last time.” “Now Ah never said we wouldn’t have a heap o’ time later,” Applejack assured in a sultry voice. “But it would depend what yer askin’ fer, two in one or one in each?” Rainbow brightened. “Well, we were talking about how much I think I could fit in me before.” Applejack blinked. “Ah thought that was a joke.” “Nope! Sex is serious business, AJ,” Rainbow grinned. “Alright, now yer just stallin’,” Applejack chortled. “We gonna do this or not?” “Of course.” Rainbow wasted no time in maneuvering Applejack into a more efficient position. Applejack, who now had a face full of Rainbow’s crotch, questioned the development. “What’s all this, now?” Rainbow shrugged, failing to remember that Applejack couldn’t see her. “You said we’re short on time, so if we’re really gonna do this quick…” Applejack shook her head in bemusement before reaching her head down to plant a gentle kiss on Rainbow’s bud. Rainbow let out a small moan before diving straight in to Applejack’s flower, startling the farm mare. When her mind caught up with her body, she got the idea and returned the fervor in full force, earning a muffled moan from behind her. But the closer Applejack got, the more methodical Rainbow became. Just when Applejack was about to reach that sweet release, Rainbow backed away or gave a teasing little lick to her dock or cutie mark. It took a while for it to register, but Applejack eventually realized this was on purpose. “Rainbow, would ya-“ Applejack moaned. “Would ya quit messin’ around back there?” “But it’s more fun this way,” Rainbow replied with an almost Pinkie Pie-like giggle. “Like, why get off when you can get it on, right?” Applejack groaned as she realized this was another stalling tactic. “Dash, we ain’t got time fer this.” “Chillax, AJ, we’ve still got all the rest of the day,” Rainbow returned. “And Ah told ya we’d have more time fer this later,” Applejack retorted. “Now if you ain’t gonna give me anythin’, then Ah guess Ah’ve just gotta take it from ya.” More out of frustration than anything, Applejack bit down on Rainbow’s clit while she practically pounded her hoof into Rainbow’s folds. Rainbow’s eyes widened as she opened her mouth to let out a startled gasp at the rough treatment. Instead what she got was a faceful of Applejack’s marehood as the farm mare seized the opportunity to thrust her hindquarters at Rainbow’s vacant mouth. All Rainbow could do was subconsciously resume her pleasuring of her partner while she struggled not to pass out from the ravaging she was receiving and the intense aroma from Applejack’s pleading nethers. But that little spark was all that Applejack needed in her current state as with one final thrust of her hoof, Rainbow was stretched painfully wide as Applejack’s hoof penetrated her brutalized flower. The last sensation Rainbow was aware of was a sharp pain on her bud before she blacked out. Applejack let out a tremendous sigh as she let herself go limp across Rainbow’s belly. “And that is how an Apple gets what she wants,” she chuckled, righting herself on shaky limbs to cuddle up next to Rainbow in her afterglow, but something far more pressing caught her eye before she could. With fear etched across her features, she regarded the state she had left Rainbow’s marehood in. Rainbow’s bud seemed to be turning purple, and her labia remained parted as a small trickle of red stood out amongst the clear fluids of Rainbow’s arousal. Applejack was off her in an instant, rushing to the bathroom to grab a bucket of warm water and some clean towels. The pained look Rainbow had seconds before gave way to a look of utter exhaustion as her breathing started to normalize. Despite the hopeful signs, Applejack wasted no time in tending to Rainbow’s battered vagina. The purple of the bruise she had given her clit stood out more visibly, but on further inspection, there wasn’t more than a trace amount of blood to be found amidst the copious ejaculate that matted the fur of Rainbow’s inner thighs. Allowing herself a small sigh of relief, Applejack dunked one of the towels in her bucket and began to clean off the mess she had made. By the time her work was done, Rainbow’s folds needed little coaxing to close back up. But there was still the issue of the bruise. Applejack to the damp towel to Rainbow’s bud, not knowing what else to do. Rainbow flinched at the initial contact, but Applejack’s careful strokes began to massage some of the pain away as Rainbow’s marehood began to glisten with arousal. Not wanting to cause further trouble, Applejack sheepishly retracted the towel and made her way off to rinse it clean. She sighed as she dumped the slightly misty water before working to erase any signs of use the towel carried. Applejack made sure every last fiber was pristine before she could find nothing to delay her return longer. Homing in on and demolishing this foolish act of self-preservation, Applejack rushed back to Rainbow’s bedside just in time to see Rainbow begin to stir. Rainbow groaned as she came to, gritting her teeth against the soreness between her legs as she attempted to right herself. Applejack was quick to intercept this effort and push her back down to the bed insistently. “What… Applejack?” “Ah’m here,” Applejack assured. “And Ah’m real sorry.” “Sorry for what?” Rainbow asked with an air of confusion. Applejack opened her mouth once before closing it again. “Fer losin’ it like that! Ah hurt ya somethin’ fierce all because o’ some stupid frettin’ about how much time we had.” Rainbow’s lips curled into a smile. “No, I mean, why would you be sorry for that? That was awesome! I’ve never felt so tapped out after anything before.” Applejack blinked. “Yer tellin’ me ya enjoyed that?” Rainbow cocked her head. “Well, I’ll probably be pretty sore for a while, but even for just this once, totally worth it.” “So maybe we should lay off fer a while,” Applejack suggested. “Wouldn’t want ya ta hurt yerself again. We can save the toys fer tomorrow.” “What? No, it’s just my vag that’s sore,” Rainbow clarified. “I’ve got more than one hole to work with here, AJ. And one of those options is still on the menu.” Applejack frowned. “Ya sure? Even if ya ain’t hurtin’ there, Ah don’t want ya exhaustin’ yerself, neither.” Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Come on, AJ. It’ll take more than a little anal play to get me down. Just because my plot’s smaller than yours doesn’t mean it’s more delicate.” Applejack blushed. “Well, alright then. But we still gotta get over ta Vinyl’s ‘fore dinner time.” “Oh, right!” Rainbow brightened. “Damn, you make a killer distraction, you know that?” Applejack blushed harder. “Shucks, Dash, Ah’m not really all that-“ “Yes you are, shut up with the modesty,” Rainbow countered. “Now help me out here. I’m still feeling a little woozy after that awesome rut.” Applejack chuckled, helping Rainbow to her hooves and giving her a kiss on the cheek. Rainbow, apparently seeing this as some sort of challenge, gave Applejack a lick on the lips. “Come on now, lover girl. We ain’t gettin’ back inta that just yet.” “The things you make me do, AJ,” Rainbow chuckled. > Day Nine - OctaVinyl > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Octavia’s blush darkened as she moved to lock the front door, feeling Vinyl’s gaze following close behind. Sliding the padlock into place, Octavia turned to find that she had been followed by more than just a roving eye. Before she could react, Vinyl had her pinned against the door, licking her neck sensuously. “You’re lucky the bed’s so far away, Tavi.” “W-why’s that?” Octavia gasped as Vinyl’s tongue ventured up to her chin. But rather than give her the kiss that she so craved, Vinyl merely offered a teasing peck before backing off. Whining in frustration, Octavia made to protest, but it died in her throat as she laid her eyes on Vinyl’s wide stance, tail moved out of the way to leave nothing to the imagination. “Because you get to watch this fine ass all the way to the bedroom,” Vinyl cooed before walking off with an exaggerated gait. Octavia followed behind hungrily, using all of her remaining self-control to refrain from tackling Vinyl in the hallway. But the second Vinyl’s steps halted at the foot of her bed, Octavia wasted no time in letting loose. Vinyl yelped at the sudden contact as her head was pressed against the backboard while Octavia straddled her belly. “No getting away from me this time,” Octavia giggled, smothering Vinyl in a forceful, passionate kiss. Vinyl moaned into the kiss as she tried to grind her hips upward at Octavia, but she was just out of reach. Octavia noticed this with a small laugh. “Oh no, we’re not starting yet, Vinyl. We have to savor this as long as we can.” Vinyl squirmed. “Can’t we at least break out the toys? There’s so much I wanna do to you right now, and kissing’s already been done.” Octavia’s eyes glimmered. “It depends on just how far you want to take me. Because for what I have in mind, we’ll have to make a bit more room.” Vinyl blinked, eyes widening. “Please tell me you’re offering anal.” “I’m offering far more than a little plot play, Vinyl,” Octavia purred. “I’m offering whatever you’ve been aching to try, even if it leaves us aching for weeks afterward.” Vinyl let out a shuddering breath, shaking in excitement. “Okay, that’s… That is something to take in. Can we just… kiss for a while so I can calm down?” Octavia laughed. “Of course, you adorable little pervert.” Vinyl had the decency to blush in response before kissing Octavia in full. Octavia chortled in her throat, happily deepening the kiss and wrapping her hooves around Vinyl’s shoulders comfortingly. Vinyl broke the kiss before it could get too heated. “I love you, Tavi. And if pounding that into every little piece of you is what it’s gonna take for that to stick…. Well, you know me.” Octavia giggled. “Truly, your eloquence astounds.” Vinyl frowned. “Well, not everypony’s got a dictionary built into their brain.” “I would hope not,” Octavia quipped. “Otherwise we might be here for the next few hours discussing all the different terms for intercourse.” “Even I don’t think I know all of those,” Vinyl lamented. “I swear it’s like new ones pop up every day. I mean, just yesterday I heard someone call it-“ “Let’s not start on that,” Octavia interrupted. “It was a joke, dear. And in case you’ve forgotten, we have a steamy shower session ahead of us.” Vinyl perked up at once. “Well what the hell are we waiting around here for, then?” Octavia sighed and shook her head as she watched Vinyl dart out of the bedroom. It was times like these when she wondered if Vinyl’s attention span was a measurable phenomenon. Of all these times, never once had the answer been yes. The only constant through it all had been Vinyl’s unconditional love. Perhaps, she considered, that was the reason Vinyl’s eye always seemed to catch on every attractive mare she passed, while never once leaving her side. “You coming or not, Tavi?” Octavia chuckled and shook her head again to dispel her idle musing. Whatever the reason for Vinyl’s quirks, she had come to love near each and every one. She was sure that in some way, this last one would eventually join the others. What that entailed was something Octavia had no time to dwell on as a white hoof came through the doorway to drag her along to the washroom. “You okay, Tavs?” “I’m fine, dear,” Octavia replied. “It’s just so easy to get lost in thoughts of you.” Vinyl frowned. “Well stop that. You can think about me later. It’s sexy time now.” Octavia laughed, nodding as Vinyl stepped into the shower to get the water running. Octavia joined her shortly thereafter, attempting to grab the soap. But a red aura enveloped it as it floated away, and Octavia had no time to react before Vinyl began her cleansing molestation. Octavia could barely contain her giggles as Vinyl ran the soap over all of her most sensitive areas before stopping at her clenched rump. “You’re not nervous about this, are you?” Vinyl asked unexpectedly. “You seem a little tense back here.” “What kind of question is that, Vinyl? Of course I’m nervous,” Octavia answered. “I’ve never done anything like this before.” In response, Vinyl pressed the soap against Octavia’s star, eliciting a surprised yelp from the cellist. “Well, I’m not gonna do anything if you don’t relax, Tavi,” Vinyl informed. “What you’re doing is a good way to get yourself hurt. But it can be really good if you just let me show you how it’s done.” Octavia sighed, trying to force her muscles to relax to no avail. Vinyl, seeing the effort despite the lack of progress, tried a different tactic, turning Octavia’s head to bring their lips together for a tender kiss. The results were almost immediate as Octavia melted into the kiss. Spreading Octavia’s plot as gently as she could with her free hoof, Vinyl put the soap to use in cleaning the inner rim of her anus. Octavia shuddered at the treatment, not sure what to make of the sensations just yet. At least until Vinyl brought the shower head down to wash away the soap. Octavia broke away from the kiss to gasp as her virgin hole was assaulted by a stream of warm water, biting her lip in an attempt to contain further vocal outbursts. “You like that, huh?” Vinyl teased. Octavia nodded meekly. “Well that’s just the start,” Vinyl purred. “But before we can go any further, I have something that needs attending to, if you’d like to do the honors.” Octavia blushed as Vinyl turned around and widened her stance. Taking the offered soap in the coils of her tail, Octavia attempted to mimic Vinyl’s actions. Vinyl’s star parted easily, and made up for Octavia’s comparative clumsiness. Once she was satisfied with her work, Octavia held up the shower head to rinse the soap away. In doing so, she accidentally sprayed Vinyl’s dock, causing Vinyl to coo appreciatively. Vinyl shut the water off with her magic before turning back around to face her marefriend. “Not bad for your first time,” she praised. Octavia blushed. “Well, I learned from the best, right?” Vinyl snickered. “I don’t know about that, but okay.” Vinyl gave Octavia a peck on the cheek. “Now come on, we’ll get you started with something easy.” “Are you sure you have anything easy?” Octavia asked as Vinyl led her to the bedroom. “I mean, it’s not quite the same as last time. So unless you have something a little smaller…” “Don’t worry,” Vinyl reassured, “I’ve got the perfect thing in mind, though it might not be what you’re expecting.” Unsure what to make of that, Octavia hesitated at the doorway briefly. Vinyl, meanwhile, reached into one of the drawers of her nightstand and pulled out a bottle of lubricant before shutting it. Octavia was confused as Vinyl made no move to extract anything else from those drawers. “Lean against the bed and spread your legs so we can get started,” Vinyl instructed. Octavia complied, turning her head to see just what Vinyl intended to do. First, Vinyl dipped her hoof into the lubricant and applied it to Octavia’s rump, making Octavia shudder. Next, Vinyl took another dab of lube and applied it to… “Wait, won’t that hurt?” Vinyl snorted in amusement and waved a hoof dismissively. “It’s not like it’s sharp or anything. There’s this thing called a horn file. I did it with Lyra and it felt awesome. And it’s definitely smaller than any of the dildos I have.” Octavia thought for a moment. “Well, alright. But be gentle!” “Of course,” Vinyl assured. “And if you want me to stop, just say so.” Wasting no further time, Vinyl dropped her head and placed the tip of her horn against Octavia’s prepared rim before beginning to gently ease it inside. Thanks to its tapered structure, penetration was easy, but that certainly didn’t stop Octavia from moaning. As if Vinyl needed any more encouragement, her nose was in prime position to inhale the intoxicating aroma of Octavia’s arousal. But despite her eagerness, Vinyl remained as gentle as possible; almost torturously so. “Can’t you go any faster?” Octavia groaned. “I can now,” Vinyl giggled, picking up the pace a bit until Octavia’s breathing started to become ragged, at which point she stopped altogether. Octavia whined disappointedly as she felt Vinyl retract her horn. “Why did you stop?” Vinyl reached into a drawer in her nightstand and took out a familiar-looking double-ended dildo, as well as a slightly larger one. “Because as good as that felt, I’m craving something a little better.” It took a second for Octavia to realize Vinyl’s intentions, but it left her cheeks burning all the same. Clambering up onto the bed, Octavia laid down on her back while Vinyl made a show of inserting her ends of the toys. Octavia watched in a mixture of awe and trepidation as Vinyl pressed the larger of the two into her plot hole. “That okay?” Vinyl asked without turning around. “We could do it the other way, but our butts are gonna be a bit further from each other, so doing it this way makes it the same for each hole.” Octavia considered that for a second before nodding. “Alright, just start off slow.” Vinyl nodded eagerly before hopping up onto the bed. Positioning each tip to their respective holes, Vinyl looked to Octavia for the go-ahead. Octavia took a deep breath before giving the affirmative. The top one slid in easily, though the bottom met with some resistance. Octavia moaned loudly as it pressed ever deeper into her yielding star before the head finally popped in. Octavia cried out as her anal walls were stretched as never before. “Oh Luna, Vinyl, don’t stop!” Needing no further encouragement, Vinyl slowly sunk the twin dildos all the way in until their flowers met. Octavia’s eyes rolled back in pleasure as Vinyl ground their hips together, clits rubbing furiously against each other. Just as Octavia thought she could take no more, Vinyl pulled back for another thrust that very nearly sent her over the edge. Spurred on by Octavia’s orgiastic cries, Vinyl’s next thrust was unrestrained, and sent Octavia spiraling into an intense climax, but Vinyl didn’t stop there. Still climbing her own peak, she began to rut Octavia with reckless abandon. Octavia’s cries grew ever louder as her orgasm was prolonged by Vinyl’s rough bucking. While Vinyl kept on pumping away, Octavia began to feel a second orgasm building. Biting her lip to contain a groan of intense pleasure that began to border on pain, she steeled herself for however long it might take for Vinyl to climax. Vinyl pushed Octavia’s body to its limits, and her vocalizations left no room for speculation about how good it was for her. Octavia’s heavily clouded mind certainly held no capacity to deny that this was the most intense feeling she had ever been given. Craving more, Vinyl planted her hooves on Octavia’s chest and tried to flip the both of them over, only to find that Octavia had gone completely limp. Warning lights flashing in her mind, Vinyl bore down on Octavia, hilting each dildo and settling on mashing their nethers together. Just before Octavia could slip out of consciousness after reaching a second peak, Vinyl finished with one last powerful thrust. With a sound halfway between a moan and a sigh, Vinyl collapsed on top of her love. “Ohhh my goshhh, I haven’t cum like that in sooo long,” Vinyl murmured. “You okay down there, Tavi?” Still panting, Octavia chuckled weakly. “I guess I’m gonna have to work on my stamina if I wanna keep up with that.” Vinyl tensed. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” “No, no,” Octavia assured with a kiss. “I just hope I can hold out longer next time. I was pretty close to losing it at the end there.” “How many did you get?” Vinyl asked. “Just two,” Octavia answered meekly. “Lucky,” Vinyl frowned. “I only got one.” Octavia giggled tiredly. “I’ll make it up to you later. But right now I’m way too tired.” “Alright,” Vinyl accepted. “Should probably take these out before we fall asleep like this.” Octavia nodded, eyes straining to remain open. She was given a little nudge back to the world of wakefulness as the dildos were retracted, leaving each hole still open slightly. Octavia hummed at the strangely pleasant sensation. “Aw, you get a gape, too? Now you really owe me,” Vinyl envied as she put the toys away. “I’ll do it tomorrow,” Octavia mumbled, “promise.” Satisfied with that, Vinyl climbed back into the bed, covering them both with the sheets before snuggling up to Octavia. “Good night my little protégé.” Octavia smiled tiredly. “Night, Vinyl.” With that, Octavia fell into a peaceful post-sex nap, while Vinyl rested her head against the sleeping mare’s chest. Before too much longer, the gentle rise and fall of her pillow and the sound of Octavia’s steady breathing lulled Vinyl to sleep along with her. If this is what it was like to sleep with her marefriend on her own lumpy mattress, Vinyl couldn’t wait to curl up on Octavia’s plush bed. > Day Nine - RariMac > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity nipped Mac’s ear sensuously, letting her peeking erection drag along his stomach as she crested his chest. “The only question now, Mac, is whether you’re willing to indulge what I’ve been craving.” “Ya mean ya wanna be on top this time?” Mac asked with poorly concealed hope in his voice. “I can only promise to take it slow for so long,” Rarity warned. “I’ll let you know when I can’t take anymore. If you’re not ready by that point, you’ll have to take the lead.” “Alright, but Ah’ve never really done anythin’ like this before,” Mac said, quivering in anticipation. “Ah mean, Ah can only do so much by mahself, so…” Rarity smiled. “I’ll be more than happy to teach you, but I’m not always going to be in this mood. I have some toys I could lend you if I’m feeling submissive next time, because the most important thing when starting out is to keep yourself loose.” Rarity chuckled. “Well, that and the small amount of preparation beforehand.” “Preparation?” Mac cocked his head. Rarity gestured toward the door. “Follow me to the washroom and we’ll get started.” Not entirely sure what to expect, Mac followed along shakily. He was very thankful that Granny was asleep, because the stiffening member poking out from between his legs was not something he wanted her seeing. Safely inside the washroom, Rarity began her instruction. “Now, even though we haven’t had dinner yet, we’ll probably need to make some room.” Mac cocked his head. “Room fer what?” Rarity sat down and gestured to the jutting stallionhood between her own legs. “For this, silly. We’ll need to make sure there won’t be any… obstruction.” Mac blinked before it finally dawned on him. “Oh, right, uh… Yeah, Ah’ll do that.” Rarity sighed. While certainly not the most glamorous part of the act, it was nonetheless necessary, however much she wished it wasn't. Of all the things she wished there was a spell for, this was definitely high on the list. Once both parties were satisfied, Rarity got to her hooves and pulled back the shower curtain. “Now we just need to clean up a bit and then we can move on to lubrication. Though I’m afraid we’ll need something a little stronger than saliva for you. Luckily, I happened to have brought just what we’ll need. So get in there and start scrubbing!” Mac nodded, hopping into the shower. Something he was not expecting, however, was for Rarity to join him. Taking the soap from Mac’s hoof in her magic, she swirled it around Mac’s rim before spreading him open to clean a bit deeper. Mac winced at the initial sting of the soap, but relaxed as Rarity began to prod all the right spots. All too soon, Rarity retracted the soap and began to wash her shaft, a task that was completed in much less time. Stopping the water and stepping out of the shower, Rarity gave herself a quick towel dry before waiting for Mac to do the same. Discarding the wet towel, Mac followed after his unusually bouncy marefriend to find her waiting impatiently on the bed. “You okay there, Rare?” Rarity blushed. “Sorry, I’m just too excited. I never thought I’d be able to do this before.” Mac chuckled. “Can’t say Ah expected ta get the opportunity, either.” Rarity instructed Mac to lay the front half of his body along the bed, leaving his back half sticking off the end. Lifting his small tail out of the way, Rarity pressed a lubricated hoof to Mac’s star. Just like with the soap, Rarity teased all the right spots to work her hoof as deep as possible, but without the sting to offset the pleasure, Mac was left squirming, wishing it would go deeper. “Eager, are we?” Rarity giggled. “I’m sorry, but you’ll just have to bear it a little longer.” True to her word, Rarity’s hoof did not linger much longer. But rather than grateful, Mac found himself unsatisfied. “Alright, we did the lubrication. So what’s next?” Rarity smirked. “Normally it would be penetration, but you said you’d never had anything inside you before. So rather than get straight to it, I feel we need something a little smaller to get your body used to it.” Mac frowned, a little disappointed. “Well, alright. You do know best.” “I promise it will get easier the more we do it,” Rarity smiled. “But if we go too fast, I might hurt you, and I never want that to happen.” Mac smiled, heartened. “It’s okay, Rare, Ah trust ya. Go at whatever pace ya think’s best.” Rarity nodded. “And I apologize in advance if I talk too much. It’s my first time doing this, too.” Mac chuckled. “Don’t worry about it. But if we wait too much longer, we might lose the mood.” Rarity recoiled. “Right, sorry, let me just…” In a puzzling move, Rarity began to lubricate her horn. “I didn’t think to bring any toys, I’m afraid, so this will have to do. But I suppose this way I’ll get to feel something, too.” Intrigued, Mac spread his legs apart for easier access. Rarity took a deep breath, bracing herself before placing the tip of her horn against Mac’s rim. Biting her lip, she began to sink it in slowly. But once Mac’s ring gave way, Rarity’s momentum carried her further than she anticipated, causing them both to gasp. Shaking off the sensation that made her hooves weak, Rarity pressed onward, until her forehead connected with Mac’s well-toned backside. Determined not to succumb to the pleasure, Rarity gave a few thrusts, stretching Mac’s virgin ring with the base of her horn before she could take no more and retreated, leaving a trail of wetness connecting her horn to Mac’s plot. Panting heavily and struggling to stay on her hooves, Rarity attempted to mount her coltfriend, but managed only to fall back down again. “You okay, Rare?” Mac asked, concern showing through his own gasps. “Fine, just… give me a moment,” Rarity requested. “I know horns are sensitive, but I never thought…” Mac laughed weakly. “Well, if that was just yer horn, Ah reckon Ah’m gonna enjoy this a whole lot.” “I’m glad,” Rarity chortled. Taking a steadying breath, she righted herself on no-longer-shaking hooves and gave Mac’s star a testing lick. Mac moaned as her tongue penetrated easily. Satisfied, Rarity reared up and moved her hips into position. “It’s kind of hard to believe this is really happening.” Mac, experiencing for the first time the feeling of the flared head of a lover’s penis against his plot, could not help but agree. Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, Mac nodded. “Ah’m ready, Rare.” Given the opportunity, Rarity could not stop herself. “Ready for what, dear?” Mac blinked. “Ready fer… just buck me already!” Rarity giggled at the immense satisfaction that demand gave her. “Gladly, my prince.” Rarity attempted to plunge right in, but found herself met with some resistance. Knowing this meant she just had to push a little harder, Rarity eagerly doubled her efforts. But when her head finally broke through, so did a good few inches of her shaft. Rarity and Mac gasped at the sudden rush of sensations that left both parties with nothing to do but stave off premature orgasms for a few seconds. The pre that practically flew out of Mac’s tip was the greatest testament to that. Rarity panted, eyes wide. Her horn was one thing, but this… “Oh my gosh, Mac. This is… heavenly.” Similar thoughts ran through Mac’s head, though he could respond with little more than a groan of encouragement. Still coming down from her high, Rarity nudged a bit deeper to gauge her current boundary. She did not have to search long to find it, but to her minor disappointment it came just before her medial ring. “Alright, this is as deep as I can safely go. I could probably force myself further, but as enticing as it would be to hilt you…” “Go as deep er as shallow as yer comfortable with,” Mac panted. “This is more ‘n enough fer me.” “So if I find you yielding, I shouldn’t hesitate?” Rarity asked hopefully. “Whatever ya like, Rare,” Mac confirmed. Giddy, Rarity began to thrust, delighting in Mac’s moans and the wet sounds of their sex. Mac began to laugh in delight as he found himself enjoying this more than he could have hoped. Though she wasn’t as big as him, Rarity was by no means small, and left nothing to be desired. And if this was only about half of what Rarity had to offer, Mac could hardly wait for next time. As Rarity steadily built speed, she felt herself penetrating deeper with each thrust. “I’m glad Granny Smith is such a heavy sleeper. Those noises you make bring this to a whole new level.” “Glad ta be of service,” Mac managed. “It’s real good fer me, too. Don’t know how much longer Ah can last at this rate.” Rarity giggled. “Going to cum already? But we just started, dear.” Despite her teasing, Rarity wasn’t too far off, either. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to finish up.” Mac’s moans grew ever louder as Rarity began to ravage him at a fevered pace, each thrust jostling him against the bed and rubbing his own shaft against the mattress. Unable to hold it in any longer, Mac climaxed a little sooner than Rarity had anticipated. But before Mac’s peak could end, Rarity cried out as her medial ring finally broke through, and she erupted in her own orgasm. Mac gasped at the sensation of having Rarity’s warm seed spill into him. Grinding his hips against Rarity’s shaft to coax a little more out, he felt a few extra spurts escape him, leaving him depleted. Rarity, too, moaned as her orgasm was prolonged, grinding along with Mac until she could give no more and collapsed atop his back. “Rare, that was…” Mac laughed for want of a proper adjective. “Better than I could have ever hoped,” Rarity agreed. “Do ya think you could leave it in for a few more seconds?” Mac asked. Rarity smiled. “It feels wonderful, doesn’t it? The perfect sensation to lull you to sleep.” Mac chuckled. “Ah hear ya. But Ah’m not sure we have enough time fer too much of that.” Rarity giggled along. “It would be a wonderful way to end the day, hm? But that will have to wait for another time, when you can fit all of me.” “Yeah, Ah guess so,” Mac conceded. “Ya can take it out now.” Rarity did so, bringing a good bit of seed with her as her head popped free. She took a moment to admire the gape she had left with pride. “This feels pretty nice, too,” Mac hummed. “You haven’t closed up yet, so you’re open to the air,” Rarity explained. Mac cooed. “Well, if it feels like this, Ah’m sorry Ah closed ya up last time.” Rarity chuckled. “It’s quite alright. I was asleep by that point. I distinctly remember falling asleep with you still inside me.” Mac crawled up the bed to slip under the sheets. “Ah hope just cuddlin’ will do this time.” Rarity smiled, sliding in beside him to rest her head against his chest. “It’s perfect, Mac.” Lulled by the other’s steady breathing, they fell into an afterglow-induced nap. > Day Ten - AppleDash 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Waiting impatiently for Applejack to join her in the shower, Rainbow experienced a rare moment of envy. “Wouldn’t it be great if one of us had a horn, or more importantly could do magic? Then we could just do some kind of spell and skip all of this so we could get right down to it.” “That might be nice,” Applejack agreed, stepping in beside Rainbow Dash but refraining from starting the water just yet. “I mean, I don’t want to clean up, I wanna throw down, you know?” Rainbow went on. “Like, if things got sexy out in the orchard, we wouldn’t even have to come back here. We could just be like ‘Shazam!’ and not risk the moment dying.” Applejack chuckled. “Don’t know how much we could do without the toys, though.” “You’re right, we’d have to learn how to zap the toys to us, too,” Rainbow nodded. “As awesome as it was, I don’t think we should make yesterday a daily occurrence.” Applejack blushed. “Ah learned mah lesson, don’t worry.” Rainbow cocked a brow. “What, to not shove your whole hoof inside me?” Applejack smirked. “Nah, I meant ta stretch ya out a bit first.” Rainbow blinked. “Hot.” Applejack chortled. “Now come on, we need ta get cleaned up ‘fore we can throw down.” “Oh yeah.” Rainbow wasted no time in seizing the soap in a wing, spinning Applejack around with the other, and pressing the soap to Applejack’s rim. “Don’t ya think we should at least turn the water on first?” Applejack teased. “Why do you think I spun you around?” Rainbow answered distractedly. Applejack furrowed her brow before realizing the knob was directly in front of her face. Spurred on by the fact that Rainbow had already started, she completed her own task, sighing in satisfaction as the warm water cascaded down her back, and more importantly, aided Rainbow’s efforts. Stepping back to survey her work, Rainbow frowned as she found Applejack’s plot still soapy, effectively thwarting her plans to rim her. Unaware of any trickery involved, Applejack merely turned herself back around and bent forward to allow the water to rinse her star clean. “Sometimes I wish your shower head was detachable,” Rainbow muttered. “Ya could probably make it detachable with magic,” Applejack laughed before turning Rainbow around. Rainbow’s frown did not live much longer as Applejack set to work. “This part I might actually miss,” she cooed. Applejack just shook her head as she cleansed Rainbow’s star. But knowing Rainbow as she did, and having a more favorable angle to work with, Applejack signaled the completion of her task by giving Rainbow’s ring a teasing lick. Rainbow moaned at the not entirely unexpected contact. “You know I’m gonna get you back for that.” “That’s exactly what Ah’m hopin’ for, sugarcube,” Applejack chirped as she made a point to spin completely around and use her tail to shut off the water. But she frowned as she did not feel the touch of Rainbow’s tongue against her rim. Turning her head to offer a complaint, she barely caught a glimpse of the twinkle of mischief in Rainbow’s eye as she gave Applejack’s plot a belated lick. Caught off-guard, Applejack could not strangle the squeak before it escaped her lips. A quick glance at Rainbow’s expression confirmed that she had heard it as well. “Too easy, AJ.” Applejack rolled her eyes, though was unable to suppress a smile as she stepped out of the shower to give herself a quick shake-dry. Rainbow joined her after noticing that Applejack’s tail was now blocking her way and did the same. “Can’t expect me ta fall fer the same thing twice, Dash,” Applejack chuckled. Rainbow shrugged. “Never hurts to try.” “It does when you’re involved,” Applejack laughed. “Tell me, how many bones have you broken now?” Rainbow frowned. “Uh, well, I broke my wing that one time. I broke my leg on one of your trees that first time I tried to buck. Also cracked my hoof pretty bad. Broke my nose once, both of my ankles, and I think that’s about it. Pretty sure you would have broken my tail a whole bunch of times if it had any bones in it.” Rainbow paused, considering the question for the first time. “That wasn’t a threat, was it?” Applejack chortled, “Not unless ya get off on that sorta stuff, sugarcube.” Rainbow cocked her head thoughtfully. “I don’t know; it usually hurts pretty bad…” Applejack rolled her eyes humoredly. “We gonna get this done before lunch or not?” “Well, you said we had time!” Rainbow countered. “Besides, you were the one who distracted me.” “Then maybe ya need a little reminder what we’re here for,” Applejack supposed in a calm enough voice as she exaggerated her movements in reaching up to where they stashed the toys. She could barely get the top of the box off before Rainbow swooped in and grabbed something out of it seemingly at random. Rainbow, however, had been very precise. She held in her hoof the item that had piqued her interest the most at the shop. Inspecting it more carefully out of its packaging, she realized there was more to it than was initially apparent. It also raised a few questions as to how it stayed put, as the cock and balls were projected forward for a better angle than would be otherwise provided, and the bulb that would lock it in place was further back, attached to what Rainbow could only guess was an artificial perineum. “You sure you’d be up fer that, Dash?” Applejack questioned. “You said ya were still sore, and Ah’m pretty sure there ain’t no way ta wear it without stickin’ that bit in yer vag. Ah was thinkin’ we’d just be usin’ this.” Applejack held up the double-ended dildo. “Well, even if we don’t use it today, I just gotta know how this thing works.” Rainbow hoofed it over to Applejack. “Try it on.” Applejack blushed as Rainbow watched her eagerly. Seeing no other option, Applejack got up onto the bed and rolled over onto her back. After taking a steadying breath, she pressed the bulb inside. The transformation was astonishing. Almost instantly, the material of the feeldoe molded onto Applejack’s crotch, gaining a dark orange pigmentation. It bulged about half again as thick and gained a fair amount of length. There was only one way to describe the change before them. “Applejack, you’re a beast!” Rainbow squealed. “Oh my gosh, I know Trixie said it changed sizes, but you… I don’t even know if I’d be able to fit that in me! Well, not right now anyway. We’d have to do a lot of stretching first.” “Not jealous at all?” Applejack asked carefully. Rainbow waved a hoof dismissively. “Nah, I’m sure I’m just as big. Besides, this is about what I’m getting out of it here.” Applejack nodded. “Sure feels really different.” Sitting up, she found that her new appendage moved with her. What was more, she could feel all sorts of strange new sensations coming from it. More out of curiosity than a desire to show it off, Applejack stepped off the bed and walked around, but after a few steps the fake dick tripped her up and caused her to fall face-first onto the floor at a very convenient viewing angle for Rainbow to appreciate. “That’s crazy,” Rainbow marveled. “How did Trixie make something like this? It’s like, perfect! Your vag is completely covered, so you really do look like a stallion down there.” Rainbow paused considering her words. “Well, more like just you, but with a dick instead of a vag, which is awesome because it doesn’t take away your figure or anything.” “Ya like it, then?” Applejack asked after righting herself. “Hay yeah!” Rainbow cheered. Applejack refrained from taking any more steps as she asked. “It alright if I take it out now? You said yerself this ain’t anythin’ we can be jumpin’ into just yet.” Rainbow nodded. “I’ll be sure to show you mine once I’m feeling up to it. Now where did you put that double dildo?” Applejack reached down to pick it off the floor where she had set it aside in anticipation of such a development. “Does look a good bit more manageable, don’t it?” “Can’t wait to feel what it’s like having something like that in me,” Rainbow giggled. “Should be way more exciting than those drumsticks. Though I bet the two was pretty good with no lube.” “Really makes that much of a difference, huh?” Applejack asked. “Well, yeah, try to put that in with no lube,” Rainbow challenged. Applejack frowned, placing one end of the dildo to her star and trying to push it in to no avail. “See? Now try with this.” Rainbow procured a bottle of lube and squirted a glob out onto her hoof. With that hoof, she massaged the slick liquid into Applejack’s rim. Applejack’s eyes grew wide as she felt Rainbow becoming more forceful. If she pushed much harder, she might- “Relax, AJ,” Rainbow laughed. “I’m not gonna stick my hoof in you, just the dildo.” Without waiting for Applejack’s consent, Rainbow took the dildo and slipped the head easily into the farmer’s lubricated plot. Applejack gasped as her ass was stretched almost painfully wide by the invading object, but accompanying that was an odd sense of pleasurable satisfaction to be filled in such a way. “You okay?” Rainbow asked, though she knew what the answer would be. Applejack nodded. “Keep goin’.” Rainbow happily sunk the dildo deeper, cherishing Applejack’s moans of delight until she reached the ring that separated the dildo into two halves. “My turn!” Rainbow chirped, dabbing some lubrication on her own eager ring before taking her side of the toy. Her eyes rolled back as the tip slid in, taking a moment to savor the stretch before pushing further until her efforts were halted by Applejack’s firm backside. Applejack smiled at the look of utter satisfaction that overtook Rainbow’s face. “Well, this is nice and all, but what do we do now?” Rainbow’s brow furrowed. “What else?” In response to Applejack’s confused expression, Rainbow began to grind her hips against Applejack’s, eliciting a gasp from the farm mare as the motion caused wonderful, subtle movements of the toy inside her. Rainbow was content to let each of them get used to the sensations, but before too long she began to crave more. Encouraging Applejack to roll over and raise her rump, Rainbow started to rock her flank back and forth, effectively thrusting the dildo in and out of each of them. Applejack groaned, bucking her hips back against Rainbow to speed up their thrusts, loving this new feeling. But as Applejack’s thrusts got more insistent, Rainbow was forced down onto the bed. Grasping a pillow and hugging it to her face with all the strength of her pleasure, she moved her hips as much as she could against the power of Applejack’s flank. Eyes rolling back in her head, Applejack put all her years of applebucking to an amazing new task. With every whimper and squeal from the pegasus behind her, her fervor grew, and her pleasure reached new heights. Rainbow squirmed against the force holding her down, but lacked the strength to turn the tables. She ached with every fiber of her being for a more active role in their rutting, but could not discount the benefits of passiveness. If anypony in Equestria was going to dominate her in such a way, it could only be Applejack, and only if she could have her revenge later. But for now, all she could do was shift her position slightly so that the dildo rubbed up against her g-spot with each thrust. Judging by the gasp from Applejack, Rainbow guessed she had aligned her hips perfectly. Sensing her opportunity, Rainbow rose up and used all the strength she could muster to challenge Applejack’s bucking hips. The result was an audible smacking as their plots smashed against each other, and a rising peak that drove them ever faster. Whimpering with every contact as her sore, leaking flower was mashed against Applejack’s, Rainbow did not let up, so determined was she to hold her own against the farmer’s superior strength. Even when she reached her climax, Rainbow did not stop, doing her utmost to savor and prolong the tremendous feeling. Applejack groaned as her legs gave out, leaving Rainbow to blow off her remaining steam before collapsing, utterly spent. “See? I can totally hold out against you,” Rainbow panted. Applejack chuckled. “Never doubted ya fer a second, sugarcube.” With a wet squelch, Applejack separated from Rainbow, causing the dildo to fall limply between them. Barely having enough strength and focus left to stow the toys away, Applejack sighed and crashed down onto the bed beside her lover after the task was done. “You’re the best, AJ,” Rainbow murmured. Applejack smiled, lifting the sheets to cover the both of them. “You ain’t too bad yerself, Dash. Now, about that nap…” Rainbow smiled back, snuggling into Applejack’s chest. Applejack wrapped her hooves around Rainbow’s shoulders and pulled her closer, riding out the fatigue of their afterglow before their eyes flitted closed and they fell into a deeply satisfied sleep. > Chapter Ten - AppleDash 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You have no idea the kinds of things I want to do to you right now, AJ,” Rainbow said in a husky voice, looming over her prey. “Just be glad we’ve got somewhere to be tomorrow.” Applejack gasped as Rainbow made her move, leaning back on her haunches to mash her still-aching flower against Applejack’s. This was the kind of moment left no room for anything but the basest of carnal desires. Rainbow reached down to seize the back of Applejack’s head and smother her in all the things she felt right now. Applejack could do nothing but accept Rainbow’s dominance, adjusting her hips to give Rainbow easier access to her burning marehood. Rainbow rubbed their nethers together with such power and speed that was sure to give them friction burn in the morning. But for right now, in this moment, none of that mattered. Even the pain from her bruised clitoris was unheeded, as every twinge she felt urged her ever onward. Applejack collapsed back onto her pillow, unable to withstand Rainbow’s passionate assault. The motion brought Rainbow on top of her as she refused to break the joining of their lips. Arching her back further, Rainbow whimpered as the rims of their plots came into intimate contact. With every movement, their pleasure built two-fold in a way no other coupling could offer. As Applejack became lost to the pleasure, she tried desperately to grind back against Rainbow’s gyrations. Her competitive spirit was too strong to let Rainbow dictate every move without a fight. But all her efforts caused was a slip in their rhythm, skewing their hips in opposite directions. Applejack and Rainbow both gasped as Rainbow’s clit was pressed up against Applejack’s anal ring. A shift of Applejack’s hips caused the heavily lubricated protrusion to breach her clenched star. It wasn’t much of a stretch and hardly half an inch deep, but the unexpected penetration made Applejack bite her lip before Rainbow reclaimed her mouth. Quickly growing bored of the token occurrence, Rainbow returned to her fevered grinding, taking extra effort to ensure their buds rubbed against each other. Applejack, however, had other ideas, mirroring the motion to turn the tables. The moment Applejack’s clit invaded Rainbow’s rump, she heaved with all her might, taking the pegasus down to the foot of the bed where she nipped her ear as she ground her bud against Rainbow’s rim. Rainbow let out a submissive squeak as Applejack began to fondle her wings, paying special attention to the primaries. “Not so tough now, are ya?” Applejack taunted. Rainbow responded with a shove of her own that brought them back to an equal playing surface as their flowers lined up properly once again. To contain any further outbursts, Rainbow made to resume their kiss, only to throw her head back as she was sent flying off the edge. Rainbow cried out in ecstasy, clutching Applejack around the withers as Applejack joined her to ride out their peaks in unison. Rainbow huffed as her high began to fade, collapsing against Applejack and sending their heads to rest on the pillow. Before she lost consciousness, she breathed out, “I love you so much, AJ.” Applejack slipped under with an immensely satisfied smile. > Day Eleven - OctaVinAppleDash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Safely back in their hotel room, Vinyl began to sift through the large sack of toys she had brought along, surfacing moments later with two of Trixie’s magical feeldoes. Rainbow frowned. “You guys have two?” Vinyl grinned. “Nah, I just swiped yours while you were getting ready this morning.” “Probably best we have it with us, anyway,” Applejack supposed. “But you know what this means, don’t you, AJ?” Rainbow insinuated. Applejack blinked. Rainbow rolled her eyes, taking both feeldoes from Vinyl and hoofing one to Applejack. “We can finally see who’s bigger, obviously.” Applejack cocked a brow. “Ya’ve already seen mine. Really think ya can beat that?” Rainbow rolled over onto her stomach and pressed the bulb into her folds, grinning proudly at the impressive growth of the toy as it melded into her crotch. “Put ‘em up, Jackie.” Applejack felt a spark of competitiveness ignite within her as she lay across from Rainbow. “Ah could take that.” “All the way to the hilt?” Rainbow challenged, propping her length up with a hoof. Applejack smirked. “Wanna bet on it?” “It’s okay if you’re scared.” “What makes ya think Ah am?” “You haven’t put yours in yet.” Applejack blinked, remembering the purpose of their current position and quickly resolving the issue. As Applejack’s shaft clapped against Rainbow’s, Rainbow wasted no time in shooting up into the air. “Aw yeah, I’m bigger!” Rainbow boasted. Applejack frowned. “Hold on a second there, Dash. Yers might be longer, but mine’s a good bit thicker.” Rainbow scoffed. “Please, AJ, everypony knows length trumps width.” “I don’t know, Dash,” Vinyl chimed in. “Length is great up to a point, but if it starts getting to the point where you can’t fit it all, width comes out on top.” Rainbow glared at Vinyl. “You’re not part of this, Scratch! This is between me and AJ.” Vinyl held up her hooves defensively. “Hey, I’m just saying you gotta do the math.” Rainbow frowned. “The hell’s math got to do with this?” “I do believe Vinyl means we should conduct a more accurate test to settle your dispute,” Octavia answered. “And I happen to know that Vinyl brought a tape measure.” Applejack blinked. “And why exactly did she do that now?” “You never know when you’re gonna need to measure something,” Vinyl responded. “The same reason ponies wear watches, right?” “Yes, and I suppose you’re going to affix a clock to it at some point to give yourself a device that can measure both space and time,” Octavia humored. Vinyl’s eyes widened. “That’s a great idea! Has that been invented yet?” Octavia sighed, shaking her head helplessly. “So, yeah, that’s great and all, but there’s a contest you guys are holding up here,” Rainbow piped up. Octavia rolled her eyes, ducking her head into Vinyl’s bag in search of the item in question. Upon retrieval of the measurement device, Octavia barely had time to right herself before she found a dick inches from her face. “Measure me first!” Rainbow demanded. Octavia frowned, brushing the offending penis out of her eyes. “I’ll be getting to that. But first I need something to keep a tally.” Vinyl produced a pen and a notepad from the nightstand. Contingencies accounted for, Octavia began her measurements, starting first, as requested, with Rainbow. “Fifteen noses long by two and three fifths thick,” Octavia informed, jotting the numbers down. Rainbow smirked. “Ha!” Applejack rolled her eyes and let Octavia complete her research without comment. “Thirteen noses long by three thick.” “See? Ah’ve got almost half a nose on ya,” Applejack asserted. “And I’ve got a two noses on you,” Rainbow shot back. Octavia coughed. “Actually, despite the different distribution, the mass of each is identical.” Applejack cocked her head. “Come again?” “You are essentially the same size,” Octavia clarified. Rainbow frowned. “You mean we tied?” Octavia shrugged. “But then what happened to those extra noses I had?” Rainbow prompted. “Your extra length is equivalent to Applejack’s extra width,” Octavia went on. “We’re dealing with percentages here, not raw numbers.” “Does it really matter anyway? You’re both monsters,” Vinyl added. Rainbow shared a glance with Applejack before gaining a proud grin. “Jealous, Scratch?” Vinyl cocked a brow. “Why would I be? I’m the one getting the benefit.” “If ya think ya can keep us around, maybe,” Applejack smirked. “Ah’m not one ta share new toys with guests first.” Rainbow nodded. “AJ’s got first dibs on this one, Scratch.” Vinyl huffed. “You guys are jerks.” “Hoping to have them all to yourselves, were you?” Octavia teased. “I was gonna give you whatever else you wanted,” Vinyl defended. “Like, hopefully my horn. In your plot.” “I can think of something I want in my plot,” Rainbow grinned. “You guys did bring other toys, right?” Vinyl responded by levitating the sack she had carried from Ponyville onto the bed. Rainbow’s eye was immediately drawn to one toy in particular. “Hey, AJ, how many apples do you think you could fit in your ass?” Applejack blinked at the strange question, and was about to assert that she wasn’t one to waste a good apple, until Rainbow pulled a string of apple-shaped anal beads out of the sack. “Didn’t think I meant real apples, did you?” Rainbow chuckled. “Though that would be pretty hot.” Applejack smirked. “How come we haven’t used these yet, anyway?” Rainbow shrugged. “I guess there was no real point after the whole hoofing incident. I definitely want another shot at that, though. Just, you know, after stretching out a bit.” “Wait, hoofing incident?” Vinyl cut in. Applejack blushed and looked away, prompting Rainbow to explain. “Yeah, I teased AJ a bit too much, she got a bit too rough, next thing I know her whole hoof’s in my vag. Just stopped feeling sore earlier today.” Vinyl raised her brows, impressed. “Damn, Dash, that’s pretty hardcore. Might wreck yourself if you try that again.” Rainbow waved a hoof. “Nah, I can take it. Just need practice is all.” “Famous last words,” Vinyl teased. Rainbow rolled her eyes, turning back to Applejack. “I was serious, by the way. How many of these you think you could take?” “You takin’ bets?” Applejack challenged. Rainbow thought for a moment before sticking her head back in the sack. “Better, how about we go apple for apple?” Octavia chuckled. “Everything’s always a competition with you two.” Rainbow retracted her head with a second set of apple beads hanging from her mouth. “Well, yeah, it’s more fun that way.” “And I suppose we’re only here to watch,” Octavia gathered. Rainbow cocked a brow. “Looking for a little audience participation?” Octavia smiled, “No, you two have your fun. Just make sure you’ve got something left for afterwards.” Rainbow grinned. “Alright, so let’s lay down the rules. Each apple needs to be taken full size. Preliminary stretching is allowed, but is limited to medium sized dildos.” “Think yer forgetting something, Sugarcube,” Applejack hinted. Rainbow blinked. “Huh? Oh, yeah, we should probably clean and lube up first.” Vinyl tossed over a bottle of lube, forcing Rainbow to catch it before she could stand up. “That’s all you’ll need.” Rainbow frowned. “Uh, what?” “Read the label before you buy something, Dash,” Vinyl chirped. “Please, Vinyl, you would have done the same thing if Trixie hadn’t explained it in such… uncomfortable detail,” Octavia chided. Still confused, Rainbow looked for the label and read it aloud. “Trixie’s Magical Lubricant.” “Below that,” Vinyl goaded. “For anal use only?” Rainbow read off. Vinyl sighed, swiping the bottle away and pointing out the tagline. “Cleans and lubricates.” Rainbow blinked. “Wait, are you serious?” Vinyl returned the bottle without saying a word more. Rainbow opened the cap and squirted a glob of the clear liquid onto her hoof, inspecting it for a moment before reaching down to dab it on her plot. The effects were nearly instantaneous, and the strange sensation elicited a gasp from the startled pegasus, who was left with a sense of emptiness. Rainbow grabbed a dildo from the sack and pressed it into her star, suppressing a moan as her ring stretched to accommodate the intruder. Cautiously, she sunk the toy deeper, until there was surely no denying it. But still Rainbow was in disbelief. “No way.” “Yep,” Vinyl confirmed. That single syllable was all Rainbow needed. “That’s so awesome!” Applejack hummed, picking up the bottle in her hooves. “Certainly a convenient solution to an undesirable problem,” Octavia added curtly. Rainbow smirked. “So, about that-“ “Shut up,” Octavia interrupted. “Just shut up. It never needs to be spoken of again, so please just… leave it at that.” Applejack shrugged, applying the lubricant to her own rim. “Works for me.” “Does kinda make me wonder about that ‘for anal use only’ thing, though,” Rainbow commented. “You got another one of those in there, or are we gonna have to share?” Applejack wondered. Rainbow snickered, slipping the dildo out of her ass. “What, worried about catching my butt cooties?” Applejack chortled. “The hay does that even mean?” Rainbow shrugged, hoofing the supposedly infected toy over to her marefriend. Applejack pressed the head of the dildo against her star, biting back a moan as it stretched her ring and sunk inside. “You know, Ah kinda figured you’d be more eager ta get back into vaginal stuff now that ye’re healed up.” Rainbow snorted. “Sorry, but I’m not in a rush to wreck myself again. There’s no way I can fit all that in my vag. It’s not even summer yet.” “Ah’m not complaining,” Applejack amended with a sigh as she hilted her toy. “Ah’m gettin’ a real kick outta this; more ‘n usual.” “I would imagine that would be thanks to your new genital arrangement,” Octavia observed. “Vinyl has the most experience here with these things, and she’s told me the transformation is quite thorough.” Vinyl wrapped her magic around the dildo in Applejack’s ass and began to wiggle it around. Applejack gasped as the medial ring brushed against a hypersensitive spot on her rectum and grinded against it incessantly. Biting her lip, Applejack fought against the sudden surge of intense pleasure, but she could feel herself mere moments away from an explosive climax when Vinyl’s magic faded as unexpectedly as it started. Applejack grabbed the toy with her tail and battered it against her rim desperately, but she lacked the knowledge and dexterity to find that spot again before she fell from her high and was left panting and painfully unfulfilled. Applejack groaned. “Why did ya stop?” Vinyl grinned sheepishly. “Sorry, I’m not really that good with magic. If Strings was here she would have done it better.” “What did you do to her?” Rainbow wondered, very interested in experiencing it herself. “I just found her prostate,” Vinyl explained. “It’s kinda like a g-spot but like a thousand times more sensitive.” Applejack floundered around on her back until Rainbow helped her to her hooves. “If that’s what it’s like fer a colt Ah can’t imagine why Mac went fer Rarity so quick.” “She’s got hooves, doesn’t she?” Vinyl supposed. “Even if she knew about this stuff, Ah can’t imagine she’d be too keen on anal,” Applejack mused. “Though Ah could see her keepin’ a bottle around anyhow to avoid ever havin’ to use the bathroom.” “They say it’s usually the innocent ones that have the most perverse desires,” Octavia pointed out. “It ain’t that she’s innocent, it’s that she hates gettin’ dirty,” Applejack amended. “It’s not dirty if you do it right,” Vinyl added. Applejack sighed. “Ah know that, but Ah don’t know if she knows that.” “We’re here to have a good time, not gang up on my marefriend,” Rainbow supported. Vinyl grinned. “You know, that doesn’t sound like a bad idea. Rainbow can take her ass, I can take her dick, and Tavi can take her mouth and mine.” “Sounds good to me!” Rainbow agreed. “AJ?” “Only one problem, sugarcube,” Applejack began, prompting groans of disappointment. “You’ve got first dibs on this thing.” Rainbow smirked. “Well, it does look tasty.” Applejack snorted. “You ain’t got tastebuds where Ah’m stickin’ this.” Rainbow shrunk. “Wait, I-“ “Hold her down,” Applejack ordered. Vinyl pounced the moment Applejack closed her mouth. Rainbow struggled to free herself, but Octavia was quick to reinforce. With her superior strength holding the pegasus down, Vinyl was free to position Rainbow’s back end appropriately. Applejack clucked her tongue at the sight of Rainbow’s presented plot. No matter how much she squirmed, the pillar of flesh jutting out below her made it impossible to hide her arousal. “Dammit, you guys, this isn’t funny! Let me go!” Rainbow whined. Applejack grinned predatorily. “This ain’t a joke, Rainbow. So why don’t you relax yer little ponut so we can get through this nice and easy. You want a chance at mah ass, don’t ya?” The unrestrained lust in Applejack’s voice made Rainbow feel weak. Submission hurt her pride, but it came with the promise of dominance later. With a shaky breath, Rainbow released the tension in her body, and the instant her anus unclenched, Applejack was on her. Rainbow gasped as Applejack forced her flare past her ring, stretching the pegasus to the breaking point. But Applejack showed no mercy, burying herself up to the hilt with a single thrust. Rainbow bit her lip hard enough to draw blood, but could not suppress a whorish moan as the bulge of Applejack’s medial ring brushed against a hyper-sensitive area inside her that could only be her prostate. The sensation was unlike anything she’d experienced before, and though it hurt her pride to admit it, she never wanted it to stop. Applejack was all too happy to oblige, pulling back and thrusting forward again with enough force to dislodge Vinyl from her place at Rainbow’s rump. But her services were hardly needed any longer. Celestia herself could not bring Rainbow to her hooves now. From a new vantage point, Vinyl watched Applejack’s bucking hips, tingling with anticipation. Every hilting thrust produced a louder squeak from the hopelessly submissive pegasus. Rainbow was selling one hell of a ride, and Vinyl could hardly wait to buy. Grabbing the discarded bottle of lubricant, Vinyl started to apply it to her rim, but stopped short as a devious idea came to her. Moving as silently as the mattress would allow, Vinyl rounded the scene before her and locked her eyes on Octavia’s unsuspecting rump. Before the cellist suspected a thing, Vinyl’s hoof snuck under her tail and smeared a healthy coating of lubricant on Octavia’s star. Octavia gasped as the magic of the gel dissolved the contents of her bowels, losing her grip on Rainbow in the process, but the only thing that shot up in response were Rainbow’s spastically twitching wings. Octavia turned to glare at her marefriend, but found her preoccupied with her own anal lubrication. With a sigh, she joined Vinyl a safe distance away from the increasingly-heated rutting of the other two mares on the bed. “Faster!” Rainbow begged. “Celestia I’m so close!” Driven by Rainbow’s desperate cries, Applejack found another gear, humping so fast that it hurt. “Buck, Rainbow, Ah’m cummin’!” Rainbow’s only response was a high-pitched yelp, her left hind leg twitching uncontrollably as her flare expanded and released a torrent of cum onto the sheets below them. Applejack’s peak was not far behind, driving Rainbow up the wall as her warm, thick seed flooded into her ass. Just as their pleasure bordered on pain, it began to fade. Rainbow’s legs gave out, causing Applejack to collapse on top of her, the impact producing a wet slap, reducing both mares to a sticky, panting mess. Applejack’s penis began to retract back into its sheath, exiting Rainbow’s gaping ring with a wet pop and a stream of semen that ran down Rainbow’s balls and pooled onto the sheets below. “Sorry ‘bout the mess,” Applejack managed. “Don’t worry about it, I learned a spell for this when I was with Strings,” Vinyl stated proudly. “Well, it was for fillycum, but it should still work for this.” Vinyl’s horn began to glow and wrapped the two spent mares and the sheets below them in a red aura. Then, in a flash, it vanished, along with every trace of sperm in the area. Rainbow whined as the wetness disappeared from her plot. “Did you have to take the stuff inside me, too?” Vinyl shrugged. “Sorry, I guess the spell doesn’t discriminate.” “So, you liked havin’ me take over, huh?” Applejack teased. “It was pretty awesome,” Rainbow admitted. “But now it’s my turn.” Applejack grinned, happily presenting herself for Rainbow’s revenge. Already she felt herself getting hard again. Despite all that their buck had taken out of her, Applejack felt fresh and eager for round two. “Don’t forget about us,” Vinyl reminded, sliding underneath Applejack’s chest and reaching up with her hind legs to rest her hocks on the farmer’s toned flanks. “You’ve got a great figure for this, you know.” Wrapping her magic around Applejack’s still-flaccid member, Vinyl positioned it against the rim of her needy plot and waited for Rainbow to mount. Octavia flipped over onto her back and positioned her crotch within reach of both submissive parties and received a nuzzle against her ring from Vinyl. Rainbow took her cue, planting her hooves on her marefriend’s backside and lifting herself up. Aligning her flare with the farmer’s star, she pushed forward, easily penetrating her relaxed ring. Applejack moaned as Rainbow sunk herself deeper. It was a snug fit, but still allowed her walls room to clench, to the delight of both parties. The ever-changing tightness of Applejack’s plot made it a fight for every nose, but it was well worth the effort. With one last push, Rainbow had no more left to give as the collision of her balls against Applejack’s told her that she was hilted. While Applejack was distracted by the fifteen noses of hot flesh invading her rump, Vinyl released her magic hold on the farmer’s own dick, allowing it to harden, and in doing so, penetrate the unicorn’s eager ass. Applejack gasped at the new source of pleasure, but was given no time to recover as, with one smooth motion, Vinyl expertly swallowed every nose Applejack had to offer. Applejack’s eyes rolled back into her head and her tongue lolled out of her open mouth, inadvertently letting it rest on Octavia’s marehood. Not to be outdone, Vinyl reached out with her tongue to lick down the thin bridge between Octavia’s vagina and anus before delving into the cellist’s rim. Octavia was content to let Vinyl lap at her star, but she had chosen her current position for a reason, and intended to put it to use. Rainbow made her first thrust against Applejack’s rump, drawing Vinyl’s attention as she matched the motion on Applejack’s length without breaking her lip-lock with Octavia’s plot. On the second thrust, Applejack moved her hips back to meet Rainbow halfway, slipping a few noses out of Vinyl in the process. Vinyl raised her head to complain, but as Rainbow drew back for another thrust, Applejack pushed forward, hilting herself within the DJ once more. Rainbow did not expect the motion from Applejack, accidentally pulling back too far and popping her flare out of Applejack’s rump. But she caught on quickly, slipping back within the farmer’s plot as her hips thrust out to meet hers. With Vinyl distracted, Octavia wrapped her tail around Vinyl’s horn and guided it into her plot. Vinyl groaned in pleasure as her horn was enveloped in the warm vice of Octavia’s ass. Two thirds of her fantasy were now coming to fruition, and she felt no need to ask for more. Once she and Rainbow had settled into a rhythm, Applejack was free to please Octavia. While she bounced atop Vinyl’s horn, Applejack ran her tongue up and down the cellist’s folds, licking as deep as she could reach to heighten Octavia’s pleasure. Like a well-oiled machine, they rutted away, gaining speed as they went. But unlike a machine, they had their limits. The faster they went, the faster their pleasure built, and it was quickly becoming too much. Their climaxes went off like a chain reaction. Applejack fell first, and the resulting tightness of her ass sent Rainbow over the edge. Unable to do much else, Applejack locked her lips around Octavia’s clit and suckled on it, bringing the cellist to orgasm. Finally, the cum flooding into her ass and the clenching of Octavia’s plot around her horn became too much for Vinyl, and she joined the others in an explosion of pleasure. Their voices mingled in a lewd chorus, and though the performance had no audience, none of those involved were the least bit disappointed. For Vinyl in particular it was a dream come true; the initiation of an exciting new sex life to share with her marefriend. As they pleasure died down, Vinyl was the first to regain her breath. “You know, that didn’t sound too bad. We should harmonize more often.” Octavia summoned the strength to swat Vinyl with her tail, but the DJ merely laughed through the black strands. Rainbow sighed, completely sated atop Applejack’s back. “Now this is a spot I could get used to.” Applejack chuckled. “As long as Ah get a chance at yers, you can have mah ass any day, sugarcube.” Octavia freed Vinyl’s horn from her rump and scooted back, giving the DJ room to unlock her hocks from Applejack’s flanks and fall to the sheets, reaching a hoof down to rub her pleasantly full belly. “Do you guys want me to cast the spell again or can I keep this stuff?” Vinyl prompted. “Well, there’s no real mess, and Ah always like a full belly before bed,” Applejack supposed. Vinyl smiled. “Great, ‘cause I’m not sure I could cast it again.” Rainbow didn’t seem to want to move from her perch, so Applejack merely lowered herself to the ground, feeling the pegasus’ flare exit her before she flopped on top of her. “Ah don’t know about y’all, but Ah’m feelin’ pretty tuckered out.” Octavia rolled back the covers to snuggle in, prompting Vinyl to join her. Applejack was content to sleep where she lie, and judging by the snoring above her, so was Rainbow. Vinyl turned off the light and the four mares fell into a contented sleep.