Make Some Noise

by Stormface

First published

Your friend Vinyl has invited you to her club! With it being the weekend and you have nothing else to do, what's the worst that could happen?

[2nd Person]
(Featured, yaaay~)
Your friend Vinyl has invited you to her club! With it being the weekend and you have nothing else to do, what's the worst that could happen?



(Cover Image by Skyline19 on DeviantArt)

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You peel your eyes open and wince at the light pouring into an open window. Your head is pounding, as if someone had beaten you over the head with various blunt objects. Were you hungover? No, you had only a couple drinks last night. This feeling was different. Your chest felt hollow and your extremities numb. A glance reveals that they've been chained to the floor and bound together above your head. Your efforts to struggle against the clanking metal are futile, you wouldn't have the strength to break chains even if your limbs weren't asleep.

You let out a cry for help only to find your voice weak and muffled by some force. Were you drugged? The horrifyingly real chance strikes you. You take in your surroundings, you're chained to a dirty mattress in a dark room lit only by a small ceiling-high window. A basement? Most likely. The floors and walls seem to vibrate with rhythm. If you had to guess, you'd say it was maybe three in the afternoon.

You shake your arms to knock the chain against whatever surrounds it, and feel it whapping against something wooden. You look up, and see your shirt and phone on top of it. An idea forms in your mind. You struggle against the chains again, and manage to knock something over, a small desk maybe. Your phone skitters across the hard rock and stops near the mattress. Hoping the noise didn't gather any attention, you strain your wings to try and scrape your phone closer to your face. Success! You manage to hold down the home button long enough to bring up the screen.

"Siri, call the police!" You manage to whine weakly.

"Calling." The unemotional voice responds.

"Hello, this is the Equestrian Law Enforcement Emergency Line, please state your emergency." A friendly voice says over the phone.

"Please help me. I woke up tied to a mattress in some basement, I don't know where I am but-" You stop when you notice an aura around your phone. A vicious crack spreads across the screen and the frame begins to bend. "Send help!" You manage to shout before the phone ultimately shatters.

"That wasn't very nice... and I was gonna let you have so much fun." Your eyes widen at the voice and frame of your captor.

There, in the doorway, stood your friend. Vinyl Scratch.

"Now I'm gonna have to punish you."


You wake up in your bed with a yawn. It was a hard shift at the post office but the extra pay was worth it. You throw your legs over the side of the bed and stand. Your back cracks loudly, enticing you to twist left and right to pop your back even more. You make your bed and go to the kitchen. It's Saturday. And since you have weekends off of work, you decide that you'll have a shower before going out for breakfast. Navigating the halls of your apartment you manage to find the bathroom. Closing the door behind yourself, you strip your close until you are wearing nothing but your birthday suit.

You turn on the shower and stand idly whilst the water warms itself to a comfortable temperature. You let the water run over your hand and step into the stream of warm, relaxing water. You put head under the spray and let your mane go limp and hang down on your face. Snapping back to reality, you turn around and let the water cascade down your back and soak your wings. You bask in the feeling of the water on your sore wings, a feeling of pleasure only a Pegasus would know.

You get a squirt of shampoo and lather your hair, producing a surplus amount of eye-stinging foam that would double as your body-wash. After washing the mixture out of your hair and off of your body it would leave a pleasant scent that you found delightful. Clean as a whistle, you turn the shower off and grab a nearby towel to dry yourself.

Finishing your ever-exciting routine with the brushing of your teeth, you then exit the bathroom and take a seat in the living room, to think about where to go for breakfast.

“The bakery?” You ask yourself. “No, I’m not in the mood for anything sweet...” And then it hits you. “The diner! They’ve got a good breakfast menu.” So then you proceed to get changed into some decent clothes, which you do. From the counter, you grab your wallet, phone, and slide both items into your pants’ pocket.

Afterwards, you walk outdoors- the sun is beaming in your eyes, causing you to squint. Still feeling sore from the long work day yesterday, you decide against flying. Since you chose this, you walk the short way to the diner.

As you stride along the cobblestone, your steps becoming a crescendo, you notice a particular mare handing out things to others. “Thanks, see you tonight!” Vinyl Scratch, your long-time friend smiles at the pony that passes by her after receiving a small card.

“Oh, top of the mornin’ Vinyl! What’cha got there?” Your mouth cracks into a smile as you go onto your tippy-toes to look over her shoulder.

She glances at you, and does a double-take. “O-oh, hello! Nice seeing you here... Oh, by the way, I’m hosting a killer party tonight. Wanna come? It’s at my place!”

“Oh, a party? That sounds fun, you’re handing out fliers or somethin’?” You ask her, before she nods. Vinyl takes one out of her bag, and offers it to you. With a sincere smile, you take the invitation. Seeing the smile on Vinyl’s face makes you smile more. But something is a little off with her expression, as if she was rather uncomfortable around you. “... Is uh, something wrong?”

“Huh? No, what could be wrong?” Vinyl cocks her head at you.

“I’unno, you just looked kinda... eh, it doesn’t matter. I guess I’ll see you tonight? I bet it’ll be fun!” You chuckle a little bit, and she joins you. “Seeya later ‘Scratchy!” You cackle rather mischievously as her face lights-up in a priceless blush.

“S-stop calling me that!”


~That Night~

After a good breakfast at the expense of your wallet, and a day’s worth of sitting on your ass, your phone beeps as you receive a text message. With a sigh, you pick up the device and read said message. It is from Vinyl, of course. “Hey, where the buck are you? The party’s about to start, you doofus!” It reads.

“Shit,” You hiss, standing up. You check-over your apparel as quick as a cat, and nod in approval of your casual wear. Quickly you make your way out of the door, and start down the street to Vinyl’s house.

Which was all the way on the other side of fucking town. You flex your wings and decide to just fly to her house. Within minutes you are twice as far as you would have been if you were walking. You silently thank Celestia for bestowing the gifts of wings upon your back.

From your current position, you could see that Vinyl went and gone all-out for the party, even going as far as to rent several attention-grabbing spotlights. It seems that this wasn’t just an average house party afterall. You briefly wonder if you would see any other big-name producers there. Likely not, because Vinyl made some good music. Great music at that, since you are a fan of her musical talent.

You arrive at the house (finally), and Vinyl greets you at the door. “Hey! Glad to see you here, Mr. Late.” She smirks, before she pats you on the shoulder, leading you into the house. “C’mon, I got a special, unreleased track planned for this party.” You take a moment to gather and take-in your surroundings. Vinyl has her usual, old-school yet still impressive DJ Booth set up in her massive living room near the back. A small, makeshift bar is in the kitchen, and people are literally all over the place! Congregating on the stairs, dancing in the cleared-out spaces, drinking or snacking wherever they could. There likely isn’t a room without people occupying it.

Vinyl drags you again by your arm to a small chained-off area which is near her setup to be able to stand and talk without constantly being bumped into or pushed around by other party-goers. “Like what you see?” She asks, casting an arm over the dance-floor playfully.

“It’s awesome! I’m surprised at the turn out, no offense. Geez, the bill for the cleaning crew is going to be astronomical by the look of all the trash people are leaving everywhere.” You glance around the dance floor, and not to your surprise, people were already being irresponsible as to their messes.

“Ah, that’s fine. After I released my new record, I got a big. Fat. Check.” Vinyl chuckles, and you smile at her. “See, ‘cause I get paid depending on how many people enjoy my record. A million people, man! I got paid a fourth of that. Two hundred fifty G’s, baby!” She laughs heartily.

“You’re so kidding me!” You laugh as well.

“No way hosay. Took a little over half my budget just to pay for all of this.” She replies. “But... I have something to ask you.” Vinyl loses her look of playfulness, and it is replaced by one of solemnness and slight nervousness, from what you could tell at least.

“Yeah? What’s that?” You keep your considerate, compassionate smile on your face.

But what you hear almost makes you feel guilty on the inside. “Well... uh... I don’t know if you’re gonna appreciate this’re not, but I’ve... had my eye on you for a while...” Vinyl blushes. Oh dear Celestia, your poor damn heart! “A-and, I...” Her voice becomes shaky, tiny tears welling up in the corners of her eyes.

“Shhh, shh shh...” You place a finger softly over her mouth, and smile warmly at her. Your heart is begging you to not say what your brain is processing, but you can’t help it. “Look, Vinyl, I love you. But as a friend... I... know you might think otherwise of me, but I’m just... not sure that it’d work.” You see the tears well-up in her eyes. ‘Shit, shit, shit!’ You almost panic, but then you embrace her out of instinct.

“Hey, it’s okay... don’t cry.” The pre-made music in the background is loud enough to keep people from hearing your conversation. “I know it hurts to not have your feelings returned, but I haven’t lost any respect for you... I’m... actually flattered that you think of me that way.”

“Re-*sniffle*-really?” She meets eyes with you. But you can see the bitterness behind her masquerade of consideration. Your jimmies were definitely ruffled at this, but you ignore it for now.

You nod. “Why wouldn’t I? Now,” Wiping away her tears, you smile at her. “Come on, you got a party to host.” After letting her go, you walk down into the crowd to enjoy the night.

Not after taking a trip to the snack bar, though!

You find a little self-service bar with bowls to fill with various small snacks and quickly grab yourself a little bit of everything. You find a small bar stool and scoot it over and out of the way to eat without bothering anyone.

After about half an hour of getting more snacks occasionally, and listening to Vinyl’s amazing new record, the lady herself walks into the room holding two drinks. She grabs another conveniently empty seat and sits next to you. “Got you a drink.” Vinyl says, almost emotionlessly.

“Oh, thank you.” She places the drink in front of you, and you look in admiration of the cocktail. “This have alcohol in it?” You smirk as you look to her.

She nods. “Oh yeah. It’s strong.”

“I see you even took the liberty to line the glass with... salt?” You ask her, raising a brow.

“I crushed-up some rockets and lined it with that. I’m uh... not so good at mixing drinks,” Vinyl chuckles, “But I hope you like it!”

With a smile you take a drink. It is rather sweet, then all of a sudden- BANG! The vodka burns your throat mercilessly on its way down to your gut. It is like saturated in alcohol, but then you get hints of citrus, and a little bit of a tang. The ice cubes in the drink were not ice cubes, either. They were frozen balls of watermelon. Quite creative.“Gah, you trying to kill me? You know I’m a weak drinker!” You joke, taking another sip of the painfully good drink.

She chuckles, as you begin to feel warm all over, almost as if a tingling was travelling across your skin. “Make sure to eat the watermelon.” You nod, and pop one into your mouth.

The both of you converse with one another, until around twenty minutes later. Your vision starts to get blurry. “Ugh, I gotta... go to the bathroom.” You slur from your mouth, getting to stand.

Only to fall down and crack the back of your head off of the snack bar.

Before you hit the floor, you felt a warm liquid trickle down your face, your eyesight slowly fading with every blink, until finally, you pass out.

Make Some Noise

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Vinyl stands in the doorway, her red irises eerily standing out of the shadows that cloak her face. Your heart is racing while your brain struggles to comprehend what exactly she means by “punish”.

And then, she proceeds to walk towards you, her eyes narrowing. “V-Vinyl, i-if this is about me turning you down, I-I-I’m sorry!” You attempt to reason with her, but she seems not to listen. Or care for that matter.

She stops just a few feet away from you. Now, now you could see her full form- dear Christ you wish you hadn’t. Because she is bare, save for the black thong and lace bra she wears. And that only makes it worse. Your eyes go wide.

But then you realize something; you have nothing but your undergarments on as well. “Why did you have to make it difficult?” She asks, pouting. “Do you know how much seroquel costs? You made me have to use the entire bottle!” Vinyl is visibly shaking with anger. “What’s wrong with me, huh?! Am I not pretty enough for you?!” She practically screams at you.

“No! I mean, yes, er, I mean- SHIT! You’re very pretty, but I just... I’unno, you’re not my type! Why are you doing this to me!?” You demand, also getting rather angry at her. Why? Well, she drugged you for one. Then she chained you up in some room. Is that not reasonable enough?

“Because I LOVE you! I need you!” Vinyl giggles insanely. If it were not for the fact that she means something to you, as a friend, you would be terrified for your life. “Ever since I MET you I wanted you! Why couldn’t you see that?!” She questions you, meeting teary eyes with you.

“I-I could tell that you were giving me some hints, but I just didn’t see you in that light!” You acknowledge that regardless of what you say, well unless you ‘say’ that you love her, you are going to be here for a while. But you aren’t going to just lie to her, that will just perpetuate the situation. “Look, just let me go, please, and I will forget this ever happened. I won’t go to the cops, tell anyone anything!” You beg, hoping she will listen.

Your begging falls upon deaf ears though, she still continues to stand in one place, giggling to herself. “I think it’s time to start the party.” Vinyl says ominously, grabbing a nearby pair of scissors. For a moment you wonder if you are;

A) Going to be viciously murdered.


B) Going to be castrated.

Luckily, she does neither. She rather opts to cut along the side of your boxers instead. She pulls the pair of boxers which are now in ruin off of your legs, and tosses them aside. Along with the scissors. You let out a sigh of relief as she does this, silently thanking Celestia that you’ll just be raped instead of castrated.

Wait, you’re going to be fucking RAPED!?!

You try your best to cover yourself with what little leg control you have, which inevitably fails. Vinyl slowly, very slowly, gets on her knees. All the while looking you in the eyes. “Y-you don’t have to do this...” Your voice is shaking, nervous.

“Yeah, you’re right...” You almost smile as you think she reconsiders her thinking. “I don’t have to, but I sure as hell want to...” Looking at your still-limp endowment, Vinyl cracks a smile across her face. She suddenly takes a hold of it by the base, making you wince at her roughness. ”I’ve been waiting so long for this moment! Are you as excited as I am?!” Vinyl giggles again.

“No!” You protest. “Especially since this is rape!”

“Awww, come on... you may as well enjoy yourself. This IS going to happen! I mean, look at the size of it... and it’s limp?” The devilish, seductive tone in her voice, and the sultry look she is giving you makes it hard to resist popping a stiffy. If it had popped-up any faster it would have slapped her in the face! You curse your libido, and try to will your erection away by flexing your thighs to redirect blood-flow. It seems to work, thankfully.

Vinyl unfortunately takes notice. “Oh no, mister! You’re not going limp on my watch...” She makes you shiver as she runs her tongue along the side of your now throbbing member. And damn, did it ever look- no, you can’t give into this! But it was so alluring, seeing yourself melt away in a sea of both lust and ire for what she was doing. Silently begging her to go on in the back of your head, your teeth bite-down on your lower lip as she laps up a bead of pre from the tip of it. You close your eyes, a sea of blazing red igniting across your cheeks in a blush, waiting for her to start the oral assault on your, reluctantly now fully-erect, manhood. The head of it is flared-out in lust, drooling copious amounts of pre onto the mare’s tongue as she slides it into her mouth. The cold of her mouth makes you shiver even more, as you haven’t gotten used to the heat. She takes a considerable amount into her mouth, almost halfway down your length.

Before making you nearly scream in pain by biting down on it. Very hard. Before your member could even retract, she begins to bob her head up and down. You groan out in pain, as it is slowly being replaced by pleasure. Your sensitive mound of flesh is starting to get used to the heat of her mouth- and it’s starting to feel great. Her tongue is wrapping around and running under your thickness, tantalizing your every nerve. Your mind is clouding, and you find yourself almost not wanting her to stop and let you go. Due to the only experience you had being with your own hand, this was taking things to a whole new level of pleasure. Amazingly enough, she seems to be wreathed in complete bliss, not skipping a beat as she bobs her head up and down, taking you deeper every here and now. Had the circumstances been different, and you weren’t tied up in a basement, this would without a doubt be the best day of your life so far. Being fellated by such a good-looking woman brings you an infinite elation in a sea of sinful, devilish pleasure. She then takes her free hand and roughly squeezes your stones, blending both pain and pleasure together.

You feel yourself getting close. Already? Then again, it makes sense since you aren’t experienced in this kind of stuff. “V-... Vinyl...” You mutter out, making her stop. “C-... gonna... cum...” You can barely form a sentence, so you try to warn her in the best way possible. By acting like a retard.

She begins to bob faster and faster, making you moan as your wood becomes stone. It throbs violently as you let out a very loud moan. Suddenly, she pulls off, and starts to stroke your manhood vigorously. “Come on, c’mon, give me it all!” Vinyl grins, and your hips start to rock back and forth, knees buckling as you finally release your payload.

But Vinyl doesn’t let you cum- she squeezes the base of your cock hard, and plugs your swelling cumslit with her thumb. It was painful, seeing your cock throb and twitch as nothing came out. Not painful mentally, but painful physically too- all that spunk has nowhere to go, so it seeps back into your system. But Vinyl still continues to stroke you away.

“Sh-... shit!” You muster out weakly, as your back arches.

You let out another futile load only mere minutes later. Teasing you, Vinyl poises her mouth over the tip of your dick, and sucks the head into her mouth hard. Then, she brings up her right hand, and slaps it hard out of her mouth, by the shaft. You yelp and whimper, but then you get revenge. Your cock rebounds, and manages to smack Vinyl across the face. Not very hard, though. Ah well, it’s good enough. “Aren’t you naughty...?” She chuckles, taking your entire length down her throat.

“Aaah, aaah FUCK!” You yell out, bucking your hips as you attempt to release yet another load. Your member was sensitive, and due to it not releasing its previous loads... you get the picture.

But once again, Vinyl denies your release by pulling up as fast as she could. She plugs the hole with her index finger. “It’s throbbing so much...” She pants. “I bet you’d fill me up with that much cum...” She teases, licking the side of your member, moaning like a whore. She crawls up your chest and looks you in the eyes. “Are you having fun yet?” She purrs. “I know I am, and this is just the start...” Vinyl strokes your cheek.

“You’’re crazy...” You whine, crotch burning. She is quiet for a moment, seemingly thinking of a response. Instead, she stands. You watch her intently as she drops her black thong to the ground. She steps over you and sits on your chest.

“I’ve eaten you, now I want you to eat me.” Vinyl orders, smirking. You could feel her womanhood creating a puddle on your chest, her feminine juices running down the sides of her legs. She is shaved- which is what you prefer when looking at pornography. But this, this is the real thing. So at least you have that. “Well? What are you waiting for?”

Your member was still rock hard. “Maybe... we could... sixty-nine?” You could barely form words due to the residual pleasure, but you manage.

She shakes her head. “Uh-uh. That wouldn’t be fair... and besides, do you really want me to get the whip?”

Your eyes go wide. No, you aren’t going to let that happen. It couldn’t be that hard, right? “Can you... m-move up a bit?” You question her. Really, your neck isn’t able to stretch that far due to your position.

Vinyl rolls her eyes, but says, “Sure...” She moves up a bit, dragging her ass on your chest. You have no idea why, but it turns you on- her cheeks were soft. She sees you blushing, and giggles. “Mmm... oh, do you like my ass?” Your pupils shrink at this question, and you blush harder. “Pervert...” She then moans as you reach your head up, starting to lick along her folds. Her slit is slick and wet, and she doesn’t stop moaning due to your works. Soon, you can’t help yourself. You start to literally gorge on her box, making her moan loudly. She moves her hips back and forth, very slowly, to aid in your oral expedition. Quickly, she bites her lip due to the pleasure. She’s already leaking like a faucet- she tastes bland, but it’s bearable.

This goes on for what feels like nearly fifteen or twenty minutes, before your tongue starts to hurt. Vinyl takes off her bra, throwing it aside as she reveals her easily D-cup breasts, which would make for a lovely pillow. Your face is nearly coated with her juices, save for your eyes (thank Celestia, you assume that it would hurt). She begins to pant. You are still hard, and she’s on-edge, grinding her cunt on your face and tongue. It is unfair that she gets to orgasm and you don’t. With that in mind, you suddenly see her arch her back. Your eyes go wide as you see her folds contracting. But then they slam shut as you discover that she is a squirter- a jet of girlcum hitting you square in the forehead, running down either side. She fondles her decent-sized breasts as she moans at the top of her lungs, almost screaming in pleasure.

“Howcome... howcome I can’t cum, but you can...?” You ask, your tongue’s state making you sound like a nerd who has a lisp.

“Because you... mm... you tried to call the cops, you... you bad boy!” Vinyl pants, her voice broken from the pleasure of her orgasm. “But you’ll get yours... don’t... ah... worry...” She says, sliding down your chest. Vinyl, who is now poised between your legs, smothers your still-erect cock with her breasts. “I think... oh I know you’ll... love this...” She says, beginning to titfuck you. Her breasts fit your length, but she only struggles with the girth. After all, your girth isn’t really proportional to your length. Precum pours from the now flared-out head of your endowment, acting as a lubricant as it glazes her breasts. Vinyl giggles as you try to thrust your hips. She grinds her breasts, one up and one down, along your length. Due to your pre soaking her tits, on one side, you feel like your cock is sliding into a welcoming mouth. On the other, it is thrusting in. Soon, she returns to normally titfucking you- every time your engorged head passes up through her breast, she stops to lick down the back of it, and play with the head a bit. Sometimes, she would even suck on it.

Suddenly, Vinyl stops, and quickly begins to deepthroat you. This makes your eyes go wide, and you moan in gratification at the pleasure. Her tongue runs along the back of your meaty shaft, those beautiful red eyes meeting with yours. She bobs her head up and down your length. Since she was able to take in the girth, it really made you feel like you were inadequate. But soon, you got over your feelings of inadequacy rather quickly as she begins to suck hard. Your approaching orgasm makes you thrust your hips in and out, regardless of what restraints you had. You clench your fists and finally, thank Celestia’s beautiful ass, release your seed deep into Vinyl’s throat. With the ensuing wave of overpowering pleasure, you’re pretty sure you’ve went blind.

But your vision returns and you see Vinyl coughing and wheezing. “Geez, you could’ve at least warned me...” Vinyl giggles. It takes all your willpower to not pass out right then and there, but you manage. “We’re not done yet though.” Vinyl looks up to you. “That was just a warmup.”

~One Month Later~

In the month that passed, Vinyl has grown lenient, at least lenient enough to allow you to be unchained. She has allowed you free-reign of the entire basement thanks to your obedience. Admittedly, your situation isn’t that bad. Yeah, you have no real choice in anything, but your, dare you say it, owner is a very attractive woman who loves you in the end. Even though she did rape you, and does force you to do things to her and with her against your will.

You hear the basement door opening, it’s heavy locks clank and rattle. The door shuts and is locked again from the inside before you hear footsteps coming down the stairs. No surprise, it’s Vinyl. You turn in a rolling chair to see her walking towards you. “Hello, Vinyl.” You greet her, smiling. “How has your day been?” You ask her.

“Very long, and very boring.” Vinyl pouts. She takes a seat on your lap. “Yours?”

“Just been doing some reading, but you’re not here to just chit-chat, are you?” You smirk as Vinyl winces in faux-insult.

Me? How dare you insinuate that a woman as high-class as myself would...Yeah, okay, take off your clothes.” Vinyl stands, allowing you to do the same. You strip down to nothing in a flash so you can watch Vinyl do the same. Vinyl is wearing a button-up shirt that severely restricts her bountiful bouncing bust. She unbuttons it slowly, toying with you. When the final button is unclasped, her bra struggles to keep her breasts up and snuggled inside. She turns around to unbutton her jeans, and bends over whilst pulling them down to show off her panties.

You grin deviously, as you start playing with yourself to get a head start on her. Vinyl unclips the back of her bra and lets it fall to the floor, completely releasing her paragons of feminine beauty. “No foreplay today, I’m going out with the girls in about two hours.” Vinyl says, grabbing your already hard dick. She suddenly pushes you, causing you to fall back into the rolling chair. When you land, your member bobs like a bobblehead doll. She drops her panties down her legs and kicks them off into a corner without a care.

Vinyl sits herself slowly down onto your member and leans into you, hissing in pleasure. “Let me do the work...” She whispers. Your beautiful dominatrix pushes herself up and down along your length, without letting it pop out at a steady pace. You feel her inner walls squeezing tightly against your shaft as she bounces with ruthless abandon, literally rutting you. You close your eyes and groan into Vinyl’s well-endowed chest. You move a hand below her waist and find her incredibly tight rosebud. Using her own fluids, you lube-up your index finger and slowly work it into her clenched, hot ass. You fingerblast her asshole without mercy as she rides you, causing her to moan loudly. You withdraw your finger for a moment, only to lubricate your middle finger with her copious fluids, to add to her experience and enjoyment. Vinyl proceeds to nearly scream as her asshole is stretched farther.

She stops suddenly and hugs you tightly, you feel a rush of girlcum run down your lap. You withdraw your fingers from her ass and continue to use both hands to lift her up and down on your cock. You slam into her recklessly as you near your limit.

“Don’t cum inside.” She says weakly, still riding her orgasm. You slam inside faster and faster until you pull completely out and cum straight upwards, most of it landing on Vinyl’s stomach or on you. You both sit for quite a while just resting and relaxing together. After that moment passes, Vinyl stands and withdraws some tissues from a nearby drawer to clean herself off. She gives you a couple to do the same.

You stare off into Vinyl’s eyes, and she does the same. You lock lips, and french-kiss each other wildly with passion, before you draw back from one another, connected by a strand of saliva. Afterwards, she gets up and starts leaving the room.

“I love you...” You hear Vinyl say. You turn to look at her.

“... I love you too.” You admit.


Make Some Noise (Alt Ending)

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Vinyl stands in the doorway, her red irises eerily standing out of the shadows that cloak her face. Your heart is racing while your brain struggles to comprehend what exactly she means by “punish”.

And then, she proceeds to walk towards you, her eyes narrowing. “V-Vinyl, i-if this is about me turning you down, I-I-I’m sorry!” You attempt to reason with her, but she seems not to listen. Or care for that matter.

She stops just a few feet away from you. Now, now you could see her full form- dear Christ you wish you hadn’t. Because she is bare, save for the black thong and lace bra she wears. And that only makes it worse. Your eyes go wide.

But then you realize something; you have nothing but your undergarments on as well. “Why did you have to make it difficult?” She asks, pouting. “Do you know how much seroquel costs? You made me have to use the entire bottle!” Vinyl is visibly shaking with anger. “What’s wrong with me, huh?! Am I not pretty enough for you?!” She practically screams at you.

“No! I mean, yes, er, I mean- SHIT! You’re very pretty, but I just... I’unno, you’re not my type! Why are you doing this to me!?” You demand, also getting rather angry at her. Why? Well, she drugged you for one. Then she chained you up in some room. Is that not reasonable enough?

“Because I LOVE you! I need you!” Vinyl giggles insanely. If it were not for the fact that she means something to you, as a friend, you would be terrified for your life. “Ever since I MET you I wanted you! Why couldn’t you see that?!” She questions you, meeting teary eyes with you.

“I-I could tell that you were giving me some hints, but I just didn’t see you in that light!” You acknowledge that regardless of what you say, well unless you ‘say’ that you love her, you are going to be here for a while. But you aren’t going to just lie to her, that will just perpetuate the situation. “Look, just let me go, please, and I will forget this ever happened. I won’t go to the cops, tell anyone anything!” You beg, hoping she will listen.

Your begging falls upon deaf ears though, she still continues to stand in one place, giggling to herself. “I think it’s time to start the party.” Vinyl says ominously, grabbing a nearby pair of scissors. For a moment you wonder if you are;

A) Going to be viciously murdered.


B) Going to be castrated.

Luckily, she does neither. She rather opts to cut along the side of your boxers instead. She pulls the pair of boxers which are now in ruin off of your legs, and tosses them aside. Along with the scissors. You let out a sigh of relief as she does this, silently thanking Celestia that you’ll just be raped instead of castrated.

Wait, you’re going to be fucking RAPED!?!

You try your best to cover yourself with what little leg control you have, which inevitably fails. Vinyl slowly, very slowly, gets on her knees. All the while looking you in the eyes. “Y-you don’t have to do this...” Your voice is shaking, nervous.

“Yeah, you’re right...” You almost smile as you think she reconsiders her thinking. “I don’t have to, but I sure as hell want to...” Looking at your still-limp endowment, Vinyl cracks a smile across her face. She suddenly takes a hold of it by the base, making you wince at her roughness. ”I’ve been waiting so long for this moment! Are you as excited as I am?!” Vinyl giggles again.

“No!” You protest. “Especially since this is rape!”

“Awww, come on... you may as well enjoy yourself. This IS going to happen! I mean, look at the size of it... and it’s limp?” The devilish, seductive tone in her voice, and the sultry look she is giving you makes it hard to resist popping a stiffy. If it had popped-up any faster it would have slapped her in the face! You curse your libido, and try to will your erection away by flexing your thighs to redirect blood-flow. It seems to work, thankfully.

Vinyl unfortunately takes notice. “Oh no, mister! You’re not going limp on my watch...” She makes you shiver as she runs her tongue along the side of your now throbbing member. And damn, did it ever look- no, you can’t give into this! But it was so alluring, seeing yourself melt away in a sea of both lust and ire for what she was doing. Silently begging her to go on in the back of your head, your teeth bite-down on your lower lip as she laps up a bead of pre from the tip of it. You close your eyes, a sea of blazing red igniting across your cheeks in a blush, waiting for her to start the oral assault on your, reluctantly now fully-erect, manhood. The head of it is flared-out in lust, drooling copious amounts of pre onto the mare’s tongue as she slides it into her mouth. The cold of her mouth makes you shiver even more, as you haven’t gotten used to the heat. She takes a considerable amount into her mouth, almost halfway down your length.

Before making you nearly scream in pain by biting down on it. Very hard. Before your member could even retract, she begins to bob her head up and down. You groan out in pain, as it is slowly being replaced by pleasure. Your sensitive mound of flesh is starting to get used to the heat of her mouth- and it’s starting to feel great. Her tongue is wrapping around and running under your thickness, tantalizing your every nerve. Your mind is clouding, and you find yourself almost not wanting her to stop and let you go. Due to the only experience you had being with your own hand, this was taking things to a whole new level of pleasure. Amazingly enough, she seems to be wreathed in complete bliss, not skipping a beat as she bobs her head up and down, taking you deeper every here and now. Had the circumstances been different, and you weren’t tied up in a basement, this would without a doubt be the best day of your life so far. Being fellated by such a good-looking woman brings you an infinite elation in a sea of sinful, devilish pleasure. She then takes her free hand and roughly squeezes your stones, blending both pain and pleasure together.

You feel yourself getting close. Already? Then again, it makes sense since you aren’t experienced in this kind of stuff. “V-... Vinyl...” You mutter out, making her stop. “C-... gonna... cum...” You can barely form a sentence, so you try to warn her in the best way possible. By acting like a retard.

She begins to bob faster and faster, making you moan as your wood becomes stone. It throbs violently as you let out a very loud moan. Suddenly, she pulls off, and starts to stroke your manhood vigorously. “Come on, c’mon, give me it all!” Vinyl grins, and your hips start to rock back and forth, knees buckling as you finally release your payload.

But Vinyl doesn’t let you cum- she squeezes the base of your cock hard, and plugs your swelling cumslit with her thumb. It was painful, seeing your cock throb and twitch as nothing came out. Not painful mentally, but painful physically too- all that spunk has nowhere to go, so it seeps back into your system. But Vinyl still continues to stroke you away.

“Sh-... shit!” You muster out weakly, as your back arches.

You let out another futile load only mere minutes later. Teasing you, Vinyl poises her mouth over the tip of your dick, and sucks the head into her mouth hard. Then, she brings up her right hand, and slaps it hard out of her mouth, by the shaft. You yelp and whimper, but then you get revenge. Your cock rebounds, and manages to smack Vinyl across the face. Not very hard, though. Ah well, it’s good enough. “Aren’t you naughty...?” She chuckles, taking your entire length down her throat.

“Aaah, aaah FUCK!” You yell out, bucking your hips as you attempt to release yet another load. Your member was sensitive, and due to it not releasing its previous loads... you get the picture.

But once again, Vinyl denies your release by pulling up as fast as she could. She plugs the hole with her index finger. “It’s throbbing so much...” She pants. “I bet you’d fill me up with that much cum...” She teases, licking the side of your member, moaning like a whore. She crawls up your chest and looks you in the eyes. “Are you having fun yet?” She purrs. “I know I am, and this is just the start...” Vinyl strokes your cheek.

“You’’re crazy...” You whine, crotch burning. She is quiet for a moment, seemingly thinking of a response. Instead, she stands. You watch her intently as she drops her black thong to the ground. She steps over you and sits on your chest.

“I’ve eaten you, now I want you to eat me.” Vinyl orders, smirking. You could feel her womanhood creating a puddle on your chest, her feminine juices running down the sides of her legs. She is shaved- which is what you prefer when looking at pornography. But this, this is the real thing. So at least you have that. “Well? What are you waiting for?”

Your member was still rock hard. “Maybe... we could... sixty-nine?” You could barely form words due to the residual pleasure, but you manage.

She shakes her head. “Uh-uh. That wouldn’t be fair... and besides, do you really want me to get the whip?”

Your eyes go wide. No, you aren’t going to let that happen. It couldn’t be that hard, right? “Can you... m-move up a bit?” You question her. Really, your neck isn’t able to stretch that far due to your position.

Vinyl rolls her eyes, but says, “Sure...” She moves up a bit, dragging her ass on your chest. You have no idea why, but it turns you on- her cheeks were soft. She sees you blushing, and giggles. “Mmm... oh, do you like my ass?” Your pupils shrink at this question, and you blush harder. “Pervert...” She then moans as you reach your head up, starting to lick along her folds. Her slit is slick and wet, and she doesn’t stop moaning due to your works. Soon, you can’t help yourself. You start to literally gorge on her box, making her moan loudly. She moves her hips back and forth, very slowly, to aid in your oral expedition. Quickly, she bites her lip due to the pleasure. She’s already leaking like a faucet- she tastes bland, but it’s bearable.

This goes on for what feels like nearly fifteen or twenty minutes, before your tongue starts to hurt. Vinyl takes off her bra, throwing it aside as she reveals her easily D-cup breasts, which would make for a lovely pillow. Your face is nearly coated with her juices, save for your eyes (thank Celestia, you assume that it would hurt). She begins to pant. You are still hard, and she’s on-edge, grinding her cunt on your face and tongue. It is unfair that she gets to orgasm and you don’t. With that in mind, you suddenly see her arch her back. Your eyes go wide as you see her folds contracting. But then they slam shut as you discover that she is a squirter- a jet of girlcum hitting you square in the forehead, running down either side. She fondles her decent-sized breasts as she moans at the top of her lungs, almost screaming in pleasure.

“Howcome... howcome I can’t cum, but you can...?” You ask, your tongue’s state making you sound like a nerd who has a lisp.

“Because you... mm... you tried to call the cops, you... you bad boy!” Vinyl pants, her voice broken from the pleasure of her orgasm. “But you’ll get yours... don’t... ah... worry...” She says, sliding down your chest. Vinyl, who is now poised between your legs, smothers your still-erect cock with her breasts. “I think... oh I know you’ll... love this...” She says, beginning to titfuck you. Her breasts fit your length, but she only struggles with the girth. After all, your girth isn’t really proportional to your length. Precum pours from the now flared-out head of your endowment, acting as a lubricant as it glazes her breasts. Vinyl giggles as you try to thrust your hips. She grinds her breasts, one up and one down, along your length. Due to your pre soaking her tits, on one side, you feel like your cock is sliding into a welcoming mouth. On the other, it is thrusting in. Soon, she returns to normally titfucking you- every time your engorged head passes up through her breast, she stops to lick down the back of it, and play with the head a bit. Sometimes, she would even suck on it.

Suddenly, Vinyl stops, and quickly begins to deepthroat you. This makes your eyes go wide, and you moan in gratification at the pleasure. Her tongue runs along the back of your meaty shaft, those beautiful red eyes meeting with yours. She bobs her head up and down your length. Since she was able to take in the girth, it really made you feel like you were inadequate. But soon, you got over your feelings of inadequacy rather quickly as she begins to suck hard. Your approaching orgasm makes you thrust your hips in and out, regardless of what restraints you had. You clench your fists and finally, thank Celestia’s beautiful ass, release your seed deep into Vinyl’s throat. With the ensuing wave of overpowering pleasure, you’re pretty sure you’ve went blind.

But your vision returns and you see Vinyl coughing and wheezing. “Geez, you could’ve at least warned me...” Vinyl giggles. It takes all your willpower to not pass out right then and there, but you manage. “We’re not done yet though.” Vinyl looks up to you. “That was just a warmup.”

~One Month Later~

In the month that passed, Vinyl has grown lenient, at least lenient enough to allow you to be unchained. She has allowed you free-reign of the entire basement thanks to your obedience. Admittedly, your situation isn’t that bad. Yeah, you have no real choice in anything, but your, dare you say it, owner is a very attractive woman who loves you in the end. Even though she did rape you, and does force you to do things to her and with her against your will.

You hear the basement door opening, it’s heavy locks clank and rattle. The door shuts and is locked again from the inside before you hear footsteps coming down the stairs. No surprise, it’s Vinyl. You turn in a rolling chair to see her walking towards you. “Hello, Vinyl.” You greet her, smiling. “How has your day been?” You ask her.

“Very long, and very boring.” Vinyl pouts. She takes a seat on your lap. “Yours?”

“Just been doing some reading, but you’re not here to just chit-chat, are you?” You smirk as Vinyl winces in faux-insult.

Me? How dare you insinuate that a woman as high-class as myself would...Yeah, okay, take off your clothes.” Vinyl stands, allowing you to do the same. You strip down to nothing in a flash so you can watch Vinyl do the same. Vinyl is wearing a button-up shirt that severely restricts her bountiful bouncing bust. She unbuttons it slowly, toying with you. When the final button is unclasped, her bra struggles to keep her breasts up and snuggled inside. She turns around to unbutton her jeans, and bends over whilst pulling them down to show off her panties.

You grin deviously, as you start playing with yourself to get a head start on her. Vinyl unclips the back of her bra and lets it fall to the floor, completely releasing her paragons of feminine beauty. “No foreplay today, I’m going out with the girls in about two hours.” Vinyl says, grabbing your already hard dick. She suddenly pushes you, causing you to fall back into the rolling chair. When you land, your member bobs like a bobblehead doll. She drops her panties down her legs and kicks them off into a corner without a care.

Vinyl sits herself slowly down onto your member and leans into you, hissing in pleasure. “Let me do the work...” She whispers. Your beautiful dominatrix pushes herself up and down along your length, without letting it pop out at a steady pace. You feel her inner walls squeezing tightly against your shaft as she bounces with ruthless abandon, literally rutting you. You close your eyes and groan into Vinyl’s well-endowed chest. You move a hand below her waist and find her incredibly tight rosebud. Using her own fluids, you lube-up your index finger and slowly work it into her clenched, hot ass. You fingerblast her asshole without mercy as she rides you, causing her to moan loudly. You withdraw your finger for a moment, only to lubricate your middle finger with her copious fluids, to add to her experience and enjoyment. Vinyl proceeds to nearly scream as her asshole is stretched farther.

She stops suddenly and hugs you tightly, you feel a rush of girlcum run down your lap. You withdraw your fingers from her ass and continue to use both hands to lift her up and down on your cock. You slam into her recklessly as you near your limit.

“Don’t cum inside.” She says weakly, still riding her orgasm. You slam inside faster and faster until you pull completely out and cum straight upwards, most of it landing on Vinyl’s stomach or on you. You both sit for quite a while just resting and relaxing together. After that moment passes, Vinyl stands and withdraws some tissues from a nearby drawer to clean herself off. She gives you a couple to do the same.

You stare off into Vinyl’s eyes, and she does the same. You lock lips, and french-kiss each other wildly with passion, before you draw back from one another, connected by a strand of saliva. Afterwards, she gets up and starts leaving the room.

“I love you...” You hear Vinyl say. You turn to look at her.

You say nothing. Vinyl gives a disappointed sigh and leaves through the clunky, heavy basement door with it's many locks. You listen intently to the footsteps of your Captor to figure out when exactly she has left. The obnoxiously loud front-door slams with a boom, letting you know that she was gone. You quickly begin working.

From a corner you pull out a contraption you've spent the last month putting together, composed of many small or large objects you've found in the basement. It's purpose is to act as a ladder. You've spent many nights figuring out whether or not your plan would work, because if it didn't Vinyl might just kill you. You position the makeshift ladder under the basement window and climb up to a position you could look out of. The night-life of Canterlot is ever abundant, leaving you to wonder why no-one has tried to look for you here.

Moving on, you don't have very much time. You pick up a broken chair-leg and try to battering-ram the window with it.


You ram again and again, luckily the window give a bit each time. After what feel like fifteen minutes the chair-leg successfully smashes through the window, leaving many sharp splinters of glass behind. You decide to take the extra minute to smash out the shards and continue climb through. Unfortunately, you seem to have missed a particularly large splinter that manages to embed itself into your arm, causing you to stop halfway through the window. You force your arm downwards to snap the glass out of the window frame at the cost of cutting into you more, but allowing you to continue moving through the window.

You stand and take in your first fresh breath of air in what feels like forever, you want to weep in happiness, but you don't have the time. You need to get to a police station, and the nearest one is eight-blocks away. Another thought hits you, you could just run into a nearby restaurant or corner-store. Genius.

A block away you find one of Canterlot's many Five-Star Cafes, you limp up to the window and gaze in.

Oh shit.

Your heart drops as you see your Blue-haired, red-eyed Captor sitting in a booth with her other friends, drinking and giggling away. Moving on. You continue walking, you're still bleeding quite a bit and it seems to have caught the attention of another person. A wall-eyed woman stops you.

"Sir? Why are you bleeding? Do you want me to call an ambulance? Sit here," She offers you seat on a nearby bench, you take it. "I'm going to call an ambulance, what is your name?"

You tell her your name and she makes the call. "Hello, I need someone to come out here in an ambulance. Where am I? Corner of Fetlock road and Wheelbarrow lane. I saw this guy just stumbling down the street bleeding from his arm a lot, I think there's glass in his arm." The wall-eyed woman says to another person on the line. "Thank you, please hurry." She snaps her phone shut and sits next to you. "How did this happen? House work? Wait, why would you be doing house work in only a shirt and underwear..."

"A month ago, I was drugged and locked in a basement. That crazy bitch'll kill me if she sees me out here. Literally." You take deep breaths, trying to calm down. Minutes later, you hear sirens and see the flashing lights over the tops of buildings. It's over, you're home free. You'll get to go back to your house, see your friends, call and talk to your parents. They probably all think you're dead. And hey, you even feel excited that you can go back to work!

The ambulance pulls up in front of the bench you're sitting at with a police cruiser close behind. The paramedic loads you onto a stretcher and into the vehicle quickly and without issues, you ask that one of the two cops rides with you to the hospital.

~Three Days Later~

You finally are permitted to leave the hospital today! The tinted automated doors slide open to reveal a great amount of reporters and news teams with flashing cameras, boom mics, and a line of police to keep them at bay while you get into a taxi to go back home. From your stay in the hospital you also learned that Vinyl was caught, arrested, and sentenced to life in prison in a two day trial.

When you get home, your parents said they will be taking you out to a nice dinner with your friends, and you've managed to get the phone number from that wall-eyed woman, so maybe you'll give her a call sometime.

All in all, this whole ordeal has left you feeling angry, but kind of numb as well. You're just thankful it's finally over.