> Deathwatch. Equestrian deployment. > by axiosriot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Moon hung high in the nights sky, bathing Equestria in its magnificent glow, illuminating the very beauty of all caught under its brilliance. None more so than the majestic high reaching spires of Canterlot, home to the Royal Sisters, each regent over a celestial body and each charged with both ruling and protecting their subjects from any and all threats. Yet as many across this land of peace and harmony slumbered, one could not for something had drawn her from the duty of guarding the dreams of her subjects, for she had heard something cascading throw the world of dreams itself, an all inspiring battle-cry one only a true warrior with his duty at the forefront of his mind could muster. A type of battle-cry she had not heard since before she was banished to the moon, it tugged at her heart recalling to a memory that was neither hers nor her darker sides, but one she had been given by someone she had only met within the world of dreams... Her father. Sighing she gazed out of a window, over the rolling countryside glowing brilliantly in her moon light. A smile, weak as it might be crossed her lips knowing that even though her night might still be shunned by almost every pony it was not for fear but for a need for rest. But this was the last concern on her mind, but the source of the battle-cry she had heard, once more she entered the world of dreams ready to find the source. Returning to her most favoured place took great effort on her part for to enter the world of dreams only her spirit could venture in such a place, for it was the immaterial world for near complete chaos and constant change. Such a place is not one a weak willed being could enter and return sane, it took decades of mental discipline to enter such a chaotic place and return unscarred... sadly the regent of the moon, Princess Luna had learned this lesson the hard way a millennium ago and it was one she never wanted to repeat. Slipping into the dream world she gazed at the vibrant colours and swirling patterns, such chaotic majesty there was in their very being that to describe them was something no mortal mind could comprehend; only through sight could such marvels be truly understood. Slowly Luna flowed through the etheric either of the dream world following the vibrations the battle-cry had left, she followed the battle cry to its source. A large mobile wreck, it resembled an asteroid merged with both several gothic cathedrals and space faring warships, it was in fact a Space Hulk. Ancient debris formed over several millennia housing ancient powerful archeotecho and near indestructible warships, yet this Hulk held something more, a dark horrific alien race prowled the halls watching; waiting for prey to enter so they could feed and evolve to become deadly. Sensing life from within, Luna raised her right hand and a deep royal blue hue flowed from her fingers, closing her eyes only to have them fly open moments later glowing an eerie white, Luna viewed that which was transpiring inside the Space Hulk. ---------------------------- The Corridors were alive with them. The ceilings, air ducts, walls, the floor; everywhere, a tide of tooth and claw, a Xenos organism adapted for their task at hand, they surged forth like with the motion of a singular limb of a much greater mind, slavering and chittering with lethal intent as the swept towards the trespassers. Insatiable. Uncontainable. They surged forwards, minds linked in purpose, driven by a single terrible will, a horrifying intelligence drove them forth in this cold metallic Space Hulk, from beyond even the gaze of the ruinous powers. The command was given in no language of sound; nor words but it was clear in its intent; a single, all-powerful impulse untranslatable to the Equine or Human minds. The closest approximation would have been Feed! But feed was too simple a word for their actions, something so fundamental to the Xenos life-cycle, to the cancerous spread of their merciless kind across all known space. The impulse reflected a complete cycle of purpose, of experience, of need: Feed. Utilize. Adapt. Grow. Spread. Kill. Feed. So it would go, on and on, until the universe held nothing left to devour. Unless, of course such a cancer was expunged, cut out and excised with precision and lethal violence. Five stood before the unyielding tide of Xenos; five warriors, unafraid, heavily armed and clad in ceramite armour. They were Adeptus Astartes, or as they were more commonly known the Space Marines. The Holy Emperor of Mankind’s will made manifest, unflinching, unyielding and devoid of fear. But what could five hope to do? They were almost certain to be overwhelmed here in claustrophobic depths of a Space Hulk. The numbers they faced were to numerous and in constant flux to count... and yet, they did not fear. Crafted for war their minds could not register such emotions, only one thought did cross their minds at such a time Kill, for like the Xenos they faced the instinct to kill was as much a part of their life cycle as that of the Xenos hungering for their very being. Muzzle flare from three bolters strobed the corridor. The air beat with a deep tattoo, bolt after bolt after bolt. Exo-skeletal ribcages shattered. Blood sprayed in dark fonts from punctured heads; torso and joints were limbs once resided. Xeno bodies burst from within as large-calibre rounds detonated deep inside alien flesh. To the five nothing felt so right as this killing of foes, but more so now than any other engagement. Like all Space Marines they had been conditioned to it, programmed to live for it. So deeply ingrained, so hard-coded into every neuron. It was not just a mere duty to them, it was a reason to live, the expression of everything they were and ever would be. Every bolt round hit its mark, none were wasted each granting a kill-shot. Each mutilated corpse that hit the gantry floor pushed each marine closer to his ceiling of their performance level. "Drive them back!" Roared a fourth Space Marine pressing past his three fellow battle brothers, his right arm raised high above his head wielding a long shafted mace topped with a skull donning flaring wings, known more commonly as a Crozius Arcanum. The marine brought the Crozius down with one swift fluid movement, his speed astonishing for one of his size, crushing the head the head of a larger Xeno before him. Another roar escaped the Marines vox-link his head snapping up the to reveal the helmet that encases his head, a macabre skull helm, a visage that depicts the face of the Emperor mordant, evoking the Emperor's wrath. Its red optics fixing upon a second Xeno rushing fourth with front claws raised in a striking pattern, a loud shrill screech erupts from its mouth only to be silenced by a bolt round ripping through its jaw to impact the Xeno behind it. “By the Throne of Terra. Stop yelling that every single time you swing your Crozius, Khordel, its getting annoying.” Hissed Elyas standing to Khordel’s right, his bolters muzzle flaring again and again as bolt round after bolt round was expelled from within towards the Xenos. His bolter chugged to a sudden stop. With reflexes honed over a century of warfare, the marine dumped the empty and hammered home another. Before Elyas could bring his freshly loaded bolter to bear against the Xenos hoard something from on the ceiling reached bony arms towards him. Looking up he caught sight of the Xeno moments before a bolt round impacted it in the chest and detonated. Elyas rolled backwards to avoid what was coming. A scream, a spray of hot blood. Something long-limbed and heavy crashed onto the gantry floor where he had stood. Sneering behind his helmet Elyas looked down upon the Xeno, he raised an armoured boot and stamped down hard, smashing the grotesque head flat on the gantry floor. The Xeno quivered and twitched as its nerves fired off one last time. “You should worry more about your own hide brother rather than our prophetic brother-Chaplin’s chanting.” Elyas glanced to his left looking across at another marine, one he had a history with. A Space marine of the Space Wolves, Yngvar. No chance to respond as prox-alerts on Elyas’s retinal display told him Xenos were closing at an increased pace. He marked each by distance, levelled his bolter and fired – so few meters! – with the aid his Brothers he dropped them as they came. Bolt after bolt after bolt. “We fall back now, brothers, this position is over run!” The fourth marine growled, a Storm Warden to be exact. “Stand and fight Kestyr!” Elyas snorted as he dropped several more Xenos who rushed their positions. “We are holding this line! The other Kill-Teams have not returned our Vox-links. Give them a damned chance.” “It’s our chances that concern me!” Kestyr shot back as he unloaded another bolt into a Xeno leaping high into the air. “We have no way off this Throne forsaken Space Hulk!” Before Elyas could respond a sudden blinding wash of white light erupted five metres to his left along with a hearty yet slightly insane laughter. As another Battle-Brother of his fired the heavy flamer attached to his right arm. A torrent of ignited promethium washed over the ranks of the charging Xenos, filling the corridor with blazing, screeching bodies that thrashed and danced as they burned. In such an enclosed space the weapon was supremely effective.. at least while its ammo lasted. “I agree with Kestyr. We must fall back to a more defensible position.” The marine wielding the heavy flamer grumbled as he let loose another intense burst of ignited promethium. “Both Xavier and Kestyr have a point Dark Angel!” Khordel interrupted as his Crozius impacted the skull of another Xeno. “Our brothers, though it pains me to say it, have fallen to this Xenos tide and we shall to lest we fall back to a better position.” Elyas snorted in response as he raised and armoured boot kicking a Xenos in the chest causing it to hit the floor, he followed this action up by planting the same armoured foot squarely in the Xenos chest ending the beast’s existence. “Their Reasoning is sound Elyas” Yngvar uttered as he swung his bolter around launching a volley into a nearby air duct, screeching escaped the duct as the Xenos inside were struck by bolt rounds. “Fine!” Elyas barked gritting his teeth. “Xavier you lead us out me and Yngvar will cover our backs!” “I’m almost empty brothers!” Yngvar added as his bolter chuged to a stop the magazine having emptied the last of its bolt rounds. “By the Wolf! Throw me a magazine.” Elyas scowled under his helmet, always hating Yngvar referencing to this Wolf, he was a disrespectful fool, irreverent beyond any other Space Marine he had ever encountered. Nevertheless, between shots, Elyas tossed Yngvar a full bolter-mag, watching his brother move down the passage behind them Elyas jerked his head back signalling to Yngvar it was their turn to fall back. Nodding Yngvar moved first walking backwards down the passage at a slow pace, the muzzle flare from his bolter the only light exiting the passage as Yngvar fired giving Elyas the supporting fire he need to break from the fight. Moving down the cramped passage was not easy for the bulky armoured Marines but nevertheless they kept moving, the Xenos following behind the passage slowly their pursuit also. Finally the five entered a large circular chamber with only one way in and one way out... The passage they had used. “Xavier, by the Emperor you have led us into an even worse position!” Khordel yelled turning to face him, his skull shaped helmet further empathising his anger. “This is a Space Hulk! Khordel, we cannot predict where its passages lead!” Xavier retorted turning to face the passage raising his heavy flamer. Kestyr Yngvar and Elyas followed suit dropping to one knee raising their bolters aiming at the door prepared to make a final stand. But nothing came through the passage, they knew the Xenos were there watching them, with numbers to over run them in mere moments yet they did not charge. Something was not right and each Battle-Brother knew it. Then they heard it an unearthly battle-scream, high and shrill, yet deep and throaty too, as if it screamed with two voices. The floor shock violently as something burst up from beneath them. Rolling out the way the five marines aimed to avoid what came up from beneath them, yet one was not so lucky, Elyas was caught by surprise when the large Xenos burst forth from beneath his feet, a huge slashing scythe like claw ran up the length of his chest ripping into his armour, flesh and shattering several ribs. Elyas was launched high into the hair, his body slammed into the far wall, scrapping down the wall onto the floor Elyas gasped a raspy breath fighting to remain awake still tightly clutching his bolter. His helmet optics buzzed with intermittent static. Warning glyphs flashed red. The vox-link hissed in his ear. He thought he heard shouting and bolter-fire. “Kestyr. Secure Elyas, see to it he doesn't die!” Khordel roared gripping his Crozius tightly in his right hand before drawing his bolt pistol with his left. “Xavier keep him protected! Yngvar with me!” “Acknowledged!” The three marines reply before Khordel roared again charging the Xeno that erupted from beneath Elyas, Yngvar joining in a similar motion. Gasping and wheezing for breath Elyas rolled onto his stomach and slowly rose to his knees, his body trembling adrenaline rushing through him, keeping him alive. He fixed his gaze on the Xeno that had brought him to his knees, his vision blurred by the failing optics of his helmet all Elyas could make out was its immense size, serpentine body and segmented nature. Growling angrily Elyas brush both Kestyr and Xavier off rising now to his full height. “A Trygon... Tyranid filth.” Elyas snorted between rasping breaths watching as both Khordel and Yngvar are flung aside with only minor injuries. Fixing his gaze once again upon the Trygon Elyas takes a step forward and roars gaining the beasts attention. Whipping is head around to reveal its gaping bloody maw the Trygon lets out another unearthly battle-scream, rearing up into a striking pose. ‘’I’ll give you something to scream about.’’ Snarled Elyas. He raised his bolter returning the Trygon’s battle-scream with one of his chapter and opened fire. ----------------------------------------------------------------- “SUFFER NOT THE ALIEN TO LIVE!” Within a split second of the battle-cry ringing out Luna felt its full force slam into her etheric form forcing her back, out to the material world, to Equestria and her room where she lay slumped upon her bend. Gasping desperately for breath her eyes sprang open and her body bolted upright, a cold sweat dripped from Luna’s brow for what she had witnessed was something she had longed for yet fear all the same. She and her sister were not alone after all, yet they were for amongst the huge hulking figures she saw neither her farther nor any of her Brothers, but still felt kinship with the five beings. Luna knew that these five were fighting for their lives aboard that floating rock, fighting a foe they stood little chance against a foe she and her sister could not conceive, she could not leave them to this fate, to die alone and become those monsters next meal. No she had to do something! Anything to aid such noble beings, she sprang from her bed and raced towards her door. For in both her heart and mind she knew what must be done, and the six for her subjects that could make it so, the same six that had saved her, but reformed the chaotic spirit of Discord; saved her elder sister and all Equestria form the Changelings and saved the Crystal Empire from King Sombra, The Bears of The Elements of Harmony. Six ponies that both she and her sister saw greatness within and six ponies who would surely understand what she wished to do. Without even a fleeting concern for her night guard Princess Luna begin to make her way to the town were the six she knew in her heart would help resided... the town of Ponyville. > Chapter One: The Honor was mine... Brothers. Pt1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She sprinted through the halls of the castle, stopping not once to acknowledge anypony whether they were her night guard or the staff employed to keep the radiant beauty of the castle. Reaching a large pair of silver doors, each engraved with depiction of her radiance, Luna pushed them open continuing her sprint. Luna kept up her sprint, the corridor slowly widening as the beauty of her moonlight shone in through the stained glass windows bathing her in a wondrous mixture of light, similarly the pure silver glow of her moon shone in from the very end of the corridor, the opening she was sprinting for. Reaching the archway leading out onto a balcony overlooking all of Canterlot, being high above the ground only two pony types could leap from such a height and survive, Pegasus ponies and alicorns. Luna smirked nearing the balconies edge, her elegant wings unfolding from her back, she flexed them once the feathers bristling in a rhythmic motion much like the waves of the ocean lapping against the shore line. Nearing the edge of the balcony Luna closed her eyes smiling as she jumped, her legs close together with her arms out spread Luna entered a free fall. The wind rushed past her as she fell, it was exhilarating an experience few ever felt and one even fewer appreciated it the way she did. Closer and closer to the castle gardens she fell, waiting and enjoying the feeling of the air rushing past, a split second before what would be a fatal impact for anypony she beat her wings once in a single fluid motion propelling herself upwards and to the south. The smile across Luna’s face grew, the sensation of flight being one she enjoyed a great deal to say the least, one she sadly rarely got to enjoy most days. But her enjoyment of this blissful experience was not something Luna could indulge herself in, her face hardened as the realisation sunk in that to save those five noble titans of war time was something they did not have. With another powerful beat of her wings Luna increased her speed towards Ponyville, hoping that she would save all five of the noble titans. --------------- The world of dreams, such a blissful name, a name given to this rolling tundra of chaos and abomination by those who know not of what horrors lurk within, a name given by my youngest daughter. My nineteenth creation, a child I only found through spirit and mind never in body, for that I am both mournful and glad, she and my second creation were spared the horrific tragedy that befell my sons, my people and myself. I watch over all now, all who share my genetic linage, guiding them through this realm of uncontrollable energies. I endure this realm for the betterment of my people, I am their beacon in the dark, their guiding light and though it pains me to such lengths to witness it, the aspect of their devotion. But I have talked long enough soon I shall play my part, the part any father must do to keep his children safe. With the aid of my Angels, my Astartes they shall be saved. ---------- Ponyville was small unsuspecting town, one home to ponies that enjoyed the simpler things in life not like the ponies of Canterlot. Though the moon hung in the sky the town’s tranquil therapeutic beauty still shone to all who saw. Some believed this was due to how closely the town was tied to Equestria’s past, while others fated it to the Elements themselves. Luna smiled as she gazed down at Ponyville spying the home of one pony whose aid she needed, the home of Twilight Sparkle. Luna found it humorous after everything she had been told of young Twilight by her sister, that she would choose the Ponyville library as her place of residence. Gently Luna landed upon the upper balcony of the libraries second for, as to avoid drawing the attention to herself from anypony still up and enjoying her night. Gently Luna tapped the glass door leading onto the balcony, every tap she increased the force applied slowly raising its volume to ensure should Twilight be asleep she would wake in an almost natural manner. But Twilight was not asleep, she was in fact partaking in her most favoured of pass times, something she treasured to do from her fillyhood, the very thing that had ensured her seclusion and lack of friends at such a young age, Twilight was reading. Twilight smiled contently to herself, having chosen a book she had not read since before Celestia sent her to Ponyville, a book of the myths and legends that surrounded Equestria. Humming to herself Twilight read content in the knowledge that should many of these myths prove true then she and her friends would halt them, like they had done so many times before. Sadly her reading was cut short, a tapping upon the double glass doors leading to her balcony was too distracting for her to continue, letting out a slight huff of annoyance, closing the book Twilight gently placed it on her bed before making her way towards the doors. Nearing the doors twilight gasped upon seeing one of the princesses standing there, gently tapping the door. Quickly she unlocked and open the doors, once open Twilight began rushing around panicking at one of the princesses turning up. Luna chuckled as she watched Twilight panic over her unexpected arrival, taking slight joy in seeing her so flustered. Slowly Luna entered the library and reached out grabbing Twilight by the shoulder to stop her frantic panicking. “Calm yourself young Twilight. This is no visit that you should worry yourself about.” Luna smiled speaking with calm comforting words. “I have come to ask for the help of you and your fellow element bearers.” Twilight’s eyes widen in the realisation that Princess Luna would only come at such a late hour unannounced if her cause was a dire one, opening her mouth to ask what it is Twilight is cut off by Luna raising her hand. “Please Twilight questions are something we cannot afford right now, I ask you gather your friends to meet within the hour.” Twilight nodded frantically and took off down the stairs heading for the libraries main door, upon hearing the door slam Luna sighed, sitting down upon the bed. “I just hope we are not too late.” Closing her eyes Luna once again began to return to the Realm of dreams, though unlike before were she viewed the state the five beings had found themselves in, this time she was to view how they came to be in such a situation. ------------------- It was cramped; a narrow tube barely wide enough for a single Battle-Brother, yet this cramped space served a vital role. To deliver the fury and might of its masters, to bring them thundering into the belly of the enemies ships. Crackling filled the tube, a red light blinking on filling the tube bathing the six Battle-Brother within in its dim glow. Each stood ready waiting for the moment the front ramp dropped, their weapons primed ready to bring the holy might of the God-Emperor against the most hated of foes they would muster to fight. “LISTEN UP!” Elyas roared from the front of the tube turning his head to meet the red optics of his Brothers behind him. “Our mission is clear, this Space Hulk needs cleansing and we have been charged with breaching the Xenos nest. Echo, Lima and Romeo squads will not be supporting us!” “The codex Astartes does not support such an action Dark Angel.” Elyas snorted glaring back at the battle brother standing at the very end of the tube. “You are a fool Quintus. The Codex Astartes does not apply to the Deathwatch.” Elyas turned back fixing his gaze on the drop ramping, waiting for it to drop. “Elyas speaks the truth Black Shield. You are almost as bad as the Red Scorpions in your love for the Codex.” Yngvar chuckled being second in the tube. “I mean if you have such high admiration for the book, why not marry it? I am sure the inquisition won’t judge you heretical.” Laughter erupted from the tube as three of its occupants caught the humorous side of Yngvar’s statement. “Oh. The days on Fenris must be dull for lack of your wit Yngvar.” Xavier chuckled patting his brother’s pauldron. Yngvar chuckled nodding, before he could respond Elyas had thrust his right hand into the air fingers extended outward, at the sight of this action all six Battle-Brother primed their weapons. A loud clank of four charging handles being pulled back echo within the tube. Yngvar and Kestyr having primed their bolters raised them ready waiting, Chaplain Khordel slammed a clip into his bolt pistol before he drew his Crozius gripping it tightly. “Where there is uncertainty, I shall bring light. Where there is doubt, I shall sow faith. Where there is shame, I shall point atonement. Where there is rage, I shall show its course. My words in the soul shall be as my bolter in the field.” “I see even now you recite battle prayers of your chapter Brother Chaplain.” Xavier chuckled checking that his heavy flamer was securely strapped across his back and the charge of his Atomizer Cannon, an upgraded Multi-Melta many chapters deemed too dangerous for deployment, Xavier’s parent chapter however were like the Deathwatch in the regard did not, but for different reasons. Where one saw it as a tool to be turned against the abhorrent Xenos horde with zeal and fury only an Astartes could truly muster, the other saw it as an extension of their Promethium Cult combat doctrine. Xavier relished in the chance to use such a weapon, a feeling that only he and the Battle-Brothers of his chapter could truly understand. “I pray in order to shield US all from the Xenos and their intolerable influence.” Khordel retorted looking ahead. “Show some dam respect Xavier.” Quintus spat the words though not intended with hostility as he pulled back the charging handle on his heavy bolter. Before Xavier could respond with a comment of his own, alarms filled the tube as the scrapping and grinding noise of metal upon metal echoed within the tube, a green light next to the assault ramp at the front of the tube flashed rapidly, signalling the ramp was moments from being dropped. Looking back at his Brothers Elyas nodded once more seeing they were all ready. Pulling back the charging handle on his own bolter Elyas raised it aiming forward. With titanic sound, akin to that of a small explosion the assault ramp slammed down revealing the dark interior of the Space Hulk, and the chittering mass of Xenos clambering over the walls. “BROTHERS! SHOW THE XENOS NO QUATER!” Elyas roared as he charged forward out of the tube and into the Xenos infested corridor, bolter firing a steady chatter of mass reactive rounds. “PURGE THE UNCLEAN!” Clearing a Path for his Brothers to exit the tube, Elyas swiftly empted the first clip from his bolter into the writhing mass of Xenos, they screeched in response, a horrid noise reverberating form inhuman lungs with a mixture of pain and rage. Ripping a fresh clip from his belt Elyas slammed hit home. “Un-armoured targets, metal storm rounds now!” “A wise choice Brother-Captain. Wish I’d thought of such a thing!” Yngvar barked as he exited the tube opening fire one another writhing group of Xenos. Ignoring Yngvar’s jibe Elyas brought his bolter to bear on another group of Xenos rushing down the corridor towards them. He opened fire; the metal storm rounds did not detonate inside target like standard issues bolt rounds but instead exploded a few metres from the target, showering them in white shot shrapnel. A cordon now secured within the entry point from the bolter fire of Elyas and Yngvar down opposite sides of the corridor the rest of their brothers soon joined them. Kestyr threw himself against the fair wall gripping it tight as he poured bolt rounds into the Xenos horde with Elyas. An ungodly roar of rage erupted from Khordel as he charged past Elyas and Kestyr, screaming in high gothic hurling himself into the charging mass of Xenos. “SUFFER NOT THE ALIEN TO LIVE!” With a mighty swing of his Crozius Khordel pitched several Xenos into the ceiling, cracking their protective carapace, splintering it inwards into vital inhuman organs. “Kestyr, higher left vent, down those Hormagaunts!” Elyas raised an armoured finger pointing out the vent in question, nodding Kestyr swung his bolter round and loosed off four shots, turning the Tyranid organisms in question to nothing more than bloody pulp dripping from the vent hatch they had ripped apart in around to gain another attack angle at the Space Marines. “Quintus suppressing fire, support Yngvar!” Quintus nodded swinging his heavy bolter around and unleashing a full barrage of storm rounds down the right side of the corridor, they had breached, aiding Yngvar, stalling the Tyranids rush towards them. “Xavier what are you doing!” Elyas spun his head around locking gaze with Xavier, who had dropped to one knee his Atomizer Cannon aimed squarely at the far wall. “Making us an exit route, this chamber is too crowed to fight our way through!” the pulsating glow of his Atomizer cannon rippling into the darkness revealing the true scope and number of the Tyranids within the chamber, were their boarding torpedo and delivered them was nothing short of horrifying. Though only outlines of the Tyranids could be made even with their enhanced vision it was clear the chamber was bristling with Hormagaunts, their cold yellow predatory eyes all focused upon the six Marines. A horrific screech from one Hormagaunt was soon responded to by each and every one signalling the start of their uncontrollable swarming towards the Marines. “Taste the Breath of Kulshedra you Xenos scum!” With a squeeze of the trigger Xavier unleashed the full power of his Atomizer Cannon. The pulsating blast of heavily radiated particles slammed into the far wall, buckling under the intense heat and explosive force of the particles the wall exploded outwards. Molten metal rained down around Xavier and his Brothers sizzling harmlessly upon the ceramite of their power armour, the Hormagaunts were likewise protected by their carapace but not to the degree of the power armoured Space Marines, for the molten metal droplets would over several minutes burns its way through their carapace. “That’s one new doorway.” Elyas jerked his head once towards the exit route Xavier had created, nodding Xavier sprinted through the exit he had made, followed close by Kestyr. “Khordel break and fall back I’ll cover you!” Elyas ripped a fragmentation grenade from his right thigh and pitched it into a crowd of Hormagaunts rushing towards Khordel. The grenade exploded scattering the Hormagaunts far and wide, the shrapnel from the grenade embedding itself into the bodies and skulls of, at a quick glance twelve Hormagaunts. Seizing the chance Khordel rounded from the swarm he had been engaged in close combat with and sprinted for the exit, storm rounds from Elyas’s bolter sawing past him dropping each and every Hormagaunt foolish enough to give chase. Yngvar was the next to break from combat, his bolter still churning out shots, while he roared praise to his Primarch for granting him such a boon of Xenos to slay. “Quintus go next cover me from the hole!” Nodding at the order from his Brother-Captain, Quintus stood and made his way towards his fellow Brothers inside the exit hole before turning and laying down a wide arc of fire allowing Elyas to effortlessly break from the combat. As he turned breaking from combat Elyas nodding once to Xavier who had begun the charge his Atomizer for a second shot. Angling the weapon upwards at a support beam it was clear Xavier aimed to seal the opening he had made once Elyas was across the thresh hold. “INTO THE FIRE OF BATTLE, UNTO THE ANVIL OF WAR!” with the battle-cry of his chapter Xavier let loose another shot, his target a support beam bulked under the damage caused bring the ceiling of the entry chamber down upon the Hormagaunt horde sealing the exit hole shut, with the snort Xavier turned to his Brother who each into bashed one of his pauldrons in respect for such quick thinking. “Astute thinking Brother, it is an honor to serve with you” Elyas patted Xavier’s shoulder before turning to face the four other marines. “We still have a mission to complete Kestyr take point Quintus cover our back, it will not be long before the Tyranid hive realizes we are aboard and moves to muster a true defense.” Moving into position Kestyr on point Elyas and his Brother began to move through the bowels of the Space Hulk. > Chapter Two: The Honor was mine... Brother. Pt2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Something did not feel right to Elyas, the corridors were to clear. Surely the Tyranid Hive Mind would have mustered to remove the presence of the Deathwatch. Yet it had not, for seven standard Terrain minutes Elyas and his brothers had not encounter a single Tyranid bio-form. No Gaunts, no Genestealers, no Rippers and no Hive Guard. His mind whirled, trying to figure out what was happening or better yet what was to come. “I don’t like this.” Kestyr spoke breaking Elyas from his thought. Looking up Elyas saw Kestyr had stopped at an intersection between three corridors. “This is unlike the Tyranids to not attack us, mindless beasts through themselves at any source of bio-matter until they over whelm and consume it.” “That Brother is where you are wrong.” Elyas gestured to the right hand tunnel, motioning for Kestyr to once again to point. “The Tyranid is not mindless, far from it; they share a single mind that directs them. The fact we have not been swarmed can mean one of two things, either the Tyranid infestation is not as bad as the sensorium scans show.” “Or the Tyranid Hive Mind has predicted our plan of attack and has moved to defend what we seek to destroy.” Khordel interrupted finishing off Elyas’s explanation of the Tyranids. “You give the Xenos too much credit brothers.” Quintus snorted throwing a sideways glance at Elyas and Khordel. Elyas blinked once behind his helmet activating the vox-link between him and the three other Kill-Teams deployed with the Space Hulk. “Brothers, be advised there is a strong chance the Xenos are acting under the orders of the accursed synaptic intelligence the larger strains produce.” Elyas smiled behind his helmet as the static of his vox-link crackled, before giving way to the three voices of his fellow Kill-Team leaders. “This is Echo squad lead, Brother Apothecary Akhom, Brother-Captain. The Xenos will not ambush us this day.” “The blood protects Brother-Captain. Sergeant Thaddeus here I acknowledge.” “Lima squad reporting, No Xenos threat encountered, we shall keep a vigilant watch Brother.” Slowly Elyas and his Brothers made their way down the corridors, stopping at each junction point briefly to check in with their fellow Kill-teams, it did not take them long however to reach a dead end. “It appears we have found the nest brothers.” Yngvar chuckled pointing at the obstruction before them. A pulsating wall, created from organic matter blocked their path. Larger glowing sacks emitting a putrid yellow glow, pulsating, the organic matter held its form almost like it was alive. Elyas snorted once looking the blockage up and down once before he turned to face his brothers. “Brothers, beyond this wall lies the Xenos nest, there we will find their abhorrent birthing chambers and command link to their Hive Mind. Once we breach their nest let your Faith in the Emperor be your shield, the Xenos horde will do everything in its power to halt us. Do not Falter, Show them no mercy we shall Purge them from the hulk. We must not fail, if we do then this rock will lead leviathan to Terra’s door step.” Elyas paused gripping the hilt of a sheathed sword on his right thigh. “To all considerations no life is too important and no other sector of the Imperium vital to sacrifice to keep these Xenos from Holy Terra.” Letting go of the sword hilt Elyas pointed at the pulsating matter. “Xavier. Remove this thing from our way.” “With pleasure, Brother-Captain.” Xavier gripped his Atomiser Cannon tightly spreading his legs and taking aim at the organic matter. With his Cannon fully charge Xavier fired, vaporising the obstruction in an instant to reveal a dark corridor beyond, inhuman noises rippled from the corridor, noises that out unnerve normal men but not a Space marine. With their path now clear the six marines continued on towards their objective. ----------------------------- Since leaving the library Twilight had been frantic, her normal calm and calculating mind replaced with that of a startled filly, whose parents had just caught them doing something they should not and they were desperately trying to think of an excuse. She knew she had to gather her friends but whom to start with first? Twilight thought how best to go about gathering her friends, Applejack and Fluttershy lived on the outskirts of town so collecting them last seemed the best option, but Rainbow Dash was near impossible to wake up without AJ so that left Rainbow to be collected last. With a gasp Twilight realised Rarity would be the easiest to collect first, her hooves hitting the pavement Twilight jogged towards Carousel Boutique. Reaching Carousel Boutique Twilight tiled her head back and looked up; gazing at the second story window trying to guess weather Rarity would still be up or not. After several minutes of staring at the window Twilight was unable to guess weather Rarity was in fact awake, so she reached out and knocked on the door to the Boutique. She knocked once, then twice and waited. Twilight stood on the doorstep fidgeting in place as she waited, the wait is nerve racking for her, and she hoped Rarity was not asleep as dealing with a whiney Rarity for having her beauty sleep cut short was not something Twilight wanted to deal with. She heard grumbling from behind the door, but not the grumbling of someone who had been woken up but instead the grumbling of someone who had been disturbed. Twilight sighed in relief for the fact she had no woken Rarity up, this feeling quickly vanished when Twilight realised she had probably just interrupted Rarity while she was working. That was worse... Much much worse. Looking around nervously Twilight gulped heavily as she waited, slowly she heard the various latches and locks upon the door being opened. With no warning the door to the boutique swung upon violently. Standing in the doorway was a slender Ivory whit unicorn stood, her hoof tapping angrily against the step as she used her left hand to move her styled purple main out of her line of sight, she looked down the bridge of her snout at Twilight her eyes narrowed. “Twilight. Darling as much as I enjoy your sometime unexpected visits.” She paused taking a moment to compose herself. “IT IS ONE IN THE MORNING!” Twilight gulped stepping back, her bottom lip quivering. Taking a deep breath Twilight regained herself and met Rarity’s eyes with her own, her look filled with determination. “I know Rarity. I know, and I am sorry but Princess Luna arrived at the Library a few minutes ago.” Twilight paused watching as Rarity’s gaze shifted from one of anger to confusion and interest. “She didn’t explain what was wrong, all she said she needed ours and our friends help.” Rarity blinked once and sighed. “That is all well and good Twilight, but surely this could have waited until the morning.” “Princess Luna told me questions were not something she could afford to waste time on. It must be something of grave importance Rarity.” Sighing Rarity nodded. “Very well, if one of the Princesses needs us then I very well cannot say no now can I darling?” Stepping out from the boutique Rarity turned pulling the door closed, she turned to face Twilight again a small smile across her lips. “I’ll go get Pinkie while you get Applejack and Fluttershy, meet at Rainbows?” Twilight returned Rarity’s smile nodding. “Sure, and Rarity?” Rarity blinked her left eye brow rising in confusion. “I’m sorry again.” “Oh Twilight, it is fine.” Rarity chuckled before turning and jogging off towards Sugar Cube Corner. Twilight smiled as she began running towards the edge of Ponyville to gather both Applejack and Fluttershy. --------------------- “RALLY BROTHERS! SHOW NO FEAR!” Khordel roared slamming his left fist into the chest of a Tyranid Hormagaunt, breaking its ribcage sending shards of Xenos bone and spatters of its blood across the wall. It had not been long before the Deathwatch Kill-Team had come under heavy assault, they had reached a large open central chamber with several access corridors, open air vents and over hanging walkways. The prefect kill box, they had walked into a trap. Khordel had been right to guess the Hive Mind had moved to mount a defence in its favour rather than waste the bio-matter on needless assaults against himself and his brothers. With a roar of determination Khordel pulled his Crozius free from a larger Tyranid Bio-form, a warrior to be exact, with his Crozius free from its skull Khordel hurled himself forward like a battering ram, ignoring the torrent of fire from the Termagaunts position off the walkways above he slammed into a rushing wave of Hormagaunts. Breaking bones and severing limbs Khordel roared in triumph. Each swing of his Crozius, each shot from his bolt pistol fell another Xenos, we was truly in his element. “Brother-Captain there are too many! I have more contacts coming in from above.” Quintus rounded on the spot sparring fire from his heavy bolter in each and every Xenos swarm he could, the mass react rounds detonating deep within each Xenos they struck. “Switching to hellfire rounds!” “NEGATIVE BROTHER!” Elyas slammed his right elbow into a Hormagaunt foolish enough to lung towards him. “Xavier, seal that vent! Quintus suppressing fire on the upper walkways! Yngvar, Kestyr clear the fifth corridor!” “Acknowledged!” The four battle-Brothers responded in unison. Breaking into a sprint Elyas charged towards a swarm of Xenos emerging from a side passage, his bolter held tightly in his left hand he gripped the hilt of his sword and wrenched it from its scabbard. The ice blue of the blade arced with purple lightening signifying it as a power sword. Elyas whipped the blade around decapitating the Hormagaunt at the head of the swarm, he stabbed, thrust and sliced at the swarm his blade making contact with each and every Xenos within reach. “Stand true Brothers! This horde is nothing compared to our Might!” Elyas roared as he slammed his right boot into the skull of a Hormagaunt lying upon the floor. “Accept any challenge Brothers! No matter the odds!” Khordel bellowed sprinting backward firing his Bolt pistol joining Elyas, Khordel slammed his fist into Elyas’s right Pauldron. Elyas turned and nodded to Khordel as they now both fought back to back. Bolt rounds streaming from their respective weapons, complimented by stabs and swings from their respective close quarter weapons, their combat styles complimenting each other. Khordel sued himself like a battering ram, thrusting smashing and hurling Xenos left and right his wide swings pitching Tyranids left and right, while Elyas was more precise each strike leading to a swift kill. Yngvar sprinted towards the fifth chamber, Kestyr following close behind their bolters churning out round after round cutting deep into the swarm massing within the fifth corridor, ecstatic laughter erupted over the vox-link form Yngvar as he threw himself into the Tyranid Hormagaunt swarm his laughter swiftly becoming that of a savage beast as he tore into the swarm with bolt rounds and shot from his gauntleted fists. It was almost as if Yngvar had regressed to the true feral nature of those native to his home world of Fenris, Yngvar threw his head back and howled, a howl of a true Son of the Wolf. Kestyr however was unlike his Brother and did not fall into a feral savagery, he instead methodically advanced upon the Tyranid swarm the metal storm rounds from his bolter churning the Hormagaunts to little more than inhuman bloody pulp. “Yngvar show some restraint.” Kestyr snorted as he continued his steady stream of bolter fire upon the Tyranid swarm. “HAHA! You think I am not brother?” Yngvar chuckled slamming his boots down on the heads of two Hormagaunts. “I could be doing nothing but shouting Wolf over and over again. Would you prefer that?” “By Vulkan’s mighty spear don’t!” Xavier retorted butting into the convocation, his legs spread wide with his Atomiser Cannon pointed upwards towards the vent from with the rippers were emerging, with a Thunderous sound Xavier fired. The radiation blast slammed into the vent causing a ripple effect up the shaft vaporising the Xenos within before impacting a metallic brace buckling the vent. “That’s one sealed.” “Now what of the rest!?” Quintus snapped strafing his heavy bolters line of fire across the upper walkways. The hellfire rounds impacted the carapace across several Termagaunts, the impregnated crystal tips detonating upon impact bathing each and every struck Tyranid in a mutagenic acid tailored to the genetic markers of the Tyranid. Boiling away on both the outside and in the acidic compound dropped the struck Termagaunts, long alien tongues flicking in and out between needle like teeth, limbs failing wildly as the acid ate away their nerves system. Even for a race were pain had no meaning the Termagaunts would die horrifically slowly, their own bodies being devoured in a cruel irony. “I only have three charges left!” Xavier responded as he whirled around on the spot tracing his Atomiser Cannon of a fresh target. “Xavier! Venom cannon descending from upper walkways in the access elevator!” Elyas shouted as he slammed his left shin into the jaw of another Hormagaunt shattering its Xenos skull. “Take it out!” “With pleasure.” Xavier chuckled. Taking aim Xavier traced elevator lift as it descending watching as the warrior class bio-form within became visible, the Venom cannon hung from its lower set of arms pulsing as it charged for a shot. “LET FREE THE RETRIBUTION OF THE EMPEROR!” Xavier fired again the blast from his Atomiser streaked across the chamber; the shout was not wasted as it violently slammed into elevator. Within milliseconds the elevator compartment and its occupant were vaporised, their compound atomise scattered to the winds within the Hulk. “Make that two charge Quintus!” Quintus chuckled and nodded. “Well then switch to that heavy flamer across your back! It would be of great use in this situation brother!” “Yngvar Kestyr have you cleared that passage?!” Elyas interrupted as he only narrowly block a killing blow from a charging Hormagaunt. “Passage Secure Brother-Captain!” Kestyr shot back, standing within the entrance way spraying fire out into the chamber while Yngvar had charge down the passage to further deal with the Tyranids within. “Elyas we cannot break!” Khordel interjected as he pitched another Tyranid into the wall. “The second we do the Xenos swarms will be all over us!” “Go Brothers I shall cover your tactical withdrawal!” Quintus answered rising to his feet continuing the unload bolt round after bolt round into each and every Tyranid swarm he could. “NO! I shall not abandon you Brother!” Elyas countered his voice filled with a nagging regret over a past failure. “No Brother Captain it is the only way!” Quintus sighed and glance at Xavier. “Once your through use you last two charges to seal the passage Brother!” Xavier nodded once and sprinted into the chamber Kestyr and Yngvar had secured, Khordel followed soon after, but Elyas did not follow so eagerly. He paused beside Quintus and in an act of kinship he returned his blade to its scabbard and tightly gripped his Brother left Pauldron. “It has been a True Honour Brother. May the Emperor and your Primarch guide you.” Elyas spoke the words in a soft regretful tone, before unclipping a pulsing object from his belt and securing it to Quintus’s. “Use it when you can no longer hold your ground, deny this Xenos filth any bio-mass.” “Fear not death, we who embody it in His name!” With a nod Quintus roared his chapters battle-cry and continued to fire covering Elyas as he sprinted into the Passage just as Xavier let loose his last two charges, sealing the passage, both securing their safety but dooming Brother Quintus. > Bonus chapter: The Spectres Last Stand > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quintus roared, a roar of pure burning hatred for the Xenos filth before him, his duty clear he would die but not alone he would take as many of these abhorrent beasts as he could. Hellfire round after hellfire round erupted form the barrel of his heavy bolter, the constant stream of bolts impacted Xenos carapace detonating in a spectacular fashion. “PURGE THE UNCLEAN!” Defiant to the last Quintus rolled to his left narrowly avoiding the wide swing of a Tyranid warriors scything talon. Though unharmed the same could not be said for his heavy bolter, the warriors attack had caught the ammo feed, cleaving it in two. Snorting Quintus quick blinked the detachment glyph within his heads up display, with a heavy thud the ammo hopper mounted to his armour backpack hit the floor. Looking around Quintus snorted again as the Tyranids had surrounded him swirling in a wide circle roughly by his guess five meters in diameter. Knowing his death waited beyond the veil, Quintus drew his chainsword ready to face it with the honour and dignity that was expected of His Angels. Thumbing the trigger of his sword, Quintus brought it up to the optimal speed. He threw several glances around him at the swirling horde of Xenos. He reached for his belt pressing the activation switch of the device his Brother-Captain had handed to him. “Emperor may your light guide my soul; guide my spirit to the resting place of all my Brothers. Guide me to Occludus!” Quintus roared the device upon his belt pulsating rapidly, his HUD displaying a countdown timer of five Terrain standard minutes. His final decree uttered Quintus charged forth his chainsword striking each and every Xenos in reach, severing limbs and leaving large fatal gauges in Xenos flesh. He moved with unbridled fury caring not for the scores of pitted slash and deep cuts the Tyranids visited upon neither his battle-plate nor his flesh. The timer ticked down but Quintus did not care he had sold his life to save his Brother, for his Emperor and his chapter. Bringing his chainsword down upon the skull of a Termagaunt Quintus faulted, his grip loosening on his weapon as it slipped from his hand. Glancing down he saw what had caused such an action, their protruding through his chest as a scything talon. Coughing Quintus griped the talon tightly attempting to rip remove himself from the Xenos weapon. “X...Xenos...filth.” Quintus coughed spluttering his body falling limp upon the warriors talon. Slowly Quintus began to fade from the material, his body even with the enhancements of the Astartes could not stave death off for long. With his dying breath Quintus saw the counter reach zeros. Having reached zero the device exploding bathing the chamber in an intense light and heat matching that of a small star, such intensity was the destructive force behind the device that nothing would survive, being scattered into their compound atoms. Able to rest with the souls of his kind Quintus accepted his death in a way only he and his chapter could. > Chapter Three: The Angel Of Vengeance Pt1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- He stood there in stunned silence, his eyes fixed upon the rubble blocking the corridor to the chamber. His left hand clenched tight into a fist, Brother-Captain Elyas slammed it into a nearby metal support, his rage rivalling that of the Carcharadons. “He died with honour Brother Captain.” Xavier uttered as he placed a hand on Elyas’s left pualdron. “Don’t let his sacrifice be in vein.” “He should not have had to do it Brother.” Elyas sighed turning to face Xavier “I should have been the one to stay. To cover the retreat, I am the ranking officer your lives are as much a concern as this mission Xavier.” A silver fist connected with the side of Elyas’s helmet knocking the dark angle from his feet, Khordel snorted flexing his hand easing his fingers apart after delivering the blow. “YOU DISHONOUR YOUR CHAPTER AND THE EMPEROR WITH THOSE WORDS!” Khordel roared standing over Elyas as he rose to his feet. “YOU ARE A SPACE MARINE ELYAS! AN ANGEL OF DEATH! TO DWELL ON FAILURES IS THE START ON THE ROAD TO HERSEY!” Khordel levels his bolt pistol aiming it towards Elyas. “You are no Heretic Brother. So do not act as one.” “Thank you Brother Chaplain I needed that.” Elyas nodded once patting Khordel on the shoulder as he lowered his bolt pistol. “We still have a Xenos nest to destroy, Xavier take point of Yngvar. Kestyr watch our backs.” With a nod from his Brothers they set about following the order Elyas had given them while he turned to Khordel opening a private vox-link with the chaplain. “I doubt we’ll make it to the nest Khordel.” Elyas sighed his voice filled with resignation. “Have Faith Brother we’ll make it.” Khordel grabbed Elyas’s vambrace in a warriors salute. “The Emperor and our Primarch’s will guide us to victory.” Elyas nodded and chuckled returning the warriors salute. “You're right Khordel.” Releasing Khordel’s vambrace Elyas stepped past him motioning for him to follow. “I am glad that you still serve with the Deathwatch Brother.” “I owe you a debt Elyas.” Khordel followed behind the Brother-Captain watching behind them for any Tyranids. “You delivered me from death and saved my Brothers, it was an honour to answer the call to join the Deathwatch.” Nodding once Elyas switched to an open vox-link broadcasting to both his fellow brothers within his squad and the three other squads deployed with the Hulk. “This is Brother-Captain Elyas to all kill-teams. Route to Primary objective blocked, we are rerouting through sector nine-delta-zero-gamma. Upon completion of assigned objectives all squads are to rendezvous at designated extraction zone nine.” Elyas waited for the other kill-team leads to report in but his vox feed is met with nothing but static, tapping the side of his helmet Elyas repeated himself. “I repeat this is Brother-Captain Elyas to all kill-teams. Route to Primary objective blocked, we are rerouting through sector nine-delta-zero-gamma. Upon completion of assigned objectives all squads are to rendezvous at designated extraction zone nine.” Repeating himself a third time Elyas fails to notice that both he and Khordel have caught up with their brother at an intersection , comprised of four long corridors and a single file passageway. Looking up Elyas caught the gaze of his brothers. “Xavier try and raise the other kill teams I am getting no response.” Elyas tapped the side of his helmet signalling the possible problem with his long range vox unit. “Acknowledged Brother-Captain” Xavier responded with a nod before repeating the message Elyas had tried to raise the other kill-teams via a vox-link. Sighing Xavier shook his head. “I can’t raise them either broth...” “Contacts left!” Yngvar interrupted Xavier raising his bolt facing the left tunnel. “Contacts right!” Kestyr uttered his bolter trained down the left Corridor. “Contacts front!” Khordel dropped into a fighting stance ready to charge his bolt pistol training ahead of him. “Contacts rear!” Elyas snorted in rage cursing himself for walking his Brothers into a trap “Melta-bombs down right and left, seal those corridors!” “Acknowledged!” Priming two melta-bombs Kestyr and Yngvar pitched the pulsing cylindrical objects down the two corridors, no sooner had the melta-bombs left their grasp they detonated. A white hot bloom of ionising radiation vaporised the surrounding walls collapsing the two corridors. “Focus defence on targets ahead!” Elyas roared turning in place letting off a three round burst into the charging Xenos horde. “What about the contacts behind us Captain!” Kestyr shot Elyas a concerned look from within his helmet as he too began firing. Before Elyas could respond a violent explosion echoed from behind them, a blinding blue light emitting from the very end of the corridor, stunned silence fell over the Space Marines only one of them knowing what has caused such an event. “Quintus has our backs.” Elyas answered their silent question “He always did.” With those final words Elyas Kestyr and Yngvar began firing upon the Charging Xenos horde covering Khordel as he charged forward screaming in unmatched rage and hatred for his foe. “This is Epsilon Squad requesting immediate reinforcements at point zero-nine-foxtrot. Our advance has been cut off. Our backs are to the wall. I repeat our backs are to the wall we require immediate reinforcement!” His hand raised to the left side of his helmet Xavier repeated himself three more times over the vox-link but no reply came. Now trapped and to their knowledge alone Elyas, Kestyr Yngvar, Khordel and Xavier knew they would need to drive the Xenos back in order to retreat. ------------- Collecting both Applejack and Fluttershy had been easy for Twilight Sparkle, for this small reprieve she was grateful. Unsurprisingly both her friends were already up but for completely different reasons. When Twilight had arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, having reasoned getting Applejack first would make things easier in the long run, she was shocked to find the farm mare already up and working. Twilight had been bewildered by this. That was until she glanced at the trees. She chuckled to herself having realised why Applejack would be up so early. Each and every tree across Sweet Apple Acres held several baskets full of sweet ripe apples, this meant it was of course Applebuck season. It did not take Twilight very long to explain to Applejack, who up until twilight’s arrival had been preparing to ‘buck’ another tree so its apple horde fall into the waiting baskets. Though sceptical at first of Twilights request, Applejack finally agreed to accompany her. After Twilight had assured her that she would lend a hand in gathering this year’s apple harvest. Fluttershy however was a different story, though she was awake it was not through needing to start work. In fact no pony was even sure what Fluttershy did or how she made money, but it was never questioned. Upon arriving at her cottage both Applejack and Twilight were both astonished to see Fluttershy trotting out of the Everfree Forest, astonished by seeing this both mares decided to question Fluttershy about her early morning habits later, putting that thought out of their minds it did not take either Applejack or Twilight much to convince Fluttershy to occupancy them. Smiling contently Twilight was astonished to see both Rarity and Pinkie Pie standing underneath Rainbow Dashes floating house, it was no surprise they had yet to get Rainbow up. Twilight chuckled to herself as she noticed the mild look of annoyance of Rarities face as Pinkie Pie was, unsurprisingly, jumping up and down around her. “I take it Rainbow still isn’t awake yet?” Twilight asked as she stopped a few steep in front of Rarity before glancing up. “Is not darling” Rarity corrected before sighing. “That mare could sleep through a hurricane.” “Well maybe if we used a trampoline! OOH or maybe a large sheet held by several other ponies! Or maybe... hmpf!” Cut off both mind sentence and bounce Pinkie wash shocked to find Rarities hand clapped around her muzzle, while her left eye twitched. “That is quite enough Pinkie.” Rarity huffed slowly calming as he released Pinkies muzzle. “I don’t think Rainbow Dash would enjoy your head popping up threw her floor.” “Rarity has a point Pinkie Pie.” Twilight interjected. Applejack and Fluttershy nodding in agreement. “Well...um I have an idea.... If that’s ok with you.” Fluttershy timidly announced causing her four friends turn and look at her all with inquisitive faces. Well all apart from Pinkie who wore her normal oversized smile. “We’re all ears sugar cube.” Applejack said reassuringly patting Fluttershy on the shoulder. Nodding once Fluttershy gulped before whispering her plan to Applejack, nodding as she listened a wiry smirk crossed Applejacks lips as a mischievous glint sparkled in her eyes. “That is a mighty fine plan ya came up with their Fluttershy.” Applejack smiled again before turning towards Pinkie, Twilight and Rarity who waited expectantly to hear Fluttershy’s plan. “Yall might wanna take a step back. This is gunna get loud.” “Loud?” Rarity gasped as she took a few steps backwards. “What in Equestria do you mean by load darling?” “You’ll see.” Applejack responded smiling slyly. Rarity looked over at Twilight both of them sharing a worried glance. Fluttershy placed her hands over her ears while screwing her eyes shut, bracing herself for what was to come. Sucking in a large lungful of air Applejack leant backwards craning her head towards Rainbow Dashes house. “OH SWEET CELESTIA! IT’S THE WONDERBOLTS!” With a near godly yell, one that could shake the heavens themselves, Applejack knew she had woken Rainbow Dash. Within a flash of spectrum light, a cyan coloured Pegasus with a multi coloured mane, was on the ground running around attempting to spot her beloved idols. Soon realising they were now were nearby the Pegasus turned to see her friends standing there just staring at her. “What? I heard somepony yelling the Wonderbolts were here.” She said trying to justify her over eagerness. It was only then Rainbow Dash noticed the expressions on their faces did she realise why they were staring. In her rush to see the Wonderbolts Rainbow Dash had neglected to change her sleep artier. Contrary to what everypony thought about Rainbow Dash she was not a tomboy all the time, in private Rainbow Dash enjoyed being girly. This was more than obvious in her night clothes, as instead of the expected hot pants and tank top Rainbow Dash was instead wearing an incredibly pink feminine night gown. Her tail and mane was like wise not what anypony would expect, rather than being a complete mess, it was in fact perfectly straight and brushed. She gulped taking a step back away from her friends their expressions worrying her. While both Fluttershy and Twilight had looks of confusion and Pinkie had her normal over cheerful expression upon her face, it was Applejack and Rarities expression that worried Rainbow Dash. Applejack to her credit was holding back her fits of laughter upon seeing Rainbow, but only just, Rarity however had a dangerous twinkle in her eyes. The same twinkle she seemed to produce whenever she had an idea. “Rainbow! You look positively wonderful darling!” Holding back a `squee’ Rarity ran up to Rainbow Dash before she had a chance to make it back to her home and change. “I mean I never took you for one to be into doing things like this! Oh you simply must accompany me and Fluttershy to the spa one day!” “Rarity calm down. This is nothing” Rainbow Dash stuttered taking a step backwards her hands raised in a placating gesture. “As fun as this is girls we better hurry, I don’t think Princess Luna would like it if we kept her waiting any longer, than we have to.” Twilight interjected as she gestured for her friends to begin making their way towards the library. Nodding once her friends took the hint and began sprinting towards the library. ----------- Having slammed into the far wall Khordel groaned, though his rib cage had fused into a single mass of bone to afford is organs a greater level of protection, being slammed into a durasteel wall was still something even an Astartes would be feeling it. Regaining his bearings as he rose, Khordel looked to his Brother-Captain, fearing he had not yet recovered from the grievous wound inflicted upon him. But to his surprise Khordel saw Elyas bolter in hand. Elyas hefted it to his shoulder and looked out over the barrel as if aiming a hunting rifle, he exhaled and made his shot. The bolt shell glided through the short distance Between Elyas and the Trygon, its scything talons raised in a guarding posture the Bolt shell merely glided between the six appendages, causing the flesh that hung from them to billow slightly, before finding its intended target. The mass-reactive exploded against the Trygons cheek, gouging out chucks of its face and eliciting a pained dirge. It reared backwards shielding its vulnerable head protecting itself from the staccato of follow up shots Elyas lets loose from his bolter. Having put the Trygon on the back foot Elyas seized the chance gripping the hilt of his sword, Elyas shot a glance at each of this Brothers before letting go of his blade. Elyas hurled the second device strapped to his belt towards Xavier, who caught it without effort starring down at it. “Yngvar you have command into the hole this thing came from.” Elyas snarled between clenched teeth watching as the Trygon attempted to regain its bearings after suffering its grievous wound. “Of... of course Brother Captain... but I must ask why?” Yngvar stuttered as he rose to his feet. “This thing will hinder us if we all remain to fight it” Elyas reasoned before pointing to the hole it had made. “Into the hole. Now! It’ll lead you to the nest plant that device set it for ten terrain standard minutes, I’ll hold this Xenos filth here.” “But how will you make it Brother Captain?” Xavier questioned as he clipped the device to his belt. “Faith is my shield and my Primarch watches over me. I’ll show these Xenos the wraith of the lion!” Upon those words Elyas drew his sword, and charged forth towards the Trygon, which has since regained its bearings and released another ungodly battle-cry before hurling itself towards Elyas. Ducking low Elyas feinted to the left but was only able to connect with the flat of his blade upon the Trygons side; he snorted in frustration as he cast a glance at his Brother only Kestyr remained firing a steady stream of bolt rounds down the corridor they enter from. Stopping only to hurl a fragmentation grenade down the narrow passageway causing it to cave in, moving to the holes edge he locked eye contact with Elyas and nodded once. “Make that thing pay Captain.” Kestyr shouted as he dropped down the hole effortlessly. “I shall Brother, I shall.” Elyas whispered spinning on his heel charging in for another attack. Coming to a halt the Trygon stopped mer metres from the far wall, halting its arrest so not to collide with the durasteel. Seizing his opportunity, Elyas gripped his power sword tight and went in low, allowing the Trygons Scything talons to sail harmlessly over head. “For the Lion and the Emperor!” Elyas roared in pride as the sword found purchase between two carapace plates upon the Xenos torso. He slid the blade up into the Trygons torso, sickly coloured ichor spilled fourth desecrating both the airloom weapon and his armour. The Trygon bucked in pain the unexpected assault from Elyas having caused the beats some manner of confusion. He span the blade expertly in his hand reading it for another strike, but Elyas failed to take note of the beast’s lowest and smallest set of Scything talons. One of them lashed out with preternatural swiftness sending Elyas hurtling into the far wall and knocking the blade from his grasp. With speed that seemed impossible for something of its vast bulk, the Trygon was upon Elyas in an instant ready to deliver the killing blow. Muttering a devotion to his chapter and Primarch, Elyas was prepared to face his doom. ---------- “NO!” Luna wailed in despair. Having already been forced to sit by and watch one of those noble warriors fall to save his kin, she could not and would not allow a second to happen. With or without the Elements of Harmony Luna knew she had to act, though only force could act to save this noble soul from his certain doom. Her father. “Father, if you are out their please do not let this noble child of yours perish like this!” Her voice filled with sorrow Luna pleaded to the face mass of the world of dreams, praying her father could hear her. “Please I beg you!” Though no answer came Luna felt the all consuming will of her father move and shift, his light a guiding hand for those who worshipped him as a god had responded, but its response came at a price. Violently Princess Luna was expelled from the world of dreams; she was physically flitter from the bed and slammed into the far wall of the room. Having arrived back at the Library Twilight and her friends could only watch on helplessly as Princess Luna burned with an incandescent green flame. Her scream echoed throughout the library and only ceased when Rainbow Dash had first recovered from her shock o roll Luna to the ground and douse the unnatural flames with a nearby bucket of water, a bucket Spike was meant to empty earlier but Twilight was for once grateful of the baby dragons laziness. “Are you alright Princess?!” Twilight and her six friends asked in unison as they crowded around the smoking Princess of the night. Her breathing was ragged and sharp for several minutes before she looked up at Twilight and her friends, her eyes landed with tears of not pain but joy. “My... my father heard my plea.” Drawing another breath into her scorched lungs Princess Luna continued. “Gather your elements and I’ll explain why I need your help.” Nodding once the girls sprinted towards the display the Elements were kept in, while Luna slowly recovered. ------------------- Elyas did not know where was has, he knew that he should be dead. The Trygon was above him moments earlier about to deliver its fatal death blow, but now he was suspended within a tunnel of golden light. He felt as peace here, a feeling he had not felt since before he was recruited into the Dark Angels. “Brother Elyas of the first legion. I am glad I was able to save you in time.” a deep voiced filled the tunnel causing Elyas to glance around. “By the Emperor show yourself!” Elyas demanded. “If you are warp spawn I shall not be swayed by your offers! I am a loyal servant of the Emperor!” The voice chuckled before responding. “I am no warp spawn marine of the first legion. I am to Progenitor of all legions.” Elyas blinked stuck in a stunned silence at the voices words, even though he floated within the golden tunnel he attempted to drop to one knee. “Forgive me my lord. I... I had no idea it was you.” Elyas stuttered overcome with shame for how he had spoken to the one all of the Imperium venerated. “You are forgiven.”The voice chuckled. “Though I have plucked you from death, I have not done so without purpose.” “I am yours to command, I am your will made manifest, your angel of death.” Elyas kept his head low through fear that to gaze upon his god would be to damn him for his previous speech. “And for that I am grateful. Elyas of the first legion.” The voice chuckled once more. “You shall be required to defend the last bastion of purity that lies under my gaze, this is a world so pure not Xenos Heretic or mutant can bring harm to it. That was until those from beyond my light appeared.” “No Xenos shall bring harm to its people” “And for that I am grateful, Elyas of the first legion. Though you shall not be alone in your task.” “Even if I must sell my life to ensure its safety it shall be so.” “Then prepare yourself, Elyas of the first legion.” With those final words the voice faded away leaving Elyas alone. His body felt tight his muscle both flexing and contracting, his voice lost to him as immense pain overtook him. Elyas girded his teeth and endured knowing that his God. His Emperor required his service and nothing would keep him from this. The pain did not subside but increased as Elyas was ripped from existence itself and sent hurtling towards were his Emperor needed him. Towards Equestria. > Chapter Four: The Angel Of Vengeance Pt2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faith was his shield, faith in a being that had not walked for ten thousand years. Who sat entombed upon an archeotech life support system dubbed The Golden Throne. There his Emperor had sat since the thirty-first millennium, a silent guardian to his Imperium, their guiding beacon across all time and space his light touched. Were other chapters placed their faith in false-science, pseudo-magic and the ideals of propping long dead heroes up as gods, Elyas and his Brothers of the Dark Angels were driven by reason and the ideals of fellowship. An ancient belief structure dating back to a time before the Emperor had found his Primarch. Elyas was no different from his Brothers in this regard, he saw his Emperor not as a god but as a true and pure testament to the will of humanity. An embodiment of all mankind could, and very well shall achieve with the right guidance and shields against the abhorrent horrors that lurked in the stars. To Elyas there was no greater honour than to serve the Emperor or his chapter. For nearly four decades Elyas had done his duty and brought the divine might of the Imperium to bear against the Xenos, Mutant and Heretic. His faith guided him, no doubt nor idleness abated him, and his devotion had been rewarded. Yet still his body was still wracked with pain, a pain that originated from his chest. A pain he had only felt once before, it reminded him of the day his life changed. Near four decades ago Elyas had been one of several initiates taken from the surface of his home world, Mendrion’s world, he’d been chosen as specific gene markers made him a prime candidate to receive the Gene-seed of Nomadic fleet based chapter of the Dark Angels. For three decades Elyas served within both tenth and seventh companies respectively, years of battle experience had harden Elyas into an uncompromising warrior. His throat was dry, the pain restricting beyond what it should. Elyas could not find his voice or he’d cry out in an attempt to relieve the pain that gripped him, gasping for breath Elyas resolved that he would endure the pain. It would not break him, finding his voice Elyas three his head back and let out a deep throaty roar of pain, finally after enduring the pain for as long as his Emperor had deemed Elyas was flung from the golden vortex, into the physical world once again. ----------------------------- The Everfree forest was a mysterious place, a well known source of chaos and evil to all Equestria for its untamed wilds held many secrets that had been lost when One of the two Royal Sisters had fallen to madness. Such great secrets were forever lost now within the dark roots of the Everfree, but one such secret had survived for far longer than anypony could comprehend a true marvel of engineering. Built by a race who ruled the galaxy for Millennia before even the progenitor species to Ponykind had even discovered fire, yet this structure stood vigil below the Everfree itself kept sealed by the six souls of its creators. Though this had changed only two thousand years ago when a pawn of the Prince of Excess had forced its way into existence on this world to rule, it was a threat the six could not ignore even with their psychical forms long since turned to dust their souls still remained bound to six stones that kept the structure they had created active, linking them to the Infinity circuit which now housed the souls of their kind they would make the ultimate sacrifice to stop this spawn of their most hated foe. They would give their souls to the stone that house them, their very essence to power six devices capable of great power when wielded by the pure of heart. Six devices Ponykind came to know as the Elements of Harmony, yet they were more than conduits for righteous power, they were beacons forever linked to the structure below Everfree sending a signal to the Nexus beyond calling to those of significant psychic might to reopen the gate and return the souls of the six to the Infinity circuit. Yet that would not happen for the six had given too much of themselves to save this world time and time again, they had become one with the Element they created when they chose to save this world for the first time, but one being had use for them still a use that would protect Equestria in its darkest hour. They would give the last of themselves to bring forth the final Guardians Equestria would need. With a golden arcing bolt of warp energy the structure stirred form its long dormancy, slowly but surely it crackled to life golden bolts arcing across its surface in a majestic pattern, swirling and twisting with each other almost as if they were alive. As quickly as the bolts appeared they vanished in a spectacular explosion light blinding light leaving a single bulky figure in its wake. ----------------------- His lungs burnt as air rushed into them once more, the sensation let him know he had returned to the material world and for that Elyas was grateful. He glanced around the chamber he now stood in, it was ancient and to him something of grate disgust, Elyas sneered inwardly at the script upon the chambers walls and Xenos artefacts littered about the place. “I shall not question the Emperors choice to deliver me to this world but I cannot stomach these Xenos creations” Elyas spoke threw gritted teeth, yet stayed his hand for within the back of his mind he knew his Emperor would need to twist the will of such Xenos technologies again, but for what Elyas could not be certain. He turned to face the only exit to this hidden chamber, a dark cob-webbed covered corridor leading to somewhere Elyas did not know. Hefting his bolter to his chest Elyas began his lone trek forward into an unknown world... Into Equestria. ............................... Luna sniffed gently as she rested her head within her left hand; to say the Psychic backlash of contacting her father was not severe would be wrong. Her regal coat of midnight blue was scarred and singed with black patches of skin showing; her eyes were blood shot with speckles of dried blood just underneath them. Luna shivered slightly and sucked in a lung full of air in several short ragged breaths as her mind slowly coming to grips with how wracked her body had been, each breath she took hurt for her lungs themselves were victim to the warp flame, as here the muscles of her body. “Erm Princess?” Luna slowly looked up as Twilight timidly asked her question taking a tentative spent towards her. “Yes young Twilight?” Luna responded, her voice horse and scratchy. “Are you alright?” Luna smiled at Twilights concerned and nodded. “I am fine. This was expected from what I asked of my father.” “Hold up!” Rainbow Dash spoke her voice full of surprise and anger “Your own father did this to you?!” “Not intentionally I assure you.” Luna responded her voice calm, she raised her right hand in order to cut Rainbow and her shocked friends off from responding. “My father is neither alive nor dead, directly entering were his mind and spirit exist to gain his aid is not without risk.” “Princess I know it is prudent for somepony to ask but.” Rarity bit her bottom lip, worried for how the princess might take her question. “But who is your father?” “RARITY!” Twilight yelled turning to face the white unicorn. “That is not something you should just out and ask somepony! Especially one of the Princesses!” “It’s quite alright Twilight.” Luna smiled gently at Twilights over reaction to Rarity asking a question she had clearly set the bait for to be asked. “I know that you also wish to know.” Twilight blushed in embarrassment and nodded slowly. “Well I can’t say I don’t want to know who he is, but it’s not something anypony should ask of a princess.” Luna chuckled and nodded lowly agreeing with her, “Very true young Twilight, yet I feel you need to know of who mine and Celestia’s father if we are to continue.” Closing her eyes Luna took a deep calming breath before continuing. “To describe my father is impossible, to understand his will even more so but his dream is one I share. His radiance is one that has touched all his children be they us or our cousins across the stars he guides us and protects us.” *Luna smiled gently pausing momentarily. “My father brought into existence his angels. He crafted and sculpted them from the bodies of mortals; he willed them to be to stand high and noble as the sword and shield of the innocent... Of you” Luna cast her gaze across the element bearers, her eyes filled with warmth and pride. “And to lead his angels he crafted my brothers, eighteen of the greatest being to exist each proud to be entrusted with my father’s dream.” “The tale of the Primarchs.” Twilight whispered, shocked to learn that such an old ponies tale was true. “But that can’t be right, its thousands of years older than the myths about Discord!” “I assure you Twilight that the tale is true.” Luna sighed, her voice filled with sorrow as she continued. “As is the tale of Sutekh and Heru, I trust you all know the story?” Twilight and her friends slowly looked at one another with uncertain expressions clearly having heard the tale Luna was referring to but not for some time, she places a reassuring hand upon Twilights shoulder. “Worry not Twilight I shall recant the tale to refresh your memory.” Luna spoke smiling gently before clearing her throat before speaking in a soothing yet regal tone. “When one fire of life had sizzled out another would spark for it is the way of things no one fire would burn forever all would fade in time, yet that was before Sutekh rose. A dazzling golden god who sought to bring the flames of all together to create the eternal flame, for many turns of the birth rock Sutekh worked to bring about his vision breaking and moulding all life upon the birth rock within his image. Yet the birth rock alone would not hold the eternal flame for all the lost flames most be found and tended to, and so with this knowledge Sutekh scooped up the dirt and crafted his fellow gods, each with a role to play and each in part like Sutekh. Yet for all his wisdom and spirit Sutekh could not protect his fellow gods in their youth, for they were stolen by the darkness and scattered amongst the flames lost to him. But Sutekh persisted and from what was left of his fellow gods he created angels to search for the flames and his young gods, the first to be found was the god Heru Sutekh’s favoured son.” Luna briefly paused as she was the looks of astonishment and amazement in the bearers eyes before continuing. “Soon all but three of his gods were found, though this broke Sutekh’s heart he knew his vision was near and thus he renamed Heru as Kemwer his chosen to find the final flames while he returned to the birth rock to full-fill his role. Yet during this time Kemwer became plague by the darkness and sought the flame for himself, and so Kemwer twisted the mind and spirits of eight of his fellow gods and stuck against Sutekh shattering the eternal flame forever but not before Sutekh himself duelled with Kemwer over the slain corpse Angelus Sanguinem, yet Sutekh could not bring himself to slay his favoured creation no matter how far he’d fallen and thus Sutekh was wounded and awaited his sons killing blow were it not for on brave mortal who stood between Sutekh and Kemwer with only the duty to protect his god could Sutekh summon the strength needed to slay is way ward creation but not without cost to himself. Now entombed upon the birth rock Sutekh’s body slowly fades while is spirit guides those of the birth rock to continue his vision of the eternal flame.” “Oh... my.” Fluttershy gently whispered being the first to rbeak the stunned silence that had taken the room. “Princess I take it Sutekh is your father?” Twilight tentatively asked. Luna replied simply by nodding once as she brushed a tear form her eye, the memory being painful for her. “Which is why I have asked for you all to help me, six of me fathers angels are trapped in the space between realities fighting alone to save him, they are selflessly going to give their lives for my father and all life but I can’t bear to see another of his angels fall!” Luna clasped her hand over her heart as tears formed upon the corners of her eyes. “I have seen it all I have seen brother turn on brother angel become demon, and it’s too much I can’t watch it happen again I simply can’t!” “It’s ok princess we’ll halp ya’ll anyway we can rait girls?” Applejack responded placing a reassuring hand upon Luna’s shoulder as she glance at her friends who all nodded. “Thank you.” Luna replied softly giving them each a warm smile as she wiped her eyes. “The last time I had to watch such angels die was when the last of my sons... my angels gave themselves to bring an end to the greatest threat to all life. My sons whom I never got to meet they never knew their Primarch!” Luna wiped her eyes again as fresh ran down her cheeks. “Such was my sorrow and despair that my sons were gone I left darkness take hold and I became one of the worst creatues Equestria has ever known...” “You became Nightmare Moon because you lost your sons?” Twilight asked although she already knew the answer. Luna nodded slowly before she was wrapped in a tight hug from a certain pink earth pony who’s tears at such a sad story were leaving her eyes with such force it was like a burst water pipe. It did not take the other five long to join the energetic earth pong in embracing the princess. Luna smiled and returned their gesture before speaking, “Thank you girls but I fear I have wasted much time with explaining mine and my sisters past, quickly gather your elements and follow me we have to reach the arcane gate in time.” “Arcane gate?” Twilight asked as saw Luna begin making her way towards the door. “there is no time Twilight I’ll explain once we are there.” Luna glanced back as she slowly opened the door to Ponyville only to stop as she head a deafening sound, one which left her know her father had done as she had asked. “AD CAESAREM!” ------------------------- Elyas had not soon exited the cave network that held the Xenos structure than he wished he was still within the caverns. Though like all space marines Elyas knew no fear that did not mean there were things he particularly enjoyed and one such thing was swaps. How he hated them from both a tactical and personal point, they slowed you movement, made it easier for enemies to hide in and they stank. He grunted and pressed on into the bog his bolter raised, fully expecting an ambush of some kind. Elyas glanced around the area slowly, he saw nothing but trees thick deep purple trees as far as his enhanced vision could see. Yet something was amiss within the forest stared back watching him with ancient eyes far older than Elyas could know, a single entity of a long forgotten species whose very bodies where sifted and pulped until only that which was required remained. --------------------------- It studied Elyas with a detached intelligence for it had not seen a being quit like him in some time, for Elyas was a threat. It circled Elyas being sure to keep its distance, lest it be spotted and destroyed before a warning could be sent to its slumbering masters. Once again the being tried to establish some form of contact with the control matrix of its master’s crypt, yet like the previous attempts made there was no response. Though no response came from the crypts matrix something did react to the beings signal, fifteen return pings echoed within the beings head. Though they were responses each response was from a damaged unit that would fall in single combat. But this was none of the beings concern its concern was the safety of the master it severed, with no further thought it sent out a return ping to bring the fifteen nearby units online to bring this threat down. ------------------- Elyas paused once again his bolt raised, he knew something was not right and that he was being watch. He dropped into a combat crouch and waited for what was coming. A horrid metallic grinding noise echoed threw out the bog as they shuffled forth, rising from the murky water with long talons flexed. They were tall slender figure resembling human skeletons with long slender claws for hands, they were all damaged in some way be it missing limbs or blast holes from projectile weapons not one was within working condition. “Flayed ones.” Elyas spat as he glanced around taking mental note of how many there were before bring his bolter leave with the closest one. With his shot lines up Elyas fired. As the mass reactive shell flew towards its target the Flayed Ones made no sound, they only began to rush forth towards their victim the Flayers curse over taking them. The shell impacted its target and detonated gutting the Flayed One in mere moments, yet it did not phase out Elyas failed to notice this as he began to open fire on those that still stood. “FOR THE EMPEROR!” Elyas road as he ducked under the swing of a set of claws before he stitched a three round burst into his assailant’s chest turning it into a charred wreck. Elyas spun round grabbing the hilt of his power sword and wrenching it free from its scabbard embedding it within the chest of another Flayed One, before pulling it free merely to use it to bisect a second one. With three down only twelve remained, Elyas rolled back away from the Flayed Ones as they attempted to form a kill circle. He rose back to his feet and slung his bolter on his back. Elyas glared at the reaming Flayed Ones once more and gripped the hilt of his power sword before he charged. Within moments Elyas was within the mist of the Flayed Ones like a whirling instrument of destruction he became one with his sword, a true instrument of war. As he dispatched Flayed One after Flayed One Elyas noticed something off about them, they were not phasing out it was something that trouble him greatly. Had the Emperor not save him and was this all a warped spawn illusion moments before his death? Or was this real and in fact he stood upon the surface of a world where the Necrons could truly be killed? He did not care, that was a chain of thoughts for another time as now only one of the Necrons remained standing before him. Elyas thrust forward with his power sword embedding it within the torso of the Flayed One before wrenching it upwards and threw its metallic head. As the Flayed One fell backwards Elyas caught sight of a group of seven other humanoid shapes emerging from the tree line. Elyas narrowed his eyes as he watched them each emerge, the first six were unimpressive to him. Clearly they were Ad-humans of three separate species and clearly all female. He cared not for them nor there colouring it was the seventh one that caught his attention, for she radiated power, discipline and held herself higher than the rest. Elyas looked her up and down taking his measure of her trying to figure out, something about her felt familiar to him hard wired into his altered body. It was a similar feeling he would feel when operating with Astartes from other legions. Elyas raised his sword and points its hilt towards the group. “You will kneel in the Emperors name and answer my questions!” > Bonus chapter: Hive Tempestora > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most of the mortal defenders of this world had long since fallen like chaff before the greenskin horde, and now time was running out as the horde advanced upon the capital. Only the valiant Space Marines of the Black Templars stood against them, willing to sacrifice all in the name of this one, final victory. "YOUR HONOUR IS YOUR LIFE BROTHERS! LET NONE DISPUTE IT AND DRIVE THIS XENOS FILTH BACK!" Khordel roared forth to his brother whom still stood at his side ready to sell their lives to buy the scattered remnants around and within the Hive time to rally and retake the hive. Yet Khordel's every martial instinct cried out for him to abandon the Hive and pull those loyal crusaders whom followed him deep into the hive back, so that they might survive at the cost of other imperial lives. But he would not, Khordel had faith in his brothers. With surprising agility for one clad in heavy power armour Khordel brought his might Crozius down upon the skull on an Ork Nob turning it into nothing but putrid green and red slurry, to his left Khordel noticed the last members of his men fought on with unseen fury bolts streaming thick and fast from their weapons while chain swords cleaved Orks in twain, Khordel made a quick note of who still stood with him and sighed inwardly for only two Initiates and their Sword Brother were still in the fight. "BROTHERS RALLY TO ME!" Khordels voice cut threw the Orkish war cries gaining the attention of his men each nodding once as they knew what Khordel required. A vox crackled within the Chaplains ear as a voice cut threw the static. "My lord this is Mayor Constantine of the Armageddon 116th Steel Legion the last non-combatants passed the Morpheon Line, we are ready and willing to provide cover for you to pull back." Khordel smiled at such a notion a mortal willing to lay his life down so an Astartes might fight another day, men like this were rare and this world would need men like him if it were to survive. "Your Gesture is noted Mayor, yet not necessary." Khordel paused briefly as he unloaded the last bolt rounds from his pistol into three Orks who foolishly rushed forward. "The Emperor will have use of you when you retake this hive. His will for me and my Brothers has been served now we shall weaken this Xenos filth for you!" Before any response could be given Khordel cut the vox link and points his Crozius deep into the Orks aiming it towards the single largest Ork within. "BROTHERS CARVE A PATH TO THE HEART OF THE XENOS AND STRIKE AS ONE!" With those words Khordel lead the last of his Brother in a furious charge into the Orks, their blades striking each and every greenskin that crossed their path. IN their hearts Khordel and his fellow Templars would Suffer not the Unclean to live with his in mind Khordel knew what prayer would drive them onward and steel their souls against corruption. "O Emperor, in wrath rejoicing at bloody wars, fierce and untamed, whose mighty power doth make the strongest walls from their foundations shake. All-conquering Master of Mankind, be pleased with this war's tumultuous roar. Delight in swords and fists red with alien blood, and the dire ruins of savage battle. Rejoice in furious challenge, and avenging strife, whose works with woe embitter human life!" > Chapter Five: Blood, Iron and The Wolf Pt1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A gasp of pain brought Akhom back into consciousness his sense dull to his surroundings. All he could remember was Sergeant Zeal, a battle brother of the Sable Swords chapter hurling himself at the Lictor who had him pinned before instating he make a tactical withdraw, yet Akhoms withdraw had not been easy for he had failed to notice the large crevice that had opened in the floor, it was one of the factors that lead to his current situation. Lying on his back separated from Echo Squad. He checked the chrono readout on his helmet’s internal display to see how long he had been out but the string of digits was nonsense. Either the mark four had been damaged in his fall or something else was interfering with its systems. Judging by his surroundings, he suspected the latter. Where he might have expected to find the same metal bulkhead as on the deck above, here the material the ship was constructed from had been coated in flesh. The walls pulsed as if an unseen heart were pumping blood through them and the floor beneath his feet felt tongue-like, spongy and coated in thick, clear fluid. Experimentally, he tried to move his left arm but a sharp pain told him that he would need the ministrations of one of the Death-watches’ Apothecaries before that would be possible. The Lictors claws had severed through muscle and tendon, as deep down as the bone. Using his other arm, he hauled himself to his feet and raised Angels Mercy, the master crafted combi-weapon slung at his back. He aimed at the ceiling but in place of the hole he had fallen through a huge scab was in its place, pus leaking from its edges. With another grunt of pain Akhom propped himself against the wall raising his right arm to the vox bead upon the side of his helmet before opening an open vox-link. “Thi... this is Brother Apothecary Akhom, Echo squad lead.” Akhom had to force each other word, each slayable from his lips, his body in total shock from his wounds. “I have been cut off from the rest of Echo, my situation is dire medical aid is required. I repeat I have been cut off from Echo squad and require medical aid.” Only static greeted Akhom as he repeated his open vox call twice more, grunting in frustration Akhom winced again in pain as he began to hobble down the corridor, using the wall to support his weight, Angels Mercy aimed squarely ahead. Each step was took more effort than any of Akhom’s two centuries of service, fighting off both the pain each step caused his body to be wracked with the need to enter a state of suspended animation so that his wounds might heal. But Akhom knew that to do so was to doom him to die here, at the mercy of the Tyranids. His attention was removed from that of his wounds by a burst of static across his vox, not the rhythmic static he had grown accustomed to, but instead that of another trying to establish a link. His right hand upon the vox bead in an instant Akhom rapidly combs threw every vox frequency only picking up fragments, yet in the back of his mind Akhom knew the sender of the Vox call was close. “This is... tech mar... Lorcan of ... on Hands... ective complete sus... avy causalities.” the vox is momentarily filled with the sound of a high energy weapon spooling up to fire. “Request ... iate support tra... ocation now.” A series of co-ordinates appear within Akhom’s HUD marking the location of tech marine Lorcan and his current location. Scanning both sets of co-ordinates Akhom realised Lorcan was but a single level below him and only four hundred metres ahead. Blink clicking the vox link Akhom opened a channel to respond, his voiced filled with hope and pride that he is not alone. “Brother Lorcan this is Apothecary Akhom.” Akhom desperately replied hoping Lorcan would hear his return vox. “I am en route to assist. I repeat I am en route to assist.” With new found determination Akhom stride forth baring the pain of his shattered leg, his mind set on one goal to reach the tech marine and get off this accursed space hulk. ------------------------- A solemn mood hung over four Astartes as they continued forward towards their objective, none of them had truly come to terms with what they had been forced to do, abandon their Brother captain. Onward they press Xavier leading his heavy flamer primed and ready for whatever the Tyranids would throw at them. “I swear upon the Honour of my Primarch I shall avenge the Brother-Captain.” His word cause his brother to stop and turn to face him, they were shocked to hear such words from Khordel of all people. “Khordel are you alright?” Xavier snapped, unable to believe Khordel meant those words. “What do you owe to the memory of Elyas?” “He saved my life.” Khordel’s voice was little more than a whisper. “We all owe Elyas in some manner Khordel.” Kestyr responded putting a hand on Khordel’s pualdron to reassure his Brother-Chaplin that he was not alone in the grief he felt for the loss of Elyas. “Aye Kestyr is right Khordel.” Yngvar interjected his voice not filled with deportment nor sorrow but pride and righteous fury. “I suspect our Brother-Captain has not perished, I still owe him a mark after our last honour duel!” His statement roused a chuckle from each Astartes present, a return to the familiar mood they had long held under their Brother-Captains command. “Thank you Yngvar.” Khordel gently slammed his right fist into Yngvar’s left pauldron in a friendly gesture. Yngvar nodded once in response to Khordel’s thank before jerking his head once to signal them to keep moving towards the objective. Moving back into formation the four Astartes continued their advanced upon the heart of the Tyranids nest within the space hulk, filled with new found determination they would cleanse it. Even if they had to forfeit their own lives. ---------------- They stared at the being before them; mute awe washed over each them for no pony present had ever bore witness to such a sight. Clad in armour as black as the night’s sky itself, save for two locations, his left arm was a beautiful silver and the right pauldron which bore a deep green colour and a winged dagger icon. His winged helmet was what kept their attention for it was something they associated with high rank. “Numerabo vos in gladio, et indica mihi nomen Caesarum in quaestiones” the words from his mouth bit harshly at their ears, for it was an old language to them one that now only the royal pony sisters spoke. Luna’s eyes widened in shock and joy for to hear the elegant language of her farther, spoken once more it brought back emotions long since lost to her. Yet then the words spoken struck her hard, a lump formed in the back of her throat as her stomach twisted the stark realisation that one of her father’s ‘Angels’ would willingly end not only her life but those of the Elements of Harmony if he did not receive the answer he wanted. With one fluid motion Luna dropped to one knee her head low, a simple act of submission but one that would show to the Astartes before her she sought no conflict, glancing sideways at the six ponies that had followed her Luna spoke in a hush tone. “Girls, you need to kneel.” Slowly one by one they followed Luna’s example, bending one knee and dropping into a low kneel though they each wore a different express. While Twilight and Rarity had expressions on wonder upon their faces, Twilights for all this strange being could teach her about the universe and that which lay outside the confines of Equis, Rarities was for the possibilities of new styles and fashion trends she could set by mimicking the colour scheme before her. both Rainbow and Applejack bore looks of distain, AJ for the fact she could not see the face of the being before her so his intentions were hidden to her, Rainbow was merely disgusted by the fact she was forced to kneel before someone that was not one of the princesses. Pinkie held her normal cheerful express having not realised that this might not be the best time to try to make a new friend. Fluttershy was terrified cowering behind her hair trying not to make eye contact. Luna gulped, her lips dry and cracked from fear, a fear that the next words she was about to speak could be those that condemned not only her but the Elements of Harmony to death. Hoping that this was one of the more reasonable of her Father’s angels Luna began to speak. “Filia sum Luna in hoc situ linguae sum.” Her words were slow and deliberate with extra care taken to ensure they were pronounced correctly. Luna stole a glance of the armoured figure before them, its posture did not change it still stood proud and tall. The figure let out a chuckle, the sword it once had pointed squarely at Luna and the Elements of Harmony slowly lowered, returned to the scabbard it must have come from. The figure then drew a rectangular box with an angled wedge jutting from the underside, it held the box loosely in its hands, once again began to speak. “Omne bonum, si non dicere et loqui, etiam in pa I. Maximum: arma interpretabor.” Luna’s eyes widened in realisation that she had not gotten them killed, quite the opposite had happened, her Father’s angel had chuckled at her slow and deliberate words and was now giving her and the Elements a chance to speak, so that he might learn their language to make it easier on them. “Ego sum frater dux Elyas.” The figure spoke before it gestured for them to speak and with a single fluid movement of its neck it gestured for them to rise. Slowly Luna rose first her lips still dry the figure, whom had identified himself as Elyas, for his stature still posed as a large intimidating force. With a gentle shake of her head Luna cleared the thoughts of him turning into a force of destruction from her mind before she began to speak. “I am Princess Luna reagent of the Moon and co-ruler of Equestria.” She swung her left arm out wide gesturing to each of the Element bearers in turn. “These six girls are the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. They are Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie...” Before she could finish Pinkie had surged forward and somehow managed to launch herself up onto Elyas’s chest, her face pressed up against his helmet, peering into his eye lenses as she began to ramble. “HI!MynameisPinkiePieyourenamesElyasright?Doyoulikecupcakes?OOH!whataboutcakeandparties!dDoyouliekthose?Whatisspacelike?doyouhavesaceparties?!” As Pinkie continued to asking Elyas asinine questions it did not take long for Pinkies ramblings to devolve to the point where her friends and the Princess could no longer make out what she was saying. To his credit Elyas did not react to Pinkie’s physical defying movement, or the fact she was latched tightly onto his chest plate even as she made every attempt to view his face. He merely stood their impassive and unmoving, he continued to wait as Pinkie slowly but surely began to ebb in her constant rambling coming to an end of some fantastical and clearly made up story that had no bearing on the situation. “Aaaaaaand that how Equestria was made!” Pinkie finished with utter certainty in her voice smiling brightly at Elyas. “Any questions?” Shaking his head once Elyas moved his right hand up gripping Pinkie Pie around the waste, causing her it illicit a ‘EEP’ of surprise, as he pulled her off of his chest plate gently placing her on the ground in front of him. Now in a low crouch Elyas was close to their height. “You talk too much pink Abhuman.” His voice filtered out threw his helmets speaker grill sounding cold and metallic it bit harsh against their eardrums, for it was a voice of one who had seen untold tragedies all their life. Elyas turned his gave from Pinkie Pie rising back to his full height, the withering gaze of his helmets eye lenses now resting squarely upon Princess Luna once more. Luna gulped the pressure of Elyas’s gaze slowly getting to her again; he was so different yet so similar it almost felt like she was staring at the visage for one of her older siblings whom though she had never met had stood with her father so long ago. “You identified yourself as Princess Luna correct?” Luna nodded once in response to Elyas, her voice caught in her throat. Elyas snorted once at her silence caring not for the look of disgust this garnered from Rainbow Dash, he merely paid her no heed, she was a mortal and still a child, this made her no threat. “You will explain to me why this world is so important to the God-Emperor.” Luna coughed once to clear her throat, before she began to tell the story of how she was connected to her father. --------------------------------------------- Lorcan gritted his teeth as he rolled to the side of the Tyranid warriors rending claw, it was here he saw to chance for the warrior had over extended his strike leaving it open to a counter strike. With a growl of satisfaction from his biotic larynxes Lorcan aimed the Archeotech pistol, named Istvaan’s Memory, directly at the warrior chest before squeezing the trigger. The Tyranid warrior let out a horrific wail of pain as a beam of thermal energy lanced form the end pistol slamming into its carapace. Flailing in agony the Tyranid stumbled backwards its carapace unmarked by the thermal beam, yet on the inside its internal flesh was ablaze roasting the beast from the inside. “Only three remaining.” Lorcan growled casting his gaze around the mess hall he and his brothers had found themselves in upon the completion of their objective to retrieve a small tithe of gene-seed the auspex array had located within the remains of an old Astartes strike cruiser, dating back to the great crusade. But to secure such valued and pure gene-seed had not been without cost, and Lorcan had paid that cost dearly. Around him lay the dismembered and brutalised corpses of Lima squad, four brothers Lorcan had commanded and blamed himself for their deaths. He hated himself for it, wishing he had replaced his emotions with cybernetics long ago. Turning his power axe around in his left hand Lorcan slammed his right elbow into the gapping maw of a charging Warrior, sending the beast reeling to the ground. Taking this chance Lorcan thrust the axe down into the Warriors chest, splitting the beast down the centre spilling its vile innards across the deck. Wrenching his axe free of the now dead Tyranid Lorcan failed to notice as a second one barrelled into his side, sending him sprawling across the ground, his weapons knocked form his grasp. His teeth gritted Lorcan let out a final defiant growl not ready to accept his death at the hands of such vile beasts, if he was to die it would be with honour and taking these insidious invaders from beyond the galaxies edge with him. It came without warning the burst of static with Lorcan’s vox-bead a call from a battle-brother that yet lived an alley from one of the other squads deployed was within proximity to aid him. “Brother Lorcan! Keep your head down!” the voice was unmistakable; it was that of Apothecary Akhom. Lorcan silently cursed under his breath. Why him? Why did it have to be the Lamenter who had come to his aid? Surely he was not destined to survive the Tyranid warrior to fall victim to the curse of fighting alongside a Lamenter. But he had little time to process such thoughts for within a mere second of his vox-hail the ceiling above Lorcan imploded, a shot from Akhom’s combi-grav weapon had torn the ceiling asunder, showing both Lorcan and the surviving Tyranids in debris. No time to register what had happened the Tyranid warriors were caught unaware as a withering hail of mass reactive rounds was unleashed from above, each round that made contact with the Tyranids blew large chunks of their exoskeleton armour rupturing spilling sickly coloured ichor cross the deck. With the Tyranids now lying upon the deck twitching in the violent spasms of death Akhom dropped from the whole above, a grunt of pain escaped his lips for the shattered bones of his leg had yet to heal. Propping himself against the wall Akhom dumped the empty clip from his combi-bolter sliding a fresh clip into place with the grace, only a son of Sanguinius could muster for such a mundane act, he turned to face Lorcan. “Are you alright brother?” Akhom’s words were ragged his mind still fighting to halt his bay form entering a hibernation cycle to recuperate. “Your shots could have been better placed cousin.” Lorcan remarked, an air of bitterness slipping into his voice as he stood, collecting his weapons in the process. “But otherwise I am unharmed.” “Good.” Akhom sighed his back still pressed against the wall. “We need to move, to the extraction point.” Lorcan snorted in disgust, disagreeing with the notion of retreat. Akhom turned to face Lorcan, squaring up to him, even with his shattered leg and broken arm Akhom still cut an imposing image. “You disagree brother?” “In principal your plan to fall back is sound.” Lorcan threw a glance down the right side of the corridor. “But judging by the organic Xenos growth littering the walls we are close to the nest, and we are still alive. I don’t think Captain Elyas and his squad made it to the nest.” “You imply too much Lorcan!” Akhom all but spat jabbing a finger in Lorcan’s direction. “The Brother-captain entered in the most densely infested section, of course he’d not have reached the nest yet!” “Irrelevant!” Lorcan rounded fixing him with a disapproving glare. “My chrono display is showing we only have a few Terrain standard hours before this hulk begins transit back into real space. If the heart of this Tyranid swarm is not extinguished before then the Imperium will fall!” “Then what do you propose we do Brother! Throw our lives away assaulting the nest!” Akhom returned Lorcan’s glare with one of his own. “Is your chapter so warped in their teachings that you seek to mimic your Primarchs foolish actions from the Hersey! I certa....” Before Akhom could finish Lorcan had slammed his right fist into his face, dropping Akhom to the deck. “HOW DARE YOU!” Lorcan roared Akhom’s statement having killed the last remnants of Lorcan’s compassion and ties of kinship to his fellow Astartes one battle to late “The Iron-father died a noble death! He stood as the first to oppose the arch traitors! And you dare sully his sacrifice by implying it was foolish!” Lorcan slammed his left leg into Akhom’s stomach, winding him. “Were it not for the fact you are the only one capable of extracting the gene-seed of my fallen squad I would strike you down!” Lorcan bent down grabbing Akhom be his good arm dragging him to his feet, their helmets now level. Akhom grimaced briefly at the forcefulness Lorcan pulled him up but kept quite knowing he had picked at a scab still raw for all Iron Hands and their successor chapters. “Extract their gene-seeds and get ready to move.” Lorcan turned from Akhom facing down the right corridor. “We are moving into the nest’s heart and this is not up for discussion.” --------------------------------- Yngvar snorted glaring at the pulsating obstruction before him and his brothers, it was all that lay between them and the heart of the Tyranid infestation a thin pussy membrane across the hallway. He knew not what lay beyond all he knew was that it must die even at the cost of their lives, glancing either side Yngvar saw his three surviving brothers likewise stood ready to enter this final charge together. “Brothers!” Yngvar began his voice horse and unsteady for though he knew this was to be their last charge together and his body had accepted that his mind had not. “It has been my honour to fight alongside you all these years. Beyond this blockage lies our goal, the heart of the swarm and it must be purged.” He paused gripping his bolt pistol and chain sword tightly, having mag-locked his bolter to his back for its ammunition had run dry on their approach to the nest, much like Ketsyr’s bolter and Xavier’s heavy flamer. They had encountered heavy resistance upon their approach in the form of the Hive Guard, large armoured beasts rumoured to be produced from the biomass of Astartes, it had disgusted them to no end that the Emperors gifts to them had been broken down and perverted by these Xenos to create such horrific killing machines. Yngvar had taken now small amount of spiteful glee in putting down such abominations in the name of the Emperor and Wolf King, he likewise had expected his Brothers to have felt the same emotions. “Though we likely charge to our deaths. We do so with pride! I know our Primarchs, the Emperor and Our Brother-Captain are with us in spirit!” Yngvar thumbed the trigger of his chainsword bringing it up to full speed and pointed the weapon squarely at the membrane blocking their path. “Let us charge together Brothers!” with his final words Yngvar howled and charge forward barrelling into the membrane, tearing it apart. With their entry made Yngvar and his Brothers charged into the morbid opening of the Tyranid nest, all four having made peace with their fate and ready to perform the duties expected of them. -------------------------------------- Elyas had seated himself upon a toppled pillar lying in the murky quagmire of the swamp, listening intently as Luna regaled her tale of the Emperor and his connection to her. This tale had soon evolved in Luna speaking of her down fall and subsequent redemption with the aid of the six adhumans, or rather ponies as they wished to be known, that were with her. slowly but surely Luna finished her tale and waited for Elyas to respond, but he did not for several long minutes Elyas remained completely still his mind processing the information Luna had either intentionally or unintentionally revealed with her tale. Her story coincides with events of imperial history. Elyas thought keeping his gaze fixed upon Luna her arrival matches up with when imperial historians suspect the Primarchs were scattered, but it’s her mention of becoming this Nightmare Moon which vexes me. The time frame falls perfectly in line with the World Engine threat and the subsequent destruction of the Astral Knights. If she is their gene-sire then I must know. “Tell me Princess.” Elyas spoke as he slowly rose from the pillar his withering gaze still fixed upon Luna. “Does the phrase Protect The Nights Children mean anything to you?” Luna’s gasped in shock, tears forming in the corner of her eyes, the mention of the only thing she had been able to gift to her sons, being spoken to her after so long tugged upon her heart strings. Pulling long repressed emotions to the surface, it was something she was deeply grateful for. Slowly she nodded once as she bit her bottom lip tears still threatening to spill forth from her eyes. “I suspected as much.” Elyas smiled warmly behind his helmet. Her reaction had confirmed it, she was one of the Emperors children and gene-sire to a chapter honoured by fourteen brother chapters for their heroic sacrifice during on of the Imperiums darkest hours. It was at this moment clarity came to Elyas, he was the gene son of the first Primarch the Lion and this small being before him was a younger sibling of his gene father. One whom the Emperor had kept apart from the Imperium, one whom he had not sought out in order to protect, he knew what had had to do it was something both the Emperor required and his Primarch would respect. Slowly Elyas walked up to Luna stopping directly in front of her and with deliberate care he bent to one knee, his head lowered before her. “I may not be one of your sons, one of your Astral Knights.” At the mention of their chapter name Luna flinched the memory of their demise still in her mind. “But I swear upon my Primarch Lion El’Johnson and the Emperor that I shall protect your world from all threats, until i fall in battle or you no longer require my protection.” With his oath finished Elyas rose to his full height once more looking down at Luna whom had a small smile gracing her lips, as did the six Elements of Harmony. “I feel this forest is not safe, with Necrons present I suggest we fall back to an area more defensible.” Elyas threw sideways glances around the area checking for any Necron presence. “I shall accompany you to such a destination.” With a single nod Luna motion for them to leave slowly walking back along the path that she and the Elements taken into the Forest, a small bounce in her step as she lead the way. > Chapter Six: Blood, Iron and The Wolf Pt2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thick oozing biomass dripped from the walls, pooling upon the flesh coated floor of the corridor, it was a quagmire of putrefaction and stolen potential that gave the Tyranids life. Such raw genetic material seeping into the very structure of the Hulk was not a sign that offered much hope. As it was clear the digestive pools, a Tyranid bio-construction used for converting biomass of both the fallen Tyranids and their enemies into genetic code for the Hive Mind to twist and pervert into new monsters for its ever growing swarm, were over flowing with biomass such a overabundance could only mean the Tyranids would have ample bodies to drown any imperial world in and still have untold billions to spare. The thundering footsteps of the four Astartes came to slow and deliberate halt as they reached the mouth of the corridor as it opened out into a large waste filtration centre, though empty of the any such waste it was instead the heart of the Tyranid nest. Yngvar snorted in total disgust at what was before him, it assault is every sense with its total perversion of the physical more so then any other horror he had faced in his long years of service, a guttural snarl escaped his throat as behind his helmet he subconsciously bared the fangs all Space Wolves had, for he could sense something lurking below the thick pulsing membrane of organic broth that bubbled within the pit. “Disgusting Xenos filth.” Yngvar spat threw gritted teeth as he subconsciously tightened his grip upon the hilt of his chainsword thumbing the trigger bringing the blade back up to full speed, after its lull in use. Before Yngvar could utter another word the membrane atop the viscous organic slop tore, a wet sloshing noise not to dissimilar to that of meat sliding from the bone echoed around the chamber as large bladed fingers punctured upwards gripping the edges of the pit. With an insultingly slow motion the beast pulled itself up through the membrane, to bring its sickly yellow eyes level with the four Astartes. Hot wet bio matter slurry dripped down the creature’s armoured carapace some drops falling back into the pool it had dredged itself up from while others landed upon the ribbed decking that the Astartes occupied. Now within full view the Astartes could see that this beast, this Tyranid was their primary target. The insidious controlling abomination of life that lead the Tyranid swarm that infested this Hulk and threaten the Imperium, before them stood a Tyranid Norn Queen. “SLAY IT!” The words left Yngvar’s throat with such rage and hatred they sounded more like feral howl of a wolf. With his order given Yngvar charged forward launching himself at the Norn Queen the last of the bolt rounds in his pistol firing away at the beast, the Norn Queen roared its challenge back at Yngvar. Hot sticky mucus flying free from its alien maw at it stooped down low content to spear Yngvar upon the massive needle like teeth that filled its hideous mouth, though Yngvar and his brother were ready for such a strike. Though Yngvar had charged straight towards the Norn Queen Kestyr and Khordel had moved to flank the beast similarly pouring the last of their bolt rounds into its armoured hide, the bolts bit deep into its armoured hide exploding just below the surface. Each explosion launch chunks of alien flesh and bone into the air causing but this did little to faze the Norn Queen for such surface damage was nothing to it. Though the incendiary grenade pitched forth by Xavier had a more last and damaging effect. Unlike his brothers Xavier had not charged the Norn Queen, he had instead remained directly near the entrance his weapons holstered so he might propel the grenades he had saved for this very moment with greater accuracy. And accurate he was for his first grenade landed square in the Norn Queens open mouth bathing the vulnerable inside of its mouth with the cleansing flame of ignited promethium. Letting out a pained screech the Norn Queen had been stalled just enough for Yngvar to close the gap and draw his chainsword up across the beasts left eye spilling its vitreous humour across the floor. Rearing backwards the Norn Queen roared bringing its two long clawed hands down towards Yngvar intent on squashing him into a bloody pulp, rocking back onto his left foot Yngvar brought his chainsword up into a guard position to deflect the blow and leave the Norn Queen open for a retaliatory strike. Yet just as the Norn Queen had reached the maximum momentum with his clawed hands a series of Vengeance bolt rounds slammed into its wrists exploding in a shower of plasma discharge, ripping large gashes deep within the Norn Queens flesh. Tracing the trajectory of the bolt round Yngvar and his brothers saw that up high stood a pair of Marines, battle brothers they knew and recognised, each having served alongside them under the command of their Brother-Captain. Growling in pain and rage the Norn Queen threw its head back and screeched once more, but this time is was not a screech of pain but a call for aid from every Tyranid organism within the depths of the Space hulk. With its throat momentarily exposed the two marines upon the upper walkway took this chance to deliver a withering hail of weapons fire. The first marine whom held a combi-bolter tightly in one hand began pouring the last of his Vengeance rounds into the Queens throat, while his companion gripped the trigger of a conversion beamer charging up his shot. The Norn Queen reared back in pain as the bolt rounds lanced threw the tender flesh of its throat, deciding it enough was enough The Norn Queen swung for the two marines upon the walkway. A normally killing swipe as both mariners had no escape was averted as a krak grenade exploded mere centimetres from its outstretched arm. “AKHOM, LORCAN! OFF THE PLATFORM!” Xavier roared as he ripped another krak grenade from the several laced about the combat webbing across his breast plate before pitching high up into the chamber above the walkway. With a thunderous boom the grenade exploded wrenching the walkway from its brackets bringing it lurching forward and into the Norn Queens right wrist. The kinetic motion of the walkway being such that it pierced straight threw the Queens wrist before imbedding itself in the far wall pinning one of its arms and limiting the range of attack the Norn Queen had at its disposal. “We are glad for the reinforcements Brothers.” Yngvar nodded to both Akhom and Lorcan in turn. “But I fear this foul Xenos has called for its brood to come to its aid.” Spitting the last part in disgust Yngvar pulled the plasma grenade Elyas had entrusted him with. “We finish this now even it costs us our lives!” Lorcan nodded in agreement before pulling from his belt several scavenged bolter magazines from his fallen brothers. “We will not have long Yngvar, now where is the brother-captain?” As he spoke Lorcan tossed the magazines to Khordel and Kestyr while Akhom handed a few from his belt to Xavier and Yngvar. At the mention of Elyas Yngvar sighed and placed an armoured hand upon Lorcan’s shoulder. “He is dead my friend; he gave his life to hold off a Trygon. He died a noble death.” Though most would have been shocked by such news Lorcan was not, always the pragmatic one requiring direct proof he merely snorted disapprovingly at the notion of such a thing happening. “Were it so easy. Elyas has survived worse, back before Captain Khajog fell, he and Elyas held back a Nurgle plague horde alone for three days straight, it is highly doubtful an over grown bug could kill him.” “Either way it’s a moot point now we have to finish this thing now!” Kestyr barked gathering everyone’s attention back to the Norn Queen which was currently attempting to wrench its trapped arm free. Though this was only one concern of theirs as the noise of scuttering Tyranids could be heard nearing their location, though luckily only to avenue of entry presented themselves for which the approaching Tyranid horde to assault from. “Akhom, Khordel both of you on over watch now! Nothing gets in!” Yngvar barked as he pointed at both entrances earning a nod of acknowledgement from them both. “The Rest of you with me! We are slaying this beast!” his chainsword thrust upwards into the air Yngvar let loose a savage rallying war cry before pointing the sword squarely at the Norn Queen. As one the battle-Brothers of the Deathwatch answered Yngvar’s war cry with their own, each being instilled with the same fury and zeal that the Space Wolf possessed. Launching himself forward Yngvar fell upon the Norn Queen, his brothers of the Deathwatch not far behind. His fury was unmatched as he ripped deep wounds into its bony hide, Yngvar fought like a being possessed by the primal beast that lurked within the heart of each Son of the great wolf. He would fight and he would win. For his Primarch, His Emperor and His friend... His Brother-Captain. --------------------------- Trudging through the dense foliage of the Ever-free forest was once seen as an arduous and perilous venture for a pony, even a princess. For the beasts which lurked within saw the little ponies as nothing more than a tasty snack to placate their ravenous stomachs for a time, yet for the Princess of the night and the Elements this was now a moot point with the singular figure of Elyas now amongst their group the beasts saw them no longer as easy prey. A joyous smile plastered across her face as Princess Luna could not be happier; one of her brother’s sons had acknowledged who she was and shown her reverence. Something she had never been shown before, even after her redemption, her subjects still feared her their new found respect during the court room summits merely that a curtsy. But now striding beside her, his head held aloft proudly was the single being that had. Luna shock her head once to clear her it, she needed to ask this noble soul of her eldest brother, though she had never met him either physically or mentally like she had her father nor two of her brothers mentally and one briefly physically. With a deep breath Luna glanced up at Elyas her voice full of conviction and barley contained curiosity. “Elyas was it?” A simple nod was her response to his name something he had only given once, a smile graced her lips as the single nod being a sign to continue. “I must know, what has become of my brother? Your gene-father, does he still live?” Her question had drawn the ever eager ears of Twilight and her friends as they to wished to know the answer. Elyas did not respond right away, instead he continued walking for a few more agonising answerless minutes before reaching a small clearing and stopping. Fearing that she had offended him Luna went to speak again, to retract her question yet Elyas simply raised his hand to stop her words. Gently with a grace one would not expect her one so large and built for war Elyas brought himself down to one knee, to their height. “Before I answer your question Lady Luna I have one of my own.” A slight blush spread across Luna’s cheeks at the sincerity she heard within his voice, such respectful words were a welcome surprise. “Why is it that your companion.” He raised a finger to point at Fluttershy who had been trailing at the back let out a fearful gasp before attempting to hide behind Dash. “Cower such, I mean you know harm.” Before she could answer Rainbow Dash cut in with her normal ill thought out response. “Well no dur! You look like an evil monster!” Having finished her little outburst Rainbow immediately realised what she had said and like her friends gulped in fear, all feeling Elyas would react violently to such a comment. But to their surprise Elyas merely chuckled at the outburst before placing his boltgun down gently next to the stump he was sitting on. “Miss Fluttershy come forth.” With a single motion of his hand he beckoned for Fluttershy to step forth, slowly and whimper of fear Fluttershy shuffled forward, emerging from behind Rainbow Dash. Gently and timidly dragging her feet along the ground she stepped towards Elyas her head hanging low as tears threatened to spill forth from her eyes, whimpering as she came to a stop before Elyas her imagination began to create the horrific image of Elyas reaching out and snapping her neck before brutally butchering her friends and Princess Luna. Yet what happened surprised and slowly calmed her down easing her fear away, she felt Elyas’s large fingers gently role across the top of her scalp in a soothing motion. “Calm yourself young one.” His voice was just loud enough for her to make out. “I mean you no harm.” Slowly Fluttershy began to relax, sinking to her knees as the gentle motion of his hands calmed her down. Elyas chuckled to himself and slowly stopped fixing his gaze on Luna again. “You wish to know of my Primarch? The first born of the God-Emperor?” Pausing briefly watching as Luna and Twilight nodded eagerly. “I never knew him, saw him fight or grace the battlefield with his presence. Tales of him are passed down from brother to brother his memory is kept alive within the chapter and our successors.” Tilting his head back Elyas’s gaze drifted upwards towards the sky. “As one of his sons I like my brothers try to embody all he was, we strive to be greater then ourselves free from limitations that bind and control us.” Elyas looked back down locking his gaze with Luna. “We strive to be the sword that thrusts forth into the darkness and the shield that mortals might shelter behind.” Her face was awestruck as was that of Twilight and her friends, their brains slowly processing what they had just heard. Questions swelled within their minds but none dared voice them for the singular reason that they felt their questions would feel inadequate after who Elyas had spoken about his gene-father. All save for Pinkie-Pie as in typical fashion she’d be focused on something else. While she had heard what Elyas had said and mentally filed it away under ‘Party planning information for Ely’s welcome to Equestria party’ Pinkie had found her attention focused on the hilt of Elyas’s sword. To her mind it did not match Elyas, his armour was sleek and refined like that of a knight form the little foal stories she often read to the cake twins. His helmet specially stuck out to her with its two curve wings rising into the air it was truly elegant to behold, something she thought Rarity would use as inspiration for a new design. Not wasting anytime Pinkie Pie shot her left arm into the air gripping it with the right in a childish attempt to stretch it further, bouncing in place acting like she was in a class for young foals trying to get the teachers attention to ask a question. “Mister Elyas!” Pinkie exclaimed excitedly tipping forward “Misteeer Elyasss!” Elyas rolled his eyes behind his eye lenses before turning his gaze to Pinkie Pie, she was unlike any young one he had encountered save for one. Elyas recalled a young child psyker he’d encountered while serving with a rather eccentric inquisitor, it had been an experience to say the least. The psyker child had been so enamoured by him and Khordel at the time that he followed them around asking irritating questions, but Elyas had found the child’s want for knowledge as something to encourage. Knowing he would likely regret it anyway he gestured for Pinkie to ask her question. “Why does your sword look different?” Pinkie uttered in a completely innocent voice, as she did her friends and Princess Luna all turned to give her varying looks of worry, shock or horror. Rarity like always took her reaction to the extreme, by materialising a red fabric with a golden trim couch so she could ‘faint’ in the most dramatic fashion of falling backwards and draping her right arm over her eyes. Ignoring this Pinkie continued. “You armour is so sleek! Like a knight from all the ponytales I read to the cake twins. OH did I tell you about the twins yet?!? NO! No I haven’t, you’ll love them!” Briefly pausing Pinkie shock her head to refocus herself, “and your sword just looks so feral and brutal, not like you! Was it a gift? Did you win it at a fair ground? DO you have fairs in space? ARE THERE SPACE FAIRS!?!” Elyas let out a deep laugh shaking his head slowly as Pinkie Pie once again began rambling with her questions. He looked down at the hilt of his power sword and drew it from the scabbard holding it up high, the moonlight reflecting off its ice blue blade. It was a dual blade etched with tribal runes running down the blade to the hilt, Elyas smiled warmly at the soft etheric blue glow from the inscribed runes he knew their meaning and was grateful for it. The hilt however was what stood out the most, for were one would expect a winged dagger icon much like his chapter symbol to be the main artistic flare of the hilt. There was the stylised design of a wolfs skull leading between the blade and grip, the grip was wrapped in a soft red silk ending in a wolves canine upon the swords pummel. “You wish to know about my sword?” Elyas turned his gaze back to Pinkie who was eagerly nodding. “Truth be told the blade is not mine, but something that belongs to a close friend of mine. Someone I consider a true brother though he is not of my chapter.” He paused and gave the sword a single swing in an arc motion as if to test its stability before laying it across his lap. “It’s named Wolfsbane.” Elyas spoke his voice calm and hush as he ran a hand down the blade. “It has served me well for many years as both a instrument against the enemies of the Imperium and a symbol of kinship between the Dark Angels and Space Wolves.” Elyas paused noticing Luna’s eyes widen at the mention of the Wolves, he turned towards her and chuckled. “It is a common practice when companies of the Space Wolves and any from a chapter descended from the Lion, to honour our gene-fathers and the brotherly rivalry they had. We engage in a dual of honour, two chosen champions fight till first blood to keep our Primarchs memory alive and our brotherhood strong.” Elyas paused briefly putting the sword back into its scabbard before gently rubbing the toothed pummel. “Wolfsbane was the result of a foolish Wolf’s pride. At the time he was the chosen champion to partake in the duel, I was the stand in for ours.” Elyas sighed “While my opponent Yngvar was a seasoned warrior of his chapter. He took offence to the fact I was taking the original champions place. So he wagered this sword against my helmet.” Elyas tapped the side of his helmet. “I only agreed to the bet with my company captains approval, and what a dual it was.” Elyas rose from his seat and paced around almost in the memory. “Were normal bouts would only last minutes and hour at the most, we duelled for two days. Neither one us willing to back down, it was youth against skill, experience against determination. I am reluctant to admit I only won because Yngvar made a mistake.” Elyas chuckled and stopped looking up at the full moon. “When he handed me Wolfsbane I swore an oath to him. A Dark Angel giving an oath of a Space Wolf, my battle-brothers were astonished but it was something that needed to be done. I swore that i would honour this blade until my dying breath and should we meet again it should be the wager for another dual. We have met three times since then and each time we have duelled and each time I have put him flat on his ass.” Elyas turned to look back at Luna and the elements. “So to answer your question Miss Pie, this blade is the symbol of a bound forged by a rivalry and the kinship of myself and Yngvar. That is why it looks different to my armour.” To say this answer was something unexpected would have been an understatement, all seven of them were utterly astounded his words had resonated with them all. Though Luna did not think of him as a monster nor could see him as anything but the embodiment of nobility and her father’s will. The Elements of harmony, or more specifically Rainbow Dash and Applejack had seen Elyas as nothing but a monster based on his physical appearance and how he had reacted to Princess Luna before discovering who she was. But now they saw him for what he truly was, a sword for which to strike against the darkness they could not hope to stand against, a shield for which to protect and guard them against the threats from beyond the stars but above all else it he was something Luna needed. Both of them as well as the rest of the elements knew Luna has struggling to fit into society and was by many still seen as a mare in the moon, yet here stood someone created for war in the image of one of Luna’s nigh mythical older brothers and was treating her with reverence, respect and kindness. It was sweet to see and not one of them could disagree. “I feel we have lingered her long enough Lady Luna.” Elyas turned towards Luna and offered a hand to help her stand, Luna having during his tales of the Lion and his blade sat upon a nearby tree stump. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It watched them move through the forest, the logic centres of its programming calculating the threat vectors of all eight subjects before it. It would categorize and determine its targets in threat order highest to lowest making its base programming of guarding the master crypt easier. The highest threat vector was Elyas, visibly armed with the strut of a warrior and confidence to back it up, he’d have to die first. The rest were negligible, only three of them were any real threat with their connection to the warp. Again it tried to connect to the crypts matrix to report the situation and request support, and like every time before hand there was no response from the matrix at least. Recycling the software it readied a second request but stopped as slowly several returns pings filtered back, first only a couple but with building speed the pings shot up entering the thousands. Yes these pings would do, they’d make eliminating the threats. Sending back the activation codes and marking the targets in elimination order, it faded back into shadows and waited. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yngvar gritted his teeth in rage this foul Xenos beats had proven a worthy foe, after the withering assault form bolter rounds, grenades and chain weapon strike its entire hideous chitin coated hide was littered with wounds. Each wound pouring thick viscous bile onto the deck. Wailing in pain the Norn queen thrashed about flailing widely swiping in every direction attempting to hit both Xavier for the continuous stream of grenades slamming into hits hide ripping wide bloody gashes exposing its soft innards and Kestyr who complimented the newly formed opening with precise shots from his bolt gun. The combination of grenade explosion and mass reactive shells had kept the Norn squarely focused on them both, giving Yngvar and Lorcan the time they had need to scales the Norn Queens back, their climb had not been one to leave the Xeno’s brood mother unscathed for both Astartes had taken no care in the grizzly wounds they had carved into its back to provide them leverage as they climb. Now perched upon the ridges of its neck Yngvar imbedded his chainsword deep into the Norn Queens neck as he prepped the plasma grenade for use. “Yngvar save the grenade.” Lorcan groaned wearily as he gripped the hilt of his power axe currently embedded in a neck spine of the Norn Queen “We’ll need it to destroy the Hulk.” “Then how do you propose we kill this disgusting thing brother?” Yngvar growled out in frustration, he had no patience for Lorcan and could never understand why Elyas put up with him. “A bolt round to the skull won’t even phase it!” “We drop that onto its head.” Lorcan raised a gauntleted hand point towards a large cylinder ribbed with wide metal cooling bands held in place by some buckled and bent gangways with arc bands of purple electrical discharge zipping across exposed wiring. Yngvar let out a groan of frustration, turning to Lorcan glaring from behind his helmets eye lenses. “You want to drop an Emperor forsaken warp core on it.” Yngvar pauses letting out a growl of frustration. “WHILE WE ARE IN THE WARP!” “Yes.” Lorcan turned around looking down towards the platforms locating Akhom, only taking a few breath seconds Lorcan spotted him propped up against a door way firing his combi-bolter single headedly into the hall. With a growl Yngvar placed the plasma grenade back onto his belt and ripped his chainsword free from the Norn Queen’s neck. “Well then we had better prepare to remove ourselves from this Xeno’s back.” Nodding Lorcan wrenched his axe free from the neck spin before proceeding the slide down the Norn Queens back, as he neared the pool of bio-matter the Norn Queen was still partially submerged in Lorcan kicked off the servos in his cybernetic legs and power armour whining under the strain and launching his bulk form the Norn Queen. With a grace and skill not expected for someone of his bulk Lorcan landed in a low crouch, gripping the handle of the pistol mag-locked to his waste Lorcan rose to his feet spinning around the pistol aimed towards the Norn Queen. He depressed the trigger sending an arching lance of thermal energy cascading into the Norn Queen back, it screeched in pain as the thermal radiation scorched its delicate internals. It’s attention now focused on this new threat the Norn Queen spun around slamming its clawed hands down towards Lorcan, with such ferocity and murderous intent it left him barley enough time to roll out of the way. Rolling out the way Lorcan glanced up to see that Yngvar was still upon the Norn Queens back but he was not making any attempt to remove himself but rather he was climbing further up its head. “Oh what in the Emperors name is he doing?!” Xavier snapped his gaze shifting from the Norn Queen to Lorcan, a frag grenade prime in each hand. “I have no idea cousin” Lorcan responded no surprise evident in his voice as he watched Yngvar pull himself onto the chest of the Norn Queens head. “But whatever he’s doing is not our concern, we need to get that damaged warp drive to fall onto this Xenos filth.” Lorcan jutted a finger up towards the warp drive. Xavier followed his finger and let out a low chuckle thumbing the activation triggers on his grenades. “And I thought Yngvar was crazy!” Atop the Norn Queen Yngvar widen his stance, wedging his feet between the grooves formed by the chitin. He gripped the hilt of his chainsword tightly with both hands holding it high into the air. “IN THE NAME OF THE WOLF KING! WE SLAY YOU!” roaring to the heavens Yngvar slammed the chainsword down into the Norn Queens skull, tearing deep into its hide. With a single swift motion he pulled backwards wrenching the chainsword free leaving a deep oozing gash upon the Xeno’s skull. Letting out a pain durge the Norn Queen thrashed about trying to dislodge Yngvar from its head, its attempts were met with failure as Yngvar once again imbedded his chainsword into its skull using it as support. Yngvar reached around to his back and drew the bolt gun strapped in place, extending his arm downwards Yngvar angled his bolt gun towards the front of the Norn Queens head. Squeezing the trigger Yngvar sent a torrent of mass reactive shells streaming towards the Norn Queens eyes, the bolt shells impacted across the Norn Queens face causing only superficial damage. “Xavier!” Yngvar bellowed over the screeching of the Norn Queen. “Grenades high!” With a single nod Xavier angle backwards and pitched both frag grenades high into the air, as the grenades flew Yngvar holstered both hit chainsword and bolt gun before charging off the end of the Norn Queen armoured head. Hurling his arms out before him Yngvar caught the two primed frag grenades Xavier had launched directly upwards and within a single fluid motion propelled them directly up into the. The grenades slammed into the buckled metal walkways supporting the warp drive, two thunderous staccatos echoed as the grenades detonated warping the walkways and causing them to buckle as the weight of the warp drive become too much for them to support. With a sickening screeching of metal upon metal the warp drive lurched forward, briefly the drive snagged as it attempted to drop down before continuing its drop. The drive hurtled downwards the encroaching shadow falling over the Norn Queen. The Xenos hurled its hands upwards catching the warp drive as it fell halting its descent. Fortunately thanks to a combination of the minor wounds littering its arms and body the Norn Queen was only able to hold the warp drive in place and not hurl it off. “We need support their are to many of them!” Khordel’s voiced was strained as he slammed his Crozius into the skull of a charging Termagant while Akhom fired around him with well place bolt shells. “Then it is time to ends this!” Yngvar once again pulled the plasma grenade from his belt and depressed the activation stud. “My brothers, it has been a true honour.” “YNGVAR NO!” Lorcan gestured for him to stop. “There must be another way!” Ignoring Lorcan’s pleas Yngvar put all his effort behind the swing launching the plasma grenade towards the warp drive suspended by the Norn Queens hands. The plasma grenade detonated just mere millimetres from the warp drive, with a thunderous boom, a cloud of blue plasmid vapour hung in the air around the warp drive. The warp drive began to violently shudder and whine, purple bolts of electricity rippled outwards striking the walkways and walls leaving scorch marks. The warp drive itself began to shudder and whine violently before several large ruptures split along its outer shell, bathing the chamber in an etheric purple, pink and white light. A loud high pitched whine tore through the chamber as the light exploded outwards blinding the six Deathwatch battle brothers. As quickly as the light filled the chamber it faded, the chamber was now empty of the six Deathwatch marines with the only trace of their presence being six scorch marks upon the ground. Fortunately the Norn Queen did not escape unscathed, a sickening squelch echoed as the chamber was flooded with the chittering mass of the Tyranid swarm. Instead of finding the six Astartes the Tyranids swarm was greeted to the sight of the now dead Norn Queen, for when the warp drive had gone critical and bathed the chamber in purified warp energy it had taken the Norn Queens head and hands for its efforts. With the Norn Queen now dead the link to the Hive Mind was severed for the Tyranids forcing them to fall back on their baser instincts of survival. Across the space hulk swarm of Tyranids turn on each other, each vying for dominance, they would rip each other apart then turn on the space hulk causing it to fragment inside the warp. Their mission was a success, at what the Imperium would mark as costing the lives of several battle-brothers the Deathwatch had saved the heart of the Imperium. Yet the last six had been plucked from deaths embrace for a greater cause by the progenitor of their progenitors. They were to serve a grander purpose, one that reunite them with who they thought lost. > Bonus Chapter: Trail of Angels > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- He sat alone in the small holding cell, stripped of his armour and left with nothing but a plain brown serfs robe, Akhom sat crossed legged in the middle of the small cramped cell. A cell meant for holding heretics awaiting ‘questioning’, he snorted at the mere thought of being questioned it was common knowledge to an Astartes that captured heretics were not so much question but given to a psyker to have their mind pulped for information before being vented into space. Was he to share in this fate? A noble son of Sanguinius, a loyal and faithful servant of the God-Emperor to be disposed of in such a shameful manner? Regardless of what fate was to be his Akhom would meet it like any Son of the Angel would, his head held high and devotion to his Primarch and Emperor upon his dying breath. He remembered the impromptu trail he had been dragged to, forced into a spot light by a pair of black armoured Terminators from a chapter he did not recognised. He had not been able to see is questioners, hidden in the shadows and raised above him, he had been able to figure out which chapters two of them hailed from though the third had at the time and even still alluded him. He thought back to their lines of questioning trying the make sense of what they were after. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You are of the Lamenters correct?” Spoke the first questioner who if Akhoms guess was right hailed from Chogoris, so was likely a White Scar or one or their successors. One thing to note this questioner was not taking this seriously. “I am Brother-Apothecary Akhom of the Lamenters.” Akhom spoke with pride, he know not the show weakness here. “Very good, you take pride in your heritage. I approve.” The first questioner spoke again his voice complimentary. “Stop hammering the heretic brother.” The second questioner spoke up, his voice was haughty and filled with false superiority Akhom could not place. “Lets us just hurl him out the airlock along with the rest of his ilk we picked up, save ourselves the trouble.” Akhom ground his teeth in rage at that biting back a retort, how dare this obnoxious Astartes judge him and his brother, after all they had dealt with had they not heard of their noble stand during the Warmaster ninth black crusade? Corinth Campaign? OR standing stead fast against Hive fleet Kraken? Clearly he had not. “We are not here to question their loyalty to the Imperium.” Spoke a third voice, this one was unique his voice as deep and smoothing one that could only belong to a son of Nocturne, Akhom found piece in this fact as the Salamanders shared many traits with his chapter about protecting the innocent. “Very true.” Spoke the first questioner again. “Tell me Akhom, if given the chance to serve again even if it meant submitting to our ways would you?” “For those we cherish, we die in Glory.” Akhom spoke his voice swelled with pride as he raised his head high. “This is the battle cry of my chapter, we fight for the people of the Imperium not the Imperium. I would gladly die for the innocent be it under your command or being declared Excommunicate Traitoris, I like all Astartes of the Lamenters would gladly die for that cause.” “A good answer.” Spoke the third questioner, his voice indifferent. “But let see if your conviction holds heretic.” Growled out the second questioner. For many hours Akhom was questioned, about his chapter his faith in the Imperium and were his true loyalties lay. It was clear to him each of the three were playing a role, deciding his fate and that of his brother based on his answers. The first questioner seemed to have already decided he and his chapter were innocent and could be of use, while the second was ready to condemn them as heretics. It was the third questioner Akhom was wary of, he would sometime agree with the first while at other provide evidence supporting the second, Akhom could only hope his words would lead them to make the right choice. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Akhom was broken from his thought as the stone grey bulkhead to his cell slid open to reveal a black armoured battle-brother with his left arm and pualdron painted silver. Slowly the figured entered the room a winged dagger icon on a dark green background visible on his right pualdron. His right hand rested upon the toothed hilt of a power sword while his left clutched a data slate. “Apothecary Akhom of the Lamenters?” The marine spoke, casting his critical gaze of Akhom. “I suppose you are to be my executioner then?” Akhom sighed as he rose to his feet. “So be, if I am to die I shall die on my feet.” Akhom was taken aback by the marines chuckling as he shook his head. “I suppose in one way I am, but not how you would expect.” His voice was filled with mirth as the marine turned gesturing for Akhom to follow. “You will need to properly outfitted for what is in store, now come brother.” Akhom glared at the figure and refused to move. “NO!” Akhom roared. “I have had no answers since me and my men surrendered ourselves to you! I will not submit further until I am told what has happened to them and what is our fate!” The marine chuckled and turned to face Akhom again his hand still resting on the power swords hilt. “I suppose I should introduce myself at least. I am Brother-Keeper Elyas, I serve Captain Khajog for a singular purpose.” “And what,” Akhom spat his voice laced with venom. “Purpose is that?” “The recruitment of loyal Astartes into our sacred cavern, aboard this strike cruise.” Elyas spoke his voice filled with pride as he extended a hand outwards into the corridor. “Beyond this door we are all Brothers bound in Service to Khajog until such a time as we are released to return to our parent chapters. Our goal is singular and the most noble, we fight that which other chapters do not and safe guard the Imperium against the greatest Xenos threats.” Elyas gave Akhom the full measure of his stare as he spoke the final words. “We are the Deathwatch and we offer our hand to you Brother-Apothecary Akhom, to fight once more with honour and for the citizens of the Imperium. Do you accept?” Akhom stood shocked, he had only one choice before him, and he knew what it was.