> My New Bro Spike. > by neonrainbow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > IJust Cant Catch A break > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My life sucks. My life sucks, not how you think it might. My life sucks because nothing is ever normal or even the tiniest bit calm,well it mostly started when I was seven. When I was seven I lived in las Vegas which sucked so bad because not only the excruciating heat but the fact that there was no one within miles in every direction. So no friends. At the time I was alright with it because I read most of the time if not sleeping sleeping entire day. The only times I ever had human interaction was from my dad or when I was at school and sometime not even then. When I was at school I was an out cast like one of those nerds who had no friends that Sit in the bad of the class except I was always in the front, I was a little on the annoying side, if not more, and even now I am but then I was a complete teachers pet and that was mostly why I was an out cast. I eventually got a friend friend or two but I had to go to San Diego and now I know why. When I turned seven my mom called the cops to arrest my dad for 'stalking' even though he wasn't and made him go to jail for two nights, but that was enough time for her to take me to San Diego. When I got there I was all alone except for my mom which was fine, but thet then she went all crazy and try to kill the people we were living with with a phone antenna. So she ended up being sent to prison and me... Well I went to C.P.S (child protection services). For a year and three months I was totally, there wasnt even any kids to talk to in there. I had no friends so I just read once again. After the year and three months my dad got me out of there and got custody of me. But when I did he told my that my mom died of drug abuse when she got out of prison. So my dad and I decided to live in San Diego in a car, which was fun at first but then I didn't go to school and when it started, so once again I had no friends. I even had to steal chicken and slot of it here foods from the store or I would starve. I never stoped reading, I just never wanted to do any thing else but read. eventually I left San Diego to go live with my grandma and grandpa In las Vegas again and when I did I went back to school and I was even smarter then every one else. Which ended up me having no friends. through all that time I wished I had a brother or sister to talk to instead of reading all the time. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Finally after all that time, I'm finally 14 and now I got to move to New Jersey. so today after the 12 hour flight here, my dad brought me to a new house where we can live live in for as long as we can. He got a job in las Vegas and he had to transfer to New Jersey so this is new house. as we pulled up to the house I was completely amazed of how big and cool the house is. It was very big with two very big windows in front , and each window had blue frames around them. It even had a small circular window at where an attic is. I saw the neighbors moving in next door to us. As we got out of the cab, we grabbed our only stuff we had that were in a couple of backpacks stared to walked up the path to the house but I instantly stopped in the middle of the path frozen. the neighbors have a daughter that is so pretty. Her long blond hair and beautiful blue eyes, and she was fourteen by how old she looked. She had a little sister that looked about ten or so. they were helping there mom ny getting the boxes from their truck. I realized I was looking starring at her because ad she was coming to get another box, she turned her head and saw me looking at her. She smiled which made my heart scream. She waved at me as she smiled and I waved back not really noticing that It. She turned back to helping getting the box for her mom, which looked like her except for having blondish brown hair that was a little curly just like her sister. then from nowhere her dad (or what I think is her dad) called for her saying "arianna!" And at the mention of that name, she inside the garage to find her caller. So as she was out of sight, I realized I still needed put my bags inside. As I walked in I was shocked at how much bigger it was from the inside. When you go through the front door you enter the really big living room that already had furniture in it from the last people who lived there. On the right there is the stairs heading upstairs and on the left is a doorway to the kitchen which is just as big as the living room. It even had a little island in the middle of the room, and right passed it when coming into the kitchen is a door that leads outside to the porch that has stairs heading to the yard with an big oak tree in it. it even has a small wooden swing attached to it. When you go up the stairs from the living room up, you get to a small but long hallway that had five doors in it. One is a closet which is at the right as you come up and to the left is a bedroom which I picked to have because it was bigger then the second room right past it that wasn't the master bedroom which had a bathroom with it, and of course my dad called that one. And directly across from the stairs is the bathroom, and on the ceiling right be for you enter the bathroom is a door that when it's opened, a ladder comes out leading to an empty attic with nothing in it but the small window. Now I finally get to have a normal life, in a normal neighborhood, and living in a normal house. I feel that nothing will go wrong. so I went up stairs to my room which was a big square shaped room with a closet that can fit six or so fat people and a window windowcessndthat over looked the backyard. I unpacked my bags which were filled with clothes which took about an hour to put all of them away. I grabbed the inflatable matrices which I will be sleeping on out of one of my backpacks. After all of the unpacking and inflating, I got out my kindle that I got a couple of months ago from my grandma for my birth day. ever since I got it, I madly loved the show all because of my eight year old cousin. Im total brony but to my dad and the rest of my family Its a secret because I'll totally be made fun of for the rest of my life. So the kindle is the only way of watch episodes and reading fanfics which I love to read out of all of my books. I walk over to my 'bed' with my kindle and open the flap to turn it on but it was dead because of the plane ride draining all the battery, so I plugged it in to the plug at the side of the bed to charge it while I go down stairs to the living room to see my dad rearranging the furniture. "Hey dad, what do we have to eat?" "Well we have beef jerky neurosurgeon the plane, but I still need to go to the store store to get more food. Well actually I think I can go to the store now and get some groceries." He said as he stoped rearranging the furniture that is only made up of a small couch, a coffee table, and an really old tv on a littler coffee table. "Great, you get right on that." I said that not really trying to be mean nut my dad knows that. "Ok then I'll be back in an hour so don't go anywhere or let anyone in until I'm back, ok?" "Ok I won't." I won't because I'm tired and don't want to go anywhere, plus Idont know anyone to let in. "Well ok, like I said I'll be back in an hour." He said as he started to walk out the front door off to the store stores couple of blocks away. We don't have a car though because we had to leave it in las Vegas, but we're ok without it. I started to walk up stairs to my room but then the ground started to shake violently which of course me ending up falling down and landing on my back getting the wind knocked out of me. so all I could do is just watch as living room ceiling cave in. but to my surprize nothing fell or came out as the crack widen to the size of my closet in my room. Out of a sudden I hear a scream competing from the the hole at a long distance. "AaaaaAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH-OUFF!" Out of the hole came a kid the age of what looked like ten landing on his back and getting knocked out. the ground stoped shaking and the ceiling stoped cracking. for a small seconds of silence, the ceiling started to heal and being brought back together like nothing ever happened or came out of it except for the past out kid. still trying to comprehend what just happened, I got up and slowly walked over to the kid but for whatever reason he has, green hair. he has purple shirt and shorts on on with no shoes on. I poked him in the side as lie there on his back out cold. I poke him again, "hey are you alright? Hey kid are you ok."I said as I shook him and all I got back by him was him saying, "oh rarity you look beautful to day." Wait what? "sure I will ask you out to dinner." As he said that sill passed out, I sit there there thinking, 'Did he just say rarity? Like the rarity from mlp, that rarity. Well there's no other person or pony named rarity but this makes no sense. Maybe he watches the show too and so now hes dreaming about her as he's knocked out from falling from...my...ceiling? Wait why did he fall from my ceiling, this makes no sense.' As I thought that he murmured something under his breath again,"no rarity, stop laughing at it...stop,stop,STOP!" He sat up surprising me in from my thoughts. "Ahhhhh! Where am I!" He looked around the room then down at him self as he started inspecting his hands, "what am I? How did I get here?" Asking to no one in particular until he looked at me as surprised as much as me. "Who are you!?!?" He said shocked. "I'm kellen, who are you and why did you fall out of my ceiling?" "I'm spike, what do you mean I fell from your ceiling?" He asked looking at me like a puppy would. I looked at him in complete shock as he looked at me with his emerald colored eyes, 'spike. he said he's spike. Well I'm rather going crazy or I hit my head really hard when I fell.' Shaking my head as I got up and stating to walk into my kitchen just trying to get away, but spike followed, "hey where you going?" I turned around. "you don't exist, you are just a figment of my imagination from hitting my head." I turned around and started to walk off again, when he graded my hand to make me face him. "I'm real, I swear! please help me get back to my home."he said with a shaky voice. "You can't be real, I just hit my head and-" be for I could go on he broke down crying. "Please help me, I want to go home to my friends, please." He said as he started to cry and a tear fell from his face. "Fine. how did you get here?" I asked as I'm still thinking I'm talking to my imagination. "I don't know." He said sounding a little scared. "Well what do you remember last?" I said looking at him as he wiped off the last bit of tears left on his face. "Well, I was in the library-" "Library? You mean like the library that also twilight sparkle live at too." I was being sarcastic knowing he would say no. "Yah, how you know?" He looked at me like I was a stalker. "Well let me ask you a few questions." I said annoyed at his answer and he nodes. "Do you live in a world filed with ponys?" Looked at him as he nods. "And you live in a library with a pony named twilight sparkle, a purple unicorn that loves to read read and is the number one assistant of princess celestia?" And once again he nods. A normal persons would just say that he's crazy and just leave and don't come back even though there's still a possibility of he being a part of my imagination but I've read tons or stories of stuff like this happening like my little dashie and others. And now it happened to me. Yay! "Fine I'll help you go home if you do what I say." "Fine what do we do now?" He said literally beaming with a slight look of sadness. "Tell me everything, all of what happened and-" I was cut of by my dad calling me from the other side of the house, "kellen I'm home!" 'Crap!' and with that I quietly srcreamed, "Follow me!" > Hide And Please Dont Seek. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I grabbed spike' s hand and pulled him with me as quickly as possible with out him falling on his face. I led him up the stairs right before my dad entered again with the groceries from the door to the living room. While we were right about to get to the top of the stairs, spike accidentally tripped and let let out a small girlish scream. "Shhhhh!" I quickly covered his mouth with my other hand that wasn't holding spikes from falling any further. He nodded as my dad called out, "Kellen? Are you ok?" "Yah I'm fine I'm just...going up stairs to wash up be for we make dinner, and I tripped, but I'm ok." I said pulling spike into my room right be for my dad turned the corner at the bottom of the stair case. "Alright just hurry up, I got some reason fish from the store and I want to start cooking." As my dad said holding a fish up. "Alright, in a minute." I said popping my head in the door way before I closed the door. I looked at spike who looked completely confused. I picked up my kindle and turned it on to look at the clock. '5:23 great it'll be light out for a couple of Notre hours'. Then sat my kindle down on the floor not careing to turn it off. "Now I want you to say up here until I get back and I need you to not say anything or make a noise, ok?" "But why, who was that?" "That was my dad and if he catches you in here he'll rather make fun of me for having a boy in my room or make you leave peacetime groundme ." "What you mean make fun of you?" He asked looking around my room towards my bed. "Well my dad isn't the nicest person and he might think I was... never mind that just be quiet quiet and stay here." I opened the door and was in the door way when I looked back to him looking around. I was started to head down stairs when I remembered I left my kindle on on the floor and I just know that is a bad idea. I quickly as I could ran up the six or so steps back up to see spike with my kindle in his hands, but luckily it wasn't on the internet or anything and was on some game that looked like fruit ninja. "Don't go on any thing but games while I'm down there, ok?" he nodded and brought his attention back to the game. I walked back out and down the stairs again only to see my dad at the bottom. He looked upstairs more directly at my room. "Did you talk to some one up there?" "NO! I mean no I wasn't talking to some one I was... listening to the rest of my song without my headphones on." 'Yah that was a bad lie I know it'. He didn't look at me the whole time, he was just looking at my slightly open door. And of course just my luck, there was a shadow that past my door. "Oh really, music. Seriously I thought I told you to not bring any one in the house until I get back." He said walking up the stairs and went right by me even though I was blocking the way but he still got through. He's tall and fairly muscular dude, so there was no way of me doing anything to stop him. "Don't! There's... a-a bee! Yay there's a bee in there and I was telling him to get out out of fear he'll sting me, so don't go in there unless you want to get stung." Of course the wouldn't work for some people but my dad is highly allergic. Ever since when we were in las Vegas he has been flipping out like a little girl every time he sees a bee. But of course he doesn't believe me. Damn! "Yah sure a bee, well let me see if there's really one in there." And with that he opened my door only to see nothing in there.but my stuff. "Well I guess the bee left so let's go back down stairs now, ok." I grabbed my dad's arm to pull him out of the room but then he saw the closet doors being closed so he walked up to the door while I was sweating bullets bullets the idea of him finding spike. I looked down to see my kindle charger letting to a cabinet table that is holdind up the tv that's next to the door. the tv's cabinet thingy can even hold me on and in it. (Oh and when we got to the house there was a little things left behind because we knew the people who lived here before us and asked if they can leave some stuff behind like the furniture.) I quickly pulled the cabinet door open slightly to see spike in there, as my dad opened the closet and inspected inside of it. I motioned spike to run out the door to the main level. He did as he was told but as he left he hit the side of the door with his foot, and with that my dad looked back to the door and started to walk out. "When I find that kid I'll seriously ground you, sit down until I do." He said pushing me down on my bad as he exited the room. "But dad I-" I was cut off by him closing my door. Spike was running as fast as he could without falling on his face out of the living room into the kitchen when he heard a door slamming shut. He looked all over the kitchen until he heard my dad coming down the stairs. that was his cue to hide under the sink and closed the cabinet door to hear my dad walking into the kitchen for about a couple of seconds. Then he heard him slowly walk away. He let out a breath he was holding without even noticing he was holding it. But it was cut short with the sound of someone coming in again but this time It started to get louder and louder until it was right in front of spikes hiding spot. Suddenly the door opened and reveled me popping my head in to see a scared spike. "Spike, hurry up and get out before my dad gets back." I grabbed spikes hand and pulled him out of the cabinet. "That was scary." Walking quickly with me. "I know it was too close, you've might've gotten caught."I said leading up the stairs. "What do we do now?" "Simple, you just hide out in my room until we find a better hiding spot." "But what if your dad comes in and finds me?" Sounding a little scared. "he won't because you'll stay in the closet which you will be sleeping in and staying and not doing any thing stupid." We got in side my room and I lead him in the closet as I grabbed a huge blanket that covered my bed and through it in. "There, now stay here and don't come out." I started to close the closet to only to be stoped by spike. "What if I have to go to the bathroom or if I need to eat?" Looking to the floor. "Well I don't know about the bathroom but I will give you food that is left over from my meals." "So you will give me scraps. How nice." He said pouting a bit. "Look I've been not eating much so I'll just give you my food until I can come up with something but for now if you need to go to the bathroom hold it!" I closed the door to only find spike opening it again. "What about getting me home to twilight. I miss my friends and I just want to go home." "Well I'll be helping you by looking for ways to get you home but you just have to help make things easier by not being seen or heard, ok?" "Fine because I need to get home." "Alright just stay in here until I get back and then we can talk about how to get you home." I grabbed my kindle and handed him it. "Here you can play games while I'm down stairs, ok. No going on the internet." He grabbed the kindle and looked back at me. "What's the internet?" Looking at the Kindle. "Well... Do you see that icon?" I pointed to the Icon looking thing that which I don't really know what it's called called gets me to the internet. "Don't go on there, just these." I pointed at the games. "Ok thanks." "No prob." I smiled and closed the closet door and was about to close my door to my room until I remembered. I walked back in and grabbed my headphones and through them in the closet. He looked at me confused. "You plug these in so you can listen to the games without anyone else hearing." "Wow this is cool, thanks again." he said putting on the head phones phones as I plugged it in to the headphone hole. "No prob again." with that I walked out of the room and closed the door to find my dad at the bottom of the stairs. "Kellen let's make dinner dinner and put the groceries away, but after that we need to talk." 'Damn.' "Ok." I said putting on a fake smile. > Good Night Bro. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I walked into the kitchen, my dad was setting up the stove for cooking the fish. He then looks at me for a second then turns back to the fish. "So dad, uh what do you want me to do?" I of course said it like I was in trouble and trying to get out of it like a little kid would. "You know, like put the groceries away or I could-" "That's enough! I already know what you will do." He said it as if he was disappointed. Still not even looking at me. "Well...What is it." "You will put the groceries away then take out the garbage then come back to eat your dinner then we'll talk, and then you can go to your room and wait for further instructions, do I make my self clear?" "But dad I-" "None of that, now do I make my self clear." Clearly sounded annoyed so I'll just drop saying anything else. "Yes you make yourself clear." I said heading to the bags of groceries. I open one of the bags to see, milk, eggs, hot dogs, mini frozen pizza, and a carton of Apple juice. I proceeded to put the groceries away then go back to the other bags filled with, bread, peanut butter, jam, two apples, two oranges, bacon, more bacon, Turkey bacon, mashed potatoes, and finally flameminyon (or what ever it's spelled) steak. As I finished the putting the food away, my dad still not even looking at me. I walked to the trash can and saw it not even having anything in it except for candy rappers from the plane ride and kept in our backpacks. I look in the direction then at my dad as he's cutting the head of the fish and throwing it in the trash next to me. "Ah dad? Why do I have to throw out the trash out if there's nothing even in there?" "Well you get the special job of picking up the trash from the attic." He said saying it as sarcastic and demeaning as possible. "Uhhhhh." I through my hands up and picked up the trash can and left the kitchen into the living room then up the stairs, down the hall in front of the bathroom door looking up at the attic door. It was a little out of reach so I went in my room to get one of my bags to stand on to reach the handle. And i didn't see or hear spike in there like I told him to, which means he's in the closet but he would at least ask what's going on or something. So bag in hand, I grabbed the closet door and opened it to see spike sleeping as he's curled up on a little ball as the kindle is still on with the '5% battery' warning pop-up. I grabbed the kindle and turned it off, then closed the door to the closet quietly to not wake spike, then headed out my room with the bag still in my hand. I sat the bag down underneath the attic door and stepped on it. I was able to reach the handle and twisted it to open the door with a loud crashing sound. I was surprised at first but quickly regained my bearings to realized it was the ladder coming down. I quickly got up from falling on my butt and started to climb the ladder with each step making an old moans as I got to the top. I instantly got nasaly assaulted by the smell of old people and rotting leaves. The attic was very large but empty with nothing but leaves and trash that consisted of candy rappers and soda cans. I started to pick up the trash and leaves that probably came in from the window that the tree in the back yard throwing the leaves inside when it was opened. As I was picking them up and tossing them in the trash can I saw a lonely box in one of the corners of the room. Curious, I walked over to it noticing it being very old and weathered with nothing on the outside excerpt for the words, "keep with care." Now I'm just reached the peek of curiosity and opened the box to find just one little chunk of emerald the size of my fist. I picked up the stone and lifted it up to my eyes, seeing right through it with the light shining from the window. "Oh my God!" I said barely audible. I then put it in my pocket and went back to work. _______________________ After finishing up my work, I washed my hands and sat down at the kitchen table waiting for my dad to finish making the fish and now mashed potatoes and serve the food. "ok now kellen let's talk." My dad said finishing putting the mashed potatoes with the fish on the plates and walking over to the table and placed the food down. "Ok, so what do you want to talk about?" Looking at the steam emanating from the food. "Well I have to tell you that you shouldn't of disobaied me when I explicitly told you not to let anyone inside." "I didn't!" "Stop lieing to me, I know there was someone here and ended up leaving be for I caught him or her." I quickly made a guilty face but then corrected my self by saying, "I-i didn't let anyone in here, i-" "why are you lieing to me, I know there was someone here and" he looked off into space and smiled then looking back at me with the same face which is seriously giving me the creeps. "There was a girl here wasn't there." As he said that, it made me uneasy of him starring at me with the same creepy smile. "N-no there w-wasn't any girl here I swear." "Ummmhmmm yah sure you didn't, but kellen I told you no one is aloud to be in here. If you wanted privacy then you should of gone somewhere else. WAIT! I told you not to go out too. I don't care if you saw a girl outside and wanted to talk to her, I told you not to go out and no to let anyone in and you did. What do you have to say to yourself." 'Wow! Just wow'. "dad please listen I didn't let anyone in. Even though I'm surprised you would think I would do that with a girl I barely know but seriously I didn't let-" I got interrupted as I started bluslushing furiously at the thought of me making out with a girl already, which I imagined arianna as that girl. "I don't want to hear it! Just go to your room when your done with your food." He said starting to look at his food and started taking a bite of it. "Dad can I eat this in my room." "Fine, but you stay there for the feast of the night." "But-" "No, you stay up there and finish your food and I'll come up to get the plate and your gonna stay there!" he's saying it with a mixture of anger and annoyance. I look at him like he's a total dick that should go to hell. But I know better then to say it or anything back because I know that if I let it go then I won't get in more trouble. "Fine." I said it really upbeat as I picked up the plate and put on a totally fake smile and headed up to my room. 'God! Why the he'll won't he listen to me, yah there was and is someone inside but technically I didn't let anyone in, he fell from the ceiling, and I didn't go out. So I shouldn't be in trouble but of course I do'. I walked up stairs holding the plate as I opened the door of my room to set down the plate on the floor. When I did I punched the air pretending it was my dad to let out my anger. "Why are you punching the air?" With all my anger, I totally forgot all about the, 'spike falling from my ceiling and is now in my closet' thing. "Uh well I'm mad so I'm releasing my anger out by punching the air." "Why are you mad?" "Well my dad said I had to stay in my room for the rest of the night even though I was going to do that anyways but I'm mad at the fact that he doesn't trust me and that he won't even let me explain." "What's there to explain? You wouldn't say what really happened, would you?" I was about to reply until I realized he was right, I couldn't tell him a kid (that not only that he came from a cartoon) fell from a vortex or what ever that appeared on the ceiling. I would look crazy. "Well I guess your right." I sat down looking at him still in the closet as he changed his gaze to the plate of mashed potatoes and fish. "What's that?" He said crawling over to the food a right next to me. "It's mashed potatoes and fish that-" "FISH!?!? YOU EAT FISH?" He said backing away a little. "Well yah, we eat meat." I totally forgot about that. "Well technically we eat both." "Really? well dragons eat meat but we usually eat gems instead." He explained while looking at the food. "Well one, your human too like me and two, have you ever eaten meat before?" "No. Twilight never given me any meat nor did she allow me to eat it." Said still looking at the food. "Well it's good. Why don't you try." I said holding out the fork, trying to hand it to him. He looked at the fork and then grabbed I. he stabbed a small piece of fish as he inspected it cautiously before putting it in his mouth. As soon as he took the bite, his eyes opened wide and he smiled at how good it is. My dad's a good cook. "Wow that's good! You eat this very day?" Looking at me with amazement. "Well no, but some times we eat steak or chicken." His face when from amazement to horror. "WAIT you eat chicken too? And what's steak?" Looking a little scared as he finished chewing. "Well we eat all different animals and steak is…well it's…never mind." "What? It's what?" "It's from a cow." I said it cautiously hoping he would flip out because the cows talk to in the show. "Seriously! You eat cow! That's gross!" He said with disgust. "Well actually it's really good but seeing how in your world that you don't eat meat." I said in a little bit like a guilty tone. "I can see why you would think its gross." He looked at me then back at the food and back at me. He was about to say something but got cut off by my dad coming in to see me and luckily he didnt see spike because of the door blocking him from being seen, but he's still as shocked and scared as i was. "Kellen, hand me your dinner and your kindle!" He said doing the hand motion for 'give me'. "What! My kindle! Why?" "Because you wouldn't be grounded if you had your kindle, now would you." "What!?!? But-" "No what's, no buts, no coconuts!" (If you watch the big bang theory then you'd understand) "Uhhhhgg." I handed him my kindle and my plate and started to pout. He then took them and left the room and closed the door as he walked out. "Seriously! He takes my kindle!" I started to punch my bed when I heard my dad yell, "knock it off!" From down stairs. "What's so special about your kindle?" Spike said sitting back up from being surprised by my dad coming in and falling. I looked at him like he was crazy but then remembered that he doesn't have technology like video games or computers to be on so he doesn't know how it feels to be without it. "Well I get not being able to play the games," spike said. "But I don't really see any reason to get mad." "Well howed you feel if you got a gem but then it gets taken away from you before you got to eat it." I said as I looked at him even though I know what the answer will be. "Well that would stink, but I wouldn't get that mad about it." "Well it's not just games, remember when I told you to not go on the internet." He nodes. "Well the internet isn't a game, it's a connection to the rest of the world, it connects people by letting them write each other and get a response in an instant, it's like a library filled with anything you can imagine and find it with the mention of it's name. Seriously, it's the best thing you can imagine." He looked at me as he was intrigued by what I explained to be the internet. I was thinking that I shouldn't of mentioned it to him because he might want to see it when I get it back but, oops too late. "Wow that's amazing! It can do all that? What else can it do?" He asked like he was looking upon a pile of gems or like that but not as much. "Well, what you want to know?" "Well… can it give you the answer to every question. Because if it can, I bet twilight would love to see." "Well it can't give you EVERY answer, but it CAN give you more answers then you could possibly comprehend." "Do you know every answer?" "No, definitely not but I don't like to toot my own horn or any thing but I'm fairly smarter then all of the kids my age." Even though I said I didn't like to toot my own horn, I loved to do it because I love being smarter then people. "Well can you answer a few questions questions for me?" "Sure, name 'em." I said crossing my legs to sit in a more comfortable position. "Well how do you know about my world? I mean, you asked me where I was from and sarcastically asking if 'i live in a world of ponys, and that I live with one named twilight sparkle in a library. How could you possibly know that?" "Well, if I tell you, do you promise not to overreact?" "I promis." He said crossing his legs like I did. "Ok, well…you are a, well… cartoon." "What's a cartoon?" "A cartoon is, well do you see that black box?" I pointed over to the tv. "That box shows a bunch of moving pictures called a cartoon. But the pictures are, well fake. There's threse people who draw the picture then draws another one with a slight difference and the next a little more and the next a little more. Then when you draw about a thousand pictures, you make them do a certain thing that you drew so it looks like its moving." Of course that's not how it works but I cant even begin to think of a way to tell him how it really works but it was how they did it along time ago. "Do you understand so far?" "So it's like a movie projector." 'Oh yah, they have those, I forgot. Like the one they used for the 'getting water to cloudsdale' video in that episode.' "Well yah and that box shows them to to every one in the world that has a tv too." "Wait, I'm a bunch of pictures?" He said skeptically. "yes and no. You see, the cartoon that your from is called 'my little pony'." "What? My little pony? What do you mean?" I thought about every way possible of explaining it to him but it ends up leaving me with more questions that I could answer. So I just have to show him it tomorrow. "tomorrow I'm going to get my kindle back and the then I'll show you, ok? So you just have to trust me." "Fine I'll trust you, if you promise me to show me it tomorrow." "Ok I promis. Well do you have any more questions?" I said laying against the side of my bed. "Well why is in my world everything looks…I don't know… different?" "What you mean?" I sat up. "Well… it doesn't look this…shadowy, I mean everything is darker, like all the colors being dark and not bright." "I think I understand. Like I said, you are from a cartoon, so it is colored with bright colors." "Ok, just show me tomorrow." He said sounding like he gave up trying to ask another question. "Can I ask you about your world instead?" "Of course, shoot." "Well... am I ever gonna go back to twilight and my friends and my world again?" Just then I could definitely hear that sad and lonely tone in his voice that I've experienced oh so many times, Just hearing it made me want to cry. I know how it feels to be lost and scared and I definitely don't want that to happen to spike and no one else for that matters.(well maybe on somedays during school I wanted far worse than that to this girl named Katie but there's absolutely, positively no way she could be here.) So hearing spike saying this made me think of one sentence that I will never forget in my life. "If you wish it hard enough, there's nothing you can't do." "So you really think I can get back to my family?" Spike asked as if he was getting filled with hope. "Heck yay I do." And right at that moment spike gave a big happy smile that I could've bit give back. Then that got me to think of that smile arianna gave to me earlier that day and it hit me. "Hey spike I know what will cheer you up." "What?" "how about we go and have fun tomorrow and then we can look for all the ways we can getup back home. What do you say?" "Yay that would be awesome." "So since we have a big day tomorrow, might as well get some sleep." "Alright kellen, thanks." "No prob." and with that I was right about th o go tutu o as keep until I had to sat one last thing. "Good Night Bro." Giving off a big yawn after. "Yah, good night" he yawns, "bro." And with that we fell asleep.