> Dark Iron Unicorn > by Shadowscythe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Midnight Introductions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A chill wind blew throughout the night. All of the shops were closed and doors locked. 'Ponyville is an odd place for a princess to stay, not well guarded nor enclosed,' I thought as I walked along the narrow street until I stopped at what appeared to be a tree made into a library. A single light was lit in one of the side windows. “Hmm, it appears the princess is toiling away through the night, just as Princess Luna and Princess Celestia mentioned about her. Not that I blame her, the night is superb for thinking and clearing one’s mind,” I stated thinking out loud. I walked up to the door and with my left forehoof I knocked as gently as I could. There was loud crash and sounds of annoyed grumbling. “Who in Celestia’s name would be knocking at this hour? I hope it’s not Pinkie Pie again. I don’t know how many more parties I can handle this week. We already had three in a row!” groaned a semi-cracking male voice. 'Hmm, that must be the princess’s assistant, Spike,' I thought. The door just barely opened before the small dragon let out a loud gasp and slammed it. “Must I always get that reaction?” I whispered and sighed. “Hey Spike, who’s at the door?” a voice inquired whom I assumed was the princess's. “S-s-somep-p-pony w-with b-b-black armor and red glowing s-s-slitted eyes!” Spike stammered out. “Who's out there?!” the princess spoke again in a more firm voice. “Hello, I am Blood Moon, Captain of the Reaper Knights, sent by order from Princess Luna and by request from Princess Celestia. I seek audience with Princess Twilight Sparkle. May I come in?” I stated and my left eye twitched when I said "Captain". I dislike fanciful titles and loathe being called by them. The door opened again and Twilight spoke, “Hello, Luna sent a letter stating I'd be getting a visitor. However, she didn't mention who it was going to be. How do I know you are who you say you are?” Without hesitation I used my magic and levitated a rolled up letter from my pack with Princess Luna’s seal on it and floated it to her. Twilight’s magic took the letter, she unrolled it and scanned it thoroughly. She then rolled it back up before floating it to her reading podium. “Hello Blood Moon, I was not expecting to see a member of the royal guard show up at my door step,” she mused before adding, “Why didn't Luna just say you were coming from the first letter?” “Security has had to be tightened for reasons I will disclose in a minute. May I come in?” I stated. “What are you? Some kind of vampire or something?” joked Spike. “All will be explained momentarily, may I come in?” I repeated in a calm voice and Spike paled. Twilight glanced at the letter, looked back at me and then stated, “Yes you may.” I walked in and mentally noted the library was impressive even though it was located in a small village. It was warm and was peacefully quiet. Twilight also did not seem to be wearing any of her royal garb. 'I suppose that outfit would get in the way,' I thought. She walked over to her podium and closed the book I assumed she was reading moments earlier. “Can we get you something eat or drink?” she said as she got an uncomfortable look on her face, reached for her neck with her right forehoof and shivered while still looking at her podium. “I will take hot mint tea if you have it. It appears this night was colder then I expected it and this armor makes for poor insulation,” I said as I took off my pack and placed it on a hook by the door. Spike dashed to the kitchen and gathered cups and a kettle for tea, before stoking the fireplace. I sat on a pillow by the fire gathering my thoughts for the questions that were soon to barrage me. “Sooo umm…” Twilight started to speak as she turned to look at me, but could not find the words. “You seek answers from me, yes?” I politely interjected. Twilight cleared her throat and stated, “Are you really a...vampire?” in a mixture of slight fear and intrigued curiosity. “In a simple word, yes, as I have been for one hundred and eighty years,” I stated with a tired, pained tone. I then turned to her and added, “I shall show you what I look like. Do not worry, I am considered decently attractive by most pony standards.” I closed my eyes and spoke in my mind, “Suppression armor, retract helm,” and the black layered plate armor slowly slid over itself. It started at the tip of my nose and ending at a thick gold metal ring around the base of my neck. Then the metal plates gently and quietly sank into the metal ring until they all disappeared. I opened my glowing red eyes, yawned to re-adjust my jaw and showed them my fangs. In response Twilight and Spike froze where they stood and gazed at me with the same look of fear and curiosity as Twilight had before. Then after my armor ceased its task I took my left forehoof and tried to even out some of the fur of my snow white coat and ebony black mane. “It is most unpleasant to have to wear my helm for long durations,” I stated in a relieved sigh. Spike was the first to speak, “That was sooo cool, how did you do that?” I grinned and stated, “I am one of the forge masters for the Reaper Knights. I help create and build many of the armors and weapons that we use. However, this armor took years to design, and is by no means one hundred percent perfect.” The teapot over the fire started whistling right after I spoke. “Ahh, I believe the hot water is done boiling,” I said, glancing at Spike. Spike poured a cup of tea and gave it to me with a shaky claw. I closed my eyes and calmly sipped from the cup, breathing in the hot steam. I opened my eyes again to see both Twilight and Spike still looking nervously at me. I let out a small chuckle. “To ease your minds I shall answer several of the common questions ponies have about me,” I stated taking another sip of tea and placing the cup on its saucer. “Yes, I am indeed a vampire. Yes, we can eat normal food if we wish to. No, we do not only have to drink pony blood, any will do. Yes, I have recently drunk my fill. No, I cannot shape shift into a bat and lastly, no, I will not keep stating ‘Blah blah blah’ for your amusement,” I said as I grinned and rolled my eyes. Spike kicked the floor and grumbled, “Rats on the last part.” Twilight giggled to herself and both of them visibly calmed down. “Although I assume that does not answer the main question that you seek,” I stated, picking up my cup. I then poured myself some more tea and said, “For that question I suspect is ‘why am I here?’” “Yes please,” Twilight responded after pouring herself some tea as Spike was still gazing at me. “The main reason I am here is as per order by Princess Luna and by request from Princess Celestia as additional protection. There has been trouble brewing in many areas of Equestria. Rogue groups of vampires, lycans, and solar channelers have been increasingly running amok. These groups would not hesitate to use anything to gain an edge so they alone can dominate Equestria. That unfortunately also means you,” I stated breathing in the steam again from my cup. “The condensed version is I am now your new personal bodyguard until you and the other princesses see fit,” I stated, drinking more tea. Twilight opened her mouth and was about to speak when I interrupted and added “and no, neither of us has any choice in the matter.” Twilight stared down at her tea silent. “Although do not get me wrong, it is an honor to serve you princess,” I said as I bowed my head and saluted to her. “Additionally, besides me being a master forger and two hundred years old, I am also a powerful unicorn specializing in blood and life force magic. As well, I have been trained in the use of alchemy. My knowledge and experience are now at your disposal,” I stated with a grin and a raised eyebrow. It appears princesses’ assessments were right on the mark again. They figured she would dislike the idea of a personal bodyguard, but would be overjoyed at the prospect of additional knowledge. Twilight’s eyes glowed with possibilities and I could almost see her mind working behind them. After several minutes she nodded with satisfaction and stated, “Okay, tell me everything you know about these rogue groups, your…needs, what you can do and perhaps any bits of knowledge you wouldn't mind sharing.” I grinned as before and said, “It appears we are going need more tea, for this will not be a short conversation.” > Chapter 2: Know Thy Enemy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before long another teapot was whistling and Spike poured both me and Twilight another cup. I closed my eyes for a moment, took a sip of tea and stated, “I will start with the vampires first, as they are more familiar to me. They were first created by Princess Luna before she was exiled to the moon as guardians of the night. Along with them making up Princess Luna's Night Guard an offshoot called the 'Reaper Knights' was formed for offensive missions. However, when Princess Luna was banished, scores of my kind went rogue in anger." "Princess Celestia was forced to decommission Princess Luna's Reaper Knights in response. Although, this act only infuriated the rogue vampires further and she had to destroy many of them to prevent open warfare. On the other hoof, there were still plenty of my kind who did remain loyal to Princess Celestia. They above all else truly saw what Princess Luna had become and that she had little choice, but to send her to the moon,” I stated. I then took another sip of tea and continued, “Although, when Princess Luna returned several vampires did not want to serve again and remained rogue. Most are generally considered to be oath-breakers, power corrupt and cruel. They usually have to be destroyed on sight. However, some have redeemed themselves." “After Princess Luna returned, the Reaper Knights were recommission and I joined her forces instead of Princess Celestia's for reasons I will discuss at a later time. Plenty of other vampires followed suit and we make up a good portion of the newly reformed Reaper Knights that Princess Luna now commands,” I stated with a prideful smile. "However, the Reaper Knights are not only just vampires now. The lycans soon became the other portion. They were originally created by Discord to combat the forces of both Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. Unlike the original vampires, the lycans did not have a choice to become what they did,” I stated as a sorrowful look overtook my face. “Due to some mysterious nature of Discord’s chaos magic the unstable change became permanent," I added. “At first the lycans wandered Equestria maiming or turning anypony they came across. When Discord was sealed in stone, the lycans regained their free will. However, most could never fully rejoin their families due to their unstable curse. A large group of them requested to be sealed away until a cure was found. Most had to be destroyed due to their bloodlust,” I said staring into my tea. I then looked up from my teacup and took a deep breath. “Though a cure was never found, Princess Celestia did manage to find a spell that would dampen their unstable nature. It allowed them to change at will the majority of the time. The sealed lycans were quickly released and enchanted. It at the very least gave them a small measure of normalcy," I stated. I put down my teacup and said “Although there are some lycans that were never sealed, recruited, nor destroyed. These remaining few still roam the forests to this day. Most of them are neutral, but several groups of them have begun to openly attack random victims. May I have more tea please Spike?” He poured me more tea and I closed my eyes for a minute and spoke, “The Reaper Knights are ultimately forced to hunt down these rogue lycans. Some are recruited, though most have outright attacked us.” My eyes closed as my face shifted to an anguished expression. After a few minutes of silence Twilight spoke up, “and the solar channelers?” My face contorted in pain and seething anger. I spat the words “the solar channelers-” and had to pause to stop my teacup from shaking, “-were originally created by Princess Celestia to combat the forces of Discord. They are an offshoot of her Solar Guard for offensive missions. Their members are created using a yellowish-orange elixir called Solar-Deliverer or Solar-D for short. The drinkers are granted the ability to channel the solar energies of the sun,” I stated gritting my teeth. I had to take another sip of tea to further calm myself down. “However, one unexpected side effect is the energies and powers are…addicting, for lack of a better word. Normally younger ponies are recruited due to it is easier to teach them how to control their power and addiction. The other side effect is the ponies are granted a longer than normal life,” I said with a repugnant tone. “I have had the-” the words weighed heavily on me, “-displeasure of meeting some of them when I was newly turned. They are generally considered under the command of Princess Celestia as a ‘Scorched Earth’ policy,” I said as rage started rising in me. “They regularly incinerate towns and areas as opposed to purging enemy forces out of them. They are a disgrace to Princess Celestia’s banner and I presume they are only kept around due to their occasional…usefulness,” I spoke with venom in my tone. “I only work with them when I am forced to do so. The worst of them turned rogue after they in cold blood destroyed my-” red tears welled in my eyes, “-village, my adoptive father and…my...love," I said as red tears started flowing down my face. I then turned my head to look away from Twilight and Spike. A moment later I wiped my tears away with a napkin from the table next to me. “I apologize, it has been well over a century, but the pain is still fresh in my mind,” I stated. Twilight’s eyes started to well up and she looked at Spike as he was wiping tears away from his own eyes. “I’m sorry, I shouldn't have pushed you,” she said quietly. I mastered myself through force of will and spoke, “It is…fine, you needed to know, but my hurt should not become your own.” I then took a deep breath and I spoke again, “Princess Celestia was livid for what they had done. She attempted to strip them of their powers, but they escaped. Although, without access to Princess Celestia’s Solar-D they had to create their own by somehow draining powerful ponies. How they learned to do this, I do not know.” After finishing my tea I stated, “My needs are simple. As I am going to be here for the foreseeable future and as a fellow scholar I wish to have access to your books. As well, I require someplace dark to rest, preferably your basement if you have one. I only require to drink two liters of blood every few days, unless I overexert myself or use a lot of magic. I do have a few liters with me and I can gather more myself.” Twilight soon looked nervous and paled as I made my statements. But after noticing this I smiled and said, “Do not worry, I will not harm anypony. I normally hunt animals in the forest for that.” Twilight let out her breath and calmed down. “Thank you,” she said after heavily breathing out again. “As for what I can do and what knowledge I can share, that will have to wait until tomorrow at a Reaper Knight outpost outside of Ponyville. It will be easier, as well it appears we are all tired and could use some rest,” I stated trying to stay awake after the long journey. “I’m not tired,” Spike protested as he tried to stifle a yawn. “Come on Spike,” Twilight chuckled as she nudged him with her right forehoof. “You are only a young adolescent dragon after all. Besides, I could use some rest myself,” she added and yawned. I turned and placed my cup on the tray where the tea kettle sat. I then rubbed my eyes with the back of my left forehoof. 'It has been a long night and most likely a longer tomorrow,' I thought to myself. Then after putting Spike to bed, Twilight slowly walked down the stairs from the second floor and yawned. “Here I’ll show you to the basement, though I’m not sure how comfortable it’s going to be,” she stated yawning again. “Do not worry I mainly sleep in my armor when away from my normal lodgings,” I said as I tried to keep my eyes open. I continued fighting fatigue as I walked into the basement after Twilight. “Isn’t that going to be too uncomfortable?” she inquired. “For everypony’s protection, including my own, it is best if I am anchored at night,” I said and figured she was going to ask another question so I raised my left foreleg. “All will be answered tomorrow when we have more time,” I added. Twilight raised an eyebrow when I started to clear off a flat space on the ground. I then stood in the cleared floor and I spoke in my mind, 'suppression armor, activate helm and sleep mode.' In response the plates for my helm slid out of the ring around my neck. They then unstacked themselves and slowly slid over my head and face. Afterwards from each of my legs detached a ten centimeter spike with a chain attached to them. The other parts of the chains were attached to my leg armor. The spikes then while pointing straight down hovered in different diagonal directions out from me and drove themselves into the ground one at a time. Then as this was completed the plates of my armor stiffened and locked together to prevent me from moving in my sleep. “I know I must look like a tent right now, but it is…necessary for me to do this,” I stated with a small laugh. “Oh stallions and their toys,” Twilight said quietly laughing, rolling her eyes, and shaking her head. “Have a pleasant rest, Princess,” I spoke and smiled from behind my helm. “You too Blood Moon,” she responded while turning around and then walked up the basement stairs. Now what I had not disclosed to her is why it was needed for me to be anchored. It was my nightmares, or should I say nightmare and what it does to my mental state. Princess Luna had tried and failed to remove it from my mind. It is the same one I have had since the solar channelers attacked my village. “Well, I had better get this over with,” I stated closing my eyes and darkness quickly took me. “BLOOD MOON…hurry…hide!” my adoptive father yelled in a terrified, shaky voice and added, “Those monsters are killing everypony!” > Chapter 3: Reliving The Nightmare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Where is Pure Blood!?” I stammered out. "She took shelter in the townhall, HURRY!” my adoptive father stated as he began to panic. I dropped my smithing hammer and ran outside of the barn. My village was burning in the night and every few seconds there were golden-white beams that incinerated houses, ponies and vampires alike. And from everywhere screams of agony and fear echoed out as I ran into the thick of it. Then not long after I had done so a golden-white beam soon missed me by mere centimeters thanks to my new vampiric speed, but it scorched the fur on my right shoulder. However, I just bit back the pain as I rushed towards the townhall. And while I was dodging most things in my panicked rush I soon became stopped by a pony in golden armor whom had blocked my path. But with no small amount of luck my adoptive father burst out of nowhere and body slammed them to the ground. He then growled out, “I will hold them off, get to safety!” as he struggled with his foe. And without thinking I turned and ran as fast as I could to the center of our village. But sorrow soon filled me for as I ran I heard my father scream in pain before it was abruptly cut off. However I did not have time to dwell upon such thoughts and though adoptive father had perished his sacrifice had allowed me to make it to the townhall in one piece. And with little grace I jumped through its doorway and slammed them shut and barred them. “What is happening Blood Moon!?” I heard Pure Blood speak out in a panic behind me. “We need to barricade the doors and hide!” I replied failing to stay calm. Then in short order Me, Pure Blood, and the village ponies that were with us started piling anything we could find against the doors. But I knew this would not hold forever so I grabbed Pure Blood by her right forehoof and ran into a small room in the back of the townhall before barring the doors and barricading them. “What do we do Blood Moon?!” Pure Blood spoke still panicking. And truth be told I had little idea so I did first thing that came to mind. I put both of my forehooves on the sides of her head and had her face me. I then brushed her brown mane away, looked into her beautiful newly glowing brown slitted eyes, and kissed her on her lips. Time and sound stopped for what felt like an eternity. But then not but a moment later the door next to us exploded throwing me into the far wall of the room and smashed me into a crate with a sickening crunch. “Well yer right, Silver Hammer. There were some stragglers in here,” some deep voice said. “I don’t just make this stuff up, Light Blade,” Silver Hammer stated with a snarky tone. “Ahh look at this one, she looks to be recently turned. She’s barely able to put up a fight," Light Blade said grinning. He then picked her up by the neck with a glowing golden ring attached to his left forehoof. “Blood Moon help!” Pure Blood pleaded. “Pure Blood!” I tried to yell, but all that came out was cracking whisper from my crushed throat. “Ain’t nopony going to help ya now ya little foal,” Light Blade stated and laughed. “Blood Moon!” Pure Blood screamed as he drove a glowing blade he had on his right forehoof into her stomach. “Blood Moon!” I heard a cracking male voice. “Wake up! Ponyville is under attack!” it stated again. My eyes snapped open to see Spike trying his best to shake me awake. “We need your help Blood Moon!” he yelled and began to panic. “Back up Spike,” I stated quickly and spoke in my mind, 'Suppression armor, sleep mode deactivate.' Spike stumbled backwards as my armor’s spikes pulled themselves out of the ground. They then reattached to my leg armor and my plate armor unfused itself. Right after that I grabbed Spike with my magic and hurriedly placed him on my back while I galloped up the basement stairs. And there I saw Twilight in the middle of library issuing orders to five other ponies. “Rainbow Dash, scout the area and see how many make up their forces,” she stated. “You got it boss," replied a rainbow colored pegasus moments before she zipped out the front door. Twilight turned to an orange colored earth pony with a cowpony hat. “Applejack, test their soldiers, we need to know their strengths and find any weaknesses,” she said. “Yes ma’am,” responded the orange earth pony as she galloped out the door. Twilight sighed and looked deep in thought. She then turned to a bouncing pink earth pony and a yellow, pink maned pegasus. “Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, I need you two to create a distraction. These ponies are organized and we need to cause some chaos in their ranks," she said. “Okie dokie lokie,” giggled the pink earth pony as the yellow pegasus cowered closer to the ground with a whimper. The pink earth pony then grabbed the yellow pegasus and bolted out the door faster than any mortal pony should have been able to do. Twilight finally turned to an all-white unicorn with a dark purple mane. “Rarity, I need your help by controlling an arcane golem,” she said. “Darling, I’m not one for military tactics and brutish…,” the white unicorn began to respond, however, she was interrupted by a pony running into the library. “The Carousel Boutique has been heavy damaged!” he stated urgently. “I’LL DESTROY THEM!” the white unicorn shrieked and ran out the door with burning rage in her eyes. I put Spike down and stated, “I am impressed Princess with your leadership skills. I have seen veteran soldiers with much less aptitude in it. As well I am more than a little awed that you can create golems. Those are not easy to make and hide.” She turned her head and blushed, “Hello Blood Moon, good you’re up. It seems a group of those rogue solar channelers are attacking Ponyville,” she said with worry in her eyes. “Well I say we take the fight to them and I shall show you why they call me a Reaper Knight,” I said with malicious glee. She nodded gathering her courage and said “Let’s go.” I am not sure what I was expecting, but this was worse than I could have thought. We walked out of the library and the village was half destroyed and some of it was burning. Flashbacks started plaguing my mind and I shook my head. Twilight and Spike looked at me with a concerned glances. “Are you okay Blood moon?” Twilight stated. “I am fine, it is just memories of times long since passed,” I said trying to focus again. We then started galloping through the village telling everypony to seek shelter in the townhall. Another flashback struck me and I had to shake it off as we continued to direct ponies. But soon our attackers had showed themselves. For a beam of golden-white light flashed by missing me by a few meters and burned a hole in the building next to me. “It appears it is show time,” I said while grinning. I then spoke in my mind, 'suppression armor, deactivate suppression field and activate battle mode.' I cracked my neck as my armor’s plates moved and lifted covering me in tiny blades and spikes. Shadowy smoke soon started to emanate from my armor forming a wispy cloak as I held out my left forehoof. Lastly, static, light blue flame and shadow formed in the air in front of me creating a three meter long pole and a meter curved blade. Then after my scythe finished materializing it had then floated eagerly to me. “Hello, old friend,” I said smiling. Not long after another beam of light came from my right side. In response I quickly turned and faced it. I then moved the scythe’s pole parallel to the ground and held my right forehoof on the side of the skyward pointed blade. And at the last moment I reflected the beam back at one of the two golden armored ponies. In turn they had attempted to dodge, but the beam blasted a hole straight though their side armor and punched out the other end. They then fell with a gurgling thump. And in a cruel wide death's head grin I bared my fangs behind my helm and whispered, “My turn." But of course watching their fellow pawn get slaughtered caused the other golden armored pony to shift into wide eyed panic as they started to rapidly fire from their horn and hooves. In response I galloped straight at them, shifting back and forth dodging the beams as I dragged my scythe’s blade in the earth with my magic. The pony then stated to panic more becoming sloppy with their aiming but making up for it in bulk. But this did them little good for in a single graceful horizontal arc, my scythe swept right through their neck. Blood soon formed from their mouth and the wound. Their body then faltered falling to the right as their wide eyed head slid off to the left. Afterwards my scythe glowed with light blue light as I drained the lingering life force from the body. Twilight and Spike gaped at me in horror for what I had done. “I apologize you two, but this war. We cannot give any quarter, for we shall receive none,” I stated solemnly before adding, “No time to delay. We must help the others at the townhall. It is starting to become dawn and I will be of little use out here when that happens." Twilight just slowly nodded and we galloped to the center of Ponyville. Everywhere we looked there were Twilight’s four legged, one story tall arcane golems being controlled by the Ponyville citizens inside them. They were all engaged in open battle against the rogue solar channelers. And the tide of battle shifted back and forth in a chaotic dance of light purple and golden-white blasts. But eventually we made it the townhall and Applejack ran up next to us. “Twilight, these bullies are young and inexperienced, but their darn blasted solar magic keeps pushing us back. The only weakness these light bulbs have is their arrogance,” she stated trying to catch her breath. “Thank you Applejack,” Twilight responded with a worried look. Rainbow Dash then zipped from the clouds with slightly charred feathers and yelled overhead, “Twilight, they have thirty to forty in their ranks. Most of them are battling your golems, but two very powerful ones are on their way here. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy have been creating distractions with Pinkie’s party cannon and some woodland animals to slow them down, but they won’t hold out forever.” And before Twilight could say anything Rainbow Dash bolted back into the clouds over the battle. She then bucked a cloud and it ignited a rogue solar channeler with a lightning strike. Twilight’s look of worry deepened in response. “Twilight we need to get in the townhall and protect the ponies inside,” I said snapping her out of her trance. She shook her head before stating, “Let’s go." But just as we started to turn to run towards the townhall doors a house exploded nearby. A female pegasus with a silver two-hooved hammer appeared from the rubble followed by a male unicorn with a glowing blade on his right foreleg. I gasped in shock and yelled out, “NO! It cannot be them!” Unfathomable dread shook me to my core right before an arcane golem stomped in front of us facing the two new enemies. It then stated in an echoing voice, “Twilight, you, Spike, Applejack and your tall, dark friend head inside. I’ll take care of these ruffians.” “Thank you, Rarity,” Twilight said as she grabbed my right foreleg and we all ran inside the townhall as the golem charged forward. Then in no time at all me and Twilight barred and barricaded the front doors while Applejack tried to calm the other citizens huddling together. “No no no it cannot be them!” I said shaking as flashbacks slammed back and forth in my vision. “What’s wrong Blood Moon?” Twilight stated as her and Applejack looked at me in worry. “How are they still alive?!” I spoke again breathing rapidly before the front doors exploded inwards with a flash of light and brutal force. In turn I did not have time to react before I was violently thrown across the room and then crashed into some stacked tables and chairs, throwing my scythe away from me. Then with slow smooth movements Silver Hammer hovered into the room with her hammer in her hooves. Light Blade came in right after dragging the bloodied, limp, and unconscious body of Rarity by the neck with a glowing golden ring that came from his left forehoof. And in what little blurry vision I possessed I noticed a small trickle of blood dribbled out of sides of Rarity's closed mouth. "RARITY!" screamed Spike. “GET AWAY FROM HER!” both Twilight and Applejack yelled in unison and charged at Light Blade. Silver Hammer dove forward in response and swung her hammer missing Twilight by centimeters, but connecting with Applejack’s hind legs with a loud crack. The impact had spun Applejack through the air before she slammed into a wall and fell motionless to the ground. Twilight however continued her charge but right as she got to Light Blade he threw Rarity aside and caught her by the throat with his left forehoof. He then stood up on his hind legs and pulled Twilight off the ground with a glowing golden ring around her neck. “Ahhh yer the prize we've been seeking Princess Twilight Sparkle. Yer gonna fuel our powers fer years to come," he said while laughing. I tried to get up, but a hammer crashed down on my back slamming me to the ground and shutting down my wispy cloak. Then three other rogue solar channelers trotted over and held me down. “Somepony help!” I heard Twilight scream as a flashback clouded my sight for a second. Light Blade in reply said, “Ain’t nopony going to help you lass,” before laughing. But in some last ditch effect Twilight's horn flared and blinded him with a flash of purple light. However this only caused him to screech out in anger, “Ya little foal!” before he thrust his glowing hoof blade into her stomach. Time soon slowed to a crawl as I saw Twilight’s eyes open in shock and agony. And just like that something inside my mind snapped. A red haze covered my eyes as I forcibly stood up and screamed at top of my lungs in a primal rage, “GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!”. A torrent of unstable energy then rippled out from me and caused pieces of my armor to explode outward. The shrapnel this caused tore the rogue solar channelers that were holding me down to bits. Then upon realizing this Silver Hammer swung her hammer over head but I merely pointed my left forehoof at her chest and glared at her in hateful fury. And before she was able to complete her swing there was a loud thump and she stood still in shock. Blood soon welled from the sides of her mouth as her hammer dematerialized. She then fell forward on her face revealing my scythe embedded in her spine. Afterwards without hesitation I quickly tore my scythe from Silver Hammer’s back with my front hooves almost ripping her body in half. I then threw my weapon at Light Blade with all my might. My scythe flashed through the air end over end. And just as Light Blade pulled his hoof blade out of Twilight’s stomach the scythe cleanly sliced his left foreleg off at the shoulder. It then drove itself into the wall behind him. Light Blade gasped as his leg fell off dropping Twilight onto the ground. But he did not have any time to respond before I howled in pure hatred and charged at him with all-consuming rage in my eyes. I then spun on my front hooves, pulled in my hind legs, and bucked him square in the chest. Two hoof prints appeared on his breastplate as he was viciously thrown back into the wall by my scythe. I then galloped at him and he managed to gather his bearings enough to thrust his glowing hoof blade down at me. However I caught his strike with my left forehoof, the blade centimeters from my eyes. But this did not stall my onslaught as I screamed, “THIS IS FOR MY DECADES OF TORMENT!” and slammed my right forehoof into left side of his head throwing off his helmet. He then tried to charge his horn with solar energy but I screamed again, “THIS IS FOR ALL THE PONIES YOU HAVE HURT!” and grabbed his horn with my right forehoof. And with a savage yank, I wrenched it off his head. He howled in pain in response as I screamed once more, “THIS IS FOR ALL THE PONIES YOU HAVE KILLED!” and grabbed his right foreleg with my forehooves. Then with the snapping of bone and scraping of metal I drove his hoof blade into his stomach. He let out a gurgling moan as the blade stapled him to the wall. Finally, I yelled in pure anguish, hate, and rage, “I HOPE YOU BURN IN TARTARUS!” as I placed my forehooves on either side of his head and tore it off in a shower of blood and gore. I then unceremoniously dropped his head, pulled my scythe out of wall and forcibly sucked the remaining life force out of his body. It then slumped forward leaking onto the floor while still stapled to the wall. The red haze that had covered my vision soon dissipated and I started to sway. But before I collapsed I heard Spike yell, “Blood Moon we need your help!” urgently behind me. I turned towards Spike’s voice and leaned most of my weight on my scythe. My blood soon started to drip from several wounds caused from my overloaded armor. But with no small amount of effort I managed to limp over to where Twilight was and saw her holding her stomach, her eyes scrunched closed in pain. But without warning I fell next to her with my scythe clattering to the floor. However, with gritted teeth I managed to drag myself back up before stating, “Please Spike...send…a letter...to the princesses...we need…their help,” as I coughed up blood. I did not see Spike leave as I tried to retract my helm. It sizzled and scraped a few seconds, but it did not retract. “I do not have time for this,” I groaned in reply as I placed my forehooves on the back of my head and pried it off. I then tossed my twisted helm aside and noticed Twilight’s breathing was getting shallow and light. It seemed that fate made my choice for me. For I did not have enough blood to try anything else other than one option. I knelt next to her and turned her head to face me, partially lifting her torso with my left foreleg. “Please forgive me,” I lamented as I tipped my head back, opened my mouth, and drove my fangs into her neck. Blood spilled into my mouth as I grabbed for my scythe. I then channeled my stored life force energy through my fangs directly into her body. The light blue energy surged as I forced the first stage of vampirism to take hold. Afterwards it was difficult to pull myself from her delicious arcane charged sweet tasting blood, but I put her back down and with my left forehoof I tore the armor off my right foreleg. The shattered armor created a seven centimeter long gash that started to bleed. I then lifted my bleeding leg her mouth and in a shaky voice said, “Please princess...drink...otherwise…you are...going to...bleed…to death." She put up a weak protest before drinking the blood from my leg and completing the final stage of vampirism. Her back then arched and the force pulled her away from my leg. After this she began to writhed in agony and was locked in a silent scream as her top canine teeth lengthened to three centimeter long points. She then partially calmed down and started to breathe heavily as the deep wound in her stomach began to clot. And with a small smile I grabbed her left forehoof with my right and stated, “You are...going to be...all right," before my eyes rolled back into my head and I fell next to her with a loud thump. My vision soon faded, and darkness took me. > Chapter 4: Old Ends and New Beginnings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The darkness eventually brightened until I was standing in an endless white plain. And while this was mildly unnerving it also had a delightful calming effect for some reason. However that calm only lasted until I looked at my legs and body and realized all my wounds were missing along with my armor. Confusion soon took hold but with little idea what was happening I merely called out “Hello?” into the endless expanse. In response I heard somepony state in a familiar voice, “Hello, Blood Moon.” This in turn lead me to gasp out, “Pure Blood?!” as I saw a brown colored earth pony walk up to me. Then as red tears welled in my eyes I added, “Where are we? What is going on?” A tired sigh left her lips before she stated, “We are currently in limbo. A place between the world of the living and the afterlife.” Worry began to overtake me as I said, “Am I...dead?” in reply. “No, but you are close to it,” she stated as her glowing slitted brown eyes looked at me with red tears in them. She then added, “We have brought you here for a bit of a talk,” and walked closer to me. “We?” I said with a puzzled look on my face. “Yes we,” another familiar voice spoke out as a tan unicorn walked up and I had recognized him as my adoptive father. “Father?!” I stammered out with more red tears rolling down my face. He merely smirked and stated, “I would say in the flesh, but that seems to be untrue right now. Also do not go getting all mushy on me, I thought I taught you better than that." In response I wiped the tears from my eyes before saying, “What is going on here?” But before he said anything my adoptive father's piercing and glowing blue slitted eyes just looked squarely at me. “Well, we waited here for over a century to talk about the guilt you carry. Our deaths were not your fault. You need to stop blaming yourself,” he stated. Pure Blood spoke up as well, “You need to forgive yourself and move on, as we do not hold you responsible.” My father then spoke sternly again, “Now get out of here. You have a princess to protect.” And in some sort of last act Pure Blood walked up and kissed me on the lips. And just when we broke the kiss the white area faded to black once more. But not long after I heard a booming feminine voice say, “By the moon, it twas difficult to drag them here like that. He refuses to let go of her leg." “I know Luna, but we got them here none the less and had the doctors work around his broken armor to pull out most, if not all, the shrapnel regardless,” stated another feminine voice. “I know that Celestia, now please stand aside. I am going to attempt to override his armor,” said Luna. I then heard a muffled voice in my mind, 'Suppression armor, master override, Princess Luna, armor retract.' And in response my armor let out a small popping noise, a scrape of metal, and finally a cracking sound. Then not a second later I felt the metal ring around my neck fall off, along with all of my remaining plate armor. “Well, that twas not supposed to happen. It appears the fool overloaded his armor…again,” Luna stated and sighed. “Well at least it's off, now please, you stand back this tim-,” Celestia began to state before being interrupted. "Wait!" Luna interjected. "What's wrong Luna?" Celestia inquired. "Something is different, even with all his wounds, he...he is resting peacefully. That has not happened for the entire time I have known him. His nightmare is gone! His mind has somehow been stabilized, well, about as stable as his shall ever get. What in Tartarus happened in that townhall?" Luna stated. Eventually I heard hoofsteps close to me before Luna spoke again, “Are you certain of this sister? I can heal faster than you can." “I'm certain, now please stand back,” Celestia replied. A hoof soon gently opened my mouth. I then heard somepony suck in a quick breath and felt a small trickle of blood stream into my mouth. And with unconscious desire I released Twilight and pressed the bleeding leg closer. I then began to lap at the blood with my pointed tongue. It was a familiar taste, powerful and hearty, with a hint of warmth. But after a minute the leg pulled itself away from me. I then heard Luna state, “Here sister, let me bandage that,” before the surge of powerful blood caused my vampiric healing to jump-start and begin to painfully mend my wounds. And after about twenty minutes I was able to slowly open my eyes, though my vision was partially blurred. Then with a foggy mind I turned my head to the left and raggedly said, “It seems this is the second time you have had to revive me Princess Celestia.” Celestia quietly laughed and said, “Only this time you didn't have a collapsed, burnt townhall on top of you.” I smiled and responded, “For that I am thankful. I am also eternally grateful for both of your kindness." I then turned my head to the right to look at Twilight and stated, "How is Princess Twilight Sparkle?” Celestia replied with a worried tone, “She'll recover, with great thanks to you. However, she's going to have a rude surprise when she wakes up.” She then added, “We must return to Canterlot and try to determine where those rogue solar channelers came from. Please give Twilight our regards.” Then both Luna and Celestia nodded to me and teleported in a flash of blue and white respectively. Afterwards I laid there staring at the ceiling of the hospital room for several hours and continued to breathe in the air that reeked of alcohol and sanitizer. But after my body mostly healed itself I sat up and pushed all the pieces of my armor's plates and ring into a metal box that seemed to be next to my bed. A frown soon appeared on my face as I thought out loud, “Well there is another week long project...” Then with a moderate amount of effort I managed to get myself out of my bed. But as I did so I noticed something odd on the chair by my hospital room door. It was a thick black metal ring with two triangle shaped gemstones of turquoise and ruby embedded in it. Upon further inspection I noticed there was a note attached to the side of it. In turn I took the note and it read, “Hey, sir breaksalot, since I heard ye ruined your old armor...again, I decided to give ya one of the new models I've been tinkerin' with. I swear to Princess Luna if ya break this one, I'm gonna to hunt ya down, signed Black Hammer.” In response I smirked and thought, “Who are you kidding Black Hammer? You, me, and the other forgers love when other ponies use our new toys.” I then smiled with slight glee and thought, “My my, it is like Hearts Warming Eve came early,” as I picked up the ring with my magic. Afterwards I examined the ring for a few more seconds before saying, “Well no time like the present,” before I separated it and reattaching it around the base of my neck. I then spoke in my mind 'Suppression armor, activate.' Now normally I was expecting metal plates to come out like usual, but that is not what happened. Instead a strange black metallic liquid flowed out over my body. And as it flowed holes in the liquid formed where my eyes, mouth and ears were. Then finally the it raised and shaped itself into what looked like metal plates. A small voice soon sounded in my mind, 'I see ye were brave enough to try it out ya daft fool, heh heh heh. Now to quell yer mad curiosity the armor uses dark iron granules in a special mixture that can be manipulated with yer mind, scary thought in your case heh heh heh. I'd highly advise testin' it outside and I'll be wantin' feedback, regards, Black Hammer.' In response I began to laugh with an ear to ear smile afterwards and thought to myself, 'I will have to test this little beauty out later after I check on the princess.' And with that thought in mind I first started by checking the curtains by Twilight. It had appeared that it was starting to become dusk outside to which I thought, 'Dear Luna, how long have I been unconscious?' But that pattern of thought was quickly overridden when I noticed there was blood bag sitting on a small table between our hospital beds. Upon inspection there was a note attached and it read, "Hey guys, you're probably going to be out for a while. Princess Luna explained what happened to Twilight. I managed to get this from the Hospital staff. It was the only one I could get as nopony else was brave enough to use it. Signed Spike. P.S. I’m sleeping back at home, these hospital beds are terrible.” In turn put down the note and stared at the bag thoroughly puzzled. “Nopony was brave enough to use this?” I said thinking out loud. I then read the donor label and it stated the name “Pinkie Pie”. “Hmm, why is that name familiar?” I stated and stood pondering. But after a few minutes of confusion I merely shook off any further thoughts before I walked over to Twilight. However, as I was about to brush her mane away from her eyes, my armor seemed to crawl away from my hoof. 'Hmm that is…unusual. It must be reacting to my thoughts,' I wondered before thinking, 'I had better remove it for the night until I can get it more under control.' And so I spoke in my mind, 'Suppression armor, retract full suit.' The armor soon crawled back into the ring around my neck in a bizarre slithering feeling. A cold shivver soon shot up my spine as I mumbled out, "That was...unnerving." But regardless of such strange things, I went back to trying to brush Twilight’s mane again. However, after I did so she, still sleeping, grabbed my leg with both of her forehooves as a result. She then proceeded to nuzzle her face against it. And to make matters more amusing every time I tried to pull my leg away, she would hold it tighter and let out a low growl. A small smile crawled up my face as I mused, “You require blood I see. Yes, I too get moody when I am hungry,” And so I pushed my leg closer to her mouth and she bit down with her fangs. The abrupt pain caused my shoulder and leg muscles to clench as I mentally noted, 'It appears that hurts more than I remember." Twilight however did not seem to notice as she began to unconsciously lap at the blood, still fast asleep. But after a minute or so I managed to pull my leg away from her and focused my stored life force to quickly heal the wound. In response she just licked her lips, rolled over, and continued to sleep. Me on the other hoof was unsurprisingly not doing so well. I had forgotten that I was still recovering myself and the loss of blood made me become quite light headed. Hunger soon crept up on me and I began to look for a source to sate it. Needless to say the only source I found was the blood bag sitting next to me. Now at first nothing seemed to be out of ordinary as I picked it up gingerly and bit into it. But that was when something clicked in my memory. 'Wait a minute, Pinkie Pie was that bouncing pink earth pony at Twilight’s lib-' but the thought was violently overridden when the blood poured down my throat. The word revolting did not even begin to describe the flavor. It tasted like a birthday cake unmercifully coated in chocolate sauce, then caramel, then rolled in a pound of hard candy and finally drown in a vat of sugar water. And somehow someway in some horrid feat I managed to gag the bag down. This though was quickly proceeding to me falling into a sitting position while clutching my chest. Then in short order after that I fell to my side, still holding my chest while my heart threatened to explode. For nearly forty minutes I endured pure wide eyed agony before I managed to drag myself back into my hospital bed. I then spent the next hour on my back, uncontrollably twitching. Eventually though by some miracle my body managed to calm down enough for me to go to sleep. But that turned out be the second terrible mistake I made in the last two hours. Because after I closed my eyes I was greeted by dreams that were borderline unfathomable. They were swirling chaotic messes of random colors and always accompanied by a strange disembodied giggling that came from everywhere and nowhere. Darkness soon mercifully took over as I assumed my mind finally gave up trying to render those monstrosities. An unknown amount of time pasted by after that until something startled me partially awake. For it seemed that I felt some hooves press on my bed’s mattress. My ears perked up and I sniffed the air in response. And to my confusion it smelled like Twilight’s scent. Upon fearing the worst I slowly opened my left eye and saw two glowing purple slitted eyes climb onto my bed. The eyes were staring straight at me and they seemed to slowly crawl closer to my face. However this only served to confuse me further until I quickly opened my right eye and saw a hunger those glowing purple eyes. A hard knot formed in my stomach before I whispered, “Are you alright, princess?” But when no response came I swallowed nervously and added, "not good." To elaborate I have done research on this, as it happened to me once before. It seems that when a pony is newly turned, they often start off close to death. As such when their body recovers their sub-conscious is the first part of their mind to wake up. And as a result without the conscious mind to subdue it, it usually seeks out basic primal cravings. The most common is blood, the other one is more…interesting. So without much warning Twilight began to crawl herself on top of me. Her pointed tongue soon licked the fur on my chest and it sent some pleasurable sensations down my spine. 'By the moon it has been so long since I felt that,' I thought as my mind started to race. And without much in the way of options I merely tried to lay as still as my body would let me. For you see I could not risk pushing her away as her sub-conscious would in all probability become enraged, lash out, and do unspeakable things to me. In turn I let her continue until I could think of a hasty solution. And so unabated she crawled up to my face and kissed me on the lips. In response my eyes widened in shock and I thought, 'This is going to very difficult to explain to her later,' as my mind continued to race still desperately trying to discover a solution. But again nothing of substance came to mind and Twilight still proceeded onwards. So much so that her body started to rub against me, and despite my best efforts, it did not require much time before my own body reacted. For only moments later I slowly became as hard as an oak in the Everfree. In turn with little hesitation she took this as an invitation and mounted me. Her hips soon began to move up and down in a rhythmic motion. And all I could do was grit my teeth as two conflicting thoughts began fighting back and forth in my mind. Eventually the more pleasurable thought won out and I grabbed her flank with my forehooves and thrust her down harder. In the end she wound up riding me for the better part of thirty minutes until I leaned up, turned my head, and lightly bit her neck with my fangs. For this little act interestingly resulted in her finally going over the edge if you will. In turn her back arched and she started to shake as her wings twitched. And while quite pleasing to watch I ended missing most of such a display as I could not hold back any longer and went off as well. She soon slid off to my right and started blinking as if waking up from a dream. She then shook her head and squinted. “Blood Moon? Wha...what happened?” she said, her voice groggy and rough. Guilt started to creep up on me and all I could state in reply was, “Well…umm…err,” as my mind failed to come up with anything better. Her eyes then widened before she frantically whispered, “Dear Celestia, did we do what I think we did?! Did you go off in me?! Of course you did! This is bad very very bad!” In response I merely smiled and whispered, “Princess.” However her panicked whispers just continued, “Ooooh I have no idea how to raise a foal aaahh.” I half narrowed my eyes to this before I whispered again more sternly, “Princess.” Though this did little as she was still undeterred in her frantic whispers, “I think I have some books on the topic. Yes my books! I bet they'll hold the solution to this and why are two of my front teeth so pointy-” And she probably would have kept on going if I had not interrupted her. “Princess Twilight Sparkle!” I said nearly shouting. “WHAT?!” she responded and looked at me. And I just matched her gaze with my eyes still half closed before I smiled and said quietly, "In order to save your life I was forced to turn you into one of my kind. It was a last resort to stop you from bleeding to death. Also when ponies are turned into vampires we are rendered sterile and infertile. I believe it is some cruel fail-safe to prevent our 'gift' from spreading too much." In turn the sheer amount of puzzlement from my statements that was imbued into her was quite amusing to say the least. For her face switched from surprise to sadness to a mischievous grin to shock as she said, “OH, oh, oooooh. Wait...I’m a what?!” However it was my turn to get the best of her as I leaned over and kissed her on the lips. Her eyes quickly widened as a result before they then closed. And all I can say after that was that we truly had our way with each other for the rest of the night. > Chapter 5: Friends in need: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was the first one to wake with a yawn. And upon opening my eyes I realized Twilight’s body was still tangled up with mine. A small smile soon crawled up my face before I squinted and scanned the hospital room. It must have been sometime early morning as there were some sun beams hitting the floor under the window curtains. Though luckily Luna must have talked to the hospital staff about our "special conditions" as the room was still almost pitch black. But regardless I had just started to gather my thoughts when there came several quick, loud knocks on our hospital room door. Twilight quickly snapped awake from a dead sleep as a result, said “Eep!” in a panic, and had tried to jump to her bed that was close to mine. However, she had miserably underestimated her new vampiric strength and slammed into the wall on the other side of her bed. In turn I could not help but grin as she fell to the floor and then scrambled onto her bed while shaking her dazed head. She then rushed to pull her bed covers up to her neck before she said, “Come in.” However this proved to be a lack of foresight on both of our parts that resulted in the door being quickly opened and the lights in the room turned on. And with little warning bright light soon flooded the room. An echoing shriek soon simultaneously came out of Me and Twilight as we covered our eyes in pain. Then to our increasing misfortune a blaring “HI!” blasted its way through the now open door and assaulted our sensitive eardrums. But eventually when my vision and hearing evened out I realized it was that pink earth pony called “Pinkie Pie” who was the cause of all this. Then in seeming obliviousness of what she had just done she just bounced into the room over to us while carrying something in her right forehoof. “Pinkie Pie, what are you doing here?” Twilight stated while still rubbing her eyes. Pinkie Pie merely continued bouncing and said in a giggly voice, “Just visiting the injured ponyfolk at the hospital. That also includes you two, but you don’t look injured. How'd you heal so fast? Can you teach me how to do that?” And her sentences blurred together in an overloading mess, with little stopping in-between. Twilight soon stuffed her left forehoof over Pinkie’s mouth, but this only served to muffle the onslaught as Pinkie Pie was still trying to talk beneath it. Twilight then rolled her eyes when she saw me look at Pinkie with a bemused expression on my face. But despite all this chaos I did however manage to get a closer look at Pinkie Pie or namely what she was holding. And it was then I had realized that Pinkie was holding a blood bag. I raised an eyebrow in response before I said, “Miss...Erm Pie, where did you get that blood bag please?” Twilight soon pulled her hoof away from Pinkie’s mouth after my inquiry. To which Pinkie just breathed in and quickly said, “I got it from the doctor of course.” I then closed my eyes and began to gently rub the area between them with my left forehoof. After which I asked in a calm voice, “and who is the donor of that bag please?” She merely giggled again before saying, “Well me silly, who else would I get this from? Hot off the Pinkie Pie blood stream!” I twitched in response as I continued to rub between my eyes. I then stated, “Thank you for your…generosity. You can leave…that…on the table.” Then after I spoke I opened my eyes to see her bounce over next to me, plop the bag down, and bounce back to where she was before. And in probably some form of curiosity Twilight had then reached for it, but I swiftly stopped her with my right forehoof. In turn she raised an eyebrow and looked at me, puzzled. To which I had just returned her gaze, shook my head and slowly moved her hoof away from it. Silence soon reigned for a few seconds before Pinkie said, “Weeeellll I better go visit the other injured ponies. I hope you two are able to get up soon,” before she turned completely around in midair. She then bounced towards the door, turned off the lights, and shut the door behind her. However, right before Pinkie shut the door there was a strange blur that shifted into the room. Oblivious to this, Twilight soon sat up and jokingly asked, “What was that about Blood Moon?” I just held up my right forehoof in response and stared into the far side of the dark room. A few seconds later two glowing green slitted eyes appeared from the corner with fangs bared under them before they jumped at me. Adrenaline soon flooded my system and time had slowed down. For it appeared that I had a delightful issue on my hooves. We were at a hospital and there were little options available to defend ourselves it seemed. But luckily with some quick thinking and evermore loads of adrenaline flowing through me, I grabbed the only weapon I had at hoof. And in the their mid-jump I stuffed Pinkie’s blood bag in the assassin’s mouth and slammed the bottom of their jaw with my left forehoof. Then after I felt the bag burst, I used my blood magic to force its contents down their throat. The reaction afterwards was instant as the fiend’s slitted pupils shrank to mere lines. They then let out a gagging noise, clutched their chest, and fell over. Shortly thereafter I heard two pieces of metal clatter to the floor as I got up out of bed. I then trotted over the light switch and turned it on. This in turn showed that to the right of my hospital bed, laid a small quivering dark red female pegasus wearing a black cloak. Additionally two jagged daggers sat discarded next to her body. However without a second thought I picked up the daggers with my magic, looked them over, and place on the table by Twilight. I then said with mild amusement, “And that, is why I moved your hoof away from the bag." Twilight let out a gasp immediately afterwards and in shock stated, “Oh my gosh! You think that pony poisoned it?!” I chuckled in reply before I said, “No, I believe that is how it normally is. It did make a useful disabling agent though.” I then smiled and thought to myself, 'Pinkie Pie’s blood should be labeled as a bio-weapon or at least unfit for use by anypony sane…' My right eye soon twitched as a memory from my horrid dreams flashed through my mind. A few minutes later Spike opened our room door. “Hey guys, I came here to check on yo…What’s going on?” he said as his tone turned to confusion near the end of his sentence. I merely smiled in response before I stated, “Ahh Spike, just the dragon I wanted to see. As you can see, this is a failed assassination attempt. Can you please send a letter to the princesses to request a few royal guards to collect said failed assassin?” His eyes widened as he hastily said, “Yes sir!” and ran out of the room. Afterwards I walked over to the assassin, yanked off her cloak, and checked it for poisons. I then sighed when I located two small vials. And with great care I lifted them with my magic, uncorked them one at a time, and smelled their contents. A frown soon appeared on my face when I recognized their scents. One was a powerful anticoagulant and the other was a strong paralysis poison. My frown continued as I re-corked the vials and placed them next to the jagged daggers. For my mind slowly became uneasy as troublesome thoughts begin to work their way in. 'Either one of those would have been enough. Somepony did not want to take any chances,' I thought as my frown deepened. But I ultimately brushed those thoughts away for a short while, while I pulled the sheet from my bed and picked up the small pegasus with my magic. I then tied her to a chair next to the hospital room door with the bed sheet. In turn I just stared at our twitching would-be assassin. And I probably would have felt sorry for her condition if she had not tried to kill me moments earlier. But even still she just sat in the chair wide eyed and staring blankly at the floor while still twitching. Then about thirty minutes later Spike returned with two Solar Guards. And as they were untying the assassin, I threw them Pinkie’s empty blood bag. “Tell the princesses to threaten her with another one these when they try to squeeze information out of her. That should get her to spill her secrets,” I said grinning. They just nodded in reply and dragged the pegasus out by her front legs. Afterward I brushed off my hooves and turned to Twilight before stating, “Well with that out of the way, how about we check on your friends?” She gave me an uneasy smile in response before she said, “Okay,' and hopped out of bed and trotted out the door with Spike following her. I soon followed her as well but not before I armored up, grabbed the jagged daggers and vials, and clipped them to my sides with loops I formed from my armor’s liquid metal. 'I really hope I do not need these,' I thought as paranoia started to creep up in my mind. I then picked up the metal box containing my old broken armor and tossed in the assassin’s cloak. The metal box then clattered as I placed it on my back with my magic. It took me a few moments to get moving. There were so many memories attached to those black armor plates, not all of them were good ones. But in the end I took a deep breath and walked out the hospital room door. But after a second or two I realized that any hope for positivity that I may have generated soon crumbled to dust. For all along the hallway there were injured ponies on cots or just blankets on the floor. Many of them had broken legs or were wrapped in bandages. And their groans of pain began to eat me to my core. I in turn had little choice but to continue onward with my mood souring further. Eventually I managed to catch up to Twilight who was just about to enter another hospital room before I stopped her. She looked at me puzzled as a result before I draped the black assassin’s cloak over her and put the hood up. I then gave her a weak grin behind my helm and stated, “You are a being of the night now, remember? They will most likely have the curtains open.” She just frowned and nodded in response before I opened the door. Sunlight soon unpleasantly greeted us and its burdening effect became greatly uncomfortable. But that was not the worst of it. For in the room I noticed the orange earth pony from before called “Applejack” was sitting up in her hospital bed. Tears were rolling down her face as she held her bandaged and cast hind legs. Twilight had quickly rushed to her side when she saw this. “What happened Applejack?!” she blurt out as heavy worry appeared on her face. Applejack just wiped tears from her eyes and replied while sobbing, “The doc just came. He said that ah'll be lucky if ah’ll ever walk again, let alone buck apple trees.” She then broke down into crying again. And in immediate response Twilight’s eyes had welled up with red tears as she hugged Applejack and started to cry as well. I in turn could not bear to see the sight of so much sorrow so I looked at the other hospital bed next to Applejack instead. This however proved to be just as depressing as who laid there was the purple maned white unicorn called “Rarity” in a body cast. She had a black eye and seemed to be sleeping with great pain on her face. Spike obviously aware of her current state had walked over and began to dab her forehead with a wet washcloth. Tears soon began rolling down his face as he worked. Knots formed in my stomach while I watched this and I eventually had to walk around the room, close all the curtains, and turned on the room’s lights to cope with it. Everything had begun to become too hard to bear as my overwhelming sorrow started to convert to rage. 'This should have never have happened. There is so much harm to innocent ponies. So much senseless destruction,' I thought. I then put down my metal box and sat down on the floor. After that I just retracted my helm and held my face in my forehooves trying to fight back more anger. A few minutes later had past before Applejack managed to regained some of her composure. She then explained what had happened outside the townhall. The pegasi called “Fluttershy” and “Rainbow Dash” were in the intensive care unit. They both got hit from an exploding building while trying to save some animals. The only one of Twilight's friends that was seemingly unharmed was Pinkie Pie. But that was the only good news because Ponyville itself was in horrible shape and the Apple family’s apple orchard was mostly ruined. And while there were no casualties, almost everypony in town was hurt and the hospital was overloaded. I bit my lip and scrunched my eyes closed as my thoughts began to race in response to the news. And this continued until it stopped at two unpleasant solutions. 'They could work, but one of them would cost me a horrible price, the other…could be even worse,' I mentally concluded. However, I could not just stand idly by and watch all this injustice without doing something. It was not the pony I was, or the pony I ever wished to be. So the decision came easy. Needless to say just cleared my throat and said in a shaky voice, “I may be able to help with this hospital's injured ponies…and the Apple family orchard." I soon opened my eyes to see Twilight, Applejack and Spike staring at me. I then put my forehooves down, sucked in a deep breath, and stated, “I would need to travel to the Reaper Knight outpost outside of town. I require something very important to me.” And not but a second later Twilight quickly blurted out, “What are we waiting for?” I took another deep breath and said in reply, “I shall warn you, the path may be dangerous and my…methods…to fix the injuries and damages are…risky.” This however did little to assuage Twilight as she pleaded, “We have to try! This is my home and these are good ponies that have been hurt!” And in the end the decision was simple. For all I had to do was look into Twilight’s tear stained eyes before I said, “then we shall go.” Afterwards Twilight told Spike to watch over her injured friends as we were discharged from the hospital. We were then told by the front desk that both Princess Luna and Princess Celestia were paying for many of the hospital bills and supplies. In turn I had thanked them for the information before I pulled the cloak Twilight had on her up further. I then activated my helm as we walked out into the day. The Sun soon beat mercilessly down on us but I was somewhat overjoyed to discover that my new armor was blocking the worst of it. Twilight on the other hoof, was not faring so well. For when we were only half way to her library to retrieve my pack she collapsed, breathing heavily. I ultimately had to shut down my suppression field and carry both her and my metal box the rest of the way. But luckily after enduring only ten minutes of the miserable day's sunlight we had reached Twilight's library. In turn I opened the library door, set my metal box down by the fireplace, and re-activated my suppression field. I then set Twilight in the middle of the floor as I closed the window curtains and front door with my magic. Darkness soon covered the room and she quickly recovered. “What in Celestia’s name was that?!” she said trying to stand up while still breathing heavily. “That...that was something foolish on my part. I was hoping that the cloak would be enough. It seems it was not,” I stated while sighing. After a few moments she looked at me and said, “What are you talking about?” I retracted my helm and weakly grinned in response. “The sun is…unpleasant to us. We dwell in the night. The only reason we did not burst into flames is because I, and indirectly you, have some of Princess Celestia’s blood and power in us,” I stated. A heavy frown soon overtook Twilight's face after she fully recovered. And upon seeing this I lifted her chin with my left forehoof and looked into her eyes. “I am sorry for what I needed to do save your life. It was a last resort as I did not have any other option at the time,” I said. She gave me a weak smile in response and nodded. “We will wait until dusk before leaving. And I do hope we can get you your own suit of suppression armor while visiting the outpost. It should alleviate quite a bit of the sun’s harshness along with hopefully prevent...other problems,” I added. And while she had questioned me on this I merely stated that I will explain after we left. And so we waited for a few hours for dusk to arrive. I in turn grabbed my pack by the door and placed it on me. It mostly just contained flint and tinder, a map, and three enchanted two-liter blood filled cylinders. Said containers were specifically made to prevent the stored blood inside them from coagulating or turning foul. Almost every Reaper Knight or Night Guard had at least a few of them. But after a few minutes I reactivated my helm and nodded for us to start heading out. Our journey however started on an amusing but sour note after this though. Because right before I was able to get the door Twilight grabbed the door handle with her magic. My eyes quickly widened and I yelled, “PRINCESS WAIT!” moments before she tore the door right off its hinges. And small sigh soon followed as I shook my head. “Princess, you must be more careful. I was going tell you later but as you see your new vampiric body’s magic is more powerful than before,” I stated. Her expression went from shock to embarrassment as a result. She then groaned before grumbling out, “Well Spike isn’t going to be happy. He already had to repair it recently after Rainbow Dash tested out one of her tricks. Let me write him a note...” But shortly after Twilight wrote the note and stuck it to the door as we tried to partially put it back into place. I merely shook my head again at this and could not help but laugh as we started walking out of Ponyville. Silence then reigned for the better part of an hour before Twilight spoke up and asked, “Sooooo how long until we make it to the outpost?” “Hmm?" I replied somewhat lost in thought before I added, "Oh, it will take about twelve more hours. We will need to stop a little over half way to prevent you from collapsing from the sun." In response she began to look deep in concentration and said, “Why don’t we just teleport there? It’d be faster.” A cold shiver raced down my spine after she spoke. I then cringed and stated, “The last time I somehow managed to teleport somewhere, I ended up on the roof of my destination with my mane and body charred. I then proceeded to empty the contents of my stomach all over said roof. I prefer to walk…” She just giggled to herself in reply as I let out a nervous laugh. Afterwards I began focusing on clearing my mind again when she piped up, “Sooo…umm…nice night tonight.” The comment quickly broke my concentration before I replied, “Indeed it is, the cool air is soothing.” And it was quite obvious that she was attempting to make conversation. Because after only a few more seconds she began to speak again. “I’m...I'm sorry…for back at the hospital. I don’t know what came over me,” She said as she looked down at the road and blushed. I could not help but smile at this. “Do not worry. It was not exactly an unpleasant experience. Although, it is generally thought proper to ask somepony to dinner first,” I said before winking at her. And a hearty laugh soon came out of both of us. In turn this little banter truly broke the ice as it were as we continued to walk and converse about random topics afterwards. But eventually, as these things usually do, the conversation started to turn personal before she said, “So have you ever done…you know…with anypony else?” I Just grinned in response and thought, 'It appears somepony is curious about my personal life. I suppose I could indulge her.' And I was about to speak when I froze in place and held up my right forehoof to tell her to stop. My ears then perked up and my eyes became wide open as I scanned down the road. After this I slowly pulled Twilight’s assassin cloak's hood over her head with my magic. “I was wondering when they were going to show. Play along and talk to them. It will be hard for them to recognize you in the dark,” I whispered. I then quickly jumped behind the tree line next to the road. Twilight soon began looking at me with a nervous expression on her face. However I only pointed my left forehoof to my eyes, pointed at her, and then pointed down the road in front of her in reply. And luckily she got the message and faced forward. Afterwards a deep breath left my lips as I quietly slipped off my pack and got close to the ground. I then placed my front hooves over the jagged daggers at my sides in preparation. For not long after there was quiet snickering and laughing coming from down the road. And soon three ponies with glowing slited eyes and black assassin cloaks appeared and walked towards Twilight. I frowned in response and thought to myself, 'I dread when my paranoia is correct. They never send just one...' > Chapter 6: Friends in need: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The three assassins’ voice’s quieted down when they approached Twilight. The middle one then spoke out, “Hail Night Fang. I hope the deed is done?” Twilight just nodded in response. “Oh good, with that damn Reaper Knight outta the way capturing the princess will be easy,” the lead assassin stated with a laugh. “Our master will reward us handsomely for this,” he added while grinning. 'That is it Twilight, keep them talking,' I thought while I unclipped the daggers from my sides. I then quietly took the vials of anticoagulant and paralysis poison and carefully dribbled them over the edges of the blades. Afterwards I looked up to see the lead assassin appearing confused when Twilight remained silent. “Are you feeling alright Night Fang? You’re normally not this quiet. Wait! Night Fang doesn’t have a hor-,” he started to say before he was interrupted when Twilight angrily smashed both her front hooves into his face. Then as the lead assassin fumbled backwards I jumped out of the tree line, yelled “Surprise!”, and pointed my front hooves forward. The two side assassins only had enough time to turn to face me before each got a poison coated dagger thrown into their necks. They both fell like sacks of oats as a result, but their leader though managed to gather enough of his senses to turn and run. However he did not get far before I pointed my left hoof in front of him and focused my mind. My scythe then instantly materialized in front of him and clothes-lined him. He made a gagging noise as he was thrown on his back. He then started stumbling trying to get up when I began to focus my mind again. I then raised my left hoof into the air and slammed it into the ground. And in response my scythe rose up from my mental command and stapled the assassin’s right hind leg to the road. He immediately began shrieking in agony from his now stapled leg all while futilely attempting to free himself. I on the other hoof leisurely walked over to him, taking my time. For as I may have mentioned earlier, I am notoriously apathetic to those who are sent to kill me. But after I finished walking up to the struggling assassin I merely grinned and said in a calm voice, “Who sent you?” And to his credit he laughed and spat out, “I’m not telling you!” as Twilight walked up next to me. I in turn frowned, placed my left hoof on the back of my scythe, and slowly dug the blade further into his leg. His back quickly arched in pain before he mockingly said, “Is that the best you’ve got? My master will do worse if I speak.” Then without warning he quickly sat up and thrust a silver dagger at me. But in one smooth movement I smacked the blade out of his hoof and back-hoofed him to the ground again all while keeping the same frown on my face. I did however in all this sneak a glance over at Twilight only to see her glowing purple eyes were unflinchingly focused on him. An interesting sight to say the least as it truly seemed mortal wounds do wonders to make one more battle hardened. But regardless of all that I soon yanked his other dagger off of his belt with my magic and tossed it into the forest next to us. I then kept my voice as calm as I could and said, “Alright, I shall ask a different question. Why are you out here?” He chuckled and stated, “To do you in of course. Why else? Although, we did have some fun with a small family out here while we were waiting.” My eyes opened in shock from his statement but then quickly narrowed with rage. Then without the slightest hesitation I unconsciously formed the armor on my right foreleg into a spike and drove it into his left hind leg. His proceeding howl of pain swiftly turned to laughter as he said, “Aww did I strike a nerve?” I quickly lost my temper at this before I pulled my spike and scythe out of his legs. I then picked him up with my magic and slammed him up against a tree. A red haze started to cover my eyes as I pressed the pole of my weapon up to his neck, pinning him to the tree’s trunk. “How could you?!” I spoke balefully. He chuckled pushing his front legs against the pole of my scythe and said, “Quite easily, they didn't put up much of a fight. Oooh those young ones always taste so…nice.” He licked his lips until I crushed my scythe’s pole harder into his throat. I then glared at him burning with fury before I spat out, “YOU MONSTER! How could you corrupt our purpose?! We were meant to serve and protect! Not mutilate and destroy!” He started laughing again and then said, “Serve? You mean be a slave! We are so much better than those puny ponies. Why would I serve them when I could just drink from them?” In response I further crushed my scythe’s pole into his throat causing him to gag. And I let him do so for a few moments before I stared into his mocking eyes and said, “I would rather be a servant, than a monster." I then placed my front hooves on my scythe’s pole and crushed the life out of him. He in turn struggled for a few seconds before going limp. Afterwards I pulled scythe away and dropped it onto the ground. I then turned my head to face Twilight and said, “Please, turn away, I do not wish for you to see me do this.” And in reply she turned her head and closed her eyes. Then not a second later I tilted the assassin’s head, bared my fangs, and tore open his neck with my teeth. I then proceeded to rip off his cloak and armor with my magic. After this I picked up the silver dagger I swatted out of his hoof minutes before and made several precise deep cuts on his legs, stomach and chest. And finally I nailed him to the tree through his heart with the dagger before doing everything to the other two assassins as well. I then picked up my scythe and wrote the words “Justice be done” with one word under each of them in the ground as their life fluids pooled into the engraved letters. And I solemnly watched this for a few moments before I held my scythe in my front hooves and drained their remaining life force. I then put a shaky hoof on Twilight's shoulder and told her follow me. However, it did not take us long to find the assassins’ “fun”. The bodies of their victims were twisted, bitten, and stabbed. My will soon began to crack as a single red tear came out of my right eye. Unconsciously I picked up a rock with my magic and crushed it to pebbles and dust in a fool's attempt at staving off sorrow. Twilight on the other hoof soon broke down and began to openly weep for them. However I could not let myself break, at least not yet. For these poor souls deserved a proper burial. And so in grim fortitude I picked up the bodies with my magic and placed the young colt and filly between the two adults. I then moved them so the two young ones were being held by their parents. The resulting sight of this caused my will to start to crumble further but I still held together. Then over the next several hours me and Twilight constructed a cairn over the deceased family. And when it was complete I placed my left forehoof on the cairn, closed my eyes, and said “Rest in peace, for you have been avenged.” A small surge of energy flowed out and swiftly dissipated in response. Afterwards I unsummoned my scythe, gathered my pack, and located a small cave in the forest for us to wait out the day. I then dragged in a fallen tree to sit on. In turn we both sat down, I lowered my helm, and put my face into my shaking front hooves. But as the red haze in my eyes drained away my will finally shattered and I cried like a pathetic little foal. This horrid episode lasted for the better part an hour and was filled to the brim with mental pain and flashbacks. But after a while my mind began to calm enough to feel Twilight leaning on me with her left wing wrapped around my back. And while small in gesture this minor comfort did however allow me to master myself enough to speak. “Since we are going to be here until dusk I will tell you about myself. For you have the right to know who is protecting you,” I said, my voice sounding ragged, but I continued, “When I was but a foal, my village was attacked by a group of rogue vampires. They destroyed everything and killed everypony, save but me and one other foal.” I then took a deep breath and said, “We were saved by another group of vampire guardians from a village next to ours.” I closed my eyes afterwards trying to be remember before I stated, “My adoptive father found us, two orphans from two different families. His name was Darkhoof. He was an unusual tan unicorn with a knack for raising cattle. He did not know much about raising foals however, but he did his best,” I then opened my eyes, smiled, and looked at Twilight. “He named me ‘Blood Moon’ in reference to the red full moon on the night he found me. He named the other foal ‘Pure Blood’ after which I can only guess was a lost love of his,” I said before I took another deep breath and continued, “We found out later that he was one of those vampire guardians.” And after a few seconds I smiled again and said, “He was strict, but fair. He took in any lost soul that had a strong back and was a hard worker. As long as nopony got hurt and the work got done, he did not care. He was a beacon of hope for many and most of us looked up to him,” I chucked slightly before adding, “I have a feeling your friend Applejack would have loved to meet him and swap farming methods,” Twilight wiped the remaining tears from her eyes and smiled at me. I then wrapped my right leg around her back and said, “I eventually chose to be turned by him so I could better protect my village. That happened only a few months before my village was attacked by the solar channalers.” In turn that last point made me go silent for a few moments before I shook my head and stated, “That last part was originally the cause of my nightmares and the reason I had to be anchored at night. My first true love, Pure Blood, was killed by the same monster that impaled you.” Twilight rubbed the scar on her stomach and frowned in response. And upon noticing this I decided to lighten the mood a bit if you will so I merely wore a sly grin and said, “Also to answer your question from earlier, two.” Twilight’s eyes looked puzzled for a second or two in response before she tilted her head and inquired, “What do you mean two? Two what?” I chuckled at this and said, “How many others have I done a certain 'activity' with,” before Twilight quickly blushed and giggled slightly. I rolled my eyes in reply before I said, “The first was Pure Blood. She had gotten badly injured and I was forced to turn her or she would have died. She did pretty much the same thing you did to me at the hospital. However, I tried to push her away at first. This though resulted in her sub-conscious becoming enraged and she proceeded to bite down hard on my left shoulder,” I chuckled again and added, “That little devil of a mare adamantly refused to let go until I gave her what she wanted. Although as one could imagine it was extremely difficult to become aroused when you have a pair of fangs dug nearly gum deep in you.” Twilight soon smiled and blushed again. But regardless of this I shook my head again and said, “the second was more…interesting,” as Twilight seemed to hang on every word. However when I did not continue she moved her face closer to mine and said, “Well, who was it? You've gotten this far, don’t leave out the details!” I merely grinned awkwardly in reply and stated, “Do you really wish to know?” She smiled and nodded. I laughed in response and said, “Alright, just note I did warned you, it was Princess Luna herself.” Twilight’s mouth soon dropped wide open after I spoke but she remained silent afterwards. However wanting to get it over with if you will I continued but not before I developed a twitch in my right eye as the memories from that day flooded my mind. “Well...it all started when I first joined the Reaper Knights after Princess Luna’s return. As I was already a royal guard at the time it was simple to be transferred due of my…uneasiness…of working with the solar channelers. Then shortly afterwards a certain somepony thought it was a wise idea to transplant a tiny mint plant into one of the small royal herb gardens,” I stated. I then grinned and continued, “Well unfortunately for this somepony, that little mint plant spread like wildfire. And because I was the only one who regularly consumed said mint, it was trivial for them to hoof the offender." I then put my face into my hooves, shook my head, and added, “The royal chefs were furious. And in turn this lead me to being ordered by Princess Luna herself to remove the mint. However this simple task proved to be quite difficult because even after two long years of research and experimentation the mint still refused to go. And by Tartarus I even resorted to ripping it out with my bare hooves. Eventually after two years of nearly constant complaints from the chefs, Princess Luna understandably had enough and barged in on me while I was in my alchemy lab.” I then lifted my head, leaned back against the wall of the cave, and stared at the ceiling with an uncomfortable look on my face. “It was a long day and as a Reaper Knight the dreaded mint plant was nowhere near my only task. So as most horrid situations begin she started using her Canterlot voice on me and I lost it. I then armored up in some sort of mental defense and we ended up getting into a shouting match. Her two accompanying Night Guards however ended up being the wisest ones in all this. For they slowly backed out of the lab and closed the doors,” I stated narrowing my eyes at the ceiling. Afterwards I began to nervously laugh then looked at Twilight and stated, “As you can imagine, yelling back at Princess Luna is a rather...foolish...idea. And whatever calm she possessed at the time was quickly abandoned when she forcefully picked me up with her magic and threw me over the length of my alchemy table. She then began slamming me into almost everything in the room all while yelling something about insubordination and disrespect.” I soon closed my eyes again and put my face back in my hooves. But after a few moments I chuckled and said, “She then proceeded to pin me up against one of the walls with her front legs and lifted me off my hooves before finally tearing off my helm with her magic. And at this point I figured she was just going to rip me to pieces anyway so I just glared defiantly at her. This however resulted in her burning blue eyes turning from having round pupils to slits as the glamour she normally wore broke. With the delightful addition of her long fangs appearing while we she kept leering back at me.” I then sat up and stared at the cave wall in front of me before I narrowed my eyes and stated, “However, what happened next was something I did not expect. For her burning eyes for whatever reason lowered slightly and began gazing at a tickle of blood running down my left cheek. She then moved closer to my face and licked the blood up,” I then leaned forward trying to focus on the memory before continuing, “It seemed to set something off in her. Her body started to shake for some strange reason before she closed her eyes and began passionately kissing me. She then went on to tear off most of my armor to get to the rest of well…me." And after stating this the twitch in my right eye quickly became worse. My face soon began to scrunch with discomfort. “She had her way with me for two…long…hours. And her fangs…by the moon…her fangs. I lost track of how many times she bit me,” I stated and leaned my head to the left to show Twilight the rows of scars on my neck. “She ended up snapping several of my bones like twigs. I also had countless bruises and cuts all over me from her roughness. I even had to resort to using my life force magic to prevent myself from bleeding to death,” I said while I crossed my front legs over my chest, cringing. But after a few seconds I shook my head again and stated, “Eventually when she returned to her normal self she became horrified when she looked upon what she had done to me. I even believe she kept apologizing over and over again, however, I was just barely clinging to consciousness at the time so take that for what you will. I do though remember her propping me up on her lap before she pressed her right foreleg against my fangs. It was also the first time I tasted her blood when she was trying to help me heal.” And I could not help but smile as I remembered the taste. Then after a minute or so my face had brightened before I said, “She held me the entire time while I was piecing myself back together again. And all while she began to explain that she had an awful amount of pent up 'tension' from her thousand year banishment. This in turn caused her to snap at everypony on a regular basis and most would cower away from her as a result. But in stark contrast my open defiance of her authority aroused her to the point where she could no longer take it anymore. And while not exactly the most delightful experience she at least seemed to be in a better mood from that point on.” Silence then reigned for a few seconds before I looked into Twilight’s eyes, began to laugh, and stated, “However in all this the truly ironic twists were these. First, our little 'encounter' ended up destroying all of my two year mint research. Thus all but ensuring that plant was never going anywhere. Secondly, this very same mint plant became a popular tea flavor for the royal family. And lastly, I got the nickname ‘Sir breaksalot’ from the other forgers as I was the only one to somehow completely destroy my own armor from some ‘unknown’ reason.” I then pulled Twilight closer and said, “But anyway, no doubt we require some rest. A few hours sleep should do us some good,” before we both closed our eyes and she fell asleep on my lap as the sweet darkness took me. And while my dreams were far from easy from the recent trauma, my tormenting nightmares at least from all those years passed were gone forever. Eventually I awoke sometime later when the sun was beginning to set. And admittedly it was peaceful in this cave. There was very little noise other than the wind blowing. I in turn looked down at Twilight on my lap and brushed her mane away from her face with my right forehoof. I then gently nudged her in the shoulder and said, “Come on princess, it is time we get moving.” She merely rolled over in response before mumbling out, “Not now Spike…Princess Cadence wants me to re-organize the Crystal Empire’s library. Princess Celestia, what are you doing here? Why are you covered in vanilla ice cream?” I just rolled my eyes at this before I shook her more and spoke louder, “Princess, it is time to get up.” Her eyes snapped opened instantly and she panicked. “AHH where am I!? Who are you?! What’s going on!?” she said in quick succession. I smiled at her reaction and then stated, “It is me, remember? We are currently trying to get to the Reaper Knight outpost to help your friends.” She then quickly gathered her wits, rubbed her face with the back of her right forehoof, and said, “Oh...right,” as her stomach started to rumble. “Hungry I see," I said before chuckling and adding, "Good thing I brought some blood cylinders with me,” as I took them out of my pack, opened one, and floated it over to her with my magic. But as she sat up and tried to drink from the cylinder, she kept hesitating. She then whimpered and said, “I can’t do this.” And I admit drinking blood was one of the first hard tasks of being newly turned. Yes it does become natural to us after a while but it takes time for the proper cravings to take hold. In turn Twilight just ended up closing the cylinder with it still full before again stating, “I can’t do this.” I frowned in response and said, “Princess you must drink. You need your strength.” But she just pouted and looked at me in reply. And in slight amusement, I had never thought a vampire could pull off a pouting look, but here we were. In turn I sighed and laid her down on my lap. I then lowered the armor on my right foreleg, opened her mouth slightly, and pressed my leg into her fangs. Soon after two thin streams of my blood poured into her mouth. To which she closed her eyes and began to lap at the wound. Then after around two minutes I stopped when I became moderately light-headed and force healed the bite wound. This however made me become so hungry that I ended up drinking both of our cylinders instead of just mine. After that we got up and I placed the cylinders back into my pack. I then fully armored up as we walked out of the cave and back onto the road. There waiting for us were three piles of ash where the slain assassins were. To which I stopped for only a moment to look upon them with a malicious grin behind my helm. I then let out a cold laugh as we continued walking. After a while we made it to the outpost with no more mishaps. The guards at the gate saluted me and opened the doors. It was not a large building, but enough to protect the surrounding area. We then made our way to the small alchemy lab and found what I looking for. I just smiled and stated, “Ahh there you are. Did you miss me?” as I lifted my leather and dark iron bound tome. For inside were all of the spells, incantations, and alchemy circles I have researched and studied over my long life. And upon discovering what I was holding Twilight disregarded everything in the lab when I picked up the ten centimeter thick book. Her eyes soon widened with interest and delight before she said, “What book is that?” I merely grinned and stated, “This is my Book of Shadows. It is what I came here to get. If I am correct, there are two particular alchemy circles in here that should help your friends. And while I know you would love to read this. We are however, short on time and we need to return to your friends,” Twilight looked disappointed in response, but frowned and nodded in agreement. And we were just about to leave when I noticed something was next to my book. For there sat a familiar looking black metal ring. Further inspection of this revealed that this ring seemed to be socketed with a six-pointed cut amethyst. But regardless of that what was most curious of all was the note I found attached to it. And it read as follows, “So I hear ya had to turn yer fillyfriend. I swear yer a magnet for trouble heh heh heh. Here’s a specially made model of the new armor fer her. Hopefully ya can git this to her before she yanks a door off its hinges, Regards, Black Hammer.” I shook my head after I rolled up the note and thought, 'Well Black Hammer, it seems we were a bit late for that last part.' But regardless I picked up the ring, separated it, and told Twilight to come over to me. I then pulled off her cloak and stated, “Do not be afraid, it may seem a bit odd as first. However, it will help you to contain your new powers." She in turn gulped before I slipped the ring around her neck and snapped it back together. I then said, “I will have to teach you the proper commands later. But for now I will activate it for you.” After this I took a deep breath and touched the amethyst with my horn before speaking in my mind, 'Suppression armor, activate.' And in an instant the dark iron fluid flowed out over Twilight and shaped itself into plates. However curiosity soon struck again when the armor eventually formed a tiara behind her horn with another six-pointed cut amethyst sparkling in the middle of it. And I do say that it all looked both charming and fitting to say the least. As such I smiled at the newly armored Twilight and stated, “There, that should keep you safer.” Then again we rested as we waited until dusk before heading out again. We even managed to made our way back to the cave from before to wait out the day again. However this time I was able to tackle a medium sized deer along the way and filled my enchanted cylinders with its blood. But as one could figure Twilight again was unable to drink like last time and I was forced to have her feed off of me. In turn this fact was becoming bewildering as I was beginning to feel like a walking entree and mentally noted to wean her off my blood sometime in the near future. This point was only enhanced by the observation that the feeling of her feeding off me was starting become strangely pleasurable. But at last and with great luck I might add we managed to make it back to the Ponyville with little trouble. We then walked through the front doors of the hospital and made it to Applejack and Rarity’s room. Spike was found asleep on one of the chairs by the door. Even Rarity was only partially responsive in her body cast. In fact the only one not still sleeping was Applejack whom was sitting up reading a book on medical procedures, specifically leg surgery. Twilight happily trotted over after noticing this and hugged Applejack before saying, “We made it back. I hope what Blood Moon has in mind will help.” Applejack just gave a pained smile in return before replying with, “Me too sugar cube, me too," as fresh tears began to well in her eyes. > Chapter 7: Alchemical Insanity: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I cleared off a large area on the floor in the middle of the hospital room. After that I used my magic to close all the curtains and turn on the lights. This was mainly to remove the light of the early morning sun to better enhance my concentration. For soon with practiced repetition I lowered the armor on my left foreleg and bit down with one fang just above my hoof. Then, while lifting my Book of Shadows, I let a single drop of my blood hit its seal. The result of such caused the square seal itself to starting glowing bright red around its border before it lifted up a centimeter and began to turn clockwise. It then clicked four separate times right before my tome popped open. Afterwards I used my magic to flip through the pages until I found the one I required. I then let my blood drip onto the floor as I walked and made a crude two meter and three meter diameter circle next to each other. Next my horn soon glowed red as I focused my magic and formed the blood into perfect dual rings for each circle. After which I proceeded to drip more blood on the ground and used my magic yet again to form complex arcane symbols on both circles. Then after such task was done my eyes and horn soon flared with light blue as I focused some of my stored life force and healed my leg. A deep breath then left my lips right after before I looked at Applejack and stated, “This incantation is what I dubbed ‘The Martyr Circles’. And while this little spell will heal you I must give you prior warning. For the process of using this shall be greatly...painful.” She frowned in reply but remained resolute before she said, “Ah don’t care how painful it is. Ah ain’t nothing if ah can’t buck apples trees.” And that was that I suppose before I lifted her out of bed and placed her in the center of the three meter diameter circle. I then walked over and stood on my hind legs in the smaller circle facing her while I summoned my scythe and re-armored my right foreleg. My body soon tensed as I held my weapon in my forehooves and spoke in my mind ‘Suppression armor, suppression field shutdown, activate statue mode.’ And in response my armor quickly hardened around me freezing most of my body in place. However just as I was about to start Twilight cleared her throat and inquired, “Blood Moon, why is this called ‘The Martyr Circles?’” I sighed from the question but stated, “Because of what I need to do to heal her. She is neither a vampire nor a lycan and as such her body cannot be...persuaded...to heal fast. So in turn injecting life force into her would do little good. As a result of this the injuries must be instead transferred to somepony who does have the power and ability to heal fast. That would be me at the moment.” Twilight looked puzzled from my statements for a few seconds before she replied with, “You’d do that for her? Not to be rude, but why? You barely know her.” I could not help but smile from behind my helm from this. “She is injured and it is within my power to heal her. What more reason do I require?” I said in a kind tone. And so satisfied with my response Twilight nodded, smiled and stepped back. Afterwards, I told her to put some cloth in Applejack’s mouth to bite down on while I worked. I then took a deep breath and stated, “Are you ready Applejack?” To which she merely gulped and nodded before I closed my eyes and raised my power. And in response my scythe’s blade lit up with light blue flames. Then when I opened my eyes, they and my horn were lit with the same flames as my scythe. In turn my stored life force flowed into my circle first before it glowed with light blue light and began to rotate clockwise. I then took another deep breath and funneled power into Applejack’s circle. Soon her circle began to rotate counter-clockwise and almost immediately her eyes slammed shut in pain. Her back then arched as her body started to shake. Next light blue energy began to surge from her, arced to me, and then back again. And while I knew what was going to happen I still yelped in pain as the energy flowed over me and shattered my hind legs. Then not a second later I gritted my teeth together as I felt several of my ribs crack and break before a small gash formed on my side. And I admit while the pain became as horrifying as I remembered it, I did indeed persevere in keeping my focus. Applejack however was having a worse time then I was though. For I was used to broken bones and the such but she was not. In turn, through watering eyes, I saw her body uncontrollably thrash around as her injuries transferred to me. And I could almost swear I heard her bones and flesh knit back together. But after a few minutes of this nightmare I eventually felt no more transference and I soon stopped the flow of power. And so after the deed was done I focused some of my stored life force and sped up my natural vampiric healing. This in turn caused my own bones and flesh to mend back together, but at the price of more horrid pain. An unpleasant situation to be sure but at least it did not last long. This is turn brings us back to Applejack who was still lying in her circle breathing heavily. Sweat had continued to drip off of her as she slowly opened her eyes. She then spit the cloth out of her mouth before gingerly moving her hind legs one at a time. But soon renew tears began flowing from her eyes as she began to let out a mixture of hysterical laughing and deep crying. She then sat up, tore off her bandages and casts, and stood up. After which she started jumping around the room a few times before she yanked open one of window curtains and proceeded to buck her breakfast tray clear out the open window. However this unfortunately caused the tray to sail through the open air and smack into a strange gray furred, yellow maned, walled eyed pegasus. In turn this resulted in the poor pegasus’s flight path to be abruptly altered before she crashed into a pile of hay outside the hospital. And while she remained unabated in her joy, Applejack did at least lean out the open window and yell, “Sorry Derpy!” before she continued jumping around room all while still laughing and crying. Twilight on the other hoof just stood there shocked with her mouth agape. She then stuttered and said, “h-h-hooow'd you do that?!” A pained grin crawled up my face in response before I shut down my armor’s statue mode and sat down. I then gave a ragged chuckle and stated, “I have been working with alchemy circles well before I was a vampire. My colthood lover Pure Blood was quite accident prone. As such I used to use my abilities to store and focus life force and my affinity for blood magic to partially take some of her injuries. This was merely the culmination of years of practice to the point I could take them all.” Then without warning Applejack jumped next to me, heartily hugged me, and stated, “Ya get all the free cider ya want fer life!” My body quickly ached from the crushing embrace, but I just accepted it with a sigh before I said, “Princess, can you please consult the hospital staff. If I am to heal all of this hospital's patients then I shall require more blood.” She in turn smiled and trotted out the door. And after that I closed my eyes for moment before opening them again and then glanced over at Rarity. To which a small grin crept up my face before I stated, “Next patient…” Now being that my body was quite sore I had Applejack attempt to retrieve Rarity in my stead. However to do this she required a small amount of help from a certain sleeping dragon. And while I was amused at her attempts at waking Spike I did have to admit that it was impressive that he somehow managed to sleep through all the commotion. But he stumbled out of his chair completely dumbfounded that she was walking. To which he fumbled out, "What...huh...how are you..." in some vague attempt at making sense of what he was seeing. But regardless she just waved a hoof in the general direct of me and the circles on the floor before she snickered out, "You'll find out in a minute. Now please give me a claw with Rarity." Rarity however unlike Spike had indeed woken from all the horrid noises me and Applejack were making a few minutes prior. And though she looked thoroughly bewildered she did not put up much of a protest as Applejack and Spike placed her in the larger circle on the floor. This in turn, as with Applejack, lead me to ask her if she would like to be healed. Her response to the this was a few muffled syllables and a hesitant nod, but she did ultimately agree. And so with that I froze my armor and worked my magic again. Needless to say my efforts is did not go unnoticed. For once the hospital staff and patients knew what I was doing, I began to gain a growing audience. Or should I say a growing list of potential aid seekers. Though luckily with the assistance of the hospital staff and especially Twilight I was able to start with the ponies with critical conditions first before working my way down to the less severe. In turn I was healing ponies for the better part of a week and barely slept during this period. For one at a time I took their pain and hurt onto myself. And the only factor keeping me going was my unyielding will to correct the wrongs that had been done. And while noble I suppose in my acts they did however have a foreseeable negative in that my body was burning through blood faster than it ever had before. For I was pushing myself and my vampiric healing to their limits and it was draining me dry. Luckily though many of those already healed were more than willing to donate even after they knew I was drinking it. But eventually I had finally made my way through all the patents before my fatigue caught up with me. In fact I had just barely managed to break my circles and reseal my book before my vision began to blur. Then using the last ounce of focus I had, I unsummoned my scythe right before I collapsed from exhaustion. An unknown amount of time had seemed to have passed before I awoke painfully stiff. My body felt as if I had been thrown off a cliff only to be dragged back up and tossed a second time. A low groan soon left my lips before I opened my eyes to find myself in a hospital bed. And while this would not be too strange given my current location, what was however, was being completely surrounded by a good section of the ponies I believe I had healed. In turn I just laid there somewhat confused and bewildered as they all continued to stare at me in what seemed like amazement. In fact their expressions only changed when they all got relieved looks on their faces after I had sat up. Then in an attempt at trying my luck further I slowly lowered my helm. And to my now amazement none of them got even the slightest bit nervous. Even after seeing my glowing red slitted eyes or fangs when I yawned. To say this situation was foreign to me would have been a gross understatement. For my kind were usually feared, hated, or both by the general populace, and here all these ponies were just looking at me with interest. ‘Well Princess Luna, you always lamented that your forces needed to have better public relations…’ I thought to myself. Thankfully not too long after this I was soon relieved when Twilight cleared out the room. Though not before several of the ponies gave their personal thanks for healing them or a family member. And additionally, to my grand annoyance, some of them had kept trying to touch my fangs or stare at my red glowing eyes while they left. But eventually the only ones that were left in the room were Twilight and her friends who also thanked me again and again for helping them. I merely raised my left forehoof in response before I stated, “You are all quite welcome. Though please save your full gratitude until after I have restored Sweet Apple Acres to its former glory.” Then after a few more groans I dragged myself out of my hospital bed, activated my helm, and re-activated my suppression field. I then stumbled around in place for a few seconds while I tried to get my balance back. For my body was still horribly tired, stiff, and hurt all over. But after taking several deep breaths I steadied myself before I grabbed my tome. We then all walked out of the hospital room before shutting the door. Afterwards we all began walking down the long hallway of the hospital in somewhat silence. In fact the only thing that broke it was the occasional doctor or nurse making some sort of gasp noise when they saw me. Not out of fear mind you, but more out of sheer amazement, given I overheard them, about me still being able to breathe let alone move on my own. Though I admit the "moving on my own" part was a difficulty as my body kept protesting as I tried to keep my balance stable. However balance issues aside I soon had more pressing matters to attend to. For when we were just about to exit the hospital I quickly heard a large group of voices emanating from the direction of the hospital's outermost doors. And upon hearing this the strong desire for a dark quiet room with a cup of mint tea became overwhelming. For as to my dismay, I appeared to have become a bit of a celebrity in Ponyville. Now I understand that when you heal most of the town's residence, you tend to get noticed. What I did not expect however was having to wade through a sea of overly interested ponies. For it took what seemed like an eternity to move from the hospital to the sanctuary of Twilight’s library. In fact even after we all rushed inside, Twilight and her friends had to forcibly close the door and bar it. Though this did little to dissuade the endless tide of questions and requests that flowed from behind it but at least they could not get to me. And while I was still quite shaken I did have enough focus to politely ask Spike put a kettle of water over the fireplace. But this was extent of my mental capacity before my head began to throb. In turn merely I placed my tome next me and sat in the middle of floor while I lowered my helm. I then closed my eyes for a moment and began to rub my temples with my forehooves. My actions however did not go unnoticed as Applejack soon said in a concerned tone, “Ya alright, sugar cube?” I sighed in response before I stated, “I…apologize…I am unfamiliar with dealing with large crowds. I am a far greater introvert than I am a public relations expert. ” “an intro-what?” she replied, looking confused. Twilight giggled at this and stated, “It’s a personality trait. It means he prefers solitude and gets mentally drained when around big groups of ponies. I’m often very much like him.” She smiled and her friends all nodded except for Rainbow Dash. No, she on the other hoof, just huffed and muttered, “Oh great...another egghead…” Twilight leered at her in response to which she additionally fumbled out, “I mean great! Another egghead to help us out!” It however did little to quell Twilight's ire as her eyes continued to narrow. I merely laughed at that little interaction and told Twilight to calm down. “Do not worry, I know all about little miss rainboom, the incurable attention sponge,” I stated with a mocking tone. Everypony then laughed except Rainbow Dash who huffed again, sat down, and crossed her front legs over her chest. But after we all calmed down I added, “However, you are also known to be one of the fastest pegasi in Equestria. If you are polite, I may even request for Princess Luna to put in a good word for you with the Wonderbolts,” and winked at her. Her eyes soon lit up like small suns at what I had said. “Oh my gosh! You can do that?!” she sputtered out and started flying around the room. However, my amusement of such was short lived when my facial expression slowly turned from mild happiness to somber worry. This time it was Twilight who became aware of my mood. “Is something wrong, Blood Moon?” she inquired. I pursed my lips for a few seconds in reply before speaking. “Yes, it is my solution for Sweet Apple Acres. The method I have in mind has been barely tested. Almost nopony has been foolish enough to even entertain the thought of it. Well nopony except me. Regardless though I had created it many years ago as an emergency option to try and rejuvenate crops,” I paused for a moment to focus and continued, “The amount of good it can achieve would be awe inspiring, but it is also dangerous. I would need the help of both Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. It will also require several materials and nine other ponies’ help not including the aid I will also need from you, princess.” I then took a deep breath and said, “But ultimately the decision to go forward with this does not rest on my shoulders.” To which I glanced over at Applejack and added, “The choice is yours, Applejack. I will not commit to anything without you and your family’s blessing.” A look of deep worry and sorrow spread across Applejack face in reply to my statements. She then took off her cowpony hat, held it in her forehooves, sat down, and stared at the floor for a minute. Then not but a second later she looked me square in the eyes and I could see the despair behind them. A single tear soon came out of her right eye before she said, “The reports from mah brother and sister weren't good. Most of the trees are damaged and ah doubt many of them will last through the next winter. The ones that do make it…may never grow apples again.” More tears welled in her eyes before she added, “Ah have seen firsthoof what miracles you can somehow pull off. Fer mah family and our livelihoods, can ya do this? Can ya truly fix this?” Her words shook me to my core. For I have unfortunately heard variants of them countless times and it never got easier to endure. But stars be damned if I was going to let such a misdeed go uncorrected. In turn I looked unwaveringly into her eyes and said, “If I can get this to work, then absolutely.” Then with apparent renewed hope Applejack placed her hat back on her head, wiped the tears from her eyes, and said, “Then what are we doin’ sittin’ around then?” I in turn smiled at her and then turned to Spike. “Spike, please write a letter requesting an audience with both Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. We leave for Canterlot tomorrow at dusk,” I said. After which Twilight and her friends all cheered in unison as a knot formed in my stomach. Dusk eventually came quicker than I had hoped and rest never found me. A small groan left my lips before I threw on my pack and placed my tome inside it. I then drank the rest of my mint tea I brewed while waiting. The others, on the other hoof, helped Twilight pack a map of Canterlot, some parchment, an inkwell, and a few quills. We then unbarred the door, slowly opened it, and looked out in all directions. Then as per my earlier instructions while we were waiting for dusk, Twilight quietly trotted off to the train station for tickets. Twilight’s friends then all skulked out to their respective residences for any supplies they needed. Me however, I just fully armored up and waited with bated breath for them to return. But luckily before long they all returned with their own packs. I then took a deep breath and opened the door to the outside again. And again upon my request Twilight and her friends went first before they looked in every direction. Then after a few seconds they all in turn looked at me and nodded. Nervousness soon plagued me heavily as I walked outside the library and closed the door. For Ponyville was quiet, too quiet than it probably should have been. Like the air of suspense had frightened anything with even a modicum of sense away. However I just had to swallow that thought as we started our journey to the train station. And to our credit we actually made it about half way unnoticed before we heard what I was dreading. A horde of flashlights quickly beamed down from several of the nearest houses. This was then followed by a cacophony of random voices yelled into the night, “THERE HE IS! I WANT HIS AUTOGRAPH! I WANT TO TOUCH HIS FANGS! I WANT TO SEE HIS EYES!” My eyes snapped wide open in pure terror in reply before I yelled, “DEAR SWEET LUNA RUN!” Then in panicked haste we galloped as fast as our legs could take us. I even had to throw Spike on my back to prevent leaving him behind in the chaos. But luckily fortune had favored us when we made it to the train station just as the train was starting to board. As such we all, in rapid succession, jabbed our tickets at the conductor and jumped into a train car. To which was promptly proceeded by slamming all the doors shut before we locked and barred them. I then sat in the middle of the car as I saw swarms of ponies surround us from all angles outside. My body soon started to shake as I kept looking around at the windows. After which A nervous laugh left my lips as I whimpered out, “By the moon, I am almost starting to wonder if being hated and/or feared was the better option.” Rarity just winked at me before she laughed and stated, “That’s the adoring public for you, darling.” Rainbow Dash however merely groaned, “But why can’t that be MY adoring public.” And while I could have made all sorts of retorts to her comment I just resigned myself to shaking and observing my current companions' reactions to our situation. As such Pinkie Pie and Spike were giggling and making funny faces back at the ponies outside the train car. Fluttershy, on the other hoof, was cowering under the covers of one of the train car beds. Applejack was pointing and laughing at the ponies outside all while saying, “Ha, ya got to git up pretty early in the mornin’ to outfox us.” Rarity just kept striking amusing poses at the onlookers. Rainbow Dash continued to mope. And lastly Twilight in turn walked over to me, smiled, shook her head, and wrapped one of her wings around my back. Then when train jerked a bit and started to move I took a relieved sigh and said, “Finally...” After that everypony but Twilight and I retired for the night. As such I simply sat resting my head on my left hoof in one of the table booths and stared out the window at the stars. Twilight soon walked over and sat in booth chair on the other side of my table. A small side glance showed that she was frowning and looked deep in thought. Then after a few seconds her glowing purple eyes looked at me as she whispered, “What’s the plan you have in mind to fix Sweet Apple Acres?” I took a deep breath through my nose in response. I knew that she would be worried about what was to be done. But to her credit her gaze never wavered as she stared unblinking. In turn I sat up straighter, looked into her eyes, and whispered, “It is another alchemy circle of mine. Though it is significantly more complex than my healing one. However, I had never actually used it on this grand of a scale. As such this is the reason I need the help of several ponies and you princesses.” She bit her lip after I spoke and looked like she was trying to come up with something to say. Upon noticing this I whispered to her, “I will explain more when we meet with Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. It will be hard to show you my work in the dark,” and set my forehooves on hers and smiled. “Do not worry, one way or the other I will find a way to aid your friend, princess,” I whispered again. Then without another word I got up and walked over to the other side of the train car. And thankfully there was a curtain to separate us from Twilight’s friends. As such I pulled the curtain closed and tried my best to find whatever I could to cover all the windows. Then over the next hour I showed Twilight a few ways to control her armor. I even gave her access to my armor’s master override in case she needed it. But soon we both retracted our armors and yawned. She then got into her bed before I covered her. I, on the other hoof, just dragged my tired, aching body over to my own bed and gracelessly slid under the sheets. Then with a final word I stated, “Good night, princess” as sleep began to take me. However right before I lost consciousness, I heard Twilight get out of her bed and walk over to mine. She then slipped under the covers and snuggled up close to my chest. And in a thoroughly groggy voice I said, “Is something wrong, princess?” She merely snuggled closer and whispered, “I was cold, and please call me Twilight, Blood Moon," before I wrapped my front legs around her and she fell asleep in mere moments. A small smile crept up my face upon seeing this. “Good night, Twilight,” I whispered before darkness took me and I began to sleep with the same warm smile on my face. > Chapter 8: Alchemical Insanity: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up groggy as the train came to a stop. And while my vision was blurry, I at least noticed that my makeshift efforts at covering the windows were doing their job. For only a few stray sunbeams had managed come into the closed off space in the train car. A pleasant observation for once, but regardless I soon rubbed my eyes with back of my right forehoof and yawned. Then after my vision cleared I noticed Twilight was still sleeping. However what I also noticed was that she had and continued to partially drool all over the front of my chest. A small awkward smile crawled up my face at the sight of this. And while I would have liked to leave her in such a state my right shoulder truly needed a stretch. So in turn I had attempted to shift in place but it appeared that she was having none of such movements. Because every time I tried to relocate myself she would just hug me closer thus foiling my efforts. Eventually I just let out a quiet groan of defeat and laid back down to clear my mind instead. Then after a few minutes of this I started to hear voices coming from the other side of the train car. My ears soon perked up to listen, but I could seem not make out any words. ‘It seems Twilight’s friends are up and about,’ I thought and attempted to focus my hearing further. But the only thing I managed to decipher was the sound of hooves moving closer to us. This however turned out to be quite unfortunate for us for mere moments later I heard an obnoxious, “WAKEY WAKEY MILK ‘N CAKEY!” before the curtain that separated the train car was quickly pulled aside. I instantly let out an involuntary high pitched ear-splitting shriek in reply before I pulled the bed covers over me and Twilight. “What’s going on?!” Twilight blurted out having quickly snapped awake under the covers I just grumbled before I said, “Pinkie Pie had pulled open the room separating curtain and flooded our space with sunlight…” I then rubbed my eyes and activated my armor while Twilight did the same. Afterwards we both took a deep breath before I pulled the blanket off of us. Then in no time at all the sunlight from before slammed into us again and it felt as if somepony had placed a block of lead on my back. And from what I could see through my squinting eyes Twilight did not seem to be fairing any better. But after a few more groans we managed to gain the motivation required to drag ourselves out of bed. Though soon to add the unpleasantness Applejack grinned when she saw us. “Aww the snugglebugs are still tired, heh heh heh,” she said and let out a low chuckle. Twilight merely glared at her in reply which only served to make Applejack chuckle harder while she continued packing up her possessions. But this was all I could seem to see as the the light in the room was burning my eyes. I even had to put my left foreleg over them to alleviate it. For it took me ages for my vision to adjust before I could ever dream of attempting to put on my pack. I even had to shut down my armor’s suppression field to move properly with the increased feeling of weight. However I soon realized that such things were only minor compared to what happened next. For when we departed the train car, the sunlight and feeling of added weight seemed to increase ten fold. And to say our state at the time was pathetic would have been a grand understatement. But at least with Celestia’s blood in me and Twilight we did not ignite like many others of our kind would have. And though complaining rarely helped anypony I could not help but snarl out, “I really wish we were not in a hurry so we could wait for dusk again. This is horribly unpleasant.” I was however soon told by Applejack to, as she put it, "Quit my belly achin'" and that the faster I moved the faster I could get out of the sun. This off hoof comment probably could have warranted a retort of some type but I was just not up for such a task. Needless to say it took us the better part of several hours to reach the royal palace. This was mainly due to us being slowed down by Twilight and I needing to rest in some shade every half hour to prevent us from collapsing. And while our condition was not that unusual given the stories I have heard, what was odd during this was Spike kept insisting on sitting between me and Twilight. He even leered at me every time he thought I was not looking. I soon made a mental note and said in my mind, ‘Hmm, this may require a talk with him privately in the near future,’ but did not mention this to anypony. Regardless though we eventually made it to the palace and I in turn decided to have us use the side lunar wing entrance as opposed to using the main front doors. We were already getting strange looks from the citizens while walking through the city. For Reaper Knights generally did not go out during the day and I did not like the increased attention. As such we slowly redirected ourselves to the path I used often. Then upon arriving the lycan guards quickly saluted us and stepped aside. And just as quickly the doors behind them opened to a near pitch black space. Joy soon overtook me after we walked in and doors shut behind us. For the dreadful sunlight was gone and I was able to move easier again. In turn I reactivated my suppression field as Twilight did the same. I then stated to Twilight and her friends, “Please follow me, it may be hard for most of you to navigate in only blue torchlight.” Afterwards we made our way through the lunar wing until we arrived at the entrance to Luna's night court meeting room. I then swung the two heavy obsidian stone doors open with a grunt of effort before we let ourselves in. And just as I remembered from so many times in the past the wall torches soon lit by themselves illuminating the room an eerie dark blue glow. A glow that also soon spread over the spanning obsidian table that dominated the area. But regardless of such displays I slowly sat myself into one of side chairs around the table and placed my Book of Shadows in front of me. I then lower my armor on my left foreleg and bit down on it with one fang. A single drop of blood soon dripped from the wound and hit the seal of my tome. Then with practiced repetition my eyes and horn flashed light blue and I healed said wound. After which I just armored my leg up again, lowered my helm, and used my magic to flip through the pages of my tome. This however then turned into a dead silence for a few minutes before Twilight spoke up, “Shouldn’t we tell the guards we’re here?” A sly grin crept up my face in reply as I remained focused on my tome. “Do not worry, Princess Luna already knows we are here…she always does. She is probably informing her sister of our arrival as we speak,” I said before I found the alchemy circle I was looking for and closed my eyes. And true to what I had just mentioned to Twilight within the hour both Luna and Celestia walked into the room. Luna then spoke first, “You wished for our audience, Blood Moon?” I slowly opened my eyes and stated, “Indeed I have, princess. As you both know, the rogue solar channelers that attacked Ponyville left much of it in ruins. And while the houses and buildings can be rebuilt, as they have several times in the past, there is something that cannot. I have seen and also heard from Applejack that Sweet Apple Acres has been heavily damaged.” I stopped for a moment formulate my words and continued, “This orchard represents an important food resource to the kingdom and as well as to Ponyville itself. Short of replanting the majority of the trees there is no other way to repair the damage other than…this” and I turned my tome around and slid it to face them. Celestia looked puzzled in response and stated, “An alchemy circle?” I merely nodded and said, “Correct.” Luna however was somewhat more suspect of such things and soon said, “What does thy incantation do?” As such I looked at her and stated, “I designed it many moons ago to be an emergency method to rejuvenate crops destroyed by conflict. It is one of the only circles that I have created of which only a small few know about.” Then not but a second later both Celestia’s and Luna’s eyes narrowed on me. For it did not take a scholar to know the gravity of what I had just said. For in all the years I have known them I had given up much of the knowledge that I acquired for the betterment of everypony. In turn if I kept something secret there was usually a hidden reason behind it. As such it was Celestia who decided to inquire, “Have you ever used this circle before?” My eyes scrunched closed in mental pain from her words but I remained silent. This act quickly displeased Luna before she bellowed out, “I order thee to answer us Blood Moon!” In turn a single word slipped out of my mouth, “Once.” Then without them commanding me further I opened my eyes and levitated a map of the Everfree forest out of my pack and unrolled it on the table. And there on a small section of the forest I pointed my left forehoof at an area called “The Unstable Crater”. “In case you were wondering Princess Celestia, this is the reason I once mysteriously appeared out of nowhere on your observatory roof burnt and throwing up. It is also the reason why I am usually reluctant to use portals to this day,” I said evenly. Celestia’s eyes opened in shock and she swiftly blurted out, “You’re the cause of that crater?! Explain yourself!” In reply I took a deep breath, faced the table again, and closed my eyes. “It happened a hundred years ago. I had researched and studied for years to come up with this circle. However, when it came to testing it, nopony had the free time, motivation, or desire to help in another one of my so called ‘crazy’ experiments.” I opened my eyes again, stared at the table, and continued, “Since nopony was willing to help, I foolishly decided to activate it myself. As such I picked an area that rarely anypony ever set hoof in.” Images flashed through my mind along with a long forgotten feeling of terror. “By utilizing my blood and life force magic, I drew and activated the circle. However, the crystals I was using, along with the circle itself, all shattered when the circle’s outer ward fell. The immense amount of energy released began to distort the area and scorch me. But then in a blink of an eye strange black portals soon started opening up all over as well. And needless to say in my panicked desperation I jumped through one of them to escape, ” I stated as my voice became shaky and my eyes scrunched closed. My forehooves then began to shake and tremble uncontrollably on the table. I ultimately had to place them on my book to dampen the sound. “The destination through the portal was pitch black and freezing cold. And just when I thought it could not get worse some awful multi-toned voice just yelled, 'You do not belong here!’ before it slammed into me. I was then violently cast out of that horrible realm and ended up on top of the royal palace,” I stated as I gritted my teeth. Silence quickly reigned afterwards for a few seconds as I regained my thoughts. I then took a calming breath before I said, “I later discovered the circle collapsed in on itself. It ended up blasting a crater when its energies fully destabilized. Additionally the area remains unstable to this day. And while I have secretly tried to repair the damage I had done on many occasions I obviously was met with little success.” But at this point my fear rapidly melted away as the proverbial gears in my head began to spin if you will. For I quickly snapped my eyes open, looked at the princesses, and said, “However, my awful folly did not deter me for long. I soon studied and strained to rework the circle. And it luckily did not take me too much time to locate the fatal flaw in the design. For I alone was not strong enough to work all the tasks the circle needed, nor powerful enough to control the protective ward.” My eyes soon widened further remembering my notes and my voice became shaky again as I fumbled out, “I would need the help of three earth ponies tied to the land to convert my stored life force energy to pure growth energy. Also three unicorns to channel and focus the growth energy into the surrounding area. Then three pegesi to keep the unsteady weather at bay. Lastly, three powerful magic users to control the ward and wield three prismatic absorption crystals.” I then squinted and held the sides of my head with my forehooves trying to hold back a migraine. For memories of that day flooded my mind and threatened to overwhelm me. However I eventually mastered myself enough to continue. “Although, back then I was never able find these fellow ponies and the circle remained forgotten until recently,” I croaked out. Then without warning that horrible feeling of terror threatened to overwhelm me again as I began to relive what I happened that day. To say it was a harrowing experience would have been an understatement. For the plants in the area overgrew and rotted, over and over and over again. Even the black portal I jumped into also nearly pulled me to pieces when I escaped. Thankfully though, my flashbacks were slowly interrupted when Twilight placed her right forehoof on my left shoulder. However even with this kind gesture it still took me a few minutes to calm down enough before I was able to say, “I would not dare ask to use this if there was a different method. This circle almost caused my demise. However, if used correctly it would be a valuable boon in the war against the rogue factions.” In turn while Celestia and Luna both looked worried they also shared a similar half grin and half closed eyes expression. Celestia then cleared her throat before she stated, “We have seen that look before Blood Moon. We know why you want to do this and we'll help you. However what to you need of us?” In response I let out a relieved sigh and said, “I require you, princess, Princess Luna, and Princess Twilight to control the ward and hold the absorption crystals. I will also need the nine other volunteers, one of my orbs of stored life force from my alchemy lab and a box of energy sealing for the spent crystals. Lastly, I will need several sticks of crystallized magic chalk as my blood alone with not be strong enough to make the circle.” I then gathered my thoughts again before adding, “Additionally each pony will need to sacrifice a few drops of blood in their respective ring to prevent instabilities. I will work out the greatest area of effectiveness and calculations while we gather the volunteers,” Luna raised her eyebrows in response and looked legitimately impressed. “It appears you have had this planned out prior to our meeting,” She said and smiled before adding “We shall gather your reagents. Then when you are ready please send us a letter stating only ‘Orchard’ and we shall meet you at Ponyville. You are dismissed.” After such dismissal I proceeded to take one of the deepest exhales of my life after both of them walked away. For getting grilled if you will in such a manner was taxing at the best of times. Though luckily before Luna had left I remember I made a promise to a certain rainbow colored pegasus. To which she merely whispered "I shall see what I can do," with a smile before I winked at Rainbow Dash. This of course caused a certain attention sponge to glow to with excitement before we made our exit as well. Fortunately this time we waited until dusk to head back to the train station. And as I assumed it did not take us nearly as long to get there as our journey to the royal palace did. But this fact was truly the least of my concerns as my mind was far from easy. For all the mental capacity I had possessed was singularly focused on a certain alchemy circle. A circle that was as powerful as it was extremely dangerous if it had failed. This horrid thought only seemed to amplify when I said in my mind, ‘No, it cannot fail this time. I have worked out all the problems from last time. The ward will hold.’ And as such Twilight had to shake me lightly to snap me out of my trance as we boarded the train. But unlike last time the pure feeling of dread did not abate even as I tried to occupy my mind by covering the windows again and moving the car separating curtain. Needless to say Twilight must have easily sensed my growing uneasiness. For she did not even attempt to go to her own bed when we unarmored and turned in for the night. In turn her horn and eyes glowed for a few seconds and went back to normal. She then looked at me and stated, “I’ve warded our section to prevent any sound from escaping. Now what’s the real reason you’re helping Applejack?” as her eyes narrowed before raising an inquisitive eyebrow. I could not help but chuckle at this. “It appears nothing gets past you or the other princesses I see. I never was a good liar. But if you wish to know the whole truth I shall need to explain myself first," I said as I sat down and stared at the floor of the train car. “When I first joined the royal guard there was a different general leading the royal army against the rogue factions. He was a wise leader that understood the importance of a balanced force. He often employed my kind and the lycans to aid him,” I stated as a small smile crept up my face. My smiled however quickly faded as I continued, “He was...captured though...in a major battle and has been missing in action for over a century. His main lieutenant and son named ‘Solar Burn’ took over in his absence.” The very mentioning of that cur's name made my face began to contort in anger. “That...vile creature...did not deserve to be the offspring of such a great general. For in his first order he purged all vampires and lycans from his army and forced us to just guard the royal city. The leader of the Night Guards and Luna’s old general ‘Black Wing’ protested, but without Princess Luna’s influence her voice seemed to fall only on deaf ears. She took it harder than the rest of us and became increasingly reclusive,” I said as my voice took on a sorrowful and yet angry tone. After a moment I took a deep breath and stated, “With that monster controlling the royal army, they would often obliterate towns and villages that had rogue factions occupying them. There were so many broken families and communities. My anger at this soon grew year after year as more innocents got hurt. Until finally in my rage I used my smithing skills and forged in secret my first suit of dark iron armor and the scythe I currently use.” My eyes burned remembering my anger and animosity. “Dark iron possesses some unusual properties. It is normally created in areas of great magical conflict. It is extremely durable and highly enchantable. However, most importantly it has the unique ability of dampening most supernatural powers,” I stated as I began to rub my right forehoof on the black ring around my neck. “I developed a method to harness this property. I ultimately used an amplifying and a damping enchantment to create the first suppression field. As you may know most ponies are easily frightened by things they do not understand. With this I was able to suppress and disguise my true nature,” I said with a grin. I then narrowed my eyes as old memories started coming back to me. “I began to sneak out at night to aid the destroyed towns. I also often employed the same circle I used to heal your friends. And though my acts were small, rumors started to spread of a helpful black knight,” I stated as the grin grew on my face before adding, “One of the other forgers named ‘Black Hammer’ eventually discovered my secret. And as a fellow vampire he too was sick of being stuck in the city. Additionally he hated what Solar Burn was doing as much as I and that instead of turning me in, he joined my efforts. This little pairing soon grew to include other angered vampires and lycans, along with most of the other forgers." My grin then turned into a smile as I began to laugh for a few seconds. “We took on the name ‘Midnight Knights’ and we started to humiliate Solar Burn’s forces. While all they would do is destroy everything in sight, we would show up shortly after and help the citizens. He in turn could do little but seethe as he could not figure out who we were through the all black armor,” I said as I laughed again. This laughter continued for a few more seconds before I shook my head and stated, “However, it could not last forever. For when Princess Luna returned she was somehow easily able to discover our secret and the jig was up if you will. Needless to say all of us were dragged before the royal court for judgment as we were technically breaking the law being a de facto force. But as all hope seemed lost, one of our seemly quieter recruits was revealed to be Black Wing herself.” I paused for a moment at this point to fight back more laughter from remembering the look on Solar Burn’s face. “Instead of us receiving punishment, she requested, as Princess Luna had returned, that the Reaper Knights be remade. The princesses quickly agreed and Solar Burn became beyond furious. For not only did the ones that regularly embarrassed him get off without punishment, he lost almost all of his forge masters when we all joined the Reaper Knights,” I said as my built up laughter could no longer be contained. However after I calmed myself down I closed my eyes and stated, “So to answer your original question, I do not care about protocol or resource assets. I do what I believe is right regardless of how big or small the task is. Even if I have to sacrifice every last drop of blood in my body to do it. For I will not stop, until all wrongs have been rectified.” I then opened my eyes to see Twilight smiling at me. “I figured it was something like that,” she stated. And I positively beamed at her reaction. Though my prideful state did not last for long before she caught me off guard. For in a quick movement she reached up with her left forehoof and tilted my head up, exposing my neck. She then proceeded to lean over, and with her pointed tongue, lick from the base of my neck to where it met my jaw. The addition of her fangs grazing my fur instantly triggered a strange yearning in me. “T-Twilight, do you believe this is wise? Your friends are in the other section of this train car. Surely they will hear us,” I stated trying to keep my crumbling focus. She just lifted her head for a moment in response and stated, “No they won’t. The anti-sound ward remember?”. She then continued her delightful actions on my neck before she stopped again only to coo out, "And besides...we have a looong train ride ahead of us. I think we should use this time to...de-stress. “I…umm…hmm, yes quite,” I replied and remembered she had placed that ward down before we started talking. But even regardless of this I was still somewhat shocked that Twilight would be so bold. Maybe it was the stress of everything or even the new predatory nature she had been imbued with her being one of my kind now. Either way though I would have been a fool to deny us this opportunity to, as Twlight put it, de-stress. In turn I just whispered, “Please Twilight…do as you wish,” while my breathing began to quicken. For the growing yearning from before was becoming more unbearable by the second. Needless to say Twilight took that invitation with great delight as she moved forward in such a way that I slid onto my back. She then climbed on top of me before my body began to shutter from the touch of her fangs on my neck. And without even the slightest hesitation I reached up with my right forehoof and gently pushed on the back of her head. Then in response my eyes fluttered closed to the pleasurable pain as her fangs sunk in. And with what little thought I had retained I noted that my assumptions from before were correct. I was somehow becoming addicted to the feeling of her bite. However, at this point in time I could not have cared less. And so she lapped at my blood for only a few moments before she removed her fangs and pulled me with her to my bed. She then laid on her back before I slid on top of her. After which we stared at each other face to face breathing heavily before she tilted her head up and exposed her neck to me. In turn I gazed upon such delights and hesitated only to channel my life force magic to heal my own bite wound. I then opened my mouth, turned my head to the side, and slowly sunk my fangs into her. Twilight's body began to twitch from my bite in response before she pulled me closer. I then soon remembered the indescribably wondrous taste of her blood as it flowed down my throat. And such remembrance included a few surges of arcane energy that followed it. However, like her, I only allowed myself to lap for a few moments before I slowly pulled my fangs out. After which I used my final lick to channel a small amount of life force energy into her wound, healing it. We then leaned into each other and began to passionately kiss. The taste of our bloods mingling together only served to enhance the sensation. But soon after her patience with such things slipped away. For within minutes she tossed me on my back and mounted me. In turn her more than eager body quivered as I entered her. Her movements nearly harsh in nature but I again cared little. For as she moved I had grabbed hold of her flanks, and with great desire and need, increased the force of such thrusts. And suffice to say our tryst continued for the better part of an hour. It also interestingly included her switching to positions I was unaware even existed. A small grin followed such actions as I thought, ‘It seems the fellow scholar has been reading more than her magic books…’ all while as we happily enjoyed each other's touch. But like all good things in life this too had to eventually end. I was on top facing her at the time when she finally came. Her forehoof had also during this time scraped along my back causing me to go off as well. And before long I fell to the right side of her while both of us were breathing heavily. To which she then promptly reached over, pulled the covers over us, and fell asleep. And I could not help but be amazed at how fast she had passed out. It was usually a stereotypical off the hoof stallion trait to do such things. However, I did not ponder on that thought for long before I yawned and sleep took me as well. Ultimately this more than welcomed blissful rest lasted right until I felt the train slow down. Then I woke up with a smile on my face. For it seemed that I have not slept this well in decades. But my pleasant contentedness seemed to only last for a minute or two when the train car came to a full stop. This was mainly because I could not hear any voices coming from the other side of the car. A strange nervousness soon began to take hold for some reason right before my eyes spotted the room separating curtain began to shift. Then without to slightest bit of grace it was ruthlessly yanked open thus assaulting us...again...with horrid sunlight. And again just like last time I let out a high pitched ear-splitting shriek and pulled the covers over me and Twilight. Twilight instantly jolted awake and also again she stated in a panic, “What’s going on?!” I however just growled out, “All right! This needs to end! NOW!” And right after we both armored up, I yanked the sheet off of us, and jumped out of bed. “What in Luna’s name is wrong with you, Pinkie Pie!?” I screeched. However instead of getting the reaction I was expecting, Pinkie Pie merely tilted her head, squinted her eyes, and rubbed her ears with her forehooves. I then saw right next to her Applejack who's mouth moved as if she was saying something, but I heard no sound. This though was quickly proceeded by Twilight laughing nervously next to me. Her eyes and horn glowed then for a second right before the anti-sound ward she cast last night shut off with a small crackle. Evidently it did not take long to realize what had happened. In turn I just sat down and ran my forehooves down my face before I could hear Applejack snickering. “Wanted some more quiet time with yer special friend there huh Twi?” She said with a knowing grin before she elbowed Rarity in the side. Rarity's response though only added to the embarrassment as she said, “Now Applejack, it's impolite to ask a lady about her…” before she interrupted herself to put a forehoof in front of her mouth to stop herself from laughing. This was gleefully enhanced by Pinkie Pie's giggling next to her. Spike, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash on the other hoof all shared the same look of confusion. Rainbow Dash soon spoke up due to this and said, “What’s going on here?” Twilight however just stuffed her face in her forehooves and groaned, “Ugh…nothing!” But after several more awkward moments later we walked out of the train car. And as expected my body again felt heavy in the sunlight. This was ultimately the least of my soon to be worries though as I started to hear gasps all around me. For it seemed that several of the townsponies were waiting for our, or more specifically my, return. This luckily was eventually somewhat mitigated when Twilight and her friends did their best at holding back the noisy mob. An act that I was truly grateful for. Regardless though we in turn were forced to wade our way through the chaos. Then after what seemed like an eternity we managed to arrive at Twilight’s Library. After which we had quickly entered and forcibly shut the door behind us before barring it. Twilight then walked around and magically pulled the curtains closed on all the windows allowing my strength to begin to return. I merely lowered my helm in response before politely asking Spike to make more mint tea. However this was all I could process before my head began to throb. And at this point I felt like crawling into the dark basement and staying there for a few days. A plan that actually seemed best for my calculations and research. As such I had soon stated to Spike, “If it is not too much trouble may I please have my tea in the basement?” He just grumbled, “Yeah…sure…whatever,” in reply and glared at me while trying to start the fireplace. I in turn made note of such again but brushed it aside for now. Then as Twilight and her friends were talking, I excused myself, grabbed my pack, and walked into the basement. Afterwards I closed the door and soaked in the pitch black that was both quiet and soothing. Then, by using only the light of my eyes, I located a chalkboard and chalk. To which this was soon followed by me lowering my armor fully, picking up my tome, and biting my left foreleg. Then with yet more practiced skill a single drop of my blood hit the tome’s seal right before my eyes and horn flashed light blue thus healing my leg again. Next I lit a candle and flipped through my tome with my magic, stopping at the page I needed. I then set my Book of Shadows on the floor next to me and I sat down. After which I began to work out my calculations on the chalkboard before muttering out, “This is going to be a long couple of weeks." > Chapter 9: Alchemical Insanity: Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After being secure in some of the basic calculations I began drawing a detailed model of my alchemy circle on the chalkboard and dubbed it “The Tower of Hope.” However, about twenty minutes later the basement door opened. A rough aggravated grumble and the sound of a shaking tray soon followed. And given the apparent ever increasing ire of said individual it seemed they were having difficulty navigating in the dark. I merely smiled and said, “Over here please, Spike.” In turn he angrily slammed the tea tray on a small table next to me before turning around and stomping away without a single word. In response to this I raised an eyebrow and added, “Thank you for the tea.” However in reply he just grumbled more and spat out, “yeah yeah,” before he started stomping back up the stairs. As such I let out a small sigh. For I knew this would have to be dealt with eventually and I suppose sooner would be far better than later. So without a second thought I focused my magic and held the basement door shut. Then not long after he started jiggling the handle and growling some more before he stopped when he saw my magical influence on the outline of the door. I then put my chalk down and stated, “May we talk?” He just crossed his arms and blew a small amount of green flame out of his nose in reply before snarling out, “Do I have a choice?” Another sigh soon left my lips before I responded with, “Please, it will only take a few moments of your time.” In turn he threw his arms in the air, spat “Fine!” before stomping down the stairs again. He then stopped close to me, sat down with his arms crossed again, and leered balefully at me. I however just turned and sat in front of him without so much fuss. Then after finding a comfortable position I stated, “I know that you have grown...displeased...with my presence. However please understand, I am not here to replace you.” “Sure," he replied while sarcastically rolling his eyes. Afterwards I took a deep breath and continued, “I know full well you view yourself as her protector. Please do not think of me as a threat. I am merely here to be a fellow ally.” He just looked at the ground and bit his lip in reply. The look on his face brought back old memories of me and my colthood flame Pure Blood. For in our early years I was quite protective of her and she of me. As such I truly understood how he felt. However quickly I brushed much of those memories from my mind to concentrate on the matter at hoof. So after getting up and walking over to my pack I said, “Additionally I know that I have been commanding you around a lot. I apologize for this…it is wrong of me to do so as you are a friend, not a subordinate of mine. In turn let me offer you something as a sign of good will. Please hold out your claw,” My horned then glowed as I picked up a blue hexagonal dual pointed crystal out of my pack. Afterwards I levitated the blue crystal with my magic and placed it in his opened claw. In response he looked at the crystal and then at me with a smirk on his face before stating, “It’s going to take a lot more than a small nighttime snack to win me over." I laughed at this and said, “Well it is good that is not its intended purpose. Also I would advise against consuming that if you wish to keep all your teeth in your head.” I then sat down in front of him again, tipped my head up, and scratched my neck with my left forehoof before adding with a small grin, “Rumor has it that a particular dragon has his heart set on a certain white furred, dark purple-maned unicorn.” His face then immediately turned red in response as he quickly exclaimed, “Yeah so, almost everypony knows that ever since Twilight blurted it out.” As such I lowered my head, tilted it to the side, and looked into his eyes. “Well that is good because what you hold in your claw is an expertly cut and enchanted focusing crystal. For reference I originally used a few of them for this very circle I am working on. They are considered to be extremely valuable to unicorns for their ability to help focus and amplify magic,” I said as the grin on my face grew before continuing, “In short, it makes working with magic significantly easier. So easy that I have seen unicorns sleep next to theirs to prevent loss of them. And I would be willing to bet that a certain white furred, dark purple-maned unicorn would be quite overjoyed with a particular dragon from such a gift.” And before he could say anything further my horn began to glow as I focused my magic. I then channeled it through the focusing crystal. The crystal in response lifted out of his claw and re-positioned itself with the tips pointing straight up and down. It then started to rotate clockwise as I projected my magic out to the objects in the room. Then in short order I levitated a chair, my lit candle, my tome, the tea kettle and its tea cup and tea tray. After this I pushed more magic through the crystal and the items I levitated started to orbit us. Finally my smile grew more when I looked at Spike’s amazed expression as I pushed it even further. For my horn and the crystal glowed ever brighter as I lifted up me, Spike, and several of the heavier objects in the room off of the ground while still keeping the smaller objects orbiting us. But after a few seconds I began to grow tired so I slowly set all the objects back to their original places and lowered us back to the ground. The blue crystal then stopped rotating before it plopped back into Spike’s claw. And to say he was excited over all this would have been a grand understatement. For his eyes twinkled like small stars while he gripped the crystal as it were his only worldly possession. In turn I merely winked at him before whispering, “This will be our little secret. Just tell her that you saved up and purchased it when we went to Canterlot." Afterward I started to pour myself a nice cup of tea before Spike yelped and stopped me. “DON’T! Some nasty hot sauce may have accidentally found its way into that kettle…heh heh ehhhh. I’ll get you a fresh pot,” he said nervously before gripping his crystal, grabbing the kettle, and racing up the basement stairs. Then when the dark and quiet returned to the basement I too returned to my work and finished drawing on the chalkboard. But such drawings were the easy part. It was the calculations for them that was the more difficult task. Eventually Spike returned after about ten minutes and placed a fresh kettle of hot water next to me on the tea tray. But before I could say anything he bolted back up the stairs. He amusingly possessed the largest ear to ear smile I have ever witnessed all while continuing to grip his new small blue crystal. ‘I did not even get the chance to thank him for the hot water,’ I thought in continued amusement as I poured a cup of tea. But soon as one could expect the hours flew like the wind if you will as I worked on my calculations. The noise upstairs disappeared sometime later when I heard the front door open and close. I then heard the basement door open behind me. Twilight appeared and began to walk down the stairs while yawning. “Already hard at work I see. Also you wouldn't happen to know where Spike got some strange blue crystal would you? He keeps talking in his sleep about some sort of gift,” she stated. I grinned while still looking at the chalkboard and said, “I do not know of what you speak. He must have gotten it when we visited Canterlot.” I could feel her inquisitive glare on my back as she walked towards me. She then cleared her throat and sounded as if she was about to ask me more questions when I heard her stomach growl. “Hungry I see. Yes, I guess it has been a while since we fed,” I stated. I then stood up and levitated the three blood cylinders I had brought with me out of my pack. After that I proceeded to unseal one of them and pass it to Twilight. She however frowned when I placed it in front of her. “I am sorry Twilight, but I need my blood for working my calculations,” I stated in reply to her shift in mood. But this only caused her frown to deepen further. In turn I just sighed and said, “Perhaps this will help you,” before I bit my right foreleg just above the hoof. I then took my left forehoof, dipped it in the welling blood and gently rubbed it on her lips and the opening of the blood cylinder. My eyes and horn then flashed light blue healing my wound. After that I lifted the cylinder to her lips before she started to drink. And this soon lead to her drinking it down at a rapid rate until the container was empty. However right when I put the container down, I saw her eyes look at another one of the other cylinders and back at me again. I merely smiled and mused, “Well, it seems you wish to have more hmm?” before I passed her a second blood container. And just like the first, she drank it down as fast as her body would let her. Luckily though this appeared to sate her hunger for as soon as she finished, she thanked me, yawned, and went back upstairs to get some rest. And so with that out of the way I just sighed before turning around and continued my work as I drank out of the last cylinder. Hours soon ticked away as my circle’s calculations became more complicated. I in turn lost all track of time as I worked harder and harder to get the numbers just right. But try as I might my equations were not adding up correctly resulting in a truly flaring temper. This bubbling seethe also included a sort of pace back and forth at an ever increasing rate. And not long after that my eyes had soon matched my irritation when they became fixed on the chalkboard as I erased and wrote the numbers over and over again. But after some unknown amount of time of my feverish writings I eventually jerked to a halt when I heard a voice upstairs shout out, “That’s it! I’m going to go check on him!” I then heard a stomp towards the basement door before it was quickly yanked open. “What in Tartarus is going on down there?!” I heard Twilight’s voice holler. “What is wrong?” I responded with a puzzled expression on my face. “‘What’s wrong’ he says,” I heard her reply with a tone of sarcastic anger before she started to stomp down the basement stairs. “You’ve been at it for almost two daaaays. Me and Spike haven’t been able to get a wink of sleep. To top it off you’ve been scaring away any and all potential volunteers,” she stated trying to stifle a yawn. Still puzzled I rubbed my eyes with my fore hooves and stated, “What in Equestria are you talking about?” “Haven’t you been listening to yourself?! You have been down here snarling like a manticore every five to ten minutes! Everypony’s been avoiding my library like it was under quarantine from the pony pox!” She growled, clearly angry as she walked up to me. “I…snarl?” I replied while maintaining a confused look on my face. ‘Hmm, well that explains why other ponies rarely visited me when I was working in my alchemy lab back at the palace…’ I thought to myself. “Do you snarl…” Twilight said as her eyes narrowed on me. Her statement was all the more frightening when I realized she was shaking with fury and grinding her teeth together. I gulped in response and quickly said, “I have been trying to work on some calculations for my circle. The numbers are not adding up correctly. I have done them over and over again countless times, but they are not right. The small circles in the rings of the main circle need to be a certain size. If they are too big, I will burn up too much energy. If they are too small, nopony will fit and the circle will quickly become unstable.” “I have not had access to an alchemy lab for research or a better lit area. I keep making so many mistakes…” I was stating when she interrupted me. “You mean this alchemy lab or this lighting?!” she said as several enchanted lights flickered on revealing the basement to be a fully lit and generously stocked alchemy lab. My left eye soon twitched upon seeing this for a few seconds before she growled “Gimme that blasted chalk!” and yanked the chalk I was holding in the air with her magic. She then erased and began rewriting my equations on the chalkboard. I quickly wore a smug look when she started to work. ‘If I truly had been working at this for days what does she…hope…to do…’ I spoke in my mind, but it began to trail off when I looked at what she was doing. My mouth then started to hang open when she had picked up several pieces of chalk and worked multiple equations at once. It was as if I was watching a masterpiece being created from scratch before my very eyes. After about fifteen minutes she stopped and put the chalk down. She then turned around and made a self-satisfied smile when she saw my facial expression. After that she tilted her head to the side and stated, “Are those the numbers you were looking for?” This of course only caused the twitch in my left eye to become worse as I walked up to get a closer view of the chalkboard. “How…how did you…WHAT!? You finished that in fifteen minutes and made it look like it was a grade school math problem!” I stated while shaking in extreme irritation. Then out of nowhere I lost it and began to laugh hysterically at the pure absurdity of it all. It was completely unbelievable. I could not remember the last time I was humbled so badly before. Mere words could not express my gratitude. So after I calmed myself down I walked up to her and sat down. I then proceeded to wrap my forelegs around her and passionately kiss her on the lips. And so with the calculations completed the next step was to find volunteers for the other roles in the circle. Days passed by and with the aid of me not snarling like an untamed beast we managed to gather our help. Applejack along with her brother and sister agreed to be the earth ponies in the equation. Rarity, who was in a surprisingly good mood from a certain dragon’s gift, agreed to help as well. Then Rarity’s sister “Sweetie Belle”, also a unicorn and who was currently taking some time off from her budding singing career, decided she would help too. Lastly Twilight called in a favor and got her brother "Shining Armor" to be the last unicorn. As for the pegasi it was no surprise that Rainbow Dash did not take much convincing to join. Fluttershy on the other hoof, was reluctant, but had agreed with a whimper. But still that left one pegasus short. So in turn Rainbow Dash, who wanted to repay my favor from before, had called in one of her own. As such she managed to get a well-known speedster and thrill seeker named “Scootaloo” for the last pegasus position. And while it took a while we finally managed to gather all the help we needed. All that was required now was the supplies, some training, and the two other princesses. However being time was not on our side I had started the training immediately. And with a careful hoof I had monitored everypony’s progress to make sure they could do their specific tasks. In the end Fluttershy was the only one to give us slight trouble but luckily even she managed to pull through. That however did not change the fact that Twilight and myself continued to drill them over and over again. We ultimately had to make a game out of it due to the understandable unrest. But after two dreadful weeks of intense training everypony was finally ready. Then at my request Applejack and her siblings cleared out a large flat area in the middle of the apple orchard. This in turn ended up being the very core of the orchard itself as the circle would have an easier time spreading its power here. And while I was pleased with the location I could not get my mind to calm down as I was inspecting the area. For soon I had worn a nervous smile before thinking, ‘It appears the pieces of the puzzle are clicking into place. This has to work, it has to. We have worked so very hard up to this point.” Eventually fatigue set in before I rubbed my eyes with my left forehoof and yawned. For you see the only restful night I had in weeks was merely that night in the train car a while ago. And to make matters worse my mind's uneasiness kept plaguing me for I had to constantly push flashbacks from my first attempt of this circle from my thoughts and dreams. But regardless of my uneasiness or lack of sleep I soon finished all that I could alone in the apple orchard before I located Spike in Rarity’s boutique and told him to send a letter to Luna. After that, while waiting for a response, I walked around Ponyville and purchased some small knives, some bandages, and disinfectant. Admittedly I would have rather used my ‘Martyr Circle’ for any necessary minor wounds we would need the others to commit to for the sake of the circle, but I needed all my strength for later. So in turn, I was forced to use these cruder methods of mending such things. And so with some basic supplies in hoof I started to make my way back to the apple orchard when Luna and Celestia decided to make their appearance. However, to my dismay, they had also decided to amuse themselves in doing so as well. Because instead of giving me some warning of their arrival, they found it more humorous to just teleport out of thin air a meter next to me. This of course caused me to yelp in surprise and toss all my supplies into the air. But after a few seconds, to give my heart a chance to slow down, I stated, “First, I would like to thank both of you for responding so quickly. Secondary, I would…again…like to respectfully request for you two to please stop appearing right next to me like that. I am already jumpy as it is,” and grumbled as I gathered my abruptly discarded supplies. Luna and Celestia just laughed at me and Luna stated, “We apologize, but it is just so amusing. We just could not resist doing that to somepony again.” I rolled my eyes in response and lifted the magic chalk the princesses had brought with them. And while I was doing that, Twilight ran up to us at a gallop and stated, “What happened?! I heard you shout, Blood Moon!” “They happened,” I replied and pointed an accusing right forehoof at Luna and Celestia which caused them to start laughing again. Twilight shook her head and smiled. “I should’ve known. I’m guessing they enjoy scaring the daylights out of you? Yeah, they still do that to me too…” She said and chuckled. After that I used my magic, and with little delay, I separated out four sticks of magic chalk. I then placed one in front of myself and one for each of the princesses. “If you three would not mind. It would be easier and faster if all four of us drew the circle,” I said in a hopeful tone. I then let out a sigh of relief when they agreed. But before we started Luna must have been reading my mood. She smiled and revealed that she brought a supply of fresh blood for us. It was a small, but very welcome kindness. However after our meal we started on our grueling task. We worked for a few days and rested only when necessary even with a parchment copy of my circle to read from. Twilight and I even forced ourselves to work through the burdening sunlight of the day when Celestia raised it. But regardless we had completed the circle none the less before we admired our work. However, admiration aside our efforts had indeed taken their toll and had made us all extremely exhausted. And so after several stifled yawns, Luna and Celestia gave their leave before teleporting back to Canterlot to get some sleep for tonight. Me and Twilight had similar thoughts, but as we were about to endure the sun's onslaught in our arduous march back to Twilight’s Library something had felt off. To elaborate I kept hearing noises coming from behind the rows of damaged trees not far from the circle. The air also had a slight hint of canine scent to it. I even thought I heard some quiet whispers but I was not certain. Now anypony else would have chalked it up if you will to their own lack of sleep. But those ponies also did not have my level of unhealthy paranoia. And so to ease my mind I had some of our volunteers take shifts watching over the circle just as a precaution. After that we continued our dreadful slog through the awful sun to Twilight’s library. This was thankfully contrasted after we got inside as it was pitch-black from the window coverings. The only light source we utilized was a simple candle I ultimately had to light as my vision was weak from the over exertion. In turn my mind had matched such exhaustion as most else had drained out to little more than the happy thought of some well deserved rest. So with a small smile, while continuing to fight fatigue, I said “Sweet dreams” to Twilight and started to walk to the basement. However, I only made it a few paces before a muffled voice sounded inside my head, “Suppression armor, master override, Princess Twilight Sparkle, armor shutdown.” My eyes snapped wide open in response to this right before my armor was quickly sucked back into the ring on my neck. Twilight then giggled, lowered her armor, grabbed me by the waist, and pulled me off my hooves. She then proceeded to jump and flap her wings before we landed on the second level floor of the library. I was then unceremoniously tossed onto her bed like an oversized ragdoll. “Twilight pleeease. I am much too exhausted for this. Besides, Spike could come back at any moment,” I groaned as I closed my eyes. I swear she was acting like a filly with a brand new toy. Now any other time I would have been more than willing to oblige, but I was so unbelievably drained. So much so that I was actually amazed she was even in the mood for such things given she should have been in a similar condition. Twilight just giggled again as she apparently brushed off whatever fatigue she must have felt and said, “Spike’s been spending a lot of time over at Rarity’s boutique. She’s really taken a great liking to him after he gave her that strange blue crystal. So, we’re all alone.” So it was sleep be damned apparently as I rubbed my eyes with my fore hooves and groaned again in reply. As it seemed she was not going to be denied. “If I give you this, can we please get some rest afterwards?” I inquired in a ragged voice. She merely laughed in response and stated in a coy tone, “Maaaaybe.” Needless to say I did not get my requested rest until about two hours later when my body’s remaining strength left me and I passed out. However by some mercy in all this that instead of my usual flashbacks I normally had, my dreams were just bless-ed darkness. It was probably for the best. This state however was not long before my mind awoke. My ears then perked up after I heard some giggling next to me. I then opened my eyes in puzzlement and squinted to see a pair of light blue and a pair of purple eyes staring at me. The lights soon clicked on and I was forced to cover my eyes with my left foreleg for a moment. “Enjoying yourselves?” I heard Celestia’s voice state as she started to snicker. I uncovered my eyes to see both Celestia and Luna start to laugh so hard they had tears coming out of their eyes. I then turned my head to the right to find Twilight’s face all red in her front hooves. For we had apparently still been intertwined with each other when they found us much to our embarrassment. However, when Luna and Celestia managed to get themselves under control, Luna said, “Come, the others are waiting at the circle.” The walk to our destination was uncomfortably awkward to say the least. None of us said anything other than the occasional giggle from Celestia or Luna. However, true to Luna’s word all the volunteers were waiting for us. And with what pride I still had I cleared my throat and spoke, “Alright everypony, we have trained for this and there should not be any mishaps. However before we start, as I stated in our training, I will need a few drops of blood from each member in their respective ring.” I then grabbed the small knifes I had purchased before and passed them out. Though due to understandable squeamishness it took longer than expected to complete our required task. For I suppose that for normal ponies injuring yourself was a foreign concept unlike for yours truly. In turn we ended up having to go one by one. It did ultimately make bandaging each pony easier however. After we had completed that step Luna passed me a glowing light blue orb and a small jet black triangular box. I then told everypony to stand back when I placed the orb on the ground. Next I armored up before I summoned my scythe and smashed its blade into the orb. The overwhelming amount of life force energy released from the orb had flowed through my scythe and into my body. It was invigorating I admit as I have not had this much energy to work with in years. But I had little time to savor such things before I summoned my power and my horn and eyes lit up with light blue flames while lightning crackled all over my armor. And in turn a small smile crept up my face as everypony watched in awe. But my joy was short lived before Celestia passed Twilight and Luna their prismatic absorption crystals. I then walked into the center of the circle as everypony else went to their assigned spots in their specific rings. Afterwards I took a deep breath and attached the box of sealing to the side of my armor. Time soon slowed for a second or two as I gathered my thoughts. Then after a few moments I spoke, “When we begin the process, it cannot be stopped for any reason until the end. I will be controlling the operation of this circle from the center. Please concentrate on your own tasks no matter what. Now...let us begin.” Understandably there were indeed nervous whispers floating around in response but they ceased when I stated, “stage one.” My muscles soon tightened before I channeled power through my scythe into the circle. In reply the outer most ring with the three princesses lifted off the ground about ten meters. They then spread their bodies into a vertical “Y” shape and activated the shield ward surrounding the circle. Afterwards three prismatic absorption crystals floated outside the ward in front of each princess. The princesses then started to rotate with the movement of the ring as it began spinning clockwise. Black vortexes soon appeared in front of each crystal as they rotated with the ring. “Stage one complete, moving on to stage two,” I stated in slight nervousness as I flowed energy into the second outer ring. Again the circle replied to my will as the ring lifted the pegasi all the way up to the clouds. Then when in position they flapped their wings forward at a steady rate. In response the clouds were pushed away from us. They then moved with their ring as it rotated counter-clockwise. “Stage two complete, starting stage three,” I said as my nervousness from before hardly abating as I pushed power into the middle ring. And just like the other two times the circle responded to my will before it lifted the middle ring off the ground about one meter with the unicorns on top of it. The unicorns then pointed their horns forward as their ring rotated them clockwise. “Stage three complete, beginning stage four,” I stated as a knot began to form in my stomach as I flowed energy into the closest ring to mine. In reply the earth ponies were then lifted with their ring only a few centimeters off the ground and they positioned their bodies into the same “Y” shape as the princesses. Next they began to rotate counter-clockwise with their ring. A hard swallow proceeded that step before I stated, “stage four complete, starting final stage. Good luck everypony.” Then in a instant, my ring rotated clockwise and my scythe burst into light blue flames. Soon after pure life force energy fired out into my ring. The unleashed power flowed out from my ring into the earth ponies’s ring. And in a fraction of a second they all grunted in response at the effort as their bodies' natural affinity of the earth converted the light blue life force energy into bright green growth energy. This green growth energy then passed on from their ring into the unicorns’ ring to begin the process of condensing it. Next with the aid of their circle the unicorns’ condensed and focused the energy through their horns before they fired it out into the orchard in thick beams. However as per design these beams did not deplete much of the gathered energy. For their task was mainly to shock the surrounding area into accepting the other purpose of their ring. A purpose that had shown itself after a few seconds of it gathering growth energy. Because soon with little warning the ring began to vibrate shortly before it pulsed. A wave of growth energy soon flowed out in all directions like an expanding bubble thus blanketing the area in a green glow. However this was when the true trial would begin. Because in quick reply to the injection of growth energy the clouds in the sky above began to darken and swirl. A dark omen that nature's counter balance to our efforts had been activated. For not long after the black energy of decay came flowing toward us like water in a newly created hole. In turn this dark energy raged and swirled as it was denied its prize of the dying orchard by our efforts and had thus flung itself at the source of the disturbance, the circle itself. However, before it came within three meters of us it was sucked through the black vortexes that were continuously generated by the princess' ring and into the absorption crystals that were setup. And with that I sighed in relief that the circle had successfully began working fully. The only task I did after that was throw out more life force energy. But like usual, my prior feeling of slight ease did not last long. For I soon heard something that made my heart sink. Ravenous howls came tearing out of the ruined orchard around us. A pack of twenty rogue lycans started running straight at the circle. They were probably waiting for a moment of weakness to attack and must have thought they found one. However, they had made a terrible miscalculation. Because in secret I planned for any attacks from potential enemies. As such I cackled like a madpony before I bellowed “YOU FOOLS! ”. A cruel malicious smile then crawled up my face as I, for only a split second, turned off the black vortexes from the absorption crystals. In an instant, as a result of my actions, the ambient energy of decay screamed around the circle's ward in a high pitched howl before it blasted outwards. The poor fools did not even make it within six meters of the circle before their flesh melted right off their bones. What remained of their corpses soon oozed into bubbling dark pools before I laughed at their awful folly. But in my foolish arrogance I had made a terrible mistake. Because while I managed to get the black vortex absorption crystal process working again, I could easily sense something was wrong. For you see my little stunt had started to destabilize the circle itself. Its clockwork processes soon whined as they strained against the instabilities before I heard Celestia yell over the noise, “Blood Moon, the circle needs more power. Otherwise it’s going to all come apart!” Panic had then set in as I realized I was already channeling all the energy I could through my scythe, but it was not enough. In turn with gritted teeth I took the only horrid option I had left. I let go of my weapon and flowed the life force energy out through my own body. My armor lit up with light blue flames and I shrieked as the power permeated my armor and started to char my fur and flesh. The extra energy output however successfully stabilized the circle. It had also increased the power and caused the beams and pulses from the unicorn’s ring to increase as well. Thus resulting in extra energy flowing into the orchard forcing the trees to regenerate faster. But this positive boon was taking a heavy toll on me and I could only keep the process going for about ten minutes before my body started to fail. And so with what little strength I had left, I shut down the circle’s rings down in reverse order. When I finished that I quickly realized my armor was blistering hot. I in turn forced it to go back into the ring on my neck but I quickly realized even the ring itself was super-heated. In blinding agony I further burnt my hooves as I yanked the ring off my neck and tossed it next me. The armor ring soon slammed into the ground and sunk into it by a few centimeters due to the extreme heat. Then with failing consciousness I clinched my teeth through the pain of my burns and located the box of sealing that had fallen next to me before I opened it. And in great amazement and thankfulness it luckily remained cool to the touch. Then with horrid wheezing I stated,“Princesses, please hurry…put the crystals…in…the box." In exhausted and quiet reply they walked over all the other equally exhausted ponies and did as I asked. However the only thing odd about this was when I closed the box and sealed it I heard a strange multi-toned voice scream “RELEASE ME!” but I merely brushed it off thinking it was my tired mind playing tricks on me. After that, while trying to fight through my pain, I looked around in hazy vision at the apple orchard. It had been restored to where it looked as if nothing ever happened to it. Residual growth energy flickered around as I wheezed out “It worked…I cannot believe it actually…worked…HAHAHA-” but I was interrupted when blinding agony came from my insides. The smoke cleared around me as I realized just how badly I was hurt. I quickly placed my fore hooves over my mouth as I started to violently cough. And when I pulled my hooves away they were covered in blood. The last thing I remember was somepony yelling “He’s hurt!” before my vision faded to black and I collapsed. My body’s pain soon started to fade as I slipped into unconsciousness. > Chapter 10: Strengthened Bonds > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My mind kept shifting in and out, but vaguely heard muffled voices. “By Tartarus, it looks like he twas thrown in a volcano! He has burns everywhere and his armor’s ring had to be pried out of the earth!” one of the voices stated. “I just told him the circle needed more power. I never imagined he would use himself as a channeling focus! This is all my fault. The orchard has been restored, but it may have cost him his life,” another voice lamented right before it started breaking from sobs. “There has to be something we can do! His book of shadows! There must be something in there that can help!” a third voice said in a panic. “We do not know, Twilight. He is the only one that is able to open it. Even then I am not sure if we could locate anything of use,” a voice replied. "We have to try something!" a voice responded. The voices then started to fade as I lost consciousness again. But after an unknown amount of time my mind shifted half-awake again. “We’ve been at this for hours and it won’t open! I’ve tried every dispel I know!” a voice mourned. “Tis a blood seal Twilight, a very old type of magic. Star Swirl the Bearded made use of them all the time. The fool must have studied his methods as they were always frustratingly secure. I have seen him open it countless times. How did he…wait his blood! All we require is a drop of it!” another voice quickly stated before I felt a dull cut on my left foreleg. “Careful Luna, he has already lost so much blood already and his vampiric healing is barely functioning,” a voice warned. “Why is this damned tome not opening?! I have already given it several drops of his blood!” an angry voice bellowed. “Luna stop, you are only going to make this worse. The only thing we can do now is wait. He’s the only one that can somehow speed healing. We have done all we can,” a voice stated. “There must be something we can do Celestia! He’s going to die!” a panicked voice replied. “I’m very sorry Twilight, but there’s nothing more we can do. We’ll just have to wait and hope his vampiric healing will save him,” a voice responded. I then heard open weeping next to me as my mind faded out again and darkness took me once more. Then when more unknown amounts of time had passed I had regained consciousness again. This time however I was able to partially open my eyes but only just. And though my vision was hazy and unfocused, I appeared to be in Twilight’s room and covered in bandages. Then after several minutes more I fought my waning sight to focus on something to my right. It had appeared to be Twilight and she was sitting in a chair next to the bed. She also seemed to be unarmored and asleep while clutching my tome to her chest with her forelegs. Her closed eyes looked tired and her face was stained from tears. Her forelegs also had bandages wrapped around them though they looked to have been hastily put back on several times. I was puzzled and worried from the sight of such bandages until I painfully swallowed and realized my mouth faintly tasted like her arcane charged blood. For she must have been attempting to revive me for who knows how long. It was a true kindness that she was trying to aid me and I would have gladly like to thank her, but I could hardly move at that moment. Truly a situation I needed to rectify if ever there was one. So after taking a few painful breaths, I managed to look around and I had soon spotted my scythe leaning against the bed to the left of me. A glimmer of hope sparked in my mind at the sight of it. And with flickering will I gritted my teeth and with great pain and effort I reached with my left foreleg and touched my weapon. My eyes and horn soon flared with light blue flames before I searched myself internally. In turn in my initial analysis, I discovered I still had a small amount of stored life force after the apple orchard ritual but not much. Then as I clenched my teeth harder and scanned myself further with my mind I also discovered that almost everything in my body was either burnt, damaged or both, including my internal organs. But like I had done so many times before, I slowly gathered my power and set forth on trying to heal my broken body. Firstly I began with my nervous and circulatory systems, figuring they were the most important at the time. The experience however from doing this was horrid to say the least. Every nerve in my body screamed in agony as I pieced them back together. My focus had even waned multiple times when the terrible pain kept flaring in waves. And such things were only made worse for such pain also forced me to work at a grueling pace to prevent giving myself cardiac arrest or at the very least serious internal bleeding. But eventually after restoring my nervous system and blood flow I began to painfully heal my internal organs one at a time. And again I had to work slowly but I was lucky at least this time as it caused most of my internal bleeding risks to fade away. My breathing had also become steadier and easier to maintain. But in a cruel twist of fate in all this my stomach had also woken up with a vengeance. And it made no illusions that my efforts were causing me to become increasingly hungry, but I did my best to push that primal need aside as I continued to work. And so my almost completely ruined skeletal system was next. Per usual, just like the rest of my body, everything was either burnt, broken or both. But with little idea on where to start in this mess of charred calcium I decided to begin with my rib cage to at least ease my breathing further. Then I healed my skull and to my great joy it helped clear my mind and made focusing easier. In turn it took an hour to piece the rest of my bones back together. Then after several more hours of work I finally finished healing my damaged muscles and skin. And with the last of my efforts I regrew my charred fur and mane. The process unfortunately had burnt through almost all of my stored life force, but at the very least I was whole again. However, my feeling of contentment was dulled by the fact that my body felt as if an Ursa Major sat on it. But regardless of my body protesting I soon sat up and carefully cut my bandages off myself with my scythe. Then when I finished that I noticed the floor was littered with empty blood bags when my bandages fell to join them. ‘How long have I been out’ I spoke mentally and groaned. But to my great fortune in my viewing of the floor I had managed to find one blood bag that remained unopened. So with little delay I focused my magic and levitated it to me. I then hesitated only for but a moment to read the label and had sighed in relief when the name was not "Pinkie Pie" before drinking it down. It ultimately did little to curve my hunger but it would have to do for now. Then after summoning my will and with great determination I lifted myself on to my newly healed legs. I had wobbled a little, but managed to gain some balance back. I then grabbed my armor’s ring, separated it, and reattached it to my neck. It seemed I was lucky that the enchantments on it were still intact even after all that heat. However when my armor soon flowed back over my body I had to quickly deactivate the suppression field when the strain on my body became too much. After that I lowered my helm, unsummoned my scythe, and walked over to Twilight. And to put it mildly she was a mess. Her normally well brushed mane was unkempt and her body looked ragged and thin. I also had gotten a closer look at the bloody bandages on her forelegs and it was now confirmed that she must have been indeed trying to feed me her blood in an effort to heal me. I was not sure if it helped, but again the thought of her trying warmed my heart. But after scanning her over a little bit and with some effort at moving my stiff body, I managed to sit down in front of her. I then leaned close to her face, and gently kissed her on the lips. Her tired eyes soon slowly opened in response as fresh red tears began to flow forth. She then dropped my tome on the ground and hugged me while crying. “They said you may never wake up again, but I didn’t believe them,” she sobbed. “I-I will never be able to thank you enough for watching over me. I do not know what to say as it appears our roles had indeed switched. However...p-please allow me to return at least a small amount of your aid,” I stated in a ragged voice. I then summoned my scythe and tilted her head up to her right with my right forehoof. “I apologize, but this will only hurt for a moment,” I stated. She then closed her eyes tight and clenched her teeth as I bit down on her neck. After that I used the minute amount of stored life force that I still had left in my body and channeled it through my fangs into her body. A small whimpered had soon left her lips as I healed her leg wounds. I had also repaired some minor internal damage probably due to her malnourishment. And then with the last ounce of my remaining stored life force, I pulled my fangs out of her neck and healed her neck wound. But that was the end of it as there was no more energy left to draw from causing my body to feel weaker than before. However it was all worth it in the end after she hugged me again with some of her restored strength though it admittedly strained my stiff body. Silence then reigned for a few seconds while I had gathered my thoughts and courage. For if there was ever was a time to say what I was about to state, it was now. And so while she still held me, I lifted my head a little bit and whispered into her right ear, “There is...something…I wish to say. I may never get the chance to say this again. It may also be completely out of line, but Twilight-” the words were difficult to say “-I…love you.” And upon saying such a thing time began to crawl to a near stop as I awaited her response. But then as if an enormous weight had lifted off of me, she squeezed me tighter and replied “I...love you too, Blood Moon.” The grip on my scythe let go and it clattered to the ground. I then wrapped my front legs around her and held her tight as red tears came out of my eyes. I had never felt this happy in over a century. So much mental pain and loneliness flowed out of me. It had been so long and I had been so emotionally alone for so many years. And so we had wept in each other’s embrace. Then after a few moments I lowered my armor all the way and laid her on the bed. I then got on top of her and we passionately kissed each other. She soon pulled me closer and I felt our bodies move in a steady rhythm. And after we both came together, we then fell asleep in each other’s loving embrace. The rest that followed was truly welcomed, but it unfortunately only lasted a few hours before hunger woke us up. As such I got up, turned my suppression field back on, and moved the curtains by the window to check what time of day it was. And with some satisfaction it had appeared that the sun had just set. The small smile I gained from this fact however was short lived when both our stomachs had continued to protest. But to my dismay, I came to discover all of the blood bags in the room were empty, along with all three of my blood cylinders. Needless to say I quickly helped Twilight get out of bed and she re-armored after I did. “Where are we going?” She questioned. “We are going into the Everfree forest before we both starve to death,” I replied. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? It’s almost night time,” she inquired. “Twilight, we are beings of the night, remember? The night is when we thrive,” I responded with a sly grin. She laughed nervously and stated “Oh…yeah…heh heh ehhh.” So after that we quietly trotted our way to the edge of the Everfree forest continuously fueled by our ever growing hungers. But before we fully entered I had begun to smell the air for signs of life. And with great luck it was truly teeming with the scents of all sorts of creatures. But as much as the scents were enjoyable I did not smell for too long given it had only made me far hungrier than I already was. In turn I soon glanced over at Twilight and saw her mouth partially open and salivating at the smell as well. As such the only thing I had stated after that was “We hunt,” while grinning before we slowly crept through the forest. Now I had indeed figured we would need our full strength, so I had us turn off our suppression fields and use our armor to muffle our hoofsteps. I then closed my eyes, sniffed the air and listened. And after a few seconds I heard a faint heartbeat. I soon swiveled my ears around in response and located what I was searching for. “There is a deer nearby, this way,” I whispered while pointing. And in turn I had us get closer to the ground as we closed in on our prey. Then as the creature’s heartbeat slowly grew stronger in my ears I had begun to analyze it some more. For it appeared that the heartbeat was slow and steady which meant we had not been noticed yet. So with careful continued movements I scanned the dark until I spotted it. It was a large buck and it was fortunately facing the opposite direction. So I whispered for Twilight to stay where she was as I got lower to the ground. I then crept up behind it with practiced movements. But without warning it suddenly lifted its head and I heard its heartbeat quicken. I froze in response as the buck’s eyes scanned the forest in front of it. However after a few moments its heartbeat returned to normal and it bent down to chew at the forest vegetation some more. Then with practiced skill I continued to use steady and quiet movements as I skulked up behind the creature. And when I was almost right next to it, I closed my eyes and thought, ‘I am very sorry noble creature, but we are very hungry and we require your blood.’ I then opened my eyes and reached my front legs forward. And in one fluid movement I grabbed the buck’s back legs and hamstrung both of them with my teeth. The creature shrieked in terror and tried to run only to collapse from its inoperable hind legs. It then swung its antlers at me, but they just harmlessly scraped across the front of my armor. Right after that I dove in front of it, grabbed its left antler with my right forehoof and swung my left forehoof with all my might. My hoof smashed it square in the forehead and knocked it unconscious. And then as its body collapsed to the ground I relaxed my muscles and motioned to Twilight to come over. “Y-you made that look so easy,' She whispered to me while gazing at the deer. I just smiled and replied, “Decades of practice will do that. You get first bite,” as I lifted the deer onto a nearby rock to elevate it. She in turn looked quite bewildered before she said, “I…I don’t know what to do.” I merely chuckled in response and stated, “Okay, then watch me and I will show you.” I then tilted the deer’s head up exposing its neck as I lowered my helm. I then closed my eyes, opened my mouth, and bit down. The blood that came forth was warm and it had a pleasing taste as it flowed over my tongue and down my throat. But before I lost myself into that delightfulness, I stopped after a few seconds, opened my eyes and glanced at Twilight. For she still was looking as bewildered as before. However an idea soon made its way into my mind. Because after a few seconds of thought, I partially filled my mouth with fresh blood and pulled my fangs out. I then placed my left forehoof over the bite wound to slow the bleeding. After that I waved my right forehoof at Twilight and motioned for her to come closer. In response she lowered her own helm and got within a few paces of me. Then right when she got near I reached forward with my right foreleg and pulled her next to me. In turn her body had tensed up but for a only a second before I kissed her on the lips and let the blood in my mouth spill into hers. Her eyes quickly fluttered closed from the experience as she began to swallow. Then when my mouth was empty I pulled away and gently moved her head close to the wound on the deer’s neck. And as such with these things, nature soon took its course when she began smelling the blood behind my hoof and leaned in even closer. I then lifted my hoof before she closed her eyes and bit down on the wound. And just like the rest of my kind she slowly sat down and began to lap and swallow the flowing blood. It was pleasing to say the least to see her get more comfortable doing this, but I did not gaze upon her for too long for my own hunger soon found me again. So I located my own spot on the deer’s neck next to hers and bit down as well. And with that we sat in near silence as we lapped and swallowed down mouthfuls of blood. However after a few minutes of this I needed to use my blood magic to keep the blood flowing after the deer’s heart stopped. For we had seemingly drained that poor creature almost dry. But when we had finally gotten our fill, we both pulled away from the deer’s neck. However, as a result of what we had just done, Twilight’s expression looked pretty torn. Needless to say I picked up on her mood immediately and calmly stated, “Do not feel bad Twilight. We consume only to survive. It would be no less wrong from a wolf nor any other predator.” This statement did little to ease her though as she still looked uncomfortable. I merely smiled in response and added “It is simply the circle of life. Most creatures consume life in some way or form. You even consume life when you eat plants. You need to accept this fact, along with what you are now. Do not worry, I will be here to guide you.” She gave me a weak smile in reply as I pulled her close and wrapped my front legs around her. She then closed her eyes and said, “Thank you, Blood Moon. After all these weeks I think…I think I've finally…accepted…what I am now. What are we going to do with the deer?” I quietly laughed in response and stated, “What do you mean ‘We’. As I stated before ‘Most creatures consume life in some way or form’. You truly did not believe we were the only ones to get a meal out of this deer, did you?” She looked puzzled and said, “What?” I grinned and calmly stated, “Look around and you shall see your fellow beings of the night.” And so we both scanned the forest and I pointed out a number of eyes of all shape, sizes and colors looking at us. She went wide eyed upon seeing such things and held me closer. I quietly laughed in response and stated, “Do not worry Twilight. They have already measured us and we are too much of a threat. They are just waiting patiently for us to move away from the deer. Come, let us return to your library.” In turn after a small stretch, we re-armored our helms and walked side by side quietly away from the deer. But when we reached about two hundred paces I motioned for her to stop. “Turn your head and listen,” I whispered to her as I stopped and turned my head to the side before closing my eyes. A small grin soon crept up my face as I heard snarls and snapping noises coming from behind us. “Feast well fellow night dwellers. May your hungers be sated,” I whispered into the dark in reply. But just like most good things in life our midnight experience had soon drawn to a close. So we had merely exited the forest before we turned our suppression fields back on. Our pace was slow as we walked back to the library and after a few minutes Twilight had yawned and began resting her head against me. It was certainly pleasing to say the least but soon my own fatigue had eventually caught up with me when I had begun to yawn myself. For all I wished to do now was go to bed at this point. Eventually, when we made it back, I opened the library door to see a concerned Spike behind it. “Where were you guys? I was getting worried,” he stated. “Do you really wish to know the answer to that question?” I said as I smiled, unarmored my helm, and leaned into the light showing him the blood around my mouth. He got wide eyed and only managed to say “ummm…errr…eh.” “Let us just say we were very hungry, and now, we no longer are. No, we did not hurt anypony and yes, we are staying here for the rest of the night,” I said. He had shivered for a moment in response but after a few seconds Spike gathered his thoughts together enough to state, “I cleaned up the mess in the bedroom. How many of those blood bags did you guys drink? I swear there was at least several dozen." "I'm sorry Spike. I...haven't been myself lately," Twilight responded. "Its okay, at least Blood Moon doesn't look like a burnt tree anymore. Hey Twilight, do you mind if I stay over at Rarity’s for tonight?” he inquired with a hopeful grin. Twilight smiled and said, “Okay, as long as it’s alright with her and you’re not bothering anypony.” He smiled and said, “No, it's perfectly fine. She's been very happy with my help after I gave her that crystal Blood Moon gave…I mean I purchased.” He proceeded to smack his right claw on his forehead at the slip up. “It’s fine Spike. I already know where that focusing crystal came from,” she said as she glanced over at me. I rolled my eyes in reply. “Spike, remind me to never trust you with any sensitive Reaper Knight secrets,” I said and laughed. “Well, can I go Twilight?” He questioned again more urgently this time. She smiled again and stated “Yes you may, but make sure you…” however, Spike had already bolted back into the Library. “…Nevermind,” She added. “You cannot blame him for being interested in his heart’s desire,” I said and winked at her. After that we both walked into the library and almost got run over by Spike blasting out the front door. I heard him say “Bye you guys” while nearly sprinting with some of his belongings under his arms. I just chuckled at this as I closed the door and shook my head. I then lowered my armor while my body continued to ache for my fatigue started becoming worse. And just like most other times like this my mind soon began thinking of nothing, but sleep. Twilight must have been thinking the same for she also soon lowered her armor before yawning heavily. “Let us get cleaned up. With full stomachs maybe this time we can get some well-deserved rest,” I said still attempting to stay awake. In turn, after we washed the blood and mud off us, I just said “Sweet dreams” before I began walking to the basement door. In response to this I saw Twilight smirk before stating, “Where do you think you’re going?” I just stopped in my tracks and blushed in reply. “I apologize, it is…force of habit,” I stated as I turned to walk up the stairs to the second floor. She on the other hoof just jumped and used her wings instead of the stairs. I merely rolled my eyes at this and stated, “Show off.” She just giggled at my statement before hopping into bed and patting the spot next to her with her left forehoof. And while I would have loved to have joined her with some measure of grace, my stiff body however was having none of such as I gritted my teeth before awkwardly slipping under the covers. Twilight then moved close to me and snuggled her face into my chest. I in turn wrapped my forelegs around her and closed my eyes. I had then just cleared my mind when I noticed it only took her a few seconds to fall asleep. A small smile crept up my face as I thought ‘By the moon, I could only dream of falling asleep that easily.’ However it did not take long before my wish was granted as I soon too fell asleep peacefully, still holding Twilight close to me. > Chapter 11: No Rest for the Weary > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I did not wake until something started tapping my nose. Normally, this would have startled me as I am not usually a deep sleeper. However, for some reason the bed was quite comfortable and I did not have any desire to move. My so groggy mind decided to just brush it off as my imagination. And I had just begun to peacefully slip back to sleep when the tapping came yet again. It had also came just like before, a simple tap that seemed to cause an unusually large annoyance for some reason. My subconscious seemed to react negatively to the undesired sensation as well. I soon felt my lips curl back into a snarl. I then proceeded to let out a low growl in response to the irritation and my minor show of force caused the offending source to take a few steps backwards. However, upon noticing this my ears perked up as my hearing started to scan the room. They then shifted in several directions around me while I tried to keep calm and still. But eventually, I just barely made out a muffled whispering voice, “Dear Celestia, not only does he snarl like a manticore, but he sleeps like one too. Hmm, ha this’ll wake him up heh heh. Just have to cover Twilight like this…there.” I did not like the tone in that voice, nor the implications of the words. As such I slowly opened my drowsy eyes and faced the direction of the voice. Then as I squinted, I realized that it was Spike talking. He seemed to be moving towards the wall of the room for some reason. But it did not take long before my eyes widened with shock as it dawned on me of what he was going to do. And mere moments later he yanked open the curtains blocking the morning sun. This resulted in sunlight quickly blasting into the room like the vengeful spirit. In response I let out a high-pitched shriek and fell out of bed. I then slammed into the floor with a hard thud. After my seemingly desired reaction, the curtains were soon pulled shut. But in my dazed state the only thing I noticed was that I heard Twilight yelp in surprise. She then fumbled around in the bed for a few seconds before falling off the other side with a thud matching my own. after that she blurted out several colorful words and sounded like she was trying to get out of the blankets. In no time at all I soon heard Spike laughing his little head off. “Oh boy hahaha. Pinkie Pie was right. He does scream like a little filly,” he stated as I heard him fall backwards from hysterics. “What the hay, Spike?! Why’d you do that?!” Twilight yelled as I heard her stumbling to get up. “I’m hahahaha sorry. Heh heh heh ehhh Blood Moon got a letter from Princess Luna. He growled at me when I tried to wake him. So I couldn’t resist and pulled a Pinkie Pie. It was sooo totally worth it,” he replied still fighting to control his amusement. “That’s not very nice, Spike. Somepony could have gotten hurt.” She said with a scornful tone. “He’s Fiiine, right Blood Moon?” Spike inquired. “Oh yes…I find it quite delightful to have a near heart attack before embracing the floor with vigor. It is what I desire to do evvvery morning,” I stated, my tone dripping with sarcasm. “Well anyway your letter is on the night stand. I’m going to bed. Rarity had me up all night helping her with orders. I didn’t know this many muscles could hurt at the same time. I think that focusing crystal I gave her is going to do me in,” He said while I heard him yawn before he slipped into his bed. After a few moments I gathered up enough motivation to pick myself off the floor. I rubbed my eyes with my front hooves and glanced over at Spike. The little prankster was fast asleep already. ‘So he wishes to have a peaceful sleep hmm? Well I will have to do something about that later,’ I thought to myself and wickedly grinned. However, vengeance will have to wait as I remembered the note sent by Princess Luna. I stumbled a little as I walked over to the small table by the bed. I focused my magic, unrolled the letter and scanned it. I sighed and knew that this note was not much of a surprise. It was, as always, additional orders. It seems due to the other elements getting injured from the attack of the solar channelers, Luna and her sister thought it best for me to protect them and Spike as well. I read the letter to the bottom and the last few lines made my heart sink. Twilight seemed to have managed to gather her wits and was walking over to me with an intrigued look in her face. “What do you have there, Blood Moon?” she questioned. “Additional orders it seems,” I replied trying to keep the worry out of my voice and passed her the letter. She picked up the letter with her magic and read it thoroughly. “What? How do they expect you to watch over all of us at the same time? Also I’m beginning to get annoyed that they think we can’t take care of ourselves. No offence to you, but we were the ones that defeated both Discord and Nightmare Moon. I'm also the princess of magic too, that has to be worth something,” she stated while clearly aggravated. I half-smiled at her and said “I know full well your capabilities and that of your friends. You have to understand, both Princess Luna and Princess Celestia do not wish to take any chances. You were impaled if you remember correctly. I had to save you by turning you into one of my kind. Your friends were also gravely injured too…well minus Pinkie Pie.” Twilight frowned and she seemed to unconsciously lick her fangs. “Yes, but how are you expected to do that all by yourself?” I scrunched my face with concentration. There was only one solution I could think of at the moment. Also to make matters worse the information at the end of the letter did little ease my mind. It was coded so it was no surprise Twilight overlooked it. “You will have to wait and see. However, due to this news, we are going to need to make another trip back to Canterlot and soon,” I stated. “Huh? Why’s that?” she inquired. “You will just have to wait and see. If you can please gather your friends immediately as I wish to leave as soon as possible,” I replied as I tried to keep the growing worry out of my tone. She narrowed her eyes on me. “What’s going on?” she questioned. Again I just replied with “You will just have to wait and see.” She just continued to glare at me before she walked out the front door. It was unpleasant to withhold information, but I did not want to worry her with the obvious bad news. I also was unsure how she would react and did not need the added stress. However, I ultimately will have to tell her sooner or later. ‘The sooner we get moving the better. Then I can explain myself,’ I thought as a knot started to form in my stomach. In the meantime while Twilight gathered her friends. I decided to ease my mind by working out my retribution against a certain dragon. If I he wished to prevent me from getting a restful sleep when I desperately needed it, I was going to gladly return the favor. I busied myself by gathering some rope, some dried leaves, and some sticky tree sap. A mischievous smile spread on my face as I worked. After checking to make sure he was still asleep, I slowly lifted his bed with my magic. I then moved it under one of the roof support beams. I then tied the ropes to the beam and tied the other ends to the bed to keep it about one to two meters in the air. After the bed was steady I laid down the dried leaves around it on the floor and smeared tree sap all over them. I admired my work with malicious glee and rubbed my front hooves together. I then walked down to the fireplace to wait. I made some fresh mint tea and sat in front of the fireplace to waiting for Twilight. I continued to wear the same same mischievous smile as I had before. I also kept one ear pointed in the direction of the unknowing, still sleeping Spike. It was extremely childish. However, it was all I could do to keep my mind away from more worrying thoughts. After about dusk Twilight came back from gathering her friends. She was clearly tired from spending so much time in the sun. The rest of them look a little annoyed at the abrupt gathering as well. After thinking a few a seconds, I decided to give Twilight and her friends a bit of enjoyment. I wanted to wait till later, but it seemed we all needed the cheering up. “Hey everypony?” I stated with delight at what I was about to do. “Yeah?” they replied in unison. “Who desires to see something quite amusing?” I stated rubbing my front hooves together. It was little surprise that Pinkie Pie was the one to happily accept. “Ooooh I looooove funny things. What is it what is it what is it?” she said and jumped up and down with excitement. With that statement I bellowed “Hey Spike! Can you please come down here for a moment?” It did not take long for my trap to spring. I heard him grumble, yelp and slam into the ground. He then flopped on the ground a few times. “Ahhhh, what is this crud?!” he shouted while still fumbling on the floor. I lost it and started to laugh. “That will teach you to not scare me half to death HAHAHA!” I yelled up the stairs. “Oh Celestia, Blood moon. What did you…” Twilight started to respond when her face scrunched up. She had to put a hoof in front of her mouth to prevent laughter. Spike had an angry look on his face as he glared at me while stomping down the stairs. He was covered from head to claw in leaves and tree sap. The sight of him triggered further laughter in me. It did not take long for everypony else to join in. The library was soon filled with the sounds of amusement as Spike continued to stomp down the stairs while he crossed his arms and scowled at me. “Veeery funny Blood Moon…very funny,” Spike snapped and walked outside to which I assumed to hose himself off. “Well now with that out of the way, back to business. The reason I had Twilight gather you up here is that I have now been charged with protecting you all, including Spike. We are going to make a trip to Canterlot again for additional assistance. I am sorry this is such short notice, but unfortunately I have little choice in the matter,” I stated and bit my lip remembering Luna’s letter again. “Please gather anything that you all will require. We are going to leave by dusk tonight. I implore you all to be very careful,” I said as my tone started to get more nervous. Applejack picked up on my mood. “You alright sugar cube? You look a little jumpy,” she stated with concern. “The sooner we leave, the better. I will be fine,” I replied faking a smile. They all left to their respective homes for supplies before leaving on our trip to Canterlot. However, Twilight was not convinced by my statement to Applejack and looked at me when everypony was gone. “Blood Moon, what’s going on?” She stated and narrowed her eyes. I bit my lip again and stated “Trouble is what is going on. We need to leave as soon as possible. I did not want to worry you, but there is a problem and the sooner we are on that train leaving here, the better.” “What trouble? What do you mean? You’re not making any sense,” she stated, sounding frustrated. “Fine, if you truly wish to know. That letter that was sent by Princess Luna has a few sentences at the bottom that are in code. Most ponies would overlook them thinking they have no significance. Remember those rogue vampire assassins from before? Yeah, they sent more…at least a dozen…maybe more,” I stated and looked at her as some sweat dripped down my face. She paled and started mumbling several things under her breath and blurted out “Ooooh why’d I ask.” “We have some time before they get here, but I want to leave as soon as possible to miss them. They are no doubt after you, Spike and the other elements. They should leave the rest of the town alone as I believe they will think it would not be worth it,” I stated as I started calculating tactics in my head. One detail kept nagging at me until I gave in. T-Twilight can you please follow me to your bedroom? There is s-something I wish to do,” I stated as the words flowed out in a nervous mess. I was in complete disbelief of what I was about to do. However, she was the only one I trusted with this. Just in case it was needed. “I don’t think it’s the right time for that, Blood Moon. We’re in a bit of a crisis here,” She said and tried to smile, but it failed to reach her eyes. I nervously grinned and stated “No, that is not what I am going to do.” I walked up the stairs closely followed by Twilight. I then sat down on the bed and levitated my Book of Shadows towards me. “You need to realized what I am about to do is something I have never done for anypony. I should have done this before as it most likely would have helped. Please understand that this is not easy for me. You are the only one I trust with this so please do not take this lightly,” I stated, my tone more shaky than I wanted it to be. Twilight looked puzzled “What are you talking about?” I lifted my left forehoof and moved her head to face me. “I…I am going to give you access to my Book of Shadows. You are…going to have unrestricted knowledge of all the spells and incantations I have learned down the years. You are also…going have a glimpse into the inter-workings of my mind. Please, I beg of you, do not think less of me,” I started as I moved my head to look at my tome. Twilight moved my head to face her again. I then stared into those purple eyes for a few moments before she closed them and kissed me on the lips. Time seemed to stop in that lovely embrace. It also seemed to further steel my decision. After we pulled away from each other, I placed my tome on my lap and bit my left foreleg. A drop of my blood hit the seal and it unlocked the book. I then quickly healed my wound, touched the seal with both front hooves, and turned it a few times. After the third turn the seal’s face-plate separated revealing a small pool of my blood in it. “Before we do this. I must ask one more thing,” I said in a serious tone. “What is it, Blood Moon?” Twilight inquired. “I need you to promise me that you will not use any of the alchemy circles in here without my guidance,” I replied still looking at the unlocked seal. “I’m the Princess of Magic, Blood Moon, Remember? I think I can handle a few alchemy circles by myself,” she said and let out a small giggle until I glared at her. “Okay okay fine. I won’t use any of them without your help,” she grinned, shook her head, and rolled her eyes. “Please hold your right foreleg over the seal. This will only hurt for a moment,” I stated and tried to calm my nerves. I took her foreleg and bit down with one fang. The taste was as pleasant as always and it took a few seconds to regain my focus before continuing. I then proceeded to pull my fang out and let a small stream of her blood drip into the pool of the seal. After that I looked on as her blood mingled with mine. It was strange as they seemed to oddly embrace each other. However I did not enjoy such things for long for after a few moments I healed her wound and re-sealed my tome. It was such a simple act, yet it was so difficult. I was truly afraid of what she would find in this book. All my pain and misery over my long life was mirrored along with my research. There were many less than savory incantations I created in my darker days. It was a glimpse into the more damaged part of my psyche. However, after all these years it felt good to just finally let somepony in. I just hoped that she would not think less of me. I hugged my tome close to my chest and for some reason I felt extremely vulnerable. I stared off into space as a red tear fell from my left eye. I tried to take several deep breaths, but they did little to help my nerves. After a few moments I felt Twilight’s wing wrap around my back. She hugged me with her front legs. It did not realize I was shaking until my body relaxed from her touch. “I-in case anything happens to me. I need you to keep this safe for me,” I said, my voice breaking a little as I faced her She simply smiled, nodded and said “I will”. After a minute I pulled away from her and placed the book in front of her. I took a few more deep breaths and stated, “This seal is very special. Princess Luna was obviously right when she said it was a blood seal. However, most blood seals just require a drop of the pony’s blood to open it. This one requires it to be freely given. That was the reason why you were not able to open it before. You should have little difficulty now.” I then had her open it. It was odd to watch somepony else open my tome. She flipped to the first page and we sat together as I showed her many of its contents. She began to scan the pages with increasing speed and interest. I had to close my eyes a few times because my mind kept recoiling when we turned each page. I pushed the feeling back as we continued reading and waiting for her friends to return. After a few hours I heard Twilight’s friends come through the front door. I closed my tome, and with a shaky hoof, I handed it Twilight to hold onto. We then got up and walked down stairs. When I got the bottom of the stairs, I stretched a little and tried putting on a calm facade. It did not seem to work as Twilight’s friends kept strangely looking at me. “Is something wrong, Blood Moon?” Applejack stated while raising an eyebrow. “No, no everything is fine. However, the sooner we get going, the better,” I replied, but my fake smile was not fooling them. Rainbow Dash landed in front of me and glared at me. “Alright, I've had enough. You've been acting weird all day. What the hay is going on? What’s this big rush? What are you hiding from us?” she questioned and moved closer to my face. The others took on the same scrutinizing look as her. Twilight began to speak up, but I raised my left forehoof. “I suppose you all have the right to know. I just did not want to worry anypony, but now my hoof has been forced. I have been charged with watching over all of you by Princess Luna herself. We are heading to Canterlot for assistance in this endeavor. To make matters more difficult, we are all in serious danger,” I stated in an even voice. They all quickly paled at my statement. Rarity gulped and said “W-what do you mean, darling?” I took a deep breath and stated, “A message was sent to me from Princess Luna. It was the same message that Spike gave me earlier. Along with my new orders, it also stated there was another rogue group of vampires closing in on us. I have no idea what they are planning, nor do I wish to know. The sooner we get on that train out of here, the better.” Applejack soon blurted out “What the hay are we waitin’ for!?” In near silence we packed up everything we needed and finished getting ready. The growing tension in the air was getting thick. We all started getting jumpy at every sound. When everypony was ready I opened the front door and armored up. We proceeded to make haste to the train station when I heard what I was dreading. Cold laugher came from the shadows by the station. A sly voice soon spoke, “Aww leaving so soon? What’s the matter? Are the elements and the foolish Blood Moon afraid of little old us? Oh this time will be much different than those idiots from before and we won’t be making the same mistakes. You’re all coming with us…alive…or otherwise…” > Chapter 12: Friends and Foes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We were so close to leaving and getting away without any problems. This was the main scenario that I was hoping to avoid. I quickly summoned my scythe and moved in front of Twilight and her friends. I then bared my fangs behind my helm and clenched my teeth. My ears scanned the area and I could hear heartbeats all around me, and they were not from whom I was protecting. This was not good by any accounts. The voice spoke again, “Ah ah aaah, I doubt you'd be able to protect all of them. I’m sure my master wouldn't mind if there were a few…accidents.” The slick and overconfident tone in that voice seemed to grate my nerves. However, they were, unfortunately right. There was no way I was going to be able protect all of them at the same time. There was also a good chance it would have been hopeless even if I did not have them to worry about. I did not have much choice. I had no other option other than to give into their demands. I cleared my throat and tried speaking in the sternest voice I could muster, “It appears that I have no other option. However, they are not to be harmed. This is my only stipulation.” “We promise nothing. You haven’t a say in this matter. Oooh it is going to great watching you get thrown before my master, begging for death. She has been greatly…angered…by you repeatedly killing her servants down the years,” the voice replied in the same oily and pompous tone as before. After thinking for a few seconds, a low growl left my lips and I begrudging began to lower my scythe to the ground. However, before I finished, I noticed something strange at my hooves. After closer inspection it seemed to be a Wonderbolts pin. It was one of the types that they stopped making years ago. It had a few scratches on it and looked pretty worn. A small smiled crept up my face when I heard one of the heartbeats surrounding us abruptly stop. I shook my head, lightly chuckled under my breath and stated in my mind, ‘How could I have been so foolish as to believe Luna would not have sent anypony to aid me. These fools are done for.’ When I did not look up for a few seconds, my tormentor decided to show themselves. He was an earth pony with green slitted eyes and a smug look in his face. It was amusing how overly confident and dreadfully oblivious he was. He did not have the foggiest clue on what was about to happen. A small part of my mind mentally rubbed its hooves together with malicious glee in response. “What’s so funny? The part in where you’re, in all likelihood, going to be skinned alive? Or is it the fact that you’re completely helpless at the moment,” He stated in the very same blasted irritating voice. I looked him square in the eyes shortly before a large smile spread across my face. ‘They are going to need a distraction. Also being as I can barely contain my amusement, this will have to do,’ I mentally noted before a small laugh escaped from my lips. My laughter slowly turned into roaring hysterics as tears began to pour down my face. I only needed to half fake it as it was so hilarious on how sure this buffoon was of himself. One by one the heartbeats surrounding us were snuffed out like candle flames in a wind storm. I was even able to make out strange blurs in the area around us. This only seemed to fuel my laughter until I did not need to fake it any longer. It even became hard to breathe through it all. Additionally, the stress of day just seemed to melt away as I continued. “What’s so funny, Blood Moon? We are in serious danger here!” Twilight spoke with a nervous tone. “Yes, I would also like to know that as well,” the assassin added. “He hahaha has hahahhaha no idea hahahahaha,” I tried to speak, but it caused me to laugh harder. Twilight looked at me puzzled until it seems she saw the two assassins right behind the leader get yanked into the shadows. She smiled and a knowing look overtake her eyes. Her friends on the other hoof, seemed to be completely unaware of what was happening. They were all still in various states of fear. It was probably for the best. I did not want the leader assassin to realize what was happening before it was too late. Finally the leader assassin got irritated and stated “All right that’s it! Enough with this damn act! I say we kill them all and be done with it, right guys?” Nothing, but silence answered him. He turned his head to the side and added “Uh guys?” with a delicious hint of concern. When I finally contained myself, I saw sweat forming on his face. His arrogant smiled was replaced by a look of worry. I picked up my scythe and stated “For somepony who boasted about not making the same mistakes, you certainly failed at that endeavor.” “W-what are you talking about? T-they’re there. They j-just don’t like to say much,” he stated to which I guessed he was talking about the now slain group of his. “Come on guys! I know it’s really fun to scare each other, but we need to finish the job! I know you’re out there!” he pleaded to the darkness. Again, nothing seemed to respond. He was about to speak again when a familiar looking throwing knife spun through the air and drove itself into the ground a few centimeters from his front hooves. He made an amusing squeak noise as he jumped back a few paces. “Awww what is the matter? Has all your bravado been stripped from you?” I said while I tapped the pole of my scythe on my back a few times. “S-shut up! They’re there! They have to be! HA HA very funny guys. You can get off your lazy flanks and help me!” he again plead to the darkness around the train station. Also again he was just answered by another throwing knife driving itself into the ground close to him. His squeaks of surprise were really something to behold. I almost felt sorry for him…almost. I cracked my neck and said “I will state this only once. Remove your weapons, surrender and you will be spared.” It pained me to make the offer to this dimwit. As I have mentioned before, I have a great disdain for those that threaten to kill me or others that I care for. However, I figured Luna and Celestia would prefer to have at least one of them alive for questioning. “Hey y-you don’t make the d-demands here! I do!” He yelled at me, but his voice wavered and the intended effect failed. I could not help, but smirk when he turned tail and ran away from me. He made it only about five meters before an armored unicorn with throwing knifes in her front hooves stopped him. Her voice was calm and even as always as she spoke, “Did you not hear the Captain? He clearly stated to surrender and you will be spared…” “Fuck you!” the assassin cursed and ran in a different direction only to be only stopped by an armored earth pony with katars on his front hooves. “Where do ya think yer goin’ ya little dumbass?” the figure spoke with a tone of annoyance. The assassin just snarled and turned to run a different direction only to be stopped yet again. This time it was by a small armored pegasus with blades on her wings. “You’re really stupid aren't you? You've got nowhere to go,’ she stated with slight bemusement. She giggled when the now overly panicked assassin turned to run away from her. He then barreled right in front of an armored unicorn wielding two dirks. “Do you not learn from your mistakes? You have taken this path of action multiple times to no useful ends. It is highly advised that you cease and desist or you will not meet a pleasant end,” the unicorn stated in his usual cold and calculating tone. However, the assassin remained undeterred while he turned and ran again. A booming voice echoed in the darkness “I don’t have time for this SHIT!” as a towering armored earth pony wielding a two hooved battleaxe walked forward. He swung the axe with a grunt of effort and cleaved the assassin’s head clean off his shoulders. He then grabbed the now decapitated body and threw it into the train station building with an audible crunch. “What in Luna’s name do ya think yer doin’, Gray Mane?! Do ya got rocks fer brains or did yer mama drop ya on yer head too many times?! We’re supposed to capture that snivelin’ bastard! Not repaint a buildin’ with his entrails!” the katar wielding earth pony yelled out. “Oh come off it, Shadow Dancer! You know full well that little dirtbag didn't have shit to spill,” Gray Mane retorted. “We’ll that ain't fer ya to decide, mister kill anythin’ that moves!” Shadow Dancer snapped back. I laughed and walked forward leaving Twilight and her friends in various states of shock. “Now now children, play nice. For the record Gray Mane, Princess Luna will be slightly displeased with your actions. We could have used him for information gathering. Off the record, I am glad somepony slew that arrogant little whelp. He was most definitely begging me to end him,” I stated with a satisfied smile. Gray Mane just chuckled while Shadow Dancer rolled his eyes at my reply. “Now that we have that unpleasantness out of the way. Everypony, I would like you to meet my lieutenants. You have already met Gray Mane and Shadow Dancer,” I said and pointed my left forehoof at the two previously arguing ponies. “The one with the throwing knives is ‘Night Star’,” I stated pointing my hoof at her. “I am pleased to make you and your friends’ acquaintance, Princess Twilight Sparkle,” Night Star replied with a small bow. She then proceeded to pull her knives out of the ground with her hooves. “The one with the dirks is ‘Tactics’” I said as I pointed my left forehoof at him. “It is a pleasure to meet you all,” he responded in his usual cold and flat voice. “And lastly, this little one is ‘Cloud Streak’,” I said with a small grin and tossed Cloud Streak back her Wonderbolts pin. “Ooooh thank you thank you thank you. I missed this sooooo much. I didn't want to use it, but we just didn't have any other way to tell you we were here. It’s good to finally meet you all. Also Blood Moon, I see you aren't still burnt like a bad batch of muffins. The reports from Princess Luna were pretty gruesome,” she said while fighting to reattach her pin to her armor. After she finished she spoke again, “Why didn't you have us go with you to ponyville. Those rogue solar channelers would have been a snap for us. You didn't even say ‘Hi’ to us when you went to the palace.” “I apologize, I did not mean to leave you all waiting for me. I just figured it was easier for one pony to not be noticed by rogue forces than a whole unit. However, it appears I was gravely mistaken. As for not saying ‘Hi’, I unfortunately was in a tad bit of a rush, again, I apologize,” I said rubbing my eyes with my left forehoof. “It’s all good,” Cloud Streak replied. She walked over to me gave me a small hug. She quietly whispered to me, “I thought I would never see you again. Those spells of yours are so dangerous. Also she better be taking good care of you, Princess or otherwise.” I whispered back “Do not worry, I am fine. I have made it out of worse situations. Also Twilight has been good to me. She somehow seemed to play a part in removing that lovely nightmare I had for so many years. I just wish I did not have to turn her. We will talk more later.” I patted her on the right shoulder with my left forehoof and she walked back to where she was. I then cleared my throat and stated “I would love to make better introductions, however these depraved monsters are probably sending in back-up.” “Ya bet yer flank they are. We had to kill a whole bunch of 'em fer ya. They’re like ants, they just keep comin’. We best be gettin’ outta here before more of those scum suckers get here,” Shadow Dancer commented. “Agreed,” I stated and we all rushed into the train station to purchase tickets. We then jumped into the nearest train car and barred the doors. “Cover up the windows. I do not wish to have anypony looking at us. Perhaps with some luck we may be able to get out of here before their blasted reinforcements arrive,” I stated scrambling to cover all the windows. After several held breaths the train stated to move. Most of us sighed in relief at the feeling of movement. That was until about two minutes into our trip we heard a few loud thumps on the roof. Hoof steps were stomping all around just right above our heads. Shadow Dancer summed up most of our feelings in just two simple words, “Aww shit”. Applejack looked straight up at the roof and blurted out “What in tarnation was that?” “Unwanted company,” I replied in an aggravated tone. I just could not seem to get a break as of late. After thinking for a few seconds I put my annoyance aside and started issuing commands. “Shadow Dancer and Cloud Streak, protect the ponies pulling the train. This train does not stop for anything until Carterlot, understand?” I said pulling a plan together. “You got it,” Cloud Streak stated before her and Shadow Dance started running to the front of the train. “Gray Mane” I said looking at the roof. “Yes?” he replied and I could almost see his growing mad smile in my mind. I pointed at the roof with my left forehoof and said “Remove them.” “Bwhahaha I knew you were going to say that. Time for some fun HAHAHAHA,” he stated with a madpony cackle right before he started running to the end of the train car. While running, he snarled and transformed under his armor into his lycan form. When he reached the train car door he let loose a crazed howl as he wrapped his claws around the door frame. Before I could say anything, he yanked the door right off its hinges and tossed it into the room. He then ran out the torn exit and jumped. I heard a rage filled wolf howl as he landed on top of the roof of our train car. While trying to block out the sounds of screams and gurgling slams coming from above us, I turned to Tactics and Night Star. “Stay here with me and help protect the elements and Spike,” I stated. “Yes Sir,” Night Star stated while pulling out her throwing knives. “By your command,” Tactics replied, but something was off. Tactics rarely ever showed much emotion for as long as I have known him. I always assumed it was due to the strange obsessive compulsive disorder he had. He was often calculating our plans several steps ahead for trouble. As I looked closer into his eyes there was glint of worry and his tone was not its usual flat quality. It was an odd gauge I suppose, but I could usually tell how bad a situation was by how Tactics reacted. Again, something was wrong. After finishing my analysis I said “What is wrong, Tactics?” in a tone of concern. He looked me in the eyes as he stated, “We are exposed. The one door is torn open and the other will not hold anything significant back. The windows are the same in my assessment. While Princess Twilight Sparkle has armor, the others do not. None of them have weapons.” He then squinted at me and added, “You also do not have your usual feeling of power emanating from you. I would advise draining the bodies that Gray Mane has slain.” I closed my eyes and absorbed the information. It appeared I was a fool. In our apparent haste I did not regain any stored life force recently. My life force magic felt drained, but I did not seem to notice it until now. Without delay I grabbed my scythe in my front hooves and raised my power. Light blue streams of energy flowed through the roof of the train car as I focused on recharging. I only got a few second of energy before what Tactics was worried about, happened. The remaining door was kicked in. I saw four rogue vampires rush in at full gallop. I spun my scythe and clipped two of them. One was sliced from head to tail while the other got my blade cramped into the side of their head. Tactics joined the fight shortly afterwards and was dancing back and forth parrying attacks. Night Star also began to openly meet the forces with precise aim. Twilight reacted without me saying anything. She used her magic to pull her friends close to her. Light purple energy flowed out from her horn and swirled into a bubble shield around them. When she completed her spell the windows blasted in. More of those fiends started pouring in from everywhere. I slashed and sliced anything that I could. Luckily for me their daggers bounced off my armor like toys, but their impacts were taking their toll. My flesh was becoming more and more bruised as I continued to cut them down. The situation was becoming increasingly problematic. The sheer mass of them attacking us started to wear us out. If I did not do something quick we were as good as dead. In an in effort to get some breathing room I pulled any life force that I was not using for healing to my scythe. I yelled and released the energy into kinetic blast wave. The rogue vampires around me were thrown around the room and many of them were tossed out the broken windows. In the confusion I managed to receive a few seconds to bellow at the roof “GRAY MANE! GET YOUR FLANK DOWN HERE!” A deep laughter boomed above me as a good section of the roof crashed in. I quickly realized the folly I had done and dove under one of the train tables to get out of the way. In my dazed vision I saw Gray Mane appear from the wreckage covered in blood. He began swinging his battleaxe at anything that was not us. Body parts were thrown everywhere in a shower of gore. While Gray Mane had the remaining enemy forces running out of the ruined car, I tried make my way to Twilight. I proceeded to immediately trip and fumble. The pain made me well aware that I had a dagger stabbed through my armor into my right hind leg. I cursed and continued my limp over to where Twilight and her friends were. Everypony in the shield bubble looked to have a mixture of terror and horror on their faces. I believe Spike may have even thrown up after I noticed the mess on the floor and him looking ill. Although, it appeared that none of them were harmed, at least physically. Twilight was the only one who was starting to look strained. Her laboring efforts were taking their toll. Unfortunately, she would have to endure a bit longer until the area was clear. I wiped blood and debris off of my helm and stated “Is everypony alright?” Twilight was about to respond when her eyes widened as she looked past me. A rogue vampire managed to slip from Gray Mane’s warpath and proceeded to jump at me. I did not have time to dodge, but I managed to spin and block both of the daggers with my scythe. However, the impact caused my hind legs to collapse. I was slammed into my back with the attacker’s daggers only a few centimeters from my eyes. After a moment of struggling the assassin just yelped and fell on top of me. Two dirks were stabbed into the back of their head. I tossed the body aside and found Tactics on the ground next to me covered in dents and debris. A dagger seemed to be pierced through one of his side plates and was suck hilt deep in the armor. While his lycan powers were keeping him alive, he was badly wounded. He attempted to get up, but collapsed again to the ground. “Tactics!” I yelled and crawled over to him. “I am…sorry. My calculations…were unfortunately…correct,” he managed to cough out. “Do not worry, you are going to be fine. We have made it out of worse. Grit your teeth for a second. I will make this quick,” I said and grabbed the dagger hilt with my magic. With a grunt of effort I pulled the blade out. He barely made a sound as I did it. He just proceeded to tip his head to the side and retract a few of his neck armor plates. “I am unable…to heal this quickly…on my own. Body is…damaged. Pain...is making my consciousness...fail” he stated in his flat yet now slightly pained voice. “Are you certain of this? With this much damage it is going to hurt greatly. You should be able to heal on your own with a few hours rest,” I questioned. “There may still be…more of them…and…you need my help. This is…the most logical decision,” He struggled to reply while glancing at me. He was right as usual. I wanted nothing more out of him than to let him rest. He had done his job as well as he usually did and even perhaps saved my life. However, while Gray Mane most likely dispatched the rest of the invaders, I needed the extra help regardless. My choice was made for me. I pulled up my power and absorbed the ambient life force all around me. After I gathered enough I stated “This will only hurt for a second,” and lowered my head to his neck. I then held my scythe with my left forehoof, bared my fangs and bit down. Blood spilled into my mouth as I channeled life force energy into his body. His eyes slammed shut in agony and he shook a little bit as I reconstructed his damaged side. After a few moments, I finished and I had to force myself away from his neck. The strain of the battle had awoken my hunger with a vengeance. My stomach started tying itself into knots as it protested for more. I had to smile when I heard his stomach growl too. “Thank you. That was becoming problematic,” he stated after regaining his normal composure and got up. “We need sustenance in the near future. Night Star brought provisions with her. However, probability of their destruction after roof collapse is twenty percent,” he added. I shook my head and grinned. ‘Yes, it appears he is back to normal’ I thought to myself. I also heard Twilight and her friends make sighs of relief after seeing Tactics get back up again. As I was helping Tactics get back up again, something kept nagging at my mind. It took a few moments before it finally dawned on me. “Where is Night Star?!” I stated in tone of growing worry. I heard the muffled words “I am…over here” and some coughing coming from the middle of train car. Some of the rubble shifted and Night Star drug herself out of the thick of it. She wobbled a little before bracing herself on one of the still intact tables. “Oh, by the moon. You are alright,” I stated and gave a sigh of relief. “Relatively speaking. With all due respect, Captain. Did you truly believe that was wise commanding Gray Mane like that? You know how he gets,” She replied. My eye twitched when she stated “Captain”. Again, I have a great loathing for being called by fanciful titles. She is the only pony that refused to call me by my name. I was never able to break her of that annoying habit. At least she looked to be in decent shape. I sighed recounting my actions and stated, “I…umm…no. However, he did clear out the rest of them.” I tried putting a positive spin on it, but she was not buying it. In all our years together I have never been able to see her eyes. She always kept her face and eyes hidden from everypony for some reason, but I could tell what her expression was. “Yes…cleared them out. Along with most of the train car,” she mumbled under her breath. I had Night Star and Tactics search our train car and neighboring ones to make sure there were no enemies left. The only thing strange that they noticed was that we were the only ponies on the train. There were no other passengers on this trip for some reason. It was a worrying thought, but I pushed it to the back of my mind when Gray Mane returned. He was covered from head to hoof in blood and gore. His helm was retracted and he had an ear to ear smile on his face. I had wondered down the years how somepony could take that much pleasure in carnage, but I decided it was best not to ask. He yawned and stated “All clear.” ‘That and then some,’ I added in my mind while looking at our ruined train car. I took a deep breath and stated “Okay Twilight you can lower your shield. Most of the forces, if not all, are destroyed. Tactics, gather a damage report. Night Star, please try and find those supplies you brought. I do hope Gray Mane did not ruin them.” I sat down and rubbed my temples with my fore hooves. ‘This is going to be a long train ride’ I thought to myself as I pulled the dagger out of my hind leg with my magic. > Chapter 13: Derailed: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I gritted my teeth and put the finishing touches on piecing my leg muscles back together. The wound may have been gone, but pain was still well evident. The surprise battle seemed to do more damage to me than I had hoped. I may have been still functioning, but only just. My body ached and I wanted nothing more than to rest with a nice cup of hot mint tea. However, rest and tea would have to wait. We first needed to make it back to Canterlot in one piece. I groaned and got up with a slight wobble. “Is everypony alright?” I asked Twilight and her friends. “We’re…fine,” Twilight replied out of breath from casting her shield spell while the others just nodded. Most of them looked to be in various states of shock. I honestly could not blame them. Most ponies did not even know about my kind, let alone get attacked by a horde of them. Nevertheless, thanks to Twilight’s quick thinking they did not seem to be harmed physically. Well, other than Spike who still looked as ill as he had before. I chuckled a little before rubbing my eyes with my left forehoof and yawned. I then looked around the ruined train car and saw Night Star dragging the bag of supplies she brought with her out of the rubble. I smirked and stated “Well, it appears Gray Mane did not seem to destroy everything.” “Hey!” Gray Mane griped at my comment as the smile on his face slowly slipped back into his usual scowl. “Well you do, you brute! Do not worry, Captain. All the supplies are accounted for,” Night Star stated. “Well, some good news for once. Where is Tactics?” I questioned. Tactics came walking through of one of the broken train doors. “I am here. My analysis is complete. The train took heavy damage from the attack. We should move closer to the train engine as I do not know how our added weight in this car is affecting it,” he stated in concerned and urgent tone. Something was wrong again. His voice was not its cold and flat state. He looked at me and his eyes were extremely nervous. “What is wrong, Tactics? I inquired with a hint of worry in my tone and swallowed in a futile attempt at calming myself. He was about to speak when I heard a cough next to me. It appeared one of the rogue vampires close to me was still clinging to life. I was about to finished her off when she just looked at me with bloody smile and started laughing. “You’re all…so screwed hahahahaha Urk,” she spoke her final words before she gritted her teeth and expired. My eyes widened and I quickly stated to Tactics, “What was she talking about?!” My answer came sooner than I anticipated when an explosion shook our train car. I rushed to one of the smashed in windows. I put my head out the window and proceeded to first look towards the front of the train and then the back. There was a blazing inferno at the end of the train. I slowly pulled my head back in from the window and I stated in a calm voice, “Tactics, how many train cars are on this train?” “Ten” he replied, his tone still sounding off. I swallowed hard and stated, “Well it appears there are now nin-” another car exploded into a blazing fireball, “Make that eight.” I walked away from the window and closed my eyes. I then took a deep breath through my nose before my eyes snapped wide open and I screeched “WE NEED TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!” “What’s going on?!” Spike stated in a panic. “They are trying to blow us to bits is what is going on! Gray Mane, clear the way to the train engine! I do not care if you have to tear off all the doors from here to there! Just do it!” I stated in a rush while helping Night Star with the supplies. “Haha more fun!” Gray Mane belted out and ran through the exit of our train car. I heard another door get torn off its hinges before another train car exploded behind us. I finished helping Night Star and we all galloped to the train engine using Gray Mane’s path of destruction. It appeared true to my orders he really was ripping all the doors off in an effort to clear a path. He may have been a “brute” as Night Star put it, but at least he was useful in situations like this. With the way mostly clear, we continued our panicked escape. We all ran out of last train car into the train engine. Shadow Dancer and Cloud Streak were sitting there completely confused. “What in Tartarus is going on?!" they both stated in unison. “Cannot talk…train…rigged…to blow!” I managed to sputter out between breaths shortly before another one of the train cars behind us exploded. I did not have a lot of time to think. My plan was going to have to be slapped together in a rush. It was not something that I preferred to do, but given the current circumstances, I had little choice. I made sure Twilight and her friends were safe on board the train engine before I started giving orders. I ultimately had to shout over the roar of the train and the sounds of the blazing inferno that was creeping ever closer. “Cloud Streak, I need you talk to the leader pony pulling the train. Tell them run faster, our lives depend on it,” I stated still trying to catch my breath. “You got it,” she replied before flying off in front of the engine. “Gray Mane and Shadow Dancer, disconnect the train engine from the rest of the cars. We need to be as far away from them as possible. Break the coupling if you need to. I doubt the train cars will be salvageable anyway.” Gray Mane just chucked while Shadow Dancer stated “Ya got it boss.” I then turned to Night Star and Tactics. “You two, check for explosives on the train engine. I would rather not have us get blown to pieces as we make our escape,” I stated in a tone of growing worry. They just nodded and went to work. I closed my eyes and tapped my temples with my fore hooves. “Think think think” I stated frantically to myself. My eyes scrunched shut as my mind whirled with ideas. It stopped at a spell I have not needed to use in a while. It was horrible to maintain and in my weakened state it would all the more taxing. However, it very well could be the only thing that would prevent us from getting burnt to cinders or worse. I quickly walked over to Twilight and got my book from her before opening it. “What are you looking for?” she inquired while still recovering from our panicked gallop. “There is a spell in here…AH HA!” I stated in reply after finding what I was searching for. Right as I about to explain the train engine jerked and there was a sound of snapping metal. “What in Luna’s name are ya doin’, Gray Mane?” Shadow Dancer yelled out over the noise “Decoupling the train engine from the train cars,” he replied while spitting out a piece of metal. “With yer teeth?!” Shadow Dancer snapped back. “How else are we-“ Gray Mane tried to respond, but Shadow Dancer interrupted him. “With the latch, ya dumbass! Stand aside before ya hurt yerself,” he shot back. True to his word he quickly decoupled the train cars from the engine. He then ran over the brake wheel on the train car and spun it. The brakes flared to life right before Shadow Dancer jumped back on the train engine. “Show off,” Gray Mane grumbled as he stumbled back onto the train engine. “No, it’s called usin’ yer head instead of-” Shadow Dance tried to reply, but was interrupted by another train car exploding. I bellowed out over the noise “Night Star and Tactics report! Did you two find anything?” “The train engine is clean of explosives, Captain. They most likely did not expect us to get this far,” Night Star stated. Tactics just nodded in agreement. “Yeah...Cloud Streak tossed a rogue vampire off the train engine who was tryin' to plant a bomb right before ya got here. We already checked to make sure that dirtbag didn't do anythin' else,” Shadow Dancer said while looking away from me. I narrowed my eyes at him and snapped “And you did not find that important to inform me of this earlier?!” “Well…it uh…slipped my mind,” he responded rubbing the back of his head with his right forehoof. I just glared at him before I turned around and unarmored my left foreleg. I then bit down on it with one fang and spilled a small amount of my blood in a crude circle around me. I quickly used my blood magic to form it into an alchemy circle just as another train car exploded. Light blue flames flared out of my scythe’s blade as I raised my power and started to draw in ambient life force from the remaining cars. I was growing increasingly worried. Even with the train cars decoupled and brakes engaged, they were not moving away from us. I snarled and stated to no one in particular “Why are these infernal train cars not slowing down?!” Tactics just replied in a flat voice “The explosions are seemly designed to propel the train forward while slowly destroying it. I was not completely certain until Shadow Dancer decoupled them.” I glanced back at him and stated “What?! Why?!” He took a deep breath and stated “To prevent the train from slowing down and thus minimalizing our chance of survival.” Shadow Dancer slammed his right forehoof into one of the train engine walls and yelled out “Those sly fuckers! That’s why they didn't bother destroyin' the brake lines or tamperin’ with the train couplin’. They didn't need to.” Tactic just nodded and stated “Correct.” “Well everypony hang on! It appears we are in for a bumpy ride!” I yelled over my shoulder. After I gathered all the life force that I could and then I stood on my hind legs with my scythe in my front hooves. I then fully armored up while I continued waiting for the inevitable. Every new explosion just smashed the train cars up close to the train engine again. It was only a matter of time before the closest one exploded and then the real pleasant times would begin. It was going to be a horrible feat of what I was about to do. However, it was either that or be ripped to ribbons and burned to death. Three more of the cars exploded as I had figured. The raging inferno was growing ever closer to us. I bit my lip and flowed my power into the circle around me. The circle rotated clock-wise and a light blue beam fired out of it the direction I was facing. It stopped a few meters in front of me before it spread into a half-sphere surrounding the back of the train engine. I always disliked using this spell. It was some awful creation I found in the Canterlot archives by Star Swirl the Bearded. It was made for the sole purpose of protecting him when one of his mad experiments went unstable, which by most accounts was quite often. This in turn brings up the fact as to why I disliked it. Due to Star Swirl’s general known paranoia of experimental failure, he left nothing to chance. So while the spell was extremely powerful at blocking just about anything, it consumed energy on the levels of insanity. I readied myself and gritted my teeth right as the final train car exploded. The initial impact slammed into my shield spell like an enraged hydra. It shook the train engine and almost knocked me off balance. Then the hateful flames came. They licked around the spell almost as if they were searching for a way in. My scythe quickly started heating up under the power strain. I gasped in pain as the hot metal super-heated my armor covering my front hooves. I fell to my knees fighting the agony as my spell started to crumble under the relentless onslaught. However, just before the spell broke a light purple beam fired over my shoulder. It slammed into the inside of the half-sphere and reinforced it. I glanced over my shoulder to see the fully armored Twilight slowly walking up next to me. Her eyes glowed with purple light as she maintained the energy flowing out of her horn. I could see the strain and the awful toll it was taking on her. I needed to think of something fast otherwise we were both going to burn ourselves out. I tried searching for anything I could use when a foolish thought decided to enter my mind. It went along the lines of ‘Organized and planned defense was not working. How would the reckless Gray Mane remove the problem of a burning train car next to us? Oh of course…by removing its wheels…’ With little else to work with I decided to go completely against my better judgment. I yelled over my shoulder at Twilight “You are going to have to trust me on this. When I ‘Now’ please drop your shield.” She yelled back “Are you crazy?! If this falls we’re all going to be burnt like a batch of overdone hayfries!” “Hence the ‘you are going to have to trust me’ part” I yelled back. Her eyes gave me a worried look and she then gave me a small nod. I drew all the power I could afford into my scythe. I then yelled “Now” and both my and her shield spells dropped. Without hesitation, I quickly swept my scythe in an arc in front of me. A wave of energy lashed out and ripped the wheels off the bottom of the burning train car. The car proceeded to jump the track and slam to a halt. I saw the other train cars smash into it as their blazing fire started to slowly disappear into the distance. However, in its last act of hateful fury, the closest train car exploded again. Time slowed as I saw a meter long piece of metal fire straight at me. I did not have the strength to avoid it. Although, just before it got to me I saw a blur in front of me and a light purple shield slap into place. The shield deflected the metal, but it could not absorb all the kinetic energy. The extra energy caused Twilight to be thrown backwards. She slammed into me and we flew past everypony. We abruptly stopped at the metal wall behind us with a sickening crunch. We slid down the wall and collapsed into a heap on the floor of the train engine. After my vision cleared and my ears stopped ringing I realized I was sitting with my back to wall. I could not feel my lower body and I could barely move. Twilight was on her back in my lap seemly out cold and taking only shallow breaths. I fought back the pain and lowered my armor on my left forehoof. I then lowered her helm to check her pulse. It was growing weaker with each passing moment. I clenched my teeth and stated “Somepony…please help. Twilight has been injured. She needs blood, fast. I…do not have any to give her.” It pained me say the last part. I overloaded my body to its breaking point and I was using everything I had just to stay conscious. I glanced up and the bag of supplies Night Star had brought were burnt to a crisp. My lieutenants were all unresponsive with scorch marks all over their armor. They were all laying in front of Twilight’s friends. It seemed they were trying to block the fire when the spell shields fell. Applejack was the only one that managed to get up and rush to us. “What’s wrong?” she stated after coughing a few times. It was difficult to breath, but I managed to reply “She overloaded her body and needs blood. I just do not have any to give her. If she does not get it soon…she will...” Although, I could not finish as my ribs flared with pain. Applejack gulped and took a deep breath. “What do ah need to do?” she stated. I sucked in a labored breath and stated “She will only need…a small amount to jump start her vampiric healing. Just open her mouth and press your leg against…one of her fangs. They should be sharp enough…for the task.” I closed my eyes and faced away from what Applejack was doing. I knew my body was overly hungry and I could not afford take any chances of losing control. After a short moment I heard Applejack suck in a quick breath and the sweet smell of blood filled the air. My mouth started to salivate despite my best efforts. I just remained facing away trying to keep my eyes squeezed shut. After a few seconds I heard Applejack pull away from Twilight. In a small moment of temporary consciousness Twilight whispered, “Thank you…Apple…jack,” before passing out again. Her breathing normalized and she remained in a deep sleep. Still facing away I stated “Please cover your wound, Applejack.” She stated in a concerned tone, “Are ya alright?” I merely replied “Please, just do what I say.” I heard her walk away followed by the sound of ripping cloth. After a few moments I opened my eyes and turned my head to see Apple Jack standing in front of me. She had her right foreleg against her chest with a ripped piece of cloth wrapped around it. Other than her leg, she looked to mostly unharmed. My lieutenants must have indeed taken the damage from the fires in her stead. After a minute I saw Twilight’s friends get up looking no worse than Applejack. My lieutenants also stated to stir. Night Star shook her head and muttered “Luna damnit. The supplies have been destroyed.” She then sat up against of one of the walls of the train engine and held her forelegs over her stomach. “Well ain’t that just fantastic,” Shadow Dancer griped and sat up in a middle of train engine. The others just got up and sat next to Night Star. Applejack spoke up and stated “How’s everypony?” to which it was only answered by a general groan. She then looked at me and stated “Are ya alright, sugar cube?” “I am…fine,” I stated as I moved my eyes to looked away from her gaze. “Yer lyin’” she reply in a knowing tone. I suppose it was foolish to think I could deceive the element of honesty. No doubt she had time to hone her skills down the years. Although, it did not matter as I never was a good liar anyway. I closed my eyes and retracted my helm. I took a labored breath and stated “I am...damaged. I have drained my body to dangerous levels. I…did not even have the strength to move away from almost being impaled. If it was not for Twilight risking her life I would have surely met a terrible end.” I looked down and brushed Twilight’s mane away from her face. A red tear welled in my left eye and dripped into her cheek. I took another labored breath and stated, “I…did not even have the strength to save her. I had to beg somepony else to help her.” The act of admitting that crushed my spirit. It hurt worse than any physical injury I had. The hard fact of knowing you were powerless to help somepony dear to you. The very same pony that you should have been protecting. I did not look up from Twilight, but I added “I do not have enough blood in my body to repair myself. I am only conscious due to a waning force of will. A will that grows weaker with each passing moment.” Darkness soon began to threaten the corners of my sight. “Ah could give you some of mah blood,” Applejack stated. I looked up and gave her a weak smile. “You offer that freely out of an act of kindness, but I cannot accept. I am too hungry. I do not trust myself to stop feeding off of you until you would…” I stated, but I could not bring myself to say the last word. I would never forgive myself if I accidentally hurt or killed her. Applejack narrowed her eyes and bit down on the cloth that was covering her wounded leg. She then yanked it off with a hard tug. I only got the words “What are you do-” before she stuffed her wounded leg in my opened mouth. She merely stated “Repayin’ a favor,” before she quickly pushed her leg into my fangs. She then added through gritted teeth, “Try not to drain mah body dry,” while her blood poured into my mouth. My eyes closed as my tongue seemed to savor the flavor. It had interesting sweet yet pleasing strong taste to it. I dispelled those pleasant thoughts with haste. Applejack was trusting me even though I did not. It was such a simple act of selflessness. She was giving of herself to help me in my time of need, even if it led to her doom. My willpower flared to life. I was not just some mindless beast. I was a Reaper Knight charged with protecting Twilight and her friends. As the moon as my witness I would not allow any of them to perish under my watch. My rekindled will strained against my terrible hunger. I only allowed my body to take two medium sized mouthfuls before I forcefully pulled myself away. Applejack stumbled backwards and clumsily re-wrapped her wounded leg. She then held the side of her head with her left forehoof and wobbled a bit. She gave a ragged chuckle and stated “Ah think ah am gonna go sit down now. Ah seem to have made mahself a might bit light headed.” I swallowed the last bit of Applejack’s blood and gave her a weak smile. “Thank you Applejack. You have aided me more than you will ever truly know,” I said feeling my body’s vampiric healing starting to rebuild me. “Ah seem to get that a lot,” she replied with a knowing smile and then stumbled over to the rest of Twilight’s friends. Fluttershy grabbed a first aid kit off the wall and began to properly bandage Applejack's leg. I took a deep breath and stated to myself “Well, no use just sitting here. I have a job to do.” I then touched my left forehoof to my now cold scythe and I raised my power. My eyes and horn flared with light blue flames as I began to painfully reconstruct my damaged body. > Chapter 14: Derailed: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I took a few deep breaths and attempted to clear my mind while my magic began to flare. One minute soon turned into two and then three. ‘You are stalling, Blood Moon,’ I thought to myself. I knew what was coming given by the lack of feeling of my lower body. The impact into the metal wall had damaged my spine. It needed to be repaired if I had any desire to walk again. However, deep down in my mind I cringed at the well evident fact that a world of pain awaited me. I took one last deep breath and flowed my magic into boosting my body’s vampiric healing. It did not take long for my worries to be realized. The pain was borderline unfathomable. My vision turned pure white and I felt my mouth lock into a silent scream. Each newly healed vertebrate brought more feeling and even more agony in its wake. I ultimately had to stuff my armored right forehoof in my mouth in an attempt to muffle what little strangled screams I was making. Then it happened, the biggest horror of all. The last vertebrate clicked back into place and the nerves to the lower half of my body woke up. The pain was worse than when I was healing myself from being burnt to a crisp at the apple orchard. At least then I had the luxury passing out every so often. No, this time I was fully awake and aware. Soon screams of unfiltered blood curdling anguish came out in a never ending flow behind my hoof. I believe somepony may have asked if I was alright at some point. The only response I gave was briefly uncovering my mouth. No further questions were brought forth. It would have only received more of same anyway. After an unknown period of time the pain had subsided. Well, either that or my brain’s pain neurons may have burnt out. My vision cleared and I realized I was sweating profusely. My face was also soaked from the massive amount of tears that seemed to have poured down it. I looked around and everypony was staring at me with worried looks on their faces. I swallowed and stated “I am…fine…now.” Rainbow Dash was the only one brave enough to speak up. “What in the hay was that!?” she stated in a mixture of worry, fear and what I could guess as morbid curiosity. I took a deep breath and stated, “Have you ever had your spine broken and then have to forcefully piece it back together by yourself with no pain medication?” She rubbed the back of her head with her right foreleg and said “umm…no.” “Yes, I would highly advise against doing that,” I replied with a twitch in my left eye. “Oooh…” Rainbow Dash stated and it included looks of empathetic pain from her and Twilight’s friends. Gray mane snorted and stated “Ha, just a broken spine? That is nothing compared to that time you threw me out of a five story palace window.” “Ahh, but the only difference here is that you deserved that,” I retorted with a raise eyebrow and a grin. “Hey you have no complaints from me. It was about time somepony stood up to me,” Gray Mane replied with a toothy smile. It appeared that Cloud Streak’s curiosity had piqued. “Umm Blood Moon, what in Equestria does it take for an earth pony to deserve being tossed out of a five story win-” she began to state, but cut herself short and started to look around. She looked out of one of the train engine windows and said “Uh, why are we slowing down?” I looked out one of the windows, then out of the back of Train engine and stated “That is a very good question. Could you please find out?” “I…I can’t,” she stated while looking at the floor and holding her bandaged right wing in her front legs. “I got it” Rainbow Dash piped up and zipped out of train engine before I could say anything. She returned after a few moments, looked at me and said “The lead train runner wants to talk to you.” “Lovely, just what I had desired, more complications. Thank you Rainbow Dash for your services. I will see what they require when the train stops.” She nodded and sat back down with the others. I then rubbed my face with my forehooves and grumbled under my breath. I was in absolutely no mood for this. I had hoped against hope that the rest of the trip would have gone smooth. However, it appeared fate was having an amusing laugh at the others’ and my expense. Eventually the train engine steadily slowed down and came to a stop. Not long after that, I tested my hind legs and while they were stiff, they seemed to be working. I then took great care to slide out from under Twilight. After a few moments I picked her up in my forelegs, carried her, and laid her down next to her friends. I then leaned close to her and whispered into her ear. “Twilight, if you can hear me. I am going to put your armor into statue mode. I am not sure what you will do in your sleep and we cannot take that chance. Please, rest well and thank you for saving my life,” I said before giving her a small kiss on the cheek. I then reacted out with my magic, re-armored her helm and activated her armor’s statue mode. Applejack gave me a weak smile and said “Don’t worry. We’ll take care of her.” I just gave her a smile in kind, said “Thank you,” and walked to the back of the train engine. I had attempted to climb down, but it was more on par with a fall. I wish it had been graceful. However, it seemed I was beyond such pleasantries at that moment and landed sprawled out on my stomach with a loud thump. I heard my lieutenants snickering to each other. At least the blunder had only injured my pride. I got up, shook my head, and looked around. It was mostly pitch black outside minus the small amount of moonlight. I continuously thanked Luna for my vampiric sight as I navigated to the front of the train engine. Before I walked out, I re-armored my helm and tried to make myself move and look somewhat normal. I had no wish to scare the train runners half to death. I took a deep breath and gathered my thoughts, ‘Alright Blood Moon, you can do this. Surely they will see reason with minimal explanation so we can continue our journey without interruption…surely.’ I sighed recounting the events of the evening while holding my protesting stomach. ‘Yes and I am the queen of the changelings…’ I added to my thoughts. I groaned, straightened my back and walked out to meet the train runners. They were all sitting doing what it appeared to be eating something around a few lanterns. My stomach further protested at the thought of a nice meal. I frowned as I attempted to quiet my stomach with little success. I then cleared my throat to make myself known. “I heard my presence was requested,” I stated in a stern, yet welcoming tone. “You’re damn right I request your ‘presence’,” a snide voice came from the group. One of the ponies got up and started walking toward me. He was of a decent size, but his body looked more lean than bulky. His outfit was worn, probably from long usage. “First, you’re going to tell me who in Celestia’s name you are. Secondly, can you please explain to me why the rest of my train is missing?” he stated, his tone growing more angry. I sighed internally and thought, ‘So much for my hopes of minimal explanations.’ I cleared my throat again and stated “Who I am is of little importance. However, the reason the rest of your train is…gone…is due to the sensitive nature of the ponies I am escorting.” I did not wish to tell him too much. The less he knew, the safer he and his team were. “In further relation for whom I am escorting, this train needs to keep moving until we reach Canterlot,” I added. Much to my dismay he was not buying it. He straightened up, spit something out of his mouth onto the ground next to him and glared at me. “Like Tartarus we are. That little stunt you had us pull injured half my runners. We aren't moving anywhere till you tell us what’s going on,” he said as his angry voice got louder. “You must understand. The less you know the safer you all are,” I stated in a more firm tone. His eyes narrowed on me as he began to yell, “Safe?! You call this shit safe?! Most of my train is fucking missing! It’s completely fucking gone! Not to mention how…” he continued his belting rant at me, but the sound started to fade out. His voice in my hearing was replaced by something worse, his heartbeat. My eyes began to slowly crawl down from his face to his neck. They soon stopped and remained fixed on the quickened pulse. I then started to feel my blood magic crackle as it began to reach towards it. I quickly slapped my left foreleg in front my eyes and turned my head away from him. His heartbeat was still ever present in my hearing. My unusual actions caused him to pause his boiling rant at me for a second. He responded with an angry shout, “What the fuck is wrong with you?! Are you even listening to me?!” I fought back the sound of his heartbeat and stated in a quiet voice, “Please, I beseech you. We need to keep moving as we cannot delay any longer. I am beginning to have great…difficulties.” “Huh? What ‘difficulties’?” he stated in a snarky tone. “He is hungry,” I heard a familiar voice state as they got closer. I realized it was Night Star when I allowed myself a small amount of sight. “Hungry? Is that all? I think we got a few sandwiches we can spare,” he replied with a small chuckle. She sighed, “That will not help. Please, we need to keep moving for everypony’s safety,” she responded in a tone of growing concern. It was without a doubt she saw what I prevented myself from doing. He snorted, “Look lady, we aren’t moving shit until I get some answers,” he stated with an angered and annoyed tone. And I just could not take it this anymore. I was hungry, in pain, and in one of the worst moods of my life. I bellowed out, “See here you foolish whelp! If you desire answers then so be it!” as I picked him up with my magic and slammed him into front of the train. His workers started to get up until Night Star pulled out her throwing knifes and faced them. One by one they all sat back down. My actions continued uninterrupted as I walked up to the leader and pinned him to the front of the train engine with my forelegs. “We are attempting to escort Princess Twilight Sparkle, the other elements, and her assistant, you fucking fool! Your train has been destroyed by an extremely ruthless group of rogue vampires solely because of this! They undoubtedly continue to dog our tracks in hopes of finishing us off! And to top off this horrid night, me and my unit have not fed in some time and we grow weaker by the hour!” I yelled mere centimeters from his now wide eyed face. “So I say onto you!” I yelled at him as I slowly retracted my helm. I then glared my burning red gaze into his eyes and continued, “Either we continue our trip to Canterlot without further delay or I am going to drain you until you are nothing more than a shriveled husk!” I finished my statement with a loud snarl through my now bared fangs. He began to shake violently and he very well may have invented a new shade of white. It felt unbelievably satisfying to finally have an outlet for my anger from this awful night. However, my feeling of relief soon turned to shame. When I looked into his wide eyes, I saw the monster that was me in their reflection. I had lost control and terrified some poor stallion that was just trying to look out for his other train runners and himself. “I…I am…so terribly sorry,” I quietly whispered as I slowly lower him to the ground. I then took a few steps back and sat down, closed my eyes and lowered my head in continued shame. “I…lost control. I have no excuse for my actions. Please…forgive me.” He coughed a few times and after a few moments he stated, “Who…What in Celestia’s name are you?” I took a deep breath. “I suppose it is futile to hide now as I seemed to have revealed myself. I will start with the first question. My name is Blood Moon. I am a captain of the Reaper Knights and me and my lieutenants are charged with the protection of Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends. As for what I am. That may be a bit difficult to believe,” I said and paused for a few seconds to gather my words. “In the bluntest of explanations, I am a vampire. I was attempting to withhold this information from you as most give the same reaction as you have,” I said lifting my head and looking at him. He narrowed his eyes on me. “Is this some sort of trick or something? I mean nopony has glowing slitted eyes or…teeth like that. This has to be some sort of prank,” he stated with a nervous chuckle and then swallowed, hard. I just smiled at him and said “My kind is as real as real can be,” before tapping my left fang with my left forehoof. I then proceeded to unconsciously lick my pointed tongue over my fangs. “Your kind? As in, you weren't kidding on what is chasing us? I thought you guys were just some old mare’s tale cooked up for Nightmare Night,” he said in a shaking voice while he attempted to stand up. I chuckled in a bemusement before I raised an eyebrow and stated “And now you know why I was trying to avoid the topic. There are not many that can easily fathom my kind’s existence. Now that I introduced myself, who are you?” He brushed himself off and said in a tired voice, “The name’s ‘Break Runner’ and this is my crew. We may not look like much, but we've been through a lot more than you’d probably believe. Today just adds to the already long and growing list.” I was about to speak when I heard Shadow Dancer’s voice as he walked from the side of the train, “What in Tartarus is goin’ on over here? Ah heard yellin’ and somethin’ slam into the front of the train. We should really get goin’.” I let out a small laugh and said “Do not worry. We are all fine.” I glanced over at the Break Runner and added, “Well…relatively speaking mind you. I might have lost control and terrified these poor souls.” “That’s putting it mildly,” Break Runner stated rolling his eyes. He looked at Shadow Dancer, then Night Star, and added in a nervous tone, “Let me guess. Those two are…vampires too?” I could not help, but smile. The truth was mostly out about us anyway. I might as well indulge his curiosity. “Well she is,” I said gesturing at Night Star with my left foreleg. “But he is not,” I added, pointing at Shadow Dancer and smiling. “Oh” he responded with slight surprise. “He is actually a lycan,” I said while I continued to smile at him. His reaction to my additional statement was amusing. His look of surprise turned to a look of disbelief that included a repeating twitch on his right eye. He slowly sat down, rubbed his face with his front hooves and stated “Of course he is.” I smirked and stated “Do not believe me? Shadow Dancer, can you please demonstrate for him?” Shadow Dance looked at Break Runner and then stared at me for a few moments before speaking. “Oooh no, Ah ain’t doin’ that again. Ah’m not just some act pony, at least not anymore,” he stated and looked lost in thought for a few moments before continuing. “Besides last ah showed mah true self to a civilian, she wet herself,” he added. “Why in Equestria did you do that?” I inquired, genuinely curious. He rubbed the back of his head with his right forehoof a few seconds and said “Well, she kept tryin’ to steal mah mug of hard cider.” “And this warranted scaring her until she wet herself?” I said with a grin. “Hey, you didn't taste last year’s hard cider batch,” he replied with a laugh. A female voice yelled out from the other train runners, “Last year’s hard cider batch?! I would've fucking kicked her teeth out! That was the best year yet!” Shadow Dancer let out small bit of laughter before stating, “Finally! A mare who understands me.” The voice replied “You couldn't handle me big boy!” as several of the other runners started snickering. “Ha, ah’ll take that wager,” Shadow Dancer stated as he pointed to the general direction of the voice with his right foreleg. I rolled my eyes and stated “As much as this is amusing, please just show them so we can get moving. We have wasted more than enough time already.” “Fine fine, but ah warned ya. Ah ain’t cleanin’ up any puddles,” he said shortly before retracting his helm. He took a deep breath and shut his eyes. He lowered himself closer to the ground and snarled. His flat teeth extended to points, his face took on a wolf-like visage, and his fur grew longer. Then his hooves morphed into clawed paws, completing the process. The only voiced response came from Break Runner while he began to stare at Shadow Dancer. "Oh dear Celestia, this had better be one horrible dream. Because if it’s not, I’m going be drinking myself into oblivion when this is over," he said in a tired tone. I let out a small laugh and stated “After what this night has been. I believe most, if not all, of everypony present will be joining you in that delightful endeavor.” > Chapter 15: Derailed: Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The smile on my face slowly faded as I returned to the more dire matters at hoof. “How many of your runners were injured and how long will it take to get moving again?” I stated to Break Runner. He rubbed his face with his right forehoof and stated, “Half of us are still able to run, but we’re tired from the harsh gallop. The other half, have either sprains or broken bones. We can make do with the remaining team as there is now less weight to pull. However, without help it will take a few hours for us to rest up enough to be able to do it by ourselves.” I tapped my left fang with my hoof a few times while deep in thought. We did not have a few hours to spare. Firstly, the rogue vampires would soon be upon us. Secondly, the longer we dawdled the closer we moved to dawn and with Twilight in her weakened state, the sunlight could kill her. Lastly, even if we did manage to block the sun from her, me and half my unit would be horribly weakened and vulnerable. So with all other options exhausted I came to a decision I knew I was going to regret. I took a deep breath and stated, “We will help you pull the train.” My comment was initially met with laughter from Break Runner and the other runners. When Break Runner managed to calm himself he half laughed out a reply. “Not to burst your bubble, but we train all the time to be able to pull this mess. Many drop out when they try and work for the train yard. It takes a lot of strength keep up.” I raised an eyebrow and without a word, I walked over to the front of the train engine. I then shut down my armor’s suppression field and placed my left hoof on a medium sized metal loop close to me. I looked Break Runner in the eyes as I applied a moderate amount of force to it. The metal whined as I slowly tore it off the train in a twisting motion. The previous laughter soon turned into dumbfounded silence. I then proceeded to crush the loop with my front hooves into a small crumpled ball. All eyes are on the ball as I gently tossed it to Shadow Dancer. The silence continued as I glanced over to a see a smile crawl up Shadow Dancer’s face. He snarled and hurled the metal ball somewhere far off into the distance. It took Break Runner a few moments regain himself. “How…how…did you do that?! This train is made of reinforced steel! I've seen this engine break through solid walls without taking a dent! And then you just rip a piece off of it like it was made of hay, crush it, and then have your friend send it sailing to the moon!” he said, stuttering a few times. I chuckled a little and said, “So, do we qualify?” He sniffed a few times, straightened his hat and said, “Well, welcome to train engine team number twelve. The pay is terrible and meals are worse. At least the booze at the end makes it somewhat worth it.” His statement was answered by a few sarcastic remarks from the other runners. We all began to have a small laugh until we heard a loud snarl. Gray Mane jumped from the top of the train engine into the middle of us. He was in his lycan form clutching his battle axe in his front claws. He vigorously kept looking around for, what I could only guess, something to attack. He snarled and glared around. “Where are they?! I heard Shadow Dancer growl!” his voice came out rough and hard. I smiled, closed my eyes, and shook my head. “You can calm down, Gray Mane. There is no enemies here…well not yet. However, while you are here anyway, you are now volunteered to help us pull the train engine.” He looked around, smirked, and stated in a snarky tone, “Is that all? That’s going to be easy.” His comment only got the response of angry glares from Break Runner and the other train runners. I rubbed my face a few times with my front hooves and sighed. “Alright we have wasted enough time as it is. We need to get moving, and soon. We are no doubt still being pursued by those rogue vampires,” I said, my voice growing increasingly weary. My final statement made all the train workers grow quiet. Break Runner responded in a worried tone, “You aren't kidding are you?” I shook my head in reply. He sighed, straightened his hat again and stated, “Well what in Tartarus are we waiting for then? Let’s get the fuck out of here!” In short order we loaded the wounded train runners into the back of the train engine with the others. It was rather miserable sight to see. Most of everypony was cold, tired and hungry. We did not even have the best methods for wound tending. The sooner we got to Canterlot the better, but until then we would have to make due. I managed to locate my tome in the chaos and placed it next to Twilight. In her sleep she unconsciously wrapped her front legs around it. I could not help, but smile. Even in her sleep she was still obsessed with books. I did not mind her holding it though. I did give her access to it after all. With a sigh I kissed her cheek and got off the back of the train. It was going to be a long trip. It seemed that Cloud Streak and Tactics were either too injured or too tired to run. That in turn left only me, Gray Mane, Night Star and Shadow Dancer to pick up the slack. I rubbed my eyes with my front hooves before I started to walk towards the front of the train. However, I had to stop halfway as a flaring pain shot up my back. I ultimately had to lean on the engine for a minute to regain my balance. I heard a small chuckle behind me and somepony state, “Are you really intending to run in that condition?” I was hoping no pony would have seen my moment of weakness, but Night Star seemed to have lingered back as we were all walking to the front of the train. I tried to gather my pride as I stated, “I am fine.” However, my tired voice just was not up to the task. She walked in front of me and shook her head. “That seems to be a reoccurring lie with you tonight. You are not ‘Fine’. You shattered your spine not that long ago. I am surprised you are even walking. So again, how are you intending to run?” she said with concern. I gave her a sarcastic smile and said “Well I assume moving my legs and body in a galloping motion would be a good start.” Even through her helm I could imagine a smile on her face as she shook her head again. “Perhaps you should sit this one out, Captain. You are in no condition for the strain.” I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and stated, “You know full well I am not going to do that. We need to get Canterlot as fast as possible. I refuse to rest until that happens. Besides I have had worse. Nothing comes to mind right now, but that is probably just from the pain.” I tried to laugh, but all that came out were a few ragged breaths and a cough. I heard her mumble something under her breath about me being as stubborn as a minotaur. She sighed in defeat and finally stated, “Then I guess you leave me little choice.” She lowered the armor on her right foreleg, quickly walked over to me and stuffed her leg in my mouth. Before I was able to react, she yanked up and drove my fangs in. “If I cannot stop you from running, at least I can hopefully prevent you from killing yourself. Please, I do not have much to spare, but take it,” she said seemingly fighting the pain. I only took one mouthful before I pulled her away. She stumbled a little bit and had trouble keeping her balance. She then re-armored her foreleg and held it to her chest. “I think I am going to have to sit this one out. I never was much of a long distance runner anyway. Now try not to destroy yourself,” she stated in a tired voice. I swallowed the last of her blood and rolled my eyes. “Yes, mother,” I said in a snarky tone. “Ha ha ha Cap-tain,” she replied in the same tone. My right eye twitched at the comment before she started fumbling towards the back of the train engine. I was about to begin walking to the front of the train when I heard quiet sobbing behind me. I looked back to see Night Star’s pace had slowed and she paused every few steps. I was about to say something, but I heard Shadow Dancer’s voice summoning me to the front of the train. I responded to him and when I had looked back for Night Star, she was gone. My sarcastic statement must have inadvertently hurt her. I made a mental note to apologize to her later. As I arrived to the rest of the group, I noticed Break Runner and his other runners were already at work rigging up the harnesses. I scanned around and everypony looked weary. Even Gray Mane had trouble hiding the signs on his face. I closed my eyes and took several deep breaths while I tried to think. However, my mind was too tired for thought at the moment. So I in turn just remained out of the way of the setup process. After a small amount of debate, we decided it was best if I was setup in front next to Break Runner. It was in the basic hope that I would protect the front from threats. While the logic was sound and any other time I would have agreed. However, in my current condition it would be difficult. Regardless, I found it best not to protest. The group then stated to rig up the other running to their normal spots. They made sure that Shadow Dancer and Gray Mane were rigged up in a way to balance the load. It was amusing watching them try to attempt to do this. Gray Mane was not a small pony and he barely fit in the harness. Shadow Dancer on the other hoof somehow managed to move himself next to the mare that agreed with him about the hard cider earlier. Even in certain peril he was still up to his old tricks. At least he was consistent in his habits, if nothing else. Break Runner soon checked everyponies’ harness before hooking himself up. He began to fidget a bit and he kept glancing at me. It did not take much effort to pick up on what he required. “Need to ask me something?” I stated glancing over at him. “Umm…I probably already know the answer to this. But why did you look away when I was well…yelling at you before?” he said while not looking at me. I sighed and looked over at him. “You must understand. I have been over exerting myself. As a result it has made me very hungry. I stopped myself from doing something we both would have regretted,” I said as I faced forward again. I saw him turned his head to look at me. His eyes were full of worry. “These rogue vampires. They’re not going to hold back like you did, are they?” he inquired. I shook my head. “No, they will not. However, me and my unit will do everything in our power to protect everypony,” I said tapping my scythe on my back with my left forehoof. I then re-armored my helm and shut down my suppression field again for good measure. I heard Gray Mane and Shadow Dancer do the same. He started to relax by a small measure and I heard his team sigh in slight relief. I was about say something more until I saw a blur in the wood next to us. My ears snapped up and my eyes scanned the trees. “We need to get moving, Now!” “What’s wron-” he started to stay when a rogue vampire leaped out of woods at us. I swung my scythe and sliced them in half in mid-jump. Without so much as further word out of anypony we all pulled at once. Another rogue vampire jumped from the woods as we stated to move. I saw them as they dove at the back of train with their daggers flashing. However, they only made it about half way before a throwing knife spun through the air and dug itself into their forehead. I did not even give myself a second look as we slowly sped up to a gallop. Several more started jumping out of the woods at us. However, the speed of the train caused them to luckily miss their mark. Break Runner glanced over at me while panting. “Where in Tartarus are they coming from?” he said sounding increasingly worried. “Give me a moment. I need to think,” I said trying to keep up our quickening pace. Break Runner brought up a valid point. This large of a group would have needed to setup a camp somewhere due to the sun. They have done this so many times in the past and I highly doubted they would have changed their methods. However, we were slowly moving further and further away from anything they would have created. Thus endangering them, as it would have been unlikely they could make it back in time before the sun incinerates them. This started to worry me as I did not have the foggiest clue where they were coming from. My thoughts were soon interrupted by a strange noise coming from above us. It was somehow strangely familiar, but I just could not place my hoof on it. Then after only a few seconds, it clicked into my mind. My heart sunk as I recognized it as the sound of a propeller blade. My eyes and ears snapped skyward and they validated my fears. It did not take Break Runner long to notice what I was looking at. “Is that a fucking zeppelin?! Where the fuck did they get that?!” he blurted out in apparent shock. I heard Shadow Dancer’s voice yell behind us. “Aww come on, that ain’t fair! How the fuck are we supposed to outrun that?!” he said in frustration. It did not take long before Gray Mane added his input too. “Those damn cowards using air ships. I’m actually impressed we pissed them off so bad they had to pull that shit on us,” he stated in a mixture of gloating and anger. I started to say something when some of the trees exploded next to us. I quickly shook it off and stated, “Great, that damn thing is armed with cannons. Just what this situation required, a flying gunboat. And here I thought we were doing oooh sooo well already.” We increased our pace, but the gunboat still kept up with ease. I tried to think of anything that would have been a plan of attack, but my mind kept coming up blank. We had nothing at our disposal that would even reach that airship let alone damage it. Our only hope was keep running and pray that it would not be able to easily target us. Those hopes were dashed to pieces as one of the ship’s cannons fired again. The shell barreled directly at the train engine. There was nothing I could do, but watch. Time slowed as it got closer and closer. Just before it hit, a light purple shield snapped into place around the engine. The shell slammed into the shield at full force and exploded. I heard Twilight let out an agonized scream right as the shell hit and her shield fell. Her scream screeched through my mind and shattered my mental barriers. My anger and rage normally kept in check bubbled out like an overflowing cauldron. I screamed in fury as red haze flowed over my eyes. Red sparks and unchained energy surged out of my horn as my blood magic lashed out at the sky. My haywire magic managed to find some unfortunate soul above us. A rogue vampire pegasi was seemly acting as a spotter for the gunboat’s cannons. I howled in hatred and anger as my blood magic crushed their body and then tossed them at the airship. They ended up getting stuffed into one of the cannons right as it fired. A booming explosion shook the area as the cannon was violently ripped to pieces. My vision blurred and I barely heard Shadow Dancer telling me to snap out of it. The red haze faded away and I could feel blood streaming out of my nose. The unleashed magic unmercifully tore at my already overtaxed body and mind. The horrible toll caused every fabric of my being to scream in pain and agony. It took all that I had to prevent my legs from tripping over themselves. I vaguely heard Break Runner yell over the noise, “What the fuck did he do?! Or am I better off not knowing?!” Gray Mane replied with a roaring laugh and said, “He lost his shit and squeezed some poor fucker like a cider apple before throwing them into an armed cannon. I would've been more impressed, but that damn thing up there is still floating.” Another cannon shell slammed into the trees next to us and exploded. Several wood pieces ricocheted off the side of the train engine. Some even embedded themselves into the metal. The situation seemed more hopeless than before. While the gunboat was undoubtedly damaged, it was still able to open fire on us. I heard Break Runner rattle through a long stream of curses before I saw him look at me. “I’m going to fucking guess there is no way you can pull off another act of sheer horror can you?” I tried to respond, but all that came out were a few strangled coughs, before I just shook my head. He proceeded to swear several more times and stated “You know what, fuck it. We’re already in deep shit anyway I might as well add more to the growing pile.” He turned his head to the side and yelled back at the train engine, “Hey you freeloaders in the back! Fire up ‘The Angry Mare’!” A voice yelled back, “Sir, if they find out we have that, the Princesses will probably lock us all up for life or worse!” Break Runner yelled back in fury, “Well if we fucking don’t, we’re all going to be blown to fucking bits! SO FIRE THE FUCKING THING UP!” I heard a loud bang and I looked back to see part of train engine roof separate. Slowly a rather cruel looking piece of weaponry rose up and pointed at the Gunboat. Shadow Dancer blurted out in obvious shock, “Is that a fuckin’ artillery cannon?!” Break Runner only just replied with a cackle of a madpony. On closer inspection, I realized why it was called ‘The Angry Mare’. The cannon was painted with a picture of a red mare with flaming eyes and mane on the side. Her teeth looked to be clenched tight in rage. Break Runner laughed manically and bellowed out a single command, “BLOW THOSE FUCKERS OUT OF THE SKY!” A voice replied in the same mad laughter before yelling, “Yes Sir! Eat this you fucking bastards!” There was loud clunk and then a thunderous roar. The cannon then belched out a flame jet that gave birth to a raging fireball. The cannon shell screamed like a demon as it sailed through the air almost faster than I could follow it. It then slammed directly into part of flight deck of the gunboat and exploded into a blazing inferno. Pieces of the ship tore off and sprayed the ground around us with debris. However, the gunboat was still in the air. In an odd yet desperate tactic the gunboat increased its speed and aimed itself at the tracks in front us. It appeared they were bent on destroying us even if it killed them in the process. Break Runner noticed this as soon as I did. He bellowed another command similar to his first, but with more obscenities. The pony operating the cannon responded in kind and fired the cannon a second time. The shell from the cannon again screamed through air and got a direct hit on the balloon holding the gunboat up. Bright flames consumed the airship and it veered into the woods with an earthshaking impact. Our sky tormentor was no more. Gray Mane let out a wolf howl into the air, seemingly to express his thrill of victory. Many of the train runners got caught up in the moment and they all mimicked Gray Mane as best they could. However, I saw Break Runner’s excitement and laughter soon turned to nervous twitching. “We are so screwed when you report us to the Princesses,” he said, glancing at me. I replied with an amused and ragged voice, “Well, as far as me and my unit have seen. There must have been a munitions backfire onboard that did them in.” He looked at me in genuine surprise and stated “You’re not going to bust us for having a military grade cannon hidden on our train engine?” I looked at him and merely replied, “What cannon?” The nervousness on his face gave way to instant relief and then to roaring laughter. It would be hard to omit certain pieces of information in my report to Princess Luna and Black Wing, but I could not betray those that saved our lives. Besides, if they ever became a problem, I would deal with them at a later date if need be. At the moment however, I just wanted to get to Canterlot. I took a labored breath and whispered to myself “Please Twilight, hold on. Please everypony be okay, please.” With a large quantity of luck we made it the rest of the trip with no more mishaps. I was never happier to see a train station in my life. When we finally pulled into the station I could see Black Wing and several of her night guards waiting for us. I smiled at her behind my helm. I was about to say something, but my vision doubled and then tripled. I stumbled to my right and fell over when we stopped. I heard several muffled yells and felt someone lift up my head. My vision swam and saw it was Black Wing holding me up. I tried to say something, but nothing came out of my mouth. I heard her say that everypony was now safe and to hold on. I whispered, “Thank you” before I blacked out. > Chapter 16: Painful Recuperation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The blackness of my mind gave way to chaos. Random images flashed back and forth in my head all the while increasing in speed. The sounds of panic and destruction soon added to the overwhelming oppression. It kept going on and on to what felt like an eternity until the terror finally met its awful climax. My mind pulled out its nightmare finale with the horrid memory of Twilight’s mind-piercing, agonized scream she made not long in the past. I snapped awake in a cold sweat. My heart was pounding heavily and my head mimicked it with a painful throb. I attempted to take steady breaths to try and calm my nerves. However this futile effort was delivering little success. It ultimately took several minutes to finally relax. After I somehow managed to master myself again, I tried to use my blurry vision to scan my surroundings. It appeared the room I was in was mostly dark except for a few sunbeams coming from under some window curtains. Additionally, what I managed to gather from the few minutes of inspection was that I, yet again, was in a hospital bed. This included the delightfully added bonus of being covered from horn to hoof in bandages. My left eye twitched several times as my mind recollected just how often I been in one of these blasted beds. This continued until another part of my body made its lovely presence known for the millionth time in recent history, my stomach. It seemed to take sadistic glee in informing me that it was still empty by knotting up. I was on a verge of doubling over from stomach pain when I noticed there was a bed tray table directly in front of me. On it were two very familiar looking cylinders. I rubbed my eyes a few times to see if I was perhaps dreaming. I then reached forward with my shaky front hooves and picked up the first cylinder. A simple joy filled me as I realized it was indeed real. I popped the lid and sniffed its contents. After analyzing that completely wonderful scent did not contain something horrifying and or deadly, I let my body have its way. Without any further hesitation I slammed the cylinder to my mouth and drank heavily of the blood contained therein. I took several gasping breaths while I quickly discarded the first cylinder after finishing it. I then proceeded to practically dive at the second one. After inspecting it with haste, I slammed it to my mouth and drained it almost as fast as the first one. It felt so good sating that terrible and primal need. However, I could not help but realize that even in my rush, I did not spill a single drop of that crimson liquid. I was unsure whether to be frightened or proud at such a feat. The thought was dispelled shortly before an awkward smile crawled up my face. I had begun to finally feel like myself again. As I started to place the second cylinder on the tray table, I noticed there was something else on it. The sheer sight of a teapot, a teacup, and fresh mint tea almost brought tears to my eyes. It was something so utterly simple and yet so gratefully welcomed. I was about to reach for them when I noticed a pair of bemused and glowing gold slitted eyes looking at me a few meters in front of my bed. “No, do not let my presence stop you,” I recognized the voice as general Black Wing. “You seemed to have achieved in getting almost everypony in the palace addicted to that mint tea. I find it does a fine job at calming one’s nerves. Especially after one of my captains and his unit shows up, in public, half-dead while pulling what was left of a train. To which of course contained several injured ponies including Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends…” she added with a raised eyebrow while lighting a blue flame candle next to her. “I…I can explain,” I said after I tried to nervously gather my thoughts. “Oh do tell. This should be grand,” she stated with a smirk. After having just fed it was too difficult to formulate a good reply. So when all else fails, I usually go for humor. I cleared my throat, rolled my eyes, and stated, “Well, you see I have been rather lax on my cardiovascular exercises as of late. So I said ‘What the hay,’ and helped pull a ruined train engine on a grueling six hour slog.” In response my statement she sat back further in her chair and slowly lowered her head into her forehooves. After shaking her head a few times she stated through her covered face, “You do realize I have had others disciplined for less. Her tone had a hint of amusement in it. I smiled at her and said “Well, then you would not have my delightful quips to entertain you.” She took a deep breath and faced me again. “Entertainment…ha. If I desired entertainment I would just watch some of the younger recruits try and kiss plot to get in their superior officers’ good graces. Those fools can only dream of what we achieved when we were Midnight Knights,” she stated as the small smile on her face soon faded to a grim seriousness. “What really happened?” she inquired. “We were attacked,” I said closing my eyes and lowering my head. My thoughts were scattered and foggy. My head soon began to the throb again while I tried to gather my memories. “That much I had gathered,” she replied with a small laugh. I could not even muster a weak smile as I looked up at her. The events of the train were gruesome at best and even joking about it did not seem to alleviate my somber mood. I took a breath through my nose and I was about to start when my throbbing head got worse. A small steam of blood came out of my nose and soaked into my bandages. My eyes slammed shut as I held my head with my front hooves. “Blood Moon…you lost control again,” I heard concern in her voice, “By the moon, the initial reports were as awful as I had feared if you were forced into that state.” I coughed and tasted blood in my mouth. “They were…almost killed. Twilight risked her life to save them. Her scream…her scream…I could not…let them,” I said and felt a twinge of pain as a small amount of my blood magic sparked from my horn. “You damned fool…” I heard her say before I managed to open my eyes again. When I glanced to my left I saw her standing next to my hospital bed. She moved closer to me and dabbed at my nose with some spare cloth. “How you manage to keep yourself together all these years is an enigma. I have scheduled a meeting with Princess Luna for your official report tomorrow. Until then, get some rest,” she said placing the bloodied cloth on the tray in front of me. I was about to state something when she interrupted me and added “That is an order, captain.” As she was walking out of the room, she stopped mid stride and continued to face out the door. She shook her head a little and stated, “As I know you are going to bend my orders to the breaking point, as usual. Let me at least prevent you from hurting yourself further. ‘She’ is in the room next to your’s. To the left.” She gave me a sly look over her shoulder before walking out of room. I suppose when you are around somepony for an extended period of time they tend to anticipate your future thoughts and actions. Black Wing seemed to know me like a book. A well read one at that. My mind was already working out Twilight’s possible location as she was walking out of the room. Well at least she saved my overtaxed mind from the mental burden of working out the details. I waited a few minutes after Black Wing has left and then fumbled out of bed. Balance was a problem and my legs did not want to hold my weight. After being able to somewhat stand, I glanced around the room until I found what I was looking for. “There you are my little beauty,” I whispered to myself. I then stumbled over to my scythe leaning on one of my hospital room walls. I grasped it in my left hoof and tried raising my power. My efforts however were only met with a coughing fit, a pounding migraine, and even more blood leaking out of my nose. I leaned my throbbing head against my scythe and cursed. It seemed that I damaged my body beyond what I normally have done. This painful fact was interesting considering I more or less incinerated myself in that apple orchard and I was still able to use magic. Of course I was unconscious for a quite a while. My body had more time to heal then. Regardless of the circumstances, there was only one way to recover from this, rest and time. In my stubbornness I had attempted to recount my options a few times, but it still only ended at the same conclusion. It truly appeared Black Wing was almost getting the last laugh on this matter. However, I was not going to let a little thing like a perfectly ruined body from doing my job. So I cursed some more and wiped my nose on my right foreleg’s bandages. I then unsummoned my scythe before stumbling towards my room’s door. As I got to the door my vision started shifting and then vertigo set in. It ultimately took several tries at the door handle before I got the blasted door to open. To my displeasure I did not realize I how much of my weight I was resting on it until it had opened. With my support gone I gracelessly slammed face first into the ground with a thump. This was clearly going to be one of those days. I was lying motionless on the ground a few moments trying to get my hurting head to work again. The only thought that came to mind was to resummon my scythe for support. So after trying and failing several times I got it to appear and I slowly got up. I proceeded to stand there looking like a shambling mess when a guard started walking by. She was about to help me until I waved her on. I could have sworn I heard her laugh under her breath. This included her whispering something about me looking like a mummy. “Well, that destroyed what little pride I had left,” I mumbled to myself. Eventually, I limped myself to the room that Twilight was in. But again, my awful vision hindered my attempts at opening the damned door. However, this time I was intelligent. I had leaned my weight on my scythe for support instead of the door. A glimmer of pride began to well in me as I started to walk into the room. But no, the fates did not want me to have that. For I soon let out a small yelp as my front hooves slipped on some of my bandages and I ended up falling on my face for the second time. Shortly after my blunder the same guard from before walked passed again, snickering to herself. Yes, it truly indeed was going to be one of those days. I picked my hurting body up and scanned the room. It was mostly dark and with a few sunbeams coming from under the window curtains like my room was. I limped myself over the bed and it seemed Twilight was fast asleep. She had a few bandages on her face, but looked in better shape than I was. I then chuckled to myself as I noticed her still holding my tome in her front legs. While it was amusing I had to admire the conviction to her habits. After shaking my head a few times I glanced at the medical clipboard on the front of her bed. The only thing I picked out in the dark before my head started hurting again was they could not get her to eat anything. She must have been in this state since she got here. I would have loved to do something to heal her, but my focus was gone and my magic was unstable at best. The only thing I could do is see if I could get her to eat something. It would surely at the very least aid her vampiric healing in my stead. I located two blood cylinders sitting next to her on a table. I then popped one of the lids, smelled it for poisons, and then tried lifting it to her mouth. This effort proved fruitless as she did not take any. I smiled as I remembered a pleasant memory from before in the everfree forest. She had trouble feeding back then too. So in turn, I decided to try that method again. I put a small amount of blood in my mouth and kissed her. Her body leaned in as I let the blood spill into her mouth. After I felt her swallow a few times, I went for a bigger mouthful. This continued until we emptied of the first blood cylinder. She partially opened her eyes and I saw her right forehoof lift off my tome. She then gently touched the side of my face and made a quiet ragged laugh before stating, “You look ridiculous.” My face scrunched up in response. What is this foreign concept called “Pride”? Oh, was it that poor part of me that died a whimpering death in the corner of my mind. Yes, I suppose that is what it was. It sure in Tartarus had gotten trampled while on its way to a grizzly end. Well, that is the gratitude I get for reviving somepony. Her laugh at my expense and make a comment about my awful visage. She must have noticed my annoyed expression because she giggled a little and kissed my cheek. “I am glad you are well enough to mock me,” I stated as I closed my eyes and shook my head. “Well…you do look like a mummy in all of those bandages. It has the makings of a good nightmare night costume,” she said and gave me a weak smile. My face scrunched up further. I threw my forehooves into the air and grumbled, “All right! That is it!” I placed my forehooves on my head and tore off the bandages surrounding it. After a small amount of effort, I finally was rid those wretched pieces of cloth. They even had the gall to take some of my fur along with them. As such I had a hard time fighting the growing urge to set them on fire and laugh. She giggled again at my sigh of relief and said “Was that really necessary?” My left eye twitched a few times as I stated, “Dear sweat Luna yes it was.” “All that for a small joke? You really need to-” she began to state, but I had opened the second blood cylinder, checked it, and stuffed directly in front of her mouth. She rolled her eyes at me and began to drink its contents. It did not take her long to drain it. Her hunger must have been as great as mine. After she finished, I gave her a kiss on the lips before she snuggled up with my tome and fell asleep. I sighed when I realized how tightly she squeezed my tome to her chest. I had been thinking of looking over a few pages, but she let out a low growl every time I reached for it. It was probably for the best. My mind was too tired to read anyway. So I ultimately just located the most comfortable seat I could find and placed it close to the bed. I had attempted to stay awake, but mind and body were still healing and everything hurt. So after fighting fatigue for several minutes, it had finally won out. I felt my head slowly rest on the side of the bed as my eyes began to close. It did not take long for sleep to take me and everything faded into blissful darkness. After an unknown amount of time I woke with a stiff neck. I opened my eyes to notice somepony had placed a blanket over me and a pillow under my head. I cracked my neck a little and looked up to see Twilight's hospital bed was empty. A surge of panic flowed through me until I noticed a small note on the top of the bed next to me. It read “I went to check on my friends. Signed, Twilight. P.S. I took your book with me.” I rubbed my face a few times, smiled and stated, “Of course you took it.” I had a feeling I was never going to have my tome returned to me. I probably had a better chance of making a brand new one. However, the amusing thought of her taking that one too made me laugh. After gathering what little motivation I had figured it best to try and find her. I had managed to catch a break as I quickly located her. She and her friends were all gathered in one of the hospital rooms. My lieutenants were also there and seemed to be keeping an eye on them. Everypony looked to be in decent shape and spirits. I, on the other hoof, looked like an absolute mess in comparison. “Ahh look who decided to join us. Ol’ mummy himself. Sorry, we’re fresh outta bandages and curses,” Shadow Dancer stated in a snarky tone. Everypony started laughing at his comment. I glared balefully at him. “What was that? You said you wish to scrub the hallway floor outside our quarters again? My, that is very generous of you. It was looking rather filthy,” I retorted with a sly smile. “Son of a bitch,” he snarled and kicked the floor. Everypony started laughing again until Cloud Streak piped up, “When are you going to ever learn, Shadow Dancer? Every time you piss him off he makes you clean something else. I’m surprised he hasn't made you polish our suits of armor yet.” I took on a mock thoughtful pose in response. “Luna damnit Cloud Streak! Stop givin’ him ideas!” Shadow Dancer screeched in reply. This of course led to more laughter. It felt splendid to actually have somepony else be the target of ridicule and mockery for once. After I got everypony to calm down I cleared my throat and took on a more serious mood. “As we know all too well the rogue factions are trying to capture or destroy Twilight and her friends. As I cannot be in multiple places at once we are going to try a divide and conquer method. At dusk please make your way to the Reaper Knight training arena. I will explain more later. First, I need to somehow manage to look presentable to give an official report to Princess Luna and General Black Wing,” I said while trying to think of what to do next. Shadow Dancer was about a make another snide comment, but he stopped when I made a motion of polishing my armor’s ring with my left forehoof. He then slapped his forehooves over his mouth to probably prevent further slip ups. Gray Mane chuckled and stated, “Ahh so the dumbass can learn to shut his trap. That’s a damn shame. This armor really could’ve used a good polish.” Shadow Dancer just glared at him while everypony entered another fit of laughter. > Chapter 17: Reporting In > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I excused myself while everypony was having their delightful laugh. It seemed my lieutenants had everything under control, for the time being at least. With a tired sigh I slowly made my way to the Reaper Knight wing of the palace. My mind was full of everything I had to do in the near future. First, I needed to determine what I was going to report to General Black Wing and Princess Luna. The task of purposefully leaving out some information was going to be dreadful at best. To add to my problems was they both possessed this wonderful habit of calling almost anypony’s lie. The second problem was also going to be equally interesting. When I took into account that there was no way possible for me to keep track of everypony at once I quickly realized I needed help. Which this in turn means that I needed to assign each of my lieutenants up with one of Twilight’s friends. I would have to be extremely careful in my selections as to not cause problematic conflicts. Lastly, Spike added to the issues as he bounced between seeing Rarity and Twilight. After several minutes of mentally beating my mind against a wall, all I could come up with was that I was in desperate need of a shower. This was easily determined because the horrid smell of burnt fur and sweat on me was causing some of the servants I passed to gag. The ones that did not gag kept giving me sour looks. At least the showers were a good place think. I just hoped that perhaps I could be alone for a few moments to clear my head. So with a bit of effort I steered my sore body to the showers. When I arrived I was delighted to discover that the showers were indeed empty. After sighing in relief I lit one of the blue flame torches by the door. While there were several others in there, I did not light them as the darkness was soothing. I also believed my lack of motivation may have played a slight role too. Besides, not many of the other knights seemed to care either, except of course, Tactics. He always had to have it lit up as bright as a full moon in here for whatever reason. I decided years ago it was best to not ask. After shaking my head a few times from those amusing memories, I started working on my removing the rest of my bandages. However, just like the ones on my head, it appeared they were not going to go without a fight. Each one of these nightmare strips was Tartarus bent on painfully pulling out even more of my fur with them. Oh what I would not have given to meet the sadist who invented these abominable things. Our meeting would probably consist of me shouting out strings of unpleasant words and threats of cocooning them in their own horrid creation. As the last bandage fell off I again had to fight an overwhelming urge to light those strips on fire and laugh. However, my lack of energy won out and I ended up unceremoniously tossing them into a waste bin. When I was secure in the fact that those blasted things would bother me no more, I made my way to the nearest shower head. I position myself under the closest one I could find and worked the controls with my left forehoof. Within seconds the warm water washed over me. While the sensation was pleasing at first I soon noticed that just about every muscle in my body ached. My vampiric healing was working as I far as I could tell, but it was moving slow. I was probably well enough to attempt to speed heal again, but I was exhausted. Also letting my body to actually heal on its own for once was not a bad idea either. So with nothing else to do I started to think. As I began to think while under the water, my weariness started catching up to me. It then shifted to a dark brooding. This soon turned to my dreadful habit of focusing my mind inward. My thoughts churned as the memory of Twilight’s scream began to plague me yet again. It came in waves, repeating over and over again. Soon the scene of what caused it flashed over my sight. I squeezed my eyes shut, but it was futile as the nightmare came through anyway. Again, I was forced to watch as the horrible memory replayed in my mind. There was just nothing I could have done that night. I was only able to stand by and watch them almost get destroyed. The painful thought of losing them and especially her, started to become too much to bear. She was the only one in over a century that I had truly let in. I sat down and covered my face with my shaky forehooves. I then began to quietly weep alone, hoping the noise of the water would drown out any sound I was making. I was only in this state for a few moments before I heard somepony else walk in. As quick as I could I uncovered my face and tried to wash the tears from it. Somepony seeing me in my moment of weakness was the last thing I could have used. After a few seconds I turned my head to see who it was. However, I could only make out their outline before they started to speak. “What is it with you and several of the other knights showering in the near dark? I swear I’m surprised you all haven’t crashed into each other in here,” they said. I recognized the voice was Cloud Streak’s. It was confirmed when she lit more of the blue flame torches. I attempted to steady my voice as I said, “I was just-” “Sobbing in front of a shower head while most likely reliving some past nightmare,” she said, interrupting me. She then added, “I’d bet a bag of bits it was that looovely train ride,” while walking over to me. There was not much I could have said. She must have seen me attempt to wash my face off. I swallowed hard while I tried to find the right words. “It was nothing more than a passing memory,” I said, not looking at her. “Passing memory my plot! Every time you say something like that, you hole yourself up in your alchemy lab for a day or two,” Cloud Streak retorted. “Why do you always beat yourself up so bad?” she inquired. I had no answer. My decades of mental torment ruined my mind until guilt was second nature to me. It was a near constant feeling of my failures. Even after removing the main cause of my mind’s anguish at ponyville this awful sense of remorse was only slight dented. However, it was a strange double edged blade. For it was the main driving force that pressed me forward. It fueled my burning will, my sheer stubbornness to not let it win me over. I felt Cloud Steak nudge me with her hoof. It snapped me out of the deep thoughts I must had slipped into again. I turned my head to face her. She just tilted her head and narrowed her slitted eyes on me. She then pursed her lips before stating, “Something’s different about you. I just can’t put my hoof on it. While there’s still pain in your eyes, there’s something…else. Is…is it love? You truly love her, don’t you?” “I…yes I do,” I said as I felt a smile crawl up my face. It was incredibly pleasing to say those simple words. “Yup, that proves it. This is wonderful news!” she burst out, before squeezing me tight. I raised an eyebrow, chuckled and stated, “How did you get so superb at analyzing others? You are not turning into another Tactics are you?” I felt her shake her head. “When you bring yourself close to the edge and come back…you…get good at trying to see the happier things in life,” she said, her voice slightly shaky. I wrapped my forelegs around her as I remembered that night. I was about to go searching for a midnight meal when I found her along the outside of the palace walls. She had been bleeding out from obvious self-inflicted wounds on her forelegs. I was only able to save her by turning her into one of my kind. I squeezed her tighter remembering the feeling of holding her while she turned. That night lead her to look to me as some sort of father figure from then on. I wanted to lighten the mood so I grinned and stated, “Now that you have bought up my love life. How has your’s been? Meet anypony special?” “Meet anypony special HA! After that fiasco with that one mare I doubt I’ll find anypony else,” she said as she sunk lower in my forelegs. “Do not worry. If I can somehow manage to find another, so can you,” I replied and messed up her mane with my left forehoof. She quickly squirmed away in protest. “Hey! I just got my mane untangled today!” she said while trying to fix her now thoroughly disorganized mane. “Oh I do believe it looks better that way. The fluffy look is really in,” I said in a joking tone. She glared at me before a wicked smile spread across her face. “Fine you wanna play that way huh? Take this!” she said as she hit the controls on my shower with her right forehoof. I did not have enough time to react as I soon discovered what she had done. I yelped as icy water bathed over me. In my sudden reaction I quickly remembered that I had forgotten to turn on my suppression field from before. My legs lifted me off the ground with little effort and I slammed right into the low ceiling. I then fell to the floor with a loud thud. Cloud Streak broke into roaring laughter at what I had done. She however abruptly stopped when I looked up at her and reached out with my magic. She had attempted to run out of the room when I wrapped my magic around her and pinned her wings to her sides. I then used my magic to pull on her hind legs and she fell to the floor. She dug at the slippery floor with her forelegs trying to get traction. “Nononono Noooo!” she blurted out right as she got into range. With one quick movement I pulled her under the shower head and hit the shower controls with my right forehoof. She squealed as she got her own taste of frigid justice. After laughing for a few moments I finished washing up and left the showers. Cloud Streak had told me she was going to stay in a little longer to “Thaw”. I shook my head in response as I walked out. It was not what I was expecting when I went in there originally, but the odd experience did allow me to return to my normal self. I dare say that I felt quite chipper for some reason. I also noticed a smile on my face as I walk passed a mirror on the wall. However, there was something that kept nagging at my mind. Something I was supposed to be doing, but I just could not put my hoof on it. Then it flooded into my mind with painful clarity. “I am supposed to give a report to Princess Luna and General Black Wing!” I blurted out to nopony, but myself. My blood immediately ran cold and I swallowed hard in nervousness. I had no idea when they wanted to see me. Did Black Wing tell me? I was rather out of it at the time, she could have. I galloped as fast I could to the Night Court meeting room. I armored everything, but my helm and reactivated my suppression field trying to get ready. While I was usually on good terms with both of them, they were indeed busy ponies and they loathed having their time wasted. I straighten up and held my breath as I slowly opened one of the large obsidian doors. ‘Please do not be late. Please do not be late. Please do not be late,’ I chanted over and over in my mind. “You are late…” I heard a voice speak in a snarky tone from inside the room. I cursed in my mind. The voice then added with a small laugh, “Actually, truth be told I had forgotten to give you a time to meet us. However, we figured you would panic and that you would have headed straight here after your shower.” I quickly determined it was Black Wing who was speaking when I walked in. Both she and Luna were sitting at the other end of the long obsidian table. There were some parchments placed close to them and they seemed quite focused on them for some reason. As I walked closer to them I had determined they were other reports of the train incident. My blood ran colder when I remembered that I had to somehow withhold some information from them. They did not look up until I had sat down in a chair opposite of Black Wing. Their gazes made me extremely nervous, which was strange as I was normally calm giving these reports. After a short moment it was Luna who broke the silence first. “Why so nervous dear Blood Moon? It is not as if this is your first report to us. You have indeed had many. All we desire is the truth, as always,” she said her last sentence with an emphasis on that word “truth”. She knew something I did not or perhaps it was something I did know. I straightened myself in my chair and began answering their inquiries. Black Wing, to my displeasure, was writing down every word. I first started at the beginning in ponyville before describing the awful train ride. Everything was going perfectly to plan until I got to the gunship part. “There must have been some munitions accident on board which caused them to crash,” I stated, but it did not sound convincing, even to me. Black Wing stopped writing and looked up from her parchment and quill. Luna narrowed her eyes and leered at me over her forehooves. Their combined gazes felt like looking into an unforgiving abyss. I could feel sweat start to drip down the side of my face. They had called my lie with ease and they seemed to take pleasure in watching me twist in the wind. I had tried to speak further, but my voice got caught in my throat. “Now Blood Moon, you are not attempting to deceive us…are you? Are you trying to protect somepony? Perhaps, a certain train team?” Luna’s voice came in a cold tone from behind her hooves as her eyes narrowed further. “Perhaps, he is trying to withhold information about ‘The Angry Mare’,” Black Wing added in a similar cold voice. My eyes widened while sweat poured down my face. Then as if a flood gate opened, Black Wing lost it and burst into laughter. Soon Luna joined her in her obvious state of amusement. Black Wing then wiped a tear from her eye with her right forehoof and said “I am sorry Princess. I could not keep it up. The look on his face was absolutely priceless!” I blurted out in confusion “What is going on here!?” “Oh do lighten up, Blood Moon. You are going to give yourself a heart attack. We know all about train team twelve and their whimsically named cannon. Who do you think gave them said cannon?” Luna said while still trying to catch her breath from laughter. “Even though your sister would probably not have approved, Princess,” Black Wing said with a chuckle. “Ha, my sister would not approve of many a thing. Which is why we disguised ourselves when we trained them on the usage of that glorious beast. Nighttime train robberies slowed down within a fortnight,” Luna replied with a haughty laugh. “Slowed down? No, they are nearly gone. There is no such deterrent like the threat of a fiery oblivion. I had only wished I was able to see that cannon in true battle,” Black Wing said with a distant gleam in her eyes. I, on the other hoof, just sat there dumbfounded with my mouth partially hanging open. I had raised my left foreleg as to say something, but nothing came out and I just slowly lowered it back down. They did indeed knew the whole time and were just using me for sport. I had felt so used. After sighing I rubbed between my eyes with my left forehoof. Luna glanced over at me, let out a small sigh and stated, “Alright, we shall get back to the task at hoof. It is indeed true we were responsible for setting up your meeting with the train team twelve. We had hoped they could aid you in your journey here. It appears we were not mistaken in our judgment. However, did you manage to get a prisoner we could interrogate?” I took a deep breath though my nose before responding. “Well, we were on the verge of capturing one of those rogue units, but…” I started to say, but I did not finish it. I proceeded to take another deep breath, close my eyes and rub between my eyes again. “Gray Mane?” Black Wing inquired with a knowing tone. “Gray Mane indeed,” I replied. Black Wing huffed and stated, “Well, that was not all that unexpected. However, it would have been grand to know where they came from. Do not worry. I will just have to order a larger search team for the wreckage.” I opened my eyes to see Black Wing tapping her right fang with her right forehoof. Her eyes looked deep in thought before she spoke again. She then cleared her throat, sat up in her chair and stated, “As I can assume you probably already know, we are keeping you on the task of protecting Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends. You seem to be quite capable of protecting them and we trust your best efforts in this matter. In addition after conversing with Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, they are going to allow them to stay in the Reaper knight wing so you can keep a closer eye on them. Now the only question that remains is should we setup a separate room for Princess Twilight Sparkle or will she be staying in your’s?” “Thank you for your insight. I think it would be best to…wait what?” I started to speak, but stopped when I finally processed the question. My face scrunched up as I realized I was sport yet again. “Bwhahaha you need to see his face again. That was marvelously executed, Black Wing hahahaha,” Luna said while laughing through her statements. My face scrunched up further as Black Wing joined in the jolly merriment at my expense. I tried to gather what little pride I had left and attempted to make a retort. “Well you two are just envious that you do not have access to my other special talents,” I said with a puffed out chest. Black Wing looked up at me while still half laughing and said “Do hehehe those ‘Special Talents’ also include enraging every chef in the palace hahahaha?” While barely holding back laughter Luna added “How about immolating thyself and galloping in circles like a madpony?” My pride was dealt yet another death blow when Luna burst into roaring laughter while banging on the table with her right forehoof. Black Wing had begun to laugh so hard she fell backwards in her chair. I had nothing left to do, but sit there red in the face from embarrassment. After a minute of sheer humiliation I mustered the nerve to inquire if they were finished with me. I was dismissed with a wave of Luna’s right forehoof as she was still laughing too hard to speak. I then got out of my chair and stomped towards the exit doors. As I was about to stomp out the doors I saw Twilight walking by while reading my tome. She paused in confusion for a moment and said “What’s with all the laughter.” I heard Luna’s voice yell from the room behind me, “Hail Twilight Sparkle! Make sure you inquire about his ‘Special Talents’!” Further laughter emanated from behind me. Luna’s statement only increased Twilight's confusion and she said, “What are they talking about?” I narrowed my eyes and yelled over my shoulder back into the room. “Perhaps you should ask that inquiry to Princess Luna and General Black Wing! They seem to have generated a list!” I said with an aggravated tone. This gathered more laughter out of the room before I began to stomp down the hallway. I continued stomping down the hall while finalizing my plan for a sparring match with Twilight and her friends versus me and my unit. There was no doubt in my mind that I was certainly in the mood for it now. > Chapter 18: Sparring Practice: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My mood did not improve as I continued down the hallway. The palace servants must have sensed my current state because they seemed to keep their distance. However, while they had avoided me in the past, many of them were pressing themselves against the walls as I passed by. Any other time I may have attempted to discover what was going on, but the recent embarrassing events really irritated me. So I just resumed my tromp with an even greater scowl. In times like these, which were many in number, I resorted to holing myself up in my alchemy lab. It was admittedly not the most mature way of dealing with one’s problems, but it felt good to do so. It was always a place of quiet solitude from the rest of the world. I just wish that it did not have to be relocated to a room attached to the Reaper Knight arena. It was partially so that I was on hoof to aid injuries caused by arena practices. The other part was so I did not blow up anything important. They just never seemed to get over that one incident involving an unstable spell that caused my previous lab to disappear from existence. I still never knew what happened to it. Either way my mood picked up when I saw the entrance to the Reaper Knight arena. I opened the large double doors and to my luck it was empty. After thinking for a few seconds I determined that I still had time before that sparring match I had setup. I let out a sigh of relief at the idea of much needed alone time. So without further delay I made my way to my lab doors. However, as I reached them I heard somepony clear their throat behind me. I clenched my teeth and let out a quiet snarl. ‘What is it now?!’ I growled in my mind. Solitude was so close and now yet another delay had made itself present. I scraped my left forehoof down the wall by my lab doors before turning around. There standing several meters away was Black Hammer. He was a gray one-eyed earth pony who was the maker of my current armor. As I looked at him he tilted his head to the side and chuckled. The big smile on his face was apparent that he was amused by my horrid mood. After looking me over a few times, he shook his head and slowly walked closer. “I came here hopin’ for some feedback on that beauty of a suit yer wearin’, Sir Breaksalot. However, ye look more like an ill-tempered hedgehog than the lad I be searchin’ fer,” Black Hammer stated while stopping a meter from me. I tilted my head to the left and stated “What in the world are you talking about?” He just snorted, shook his head, and then leaned closer to me. He then pulled what appeared to be a punctured peach off of me. At that point I realized my armor was covered in spikes. It seemed they were jutting out of my armor plates. Well at least that explains why the servants were keeping a larger than normal distance from me. I let out a small chuckle before I closed my eyes and did a few breathing exercises. After a moment I had calmed myself enough to focus my thoughts. When I opened my eyes my armor was back to normal. Black Hammer just rolled his eyes, but then the smile on his face shifted to a sorrowful look. He sighed and examined the ruined peach in his right forehoof. He took a deep breath before saying, “Ya know. It has been many a moon since I was turned. Peaches were me favorite food when I was a wee lad. They…just dun’t taste like they used ta.” He signed again and let the peach side out of his forehoof onto the ground. It was a strange sight to see him like this. Black Hammer was much older than me by a long shot. How old, was hard to say. What I do know was that time was not that kind to him, but he endured. Perhaps it was the reason I often looked up to him in times of hardship. He was always able to keep his head when others were losing theirs. In other words, it was rare to see him in this state. While I wanted to question him further I knew better than to inquire about his past. He got extremely irritated when ponies asked him too many personal questions. So in an attempt to lighten the mood and end the awkward silence I cleared my throat and stated “Well, you required my feedback?” He snapped out of his trance and shook his head. He then said “Ah yes,” with his usual smile returning. I proceeded to describe what I have been doing with the armor. However, to be honest there was not much to tell. I never had gotten the chance to test it properly. It did at least prevent me from getting burnt to a crisp and stabbed a few times. So I suppose that was a plus. There was just one fact that I truly needed to state to him. The bizarre slithering feeling I got when it covered me. It was rather unnerving for some reason. He took the news in silence until I mentioned the last point. He laughed a few times and said “Yeah, I never got that awful feel of the armor ironed out yet. Truth be told, it creeps me out.” “And yet you gave it to me to test…” I said in a monotone voice. He snickered and said, “Well yeah, why wouldn’t I? I figure if anypony could figure that problem out it’d be the infamous Sir Breaksalot. Besides call it payback for that one potion ye gave me a few years ago.” “Hey, you had stated you required a potion to stay awake for some smithing project of your’s. I told you to only take two small slips and yet you decided to drain the whole vial. It was not my fault you could not sleep for a fortnight,” I said with a grin and raised eyebrow. “I dun’t do things in small measures, lad. I figured it couldn't be that bad. Regardless, I have some other business to take care of. Have fun impalin’ fruit ya walkin’ spikeball,” he said while turning around and began to walk away. I cleared my throat and said “Black Hammer, for what it is worth. I have not eaten solid food in years.” He just said back over his shoulder while walking away, “Me either lad…me either.” After I saw him walk out the arena I turned around, I undid the seal and opened the doors to my alchemy lab. The talk with Black Hammer did little to ease my nerves. I frowned as old memories started dredging up in my mind. It truly had been a long time since I had eaten solid food. I just had never thought about it until now. With a sigh I closed the doors and leaned my back against them. I was hoping for some quiet solitude, but now it just seemed so hollow. Nostalgia crept into my thoughts as I began remembering the days when I was still a mortal. I closed my eyes as I remembered some of the fonder memories. I had spent much of my colthood tending my adopted father’s fields and working the forge. It did not take long before my tired and weary mind shifted to darkness and sleep took me. After an unknown amount of time I awoke with a start. Somepony was banging on the doors of my alchemy lab. After my vision adjusted I realized I was lying flat on the floor while drooling all over the ground. My stiff body protested as I slowly got up. It appeared that hard stone slab floors did indeed make for a poor bed. I walked over and got a cloth off of my alchemy table. I then wiped my mouth with the cloth as the banging on the doors came again. As I listened closely I heard some voices on the other side. “Are you sure he’s in there Cloud Streak?” one of the voices inquired. “Oh he’s in there alright. Especially with the mood he was in before. Besides I heard somepony yelp shortly after I started knocking. I just find it funny we all had to be here at dusk, by his order I might add, and here he is late,” a voice replied and I assumed it was Cloud Streak’s. I stood there puzzled for a second. ‘Late? Late for…oh yes…that,’ I stated in my mind remembering the sparring match. After a bit of effort I faced the door and undid the seal. It spun a few times before it clicked and the doors slowly opened. A moment before I walked out I grabbed one of the last stored life orbs I still possessed. I would soon need it or I was going to be powerless in my match. It was unnerving that I needed to use it. They really were for emergencies only, but I had little choice. I heard Shadow Dancer’s voice as I walked into the arena, “Well it’s bout time you came out. We were wonderin’ if ya fell asleep in there,” “Yes…asleep…” I mumbled under my breath. I then looked around and it appeared everypony was present. I cleared my throat and said “Well now that we are all here, we shall began. As I have mentioned earlier, there is no possible way for me to watch over Twilight and all her friends alone. So I will each assign one of my lieutenants to guard one of the other elements while I continue guarding Twilight.” Twilight looked at her friends before she spoke in a confused tone, “Umm well that part makes sense. But why are we in the arena again?” “It is quite simple really. Each of the pairs will be sparring against each other. You both need to know each other’s strengths and weakness. This will aid you in the future when you may need to rely on this important information,” I said with a toothy grin. I saw Twilight and her friends visibly pale at my statements. I then saw my lieutenants had already started their stretches and it only seemed to add to the elements’ obvious nervousness. After a few moments Applejack spoke up, “Well that’s all fine and dandy I suppose if ya’ll think that’s necessary. But if ya hadn’t noticed, it’s pretty dark in here. Now that may not be a problem fer ya night folk, but we need light or this is gonna be a bunch of one sided fights.” I tapped my left fang with my left forehoof a few times. She did have a valid point. While I was able to see perfectly fine, they were probably borderline blind. So without another thought I spoke loudly out a few commanding words and the torches surround the inside of the arena lit up. The enchanted torches soon shifted their blue glow to brilliant orange flames. This act seemed to appease Applejack and the others some. After waiting a few moments I began to speak again. “In true sport I want my lieutenants to keep their suppression fields active when sparring with the other elements. I do not want anypony to be too outmatched. However, me and Twilight will keeps ours turned off as we should be on par against each other. Lastly, Twilight and the other elements please choose a sparring weapon to fight with,” I said and then pointed at a weapon rack by one of the arena walls. While the elements were busying themselves I told a servant to bring some food and refreshments. Right before they left I added to also bring some bandages. The servant snickered a little and rolled their eyes before leaving. I did not blame them for their amusement. Even with the extra light and certain restrictions to aid the elements, there was good chance this was still going to be a bunch of one sided fights anyway. We were battle hardened soldiers with supernatural powers and they were just mortals other than Twilight. However, to their credit they were famous for their heroism and the elements they represented. So I supposed it could balance the scale. Either way it would be interesting. After everypony got settled with their weapons selections, I went to examine them. Applejack picked some wooden hoof coverings. They were close range, but quick. Rainbow Dash got persuaded by Cloud Streak to try the wing blades like she uses. Pinkie Pie selected a large mallet. Rarity decided on a rapier while mumbling something about a classy weapon. Fluttershy picked a shepherd’s staff and Twilight chose a wooden katana. Twilight’s response at my curious inquiry was that this type of weapon was used by a character in an exciting story she read. I shook my head and mentally said, ‘That figures.’ My lieutenants selected practice versions of their usual weapons and awaited my orders. I looked everypony over and began to speak. “After long thought I have made my decisions of the pairing,” I stated as I mulled my thoughts over for a moment. Truth be told my accidental nap did not leave me much time to sort these pairing out. However, I was in luck as the selections seemed to come easily for me in my furious thinking. I cleared my throat and spoke up. “Me and Twilight will start out the matches. It will then be followed by Fluttershy versus Gray Mane. Then Applejack versus Shadow Dancer. Then Rarity versus Night Star. Then Rainbow Dash versus Cloud Steak. Then finally Pinkie Pie versus Tactics,” I said in a stern voice. I then began to add, “These matches are yield or knockout-” before I was interrupted by Twilight. She gulped and nervously said, “K-knockout? You can’t be serious.” I raised an eyebrow and replied “That is usually how these sparring matches run. If you are afraid you could always yield.” Rainbow Dash burst out in response, “I ain’t afraid of nothing! Come on Twilight let’s kick their plots!” Twilight and her friends all cheered at the amusing notion of defeating us. Perhaps I was just being disingenuous, but I did not know what chance they really stood. I grinned and snickered to myself. I then stretched before I started my final preparations. After I finished my stretches I attempted to look around for my tome. I had little doubt in my mind that Twilight had brought it with her. It amused me on how attached she became to it. In turn I smiled and quickly located what I searching for. Twilight was holding it under her right wing as I suspected. I pursed my lips and thought about how interesting this was going to get. As one would imagine the odds getting my tome back easily was less than peacefully separating a dragon from their horde. However, I need to review some of my spells before the match. So in thus I had little choice but to make an attempt. I walked over to Twilight and stated, "Twilight, may I please have my tome for a moment?" She looked at me with slight panic and grabbed my tome with both of her forelegs and sat down. "But...but I haven't finished reading it yet," she said with a pout. "I understand, but I am in need of it. May I please have it?" I said in a calm tone. "You need it right now?" she replied as she grasped the tome harder. "Yes...I need it now," I said with a small grin. "O...okay...here you...go" she said with a small whimper while holding my tome in front of her. I tried to use my magic to pick it up, but it was not budging. I soon noticed that Twilight's horn was glowing and her magical influence was wrapped around it. I sigh and said with a raise eyebrow "Twilight, please give me my tome." "I'm trying to," she replied with another whimper. Well it appeared I was going to get no where with this approach. As the harder I tugged the harder she held firm. So in times like these you had to use other methods. I quickly looked to my left and feint surprise. "By the moon! Why is somepony burning that book!?" I said to add to the deception. Her head snapped to the direction I was facing. "What?! WHERE?!" she yelped in surprise and anger. In that small window of opportunity I yanked my tome away from her influence. After realizing what I had done, she just gave me a pouting look. I chuckled and said "Do not worry. After our match you can continue reading it." Her mood immediately brightened up, but she began to look antsy. I just proceeded to shake my head in response as I opened my tome. After flipping through a few pages I soon began to pour through my spells and located three that would aid me. I just hoped Twilight did not read into them too deeply. Otherwise, I was going to be in for some problems. Either way I finished memorizing them and closed the tome. I then placed it on the sidelines near the chairs and refreshments the servants had setup for us. Me and Twilight then entered the center of the arena while the others waited on the sidelines. In proper manner I bowed my head and stated, "Best of luck to you and may we have a good match." She however just bowed in turn while she kept repeatedly glancing at my tome. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. I had really hoped she was not going to throw the match in order to continue reading. We desperately needed to practice our skills and see what each other can do. So without another word I summoned my scythe. I then slashed the stored life force orb and proceeded to absorb its power. The feeling was invigorating. I had felt like I could take on the world and win. I took a deep breath and flexed my muscles while taking in this delightful feeling. A smile slowly crept up my face while I covered my scythe's blade with a wooden covering to sheath the sharp edge. With all this new energy to tap into, I just hoped Twilight could keep up. > Chapter 19: Sparring Practice: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Me and Twilight just stood still looking at each other. A minute turned into two and then three. It probably would have gone on longer if Rainbow Dash had not blurted out, “Coooome oooooon! This is soooooo boooring. I really thought this was going to be fun to watch. Instead we get two eggheads staring at each other.” Her comment sent my lieutenants and Twilight’s other friends into light snickering. I just shook my head in response and soon realized the problem. Just judging by the confused expression on Twilight’s face, she was not certain what to do. I was not sure what I expected to be honest. She and her friends, for as far as I knew, were not battle trained. Yes, they may have defeated several villains of the kingdom, but they did so with wits and teamwork, not single combat. In other words, I was going to have to make the first move. So I just cracked my necked before whispering to myself, “Well, moonlight is burning.” I then used my vampiric strength to charge at Twilight in a blur and swung my scythe. While I did not want to make too easy, I still did not want to end the match in the first few minutes. In turn I quickly went through my mind to find a decent opener. After a bit of thought I decided with a simple horizontal strike. They were generally slow and easy to block. In addition, I held back much of my strength to slow it further. Her initial reaction was amusing. As my scythe swung through the air, her eyes glossed over in a look of panic. It was only moments before it hit that she dodged out of its path. After the strike was completed I looked at her with a bemused expression on my face. She was just standing there a meter away from me shaking as she held up her katana with her magic. I raised an eyebrow and said, “Perhaps a counter attack is in order, Twilight.” She fumbled her words a little and replied, “Oh…yeah…right. She then swung her katana at me in sloppy vertical fashion. It took little effort to dodge as I easily stepped aside. However, the smug look on my face faded as I noticed something strange happen. She just narrowed her eyes and swung again, but horizontally. It was still a little sloppy, but faster and slightly more precise. The third and fourth swing quickly became more accurate and swift. It was not until the fifth and sixth swing until I fully noticed what was happening. She was analyzing my movements while rapidly mastering her katana. I gulped a little at this realization and stated in my mind, ‘Oh blast and damnation. She is just like Tactics.’ Her onslaught continued until my dodging abilities were not enough and I was forced to use my scythe to block. The longer her assault continued, the more she learned. The worse of it was the unnerving fact that her narrowed calculating eyes rarely blinked. Her focused gaze just kept its course as she got better and better. At first I was worried about how she was coming along in her skills. However, the thrill of a challenge overtook me. I greatly welcomed this feeling over the panic and mental strain I had endured for weeks. It was just a pure and simple one on one fight. I grinned and decided that I had grown tired of this being a one-sided fight and began to make several attacks of my own. Her eyes remained resolute as she dodged and blocked my initial swings with little grace. However, just like her attacks, they soon went from sloppy attempts to calculated timing. At that point I just laughed out loud and pull out all the stops. The arena became a blur of attacks, counter-attacks, dodges and blocks. After several minutes of this wonderful experience I raised some of my power into my scythe. The blade burst into light blue flames as I swung my weapon diagonally down at her. She quickly calculated the attack and positioned herself to block it. With a bit of effort she met the attack with power of her own. Sparks flew as our weapons were locked together with my magic versus her’s. We stood there for several minutes as the tide of forces swayed back and forth in a chaotic dance. However, my magic started to wane when our eyes met. Her beautiful purple slitted eyes looked so determined and perseverant. I looked further and saw sweat drip down her right cheek while she took deep and heavy breaths. It did not take long until I began to become entranced in her gaze. However, my foolish act caused my magic and concentration to crumble. I barely managed to break our gaze as her magic overpowered my own. At realizing my folly my reflexes kicked in at the nick of time. My leg muscles sprung into action and I jumped backward as her power struck where I was standing. I looked up to see a small smoking crater were I was. I shook my head and glanced over at Twilight. She just looked back with a confused expression on her face. I took a deep breath and stated in my mind ‘Good, she did not see what happened.’ However to my dismay several of the others on the side lines managed to recognize what took place. This in turn caused more snickering, and the lovely comment, “Ya might want to wipe the drool off yer face, Blood Moon,” from Shadow Dancer. I looked back at Twilight and she just raised an eyebrow while still looking confused. Thank the moon she was still in the dark. I would rather not have this match turn to dirty fighting methods. With Twilight’s ludicrous learning curve it would have gotten unpleasant quickly. In addition I was overjoyed I decided to keep my armor on as my arousal state would have been embarrassingly obvious. I ultimately had to grit my teeth and fight against my body until my focus returned. I thought for a few moments and it was abundantly clear I was not going to beat her with melee skills alone. In turn I decided to use my magic against her. I raised my power, and my eyes and scythe lit up with light blue flames. Twilight in turn raised her own magic in response and her eyes narrowed again. I gave a small grin before I lowered the armor my left foreleg for a moment and bit down with one fang. I had only let out a small amount of blood before I closed to wound with my magic and re-armored myself. I then shaped the blood into the three copies of the first spell I memorized from my tome. They looked just like basic absorption runes. However, I had modified and refined the spell down the years so that it would absorb any type of force that was thrown at it. It was simple, but a tried and true method that I often used. I focused and let the runes rotate around me counter clockwise at chest level. A smile spread across my face as I remembered all the times I used this. After a bit of thought I decided that I was going to make Twilight make the first move. Right as I accepted my decision I stood on my hind legs while holding my scythe in fore hooves. I then beckoned Twilight to attack. Much to her credit, she did not take the bait that easily. She raised her power as she cautiously walked closer. She then intently looked over the runes that floated around me. The hard expression of concentration showed that she did not know what they were. While this was a pleasing reaction, it would not remain so for long. I frowned when I remembered that she had this annoying habit of learning too fast for my comfort. In addition she no doubt read about them in my tome. The longer I let her do this the greater the possibility she would remember what they are and counter them. I gritted my teeth in response to my thought processes while I yet again determined that I had to strike first. I jumped forward and swung my scythe in the horizontal arc. She quickly dodged and counter attacked. However this time, I did not block or dodge the strike. I merely smiled as I moved one of the three runes to take the impact. The attack struck dead on and the rune absorbed the force with little effect other than it making a small ring like a bell and while it slightly vibrated. I stuck my tongue out at Twilight in response. My rude gesture got its intended effect. Twilight’s eyes narrowed further as she unleashed a flurry of attacks. In return I did not dodge or block with my scythe like before. Each time an attack was committed from her, it was blocked by one of my runes. She seemly got irritated at this and increased the frequency of her attacks. I grinned as the bell sound of the runes rang out over and over again. She did not know it yet, but she was playing right into my hoof. After a few minutes the grin on my face turned into an ear to ear smile. Twilight picked up on it immediately, but was unable to react quickly enough. I slammed one of my runes with my left forehoof. Right as her katana met the rune, the rune shattered. In its last moments the rune let loose a booming thunder crack. It then released its stored kinetic energy all at once and amplified my hoof strike. The massive amount of stored force easily overpowered Twilight’s attack. Her eyes snapped wide open as her katana flew backwards at her. She quickly raised her armor right as the sword made contact. The impact of the weapon transferred all of its energy into her armor and she was thrown tumbling backwards. I did not give her the chance to recover as I charged at her. She tried to get away by flying upward, but she did not have enough time. I swung my left forehoof into one of my runes again and made contact with her attempt at blocking. Another thunder crack boomed and the stored kinetic energy launched her flying into the ceiling of the arena. I gasped at what I had done. I was not intending to fire her like a cannonball. However, I soon realized that I had bigger problems to deal with. After Twilight recovered she howled with rage as I saw her leering at me. She then tilted her head back for a second before pointing her horn directly at me. A beam of pure arcane energy sprang forth from her horn with a flash of purple light. I did not have the time to dodge, so I foolishly moved my remaining absorption rune in defense. However, the rune, so full of energy already, quickly overloaded and exploded. I was forcefully thrown backward several meters before I skidded to a stop. The shock caused my vision to keep shifting and my ears would not stop ringing. I shook my head a few times in a futile effort to get my bearings. It did not take long before I heard growl above me along with yet another flash of purple light. My senses were too scrambled to even attempt to counter attack. So I ended up resorting to grabbing my scythe and diving to the right. Twilight’s barrage of attacks just did not cease. Also to make matters worse she was not giving me any time to properly recover. Each time I got some hoofing on the ground, I had to blindly jump out of the way. This continued until I used a move of desperation. I knew I could not block the powerful beams Twilight was summoning, but I could deflect them. I shook my head a few times before I stood my ground. The beam came at me like so many others only this time I was ready. I got up on my hind legs and held my scythe in my forehooves. Right as the beam was meters from me I placed my left forehoof on the flat side of my weapon’s blade and angled it just slightly. The beam slammed into the other side of the scythe’s blade and ricocheted back at its sender. The anger in Twilight’s eyes gave way to naked surprise as she darted sideways. The reflected beam ended up missing her by centimeters as it flew passed her. A loud crackle followed by a screech of metal echoed all around us. After a few seconds bits of debris and scrap fell from a newly made hole in the ceiling of the arena. Upon noticing this I just stared in disbelief. That amount of energy would have burned a hole straight though me armor or otherwise. ‘By the moon what was she thinking?! I could have been killed!’ I inquired in my mind. My mind soon hardened in irritation as I came to realization that she was easily more powerful than me by leagues. A battle of pure magic was not going to work as it was only a matter of time where mine would fail. The match needed to end soon before somepony got irreversibly harmed. I gritted my teeth and mumbled to myself “Fine. If she wishes to play hardball, then so shall I,” I then grabbed my scythe in my front hooves and spun on my hind legs. My grip quickly released on my weapon and it whirled though the air. Twilight shook her head few times and flapped her wings to dodge. The scythe spun past her by a meter as was its intention. It was only meant to be distraction and nothing more. If I could keep her occupied enough I could work my efforts on the second trick up my armored sleeve. So I concentrated a small amount of my will and made my scythe spin in an arc before it aimed right back at her. She dodged and blocked the attacks with little effort, but it kept her off balance. Now with her occupied with my scythe attacking her I had some time to focus. I lowered the armor on my left foreleg and bit down with one fang. Again I only let a small amount of blood drip out before I closed the wound. I soon formed the blood into the second spell I memorized. With a small grin I slammed my forehooves on both the flat front and back of the rune. I then moved my left forehoof to the left and my right forehoof to the right and it created two identical, but mirrored runes. My eyes burned bright with light blue flames as I linked the two together. All was set except I needed to get Twilight close enough to use these wonders. A smile spread across my face as I focused some of my power and added more force into my scythe’s attacks. My weapon responded in kind and slammed into Twilight’s defenses. Each additional attack made her drop a meter or two closer to the ground. I kept this up for a only a few seconds until she got into range. A maniacal laugh slipped from my lips as I charged right at her with the runes floating around me. Just as I got within a few meters I jumped with all my might and dove right at her. She tried to block me, but my scythe spun at her one last time and left her wide open. I swung my left forehoof and attached one of the runes to the front of her chestplate. When I landed I looked back at Twilight and she just laughed and yelled, “HA! You missed!” In response I burst into laughter as my scythe returned to me. An evil grin spread across my face and I yelled back, “Oh did I now hahahaha?!” I then slammed my scythe’s blade into the ground to act as an anchor. My laughter continued as I held out the remaining rune in my left forehoof. Twilight’s eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as she realized what was attached to her chestplate. I however, did not give her the chance the react. I quickly wrapped my right foreleg around the pole of my scythe as I raised my power. The rune in my left forehoof flared to life. The effect of the twin attraction runes was immediate as a burst of energy began to pull the two runes together. Twilight tried to fly out of range, but I bellowed “You are mine now!” and pulled with all my might. She quickly lost control and spiraled directly at me. However, in my arrogance I foolishly pulled my scythe out of the ground to attack her. The realization of my folly came too late as Twilight ended her seemly feinted nose dive and flew skywards. I sucked in a deep breath through my nose and closed my eyes in the awareness that I was outplayed yet again. I then mumbled to myself “This is not going to end well,” right as I was yanked off my hooves. My statement however was a gross underestimation as I was soon pulled all around the inside of the arena. I wish I could say that I had a plan of attack, but I did not. The reasoning for this was quite simple. To put this in perspective I was hanging on for dear life to my attraction rune. A rune whose twin was attached to a highly magical armored alicorn princess with enhanced vampiric strength. In other words, I may as well have lassoed an adolescent dragon. It did not take long before I gained the sinking feeling that I would have probably been better off with the dragon. My delightful drag through the air lasted for a solid fifteen minutes. I also noticed throughout the entire event Twilight keep looking over her shoulder with a wicked gleam in her eyes. She seemed to have enjoyed the experience given that she laughed several times. It probably was either due to my yelps of sheer terror or perhaps it was from that one flagpole I crashed into along the way. When Twilight finally got tired she gracefully landed on the one side of the arena. I on the other hoof, got flung to the opposite side before I skidded to a halt on my stomach. In blind panic I took the rune I had in my left forehoof and stomped it to pieces with haste. Also the thought of embracing the dirt ground in gratitude for its existence started to become overwhelming. While still shaking violently I glanced over at Twilight. She just lower her helm and yelled over to me, “Are you going to yield?” I took a few deep breaths to calm my nerves before I replied, “I am not...defeated yet!” “You’re barely standing! Please don’t make me do this!” she yelled back. “I…am not…defeated yet!” I replied with a tone of determination as I gritted my teeth. “Alright, I warned you!” she yelled back and started to charge her horn. In response I quickly lowered the armor on my left foreleg and bit down. I let a medium amount of blood drip out before I closed the wound again. I was going to need to make this last spell count. My body and mind were exhausted and I was getting lightheaded from the blood loss. I started to configure the blood in front of me right before Twilight fired her magic. I was not able to complete the spell so I had to throw the unfinished product in Twilight's general direction and dodge. She just stepped aside with a laugh as I she charged more of her energy. Much to my displeasure she decided to now fire a constant beam of arcane energy at me. My body was too week to dodge so I was forced to deflect it. While this situation seemed bleak I knew I still had a chance. Because Twilight was focusing all her efforts on her arcane beam she could not concentrate on other things. All I had to do was keep her like this until I was able to finish my last spell. I focused all the magic I could and reached out to my unfinished spell. Within a few seconds I was able to complete it, but my scythe was quickly heating up from strain. I would need for Twilight to get a little closer so I could counter attack before my defenses broke. In an attempt to fool her I feinted, well more like half-feinted, weakness and fell to my knees. It managed to get the intended effect as Twilight started to walk closer. Right when she got where I wanted her I laughed and jumped to the side. I then used my magic and slid the spell circle right under her. Without giving her the chance to react I threw out what little energy I had left into powering it. The circle’s inner ring spun clockwise and formed a ward around Twilight. She giggled in response and said, “A ward? Is that you have left? Wait right there while I blow this to pieces hehehe,” as she started charging her horn again. I smiled and said, “Ah ah ah,” in a mocking tone as I let Twilight charge her horn. Right before she was able to fire I turned on the middle ring. It rotated counter-clockwise and within seconds the magic forming on Twilight’s horn fizzled and dissipated. She tilted her head in confusion and tapped her horn with her right forehoof. “Great, a null magic field. Even still, this circle doesn't have unlimited range,” she said in annoyance and started flapping her wings. “Oh no. You are not getting away that easily,” I mocked and lifted my left forehoof into the air in preparation for my coup de grâce of this match. I then slammed it into the ground activating the outermost and final ring. The ring spun clockwise and a wave of force blanketed the inside of the circle increasing the gravity by several factors. Twilight slammed back to ground and her legs wobbled a few times before she fell to her stomach. After I saw her get pinned, I sat down to catch my breath. Nopony has ever broken out of this spell. I have used it so many times that I had lost count. In addition it did not require too much energy or focus to maintain so I could relax. All I needed to do now, was wait for Twilight to yield. > Chapter 20: Sparring Practice: Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I continued to sit there while watching Twilight struggle against my circle. Normally this would not have been problem for me as I have done this spell many times. However, it was glaringly obvious that she was leagues stronger than anypony I have used it on previously. This fact was only further supported by her fits of rebellion that were quickly burning through my already low energy levels. It would be only a matter of time before she would overpower me and break loose. So in an act of partial desperation I tried to hide this fact from her and attempt a bluff. “Twilight, there is no way you are getting out of there. I have used this spell on ponies numerous times. Many of whom were also quite powerful. Please yield, I can do this all day if I must, but I do not wish to harm you further,” I bluffed. “No! I am not…done yet!” She spat back, glared at me and struggled more. I could feel my spell start to buckle a bit before I managed to restrain her again. The difficult effort caused a few beads of sweat to form on my head. However, that was the least of my worries. I had begun to grow nervous when I heard the rage that was boiling in her tone of voice. It was obvious that she was getting hungry from our spar. Now normally that would not be a problem with mortals. However, with us vampires, we can go into a violent frenzy as a result. The second she broke free, I was in for it. “Twilight, please yield. You are getting hungry. I will do what I have to, to prevent you from losing control,” I stated as I strained further to control my spell. “I am…not…GIVING UP!” she snarled in barely comprehensible speech. Her fury filled eyes glowed purple and flared to life. What happened next was far worse than I could have expected. It was well known that the “elements” gave up their elements of harmony many moons ago to save the tree of harmony. On the other hoof, what was not commonly known was they apparently still shared a link with them. In turn, it was a massive miscalculation on my part. The six pointed star of the element of magic appeared as if summoned from Twilight struggling and floated above her head. I could see the wraith in her eyes as she reached for her kanata. She then snarled at me and then said something completely incomprehensible. In one quick movement she stood up and easily overloaded my circle. Blue and purple sparks sprayed the area in a blinding flash of light as she roared and then teleported. I did not have enough time to properly react. My body and mind were heavily drained and tired from my efforts. I only managed re-armor my helm and harden my armor as I saw her reappear and fly straight at me from my left. With an ear splitting howl she swung her katana at me in a horizontal slash. The enchanted wooden blade made contact with my armor and exploded. The impact was so violent that it flung my scythe from my forehooves as I flew through the air. In less than a second I slammed into one of the walls of the arena at full force. An audible crunch echoed as my armor dug into the hard stone. After a few moments I slid from the wall and fell to the ground on my back. My vision blurred as I saw a purple glow right above me. I shook my head and my eyesight partially cleared. Twilight was standing directly above of me with her helm down and fangs bared. Through clenched teeth she said only “DO YOU YIELD?!” as she leaned her face close to mine. In response my cloudy mind worked furiously to find some way to get out of this. However, that was until I looked into her eyes and saw the burning fury in them that could only be described as terrifying. As I slowly lowered my helm, she moved her head closer until our faces were almost touching. All the while I just continued to stare into those burning purple eyes as she did so. For some reason I was transfixed on them and I could not seem to look away. After a minute of this she growled out the word “Well?!” It did not take much thought to know that I had been defeated. I truly tried my best, but I lost. This should have brought on some sort of feeling of aggravation, but it did not. I did not even feel displeased in the slightest. The only things I felt were a strange form of pride and a strong attraction towards her. After only a moment’s pause I reached up with my left forehoof and touched the side of her face. Her expression softened right before I whispered “yes” and then passionately kissed her. We both leaned into the kiss as if we could not get enough of it. Even the snickering and whistling from my lieutenants and Twilight’s friends did not hinder it. It probably would have continued longer if the need for air did not intervene. As we pulled away, our pointed tongues were the last part of us to stop touching each other. When I opened my eyes from that wonderful moment, I saw Twilight looking down at me. The smile on her face slowly slipped to a look of concern. “Oooh what did I do to you?” she stated in a worried tone as she touched the side of my face with her right forehoof. It was then I realized that I could only partially see out of my right eye. I also believe I was bleeding from the side of my mouth. In addition, I soon noticed that half of my ribs were also broken, I could not feel my one hind leg, and to top it off I was quickly losing consciousness. It did not take long before my eyes slowly closed in exhaustion. I then said in a quiet whisper, “I am fine…I just need some rest…yes…rest,” before everything faded to black. After an unknown amount of time I started to hear muffled voices. “Dear Celestia, Twilight. What did you do to him?” somepony stated right next to me. “I don’t know, Spike. I didn't mean to go that far. I just got so angry for some reason,” a voice replied of who I supposed was Twilight. “Hahaha ya sure in Tartarus did a number on him, Princess Twilight. Ah never saw his plot get kicked so bad. It’s even funnier how he has that awkward ear to ear smile on his face. I think he enjoyed it heh heh heh. However, it’s probably none too healthy that his back leg is bent that way. Heh, remind me to never spar with ya, princess” another voice replied. “Knock it off, Shadow Dancer. Its not like you’ve never lost control during a spar,” a voice to my left stated. It sounded like Cloud Streak. After a moment of silence, a voice came from my right, “Sooo what ya’ll think we should do?” “Well Applejack, Ah say we wake his lazy plot up,” replied a voice that sounded like Shadow Dancer. “How and why would we do that?” a voice that sounded like Applejack inquired. “Why is because we still need to finish the rest of the matches. Includin’ the fact that ah ain’t gonna have him make us do these again because he’s out cold. The how is fairly easy. All ya gotta do is this,” Shadow Dancer’s voice replied as I felt a hard impact on my ribcage. Almost immediately, blinding pain flared in horrible intensity as my still working left eye snapped opened. I had attempted to howl in pain, but my lungs refused to function. After a few moments the pain subsided enough to concentrate on breathing. After a few moments I managed to gather enough of my wits to use my blurry vision to search around me. I continued this until I angrily located the pony I was looking for. I then narrowed my left eye in rage as I focused my magic. Shadow Dancer only had the enough time to say “Uh oh” before I smashed him square in the jaw with his own right forehoof. “Do not EVER…do that…AGAIN!” I snarled. I heard some laughter as Shadow Dancer coughed a few times and as he picked himself up. “Yeah, he’ll be all right,” he grumbled. After waving away several attempts of aid, I tried to get out of the cot I was in. However it hurt too great to stand and I was forced to lie back down. It did not take me long to realize the problem. Shadow Dancer’s comment was, as I feared, correct. My one hind leg was broken in several places. To add to my problems, my right eye was now swollen shut and it hurt every time I took a breath due to my broken ribs. After my assessment I grumbled in annoyance, “This is not going to do.” I took a labored breath and stated, “Tactics please set my hind leg and can somepony please give me my scythe?” Tactics cleared his throat. “You have been greatly injured. The best course of action is for you to rest,” he stated in his usual monotone voice. However, there was a slight hint of concern. “Like Tartatus I am. Although Shadow Dancer’s method at bringing me back to consciousness was deplorable, he was right. We need to continue the matches. So in turn I require to be somewhat functional to properly oversee them. So please set my-” I said, but got interrupted by another wave of blinding pain from my hind leg. There was then a few popping noises and a snap. “I already knew you were going to refuse my suggestion of rest. I had determined having you speak to us was a valid distraction for my task. The bones are set. You may continue with your healing procedures,” Tactics replied. I choked out “Thank…you,” as somepony handed me my scythe. I just hoped that I had enough stored life force to heal myself. With a labored breath and raised my power as I began to work. After a great amount of agony, I managed to mostly patch myself up. This was then proceeded by me gulping down quite a bit of fresh blood from our refreshment table. After I had my fill I then helped the others get ready for their matches. It luckily only took a few minutes of preparation before I was able sit down in a chair on the sidelines and take notes in my tome. As I opened my tome, Twilight kept looking at me and then my tome again. I chuckled and said, “I require this for notes. Do not worry you can continue to read this when I am done.” “Okay,” Twilight said while frowning and then crossed her forelegs as she sunk back into her chair in apparent disappointment. I just laughed, rolled my eyes and stated, “Gray Mane and Fluttershy, you are up.” As they walked into the center of the ring Twilight leaned over in the chair next to me. “Umm I really thought you were joking with this match up, Blood Moon heh heh eeeeh. Please tell me you are joking. Your friend there is well…a monst…errr twice her size,” Twilight said with a concerned tone. Twilight’s other friends and even my other lieutenants looked concerned as well. “Ah’m with Princess Twilight, Blood Moon. Gray Mane is a beast as the best of times. He’ll tear her to pieces,” Shadow Dancer said in response to Twilight’s statement. “Do not worry you two. I have this all under control,” I stated in a confident tone. “Yeah ya see, that ‘you’ shaped hole in the wall does nothin’ to instill confidence,” Shadow Dancer retorted. I just glared at him and he quieted down. I then shook my head and stated “All right you two. You may begin.” Gray Mane just rested his battle axe on his shoulder with his right foreleg as he half closed his eyes. Fluttershy was just shaking and cowering behind her shepard’s staff in front of him. He soon snorted and looked over at me. “You’ve got to be joking. You’ve played some bullshit gags on me down the years, Blood Moon, but this takes the prize. You really want me to fight her? She looks like she’s about to wet herself,” he said as he nodded in Fluttershy’s direction. “You got this Fluttershy! Kick his plot!” Rainbow Dash yelled out in response to Gray Mane’s comment. However, it was not convincing in the least and only served to make Fluttershy cower more. I raised an eyebrow and stated aloud, “You have your orders, Gray Mane.” This in turn got me looks of disbelief from everypony on the sidelines. Gray Mane just looked back at Fluttershy, then me in amusement, and then Fluttershy again. “Alright I guess it’s going to be a one way ticket to the critical unit for you then,” he said with a chuckle as he stood up on his hind legs and then readied to swing his axe. He flexed his muscles and was about to swing before he began to frown. “You’re gonna have to toughen up if you want to make it in this world, ya runt,” he stated while looking down at the cowering Fluttershy. He was about to swing his axe when Fluttershy looked up with her tear soaked face and made the barely audible statement of “P-please d-d-don’t hurt me.” The butterfly shape element of kindness appeared around her neck after she spoke. Then what happened next was something even I could not have predicted. Gray Mane’s grip on his axe wobbled as their eyes met. He swallowed hard and tried to say something, but he appeared to choke on the words. The axe then slipped from his forehooves and fell into the ground next to him. Right as the axe hit the earth he fell to his knees and began to do something I never thought he could. He covered his face and began to openly weep. The noise was barely heard at first until a minute later when he began to howl in anguish. A few minutes pasted as a river of tears flowed out of his eyes. While weeping he completely lowered his armor then reached forward. He then picked up Fluttershy and cradled her like one would a small child. His tears continued to pour out as he kept stating over and over again “I’m sorry”. Then without any warning, he got up, walked over to sidelines while still cradling Fluttershy and then sat down. Fluttershy just said in a quiet voice, “It’s okay. It’ll be all right. You’re not such a bad pony,” as she snuggled into his chest. Only a few seconds passed before they both fell asleep. I had to rub my eyes a few times with my forehooves to make sure I was not hallucinating. I then looked around and everypony, but Tactics had shared looks of shocked disbelief. What had happened was completely astonishing. When I had first setup the spar, I had figured that Fluttershy was going to just sweetly talk him into submission, but not this. After a few moments I leaned over and whispered to Twilight, “Can you please put up an anti-sound ward around them. I truly do not wish to discover what would happen if we woke them.” “Yeah…I’ll do that,” Twilight replied, but her voice was unfocused and distant. Only after the ward was up did everypony stop holding their breath and relax. I think a few of us were going to say something, but we all got the same confused look on our faces and decided not to. With nothing really to say on the matter I cleared my throat and said, “Applejack and Shadow Dancer, you two are next.” They both entered the ring and bowed to each other. Shadow Dancer then smirked and stated, “Don’t think ah’m gonna go easy on ya because yer a lady.” Applejack laughed and replied “Ah Good, I wouldn't want ya to bruise yer ego.” Shadow Dancer snorted and smirked again. “So that’s how it’s gonna be huh? HEY WHAT’S THAT!” he stated and then shouted while he pointed in a direction behind her. I just chuckled to myself as she fell for one of oldest tricks ever invented. He then ran, jumped, and pulled her hat off her head before landing a few meters away. After he looked at the hat for a few seconds, he placed it on his own head. Applejack’s facial expression went from surprise to irritation. “Give me back mah hat,” she stated in a stern tone. Shadow Dancer seemly ignored her comment and said “Ya got a mighty fine hat here. Ah always wanted one like this ever since ah was a colt.” I saw Applejack’s eyes narrow as she said, “Ah said...Give…me…back…mah…Hat! Shadow Dancer rolled his eyes in response and said “Or what?” “Or yer gonna be sorry,” she replied as she flexed her legs. “Ha, come and get it little lady!” Shadow Dancer mocked. Right after he spoke, she charged right at him. She then spun on her forelegs and kicked. However, Shadow Dancer did not get his name for nothing. He had been an acrobat from some circus many moons ago. So in turn he was able to dodge the attack with ease. When she kicked again the same result happened. After the third attempt he just sidestepped and slapped her across her left flank with the flat of his katar. She yelped and then snarled while pressing her attacks further. However, he was always one step ahead of her and was doing nothing, but mostly dodging. Even his attacks were pretty lazy considering his skills. This ultimately alluded to one of his few weaknesses, his arrogance. I had attempted to break him of that, but old habits die hard I suppose. In the end it was his hubris that eventually led to his downfall. This became well evident with each additional dodge. Every time she would kick, he would attempt an increasingly difficult aerial trick. This continued until he had landed too hard on the latest trick and he stumbled sideways. It seemed that was all the opening she required. She dove at him and proceeded to stomp and buck the moonlight out of him. I smirked when I saw Twilight and her friends along with Night Star and Cloud Streak cheering Applejack on. I know I probably should have felt bad for Shadow Dancer as he received his thrashing. However, I was still bitter from before when he struck my broken ribs. After an amusing display of Shadow Dancer getting his plot served on a silver platter, he finally had enough and yielded. Well it was more like he was lying nearly flat on his stomach from the beating and could not get up. Applejack just laughed and then yanked her hat off of his head and placed it back on her own. She then said “That’s what ya’ll git fer pilferin’ mah hat.” She was about the walk to sidelines when she stopped and added, “And I owe ya this!” She then yanked off one of his katars and slapped him across the rear with flat of the blade. He yelped, jumped forward, and then smashed face first into the dirt ground. Again, I probably would have felt bad for him if he had not deserved it. After a few moments he picked himself up and dragged his battered body over to one of the cots on the sidelines. He then lifted himself into it without a single word and passed out. After several bouts laughter, I silenced everypony and stated, “Night Star and Rarity, you are next.” They both walked into the center of the arena and bowed. Upon closer inspection, Rarity seemed to somehow know her way around her rapier. Before the match started she swung the sword around with a bit of elegance that would have required practice. I raised an eyebrow and leaned forward in my chair. I then stated in my mind, ‘It appears this was going to get interesting,” as I started taking notes. Night Star made the first move as she spun on her hind legs and tossed one of her throwing knives. Rarity just stood there and then at the last moment she swatted the knife out of the air with her rapier. She then grinned and said “You are going to have to do better than that darling.” Even though I could not see her face, I could tell Night Star was smiling. With little hesitation she spun on hind legs again and released an onslaught of throwing knives. In response Rarity dodged, slashed her rapier, or danced out of way. Then just as Night Star ran out, Rarity jumped forward and thrust her rapier. Night Star however, was able to anticipate Rarity’s attacks and gracefully dodged each attempt. The swaying of them dancing back and forth around the arena was hypnotizing. It was only interrupted every so often when Night Star recovered one of her knives and tossed it at Rarity. The beautiful sight continued for a better part of twenty minutes until Rarity missed a block. The knife came in too quick and impacted her right forehoof. Rarity then froze with shock and looked at her right forehoof. She then sputtered as she said “y-y-you c-c-chipped my hoof.” In only a few seconds her shock turned to wailing as she cried out, “Yoooou chipped mmmyyyy hohuhuhuhoooof.” This probably would have ended the match for Rarity if not for what happened next. With little warning Rarity charged her horn and the pack she had on the sidelines popped open. Dozens of strands of multi-colored ribbons fired out and flew directly at Night Star. Night Star managed to dodge them with her usual grace until one caught her left hindleg. She then tripped and was wrapped up like a cocoon. With little warning she was then lifted five meters into the air and was violently thrown to the earth. The violent impacts repeated each time Rarity cried out another statement about her chipped hoof. After about twenty of these hard slams, Rarity just tossed Night Star away from her. She then raced to the sidelines and started to frantically use a hoof file on herself. She continued her weeping as she worked. In only a few seconds, I saw the cocooned form of Night Star unravel as she rolled towards me. Her near limp body stopped directly in from my chair. She coughed a few times and stated “C-c-captain.” “Yes, Night Star?” I replied with a hint of concern as I got out of my chair to help her. She then weakly said, “Do not…chip her hoof…” before she passed out I cleared my throat, glanced over at Rarity, and said “Noted.” With a small amount of aid from the others, I helped Night Star into one of the cots on the sidelines. I made sure she was not gravely injured before going back to my seat. I wrote some notes in my tome before I stated “Cloud Streak and Rainbow Dash, you two are next.” Now admittedly for some reason I was looking forward to this match. Both Rainbow Dash and Cloud Streak were quite powerful in their own regards. It was going to be interesting to see what was going to happen. Perhaps I would even get some valuable information on pegasi fighting styles. In excitement I commanded the top of the arena to be opened for a greater aerial space. They both walked into the arena center and flexed their wings. Then Rainbow Dash just squinted for a moment and looked at Cloud Streak. “So you like the Wonderbolts huh?” she inquired. “No…I love Wonderbolts,” Cloud Streak replied with a grin. Soon Rainbow Dash glared at Cloud Streak and blurted out, “Wait a minute! You have one of their old collector pins?! They don’t even make those anymore! Where did you get it!?” Cloud Streak just looked at her pin and said in an excited tone, “I got this from one of their shows decades ago! I haven’t missed a show yet and I almost never take this baby off!” “Oh my gosh! You are sooo lucky! I went to their flight camp you know, it was awesome,” Rainbow Dash sounding more excited than ever. Cloud Streak covered her mouth in surprise and said, “How the hay did you get in there?! They don’t just let anypony in there!” Rainbow Dash began to reply when I interrupted and said “Alright you two. This is supposed to be a sparring match, not a forum for Wonderbolt fandom.” Rainbow Dash just waved at me in what appeared to be annoyance and stated “Yeah yeah yeah we’ll get to that. Now where was I? Oh yeah, they said I was the fastest flier in Equestria,” as she puffed out her chest. I slammed my face into my tome. I then groaned realizing this was not going to go anywhere anytime soon. In turn I waited, and then waited some more. This continued until my sheer boredom and irritation got the better of me and blurted out, “Okay you two had enough time to chat! Back to the match and remember this is knock out or yield!” Cloud Streak just looked at me for a moment, tilted her head, and said “Yeeaaah I yield” before continuing her conversation with Rainbow Dash. “Me too,” Rainbow Dash added as they began to talk about sky racing. Again I slammed my face into my tome. This was indeed a letdown. I supposed there was no data to be had on this one. My apparent irritation was only met with, “Well Blood Moon, pegasi will be pegasi,” from Twilight as she giggled and shrugged. The conversation between Rainbow Dash and Cloud Streak continued until they got on to racing again. “I bet I could beat you to that cloud,” Rainbow Dash stated. “Yeah right! I’ll leave you in the dust!” Cloud Streak replied and then looked at me and said “Blood Moon can I go racing? I want make this mare to eat her words.” I sighed and said “Fine, as you two are not going to spar against each other I suppose you can get to know each other by some other method.” I should not have waste my breath on that sentence. They were gone right as I stated the word “Fine”. Twilight just giggled in response. After rubbing my temples of few times with my forehooves I stated “Alright Tactics and Pinkie Pie, you two are up” “Well Finally! I have waiting sooooo long. I mean come on…” Pinkie Pie said as she began babble. However, I could not understand much of it after a short amount of time. The jumbled mess made my tired mind hurt too much. I was only able to endure a minute of her verbal onslaught before I interrupted her and told them to continue with the match. I have to admit, when I first setup this match I found a battle between these two to be an amusing thought. On one side you had Tactics. He was pony who analyzed his opponents to the extreme. He changed his attacks to exploit any weakness somepony had. However, he was very logical in his methods and it worked because he usually fought opponents that could be read in such a way. On the other side though, we had Pinkie Pie, who was completely random and could not be predicted in such a way. This ultimately turned the spar into a stalemate. A few minutes passed and then an hour. Soon it turned into two hours. Tactics was on the offensive the nearly entire time, but he could not hit her. I had lost count how many times he changed his methods. Each time resulted in the same outcome. Pinkie Pie was just not there when the attack was committed. It was only when I suppose she finally got tired, hungry or just plain bored, did an attack partially reach its mark. Pinkie Pie had accidentally slipped and lost her hoofing for a merely moment and Tactics opened up a long scratch on her right shoulder. However, his usual nature took over and it lead to probably one of the largest follies of his life. Before I was able to stop him, his obsessive analyzing habits kicked in. He soon licked Pinkie Pie’s blood off of his dirk and swallowed. In a reaction that did not surprise me in the least, his eyes snapped open and pupils shrank to mere dots. The relatable experience completely immobilized him as he twitched uncontrollably in place. However, what surprised me more was the final blow did not come from this horrid mistake, but from Pinkie Pie herself. I was not sure how to describe it, but it appeared her mane and tail seemed to deflate as if they were balloons. Then in a complete switch from her normal personality she got some strange dark, angry look in her eyes. She soon screeched out “YOU BIG MEANIE!” before raising her mallet into the air. She then slammed it square into Tactics’ back with a force that shook the ground. The impact flattened him into the dirt arena floor and he just to laid there continuing to twitch. Pinkie Pie then returned to her normal cheerful self as she began having her wounds attended to by Applejack. I had no idea what had happened, but that this point I did care. I was just pleased the sparring was done. However my feeling of relief soured when I realized an awful fact while I giving Twilight my tome. Every single one of me and my lieutenants were defeated. I soon groaned in frustration as I got up out of my chair. So on that delightfully awful note, I decided that I had more than my fill of getting humiliated and set my sights on going to bed. But, responsibilities took precedence first and had to help take care of anypony that was injured before I called it a day. It at least did not take too long to do so. After such duties, I showed every pony to their rooms. Well, all but Rainbow Dash and Cloud Streak who decided to continue to fly around racing each other. I was bit worried at first, but the pleasing thought of sleep started to overtake my mind. It was not hard to fathom as I was still not fully healed and my body hurt all over. Twilight on the other hoof, did not seem any worse for the wear. She just walked next to me in perfect condition while continuing to read my tome. The observation annoyed me until something kept nagging at my thoughts. Just then it clicked in my head. Dread filled my heart as I spoke in my mind ‘By the moon! Twilight is going to discover how I have been sleeping all these decades!’ > Chapter 21: Dark Secrets and Desires > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The thought really seemed to strike a nerve in my mind. Nopony had ever peered inside my room besides myself. It was not some place of rest as most living quarters were. It was a place I had designed for one main purpose, containment. It was certainly fortunate that Twilight had removed my need of it many moons ago. However, it still remained as a reminder of what I had endured for decades. In turn showing another soul of how horrid my suffering had been, frightened me. My fear overrode my fatigue as I nervously decided to not bring up the topic. I truly had thought that perhaps showing Twilight her own room that she would not ask about mine. “And here is your room Twilight. It should have plenty of room for Spike as well,” I stated trying to keep my nervousness out of my voice. We walked into the room and she began to look around. “I…umm…thank you. I was…umm just wondering. Where’s your room?” she inquired. I swallowed hard as I realized I was not going to be as fortunate as I had hoped. “M-my room? O-oh yes, it is…just at the end of the hall. It is not far from this one,” I said fumbling over my words as my nervousness started to break through. She rubbed her left foreleg with her right and said in an uncertain tone, “Would…I mean could I perhaps…stay with you in your room? If that it’s alright with you and Spike that is.” Spike did not hesitate in the least. “A room all to myself?! That's awesom-errr I mean, yeah, I’m cool with it,” he blurted out and looked at me with eyes full of hope. I swallowed hard again as they both just stood there looking at me. “Y-yes, that would not be a…problem,” I said and stuttered a bit as I began to sweat. I was overjoyed that they did not seem to notice my strange behavior. They just looked pleased with my response. I somehow how knew this was going to happen. While normally I would have been delighted, but at the moment the only effect it caused was that my body started to shake. I needed to think of something, anything to stall for time. At least until I could control myself a little better. “H-however, before I show you my…room. I am going to see if Rainbow Dash and Cloud Streak had returned. If you would please wait either here or outside my…door and I will return in a few minutes,” I said easing only slightly. Twilight looked a bit worried, but nodded in response. So without another word I quickly walked out of the room and down the hall. I was truly hoping that my little journey was going to take longer, but I noticed Cloud Streak’s door was ajar. As I approached I could hear some muffled voices. Then there was a slight moan followed by some heavy breathing. In response I could feel a grin slowly crawl up my face. It did not take a scholar to determine what was happening. I fully knew what was taking place and I should have left them alone, but a thought nagged at my mind. Rainbow Dash was mortal. Cloud Streak on the other hoof was most definitely not. In other words, I wanted to warn Cloud Streak to not get too rough. After taking a deep breath I used only my left eye to peer into the mostly dark room. As I squinted I could see Cloud Streak pressed up against the far wall. Her forehooves scraped along the wall as Rainbow Dash was seemingly busy with her more sensitive areas. In addition, every so often Cloud Streak would moan a little more from the obvious feeling of pleasure. Admittedly the sight was not displeasing to witness, but I soon frowned when I realized I was beginning to feel like a voyeur. So after fighting back so my body’s more interesting urges I whispered quietly, “Be careful Cloud Streak. She is not as durable as us.” Cloud Streak looked straight at me with a very pleased smile on her face. She then nodded right before her eyes rolled back into her head as she quietly moaned some more. I smiled as I slowly closed the door. It had been a long time I believe since she had felt the touch of another. Her sometimes irritable mood was evidence that she desperately needed to sate those urges. I just chuckled to myself as I walked back down the hall. ‘Perhaps she will be in better spirits after that,’ I said in my mind. However the smile on my face faded as I remember why I was stalling in the first place. To my luck though, my body had fortunately stop shaking. I took a deep breath and stated in my mind, ‘This was going to happen at some point. The sooner I get this over with, the sooner I can stop worrying.’ My internal dialog did little to calm my nerves as I continued to walk towards my room. To make matters worse my body started to shake again when I met Twilight. Much to my displeasure she had decided to wait outside my door. As I arrived I kept averting my gaze. Twilight soon cleared her throat and then brightly said “How are Rainbow Dash and Cloud Streak?” I gave a small smile and said “They are umm…enjoying each other's company.” She looked confused for a second and then shrugged. “Soooo are we going to go in or stand here all day,” she said in a joking tone while she nodded towards my room door. “Ah yes…of course. Just let me work the seal,” I said as I nervously began to work the seal on the door. “A seal on your bedroom door? Trying to keep somepony out huh?” Twilight said as she continued to joke. I gave an uneasy laugh and lied, “Yes…keep out…that is it heh heh.” After a few moments the door swung open to reveal a mostly empty and very plain room. Well plain if you neglect the fact that every wall along with the floor and ceiling were covered with dark iron plates. In one corner of the room was a smashed night stand. It was the unfortunate target of one of my more horrid nights. I honestly do not remember smashing it to pieces, but here it was. On one of the walls there hung a body sized mirror frame. The mirror it held had been destroyed many moons ago in a fit of self loathing. In the center of the room was my extremely sturdy bed that I hated so very much. Then lastly, all of this delightfulness was only being illuminated by a single blue flame lantern that hung in the center of the ceiling. I walked into the room and sat down next to my bed. I then lowered my head and closed my eyes. “W-well this is my…room,” I said in a voice only slightly above a whisper. After I finished speaking I wrapped my forelegs around myself in a futile attempt at comfort. As I opened my eyes again to stare at the ground, Twilight gave her response. Her voice seemed distant and sorrowful as she said “…‘I mainly sleep in my armor when away from my normal lodgings…it is best if I am anchored at night’. It’s true what you wrote in your tome …I…I…,” but she could not seem to finish her statement. I looked up to see that she was holding my tome close to her chest. In addition she seemed to holding another small book along with it. While my mind started to wonder what that other book could have been, my despairing mood prevented any inquiry. In turn I just lowered my head again and closed my eyes. I did not know what to say or do at this point. My mind was filled with so many horrid memories. I had slept so well with Twilight in other locations I almost forgot I possessed this room. The remembrance of this fact made time crawl as we just sat there in silence. After a period of time that felt like an eternity, I heard Twilight place my tome and the other book on the floor. I then heard her slowly walk around the perimeter of my bed. A few moments passed before I looked up to see her examining my bed posts. Each one of those awful things were fifteen centimeter thick solid dark iron poles. At the top of each of the posts was a ring that connected to a chain that ended in a manacle. There were four of those chains and manacles in total, one for each leg. I heard her whisper “I really hope this works,” before she walked closer to me. After she got to me she looked me in the eyes. I could see a few red tears had formed in them. She then swallowed and said “Can you please summon your scythe?” “My..scythe?” I said in mild confusion. She merely nodded in response. It was a strange, but I just raised my left eyebrow and complied with her request. “Thank you,” she stated before taking my scythe out of my hooves and placing it on the far wall. She then walked back over to me, sat down and placed her forehooves on my armor’s ring. I then heard a muffled voice in my mind “Suppression armor, master override, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Retract and Detach”. I felt my armor slide back over my body into the ring around my neck. “Twilight…I do not…I…” I said, but could not find the proper words as I placed my left forehoof on my armor’s ring. She just made a “Shhhh” noise before lowering my hoof and removing my armor’s ring. She then walked over and placed the ring next to my scythe. I remained watchful of her as she took off her own armor ring and placed it leaning up next to mine, just barely touching each other. Twilight then walked back over to me and looked into my eyes again. While it was a pleasing sight to gaze into those beautiful purple slitted eyes, my body would not stop shaking. I had felt so vulnerable without my armor and scythe. I even kept glancing over at them until Twilight placed her right forehoof on the side my face. She then leaned closer to me and kissed me on the lips. My eyes slowly closed as I began to savor the moment. Every thought in my mind, every worry, and every fear faded in that sweet embrace. After a few moments we separated and she led me to my bed. After she laid me down on my back, my nervousness started to claw back into my body. Horrid memories of times past regarding this bed flooded my mind. Twilight’s face showed that she must have sensed my mood when she began to lie down next to me. She in turn seemed to move in slow, calm, and measured motions before settling next to me. While it was pleasing display, it did little to calm my nerves. As I began to get lost in my thoughts again, I felt her move her left forehoof and touch the side of my face. I then saw her give me a small smile before she leaned over again and kissed me for the second time. As the same as before, I felt my body and mind get lost into that sweet embrace. A growing ache began to build in me as we continued. It also seemed as if I could not get enough of that kiss. After only seconds had passed, I pulled her closer until our fangs brushed against each other. Our pointed tongues began to glide against one another as she slowly got on top of me. As we separated from our kiss, my nervousness started to build again. I did not even know I was reaching for one of my bed’s manacles until Twilight gently pinned my left foreleg to the bed. In response I just swallowed hard as I attempted to say something. Before I could speak she placed her left forehoof over my mouth and said “Shhhhh,” in only a whisper. After a few moments Twilight of grinning at me, she tipped my head up and to the side. She then lean in closer and began kissing the side of my neck. I could not describe the feeling of her fang gliding over my neck. The word “pleasurable” would have been a gross understatement. In addition, for reasons completely unknown my body was screaming for her to bite me. However she decided to do something even more pleasing. She began slowly kissing down my neck, then my chest, and then my stomach. My mind was too scrambled to determine what she was attempting to do until she must have found what she was looking for. My eyes soon rolled back in my head in response to her delightful efforts on my more sensitive areas. My breathing then quickened and it appeared I was making some interesting involuntary noises. However just like before, after she stopped to crawl back on top of me, my damnable memories of this bed and room poured back in. I had tried to do everything in my power to push them out, but yet they remained. My pure effort I was putting in became more than infuriating. I even began to squeeze my eyes shut in a futile attempt at blocking them out. With what little focus that I had to spare I overheard Twilight mumbling to herself. She whispered “Hmm looks like this is going to be harder than I thought. I guess I'm going to have to pull out all the stops. Oooh I really hope this works,” before she lifted herself up and quickly thrust down. A surge of pleasure fired through my body as she began to move her hips up and down in a rhythmic motion. My teeth soon gritted together as the wonderful sensations fought for dominance against my memories. The forces pushed back and forth with either side not gaining anything for long. Well that was until Twilight must have decided to throw everything she had into it. While she continued to mount me, she leaned close to my neck and kissed it. I then felt her mouth open right before she dug her fangs in. The additional surge of pleasurable pain sealed the battle. My memories did not stand a shadow of a prayer anymore. Each additional thrust from Twilight sent surges of pleasure that hammered against my mind.. After only a few moments of this, the years of pain and suffering seemed to crumble away like poorly made masonry. However, while my memories did not fully remove themselves, they held no more sway over my mind. The result felt as if a great weight had been lift off of me. This feeling was second only to the removal of my nightmares. Tears of joy soon formed in my eyes as we continued. I wore the largest smile of my life as I pulled Twilight off of me and rolled her on her back. I then quickly healed my neck wound and then proceeded to make it my personal mission to please her as I deeply thrust inside of her. It was the only thing I could think of to repay her efforts. This in turn appeared to be greatly welcomed as I saw her eyes roll back in her head. She ultimately had to stick her right foreleg over her mouth to muffle her moans. We kept going at our quick and heavy pace until I could feel her body getting close to climax. However, she just could not seem push it over the edge. In response I switched my methods a few different times, but they did not seem to help. As a final resort I tried to emulate what she had done to me. In turn I leaned over and kissed her neck a few times. This resulted in her breathing to quicken even further. However, it was still not enough as she appeared to want something more. So I made a small grin before I opened my mouth and dug my fangs into her neck. I ultimately had to hold on for dear life as her back arched and her body shuttered. Her forehooves even scraped down my back as she squeezed me closer. Though this delightful sensation was only felt for a moment before I pulled my fangs out of her neck when I climaxed as well. With what little strength I had left I quickly healed Twilight's neck wounds before I collapsed next to her. I then hugged her close to me. There were no words that I could say to express my gratitude. The only thing that I wished to know was how did she know what to do? The act of healing mental wounds was a strange and largely unknown art. So as my curiosity peaked I decided to ask after caught my breath. “Twilight, not to sound ungrateful, but how did you do what you did?” I stated still holding her close. She looked up at me in a dream like look and said “Hmm? Oh that. Well, I was doing some research into your…condition...when I found a book in the library.” She used her magic to float the purple book she was carrying before over to us. It was labeled ‘Psychology: Overcoming Traumatic Experiences’. I just gave a small chuckle before I stated, “A psychology book, I should have known.” “Well it helped you didn't it? It basically states you have to overcome bad memories by overriding them with good ones. In addition the more vulnerable the patient is when the good memories take place, the more effective the treatment will be,” she replied and giggled with a ‘matter of fact’ type of tone. “Well that explains why you removed my armor and took my scythe,” I stated with a look of amusement. “Exactly!” she replied and snuggled closer to me. However, after a few moments I looked down to see her deep in thought and biting her lip. I raised an eyebrow and stated, “Something on your mind Twilight?” She snapped out of her trance and blinked a few times. “What? Ah yes, I've been meaning to ask you. Your lieutenants...I…” she said, but she started biting her lip again at the end. I gave a small laugh and said “You wish to know about the ponies that are watching over your friends? Also if they can be trusted?” She nodded and smiled up at me. I just gave another small laugh and said “Ahh well where to begin. I suppose it would be easiest to go in chronological order. So I suppose I shall start with Cloud Streak first.” I closed my eyes and felt the smile on my face slowly fade as I began to remember how I found Cloud Streak. “It was some time back when Princess Luna was still banished. At that time all supernaturals were confined to guarding the city. I was just undertaking a normal nighttime patrol around the city walls at the time. It was completely uninteresting as usual, until I heard something,” I said and pursed my lips. “Although it was faint, it sounded like somepony was crying. As I swiftly moved to the source, I heard somepony state ‘No place left and nowhere to go.’ Shortly after that, the smell of fresh blood became heavy in the air. I quickened my pace and that is when I…found her,” I said at the words start to become hard to say. I swallowed and continued, “She was wearing new recruit armor and was leaning up with her back to the city wall. As I moved closer, I saw that she had deep cuts on both of her forelegs and was rapidly bleeding out. However, when I got to her I did not have enough time to work a circle to heal her. So…I…was forced to turn her into one of us to save her. I…held her the entire time she turned.” I could feel my teeth start to clench. “After doing a bit of inquiries, I had the discovered the reason why she had committed such an act. She is, as some ignorant fools would call, a ‘fillyfooler”. This fact was exposed when she was caught embracing another mare recruit at some point and her torment never let up. In turn, I hunted down every single one of her tormentors and had them…disciplined. She has been happily with me ever since. I even began to be some sort of bizarre ‘father’ figure to her,” I said and hugged Twilight closer. Twilight giggled and said “Well I suppose that explains your comment from earlier about her and Rainbow Dash ‘Enjoying each other’s company’.” I could not help, but laugh and state “Indeeed.” After a few moments I pursed my lips and then said “After Cloud Streak I believe Night Star was next. I truly wish I had more information on her, but I do not. In addition, I have little to no idea on what she looks like. She never takes her helmet or armor off, or at least not in anypony’s presence. What little I do know is that she is a veteran solder who has lived longer than I have. She ended up joining me after I started asking questions about Cloud Streak’s tormentors. I even remember her statement when she joined me. ‘Your heart is in the right place. It is a rare attribute in such a world as ours. You will need help facing it lest you be taken advantage of.’ I have always been thankful for her aid.” The smile on my face returned as I remembered how I met Gray Mane. I then cleared my throat and said, “I suppose Gray Mane is next and he truly is an interesting fellow to say the least. The only thing I know about his past is that he was originally just a royal guard. However, his notorious rage issues got the better of him when he was on a mission away from the royal palace. He went hoof to claw with an enemy lycan and got bitten as a result.” I just shook my head and continued, “I believe the only thing that truly changed was his outside appearance now matched what he had on the inside. Though the result only made his temper problems worse. In addition, he always seemed to be two paces away from getting discharged from service because of it. I would imagine the only reason he was not, was because everypony was afraid of what would happen if he was. He did not come under my command until a while back when he got into an argument with his superior.” I laughed a little bit remembering the memories of that day. “You see, they got into a ‘shouting match’ of sorts. I was merely observing at the time as it had gotten rather noisy and attracted attention. However, it did not take long before it became violent. Luckily I managed to intervene right before his superior got cleaved in two,” I said while I rolled my eyes. I then shook my head and grinned before continuing, “However in his blind rage he decided to take a swing at me. This ultimately led me to forcefully shove him out of a palace window. He howled as he plummeted several stories to the ground. When I found him he had broken all of his legs and was apparently fading in and out of consciousness. So I bit him and put his body back together.” “After I had healed him I merely said ‘Do that again and I shall toss you out of a window a second time.’ His only response was to laugh and say, ‘You’re the only one of those little shits to actually stand up to me.’ He has been under my watchful eye ever since as it appears I am one of the few he will actually take orders from. One of his few redeeming features though is that he has always been fiercely loyal to me,” I said and emphasized the last sentence to calm Twilight down. After I assured her several times of Fluttershy’s safety I continued, “The next one was Shadow Dancer. From what I managed to gather, he was originally in a circus of some type as an acrobat. He apparently got caught…fooling around with the ringleader’s daughter. After almost being slain several times he ran away, but his past haunted him. No other group of performers would take him. I believe he joined the royal guard as a last resort.” “However, he quickly became a pain in the ass for just about every other soldier. He was a notorious practical joker and played pranks often. He was only a hoof’s length away from getting discharged when I witnessed him save several ponies from a building fire. Nopony else was agile enough to dodge the flames, but him. In turn, I took him into my small unit and taught him how to control himself better. Well as good as I suppose he is going to get. At least he usually means well and has been through quite a bit with me,” I said and rolled my eyes as I remembered a few of the stunts he committed down the years. I then kissed Twilight on a forehead and hugged her again. After a little bit I yawned and said, “And now for the last one, Tactics. It is…actually…sort of my fault on how he got the way he was. Tactics used to be one of the military planners for Princess Celestia. I use 'military planner' in his case loosely as he little more than an obsessive compulsive 'paper pusher'. He desired to have anything even remotely regarding a strategy on paper while also being signed by the submitter and copied.” I let out a little laugh as I remember in detail on how Tactics got turned into a lycan. I sniffed back a few tears of laughter and said “I was having a rather miserable day at the point. I was completely lacking sleep from a recent guard watch and he just would not be silent about some report I turned in. He kept droning on and on about how it needed to be signed or something. So in a fit of irritation, I yanked the quill out of his hooves, dug it into my right foreleg and signed the document with my own blood Hahahaha.” After I calmed myself from my fit of laughter I continued, “It was probably one of the few times I ever saw him show an emotional response. He quickly recoiled away and possessed an amusing visage of horror on his face. However he fumbled into one of the lycan prisoners some guards were transporting. The prisoner’s muzzle accidentally slipped off and he bit Tactics on the right shoulder.” I took a deep breath through my nose and closed my eyes. After a few seconds I said, “After Tactics got turned into a lycan the other military planners wanted nothing to do with him. Also because he had made so many enemies from his obsessive compulsive ways the royal guards had no desire to take him either. A week or so passed before I saw him again. I found him huddled against a tree outside the city walls. It was a full moon night and he was fighting a losing battle with his more ‘beastly’ side. As I felt responsible for his downfall I taught him how to feed that night and took him into my unit. He has actually proved quite useful and we have been on good terms ever since.” I looked down at Twilight and said, “Well there you have it. That is how my unit, or should I say band of misfits, came to be and who they are. We are certainly an odd bunch I suppose. A strange grouping put together because no one else wished to have us.” Twilight snuggled into my chest and whispered “I wish to have you.” I had nothing to say in response, but it felt so good to hear those words for some reason. While I know me and my lieutenants were like a family to each other, this was different. It was a reminder that I was not so broken that somepony wanted to connect with me on an emotional level. It was also a reminder of the removal of that awful feeling of emptiness that had lasted for so many years. I fought back tears of happiness as I kissed Twilight on the forehead before we slipped off to sleep. > Chapter 22: Moonlight Satiations: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I do not know how long I slept before I woke up. As my room did not have any windows, for obvious reasons, it was truly anypony's guess. However, regardless of such matters when I managed to open my eyes I found it difficult to find any motivation. I suspected one of the problems was how soft my bed had felt. It was designed to prevent injury along with containing me while I, for lack of a better word, 'slept'. The end result was a seemly soft bed that I somehow did not notice until today. I suppose it is hard to notice details like 'comfort' through fits of sheer terror and uncontrolled rage. The second source of my motivation depletion was more apparent and slightly amusing. It appears that while we slept, me and Twilight seemed to have wrapped our legs around each other. Not that I was complaining as it was quite a comfort having her this close to me. She even looked so peaceful laying there while happily drooling all over her pillow. And while I had little desire to disturb her, unfortunately, there were quite a few tasks that required my attention. So after a bit of yawning I began to untangle myself. Eventually with a bit of creative thought I finally managed to get my lazy self out of bed with luckily little disturbance to Twilight. I merely smiled as I noticed she continued to be fast asleep while still drooling away. It was amusing, but I was really not one to judge as I thought back to the day before in my lab. At least she had the benefit of sleeping in a bed and not on hard stone. In turn I quietly moved over to where my armor ring was and sat down for a minute. After a few moments of yawning and rubbing my eyes, I put my armor ring on and unsummoned my scythe. I then looked around and located my tome. At first I was going to bring it with me, but my body was stiff. And the thought of carrying extra weight displeased me. Needless to say I ended up putting it where it would be more welcomed, next to Twilight. Without waking up she just smiled, wrapped her forelegs around the tome and pulled it close to her chest. I could not help, but chuckle at the sight. Her obvious obsession with books was apparent even in her sleep. However, I smiled when I realized that it could have also been that it reminded her of me. Regardless, I just yawned again, rearmored everything but my helm and then walked towards the door. At first I was nervous in thinking that she might not know how to open the seal on the door when she woke up. However, when I began working the seal I realized it was foolish to think so. She managed to master a katana in just a few swings and has been absorbing the information from my tome. Everything I ever created was more or less written in there. So with a smile I unlocked the door and walked out. For some reason everything seemed to be brighter. While the hallway looked the same as far as I could tell, it seemed to feel more like a home. As I walked down the hall I even glanced at one of the mirrors and I saw at something I have not seen in many moons. I actually looked happy, and I was smiling. As I continued my walk I glanced back over my shoulder at my room door and whispered, “Thank you Twilight and your wondrous obsession with books.” This day was truly shaping out to be grand. I felt in positive spirits and I even started to quietly whistle as I walked. My upbeat mood seemed to catch the servants off guard as I passed by. Most, if not all, of them just stared dumbfounded at me for some reason. I believe I even saw a few of them rub their eyes before looking at me again. After a short amount of time they all seemed to be happily smiling and greeted me as I passed. It was new and welcomed experience as they usually avoided me when I woke up. This delightful change was something that I could surely get used to. After a few minutes I saw Night Star walking along at her usual pace. There was something I needed to say to her and I supposed this was a good as time as any. So I hastened my speed and caught up with her. “Night Star, may I speak with you for a moment?” I inquired. She stopped and turned around to face me. “Is there something you require, Captain?” she replied and tilted her head. “Ahh yes, I…just wanted to apologize for the comment I made back from the train incident. It was impolite of me and I unintentionally hurt your feelings. I am truly sorry,” I said while trying my best at words of comfort. “Oh…you…saw that. It is fine, just old memories pulling themselves up. It was…nothing” she replied and faced away from me. I pursed my lips, unconvinced. “I will not pry into your past, but if you wish to speak to about it, I am here for you,” I said giving her a smile. She faced me again and rubbed her left foreleg with her right and said “May I ask you something?” I chuckled a little and replied, “Certainly, inquire away.” “May I…hug you?” she inquired in a bit of a shaky tone. It was a strange request I admit. While she was never as emotionally cold as Tactics, she also was not the ‘Touchy, Feely’ type if you will like some other ponies. However, it was a seemingly harmless request and if it helped her feel better, then I had no problems with it. “If…you wish to do so I have no pro-” I began to speak when she quickly walked up to me and wrapped her forelegs around me. I was not sure what to do, so I just hugged her back in my attempt to comfort her. “Thank you so very much,” she choked out as I saw a red tear drip from her helm. She then released me, excused herself while holding a forehoof in front of her helm and quickly walked away. I just sat there looking at her as she sped off. I did not know if I helped or hurt her more. Hopefully, she could forgive me if I had harmed her. My guilt nagged at me until I decided to tail her if you will to make sure she was alright. This eventually continued up until I saw her knock and then go into Rarity’s sleeping quarters. And while improper I admit my curiosity had gotten the better of me and I walked over to listen in outside the door. “I am...sorry to disturb you Rarity…but may I ask a request of you?” I had heard Night Star say in a shaky tone. “Not at all! I was actually going to try and find you so we can do some shopping. Is there something you need?” I heard Rarity reply in a slightly confused yet happy tone. I then heard the sound of armor being retracted right before I heard Rarity exclaim, “Dear Celestia! What has happened to you, darling?” I could hear somepony openly weep before Rarity added “Oh…oh do not cry dear. There there, we can get you all fixed up.” My heart dropped out as I heard Night Star cry. I had always suspected that she did not show herself for a reason. I just could never place my hoof on it until now. It seemed she must have gotten injured somewhere and did not wish negative attention. If she had only asked, I could have perhaps healed her. However, I did not want to make the situation worse, so I just walked away with an uneasy mind. Other than the incident with Night Star, the next few days were decently uneventful. I went to several tactical meetings, repaired some armor, made some various potions, and helped some injured soldiers. Twilight was holing herself up in the library as her usual. I even saw most of my lieutenants to be going about their duties protecting the other elements. Well, except Night Star and Cloud Streak that is. I figured that Night Star was busy doing something with Rarity so I did not worry too much about them. However, Cloud Streak on the other hoof, was becoming a concern. Every time I saw her walking somewhere, she would look at me in fear, hold her right foreleg, and fly away. It was to the point I barely saw her. And come to think of it, I had barely seen Rainbow Dash for that matter either. In turn I had decided to consult Twilight and she became worried as well. So after thinking a little bit I concluded that something was definitely wrong and I was determined to nip anything in the bud before it got worse. So I decided to wait a few hours in hiding to see if Cloud Streak was doing anything suspicious. It eventually paid off when I noticed Cloud Streak rush into her sleeping quarters and quickly close the door behind her. It was certainly strange behavior, but that alone could not prove anything. So I checked to make sure the way was clear before I walked up to her room as quietly as I could and put my ear to the door. After a few moments I began to hear frantic whispers back and forth. “What are we going to?!” I heard one voice state. “How should I know?! I’m the one that’s been trapped in here for days! This is sooo booooring. I neeeeed to FLY and I keep getting so damn huuungry,” a voice replied. “What do you mean!? You just ate a ton this morning! I can still barely feel my leg!” the first voice shot back. “Maybe we should fess up and tell Blood Moon or at least Twilight.” the second voice stated. “Are you kidding me! We’d never hear the end of it! I can just hear Blood Moon’s scolding voice in my head and I've got a feeling Princess Twilight would rat us out anyway,” the second voice replied again. I frowned when had heard enough to know what was going on. Without further hesitation I knocked on the door. In response I soon heard some scrambling and then pure quiet. So I waited, but after a few moments of no response, I cleared my throat and stated, “I know you two are in there, Cloud Streak and Rainbow Dash. I want to see both of you in the Reaper Knight Arena at twenty-one hundred hours. That is an order, Cloud Streak…” After that delightful one-sided conversation I started to make some preparations for tonight. The only hindrance I encountered was my argument with the supply sergeant on getting an extra blood cylinder. She would only allow me one extra due to some supply shortage. She ultimately apologized afterwards for her rudeness, but she would not budge on giving me any more. After our conversation I made a mental note to find some new blood and meat supplies for her to prevent any future problems. However, I managed ready myself either way and I just then sat in the empty arena staring at the stars after I opened the dome. The time passed by while I breathed in the cool night air. Soon the clouds cleared in the sky to show a bright full moon. It was so bright that I unlit some the blue flame torches around myself to fully enjoy it. I then began to smile until the arena doors opened slowly and I remembered why I was here in the first place. After only a few moments in walked both Cloud Streak and Rainbow Dash. They both looked to be rather guilty of something by the way they walked. After looking closer I could see that Rainbow Dash had her eyes closed for some reason as well. My mind soon worked out the possible reasons for her doing so and it seemed to further confirm my suspicions. They both sat down about three meters from me without speaking a word. I half-narrowed my eyes and stated, “Well?” Cloud Streak began to fidget and replied, “Weeeell what?” I kept the same look on my face as I spoke again, “Care to explain why you have been avoiding me for the last few days? Is there something wrong?” I inquired. “Wrong? Hahaha no no n-n-nothing is wrong. R-r-right Rainbow Dash?” Cloud Streak said with a twitch in her left eye and a stutter. “Yup. Everything is juuuust greeeeat…” Rainbow Dash said in a depressed tone. She also kept her eyes closed and faced away from me when she spoke. It was rather apparent that I was not going to get to bottom of anything this way. So I decided to use a different approach. Without a moment’s hesitation I feinted surprise and looked up at the sky. “By the Moon! Are those the Wonderbolts?!” I exclaimed and pointed at a random area in the clouds. They both snapped to attention and yelped “WHERE?!” They then both began to furiously scan the skies. However, they did not notice that I had pulled a trick on them as I looked over at Rainbow Dash. Within only a few glances, my suspicions from before were verified. I grinned and said, “My my Rainbow Dash. Those slitted eyes look lovely. They really seem to perfectly complement your newly pointed fangs.” While still scanning the sky, Rainbow Dash absent-mindedly replied, “Yeah…eyes and fangs…,” shortly before it dawned on both of them. They then both gave me looks of panic as I just sat there tapping my left forehoof on the ground. Only a moment passed before they moved closer to each other. I could even see them visibly shake as their eyes began to tear up. Cloud Streak may have even mumbled “It’ll be alright, I promise” to Rainbow Dash. The sight of them tore the fire out of any scolding spirit I possessed. It was a shame too as I had a wondrous speech all written up in my mind about using deception on me. Ultimately I could not bring myself to give it to them. It appeared that while deception did not work on me, pity was an entirely different matter. I was never one to possess a heart of stone and I have been called a "sap" by many. So in turn, I just stated “What happened?” Cloud Streak sniffed back a few tears and said “Well, we were…getting…a bit hot and heavy with each other. It just felt so good to be close to her. I kept kissing her neck because she was enjoyed it. I…just wanted a taste. I even asked I swear! But…when I pricked her only the tiniest bit with my fangs-” she wiped some tears from her eyes and continued, “-Rainbow Dash accidentally jerked up and my fangs…dug all the way in. She was bleeding everywhere! I couldn't stop it! She was dying…so in a panic I turned her to save her. I’m so sorry. So very very sorry. It was all my fault. I didn't know what else to do.” Cloud Streak then wrapped a wing around and hugged the weeping Rainbow Dash. I sighed remembering what I had to do to save Twilight. I would have been a true hypocrite if I scolded them now. “Alright alright, everything will be fine,” I tried saying in a soothing tone and then added, “Come here Rainbow Dash. Let me examine you.” After a few moments Cloud Streak released her and Rainbow Dash complied. She seemed to be only a few days into the change. It was actually remarkable that Cloud Streak was able to hide her for that long. Without my magic to boost the change to its final form, most vampires start out in a fledgling form. As such they get extremely hungry as the change takes over. It was no wonder Cloud Streak could barely feel her one leg. Rainbow Dash probably ate her fill and then some. However, all in all Rainbow Dash appeared to be quite healthy, all things considered. After I finished my analysis I sat down in front of Rainbow Dash. “Well Rainbow Dash, I got some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that there is no way to reverse the process of vampirism, I am sorry. However, the good news is you have a choice. We can do this the long way or the quick way.” Rainbow Dash sniffed a few times. “What’s the quick way?” she questioned in a hopeful tone. “The quick way is what I did to Twilight. I can bite you and force the change to take over faster. I would say a minute or so at most,” I said and she held her neck and cringed in response. She then swallowed and said in a whimper, “And the long way?” “The long way would be locking you in your room or a dungeon cell for two to three awful weeks while the change takes place. I would rather not have you devour anypony or…errm end up with another vampire mare having their way with me,” I said and my face reddened as I remembered both Pure Blood and Twilight. Cloud Streak scratched her head and said “What do you mean have their way with you?” “Well you see…It usually happens at the beginning of the change, but sometimes later. New vampires can get certain ‘Urges’,” I said uncomfortably. “Urges? What do you…oooooh. Well that explains a few things,” she said and I could see her and Rainbow Dash blush. “Anyway back to the topic at hoof. Which one do you wish to choose, Rainbow Dash,” I inquired and tilted my head. “Does the quick way hurt?” she said and looked at me with tear soaked eyes. I bit my lip and replied, “It will only hurt for a little bit. I will try to be as fast as I can.” “O-o-okay, the quick way. I-I-I always go the quick way. You can do this Rainbow Dash…eeep.” she replied with a whimper. I nodded and summoned my scythe. “One item to note, Rainbow Dash. Please be careful around your friends. I would rather not ‘Complete the set’ as it were,” I said in a joking tone. “Y-y-you got it,” Rainbow Dash replied with an awkward half-smile and some nervous laughter . I then got closer to her. After I tilted her head up, I held my scythe behind her back to pin her wings down. Then without any delay I opened my mouth, raised my power, and dug my fangs in. My power flared and she struggled as I forced the change to advance. While I could not see anything that was going on, I did notice something interesting. Rainbow Dash’s blood had a very delightful flavor to it. It was no wonder why Cloud Streak could not keep her hooves off of her. However, I worked as fast as I could and soon finished. As the final touch I licked her neck and healed the bite wound. She wobbled a little in my forelegs, but I held her up. “Only one more task to do Rainbow Dash. You need to drink some of my blood. It should prevent you from burning up in the sun,” I said in a quite voice. She did not even say a word before sinking her fangs into my shoulder. The pain was more than imagined it would have been. It was probably that I was not expecting it. However, Twilight's bite, on the other hoof seemed to feel more pleasurable than I was comfortable admitting. I made a mental note to consult Princess Luna after this was all done. A few seconds passed before it dawned on me. She listened to my command a little too eagerly. She also appeared to do so with a bit more vigor than I would imagine a frightened pony would. I cleared my throat and said, “Alright Rainbow Dash, you have had enough.” However, she neither stopped nor acknowledged my statement. Yes, something was indeed wrong. “Rainbow Dash, let go!” I said forcefully and pulled her off of me. However, right after I pulled her off, Rainbow Dash opened her eyes and snarled at me. She must have passed out during the change. In turn whatever was glaring at me was definitely not the normal Rainbow Dash anypony knew. I did not have much time to react before she dove at me. In my attempt to defend myself I ended falling on my back and I accidentally spilled the blood cylinder I had with me. The smell of blood seemed to only make matters worse by making her turn even more aggressive. In a panic, I stuffed the pole of my scythe in her jaws to keep her from biting me. However, due my recent blood loss I had been weakened. It would be only a matter of time before she got to me and drained me dry. After a moment of struggling I blurted out, “By the Moon...not again! Anytime now…would be magnificent…Cloud Streak!” Cloud Streak must have snapped out of whatever fear driven trance she was in and jumped on Rainbow Dash’s back. We ended up using all of our strength, but it still was not enough to pull her off of me. In some apparent move of desperation, Cloud Streak jerked Rainbow Dash backwards. She then got just enough room to stuff her unarmored right foreleg in Rainbow Dash’s mouth. This strangely resulted in an interesting moan of pleasure from Cloud Streak as Rainbow Dash’s fangs sunk in. After only a minute or two it seemed Rainbow Dash had her fill and passed out. Cloud Streaked however was left horribly weakened by the ordeal. I ultimately had to give her some of my blood to prevent her from passing out. This however had left me dizzy and lightheaded as well. With what little strength we had left we dragged Rainbow Dash into my alchemy lab and locked the door. “We need to…feed. We need to go into…the forest…for prey.” I said with a ragged voice. Cloud Streak coughed a few times and stumbled. “I can’t walk or fly...that far. I barely...have any strength as it is,” she replied in an equally ragged tone. And then I said a statement I thought I would never utter. Something that even the notion of filled me with dread. However, we were so desperate I had no choice but to say it anyway, “Fine…than maybe Twilight can…teleport us out there.” “Wait…I thought you hated teleporting,” Cloud Streak replied and looked at me in a barely conscious, yet concerned glance. “I do…I really reaaally do,” I whimpered in response. > Chapter 23: Moonlight Satiations: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Me and Cloud Streak leaned on each other as we limped to our section of the Reaper Knight wing. Each new step it was becoming more and more difficult. Even my vision was seemly strained as it keep fading in and out. With what little observation abilities I still possessed, I noticed that Cloud Streak was not fairing any better either. We continued our grueling limp until we got to the end of the hall and reached my room door. I did not have the mental strength to open the seal so I merely knocked. When no response came I groaned and said in a ragged voice, “Twilight…are you…there?” However again, no response came and at this point my lack of blood caught up with me. I soon stumbled sideways before my vision blurred and I lost consciousness. I do not know how long I was unconscious, but my hearing was the first sense to wake up. It was a bit muffled at first, but I eventually heard a voice state, “Oh my gosh what happened?!” Another voice soon responded, “It appears as if something had attacked and drained them. Princess Twilight, I will check Cloud Streak. Please see if you can revive the captain.” I then felt my mouth partially open before I heard somepony suck in a quick breath. Only a second passed before a familiar and rather delightful taste dripped into my mouth. I was about to enjoy more of it until I realized that I could not let this happen. We needed Twilight to be strong enough for teleportation. So with a groan I leaned up and licked her leg, healing her wound. “Please Blood Moon, take what you need,” I heard Twilight say softly. I coughed a few times before I replied, “I cannot…do that. You need your strength…for we need…your help.” “What happened? What do you need me to do?” she responded in a worried tone. “No time…to explain. Please teleport us…into the forest…outside the palace,” I said in between labored breaths as I opened my blurry eyes. She looked taken back at my statement. “Are you sure? I thought you hated portal magic,” she said as her worried tone continued to worsen. I merely nodded in reply before she added “Okay, if you say so. Spike please stay here. We’ll be back in a bit.” “Aww can’t I come too?” Spike groaned. “No Spike, It’ll be too dangerous and…well…we umm,’ Twilight started to state, but fumbled on the last words. “Cooome on! I keep getting left out of everything! I didn't even get to do any sparring either!” Spike protested. His statement struck a nerve in my mind as guilt washed over me. He was ultimately right. I completely neglected to give Spike a chance to show his mettle. In my thoughtlessness he did not even get to spar. Even other times he very well may have gotten overlooked, if unintentionally. Before Twilight could respond I stated in a ragged voice, “Twilight…let him go with. He will find out…what we…truly are...sooner…or later.” Twilight was about to say something, but stopped, frowned and then nodded. So without another word she charged her horn shortly before I blacked out again. After another unknown period of unconsciousness, I woke up to somepony tapping the side of my face. However, I was soon displeased when I heard Spike state, “Why'd he shriek like a filly?” “He really doesn't like portal magic. It’s a long story. Come on Blood Moon, wake up. Oooh please wake up. We’re in the forest like you asked,” Twilight replied sounding even more worried than before with a hint of panic. I opened my eyes and grumbled as I stood up. I then shut down my suppression field in a nearly futile attempt at balance. It did however seem to aid the cool night air to strengthen me physically. My mind on the other hoof was too far gone to properly form thoughts. What I did know was that it abundantly clear that I needed to feed and soon. If I did not, I was either likely to perish or worse slip into a mindless blood rage. The latter of the two would put everypony present at risk. So with what little mental fortitude I had remaining I stated, “Thank you…Twilight. We need to…find…something to…MOOSE!” The last word of course came when I realized something wonderful was relatively close. It appeared that in my extreme hunger, my senses reached out until they located a walking feast. I believe that Twilight may have said something, but in my current state, it was almost completely ignored. My mind was focused on one thing and one thing only, the beating heart of the unlucky beast in front of me. What I did notice was that Cloud Streak was standing next to me staring in the direction I was facing. My body only allowed me a moment’s look to notice her mouth was half open and heavily salivating. It apparently seemed to match my own. Without any further delay I took to the forest honing in on my prey. Its heartbeat was trumping in my ears and I could smell its scent the closer we got. When we finally located the creature I pulled myself back as much as I could. It was blatantly evident that this was a bull moose. If I were to rush it, it very well would try to summon assistance or violently lash out at us. Either way could be disastrous. So after a bit of mental coaxing I managed to calm my body down enough to try a stealth method instead. I clenched my teeth in strain as my very being started to fight me as I lowered myself to the ground. Then I used slow and even steps to circle the large creature while it fed on vegetation. With no small amount of luck I managed to get myself into position undetected. I then sprang out of the forest bushes at full speed. The creature started to rear its head up in alarm, but it was too late. I had just spun on my forelegs, pulled in my hind legs , and kicked as hard as I could. The force of the impact hit the poor beast directly in the throat, crushing its larynx. The creature choked out a strangled grunt as it retaliated. Its antlers swung back and forth, missing me by only a few centimeters. It was then Cloud Streak's turn as she dove from the bushes. I saw her lunge at the creature’s right hind leg with her mouth wide open. In a quick movement she bit down. The successful attack hamstrung it before she jumped away. The beast gurgled in pain as it fumbled its last antler swing at me. However, before it was able to recover a pony, who I believe was Night Star, jumped out the forest with throwing knives in hoof and hamstrung the other hind leg. In another groan of pain the beast tripped and fell forward. It was then I could no longer hold my urges at bay. I dove on its back, reared up, and slammed my forehooves into the back of its head. The impact met its mark, but the beast struggled still. So with my burning hunger fully controlling my actions, I reared up and slammed my forehooves in a second, a third and then finally a fourth time. With only one last groan the beast fell unconscious on its side. I then jumped off the creature’s back and bared my fangs. I had no more will to hold myself back any longer as got in close and bit down on the moose’s neck. Blood spilled into my mouth as I greedily swallowed two large mouthfuls. However, I sensed the others were waiting for some reason. So I pulled away for only a few seconds to say, “Please…feed with me,” before biting down again. This was all that seemed to be required as felt the others bite down in their own spots. So we fed and fed on the delicious blood for several minutes. None of us spoke a single word. All that could be heard was the four of us sating our own hungers. It was pleasing in an strange way to have us all part of this. Perhaps it was the full moon or perhaps it was just merely primal satisfaction. After I had finally fulfilled my raging hunger, I pulled my fangs out of the moose. It felt so good to be able to think clearly again. It also did not take long before I started form a few plans in my mind. We were not the only ones in need of a meal. Gray Mane, Shadow Dancer, and Tactics were no doubt famished as well. My thoughts continued until I realized that I had completely forgotten about Spike. I swallowed uneasily as I searched around and located him. To my surprise he was not distraught or even shocked in the slightest. I realized the way he seemed was quite different than what I was imagining. What was more curious was that he did not look at me at all as I approached him. His vision was fixed entirely on the now expired moose. After analyzing him and the moose for a few seconds, a realization dawned on me. I have seen that look numerous times on several others. However, I was not completely sure in my assessment so I decided to investigate. I wiped off some of the blood off of my face onto my left forehoof. I then leaned closer to Spike and blew the scent of the blood in front of his face. In response he half opened his mouth to breath in the scent. The result ended up exactly as I thought it would be. He was hungry and the moose enticed him. In all honesty I was not that surprised as dragons are well known to consume meat among other things. However, I was just not sure if he had done so before or how Twilight would react, but one step at a time. In turn, I wore a sly grin as I leaned closer to him and whispered, “Are you hungry Spike?” He responded with a vacant and low toned, “Yes.” It was well apparent he was in some sort of trance like state. So I decided to push my luck at digging up information. So I continued wearing my sly grin as I stated, “Would you like to dine on some of the moose?” Again he responded with a semi-vacant growl, “Yes...Spike...want.” My inquiry seemed to be paying off so I continued, “When was the last time you have consumed meat?” He replied in his growling voice, “Two days ago,” right before his trance broke and he looked at me in terror. “Ooooh please please please don’t tell Twilight. I've been getting these urges for a while I-” he started to plead before he got interrupted by Twilight “Don’t tell me what Spike?” she said as she walked up with a confused look on her face. Spike just stood there shaking and kept looking back and forth from me to Twilight. I felt bad to be honest to put him in such a position. It was not my intention to have her overhear our conversation. It probably would have been better to ease her into the idea of Spike’s little appetite. However, it appeared to be much too late for that plan now. So due to my horrid ability at deception, I decided to just tell the truth. “You…need to feed your dragon, Twilight,” I said with a slight smile. “Oh Spike, we’ll be back at the palace soon. I bet there are some nice gemstones with your name all over them,” she said and giggled a bit. I rubbed the back of my head with my left forehoof and said, “Yes…you see…I somehow do not believe that is what he wishes to consume.” Twilight tilted her head, looked at me with a confused look, and inquired, “Hmm? What do you mean?” “I umm…well some of that moose certainly could be a delightful meal,” I said desperately trying to find the right words. “Haaa haaa very funny Blood Moon. He doesn't eat that stuff right Spike?” she said in a matter of fact tone of voice and laughed a little until Spike did not respond. Her laughter soon took on a nervous hint as she restated, “Right…Spike?” Again he did not respond. He just looked at her as his eyes began to tear up. She frowned and said, “Oooh Spike”. The air became saturated in awkward silence. Well minus the forest noises and perhaps some of Spike's sobs. This however was not going to do. Spike was a dragon after all. More importantly he was a friend and I did not wish to see him like this. It was my idea he came along to begin with. In turn it did not take much thought to fix this situation. “Twilight, you have to realize that dragons do indeed consume meat,” I said trying to ease the mood. “Well Spike…he was…I…” she replied, but fumbled on the words. After another awkward silent moment I rolled my eyes, half-closed them and said, “Twilight, truth be told, we are not ones to really judge him. If he wishes to dine on some of the moose, I say let him.” “Huh?! What you mean?!” Twilight blurted out and glared at me. I merely grinned and tapped my right fang with a forehoof. I then bit the air twice to further get the point across. Her response went from confusion to embarrassment. She kept trying to say something, but obviously knew my argument was solid. As it is rather difficult to judge another when you yourself have been doing something similar. Not that some have tried however, but I make a note to put them in their place. After yet another moment of awkward silence I said, “Twilight, perhaps the best method is for you to help him. It is better that you aid him than to let him get himself into trouble. Even one day you two may hunt together.” In my final few words I gave a wink to Spike. He looked ecstatic in response. So in turn Twilight and Spike went off to the slain moose for a nice midnight snack. The thought of such brought an idea to my mind. If there was this one moose out here perhaps there were more. It could help ease some of the stress around the Reaper Knights. After nodding on the thought I looked around until I found Night Star. She would surely have brought an item that I may require, well hopefully anyway. I began to walk towards her and then stated, “Night Star, I require your assistance for a moment.” However, something was a little bit different about her appearance that I could not place my hoof on. It was not until she turned around that I noticed her helm was retracted. In its place was a white opera style mask that covered the right half of her face and neck along with her horn and eyes. It was a bit of a surprise to say the least. I have never seen her with her helm down in all my years. What was even stranger is that she appeared to have the same color fur as mine, but her mane was a reddish shade. There was something quite familiar about her also, but I just could not determine from where. It did not take long before I got lost in my thoughts so she was the first to speak. “Do you like it, Captain? Rarity made it for me. However, is there something you require?” she said with a smile and a happy tone. “Oh yes, that looks delightful on you Night Star. It is good to see you with your helm down. I see that Rarity truly does quality craftsmareship. But…ah yes, do you happen to have a beacon and a locating crystal on you?” I said trying to not to make her uncomfortable. She just smiled, nodded, and gave a small laugh before stating, “Well I have the locating crystal, but the beacon is already closer than you think,” and then pulled out a blue crystal that began to hover and then point directly at me. I raise an eyebrow and then laughed when I realized that she had tied a beacon crystal to one of my hind legs. She said that shortly before I dashed off into the forest she attached it so they would not lose me. In hindsight it was a valid idea. I did not exactly wait for them to catch up. So after I got the crystals I tromped through the forest by myself. I was originally going to use Cloud Streak, but I believe she may have passed out after feeding. Not like it was that much of a surprise. She truly needed it. At least I ended up having some grand luck at locating the main herd of moose. With only a little bit of effort I managed to tie the beacon crystal to one of the herd’s members. I just hoped they could be enough to replenish the Reaper Knight supplies. Maybe I will even stop having supply sergeants try and bite my head off. I soon hastily made my way back to our own hunting spot. However, what I came to discover was that the only one awake was Night Star. The others were fast asleep. I had attempted to wake Twilight, but she just grumbled before rolling over while holding Spike under her wing. This though was going to be problem. The moose we hunted was not just for us so I could not just leave it. However, without Twilight's magic, getting said moose back to the palace was going to be a difficulty. Well difficult until an interesting idea seem to pop into my head. It must have shown on my face as Night Star began to question me. “Umm Captain, why do you have an ear to ear grin?” she said in sight worry. “We need to get the moose and everypony else back to the Palace. I have come up with a solution,” I replied with a chuckle. “Solution? Oh no Captain, you are not thinking…Princess Luna will not be pleased,” she said and began to almost plead with me. “Do you have any other ideas? There is no possible way to carry the moose and the others all the way back to palace without…aid,” I retorted and raised my eyebrows on the last word. She was about state something, but just closed her mouth and shook her head. I then said, “Well then I would suggest standing back and pray we did not drain this poor creature too far,” before raising my magic. What I was about to do was not something that many had stomach for. It was an odd and horrid little trick I have only used a few times. For some reason Princess Luna did not like me using it after she had attempted to remove my nightmares many moons ago. I never got the reason as to why other than a look of terror. She would no doubt discover I used it, but one issue at a time. My magic flared crimson bright as it swirled around the fallen moose. I first sealed all the open wounds to prevent further blood loss before I did my more grisly task. My teeth clenched as I concentrated with all my might. My blood magic surged as I took hold of the moose with my mind. One by one the moose’s legs took hold of the ground as I made it slowly stand up. If I was not sweating profusely I would have been proud of my efforts. At least Night Star had taken charge shortly afterwards and loaded Twilight, Spike, and Cloud Streak onto its back before loading herself. All that required was the more interesting part. I jumped on top of the moose next to Night Star before having it start to walk. After a few minutes I sped it up to a gallop and we made it to a main road. At least it was late at night and there not many ponies on the road. The ones that were there just stood and gawked. They probably would have been more worried had they known the moose was no longer living. Even still I bit my lip as I charged the moose further onward. In little time we made it to the front gate of the Reaper Knight arena. At first the vampire guards held up their weapons until they realized it was us. They then just gawked as the full grown moose walked right passed them. I decided it was just best to laugh in hopes of squelching any inquiry. After we got into the Arena, we shut the doors, woke everypony up and I collapsed the moose. Twilight and Spike just stared at me when they realized what I had just done. I told them I would perhaps explain fully later. I then told Cloud Streak to take Twilight and Spike to retrieve Rainbow Dash from my alchemy lab. I also noted to have her explain to them as to why we were in our situation to begin with. As they left I then directed Night Star to collect Shadow Dancer, Tactics, and Gray Mane with the invite of a surprise for them. As they were hard at work I collected a few pitchers, some goblets, a blue flame candle, and a small round table. After setting up the table I then filled up the pitchers with moose blood for refreshments. As I finished setting the table I started to make my way to the supply sergeant from before with the locating crystal. However, as I opened the double doors to the Reaper Knight wing I got a bit of a surprise. General Black Wing was standing in front of me tapping her right forehoof on the ground. “What in Tartarus do you believe you are doing? Not to spoil your little 'picnic', but the arena is reserved for training drills tonight,” she said in a stern voice and half narrowed eyes. Now normally this would have had me clearing everything out at speed. I was even starting to become worried for a few seconds until I thought of a clever idea. I could feel a smile spread over my face as I stated, “I have a proposition for you.” “A proposition hmm?” she replied with a skeptical tone. “As you full well know, the food supply for the Reaper Knights is a tad…low,” I said as the smile on my face grew. “Full well know? Yes, low is surely an understatement. The other units will not cease their griping,” she said as I tired look spread across her face. “Well I may have in my possession a solution to your little…problem,” I said as I held up my locating crystal. She looked puzzled for a second and stated, “A locating crystal?” before it dawned on her. A glimmer of joy shown in her eyes as she added, “There are more moose out there I presume?” “A whole herd of them,” I replied, still smiling. “I also presume you wish to utilize the arena for your ‘picnic’ in return,” she said with a grin. I laughed and said, “It is difficult to run drills when everypony is feasting. Also here is a taste of what is to come,” as I levitated a goblet full of fresh moose blood to her. I could see her forehooves shake as she took the goblet from me. Her eyes then glossed over with burning need. It was quite evident that she was rationing herself in response to the food shortage. With little delay she drained the goblet in two long draughts. She passed me back the goblet before she collected the locating crystal. She then laughed and stated as she turned and sped away, “You are a horrid influence, Blood Moon! The arena is yours for the night!” I yelled “Good hunting!” before I walked back to my table. Right after Black Wing left, Night Star returned with Gray Mane, Tactics, and Shadow Dancer. Before I could even say anything Shadow Dancer growled out, “Blood Moon…why have…ya brought us out here…it ain’t safe…for anypony. We can’t control…” In response I did not want to waste any time. It was quite evident that the full moon was causing them great distress. So while normally I would have kept them in their quarters, I had figured I would let them have some relief. So after I first told Night Star to enjoy herself at the small round table I walked over to talk to them. With a sly grin I stated, “Are you all hungry?” Gray Mane sarcastically snapped back, “Hungry!? No, we are twitching and shaking because it’s fun!” I just chuckled at the comment as sly grin on my face grew. In a simple movement I pointed at the dead moose in the middle of Arena. Both Shadow Dancer’s and Gray Mane’s eyes glossed over. They shook further as they kept glancing back at me. I smiled and said “Enjoy” before they both changed into their lycan forms and dove at the moose. Tactics was however still standing where he was. He never had a grand time dealing with his more primal side. I had figured he was going to be harder to convince, so I decided on a different method with him. As I was collecting blood for the pitchers, I had cut off a few pieces of meat. I had hoped what I was planning would work out. I walked over to him and said, “Do you not wish to partake in the feast?” “I…I…cannot…I…it is…cannot…let it…take over,” he said while struggling against the change. “Tactic, I know you have not had the easiest time with what you have become. Admittedly, that lycan part inside of you is a polar opposite of how you normally are. However, it is merely just a part of what you are, not who you are. What I am offering is the ability to sate your needs to give you strength in the future,” I said holding the few pieces of meat with my magic. He started to open his mouth to say something, but right as he did, I stuffed a piece of meat in it. He struggled more as he began to chew. I then gave him the other small pieces after he finished the first. After he finished I stated, “Now please enjoy yourself.” He again started to say something, but I interrupted him and added, “That is an order, Tactics.” His closed eyes had tears flowing down them. He then gave a small smile before he whispered, “Thank you.” Within only a few moments he tipped his head back and snarled as the lycan change took place and he joined the other two with vigor. I then viewed him happily dining before I made my way back to the round table. After a short while Night Star decided to turn in for the night. So I sat alone at the table until I heard hoofsteps behind me. At first I thought it was Twilight returning with Cloud Streak, Spike, and Rainbow Dash, but it was softer. Without even turning around I smiled and stated, “Good evening, Princess Luna.” She laughed quietly before taking a seat next to me. “You would not happen to know the reason why General Black Wing is not commencing her drills tonight? She seemed rather overjoyed about something,” she said glancing over at me. I grinned back and said, “She might have been given the location to a herd of moose by a certain somepony. Along with the notion that it would aid with the shortage of supplies.” “You are a horrid influence Blood Moon,” she replied smiling. “So I am told. You are of course free to join me if you wish, princess,” I said floating a full goblet over to her. However, before she took the goblet, she glanced at me and said, "How did you get that fallen moose here?" When the goblet I held with my magic started to shake she added, "I see...I will let this one and only time pass Blood Moon as you did it for a good cause. Do not try your luck a second time. You do not fully understand as to why I forbid you from doing so. I pray you never do." She then thanked me and took hold of the goblet with her magic. As I eased slightly, I saw her trying to take measured sips, but her body kept shaking every time she did. With a smile I glanced over and said, “Princess, you are among your children of the night. You do not need your hide your true nature from us. Please feed freely.” She soon groaned in exhaustion as her canine teeth lengthened to long points and her eyes changed into slitted pupils. Then as her glamour dropped she drained the goblet in one gulp before draining one of the pitchers. Afterwards while she attempted to catch her breath she stated in obvious relief, “I…thank you Blood Moon. I have not fed in days,” “You are very welcome, princess,” I replied pouring her another goblet full of moose blood. And so we talked for a short while before a worried looking Twilight returned with Cloud Streak, Spike, and an exhausted looking Rainbow Dash. Then after they all sat down Luna was the first to speak. “Hail Twilight Sparkle, it appears your companion has indeed been turned. Given the uncomfortable visage on Cloud Streak’s face I presume it was her doing. Welcome to fold, Rainbow Dash. Here, you look parched. Perhaps this will aid you,” she said in a soothing voice before floating over a goblet to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash was cautious at first before taking a sip. Her eyes then widened with delight. “This is great! What is it?” she said with surprise. I snickered and said “Fruit Punch” before a side glance by Princess Luna made me correctly state “Fresh Moose Blood”. She first made a thoughtful pose before stating, “Oh…can I have some more?” and held out her goblet to me. I had to admit she did not seem too much worse for the wear considering the circumstances. She was also handling this change better than most I have seen. As I refilled her goblet we all had a laugh at her expense while the night burned on. > Chapter 24: The Calm before the Storm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The night continued in a lighthearted manner. Laughter was had and amusing jests about the noises and displays Shadow Dancer, Gray Mane and Tactics were creating was abundant. It was probably one of the most low-key evenings I had ever experienced. An evening I was seemly in desperate need of. However, like all good things, it wound down when most of the others required rest. As such I kissed Twilight and wished her and the rest a pleasant sleep. I even commented that I would join her after my watchful task was over. In turn that just left me and Princess Luna as the last two remainders at the table. This situation presented me with a rare opportunity. It was not often that I was alone with Luna for any stretch of time. Usually it was either in fleeting moments or from official business. So as it seemed that I had a few questions on my mind I figured this would be the perfect time to ask them. Although before I was able to ask any of my inquiries, Luna spoke up. “Is there something troubling you, Blood Moon? You have been unusually silent since our companions left,” she said before taking another sip out of her goblet. “Hmm? Ah yes, there are two topics I have been meaning to ask you about if you do not mind, Princess,” I stated trying to collect my thoughts. She merely let out a lighthearted laugh before stating “I truly had figured as such. You always appear to slip into silence when deep in thought. State your inquiries and I will answer to the best of my abilities.” I fidgeted with my goblet for a few moments as I felt my face start to heat up. The first of my questions was on a more intimate nature. So after gnawing on my lip for a second I stated, “Well my first question is…well I am not certain how to truly word it. As you know, me and Twilight have gotten rather...close...and we…hmm. It hmm…started after a few times she fed off of me and it well…” “Became pleasurable to the point of ecstasy?” Luna replied with a sly grin and a side glance. I could feel my face heat up further as I responded with a simple, “Yes.” She let out a quiet chuckle and refilled her goblet. “It would amuse you how many had asked me the very same question. It became so frequent at some point in the past that I decided to research that strange phenomenon in response. The results of such were quite...interesting. Firstly, as you already know when the ‘change’ takes place in a pony, several alterations are made. While physical attributes are easily recognized, biological ones are often overlooked,” she said and took a few sips from her goblet. She then thought for a moment before continuing, “One of which is that the digestive system reconfigures itself to accommodate our different…appetites. As such a modification to aid us in our almost exclusive nutritional requirement from blood, our saliva is altered. A type of venom is generated to act as an anticoagulant and a strange calming agent. It is that calming agent that is the source of your intrigue.” I narrowed my eyes in thought. “I suppose that makes some sense, but why did it take several bites. As well as why does it only seem to be Twilight that can cause that effect on me?” I inquired with a raised eyebrow. She smiled in amusement and said, “Firstly it takes several bites to achieve the effect. The first few bites, although painful, will merely relax you enough for them to properly feed. The venom then builds up to where your body physically craves it, hence the pleasure. The second is that each pony has their own unique venom so the ‘build-up’ effect is separate from each other. One last point of note, the underlying craving can persist for quite an extended period.” I began to question about the “extended period” comment just as Luna grinned and pulled my right foreleg close to her. Before I realized what was about to happen, she retracted my leg armor and sunk her fangs in. At first a sharp pain hit me and then an overwhelming pleasure took its place. My eyes then rolled back as my head slammed into the table. My body became unbelievably relaxed and for some strange reason also became uncomfortably aroused. It was rather fortuitous that I had remembered to re-armored to my body earlier, thus sparing me any future embarrassment. Although at that point in time I doubt I would have cared about anything. I only snapped back to reality when I groaned in disappointment because Luna pulled her fangs out. “Mmmmm as delightful as it was all those moons ago. Now, what was your second inquiry?” I barely heard Luna say while her voice seemed to be accompanied by the sound of her licking her lips. My mind seemed to refuse to process anything. I could not even fathom the concept of a question for a few moments. I ultimately had to run the definition through my mind a few times before I understood her. After which I pulled my dazed head off of the table while I attempted to remember what I was going to ask her. Then the fog cleared and the thought came to me with little effort as I healed my leg. I suppose it was the fear that motivated me. This question had been embedded into my mind ever since Luna had attempted to remove that horrid nightmare I had. Maybe it had been there even longer. Either way what I did know is that I did not remember anything from that fateful night. I had tried to ask her what happened a few days after the event, but all I received was a look of terror in response. However I needed to know once and for all because I doubt I would get another opportunity to speak with her like this again. So it was either now or never. I held my head not looking at her. I then cleared my throat and stated, “Princess Luna, I know that I had asked this of you this once before. It has been on my mind ever since. What I am about to state I beg that you please answer truthfully.” “I am not certain I enjoy where is this going, Blood Moon. However, what is your question?” She replied in a stern tone, but it had a slight hint of worry. I lifted my head, looked into her eyes and said, “What happened when you tried to remove my nightmare all those moons ago?” In reaction she fumbled and spilled her goblet all over the table. The stern and scolding demeanor she wore previously gave way to naked fear. Her body started to shake all over as her eyes stared at the table unblinking. She then looked at me as she screeched in panic, “I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU NEVER TO MENTION THAT EVER AGAIN!” I narrowed my eyes at her and said in a firm tone, “You never stated anything of the such! You just stared at me in terror and ran away!” “Well I am stating it now! Do…Not…Bring that up...AGAIN!” she snapped back. “I have every right to know! It was me that this has happened to! I deserve an answer!” I raised my voice in response as I stood up to look her in the eyes. “Happened to you?! HAPPENED TO YOU?! DO YOU REMEMBER NOTHING?!” She stood up and yelled in my face. “REMEMBER WHAT?!” I yelled back as our faces were almost pressing together. Her facial features slowly slipped from burning rage to a deep sorrow. Red tears welled in her eyes before they streamed down her face. She then sat back down where she was originally and lowered her head. “You do not remember what happened, do you?” she said as she took off her crescent moon necklace she always wore. The left side on the base of her neck now showed a strange looking scar. I looked closer and it appeared to be as if something had bit down on her and with a decent force too. A few seconds of analysis passed and my mind concluded it to be a vampire bite. It seemed to also be a stallion vampire based on the shape. One of most likely a medium build close to mine. It was then it finally dawned on me. I felt the color drain out of my face as I realized who could have created that scar. I swallowed hard and stated in a shaking voice, “Pri-incess Luna, w-who ma-ade that scar?” She wrapped her forelegs around herself and then her wings. Then I felt my heart sink when she barely whispered, “You.” I just sat there in shock. There was nothing I could do or say to comfort her. A few minutes passed by in painful silence. At this point an overwhelming amount of guilt had taken over me as red tears flowed from my eyes. I was on the verge of a mental breakdown before I felt a wing wrap around my back. I looked up to see Luna sitting next to me. She gave me a half smile as she wiped the tears out of her eyes. “You are right. You truly deserve to know what happened,” she said in a quiet voice. She took a deep breath and continued, “Ever since I thoughtlessly exposed you and the other Midnight Knights to my sister, I had felt truly guilty. While the other children of the night secretly scorned me for my actions, you and Black Wing had not. You two had even defended my honor countless times though I did not deserve it. I wanted to aid both of you for your efforts, but Black Wing would not accept. She had only requested that I find some way to help your…condition.” Luna then closed her eyes and looked as she was in deep concentration. She then bit her lip and said, “I…I had not known how damaged your mind was until our rough…tryst. You had lost consciousness shortly after you had mended yourself. In my guilt for harming you, I held you while you slept. You…you soon began to scream somepony’s name in your sleep. I ultimately had to activate your armor to prevent further damage to your lab.” Her face looked pained at she continued, “It was at that moment I knew what I must do. I had assumed you would reject my assistance so I took matters into my own hooves. I lured you into the forest outside the palace and cast a sleeping spell on you. As you began to scream, I entered your dreams. However in that single act of foolishness, I committed a grave folly.” Luna’s eyes opened up and she took on a distant look of terror. I could see sweat pour off of her face as she swallowed a few times. It took her a few minutes before she continued her dreadful recollection, “I-I-I triggered something…something unspeakable. You broke out of the sleep spell and stood up. The burning gaze you directed at me was you and somehow not you. The only words you yelled were ‘you are all going to pay,” before you openly assaulted me.” I could feel her start to shake as her sweating increased. I did not know how to comfort her. She was slowly becoming a wreck before my very eyes. As I was about to tell her to stop the tale, she put a hoof over my mouth and said, “Please I must finish, lest I lose the fortitude to continue. My guilt is too great to hold the truth from you any longer.” I had to admit I had begun to fully regret ever asking her to tell me. Each new sentence brought some horror I had never fully known to light. In addition, the toll it was taking on her was becoming immense. Either way I no other choice then to let her continue. In turn she took a deep breath, but it did not seem to aid her. Her voice even took on a tone of fear as she continued, “You did not yield in total disregard of my pleading. I was soon forced to defend myself, but this only served to enraged you further. In your anger your magic reached out to anything within range. Soon howls of agony erupted from the forest. It was then I bore witness to atrocity incarnate. You somehow twisted the forms of several woodland beasts into shambling puppets. Their mangled corpses had frightened me beyond words.” “In my shock and horror I was caught off guard and you dove at me. You then sunk your teeth in and began to drain me. I had felt my life slipping away and in blind panic I had somehow succeeded in teleporting to the palace. You remained in that state for three full days. You had only stopped when I had assumed you exhausted your magic to the point of depletion,” Luna said and red tears welled in her eyes again. “I had found you later unconscious in the forest laboring to breathe. Around you laid the bodies of dozens of creatures you twisted and all were drained of blood. I had cleaned up the atrocity and told not a soul. I even hid it from you when you had asked what you had done. I…I…I just wanted to help you…I did…I…please…please forgive me,” she stated and then broke down into heavy sobbing. As she buried her tear soaked face in her forehooves, her moon tiara slid off her head and clattered to the table. I had not a clue what to say. The events that she stated were so awful that my mind had blanked out. It took several moments before I snapped out of my trance enough to comfort her. However even after I placed her tiara on her head and told her that forgave her, she did not let up. She then quickly grabbed her moon necklace and teleported away. With a mind full of unpleasant thoughts, I sat in silence at the table alone. I did not snap out of my trance until I felt a tap on my shoulder. As I turned I noticed Gray Mane, Tactics and Shadow Dancer were standing next to me. They all possessed a varying form of satisfaction on their faces. I quickly wiped some red tears from my eyes and stated in a cracking voice, “I hope everypony had their fill.” Gray Mane merely laughed as Shadow Dancer said, “Fill? Yeah I’d say for a month give or take. Ah think Ah’m gonna be sick.” Tactics replied with his slightly brighter monotone voice, “I feel disgusted with myself,” In response I stated, “That is pleasing to hear,” before sniffing a few times and staring back at the table in front of me. “Are ya alright, Blood Moon?” I heard Shadow Dancer inquire. “I am...fine,” I replied in a quiet voice. “Are ya sure you don’t-” he began to say before I interrupted him. “I AM FINE!” I yelled as a red haze covered my eyes and I slammed my forehooves into the table in front of me. The table then shattered to pieces as the red haze dissipated from my eyes. “Whoa! Easy there! Alright alright yer fine yer fine. Ah think we’re gonna check on the others and turn in. We’ll leave you to it then,” Shadow Dancer sputtered out before I heard them all walk away. I sat alone for about twenty minutes before I got up and cleaned up the mess that we had made. I then silently walked down the hall to my quarters. I tried and failed several times at the seal on my door before it finally opened. I looked in to see Twilight fast asleep on my bed. I wanted nothing more than to slip quietly next to her and forget anything happened. However, my grief overtook me and I just sat with my back to the hoofboard. I then attached the two closest of the manacles to my forelegs before breaking down while holding myself. It did not take long before Twilight woke up to my quiet weeping. “Oh my gosh what happened?!” she blurted out in a panicked tone as she jumped out of bed. The only words that I could seem to say were, “I am…a monster,” before breaking down further. I believe Twilight was about to rush over to me before I heard a knock at my room door. “Oooh this is really not a good time whoever you are,” she said in response. In my slightly blurred vision I saw her open the door and look at me. She then looked back and opened her eyes in surprise as she said, “Princess Celestia? I'm not sure this is a great time.” “I do realize this may at an odd hour Twilight, but is Blood Moon here? I truly need to speak with him,” I heard Celestia reply on the other side of the door. “Well he’s here, but I’m not sure…he’s not doing so well at the moment,” Twilight replied. I heard Celestia take a deep breath and state, “Hmm it appears he’s not the only one. May I come in? We need to talk.” I saw Twilight look back at me and bit her lip before opening the door. Celestia walked in, took one look at me and frowned. “Something told me you would be in here like this. This is not the Blood Moon I know in such a wrecked state.” “Ummm can somepony tell me what’s going on?” Twilight inquired with worry and confusion in her voice. Celestia sat down in front of me and let out a deep sigh. “It’s a long story Twilight and I’m not sure how much you know. As you have been reading his tome you may very well know more than I do. However, what you may not know are the full details of a certain event years ago. An event I didn't know about until Luna burst into my study in near hysterics. It’s ultimately my fault these two are in this state to begin with.” I saw Twilight tilt her head to the side. “What do you mean it’s your fault?” Twilight questioned. Celestria lowered her eyes and took off her tiara. She then held it in her forehooves and stared at the glittering gems. “It was almost two centuries ago. Some mistake in logistics or some other error happened. Regardless of the blame, the result was the same. A small village not unlike your Ponyville was assaulted by my Solar Channelers,” she said in a quiet tone. I lowered my head remembering those horrid events in detail as she continued, “The initial report stated that they were a group of rogue vampires and their thralls. They were wrong…so very very wrong. I’d arrived much too late to stop them. Innocent ponies…all slaughtered.” I looked up to see tears begin to well in her eyes though she remained resolute. She took a deep breath before she spoke again, “I ordered a search for any survivors. I had even dug apart the town hall with my own two hooves. That is where I found him. Buried under piles of rubble and debris, and holding onto the remains of his first love whom I believe was called ‘Pure Blood’.” “They said he was some sort of monster that attacked them. It was the reason they had collapsed the structure in an attempt to destroy him. I didn't believe them and managed to revive him with my very own blood. I still remember the look of sorrow and despair in his eyes when he opened them. And the only thing he had said to me before losing consciousness again was ‘Why did you attack us, Princess? Why? We were good I promise, why?’,” Celestia said as her voice broke a few times. I then saw her teeth clench and her eyes narrowed in anger. “It took him weeks to recover physically, but his mind never did. He had terrible nightmares that plagued him anytime he slept. And those that were responsible fled like cowards,” she said as her forehooves shook. Celestia’s face relaxed again as she took another deep breath and stated, “My sister was just trying to help. It was foolish of her, but her heart was in the right place. She had attempted to remove the nightmare from his mind, but it only triggered some sort of relapse in him that left her gravely wounded for awhile. It appears she never told him of that event until tonight. Just like what I should have told him what happened all those years ago.” She then put her tiara back on, wiped the tears from her eyes, and said, “It appears Twilight you are the pony we should all be thankful for. You succeeded where we couldn't. I just wish the cost hadn't been so high.” Twilight blushed and said, “It’s alright I suppose. However, it does make brushing my teeth a bit trickier.” It was such a simple comment, but it seemed to lighten the mood by leagues. I was about to stand up, but the chains and manacles held me in place. Celestia just smiled in response and said, “A little stuck are we? That will simply not do,” before she walked over to me and used her magic to uncouple the manacles on my forelegs. After she was done, her eyes and horn soon glowed like the sun as she appeared to focus her magic further. She then said, “You don’t need these awful things anymore!” as she forcefully tore all four chains off the bed posts. The broken chains then flew over my head before they stopped in front of her. The smell of burning metal soon hung in the air as she crushed and melted the chains into a perfect sphere with her magic. “And that’s that” Celestia said while she took a few deep breaths from exertion as she placed the smoking orb in front of me. For some reason in that very moment it felt as if a great weight was lifted from my shoulders. Those dreadful chains were gone. They were finally gone. That metal ball in front of me was the only evidence they ever existed in the first place. I probably would have kicked it if I was not worried about breaking my legs. However, at least the damnable things could not do me any more mental harm. Celestia must have noticed my mood. I saw her smile before she said, “I’m happy you are finally rid of those. Also don’t worry about Luna. She’s stronger than she looks. Pleasant rest you two.” She then started to turn towards the door when a worried look covered her face. I raised an eyebrow and inquired, “Is something wrong, Princess?” She stopped in response and said, “I'd just gotten some troubling news before coming here. It was about the war we've been fighting with the rogue factions. It seemed to have taken a worrisome turn recently.” “What is happening? Have they attacked more towns?” I questioned with a hint of concern in my voice. She shook her head before stating, “No, all three factions have disappeared without a trace.” > Chapter 25: Fight or Flight: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disappeared without a trace...disappeared…without…a…trace. Those four words rattled though my mind as Celestia left the room. The door soon shut after her and I just stood there staring at the back of it. ‘How in Tartarus could they all just vanish?!’ I thought to myself. After a few moments I was shaken out of my trance by Twilight. “Hello? Equestia to Blood Moon? What the hay is going on? What does she mean they all disappeared?” she said in a confused tone. I shook my head a few times before stating, “I…do not know. This…this has never happened before. At least not all at once that is. They sometimes fall off our sights, but are often relocated with haste. For all three to slip passed our scouts is completely unheard of.” Twilight paled in response. This is really not what I required in the least. My mind was already ruined from my recent talk with Luna and now this delightful surprise was dropped on me. I had almost regretted asking Celestia why she was worried. Because now surely me and Twilight matched her in such worry. After a few moments of silence me and Twilight slipped into bed. However, sleep did not come easily for either of us. We both tossed and turned in a futile attempt at finding comfort. A comfort that became glaringly apparent that neither of us could seem to achieve. So after several hours of restlessness we both woke up and began staring at the ceiling. “I assume you cannot sleep either?” I stated in a disappointed and exhausted tone. She shook her head and said, “I’m too worried about what Celestia said. I've never seen her that worried before. What the hay could have shaken her that much?” Paranoia started to creep up in my mind at the possible reasons. As I stated to Twilight before, the rogue factions have never just vanished from our sights all at once. To make matters worse, who knows how long Celestia has been keeping that information secret. She never enjoyed worrying her soldiers and subjects any more than needed. Which in turn often lead to her withholding such information out of a sometimes misplaced sense of kindness. My stomach started to knot as I squinted my eyes in thought, ‘How long have you been holding that information Princess? What else do you know that you did not state?’ Paranoia crept further through my thoughts as I started to come up with a possible answer. ‘Perhaps they decided to…no that is just paranoid thinking, Blood Moon. There is no possible way they would…no they would not,’ I thought to myself. I heard Twilight tap her forehooves together. “Do…do you think they're working together?” Twilight inquired. She had pegged my paranoia right on the mark. I barely had entertained the thought before I heard her speak it. I cleared my throat and said with a nervous laugh, “D-do not be silly, Twilight. They loathe each other. There is no possible way they could…” I saw her turn her head to look at me. “You’re thinking the same thing aren't you?” she replied in a worried tone. She had read me like a book it appears. There was no use lying to her. Not like that would have worked even if I had tried. In turn, I closed my eyes and stated, “Yes…but you have to realize that it is just my paranoid thoughts. They have never done so in all my years of fighting them. They truly despise each other. It is the reason why the solar channelers attacked you, to gain an edge on us and the others. To even believe they joined forces is borderline unthinkable.” “Well I never thought I was going to be a princess…or a vampire,” she said as she began to rub the vertical scar on her stomach. I turned and wrapped my forelegs around her in attempt comfort her. My face then hardened with resolve as my mind worked out the possibilities. She was right, they may have never joined forces before, but there was a first time for everything. This scenario lead to just one course of action. You prepare for the worst and pray your predictions are wrong. After a few moments of silence we both tried to go back to sleep. However, even after several hours this proved to be an impossible task. So with exhausted bodies and full minds we got out of bed. As I got up my body remained groggy and refused to move without moderate effort. I suppose it was not the first time this has happened to me. To be fair, up until relatively recent I did not even know there was such a thing as “restful sleep”. One would imagine I would be used to this state by now, but I was not. With a groan I rearmored everything but my helm and walked over the door. I then undid the seal and the door swung open to a lively hallway. My lieutenants and the others were up and about with irritating looks of restfulness on their faces. They continued chatting and doing what I assumed was their morning routines until they noticed us. Applejack snorted and said, “You two look like ya’ll been run through a cider mill. Sleep well?” We both glared at her in response. Her and the rest laughed before she said, “Aww you two are adorable when yer angry. Well ya better wake up. Somethin’ odd has been goin' on. Almost everypony I've met today has been as jumpy as a scared jackrabbit.” I rubbed my eyes and yawned before stating, “Hmm? What are you talking about?” She rolled her eyes and replied, “RD, show ‘em.” Rainbow Dash lightly tapped a passing servant. They instantly yelped in panic before throwing everything they were carrying into the air and then they bolted down the hall. They did not even bother to look back as they galloped away. I groaned as I realized that it appears the bad news must have spread. “Great, nothing spreads faster than bad news it seems…” I lamented. Shadow Dancer walked toward us and raised an eyebrow. “And what bad news are ya talkin’ about?” he questioned. “All of you follow me and I shall explain after breakfast,” I replied as I started to walk down the hall. As we made it to the dining hall something odd seemed to be happening. Normally, everypony would be loudly conversing to each other, guards and servants alike. It was for this reason I often ate in my alchemy lab. However, this time was different. When we all walked in nopony was making a sound. They all just sat and stared at their respective meals in near silence. Without so much as a word to each other, we all got something to eat and sat down at a nearby vacant table. For several minutes silence still remained. This was up until which point I looked up to see Shadow Dancer fidgeting before he whispered, “What in Tartarus is goin' on?” I closed my eyes for a few seconds before leaning close to Twilight and whispering, “Twilight, please put up an anti-sound ward around us.” She nodded and I heard the invisible field snap into place. I then opened my eyes and said, “What I am about to state does not leave this table. If it does it could cause some horrid panic.” “What? Did somepony swipe all the hard cider again heh heh?” Shadow Dancer replied. He only laughed for a second before Gray Mane hoofed him in the back of his head. I nodded to Gray Mane before continuing, “There is a problem with the war against the rogue factions. They have all fallen off our scouts' sights.” Shadow Dancer snorted, took a bite of his breakfast, and stated in sarcastic tone, “Yeah…right. These shit filled rumors always fly around. Ah swear somepony gets a hard-on from starting this crap…prah’lly Discord.” I narrowed my eyes and said, “This information came directly-” before being interrupted by Shadow Dancer. “Let mah guess? From a servant who heard it from a guard whose drinkin’ buddy mumbled it when they had one too many?” Shadow Dancer sarcastically interjected. I glared at him and finished my sentence, “-from Princess Celestia herself.” His eyes widened in shock while his mouth slowly opened. The bite of food he had slid off his tongue and fell to the table. I looked around to see my lieutenants all in various states of shock. Well except Gray Mane, he just possessed an ear to ear smile I assumed at the possibility of mayhem and slaughter. The rest, minus Twilight, just sat confused until Rainbow Dash piped up, “And this is a big deal because?” “It…is an unprecedented event,” Tactic replied with slight worry in his monotone voice. “Huh? What do you mean?” she inquired. I looked at her and said, “It means this has never happened before…ever. This war has never stopped, even for a day, and now everything went quiet for who knows how long.” Rainbow Dash paled in response and she seemed like she was about to say something, but nothing came out. Everypony at our table was silent again until Applejack straightened her hat and said, “Well what ya’ll think we should do before somepony starts drinkin’ themselves to death?” I took a deep breath and said, “We prepare for the worst. Rarity, if you do not mind, please take all of your friends’ measurements as well as yourself.” Rarity tilted her head replied, “Certainly, but whatever for?” I half-grinned and said, “It is a surprise.” “Oooooo I love surprises,” Pinkie Pie blurted out. I truly wished I shared her enthusiasm. The small grin on my face turned into a worried frown as we continued our meals. After we finished I felt a hoof on my shoulder as the anti-sound ward was dispelled. As everypony got up, I heard Twilight’s voice whisper into my ear, “What are you planning, Blood Moon?” My frown from before worsened as I replied, “Preparing for the worst.” After a hour Rarity had completed her work. I suppose years of working as a clothing designer has its benefits. I remember it took me several times to even get my own measurements right, let alone others. I smiled as she finished making her markings on a parchment before rolling it up and floating it to me. I then, with parchment in hoof, lead everypony down a different area of the Lunar wing. “Umm mind telling us where we’re going?” Twilight inquired. “I’m with Twilight, where in the hay are we?” Rainbow Dash added flying next to me. I grinned as I sniffed the air, taking in the familiar scent. My ears perked up as I heard something familiar too. Without saying a word I stopped at two rather tall metal doors. I looked over my shoulder and said, “Welcome to the Lunar forge,” while I pushed the doors open. We all walked into the impressive sized room with a cathedral ceiling that included vents. The center of the room was dominated by a gigantic metal forge in the center. Every so often blackish blue flames would flare out of an opened hatch. To this day I have little idea what actually powers it. Rumor has it that it is linked with the moon somehow. The only reason I believed said rumor was that the forge used to flare up from time to time during Princess Luna’s banishment. Around the forge were anvils of all shapes and sizes. Most of them had a master forger working away on them. On the walls of the room were the tools of the trade, most also being used. Lastly, dark iron ore and bars were lined up around the forge in neat stacks. I started slipping into a pleasing trance at all the memories in here. I remained so until somepony next to me stated, “She is certainly a marvel hmm?” “Yes, she sure is a-” I started to say before I realized who was standing next me. I sputtered and said, “G-general Black Wing! My apologizes, I was just…” “Staring at the object you spent a good section of your youth next to?” she interjected. “I…well…yes it seems I…” I replied while attempting to think of something say. “What are you, your lieutenants, and Princess Twilight and her friends doing here?” she questioned as she glanced over at me. “Oh you know me. I just wanted to give them the grand tour and all…” I said as I started to sweat a little. Though she and I were generally on good terms, I was not sure how she was going to respond to my plans. She sighed and glanced over at me again with half narrowed her eyes. “Yes…now explain to me why you all are really here,” she said in a tired tone. When I did not respond she sighed and added, “If all you are here, then there is likely only one motivation. You are worried.” To which I just nodded. She sat down and rubbed the bridge of her nose with a forehoof before stating, “Damn. So it truly has gotten that bad. Alright, pass it over.” I floated her the parchment with the measurements right as Twilight walk up next to us. “Not to be rude, but what the hay is going on? Why are we here?” she inquired. Black Wing raised an eyebrow and said, “Oh, did Blood Moon not mention it yet? You and your friends are going to be fitted for armor and weapons. Well except the armor in your case.” She then glanced over her shoulder, frowned, and added, “Blood Moon, why have you not given Rainbow Dash a suit of suppression armor yet?” “Well I…umm…err,” I said sputtering again as I had nothing even remotely as an excuse. She laughed and said, “Oh do calm down Blood Moon. I just hope she had not ruined too many doors as of yet,’ as she winked at Twilight who blushed, looking embarrassed. “We’re all getting armor and weapons! THIS IS AWESOME!” Rainbow Dash bellowed out. The others cheered in excitement as well. Well minus Fluttershy who whimpered and cowered right up next to Gray Mane. After the cheering stopped, Black Wing stated, “Well no time like the present I suppose. Please instruct the servants to setup the cots and the supply tray,” as she started to tie her mane behind her head. I raised an eyebrow. “With all due respect, given the circumstances, should you not be with the Princesses in-” I said before being interrupted. “Blood Moon…” Black Wing said as she leered at me over her shoulder. “Y-yes?” I replied as I swallowed hard. Her burning gaze glared at me as she said in a calm voice, “Other than my recent hunting trip, I have been almost perpetually trapped in the tactics room pouring over scout reports. I have not slept for…three…whole…days due to the stress of current events. As such, I need an outlet for said stress before I rupture a blood vessel. So if you even…think…of trying to convince me to return there. Then I am going to locate the largest smithing hammer in this room and I am going bury it so far up your asshole that you shall be doing nothing but coughing up metal shards and splinters. Do I make my clear?” My left eye twitched at the thought of a smithing hammer beginning forcefully inserted in my backside. I swallowed hard again and said, “As a crystal.” “Good,” she said as the smile on her face returned. I remained frozen in place as she walked over to the forge and started to examine some dark iron bars. I did not move until a heard some chuckling to my right. I did not even need to look to know it was Black Hammer, who was obviously amused. “She…she was just making that statement in jest…right?” I said with a nervous laugh. I heard Black Hammer snort before saying, “I woon’t put it passed that old battle axe of a lass heh heh.” “I heard that Black Hammer!” I heard Black Wing yell over to us in an amused tone. He started laughing and yelled back, “Ye know ah mean it with all the kindness in me heart! Ah love when ye rough up the young’ins like ol’ limp and cough here!” “You old flatterer you! If you are quite through with your attempts at ‘sweet-talking’ me, we have a task to complete! Blood Moon shall give you the details!” she yelled in reply before walking to gather tools. His face immediately brightened up before he replied, “Anythin’ fer you lass.” He then turned his attention to me before stating, “Alright ol’ limp and cough, what’s this project she spoke of?” I heard several bouts of snickering behind me as I scowled at Black Hammer. “I do hope you are taking great delight in generating further nicknames for me…” I said as I half narrowed my eyes. “Ahh doon’t be like that, lad. Ye know I woon’t be rufflin’ yer fur if I din’t like ya heh heh. Now what be this task I hear?” he said with small laugh. I recovered what little pride I could muster, stood up straight, and said, “Due to an uncertain future, I decided it would be best to properly equip Twilight and her friends. As such I wish to make them weapons along with suits of armor in case of a worst possible scenario.” “Ye wish to armor them eh? Aye, ah say things be lookin’ bleak if ye resortin’ to ‘those’ type of measures,” he replied as the smile faded from his face. He then took a deep sigh and added “What ye need from me, lad?” I thought about it for a minute before a wonderful idea popped into my mind. “How long does it take to make the type of armor I am currently wearing? I inquired. He rubbed his chin with a forehoof before stating, “Well, the process be slow as I be the only one who knows how to make that type ye be wearin’. Given’ the time constraints I assume we be under I could only kick out one suit. Which one of the lasses ye be wantin’ it fer?” I grinned, said “Actually it is not for one of the ‘lasses’ more like for a ‘lad’,” before glancing over at Spike. Spike’s eyes widened with surprise before he said “Me?” Black Hammer let out a hearty laugh and shook his head. “Ahh ye be given me a tall order havin' me make me type of armor fer thee lad. And not be just any lad, but Princess Twilight Sparkle’s special dragon at that. I suppose it be what I deserve fer makin’ that ‘limp and cough’ joke at yer expense. Ah bet ye sure be likin’ the thought of workin’ me like a diamond dog,” he said with more laughter. “Alright alright, get to it you old jester,” I said with a wink. Black Hammer then chuckled and nodded to me, Spike, and the others before walking towards the forge. That old gray cyclops always knew how to brighten the mood. He certainly was a practical joker to the core. In some ways I truly wished I could be more like him. He never seemed to get fazed for long about dark times. After a few moments passed, I saw Spike walk up next to me. “Umm Blood Moon, I don’t wanna cause any trouble for you and Black Hammer,” he said while tapping his index claws together and looking at the ground. I chuckled and leaned my head next to him as I pointed my left forehoof at Black Hammer. “You see that skip in his step? That old jester lives for these types of challenges. I doubt I could have chosen a better pony for the task than him,” I said and Spike’s face brightened up. I then turned to the Twilight and her friends and got their input on what weapons they would like made. I even made a few notes on what style of armor they would like. The majority of which went smoothly until Rarity gave me a shopping list worth of her “input”. After I finished I then floated the list over to Black Wing for her and the other forgers to examine and chuckle at. After that was settled I straightened up and stated, “Alright everypony, I want you all to continue your sparring matches in the arena while me and the other forgers work. I would advise you all occasionally rotate opponents as I will not be able to join you. Also for my lieutenants, it is your jobs to ensure they are watched over and prepared for the days ahead. We need all of them in fighting shape and I expect regular reports. Night Star, you are in charge of that task in my absence.” Night Star nodded and replied, “Yes, captain.” I then thought for a moment and said, “Actually Spike do you mind remaining here with me?” “You want me to stay here? Why’s that?” he said looking confused. “I need your assistance in a special task, if you do not mind,” I replied with a grin. He began to get excited as he said, “You want my help? What do you need?” “I require some of your dragon fire,” I stated as the grin on my face grew. > Chapter 26: Fight or Flight: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight’s barrage of inquires happened almost immediately after I made my comment. Much of them were centered on why I needed dragon fire and the obvious concern for Spike’s safety in such an endeavor. I had to repeatedly state Spike was in perfectly safe hooves. However, my stance on what it was for was merely “A surprise”. Admittedly she was pretty adamant in her attempts, but eventually gave up after realizing I was not going to cave. “Are you really sure you two are going to be okay?” Twilight questioned yet again. I just grinned and rolled eyes. “Yes, for the fifth time. You worry too much, Twilight. I am a professional. I have been forging metal since before you were born. Everything shall be completely fine,” I stated putting emphasis on the word “fine”. “Okay…I guess. Well you be good Spike and be careful with your flames,” she said after frowning. “Yeah yeah, don’t light anypony on fire. I swear you sneeze in the wrong direction once and you’ll never live it down,” Spike grumbled back. Twilight was just about to turn around when I realized there was something else I required for my workings. “Twilight, do you still have my Book of Shadows on you?” I inquired. “Yeah, why?” she replied nervously “I require it for my ‘project’” I said. She bit her lip and said, “You need it right now? As in right now right now?” “Yes…right now right now…” I replied half narrowing my eyes. Again, I ended up having to wrestle my tome from her magical grasp for the second time in recent history. She kept stating over and over again that she had just gotten to a “good part”. Much to Spike’s distaste I ended up having to under hoofedly kiss her before I was able to retrieve it. She just gave me a sour look in response to my methods. If she only knew what I was planning she might have been more cooperative. However, it was probably for the best that I did not share my plans. First and foremost, I was not sure I could even succeed in my attempt. The act of working with dragon fire is not for the faint of heart. In fact there have only been a few forgers brave enough to even fathom doing so. The reason for such was pretty apparent. Dragon fire is not what one would call an “average” flame. It is enchanted and incredibly powerful, but it is also extremely chaotic in nature, thus its danger. In other words, I could very easily char myself to crisp if I was not careful. Spike snorted as Twilight walked out of the room. “Was that really necessary?” he said as he looked me with crossed arms. “Spike, how many times have you attempted to take an interesting book away from her?” I retorted with a raised eyebrow. He closed his eyes and shrugged before saying, “Good point.” After a few moments of chuckling we started walking towards the design archive next to the forge. As we arrived Spike stated, “Sooo what are we making that you need my help?” “Well let us see…ah ha here we are” I replied while I unrolled the design scroll I was searching for. He glanced at the scroll I unrolled and snorted again before stating “A sword? That’s what you wanted my help for? Wow, that’s a bit of a letdown.” “A Letdown?” I said and smirked before adding “This not ‘just’ a sword. It is a katana, a weapon of precision and grace.” Spike rolled his eyes, chuckled and said, “Yeah…grace, was that before or after Twilight broke one flinging you into a wall?” “That...was a unique situation…she caught me off guard and got a lucky swing in,” I replied scrunching my face. “Yeah, a lucky swing and I’m King Sombra in disguise…” Spike retorted sarcastically. I smirked again and said, “Well your ‘dark lordship’ this sword is going to be a special type of spell blade.” Spike raised an eyebrow and replied, “A spell blade? What do you mean?” I glanced over at him and said, “It is like my scythe more or less.” “If it’s like your scythe why do you need my help?” he inquired. I rubbed that back of my head with a forehoof and said, “Well because we are going to slightly alter the normal design a bit.” “Wait alter? As in change? Is that a safe thing to do?” he questioned with a hint of worry. “Well…probably not, but what is the worst that could happen?” I said with a nervous laugh. “We could both die in some horrible way!” he yelped. I turned my head and looked at him. “Oh Spike, where is your sense of adventure?” I questioned. “That usually runs screaming when ‘horrible death’ gets involved,” Spike said flatly. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “Spike you must understand. These are not happy and joyful times we are in currently. I did not go about requesting the forging of armor and weapons for you and your friends because of some fashion statement. We are at war. A war that took an awful turn,” I said as I opened my eyes. I then took another deep breath before continuing, “I am attempting to ‘pull out of the book’, as it were, every idea I have at my disposal. As such the creation of this sword would increase the synergy between you and Twilight by a large margin. If it works, it would greatly help our cause. Now, will you help me?” Spike sighed before looking at me and stating, “What do you need me to do?” I opened my tome and replied, “Help me bring something back from the past.” The act of explaining to Spike what I was attempting was the easy part. The act of getting it work was the difficulty. The idea came from something I discovered when I was doing some research for my soon to be bodyguard duty for Twilight. Many moons ago the pairing of young dragons and unicorns was not unheard of. However, only the most gifted of such were allowed to do so. In representation of that union a weapon was often forged to help combine their strength. Although the major details were lost to the sands of time I managed to find something special. I located the very same enchantment used to imbue the weapons. While I had hoped to eventually create a weapon of this type for Twilight and Spike, I wished it was not under the current circumstances. After a few minutes of study I walked over the Lunar forge and picked up several bars of dark iron. I then tossed them into the nearby crucible and opened the forge vent under it. Bluish black flames wrapped around the crucible as I allowed it to do its work. While I waited, I located and positioned the mold that is used to create katanas. The amusing part was that the mold truly was something simple in that it was just designed to create thin flat rectangles of metal. All it was meant to do was make metal sheets that could be folded and hammered again and again. All that was required now was to merely wait. In turn an eternity had felt it had passed before the dark iron finally melted down into a bubbling liquid. I soon sighed in relief for this fact and said “Okay Spike, I am going to pour the metal into the mold. Please stand back as it will be…hot? Spike?” “Spike where are you?” I stated and looked around. After a few seconds I heard Spike’s voice, “You just want me to light them on fire?” I squinted and realized he was with Black Hammer for some reason. I rolled my eyes with annoyance in response. ‘We do not have time for such delays’ I thought to myself as I walked over to where Spike and Black Hammer were. “What is going on here Black Hammer. I require Spike’s assistance on a different project,” I said in a stern voice. “Ahh simmer down lad, I be only needin’ the lad fer a minute,” Black Hammer snarked back. I had no idea what he was up to. He was just having Spike light a few liquids and powders on fire for whatever reason. Some of them would light up better than others, but at that moment I could not be bothered to wonder. After a few minutes I retrieved Spike and left Black Hammer to his chuckling. “What was that about?” Spike inquired. “Knowing Black Hammer I am not truly certain if I wish to know. That old warpony has sometimes made my experiments look sane,” I replied with a sigh. “I heard that lad!” Black Hammer yelled at me. “You act as if my statement was false!” I yelled back over my shoulder which only caused him to chuckle harder behind me. And so with the aid of Spike we poured the liquid metal from the crucible into the mold and then moved away to allow another forger to work. I however did not pay much attention to them as I did not take long for our metal to soon cool down. As soon as I figured the temperature was right we moved the mold over to the nearest unused anvil. All that was required was a few taps of a smith hammer and mold fell away from the still quite hot dark iron. I quickly got out of the way as the metal slapped on top of the anvil with a shower of sparks. While I was pleased that the initial stage was complete, a groan soon left my lips as I remembered what happens next in the making of a katana. This meant starting the hard and awful laborious process of bending the metal over and over again into shape. However, there was no time like the present as I gathered my wits. “Okay Spike I do hope you do not enjoy sleep or regular eating patterns,” I huffed as I picked up a smithing hammer and some tongs with my magic. “I’m all up for the job!” he glowered with pride. I could not help but laugh under my breath. The poor fool did not realize that I was completely honest in my statement. After shaking my head in amusement I strapped the hammer to my left forehoof and attached the tongs to my right. With a grunt of effort I dropped the hammer on the thin metal and used the tongs to fold it. After I folded the metal a few times I picked it up with my magic and had Spike blast it evenly with dragon fire. Green flames licked around it and heated it up again. I then placed the metal back on the anvil for further hammering and folding. We continued this process again and again with little rest. When Spike could go no further due to sheer exhaustion I let him recuperate for half of a day before continuing. Truth be told I normally would have not stopped that much, but Twilight scolded me at some point when Spike borderline collapsed. She was right I had to admit as was he still young. Although I did not have the heart to tell her that it was not me that kept him working. It was amusing when I had figured out early that it was just his stubborn pride that kept him going. The days seemed to blur together after a while. The same task day and night for I believe two weeks. I was only aware of that passage of time because of Black Wing’s scouts’ status reports that came in daily. While I attempted to not overhear too much, I discovered that the war was still quiet. No activity at all in the least for any of the rogue factions. This of course was always followed by her bashing extra hard the piece of metal she was shaping. I often had to push my worry to the back of my mind as I continued working. So after two horrible and grueling long weeks the sword was mostly complete with the irritatingly detailed runes of power from my tome. There was only one last step of the process which that was for some reason called “The Empowerment”. I wrote down what to do long ago, but I had little idea what it meant beyond that. However, I supposed it was now or never to put the finishing touches on the sword. In an exhausted and ragged voice I stated, “Okay…Spike…we need just one more flame blast.” He barely responded with a groan while he coughed a few times. He then rubbed his eyes several times before yawning. “Please tell me…this is the…last one. Not like…those other hundred…times,” he said almost falling over. “Yes…last one. Truly…last one. I…I will just…stand right here with…the sword in front of me. Just bath the blade in…flame…” I said trying my damnedest to stay awake. At those words the other exhausted forgers gave us a wide berth. It was actually quite entertaining watching a bunch of ponies in a near zombie like state move quickly away from us. After they cleared away I got into position three meters in front of the barely functional Spike. So there I stood, on my wobbly hind legs with the katana’s grip in my forehooves and the point of blade directed up. I had a mixture of thoughts running through my mind at the time. First and foremost I desired nothing more than a good meal and some rest. The second thought was something along the lines of ‘What the fuck am I doing?! I am going to be fucking immolated! Why oh why did I do this?!’ repeating over and over in my mind. The last was the thought of Twilight beating the moonlight out of me when she discovers Spike in his current barely conscious state. “Whenever…you are…ready….Spike” I said shaking horrid fatigue off a few times. I swallowed hard as I saw him suck in a deep breath. He then blew a powerful green blast of flame right at me. Time slowed down as the adrenaline kicked in. It took everything I had to prevent myself from dodging out of the way. This was either going to work or I was going to have a lot less fur and skin. My eyes opened wide with amazement on what happened next. The blade’s runes flared to life as the fire met the katana. The fiery blast actually bent inward at the last moment before what I could only describe as the fire getting sucked into the blade. The sword literately consumed the flames with no evidence other than the runes of power glowing bright green on the blade’s sides. I just stood there wide eyed as I realized that I was still alive and whole. As I was started to feel overjoyed at the result I felt somepony tap me on my shoulder. This however caused me to yelp and accidentally swing the katana in front of me. The blade reacted in kind and released the flame it apparently stored. A fireball made of green dragon fire was released and screamed only a half a meter over Spike’s head. It then flew straight through the air before it slammed into one of the room’s wooden shelves. The shelf was quickly engulfed in green fire and then reduced to ashes. I did not even give it a second thought before I quickly grabbed the fireproof saya I made along the way and sheathed the katana. A small smile crept up my face that soon turned into a mad grin. “He…he…hehe…hehehehehahahaHAHAHAHAHHAHA WHAT THE FUCK DID WE JUST CREATE HAHAHAHA?!” I bellowed right before my adrenaline rush abruptly ended. My fatigue then instantly returned with a vengeance causing my eyes to roll back into my head before I collapsed and lost consciousness. I, in all probability, would have remained unconscious, but I kept hearing voices around me, “By the moon! Both lads passed out!” one voice stated. “Everypony give us some room. All right, it appears Spike had just fainted, he shall recover. What in Tartarus was Blood Moon thinking? Come on Blood Moon, wake up,” another voice stated as I felt somepony partially lift me up and tap the side of my face. “It gonna take a lot more ta wake the lad up than that lass. Aye, I know what know what he needs,” the first voice stated. “Black Hammer, what in Equestria are you attempting to do?” the second voice inquired. “I’d stand back lass if I were you,” the second voice replied with a chuckle. I did not like the tone in that voice. My mind was barely processing anything at that moment until I heard the words “ice cubes”. As my thoughts started to drift off I got splashed by the most frigid water I could ever fathom. My eyes snapped open and I let loose an echoing yelp. Then every muscle in my body tensed up before I flopped back to the ground again. Just as the shivers started I looked around to see all the other forgers laughing. I groaned and stated, “Was that truly necessary, Black Hammer.” “It got ye up didn’t it?” he replied with some more of his chuckling and more laughter from the others. I gathered what wounded pride I had and stood up on my wobbly legs and quickly located Spike. He did indeed appeared to have passed out. However, I was not certain if it was from almost getting reduced to ashes or just pure exhaustion. Either way I was going to receive an earful from Twilight. After looking him over for injuries I lifted him up and placed him on my back. A groan left my lips at the added weight, but I was still able to stand. After that I then turned to Black Wing who was standing not far from me shaking her head. “Well I believe we had enough amusement for one day. I am going to put me and Spike to bed. However, before I go, how is the progress on the other weapons and armor?” I stated. Black Wing rubbed her eyes with a forehoof and replied with, “Everything is almost completed. We are all just putting on the finishing touches. However, I believe the other forgers were having perhaps a tad too much fun…” The other forgers just chuckled to each other as I said, “Fun? Pray tell, what does that mean?” “Meet…meet me in the Reaper Knight Arena tomorrow. For now just please get yourself and Spike cleaned up and get some rest,” she groaned. Her and the other forgers went back to work, but I stopped Black Hammer. “How is Spike’s armor coming along?” I inquired. “Oooh he is gonna be happy with me work. Aye, hehehe aye he is hehehe,” he said in a half chuckle and half crazed tone. After a few seconds I realized he had several patches of his fur burnt off. It was then I completely decided I was better off not to ask. I did however have a slight fear for Spike’s future safety, but I could not scold Black Hammer after what I almost did to Spike myself. So after grabbing Twilight’s new sword I walked to the Lunar Wing showers. I then managed to clean me and Spike the best I could. It was actually quite amusing that even with the water on him he did even wake up. I then picked him up again and headed toward my section of the Lunar Wing. After arriving at Spike's room I put the still passed out Spike to bed before heading to my own room. I was just about to open my room door when I heard somepony clearing their throat behind me. The fur on my neck stood up when I realized who was behind me. I then slowly turned my head to see a thoroughly unamused Twilight giving me a doom glare and angrily tapping her right forehoof on the floor. I swallowed and started to say, “H-h-hello Twilight, delightful even-” before being cut off. “What…did…you…do…to Spike…” her tone got increasingly angrier with each word as she continued to glare. You know I have faced hordes of rogue soldiers. I have dealt with situations that could be easily described as dire. I have even defeated some powerful foes in my day. However, none of them struck fear into my heart as much as the light purple alicorn standing only three meters from me. I sputtered out, “H-he is f-fine he just got a little too t-t-tired so I put him to bed.” “You Liar! What did you do to him?! What do you two do?!” she screeched at me. I rested my head for a minute on my door before I turned around and sat in front of her as I closed my eyes. “Do not worry Spike is unharmed, minus in need of some rest. This was supposed to be a surprise. However, as I see you are greatly displeased with me, I shall show you what we were creating. Both me and Spike worked hard to make this for you.” I opened my eyes and slipped Twilight’s new katana off of my back and passed it to her. She fumbled her words a bit as she stated “F-for me?” and took the katana. I smiled and nodded right before she unsheathed the blade. The glow in her eyes was a marvelous sight to behold. She held the blade out in front of her before red tears started to well her in eyes. “You…you two made this for me? I…I don’t know what to say,” she said as she re-sheathed her katana. “It is a specially made spell blade imbued with Spike’s very own dragon fire. I will need to show what-” I began to say before she quickly walked over to me. She then passionately kissed me and pinned me to my room door. She only backed off for a second to hoof me on the side of the face before she said, “Don’t you ever do that to Spike again!” and then continued to passionately kiss me. I truly to not remember much of happened after that point. I only remember waking up in my bed with me and her completely wrapped up in each other. She was still sleeping next to me with one of the largest smiles I have ever seen. I blinked several times and the only thing I could remember through my foggy memory was she was having quite the delightful time with me. Beyond that was just an interesting mystery. Not that minded though. I was at least still alive after our little encounter yesterday. I probably would have stayed where I was, but I remembered that I need to meet Black Wing in the arena. So with what little motivation I had I forced both me and Twilight get out of bed. We then collected Twilight’s friends and my lieutenants, and we all made our way to the Reaper Knight Arena to meet General Black Wing. I had to admit I was almost as excited as several of the others. While I knew more or less what was being created, Black Wing’s statement of the other forgers having “fun” got me intrigued. As we entered the arena there in the center sat Black Wing right next to a medium sized table. On the table sat six different armor rings of varying colors along with the weapons for Twilight's friends. Black Wing stood up and walked in front of the table as we made our way over to her. Black Wing smiled before stating, "Hello everypony. It is good to see you all are well. The promised the armor sets and weapons are all ready to be used. However as I wish for us to do this properly, Princess Twilight Sparkle can you please have your friends stand shoulder to shoulder in front of me?" Right after they did so Black Wing added, "Blood Moon would you care to do the honors?" and hoofed over several sheets of parchment to me. "With pleasure," I replied and read over the documents and then cleared my throat before stating "Applejack please step forward." She in turn fixed her hat and walked forward towards me. After locating her armor ring on the table I lifted it with my magic, separated it and attached the orange ring to her neck. I then placed her iron hoof weapons on her legs. The armor then activated and thick and heavy looking plates slid out of the ring. The orange plates covered her completely until she looked like a walking juggernaut. According to the notes it was one of heaviest models that was ever created. However, due to it being so massive it was enchanted with a strength spell so she could actually move. "Okay Applejack this armor is one of the heaviest ever created. You should still be able easily move due to the enchantment imbued into it. The legs are enchanted with kinetic absorbers that will store energy until it is ready to be used. The armor had been dubbed..." I said but stopped at the armor's name. I turned to Black Wing and said "They cannot be serious." "Just say it Blood Moon" She replied and pursed her lips. I rolled my eyes and stated, "It is dubbed 'The Cider Press 2.0'" The others laughed and I could faintly hear Applejack chuckling behind the heavy suit of armor as she walked back to were she was. "Okay" I said shuffling my notes and added "Rainbow Dash you are next". She walked forward as located her light blue armor ring and wing blades. Right after I attached the armor and wing blades, the armor activated. Thin sheets of metal slid out into an almost formfitting design. According to the notes the light blue plates positioned themselves in such a way to make her more aerodynamic. Along with the suppression field enchantment, it had special enchantments that could reflect sunlight away from her. I took a deep breath and stated "This model is one of lighter ones. It was mainly designed for one thing in mind, pure speed potential with its aerodynamic form. Along with the suppression field, you should be more comfortable in the sun due the built in light reflecting spells. It was dubbed 'The Record Breaker". After she boasted for a few minutes she went to the line. "Alright Fluttershy you are up next," I stated and she had to pushed forward in response. I picked up her armor ring and the shepard's staff. She then proceeded to grab the staff for dear life as her armor activated. Instead of plates the armor output a formfitting suit of scale mail complete with a scale mail cloak with wing holes. According to the notes, the armor had some ridiculous protections spells built in. It also had pockets to where she could store anything from potions to salves to bandages. Her staff was also enchanted to match her quiet nature. It possessed a powerful paralysis spell with the instructions jokingly put into a comic showing her bashing somepony on the head. I rolled my eyes and stated, "This model is more of a unique cloak and suit design. It was created to be light, but strong. It was also enchanted to be able block attacks to the point of insanity. Your staff has a powerful paralysis spell on it that activates when you hit somepony on the head. The armor was dubbed "The Pacifist" Fluttershy whimpered as she bolted back to the line. I shook my head and stated "Rarity you are next" I then picked up Rarity's armor ring and rapier. She held the sword in a fencing position as the armor covered her. The simmering white colored metal spread out into rather elegant looking dress complete with an opera style mask that wrapped around her head and neck. According the notes the armor is meant to be loose fitting for easier movement. The rapier was well balanced and also sharpened down to near atom thin on the blade and point. "This model was created to maximize movement. It is light but strong and the rapier is balanced and probably sharp enough to puncture most armor with a good thrust. The suit was dubbed 'The Mystique Magnifique'" She gave the rapier a few thrusts in the air before walking back to the line. "Pinkie pie you are next" I stated. She jumped several times in joy before I was able to get her to calm down enough to get her armor ring on her and give her, her mallet. The armor came out in a neon pink color that formed strange spheres around her joints. According the notes the spheres contained large springs in them to allow her to jump higher. Her mallet was enchanted with the insane blasting cap spell. The spell was some crazed project by some equally crazy unicorn that had a love for explosives. I groaned when I said "This model was designed for jump height and maneuverability. The mallet...the...mallet...is going to be rather unpleasant for the poor soul on the receiving end. The armor was dubbed 'The Party Animal'." After she made it back into the line I stated "Alright Spike your turn." He nervously walked up and I placed the armor ring on him. Within seconds the liquid metal flowed out over him and formed plates and some sort of dual tank on his back. I scrambled through the notes that Black Hammer created and I proceeded to facehoof. This was what the mad old warpony was working on. "Is something wrong," I heard Spike behind his helm. Without even looking at him I stated "Spike, breath your fire straight up." When he sounded confused I added "just do it". Spike shrugged, took a deep breath and right as he exhaled the helm opened where his mouth was. Two seemingly hidden jets engaged just as the flame left his lips. A powerful accelerant sprayed right into his flames and it created a four meter high flame cone. As everypony look on in amazement I said "There is a secondary function on that. We will look at later as I fear for your life. Perhaps the name will allude to what it is, Black Hammer dubbed it the 'Rocket Dragon'" Right as I about about to stay something else a large explosion shook the arena. I yelled "What in Tartarus was that?!" right as another explosion took place knocking almost everypony to the ground. A few seconds later a lunar guard ran in and yelled to Black Wing "CANTERLOT IS UNDER SIEGE!" Black Wing yelled back in shock "WHAT?! BY WHOM?!" The guard looked obviously panicked as she yelled back "ALL THREE ROGUE FACTIONS!" > Chapter 27: Fight or Flight: Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My heart sank as those words poured out of the guard’s mouth…all…three…rogue…factions. It was an event so unprecedented that my mind went blank as my jaw hung open. My damned illogical paranoia was on the mark yet again. A small part of my mind would have been overjoyed at my deductions if it not had been drowned out by an overwhelming feeling of both dread and terror. I did not snap out of my trance until another explosion shook the palace. Black Wing was already barking orders to the still panic stricken guard. She was probably stating something of import, but my dazed mind did not comprehend anything other than her strings of obscenities. She then quickly turned to me and shook me when I did not respond. “Snap the fuck out of it, Blood Moon!” she yelled while continuing to shake me. I blinked a few times and stated in a shaky voice “I…was…right…why in Tartarus was I right?!” “Because your thrice damned paranoia is always fucking right! It never fucking failed to not be right and if you do not pull yourself together I am going to fucking bash you senseless!” she snarled at me. “Indeed…bash…senseless…got it” I said and shook my head a few times. I then quickly turned to Twilight and the others before stating “Alright everypony, this is not a drill. The worst possible scenario has come to pass and we are going to have to fight our way out of it.” Black Wing shook me again and growled, “Like fucking Tartarus you will! You and your lieutenants’ jobs are to get Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends the fuck out of here!” I looked at her in shock and stated, “What?! You desire us to tuck tail and run?! We can-” before she interrupted me with a doom glare. She continued glaring only for a second before stating “No…you…cannot. Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends possess weapons and armor that are completely untested and or unbound. The consequence of such can only end in disaster!” I had attempted to protest, but she bellowed “By my position as General of the Lunar Forces, I order you and your lieutenants to use the emergency portal gate under your alchemy lab to lead Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends to the emergency regroup point! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR, CAPTAIN?!” It was only one of the few times she had ever ordered me in such a manner. Her glare never let up either. In the end I was the first to blink. I soon lowered my eyes away from her gaze, gritted my teeth, and stated “Affirmative .” She replied “Good, now get them the fuck out of here!” before turning and galloping out of the arena after the guard. I leered at her as she left and I could feel my blood magic sparking around my horn. “Luna damn it!” I snarled and stomped the ground with my left forehoof, before adding, “Fine! If she desires us to run like beaten diamond dogs, then so be it!” I then turned and stomped my way passed the others on my way my alchemy lab before they started following me. I normally do not act in such a manner. While it is true that I have been shouted at many times in my long life, I normally can keep myself calm during those encounters. This time however, it appeared I was having a harder than normal time subduing my emotions. Maybe it was that I was tired or even that I needed to feed, but what I truly believe got under my skin was the fact that she treated Twilight and her friends as liabilities. While indeed their new armor and weapons were untested and unbound, they could easily be as formidable as any reaper knight. Regardless of my feelings my orders were quite clear. I needed to get Twilight and her friends to safety. So after trying and failing a few times I managed to get my seal on my alchemy lab open. After which everypony hurried in without giving me so much as a glance. Just as the last one slipped through the doorway the palace seemed to take a direct hit from something. The impact made me fumble over for a second just as I saw something awful. The explosion caused other opposite side of arena dome to collapse in. At first I was worried the area was going to be bathed in sunlight, but it was still almost as dark as it was previously. This curiosity however was short lived when I saw rogue soldiers of all types pour in for the now ruined ceiling. “BY THE MOON!” I screeched and quickly jumped into my alchemy lab before scrambling to close the seal on the door. “What the hay was that?” I heard somepony say in the near dark of my lab. I swallowed hard while I checked the seal on the door a few times. “We have a horde of uninvited guests inside the palace,” I replied trying to keep the worry out of my voice. Their only response was a quiet “Uh oh.” “Yes quite ‘uh oh’ indeed. We need to move quickly. The door will only hold for a little-” I said but got interrupted when I heard something heavy slam against the lab door. “Blast and damnation! They are attempting to get through!” I yelped. In the tight space, that was truly not designed for this many ponies, I manage to squeeze my way to my alchemy table. I then attempted to shove the table to far side of the room, but it was not budging. After my attempts were proving to be fruitless, Gray Mane decided to walk over and flip the table. Everypony scrambled out of the way as the table overturned and slammed into the far wall. The sound of shattered glass filled the room as I felt a small part of mind shrieked in horror. While we did indeed need to move the table, Gray Mane in one fell swoop had easily just destroyed most, if not all, of my projects I have been working on for decades. He snorted and boastfully stated “The table’s out of the way”. It took everything I had to prevent myself from throttling him with my magic as I responded with a strained “Thank…you”. Either way the table had been moved and I now had access to what was hidden under it. I stomped my hoof on a small seal in the middle of the floor before twisting it to the left and then the right and then left again. I had everypony move away from the center of the room as the floor shifted and a downward spiral staircase had formed. The stairs were one of several in the palace. They were designed by Star Swirl the Bearded as a means of hiding one of his other creations. In other words, they were quite simply hidden passages to one of the emergency portal gates he had developed for such an occasion as ours. However while the portals, to the best of my knowledge, were still functional, they were barely tested. Truth be told I had only determined where this particular one went because I made the mistake of accidentally activating it. But that was not the worrying part, the issue was nopony but Star Swirl knew what powered them or how they got you to your destination. Even Princess Celestia herself had become visibly uneasy when I inquired about them. After the stairs had finished, everypony had rushed down them as fast as we could. At the end they lead to a modestly sized room that gave off an unnerving hum of power. At the center of the room sat a large three ringed alchemy circle carved out of solid stone and pressed into the floor. Outside the alchemy circle sat a control pedestal used to active the gate. I squeezed everypony inside the circle the best I could and quickly trotted over the control pedestal. I then placed my left hoof on the pedestal, cleared my throat, and stated in a shaky voice, “By command of Blood Moon, Captain of the Reaper Knights, activate emergency exodus portal!” The pedestal gave off a unnerving disembodied voice that merely stated “Acknowledged” I then jumped into the circle next to Twilight as the hum of power in the room soon got louder. After a few moments the rings of circle started to rotate counter-clockwise. The outer most then stopped after a few seconds and the disembodied voice stated “X axis locked.” However right after the voice spoke I heard the door of my alchemy lab crash in before shouting start to emanate from the spiral stair case. “Come on come on” I said and fidgeted in place. After another second the middle ring stopped and the disembodied voice stated “Y axis locked”. The shouting from the staircase got louder by the moment right before the innermost ring stopped and the disembodied voice stated “Z axis locked…Emergency Exodus Portal activating in…three…two…one.” I saw the rogue soldiers pour into the room right as I involuntarily screamed “I REALLY HATE PORTALS!” before the portal gate activated. Blinding light flared into the room and it felt as if I somehow got sucked into the floor. All my senses went berserk as my body got tossed around everywhere. Lights and random darkness just flashed by me as I soon felt like I was getting stretched thin. I had absolutely no idea what was happening at this point as my mind went blank from sheer terror. However, what I did know was that if this living nightmare did not stop soon I was going to vomit my non-existent breakfast into who knows where. Only a few more seconds passed before we all just appeared in the forest outside Canterlot and standing on a similar alchemy circle as the one we had just left. I stood there shaking violently and holding my stomach with a foreleg. After a few moments I summoned my scythe merely to prevent myself from falling over. “What the fuck…was that? Oh Tartarus ah think ah’m gonna heave,” I heard Shadow Dancer state behind me. “That…nightmare…was one of the Emergency Portal Gates. By the moon it was just as horrid as the first time,” I replied while still quite queasy. Shadow Dancer than responded with a quick, “Yup…gonna hurl,” before violently vomiting next to the circle. I scrunched my face at the awful noises Shadow Dancer was generating before stating “Is everypony alright?” A collective groan emanated from everypony, well everypony except Pinkie Pie. She was happily bouncing around the perimeter of the circle babbling something about our portal trip. The only piece I managed to understand was, “Whoooa we were like wooosh and my tummy felt all funny, but then I tumbled around and everypony was all like AHHHH but I was like WEEEE and do it again do it again do it again...” before her voice sped up and I could not determine what she was attempting to say. I shook my head and looked over at Twilight next to me. “Less than pleasant trip hmm Twilight?” I inquired. She just stood there staring forward and her right eye kept twitching. “Umm Twilight, are you alright?” I added. “He…he tore the veil between dimensions…” she said in a shaky voice. I tilted my head and said “What?” She turned her head to face me, but her eyes did not seem to actually be looking at me. She then said, “Star swirl…managed…to tear…the veil…between dimensions. I-i-it requires a vast amount of energy and finely tuned harmonics. The theory of which was never…” I had little idea what she was stating after the first few sentences. It was something that included complex equations and some sort of advanced magical techniques. After a few moments I waved my left forehoof in front of her eyes and said “Hello? Equestria to Twilight?” but she kept staring straight through me and continued rambling undeterred. “heh heh ya lost her Blood Moon. She may snap outta that in a week,” I heard Applejack state and chuckle. I raised an eyebrow and said “Hmm? What are you talking about?” Rainbow Dash walked up next to me before smirking at Twilight. “She means the ol’ egghead got herself stuck in a loop…again. Twilight really needs to get out more.” I sighed in response. “Is there any way we can expedite the process?” I inquired while half narrowing my eyes. Rarity walked up and replied “Nothing short of a new book, darling.” Twilight instantly snapped out of her trance and blurted out “Who said new book?!” There was much laughter had at Twilight’s expense. I actually felt slightly awful due to her still asking everypony with a glimmer of hope her in eyes. However, the feeling quickly faded after she still did not believe us that there was no new book while we made our way through the forest to the emergency meeting point. “Really? There are no new books that somepony brought? Really really?” she stated looking at me again. My left eye started to twitch in annoyance, but I kept as calm as I could. “For the…twentieth time Twilight…no…there are no new books to be obtained. Again…it was merely a comment and nothing more,” I replied. She must have finally had gotten the hint because I looked over to see the hope drain out of her eyes. Her face then went from sadness to irritation. I even believe she kept mumbling under her breath that we were hiding one somewhere and we did not want to share. So after groaning and rolling my eyes, I lifted my tome and floated it over to her. She squealed with delight before biting her foreleg and opening the book’s seal. Then after stopping our journey for a moment to heal her leg, she promptly stuffed her face into it. It was actually an amusing sight to watch. What was even more amazing was that even though the ground was uneven and there were rock, roots, and trees everywhere she just seemed walk around or over them without even looking. I just grinned and shook my head in response wondering how many times she had fallen on her face to develop that ability. So we kept walking through the forest until we got to a medium sized clearing. This was the point where an odd thought occurred to me. Now I knew the thick canopy of the forest trees would block out much of the sun by the portal gate. However in the clearing there was not much sunlight even though there were no trees. It truly should have been mid-day by my accounting, but it was no more light than say early dawn. What little light there was did not even seem to hinder my strength at all. After a moment I looked up at the sky to see a blackish type of smoke where the clouds should have been. However, any further mental inquires stopped dead in their tracks when we got into the center of the clearing. My ears soon snapped up and swiveled around to listen to the forest. I then stated in a firm voice “Everypony stop where you are! Lieutenants, defensive positions!” They got the hint and we formed a pentagon pattern around Twilight and the rest before summoning their weapons Twilight almost fell forward as she bumped into me and said “Hey! I was on a good part!” I glanced back at her and said “Shh something is wrong.” I looked back and forth a few times and saw a few blurs in the forest and a few light spots mixed throughout. I then looked straight ahead and yelled “I KNOW YOU ALL ARE OUT THERE! REVEAL YOURSELVES!” It started off quiet, but soon I heard somepony chuckling from the forest. A rogue solar channeler walked out from the forest in front of me. She was then followed by others of her kind along with rogue vampires and lycans. They had us completely surrounded on all sides. The solar channeler then narrowed her eyes in what I could only tell as amusement. “Bravo bravo Captain Blood Moon of the Reaper Knights. I was wondering if you’d notice us. You see stealth really isn’t my thing. It’s more for blood suckers like you.” A few of the rogue vampires hissed at her as I stated “Yes, your heartbeats gave you away.” She then smirked and tilted her head to the side. “Heh I don’t give a fuck really. It’s actually pretty fucking funny. Here I thought we were given a shit job monitoring one of those little emergency whatever gates you idiots used. Only to have none other than the elements and you and your little band of dumbasses fall right into our hooves.” “Dumbasses? Oh my my how very rude of you,” I grinned and scolded her. She tipped her head back for a second and said “Ha rude? I don’t give a fuck what you think! You’re completely surrounded. You’ll be nothing but a smear on the dirt in a few minutes. So why the fuck would I care anyway?” “I suppose it never occurred to you that you may be underestimating us a little hmm?” I retorted. She started to laugh again and go into more gloating and insults. I just kept retorting with some little quip as she continued her borderline monologue. I smirked and thought, ‘that is right you little fool. Keeeep running your mouth. Yes, keep telling me how outnumbered we are and the such. It shall only be all the sweeter.’ The reason I was stalling for time was because she had failed to realize I was working my magic behind me. As all eyes faced her I had quietly shut down my lieutenants and my suppression fields along with Twilight’s and Rainbow Dash’s. I then checked everyponies’ armor and weapons to make sure they were all set. After I believed we were ready I looked at that gloating little fool of a solar channeler and stated, “Well, I believe you neglected to realize one thing.” She laughed some more and wiped a tear from her eye. “Hahaha what didn't I realize? You've got nowhere to go! What ya gonna do? What ya gonna doooooo?” she gloated. I merely said “This,” before I blurred forward and swung my scythe down in a vertical strike. Her eyes went to the size of dinner plates, but she did not have enough time to react. I heard the scraping of metal as my scythe’s blade went right though her helmet and buried itself all the way down the pole in her forehead. She made a gurgling yelp before she fell over after I quickly yanked my scythe out. Her fellow solar channelers scrambled away from her in horror. I then yelled “Attack!” and everypony jumped into the fray. It was obvious that their overconfidence had gotten the better of them. While yes they did indeed have the numbers on us, but they did not have the skill. The forest soon exploded into the chaos of combat as we fought to defend ourselves. Twilight was dodging around with Spike and making several blows on enemies. While she did not seem to be making any fatal hits, her katana melted right their armor and may have burned off a leg or two. Spike just held onto her back and would sometimes breathe out some flames to ward away enemies behind her. Applejack and Shadow Dancer were holding their own against a few lycans. While they had the speed against Applejack they just could not puncture her thick plates as she bucked them square in the chest. These bucks were only made all the more powerful from the kinetic energy her armor was absorbing from all the failed attacks on her. Shadow Dancer, on the other hoof, was just flipping around Applejack and eviscerating the rogue soldiers as they got flung away from her. As I looked around I saw Fluttershy cowering and holding onto Gray Mane’s back. Her shepard’s staff would sometimes slip, bash some enemy soldier on the head, and cause them to go rigid. This was somehow working out quite well in regards to Gray Mane’s fighting technique. Each time an enemy soldier would get frozen in place Gray Mane would turn and have his gruesome way with them. Rarity and Night Star also seemed to be playing off of each other’s strengths. They were in a way enchanting to watch. They did not just fight, they were somehow dancing around each other in some sort of pattern. Every so often Night Star would spin in place before throwing a knife at an enemy over Rarity’s shoulder and then bowing in front of her. Rarity would then gracefully thrust right over her and impale some poor rogue soldier that gotten too close. Rainbow Dash and Cloud Streak instantly took to the air. Right as somepony got either thrown upwards or tried to fly away, one of them would clip them and throw them back down. While they did not seem to be really openly attacking anypony on the ground, their efforts were causing the enemy soldiers to panic even more as their allies started dropping on top of them. The last duo of Pinkie Pie and Tactic was actually quite hilarious to watch. Tactic would dodge and parry with his dirks before he would trip an enemy. Then right before they fell, Pinkie would jump over, spin on her back hooves, and swing diagonally upwards. The blasting cap enchantment on Pinkie’s mallet would then detonate on impact. The poor fools on the receiving end of this combo would flail helplessly and howl as they sailed towards the sky. The battle continued for quite some time until most of the cowards eventually turned tail and ran. I wanted desperately to chase them down, but truth be told I was completely exhausted. To add to my problems, while my armor had prevented any puncture wounds, the impacts of the many blows I had taken heavily bruised me. In turn not much of my body had any desire to move. As I was about to turn around to check on the others I heard Twilight shout “BLOOD MOON! LOOK OUT!” Time had stopped after I heard a slash of some type behind me. I swallowed hard in response and stood still for a second. I mentally scanned my body, but everything seemed intact and just throbbing from fatigue. I did not turn my head until the smell of burnt fur had permeated the air. I looked behind me to see a short sword was held pointed at my head and it was only a few centimeters away. The rogue vampire that was holding the weapon had a frozen look of shock on his face. It did not take long to notice that their neck had a smoking ring on it. I tapped them with a forehoof and their head slid off as their body fell to the ground. The neck wound had been cauterized all the way through. Twilight was standing right behind the now thoroughly dead rogue vampire. Her katana was held with her magic at first, but her weapon dropped to the ground. As I looked on I noticed her eyes were fixed on the body. It then dawned on me what was happening as I had seen that look many times in the past from new recruits. “Nooo Twilight keep it together,” I said and limped over to her. Red tears started to pour out of her eyes before they squeezed shut. I held her shoulders with my forehooves and stated in firm voice “Twilight look at me!” She shook her head in response until I borderline yelled “LOOK AT ME!” As she opened her eyes it was shown as plain as the moon. She had never taken a life before. It was the reason why she was only disabling the rogue soldiers. While she had indeed saved my life, it had caused a great conflict in her mind. I wrapped forelegs around her before she broke down in my embrace. I looked at everypony else and they did not seem to be doing much better. “Damage report,” I stated over Twilight’s muffled cries. Night Star limped up to me and stated “Mostly minimal injuries. Fluttershy is attending to the wounded as we speak. However, we have a…problem,” before she looked back at the group. I narrowed my eyes in response. I did not like the tone in how she stated the word “problem”. “What do you mean we have a problem?” I inquired. Night Star turned her head toward the rest and said “Applejack, can you please come over here?” Applejack groaned and said “Ah keep tellin’ ya it’s just a scratch. Fluttershy just got it patched up,” as she walked over to us with a slight limp in her right hind leg. “Show me your leg, Applejack,” I said to her. “Ah told ya. It’s just a scr-” she started to state again before Interrupted her. “Show…me…your…leg…Applejack” I growled at her. She started to shake a little bit as she showed me her right hind leg. The side armor plate had seemingly fallen off. There was white cloth bandage that now surrounded the exposed area. I took a deep breath and loosened the bandage with my magic. Then my heart promptly sank in my chest. It was certainly not “just a scratch”. It was a bite wound. A lycan bite wound to be exact. I wrapped her leg back up as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I then took another and then another. After a minute had passed I opened my eyes and squeezed the still shaking Twilight. “I am going to be honest with you, Applejack. You have been bitten by a lycan. I am so very sorry, but there is no going back. You will change sooner…or later. It is only a matter of time,” I lamented. Her strong facade started to break as she said “Ah’m…Ah’m gonna turn into one of those…those monsters?” She started to tear up until we heard a loud protesting “HEY!” Shadow Dancer angrily stomped up next to her “Who you callin’ a monster missy?! Well maybe Gray Mane, but he don’t count.” We heard another “Hey!” come from Gray Mane this time before Shadow Dancer continued “Anyway, So ya done got yerself bitten. Well ah say big fat hairy arse deal. It ain’t the end of the damn world. All it means is ya get to fetch yer own newspaper in the mornin’.” He then gently shoved her with his right shoulder as she chuckled a little and wiped her eyes. He then turned to face Twilight and said “and hey princess.” I narrowed my eyes at him before stating, “Be very careful with those words of your’s Shadow Dancer,” as Twilight looked up at him. He waved me off and said “Yeah yeah, anyway. Ya see that fucker down there, Princess?” he said and pointed that the headless body next to us. “That fucker almost impaled yer coltfriend in the face. As ah know fer a fact that Blood Moon doesn't like pointy things in his head, I reckon ya done saved his life. Now ah know from that look in yer eye that sorry excuse down there was yer first kill. But let me tell ya this, that bastard down there probably had deserved far worse. Don’t cry over him, he ain't worth it.” I was not sure how he did it, but he had. Twilight had let out a small chuckle and rubbed her eyes. Even Applejack was not looking so broken up after her grim news. Sometimes all one truly needs is a small laugh and a proper perspective. I shook my head and grinned before stating “Thank you, Shadow Dancer.” He smirked and replied “It’s what ah’m here fer. Now ah reckon we should git the fuck outta here before more of those assholes show up.” “Agreed” I said before helping everypony to get moving. The remaining trip to the emergency meeting point went according to plan. There was parameter guards around the area as there normally should have been and they did not look to have seen any combat recently which certainly was a positive. As we arrived I asked one of the guards for a report from Canterlot. She just looked at me as tears start to flow down her face as she pointed to an observation tower. With little delay I limped my way up the stairs of the tower and looked towards the direction of the city. “Nooo! It cannot be! No no no no NO!” I stated over and over again as I broke one of tower railings. Canterlot, my home for over a century, the place I took an oath to protect, burned. > Chapter 28: Aftermath and Strained Relations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I glared at the burning city in the distance and in addition to the fire, small plumes of smoke emanated from it. The plumes rose up and condensed into a single shifting pillar before adding to the smoke screen covering the sky. I could feel my anger flare in my mind as I continued my gaze at the tragedy that continued to unfold. However, the inclusion of my feeling of helplessness quickly turned my anger into a thoughtless rage as I clenched my teeth together until they bled. A red haze started to cover my eyes and I felt my blood magic begin to crackle in the air around me. As my rage began to intensify, I felt a hoof on my right shoulder. “We cannot afford to lose control, Blood Moon. You need to contain your fury until when it is needed,” I heard a familiar voice next to me. The short statement distracted me enough to collect my senses. The red haze faded back from my eyesight as I took several deep breaths to calm myself. I then wiped the blood off my mouth with my left forehoof and without even looking next to me I said, “With all due respect, but should you not be monitoring the evacuation, General?” I could almost hear her smirk next to me. “They can spare a moment while I investigate why several guards abandoned their posts when this tower began to glow crimson red,” she replied. My eyes remained staring forward, not looking at her. “Canterlot is burning and here I am helplessly watching it blaze as our enemies have their way with the city. But regardless, your concerns are noted and I am in control once more. You are free to return your attention to matters more worthy of your time, General,” I responded putting a slight emphasis on the last word. Not even bothering to hide the bitterness that had become well apparent in my tone. “I did not come here to search for a fight, Blood Moon. I came here to check and ensure that you and everypony with you were unharmed. Now, how are they?” she said with mild annoyance in her tone. I narrowed my eyes and still did look at her. “I do not know. Is that an ‘order’, General?” I replied. She stomped a forehoof on the floor and I could feel her gaze on the side of my face. “Oh by the moon, drink this damn it! You are always so defiant and uncooperative when you have not fed recently!” she said and slapped a full blood cylinder next to my face. I was about to state something else, but she quickly snapped, “If you do not drink that this second, then I am going to hold you down and force feed you before we continue this conversation!” At that I sat down, lowered my helm, and lifted the cylinder with my magic. I then popped the lid, sniffed it, and drained it in a few long draughts. Afterwards I placed the cylinder next to me and continued to look forward. “At your…'order'…I have fed. What do you wish to know…General?” I said with a scowl and narrowed eyes I could feel her angry glare had not let up on me. Then after only a moment she grabbed my head with her forehooves and forced me to look at her. “Now see here you stubborn fool! If I had not done what I did, you and everypony with you would have had your pelts on display over some rogue officer’s mantelpiece for all to see! There was nothing you or I could have…could have done…” she replied yelling at first, but her voice cracked near the end. The burning anger in her eyes soon drained out into a deep sorrow. Her shaky forehooves slipped off the sides of my face as I saw a single red tear fall from her right golden eye. “Our home…burns” she said as if the fact had just been fully realized in her mind. She then faced the direction of the burning city and sat down as she added “There…there was nothing I could do. I had…failed everypony.” It was then I realized just how foalish I had been acting towards her. As much anger and sorrow that I had felt, it was minute compared to the feeling of utter defeat she must have been experiencing. The great general of the lunar forces, and for all her power, she could not prevent this disaster. I placed a hoof on her shoulder and said “I apologize, Black Wing. You were merely doing what you thought best at the time. And truth be told, you were correct in your judgement. Nothing short of you ordering me would have forced me and the others to flee the city,” I said with a small smile. She wiped a tear from her eye and said “It was certainly not easy for me to command you in such a manner. However, I do hope it was worth the effort to get everypony here unharmed.” I frowned before she looked at me and slightly narrowed her eyes. “Everypony did make did make the journey unharmed, correct, Blood Moon?” she inquired. After I let out a sigh I stated “Not as well as we would have hoped. We were ambushed shortly after leaving the emergency portal gate. While the others had minor injuries, Applejack...got bitten by a Lycan.” “What?! How?!” Black Wing blurted out. I shook my head and took a deep breath. “One of her hind leg panels fell off and they appeared to have gotten in a lucky strike. I do not know where they came from. They only stated they were waiting by order there for anypony coming through portal before encountering us. The leader of their group would have stated more, but I buried my scythe in her smug little forehead before she could do so,” I replied, glancing at her. Black Wing snarled, swung, and smashed the rest of the railing in front of us off the tower with her right forehoof. “Blast and damnation! Did those insidious bastards know of everything?!” she growled out. I clicked my teeth together a few times and replied “While it may just be my overactive paranoia again, but this attack did not appear to have been thrown together at the last minute. It looked to be intricately planned and executed if the smoke screen covering the sky and the ambush were any evidence. However, what is more worrying is that for such an attack to happen as it did, it pushes the fact that we very well may have a traitor among us.” She took a few breaths and stated, “Normally I would not jump so easily to such rash conclusions, but your paranoia seems to match my own suspicions. We can only hope for everyponies’ sake that we are mistaken." Nothing else was said as we both walked out of the observation tower. After which we located the frightened guards that had fled and told them that the problem of the “crimson light” had been taken care of. The fact that they were so terrified wounded me slightly. With only a mere a slip in my control, I had ponies running for the proverbial hills. I thought about this fact until I rejoined Twilight and the others. Twilight was concerned at first of my disappearance, but she seemed to know that I was not in the mood for inquires and did not state anything more. She just kissed me on the cheek and went back to reading my tome. Perhaps I would have to talk to her later regarding the incident, but now was neither the time nor the place. So the day continued as more and more soldiers arrived from the city. Reports explained the city had indeed fallen to the rogue units but for some reason they just surrounded themselves around the royal palace and remained there. Why they had done so was unknown. Only pure guesses and hunches dominated in that regard. However, what did surprise me is that after half the day had passed, soldiers from the crystal empire started to show up in our time of need. I had supposed that the news of the fallen royal city had spread faster than I had imagined. Regardless, it was pleasing to see that we had some reinforcements. As I looked on I spotted Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor among the group. “Cadence! Shining!” I heard Twilight squeal with joy, galloped up to them, and then hugged both of them in turn. Shining’s eyes seemed to light up when he saw his sister. “Twilly! How’s my little sister doing?” he stated. Cadence seemed shake her head at the comment. “Shining, she’s a princess now. Not much of a little filly anymore,” she said in a joking tone. “Aww she’ll always be my little sis,” he replied before he stated, “Where’s your bodyguard? 'Blood Moon' I think his name was.” I took a deep breath and walked toward them. “I am here, your grace. I ensure your sister is in good hooves,” I stated and gave a respectful bow. “Ahh there you are,” he replied. Everything appeared to be normal until I noticed that he leered at me for a second when Twilight and Cadence looked in a different direction. At first I thought it was my imagination, but for some reason I felt in the pit of my stomach that the future did not bode well for me. However, I did not let it show on my face. The last thing I would need to tip him off to my nervousness. So the day continued until I supposed it was nighttime. Although it was difficult to tell as my state of time was thrown off due to the smoke screen above us. However it was something that would need to be sorted out later. To my luck though everypony was given a few hours rest before the counter attack meeting began and I was going to utilize it. But lately my plans rarely seem to work out for me. As I was walking to my camp to meet Twilight and the rest, I heard some rustling in the trees next to me. I summoned my scythe and fully armored myself. I then scanned the forest and stated in a stern voice, “Who is out there?!” Now I was expecting either silence or a rogue soldier to assault me. What happened in reality was not something I anticipated. Shining Armor jumped out of the tree line wearing his full crystal armor. He spun on his hind legs and slapped my scythe out of my forehooves before he pinned me to a tree with his right foreleg. I blinked a few times and realized that the point of his crystal sword was only a few centimeters from my face. He stared at me though his helm and said in a mocking tone, “You know. News gets around reeeal fast. And rumor has it that you’re doing more than just ‘protecting’ my little sister.” My mind went blank at his accusation. He was not incorrect in his judgment as me and Twilight were indeed doing other…things. However I find it rather difficult to make proper responses when I have a sword pointed directly at my face. Then as I was about to respond, I heard Twilight gasp. “What are you doing, Shining?!” she yelled in shock. He looked Twilight and said, “Oh I’m just having a little talk with Blood Moon here.” “With a sword to his face?!” she yelled in reply. He merely just turned his glare back to me and said, “Yeah. A real…firm talk.” I looked to my right as twilight walked closer to us. She then fully armorer herself and said “Let him go this instant!” “No! Not until I have a talk with lover colt here!” he looked at her and snapped. I was not certain what irritated me more. Was it the fact that he was treating me like I was an adolescent that needed to be disciplined? Or maybe it the fact that he was openly snapping at Twilight? Regardless of the reason, the result was the same in that my initial look of surprise was soon replaced with a doom glare at him. I could even feel my blood magic spark from my horn as a small amount of red haze covered my eyes. Then as his angry gaze returned to me he looked surprised for a moment before his eyes took on a darker look. His voice soon developed this strange tone before he stated, “Beware beware the enraged glare. There’s blood and gore in that crimson stare.” And I admit I was taken back for a moment as I remembered that little poem from many moons ago. It was an unfortunate insult that spread like wildfire after I joined the royal guard. I had completely forgotten about the distasteful thing until Shining stated it. I chuckled and said “Now there is something I have not heard in a long time.” He narrowed his eyes even further on me in response. “So it’s fucking true! I had my suspicions when I helped you with your little ‘project’ at the Apple family orchard, but now this proves it. The princesses sent the ‘The Blood Demon from The Town Hall’ to protect my sister?!” he yelled in my face. “That's enough, Shining Armor!” Twilight yelled at him before she drew her katana and placed the blade right under his throat. Small green flames sprouted up from the blade and I looked down to see the blade was starting to scorch his crystal neck armor. He glanced at Twilight and then snarled at me “Release my sister you bastard!” I struggled under his right foreleg on my throat and said “I…do not command…her actions.” He glared at me and yelled “LIAR!” in my face. Twilight pressed her blade closer to his throat and yelled “SHINING ARMOR! I’m in control of my own mind! However, it seems you’ve obviously lost yours! If you don’t release him this instant then I am going to cut your head right off your neck!” I had to give credit to Twilight in the way she made her threat. I do not believe I have ever seen fear in somepony’s eyes as Shining Armor had. It was probably due to the fact they she very well may have not been lying. In turn, he just swallowed a few times and lowered me to the ground and stepped away. Twilight kept the point of her katana directed at him as he stepped backwards several paces. She then slowly walked over to me and said “Are you alright?” I stood up and shook my head, “Yes, I believe so. Thank you for your assistance. However, I believe me and Prince Shining Armor do need that ‘Talk’,” I said in a somber tone. “There's nothing I want to say to you, Blood Demon,” he snapped and continued to glare at me. I chuckled and said “'The Blood Demon from The Town Hall'. Now that is a name I thought everypony had moved passed by now. With all due respect do you know why they called me that name?” “Because you killed dozens of royal guards in cold blood,” he replied narrowing his eyes. “Correction, I slew dozens of solar channelers. There is a grand difference there. Regardless of that, do you know why I did it?” I inquired while I picked up my scythe, lowered my helm, and started walking towards him. “It doesn’t fucking matter. You’re a fucking monster!” he snapped back. My blood magic sparked on my horn a little bit from the word “monster”, but I still took a few slow steps closer to him and said “Oh, but it does matter as to why. Or did that less than pleasant part get removed from the royal history books?” He just silently glared at me as I got closer. So I continued my slow pace forward and said “Ahh so you do not know the whole story. Well I shall enlighten you then. Now imagine you are an orphan when you were but a foal. However you soon had gotten adopted by a member of my kind who cared and nurtured you the best he could. Now imagine the only other pony you called a friend was a filly by the name of ‘Pure Blood’ who was also orphaned.” I took a deep breath remembering the past before continuing, “Now imagine down the years you grew to be quite smitten with that same filly. Then one fateful day, only a few weeks after getting turned into a vampire for the purpose of protecting your village, did that very same village come under attack. Though we had done nothing wrong, the Solar Channelers attacked us none the less. In turn they started slaying everypony that they saw, vampire or otherwise.” As I continued my slow pace toward Shining Armor, his face seemed to grow uneasy. “Now imagine you are running through town before having to hear your adopted father’s grisly death. Then after that you attempt take refuge with a mare who was that very same filly from moons past. Then imagine that mare, your heart’s desire, your lover, the one you cannot truly live without get torn from your hooves and slain before your very eyes,” I said as Shining Armor started to take a few steps backwards as I walked towards him. “So you go berserk and slay those that killed your lover, your father, and everypony you ever grew up with. Then only to have a town hall dropped on you in retaliation. Ooooh, but your miserable existence did not end there oh no. You later get mercifully revived by Princess Celestria and now have to spend the next one hundred and eighty years dreaming that same nightmare every time you sleep…over…and over…and over. Watching everypony you ever knew and loved from that day die…over…and over…and over again,” I said in a dark voice as Shining Armor bumped into a tree behind him, preventing him from going any farther backwards. As I walked up to him he accidentally dropped his sword, but he did not seem to notice. He just stood there shaking and staring wide eyed at me. So I walked up to where I was looking right in his eyes and said “Lastly imagine you are charged with the protection of a princess. Then you are forced to watch on helplessly as she gets impaled the very same way your true heart’s desire did all those moons ago by the very…same…pony. Know this, I did not turn Twilight because I wanted to. I did so, so she would not perish and in doing so, she somehow helped repair my mind.” A red tear dripped down the left side of my face as I remembered how I almost lost Twilight. However I continued to look into Shining Armor’s eyes and said “Your sister has given more to me than you will ever know. Just when I thought I could never fall in love again, I did. I would gladly defend her to my dying breath and beyond if I had to.” Shining Armor slid down the tree into a sitting position. He took off his helmet and wiped a tear from his eye. “I’m…sorry…I...I didn’t know,” he said in a voice just barely above a whisper. I frowned as he looked at the ground. "And here we are conversing about your sister's love life and my past while Canterlot burns. The very same city I, and I guarantee you in the past, had taken an oath to protect," I said as I felt Twilight's hoof on my shoulder. "I think he's had enough, Blood Moon," Twilight said in a sorrowful tone. After a few moments I took a deep breath and helped Shining back on his hooves. He then picked up his sword and sheathed it. I then sighed and said “You are right Twilight, we had better get back to camp our respective camps" before looking at Shining and adding "I would imagine Princess Cadence is wondering you are, your grace.” He just chuckled and replied “Please call me Shining. That ‘your grace’ stuff really bugs me. But yeah, running off in the middle of the night is not usually my thing. I’m probably gonna get an ear full.” “The things we do for the ones we love hmm?” I said and grinned. “That’s the truth,” he said with a chuckle before we began our journey back his camp site while continuing to converse along the way. After a short amount of time we had arrived at our destination and he started to walk away from us. However before he got too far I called after him. He turned around and said “Yeah?” “Do not take your significant other for granted. You never know when you can lose them,” I said. He just smiled and said “Thanks for the advice.” I then bit my lip for a second in thought and said “Also one more thing.” He raised an eyebrow and said “Yeah? What’s that?” I narrowed my eyes and wore a mischievous grin as I said “For the recond...I am sleeping with your sister.” His face scrunched up in response right before Twilight promptly hoofed me on the back of the head. “Was that really necessary?” Twilight said right after Shining Armor turned and walked to his camp. “When you get a sword pointed at your eyes from an angry sibling, you try to take your victories where you can,” I retorted. “However regardless of that, how did you find me with such haste?" She just giggled to herself and said, "He was giving you the evil eye when they got here. I figured he'd try something stupid so I secretly followed him around. I was right." I embraced her to show my gratitude and as I pulled away I saw her face was flushed. I then smiled and stated, "We need to make our way back to our own camp. I have no doubt in my mind that the counter-attack meeting is going to be nothing less than grim. We need to get as much rest as we can obtain in only a few hours." Just then a thought soon nagged my mind until it was brought forth. My eyes quickly widened in shock as I yelped, "By the moon! We need to check on Applejack!" > Chapter 29: Desperate Measures > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had turned off my suppression field shortly before racing through the forest. The ground flung up in clouds of dirt and plant life as all manner of obscenities were spewing forth from my mouth. As Twilight was struggling to keep up she managed to state, “What’s…wrong …with Applejack?” through winded breaths. I kept my eyes facing the destination of our camp and labored to get my thoughts together. “Applejack has…been bitten…remember? With her…not enchanted…she is a danger…to herself…and others,” I stated as my muscles started to burn. Twilight was silent only for a moment. “I thought they…only went…crazy during…full moons?” she inquired between now ragged breaths. “hahaha…yes that is…rich,” I said in a mocking tone before adding, “No…the moon…just makes them…worse…all thanks…to discord’s…thrice damned…sense of humor. The unenchanted ones…are just…significantly less controlled. Please…remind me…to hoof discord…directly in...the stomach…the next chance…we get.” In response I heard Twilight state something quite unlady like as we increased our pace. We were only about a minute from camp when I heard a loud yelp. A mere moment later I saw something fly directly at me. Before I knew what was happening I was ripped right off my hooves before abruptly stopping after colliding with a pine tree. My ears rang and my vision blurred for a second before I realized it was Shadow Dancer on top of me. “Get off me you oaf!” I protested, but he did not respond. So I shoved him off of me and he flopped hard on his side He then coughed a few times while seemingly quite dazed and said “Did somepony get the number on that there train. Ah think it was orange…with apples on the side.” “By the moon! Shadow Dancer, what happened?!” I replied while fumbling to check him for injuries. “Applejack…done lost her mind. Now…if ya’ll excuse me...ah’mma…ah’mma gonna pass out now,” he said right before he lost consciousness. I had attempted to shake him a few times, but he was out cold. Although it did not take long to notice that the front of his armor had several deep gouges and indents in it. I heard Twilight rush over before stating “Oh my gosh what happened?!” I just frowned and said “Applejack happened it appears. Please keep an eye on him while I deal with a certain unenchanted friend of your’s” With little delay I left Shadow Dancer with Twilight and sped the remaining way towards our camp. Upon arrive I found that Applejack had indeed turned into her lycan form. To make matters worse she was in the middle of the camp pinning Gray Mane on his back. In defense he had the pole of his battle axe stuffed in her mouth as she was taking swipes at him with her forepaws. What was more worrying however was that she was somehow beginning to overpower him. I then looked around and noticed my other lieutenants were trying to keep Twilight’s other friends away from the danger and were not able to aid him. Gray Mane glance over at me before growling, “Anytime Blood Moon! She’s stronger than she…looks! And her damn enchanted armor isn't helping either! Do something damnit!” I had several thoughts whirling through my head. First and fore most, I needed to get her attention somehow. Secondly I needed some way to disable her long enough to cast a sleep spell on her. After that I needed to locate the lycan control enchantment in my book of shadows so she will not continue her path of destruction when she wakes up. With the tasks in mind I snapped out of my trance, summoned my scythe, and fully raised my armor. I then decided on a simple yet amusing way to focus her ire on me, attack her pride. I took a deep breath and bellowed, “APPLEJACK! APPLES ARE HORRID! PEARS ARE FAR SUPERIOR!” while shaking a forehoof in the air. The result of which however worked far too well for my liking. She, in response, snarled in burning rage before smashing Gray Mane in the face with both of her forepaws. Then after she knocked him out cold, she then dove at me, fangs and claws bared. I did not have enough time to react properly so I just put my scythe’s pole in front of me in defense. This however proved to be a poor decision when I remembered why Gray Mane was having difficulty with her, her enchanted armor. The armor’s enchantments amplified her strength and flung me back into a tree. As my vision was swimming I vaguely saw her spin on her forelegs and buck at me. Right as the strike was about to hit I dove to the side and heard the sound of a tree get violently smashed off its roots. After swallowing heavily at the thought that the tree could have easily been me, I rolled onto my legs and jumped straight into the air. My logic seemed to have paid off when she dove and landed right where I had just been. However, before she was able to move away I landed right on top of her, slamming her to the ground. I then wrapped my legs around her and locked my armor into statue mode as she attempted to get up. This did not prove to be enough when she stood up with ease and attempted to shake me off. I knew I did not have a grand amount of time before she was going to break free of me. So I decide to rob her of her enhanced strength. My horned started to glow as I reach out with my mind to her armor’s ring. I then stated in my mind, ‘The Cider Press 2.0, Master Override, Captain Blood Moon, Retract and detach.’ Within seconds I felt her armor retract under me and then I saw the armor ring fall of her neck. This however only appeared to enrage her further as she attempted to buck me off with increased vigor. Her efforts ultimately proved to be fruitless before she could no longer support our combine weight. She then fumbled and fell over with me on her back. Without delay I unfused my armor and pinned all of her legs with mine. I then retracted my helm and said “Applejack if you are hearing this, you need to control that beast inside of you. If you cannot do so I will be forced to take measures I would rather not.” Her eyes leered back at me with bestial fury. “I can’t…hurts sooo…bad…so huuuuungry!” her voice snarled out before she started to struggle further. “Applejack please, I implore you! You are stronger than this! Please do not force my hoof!” I replied straining to keep her pinned. This however did little to deter her as she only increased her efforts to free herself. My grip slipped only for a moment, but it was all it took. She managed to free her right foreleg, reach behind herself, and rake the side of my face with her claws. My eyes slammed shut in pain and I yelped in shock as I pinned her leg again. But my efforts were now made in vain. The scent of my blood was the last straw that overpowered her remaining will. The beast inside her burned anew and it caused her to flail around as she tried to bite me. Thus again, like so many other times in my life, my hoof had indeed been forced. There was nothing more that I could do and if I did not act soon she was going to break free of my hold to resume her onslaught against the others. My mind spun through all the options that I had at my disposal. I could not focus long enough to work my magic to stun her. Also waiting for Twilight to cast something in my stead would only put everypony present in danger. In turn there was only one method at the moment that I knew that could stop her. I steeled my will as I said in lament, “I am sorry Applejack. Please know that I truly hate resorting to this.” I then lean my head back, opened my mouth, and drove my fangs into the side of her neck. Blood spilled into my mouth as I felt her heart speed up. Then for some unknown reason she stopped struggling against me. Also to make the situation even stranger she kept shuttering every few seconds. I raised an eyebrow in response as my puzzlement grew. ‘What is going on here? Is…is she enjoying this? No no noooo, it has to be a ploy…right? She is juuuust trying to get my guard down and then strike. But enraged lycans usually are not that crafty, but this is Applejack though. I…hmmm,’ I thought to myself as my confusion did not dissipate. After draining her for about two minutes I felt her muscles relax and I had figured she had passed out from blood loss. Right as I was about to pull my fangs out I heard somepony clear their throat before they stated, “Umm Blood Moon, what in Equestria are you doing to Applejack?” I looked up to see Twilight looking at me in both confusion and worry. “I amf affemfinf fo maff herf paff ouf” I said trying to speak, but I found it rather difficult to speak with a mouth full of Applejack neck. “What?” she replied tilting her head. I rolled my eyes and pulled fangs out before licking her bite wound. As I had figured the small infusion of life force healed the wound. There was no denying now the fact that Applejack was indeed a lycan. I sighed and said, “I said that I was attempting to make her pass out. She would not let me cast any spells so this was the only option.” “Are you sure that was necessary?” Twilight retorted. I turned my head to show her the rake marks on my face and said “You tell me…” “Oh my gosh! Are you alright?!” Twilight replied in shock. “I am fine. How are the others?” I said rubbing my face. “They’re doing okay I suppose. Shadow Dancer’s getting patched up by Fluttershy. Dear Celestia, Applejack really did a number on him. He’s got bruises everywhere and several broken teeth. Last I checked Gray Mane was still out cold. From the scratch marks on his face I assume that was Applejack’s doing as well” she said. I merely nodded in reply. “Yeah that’s what I figured. The others are alright just a bit jumpy," she added. I rubbed my face again and said “It is good to hear that most of us were unharmed. However, what is puzzling me is why did Applejack stop struggling right after I bit her?” “Hmm? What do you mean?” she replied. “Just as I said, I bit her, she stop struggling. Her body just kept shuttering for some reason. It was rather stra…what are you looking at?” I said raising an eyebrow. Twilight’s face had scrunched up and she had a hoof in front her mouth as if she was attempting to hold back laughter. In confusion I tilted my head and looked down at Applejack. Then my face turned three shades of red as I said “Was she doing what I think she was…oh she was…well that explains a few things. I umm…this is…unprecedented.” Twilight giggled a few times and said, “Yup Applejack was reeeeally enjoying herself with you hehehe. Oh Celestia that awkward smile on her face is just priceless. Good thing Rainbow Dash didn’t see this otherwise she’d never live this down.” Twilight then pointed a forehoof Applejack and added, “We probably should move her hoof away from…herself…before everypony sees this.” My face heated up even further in embarrassment and I had opened my mouth a few times to say something, but nothing came out. I just ended up stuffing my face in my forehooves before stating, “Can you please hoof me my tome so I can enchant her? I very much would like to forget this ever happened.” Twilight just laughed as she floated me my tone and put Applejack into a less compromising position. It was surely going to be one of “those” days. After I enchanted Applejack, Twilight went to help the others and left me to watch over Applejack in one of our tents. Applejack looked quite peaceful lying unconscious on one of our cots. You would almost think that she had not attempted to rip me and two my lieutenants to pieces twenty minutes ago. I did not know how long she so was going to be out so I reached over to examine my tome only to realize it was missing. I laughed despite myself in that Twilight must have grabbed it on her way out. “What’s so funny?” I heard Applejack say next to me. “What? Oh Twilight took my tome again. I swear I may never get it back. Regardless, how are you feeling?” I replied. She just rubbed her face and said “Like an apple tree fell on me. Dear Celestia ah had the craziest dream. Ah dreamt that ah beat the daylights out of Shadow Dancer and Gray Mane. Then for some reason ah was pleasurin’ mahself while ya were slurpin’ on mah neck. Haha like ah said, crazy dream huh?” “Indeed, heh heh heh yes...crazy dream,” I said not looking at her. “Ahh horseapples. That actually happened didn't it? Please tell me everypony’s okay,” she groaned while touching where I had bitten her. “Everypony is doing fine for the most part. We have been through much worse than an out of control lycan,” I said smiling at her. I then added “Do not worry, you have been enchanted and that should at least alleviate most of your instability. However, as I see you are doing better I am going to-” before I was interrupted by somepony’s voice outside our tent. “Captain Blood Moon, the princesses require your attendance at the counter-attack meeting,” she said with a hint of nervousness in her tone. I replied “Acknowledged” and then proceeded to smash my forehooves into my face a few times before grumbling “No rest for the wicked it appears ugh. By the moon it is as if it is on damned cue.” So I dragged my tired body around our small camp and gathered everypony for a meeting I had no desire attending. Now do not get me wrong, I truly wanted Canterlot liberated from the rogue factions, but these types of meetings do nothing…at all. The Lunar and Solar forces only functioned so well because we normally did not have to work together. We are the night guard, they are the solar guard, period. So when we come to “delightful” times such as these, there shall be nothing but glares of disdain abound and overwhelming tension. I would even go as to say it shall probably end the same way all the others do, with General Black Wing and General Solar Burn at each other’s throats yet again. Perhaps even with the amusing addition of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna attempting to keep them from slaying each other. When we arrived I took notice of the quite large round table that dominated the small clearing. Officers from Lunar, Solar, and Crystal forces along with Princess Luna, Princess Celestia, Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor were seated around it. I begrudgingly found two empty seats between both the Lunar and Crystal officers and then sat down with Twilight. It was going to be several minutes before the meeting “officially” started so I took the time to develop an absolutely displeased scowl. I may have been forced to be here, but I was not forced to enjoy it and I surely was going to make it known. In addition to my growing displeasure, I had begun mindlessly analyzing the other officers for anypony I knew. This however stopped when I spotted General Solar Burn sitting in all his arrogance next to Princess Celestia on the other side of the table. I could feel my teeth clench and my eyes narrow, but kept my rage from bubbling over. Oh what I would not have given to be able to throttle him for all the trouble he has given me and countless others down the years. I would never be able to forgive him for his warmongering that resulted in the complete destruction of innocent lives. My hateful leer did not break until Princess Celestia had announced the meeting had begun. And so this farce of a meeting started. Points and counter-points were made back and forth several times between everypony with no progress. As the first hour had been burn away my mind started to wander from the sheer boredom. At first I was thinking about more solid methods of reclaiming for the city. However none of them seemed to really work in my head and before long my thoughts soon shifted to the ridiculous. I grinned and thought, ‘They should just drop a bomb on the city or flood the place with nerve gas. Surely that would remove the problem hahahahaaa…hmm?’ I paused for a moment as I thought about the completely absurd idea. Something in back of my mind seemed to nag at me and make the idea somehow more realistic. ‘No, I cannot be seriously thinking of bombing the city. I would rather not even fathom the thought of destroying lives in such a manner. There lies only madne…wait a moment…lives…lives…life? Destroy life…destroy life force? Why does this…waaaaiiiit a moooooment. THAT IS IT!” I spoke in mind right before my eyes snap wide open. I then started to furiously search the small crowd behind us for Applejack. As I spotted her I turned around and waved her to come closer. Upon seeing me she tilted her head and walked over with a puzzled look on her face. When she got to me she looked back and forth a few times and said “If ya need something Ah’d make it quick as those guards over there are given me the stink eye,” I told her to lean closer and then I whispered “How big is your apple orchard?” “Huh? What do ya mean?” she replied. “Compared to Canterlot. How big is your orchard? Is it smaller or larger?” I inquired She scratched her head for a moment and whispered, “Well if ah had to hazard a guess ah’d say a little bit bigger. Why ya ask?” I pursed my lips and replied “Just a crazy thought. Thank you.” She chuckled and whispered, “If yer hopin’ to buy the place we ain’t sellin’ heh heh,” before winking at me. I quietly laughed a bit and replied “No, it is nothing like that. Thank you for your assistance.” She then nodded and walked away. Then the very second she turned to leave I scrambled for something to write on. But upon finding nothing I resorted to picking up a small rock and scratching numbers and equations into the table in front of me. My fevered thoughts flowed out of my head as I worked until I realized that my crazy little idea could actually work. But then fear started to sink into my heart. Yes, it was true the idea could work, the very thought of unleashing something so terrible on the city was unthinkable. There was no way in Tartarus the Princesses would go for it or at least I really hoped they did not. But then something slowly dawned on me. Everypony at the table was really quiet for some reason. I looked up from my furious calculations to see everypony looking at me in either confusion or annoyance. To my displeasure it was Solar Burn that broke the silence, “Are we boring you, Blood Moon? Perhaps a guard could get you a coloring book instead of you noisily grinding that rock of your’s into the table.” I saw General Black Wing turn red in anger, but I signaled for her to settle down. I then cleared my throat, grinned, and stated, “With all due respect, this is not just some random musing. It is a plan of sorts that I was mulling over. However, I am sure the plan you possess is far superior. Am I correct?” His face turned several shades of red in what I assumed was both embarrassment and anger. He kept trying to say something, but nothing came out. After a moment of silence Princess Celestia spoke up, “The table is open to all ideas, Blood Moon. Please feel free to speak them.” I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again. “With your permission, I would like to speak with you and Princess Luna in private. It is a bit of a sensitive matter I intend to discuss,” I said biting my lip in nervousness. Solar Burn laughed and said “Ha, why should we follow one of your crazy ideas?” “In lieu of no other solid plans, it could work. And even if I succeed, you very well may not see me ever again,” I replied, narrowing my eyes. “I love this plan already,” he replied and as silence overtook the table, the only sound that remained, was his wretched laughter. > Chapter 30: Reclaiming a Fallen City: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solar Burn only continued laughing until Princess Celestia glared at him. Even then while this silenced him, it did not remove the wicked grin he still possessed as the table quieted down. Nopony said a single word or if they did it was too quiet to be audible. After a moment of this Princess Celestia got up and stated, “We’ll have a short intermission while me and my sister meet with Captain Blood Moon. Please take this time to gather thoughts on the matters at hoof. ” Whispers surrounded the table as I got up. From what little I did managed to gather it was not of a kind nature. As one would imagine, down the years I had truly gained an infamy of sorts among my fellow officers. Yes, my plans did turn out to work, but they were usually dangerous and quite unorthodox. As a result I was often deemed unpredictable or even crazed by some. But, no matter how hurtful their statements I always seemed to get the last laugh because nopony could deny that I could get results. As I started walking away I heard somepony scrambling out of their chair behind me. Judging by their frantic hoof steps it most likely was Twilight desiring to speak with me. So I in turn altered my course into a small grouping of trees to my right for the sake of giving us some privacy. I had just made my way to them before I heard somepony say “Get back here you!” It appeared I was correct in my initial assumptions. It was indeed Twilight trailing behind me, and given her tone, she was less than pleased. So I stopped and sat next to one of the trees right as she stomped to a halt in front of me. Her purple slitted eyes gave off a burning glow as she leered at me. I raised an eyebrow and said “Twilight I know that you are angry with-” Her eyes narrowed as she growled out “Oooh no no noooo I’m not angry! I’m furious! What do you mean we ‘may not see you again’”?! If you’re trying to get yourself killed I’ve got a right to know!” I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. “Twilight you must understand. There have been certain…developments…that has made me a bit more ‘tight lipped’ if you will. If I tell you what I am planning it could put you at grave risk. I have no desire to see you harmed,” I replied. “I can take of myself! Now, tell me what you are planning…please,” she said and gently placed a hoof on the side of my face. I lifted my own forehoof and placed in on hers soon afterward. I then rubbed it up and down her leg a few times before taking another deep breath. “I apologize Twilight, you are right. Perhaps my position as your bodyguard or more likely your lover has clouded my judgment. Surely the Blood Moon sized hole in that Reaper Knight Arena wall is evidence that you can indeed hold your own,” I said smiling before I leaned in and kissed her. I then hugged her before stating, “However I do not dare speak my plans here. If you wish to hear what I have to say, then please accompany me while I converse with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna in private.” I then paused for a moment and added “Hmm come to think of it. If you could, please locate your brother and Princess Cadence. They have the right to know what they may be getting themselves into as well.” After about five minutes of waiting with Celestia and Luna in a secluded forest area, Twilight came walking up with Shining Armor and Cadence. Then as everypony got situated I asked Twilight to put an anti-sound ward around us. Right after the sounds of the forest cut off I asked Luna to put an obscurus spell around us as well. She looked puzzled for a moment, but did as I asked. An orb of shadow surrounded us and the only light inside came from Celestia glowing horn. Luna was the first to speak, “Blood Moon, you are being very irregular even by your normal standards.” I straightened my back in response and stated “I know this is quite unusual, but I have several important items to mention. I truly do not want anypony else hearing my voice or even reading my lips,” I paused before adding, “But first, before I state what I have to say, are there any other plans to reclaim the city? Besides an all-out invasion I mean?” Luna and Celestia looked at each other before Celestia shook her head. “Unfortunately we don’t have anything else besides a ground invasion planned. The rogue vampires surprised us and grounded most if not all of our own air ships. They somehow got passed our defenses faster than we could properly respond. And while we have other methods at our disposal, they’d only result in an outright destructive siege on what remains of the city.” I sighed and rubbed my face. “That is what I was afraid of. I will start from the top then. First and foremost in regards to how fast they struck us. I had conversed with General Black Wing earlier and we believe there to be a traitor among our ranks. However thinking on that point it becomes more worrying," I said as my mind grew uneasy. “What’d you mean by ‘more worrying’?” Shining Armor questioned. “Given the evidence, somepony had to be of high rank to know how to bypass our defenses in such a manner. I would bet only a certain few know that the defensive wards around the city have been enhanced after the Changeling invasion. Truth be known I only know about them because I almost got attacked by them moons ago when I discovered a strange new invisible field surrounding the city’s outer walls,” I replied and I saw Celestia, Luna and Shining all purse their lips but said nothing. “However, it gets worse. In regards to the emergency portal gates, there are only seven ponies that knew about them. Five of them are sitting here, meaning me, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, and Shining. The only other two are General Black Wing and General Solar Burn. Now being me, Twilight, her friends, and my lieutenants were ambushed by an enemy officer who knew about these very portals the conclusions drawn are troubling,” I said growing even more uneasy. Cadence leaned in and said “Are you insinuating either Celestia’s or Luna’s own General could be in leagues with the enemy?” “With all due respect, I do not make my statements lightly, Princess. These are just the facts that I have gathered. Truth be told, I hope I am incorrect in my assessment for multiple reasons,” I replied as a knot formed in my stomach. Celestia must have sensed my uneasiness. She soon cleared her throat and said “While troubling, I can’t disprove your statements, Blood Moon. However, while we consider those implications, what was this plan of action you talked about earlier?” That is when I truly became uneasy. I now had to state the horrid little plan that I scraped together on a meeting table using nothing but a rock and the table’s own surface. Beads of sweat started to form on my head as I furiously attempted to gather my thoughts. The addition of my current company only served to exacerbate the issue. However, after I wiped a variable waterfall from my face and fixed my armor’s ring several times did I state, “Alright my plan.” After a few seconds of complete silence had passed I heard Luna say, “And thy plan is what, Blood Moon?” “Right...the plan. yes…I…oh please tell me we have something else then this?!” I blurted out. “What’s wrong?” I heard Twilight say next to me as I nervously started tapping my forehooves together at a rather increasing pace. My eyes darted around to a few times before I said, “Fine, I will state it! Back at Applejack’s apple orchard we had gathered a large amount of something that absolutely terrifies me. In order to fix the orchard we tipped the scale of life and death heavily towards the side of life. That dark energy that lashed out at us was in reality death energy in its purest form. It is a force of nature that was trying to remove the source of the disruption, my ritual. Now being that you cannot simply destroy energy we stored it in some absorption crystals and put it in a box of energy sealing.” I wiped more sweat off of my face and continued, “In each living thing resides this energy’s opposite or as we know as ‘life force’. It is the ‘fire’ that keeps us living and some beings like myself and others present can keep it burning beyond regular life spans. But, this force of life is kept in check by ambient levels of ‘death energy’ around us that slowly negate it to prevent dreadful things from happening. My plan is to tip the scale of life and death towards death by opening that same box of energy sealing in the middle of the city.” Silence reigned supreme for almost a minute before Shining spoke up, “But…but that would…” “Keep the structures of the city intact while literally sucking the life out of every living thing inside the city walls,” I interjected sweating even more. Shining paled, which was quite the feat being he had white fur. Everypony else on the other hoof looked to be in various mixtures of unpleasant emotions. Well, all except for Celestia whose eyes showed that the gears were whirling in her mind. She then bit her lip until it bled before saying “What would it take for this plan to work?” Luna gasped and said, “Sister! You are not surely considering this?! In no dishonor to Blood Moon but this plan would be madness in the highest level!” “What choice do we have, Luna? This is an act of desperation in desperate times. We've tried to come up with other plans and been left wanting. Either way our subjects will be forced to suffer and there’s little we can do to prevent it. We just have no better option to save the city,” Celestia replied but her steeled composure started to crumble. She then shut her eyes as a single tear flowed out of her right eye. More tears began to flow until Luna put a hoof on her shoulder. The sight of seeing Celestria like this gave me no joy. I could not even begin to fathom the amount of strain she was under. A lesser pony would have easily collapsed under such stress, but she endured. After a few deep breaths Celestia had collected herself enough to say, “Again, what would it take for this plan to work?” The sight of her burden made my fears and worries seem minute. If she could endure such hardships then I could endure mine. With empowered strength of will, I gathered my thoughts before stating, “First I must ask where is that Box of Energy Sealing being stored, princess? “We were unsure how dangerous it was so we put it in the forbidden section of the magical archives in a sealed vault. You’ll need me or my sister to unlock it for you,” Celestia replied almost back to her normal self. After tapping my left fang a few times with a forehoof I narrowed my eyes in thought. “We will need a grand distraction to pull the majority of the rogue units away from royal palace. Unless it is for further evacuation of citizens I would highly advise against any of our forces from entering the city itself. Me and a small group will infiltrate the palace and recover what we seek. Also while in no disrespect to you princess, but as we require stealth for this, I would like to request Princess Luna accompany me,” I said smiling. Celestia’s mood lighted up as she laughed a bit. “Oh come now. I’m not that flashy am I?” she replied wiping off the last bit of her tears. Luna half narrowed her eyes in a joking manner and said, “Sister, you can hardly walk through the royal gardens without everypony knowing you are there. In being the Princess of the Sun, you are the exact opposite of the definition of ‘stealth’.” “She has a point there, Celestia. You do tend to stand out in crowds,” Cadence jokingly added. I heard Twilight snicker next to me and even Shining smiled before just shrugging. Celestia put her forelegs up in front of herself and laughed before stating, “Alright alright I can take a hint. I’ll spearhead our little ‘distraction’ instead. However while we’re all here anyway, does anypony else have any other suggestions?” Shining crossed his forelegs and scrunched his face in thought. “I suggest we split our forces into two groups. Canterlot has two main gates into the city. By attacking both at the same time it will pull the the occupying army in two opposite directions,” he said grinning. Celestia nodded right before Cadence spoke. “Being Luna will be with Blood Moon, Shining and I will lead the second force. In addition, because we don’t know who the traitor is I suggest we make each attacking force a combination of Luna, Solar and Crystal units. Also we should separate the two general just in case. If either of them try something it will be easier to react.” Luna rubbed the bridge of her nose and then stated, “With heavy reluctance I agree with Cadence. I do not think it possible for Black Wing to do such a thing and Solar Burn, while unpleasant at times, has remained loyal for many moons. Either way we should be vigilant to uncover the identity of this traitor as soon as possible.” “Any other input?” Celestia said looking around. After a few seconds of silence I nudged Twilight in the side. “Err umm is there anything me and my friends could help with?” she said nervously. It was pretty obvious Twilight was not used to planning for war. Yes, she did have some experience in the changeling and the ponyville attacks, but this was very different. I had felt bad for putting her on the spot as such in front of everypony. So right before she started to falter I spoke up, “I would request Twilight and Spike be put on the infiltration force with me. The extra magical might would be quite valuable. In addition, while I know the other Elements are not fully battle trained, they do have had some experience in combat. If nothing else having them on the field would be a grand boost for morale.” Twilight let out the breath she was holding as I started to think some more. Soon another idea popped into my head. However, It was an idea that I almost did not wish to state, but desperate times call for desperate measures so I said it anyway. I took a deep breath and said, “I have one last suggestion to make. However I am a bit…hesitant…to state it.” Luna tilted her head and said, “Yes?” My face scrunched up. “Discord could-” I began to state, but a zipper of some sort appeared at the top of the obscurus spell that surrounded us. It then unzipped about a meter and Discord stuck his head in. “I heard my name. You know tia and lulu, its impolite to talk behind somepony’s back. Wait this is one of those secret meetings isn't it? Now where did I leave those black robes and candles?” Discord said and rolled his eyes midway through his statements.” I rubbed my face several times and said “Discord could help with the distraction by using his chaos magic to disrupt our foes…” Discord’s eyes got quite large as he blurted out “You mean I get to have some fun?! You ponies are so duuuulllll lately. Nothing, but idle chatter and grim faces. Soooo can I can I can I? Everypony did a collective groan before Celestia said “Fine Discord. However you-” “SPLENDID! You all can continue your little chatter fest. I got some mayhem to plan bwahahaha!” he said laughing in a quite unpleasant manner. Celestia attempted to say something else, but he zipped the obscurus spell up a moment later. Celestia closed her eyes and began to rub her temples. Luna and everypony else seemed to mimic her actions. Celestia then took a deep breath and said “I have a feeling we’re all going to regret that. However, If we’re done here, me and Luna need to go speak with a certain draconequus.” The rest of the night remained uneventful. The meeting from earlier did continue, but Celestia and Luna did most of the talking. They also kept out most of the details regarding what we spoke about. A twinge of guilt seemed to plague me however. While I did not care much of Solar Burn, Black Wing had been more than a general to me, she was a friend. As such I hoped against hope that I was incorrect to doubt her, but I could not be certain. Either way, all that was left to do now was wait until tomorrow where the dawn of battle would soon be upon us. > Chapter 31: Reclaiming a Fallen City: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Someponies state that battle is the only time when they truly feel alive. The clash of metal and the test of skill is an experience like no other as they would say. However, to me, it is a horrid time of pain and sorrow without equal. It is something only to be conducted when all other options have been exhausted. So many lives have already been consumed by its mad fury and many more are soon to follow in this war with seemly no end. But regardless of my distaste for such things, Canterlot was my home. And by all that is good in the world I shall see it freed or perish making the attempt. I sat glaring at the city on a hill close to our staging point. We had to wait until Cadence and Shining were in position on the other side of the city, so it had left me with my thoughts. Upon realizing this I had done all in my power to occupy my time. I had helped Twilight and her friend bind their weapons to themselves. I even repaired their armor while we waited, but soon these tasks were complete and I was alone with my thoughts once more. A dark brood set in as my thoughts swirled with the dreadful task I was about to undertake. I was going to unleash the essence of death itself on our beloved city in hopes purging it of enemy forces. Though, as such thoughts usually turn, my sorrow soon turned into anger, and then to a seething rage. My teeth clenched as I still stared at the city. “You all shall pay tenfold for each innocent who had been harmed. You…all…shall…pay,” I growled to myself. My blood magic started to spark as a red haze covered my eyes. It remained so only for a few seconds before a hoof was placed on my shoulder. “Eaaasy there laddie. Done’t be blowin’ yer top just yet. Save that fire in yer belly till when it be needed,” a voice said next to me. While the words were said in a kind tone they still seemed to irritate me. “Why does everypony keep speaking to me as if I were some sort of unstable EXPLOSIVE?! I AM FINE!” I yelled and stomped my left forehoof on the ground. My blood magic surged in response and arced over the plates of my armor. I then turned my head to the right to find Black Hammer taking a few steps backwards. For a split second I saw a glimpse of fear in his eye. Shame soon overrode my rage when I had realized that I had frightened him. “I…I apologize Black Hammer. I did not mean to speak in such a manner. Please forgive me,” I said looking away in embarrassment. “Done’t worry about it lad. I be more worried about you is all. Ya been wanderin' off more than usual and I know how ye get when yer alone with yer thoughts. Also beggin’ yer pardon, but ye be lookin’ like shit,” I heard Black Hammer state before laughing a bit. I laughed a bit to myself at his comments. Black Hammer truly did not like to mince words as it were. Which is quite the statement given he was probably the only other pony with sleeping habits as bad as mine so he rarely looked much better. I sighed and said “Truth be told I feel as such. The stress of everything is taking its toll on me. While normally I would quite like to converse with you as to why, the current…circumstances… do not allow me to do so.” “Aye, I understand lad. I’ve been here a long while and I’ve learned to keep me mouth shut. But, no doubt it be regardin’ yer talk with the princesses. Ye looked as white as a ghost afterwards and were sweatin’ buckets. I think it best if I done’t know about it if ye done’t mind,” he said walking over to me and nudging me lightly with his shoulder in what I assumed was effort to lighten the mood. After his comments we just sat in silence staring at Canterlot in the distance. This remained until we were both summoned for the last preparations for battle. However, as we began walking back to camp Black Hammer stopped for moment. “Lad, hold up a second,” he said looking uneasy. “Yes?” I replied, a tad confused. “I…I know this not be the right place and…err never mind,” he said shaking his head. I tiled my head and stated “Is something wrong Black Hammer?” “Its…this old war pony have been kickin’ around for many years. Too many I’d bet. And I…I never had kids of me own, but down the years…I’ve…I’ve always thought of ye as the son I never had,” he said as I could see his eye start to well a bit before he added “Please done’t go dyin’ out there lad. Ye can be a might reckless and I want us both to be walkin’ out in one piece.” I was taken aback by his comments. Black Hammer was never one for sentimentality in all the years I have known him. In fact this is was probably one of the extremely rare times I have ever seen him on the verge of tears. His kind words started to make my eyes begin to well after the initial shock. Nothing I could say could adequately describe how I had felt at that moment. So without thinking I walked over him and hugged him. He flinched for a moment before giving me one of the biggest bear hugs I had ever experienced. So much so that shortly after I had to tell him through gasping breaths to let go as breathing was becoming a problem. He then released me, wiped the tears out of his eye and said “Alright alright that be enough mushy stuff. Everpony’ll think ol’ Black Hammer has gotten soft.” “You? Soft? Ha, tell that to the all the dark iron you forged down the years you ol’ battle hammer,” I said with feigned laughter and smiled. He chuckled in reply before we made our way back to the main battle camp. This positive mood only lasted a short while before it had darkened when we made ready for battle. I summoned my scythe right after I checked everypony’s armor in our little group. It was only me, Twilight, Spike, Luna and my lieutenants. Nopony talked among us other than a small murmur here or there. My stomach knotted up at the thought of what we were going to do. Everything was set except there was only one problem that I had not solved, getting inside the city walls without being noticed. The emergency portal gates were a one way passage and Canterlot was warded and sealed the majority of the time. The only reply I received when I consoled Luna about this was that she had some “Friends” that will come to our aid once the battle was underway. This though did little to ease my nerves. My uneasiness must have been noticed by Luna as I heard her clear her throat behind me. I turned my head to see that she had dropped the normal glamour spell that she usually wore. Dark blue slitted eyes looked bemused at me through her lunar armor. Her mane had taken on a few shades darker as well. From head to hoof she looked ready for war as she tapped her both of her khopeshes on her back. “Do not worry Blood Moon. Our aid shall be ready after the battle had begun. I would imagine you shall be pleased to see them again,” she stated with a fanged smile and a wink. I was about to further query her on this, but she quickly turned her head and smiled up at the sky. A bright pink orb slowly rose from the other side of the city. After it reached the cloud level it exploded in a crackling pink light. Luna’s smile grew as she whispered “Cadence and Shining are ready. Your turn sister.” On the front most line of our soldiers I saw a shimmering light that was dim at first and then it grew until it illuminated almost our entire force. Then the glowing ball lifted itself off the ground to which at this point I realized it was Celestia herself. She floated a few meters of the ground before she pointed her brilliant great sword at Canterlot. Her sword, while levitating in front of her, had begun to spin with its point still fixed on the city. Golden arcs and ribbons of energy streamed around Celestia before she spoke. It was in some strange ancient tongue that I did not understand, but its effects were potent. Each new syllable let out a thunder crack as her power was funneled into her sword. Then on the final word a brilliant golden beam shot forth out of the tip of her sword and screamed towards the city. Right as the beam hit the outer wall it blazed out and covered a now visible golden dome surrounding the entirety of Canterlot. The moment only lasted for a few seconds before the dome burst into countless brilliant sparks which showered the city. Celestia then pointed her great sword to the sky and then back at the Caterlot before letting out an echoing shout, “YOU WHO HAVE TAKEN FROM US, WE GATHER HERE TO SEEK JUSTICE AND TO RECLAIM OUR HOME! OUR WARDS AND WALLS WILL NOT SHROUD YOU FROM OUR RETRIBUTION! BY THE POWER OF SUN, MOON, AND CRYSTAL, EVERYPONY ATTACK!” Soon wave after wave of Solar, Lunar and Crystal soldiers poured over the landscape as they rushed their way up towards the walls of Canterlot. Arrows, cannons, and magic spilled forth from the city walls to meet them. The battlefield erupted into a chaos of gore and light as both sides clashed against each other. Our side faltered only for a moment before I saw Discord’s magic alter reality itself to turn our enemies attacks into harmless objects. While this provided a grand advantage for our forces, the main gate seemed to be stronger then it looked even through the onslaught. To add to our problems it appeared that there were two newly built towers on either side of the gate’s doors that rained down continued punishment. The battle soon turned into a stalemate as our forces were forced to defend themselves more than fight. Even Celestia was using all of her efforts to deflect incoming magic. I scraped my forehooves on my scythe’s pole trying to hold myself back from trying to aid them. However, after a few moments I heard Luna laugh to herself. I was about to inquire why she was doing so when a rather familiar cannon blast echoed not far off. A blazing fireball flew over us as it screamed all its way to the city. The cannon shell got a direct hit on the left tower gate and erupted into a burning inferno. A quick laugh left my lips as I turned my head to see on the train track not far from us sat a heavily armored train engine with train team number twelve with her. I then saw one of the train ponies turning a crank that repositioned that lovely cannon called “The Angry Mare”. A malicious grin crept up my face as I heard a “thunk” followed by the cannon belching yet another fireball. The fireball soon screamed through the air and destroyed the second tower that was giving our forces difficulty. We lost no time in speeding our way to the train as the leader of the train team, Break Runner, had just off jumped the back of armored engine. Luna examined the train engine for a few seconds before stating “Very good Break Runner. It appears you and your team have exceeded my expectations.” Break Runner looked a bit bewildered as he said “Yeah everything is ready Princess. I still can’t get over the fact that it was you who gave us our cannon and now this.” He then waved his forehooves frantically and added “Not that we mind the help, but…but first you wanted a makeshift battering ram and then later you tell me you all are going to ride it!” It was my turn to speak up, “Wait wait waaaait a minute. Are you stating we are going to ride this into the city, Princess?!” I fumbled my words for a second and added after noticing something, “And are…are those rockets strapped to the sides of the train?!” Luna just gave an evil grin and replied with a simple “Indeeeed.” “Wh…where do you get those?! Those are illegal griffin technology for this very reason!” I sputtered out. “A certain griffin king owed me a favor…” she replied as her smile grew. I was too flustered to state anything else, but it seemed I did not need too. Twilight walked up with Spike on her back. Both of them had the same look of disbelief before Twilight spoke up. “Umm and how are we going to use this to get into the city?” she inquired. Luna continued smiling before stating “By using it for its original purpose, a battering ram.” Spike’s and Twilight’s expression did not change. “A battering ram…into…into what? The main gate?” she questioned. “Quite,” Luna replied. Silence reigned for a few seconds before Shadow Dancer spoke up, “Whoa whoa…okay wait up Princess, let me get this straight. We’re gonna ride this…this armored rocket train engine through the main gate in order to ‘sneak’ in?” “It is called a distraction. We shall jump off shortly after we get through. While they view the train we shall sneak unseen around the city,” Luna replied like it was some obvious fact. “Welp ya got my vote,” he flashed a smile and jumped on the back of the train. My other lieutenants loaded into the train with equal delight shortly afterwards. I believe Night Star even told me to “live alittle” as she passed by. Luna then jumped into the train with similar enthusiasm leaving me, Spike, and Twilight sitting there staring. “This…this is crazy right? They’re all crazy right? Please tell me this is just some awful dream,” Spike whimpered next to me. “No…it is no dream…unfortunately,” I said rubbing my face. “Let us go join the madness that has already claimed the others...” I added before I unsummoned my scythe as we climbed into the back of the train and strapped ourselves down. So there we sat, in an armored train engine that has been rigged with rather large fuse lit rockets strapped to the sides of it. Two rather large rockets to be exact. Two…rather…large… rockets filled with who knows what combustible substance. I tapped my forehooves together nervously at the thought of becoming a smoldering crater. This was the very reason they were outlawed in the first place. Some pony had the delightful idea of attaching some to a carriage in an effort to “go faster” as she put it. From the reports her famous last words were “What could possibly go wrong?” shortly before she became one with a clock tower. What was left of her supposedly resembled burnt strawberry jam. The remembrance of this fact did not ease my nerves in the slightest. The tapping of my forehooves quickened greatly before I stated, “Sooo princess this is certainly ummm…something.” She just gave me a wicked smile as she strapped herself down between Gray Mane and Night Star across from me. However shortly after I spoke I thought of a rather unpleasant thought. “Umm just to be clear, Princess. Your sister knows of this plan correct? Just so our soldiers know to move out of the way,” I stated with a hint of worry. Her expression changed in a manner that I had not hoped for. The color on her face along with the smile she once possessed drained off into a look of pure horror. This of course only lasted for a moment before I heard Break Runner wish us “good luck” with a worried laugh. He then promptly dropped a lit torch on the ends of the rocket fuses before galloping away at speed. “WAIT!” Luna screeched before she started scrambling with her straps. As she fumbled around I searched for something, anything I could smash the rapid burning fuses to put them out. However it was too late as the fuses disappeared from view right as Luna stood up and triumphantly blurted “Huzzah! Those damnedable straps are oooooOOOOOOOFFF AAAHHHHHHHHH” as the rockets lit. Without a second thought I grabbed hold of Luna’s right foreleg in an effort to save her. This resulted in her slamming to her back right as I noticed Gray Mane grabbed her other foreleg. She then proceeded to scream her lungs out as her hind legs dangled dangerously close to the legendary amount of flame engulfing the tracks behind us. Time seemed to slow down considerably at this point as an absurd amount of adrenaline seemed to surge through me. While still holding onto Luna for dear life I got to witness the looks of many faces as we passed by. Each one of our soldiers either had just jumped out of the way in an understandable panic or sat awestruck as we sailed by. The last ones I saw were Celestia who had her mouth gaped wide open in obvious disbelief and Discord who was rolling on the ground in hysterics. That of course happened right before the truly delightful times started. In the blink of an eye we reached the main gate in record breaking time. The impact let out a thunderous boom before we plowed through it with ease. However the shock of this ripped all of us from our straps as we all got crushed into the front of the train engine. But that was not the end oh no. In some sort of cruel joke the rockets quickly made it known that they were multi-staged. The second stage flared to life and violently flung all of us off the train into a groaning heap. After we slammed into the ground I could feel Luna flinch next to me every time I heard the train crash through something else. This though only happened about five times before it crescendoed into another thunderous boom that rivaled our impact through the main gate. I soon heard Luna’s muffled voice next to me as she stated, “And that…was the train yard. My sister is going to be quite displeased with me...” After a few seconds of discomfort I got up and stumbled around. I then shook my head a few times as panic hit me for a second time. We were completely out in the open. While yes the stone buildings next to us were mostly intact even after the fire took them, we were still exposed. "Everypony off the tracks we are completely vulnerable !" I screeched. In an amusing display of disorientation and ineptitude we all scrambled into the nearest alleyway. I then held my breath trying to determine if we were spotted. But when no sound was heard other than distant battle my panicked state turned to puzzlement. There was not a soul to be seen passing by us. Nopony was calling for our deaths or other some such. Soon my curiosity had peaked to the point that I poked my head out of the alleyway to investigate. It was then I discovered what had happened. Our little joy ride incinerated every poor rogue soldier in our path. However they were lucky ones as it appears several others had the misfortune to meet the front of the train. What was left of their bodies was sprayed all over the surrounding charred buildings. I started feeling quite queasy before Twilight had asked me what was wrong. I merely shook my head and hurried everypony away from the nightmarish display. In turn we rushed through the alleyways until we all slipped into one of the more stable buildings to rest a moment. I then retracted my helm in a futile attempt at purging the recent events from my memory. After the my fifth failed try I stated “Is…is everypony alright?” “I…I believe I had lost my morning meal sometime on that train ride,” Luna stated as I saw her holding her stomach while looking rather ill. “Me too,” Twilight replied looking worse than Luna “Me three,” Spike added before he put a claw to his mouth. The only pony that seemed overjoyed was Cloud Streak who was jumping in place. “Ooooh that was the best train ride I ever had! Can we please please pleeeeaaase do that again?” she said in excitement. Her prompt response came from Spike after he grabbed some sort of broken flower pot and emptied his stomach a second time. No further comments were made about that awful train ride. But after a few moments of silence Gray Mane was the first to speak. “So what do we do now?” He questioned. “We need to get the palace post haste. We cannot afford to delay any longer,” Luna replied pulling herself to her full height. I rubbed my face a few times before stating, “Princess Luna is correct. Come on everypony, this shall get much worse before it gets better.” > Chapter 32: Reclaiming a Fallen City: Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I held my chest and leaned my head against the nearest building as my heart threatened to combust. I then coughed a few times and whispered to myself “When I had stated ‘this shall get much worse before it gets better’ it was not challenge dear fates.” A few moments had then passed before I managed to gather my wits enough to lift myself up again. It had truly not been easy navigating though the city. It would have been difficult enough if it had only been the ludicrous amount of rogue soldiers rushing to the front lines. But no, Discord’s chaos magic had also shattered the laws of physics for sport. I mean truly, the first incident of his horrid influence was when some of the stone roads had decided they no longer desired to be solid and promptly turned into the consistency of mud. The second incident almost got half of us consumed by a garbage bin that had somehow became sentient and got irrationally cross with us. Then finally a small group of rogue soldiers discovered us only for them to get sucked into some swirling vortex filled with pointy teeth. The sounds of their gurgling screams had burned themselves into my memory while we were sprayed with what was left of their mangled bodies. In reasonable response me and a few of the others lost our respective breakfasts as we galloped for dear life. And so our jolly terror fueled slog through a city that consistently attempted to devour us continued until we were forced to take a short rest to recuperate. Thus here we were, sitting in yet another alleyway trying in vain to catch our breath. Silence reined until I forced my protesting muscles to make me stand. I then looked over at the rest of our group. Each seemed to be just as bewildered as any other. My lieutenants looked to be in various states of burn out. Twilight and Spike looked to be on the verge of collapse. Even Luna’s normal posture and poise was severely lacking as she attempted steady herself. In a sentence, this was truly not going according to plan. After a deep long sigh I inquired “Alright…what is the plan of attack this time?” “We are but a short distance…to the royal palace. I…I shall scout ahead of us...I just…need…to…stand! Luna growled struggling to keep her balance as she gathered up her khopeshes. I leaned heavily on my scythe’s pole and said “Are you certain Princess? Perhaps one of us should go in your stead?” She just glanced at me and laughed under her breath. “I am appreciative of your concern, but I shall be fine. Regain your strength, I shall be back in but a moment,” she replied before she stumbled passed me. Before she disappeared from view I could have sworn I heard her grumble, “When I requested more excitement in our lives sister, this is truly not what I had meant”. I just shook my head and grinned in response before I tapped my scythe on my shoulder and sat down. Her fortitude was admirable I had to admit and I certainly did not complain for the moment’s rest. However, I believe she was far more fatigued than she was willing to show. Either way there was no use attempting to argue so we all waited…and then waited…and then waited some more, but still no Luna. After several minutes had passed I had begun to grow quite worried. While Luna in many ways was leagues better at stealth than I, she could still get overwhelmed. And the addition of Discord’s chaos magic loose in the city only made the problem that much worse. So in turn I bit my lip and convinced the others to stay put until I had either returned or perhaps five minutes from my departure. After which I then picked up my scythe and slipped into the shadows. Now normally I quite enjoy the shadows to be honest. It was a perk of being a child of the night that made darkness a comfort I suppose. But this time was different. This time I was wandering around near sightless in a city that had become strangely alien to me. In other words my paranoia delightfully decided to switch to near constant on edge and made me jump at the smallest noise. This unpleasantness continued as I inspected several of the other alleyways. To my displeasure it appeared that most were seemly blocked by either debris or the buildings themselves. However after I made it to the sixth one it was seemingly open and there was a tad something off. So I squinted my eyes and on closer inspection I realized it was Luna at the end of the alleyway with her back firmly pressed against the closest building. She also appeared to have her khopeshes sheathed and was staring at something with great intensity It did not take much mental processing to determine that she had located something of interest. However, the trick was attempting to get to her and not startle her as she rarely took such things well. So I flattened myself to the wall that she had her back to and moved closer to her. All the while doing this I would make quiet tapping noises with my scythe’s pole. She although did not notice me until I was right next to her. Upon this she spun her head in my direction in slight shock for a second right before she grabbed me. She then slammed my back to her stomach and stuffed a hoof in front of my mouth as I let out a quiet yelp. I then felt her lean forward before she whispered into my left ear. “Shhh please be silent Blood Moon. It appears I had discovered something of grand interest,” she stated. I was dazed for a moment until I shifted my head to see where Luna was gazing at before and my heart sunk. In the middle of the main road to the royal palace sat two ponies of great infamy. The one closest to us was none other than the notorious “Gore Gash the Thrasher”. This was not her true name of course as her original got lost in the sands of time, but that is not important. What is, is that Gore Gash is the original progenitor of the Lycan Curse that Discord had created. She is also widely known as the leader of the largest group of rogue lycans to date. She was originally a royal soldier as some point until her uncontrolled bloodlust caused her to be striped of her title and rank. She was ultimately thrown in the royal dungeon after murdering some innocent family in their sleep. No pony knows how she escaped other than Discord had a claw in the matter. A fact she arrogantly boasted to us often. The other one however was always an enigma at best. She is only known as “The Cloaked Lady”. Her name was as much literal as it was figurative as she always wore a black cloak that obscured her face. She is the mysterious leader of the rogue vampires and rarely if ever shows herself like this. She normally was the one pulling the strings as it were and had others do her dirty work. In turn it made it all the more puzzling that she was actually out in the open for once. Upon my slight gasp under Luna’s hoof she whispered “I see you recognized them.” I just nodded in response before she added “It appears we had discovered two heads of this three headed hydra. However neither of them had made so much as an utterance. They have been mute and surrounded by their respective guards as if waiting for something.” I raised an eyebrow as my mind started to work on what that “something” was before I got interrupted by a small golden glimmer down the road. It only took a moment to realize why they were here. They were apparently waiting for the leader of the rogue solar channelers, or in Luna’s words, the third head. For all the digging and fruitless searching I have done down the years I had not the foggiest clue who they could have been. No face or anything else was recorded in any of the official reports. The only thing I knew was they were the one responsible for the attack on Ponyville and my home all those moons ago. Oooh I hated them with every fiber of my being and more. My seething gaze burned bright as I stared down the road at that accursed golden glow. After so long I would know who they were and I would make them pay. I would make them suffer. But just before that damnable pony came into view I heard something behind us. My head spun to look down the alleyway in response. It appeared that my five minutes had passed and the others had gone to look for me. Upon spotting them I waved at them to stop and remain hidden. To my luck it worked and I turned my attention back to matters at hoof. I quickly turned my head back to my prize only to stare in disbelief. Forty meters from me, stood none other than General Solar Burn himself. And it appeared the arrogant bastard was conversing with the other two rogue leaders. Now I figured that perhaps the damned fool got himself captured as dreams like this rarely if ever come true. So I listened in to hear what they were stating. “Why are you fucking idiots waiting here like a bunch of dipshits?! Here I fork the damn city over on a damned silver platter-” Solar Burn started to say but was interrupted by Gore Gash. Gore Gash snorted and growled out “So what you little shit! Just because we aren’t sucking your dick like your damn underlings-” “I wouldn’t give you the pleasure you flea bitten shit stain! I should’ve burnt you to a crisp years ago!” Solar Burn snapped back. “BRING IT BITCH!” Gore Gash snarled and bared her teeth. They were on verge of tearing each other apart until The Cloaked Lady stepped in. “Now now children, put your toys away. Let us not forget why we were here,” she said in a cold calculating tone. “Why in Tartarus am I here again you gloomy bitch? You promised me power! All I see are my wolves getting torn to bits!” Gore Gash snapped. Solar Burn let out a small “Ha” before stating “For once I’m in agreement with the damn flea bag. I want what’s mine!” The Cloaked Lady did not seem to be affected by their rude comments. She only just turned to face Solar Burn before coolly stating, “Promises…promises…promises. If I remember correctly you were supposed to give us either the solar or the lunar princess. We were going to capture them you said and here we are empty hooved. No matter our efforts, the Magical Archives will not open without one of the royal sisters.” Solar Burn seemed to sputter a bit. “It’s not my fault! The princesses are playing this close to the vest! They didn’t tell me shit! What’s so damn important in there anyway!? You never fucking told me!” he screeched. Lady sighed and said “I told you, you just never listened. That fool Captain Blood Moon and the Princesses captured something with that ritual of theirs…” Now I probably should have listened further, but I was overcome with unfathomable rage. I had always hated Solar Burn for everything he had done, but now I had discovered a new found loathing. But then, in an instant, instead of being angry my face contorted into the most malicious smile I could have ever conjured. After all these years I realized my dreams had actually come true. For all the torment and misery he had given me and countless others I finally had an excuse to end his wretched existence. My vengeance would be more delicious than the finest meal, more rich than the most prosperous kingdom. My thoughts danced with wicked glee up until the point I felt something drip on my shoulder armor. I became confused for a moment until I looked up at Luna. While I had seemed to revel in my dark joy, it was abundantly clear that she was taking it far worse. Luna’s face was twisted into a mask of pure fury. Her slitted pupils had grown until they were black pits and she was foaming at the mouth. The dripping was more from the fact that she apparently was clenching her teeth so tight that her gums had begun to bleed. More of the blood laced foam dripped onto me as I realized what was soon to happen. Luna was never known for taking either insults or unpleasant news well. Her resolutions to such problems could easily be classified as “Scorched Earth” policies if the “Angry Mare” cannon was any evidence. In other words it was trivial to determine what seething thoughts flowed through her mind. And for a moment, I was on the brink of letting her go berserk on them. The idea of watching the enraged lunar princess tear through the rogue leaders was just as savory as anything I could imagine. However, the rational part of my mind decided to ruin everything by snapping me back to reality. The current facts were simple enough to realize. First we were grossly outnumbered if you accounted for all their guards. Secondly we were still recovering and thus still weakened. Lastly if they managed to capture Luna then whatever their plans were would come to fruition and I just could not let that happen. So instead of thoughts of vengeance my mind turned to blind panic as I attempted to find a way to stop Luna. My thoughts flared as I rattled through anything I could think of. There was no way I could overpower her even on my best day. She was undoubtedly funneling every ounce of mental power into rage so reasoning with her would be useless. In turn, my options were all but depleted in seconds until I realized she still had her hoof in front of my mouth. So in a last ditch effort on my part and praying my vampire venom from a few years ago was still in her system, I moved some of her leg armor. I then retracted my helm and bit down. Her body jerked and shuttered for a few seconds at the sudden pain as my fangs sunk in. It seemed she had attempted to resist it, but whatever she was feeling soon won out as her body relaxed and she slumped forward onto me. Then I believe she had attempted to inquire about something but as I started to take my fangs out, she groaned and pushed them in further. As a result her blood dripped into my mouth and crumbled my focus. This was not part of the plan. I had only wished to stop her from galloping to her doom, not shatter my will in the process. Although I had tried to hold it together my will crumbled further. My body was far too exhausted and her blood was far too enticing. My vision blurred on the sight of the three rogue leaders within a stone’s throw from us. I was so close to stopping them and enacting vengeance somehow, but I could not move. My eyes then closed for what I thought was a mere moment until I heard something next to me. “What the fuck is he doin’ to Princess Luna? And why in Tartarus are we all standin’ around?” I heard somepony state in annoyance before adding “Shit he done passed out…along with her.” And then, in the span of perhaps a second or two, I heard somepony lick something right before I got something vile stuffed in my right ear. My eyes snapped open at the horrid sensation. I had attempted to protest, but realized Luna’s leg was still in my mouth. Then after blinking a few times I saw Twilight, Spike and my lieutenants looking at me in confusion. Well except for Shadow Dancer who appeared to be laughing to himself and wiping his hoof off. I spit out Luna’s leg in a rush before healing it. I then frowned and in a partial growl partial whisper I snapped “Why in Tartarus did you do that?! Also I wanted you all to stay over there for a reason!” Night Star was the first to reply, “We remained where we were until shortly after you bit Princess Luna for some reason. It appears you had passed out for about twenty seconds afterwards. Why did you commit such an act?” I shifted Luna’s weight my back a bit and said, “The three rogue…” right as it dawn on me. Without another word my eyes darted to where the rogue leaders were. However, they were all gone. In the span of only twenty seconds and they were gone. My mind frantically searched for a reason of how they disappeared in such a small amount of time. “Where are they?!” I whispered. “Where are-” Twilight started to state but stopped when we heard something that made my heart sink. The sound started off as a quiet chuckle but soon turned into dark laughter. My eyes darted up to see the traitorous General Solar Burn and all his guards surrounding us up on the building roof tops. “Well well well what do we have here?” he said in a sarcastic tone that truly grated me. Now this would had been awful enough as it was, but shortly afterward I noticed Gore Gash and her lycan guards blocked off the back of the alleyway. And then in seconds The Cloaked Lady and her vampire guards blocked off the road next to me. ‘Not good Blood Moon truly not good,' I thought to myself in a mood that verged on panic. As it was, perhaps with Luna we could have stood a chance. However at the moment she was taking a pleasant nap on my back due to my complete lack of foresight. So currently our chances dwindled to very little as me and my little group all crowded together in the middle of the alleyway. At this point I figured we were all done for. Luna, Twilight and perhaps Spike would probably be captured and the rest of us would be, in all likelihood, slaughtered on the spot. So as our situation was looking quite grim Solar Burn laughed some more before stating, “Alright you all know what to do. But leave Captain Blood Moon to me. I’ll teach you for pissing me off earlier.” I had to say, for a moment I was taken back. It truly appeared that poor little Solar Burn got his little feeling hurt from before. I suppose embarrassing him in front of all those soldiers, the princesses, and pretty much everypony else at the war meeting got to him. I also suppose all those countless other times I went out of my way to irritate him did not help the matter either. But there was an upside to all of this. For you see the more angry Solar Burn got, at least in the past, the more reckless he got. His temper was rarely ever in a good shape so down the years I somehow perfected the act of aggravating him into an art form. Which to be brutality honest was not all that difficult as all one needs to do, is attack his pride. I snorted loud enough to echo in the medium sized alleyway before adding in an equally echoing “HA!" “Well you desire my blood hmm? Did the big bad Captain Blood Moon hurt poor wittle old Solar Burn’s wittle feelings?" I said truly layering it on as I passed the still sleeping Luna to Twilight and Gray Mane. Although it was too dark to make out any of the delightful and usually quite vivid red colors of his face, I could tell he was beginning to get angry. His body was tense and he was beginning to shake. I believe I could even see him grinding his teeth together. Well, as I already poked the proverbial lion in the eye I figured would go further while I thought up a plan. So I yanked out my scythe, stood on my hind legs, and glared up at him. Then I smirked before stating, “Well, why not get this over with? Give me your best shot you arrogant fool!” Now understandably both The Cloaked Lady and even Gore Gash kept their distance. In Solar Burn’s current state he could easily burn them to the ground along with me and my group. So in an apparent effort The Cloaked Lady attempted to reason with him. “Calm down Solar Burn. He is just attempting to raise your ire. He and the rest have nowhere to run. We have them in the flat of our hooves. Do not act rashly now.” To my amazement her words almost worked. For a moment he was going to hold himself back. However that is when the word “Almost” comes in. As you see I decided to add my own words into the mix to tilt the scale if you will. I let out a small laugh before snarking “Since when do you listen to us so called ‘Fanged Bastards’ as you usually put it? Well, if you are happily taking orders, then perhaps you could fetch me a nice cup of mint tea while you are at it?” And that was final straw it appeared. Solar Burn was probably so enraged he could barely see straight. What made it worse was Gore Gash and even some of his own guards snickered a bit. So in turn it was no surprise when he completely disregarded The Cloak Lady’s advice and charged his solar magic. Then after a second or so he belted out “I’M GOING TO BURN YOU TO ASH YOU BASTARD!” and fired. In response I quickly yelled “Everypony get down and close your eyes!” to our little group and angled my scythe a bit. However, this is when things got as tad interesting to say the least. Now I had reflected solar magic from rogue solar channelers several times in the past. Normally their solar beams are potent, but easily manipulated. But this in here lies the main issue, Solar Burn was not just any rogue solar channeler, he was leagues more powerful. So while first I had attempted to refract the beam to merely blind everypony present to make our get away, it appeared to have other ideas. The near constant beam slammed hard into my scythe and made me fumble a bit. As a result it got ricocheted right over the rest my party and into the rogue lycans. With my squinted eyes I saw Gore Gash evade it somehow, but her guards were not so lucky. The beam sliced though their ranks like a piece of hot metal through ice. As a result, heads, bodies, and even limbs were sliced apart in an instant. But I did not pay much attention to that as my scythe was starting scorch my forelegs from the strain. However, I managed to grit my teeth through the pain as I angled my scythe at the rogue vampires this time. They were even more unlucky than the lycans. For you see the beam did not even have to touch them. The flare of solar light in their ranks caused almost if not all of them to burst into flames immediately. Their panicked shrieks were the last sounds I heard out of them. Then with my final ounce of strength I pointed the beam straight up and blinded Solar Burn and his own guards. But that was the rest of all I had left. As soon as Solar Burn screamed in pain and anger, I blacked out. My mind remained void of anything even remotely described as thought until I heard some voices next to me. “Ooh…ahh damn bastards just kept comin’” one voice stated while seemingly winded. “Indeed…but we bought some…time. Although neither the Captain nor Princess Luna would have approved of us collapsing what was left of the arena,” another voice replied equally winded. “Yeah ya know what they also wouldn't ‘approve’ of? Us almost dying gallopin’ for our damn lives!” the first voice snapped back. “Lay off her Shadow Dancer. You’re the one who blew our cover!” a third voice injected. “I said it wasn't me! Captain drool freakin’ snarls in his sleep!” the first voice growled. Two other voices said in unison, “Yeah tell us about it...” Other voices chimed in and a bit of a quiet argument seemed to erupt from it. However that was all I could process before my head started to throb. To make matter worse their slowly raising voices was causing my head to throb more. So after about a minute of their incessant bickering I let out a low groan to which the said bickering stopped. I then felt a hoof on the side of my face before I opened my blurry eyes. It took a few second to realize it was Twilight sitting in front of me with a concerned look on her face. She also had several scratches and scorch marks on her armor. “What happened?” I stated while attempting to get my bearings. Shadow Dancer I believe was going to state something, but he quickly got a hoof stuff over his mouth by Night Star. Twilight smiled and nodded to Night Star who in turn nodded back. She then looked back at me and said “We…we had to run through a lot of awful to get in here. After you passed out Gray Mane grabbed Luna and you before we ran away from the alleyway. We…did not fare as well as I’d have hoped. I…I did what I had to do. They were attacking us.” Her last two statements seemed to be more directed at herself. Additionally her left forehoof kept gliding along the saya of her katana. It was obvious what she had meant given the burns and scratched all over her. The various conditions of my Lieutenants only served to cement her statement. I did not have much of a response to give other than a light kiss on the lips and a quiet “thank you”. However, there was not much rest for the weary as we still had a mission to complete. So in turn I picked up my struggling body and said “Tactics, status report”. His monotone voice seemed to have a tired aspect to it, but he still gave an accurate assessment. It appears that when I had passed out they had made a crazed dash out of the alleyway towards the palace. However, rogue soldiers of all types were quite frequently assaulting them along the way. With a combination of sheer luck, Twilight's magic, and Spike's flames they managed to blast their way through the Reaper Knight Arena doors. Although the small army behind them had forced Twilight’s hoof and she unleashed a blast collapsing the ceiling of the arena and thus crushing most of them. After hearing this it was truly no wonder why Twilight was distraught. The only last two pieces of note were that we were in a hallway of the Night Wing section of the palace, and Luna was apparently still unconscious. I rubbed my face on the last part. “Delightful…she slept through it all too. Have you tried waking her?” I inquired. “Well I tried a few spells, but she isn't under any hex or anything. What did you do to her?” Twilight replied. “I merely bit her to stop her from rampaging. However I fear that this is just Princess Luna being Princess Luna,” I said with a groan. “Umm come again?” Twilight said looking confused, as did several of the others. I half narrowed my eyes and said “Princess Luna is a notorious heavy sleeper. This is mainly due to the fact that she has the horrid habit of not sleeping for days at a time. She regularly runs herself into the ground and repeats the process again and again.” Gray Mane just snorted before stating “Well that figures. That’s been a running joke with the other soldiers for years and now it’s finally out hahaha. The old broad really doesn't sleep.” I just rolled my eyes. “Quite. Now I do know one way to wake her up, but neither me nor her shall enjoy it. Even then I only did so at the request of her sister. She had to be present at some ambassador meeting of some sort I believe. I just hope she does not attempt to tear my throat out like last time.” Twilight and Spike looked pretty bewildered, but I lied and assured everypony present it shall be fine. Truth be told I was terrified. It was a simple enough process, but Luna seriously went berserk last time. It seems she really does enjoy her sleep, when she actually gets some. In turn I told everypony to back up as I got close to her. I then gulped and lifted her one foreleg. My lips trembled as I parted them before I sunk my fangs in. Luna moaned in pleasure, but it was short lived. Because I soon closed my eyes and injected pure life force into her body. The result of which was instantaneous. Her eyes snapped wide open as she inhaled a forced deep breath. She then promptly back hoofed me into the opposite wall and was at my throat with both of her kopeshes. Her eyes burned with rage as she sucked deep breaths between clenched teeth. I however was on the verge of soiling myself and it seemed I may have also forgotten how to breathe. But after what felt like an eternity of terror filled moments she blinked a few times. She then had quite the look of confusion on her face before it shifted to mild annoyance. “If I were to guess, tis my Sister whom had put you up this again. I had told thee once that I do not discern friend from foe well when forced awake. I almost slew thee again. But regardless, what meeting of ‘import' am I tardy to this time?” she said as if she had no recollection of what has been happening. I just sat dumbfounded as I stared at her with one eye partially closed. After a few seconds of this she just tilted her head and said “Are you feeling well Blood Moon? Or perhaps there is something on my face?” Again I sat for a second before stating, “Umm Princess I am not certain if you remember, but we are currently in the middle of a battle.” To this she just tilted her head again said “Battle...what batt…ooooh that was not a horrid dream was it?” as it dawned on her. “What happened? Why do I remember so little?” With several gulps of fear I filled her in on the details as we made our way to the magical archives. At first I thought she took the news of me stopping her quite well until we met a random enemy patrol. Those poor souls did not stand a chance. She did not even make a sound when she slew them either. She just blurred and sliced them into bloody bits before continuing her perpetual scowl at me. Luna took the lead and more or less carried all of our weight to the archives. We probably would have helped, but Luna's extremely sour mood had frightened all, but Gray Mane. In some sort of twisted way he seemed to enjoy watching her butcher those poor fools that crossed her path. I however just kept silent and tried to steel myself every time Luna would glare in my direction again. And so this continued until we got to the last hallway. Luna continued her quiet seethe until she had glanced around the next corner and stopped. She then looked in our direction and somehow frowned more. She remained in quiet thought until Twilight was the only one brave enough to speak. “Umm Luna why are we stopping?” she inquired. Luna sat down, crossed her forelegs, and narrowed her eyes. “It appears we have a problem. In my irritated haste, I had forgot the goal of our foes and their implications” Luna replied. “Huh?” Twilight responded in confusion that matched my own it seemed. Luna closed her eyes, took a deep breath through her nose. She then said “Before Blood Moon…Bit me…” and leered at me before adding, “The rogue leaders were stating they were after some sort of item in the archives. As such there appears to be a small army of at least fifty guarding the entrance.” Gray Mane was the first to respond with a snort. He began to boast “Only fifty? We can take th-” before Luna cut him off with an interesting improved version of her scowl and leer. We tried getting other answers out of her but she kept giving short, almost rude responses and still scowled away. This eventually grew tiring in hasty fashion. Now I normally have quite the patience, but today was not one that would have qualified. It seems that getting almost getting blown to pieces and incinerated multiple times truly wears at me. So in turn I resorted to something foolish again. I walked over and sat in front of Luna and leered right back. “If there is something you wish to say to me Princess, just say it,” I growled. Her eyes narrowed until they barely showed her pupils. “You had no right to stop me!” she snapped. “I had them in them in the in flat of my hooves and you stayed my hoof,” she added scrunching her face in anger. I matched her glare and said, “Yes I stopped you! You were outnumbered! I stopped you from killing yourself or worse!” “I could have slain them easily!” she snapped back. “You were angry and not thinking clearly! To rush in, in such a manner would be the workings of a fool!” I borderline shouted right before she backhoofed me to the ground. “NEVER SPEAK TO ME IN SUCH-” she screeched right before some sort of dark foreign growl left my lips. I then got up and glared at her in a manner I do not believe I have ever done before. Soon a red haze seemed to cover my eyes as my vision remained fixed on her. She in turn pressed her back to the wall behind her in an attempt to move further away from me. Then in some sort of primal voice that came from a deep dark part of me said, “You know...I burned… to see you do it. To see you slay them and revel in their…suffering. To see them…pay…for everything they had done...and saaaavvvor it.” She began to shake as her eyes widened and whimpered out “S-s-stop it!” A part of me wanted to hold back, but for some reason I could not stop myself as I continued. “What is the matter…Princess? Is that not what you desired? To rend them limb from limb and enjoy… every…single…second of it,” I said in a voice that slipped out in a slick chilling tone. “STOP IT!” Luna yelled and grabbed the sides of my face with her forehooves. The act of her doing this almost snapped me out of whatever horrible trance I was in. However a scout from said small army around the corner made their appearance at the worst possible moment. The scout gasped as they saw us and tried to run back to their comrades. They had not even made it two paces before something reached up from inside of me and grabbed hold of them. Their last sound on this planet was a yelp of surprise before I crushed their throat and twisted their head at an unnatural angle with my blood magic. After this Luna made a frightened whimper and I heard nervous whispers from the others. My mind was beginning to come undone. All the built up rage and anger I had, reached some sort of peak and I could hold it no more. My nose started to bleed as my magic sparked around me. My vision reddened further as I took off my armor’s ring with shaky hooves. I then hoofed the ring and my scythe to a terror stricken Luna. I then said in a barely comprehensible voice, “Luna…I-I-I caNNot HOld…THIs tIME. Do NOT Let mE HAVe THOse. T-t-too anGRY NOw. miND FAlling APArt. I-I-I SHalL CLEar yoUR PAth tO THe a-A-A-arCHIVes. P-p-plEASE ProTECT TwiLIGHT aNd THe rESt f-F-FRoOom ME! I-I-I aM S-s-sORry…GRRRAAHHHH!” Red tears poured from my face as the last vision of my sanity was the tear soaked face of Luna as she nodded. Then with the last bit of my remaining will I stumbled into the hallway next to us. Right as I distanced myself from everypony else I heard a ward snap into place next to me. It was the last sound I heard before my mind collapsed in on itself. I rolled on the floor in agony as more blood flowed out of my nose. Everything was burning and in pain. My sight blurred and soon visions of my life and memories screamed through my mind before they faded to darkness. It was all stripped clean and all that was left was endless rage in its place. “WhERE Am I?! WHerE ArE thEY?! WHreE aRe THe OnES Who hAVE DonE thIS?! It HUrtS aNd HurTs AnD HUrtS. ThEY ShaLL PaY! THey aLL ShALL PaY anD PAy aND PAAAAY HEHEHEHAHHAHHAHHAHAAAAAHAHAHA!” I shrieked at the top my lungs and smashed my face on the ground smearing my blood on the carpeting. Three forms appeared in front of me and my red gaze fixed on them as I got up. I knew it was them ooooh I knew they were the ones oooh I just kneeeew it was them and I screamed it. The cloaked one struck at me first and their drove their short sword forward cutting my right shoulder. More Pain flared in my body and I screamed louder. They then had attempted a second thrust, but my magic lashed out at them in vengeance as I grabbed them with my forelegs. Their pointless struggle began right before my magic and strength twisted their forelegs until they snapped. But I was not through with them though. My body had burned so much blood already and I was hungry oooh soooo hungry. I yanked part of their cloak off with my teeth and drove my fangs into the soft flesh of their neck. But as I drank some part of me became revolted at my actions. Something in my mind was pleading with me to stop, but the primal hunger silenced it with haste. Over the next few seconds the cloaked one stopped kicking and pleading and merely breathed their final. This however angered me as I was still sooo very hungry. In a rage I threw their shriveled husk out the window to my left in a thunderous crash. That left the other two as I heard the sweet sound of their heartbeats quicken. Blood and saliva dripped from my opened maw as I hissed at them. In response the black armored one had swung some sort of axe at me while howling like a beast. Another hiss left my blood soaked lips in response to this before they came near. Then just when they were in striking distance my magic took hold of them. They in turn froze in place for a moment before they collapsed to the ground. Their heartbeat soon faded from my ears as their own blood crystalized in their chest. And then they breathed their last just like the first. After those two my shoulder wound began to knit together as my ears perked up. The third one was still here with me. My pointed tongue slid over my fangs as I located them. The final golden armored one had then shrieked and tried to run. But before they made it three paces they tripped and fell. Then as they tried to crawl away I dragged them back with my magic. My power swirled around them as they choked and gagged. After a few seconds of this they stopped breathing and then stood up a moment later. Dead eyes stared back at me as I raised the black armored one from before as well. I grinned at my new puppets, but something was missing. A part of me was beginning to diminish and I could not replenish it for some reason. An image flashed in my mind as I said “ScyTHe…”. I held my left forehoof out in response but nothing happened. I snarled as I tried again, but nothing happened except my hoof was pulled to the right. My gaze shifted to where it was pulled to, to find a strange blue translucent wall. And behind it were several more armored figures. For some reason they appeared familiar and as I attempted to walk close my own body fought against me. In only a few steps I made my way over and pressed my face against the blue wall to gaze at the ones behind it. The small horned and winged one took a few steps back as if frightened. Something in me felt sadness from them doing this until I located my scythe. It appeared to be in the grasp of one of the larger ones. I snarled in rage and smashed my forehooves against the blue wall. I did this again and again, before I felt something sharp against my throat. My vision shifted to my left to find my golden armored puppet pressing their sword against my neck. In anger I tried to push them away with my magic, but they remained unmoved. They just moved their jaw and a voice came out in a death rattle, “Do not…harm…friends.” I tilted my head in confusion at the words and said “FriENds?” The golden armored puppet just slowly nodded before taking the sword away from my throat. It then faced and pointed down the hall. “Take…ven…geance…on them…they are…the ones…respon…sible,” its voice rattled again. It was then I saw them. Dozens of solders like the three I slain before. They all appeared to be gazing at me from down the hall, but did nothing. My face scrunched in a mask of fury as I released an echoing scream down the hallway before charging at them. In response, several of them released some sort of golden beams. I moved my puppets in front of me as I ran to shield me. The resulting action caused the beams to impact them instead of myself. The beams burned and flashed with intense heat as they melted the flesh off my puppet's bones. But as they had already perished it mattered none. My foes on the other hoof were not so lucky when we reached them. With my mind driving my puppets to unnatural speeds they cut down the first row with ease before working on the second. And while I burned to join them in the slaughter my mind had other ideas instead. A wicked smile grew across my face as my magic swirled around the newly fallen. After a few seconds their bodies rose up and joined my other puppets without hesitation. The ground became littered with fallen as I continued my rampage. And while they fought me, each time they destroyed one of my puppets I merely raised one or two to take its place. In turn they realized their fight with me was futile and panic spread through them like a plague. I eventually did not even have to lift a hoof. I just sat in the crimson river that flowed towards me and lapped at its sweetness. But at the peak of my satisfaction something had gone wrong. I began to violently cough as splits in my skin appeared. Red lightning crackled through the wounds and my focus stated to wain. Something was wrong. Something was missing. My body began growing weak and I could not move my right foreleg. Soon my vision began to blur. The only sight I could make out was my puppets slowly getting cut down, one by one. In my weakened state I could not even raise more to replace them as my focus began to slip more. As I began to barely hold on to my consciousness I heard voices behind me yelling over the battle roar. I turned my head to face their direction to see the figures from the blue wall. I could not tell if one or all of them were speaking. "Why...he stopping...we're almost there? He...burning...too...life force...he is...unstable. His body...failing...ripping apart. Without...scythe...he cannot...replenish." My vision waned further as I laid my head on the ground. But right before my consciousness faded the tall armored figure holding my scythe took a few steps toward me before tossing it at me. The weapon clattered near my face as the armored figure looked on. As a result of their actions the tall blue, horned and winged one yelled in their direction, "Gray Mane! Have you gone mad?! He demanded to withhold that from him!" The tall figure just yelled back, "You don't understand! He isn't done with his rampage! I know how that feels to leave it half done! Besides I reeeaaallllly hate taking orders!" before looking at me. Then with a mad gleam in his eyes he bellowed out "YOU'RE NOT FINISHED YET YOU BLOODY BASTARD! SLAY THEM TO THE LAST!" My hoof reached forward and I picked up my scythe. I then looked at the tall figure as a smile spread across their face that matched my own. Then right as my last puppet fell I drove my scythe's blade into the floor. The walls shook and various items around me shattered from the impact. With mad laughter, blue energy funneled from every direction into my scythe before going into me. My wounds closed in seconds and my body felt as if it was charged with renewed strength. My laughter continued until one of my foes dove at me. In a flash I pulled my scythe out of the ground and swung. With little resistance their body was sliced from head to tail before their remains sailed passed me. Then without a second thought I spun on my hind legs and swung my scythe in a horizontal arc. A wave of blue energy flew forward and sliced the majority of my foes that remained in half. All that remained were three golden armored ones. Upon seeing me they turned and ran, but I gave chase all the way to the end of the hallway. With their escape cut off, two of the golden armored ones faced me while the third sat cowering behind them. The one on the right decided to attack first with a golden beam , but I swatted it back at them with my scythe. Their head melted right off their neck before their body collapsed in a bloody heap. The other on the left however, I did not even give them the chance. I reached out with my blood magic and twisted their body into unnatural angles before crushing their chest. This then left the last one trying their best to press their back into the wall behind them. Their voice screeched out in a panic as they said "H-h-how are you s-s-still alive?! We dropped a townhall on you! WE DROPPED A TOWNHALL ON YOU! YOU SHOULD BE DEAD!" My body paused for a moment as my eyes squinted at the cowering figure in front of me. After a few seconds a memory flashed through my mind. I saw their face as it were yesterday yelling in the middle of a battle, "What's happening here?!" Another golden armored pony yelled back, "Lieutenant General sir, he is killing everypony after one of our soldiers killed his marefriend! He can't be stopped!" They then replied, "Like Tartarus he can't! DROP THE WHOLE DAMN TOWNHALL ON HIM!" After the memory faded my face twisted into a visage of pure rage as a deep rumbling growl left my lips. "HeLLo...LiEUtenANT gENerAL" I snarled out before it turned into a hate filled hiss. They gasped in response and their last sounds was a wailing scream before it was abruptly cut off. So there I sat, licking the sweet smelling blood off my forehooves while my scythe rested on my shoulder. My vengeance had been enacted and I continued to enjoy the crimson spoils until I heard some voices behind me. "Sweet fuckin' Tartarus what did he fucking do!? It looks like an over-sized hedge trimmer went through here. There's blood all over the damn walls, holy shit! Ahh come on! What fuckin' shit did I just step in?! Ahh its seepin' through my armor," a voice stated before I turned around and tilted my head. The taller figured from before just laughed before stating, "Ahh suck it up Shadow Dancer. That was damn fun watching him do that. It...it almost brought a tear to my eye." The first one responded with a simple, "You're a sick fuck Gray Mane." Then before long the tall blue, horned and winged one stated, "Silence you two. Blood Moon is looking at us!" A confused low growl left my lips as I looked at the group in front of me. They all looked so familiar and the tall blue one's statement echoed in my mind. My curiosity soon peaked as I stood up and began to walk towards them. However with every step my body resisted me further and further until my legs would not move under my command. I did not know why this was happening. But Regardless, I noticed that when I moved even the slightest a few of them would flinch and take a step away from me. In turn I searched my thoughts, but everything was blank. In frustration I stomped my left forehoof on the ground and growled out, "WhO ArE YoU?" The tall blue one bit their lip before stating "It is us Blood Moon? Do you not remember?" They then took a step forward, but stepped back when I let out a low hiss. After a few moments the smaller purple, horned and winged one took a few steps forward, but did not back up when I hissed at them too. Some small two legged armored figure seemed to speak to the purple one, "Twilight! What are you doing?! He'll freaking eat you!" "Be quiet Spike, you'll spook him," the purple replied before looking back at me. They then took a few more slow steps towards me regardless of my low growls. They also appeared frightened, but walked closer regardless. Then after a few moments of this they walked until they were standing face to face with me. I grew more puzzled by their actions until they lifted one of their forehooves. My eyes glared at them and their moving forehoof. I wanted to act, but some part of me would not let me move even though I had tried. Eventually their hoof moved until it rested on the side of my face and I flinched at the initial contact. But afterward I realized it was oddly comforting for a reason I did not know. I just closed my eyes and rubbed my face against it to feel it more. As I did so they spoke in a quiet voice, "Please Blood Moon. It's me Twilight. Please come back to me. Please." There were those words again, Blood...Moon...and Twilight. For some reason these were familiar in a distant manner as if on the edge of my mind. After a few moments I opened my eyes partially and growled out "bLOoD...MoOn? TWilIght? The purple one in front of me smiled and seemed as if they were happy for some reason. They then leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. At first I was completely confused as to what was going on. Why were they embracing me? Was this some sort of trick? Then something awoke in my mind. The memory was foggy, but I knew them. An image flashed though my mind. An image of them. An image of her. Soon another memory flashed through my mind. And then another, and another, and another. I broke from her kiss and scrunched my eyes before I stumbled backwards until I fell on my back. I squeezed the sides of my head with my forehooves as more memories sped through my mind faster and faster and faster. My eyes then snapped wide open in a moment of clarity as I growled out, "YouR naME iS...TwILiGHt! My..mY NaME iS...BlOoD...MOon! GRRAAAAAAHHHHH!" My mind flared with searing pain and I immediately shrieked until my lungs did not have anymore air in them. Soon the pain intensified as my mind opened up more memories. Blood gushed out of my nose and red tears streamed down my face as I was locked in a silent scream. Everything burned, it felt as if every part of my being was twisting right before everything went black. Darkness was all, and my mind became adrift and blank. I could not even feel anything until eventually I felt my back was propped up against something. Then I felt something dabbing at my nose. Shortly after that my head had then decided it was left out and began to throb. My other senses began to also wake up in turn, but each offered little comfort. Eventually my hearing perked up enough that I started to hear voices next to me. "Ummm is he alive?" one voice inquired. "Well I think he's breathin'," second voice replied. I then let out a low groan before I heard several ponies jump before another voice stated "Everypony stand back. I think he's waking up." "That's what I'm afraid of. I'll never make fun of his filly scream again," another voice replied. I opened my eyes to see a nothing but a blurry purple face. After a few seconds my eyes focused until I saw Twilight smiling at me. She seemed to be the one dabbing at my nose from before. I then blinked a few times before I stated in a rough voice, "Where in Tartarus am I? And can somepony tell me what is happening?" For some reason I did not know what was going on or why my throat seemed to be so sore. It was as if I had been shouting orders for hours on end. The only response I got from my inquiry was a sea of bewildered looks from Twilight, Luna, Spike and even my Lieutenants. Well except Gray Mane who was just smiling like he had just committed some act of atrocity and had gotten away with it. It appeared I was getting nothing from my first request so I attempted a second. "What is going on? Where are we?" I inquired again. Luna walked up and sighed before stating, "We are in the middle of a battle if your memory serves you. We have retrieved the item we sought in the archives." I just continued to look puzzled until Twilight helped me stand. My memory had remained foggy, but some of the details had returned. It appeared Luna and everypony did indeed retrieve the box of energy sealing that contained the nightmares therein. However, how did they retrieve it I wondered. There was a variable army guarding the archives. In turn I was going to question Luna about this when I saw the numerous corpses that lay around me. Their bodies were twisted and torn to pieces. "What had happened here? It appears whatever came through here did quite the number. They all look as if they died screaming for some reason." Luna just looked me dead set in the eyes and said, "They had..." I tilted my head to one side as she hoofed me my armor ring and rather bloody scythe. "Why do you...gah what in Equestria is in my mouth?" I inquired. To which I spit out a patch of skin and striped fur. At the sight of it my mind flashed a memory "I-I-I caNNot HOld…THIs tIME". My eyes widened and my face twisted into a mask of horror "oh...Oh by the moon! It was ME! I...I...I slew them...AND I ATE THEM! URK!" I stuffed a forehoof in front of my mouth and located the nearest potted plant in the hallway. Then with a violent yank I pulled out said pot's contents before replacing it with contents of my own. After purging my stomach of almost every meal I have ever consumed in my life did Luna and Twilight tell me the rest of the details. Details that I soon had grown to wish I did not know. But regardless of that tale of horror we managed to slip out of the palace unnoticed. It appeared that whatever I had done previously had frightened most away. We then in turn sneaked our way passed enemy reinforcements to the center of city. All that needed to be done now was to open this proverbial Pandora's box and gallop away, at speed, before the absorption crystals contained therein destabilized. I was sweating profusely as after we made it to the center of the city and began my work next to the fountain there. I was not quite certain what was causing me more to do so. Perhaps it was the over wound tension in the air. Or perhaps it was absolutely horrifying box of literal death that I was tinkering with. I believe I was leaning heavily towards the latter of the two for obvious reasons. But either way I continued working on the box's seal as everypony was holding guard around me. After a few seconds I had Luna send the signal for our forces to pull away from the city. A blue fireball erupted from her horn and sailed towards the sky before it exploded. This beacon was replied with a bright yellow fireball to the south of us and a bright pink fireball to the north. Everything was going according to plan until something happened that caused my heart to drop. I heard a small grinding click from the box of energy sealing, but the latch and the seal remained locked. I swallowed hard in response and said "This is truly not good..." Luna snapped her head around to face me. "I do not enjoy that tone in your voice," she said as I saw her swallow hard as well. "What's wrong?" Twilight said in a worried voice. I wiped some sweat from my forehead and replied in a shaky voice, "T-the seal and latch are f-fused closed. I-I cannot open it." Everypony other than me shrieked in near unison, "WHAT?!" Twilight and Luna rushed over to me with equally sweating faces and glared at the box in front of me. "W-what do you mean that you are unable to open the box. Please state to me you mean that in jest ha ha haaa..." Luna said in a voice that bordered in hysterics. I looked Twilight square in the eyes and she paled. "He's...he's not joking Luna" she stammered out. "Well why don't we smash it open?!" Gray Mane snarled and raised his battle axe. "Because that would take forever! And when you finally did. you would shatter the crystals and it would surely kill us all you fool!" I snapped back harsher than I meant to. The result of my statement sent most among us into a panic. I however, kept whirling ideas in my mind over and over along with my statement of "Shatter the crystals." Everything was scrapped in seconds until one plan made itself known in my thoughts. My face hardened and I steadied my breath afterwards. A deep sigh left my lips as I knew what I had to do. I had just hoped that Twilight and everypony else could forgive me for doing so. I took a deep breath and bit my foreleg with one of my fangs. I then let some of my blood drip onto the ground before I shaped it into a rune before healing my wound. Afterward I held the rune behind my back as I walked over the quite panicked Luna and Twilight. I then cleared my throat and said "Do not worry everypony! The box shall be opened and no pony here is going to perish!" Twilight snapped to her head to face me with a both equally panicked and confused gaze. "What do you mean?! THE BOX WON'T OPEN!" she screeched in reply and a few others including Luna did similar responses. I looked into Twilight's eyes. Right into those beautiful purple slitted eyes and placed my right forehoof on the side of her face. I then faked a smile as a red tears welled in my eyes. "Nopony here is going to perish," I restated right before I closed my eyes and kissed her. Then right as I pulled away I whispered, "Nopony...except me," and I placed the sleep rune on the front of Twilight's armor and powered it. Her eyes widened with shock right before they rolled into the back of her head and she collapsed. Before anypony could say anything I bellowed out, "Princess Luna and Cloud Streak! Get Twilight and Spike away from here! Use his rocket thrust to hasten your escape!" They began to stammer something out, but I yelled "JUST DO IT!" With a small amount of hesitation they complied with my request and they flew away with a trail of green and red flames. Red tears streamed down my face as I saw them leave. I swallowed hard and whispered to myself "Good-bye Princess Twilight Sparkle and Spike. And you too Princess Luna and Cloud Streak. I am better for knowing all of you." "What in Tartarus did you do that for?!" Shadow Dancer ran up and yelled at me. I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes and croaked out "Flee the city you fools! I am going to overload the seal on this box! I shall wait long-" before being interrupted by Gray Mane. "We aren't doing shit!" he snapped back. "Agreed," Night Star added. After a second Tactics replied with, "Both Night Star and Gray Mane are correct." I just gaped for a moment before I saw tears pour down Shadow Dancer's face. He sniffed a few times and said, "I guess...I guess ya'll can count me in too." "Why are you all speaking like such?! I can-" I screeched, but got interrupted by Night Star this time. "No...you cannot, Captain. We all have seen you overload seals before. It is both time consuming and attracts attention. Even now rogue soldiers are converging on our position as we speak no doubt. You would not last a minute without our aid," she stated in an almost scolding tone. I just looked around as more red tears streamed out of my eyes. "Are you all serious?!" I cried out, but none of them replied. I did not know what to say as any possible response got stuck in my throat. After all the years we had been together and it was still surreal to me. After a few seconds Night Star had walked up to me and gave me a firm hug. She then let go and said "Everypony make your peace. We do not have much time to spare." Time slowed down as I just gazed around at my lieutenants, my friends. I looked first at Tactics as he pulled out a small misshapen cupcake before I overheard him whisper to himself. "You pink little insolvable puzzle. I never wanted any of these simple pastries. But It seems you had slipped me another one without my knowledge. Such a simple thing that seems to be a paradox of having no meaning and yet so much, just like you. So I suppose at my end I shall give you the one thing you desired the most out of me, my smile." Then for the first time I have ever seen, his face curled up into a small smile. He then took a bite out of the cupcake before tears streamed down his face. As I turned my head I saw Shadow Dancer toying with a small piece of rope. He sniffed a few times and whispered, "We're headed to the next rodeo ya said. Ya said it was really a sight too. Ya even said ah'd probably be able to compete along side yer family if I'd get my lasso knots right. Funny...how I'd finally figure it out now. Rope a good one fer me ya ol' stubborn hat wearin' apple bucker." Next I saw Gray Mane take a small yellow feather from his right ear. He held it in his forehooves and stared down at it. He then took a deep breath and whispered, "See you around you innocent little soul. You gave me the only peace I'd ever known in this damn world. Just don't let those shopkeepers push you around now. I'm sorry, but...but I won't be there to knock their damn teeth in for you anymore. I guess those other examples I made will have to do." Then came Night Star and she was holding the side of her masked face. She wrapped her other foreleg around herself and whispered, "I apologize, but it seems I shall have to cancel those plans with you miss fashionista. That dress we created probably could have dazzled your critics. Thank you for the mask that you had given me. At least for a little while I was properly able to see my..." She turned her head turned in my direction for some reason and I could see tears flowing out from under her mask. Silenced then reined for a few more minutes until I heard a roaring crowd coming closer. Gray Mane was the first to get up as he picked up his battle axe. He then looked around and bellowed "If we're all going to die, we're going to make them regret every last second of it!" He then looked at me and added "We'll keep you covered Blood Moon. Lets send these bastards on a one way ticket straight to Tartarus!" The others yelled in unison and formed a protective circle around me. After they were in place, I picked up my scythe with my right forehoof and focused on the Box of Energy Sealing. I then raised my power as far as it would go and fired a beam of pure life force energy from my left forehoof. Sparks flew as the energy hit the box. It spit and crackled every which way right as the rogue soldiers poured in from everywhere. For several minutes my lieutenants fought harder than I had ever seen them do so before. But the sheer number of soldiers never seemed to stop and it began to tire and wear them down. Shadow Dancer was the first among us to fall. He had been jumping from enemy to enemy, but a faulty landing caused him to stumble. One of the soldiers got a lucky strike in and impaled him with a spear through the heart. With his last actions he sliced the rogue soldier to pieces with his katars before collapsing motionless to the ground. I had almost cried out his name, but seeing him fall in such a manner steeled my will as I doubled my efforts. Again my lieutenants continued to fight valiantly, but Tactics was the second among us to fall. He had the skill and the adaptability, but even he had his limits. Even in his lycan form he eventually got overwhelmed and was pulled down into a nearby group of rogue soldiers. The last sounds I heard was the yelp of a wolf before I saw him slain not far from us. After Tactics and Shadow Dancer perished Gray Mane was driven into a mad rage. He raged around the battlefield cleaving everything in sight with his battle axe. His death was not as quick as the other two. He died the death of a thousand cuts. After a while he had bled far too much before finally taking a solar beam to the chest. With a defiant snarl he sliced through a few more before his shaky legs gave out and he fell over lifeless. And so then there was just me and Night Star left. When she had spotted Gray Mane fall, something snapped in her as she looked back at me. She screamed into the air, "NONE OF YOU SHALL HARM HIM!" before her body erupted with light blue flames. Her movement increased a hundred fold and she blurred faster then I could follow. In the blink of an eye rogue soldiers from every direction dropped lifeless to the ground at an absurd level. Whatever she had done it was the last bit of time that I had needed. The runes on the seal shattered and cracked from my infusion of power. Time slowed to a stand still as I saw the box of energy sealing warp and buckle. In the few remaining seconds I had left, I just smiled and whispered, "Fairwell Twilight. I love you." However, right before the box exploded Night Star blurred in front of me. She then stretched her legs in all directions with her back to me. The box eventually shattered with a thunder crack and she was launched directly at me. As a result we both sailed through the air until we impacted a nearby building behind us. In my last moments of consciousness I heard a deafening multi-toned laughter. A tall shadowy cloaked pony skeleton with black pits for eyes bellowed to the sky, "I HAVE BEEN FREED HAHAHA! I AM FREEEEEE!" in its strange multi-tone voice. My vision blurred and the last sounds I heard were screams in all directions as everything faded to black. > Chapter 33: The Price of Victory > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the darkness of my mind I could hear the terrified screams of ponies everywhere around me. My body was growing cold and I was quickly losing consciousness right up until I heard something step closer to me. In mere fractions of a second my very being recoiled at whatever this horrid presence was. With what little feeling I had left I felt my body violently shiver as I heard the hoof steps come closer still. Then without so much as a warning a multi-toned voice boomed in my head, "Wake up little soul. She does not have much time left." right before I felt as if my entire body was thrown into a frigid lake. "AAAAAAAAHHHH" I screamed as my eyes snapped open. Confused and frightened my ears swiveled in all directions as my eyes darted around. As my vision cleared I realized that whatever had spoken to me was now gone. The area around me was devoid of movement of any type. All that seemed to be was the occasional gust of wind accompanied by an eerie silence. This unnerving silence however lasted only until I heard somepony cough in front of me. I shook my head a few times and noticed that Night Star was laying partially limp in my lap. She fixed me with a weak smile before coughing a few more times. The act of her doing so seemed to cause some part of me to grow weak and distant. I shook my head several more times in an attempt to shake the weakness that seemed to be growing. However I had to end up pushing that feeling aside as I could not afford to concern myself with it at the moment. The evident fact that Night Star needed my aid was a more pressing matter. I squinted as I scanned over her broken form. Even after a small amount of time it was clear she was in awful shape. The front of her armor had been blasted away along with most of her helm. The areas that were not covered were riddled with shrapnel and burns. The only thing that was even remotely undamaged was the white mask that covered most of her face. After I gathered what little strength I had I lifted her into a more stable position on my lap. I then said "Do not worry...Night Star...I can..." before she gently put a hoof over my mouth. "Shhhhh...unfortunately it is too late for that...Blood Moon. He...he stated I do not...have much time," she said in a voice barely above a whisper. I was taken back for a moment when she stated my name. In all our years together she had never once called me anything other than "Captain". I had scolded her many times in the past, but she just remained doing so...until now. However, even that small shock was overridden by her other comment. "Night Star...who are you speaking off?" I said in both fear and confusion. She just shook her head in response and said "That....is not important right now." She then scrunched her lips and added "Please...can you do something for me?" "What is it?" I inquired, still confused. "Please...help me take my mask off," she said struggling to lift her forelegs. It was an odd request, but I complied with little hesitation. Then as her mask slipped off I could see the true face of Night Star. As I had suspected before the flesh on the right half of her face and neck was heavily scarred. Her right eye was sealed shut and her horn was shattered and cracked in several places. But, that was not the greatest shock. No, that came from the other eye that gazed at me with mix of sorrow and happiness. Its iris was the same shade of crimson red as mine were. My mind went blank at the sight. I did not know what to say as words could not express what I had felt. Even after several moments I still remained silent. As the apparent response of such she was the first to speak. She placed a forehoof on the side of my face and said, "My...my little colt. I...I wanted to tell you for so many years but...but there was never the right time." She sniffed a few times before continuing, "It...it happened so many moons ago. I was still recovering from giving birth to you when we came under siege. They...they killed or took everypony, but I would not let them take you. You...you were so young. Not even a month old." She was interrupted when she started to violently cough a few more times. The result again sent a frigid weakening chill through my body. After a few moments she regained herself to speak again. "I...I tried to protect you, but I overtaxed my magic. My horn shattered and somehow most of my magic transferred to you. The resulting magical backlash scorched half my face before they dragged me away from you," She said and paused for a moment to look at me as red tears dripped out of her left eye. "They...they turned me against my will right before I managed to escape. I had wandered in despair for so many moons before I saw you. I...I had thought you had perished but there you were. So with what little rekindled hope I had possessed I joined the Night Guard to get closer to you. I even took on the little name your father gave me 'Night Star' to hide my true self," She added still looking at me. Red tears flowed forth from my eyes in steady streams. There was so much I wanted to say, but the only thing that came out was, "Your name is not 'Night Star'?" before my words became incomprehensible. She gave a weak smile and shook her head. "No, I think my real name...was 'Life Mender'. Your father called me 'Night Star' because he said that I was like a bright night star on his midnight patrols. You...you look so much like him. I...I am so sorry Blood Moon. I wanted to tell you, but...but" she said before she started coughing up blood. "No please! I can help you! Please...do not go! Please!" I pleaded as I furiously searched for my scythe. Her forehoof slid off my face as she said, "I am so...sorry...I love you...my little...colt." Her body went limp shortly afterwards as flaring pain surged through my body. It felt as if I was tearing in half but I did not care. I forced through the agony as I located my scythe not far from me. I then pulled it to me with all my remaining might before I tipped my head back and drove my fangs into her neck. Her blood spilled into my mouth as I tried to raise my power, but only my blood magic responded. Red tears flowed down my face as I tried and tried and tried, but there was nothing else there. I began to beg and plead with even fate itself for aid but still nothing happened. I did not care if it would have killed me I still strained with everything I had, but again, it was no use. It was evident that the life force magic I had used for so long had been snuffed out when its true wielder had perished. I pulled my fangs out of my mother's neck as I squeezed her tight. A deep sorrowful wail poured from me as I begged for anypony or anything for help. But, the only reply that came was the chill wind that swept over us. And so I remained for a countless amount of time. The cold wind had picked up and even snow had begun to fall from the sky. After a few minutes my fur formed a small amount of frost on it, but I cared little. Even as my body shivered as I grew numb, I just did not seem to care anymore. Then as my eyes closed from the pain and the cold I heard a distant whisper "Do not...give up". In response my ears and eyes snapped to attention. "Who is there!?" I stated. Again I heard a distant "Do not...give up," in response. This time I lifted my scythe and gently lowered my mother's body to the ground. I then stood up and walked with my scythe held and at guard. When no other voices came after several minutes so I yelled, "Who is there?!" But this time the response was much different. Instead of hearing a voice I soon felt an overwhelming sense of dread wash over me. I gritted my teeth in anger as I turned my head back and forth. "It is you! You are the one that said she did not have much time IS IT NOT!?" I yelled into the area around me. In reply the feeling of cold dread grew greater still, but I remained resolute. I just curled my lips back and snarled out "I CARE NOT FOR YOUR TRICKERY FOUL DEMON! I COMMAND YOU TO SHOW YOURSELF AND FACE ME!" With all my anger and sorrow I was ready to fight to the last. I needed something, anything as an outlet for my grief. But then it happened. The shadowy cloaked tall skeletal pony from before slipped into this world as if some infected wound in reality itself. If skeletons could smile it surely was as it stated in that same multi-toned voice "That is a statement you are going to regret making". I did not wait for it make the first move against me so I charged yelling at the top of my lungs. However my seemingly pitiful display merely amused the creature as it laughed at me. Then in a simple fluid movement it slapped my scythe out of my hooves and back hoofed me. I stumbled backwards as my head rang from the impact that seemed to not truly touch my body. It was as if it hit something inside of me that began to reel from the chilling touch. However, the creature did not give me the chance to recover. Right as I hit the ground some shadowy tentacles wrapped around all four of my legs, my midsection, and my neck. They then, with a violent jerk, lifted me into the air. My body squirmed and my skin crawled from the sickening touch of the creature that held me aloft. My protests seemed to amuse them more as I struggled against it. It remained chuckling at my efforts as it lifted my body into an "X" shape in front of it. Then in an almost bored tone it stated "Will you please stop struggling. I wish to speak with you." "Speak with you? What could you possibly desire?! Have you not taken enough from me?!" I snarled back. The creature stomped in front of me and glared with its blackened eye sockets. "Taken from you? Taken from you?! HA! By all accounts you should be dead by now from your previous actions but I spared your life. I even allowed your mother to remain in this world for a few moments more so she could speak with you! And yet you have the gall to say that I have taken from you!? it bellowed and shook me a few times I stuttered for a response before I stated in confusion, "What do you want?" The skeletal creature calmed down a bit and made the act of taking a deep breath before stating "Truth be told dear mortal that goes by the name 'Blood Moon'. I need your help." Now I was truly confused. A creature so powerful it defeated me with little effort and it was now asking for my help? I was reasonably skeptical as it very well could have been a trick. But, until I could figure a way out of this apparent mess it was best to keep this creature talking. So I raised an eyebrow and stated "You require my help? For what purpose and why?" "If you have not already deduced I am something of this world and yet I am not. I am 'Death' in the simplest of terms. It is my duty to help maintain the balance between Life and Death. However...due to obvious reasons I am forbidden from acting on my own accord in certain matters. My very presence here is detrimental the balance I help maintain. But, I am allowed to do so in specific situations as this," Death replied. "Not to be rude eeerm...Death...but just so I have this crystal clear. You require my help in being your..." I said but drew a blank at end. Death chuckled and said "Advocate". I cleared my throat in response. "Thank you. You require my help with me being your advocate. Now not to be rude again, but why would I do such a thing?" I inquired now genuinely curious. "In return for your aid you can first and foremost keep on living here...in a matter of speaking. And two you can get to see your dead lieutenants and mother one last time," he replied. My heart skipped a beat when I said the second sentence. I swallowed hard and said "H-how?" Death tilted his head and stated, "As I have been busy speaking with you I have not sent them on their way yet. I will allow you to speak with them one last time before they truly exit this world." Then it seemed he acted as if rolling his non-existent eyes before adding, "In fact your mother has been pleading with me this entire time to put you down. The other two named 'Gray Mane' and 'Shadow Dancer' however cannot seem to stop laughing at your current situation it seems. The last one named 'Tactics' has not stopped staring at me. It is becoming a bit unnerving I admit." Red tears began to flow down my eyes. I did not know if it was a trick or not, but decided to throw caution into the wind and I accepted Death's offer. He seemed to smile I suppose at my response and said "Oh goody! Perhaps you shall last longer than your predecessors!". "Wait WHAT?!" I yelped before Death placed a skeletal hoof on my chest. The hoof seem to sink unhindered through my armor and my body convulsed. A sicking chill sweep over my body and my breath was stuck in my chest. My mouth was locked in a silent scream as my very being became revolted at what was happening. My vision soon blurred and the corners of my sight darkened until they became pitch black. My heart beat slowed and slowed until it seemed time had stopped for me. The chill I had been feeling seemed to blanket me. In an odd manner it was no longer unpleasant. It seem comforting somehow. It was as if it felt like being able to finally take a rest after a difficult day. I welcomed it as the peaceful darkness overtook me. But as I slipped further I heard a voice that sounded like my mother next to me, "No Blood Moon stop! You must not go further!" My mind jumped awake as my eyes snap opened. Although my vision was blurred I could feel myself being lowered to the ground. The cold stone of the city did not seem to bother me as laid there. In fact it was a strange comfort. After a moment I blinked a few times and my vision cleared to the point that it was almost dreamlike clarity. Gone was my fatigue and I felt renewed somehow. I breathed in the cold air and stood up with little effort. It was then I saw her and my lieutenants. Their physical bodies were gone to be replaced by a translucent white mist with their hazy images and outlines. Tears flowed down my face as my mother wrapped her misty forelegs around me. And although I knew they were not material I could still partially feel them. I wiped the tears from my eyes and said "How can this be?" I heard Death chuckle behind me. "A small perk for being my advocate. Although...they cannot remain her...what?"" Death stated but sound confused. A swirling white portal appeared not but a few meters from me. Another hazy white figure stepped from it. The figure wore an old style royal guard armor and was carrying a scythe that looked eerie similar to my own. It was definitely a stallion given their form and they wore a sly grin that I often possessed. Before I could state anything I heard Death say in a disapproving tone, "You are not suppose to be here. I sent you on your way ages ago. How did you even get back here anyway?" The new figure grinned wider and said "I asked politely heh heh." Death gave him stern look and said "She does not have domain here I do." The figure rolled his eyes and tapped his scythe on his back. "Oh do not worry I have just come here to collect my little night star. And perhaps talk to my youngest son for but a moment..." "Alright, but make it quick. I would rather not have others go circumventing the rules," Death huffed but remained seated. Then I heard a growl as he added "I said I did not want any others circumventing the rules!" Right after Death said that comment two more smaller figures ran from the swirling portal and darted directly at my mother. They both squealed with joy as they said "MOMMY!" My mother seemed to have tears flowing down her eyes in response as she squeezed the young colt and filly close. I could not believe what I was seeing. It was so much to take in at one moment. Even after a minute I just sat there dumbfounded with a shocked expression on my face. And I remained so until my father walked up to me and tapped me on the nose. "Silver Scythe to Blood Moon. Come in Blood Moon," he said in an amused tone. The only reply I gave was to hug him for all it was worth. He just chuckled in reply and squeezed me back before pulling away when Death began to tap his hoof on the ground. My father then sighed and said "Alright alright I know we need to leave soon," before looking at me and stating, "You have truly gotten so big. I really wish I was here to help you grow. But, all I could do was merely watch. I am proud of you son...well minus that awful temper you seemed to have inherited from me heh heh heh." I wiped the tears from my eyes and snarked back "Ah so you are to blame for that hmm?" "Ahh that and much more heh heh. However, me and the rest cannot remain here for much longer. So I will unfortunately make this brief," my father said before sighing and looking pained. "The order between Life and Death is strained. It is the reason Death asked for your aid in the first place. Many have perished when they should have not. And many still remain living when they should have perished moons ago. This war between the kingdom and the rogue factions needs to end or more shall suffer." My father then glanced over at Death who nodded to him. The pained expression on my father's face deepened. "It is time to go. I am sorry for everything that happened to you Blood Moon. Me, your mother, and your brother and sister will watch over you until it is your time. I am sorry we cannot do much else," he said in a sorrowful tone. We then gathered in one big family hug before they turned to walk into the swirling white portal. Tactics was the first to walk by after my family. He said " Thank you for everything you have done for me. I probably did not deserve your kindness for all I have done to you in the past, but thank you," before walking into the portal himself. Shadow Dancer was next and he shouldered me a bit on the way as he passed me. "Don't go bawling on my account. I reckon I would've died a loooong time ago if it wasn't fer you. Thanks for everything and take care of yerself," he said before walking into the portal. The last one was Gray Mane. He just snorted and said "Well I guess this is it. I better get going. Just one last thing," he turned and smirked at me "Beat those shitbags for everything they've done. Trust me they don't deserve your pity," he then walked through the portal before it closed. I just sat there where the portal once was as I buried my face in my forehooves and I cried like a little foal. They were all gone. The extra time was sweet and yet all the more painful. Death said nothing as he walked by. He just patted me on the shoulder before walking through a black portal and disappeared. A few minutes afterwards I picked myself up and located the bodies of my mother and lieutenants. While I knew they were truly gone, I just could not leave their bodies to be picked at. So with a tear soaked face I found a small pull cart and loaded them into it before I made my mournful dirge out of the city. > Chapter 34: From The Death of An Old Life, A New One Begins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The wheels on my pull cart squeaked in regular intervals as I continued my journey through Canterlot. The only other sounds that accompanied were my hoof steps and the cold wind that blew in random gusts. My muscles had long ago begun to stiffen as the result of the chill but I cared little. Even as the tears I shed froze to my face and each new step became laborious, I just continued to trudge ever onward. The city I now walked through had become a distorted image of what it once had been. The sounds of laughter and countless other emotions were stripped clean leaving nothing, but a deathly silence. Even much of the buildings themselves had been altered, burned, or destroyed. The pleasant city that I had remembered, had been tainted. It would take years before this place could ever reclaim its former glory. But even then it shall never be the same for me. As I continued my dirge I found my vision started to shift to all the bodies that had littered the streets. Whatever Death had done when I released him had become apparent. Rogue soldiers beyond of the realm of counting had their very lives ripped from them. Each face wore a visage anywhere from terror to sorrow to peaceful rest. In some ways I envied them. No more struggling through this world, just a simple end. However, my father's last words to me had rung through my head in response. The statement "This war between the kingdom and the rogue factions needs to end or more shall suffer" echoed and repeated in my mind. The cold fact that he was indeed right was probably why I continued on regardless of what I currently felt. After an hour I had reached the main gate of Canterlot. The doors of said gate had been torn off their massive hinges from earlier. What was left of them was a barely standing archway. I had only stopped for but a moment to analyze the damage done before I passed through it. The other side of the main gate gave way to what had taken place outside the city walls. Our forces had indeed kept the rogue soldiers focused and contained, but at the cost of numerous lives. Pockets of activity were spread out on the battlefield. Most of which were probably battle medics and the such, but I did not view for long. I just could not handle even more sorrow so I stared at the ground as I continued to walk. And so my walk continued until I realized everypony was beginning to notice me. Some seemed to look surprised or confused. Others however stumbled over themselves to run away from me for some reason. I had a nagging feeling that it would have been a reasonable response if I were them, but I could not remember why. I just did not know why I had frightened them so thoroughly and it bothered me. My thoughts of such did not last long though when I reached a veritable wall of weapons pointed at me. The center of which stood a grim looking Celestia. Her face was contorted into a mixture of fear and yet fortitude at the same time. Her eyes narrowed as she barked the order "Everypony keep your distance from him!" I then saw somepony stumble to the front of line only to meet an armored foreleg blocking their path. After a few moments I realized it was Twilight attempting to struggle her way through. A few seconds had passed before she gave up her futile efforts and yelled "Let me through!" Celestia held firm her foreleg and said something to Twilight that I could not make out. The result of which caused tears to flow down Twilgiht's face in response. Even in my current state I could not stand to see her cry so I took a step forward. Celestia however shot me a cold leer as everypony backed up a few steps. After which she bellowed out to me "What is your purpose here!" It seemed like an odd statement. My mind went blank for the most part so I just mentioned what first came to me. "I...I just could not leave their bodies. They all fell protecting me. Please I-" I said before I felt a hard impact on the back of my head. I collapsed to the ground and darkness crept up on the edges vision. The last thing I saw was Luna standing not far from me. The pommel of one of her khopeshes had some strange black ichor dripping from it. She then frowned and said "I am sorry for my actions Blood Moon. If that is still indeed you in there," before I blacked out. And so I drifted into darkness. My body remained unfeeling and my mind was empty. Well empty until the most horrid throbbing headache overtook me. My eyes slowly opened in a response as a low groan left my lips. Then as I attempted to put a forehoof to side of my head I realized something was amiss. All of my legs felt heavier than usual and a rattling of chains sounded when I moved. I blinked a few times as my vision cleared and then promptly realized there were two spears mere centimeters from my face. A worried swallow followed as my eyes scanned what little of the room I could see. It seems that I was in the decent size hospital room along with Celestia, Luna, and Twilight and her friends. Even discord was lazily leaning up against one of the far walls. From what I could tell is that it was sometime around dusk from the view of the window five meters in front of me. I continued my nervous scanning until I heard Celestia state, "Everypony he's awake." She then walked a few steps closer and said "Who are you?" I raised an eyebrow at her statement. "It is me, Blood Moon," I replied thoroughly confused. Celestia's eyes narrowed before she sternly said, "Don't try my patience creature. Now who are you?" I tilted my head and said "What? It is me Blood Moon, Princess. Do you not recognize me?" She then pursed her lips and her horn began to glow. The spears by my face pulled away and a mirror hovered in front of me. I sat up to look at its surface only to find a stranger looking back at me. All of my fur was jet black. As I opened my mouth from surprise I realized that other than my teeth everything inside my mouth was all black, including my tongue. And while my irises remained their crimson red the whites of my eyes were black as well. I in turn blinked several times in absolute disbelief at my current visage. "What...what has happened to me?" I said mainly to myself only to get an unintended response. "You are my Advocate remember?" I heard Death's multi-toned voice in my mind. "Your body has been altered because of this," he added. My memory was still foggy, but I remembered some of the details. "Oh yes...that. That explains a lot," I said out loud. Celestia tilted her head in confusion and said "Who are you talking to?" I heard Death chuckle in my mind before he said "I have an interesting favor to ask you. Being as I am currently busy cleaning up over two months' worth of wandering souls from when I was trapped. And as me becoming material is harmful to anything currently living, may I speak through your body?" I was taken back for a second, "What? You wish to speak through me? I am not sure I enjoy the sound of that. It sounds to be both unnerving and unpleasant," I said out loud confusing Celestia and everypony in the room even more except Discord. "This is important. Please let me in," Death grumbled. My eyes narrowed as I said out loud "No! It sounds too creepy and disturbing. I am not some mouth piece to be utilized." "Fine have it your way! I will just do this, until you agree!" He said as he snickered. Before I could even respond an absolutely horrible multi-toned constantly shifting wail screeched in my head. The word "unpleasant" would have been a woefully inadequate description of it. My forehooves soon slammed to my ears in a futile attempt at block out said nightmarish experience. Needless to say it took only a grand total of three seconds before I mentally fell over myself to make it stop. To which Death just laughed some more and said a snarky, "Thank you." My vision faded to black, but I could still hear and feel my surroundings. However it soon became unnerving when my body began to move without me doing so. Then my body began to speak, but it was not my own voice, but Death's. "Well well, not only do you bash him on the skull, you proceed to chain him up and place pointy objects near his face, he said before I felt some strange energy surge in my body. Then after a second or two I felt the chains that held me crumble to dust before he added "Ah there we are. Much better." "Who are you and what have you done with Blood Moon?!" I heard Celestia yell. Before Death could respond I heard Discord laugh and state, "Hello Death. I was wondering when you were going to show. You always did make things more interesting." I felt my head shake as Death said "Interesting is hardly the correct word. More like trying to clean up the awful mess you and the others have done to this world. Harmony should have never raised the vote to remove you from the council and banish you to the material realm." Discord just laughed some more and stated "What did you expect from that stuffy old spoil sport? No sense of humor I swear. She just never enjoyed me having fun with some of her little 'grand designs'." "You left out the part on how you managed to irritate both Creation and Void...and Chronos...and pretty much every other member of said council..." Death deadpanned. Discord snorted in reply. "Oh yes...I forgot about them. How are they doing anyway?" he said truly layering it on. "Still aggravated with you of course. I once, in a moment of desperation, fell to my ethereal knees begging them to reinstate you only to receive a unified 'NO!'" Death grumbled. I then felt my body sigh. "However, that is not the reason for this meeting," Death said, sighed again and added, "No, I am here yet again to continue to try and correct the disaster that you three have created," before I felt him point in three different directions. "Created? You mean free this world from chaos? No offence to Discord, but we had little choice," I heard Celestia snap back. "I have no desire to hear your excuses 'Sun Goddess'! In well over a millenia of your mortal time you three have been at each other's throats! Now the very forces that you had commanded had split from your control! So here again I am forced to step in!" Death yelled at her in reply. "Step in?! You mean corrupt another poor soul to your own ends! How dare you force Blood Moon into your schemes you heartless monster!" Celestia yelled and I heard her stomp closer. I figured Death going to get into a shouting match with Celestia, but he did no such thing. I just felt my head tip back for a moment as roaring laughter came out. Afterward I felt my body lean closer to Celestia's general direction before a grin crawled up my face. "Oooooo heartless hmm? Now this truly has become interesting heh heh heh. For you see this 'Heartless Monster' was responsible for clearing out your precious city. After you helped trap me in a box for over two months of course. This 'Heartless Monster' also allowed your 'friend' Blood Moon here to see his mother and family one last time. Ooooh no it is not I who is the 'Heartless Monster' here, but you," Death stated in slick knowing tone. "What are you talking about?" Celestia growled back. "You knew..." Death replied with his voice still as slick at before. When Celestia choked on her words I heard somepony else walk closer. They were about to speak before Death cut them off, "And you knew too 'Moon Goddess'." After a few seconds of both of them sputtering for words Death spoke again. "You two knew his mother stood not but five paces from him for decades and you both stayed mute," Death said grinning. "WHAT?!" I screeched in my mind. Discord on the other hoof broke into hysterical laughter as he said "Haaahaha ho ho ho. This. Is. Rich. Wow Tia and Lulu, bravo. And here I thought it was my job to cause strife and treachery. Good show indeed hahahaha." The room became silent other than Discord's obvious enjoyment. I however was so enraged that I could not even think straight. My mind burned with fury at the news. It became so intense that it seemed to have forced Death to continue speaking through my gritted teeth. "There is not much that hides from Death. Not even your dirty little secrets. For you see you two have indirectly caused more damage to him than any other being. You destroyed his birth family, his foster family, his friends, and almost killed both of his lovers," Death growled and seemed to grow angry as well. After a few seconds of heavy breathing he added, "And you used him too. Say, does any being happen to know what happened to his first suit of enchanted armor? I hear that it was not he who had destroyed-" "ENOUGH!" I heard Luna shout. Death chuckled in reply and said "Ha hardly, but I have spent too much time already. I need to continue my task. Have fun with the aftermath of your little betrayal." Then just as fast as it had come, Death's influence disappeared from my body thus returning my sight. I sat there shaking with sorrow and fury as my gums bled from gritting my teeth together. Black tears soon flowed from my eyes as my gaze had become focused forward and unblinking. I remained so until Celestia and Luna stepped closer to me. "Blood Moon...we-" Celestia began to speak until I gave both her and Luna a rage filled leer. "DO NOT DARE COME NEAR ME!" I hissed before black and red lightning crackled across my bed and then the floor. I then found my armor ring on a table next to me and held it up as I yelled "IS THIS WHAT MY LOYALTY MEANS TO YOU?! AM I JUST SOME PAWN IN YOUR DESIGNS?! GRAAAAAHH!" before I threw it through the window in front of me with a thunderous crash. Everypony dove away from the spray of glass that followed, but I still sat there shaking with fury. Every fiber of my being screamed out for an escape. Somewhere, anywhere was better than where I currently was. In my fevered moments I noticed a small mountain through the broken window in front of me. Without even a second thought my mind reached towards it right before a black portal opened at the front of my bed. Then again without thinking I located my scythe in the room and willed it towards me. The very second my scythe was in my possession I leapt through the swirling portal. The last words I heard was "BLOOD MOON WAIT!" from somepony before the black portal slammed shut behind me. I then crashed into the icy ground and rolled several times to a stop. Black ichor soon dripped from my mouth when I had sunk my fangs into my bottom lip from fear. My black tears, again, were soon to follow. And so I remained there, unmoving, until my muscles had begun to stiffen from the icy cold. Then with what hollow will I had left in myself I dragged my body into a small cave I located. And there I sat, at the back of the cave, with my forelegs wrapped around me, mourning for the life that I had once known. > Chapter 35: Rediscovering Oneself: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A chill wind outside howled as it whipped around the opening of the cave. In an odd sort of manner it was soothing somehow. I listened as its fury came in long gusts followed by a few moments of silence before it continued again. Again strange as to why I would have found comfort in such a thing but perhaps it was one of the few comforts I had at the moment. The life that I had forged for years seemed to have been stripped from me in but a moment. All that seemed left was just the wind, and my hollow thoughts. I continued to hold myself seeming more out of instinct than anything else. While my muscles did stiffen from the cold, my body did not seem to shiver for some reason. I knew that I was indeed cold as I could distantly feel it, but it did not affect me as it did in the past. In turn I sighed as I contemplated what I had become. Was I still alive? As I still seemed to need to breathe would that classify as being alive? Such questions seemed to plague me near endlessly until fatigue crept up in my mind. The only cease to such a torment was when I leaned my head against the cave wall and closed my eyes. It was not my intention to fall asleep. I had merely attempted to rest my eyes I suppose, but sleep found me either way. The result of which started with chaotic dreams made up of everything that had recently happened. But just when the nightmares became unbearable a soft dark blue light seemed to blanket over them. The uneasiness ebbed away leaving the sound of the soft caresses of the ocean on a beach. Soon those sounds too slowly slipped away, replaced by the sounds of a crackling fire. My ears quivered for a moment as my mind began to wake up. It was then did I realize that the sounds of a campfire was not merely a dream. With what little will I had I opened my eyes to view my surroundings. The cave that I had crawled into from the cold was a bit different. The opening of said cave now had a dark blue moon and stars tapestry covering the majority of it. Its presence seemed to block out much of the outside chill. In the center of the cave burned a small campfire whose light flickered on the walls of cave while warming me. The last item of note was a dark blue blanket that had been carefully wrapped around me. It looked to be one of the fine blankets from Luna's bed chambers, but I was not certain. I suppose I should have been either angry or at least surprised as it was obvious that Luna had done all of this while I slept. However, while I was still cross with her and her sister, the burning rage that I had felt before had diminished to embers. Perhaps I had overreacted in the state that I was in. Those two rarely took actions based on little thought so they must have had a reason for doing so. Or at least, they had better have had a reason for doing so for their sake. But regardless of such as I went to slip back to sleep my eyes glanced over at something that I had overlooked. There seemed to be an object on the exact opposite side of the cave. I had tried to squint at said item but I could not discern what it was due to the flickering campfire. And while I was still was quite exhausted I just could not let my curiosity go unsated. For even in my dreams it would surely drive me to madness. So with a few colorful words I grumbled as I threw off my blanket before standing up. I then stretched, said a few more color words and walked over the item of my intrigue. Then as I walked closer I noticed that it was a strange looking old tome that had some sort of large seal covering it. However, something was wrong, gravely wrong, but I could not determine what. All I could see was that the runes covering the seal danced, ebbed, and swirled as if trying to reach for something around it. It seemed as its presence in this world was somehow unnatural. But regardless of such I still moved closer as my curiosity drove me forward until I stepped in something. I tilted my head in puzzlement as I looked at my forehooves. There was a small pool of blood with a rolled up piece of parchment next to it. The scent was unmistakable. It was Luna blood but it looked as if all the vitality had been drained from it. Even the blood on the note had been blackened, as if somehow tainted. A twinge of worry shifted in my mind as I lifted the note with my magic before unfurling it. And so it read as follows, "Words cannot truly express the shame for our transgressions against you dear, Blood Moon. It is in this we beseech your forgiveness for you may not know the full reasoning of our actions. Your mother was a mare without equal in what she had sacrificed and why she had done so. When you are ready, please, I implore you to seek us out. Until then I shall keep your location secret. In closing I had brought you a tome...I...I believe it was meant for you. With our most sincere and heartfelt apology ~Princess Luna The letter had numerous blood spots all over it as if she was writing it with some sort of wound. The only reason for such was a simple written "P.S. I am sorry for the mess, it appears I had slightly injured myself on the journey here. Indeed... yes...it must be that." My slight hint of worry grew worse as I rolled up the note. While I would deal with the other matters regarding Luna and her sister later, something was more pressing. Luna was obviously lying about the severity of her injury. Her words sounded shaky and unsure which is truly concerning. Luna had never been one to so easily admit when she had become wounded, no matter how grave. So for her to be so unsure of herself was not a good omen. However, there was not much I could do for her at the moment. 'Surely her sister would know what to do' I thought as if attempting to convince myself. But regardless, the previous fact remained truthful, there was little I could do for her. All that remained was to determine what had the ability to wound Luna in such a manner. And so my eyes drifted back to the dark tome that sat not but five paces from me. The tome that seemed to reach for me with some sort feeling of malicious intent. So in my confusion and concern I said out loud "What are you?" only to receive a chilling response. A quiet and cold whisper emanated from the seal on the tome, "IIIII...aaaam the guuuuardian...of thisssss...toooome. Nooone shall touch...and lay claaaaim... to itssss forbidden sssssecreeeets...exceeeept..." When the seal did not finish its sentence I leaned in closer and inquired, "Except? Except who?" The eerie voice returned again. "Nooooone shaaaallll touch...or laaaaay claaaim...except thooose that waaaalk...in the shaaadowssss betweeeen life...and deeeeath. Thoooose that are liiiiving...and yeeet noooot as moooost...would knoooow," it replied. A heavy swallow from me proceeded those sickly sounding words. This was not some enchantment that could be called novice quality. Even if one would call such a thing an "enchantment". A more fitting term would be a "Sentient Hex Spell". The act of creating such a horrid thing had been the usual working of madponies. It was forbidden by royal edict to even speak of such a bane against ponykind itself, let alone create one. I had the displeasure of seeing one in action once. It in turn slew a small village and its demented creator before burning itself out. But this current one seemed fundamentally different from that one. It seemed more specialized for lack of a better word in its purpose. And so I sat staring at the disturbing item in front of me while I mulled over what Luna had written. "I believe it was meant for you hmmm. Why would such an item be meant for me?" I inquired to myself. Then after about an hour of contemplating as the book laid idly against the wall did I finally made a decision. Now given what the tome's seal had said that it seemed to be created for the sole purpose of keeping all but somepony out. And maybe on the slim chance that somepony was me. I was unsure of such a notion, but against my better judgement I reach over and picked it up. I held my breath as I held it in my forehooves. Time seemed to slow down as my heart throbbed in my chest. Then after a few seconds nothing had happened. Nothing awful nor doom and gloom emerged in some terrible and awful manner. And for a few moments I had to say that I felt disappointed. But like most of my life I was soon scared beyond all reason when I looked down and realized the seal on the tome was looking right back at me. In the center of the seal glared a single jet black eye staring at me with a fury and loathing I had never known. A booming hiss emanated from it as it said "NONE SHALL TOUCH!". Then before I could even react four black tendrils shot forth from the edges of the seal and wrapped themselves around my body. I had struggled against its unnatural strength but it easily pinned me to the ground. It then unleashed a surge of crackling black energy that bathed over me in a relentless wrath. At first I thought I was done for. The great Blood Moon slain not by his enemies, but by an ill-tempered glorified notebook. Any other time I probably would have been quite amused at the current irony as I often enjoyed the company of books over others. However I found it hard to think when I was gasping for breath in a terror fueled panic. But as I continued to struggle the book seemed to stop most of its efforts abruptly. The seal lifted itself enough to look at a terrified me up and down. And I dare say the expression it wore, if one could call it that, was a look of pure confusion. I had the inkling that it had done this several times in the past, but this time nothing had happened. As if some grand scheme it followed down to the letter had somehow failed to achieve results. In turn it tried bathing me in that cracking black energy again several times in a row, only to grow more confused each time. After a few minutes of this it let go of me in almost gentle like nature. It even seemed to help me get into a sitting position as it placed itself in my forehooves. At which point I became completely puzzled until I looked upon it. The eye seemed to quiver with joy and yet also a deep sorrow. An inky black tear dripped from one side as a shaking whisper emanated from it. "Affffter allll these yeeaaaars...all these eeeeendlesssss yeeeearssss...myyyy taaaassssk...is compleeeete...the toooome issss yoouuurrssssss...thaaaank yooou...thaaaaank yoooou...foooor freeeeeeing meeeeeee," the seal whispered in a shaky voice before the eye slowly closed. The last expression it showed to me was a look of peacefulness before it crumbled to dust. What remained of the seal fractured and faded until nothing was left. For a while I just sat there in silence staring at the dark tome. The being that had attempted to slay me not but a minute ago had been destroyed. And in its final moments it was pleased that I had done so. It was a mystery as to why that poor thing was ever created and forced to an existence of torment. In turn with little else to do I said a few kind words to it as I snapped open the tome's binding clasp. The cover was heavy as if made of some strange metal and on the back side of it was written as follows, "At the end of a life Filled with nothing but strife A dark deal is written With one who's been bitten And when the moon is bright red Their name shall said But soon one shall follow When the first weeps and wallow And they shall be... I had a feeling there was more to the eerie poem, but a large blood smear was covering the remaining text. It looked as whoever had written it had attempted to remove said blood spot in vain. But regardless of that, enough was visible to cause me to feel unease. If the words were correct, Luna had been right more than even she probably knew. However, I just buried my feelings as I turned my head to the first page. Which to my amusement, abruptly shown a rather large statement of "BLAST AND DAMNATION! IT REFUSES TO REMOVE ITSELF! AWAY WITH THEE THY FOUL..." and then followed by the small statement of "...Oh dear...tis not my logbook..." To my further amusement I could have sworn I noticed a faint face print on the page before I continued reading, "I...apologize for my rude outburst dear reader. It seems yours truly hath lost his temper. Perhaps we should start anew, agreed? Grand. First of such explanations is the seal imbued upon this tome. I...I could not let what contains herein to come into possession of something malign. To combat evil one must at times commit an unsavory act. I am not prideful of such actions, but perhaps further on thee could find forgiveness in thy heart." I purse my lips at what had been written and I cannot say that I agree with their methods. Forgiveness for an act of enslaving something for who knows how long and almost slaying me is difficult at best. But regardless of my feelings I continued reading, "But before I continue my dark ramblings it would be proper to introduce myself. I am Star Swirl the Bearded if I am still remembered as such. And given what the poem that seems to have been written herein I address thee as either Blood Moon or thee other poor soul thus spoken of. To partake in explanations again I was entranced when inscribing it. The result of such is the poem thee spot to thine left and my apparent nose bleed. In addition to add to such strangeness I hath been compelled to scribe this tome for reasons unknown." My hooves wobbled as my eyes grew to the size of dinner plates. I swallowed hard and felt, dare I say, giddy with excitement. Yes the words were a tad ominous, but I was reading a book by the great Star Swirl the Bearded. A good section of my spells I practiced and used were written by this fantastic fellow. My joyfulness continued until I said to myself "Oh by the stars Twilight would positively drool to get her hooves on this," and then a deep frown crept up on my face. It seems up until this point I have been distracted by rage, sorrow or both that I had completely forgotten. I had left the palace without so much as a farewell. Twilight was, in all likelihood, worried sick about me. And while I wanted nothing more than to rush to return to her, I knew I was not ready to face everypony yet. I barely knew what I had become as my memory was still foggy from current events. It was my only hope that she would forgive me for my absence. So with a heavy heart I lifted the dark tome in front of me and continued to read on. > Chapter 36: Rediscovering Oneself: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The daylight outside arrived and faded as my thirst for knowledge ceased to abate. My strange curiosity at first had transformed into a fervor of delight as I read with an unblinking gaze. And such a fervor only grew further as I continued to pour through Star Swirl's tome. Each new page brought new and untold information that could serve my cause. The first of such, if indeed correct, was that it appears that I was nowhere near the first in what he called the "Death Branded". It seems there were many that had come and gone throughout the war between Discord and the princesses. Even after Discord had been sealed away they still showed themselves. The reason for their appearance I already knew. The balance of life and death had been disrupted and it needed to be rectified. But what I did not know was the second point of note. The Death Branded only appeared one at a time. Star Swirl stated that he had poured through report after report and it seemed strange even to him. He even questioned that one would think, given the grandness of their and now my task, that they would require help. However it was always the same. When one falls another eventually takes their place and only one. The fact of such did not give me ease as the poem at the start of the tome spoke of another like me, or even perhaps my successor. But the idea of my possible demise was the least of my worries. Because as I flipped to the next page it began describe the bizarre mental state that many of the Death Branded possessed. For some unknown reason the majority of them were driven mad by something. It appears they all seemed to turn psychotic and murderous with little solid explanation as to why. He goes on to state it may relate to how they are formed, somepony who should have perished but was "recruited" instead. Perhaps, as he hinted at, even that the loss of identity coupled with their mission became too much for them. The loss of identity comment had rung a displeasing tone in my mind as I lowered the tome. I then took a deep sigh as looked at one of my forelegs. The jet black fur that had covered it and my obsidian colored hoof surely was a bitter reminder. But just as I began to brood I had felt a small discomfort that had brought a smile to my face. As I lifted a forehoof to my stomach it let out some protesting gurgles in reply. It appears that I was hungry. Admittedly I had not fed in days so it seemed I still possessed some of my old self. And while I did wish to read more, my fading focus made nourishment a greater priority. In turn my stomach protested further as I stood up. And while it was still a growing discomfort it truly seemed to fuel my, dear I say, sanguine mood. It even continued as began humming to myself while I hid my new tome underneath the blanket Luna had given me. Perhaps it was the small measure of normalcy in such basic needs that had lifted my spirit. But regardless, I merely grinned as I walked out of my cave with the firm purpose of gaining a full stomach. Upon exiting my cave I breathed deeply the chill air of the mountain. While oddly comforting, I still had my mission in my mind. However I did not leave my cave fully until one minor act had been completed. For as long I knew it was always good practice to be better to be safe than sorry. So I turned around and viewed the cave entrance. I then scratched a small enchantment into the archway. It was something I had used so often it had been burned forever in memory. A small illusion spell to be exact. Most unicorn soldiers were trained in its working to cover up openings such as this. But then as I began to pour my magic into it something went wrong. The runes turned black and instead of glowing, they seemed to consume the ambient light surrounding them. The illusion, instead of covering the cave, made the opening seem even larger than it was. Anypony around me could have easily spotted it with little difficulty. In a panic I shutdown the spell and took several deep breaths before I looked around me. I had little clue what had happened. And while I desired an explanation, I did not have the time to fight with such things as my hunger grew worse. And so I cursed and grumbled to myself as I walked away from my cave hoping nopony would find it. Well I should say walked until I almost fell off a steep cliff that is. At which point reflex took over as I frantically stumbled backwards while breathing heavily. Then after the adrenaline wore off I became incredibly confused. "How in Equestria did I manage to get up here in the first place?" I said to myself. However it did not take long before my eyes half narrowed as I replied "Oh yes...portal magic..." I cursed some more as I stared at the rocky base of the mountain. There was no way in Tartarus that I would survive a fall such as this. So I paced back and forth before I snarled out "By the stars and moon why oh why did it have to be portal magic?! Why could it not have been a grueling slog up hundreds of stairs?! Or better yet a tight ledge where each breath could lead to a screaming demise?! No no noooo! It haaaaad to be one my grandest ill-rational fears!" and continued in barely coherent random angry syllables. But after pacing for several more minutes, with my hunger growing further, did I finally come to terms. Well more like I yelled "FINE! FUCK IT ALL TO TARTARUS!" and became irritated enough to attempt said horrid magic. In turn I sat down and focused on how I summoned the black portal back at the palace hospital. It seemed to have appeared when I had a great need for it. I had required an escape and it in turn gave one to me. So I started from there, I reached inside of myself and focused on my hunger and my need to get down the mountain. Then just like that a black portal formed a few paces to my right. I had flinched when it appeared, but it remained swirling there. But as I reached for it, my mind went into a panic and the portal slammed shut on me. This happened two more times before I started to become angry. It did not take long before I came to the conclusion that if I was going to get down, I was going to have to force myself. So I focused my thoughts again and imagined the portal was directly under me. To my surprise and horror the portal did as I had intended shortly before I fell shrinking like a filly through it. Then after only a second I fell out of the other end of the portal and crashed into the mountain base below. To which then I rolled several times and slammed hard into the most delightfully solid boulder on my way down. The thunderous crash echoed as I was brought to an abrupt stop. And there I laid for several minutes contemplating the wonderful meaning of pain before I popped my left shoulder back into place. But regardless I had managed to get myself down at least. Even if such acts caused my mood to sour further. Finally, I brushed myself off before I made my way to the nearest cluster of trees. Now I had been into many forests in my time. I had seen the trees change to various colors and hues only to renew themselves season after season. The animals were often the usual sort. Although I have spotted some rarities like a wolf pack and even a wild cat. But something this time was, for lack of a better word, off. The forests had usually welcomed me as a child of the night, but this time I had felt it was frightened of me. All types of eyes that I had noticed, stared at me out of fear instead of curiosity. Even the trees seemed to want to move away from me as well. At some point I whispered, "Do not worry. I mean no harm save but a meal," to my surroundings, but it did little. While it did pain me I did not want to scare my fellow children of the night further. I had figured I had better find a meal and leave as soon as possible. So after a moment of looking around I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. My ears then perked up as I was flooded with sounds of heartbeats. And eventually I found a strong one that was not far off. So with its rhythm in my ears I slipped quietly around trees and stones as I zeroed in on it. Within minutes I had located the source of such a beat. It was reasonable sized doe from what I could tell in the darkness. The wondrous sight had made my mouth begin to salivate. My tongue had even begun to rub over the points of my fangs with desire. However, I reined back my impulses and lowered myself to the ground. Step by step I crept closer to the creature. But as I tracked its movements it seemed to have gotten uneasy. Its hind legs flexed as if to run at any second. I was normally good at stealth due to decades of practice which was confusing as to how it felt me near. Then at the last moment its head turned and it glared at me with eyes filled to the brim with terror. This was not any fear that I had ever witnessed before. I could not handle the sight so I lunged at it with all my strength and pinned it to the ground. It fought hard to free itself shrieking in a manner I never heard before. But thinking quickly I drove a forehoof into its skull knocking it unconscious. Silence blanketed me once more, but it did little ease my nerves. However needs as they were I could not delay longer. So I lowered myself to the ground and opened my mouth before sinking my fangs into its neck. Blood flowed forth into my mouth in an exquisite flavor I had never experienced before. My eyes had fluttered closed as I wrapped my forelegs around the creature. Each gulp, each swallow had only made me desire more for the next. And as I did so it felt as if a part of me was getting drawn into it as well. My will had left me and I lost myself to the pleasurable experience even as my stomach had become full. Then just as the odd feeling had come, it disappeared abruptly. I opened my eyes confused to find a shriveled corpse of the poor noble creature I had just drained. I had wanted to scream, but something else took over. An awful dark craving drove me at the nearest living thing, a small tree. I had then grasped it and sunk my fangs into the bark and withered it until it crumbled. But it was not enough, something terrible inside me wanted to get out and it howled for release. Black tears streamed down my face as I fought against it. Then without warning a large animal jumped from the trees and attacked me. With what little senses I had I saw it to be a wolf before it bit down on my right foreleg. Blinding pain flared as I yelped in agony. Although it appeared I was the lucky one. Only seconds after it bit me the wolf let go and started to violently cough. It then wheezed one last time before it collapsed lifeless. More tears streaked down my face at such a loss. But just I had begun to mourn my body fought for control once more. Then when it all appeared hopeless I heard a strange soothing soft voice coming from everywhere and nowhere. "Shhhh...don't despair little one. I'll aid you in your struggle...but first..." it stated before some odd looking roots sprang from the ground, bound around me, and then lifted me into the air. I could not think clearly but I managed to plead out, "Please...whoever you are...I...I cannot control myself. I...do not want...to harm you." The voice just returned with a small laugh before it said, "Don't worry...I know exactly what you are, little advocate. I've seen many of your kind. But please...I ask you to hold still for a moment while I fix what you've done." A presence of some sort moved away from me and condensed around the fallen tree. Several new saplings sprouted before the presence moved again. This time it condensed around the fallen wolf. After a few moments the creature sucked in a few deep breaths and stood up. The presence then brushed some dirt off of it before moving to the shriveled deer. It then rejuvenated the body, but the deer remained still. Then in an almost amused and yet scolding tone the presence said, "Alright...you have what you wanted. Perhaps that'll teach you to find your own meal next time." At first I was confused for whom they were addressing until I realized it was the wolf. The creature seemed to look, I dare say, embarrassed somehow. Then a moment later it skulked in shame over to the fallen deer before dragging it off into the forest somewhere. In my all my years I have never seen a wolf act in such a manner. Yes, I have often given the other children of the night their share, but they never responded to spoken words. At any other time I probably would have been more intrigued. However, my body felt like it was going to burst at the seams. And the foaming at the mouth probably was not a good sign either. As my mind begin slipping further away the presence floated in front of me and said "Try and hold on little one...if you can still control your body please open your mouth." As I did as they asked, one of larger roots surrounding me moved in front of my face before the presence said, "Now bite down". With little hesitation I sunk my fangs into the soft flesh of the root. Sap and water dripped from the sides of my mouth as my body became awash with pleasure like before. My body soon relaxed as the overwhelming feeling of relief for an ache that was foreign to me. Then after a few minutes of this I was lowered to the ground and released. It seemed that when my body had returned to normal I had regained enough control to pull my fangs from the thick root and sit down. My head was spinning and I felt tired and weak. But in an urge to state my gratitude I said, "I thank you for your kindness. I am...better now." The presence just gave a small chuckle before stating, "Ahh a polite one. What a refreshing change from the last few." They then acted as if clearing their throat and added, "You are very welcome, little one." Awkward silence soon slipped in for a few moments so I feinted a cough and said "My apologizes for being so bold, but who...what are you? And what did you do to me?" "He didn't...oh yes he'd said he was going to try a ' hooves off approach' on you. Heh heh he really does need to learn to calibrate his actions better. Although admittedly he's really going out of his forte with you and the others," The presence said in an amused tone. This however only served to bewilder me. For you see if I did not have Death's voice in my mind but a few days previous I probably would have thought I had gone mad. Of course considering what I had been through lately, madness would not surprise me at this point. But regardless whoever this presence was they must have picked up on my mood. In response they started to laugh a bit more before stating, "Oooh dear I forgot. Floating disembodied voices often 'weirds' you ponies out. One moment and I'll answer your questions." The presence hummed to themselves as I felt their strange aura touch the ground. Roots, moss and various other small insects combined together to form a vague body of a mare. They then grumbled to themselves and kept looking back and forth at my hooves and theirs. Afterwards they hopped in place a few times and then sat down. "There, I always have trouble with the hooves for some reason. But anyway where were we again? Oh yes, your questions. First, what I am is the polar opposite of the one who bestowed you your current abilities. In other words, I'm the guiding force that balances the other half of this grand living design. For who I am I'd suppose you'd call me Life" "Hmm well that explains a few things, but please, what did you do to me?" I inquired and tilted my head. Life pursed what I suppose was her lips and said, "Ooooh that...yes...how do I properly explain this hmmmm? Ahh I got it. First, to be blunt you 'run' on the opposite energy that most living beings do. Instead of life force I guess you'd call it death energy or anti-life force. However this is where the problem arises. To even 'live' as you do you need a steady supply of death energy." Life tapped her right forehoof on her mossy cheek for a moment before continuing, "If you didn't replenish it, the very environment around you would negate it and you'd die. So you're in essence, directly linked to the world's force of death, my counterpart. You've become a well of death energy, but your physical body can only store so much. You've already seen what happens when you don't expel a buildup. I just removed that overflow from you." It was a grand amount of information to take in all at once. I groaned in response and rubbed my face with my forehooves. "I am going to assume that this 'buildup' can happen again, correct?" I questioned. "Only if you don't find a way to remove some from time to time. Your one predecessor, to my great displeasure, once destroyed a nice group of old oak trees because of that. I really liked those trees. I really liked them a lot. But I don't have to worry about that from you as you'll eventually have an...Ooop!" Life said but slammed her forehooves over her mouth at the end of her statements and started looking nervous. I narrowed in my eyes in confusion. "What was that? I will have a what?" I inquired. She shook her head a few times rapidly and blurted out, "Nothing! I said nothing! Ooooh would you look at the time, yes time, somuchtodosolittletimegottogodothingsyesthings hahahahahaha," and her presence zipped away from me in an instant. The only evidence that she was even there was the now small pile of roots and moss. It was quite clear that she almost slipped and told me something I was not supposed to hear. It must have had something to do my new little "issue", but in what way? I thought and thought on this as I returned to my cave in a near as fantastic screaming terror as before. But at least this time I had a full stomach and brushed it off easier. However, my mind was still troubled as I returned to my reading of Star Swirl's tome. In turn it was my greatest hope that all this would begin to make sense. > Chapter 37: Rediscovering Oneself: Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I stared off the mountain cliff with both anticipation and nervousness. To my delight, the harsh sunlight had faded hours ago and allowed me to focus properly. I pursed my lips thinking about how long I have been up here. It seemed the days had turned to weeks before turning into the better part of a month. I had learned much of myself in such a short amount of time. Firstly, I had discovered that my new source of energy seemed to reverse the meanings of most rune enchantments. This made for a difficult mental reconfiguring for most of my magics to function properly, but I had at least made progress. And secondly, after many days of sweat and whimpering to myself did I somewhat overcome my phobia of portals. A small part of me still cringed when I went through them, but at least it no longer crippled me. Which in turn leads as to why I was staring off this cliff. You see I was about to test out a hypothesis of mine. A hypothesis that would not be deemed as remotely "bright" by any stretch of ones imagination. To elaborate I had done some studying of the single sided portals I use, or as Star Swirl called them "Death Gates", and I had made an interesting discovery. When I thought to the first day up here, I noticed the physical properties like momentum remain intact when jumping through my portals. All that was required was to change the direction of the exit portal and it should allow me to move in unusual ways. And so I held my breath and focused on my portal magic. I then reached out with my mind and created a portal about fifty meters down the mountain and another at its base. When they were completed I strapped down Star Swirl's tome to me with a piece of cloth torn from the blanket Luna gave me. Then finally as a last bit of preparation I summoned my scythe before taking a deep breath and jumping off the cliff. Wind blew through my mane and fur as I remained focused. Then before I knew it I fell through the first portal and fired out through the second at the base of the mountain. It was quite enjoyable for a whole six seconds before I started falling towards the ground. So in my infinite wisdom I panicked and thought of somewhere high. Which course opened another pair of portals that sent me flying up at the cloud level. And I had to say it got enjoyable again before I blasted through three rain clouds and continued sailing through the sky soaking wet. But the slight dampness was the least of my worries, because as I was shaking myself off, I started plummeting towards the ground even faster this time. And again I panicked but I did not reconfigure my portals correctly this time. Which resulted in me having a jolly fine time of screaming at the top of my lungs while I flew at terrifying speeds along the tree tops. But I must say that I only screamed until my lungs ran out of air before crowning three pine trees with my scythe and zipping back to the cloud level. To which I "majestically" sailed through the air again but now I had the delight of being covered from head to tail in tree sap. So in conclusion it had become well apparent on two points. One, this truly was not going as planned. And two, it was frighteningly obvious that I was indeed not a pegasus and a master of the skies I most certainly was not. But regardless I continued my regular cycles of terminal velocity panic followed by slamming through more clouds until I got irritated by my overly stickiness. At such point my absolutely positively wondrous line of sight spotted a small lake directly below me. Which in turn caused my equally "wonderful" subconscious to decide it wanted to go there without consulting those pesky survival instincts and rational thinking patterns. So the portal in front of me quickly shut and reopened just in time to find myself dropping at an unreasonable height at an even more unreasonable speed. This of course included me flailing my legs in every which direction while I screamed like filly. But I luckily had just enough time and senses left to cast a shield spell on my tome before impacting the surface of said lake. And I have to say that my body connecting with the water made this rather unhealthy thump noise before I sunk in. This resulted in me thoroughly terrifying several small fish while I opened my mouth in a silent scream of pain. But then after a few seconds I realized that air was quite near and dear to my heart before I scrambled towards the surface. Then after gasping for breath I swam with what little parts of my body that were not throbbing to solid ground. To which I dragged myself out of the frigid water and flopped onto the grass next to the small lake. I also may or may not have hugged said grass covered ground in thankfulness for its existence afterwards. But regardless of my joy and discomfort, my urge to continue my portal testing for the night drove me onward. So after a few seconds I stood up, shook myself off, and grumbled while trying to gather my thoughts on what I wanted to do. Of course this was the point my mind got me into further trouble. For you see the second test for the night was a simple determination of how far I could link my portals. So I searched my mind for a far off destination I could go to until my eyes gazed at the round glowing white orb in the sky. At first I figured I was aiming too high, but my pride got the better of me. Thus with eyes scrunched in concentration as I literally reached for the moon. But for some reason I had some nagging feeling at the back of my mind that I could not place my hoof on. And while the strain was awful of what I was trying to do, that thought just did not seem to dissipate. It was not until the second or two before my portal opened that the thought clicked and I said out loud "Wait, does the moon have air?" However I realized my mistake far too late as my portal opened up three meters from me. Said portal then quickly turned into a blackened vortex as the near vacuum of the moon made its presence known. I yelped the word "MISCALCULATION!" in response to my folly as I scrambled to hold into the ground. Eventually I had lost my hoofing and I had use my scythe as an anchor. But it was not until the portal sucked in lake water, rocks, and even a small tree that I managed to close the blasted thing. Then just when I thought the situation could not get any more embarrassing I heard a very distinct roaring laughter in my head. 'HAHAHAHAHA Oooh by the void you ponies all act like lemmings bwaaaahahahahaaaa,' Death said while he seemed to be in a fit of hysterics. I just groaned and brushed myself off before I replied in my mind, 'Lemmings? What are you talking about?' genuinely curious. It took Death several seconds to calm himself before he spoke again, 'Each and every single one my advocates had the same...exact...thought as you did heh heh heh. Wow that moon looks so swell! I am going to teleport to it! Way to go for what you ponies call 'The Gold'' he replied still laughing at my expense. My face contorted in bewilderment. 'You mean to tell me several others did the same thing?' I questioned. 'Of course they did. Some of them are still frozen corpses up there in space somewhere. Probably drifting among the stars by now. Ahh but on the topic of stars, you all were not the worst of the bunch. No no noooo there was one where 'The Gold' was not grand enough, she had to go for 'The Platinum', Death replied. I shook more water and debris off myself before I snarked, 'Let me guess, she opened one to the Sun hmm?' It was just meant to be a jest until Death chuckled and said 'Yes actually,' before my jaw dropped as he continued, 'You see she was probably not one of my more intelligent advocates. The poor fool had built up an overwhelming amount of death energy until she was about to pop like a bubble. So not wanting her to go crazed I told her to teleport to somewhere faraway to burn it off. This of course resulted in her looking around until she noticed the Sun right above her.' I was at a loss for words. All that came out was a simple 'Nooo, hooow?!' in response Death snickered some more and said 'Oooh yes, and to this day I have yet to figure that part out. I did not know my portals could reach that far. Either way she foolishly stared at the Sun until her eyes almost burned out of their sockets before she started focusing. I ultimately did not have time to stop her before the Sun's plasma blasted out and charred a good section of the countryside including herself. Come to think of it, that also included a little pet project of Life's. What were they again? 'A bunch of oak trees?' I interjected. 'Ahh yes those. Also let me guess, Life is still cross about that I assume?' He inquired. 'Quite' I replied with a smirk. I heard Death take a deep sigh before stating, 'Yes, I thought she might be. Something about a few centuries worth of work up in flames. I swear I can still hear her shrieking at me. You would figure after seven hundred years she would have forgiven me by now. Even after she got vengeance by turning one of my favorite swamps into an overly obnoxious flower filled meadow, oooh well. But anyway, have fun attempting space travel heh heh heh.' I just rolled my eyes as Death's influence disappeared from my mind. But as his laughter disappeared I could vaguely hear a different giggling coming from somewhere in the forest next to me. My eyes scanned the moon lit trees for any signs of the source. But where my eyes had seemed to fail, my ears did not. They swiveled around and located a small heartbeat that was not far off from me. Probably only ten meters at best from my current position. So I lifted my scythe and leaned it on my back as I gazed in the direction of the heartbeat. I then stated in a firm tone "I know you are there. Show yourself." The giggling abruptly stopped and the small heartbeat quickened to a rapid pace. And then nothing but silence other than the heartbeat in my ears. Now at first it could have been any number of things. Who knows what patrolled this forest, friend and foe alike. But the quiet whimpering and the small heartbeat made said "thing" out to be something small in nature. And the response to my statement meant they understood what I had said, so it was likely a young pony given the area. So realizing that I obviously frightened them I switched tactics. I took a deep breath and said "Do not worry little one, I am not going to harm you. You have my word on that. Now please come out lest I take your actions for rudeness" I said making the last sentence into a bit of a jest. And just like I imagined, a small filly probably no older than eight slowly shifted herself from behind a tree. She was shaking violently and her green eyes were opened to the size of dinner plates. In addition she kept focusing on me and then off to my left again and again. It took me a few seconds to realize that she was looking at my scythe. In turn I just quietly chuckled to myself and unsummoned it, easing her slightly. Then after a few moments the small filly said "h-h-how d-d-did you d-d-do that?" I raised an eyebrow in response and said "Oh that, it is enchanted. But enough about me. Who are you and what are you doing out here? This is probably not a safe area for one such as you." The filly looked a bit upset as tears flowed from her eyes. "I-I-I'm 'Trail Duster'. My daddy broke his leg on a tree stump and I-I-I got lost trying to find help," she replied before breaking down into sobs. I walked over and sat down in front of her attempting to calm her down. "Shh shh do not cry little one. Here, show me where your father is and I will help him," I said before I helped her climb on my back. She stumbled a few moments before commenting on how cold I was. I just said "Oh? Am I?" in a polite reply to a fact I still could never get used to. I felt the cold, but was not effected by it other than stiffening muscles. But either way I trotted for about ten minutes before Trail Duster piped up. "There he is!" she said pointing a hoof over my right shoulder. And Just like she had said, a medium sized stallion had been sitting there with a worried look on his face. Trailer Duster then jumped off my back when we got close and she hugged him. He then went into all sorts of comments about how she should not have taken off like she did and that he was worried sick about her. Well until he noticed me standing there that is. He then squinted a bit, but did not seem to see me well in the dark. It was probably for the better given my current visage and overall look. Me being a vampire would have been frightening enough let alone the further oddities of being Death's Advocate. So to shake him out of his intent gaze I cleared my throat and said "Your, I assume your daughter, alerted me that you require aid." He looked puzzled for a second before stating, "Hmm? Haha oh yeah, a brave one she is running off like that. She got her cutie mark recently and wanted to know everything on how to be a courier like her ol' father here. But ol' clumsy me had to go and break his leg. Darn tree stump." I just chuckled at his comment as I searched the forest around them for materials to make a rough splint. But after a few minutes I noticed that he held his daughter quite close to himself and kept looking in all directions. So as I made my way back to him I said "Is something wrong?" before I started binding his hind leg with some sticks and roots. He just looked confused for a second before replying, "Huh what? Oh I'm just a bit jumpy being in this forest and all. The sooner we get out of here the better." I raised an eyebrow genuinely curious as I continued to work. "Why is that? If you do not mind me asking that is?" I inquired. He looked around a few more times and said "Its...its just that rumor has it that this forest got some sort of monster wandering around it. I wouldn't believe it if the Princesses didn't get all reclusive lately and ordered guards all around this place." The statements he was making were worrying so I decided to ask more inquiries. "I apologize as I am out of loop as one would call it. But what does this odd monster look like and what happened to the princesses?" I questioned. "Not sure what happened or why they want it, but they want it baaad for some reason. Word is the whites of its eyes are black and it has red slitted irises. Nothin' but black fur too and has sharp pointy teeth," he replied looking around more nervously than before. The finer details he described sounded all too eerie of what I looked like. It was doubtful that it was anypony or anything else given the princesses' interest in said "monster". So in response I quickened my pace at binding his leg and helped him stand. Afterwards he stumbled for a bit before getting his hoofing. "Ahh much better. Here let me get some light so I can thank ya better" he said as he struck a match. My heart skipped a beat and I wanted to stop him, but it was too late. The small match illuminated the immediate area and had shown me for who I really was. The friendly smile he wore drained off his face leaving a mask of pure terror. "S-s-sweet Celestia it's YOU! P-p-please don't eat us! P-p-please d-d-don't devour our souls mister monster sir!" he stuttered out as he stuffed his daughter behind himself out of apparent protective reflex. I groaned in annoyance at his statements. In turn I just closed my eyes for a second and rubbed my temples as I felt my temper rising. "This is the gratitude I get for aiding others hmm?! I helped free Canterlot from the grip of enemy forces, losing everything in the process, and this is what I get?! Nothing but fear and betrayal?!" I growled in rage. It was as if a small piece of my mind had broken somehow and I just snapped. Black and red lightning arced to the trees around me as I began to grind my teeth. I then summoned my scythe before bellowing out "I am not a monster! My name is Blood Moon, ex-captain of the Reaper Knights and betrayed by the very princesses I served! So fine, if they desire me so badly then I shall seek them out! They shall answer for what they had done or even Tartarus itself shall shutter from my retribution!" And without another word I forced my will and formed a swirling portal next to me. I then jumped into the portal while boiling over with rage. Then the next moment I stomped out of the portal right outside the entranceway to the royal throne room. The two guards stationed next to it yelped in surprise right before I spun on my forehooves and kicked in the golden double doors. A thunderous echo rang out as the heavy doors swung on their massive hinges revealing a small army of soldiers inside. They sprang to attention and formed a barrier between and where Princess Celestia sat on her throne. It was obvious either through paranoia or contingency she had been expecting me. Perhaps any other time I would have been flattered, but I was too enraged as I stomped forward. The guards behind me struck first and while I wanted to cause havoc for answers I was not going to resort to bloodshed to do it. Many of these soldiers had served along side me for years. Most were just like me at some point and did not deserve such a fate. In turn I opted for more disabling than brutality. So just as their attacks got closer I blurred and swung the pole of my scythe. It impacted with one of them and threw them into the other, knocking them unconscious. However, more of them charged at me from inside the throne room. But with the use of my portals, and a few blood runes to induce sleep I danced back and forth dispatching them a few at a time. And so I plowed through the small crowd in short order leaving only two figures standing in my path. The one on the left was Black Hammer and he looked to be leagues worse than I had remembered. Even from this distance one could smell the reek of alcohol emanating from him. Which being he was a vampire like myself it would take a great deal of such a vice to inebriate him. However even in his state he held his two hooved hammer with mastery. The last thing I noticed about him was the deep sorrow he held in his one remaining eye. I could tell he stood in front of me out of sheer sense of duty and not desire. The other on the right was General Black Wing and she looked far worse than even Black Hammer. While her body remained firm out of centuries of practice, her eyes and face were naked in their expression. She looked to have been weeping for days or perhaps longer. Her golden slitted eyes were bloodshot and inside them swirled a mixture of sorrow, fear and limitless rage. She was about to step forward as her bladed wings twitched, but was held back by Black Hammer. His voice slurred as he said to me "Please lad. Please done't made us do this. I beg of ye." The anger I had felt ebbed away at the sight. I just could not rise my blade against them. Especially not in the condition they were in. So I sat down where I was and placed my scythe on the ground. I then look up and called out to Celestia with but a simple word, "Why?" A tired and weary tone from Celestia answered me. "Because she asked us not to," she replied as she wobbled as she stood up. She then walked down the throne stairs with a heavy limp as she continued to speak, "When we discovered who she was, she pleaded with us to not tell you out of fear. She, more than anypony else, knew if she revealed herself to you, you would've been consumed for vengeance for what had happened to her. It would've destroyed you. So she kept it all a secret in an effort to protect you." I could not find any words to respond to that. Black tears streamed down my face from those few sentences. Any remaining anger and rage I had felt was snuffed out in an instant. As much as I wanted to fight it my mother was right, I would have. I would have done so without a second thought. More black tears streamed from my face as Celestia limped towards me. Her face appeared worn with worry and exhaustion, and she could barely hold her wings in place. But right before she got to me her face had hardened. She then unsheathed her great sword and placed it with the point right between my eyes before she yelled out "There! You now have your damn answer! NOW UNDO WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO MY SISTER!" > Chapter 38: Rebuilding Allies and Easing Tensions: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My eyes went crossed staring at the gleaming great sword that loomed in front of my face. Celestia's blade quivered in either rage, exhaustion, or both as she continued to stare me down. To my right Black Wing stood not but a few meters from me, barely being held back despite Black Hammer's best efforts. My mind went blank with fear at what was happening. I had come here for answers in my rage only to be met with a feeling of hostility far greater than anything I had to offer. Beads of sweat dripped down my temples as a hard shallow soon followed. Then after a few seconds I croaked out, "What? What do you mean?" in a mixture of fear and confusion. Celestia's tired yet fierce eyes narrowed to mere slits as her blade lessened the already short distance between it and my face. I felt the heat emanate from the blazing metal as her voice took on a much darker tone. "Undo what you've done to my sister or I'll cut you down where you stand," she said still leering at me in an unblinking gaze. My body remained frozen where I stood as her words swam in my mind. There was little doubt, given Celestia's current mood, that she meant every single word. A renewed chill flowed over me as I reached out with my thoughts in a last ditch effort, and called out to Death. 'Death, I really could use your aid at the moment' I said unable to keep the shakiness out of my mental voice. The single second it took him to respond felt like an eternity before he said 'What do you require?' 'Without going into specifics, can you please find out what happened to Princess Luna? Otherwise I fear my head shall be given a brand new piercing courtesy of an extremely miffed Solar Princess,' I said trying to be polite, but utterly failing at steadying my tone. More eternity filled seconds of silence lapsed before Death said 'Hmm it appears a large amount of my energy is condensed around her presence. However, I am unable to remove it . All I can sense is a voice that keeps repeating the words, "None shall touch or lay claim". I am sorry Blood Moon, but this is all I can determine.' 'None shall touch or lay claim?' I said in my mind as I puzzled the statement for but a moment before my eyes opened wider than before. An awful sinking feeling formed in my stomach as a realization had been made. I did not even hide my thoughts this time as I spoke out loud the same statement. Celestia tilted her head with a slightly confused expression on her face before she said "What did you say?" "None shall touch or lay claim" I echoed the statement again before I scrambled for Star Swirl's tome at my side. I then held it up for her to see and her reaction was almost immediate. Her eyes slammed wide open as she stumbled backwards to get away from it. "HOW DID YOU GET YOUR HOOVES ON THAT AWFUL THING?!" she screeched and took several more steps away from me. I quickly shook my head trying to clear my thoughts. It was so obvious, but I did not see it as such a problem when it first arose. The book's sentient hex seemed intent on attacking anypony who touch it. I was a fool to believe that Luna could have removed such a curse so easily. I should have rushed back here as soon as I found out how to dispel it. But I was angry. I felt betrayed and confused. I felt as if the whole world was against me. Well until Luna had given me this book that is. A surge of guilt welled in me in response to my folly. And what made it worse was that through all the torment she must have endured, she still did not reveal my hidden location to the others. An act that further imbued guilt into my very being, because it very well may have cost her, her own life as a result. I tried to shut out all the mix of unpleasant emotions I was feeling and steeled myself for the task at hoof. Luna was probably near to her dying breath and I may be the only one to stop it. I clenched my teeth in response and said "We do not have time for explanations! Where is Princess Luna? I know what horrid thing is harming her!" nearly shouted with urgency. But to my displeasure Black Wing slipped from Black Hammer's grip and blurred at me. In the span of mere moments her wing blades were up against my throat. Her muscles quivered in a manner that was in no way friendly. Then her burning golden eyes glared at me as she spoke through clenched teeth. "You are not going anywhere you cur. I will not allow you to finish what you have done to Princess Luna," she said in a low growl. Her tone and words wounded me slightly. Before my transformation she was more than just my General. She was a close friend. But I did not have time for long winded explanations. So with what little concentration I could manage I lifted the blood stained note Luna had left me with Star Swirl's tome. I then floated it in front of her face to read it. "What is this?" she snarled out. To which I replied with a simple "Read it." A few seconds then passed before Black Wing's wing blades eased up on my throat. Red tears streamed down her face as she lowered the note. I then floated it to Celesta to read as well. "She...she" Black Wing said with her cracking voice before practically getting shoved out of the way by Celestia. Celestia's body shook with some strange renewed vigor as she squeezed my face with her forehooves. She then stuffed her face close to mine before frantically stating "Can you fix this?!" When I fumbled on my response she added in the same frantic tone "You broke the seal on that foul book! Can you fix this?!" "I-I-I believe so yes-" I started to say but was interrupted when Celestia squeezed me tight to herself. The air around us then crackled for but a moment before we teleported. When we appeared at our destination a small part of my mind shuttered at the sensation before I gathered my senses. I probably would have also tried to determine where I was until Celestia nearly collapsed on top of me. Her deep ragged breaths did not sound healthy as I propped her up. Then when her breathing had somewhat normalized I decided to hazard an inquiry. "Where are we?" I questioned as I continued to help Celestia to her hooves. "We...we are in...the royal dungeon," she huffed out before adding, "We had to...put Luna down here...when that awful curse...started to make everypony...sick around her." And while I wanted to ask her more questions, she certainly did not seem up to the task as she kept chanting "We're coming Luna." And so we continued down the hall with me more or less acting as Celestia's support as she limped forward. This in turn gave me a few moments to think. Now the royal dungeons were not foreign to me. I have had to come down here often in the past to either interrogate enemies or help newly turned supernaturals. It was not somewhere where pleasant memories were to be created. It was an unfortunate necessary evil that we were often forced to utilize. But this in of itself was not the worrying part. No, that position was claimed by what part of the royal dungeons we were heading to. A knot formed in my stomach when I remembered this path all too clearly. This section contained several large cells that did not possess iron bars, but enchanted stone doors. Sealed doors used to contain only the most dangerous threats to the kingdom. Many moons ago I found myself forcefully placed inside one of these six rooms when I was first brought here. It was almost one hundred and eighty years ago, but the memories were still fresh in my mind. However I did not have the time to delve into past nightmares. So I shook my head to bush those memories away and remained focused. The facts were clear. First, if Luna had to be stored into one of these sealed cells then she must truly be a danger to those around her. Second, time was of the essence as I knew what death energy could inflict upon living beings, namely Luna herself. So we continued as we made our way to the farthest cell. And upon arriving I felt some sort of invisible dread in the air. The horrid feeling seemed to affect Celestia far greater than me as her body begin to shake. I then saw her lips quiver before she stated "L-L-Luna is behind this door. I...I'm sorry but I don't have the strength at the moment to go in with you. I had given her so much of my blood to keep her alive that I can't...I just can't..." Then as a tear began flowing down her cheek, she turned to me and added "Please...save her...I just...I just can't lose her again...please." It was truly saddening to see Celestia in such a state. She was always this fountain of strength and fortitude. A well of hope to draw from when there was none elsewhere. This would not stand, I tensed my muscles in response and said in a firm tone, "I will do all in my power to aid Princess Luna. You have my word in this." Then with a nod she unlocked the sealed door. The door seam hissed as it opened up releasing something foul into the air. It did not seem to affect me, but Celestia began letting out deep ragged coughs. In turn I did not waste any time in telling Celestia to seal the door after I walked inside. With a frantic nod she shut the door behind me and I heard the magical lock click back into place. A deep sigh left my lips as I begin sensing my surrounding. These cells did not have windows and usually limited light sources so they were often quite dark. But in this case, whatever magic was used for the lights seemed to have been stripped away. If not for my vampiric sight the room most likely would have been pitch black. But this was only a minor issue considering the overwhelming sense of malign intent that saturated the air. There was no mistaking that horrid feeling, it was definitely the sentient hex's doing. So I felt my way along the wall and felt the intensity of the hex's influence increase with each step. Then I finally arrived at a fine silken bed with a withered figure on it. Luna had been lying on her back. She was little more than skin and bones while she struggled to breathe. And then I saw it. At first I thought it was perhaps part of the bed, but it rested directly on Luna's chest. Some foul ethereal being that had no right existing in this world. A pulsing blob whose ethereal tentacles were wrapped around Luna's throat, chest, and limbs. A single unblinking ink colored eye sat in the center of it, staring at Luna until it noticed me there. Then in its eerie voice it stated "None...shall touch...or lay claim..." I narrowed my eyes on it and said "Ahh yes, you again. With your 'None shall touch or lay claim' speech hmm? Well I would like to say to you that I already laid claim to that book you had protected. See? Here it is," before I lifted Star Swirl's tome for it to see. This however had no effect on the blasted creature as it said its usual statement yet again. I started to lose my temper because of this and stuffed the book right in front of its eye and said more firmly "I said I already laid claim to this damn tome now leave her alone!" Again nothing but the same again so I snarled and threw the tome at it, but it merely passed right through the creature's form. The creature then chuckled to itself before it said "I cannot be touched......I am immaterial...I am here and not here...your efforts are in vain." At this point I had now been thoroughly irritated as I bellowed out "Oh do shut up you vile creature!" and swung my left forehoof at it. It was originally more of a statement of frustration. I did not believe it would connect until it did. My forehoof slammed right into its inky black eye and it shrieked and shrieked and shrieked. "HOW CAN YOU TOUCH ME?!" it screeched out between its wailings. I however, barely paid any attention to its words as a cruel smile crept up my face. Then in a slick tone I said "Not so immaterial to me heh heh. You are mine!" and slammed more quick jabs into its form. And while I was obviously harming it, it seemed to have been putting Luna under further duress. Her body thrashed as the creature attempted to keep its hold on her. So without a second thought, I jumped on the bed and slammed both of my forehooves on either side of the creature's form. Then with a savage yank, I pulled with all my might. Ear splitting shrieks echoed in the room as I ripped off the creature's tentacles, one by one. Each of them then faded away into nothingness as soon as they were wrenched from its body. But right as I ripped it free from Luna it grew more tentacles and attempted to grasp at her again. I however did not give it that chance as I dragged it off the bed and wrestled with it on the stone floor. It shrieked louder as a result as its tentacles sliced at the air. It then kept trying to search for something to grasp onto, probably in an attempt to get back to Luna. With little other options available to me I let it grab hold of the only thing close by, myself. Without a moments delay it coiled around me and in an unnerving malicious laugh it attempted to pump death energy into me. But it had made a grave mistake. First, I ran off of death energy. And secondly, two could play at that game. In turn I opened my mouth and drove my fangs into its shifting form. I then pumped a far greater amount of energy into it than it could ever inject into me. Its malicious laugh was snuffed out an instant, replaced by a panicked gurgling. Although I noticed it little as a dark pleasure washed over me as I poured more and more death energy into it. And while I had learned some restraint in the past month with my darker side being Death's advocate, this creature deserved no such luxury. So I lost myself to my dark urges as the creature's form began to bubble and alter. Then after only a minute, its warbling shrieks crescendoed right before it exploded. The wave of released death energy that surged through me did little harm, but I was not so fortunate with the kinetic component. The explosion threw me across the room until I slammed hard into the far wall with a sickening crunch. Darkness crept up on the edges of my vision as I saw the remains of that awful sentient hex fizzle into oblivion. But ultimately my efforts, while fruitful, caused me to slip unconscious afterwards. Then after an unknown amount of time my senses started to wake up. At first all I heard was a bit of shouting and the rustling sound of hooves. However I just could not discern what they were stating and it took a while before I was conscious enough to open my eyes. At first I saw nothing until my eyes focused. Afterwards I saw a pair of golden slitted eyes staring at me. I had flinched in response for but a second before I heard Black Wing state "Easy Blood Moon. It is just I. Try and relax. Given that indentation in the wall behind you, you must have taken quite the impact." "Are the princesses alright?" I inquired still getting my bearings. "They are fine no doubt in great thanks to you," she replied, but paused for a moment before she added "And...about that. What in Equestria did you do in here?" I rubbed my face a few seconds before stating in a joking tone, "Have you ever removed a porcupine quill from somepony?" Black Wing tilted her head in confusion and said "Umm yes I believe so-" before I interrupted her. "Yes imagine that, only the quill is an ethereal blob monster with tentacles. And then after you pull the damned thing out it openly attacks you so you pump enough death energy into it to wither an old growth forest. To which it proceeds to shriek its little ethereal lungs out before promptly exploding..." I deadpanned. Even in the dim light of room I could see Black Wing's expression sour before she replied with a simple "Oooh...sorry I had asked..." Silence then reined until after several deep breaths and an even deeper sigh I said, "I...I would like to request something which may be difficult as I essentially had gone rogue for about a month. But may I please have my position in the Reaper Knights back? The grandness of my task is too great for me to achieve alone. As it pains me to state this...I require...help." Black Wing thought for a minute, pursed her lips and said "Absolutely not." But as I lowered my head she added "You will be serving directly under me as my only current Lieutenant General." My face partially went slack as my jaw hung open in response. Then before she stood up, she said "Congratulations, Lieutenant General" and stuffed an armor ring into my open mouth. She then turned around and started walking for the exit. In turn I sputtered mentally for a moment and pulled the armor ring out of my mouth. It had been the very same one that I threw out a hospital window in a rage before going rogue for a month. However when I looked at it, where there was once socketed with a turquoise and a ruby gemstone now sat a jet and a ruby in their stead. And then just when I was about to say something I heard Black Wing stop walking and call over her shoulder. "You can thank that soft-hearted Black Hammer for the new gems. He truly has an attachment to you. But as for your new position, we will talk about that later. Two others require your aid first. One is most likely passed out in the royal library worried sick about you. And the other I had to put on leave under the care of Rainbow Dash, probably doing the same," she said and had a slightly amused tone at first before ending in a concerned one. Black Wing then continued her walk out the exit as I sat there thinking about what she said. 'One is in the library and one is with Rainbow Dash?' I thought to myself while putting on my armor ring. But then it came to me before I whispered out, "Ahh yes…Twilight and Cloud Streak..." > Chapter 39: Rebuilding Allies and Easing Tensions: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Without wanting to spend another second in this damned enchanted cell, I got up and said the activation words for my armor in my mind. The armor’s liquid metal then flowed out over my body as I walked towards the exit. And while perhaps any other time the feeling of such would have been unnerving, but now somehow it was a small comfort instead. Then admittedly I did not know what to think by this point. I had come here in a fiery rage looking for answers, but somewhere it had taken an odd turn. I had this little plan in my mind on what to state and what to do and yet here I was. I ended up somehow saving Luna and not only accepted back into the Reaper Knights, but promoted in rank. This truly seemed to puzzle me as to why? Why would Black Wing do such a thing, princess saving aside? She did not accept lieutenants directly under her for some unknown reason and yet again, here I was. My puzzlement continued only until the cell door shut and locked itself again behind me. This was because the guards stationed just outside had noticed my presence, stood up straight, and did something absolutely dreadful. They both saluted before barking out a firm “Lieutenant General Sir!” I stopped in my tracks in response as a cold shiver screamed down my spine. Now as I had mentioned in the past, I dislike fanciful titles and I loathe being called by them even greater. It was truly horrid enough that I was called a “Captain” in times past. But now my fancy little title had turned into a rather revolting grand one. With an air of authority apparently thrown in for good measure it seemed. My mind recoiled at the surreal situation that had become reality as my right eye twitched uncontrollably. I then said to myself, “Oh by the stars and moon I have spent most of my life evading authority figures only to become one. Fate has such a cruel sense of irony, Luna and Celestia help us all…” My little display however did not go unnoticed as I heard the guards giggling to themselves. But then without really thinking I glared at them before I barked “As you were!” This of course caused them to straighten up as I hurried away and turned the corner. To which I promptly began gagging at what I had said and shivered some more. A deep scowl soon developed afterwards as I continued walking out of the royal dungeon. And in this very moment I had adamantly decided that my little conversation with Black Wing was going to be a firm one. But then after the several dozen steps or so, I finally exited the royal dungeon to the throne room. I had unconsciously braced myself for any type of contact that I would meet, but nothing came. Not that I minded of course, but it was eerie. The throne room was never dead. There was always something happening, but this time it was completely devoid of life. Even Luna's and Celestia's royal guards were missing. It began to become truly strange until I was almost trampled by two soldiers gleefully galloping past me. Their frantic yet joyful statements about Luna's recovery shed light on what was happening. In all likelihood, Celestia was busy fending off a horde of happy onlookers outside of Princess Luna's room. I probably would have also investigated myself, but that would mean answering all sorts of unpleasant inquires on how I aided Luna. Inquires that I was not in the mood to answer even on one of my better days. So I quickly skulked out of the throne room and made my way to library. Then with no small amount of luck I managed to evade any inquisitive souls on my way and slipped into the library. And once behind the library doors I took a deep sigh. While I thought it was pleasing that everypony seemed to be in better spirits, I still preferred less hectic areas like the library. But finding refuge was not my reason for coming here. No, that fell to the task of locating a certain purple princess that had apparently holed herself up in here. Now at first I was grinning from ear to ear at the thought of seeing Twilight after nearly a month. I had missed her dearly during my self-appointed exile and in more ways than one I might add. But my mood did not seem to last when I realized how worried she must have been. I had left in a rage without so much as a "good-bye" and here I was going to show up like nothing had happened. I bit my lip as a knot formed in my stomach in response, but I kept searching with no less intent until I found her. And I had to admit, it was reasonably trivial on how I located her actually. All I had to do was search for the desk with the largest pile of books. And then there she was, slumped over on her desk, obviously asleep. I had smiled despite myself until I got closer and realized she was not in the greatest of condition. Her mane and tail were unkempt and she had multiple bags under her eyes. Judging by the several dozen opened magic books and greatly worn maps she must have been here for a while. She was probably searching for me and studied Luna's aliment until she could go no further. And who know how many times she repeated that process. So with a few quiet steps and bated breath I crept up to her. I then lightly nuzzled her cheek before kissing it. Her left forehoof swatted lightly at me for a bit as she mumbled something under her breath. Then her eyes slowly opened before her slitted pupils shrank and then dilated again. And at first she blinked a few times as if confused by what she was gazing at. But as her vision seemed to clear, red tears began to well in her eyes for only a few seconds before her face contorted into a mask of pure fury. And as her lips curled back reveling shaking clenched teeth, her forehooves scrapped down her desk. She then pulled herself out of her chair before sending it flying away with a swift back hoof. What made it worse was the entire time she was doing this, her searing gaze never left me. And it only seemed to escalate from there when her horn and eyes soon blazed with a burning purple light. Reasonably I stumbled away from her but she matched me with stomping steps until she pinned me against the nearest bookshelf. Then we sat nose to nose as she took several long enraged breaths through her still clenched teeth. At this point I had little idea what was going through her mind, but I doubted it was anything pleasant. She just kept glaring at me for what felt like an eternity before she growled out, "I am soooo angry with you! I...I...I..." and grabbed the sides of my face. And then in a complete surprise she slammed her lips into my mine and began passionately kissing me. She only pulled away a few seconds later to state "Stiiiill sooooo mad at you!" before continuing. Shock soon turned to pleasure as my body melted under the embrace. I ended up sliding down the bookshelf I was pinned against until she was on top of me. Then her kisses began to move across the side of my face before going to my neck. I shuttered in response as her pointed tongue slid over the side of it. Then as I felt her fangs about to puncture a horrible realization flashed through my mind. My eyes snapped wide open as I let out a yelp. Then without thinking I forcefully shoved her off of me before she stumbled back several steps with a wounded look. My breath was heavy and my heart was beating out of chest at what almost happened. But with my body still so charged from the encounter I did little else but stare at the ceiling of the library. Silence reined for a minute before I heard Twilight speak up," Are...are you okay Blood Moon? What's wrong?" It took a moment to gather my thoughts to respond. Bitterness and frustration gathered in me as I said, "Everything is fucking wrong. I...I needed you so desperately that I...you almost..." but I could not finish the words. Twilight's expression soon turned from confusion to worry when black tears started streaming down my face. Then after she helped me up she said "What happened?" "What happened was you almost killed yourself," I said bitterly. When she became confused again I added "This form...this...body has been imbued by Death's touch. I was turned into this...thing...his advocate as he calls it. As such I do not run off life force, but death energy. And as a result my blood has turned into a jet black toxic ichor that is poisonous to living creatures. I had discovered this when a wolf once bit me in the forest where I was hiding." When she grew silent I had time to mull my statements over for a second. I then realized that another "intimate fluid" probably possessed the same properties. This fact made me become illogically angry. My face hardened in response as I slammed my forehooves into the floor until the stone slabs cracked. It did little to alleviate my rage, but my hooves now throbbed too severely to continue. I truly needed her and I could tell that she needed me as well, but there was nothing I could do. I did not want to risk harming her to determine if my assumptions were correct. After a few seconds she began to state, "Well...you could always bite-" until I interrupted her. "That will not work either. Being Death's advocate I have these horrible dark urges. The death energy I run off of is like a self-replenishing well that eventually overflows. I am naturally drawn to the life force in living beings to negate the build-up. There is a chance I would not be able to stop myself. I could accidentally harm or kill you," I said more bitter than before. Twilight's face scrunched up in frustration that matched my own as I noticed her hind legs kept rubbing together. But without having a bucket of ice water to shut our tensions down I decided to do the next best thing. I pulled Star Swirl's tome that I was carrying with me and passed it to her. She accepted it but said, "What's this?" In a deadpan voice I replied with, "Oh that is just the object that almost killed Luna." This of course made her squeak in surprise as she forcefully tossed the book away from her. "What were you thinking?! OH MY GOSH LUNA!" she yelled out in surprise but I quieted her down. "Do not worry, I broke the curse with a grand amount of death energy. The issue has been resolved. Luna is now recovering under the watchful care of her sister. The tome is just a tome now. Or should I say, a tome about death advocates that has only been read by me and its creator Star Swirl the Bearded," I said. In an instant her interest got noticeably peaked as her eyes began to glow. Then in an effort to sweeten the deal I leaned closer to her and whispered into her ear, "And he had to merely observe from a distance. You have an actual 'living' advocate you could retrieve a first hoof interview from. A nearly...untapped...field of study." Without a moment's hesitation Twilight dove at Star Swirl's tome and scoured over its cover. She then sped over to her desk and grabbed a quill and parchment with her magic. She then began to pace back and forth quickly mumbling to herself while writing something down. She then rushed and plopped herself right in front of me and said "What to ask what to ask?!" before her face deeply blushed. Then without a moment's delay she blurted out "Bite me!" I was taken back for moment before I said "Umm we just had a conversation about this moment before remember? Overflow? Possible agony and doom?" Her face heated up further before she blurted out "You probably removed the overflow from breaking the curse! BITE ME! RESEARCH!" I gave her a skeptical look as I half narrowed my eyes on her. "Research hmm? There are no ulterior motives as to why you chose this first?" I inquired. "Nope! Just one hundred percent research! Yup research! Nothing but research!" she blurted out some more. It was a ploy and not a grand one at that. Yes, she truly may have been interested in the research too but it was painfully obvious that was not the main intent. Her mind had come up with a loophole to my statements and she was attempting to exploit it. It was actually quite amazing how quickly a pony of her intellect could come up with something like this. I suppose rational thought and survival instincts be damned when you are unbearably sexually frustrated. But to her credit she did have a point. I was not overloaded with death energy at the moment and in fact I was on the lower end of such things right now. Controlling myself would be trivial in this small window of opportunity. So with a sly grin I walked forward until she was pinned to the bookshelf behind her. I then wrapped my forelegs around her and placed my mouth merely centimeters from her exposed neck. Then in a teasing fashion I gently licked with my pointed tongue from the base of her neck to the her cheek. "Is this what you desire hmm? For your 'research'" I cooed. Her body shuttered at the sensations before she mumbled out, "Y-y-yes," as she exposed more of her neck to me. I slowly licked her neck again before stating, "Twilight?" "Y-y-yes?" she inquired after stuttering some more. "You are a horrible liar," I replied in a whisper before I sunk my fangs into the soft flesh of her neck. She sucked in a quick breath of surprise before releasing a deep moan of pleasure. Any and all effort she had involving actual research were quickly discarded along with her quill and parchment. Then as a small trickle of her arcane charged blood flowed into my mouth I felt her body shutter almost violently. At first I was worried until I realized her forehooves had wandered further "south" on herself. Then after only a minute of such she let out an echoing moan of pure pleasure as her body shook uncontrollably before collapsing on top of me. After which, probably due to gross exhaustion, she completely slipped unconscious and began audibly snoring. I could not help but laugh to myself I as pulled my fangs out. Then thinking for a few seconds I decided to use my new powers to draw the death energy in the air away from her bite wound. And surprisingly my hypothesis was correct by causing it to rapidly close. In turn I made a mental note to research that further as I lifted Twilight on my back and carried her to bed. I truly wanted to slip into bed right beside her and drift off to sleep. But there was one other I needed to aid before there was to be any rest for this weary soul. Which in turn is the reason that I soon walked passed a "Welcome to ponyville" sign. Admittedly it required an absurd amount of focus to do, but I managed to open a death gate near this little town from Canterlot. I had figured that opening the gate directly in the middle of town was not such a grand idea, so I opted to open one in the everfree instead. I had frightened several animals doing this but it was better than scaring dozens of sleeping ponies, however I digress. The true reason for coming here was to somehow locate Cloud Streak. Now I knew from General Black Wing that Cloud Streak had been put on leave under the care of Rainbow Dash. So I skulked quietly around ponyville looking for any clues about their whereabouts. But ultimately that proved to be fruitless so I ended up asking one of the town guards for directions. But again this proved to be yet another issue. At first I thought they were having a jest at my expense for frightening them when they directed me to a mailbox with no house around it. Well no house I realized until I looked up at the clouds and there sat or should I say "floated" my destination. In response to seeing this I grumbled out all sorts of colorful ungentlecolt like words and bashed my head against the lone mailbox several times. "It neeeeded to be a cloud house hmm? Uuugh blasted pegasi," I growled out staring at Rainbow Dash's residence. Now the reason for my frustrations were quite simple. It was a well known fact that without help only pegasi could walk on clouds. A spell could be used to emulate this ability, but I greatly disliked using it. The obvious reason was because it did not always work. Let us just say that I had horrible luck at basic sky scout training in my past and almost perished howling to my doom. No, it was not enjoyable in the least. But unfortunately needs must at this point so I begrudgingly cast the spell on myself and used a death gate to teleport to the house. And in that very moment an absolutely dreadful memory had soon repeated. My spell had failed, probably due to years of neglectful lack of practice, and I found myself literally screaming towards the ground at terminal velocity. My mind completely panicked at this point and I scrambled to cast the cloud walking spelling again. The good news was that it worked this time. The bad new was that clouds now became solid to me. Namely the front door of Rainbow Dash's house when I foolishly opened a death gate directly in front of it. My only comment to such was that momentum is truly an unforgiving fiend when I zipped through the gate before abruptly slamming into said door. A few seconds of painful involuntary twitching had passed before I managed to peel myself off the door. This of course was soon followed by a rather bewildered voice behind it that stated, "What the fuck was that?! That was waaaay too big to be a bird. Please tell me Scoots isn't using rockets to get up here again..." Then with a huff sound I heard somepony walk over to the door before opening it. Which of course caused who I assumed to be Rainbow Dash to open her eyes to the size of dinner plates before slamming the door in my face. Shortly afterwards I heard her muffled voice stating, "Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh! He's come to reap our souls! What am I going to do?!" I half narrowed my eyes and in a flat tone I said "Raindow Dash, please open the door." "Noooope!" she barked back and then added "No can do! We got a strict no soul reaping rule in this joint! Now beat it before I have to kick the stuffing out of you!" A deep sigh left my lips as I leaned my head against her door. "Again, please open the door. I am not here to harm either you nor Cloud Streak," I replied. "Yeah yeah just like you 'Didn't harm' Princess Luna right? And how do you even know Cloud Streak is here huh?" she snarked back. "I did not cause that affliction to Princess Luna, it was caused by a book she had given me. Besides I cured her of that illness not that long ago. She is most likely still recovering under the watchful eye of her sister. As for Cloud Streak, I had spoken with General Black Wing after the Princess Luna incident. She stated she put her on leave under your care. As such it is doubtful Cloud Streak is currently in a good mental state after everything that had happened," I said with a tired tone. "She's...she's not," Rainbow Dash replied before opening her front door again. Behind the door the house was mainly dark. The figure that stood in front of me looked malnourished and heavy tired. Her left foreleg had been hastily bandaged as it they had been put off and on several times. The mighty element of loyalty had definitely seen better times. Rainbow Dash sniffed a few times and looked me at me with eyes full of worry. "She...she's holed herself in my room. Never goes outside even to feed herself. I...I gave her so much of my blood, but I can't really hunt well and..." she said as her sentence trailed off as she rubbed her bandaged foreleg. It was as I had feared. Cloud Streak was not one to handle long extreme hardship well. As I mentioned in the past the only reason I had turned her was because she attempted to end herself for being a "filly fooler". I often felt like she was the daughter I never had so the news of her like this struck me hard. But I had at least come prepared for the worst. Before I had left the palace I gathered up a few blood cylinders in a pack just in case. Though it pains me when I am correct about the need for such things. After taking a deep breath I pulled one of the blood cylinders out of my pack. I then floated it to Rainbow Dash before unsealing it after she held it. At first she was hesitant until I said "Please drink. I have more with me for Cloud Streak too." Without a second's delay she slammed the container to her mouth and gulped it down. Then when she was done I asked her to let me in. Afterwards I passed her another cylinder before heading to where she told me where Cloud Streak was. When I made it to Rainbow Dash's room I probably would have knocked first if the door was not off it hinges. It was heavily damaged with two deep hoof prints on it. I was not certain I desired to know the story that surrounded why this was. But, it was probably was not anything remotely pleasant. Either way I walked into the pitch black room and looked around until I found a small figure huddled up in the far corner. Upon noticing me they turned their head, glared, and said "Go away." "That is no way to speak to your commanding officer," I joked back. "Too bad you aren't. You ran away remember? You ran away from me. You ran away from everypony. You saved me from death only to fucking leave me scared and confused. Now go away," Cloud Streak snapped back. The small grin I possessed drained off of my face at her comments. A knot formed in my stomach as I played her words over in my mind. What made it worse was that they were correct. A deep sigh left my lips as I walked over and sat down close to her. "There is somewhere I want to show you before I speak," I said in a firm tone. She spun around, glared at me again and yelled, "I'm not going anywhere! I said get out!" I matched her angry leer with one of my own. "It was not a request", I replied and grabbed her with my forelegs. Then with a great amount of effort and focus a death gate formed under us and we fell through it. My body absorbed the majority of the impact hitting the ground before she shoved me away. She then spun around looking at the small cave before growling out "Where the fuck are we? Where did you take me?!" I closed my eyes and in a sorrowful tone I said "This was where I stayed for almost a month. A month of fighting with my very body, mind, and soul. Fighting to determine what I had become. Fighting off anger. Fighting off sorrow and betrayal." "What are you talking about?" Cloud Streak replied still slightly angry but more confused than anything. "Look me in the eyes. Just like you have done many times in the past. Truly look me straight in the eyes and tell me what you see, " I stated before walking over to her and sitting down. She raised an eyebrow before squinting at my gaze. Then after a few seconds, probably somewhat involuntarily, she started to slowly step backwards. Her eyes seemed to also get wider with each step until she pressed herself against the cave wall. "What...what in Tartarus are you?" she said nervously. I broke our gaze and closed my eyes before lowering my head. "You stated before that you were scared and confused? You stated I saved you from death? Well in my case...that...that was only half true. In that sealed box of mine we had trapped Death itself previously moons ago in the Apple family apple orchard. The same spirit that spoke through me if you remember correctly," I took a deep breath and continued, "When that box was opened we literally released Death on Canterlot. Due to my part in doing so I suppose I was offered a second chance at stopping the war between us and the other three factions. By Death itself. So to answer your earlier question I was saved by becoming 'Death's Advocate'." I heard her walk closer before stating "Death's Advocate? What does that mean?" "Other than a second chance at stopping the war and fighting off this dark urge to end the lives of the living, I...I have little answers beyond that," I replied opening my eyes and looking at her. Cloud Streak looked to be quite bewildered by this point. When she did not say anything I decided to lighten the mood. "However, do you also remember when you stated I was not your commanding officer?" I joked. "Yeah," Cloud Streak replied raising an eyebrow. "Wellll that is wrong...but I am no longer your captain," I said with a small laugh and added "No no noooo I am now a Lieutenant General." "What?! But you hate most of those stuffy old high ranking wind bags. Why'd you ask to be one?" she said back half shocked half amused. "Oooh hilarious story. I inquired to get my old position back and got promoted...and no...I did not have a choice in the matter..." I deadpanned. It was silent for a few seconds before she let out a small chuckle before breaking into hysterical laughter. I joined her shortly afterwards when she blurted out, "We've really got shittiest luck known to all ponykind haaaaahahahahha we should be given awards!" It was really quite amusing after one truly thinks about it. Just the sheer absurdity of it all. We both seemed to have to endure one nightmare after the next with no end in sight. I highly doubted the word "normalcy" was in either of our vocabularies because of this. But after we laughed our proverbial heads off I gave her a hug and kissed her on the forehead. Then after a minute while I still felt Cloud Streak giggling in my forelegs she said "Well? What now mister Lieutenant General Sir heh heh heh." I must have twitched involuntarily at the words which caused her to giggle further. But then I rolled my eyes in response before stating, "Well first I need to get us back to Rainbow Dash's residence. And then I need to locate my pack and get you something to eat other than draining your poor marefriend dry. Then I say we collect her and head to the palace. We...we have a grand amount of work to do." > Chapter 40: To Defang a Cloaked Puppet Master: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After several minutes of sweating I managed to open a death gate back to Canterlot. It had truly been a long night in terms of everything that fate had thrown at me. In turn, my mind and body were beyond exhausted by this point. The only force keeping me going was little more than my strength of spirit. Well that and the overwhelming desire for a soft warm bed for a change. But still I smiled as I looked back into the near past into the main factor that caused the majority of my fatigue. A factor that was actually quite pleasing I do admit. To elaborate, Cloud Streak and Rainbow Dash had still felt starved even after consuming the blood cylinders I had given them. So as a natural result of such we decided to go hunting for other sources of nourishment. This "hunt" soon turned into a grand delightful time of feasting and gorging ourselves until the displeasing light of dawn crept upon us. A deep sigh had left my lips as I thought about this. About how such things had been commonplace for me before my life had become far more complicated. This in turn brings me back my arrival at Canterlot. Due to my lacking focus at the time I did not want to attempt to open a death gate directly to the inside of the palace. It was quite obvious that there were far too many objects I could mistakenly teleport inside. So being that I did not have any desire to end myself in a rather grisly manner, I decided to play such things more safely. As such I decided I would open my death gate at one of the remaining Lunar Wing entrances instead. Ultimately my actions were probably not one of my wiser ideas. This was mainly because I almost ended up appearing right on top of the two night guards stationed outside of it. This of course thoroughly spooked them when I assumed that my death gate seemingly appeared from nowhere. The result of such caused them to scramble for their weapons before they realized it was me. At which point their expressions went from steely determination to what could only be described as naked bewilderment. Perhaps it was my new method of travel they did not know about. Not surprising given that I just returned from a month long exile just yesterday. However I believe it was something else given the one night guard's partial inquiry partial formal statement of "Lieutenant General, Sir?" I do admit upon thinking on it that it would be rather unnerving to see a high ranking officer appear out of thin air in front of you. And with the added amusing benefit of watching them stumble past you like they had just returned from an all-night "pub crawl" as some would put it. I highly doubted any of the more "proper" officers did such acts, at least not in public anyway. But I surely did not have any say in such a title. That was all Black Wing's fault. And besides, before such things like my new grand fancy little title I was known for being unpredictable with more than just one screw loose. It was not unusual in the past for somepony to see me in various odd states from who knows what experiment. In fact it had gotten so commonplace that most just brushed it off as the norm. As such one would believe it highly doubtful that a high rank would do little to alter my usual course of actions. But regardless, at this current point in time I was far too drained to care what anypony thought of me even if it did. In turn bewilderment reigned supreme as I passed by them only stating the dreadful words "As you were," and with the inclusion of my poor example of what could be considered "walking". And so my stumbling walk continued on through the Lunar Wing halls until I arrived at my destination, Twilight's Room. Then after fumbling with the door handle for a few minutes, I continued inside. Now it my full intention to take my armor ring off and slip myself next to the still sleeping Twilight. However it did not turn out that way. No, I instead foolishly sat in the reasonably comfortable chair next to the bed to remove said armor ring and within seconds I passed out. A pleasant and deep dreamless sleep soon followed. Everything in my tired and full mind slipped into nothingness, giving my body the rest it desperately required. And so I drifted out of all concept of time and existence in the calm and quiet darkness of sleep. Time passed at an unknowable rate and I was unsure how long I had been asleep. But I did not begin to awake until I kept hearing a strange reoccurring beep next to me. It was oddly rhythmic in nature and did not speed up until my mind began to analyze it. Then after a few minutes I had realized it was matching the speed of my heartbeat. So thoroughly confused, I perked my ears up before I slowly opened my eyes. Then when my vision had cleared I had discovered that I had dozens of small wires attached to nearly every part of my body. All of them seemingly held there with either tape or suction cups. In response I blinked several times in my confusion before stating "What in Equestria is going on here?" In reply I heard somepony fumble next to me before they stated, "Uh oh he's awake. Got to hide this. Got to hide this somewhere." "Hide what somewhere?" I stated and blinked a few times more before pushing away the odd overhead lamp that I had shining on me. Oh nothing, nothing at all," Twilight stated as I saw her come into focus. It appeared we were still in her room but the bed had been pushed all the way to the wall. That also included most of everything else in the room as well. In fact I was not even in the comfortable chair anymore, but on a strange lab table. Surrounding me were various machines that seemed to be linked to the wires that were connected to my body. However I when noticed the small catheter in my foreleg I soon noticed the small spray bottle Twilight was attempting to hide behind herself. A bottle that seemed to be partially filled with a rather familiar black ichor. My face scrunched up in displeasure. "Twilight do please explain why I am like this and why you have decided to collect a sample of my blood? All without my permission as well..." I said continuing to express my overall disapproval. She cleared her throat before stating "Well you said I could study you...and...and I ummm..." "And you 'umm' what?" I replied as my face soured further. "I...I got carried away..." she stated as she attempted to win me over with probably one of the largest smiles she could conjure. Such an amusing display might have worked if I did not notice the large amount of potted plants around us. Or perhaps ex-potted plants would be more valid as they were all thoroughly withered to being barely material. And it was then I realized what she was utilizing my blood for. "Are...are you using my rather important bodily fluid as a herbicide?" I inquired slightly distraught. "No...well maybe a little..." she said before I glared at her and she added "Okay fine yes, but this is amazing research! Your blood makes the best weed killer I've ever seen! I've gotten sooo much data and-" before I interrupted her. "Well that settles it. I draw the line when others use my bodily fluids as gardening supplies," I growled out as I started to pull the various wires off of me. This of course caused Twilight to screech out "MY DATA!" as she scrambled to prevent me from pulling off further wires. "Twilight get off of me! I refuse to be treated as if I were some sort of lab rat!" I protested. "NO!" she blurted out still fighting with me. "No? What do you mean no?! You cannot force me to stay here!" I growled back. "YES I CAN!" she yelled and used her magic to pin me to the table. She then grabbed hold of some table straps from somewhere and strapped me down. In response I just laid there with a shocked look on my face before stating, "What has gotten into you? Why are you doing this?" "Because!" she shouted. "Because why?!" I snapped back. "Because...because I'm not losing you again! Not...not again," she said in an almost croaking voice before red tears welled in eyes. Her grip soon went slack on the straps and she slid down the side of the lab table. "I...I..." I said trying to respond appropriately but my mind went blank. All I could do was slip off of the table and sit beside her before stating "What...what do you mean?" More red tears streamed down her face before she spoke again. "Do you have any idea how awful it was? I thought my last memory of you was seeing your face before you made me pass out," she said as her voice cracked before adding, "But...but you somehow survived. I don't really know how you did. All I know was that Celestia and Luna wouldn't let me near you no matter how much I wanted to. They said it wasn't you anymore, but I didn't...couldn't believe them. But then after you woke up...you...you ran away from all of us. You ran from me." I had nothing to say. But in at least some measure of comfort I had attempted to wrap my forelegs around her. However, she pushed me away and turned her back on me before holding herself. Then after a few seconds of awful silence she said "Canterlot is in turmoil. When Luna became sick Celestia was so distraught that she couldn't function in the least. Candace and I were forced to try to deal with this mess of a city. But when Luna got worse I holed myself in the library to find a cure. But after weeks of no success everypony started believing you were the cause, but I just still couldn't believe it." Twilight squeezed herself more before turning around. Her face was a river of red tears and her eyes wobbled when she looked at me. "I searched and searched and searched for you, but I couldn't find you. But then just like that, you showed up right out of the blue, cured Luna, and acted like nothing had happened. But everything has been happening! You have noooo idea how worried I was about you! I'm not sure if I should yell at you, kiss you, or who knows what?!" she said starting off almost whispering but began shouting in my face at the end. My mind was blank and the only response I gave was "Twilight...I...I..." before trailing off. But then in that sorrowful moment something inside me seemed to break. As I just stared into those sorrow filled purple eyes, I felt as if the stress of everything caught up to me all at once. The stress of my guilt. The stress of my near impossible mission. The stress of harming the ones I loved. Without having a second thought in my mind I reached forward and slammed Twilight up close to me. I then pressed my lips up against hers as hard as I could. Then as if some horrible dam of frustration burst and spilled out inside of her, she soon pushed even harder against my kiss until I was on my back. She broke our kiss only to wrench my armor ring off my neck before throwing it somewhere in the room. And then not even a second later a crazed need burned in her slitted eyes before she licked from the base of my neck to my jaw. My body shuttered and words became woefully inadequate to describe how much I wanted, no, needed her. A feeling I could easily determine was overwhelmingly shared. But there was a problem. I could not let myself go any further, it was just too dangerous. I was still just beginning to learn to control my darker urges on top of other issues that only served to exacerbate the situation. So in a desperate attempt I groaned out between heavy breaths, "We...we cannot do this Twilight. My...My body fluids...are toxic and I...may not be...able to control...myself." But when she did not stop her unbelievably pleasurable actions I had attempted to restate what I had just said. However before I was able to utter a single syllable she stuffed a hoof in front of my mouth and in a low growl whispered, "I. Don't. Care." The initial shock of her words melted away as what was left of my will crumbled. And then mere moments later, she lifted herself up and thrust me inside of her. My mind scrambled as my mouth gaped wide open in pleasure. All logical thought faded away and nothing but my most basic of urges soon guided me as I unconsciously matched her movements. Everything else at the moment just did not seem to matter anymore. After several minutes of this Twilight's pace had then begun to quicken. This resulted in her body shuttering several times before she laid on top of me. But even after achieving such a release, she just did not stop. She just pressed closer to me as we moved and began kissing the base of my neck. And while I greatly enjoyed such actions I was starting to become quite distraught. I truly needed a release as much as I knew she did, but I was too frightened of the consequences of doing so. My blood was undeniably poisonous. Who knows if other "fluids" of mine possessed the same properties? I just could not risk it. In turn I became unconsciously focused and fought mentally hoof and fang to prevent myself from going off. But in my distracted state I neglected to prevent the true folly that had been committed. Perhaps Twilight had acted on impulse to my obvious tension, but the results were disastrous. Her fangs glided up the side of my neck before they sunk in. This however only lasted for less than a second before I felt her swallow. In turn my eyes snapped wide open before I whispered "Noooo." A heavy gag and then a flow of coughs cascaded out of her as she arched her back. Then as she fell backwards away from me she began to hoof at her throat in panic. Black ichor streamed from the sides of her mouth as her coughing got worse. "TWILIGHT NO!" I screamed and scrambled to her side. But without the faintest clue on how to help her I yelled out "SOMEPONY HELP! PLEASE!" The only voice that responded was Death in my mind. 'What is wrong my advocate? Why do you call for aid?' he stated in a worried tone. 'No time to explain, but Twilight drank some of my blood! We need to save her! She is dying!' I pleaded. 'I do hope you realize the irony of that request, but there is nothing I can do' he replied. 'What?! What about Life? She fixed this once before with a wolf!' I pleaded a second time. Then as if she had always been there one of the small withered plants next to me rejuvenated before it formed a vague pony's face. "I'm sorry Blood Moon, but I can't fix this either." Life's voice stated from the plant. "WHY NOT?!" I shouted at Life before adding "WHY CAN YOU NOT HELP?! YOU DID SO BEFORE!" Life's plant face just acted as if she was closing her eyes before stating, "I can't tell you why. But there is nothing...I...can do." Before I could reply Death's voice stated in my mind, 'Life is correct. There is nothing...she...can do. And there is nothing...I...can do. There is nothing the...two...of us can do.' In my current mental state I did not seem to understand what in Equestria they were talking about. They were dropping some sort of hint I believe, but it did not seem to trigger anything in my mind. It all seemed hopeless until I attempted to fix Twilight's position to aid her breathing. The movement accidentally bumped into the table I laid on not but a short time ago and knocked something off. Star Swirl's tome fell off the table, slammed painfully off my shoulder, and fell on the ground. The book fell in such a way that it opened revealing the partially hidden poem on the inside of its cover. And then I was not sure if I was imagining it or not but the words of the poem seemed to be glowing. Then for some reason I read the visible part to myself again. "At the end of a life Filled with nothing but strife A dark deal is written With one who's been bitten And when the moon is bright red Their name shall said But soon one shall follow When the first weeps and wallow And they shall be... "Shall follow...weeps and wallow..." I stated over and over until it nearly became a chant. And then it just seemed to hit me. Like something that had always been there, but needed to be awakened. An idea popped into my head as a strange clarity of mind took over. There was nothing Death could do. There was nothing Life could do. But there was something I could do. Without a moment's delay I blurted out, "Is there any way I can make her like me?! Any way at all?!" A deep laugh sounded in my mind before Death stated, 'And now he asks the right questions. I suppose you could, yes.' "HOW?!" I blurted out in reply. 'Nearly the same way I created you. You first need to remove the remainder of her life force, more of your blood should do. And then the moment before her death inject her with as much death energy as you can,' he instructed. The very idea was harrowing, but I had little other option as Twilight's breathing had become so shallow that it was barely present. I swallowed what doubt I had and whispered into her ear, "I am sorry for what I must do. But it is the only way I can save you. Please, I beg you to forgive me for my actions." I opened my mouth and bit down hard on my right foreleg. I then stuffed the open wound into Twilight's mouth. As more of my black blood streamed into her, her body weakly shook before her breathing stopped. Without wasting even a fraction of a second I blurred and put her in my forelegs. I then tilted my head back and drove my fangs into her neck. Black lightning crackled all around the room and arced off the walls as I poured everything I had into Twilight's body. But as my vision started to darken from energy loss I heard Death state, 'That is enough Blood Moon. There is but one last task that you still need to do. You need to call out to her to guide her back into this world.' With a weakened body I pulled my fangs out of Twilight's neck before squeezing her close to me. Black tears streamed from my eyes as I whispered into Twilight's ear, "Please Twilight...please come back to me...please come back to me," I said over and over again as I rocked back and forth with her still in my forelegs. At first a white ethereal aura surrounded her body. It then seemed to sink into her but nothing else had happened. Second after dreadful second of nothing passed but just as all hope seemed lost I heard something. I perked my ears up in response to listen and I heard it again. It was faint at first but with each succession it grew stronger. Twilight's heart had begun to beat again. And with each new beat her fur darkened by shades until it was jet black. But instead of a white skull pattern on her chest like me, her mane instead seemed to possess white streaks in it. Then with little warning her eyes snapped wide open and she sucked in a deep gasping breath. A stream of coughs soon followed by several more gasping breaths before she stabilized and her eyes closed again. It was a sight in which I could not describe what I had been feeling at that moment. Far too many emotions to count or properly process. But regardless I held her close to me all the same. It was not until I heard somepony clear their throat that I had snapped back to my senses. I turned my head to look in the direction of the noise to see the visage of Life smiling back at me. But then the small potted plant possessed by Life then seemed to look at me, move her eyes to something next to me, and then back again. She had done this a few times before I took the hint. So with a puzzled expression I looked to my left and found Star Swirl's tome sitting next to me still. However, this time whatever energy I must have been giving off reviving Twilight must have arced across it. And while the tome itself remained unharmed, the blood on its partially concealed poem had crumbled away. The complete poem reads as follows, "At the end of a life Filled with nothing but strife A dark deal is written With one who's been bitten And when the moon is bright red Their name shall said But soon one shall follow When the first weeps and wallow And they shall be made right With guidance of the dark and the light But in this time of sorrow Their name seems to borrow The vast glimmering sight From the transition of day into night It did not take a literary scholar to determine who the second individual in the poem was referring to. A small grin crawled up my face as I shook my head in response to this revelation. "You two knew this was going to happen, did you not?" I stated in a tired tone. Life was the first to reply to my inquiry. "Well...to be honest? Only sort of," she replied and pursed what I supposed was her lips on the small plant she possessed. "What do you mean 'sort of'," I inquired, confused and genuinely curious. This time it was Death's turn to respond. 'There is something you need to understand Blood Moon. When we were created into existence Chronos gifted the both of us with hindsight, but only a small measure of foresight. This was done so we could properly do our "jobs" for lack of a better word. But as a result we can only "sort of" see the future as Life stated previously,' he stated clearly weary. Then after a few seconds of silence Life began to speak again. "However, there is a big 'catch' to having these 'gifts'. We can't really disclose anything we know except to each other minus a few hints here and there. Otherwise disastrous and/or horrible unintended consequences can happen. And let me tell you, when you get an overly ominous warning from the keeper of time themselves it's a good idea to listen," Life stated and her expression soured before adding, "Annnd I almost blew it when I first met you." When I became puzzled she looked like she was rolling her eyes the best she could on the small plant and said "Remember when you were asking me if your build-up of death energy would happen again? Weeelll I almost completely blurted out this event without thinking. I tilted my head in continued confusion before I stated, "So wait a minute. You mean my energy build up has something to do with Twilight?" 'That is exactly as she means Blood Moon. My advocates need a steady supply of my energy to continue "living". But most of them eventually go insane due to the energy build-up. So the solution appeared to be a second source of energy usage to regulate it,' Death said and paused for a moment before adding, 'Twilight is now a being like you, but is not linked to me like you are. To continue living she will need to passively or actively draw death energy from you every so often. This should stabilize the energy build up in your physical body and prevent that "maddening" effect you experienced. My jaw hung open for a second or two before I shook my head a few times. "Wait wait waaaait a moment! Let me just restate this to see if I fully understand. I will need to regularly recharge Twilight like a battery of some sort so she can continue living and in turn I will not go insane?! How in Tartarus did this bizarre dual regulation idea sound like a good one?!" Both Life and Death laughed and laughed before Life stated, "Hey don't not blame us, blame Fate. But...two more things before we go." "Yes?" I replied now thoroughly burned out. 'Before you decide on which of the three rogue forces that you are going after first, could you please gather some information on the being known as the "Shade of Dark Heart"?' Death said with an odd knowing tone. However, I was far too mentally exhausted to question him about it so I just replied, "Indeed, and the second?" "Knock knock," Life said with a small giggle right before I felt both of their presences leave. And I was just about to ask what in the Equestria she was talking about before I heard several hard slams on Twilight's room door. Then not even a second later I heard a muffled voice on the other side state, "The door is locked from the inside. Break it down!" My heart dropped out of my chest in response as I looked around at the mess of a room I was in and the still unconscious Twilight on my lap. To which I said the most fitting thing that came to mind, "Uh oh..." > Chapter 41: To Defang a Cloaked Puppet Master: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time slowed and I could hear each heart beat in my head. Darkness soon began to creep up on the sides of my vision as I stared at Twilight's room door. Then just like it started, time snapped back to normal when a heavy impact slammed into the other side of the solid obsidian and steel door. The result was a deep indent in its center before its hinges gave off a high pitched whine. The shock-wave shot out and everything in the room shook violently for a second before I had realized what was happening. My pleas for aid not but a few minutes ago were truly answered. But given the current circumstances of Twilight's near death and transformation, this situation could end very...very...poorly. So with what little function I had left in my drained body, I threw Twilight on my back and dragged us both over to her bed. I then moved back the covers and placed her in such a manner that would look like she was sleeping before covering her up again. It was doubtful the small deception would hold but it was all I could think of at the time. All that was left now was to wait for the soon to be "aid" and attempt to lie my barely moving little flanks off. Time soon ticked on and Twilight's door admittedly held out further than I thought it could. Even with the crumbling obsidian and bending steel, it still took a dozen swift blows to break it down. But eventually when the door could hold no longer it snapped from its hinges and slammed on the ground with a thunderous crash. Then not but a moment afterwards several Night Guards poured into the room. In the slight darkness and with my fading vision I did not recognize anypony until I saw two golden slitted eyes looming over me. A crooked grin crawled up the side of my face before I coughed out, "Greetings General". Her eyes narrowed as she looked at me and then the bed behind me and then back again. The tone of her response was one of both concern and of scorn when she replied with, "What happened in here?" I shook my head a few times before realizing Black Hammer was standing next to her holding his hammer looking quite winded and worried. Fates be damned that I was now going to have to somehow talk my way passed two walking deception detectors. So I gathered up what little consciousness I still possessed before stating, "Twilight was attempting to run some tests on me when something had gone wrong. We managed to rectify the situation, but it left us both exhausted. We should be fine after some rest." It was a long shot and the statement was not incorrect per say. It just left out several key details like Twilight's almost untimely demise. Black Hammer looked to buy the story. He had seen me in far worse condition in my past and it seemed reasonable enough. Black Wing however did not change her analyzing expression. She just leered at me before stating "Meet me in the night court meeting room. We have much to discuss," and then walked out though Twilight's broken room door. A deep sigh left my lip as I realized I was truly in for it. I had little idea how in Equestria I was going explain to Black Wing what had happened. However, I had little choice than to do so now. Luckily my sour thoughts were interrupted when Black Hammer placed a hoof on my shoulder and shook me a little. "Ya alright lad? Ye seem ta have givin' us a bit of a scare," he said still looking concerned. I rubbed my face a few times before lowering my voice when I noticed the other Night Guards were still in the room. "Black Hammer I need you to do me a favor," I whispered to him. He leaned in and whispered, "Hmm? Is somethin' wrong lad?" I looked over his shoulder again before reaching behind me and uncovered Twilight for a second when the Night Guards were not looking. Black Hammer gasped in response and whispered "What in Tartarus happened ta her?!" I shook my head a few times before stating, "I will explain everything to you after I speak with Black Wing, old friend. But in the meantime can you promise me you will watch over her? And keep the other guards away from her until I can somehow sort this out." He looked at Twilight behind me and then nodded while looking more worried than ever. And so I began my journey to no doubt what was going to be one of the most uncomfortable conversions I will ever make in my life. It did not help that all the guards along the way gave me strange looks along with their hushed whispers. I suppose I could have listened in to what they were stating, but I was having difficulty walking with such low death energy levels and could not concentrate well enough to do so. The added weight from my Book of Shadows and Star Swirl's Tome that I brought along just in case did not help matters either. In turn I just continued my partially limping walk all the way to the night court meeting room. And then there they stood in their usual ominous manner, the two grand obsidian doors of the night court. But as I put my hoof on them I hesitated for several minutes. And just as I was about to lose my nerve I heard Black Wing state, "Come in Blood Moon," on the other side. A chill crept down my spine from the words as I swallowed hard and pushed open the doors. The doors gave way to familiar sights. The large obsidian table still dominated the room with its rows of chairs. Blue flame torches also still lit the room in their eerie light. But one thing above all else was more familiar than the others, the golden slitted eyes that stared at me from the head of the table on the opposite side of the room. Eyes that soon motioned for me to sit in a seat next to them. Several more hard swallows preceded my hoofsteps to the chair before I sat down. I then put my Book of Shadows and Star Swirl's tome on the table before rubbing my face a few times. But just as I was about to state something Black Wing pushed a steaming cup of mint tea in front of me. And in that moment the whole world disappeared for a few seconds as I stared at that absolutely wondrous cup of liquid in front of me. Then without a moment's more hesitation I picked up the teacup, took a sip, and practically hugged the cup to the side of my face. The steam and warmth comforted me and seemed to lessen the throbbing headache I did not know I had. But just as I enjoying myself I heard Black Wing clear her throat. She glanced at me with an amused look before stating, "Though I do not wish to end your pleasing experience, I need to know what happened to Princess Twilight, Blood Moon. It is highly doubtful she started dying her tail black and white due to some 'Phase'." I put the tea down as a deep sigh left my lips. It was foolish to believe I could "pull the wool over her eyes" as some would state. So after another sip of mint tea, I let loose a litany of all that had happened. At first I was going to leave out a few details, but my mind was far too tired to care so I spilled everything. Everything that more or less lead up this moment that is. And all was going as I had expected until I had mentioned something Death had told me. "So you see from the poem in Star Swirl's tome this is the reason Twilight is now the way she is. And trust me, I had little say in the matter. It truly appears that fate is pulling us by the strings and we are along for the 'ride'. And to make matters even more interesting I was also tasked to find something called the 'Shade of Dark Heart' whatever that is," I said and rubbed my face to try and stave off fatigue. But I did not realize anything was wrong until I heard Black Wing's breathing stop. I looked up to find her wide eyed and shaking. The calm and collected demeanor she had possessed up to this point had seemed to drain out leaving nothing but naked fear in her eyes. She was more terrified than I had ever seen her in my entire life. The same general that had regularly stared down Discord, other villains, and even countless monsters. And here she was shaking like a new recruit on the eve of their first battle. Something was definitely and seriously wrong. "Are...are you alright?" I questioned, but she did not respond. I even waved a hoof in front of her face and she just kept staring forward. This lasted for a minute before she put her head in her forehooves. "T-that is a...a name I have not heard in many moons. A name that I had little desire to hear...ever...again," she said almost whispering. Then not but a second later she reached to her side and retrieved a flask of some sort before popping the lid. The heavy smell of alcohol emanated from the container before she brought it to her lips and drained it hastily. "If you desire me to speak of the tale of that...individual...then we shall require more of this," she stated and shook her now empty flask. So after a good hour and several bottles of hard liquor that no doubt was being saved for something special did Black Wing finally tell the awful tale. And it truly shed some light on why Black Wing never seemed to take on lieutenant generals, because her last one tried to do something unforgivable to her. To explain further countless moons ago Black Wing took a unicorn vampiress named "Dark Heart" under her wing. As such Dark Heart soon became the definition of loyalty to her. And they also became much more than that, they became lovers. But this is where the tale takes a dark turn. Dark Heart eventually became obsessed, consumed even, with everything about Black Wing. So much so that she wanted to be her. The awful deed ultimately happened after a grand tryst as Black Wing told me. Dark Heart tricked her into wearing a strange enchanted necklace. A necklace that unbeknownst to Black Wing had a twin. Dark Heart attempted to use the power of the necklaces to swap bodies with Black Wing, but it had failed. Upon realizing her lover had betrayed her Black Wing managed to tear the necklace off of herself in time and destroyed it. However, Dark Heart was not so lucky. Without the connection to its twin, the necklace Dark Heart wore wrenched her soul right from her body and corrupted it. And so Dark Heart became no more and the "Shade of Dark Heart" was born. However this was not the end of such a creature. In some realization of her failure and her now current condition the shade shrieked before ripping the remaining necklace off her previous body. Then using the now cursed necklace's magic she possessed some poor curious palace servant that went to investigate the noise. The unfortunate servant's body was found cold and seemingly discarded in the forest not far from the palace. The shade and her cursed necklace on the other hoof, were nowhere to be found. After the tale had been told to me it all began make sense in my mind. Death was guiding me to first go after the elusive and manipulative leader of the rogue vampires, The Cloaked Lady. The one pony that seemed to be slain by us over and over again. With no body of her own the shade could possess another poor soul and appear again and again like she had in a past. It would also be quite reasonable as to why she would have a grudge against us or at least Black Wing. But it still did not explain why she would lay siege to Canterlot to get the box we trapped Death in those moons ago. That part truly did not make any sense. Now I probably would have thought about this further but there arose another problem. I had gotten so caught up with her tale that I failed to realize that Black Wing had been passing me several shots along the way. Several...extremely...alcoholic...shots. Needless to say that I in my folly was not far off from Black Wing's level of inebriation by this point. This would have been truly awful enough until a rather guilty looking Black Hammer came skulking into the room. He was soon tailed by an irate looking Solar Princess, a groggy Lunar Princess, and a barely moving Twilight. What I believe proceeded was a sloppy and slurring explanation of what happened to Twilight followed by several lapses in memory. Ultimately the only fact I remembered from the rest of the night was that Luna wanted me to meet her in the royal dungeon for some reason after I had sobered up. Everything beyond that turned into one long distorted blur before darkness took me. In turn I slipped out of time and I had little to no idea how long I was unconscious. In fact I did not begin to wake up until a small throb started in my head before turning into a dreadful pounding. This of course caused me to groan in pain before attempting to put my forehooves to my head. However I could not seem to move my legs for some reason. So with what little consciousness I seemed to have regained I decided instead on the regrettable decision of opening my eyes. Regrettable because while the room was only lit by a small blue lantern on the ceiling above me, the dim light still made my head throb that much harder. A low groan left my lips in response to such increased pain before I somehow slid off the bed. This resulted in me dragging the blanket I was tangled up in along for the apparent ride before I crashed into the floor. And while I was expecting a hard landing from doing such, I did not expect to land on several empty bottles that were scattered along the floor. This probably would have puzzled me if my mind was functioning properly, but my mind was far from that. The only thing I managed to do was state several colorful words before stumbling to stand up and scan my surroundings. However, this only lead to further confusion as I had no idea where I was for a minute or two. But after blinking multiple times it became quite obvious I was in my own quarters. My own quarters that now somehow seemed to possess a small pile of empty bottles next to the bed. And upon looking further I realized that upon the bed was Twilight. Who of course was thoroughly out cold drooling all over the pillow and hugging a half empty cider bottle. Even Spike was somehow in the room more or less lying unconscious and snoring loudly on top of a small mountain of apple juice boxes. I just seemed to gaze around in disbelief before grumbling out, "What in Tartarus happened in here?" However the only reply I received were the continued snoring of Twilight and Spike. So without the desire to wake them for answers I merely placed Spike on the bed and covered him up before heading for the door. And admittedly it took several tries to open my room door in my current state. But when I did I was greeted by yet more empty bottles. It was probably worse at some point but the palace servants and even some Reaper Knights were seemingly cleaning up some of the mess. Although their progress appeared slow due to each of them holding their heads like I was. But what truly stirred my curiosity was when they noticed me, each said the statement of "Great party Lieutenant General," or something of the like as I walked by. I probably should have inquired what they were speaking of, but my head throbbed far too much to focus. It would have to be a question I would ask when I was more fit to do so. Until then I made my stumbling walk to the royal dungeon guided by Luna's request. A request that also puzzled me. Why did Luna request my presence? And in the royal dungeon of all locations? Again my focus was too fragmented to concentrate so I just followed the directions of the guards when I got there. This resulted in me stumbling down to one of the interrogation rooms in the middle of the dungeon. To which of course outside it sat a better looking Luna than yesterday. "Greetings dear Blood Moon," she stated in an almost cheerful tone before adding, "Also fantastic party yesterday. I believe we all truly required that." I stopped in front of her still holding my head and with one eye partially closed. This was the final straw as my curiosity had piqued. "Greetings Princess and I must ask...what party was this that everypony is speaking off?" I stated confused and groggy. She just tilted her head to the side, looked me up and down before laughing to herself. "Oh dear you do not remember do you?" she inquired still giggling to herself. "Remember what? What did I do?" I said more confused now than ever. "You...well I believe somepony, perhaps my Sister, slipped you one of our more aged bottles of absinthe near the end of the night. That would explain your memory loss," she said tapping her lip with a forehoof before adding, "But regardless let me just state that was probably one of the more amusing times that you shall probably never remember," she said laughing some more. I probably would have attempted to probe her for further answers, but she interrupted me by stuffing a blood cylinder in my hooves along with a small vial. Said small vial contained a strange unknown purple glowing liquid. "Umm what is this?" I said shaking the vial. "Something to remove your migraine. Oh and do not breathe for ten seconds afterwards...or else it shall be regrettable," Luna stated in an almost "matter of fact" type of tone. Needless to say I was not in the mood for arguing, so I drained the blood cylinder before drinking the strange purple liquid. And at first it was not all that horrid...well until the aftertaste kicked in. However all I remember after that was letting out a heavy gag and sucking in a quick breath before my eyes rolled back into my head and I collapsed. It was anypony's guess as to how long I blacked out. However I did not wake up until I felt Luna slapping me awake while shaking her head. "I told thee not to breathe for ten seconds. And no I do not care if it tasted like swamp water mixed with compost. Tis still your fault for breathing," she stated in an almost scolding tone. "What...in Tartarus...was that...horrible thing?" I gasped out. "It would be best if you did not know such things, but it should aid you," she replied pursing her lips. And again I was just not in the mood for arguing. It did admittedly clear up the headache I had, but at the cost of not being able to see the color blue for a few minutes afterwards. But back to the reason why Luna had told me to meet her down here in the first place, information. It appeared that in my previous drunken stupor I was babbling about the "Shade of Dark Heart" to Luna and requested her aid. This lead to her more or less interrogating the heavy inebriated General Black Wing before getting the answers she required. To which she told me that we somehow still had a lead on the possible whereabouts of the rogue vampires. But this is where such things turned sour as this "lead" of hers went by the name of "Night Fang". Also known as the assassin that attempted to end me in my hospital bed after I was forced to turn Twilight into a vampire all those moons ago. In turn I was not sure how this encounter was going to go. But one thing I did know, I truly had a "Bone to pick" with her as some would state. > Chapter 42: To Defang a Cloaked Puppet Master: Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I waited outside the interrogation room as I grabbed a few items in preparation. My mind swam with ideas of what to say and how to word them. My soon to be unpleasant conversation with the prisoner could go many different ways. But this quickly became far too impossible to predict everything. So in turn I resigned myself to focus on yet another annoyance, my still malfunctioning vision. I had shaken my head several times in response to my thoughts but the blasted color blue still faded in and out. It was beyond me why anypony would willingly hazard consuming such a potion that Luna had given me. And while I admit it did the trick, the side effects were irritating. But luckily I did not have much time to suffer these thoughts for just when I was finished preparing I was summoned by the guards. I merely nodded my reply as a twinge of nervousness crept up in my mind. To put it plainly I was not the greatest interrogator to be honest. I was also at one point sitting on the opposite side of one of these very rooms. They truly grilled me for days or perhaps weeks. Anything to use as an excuse as to why they destroyed my home over two centuries ago. But again I digress. Regardless of my mood, condition, or general distaste for both this situation or said individual, I had a task to complete and I would see it through. So with renewed will I opened the door and held my head high. Now these rooms did not have much to them. Just two chairs, a table, and a few blue flame wall lanterns. The lanterns only partially lit the room as per usual for some reason. Supposedly it was designed to unnerve the subject of our interrogation. To "ease the tongue" as a few have put it. However at the moment the blue light of the wall lanterns just served to annoy me as my vision shifted yet again. But either way I strolled into the room and sat down on the one side of the table before looking up at our prisoner. I was not sure what I was expecting, but it was not this. It truly was not this. A deep frown crawled down my face as I continued to gaze at the pony on the other side of the table. I usually had little sympathy for assassins, especially ones that have attempted to end me, but this time it was different. This time the poor soul that was on the opposite side of me was the very image of despair itself. The small red vampire pegasus was dirty and nearly bone thin. In her forehooves she held what appeared to be her right wing. The bones on said wing must have been broken and did not heal properly which would seem to render it functionally useless. The last thing I noticed was that her tired green slitted eyes were dim and they just continued to be cast downwards. If this was some sort of ruse to garner sympathy it was superb. However, in all my years as a Reaper Knight I know real anguish when I see it...this...this was unlikely to be a trick. Odds were this was honestly the "real deal". The realization of this fact did nothing to ease my nerves. How was I supposed to question somepony that has become so downtrodden? So utterly lacking in hope that they probably did not feel anything at all anymore? I have been down such a road before and I knew what she must have been going through. But more importantly, I also knew there was only one thing that truly helps...a small measure of kindness. I took the blood cylinder I had next to me just in case I was here a while and slowly pushed it towards her. Her eyes slowly shifted to gaze at the object and I even saw her lip quiver a bit before she spoke. "Is this some sort of trick? What did you put in there?" her voice came cracking and raspy. "There is no trick. I just want to talk. And you...you look as to need that more than I do," I stated. Then when she was still not taking it I pulled it back, popped the top, took a sip, swallowed, and then pushed the open container back to her before stating, "See, there is nothing wrong with it." I then have to state that I have never seen a pony in such a condition move so fast. She yanked the cylinder off the table and slammed it to her lips. In a few long draughts the container was drained and discarded. And without a second thought I fetched two more and showed her they were safe before she did the same to them. After she was done I noticed some vitality had returned to her. Her eyes almost had the same color and sharpness I saw back when she attacked me at the ponyville hospital all that while ago. "Why...why did you do that for me? What's in it for you?" she snapped after leering at me. "I have been in your horseshoes and I know how that feels. However...I require information," I stated leaning back in my chair. "Information...I knew it...waaaait a minute. Don't I know you?" she said genuinely confused. A small chuckle left my lips. "I guarantee you do...Night Fang. My name is Blood Moon. You tried to slay me in my hospital bed remember?" I stated in a cold tone. "Wait! You know my name?! Awww shit...wait naaa you can't be the guy. He had white fur. I never forget a mark," Night Fang replied clearly skeptical. "That...that was a while ago. I have been...altered...in an unpleasant way. But we are not here to talk about me. We are here to talk about the whereabouts of your little 'Friends'," I said leaning forward again. "They aren't my friends," she snapped. "No, friends don't shove your ass back in your cell after beating the shit out of you for failing at your job." Red tears started welling in her eyes. "No, they just free the others and beat the shit out of you before leaving you to rot. By Tartarus the things I've done...the ponies I've killed for them...I...I can still see all the dead faces of my marks. Every mark. Every fucking one of them. Every time I close my eyes and they just leave me to FUCKING ROT IN THIS SHITHOLE! THEY ARE NO FUCKING SHITTY FRIENDS OF MINE!" she screamed and stood up before the chains she was wearing kept her in place. Her body shook with fury and her eyes burned before she added, "Fine! You want that damn information you can fucking have it. I don't care anymore. But there's one thing I want from you!" "And that is?" I stated and raised an eyebrow. "I want you... I want you to kill me...please," Night Fang said before red tears streamed down her face as she sat back down. I was taken back for a few seconds before I spoke. "You...you want to die?" I inquired. "You heard me. I heard what happened above this dungeon. All those screams before that awful silence. I know death when I hear it. I was begging and pleading for it to get me too...but nothing showed up," Night Fang said while openly sobbing. "I just want to die dammit. I want out of here. Please, I just want out of here." My heart fell out of my chest and sunk into my hooves. I have said words similar to those before when I was on the other side of that table like she was. It was so similar it was eerie. When I went silent for a minute she just sniffed a few times before stating, "Well...well do we got a deal?" I remained silent again for another few minutes to think. I then closed eyes and took a deep breath through my nose before standing up. And then after a short while I returned to the room with a small silver short sword. After placing the sword next to me I sat down again. My eyes glared into hers before I stated, "Do you truly want to have them pay for what they did to you? Do you want them to pay for every life they had you take? "I want them to burn in Tartarus..." she hissed with renewed fury in her eyes. "Then talk," I replied. Without moment's hesitation she spilled everything she knew about the rogue vampires. Every little dirty secret they possessed. All of their bases of operations. All their troop locations and their recruiting tactics. Even the spies they had in the royal army, everything. After she was done I lifted the silver short sword and leveled it at her. Her eyes watered before they closed and her lower lip quivered. Then slowly she stuck out her chest as I pulled the sword back to strike true. I could hear her heartbeat speed up as she shook in her chair. And then in a flash of an instant I drove the blade all the way down to the hilt...into the table in front of her. Her eyes snapped open and she sat there and gawked at what she was seeing. I stared right into her quivering green slitted eyes before I stated, "By my title as Lieutenant General of the Lunar Forces I invoke my right of conscription." Her jaw hung open for a second before I got up and walked behind her. "WHAT?! You're recruiting me?! Why?!" she yelled at me while turning her head to face me as I walked. Without replying to her questions I rolled up the cleaning cloth I brought in for the short sword. And just before I stuffed it in her mouth she said "What in Tartarus are you doing?!" My only response was "I am fixing you," before I grabbed her right wing and snapped several bones. Her muffled screams came from behind the cloth as I reset the bones in her wing. I then placed my hoof on the center of it and drew the ambient death energy in the air away from her. Night Fang's life force surged in pulses as I forced her bones to correctly mend themselves. This however seemed to be the limit of her pain threshold as right after I was done she collapsed unconscious on the table in front of her. But regardless my work with her was done, for now at least. In turn just gathered any items I brought into the room, took one glance back at Night Fang, and walked out. Then right outside the door I told the guards to get Night Fang cleaned up and inform me when she was ready. She was undoubtedly going to be unconscious for at least a few hours. Not surprising given that if my little trick with my death magic was anything like my life force magic previously, her body will need some time to recover. This at least left me some time to ready myself for the inevitable journey of tracking down the whereabouts of the rogue vampire main base. But just as I was about to make my leave of the royal dungeon I noticed a certain somepony to my right. "Do you believe it wise to recruit one such as her, Blood Moon? It is doubtful she deserves the privilege of joining us given her crimes," Luna replied in a firm and almost scornful tone. Her vision remained fixed in a gaze on the one way enchanted window of the interrogation room as she spoke I glanced over at her before stating, "First, with all due respect princess, we have recruited far worse than her in the past. And while unwise I believe I have committed no mistake in my choice. Second, I honestly feel she is burdened by the crimes she has done and the lives she took. And being as such my decision is no privilege for her, but a punishment." Then as a frown crawled down my face I added, " For we both know, the only thing worse than dying with guilt in one's heart...is living with it." Luna's expression shifted from one of scorn to a deep sorrow at my words. Then just before I walked away from her, I saw single red tear hit the floor. After my meeting with Luna I continued to ready myself and a few others for our scouting mission. Hours passed by and soon the light of the sun dipped behind the horizon. The moon and stars quickly replaced it in kind as a cool wind blew by me. This however did little to sooth my tense muscles as I gazed over the edge of Reaper Knight Arena. This arena used to be a grand structure for the training of soldiers. And while much of a rubble had been removed in my previous month long absence, it was still in rough shape. The automatic dome roof would take years if not decades to replace. But at least it still somewhat resembled its previous form enough to work as a reasonable staging area. But just as I began getting lost in my thoughts I heard somepony clear their throat next to me. "Umm Blood Moon. Why are we all just waiting here again?" Cloud Streak stated. I shook my head a bit and glanced behind me. Applejack, Twilight, Spike, Rainbow Dash, and Cloud Streak seemed to all be in various states of boredom. Cloud Streak was just the only one brave enough to ask. "I told you like everypony else. We are going to go on a bit of a scouting mission for the royal forces. We need to find the main rogue vampire base and drop a beacon crystal inside. They shall do the rest." I replied as I tried to return to my thoughts. "Well yeah we get that sugar cube, but why are we waitin' here. Shouldn't we...you know...be out scoutin'?" Applejack interjected as she tipped her hat up. "Yeah AJ is right. This is soooooo booooring. We're just sitting here doing nothing," Rainbow Dash bemoaned. I rolled my eyes and turned around. "I suppose I shall just state my little surprise seeing as the guards are truly taking their time for some reason. While I know the general location of said base there is...ah ha," I said before I noticed Night Fang getting lead though main arena double doors. "There she is," I added as I walked down the side arena stairs into the middle of the arena itself. The others were swift to follow probably due to curiosity, but stopped next to me when I sat down. And I was just about to greet the guards and our new guest when Twilight blurted out "What the fuck is she doing here?!" in obvious fury. I held my breath in response as it did not take a scholar to realize that she knew exactly who Night Fang was. I suppose it was too much ask that she would have forgotten, but no, it seemed to be abundantly clear that she remembered. With the unpleasant addition of still being quite cross with her too. But with some quick thinking I held Twilight back with my right foreleg and attempted to coax her into calming down. Although, this truly only worked for a grand total of thirty seconds before Night Fang had committed the folly of opening her mouth. "Errrrm heh heh heeeeeey Princess Twilight Sparkle. Sorry about the whole trying to assassinate your bodyguard and then capture you in your sleep. No hard feelings right?" Night Fang stated in a shaky voice and had attempted to give what I assumed was the largest winning smile she could conjure up. This of course ended as well as one could expect. Twilight swiftly blurred passed my reach and began to savagely pummel the moonlight out of Night Fang. With of course the added benefit of all sorts of obscene unladylike words spewing forth from her mouth in a sort of an enraged battle cry. Now any other time I probably would have laughed to myself at such a display but I was quite certain Twilight had murder on her mind. In turn if I did not do something and fast, Night Fang would be little more than a red smear on the ground before we knew it. So I dashed forward and forcefully pulled Twilight off of her. But just when I did so the others figured they wanted a piece of Night Fang as well. It was at this point that I had more than my fill of such actions. Red and black lightning crackled around me as my voice thundered out the word, "ENOUGH". Afterwards I leered around me with a heavy scowl worn like a mask on my face. "Enough of this damned foolishness. I know full well of Night Fang's crimes and what she had intended to do moons ago. However this does not excuse all of you attempting to fix one injustice with another. I expected better from everypony here." In response Twilight shook from my grip before turning around to glare at me. "Why are you defending her?! She tried to kill you! In your sleep even!" she yelled still shaking with fury. I glared right back before stating in a firm tone, "DOZENS have tried to slay me by various means over my two century old life. Night Fang is just one more in an extensive list and has been sitting in a prison cell rotting away for doing so." Then after taking a few heavy breaths I softened my voice before adding, "She is our best shot at locating and destroying the rogue vampires once and for all. A true end to one of the factions that have ruined and destroyed countless lives. But more importantly than that is that we need to be better than those we fight against. Even if that means seeing that everypony we believe worthy of a second chance gets one. A simple try at attempting to right the misdeeds they have committed." Twilight and the rest resigned to looks of embarrassment before I barked out, "Now everypony grab your supplies and gear! We are finally heading out!" Then while the others were preparing to depart I walked over to Night Fang and helped her to her hooves. But as she stood her legs began to buckle so I wrapped one of her forelegs around my neck to offer support. Afterwards I picked up my saddle bags and placed them over my back before I lead our way out of the arena. "You...you didn't...have to do that. I...I probably deserve far worse," Night Fang whispered to me before coughing up a bit of blood and spitting out a few teeth. "Nopony 'deserves' to be savaged in such a manner unless they physically escalated the matter. Such unprovoked attacks are the behaviors of undisciplined brutes and ruffians for which we are neither I assure you. One should always fight with their words first as violence should only be a final resort," I whispered back before shifting my weight and adding, "However save your strength. You need to conserve your energy until I can mend your body after we board the next working train out of the city." > Chapter 43: To Defang a Cloaked Puppet Master: Part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The quiet sound of the moving train was a welcomed experience. Its slow metronome like noise was pleasantly soothing and predictable unlike the recent debacle of current events. In my mind I had rather hoped to smooth things over with Twilight and the rest while reintroducing them to Night Fang. And I while knew that it was going to be rough, probably involving some unkind exchange of words, I never expected Twilight to savage her so harshly. The addition that the others had desired to quickly join said savagery only soured my thoughts further. This damned war was corrupting each and every one of them. Their innocence was slowly getting leeched from them with every new battle and there was nothing I could do. But in turn I pushed those foul thoughts from my mind. The dark brood that threatened me would have to be the unpleasant pass-time of a different day. I just did not have the time to lament such things when our work was far from over. And with that consideration I put on the finishing touches of mending several dozen bruises and a few broken teeth Night Fang had possessed. Night Fang let out a long yawn before stating, "Thanks for the patch job," in apparent gratitude. "It was the least I could do given the circumstances. However I advise you getting some rest. We have quite the long day tomorrow and you need your strength," I replied with a grin before letting out a small yawn of my own. And I admit the thought of sleep overtook my mind for a few moments before I snapped back to reality. And to my dismay I had almost forgotten something gravely important. In immediate haste I scrambled through my pack and pulled out two items and gave them to Night Fang. The first was her own ring of Reaper Knight armor. It was one of the lighter versions pegasi normally used, but this type was sort of a probationary model. We used such things when the recruit in question was not what one could say was in high trustworthiness. In other words it had a few features like an embedded beacon crystal just in case things became foul. Many in the Reaper Knights had nicknamed such suit of armor "The insurance policy". The second gift required almost as much coaxing for Night Fang to drink it as it did to obtain it. I had told her it was a potion of sorts that would aid her in the coming conflict ahead. In reality it was a small amount of Celestia's blood I that had an awful time convincing her to part with due to its intended user. It seemed she did not enjoy giving former assassins the ability to walk in the daylight. And I admit I did not fully disagree, but I could not risk Night Fang burning to death over such a glaring oversight. So after several minutes of heavy persuasion I managed to have her consume said "potion" before donning her new armor. She then stumbled over to her own train bed and slipped under the covers. And in the span of a few seconds her eyes closed and she slipped off to sleep. I smirked to myself at the sight of her snoring away. It had probably been well over a month since she had a reasonable bed to sleep in. I probably would have done the same if I was in her hooves too. But regardless of my amusement of the current situation I still did not fully trust her even in this state. So just in case, I reached out with my magic and locked her armor in statue mode to prevent any possible "issues". After my work was done I turned around to find everypony else had seemed to turn in as well. Various sounds of breathing and snoring softly blanketed the air in a strange soothing chorus. And while I admit I wanted nothing more than to join them, the inquisitive purple slitted eyes staring at me in the darkness alluded that I would be delayed. In turned I walked up to Twilight and stated in but a whisper, "Is there something you require?" "Can she hear us?" she replied in a whisper after she leaned next to my left ear. I pursed my lips for a second and motioned to the other side of the train car. Afterwards we partially hid from view and I told Twilight put up an anti-sound ward. She merely nodded in acknowledgement before her horn began to glow. Then a moment later I felt the invisible ward snap into place right as the sounds of breathing and snoring had been silenced. Twilight did not hesitate in the least after the was ward was up. "What are you doing? She tried to kill us and now you brought her along? What's going on?" she blurted out no longer attempting at being discreet. A deep sigh left my lips before I closed my eyes. "The world we live in is a cruel one, Twilight. We are a testament to the effects of such. By all accounts both of us should be in our graves many times over. However here we are still breathing and moving. We were given a chance to continue making things right and I believe we should extend that opportunity to the pony that is sleeping not but a few paces from us. Especially since she almost did not receive such as chance as we," I stated in an even tone. But as I opened my eyes I saw that Twilight was more confused than before. Her eyes partially closed as she tilted her head in response. "What do you mean? What are you talking about?" she inquired. I let out a small chuckle before I continued, "In return for the information she gave me there was but one thing that she desired...her death." Twilight's eyes slowly widened as my words sunk in, "You mean you almost-" she said before I interrupted her. "Ended her life? Yes," I replied and took a deep breath through my nose and added, "I was like you when I went to see her by request of Princess Luna. I was still furious that she had tried to slay me and capture you those moons ago. I had a sword leveled right at her heart, but I drove it into the table in front of her instead." "I...I don't understand? Why?" Twilight questioned still confused. "I believe she feels guilty for what she has done. She very well may have been a victim of circumstance just like us. But even worse she is all alone in this world as even her own allies betrayed her. To elaborate, during the siege of Canterlot her 'friends' had freed several others from the royal dungeon but not her. No, her they beat senseless for failing at her task and left her to rot. So I state, what good would ending her life be?" I said, but when Twilight became silent I pushed further, "What good would that have done? Satisfying our desire for vengeance? Or perhaps some sort of just retribution? No, to a pony that desires nothing but their death, forcing them to live to atone for their misdeeds is a far more fitting punishment." In turn it took Twilight a few minutes to break her silence. "But...but what if she attacks us again?" she said in a worried tone. "Then I will grant her request she previously asked for, swiftly, and without hesitation," I replied in a voice that was devoid of warmth. That was the last words that were exchanged before Twilight dispelled the Anti-sound ward. Even after we went to bed together we stated nothing further still. The only things we seemed to do for the rest of the night, was hold each other close, and hope for sleep that just never came. The light outside the sheet covered windows of the train came and went before I heard it pull into one of the more rarely used stations. To explain, it was sort of in the core of the Everfree forest. It had been created by somepony brave or foolish in an attempt to re-purpose part of the the Everfree for some sort of exotic zoo. Given the severe reluctance and the hefty payment we had to give the train crew to take us here should elucidate how lacking in success said pony had been. In fact I believe this station was all that was left of their attempts. The forest had undoubtedly reclaimed the rest. In fact the eerie nature of this area at nighttime saw to it we did not even get the chance to bid the train team farewell before they sped away. I just grimaced in response under the single dim light of the train station at such rudeness, but I honestly did not blame them. The Everfree was not known for its kind nature, especially at night. And especially at such a remote section of it. The reaction of the train team seemed to make most of the others jumpy so decided to break the silence. "Well here we are I suppose. Are you certain this is around where we should be, Night Fang?" I inquired. Her response was however far less pleasant that I had hoped for. She had been scanning the darkness before her eyes sprung open. "Quickly into the trees! Now!" She frantically whispered to me before we followed her orders. Then in the darkness behind some trees I stared at the seemly empty train station. But then one by one a few blurs appeared from the shadows and began patroling around it. After a few seconds I recognized the familiar cloaks of the rogue vampires and the weapons they often wielded. However, as quickly as they appeared they melted back into the shadows in near silence. A long breath left my lips after seeing them depart. I then looked over at Night Fang and whispered, "What was that about? "I bet they were following us as we entered the forest. Its rare for trains travel here especially at nighttime. The standard procedure was to eliminate the threat if they lingered. Sorry I didn't mention it earlier but my head still hurts from that beat down princess hoof duster over there gave me," she said and glared at Twilight. To which Twilight gave her a similar death glare in return. I sighed as I rubbed my temples. 'Not but a minute in and they are already at each others throats' I thought to myself. "Easy you two. We need to work together here," I said to try and ease the tension before adding, "We will have to keep on our guard. Night Fang, you take the lead. You probably know this area better than we do." And so we tromped for hours in the near pitch black through a forest that was not known for its pleasantness. If it was not for the several dozen quick sand pits and the rather large beast that became a midnight meal for us, we may have arrived much sooner to our destination. And our destination one would ask? Well, that would be up to Night Fang to explain. "Well, here we are," Night Fang whispered as we arrived at yet another clearing in the forest. To elaborate we had passed by numerous of such and they meant nothing at all to us. In fact I had little idea what Night Fang was even talking about in regards to this one. It appeared to be nothing special in the least. "What is 'here' exactly?" I whispered unconvinced that this was truly not what one would call a "wild goose chase". Yes, we saw the rogue vampires at the train station, but no signs of them had been apparent so far. And to my embarrassment I had little idea how deep we were in this section of the Everfree. The only pony that undoubtedly knew our true location was Night Fang and I truly was not going to let her know such information. So I just scowled at her until she explained herself. "You...you mean you don't see anything out of place? Nothing at all? How in Equestria did you become a lieutenant general?" she snarked and rolled eyes before picking up a small rock. She then launched the rock into the middle of the clearing. What happened next was certainly unusual. The rock made it about halfway through the clearing before it hit something. Its impact made the air ripple and revealed for less than a second a small watch tower. Said tower must have been been hidden by some sort of illusion spell. Either way a grin crawled up my face until I heard Night Fang whisper "Ah shit this isn't good. Its her" I did not get a chance to respond before a figure shifted through the illusion and stood in the clearing. They then paced back and forth with two sinister looking daggers that I remembered all too well. Almost identical ones that Night Fang tried to end my life with. But what made this figure worse was their glowing dark blue slitted eyes. Each one had a deep and sadistic malice to them that did not possess an ounce of warmth. The addition of their half crazed smile that they wore only served to alluded that this vampiress pony was probably one step away from being unhinged. Then without warning I heard them state into the darkness, "Come out come out whoever you are. I just wanna have some fun. Oooh I can hear you out there. Come oooooon I just wanna play..." Everypony except for Night Fang seemed to hold their breath while in various levels of fear, including me. Coming from the aspect of it "takes one to know one" in terms of one step from madness, I knew how dangerous a pony like this could be. It was doubtful they would ever respond to any sort of persuasion. You just cannot reason with something of this nature as there probably was not much sanity left to reason with. Other than the sound of my heart beat in my ears the only thing I heard was Night Fang grinding her teeth in apparent rage. She ground them and ground them until I heard her whisper, "I know you really don't trust me, but I need you to take this armor ring off me." "And why would I do that? No offence, but what is stopping you from running and tipping them off?" I replied in a whisper. And without them uttering a single word I could tell Twilight and the others matched my sentiment. "You...you don't understand who that is. That pony...that...monster...is blocking our way. If you all try and rush her she will sound the alarm before probably slaughtering several of you before she drops from blood loss. Only I can get close enough to do something. But if I've got armor on she'll know I'm on your side," Night Fang said between enraged breaths. "And say I do this, what do you intend to do?" I inquired. "Something I've wanted to do for years," she replied still not taking her fury filled eyes off of the pacing figure in the clearing. I turned and looked at Twilight and she had the same look of hesitation as I did. However with little other option I let out a deep sigh of resignation. Then a moment later I said the release command in my mind to Night Fang's armor ring. The ring slipped off and I caught it with my magic before it hit the ground. But just as Night Fang was about to enter the clearing I put a hoof on her shoulder. "I want to state again that I do not fully trust you. However, I have seen that look in the eyes of others before. I am not certain what that pony has done, but such a response from you suggests something horrid. In light of this I give you these on the caveat that if you betray us, not even death will save you from my retribution," I whispered in a chill tone before I opened my pack. I then levitated out two items I managed to locate from the confiscated weapons room in the palace, Night Fang's cruel looking assassin's daggers. The same daggers she attempted to slay me with and the ones I ended her fellow assassins' lives with all those moons ago. A malicious smile crawled up Night Fang's face as she collected her daggers. She then practically hugged them before she slipped them under her wings with practiced skill. Her eyes then narrowed on the still pacing figure in the clearing before whispering, "I understand you don't trust me. And I honestly don't blame you, but I've got something to say to you and everypony here. No matter what happens. Do. Not. Interfere. This monster is all mine." And that was that before she slipped out of the tree line into the clearing. We all watched with mixed feelings as she continued forth to her crazed opponent. Deafening silence seemed to grip all of us as we waited for any other sound than quiet hoof steps. A few beads of sweat dripped down my face while I fought hard to rein in my nervousness. But just when I thought the tension could not get any worse Night Fang's opponent began to speak. "Night Fang? Oooooo it is you. I heard they left you to rot for failing us. I did so miss your regular scoldings. All because of how I...entertain...myself," the crazed vampiress spoke in a slick tone and licked the edge of her blade until there was a trail of blood on it. Night Fang however just furrowed her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes to mere slits in response. "Still the same Moon Shadow. Still bat shit crazy as always. So how did ya get stuck on guard duty? Did little miss screw loose finally piss off the wrong pony?" she said apparently fighting to keep herself civil. "Hahaha still the same Night Fang. I wonder if your tongue ever gets tired flapping like that. Maybe I should cut it out, wouldn't that be fun? I'm glad you came back instead of dying in that cage. Now I can be the one to see the light fade from those green eyes of yours before I cut them out," Moon Shadow replied with a few drops of blood dripping from her lips. "You want my blood huh? Then come get some you sadistic bitch!" Night Fang snapped out before Moon Shadow's body blurred forward. Steel clashed off of steel as I saw both of them blur back and forth in a dizzying display. But after a few minutes of this it was clear that neither one could seem to gain an edge on the other for long. Well until a certain crazed vampress' focus got interrupted by accident from yours truly. It was not my intention of do so in all honesty. But regardless of my intent what happened was that while watching Night Fang and Moon Shadow battle each other I had gotten into an unusually intense state of focus. So intense that I seemed to have forgotten that my body requires air for its continued existence. Needless to say my need to breathe obliterated any type of stealth I once possessed when I sucked in a rather noisy gasping breath before slipping into a coughing fit. The end result of my abrupt gagging allowed Night Fang to finally grasp the upper hoof on Moon Shadow. And while I only caught a glimpse of what happened through tear soak eyes, it was clear who was the victor. Night Fang's dagger tore through the front of Moon Shadow's neck with cruel precision. Blood sprayed from the open wound as Moon Shadow let out a gurgling scream. Her body flailed and contorted into unnatural angles as she hoofed at her throat. But soon the last vestiges of life slipped from her before she collapsed motionless on the ground. Near silence blanketed the area for a few minutes with only the sounds of Night Fang's heavy breathing occasionally breaking it. But after she caught her breath she shot me an enraged leer before growling out, "What part of 'Do. Not. Interfere.' didn't you understand?! You don't understand how long I've waited for that!" "I assure you it was not my intention to interrupt your little duel. But regardless of such, now that you have defeated her mind explaining to everypony present why she was a great source of your ire?" I stated in a firm tone while matching her glare. It was then she began to tell the tale of Moon Shadow and I admit I half regretted ever making my request. For you see it seemed that Moon Shadow's version of "entertainment" revolved around the sadistic pleasure she derived from committing various atrocities to her marks as an assassin. And many of these involved forcing said mark to watch helplessly as she slaughtered each and every one of their close family...starting with the youngest child. Needless to say she gained a monstrous notoriety even among her fellow assassins. So much so that a few them even attempted to end her with obviously no success. A strange thought, but I suppose even trained killers had their limits. In turn no further questions were asked and it was probably better that way. Some horrid stories are best left in the past. "Well...well that was errm...something," Twilight said in bewilderment as she walked up next to me before adding, "Soooo what now?" Night Fang sniffed, sat down in front of us, and rubbed her right temple. "Hmm well if they are short enough hoofed that they'd allow Moon Shadow to take a guard shift then all that mean-" she began to speak before she stopped mid-sentence as her eyes slowly began to open wide. I was puzzled why she had stopped until I heard something that made my blood run cold. It was a quiet chuckle at first, but then it turned into a gurgling laugh that seemed to come from the motionless body of Moon Shadow. What happened next ended up being too fast to react properly. In one swift movement she stomped on some strange sort of crystal before she flicked her right forehoof that sent a dagger whirling right at my face. It was foolish to let my guard down. My mind had frozen up staring at the glimmering blade that sailed towards me. But at the last second I saw a hoof snatch the blade right out of the air. And in the blink of an eye Night Fang seemed to act on reflex as she sent it flying back at its sender. The blade drove itself with a sickening thunk into Moon Shadow's forehead. And while her physical body had now expired I could see her twisted soul stand up from her remains and continue to mock us before getting sucked into some sort of burning ethereal portal. This normally would have warranted a question to a certain deathly figure on what had happened to her, but something felt seriously wrong. The sounds of propellers echoed in the distance above us before a beam of light scanned the trees next to us. Time slowed to a crawl as a spotlight centered itself on us and seemed to halt its search. All sound around me appeared to cease and all I could hear was the steady beat of my heart in my ears. To my right Night Fang seemed to be yelling something at me and the others but I could not seem to hear anything. Then without warning, the watchtower not far from us exploded violently into a shattered spray of stones and charred wood. My mind quickly snapped back to reality as the noise of the explosion flooded my ears. And it was then I understood the gravity of the situation. In her last act of spitefulness Moon Shadow alerted a rogue vampire zeppelin to our exact location. Pure fear gripped hold of my heart and my face contorted into a mask of terror at this realization. Then without the slightest hesitation I screeched, "RUN FOR YOUR BLASTED LIVES YOU DAMN FOOLS!" before we all proceeded to tear off into the forest behind us. But our efforts were to little avail. No matter how fast we ran. No matter how many trees I cleared from our panicked gallop. The light from above seemed to follow us with expert precision. More trees exploded into a shower of splinters as the cannon fire from above persisted in trying to hit us. Also to make matters worse eventually two other spotlights appeared from the sky and added their own shower of cannon fire. It was obvious the situation was quickly becoming dire. The only reason we were not directly hit yet was because we were running at "full bore". And if my burning lungs and strained muscles were equally mirrored by the others, it would not take long before we met our doom. Hope was fading rapidly and I truly thought the end of us would soon be coming. But then off in the distance above us I heard something that seemed strange. One of the cannons that fired did not sound like the others. It had a very distinct noise to it that I could not place my hoof on. Although regardless of such, in the flash of a second one of the spotlights disappeared as its respective zeppelin burst into a burning fireball in the sky. A second cannon blast fired and the already ignited zeppelin took another direct hit. However upon seeing their sister ship crash and burn into the trees not far off from us, the remaining two zeppelins turned their attention to their new aggressor. The result of such caused the night's darkness to blanket the area around us and after a few seconds I could see what was happening in the sky. Needless to say I said a few colorful words to myself as I recognized our rescuer. There was no mistaking the black and blue shining hull of Princess Luna's capital airship, "The Night's Eternal". I could only surmise that they must have been following us and its enchanted and camouflaged design must have avoided detection, well at least until now. But I suppose being seen was little matter for it now as it seemed to have the upper hoof. And with the aid of several more volleys another one of the Rogue Zeppelins crashed and burned into the Everfree. In response to this the third seemed to try and flee before meeting a similar fate of its sister ships. The others around me gawked at what had taken place. Me on the other hoof had worn a focused expression instead. To explain why I wore such an expression was quite simple. For you see I had more than my fill of almost being blasted to pieces on the ground and I was going to do something about it. So in turn I channeled my death energy and attempted to do something foolish. I scrunched my face before stating, "Everypony get close to me. I am going to get us away from this deranged forest." In quite the surprise I did not even have the slightest complaint or inquiry for what I was about to do. Everypony just seemed to collectively agree to the notion without stating a single word. I supposed it was that the others had desired to be free of this horrid place as much as I. So with a bit of concentration I opened a deathgate directly below us. After the gate opened we all fell through it and crashed onto the top of the flight deck of The Night's Eternal. A few nearby crew members had to ultimately scramble away from us, but at this point I would make any type of apology that was required of me. Anything to get us away from that thrice damned forest. So after the initial shock of our abrupt appearance and our stumbling to get up we all were then subjected to the scornful glares of both General Black Wing and Princess Luna. About a minute or two of near awkward silence reined before either of them said anything. "Your mission was to simply slip into their base and drop a beacon crystal, undetected. Now with that thought in mind would you care explaining, in detail, how this entailed us rescuing you from not one, but three enemy zeppelins?" Black Wing stated, but kept her persistent glare as she leaned on a railing of the ship's poop deck. I looked around at the bewildered faces of my little group before more or less getting shoved forward as representative. "Heh heh amusing story truly. You should have been there we-" I said before getting interrupted. "Cease your stalling tactics Blood Moon..." Luna interjected as she raised an eyebrow. "Alright alright...we seemed to have had a run in with a now thoroughly deceased previous 'ally' of Night Fang. A word I use only for the lack of a better one. Needless to say they in their final spitefulness they gave away our position. We ultimately never got past the outer wall before we were forced to flee," I said with a heavy sigh. But not wanting to be the only pony on the spot I soon added, "Now I respectfully inquire why you were following us so closely? And how in Equestria did you manage to destroy three zeppelins on your own? This ship was designed for speed and stealth, not all out combat." Luna and Black Wing just chuckled next to each other before they made their reply. "We had determined that you becoming 'In over your head' if you will, was a valid possibility. One truly must admit that grand adversity and foul luck does seem to dog your steps. So in turn we tracked and followed you," Luna said with a sly grin before adding, "As for who actually defeated your aggressors well...perhaps you should thank them yourself" and pointed behind me. I turned around in puzzlement as I saw Break Runner and train team twelve behind me. Each had a thoroughly worried look on their faces. I was taken back for a moment before stating, "Break Runner? What are you doing here? I thought you all worked trains and not airships?" "Yeeeeaahh remember when I said our train could go through a single wall without damage? Well it couldn't last through six of 'em and an exploding train station. And being they needed good cannoneers, so we volunteered. But that isn't important right now. What's important is that we're in deep shit," Break Runner stated with a shaky voice near the end. "Hmm what are you talking about?" I questioned as I tilted my head. He merely pointed behind him and said "That". I walked behind him to see where he was pointing at. I then squinted to get a better view before all the color drained off my face. I did not even need to state what I saw as one of the ship crewmates did it for me. "Princess, General! Seven airships off the starboard bow! Six regular and one that looks large enough to be a capital ship!" they bellowed from above us. "WHAT?!" Luna screeched before shouting, "EVASIVE MANEUVERS! AND TURN THIS SHIP AROUND!" We all hit the deck as the two propellers on the port side cut out and started blowing in the opposite direction. The frame of ship lurched and whined as it was forced to turn abruptly. Then after a minute of this the propellers started to thrust forward again. "What in tarnation is goin' on?!" Applejack yelled over the blaring sound of the roaring propellers. "Remember when I said that this ship was not designed for open combat? That comment was not made in jest! I assume they only defeated the others because they 'got the drop on them' if you will! We will not be so fortunate a second time!" I yelled back gripping the flight deck for dear life. "You mean we're just running for our lives?!" Rainbow Dash yelped in reply, "Correct!" I stated after a hard shallow. The situation appeared grave. In our folly to gain access to the rogue vampire main base we seemed to accidentally kick the proverbial "hornets' nest". A now thoroughly enraged and heavy armed "hornets' nest". I had little idea what we were going to do, but I hoped against hope either Black Wing or Luna had a plan. So not wanting to sit idle and wait for oblivion I stumbled up the poop deck for an update. But upon arriving I was greeted to an equally grim looking Luna and Black Wing. "It appears they are rather cross with us!" I snarked in response to their expressions. "You think?!" Black Wing snapped back as she spun the ship's steering wheel to make us narrowly miss the latest volley of cannon fire. "What is the plan?" I replied beginning to grow more worried than I already was. "You are living it!" Luna yelled back over the continued roar of the ship propellers "What do you mean we are living it, Princess?!" I frantically asked. "It means I had already sent the distress signal to my sister on 'The Solar Siege'. She is en route now, but that old juggernaut was not created with the same attributes as this vessel!" Luna yelled as she shoved Black Wing off the wheel and gripped it herself. Black Wing stumbled sideways before yelling, "She means it is slow as fucking sin and we are going to get blown to bloody pieces if you do not shut your lips and help us!" "How can I help?" I shouted in reply. "You possess portal magic do you not? Use your imagination!" Black Wing yelled back before trying to reclaim the ship's wheel from Luna. So without missing a beat I gripped my scythe and galloped to the far back of the ship. Now I had little idea what to truly do so I opted to improvise as much as I could. Thus at first I merely opened death gates to redirect incoming cannon shells off into the Everfree. But after an hour of this my body was beginning to grow tired. It was at this point I decided to do something that I knew I would regret. I gritted my teeth as black lightning arced across my body while I pulled in the ambient death energy from the forest below us. A swirling tempest of overwhelming energy flowed into me as it scorched and withered the wood I was standing on. Then with a firm image in mind I reached out with my thoughts and opened the largest death gate that I have ever created. The gate snapped open and swallowed one of the rogue zeppelins right after I formed its twin in front of another one. Panicked shouts could be heard in the distance as the two ships collided in mid air. Shattered wood sprayed in every direction before the two ships swirled towards the earth. However the last thing I heard was their thunderous crash before I collapsed. My vision faded for a few seconds as my black blood streamed from my mouth and nose. My body felt as if it had been torn apart from the inside. Everything throbbed and burned, but I managed to stand up with the aid of my scythe. No cheers of joy came from either Luna or Black Wing. Only worried glances here and there. It went without saying that they probably knew what it cost for me to do that. But as I was trying to catch my breath, a white hot beam of energy surged right past us and struck one of the five remaining enemy zeppelins. The ship seemed to shine as bright as the sun before it burst into a blazing inferno. But the burning remains of that ship did not even impact the ground before another one of its allies was ripped to pieces by cannon fire. And there in the distance was a sight that brought a tear to my eye, Celestia's capital airship, The Solar Siege. In all its shining glory. And while the Night's Eternal may have easily hid in the night sky, The Solar Siege had no need for such things. It just beamed brightly as a beacon as its several heavy cannons fired a second volley and outright obliterated the two smaller remaining enemy airships. So then there was one. The last remaining enemy airship. The veritable flag ship of the rogue vampires. All alone in the sky. Now given that all its allies were dispatched with ease I had figured they were either going to surrender or retreat. But they did no such thing. They just cranked their engines and pointed the ship directly at us. In a panic we attempted to maneuver out of way, but the enemy ship's cannons saw to the end of that. Both of our port side engines were torn right off and part of the flight deck was ripped to pieces. It was the last thing I saw before the other ship rammed right into us from the side. The sound was deafening as the frames of the ships fused in a cracking of wood and tearing ropes. And while we still somehow remained afloat the two ships were now inseparable, thus rendering any aid from Celestia's ship moot. What followed was heavy causalities on both sides as each ship's crew battled the other for dominance. But in the end we slew them all down to the very last, or should I say the last one remaining. Also known as the infamous Cloaked Lady herself standing cornered on the poop deck of her very own ship. She ended putting up quite the fight, but her host body was heavily damaged as a result. In turn she was barely clinging to life, or so we thought anyway. Blood may have dripped from the many wounds of her current host body, but that did not stop her laughing at us. "You little foals. You have no idea who you are messing with. Do you truly think you can defeat me in such a manner? I have survived many battles and I will outlast this one too. You cannot slay what is already dead," she mocked. But that was before a booming voice came from behind us. "It is over Dark Heart" Black Wing stated as she walked up next to me in a sorrowful yet firm demeanor. In an instant I could feel the tension in the air raise as Dark Heart's mood changed. Foam formed on the corners of her host body's mouth before she spoke. "How dare you!? HOW DARE YOU CALL ME BY THAT NAME!? You of all ponies! That name was lost long ago in no thanks to you! And I am far from defeated!" she snapped. Black Wing sat down and instructed all of us to keep our distance for our own safety. But admittedly I did not have to be told of such. I had a feeling that if anypony got close, The Shade of Dark Heart would simply body hop. But as we kept on our guard, Black Wing did the unthinkable. Against all reason, she moved closer. Red tears welled in her eyes all the while before she spoke. "Why...why did you make me do this to you? I...I loved you. I still do. Why did cause so much pain to everypony...and to me?" Dark Heart's host body shuttered as if physically wounded. She then lowered her weapons as red tears flowed from her eyes. "You just do not understand do you? You...just do not...understand," she lamented. Black Wing moved even closer to Dark Heart's host body much to our protests, but we kept our distance all the same. "What do I not understand? Why did you do it?" Black Wing questioned again as she became near face to face with Dark Heart. "You...you were perfect. You were everything to me. I wanted you more than anything in the world. More than anything else I could ever dream of," Dark Heart's voice came out ragged and course from her now dying host body. "The fame. The prestige. I was always second best, but you. You had everything. And now look what happened to me." "I...I am sorry Dark Heart. I truly am, " Black Wing sobbed and met Dark Heart's host body with a deep embrace before the body collapsed in her forelegs. This ultimately revealed the true image of the Shade of Dark Heart as the cursed necklace lifted off of its former host body. Worry soon overrode all thought as I blurted out "Black Wing! What are doing!?" "Something I should have done countless moon ago" she replied as she grasped the floating necklace and kissed its middle gemstone. She then said the quiet words, "It is beyond forgiveness what I have done to you. The suffering and torment you have endured all these years must have been unfathomable. I am so very sorry," and lifted the necklace mere centimeters to her neck before grinding it to pieces in her forehooves. A deafening scream of rage and fear came from the black shade floating in front of Black Wing. It had attempted to possess her, but without the cursed necklace it merely passed right through her instead. This only served to intensify the dreaded creature's screaming before it got cut short when I heard a very familiar voice. "Why hello there dear...little...soul. I have been searching for you for so long now. Using that little necklace of yours to delay your judgement. And now would you look at that, your dear...little...necklace is alllll broken. Please do enjoy your stay in Tartarus, Death's multi-tone voice spoke in a manner that I believe everypony could hear him. Then right after his statements a horrid and booming otherworldly voice that seemed to shatter the very air said but one word, "GUILTY" A large burning ethereal portal opened up behind the black shade of Dark Heart as Black Wing scrambled away from it. The shade tried to do the same, but chains of burning metal flung out from the portal and wrapped themselves around the vague creature's legs, waist, and neck. Screams of the damn echoed everywhere around us before she got forcefully dragged into the portal. Then as quick as it appeared, the portal vanished. The aftermath of such seemed to break something in Black Wing. Her body shook and shuttered and it was trivial to tell something was wrong. Others tried to comfort her, but there was only one way I could see to aid her. So without a second thought I leapt forward, grabbed Black Wing, and pulled us both through a death gate. My body went cold and numb from the effort but I had pulled us to the one place I knew we could be alone. The cave in the mountaintop I lived in for my month long exile. The one place nopony would come looking for us. "Where...where are we?" Black Wing said while trying in vain to keep her composure. I took a deep breath, reached out, before pulling her close to me. "Where we are is irrelevant right now. Just know that there is nopony here to see you. Nopony here to judge you. Now let it out," I said in an even voice, but when she shook her head I grabbed the sides of her face, and glared into her tear soaked golden eyes and growled "LET. IT. OUT." It was as if a floodgate had opened up. Black Wing's body had violently begun to shake with deep sobs and heavy wailing. Tears flowed from her eyes in a steady steam that threatened to never cease. And so the true end of the rogue vampire faction was not with a blaze of glory, but with a sorrowful lamentation, from its leader's ex-lover. > Chapter 44: On The Setting of The Moon, A Curse Shall End: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chill air blew by me in steady gusts. I suppose it should have felt cold if I could have felt that sensation anymore. To this day it was still strange that I could only determine the frigidness of the air by how stiff my muscles became. And while it was also a bit unnerving it was of little importance at this time. What mattered more was being present for the friend who needed a shoulder to cry upon. Black Wing could have easily been called a wreck when I pulled her here with my magic. So much so that it had taken the better part of a hour before she was able to compose herself again. But eventually her sobbing abated and her damp face was all that remained as evidence as she sat next to me. But from that point up to now, neither of us said a word while we both stared off of the mountain cliff. More wind blew by us one last time before Black Wing finally broke the silence. "So this is where you fled to after the siege of Canterlot hmm?" she mused. "What? Oh yes, I remained here for the better part of a month I believe," I replied as I broke from the thoughtful trance I was in. "Heh, I can see why you did so. The view from up here is quite splendid. If not for the cold I would have gladly joined you," she commented. I shook my head and chuckled in response. "I do admit I did not plan my location beforehoof. It was a bit 'spur of the moment' if you will, at the time," I stated. Black Wing made a simple nod in acknowledgement before the silence once again slipped back between us. However after a few minutes of this my mind had seemed to drift upon a certain thought that I remembered. It was a question that seemed to keep appearing, but I never had to opportunity to ask it. Now I understandably believed I knew the answer to this question, but I had still desired to receive a response to it either way. So after straightening my back and clearing my throat a few times I finally worked up the nerve to state, "There was something I had been meaning to ask. I...I probably already know the answer, but I desire to hear it from you as well." She turned her head partially to the left and glanced at me. Puzzlement seemed to be her primary expression before she replied with a simple, "Yes?" "Why did you make me your Lieutenant General instead of reinstating me in my previous position as Captain? You never in all my years made anypony your Lieutenant seemingly after your experience with Dark Heart. So I respectfully ask again, why did you?" I inquired. Black Wing's face went from puzzlement to sour in the span of a few seconds. Her mouth moved as if to state something a few times, but nothing ever came out. It was as if she was attempting to locate the correct phrasing of words, probably to avoid offence, but was unable to do so. In turn I decided to respond for her instead. "You did so because you do not fully trust me, I assume? As it was probably one of the only ways you could keep a watchful eye on me, but hopefully not raise suspicion, again I assume?" I questioned glancing at her to my right. When nothing but silence returned from her it appeared that I had gotten my answer. I took a deep breath in response and said but one word, "Good." My reply however seemed to catch Black Wing off guard. It was actually quite amusing watching the normally steely willed general squirm for once instead of me. In turn her sour expression remained on her face as she said "I shall, 'come clean' if you will, on this one. It was the only method I could think of at the time to keep a close watch over you. Though truth be told not many deserve such a position like you do, even if you loathe the title. But I had feared that you would see such a thing as a breach of trust if I revealed my true intentions. And now here you state that such actions were 'Good' and that you agree with me?" A small grin crawled up my face as I looked at her. "If we are to be honest with each other then I state that it is a good thing for I do not even fully trust myself," I lamented as my grin faded to a frown. Then after I worked up my nerve I added, "I...I have become this...thing...this...Advocate of Death as I am called. Having to deal with my fractured mind and my vampiric urges was trying enough. But now I have this other darker urge to where I somehow derive physical pleasure from draining the life out of living beings. And to finally add to the whole disaster of a mess I found myself in I also talk directly to the spirits of Life and Death themselves in some mad quest to-" I truly wanted to vent some more but I was interrupted by a familiar voice in my mind. 'My apologies for interrupting your private little conversation, but there is a bit of a problem. A problem that I have to somehow state indirectly to you because-' Death said before also getting interrupted himself by some other voice. 'Heeeelllloooo you two!' the other voice blared in my mind as I squeezed my forehooves to the sides of my head. 'Discord? How in the void are you doing this?! This telepathic link was established only for Blood Moon and myself! I am not sure how you did so, but you are not welcome in the mind of my ADVOCATE!' Death's voice boomed in my mind causing my physical ears to ring slightly. 'Tisk tisk Death, breaking the rules is what I do for fun! Nopony can keep out the embodiment of Chaos. And it was such the easiest thing in the world to hijack your little chat and besides, I bring news. Good or bad depending on whose side you belong to that is,' Discord snarked. 'Speak your "news" and begone Discord...' Death growled. 'Well you see it appears the princesses and the others are in for some trouble. Gore Gash and her lycan horde I guess got it in their heads to somehow ambush them while they're in the Everfree next to their most delightful zeppelin crash site. Now you've got me how she arrived at such an idea but you may want to deal with her," Discord replied. 'And how did you come by this information? Ahh let me guess you attempted to seduce Gore Gash into following your commands again and she defied you once more? What is the matter Discord? Afraid she is becoming better at your "job" than you are, hmm?' Death commented in a knowing tone. 'Ooh hohohohaha oh Death, always with the biting wit hahahaha...maybe...' Discord replied with irritation in his voice at the end. 'Well Blood Moon, it seems I do not need to convey anything further. However I would advise acting with haste in this matter. In the meantime I will purge Discord from this link and prevent future mental intrusions' Death replied before I felt both of their presences leave my mind. I could not even gather enough mental energy to respond. The horrible experience of those two talking in my mind seemed to tax me greatly. The only thing I was aware of afterwards was Black Wing hovering over me and dabbing my nose with a piece of cloth. "Are you alright Blood Moon? You slipped into some sort of seizure and your nose started bleeding," Black Wing stated in a voice full of worry. "Not...important...now...princesses...danger...need to...go back," I croaked out barely able to form words together. "What?!" was all that was said by Black Wing before I gathered what focus I could muster and opened a deathgate under us. What followed was of course a mixture of both good and bad. The good part was the fact that even in my dazed and partially unfocused state I remembered where we had originally teleported from in the Everfree. And of course the fact that we both appeared in one piece was also a positive. However this is where the bad part comes in. For you see the memory I had used for teleportation was us being on board a barely floating crippled zeppelin called "The Night's Eternal". Or Luna's flag ship to be exact. A ship that was at one point several hundred meters in the air. A state that it no longer was in, but we certainly were. To put such things plainly we appeared where the ship used to be and we were now screaming towards the ground at near terminal velocity. Needless to say there was little in the way of coherent words coming from my mouth as I screamed my lungs out. Clouds blew past me and the fast moving air screeched in my ears while I continued to plummet. And while my adrenal glands had kicked into overdrive my mind could not seem to focus to do anything of use. However, just before I became a small black stain on the ground below I felt a hard jerk on my forelegs and I immediately ceased falling. Confusion overtook me until I heard heavy breathing and several grunts of effort. And just when I realized what was happening I heard Black Wing behind me state, "By the stars...above...Blood Moon. You truly...need to reduce...your moonlight snacking," while her webbed wings flapped for all they were worth. Me on the other hoof merely scrunched my face up in response. "If you desire to go to such topics, then I too have gazed upon you in times past enjoying your own frequent midnight stress eating, respectfully...General" I retorted. Black Wing snorted at my comments. "Easy with...your words...Blood Moon. I can still...drop you...you know," she replied after several more grunts of effort. "What? And lose my entertaining commentary?" I said after swallowing hard. "Yes, as...amusing as...such things...are...you are...indeed...not very...light. If you...could please...get us...onto the...ground...before I...lose my...grip?" Black Wing groaned. It did not take much convincing as I figured falling to my doom would be quite the unpleasant experience. So I focused what little will I could and opened a deathgate below us. Black Wing's grip let go shortly afterwards and we slipped through the portal...and crashed on top of some very unfortunate solar guards. In turn their shrieks of surprise made everypony around them aware of our presence immediately. Needless to say, Twilight, Luna, Celestia and the rest managed to locate us with among the partial chaos we created. And while they were all more than glad to know that we were safe, especially Twilight and Cloud Streak in my case, something was wrong. A somber tone had overtaken the entire area and it did not spare any of them. It was not until I pushed passed them that I discovered the source of their gloom. I was not sure what had happened after I had left with Black Wing for over an hour, but I could easily guess. The Night's Eternal had seemed to have taken such a significant amount of damage that it appeared to have crash landed. Just like Discord had mentioned before. And to put the sight in the most accurate of terms, the massive heap that stood before me could barely be recognizable as ever being an air ship. Or should I say two air ships as the former rogue vampire capital ship was equally part of the shattered wreckage. But that horrid sight was by far not the worst of it. No that description belonged to what laid next to it...graves...scores of them. Words escaped me as I bore witness to that grim sight. It was not until the others had come over did the silence surrounding me break. "So this was the cost of defeating the rogue vampires? So much destruction. So many lives had been lost already and now even more followed," Black Wing stated as she shook her head and then added, "Does anypony know our status?" "The Night's Eternal has been completely destroyed with little to no possible chance of rebuild. Worse even in that over three fourths of those on board had perished. Though we are not certain of the true death toll as several remain unaccounted for," Luna lamented. "Most that were on board the Solar Siege are still among us. But the process of burying the dead whether friend or foe has become a never ending task. I've even delayed the rising of the sun in the slim hopes of still finding any missing lunar soldiers alive," Celestia added with an equally saddened tone. Black Wing gritted her teeth and stomped the ground. "Damn it all to Tartarus! I should have been here! Instead I went and bawled my eyes out like a lovesick little filly! Who knows how many perished because I was not here to aid them! This disaster...this grand folly is all my faul-" Black Wing bellowed out but stopped in her tracks when we all heard something from the surrounding forest. It started off quiet, like a subtle far off snarling but turned into a long bone chilling wolf howl. "Please tell me that is not what I believe it to be!" Luna blurted out. "It is! I will tell you later how I know this, but we need to get out of here now!" I yelped in reply. Without a second thought Celestia setup a portal to the Solar Siege and sent out the evacuation/alarm signal with her horn. Though it proved to be too late. Rogue lycans poured in from the forest in all directions and the screams of our soldiers soon followed. But to make matters worse, at the head of the horde charged Gore Gash herself, also just like Discord had mentioned before. However right before me and the others were about to initiate a counter-attack I heard Luna state something behind me. The only words I caught were, "Stars above forgive me for what I must do," before I saw blue aura surround me and I was forcefully thrown through Celestia's portal. Black Wing, Twilight, and the others crashed on top of me probably from a similar experience. My vision swam but I could make out two figures walk through Celestia's portal before it slammed shut. My eyes widened in response as I sputtered for something to say. I just could not believe what had happened. We were the only escape point for any other soldiers on the ground. Without the portal open anypony still down there would be slaughtered. I shuffled out of the squirming heap that was my friends and fellow soldiers and stood up. "What in the pits of Tartarus are you doing?! There were other soldiers down there!" I screeched. Celestia and Luna sat down where the portal had once been and took off their helmets. However they merely lowered their heads afterwards and said not a word. "What are you two doing?! I said-" I begin to yell but was interrupted by Black Wing. "Be silent Blood Moon! There is but one reason why they would have done what they did!" she shouted as she walked by me with a quick leer before adding, "None of the others signaled back did they?" Celestia lifted her head with tears flowing down her face. "Not a single one," she replied in a voice just above a whisper. Then without warning Luna shouted a curse into the sky. And before it ended she picked up her helmet and slammed it into the flight deck until the board underneath it shattered. But after Luna's rage filled display Black Wing merely lowered her head and closed her eyes in response. "So even more follow the ones already lost. When will such madness end?" she questioned. But the only reply was the roar of Solar Siege's engines as we headed back to Canterlot. > Chapter 45: On The Setting of The Moon, A Curse Shall End: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Much of what had recently happened laid heavily upon my mind. The Night's Eternal was in ruins, more soldiers' lives had been extinguished, and a general feeling of despair seemed to blanket the remaining crew of the Solar Siege. And while true we did destroy the rogue vampire faction, hopefully once and for all, the cost was nearly too heavy to bear. A near hollow victory if there ever was one. But in light of all this my mind did not focus on such things for long as I had a more pressing matter at hoof. Namely the greater worry that Twilight had gone longer than I had planned without a recharge. Her body was sluggish as I more or less carried her through the narrow halls of the Solar Siege. And amusingly I noticed the bags under eyes were almost as great as mine. Though this could be noted it was most likely her fatigue that was finally catching up her and not her lack of energy. But these points were of little concern to me. No, what was more concerning was her slow heart beat as she leaned on me. However, with some luck I could soon rectify this condition if not the others. So with purpose in mind we continued our walk until I had located one of the spare officer's quarters. I then leaned Twilight on the wall next to me and with some effort I pushed on the room's stubborn door until it swung open. Afterwards we walked in giving way to a small to medium sized bed and little else. It was what one could expect given the space constraints on an airship. As such these rooms were not designed for luxury. Just a simple bed and a small enchanted light that dimly lit the small space. They were meant merely as a place to rest on extended missions. And even then this tiny room could be considered a perk for officers in terms of size as regular soldier rooms were somehow smaller. A quiet chuckle left my lips as I remembered times past in these stuffy little rooms. But I pushed those memories aside as I borderline dragged Twilight into the room before I snuffed the little enchanted light above us. I then attempted to gently place Twilight on the bed, but my balance slipped and she flopped down with an audible thump. She let out single groan of displeasure as she fixed herself in such a way to glare at me. I pursed my lips and stated, "I apologize Twilight, but I am probably not fairing much greater than you are currently," as I crawled on top of her. "Yeah well at least you don't feel like you're dying all over again," she replied back with a weak grin. I rolled my eyes in response. "Almost out of energy and yet you still possess enough strength to mock me. I am one luuuucky stallion," I snarked back but I frowned when I saw the purple light in her eyes start to fade. In turn I wasted no more time as I lowered myself on her and I opened my mouth. I then glided my fangs over the base of her neck before I sunk them in. A quick breath left her lips before she let out a long partial groan, partial moan. Then just as the first drop of arcane charged blood touched my tongue I let loose a surge of death energy. In response her back arched and her body squirmed as if gleefully accepting the energy injection. And while normally I would have noticed more, my mind had soon became awash with a dark pleasure that drowned out most thoughts. But after a few minutes of this I felt my body grow numb as hers seemed to strengthen. And with the satisfaction that her heartbeat had returned to normal, I pulled my fangs out. Twilight barely made a reaction to such as she began to snore. It seemed somewhere along the line her body had reached its limit and she passed out. I could not help but smile despite myself as I closed the wound on her neck and laid down next to her. My eyes soon closed afterwards but right when sleep was just about to take me I heard something that filled me with dread. Well I suppose dread was not entirely correct. I was only first filled with dread until a seething irrational rage had quickly consumed it. If looks could burn my single open eye could have immolated the room door that somepony had dared to knock on. A long and low hiss streamed from behind my clenched teeth at the sheer burning fury that had grown inside me. And if I was a lesser pony I would have made that unfortunately soul knocking on the other side of the door rue the day they were born. But eventually upon not hearing a response I assumed they decided to knock a second time. And with that I could not fully keep the absolute malice out of my voice as I hissed the word, "Yessss?" Their reaction was almost instant when I heard them fumble backwards a few paces and it also seemed two heartbeats began to race. Then soon afterwards a whimpering and stuttering muffled voice came from the other side of the door, "L-l-lieut-t-t-t-tenant G-g-general s-s-sir. T-t-the princesses and G-g-general Black W-w-wing r-r-request for you-u-ur and P-P-Princess-s-s Twi-i-ilight-t-t Spa-r-rkle's p-p-presence on-n-n the f-f-flight d-deck." The request did little to quell my rage. In fact it probably only served to add more fuel to the flames. And while I admit there was much I needed to discuss with the princesses and Black Wing, every fiber of my being screamed for sleep by this point. But regardless of my overwhelming desire to sleep I slid out of bed and stomped up to the room door. I then yanked it nearly off its hinges and leered at the two unfortunate solar guards that in all likelihood drew the short straws to summon me. What fear they held in their hearts before seemed minute compared to the wide eyed terror they stared back at me with. I also believe the one on the right may or may not have soiled themselves. At least the small puddle under them gave evidence to such. But I did have to give them credit when the one on the left still managed to repeat her previous message to me. Though the second time was saturated with an overwhelming amount of apologies and the like. And while it was amusing watching these two sputter in front of me, I eventually began to feel somewhat rotten for frightening the moonlight out of these two. They looked like they were just a pair of new recruits fresh out of training. A pair of recruits that did not deserve to be the outlet of my ire. So with that I rubbed my face a few times, acknowledged the summons, and sent them on their way. A response they seemed to embrace fully while they sped down the hallway to get away from me. I shook my head at such a display with a slight grin but unfortunately my expression soon changed to a scowl. Their summons was not just meant for me. It seemed that Twilight's presence was just as equally desired. And while normally this would be of little issue as she was often invaluable for input, but this time it was different. This time she was almost two step away from her demise and was probably fatigued beyond imagining. And by Tartarus even I was not even remotely at peak condition. But regardless of all that, I had my orders and such orders must at least attempted to be heeded no matter my displeasure. So with a small sigh I turned around and raised a hoof to wake Twilight. But as I gazed at her the will to commit such an action withered and faded into nothingness. She truly was exhausted. It was not only apparent on her face, but also how deeply she had slept. I just did not have the heart to wake her. There was no need for both of us to suffer though our fatigue. And while I would probably be scolded because of this I had firmly made up my mind. So without a second thought I lifted the bed covers to her neck with my magic before softly kissing her on the cheek. The small smile on her lips was all that I saw before I turned around and departed for the flight deck. And so I begun my trek into what I assumed to be little more than a "dressed up" interrogation from the princesses and Black Wing. Said discussion would probably revolve around but one simple point. And that was how I knew everypony was going to be ambushed at the Night's Eternal's crash sight. An explanation that made me both enraged and yet uneasy. In response I quickened my pace if nothing else but to calm my mind. Eventually I arrived at the flight deck of the Solar Siege without issue. Well minus what had happened next that is. For this simple point seemed to slip my mind up until now. And that was what time of day it was. Needless to say I discovered this fact quite quickly when I opened the doors to the flight deck only to bathed in sunlight. A long hiss followed a high pitched shriek in response to such horror. And while my semi-liquid dark iron armor blocked most of it, enough got through to be unbearable. As a result I had to shut down my armor's suppression field before I summoned my scythe to help support my weight. But this only helped somewhat as I more or less hobbled over to where the Princesses and Black Wing were. "Ahh there they...Hmm where's Twilight? I thought I summoned both of you?" Celestia inquired as I walked closer. "You are correct, but as she is still recuperating from her low energy levels I respectfully advise letting her rest," I replied straining to form proper sentences and added, "Especially in the sunlight" Celestia pursed her lips and looked back and forth a few times before casting some sort of spell. In an instant the ambient sound around us silenced immediately and Celestia let out a deep breath. "I'm sorry for putting you three out in the daylight like this but this was the least crowded place on the ship. And at least the spell I cast will seal in sound and surrounds us in an illusion that should keep out any remaining prying eyes and ears. Now it won't last long so we'll need to be brief. Black Wing has already informed both me and Luna that you knew we were going to ambushed before it happened, Blood Moon. How did you know this?" she questioned hastily. I took a deep breath and look over at Black Wing and Luna before I replied. Each of them did not look to be fairing any better than I in the sunlight. It was probably only their pride that prevented them from appearing as ragged as I did. In a strange sort of way it was comforting I suppose. But in turn I sat down and let out a long sigh before stating, "As you all may or may not know I sort of have a telepathic link with Death. To 'Lay everything on the table' as it were both Death and Life can somewhat sense future events. I believe he was attempting to warn me right before I got interrupted by a certain draconequus..." The rest of my explanation went about as well as one could assume. The three of them went through various levels of shock, confusion, and then followed by a burning rage. Though interestingly their anger manifested in different forms. Black Wing clenched her teeth so hard together that her gums were bleeding. Luna's body quaked with barely contained fury and I believe she burst a blood vessel in her right eye. And Celestia seemed to be scorching the wooden planks under her while her eyes narrowed to mere slits. Silence reigned for a few minutes until the three of them gathered themselves enough to formulate a plan. A plan that did not sit well on my stomach, but we had little other option. Discord had obviously committed an act of treason against the kingdom and cost numerous soldiers their lives. He would be made to answer for his actions. Though I knew such things were easier said than done. 'Easier said than done. Easier said than done,' I stated over and over in my mind. It was a statement that was echoed numerous times and I doubt just by me. The implications were clear, Discord was usually not one to be trifled with. Even after these several years we more or less just had an uneasy truce with him. A truce that was upheld mainly due to the existence of Fluttershy. And because he was usually too occupied enjoying himself to do anything overtly harmful, well up until now. Either way I doubt both of those reduced any of his potency or his unpredictable and dangerous nature. But regardless of any nervousness I possessed, we needed to act and soon. If nothing else we needed information on the location of Gore Gash and Discord may be the only one who knew. But luckily we did not need to face Discord outright per say, just merely keep him conversing long enough to let any important details slip. Which in turn brings us to where I was currently. In the Reaper arena, sharping my scythe, under an illusion spell made by Celestia, while getting ready with several others. "Sooo are you going to tell us what we are doing here? You said we weren't going to like it, but why?" Twilight stated nervously. I stopped sharping my scythe and placed the wet stone to the ground with a deep sigh. Then just as I was about to speak Luna interrupted me. "The traitorous cur known as Discord betrayed us and conversed with our sworn enemy Gore Gash. In turn we require information as to why he did this. And we are going to...retrieve...that information by force!" she said in a tone full of malice and dark glee. "WHAT?!" echoed a chorus consisting of Twilight, Spike, the other elements, Cloud Streak, and finally Night Fang. Night Fang soon dropped her knives in shock and leaned closer to me. "Discord...you mean THE "Discord". The Discord that's the lord of chaos and all that?" "Correct," I replied flatly. My blunt response just left everypony, but Luna, Celestia, Black Wing, and Black Hammer, in various states of bewilderment. Well up until Fluttershy got up with a quite annoyed look on her face and walked over to Celestia. Then whispered something into her ear that seemed to confuse her, but she complied anyway. The illusion spell dropped and not a second later Fluttershy bellowed out, surprisingly loud I might add, "DISCORD! GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE!" And just like that Discord appeared right in the center of all of us as if he had always been there. "You raaang?" he replied sitting on a lawn chair of some sort and sipping out of a coconut I believe. Fluttershy stomped up and glared at him. "You got a lot of explaining to do mister! How could you talk to that big meanie Gore Gash!" she scolded. Discord half narrowed his eyes and lazily sunk lower in his chair. "Ahh so the cat's out of the bag hmm? Well I admit that little chat didn't go according to plan," he said in a flat tone. "And what plan was that exactly?" Celestia growled in response. "Oooh Tia, you and Lulu were always sooo much fun down the years. And while that little monster of mine did her job admirably in really getting your goat she has unfortunately slipped from my control. Now as you can guess I can't allow somepony using my borrowed powers without my permission. Its bad for my reputation having an underling disobey me. Now before you all foam at the mouth I'd tried to give her a piece of useless information in order to get her guard down and get close enough to steal her powers. Little did I know you all would linger at that amusing crash site," Discord stated in-between slips from his coconut before adding, "And in my defense I did try and warn you." "Your warning was not hasty enough, Discord. Dozens of our finest now lay in shallow graves or worse because of your folly," Luna snapped. "Dozen ha, and how many of your precious little ponies' lives do you think I'd have saved if my plan actually worked hmm? Surely more than a dozen?" Discord retorted as the false warmth in his voice faded. "WHY YOU-" Luna snarled before I stepped in front of her and stopped her from doing something foolish. And while I kept Luna held at bay I decided on taking the more diplomatic approach this time. "I am sorry but regardless of your intent Discord your plan failed and more lives were lost. Now as you cannot seem to put down that thorn in our collective sides perhaps it would be best for all of us if you let us do it? As in how do we stop her? And where is she currently located?" I said still struggling against Luna. "Ahh so that's why you needed me? You want answers..." He replied rubbing his chin before adding, "Okay fine. The answer to your second question is easy. Her and her pack are held up somewhere in the Badlands. They move around often so you'll have to act fast if you want to catch her. As for the first question..." He then went silent for a moment and when I grew tired of his irritating grin I said "And the answer is?" while trying to hold out the anger in my voice. "Oh ho ho ho I think I'll have some fun with this one," Discord cackled out in reply before stating the following, "On the setting of the moon a curse shall end, with source so great that none can mend, But like the tallest mountain or the longest beach, It seems so close and yet so out of reach." And then his parting words were simply that he will remain at a distance until this all "blows over" with a final statement of "Tootles!" before he disappeared. Dumbfounded and thoroughly bewildered from Discord's responses I had nothing to say. But luckily I did not have to. Because eventually Rainbow Dash blurted out what everypony probably had on their minds and that was "Great! Another fucking riddle!" > Chapter 46: On The Setting of The Moon, A Curse Shall End: Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I bit down, barely getting a mouth full of blood before swallowing and discarding the small lizard I was drinking from. I then reached into the makeshift cage next to me and retrieved another one with my magic. However, this only served to increase my brooding scowl as I got even less of a mouth full than the previous one. "What's for breakfast? Lizards... What's for lunch? More lizards... How 'bout dinner? Even moooore fucking lizards!" Cloud Streak protested while pacing back and forth. I let out a deep sigh in response. "Ease yourself Cloud Streak. I doubt our situation is enjoyable for anypony else present either," I groaned. "I know but we've been living off these damn lizards for weeeeeeks!" she growled while sliding her forehooves down her face making her lower eyes lids stretch down before they snapped back up. "Forty-seven days, eighteen hours, and thirty-seven minutes since we got here," Twilight corrected while looking quite ill after draining her most recent lizard. "This is hoooooorrible!" Cloud Streak complained yet again. But just when I was about to scold her, Night Fang decided to add her input instead. "You would've never made it as an assassin. These lizards are great compared to some of the things I've fed off of," she commented with a smug expression. "WHAT WAS THAT YOU DULL FANGED BITCH?! YOU WANT A PIECE OF THIS?!" Cloud Streak screeched before lunging at Night Fang. But luckily before she could do any harm Applejack and Rainbow Dash managed to restrain her. This though was the final straw as my anger flared. Red and black lightning crackled around me as I slammed my current now expired lizard on the ground. I then stomped that poor creature flat before snarling out, "Night Fang cease antagonizing others! And you Cloud Streak calm yourself fucking down before I forcefully strap you to the nearest stalagmite in this cave! If you had not noticed we are all fucking miserable here! There are no medium to large game for us to hunt and the plant life is dry and tasteless for everypony else! We even had to restrain Applejack when the heat overcame her reason and she began hallucinating about finding apple trees in this barren wasteland!" Silence reigned afterwards and all I could hear was my heavy breathing before Applejack piped up. "Eh beggin' yer pardon, but ah thought we all agreed on never bringin' that up again," she said holding her hat in her forehooves. I let out a howl of frustration in reply before collapsing to the ground ready to slam my face against it. But it seemed fate was not going to give me that opportunity. For after well over a month of searching it seemed we had located the main pack of rogue lycans. Or the more correct and terrifying reality would be...that they seemed to have located us. My eyes snapped wide open and my ears swiveled all the way forward. The others however did not seem to notice over their conversations or various bickerings. "Silence you fools!" I yelped out. "What's wrong?" Twilight commented still as oblivious as the others. "No time to explain! Grab any belongings and hide behind the biggest stalagmite! Do not make a sound!" I blurted out as I grabbed the makeshift lizard cage and shook all the lizards out of it. Then as they scurried to their freedom I crushed the cage and threw it into the darkness behind me. In turn I did not wait a second more before I leapt into hiding as the others followed suit. I swallowed hard and my heart beat heavily in my chest. Time slowed to a crawl as beads of sweat began to drip down my face. My only thoughts were 'Please be wrong. Please only be a scouting party. Or perhaps even a small splinter group cut away from the main pack.' But I knew better than to doubt instincts. As I had mention in the past I had honed my paranoia down until it was frightfully accurate. And to my frequent dismay it was rarely ever wrong. This time was no different. Howls and snarls of numerous quantities spilled forth from the mouth of the cave. Shadows danced on the walls before clear figures appeared. Then others appeared before even more. At the head of the giant barely contained mass of lycans was none other than Gore Gash herself. Her face twisted into its usual sneer of distaste as she stomped noisily forward. The former pride of Discord held herself with a pride of her own that could easily match her creator. I wanted to analyze her further but she did not give me the chance. For when she got to be a few paces of us she halted her movements. A second later she signaled for the others to do the same. And with several dozen snaps and growls the writhing mass behind her seemed to begrudgingly obey. Afterwards she sniffed a few times and gazed into the darkness where me and everypony with me hid. Then to my grand dismay she was not but two meters from me before one of her underling came up to her. "What's wrong pack leader? Why have we stopped?" they growled out. "Don't you dare question me you sniveling rut! Get back to where you were before I tear out that annoying tongue of yours!" she snarled back before whoever that was whimpered backwards. Then after a couple of eternity filled seconds later she signaled again and the now more chaotic mass of lycans continued forward. The edges of my vision began to turn black before I realized I had been holding my breath the entire time. But luckily the ambient sound of the rogue lycan horde seemed to mask the heavy gasps I took as a result. However, that was all I did for I dared not do much else other than breathe while said horde made its way deeper into the massive cave. This in turn left my thoughts to wander a bit as I monitored their passing. It seemed likely, given the difficulty of locating them, that they were utilizing some sort of underground network of tunnels. We had searched a good section of the Badlands by night and even some by day, but we only saw their tracks and little more. For such a barely contained pool of violence and mayhem they were surprising stealthy. But there was a good point to this that had been confirmed. Gore Gash was most likely the only factor holding them all together. In other words, slice off the head of the snake and the body flails as it were. But such a task was easier said than done and we required more information. And for that we needed one of them, willing or otherwise. And so we waited and waited some more until the last members of the lycan horde began to pass by us. Then there at the very end were two lycans dragging some heavily equipment. Now if following the general scale of alpha to omega of wolf packs, these two were most definitely omegas. They were on the smaller size, given a task far out of their apparent abilities. Even the others of the group either ignored them or were at least passively hostile to them. In other words, perfect candidates for interrogation. I turned to my head to the left and saw Cloud Streak looking at me, them, and back again. Without a word I nodded and we blurred forward before yanking our quarry back into the shadows. Then with honed practice I forcefully placed an armored hoof over their mouth and the blade of my scythe to their neck. I then moved my mouth close to their right ear and stated, "If you utter but a single syllable or get angry in the least I shall have no qualms removing your head from your neck." The threat seemed to work, or perhaps worked far too well it appeared. Because the poor soul began to quietly sob and also actively soil themselves. But they were lucky compared to Cloud Streak's captive as I looked over just in time to see them faint from terror. I honestly felt rotten from this given the brutality they no doubt experienced regularly, but we could not have them give us away. So we waited a minute like this before three of the other lycans noticed they were gone. "Hey where'd the punching bags go?" the first one stated. "Ahh who the fuck cares. Those two little shits are useless anyway. Maybe something finally ate 'em," the second commented. "Pfft yeah no loss there. We should tell the pack leader, she'll be happy to be rid of 'em. We might even get a reward," the third said somewhat excited. One of the others smacked them over the back of the head before the first said, "You little brown noser. We ain't saying nothing. Otherwise we'll be one stuck carrying all the shit around here. Now let's head back before anypony else notices." Then with no hesitation they left these poor souls to their fate without a second thought. The very act of such hit a chord in my mind that made these three the sole source of my ire for a few moments. And if I had less control I would have made them sorry for their very existence in this realm. However I managed to contain myself and all that happened was small arcs of black and red lightening crackled over the stalagmite next to me. This ultimately did not go unnoticed by the others in my group but nopony said anything. If nothing else we at least obtained what we required. After a while the day burned out the last ounces of its light and the night took hold. We then slipped out of the cave with our prisoners into the darkness under the stars. And in somewhat surprise the two of them did not struggle and followed along with a strange obedience. It was not until I took a quick glance into their eyes did I realize how low these poor souls had been brought. Both were nearly hollow inside with little to no will left either. I took a deep breath through my nose before pursing my lips in response, but did little else as we continued. Then with no small stroke of luck we managed to find another small cave half a day away from the one we came from. Afterwards we slipped inside and checked for any hostiles before setting up camp for the day. Fatigue eventually gnawed at us so I let most of the others get some rest while I dealt with the prisoners. I had them placed in the back of the cave to prevent escape though admittedly I doubted they would try. In fact the two of them just huddled up next to each other if for some sort of comfort. They just sat shivering though the air was still quite warm from the day. To be fair they were most likely frightened and understandably so. So as to not cause any sort of incident I decided to try and sit a reasonable distance away in a nonthreatening manner. This caused their shivering to cease but they did not seem to dare look at me. Progress I suppose, but I was still not gaining any ground in this so I decided to attempt a small measure of diplomacy. "I am sorry for the tactics and statements we employed on you two, but they were unfortunately necessary. We are obviously at odds with your pack if you had not determined as such. But regardless of this my name is Blood Moon, may I please have yours?" I said in a calm even tone. Nothing but silence seemed to answer me as I continued to look at them. But luckily for me this unchanging nature only lasted until I moved one of cages of recently caught lizards for my evening meal. Then like a switch their bodies moved only to fix their eyes on the small makeshift cage with feverish desire. It was obvious they were hungry and by the looks of their bodies they were probably malnourished as well. So with a small grin at my apparent progress I picked up one of the lizards and tossed it with my magic at them. Needless the say the poor creature did not stand a chance. Within seconds the two of them tore it in half with their teeth and swallowed what was left while hardly even chewing. Now this was not all that interesting except for one little detail, they shared it. Unenchanted lycans generally had self-control issues, but they still shared the lizard even though they were borderline starving. Thoroughly puzzled I decided to test this observation a second time and tossed yet another lizard to them. And again just like the first one they tore it in half evenly before devouring the pieces. Now given they knew the concept of sharing then perhaps there was some intelligence behind those two pairs of hopeful eyes as I held up a third lizard. "Ah ah ahhhh if you desire more of these, then all I ask is for your names," I stated in a calm even tone again. The small hope in their eyes faded as the one on the left whimpered out, "You...you can call us any...anything. We...we don't have names. Please...please we are so hungry. Please..." Any grin that I previously possessed on my face drained out to a saddened frown. I have listened to my share of depressing statements before, but this by far was one of the worst. Unsurprisingly I lost my appetite before I slid the small cage of lizards over to them. A gesture they did not hesitate to accept as they dove into them with fiendish vigor. Now it went without stating that it took little time before they cleaned that cage of lizards. Then soon afterwards they reverted to their pony forms from their lycan ones. Further observation served that the one on the left was a young mare. The one to the right of her appeared to be a stallion of I assumed to be of similar age. But this was all I could gather for further inquiry would need to wait. For it seemed that right after they transformed a heavy bout of lethargy took hold them and they soon fell asleep. I in turn sat there with a full mind and an empty stomach pondering on these two. 'Perhaps they are siblings or maybe close friends? And why did they not have names?' I thought before I heard hoofsteps behind me. "Do you usually do that for everypony or only for the fellow lost causes?" Twilight quipped as she walk up next to me and nuzzled my right ear. I reached up and rubbed the side of her face with a forehoof and said "You saw all of that hmm?" "Mmhmm, but what now?" she replied. "Now? Now we wait for them to wake up and then I get the 'delightful' task of drilling them for more information. It is unfortunate that they have to endure more of this, but they are our only source of such information at the moment. And we truly need all the help we can get our hooves on," I said before letting out a deep sigh. And so I waited...and waited...and waited. Needless to say it took the better part of the next day before the two of them started to stir. And also with a grand amount of luck they remained in their pony forms which was fortunate. For as a word to the wise, it is usually noted that unenchanted lycans are far more agreeable when not in their other more unpleasant state. In turn when I saw the young stallion move, I straightened my back and cleared my throat. "Sleep well?" I questioned. He merely stumbled around in front of me in response before stating, "Owww my head. I had the worst dream. I dreamt that some weird-o soldier with red glowing eyes..." but paused for second and looked me up and down. "Ahhh damnit, that wasn't a dream," he groaned. "Quite," I quipped as I laughed mostly to myself. "Well I can probably guess why you kept us alive. But before you start grilling us I better wake my sister," he grumbled as he put his right forehoof partly in his mouth. He then got close to his still sleeping sister and took a deep breath. Then what happened next was quite amusing. He let out a high pitched whistle from his mouth straight into his sister's ear. The reaction was almost instant. She snapped awake with fury filled eyes before she slammed her right forehoof into her brother's face. And it goes without stating that the impact sent him flying into the nearest wall with an echoing crack before he collapsed into a heap. "I TOLD YOU OVER AND OVER AGAIN YOU LITTLE SHIT! NEVER! EVER! WAKE ME UP LIKE THAT!" she yelled, nearly screaming until her voice cracked. But when her rage seemed to abate she looked puzzled as she noticed me before stating, "Who the fuck are you?" "My name is Blood Moon, and you two are my prisoners," I said with a slight bow. "HA! Like Tartarus we are!" she laughed before she realized the several pairs of eyes that sat right behind me. "Errr well this bites," she added as she swallowed hard. "Heh amazing what a good meal and sleep can do for one's confidence or dare I say arrogance," I replied with grin before adding, "But as you can see you are clearly outnumbered. So I shall ask politely, would you like to do this the easy way or the unfathomably awful way?" Her reaction was priceless when all the color drained out of her face. And whoever behind me that was grinding their blades together truly drove the effect home. Ultimately it was her brother who spoke first as he limped over next to her. "Yeah we'll take the easy way," he said with a nudge to his sister. "yeeeaaah what he said..." she replied with a small whimper. "Great!" I said with a smile though I heard several curses and perhaps a groan of disappointment before everypony else dispursed. Then after everypony in my little group went back to their respective tasks the two prisoners seemed to ease up a bit. But just in case they got any foolish ideas I summoned my scythe and cleaved the nearest stalagmite in half before resting on its pole. I then grinned to myself as their eyes widened before I stated, "So this is how this is going to work. I am going to ask a few inquiries regarding your lycan 'friends'. And if you respond truthfully we shall have no issues...or else," and then nodded to the sliced stalagmite. The two them looked at me with confusion in their eyes before the young mare spoke. "Waiiiit a minute. You want us to screw over the others? Haha is that all? Well ask away. We don't owe them anything," she replied. I fumbled on my scythe's pole for a second before I regained my composure. "You have little qualms betraying your kin?" I questioned while somewhat baffled at their eagerness to reveal what they knew. I had not expected to be met with so little resistance. The young stallion half narrowed his eyes. "Well they did starve us regularly for weeelll...years. Not to mention the daily beating and stuff. Yup loads of fun. Oh yeah almost forgot the forced labor until we dropped from exhaustion. By Tartarus we'd be willing to even screw over our own mother...what was her name again?" he said puzzling the last part. "Gore Gash. Yeah I think her name is Gore Gash or whatever," the young mare replied. "Ahh yes that's it," he said smacking his forehead as he realized the expression on my face. "Umm you...you alright?" he questioned. My scythe had slid out of my hooves and clattered to the ground next to me. I then lifted my left forehoof to in turn lift my jaw back closed. "Wait a moment...just...just hold that thought for just one moment please. I desire to know if I heard you right when you said Gore Gash is your mother," I said with a look of pure dumbfoundedness. "Huh? Yeah that's dear old mom. And what a mom she is! Hey you know she didn't even give us names? Well other than all those insults anyway," the young stallion snarked. "Sooo yeah don't expect a lot of leverage outta us given that she hates our guts for some reason," his sister added. My mind was so full of swirling emotions that I could not seem to pin down which one was dominate. Rage, sorrow, surprise, and several others continued to churn and bubble up until rage was the one that seem to win out. "She did this to her very own children...her own flesh and blood. Does her cruelty know no bounds? I shall make her pay for this. I shall make her pay for everything," I said in a voice that did not seem like my own. A red haze in my vision had accompanied it before the haze slowly ebbed away. When I shifted back to normalcy my two prisoners were pinning themselves against the wall behind them while holding each other. Their expressions showed wide eyed terror as they violently shook. Upon further realization I noticed much of the ground around me had arc burns on it. "W-w-what in Tartarus was t-t-that?!" the young stallion blurted out. I took a deep breath to further calm myself before I spoke. "Let us just state that the years have not been particularly kind to me," I said taking yet another deep breath before adding, "Now, as you two seem to be in an agreeable mood please tell exactly how the lycans are able to move around the Badlands with apparent stealth." "Y-y-yeah s-s-sure anyth-th-thing you want m-m-mister," the young mare replied still squeezing her brother for dear life. And other than that little "slip" of mine the night continued on its course. The two of them seemed more than eager to spill any secrets they knew about the lycan horde. In fact they surprisingly knew quite a bit more than I would have figured. They stated usual movement plans and general tactics including the usage of the underground tunnels I had assumed from before. They also alluded to the fact that the horde seemed to only be kept in check by Gore Gash herself as I assumed as well. Then after they said all that they could I sat their tapping my left fang with a forehoof. "I thank you for the information. You two seemed to be quite useful in that aspect. But there is one question that remains. What to do with the both of you?" I continued tapping my hoof on my fang while I pondered. Both of them swallowed hard before the young stallion spoke up. "If...if you're going to kill us...can...can you please do it quick?" he sputtered out. I laughed a bit to myself. "Haha kill you? Nooo that is not how we...or at least I operate. I ultimately shall let the two of you decide. On one hoof you both can be sent to the royal dungeon until the princesses can determine what to do with you. Or on the other hoof...lays a different path," I said holding my two hooves up in front of me. It appeared that when the threat of mortal peril was taken off the table to two of them eased a bit. But only slightly before the young mare said, "And that 'other' path is?" Without a word I picked up my scythe and rested it on my back. I then walked forward until both of them were pinned up against the wall again. Afterwards I moved my head until my face was not but a few centimeters to theirs as I stared unblinking into their wide eyes. "That other path is one that demands a great commitment from both of you. Now understandably you two have not gained my trust yet, so you shall be on a sort of 'parole' if you will. But by my title as Lieutenant General of the Lunar Forces I invoke my right of conscription. And should you accept this offer I can offer you two things in return. Justice for those that have wronged you and something you may have never even hoped for...a future," I said in a stern yet even tone. Tears soon flooded both of their eyes as the young mare mumbled out, "A future? You mean a future away from this Tartarus pit? No more daily beatings? No more going hungry all the time? This isn't some awful joke on us, right?" and I smiled and shook my head in response. The young stallion next to her sniffed a few times before rubbing his nose with his right foreleg. Then a weak smile crawled up his face before he said, "Where do we sign?" And with a grin I turned around and began walking away from them. "Then it is settled. You two will be under my watchful eye from this point forward. And as such I shall have everything ready for you two when you wake up," I said still grinning. "What? Wake up from-" were the only words that were spoken by them before I activated my version of sleep runes on their chests. Runes that I drew with my own blood and placed on them when their focus was preoccupied. Then within a second they both collapsed into snoring heaps next to each other as I continued walking. This night proved to be a fruitful one, but there was still something that made me remain on edge. And that was how in the world we were going to bring Gore Gash down even if we did find her. To elaborate Gore Gash did not survive this long by luck alone. No, the pride of Discord was gifted with two abilities that made her formidable. First was the lycan curse and the resulting horde that followed her, but this could be considered the weaker of the two in terms of survival. The second was a far more difficult problem, unnatural regeneration. Regeneration that more or less could heal severed limbs and even normally fatal wounds. It was the main reason I asked Discord for a way to defeat her, but all we received was a riddle instead. Now given the fact that I did not have time while tracking Gore Gash's movements to solve it, I left it up to Twilight and her friends to do so. And I believe it was time to inquire again on this fact. Twilight was sitting not far from the entrance of the cave staring off into the horizon. When the Sun began to appear she did not even attempt to move away from the light it emitted. I watched carefully for a few moments as beads of sweat began to form on her unarmored head but she remained were she was. However her behavior took a turn for the worst when she started rocking back and forth chanting Discord's riddle like some sort of mantra. With caution I walked up next to her and sat. Her eyes remained fixed forward bloodshot and unblinking. I even waved a hoof in front of her face but she did not respond. "Errrm Twilight are you...feeling alright?" inquired with a worried tone. All that came in response was her chanting, "On the setting of the moon a curse shall end, with source so great that none can mend. But like the tallest mountain or the longest beach. It seems so close and yet so out of reach. So close and yet so out of reach. So close and yet so out of reach..." and the last part kept repeating as of some sort of loop formed in her head. It was not difficult to notice sleep deprived madness when I see it so I grabbed hold of her with my magic and shook her. "Snap out of it Twilight before you burn your eyes out of your head!" I shouted but this only resulted in her bursting into tears and collapsing into heavy sobs. A frown soon formed on my face I held her. "I'M A FAILURE!" she sobbed into my chest. "Why are you a failure? Did something happen? I questioned. She lifted her head for a second to blurt out, "NOTHING HAPPENED! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!" and continue her sobbing. "Alright alright explain what is wrong and we can fix this," replied while stroking her mane. After a few more seconds she pulled herself together enough to explain. "We've... well more like I've been at this damn riddle for a fucking mooooonth. And nothing. Absolutely nothing. The only solutions to it are either too obvious or so insane nopony could ever use it. I more or less only got either something regarding Celestia or the damn Sun itself!" I was just about to state something in reply but a small plant not far from us ignited and burned itself to the ground. "What in the world was that about?" I stated in surprise. Twilight just sniffed a few times before speaking. "The air is really dry here. It was probably spontaneous combustion or something." "Well yes but I have never witnessed such an event like that before in nature. Why would it do that? There is barely anything left save a few ashes," I replied a bit intrigued. "I don't know maybe the sunlight heated it up or something until it caught fire," she explained. And in those few moments, as if two puzzle pieces clicked together in my mind, something appeared in my thoughts. Then with a clear mind I stated, "Twilight what was that second solution?" The proceeding conversion seemed to solve our little problem with Gore Gash, but the implications were terrifying. But regardless of these feelings somehow I knew it was the solution because only Discord would be mad enough to have it as such. In turn I wasted no time hovering on my thoughts as we now had a task to complete. "Twilight please send a letter to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Have them prepare for a full out assault. They should be able to home in on our position from the tracking crystal I gave them. One way or the other this little rogue lycan problem ends today," I said but paused for a second, looked back into the cave, and then added, "And have them bring two suits of probationary armor." Twilight nodded but looked puzzled for moment before stating, "Umm why the armor?" "For our two little guides of course," I replied giving her a sly grin. The daylight burned away as we got ready of what we were about to do. The prisoners now turned allies and guides selected names for themselves. "Silver Mane" for the young stallion and "Sharp Fang" for the young mare respectively. We even had the grand idea to enchant them so they were more stable. I do admit I did not fully trust them, but what choice did we have? Without guides in the underground tunnels Gore Gash could easily out maneuver us and even escape our grasp. And as I stated before, this would end one way or the other... Soon the time came upon us. Celestia's capital ship the Solar Siege came into view. I had partly wished we could use it to aid us, but I doubt Gore Gash would risk a surface confrontation. And while she was many things, a fool was not one of them. Almost everything we would do would be underground. At best the ship would only be able to dispatch any that attempt of their escape. Eventually the ship landed in a clearing not far from us. A heavy thump echoed in the area when the ship's main ramp dropped. Then after a minute passed Celestia and Luna lead the march off of the ship. We, on the other hoof, did nothing in terms of such formalities as we all galloped over to meet them. "Report," Princess Luna stated as she pulled out her khopeshes and sliced them off each other. "Gosh Gash is using underground tunnels to travel around the Badlands. They entered one such cave entrance a day or two ago. Normally I would not suggest following them but it appears we have two new recruits in our possession who know the way," I stated and pushed Silver Mane and Sharp Fang forward. Celestia and Luna glared at them through their helmets. Celestia however was the first to comment on them, "Are they enchanted and can we trust them?" "Yes to the first and not fully to the second. It is the reason why I required two sets of probationary armor," I replied. Luna nodded to a soldier on her right. The soldier then stepped forward before putting the armor rings on both Silver Mane and Sharp Fang. And then as the armor slipped over their bodies they soon found a khopesh to each of their throats. Luna then walked up and leered down at them before stating in a grim tone, "Now I shall state this once and only once. I do not know who you two are and thus I do not fully trust you either. Should you prove to be loyal you shall be rewarded for your efforts for aiding us. However..." Luna paused as she leaned in further and then added, "If you prove yourselves to be disloyal or outright hostile to us then I shall have no hesitations beheading you two. Do you two understand these terms with crystal clarity?" Silver Mane and Sharp Fang seemed to be far too frightened to speak anything coherent. So they just nodded rapidly while staring back wide eyed at the Princess of the Night. Luna then acknowledged their responses and pulled her blades away from them. She then turned to me and said, "Is there anything else of note to report?" When I remained silent while looking at the ground she raised her voice and bellowed out, "That was an ORDER lieutenant general! Is there anything else of NOTE!?" The tone and calling of my title made me flinch. I was never skilled at deception so it was best to explain everything fully. However, I was not going to do so with so many listening in. So I took a different route. "I wish to speak to the princesses in private," I said returning the glare Luna was giving me. Luna and Celestia pursed their lips but both of them nodded in acceptance. Celestia then had her guards setup a circle around us as Twilight walked up next to me. Luna then cast an anti-sound ward followed by an obscurus spell. Outside sound immediately cut off as a black sphere formed around us. I took a deep breath through my nose before exhaling it out of my mouth to ready myself. I then closed my eyes and stated, "There is something you three must know before we continue. The two known as Silver Mane and Sharp Fang hold a greater significance than may be realized. Being as I do not know any other way to explain this I shall be blunt. They are Gore Gash's very own children." The three of them gasped at the news. Twilight and Celestia remained dumbfounded as Luna blurted out "YOU CONSCRIPTED OUR SWORN ENEMY'S CHILDREN?! HAVE YOU GONE MAD?!" "Please hear me out on this. These two have been tormented and abused by their mother for years. They had no hesitation on spilling every ounce of information they knew. Information that has been pivotal to our cause," I replied while attempting to reign in my anger. "And if they ultimately betray us?" Celestia noted. "Then I shall enact Princess Luna's threat with my very own hooves if I must," I said matching both Luna's and Celestia's gazes look for look. They glanced at each other with uneasy looks on their faces before Luna stated, "We shall be watching them as if we were hawks. And...we shall trust your judgement on this and your promise if the situation arises. But regardless of those two the greater point of interest is do you believe you can achieve what Twilight mentioned in her message. We are taking a grand risk with this plan of yours." A knot formed in my throat that soon sank all the way to my hooves at her statement. I swallowed heavily before stating, "One of my predecessors achieved this feat. And she was by far not as skilled as I. I will do what needs to be done." Celestia looked from Luna to Twilight and then finally me. "I can't stress enough how important that we cannot fail at this. We've already lost so very much in this war with this faction. This needs to end once and for all." And on that note Luna disabled her spells and the world around us reappeared. I then held sturdy until Luna and Celestia were a distance away. But afterwards my legs shook so violently that I nearly collapsed. If Twilight was not next to me to physically support by body I would have been a shaking heap on the ground. Twilight shifted her weight before whispering, "Do you really think this is a good idea?" "No, I believe it is an absolutely terrible one, but we have no other options. We must 'stay the course' and hope for the best," I whispered back still attempting to regain my balance. Several hours passed since that moment. I did recover my nerve but probably because everything became more or less numb. But regardless of my current state me and my group lead our forces to the cave that the rogue lycan horde entered. Everything thing was ready. All soldiers were set and the Solar Siege being commanded by Black Wing and Black Hammer would give us cover fire if needed. But for some reason I felt that something was wrong with this. I could not place a hoof on it, but my instincts kept screaming at me from the back of my mind. In turn my current mood did not go unnoticed. "You alright?" Cloud Streak mentioned as she sharpened her wing blades. I took a deep breath and shook my head. "No, something is wrong I know it is. My paranoia is going haywire for some reason and I do not know why," I said holding my scythe in shaky hooves. "We're about to enter a cave and underground tunnels that are overflowing with rogue lycans lead by two defectors. Not sure what part of that would considered 'right'," she replied with a weak smile. "Perhaps you are right. We shall just have to truly keep on our guard," I said as we positioned ourselves next to the Princesses and others. Celestia acknowledged our presence before she walked up to the mouth of the cave. She then raised her great sword high in the air before pointing it into the darkness in front of her. Her eyes began to glow with solar energy before she bellowed out "GORE GASH! WE'VE COME HERE SEEKING JUSTICE UPON YOU AND YOUR ALLIES. YOUR REIGN OF TERROR UPON THESE LANDS ENDS NOW!" Her voice echoed down into the deepest darkness and for a few eternity filled seconds nothing but silence replied. But then something did make a reply. It was not a growl. It was not an equally boastful threat. No, it was something far worse, cackling laughter that crescendoed into roaring hysterics. We did not have time to prepare for what happened next. All around us rogue lycans jumped out from the sands and began openly assaulting us. The only statement made amongst the screams and incoherent shouting was "AMBUSH!" Everypony scrambled backwards in retreat. Twilight and Spike worked together to generated cones of crimson fire laced with emerald flames to keep the majority of our foes at bay. Me and the others kept what remained away from us before the main horde poured from the mouth of the cave. There were far more than I could have ever anticipated but luckily those among the Solar Siege had noticed what was happening and began open firing. Bits and pieces of rogues lycans were sprayed in all directions as the shells pounded into the earth. But our luck seemed to have run out by this point. For not but a minute after the Solar Siege began its onslaught, separate cannon fire came from a nearby hill. The sky soon lit up with burning fury as the cannon shells exploded. Now admittedly the old battle hardened airship could easily withstand such an offensive, but it left us on the ground with no support. Panic soon set in and our well form plan turned into little more than a rout. What the rogue lycans lacked in skill and tactics they made up for with sheer numbers. A battle of attrition if I had ever saw one. They ground our numbers down to only a hoof full before circling around us. Then as some sort of cruel jest they kept their distance. It was puzzling as to why until I heard that familiar laugh. The horde not far from me partially separated long enough to let but a single individual through. And the laughter intensified as I realized it was Gore Gash herself generating it. "You...damn...idiots. Did you really think that you could overrun me on my own turf? This is my yard dear children and you've fell right my trap like a band of dumbasses. We've got eyes all over this place and we been watching you the entire time for well over a month. I even smelled your damn stench in our caves days before this little excitement. In fact I'm a bit disappointed you all didn't put up a better fight," she laughed and gloated her little head off. I ground my teeth at her words. She easily played us like fiddles and we fell right into it. But a glimmer of hope spring up in my heart. Gore Gash had reveled herself to us. The linchpin of the entire horde. The only factor holding this entire swirling vortex of fur and fangs together. I bit my lip before mumbling to myself "Just one shot. Just give me one opening and I will burn you out of existence." But my statements did not go unnoticed. Silver Mane and Sharp Fang both shoved me backwards before they started laughing. "Fat chance you dipshit!" they both said in unison. They then trotted away from us to stand next to Gore Gash. "We delivered them to you on a silver platter dear mother. All to get in your good graces," Sharp Fang boasted. Gore Gash seemed just as confused as we were. And Luna was just about to lock down their armor before I stopped her. For unknown to everypony else Silver Mane smiled and winked at me before walking away. 'You sly little fiends' I thought to myself. However to pull off this little deception they required aid. So I walked forward a few steps and truly layered it on. "You two were using us right the start! You had no intention of aiding us you backstabbers!" I shouted trying to making it appear genuine. Silver Mane tilted his head back to let out a single "HA" before stating, "Of course we did. Did you really think we would betray our own mother? She's far more powerful than you wimps are and we knew the winning side when we saw it." Upon gazing at Gore Gash's face it appeared the deception worked. And manipulating her pride really sealed it in. And then the deed was done, she had let down her guard. In the blink of an eye Sliver Mane and Sharp Fang struck. In lycan form each grabbed one of her hind legs with their teeth and savagely wrenched them. The snapping of bones and blood curdling howls echoed for all to hear. Confusion spread through the lycan horde like a plague thus giving me a prime opportunity. Then just when both Silver Mane and Sharp Fang dashed away from Gore Gash I bellowed out "EVERYPONY GET BEHIND ME!" Black lightning circled around me as I pulled every last ounce of death energy from the environment but it was not enough. In a last ditch effort I called out in my mind, 'Death! Your advocate beseeches your aid! I require all the energy you can spare to give me!' Time slowed to crawl before he spoke. "For what purpose my advocate?" he stated confused. 'I AM GOING FOR THE PLATINUM!' I shouted back. His only reply was maddening multi-toned laughter before my body surged with new found strength. My mind then flew at the speed of thought away from this world. Passed the sky. Passed the moon. Passed the very frigid void of space until it reached its destination, the Sun. My mind then generated a link from nothingness to this burning sphere before my consciousness shifted back to my physical body. Time slowed to crawl. All I could hear was my heartbeat. The only emotions that I felt was joy at my success...and an absolutely deep seated all consuming terror. A hoof sized death gate opened not but a meter in front of me. And then it came. The untamed fury of the Sun itself let loose upon our world. A white hot beam of plasma blasted forth from the gate aimed directly at Gore Gash. And in that moment the only expression I saw on her face was something she probably never felt before, naked fear. The plasma bathed over her and her screams of agony halted nearly the moment they started. Purple lightning arced around her seeming to try and reconstruct herself, but it was all for naught. Flesh and bone mended only to be strip away a moment later. The magic that Discord had bestowed upon her was no match for the wrath of the Sun itself and every little piece of her was disintegrated. Black blood streamed out of my mouth, ears and eyes as my body collapsed from the monumental strain. My vision darkened around the edges as I laid on my side. In my foolishness I had forgot to ward myself, but luckily three different color wards seemed to shield me from the worst of it. But regardless ash was all that was left of Gore Gash's body but her spirit remained. With an ethereal howl she charged at me only to be grasped around the neck by an inky black tendril. The tendril lifted her off her ghostly hooves as she flailed around attempting to free herself. However her efforts were in vain as a deep multi-toned voice echoed around us, "You have been a thorn in my side for millennia. There were not many in this world that I derived such pleasure in sending on their way than you. " Then not a moment later an otherworldly rage filled voice boomed from everywhere and nowhere as it said but a single word, "GUILTY!" A large burning ethereal portal opened up under the spirit of Gore Gash. Chains of burning metal flung out of it and wrapped themselves around her legs, waist, and neck. Afterwards they dragged her damned soul kicking and screaming into the portal itself. Then as mysteriously as it appeared, it slammed shut leaving nothing to note it was ever there. A ragged laugh left my lips as I laid there. "Heh heh heh it appears...we bested you...on your own 'turf'...you arrogant monster," I gurgled out before my vision went black and I lost consciousness. > Chapter 47: Ending the Reign of a Sunlit Betrayer: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darkness swirled and flowed through my mind in a steady stream. Its calm embrace condensed into a void that seemed to wash away nearly all thought and feeling. Time soon became unknowable or even meaningless as I floated in this sea of nothing. But eventually something happened that seemed to beat back the silence if only for a moment. It was muffled and unintelligible as it were being yelled from a great distance away. I could not discern any of the words, but they seemed to be in some sort of frantic tone. And then when I faintly sensed my body move and jerk without me willing it so the muffled and frantic words increased in frequency. This however was all that I knew before the darkness crept up on my mind again as I slipped back into nothingness. Time soon shifted by in an unknowable span before the noises returned. But instead this time there were no words. There was nothing but a quiet weeping coming from somewhere and a repetitive "beep" of some type. A beep that seemed to follow a pattern I should have known but could not remember. Like a fleeting thought it eluded me until the darkness of my mind returned once more. Then like before I slipped away yet again only to return to my muffled senses. And again I was met with that same repeating beep. My thoughts eventually began to clear and condense until I realized it was following my heartbeat. Then just as if a switch had turned on, reality pulled at me like some sort of forceful jolt. My eyes snapped wide open but I could see nothing but blurry imagines. Panic soon set in because I could not seem to breathe properly either. Something was covering my mouth. I fought with my barely responding body but I managed to pull some sort of tube away from my face before gasping for breath. But the long deep intakes of air only succeeded in forcing me into a coughing fit. And so I coughed and choked for a few minutes before my vision began to clear. And it was then did I realize that I was wrapped from head to hoof in cloth bandages. Each one partially soaked with my own black blood. And it also looked as if somepony had attempted to remove some of them, perhaps to replace them, only to hastily put them back where they were. But this by far was the not the more unnerving of the sights. No, the object that took that title was the strange collar that I wore. A collar that possessed two small tubes coming off of it that seemed to contain more of my blood for some reason. In understandable revulsion to this I was about to pull it off of me until I realized where the other ends of the tubes went, a matching collar on the limp body of Twilight. Her breathing was shallow and I could barely sense her heartbeat. My only guess as to whoever did this did so in an effort to sustain me in some manner, or more likely sustain her. A hard knot formed in my stomach at this thought. I was obviously not able to recharge her death energy supply for who knows how long. And while I wanted to do so now I could not seem to muster the strength. I needed to feed and soon for both our sakes. Luckily by sheer chance there were a few unopened blood cylinders to my left to which I could take advantage of. So with shaky forehooves I reached for them before draining two of said cylinders in quick succession. Then with partially renewed strength I was about to draw in death energy from the environment when something felt off. It seemed the area was depleted of such energy and it puzzled me until I looked at the end of my bed. And there floated three black rotating crystals. The markings on them indicated that they each possessed a specialized absorption enchantment to harness death energy for some reason. But what was even more puzzling was that each crystal looked to be nearly at the limits of their storage. Black lightening threatened to escape every few seconds only to be drawn back in. "Why would anypony setup absorption crystals around me in my obviously weakened state? It would seem quite counter-intuitive for my recovery would it not?" I questioned but could not fathom a valid answer. However, I did not have the time to ponder such a quandary as I needed a recharge. Or more precise, Twilight needed one. So without wasting another second I plucked one of the crystals out of the air and placed it on the bed in front of me. A hard swallow soon followed in response to what I was about to do. I could not risk injecting so much energy into Twilight all at once. I would need something to act as a conduit and regulator to prevent overloading her body. And unfortunately there was only one resource I had at my disposal for such a task, my own body. Such a truly dreadful endeavor if there ever was one, but I had little other option. So with a deep sigh I placed my right forehoof on Twilight's chest and my left on the blackened crystal. The effect of doing so was instantaneous. The crystal so overloaded with death energy more than easily relinquished it...all at once. An arc of black lightening raced up my foreleg and withered all the bandages on it along the way. It then fractured all along my body causing my muscles to lock up tight from sheer agony before forking down my other foreleg into Twilight. Her eyes snapped open as if her unconscious mind knew what was about to happen before it did. And not even a second later a horrible squirming writhe overtook her as her mouth became locked in a silent scream. Then as quickly as it started the energy was cut off, the crystal's stored fury had been spent. I collapsed back to the bed unable to do much else but struggle to breathe and blink every so often. My body's vampiric regeneration had jumped started and I could feel myself being mended. And soon parts of me I did not even know were injured had begun to painfully rebuild at a feverish pace. In turn this nightmarish out of control regeneration continued for a solid twenty minutes before it ceased. And all throughout I believe I may have screamed just about every obscenity and curse my mind possessed. In fact I very well may have created new ones along the way with chaotic efficiency. Ultimately I just laid there staring at the ceiling above my bed until Twilight let out a ragged cough. And at first I thought she had woken up given the nature of what I had done. But when she still remained unconscious I began to worry. Panic soon began to creep up in my mind but I managed to stifle it back enough to quickly place an ear on her chest. Then a few seconds later I let out a sigh of relief as I heard a strong heartbeat coming from her in addition to her stabilized breathing. However this was not enough. She may have been in better shape than before, but her full recovery seemed to be hindered. No matter how much energy I pumped into her body, without fresh blood to accompany it she could easily slip back into danger once more. And while in a just world I would have let her siphon some blood off of me through the collar we wore, but this was not to be. For it seem that my little "stunt" I pulled as it were somehow fundamentally broke that solution. I took a deep breath as I gazed at the tubes that ran between us. When once they were connected and flowed freely now they appeared to have been overloaded by the infusion of energy I let loose and crystallized. The blood inside them was scorched and rendered useless. So with a deep sigh I uncoupled the collars from our necks before I dragged Twilight onto my lap. I then opened her mouth and said, "I do not have much to spare but I please take what you need. Please come back to me Twilight...please," before unwrapping my right foreleg. Afterwards I sucked in a quick breath as I pierced my flesh with her fangs. A small stream of my black blood flowed out of the twin wounds and into her mouth. And for a few seconds nothing happened, but eventually her body began to respond. Her lips soon covered the wounds as she lapped at the blood. But when her fangs slowly drove in deeper I felt my own pointed tongue begin to lull out of my mouth as I got lost in the feeling. Her venom coursed through me and shattered what little will I had remaining. And while at first I was worried of losing too much in this embrace, now I cared very little. But just when my vision began to turn blurry I felt a hoof on the side of my face. A groan of displeasure soon followed from my lips as Twilight pulled her fangs out. I then saw Twilight opened her eyes and looked up at me with a weak smile before she stated, "Don't ever do anything so stupid like that again. I don't know how many more times I can save you." The effects of her venom had begun to fade before I replied with, "Given the circumstances...Princess...I believe we are about equal..." She made a grimace in response to me calling her by her title. But before she could speak again I kissed her. A kiss that she began to lean up into further and further until she was on top of me in the bed. My heartbeat soon sped up and the strange device still next to me seemed to increase its frequency of beeps in reply. And in a odd and bizarre type of way it seemed to only intensify Twilight's efforts. Each new act she committed on me only served to force that poor heartbeat monitor to work that much harder. And it increased more and more until with a mischievous smile Twilight lifted herself up and pushed me inside of her. That however was the "last straw" if you will before the device began to squeal in some sort of high pitched warning. We however did not care in the least. In fact in some distorted version of pleasure we both seemed to quicken our efforts partially to see just how far that machine could go before it malfunctioned. Though much to our amusement this eventually brought about an interesting situation. For after not even a few minutes of the heartbeat monitor going more or less unhinged a pair of nurses burst into the room. They then started yelling something about cardiac arrest or some such before it dawned on them of what was happening. And with only a small amount of focus I had to spare it did not take much effort to see their faces go from panic to three different shades of bright red. Neither uttered a singled word as one of them walked over and turned off the heartbeat monitor with a switch on the wall. Afterwards right as the device shutdown the other nurse stated in obvious desperation to remain professional, "Erm yes...as you were" before they promptly left. And while I admit these words would have been normally more valid if we had actually stopped our "activities" throughout all this. Which given the amount of stress we seemed to have possessed we surely did not. Afterwards we laid on our backs attempting to catch our breath right before Twilight put her hooves over her face. What muffled words she spoke under them that I could understand were, "I can't believe we did that...those two nurses just came in and I just kept riding him. It even somehow made it better...what in Tartarus is wrong with me? Sweet Celestia the rumors are never going to stooooop uuugh." I in turn looked around the room uncomfortably not stating a word in reply. For what was seemingly pleasurable not but a few minutes ago actually became rather embarrassing. I do know that hormones and stress can indeed get the better of one at times, but having a temporary audience seemed somewhat taboo. I mean I have heard stories of such things around the palace but I never believed I would be the one putting on the "show" as it were. Needless to say I eventually just resigned myself to stating, "Weeell that happened. I...erm...yes indeed...we should probably start moving yes? Surely the others will be interested to hear about our recovery." Twilight just picked up a pillow and stuffed it over her face in reply. She then let out a long muffled groan before her equally muffled voice kept stating "The rumors are never going to stoooooooop...the girls are going to tease me fooooorevvverrrr..." However after a few more minutes of awkwardness we finally got moving. We then finished off the blood cylinders the nurses seemed to have left us before we exited the room. Neither of us said a word to each other as we did this. Luckily though it did not take long before I found something to take our minds off what had happened. And by that I meant the strange signs that surrounded our room door and the hallways. But what made this situation stranger was that they all stated the same message, "Quarantine! Dangerous energies ahead! Proceed with extreme caution!" And what made it more puzzling was that the entire hallway was also deserted. Even the rooms near us were all empty. What nurses we did see at the end of the hallway seemed to be avoiding this section like a plague outbreak had happened. "Hmm do you have any insight on what this is all about?" I said as we began walking. Twilight shook her head. "My head hurts too much to think. Everything is all fuzzy and scrambled," she said as she began holding a forehoof to her right temple. I shook my head also trying to remember anything myself, but it seemed there was nothing of usefulness coming to mind. In turn with little else to go by I figured we should work our way towards the Lunar Wing and find the Night Court meeting room. Perhaps then we could find some answers to what had happened in our absence. And while I would have liked to have a moment to think while we walked I began to notice something troubling. Every soldier or servant that we passed along our way looked to be in a state of demoralization. Most barely even lifted their heads when we passed by them. And while I have seen this place in rough times before in the past this gloom that settled in here was troubling. But I soon shook those thoughts out of my mind as I focused on the task at hoof. And besides, when we locate the princesses they surely would be able to illuminate what was happening. In turn we sped up our pace and located the dominating obsidian doors of Luna's Night Court. However there was something strange about them in that one of them appeared to be a tad ajar. Usually when meetings of some sort were in session they were firmly shut. Probably to prevent prying eyes and ears I assume. But given that there appeared to be a discourse going on behind them it would indicate that indeed there was meeting. 'Maybe it is something informal,' I thought as I pushed the partially ajar door open fully. This action however was immediately met with the thoroughly inebriated Luna slurring out, "Black Wing *hic* wake thyself *hic*. The servants have retrieved *hic* more spirits *hic* for us," But when she realized who had walked in, the bottle she was holding fell out of her hooves. She then blinked a few times before rubbing her eyes and added, "Well well well look who decided to shooOOOOowww *hic* their faces...please...please be real this time *hic*." I did not know what I was looking at when we walked in. This room was generally was quite neat and organized. Not difficult given it just had several identical chairs, a dominating obsidian table, and a few light sources. But this time almost every chair was knocked over and only some of the light sources were actually lit. And to make matters worse was the air in here was so saturated with the scent of alcohol that I assumed it was about to reach the point of combustibility. "What in Equestia is going on here?!" Me and Twilight seemed to state in near unison. "WHO SAID THAT?!" Black Wing snapped up in her chair. She then wobbled a little bit before looking at me and Twilight. Her golden eyes appeared bloodshot and it seemed to take a few moments to register in her mind of what she was gazing at. Red tears then dripped down her face as said croaked out, "You...you two live? I...this cannot be real...with everything going wrong I never thought." Then without warning she broke into sobs before Luna began holding her. Luna then took a ragged breath before slurring out, "Please...forgive *hic* Black Wing. She has not *hic* slept well in...hmmmm *hic* I do not recall when she truly had slept." Twilight frowned and looked at me. I just glanced at her in return before pursing my lips. It seemed whatever happened here was not what one could call "good" news. But just before we were about to inquire further we heard somepony say something behind us. "So...the rumors are true," the voice said before we saw Celestia walk into the room. And surprisingly she looked about as head strong and full of vitality as she usually did. Though this appeared to be little more than a facade. For when she fully walked in and closed the door behind her nearly every ounce of regalness she had possessed quickly drained out. Her eyes had bags upon bags and looked as if she had slept nearly as little as Black Wing and Luna. However what made it worse was when she sat down across the table from her sister. For as she did so she reached for the bottle next to Luna before sliding it to herself. She then put it to her lips and took several long draughts before placing it back down. Twilight did not hesitate after Celestia did this. She had walked over and sat next to her before placing a wing over her back. Celestia soon did the same in kind to Twilight before tears began to well in her eyes. She then sniffed a few times before stating, "I'm sorry I should be giving you two the proper attention you deserve. We really thought you both would never wake up again and I nearly lost all hope. But here you two are looking better than us and for that I am grateful." I soon took a seat at the table as I let her words sink in. I then began to scan to room again. Bottles were scattered all over the table. Most were empty or nearly so. Any food left appeared to be hastily consumed or not at all. And then upon looking further I realized that Black Hammer was with us too, but he had appeared to have fallen out of his chair. His current status seemed to be sleeping off whatever stupor he was in on the floor. "How...how long have we been absent? And what happened to cause this much despair?" I questioned in a somber tone. Luna however was the only one to respond to my inquiry. "You two have been *hic* absent for nearly a fortnight. Much has happened in that span *hic* and not a grand amount of it *hic* uplifting. For you see *hic* we all spent nearly all this time *hic* burying the dead with proper honors. Well *hic* what remained of them anyway. We had lost *hic* so many defeating the rogue vampires and lycans *hic* that we are on course to little more than a Pyrrhic victory *hic* after this is all over. In fact at our current standing *hic* we may not even achieve that," she said as she continued holding Black Wing. "I...I did not realize things have gotten so dire," I commented, but just as I about to state something else Celestia began to speak again. "'Dire' unfortunately is only the start. To clarify most of my solar channelers I had left had defected to that damned Solar Burn after the last battle. And to make matters worse our scouts have finally tracked where that little traitor has setup his base of operations," she said after taking another draught from her bottle. "What?! We finally had discovered where he had been hiding all this time?! Why are we not knocking down his front door?!" I said almost shouting. Celestia looked at Twilight and then back again at me before she slid the bottle she possessed across the table. She then kept sliding it until it rested within my reach. Afterwards she took a deep breath before stating, "Even if we had the soldiers to launch a full onslaught there's something you should know. Solar Burn holed himself up in the one place we thought he would never go back to. The very place where I dug you out of that a pile of rubble with my own two hooves...your old home." > Chapter 48: Ending the Reign of a Sunlit Betrayer: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heavy rain drops streamed down the window to my left. The already blackened clouds outside grew darker before lightning lit up the sky. A raging storm to match my own it seems. And while normally such a display would be soothing to me it appeared now even viewing nature's fury was not up to the task. For my mind was anything but at ease at the moment. I truly dreaded this day. The day that I would be forced to return to the one place which was the source most of my horrid memories. The one place that I vowed to the very heavens themselves that I would avoid forever. And yet here I was, on my way to my old home town as if it were any other day. I swear the fates have a truly cruel sense of humor. In turn I rolled down the window shade and closed my eyes. It was my hope that maybe now I could begin to gain a small measure of peace if I blocked out all sources of light. But that hope shriveled and perished when I heard a growing argument on the other side of my train room door. "What do you want?" I heard Cloud Streak state to somepony. To elaborate I stationed her outside my door for this very reason. I had wanted some peace and quiet for at least an hour or two to clear my mind before I begin discussing the mission with the others. So I easily convinced her into being my temporary doormare if you will. However, I soon discovered that whomever she was addressing was having none of it. "Nothing that concerns you. Now move out of the way we need to talk to the Lieutenant General," an irritated voice replied. "No can do. He wanted to be left alone so no guests...or ponies that tried to kill him in his sleep," Cloud Streak snapped back. The second voice's source snorted in reply before stating, "Ahhh so it's finally out. So that's why you've got your fangs in a twist. I told you once and I will tell you again, it was just business and I spent months rotting in the royal dungeon for it." "Not long enough," Cloud Streak snarked back. "Don't start something you can't end you little snot. Now move out of the way!" the voice replied in a tone that slipped from irritation to outright malice. "Over my dead body!" Cloud Streak shouted before I starting hearing some sort of brawl in the hallway outside my door. I felt a twinge of pain in my temples before I bellowed out, "ENOUGH!" and slammed my train room door open. I then leered at a guilty looking Cloud Streak and an embarrassed Night Fang. Each ready to pummel the other further. And while it was not much of a surprise to see these two, what was, was that Silver Mane and Sharp Fang both stood a few paces away looking equally bewildered. "She started-" Cloud Streak began to explain, but I silenced her with a raised hoof. I then began to rub my right temple with my other hoof as I closed my eyes. "Well as it seems that I shall not get a moment to myself, may I ask what is so important that you were willing to bash Cloud Streak to a pulp, Night Fang?" To her credit she stepped off of Cloud Streak and straightened her back. "Princess Twilight Sparkle's friends managed to pry some information out of her that she was told by you to keep quiet about. Some sort of blackmail about being watched while having sex somewhere was the leverage. Now being I'd like to keep on living, where are we going that you wanted to keep everything all 'hush hush'?" Night Fang inquired. I could feel my face heat up at Night Fang's comments before I let out a deep sigh. "Well I suppose Twilight did mention that would come back to haunt us," I lamented before adding, "Well we now know what you desire, but why are you two here? I figured you two would be resting with the others" as I looked at Sharp Fang and Silver Mane. "We...we just wanted to thank you for helping-" Sharp Fang began to speak but stopped dead mid sentence. Her eyes widened to dinner plates as her ears swiveled in all directions. And her brother seemed to be doing the same thing nearly when she did so. This was not a good sign to say the least. Needless to say the fur on my neck began to stand straight up right before Silver Mane blurted out "HIT THE DECK!" Golden beams fired through the windows right overhead. Each item or object they hit either melted completely or was set ablaze. Smoke filled our lungs as we attempted to recover the best we could. But our efforts made little difference for the unrelenting force of solar magic firing upon the train would soon overwhelm us if we did not act and soon. In turn we only had enough time to gather up everypony with us before abandoning the train to its fate. Then much to our lament we all had to watch as the train sped away down the tracks. What was once our warm and comfortable ride was now a moving inferno that lit up the sky as it continued. Then just as it was about to be out of my range of sight it exploded into a raging fireball. Distant cheers and laughter emanated faintly through the rain storm as my face twisted into a sneer of displeasure. It was obvious who had assaulted us and to be honest it was not all that surprising they would be so bold in doing so. Solar Channelers were never known for their subtly nor self-restraint. They were all probably around twenty years old each with far more power than they should have possessed. Though this fact only made them more dangerous. In turn I just shook my head as I ducked behind the tree cover next to us. It luckily was thick enough to block out most of the rain but it was borderline pitch black so normal sight would be useless. And though I did not possess such sight that would be considered remotely normal all I could make out was the rough shape we were in. "Given the nature of our previous onslaught I doubt I need to state who was responsible for it. But regardless what is our status?" I questioned trying to shake off as much rain as I could. Applejack was the first to speak. "We're a tad waterlogged, blind as newborn mice, and a bit burnt, but all in all okay I guess. Though I gotta ask, where in tarnation are we?" she replied wiping water off her hat. I took a deep breath to regain my thoughts, but it helped little. A hard knot formed in my stomach on what I needed to explain. As one could assume said topic was not what one would call pleasant to me. Either way they deserved to know. "Now I assume that you all at least have some idea where we are heading due the blackmail attempt directed at Twilight," I stated and glanced over at a now flustered Twilight and her giggling friends before I added, "We are currently a reasonable distance from the place I used to call home. A place that I had no desire ever returning to. But it is the location where Celestia and Luna stated where our foe has holed themselves up. I will explain the rest on the way as we now travel by-" I was about to state more but I heard something that silenced me. "Blood...Moon...we are not...sure if you can hear....this. But please...help us," a voice sounded as if whispered from a distance. "What was that?" I said swiveling my ears around. "What was what darling?" Rarity responded. I kept swiveling my ears in all directions trying to discern the direction of the strange message. "There was a voice somewhere. It sounded familiar. And for some reason it knew my name," I stated quite puzzled. Then not but a few seconds later another voice came, "Please we need...your help Blood Moon...it hurts...it hurts so bad..." it stated before something went truly wrong. "IT HURTS! SooO BAaaAAAd...HURTS HeLp uS...ThEY torTUreD Us...kiLLEd Us...wE'Ll KiLL tHEm aLL...KiLl...tHeM...aLL...KiLL...killkillkillKILLKILLKILLKILLKILL!" a cacophony of voices screamed all around me. I back pedaled so quickly that I slammed into a tree. My heart started to beat out of my chest and my eyes darted in all directions as I scrambled to my hooves. "Are you alright Blood Moon? You don't look so good," Cloud Streak said as she walked over to me. "V-v-voices...v-v-v-voices al-l-l-l aro-o-ound us! T-t-they w-w-were everyw-where! They-y-y wer-r-r-re so-o-o angr-y-y!" I whimpered out and it took me a few minutes before I could gather myself to speak again, but eventually added, "Did...did none of you hear that?" Twilight joined Cloud Streak next to me before she put a hoof to the side of my face. "What's wrong? What did you hear?" she said barely able to keep the worry out of her voice. I clung to her touch with both of my forehooves. I then swallowed hard before I said, "I...I heard my father. My adoptive father. And I think Pure Blood too," I then swallowed hard again before continuing, "As you may or may not know they perished over a hundred and eighty years ago. They said they were in trouble and were reaching out to me somehow. But...but that is not worst of it...no...nonono...no the worst...the worst was that they... that they were not alone...." A wave of silent fear spread out to everypony around me. I could even feel Twilight's hoof begin to shake while touching my face. Her eyes opened to the size of dinner plates and Cloud Streak wore a similar mask of terror. Everypony else were huddled in an equally wide eyed heap and whimpering to themselves. Well all except Night Fang who was attempting to look brave but was failing miserably at it. "I-I-I have to ask this and I don't think-k-k I will lik-k-ke the answer. But..but where and how did those two you mentioned...die?" Night Fang asked in a increasingly shaky voice. "They were slain by solar channelers all those years ago. And where they perished...is the very place we are currently heading to," I replied as I moved my forehooves to my chest as if to prevent my heart from beating right out of it. "That...that's was what I was afraid of. And...and may I ask what were the other voices saying?" she said looking as if ready to soil herself. I shook my head and tried to get the echos of those horrible voices out of my mind. "Please do not force me repeat what they stated. But it is obvious we may be in over our heads with this. We need aid and I know who may be able to help us," I replied as I begin to reach out with my mind. But in a strange oddity I did not even need to ask any requests as for some reason he already seemed to know what I wanted. 'I know what you wish to request of me, Blood Moon. However...know that I cannot aid you directly save but one thing. Please let me in and I can explain to you and your compatriots,' Death said in my mind. Then right as I gave him permission, my vision went dark and I could feel my body move without me willing it so. Greetings from beyond the veil dear mortals. Blood Moon has requested my aid and I speak through him in order to help you, Death's multi-toned voice emanated from me. The initial "freak out" lasted longer than I had hoped. Most of them knew that Death could physically speak through me from time to time so it should not have been a surprise. However, due to them being so jumpy as it were several of them began to actively panic. It ultimately took I believe Twilight from the sound of it to freeze everypony in place so that Death could get a word in edge wise. And even then I could faintly hear hushed whispers and/or whimpering all while he did. "I was hoping that would have gone far smoother than it did. Though I admit you mortals can get...uneasy...when in my presence. But regardless of that it was not my intent to frighten you all out of your wits. No...for that I assume shall come from what I state next. And by that I mean you are all heading to a place of great spiritual upheaval, Death said and let the words sink in a for a few seconds before continuing, "As you shall discover this fact anyway Blood Moon's old home was not the only place the solar channelers have ruined. That town was just one among many of such places they have destroyed down the years in their quest for power. And as a result the souls of the unjustly slain have become warped and twisted down the years in their quest for vengeance. Worst yet they have focused themselves around your current foe so your journey shall not be a trivial one. And though there is not much I can aid you with, I can give you my blessing. It will allow you to hear and see the dead so that you may avoid them. "Not to be rude mister...umm Death. But why we can only 'avoid' them? There's no way we can...you know...fight back?" I heard Cloud Streak question. Death let out a deep knowing chuckle before stating, "You cannot slay what is already dead little mortal. And while my blessing may allow you to touch the ethereal as Blood Moon can, doing so would be...unwise considering their numbers. Thus the only action you may take at this point is to attempt to avoid them. Well...unless you can find a way to sate their need for justice thus allowing them to pass on. But until that happens further enraging the dead shall only result in you joining their ranks. Then before any further questions were brought forth Death cast some sort of spell in an indiscernible language before departing. I felt his presence slip from my body and I could see once more. Needless to say everypony with me appeared in some varying form of bewilderment or unease. And after a few minutes of silence it was finally Applejack who seemed to state the general view of the situation. "Laaand saaakes...how in Equestria did we end up in this mess? It was bad enough nearly gettin' burnt to a crisp, but now we gotta worry about a bunch of spiteful spooks wantin' to rip us to pieces. Ahh but don't worry...at least ya can see 'em before they git ya," she snarked out before bashing her face on the nearest tree a few times.' This truly did little to invoke confidence in our mission. But at the end of the day it mattered little what we thought. We were tasked with discovering a way to defeat the solar channelers and it was up to us to complete it. For without this information the kingdom stood no chance. So with what little will I possessed I dragged myself up as we continued onward. Minutes soon turned to hours as we walked all while jumping at the slightest noise. Tempers flared several times and tensions were at an all time high. It was not until we arrived at our destination did our collective moods change, but I doubt it was for the better. For irritation and anger were quickly replaced by an overwhelming feeling of oppressive dread as the ruined town loomed ahead. It had been as I had left it all those moons ago. Destroyed and disheveled buildings abound. But what was new was that for some reason even most plant life wanted nothing to do with this place. The ones that did were sickly and full of thorns. A sort gloom blanketed the area as a result of this as we took our first hoof steps inside the town borders. However, before we made it not but ten paces in something reached out to us. "Blood Moon...please we...need your help. If you...can hear this...we are trapped...in the old farm house. There is another...with us...though we are not...sure how long...he will last...without...your aid," a voice stated that sounded like my adoptive father. "What the fuck was that?!" Rainbow Dash blurted out. I squinted in thought for a moment before stating, "That was the voice of my adoptive father. He sounded like he was in trouble." "Blood Moon, you said they weren't very friendly before. This reeks of a trap," Night Fang commented. "I also said that his was not the only voice calling out to me. And besides he mentioned somepony else that might need our assistance. Perhaps they have a better idea on what has been happening in my absence," I retorted. Twilight looked at me and pursed her lips. "Well I guess that's as good as a lead as we got. I say we go for it," she said with a hint of worry. "Indeed, trap or otherwise we still need information. Just remember everypony stay on your guard. And please...tread carefully," I said hoping against hope I would not regret my decision. > Chapter 49: Ending the Reign of a Sunlit Betrayer: Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "RUN YOU FOOLS!" I bellowed out discarding all sense of stealth and caution. Panic surged through all of us as our hooves thundered upon the stone and earth below us. At first I thought we were going to be discovered by the rogue Solar Channelers that undoubtedly occupied my old home town. However it appeared that in our haste to reach my colthood farmhouse we stumbled upon the very thing that Death had warned us about, the spirits of the vengeful dead. "By Celestia...where did all these...spooks come from!?" Applejack blurted out between gasping breaths. "Your guess...is...as good as mine! However...less conversing...more running for our lives!" I screeched back in naked terror. I admit it would have been grand to speak of what was happening but any sense of thought had been easily overridden. To elaborate to what had shaken me so thoroughly was not that I was in the presence of spirits. The act of being able to see and hear ghosts was apparently part of my "employment perks" as Death's Advocate so that was of little surprise by this point. No, what had terrified me was how said phantoms seemed to show themselves. And by that I mean that instead of being white and see through, like they usually were, they were pitch black with burning crimson eyes and rows of sharp teeth. What made it worse was that they did not even attempt to harmlessly pass through objects in order to catch us either. For each and every single one of them literally tore everything to pieces be it stone, wood, or plant life as they gave chase. Prime examples of this were the numerous trees that violently exploded into splinters right after we raced passed them. Needless to say that it did not take a scholar to determine what might happen should they catch us. But with nowhere else to run we dashed off to the one place I thought we would be safe, my old colthood farm house on the edge of town. I had supposed that perhaps the spirits had a certain range on them and would soon be too exhausted to pursue us that far. Now, in hindsight it was probably little more than wishful thinking, but with no other options we opted to take our chances. So in turn I steered us down the road that lead us to our destination. And just like I had never left almost two centuries ago I followed the path by sheer memory until the farmhouse appeared in the distance. Even in the dark it looked as I remembered it. All covered in red paneling and a brown wooden barn right next to it. I no doubt would have liked to gaze upon its features for the sake of old times, but I had obviously more pressing matters at the moment. We eventually reached the house and we were about to hide in the barn before something odd happened. A strange silver glint that I did not notice before turned off inside the barn before a dark figure opened the right barn door. And while I could not make out their features, I heard them loud and clear as they shouted, "MAKE HASTE! GET INSIDE BEFORE THEY CATCH YOU!" Evidently there was no arguments from anypony present as each one of the us dove through the open barn door. Then not even a second later the dark figure slammed the door shut right before the silver glint from before returned. The angry spirits denied their prey soon slammed into the barn doors with a violent fury, but were unable to damage them for some reason let alone pass through. This puzzled me up until I noticed that the silver glint from before was emanating from a large alchemy circle we were now in. And whatever spell the circle cast seemed to be keeping the vengeful dead at bay. A sigh of relief left my lips as I lay on the ground and I was just about to thank whoever saved us until I looked up. A hoof that glowed with a silvery light was pointed directly at my face in a manner that did not appear at all friendly. Then as the two slitted silvery gleaming eyes that stared at me under the figure's hood narrowed, they began to speak. "Who are you all and why have you come here?" the figure stated in a calm yet firm tone. I swallowed heavily as I fought the urge to go cross eyed at the hoof in front of me. "My...my name is Blood Moon. I am the Lieutenant General of the lunar forces and these are my friends," I said before swallowing heavily again and adding, "And...and who are you I might ask?" The figure did not respond at first other than lowering their hoof. Then a deep and exhausted sounding sigh left their lips before they walked backwards and leaned on the closest barn wall. "I have should have known those two spirits would lead me to you all. Lieutenant General Blood Moon, Death's Advocate with his underlings. And I assume that is Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends. The very ponies I have been attempting to locate while simultaneously dreading this day with my every being," the figure lamented. I tilted my head in confusion as I stood up. And as I looked around the others appeared just as confused as I was. "You...you have been searching for us? Who are you? And what do you mean two spirits lead you to us?" I questioned. Now I was expecting for the figure in front of me to begin talking again, but it seemed that my questions would be answered by a different voice. "We are the spirits that he was speaking of. And for your second question, his name is "Oculus". Also he is avoiding your questions for quite the reasonable motivation," the voice stated before I noticed two spirits begin to walk up to me. My mouth hung open as eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. "F-father? Pure Blood?" I stuttered out. "I suppose this warrants neglecting that 'in the flesh' jest a second time. And it good to see you again, son. I wish we could be more presentable to you, but we have had a...difficult time as of late," my adoptive father stated as he struggled to hold up a weak looking Pure Blood. In turn I did not hesitate in helping him lay her down so he could rest as well. Afterwards I pursed my lips before stating, "What happened here?" However before my adoptive father could reply Oculus piped up and stated, "That is a really long story." I grinned in response and said, "I was actually asking my adoptive father, but since you volunteered I shall have you explain instead." He face went from surprise to worry as he sputtered out, "Wait what? You can hear them?" The grin on my face crawled up further as I replied with, "That I can...Oculus...so I would advise you explain yourself before I have my adoptive father do it for you." Oculus just stared at me while shaking for a few seconds before further sputtering out, "A-a-alright...b-b-but if I do please promise me that I shall remain unharmed...please?" His statement truly peaked my interest and I doubt he would have continued if I did not promise him. So I just rolled my eyes and said "Deal." He seemed to take a calming breath in response. He then lowered his hood revealing as I assumed in that he was a vampire unicorn. However, this is where the normalcy ended and the oddness began. And it was an oddness that I could not seem to place my hoof on. For you see his eyes seemed to glow with a strange silver light that I have never witnessed from another vampire before. Even his fur seemed to be colored in a similar silver shade as his eyes and emanated only a slightly dimmer amount of the same light. But while he was truly a curiosity such analysis would have to take "second fiddle" as it were as I was more interested what he going to say instead. "A-a-alright...alright where to start. Where to start," he said as he began pacing back and forth before blurting out, "OkayokayImayormaynothavebeensortofindirectlyresponsibleforgeneralsolarburnsneverendingthirstforpower. Andthedestructionofcountlessponiesinhismadquesttofuelhisaddictiontosuchpowerinahorriblehorriblegrislymanner." I tilted my head at him as my mind slipped into bafflement. I honestly only understood maybe half of what he said, but even then I did not believe what I was hearing. I even turned to face the others and their expressions were similar versions of confusion. Well minus Pinkie Pie, who was not even paying attention. Needless to say this little explanation would require a repeat. "Umm...Oculus...perhaps it would be best if you repeated yourself. And it would also be best if you...well...used sentences this time," I said attempting to keep it polite. Sweat began to pour down his face in response as he sat down. He then started to heavily fidget before taking a deep sigh in resignation. "I am indirectly responsible for what happened in this village...and who knows how many others. As my name may suggest I am a scholar specializing in the study of optics or light to the laypony. And no the irony of a vampire interested in the study of light has not been lost on me, but I digress," he then took a deep breath and closed his eyes before continuing, "It did not start out this way. I was young at the time, new to the field and eager to make a name for myself. I worked tirelessly and developed a method to amplify light using alchemy. However, there was a horrible catch to this. Given the law of equivalent exchange to power the amplification process it required something of great value...blood...or I should say the life energy it contained." He then paused for a moment to gather his thoughts I assumed. And while I desired to make some very pointed inquires I decided to remain silent like the others. I had figured that if I interrupted him, he may lose his nerve or train of thought and ruin the information he was releasing to us. As such we all remained quiet as he began once more. "It was a heavy price for magic and the only sources I had were a few samples of various blood types and my own. However, one day I had used too much of my own and in a moment of mortal desperation I injected myself with the sample containing vampiric blood. The pain was horrifying and the dark hunger was far worse. Though the worst of it was that my colleagues found out what I had been doing and what I had done to myself. They in turn shunned me and threw me out thus shattering my budding career," he said as red tears began to roll down his face before he continued, "I wandered aimlessly in despair until somepony in the Solar Channelers discovered my research. They soon located me shivering in an alleyway half starved. It all seemed too good to be true. They funded my research in secret until I developed a device I called the "Sunlit Rings of Sanguinity", my greatest work. But in my joy of discovery I had completely overlooked whom I had truly been employed by and for what purpose." "Let me guess General Solar Burn?" I interjected when he paused again for a long moment. Oculus pursed his lips for a second and nodded before he stated, "It was he who had corrupted my life's work into what you see around you today. For I discovered too late that his plans were to generate powerful versions of that dreadful elixir called Solar Deliverer. It was also then did I discover that while powerful blood could be used to power my device, less powerful blood could be used instead but more of it would be required." A red hot rage flared in me as I leered at Oculus. I just could not believe what I was hearing. I truly wanted to remain silent so he could continue, but what he was describing was beyond the pale. "You mean to tell me you created the very thing that allowed Solar Burn's rise to power?! And you helped him drain the lives of countless innocents all to fuel that monster's solar energy addiction!?" I bellowed out. Oculus stood up in response and matched me glare for glare. "Do you really believe I wanted any of this?!" he yelled in reply before adding, "You were not there! You did not have to sit there and watch those poor townsponies get their throats slit before their bodies were thrown in mass graves!" "NO! YOU ARE THE ONE THAT JUST SAT THERE! SAT THERE AND DID NOTHING!" I yelled as a red haze crept up on the edges of my vision "HOW DARE YOU! YOU NO NOTHING OF WHAT I HAVE BEEN THROUGH!" he screeched back as his face contorted in rage. He then began charging whatever strange silver energy he possessed but before he could act on anything his eyes slammed shut in pain and he stumbled backwards. Sickly coughs soon racked his body and then when he pulled his hooves away from his mouth they were covered in blood. "Damn it...my body still...refuses to accept...this damned...thing," he said with a ragged breath. My anger partially ebb away seeing him in this state. And while it still remained high it dissipated enough to inquire about what he had said. "What is this 'thing' you speak of?" I questioned while fighting to keep the anger out of my voice. He spat out some more blood before untying his cloak as he raggedly said, "The very key to destroying my thrice damned invention." Then as his cloak fell to the ground, it revealed a hoof sized hexagon shaped silver gemstone embedded in his chest. I was admittedly taken back from this sight but not for the reason as one would first assume. No, I had seen something similar to that gem before, but it was a foggy memory before it came back to me. Intrigue overrode rage for the time being as I worked to calm my thoughts. And then after a minute of silence I stated, "That is obviously no ordinary gemstone. I have seen one like that before, but that one possessed a golden hue about it while yours possesses a silver one. So I must ask, how did you come about obtaining that?" Oculus sat down again as he let out a rough chuckle. "As you know of this type of gemstone I assume you know who aided me in its creation. And how Solar Burn was and is able to create that vile potion of his." I did not have to answer him as I already knew, but the others with me were quite confused. And with my silence on the topic it did not take long before one of them decided to speak up. "What the fuck are you two eggheads going on about?" Rainbow Dash blurted out in obvious frustration. "Rainbow Dash!" Twilight snapped but it did not did not faze Rainbow Dash in the slightest. "I'm sorry, but we just got chased by a bunch of angry ghosts into this barn. Now we've got some random stallion with a shiny rock in his chest and everypony is being all oooOOOooo mysterious. I want some answers as I bet everypony else does too," she snapped back. I rubbed my temples with my forehooves, but I did have to admit she was correct. So I merely raised a hoof to calm Twilight down before I began to explain. "This is not common knowledge so I am probably not suppose to tell anypony this. However...given the current circumstances I do not believe Princess Celestia would reprimand me too much," I said and took a deep breath before I continued, "Solar Deliverer is indeed the potion that the Solar Channelers drink to recharge and gain their original powers. However to control its production and regulate its supply there are only two ponies on this planet that can channel enough solar energy to create them without great difficulty. One obviously being Princess Celestia herself, but there is another one. That "other pony" was the previous general of the solar forces and his name was "Dawn Bringer". His son Solar Burn probably captured him because he possessed a gemstone embedded in his chest that acts like a solar battery of sorts. This "battery" is able to easily store the levels of energy required for Solar Deliverer production among others things." After stating my previous explanations I squinted in thought for a few seconds before I said, "Hmm that would explain why they employed Oculus's services, to keep of steady flow of sunlight recharging Dawn Bringer's gemstone. And would explain those grave sites around town that the spirits attacked us over. However...that does not explain why Dawn Bringer would show the secrets of his gemstone to Oculus and why his is silver instead of gold." Oculus grinned at me in response. "Like I said before, what I possess is the key to destroying my awful invention. Without getting into too many details, the reason my gemstone is silver is because I forged it to store moonlight instead of sunlight. The reason for this is because strong moonlight seems to possess an inverted effect from sunlight somehow. Instead of heating objects, it draws the heat away thus freezing them. Because the Sunlit Rings of Sanguinity are setup to endure the burning fury of sunlight this in turn makes them weak to drastic changes in temperature say by freezing them. In other words the injection of moonlight will cause its lens and metals to warp and shatter thus destroying it," he stated as his grin grew. He then then shot a small beam of moonlight at a nearby small bucket and its surface formed ice crystals. I had to admit the sight of him doing that was truly intriguing. However before I was able to question him further Twilight ended speaking before I did. "Wait if you could destroy your invention with your current powers why didn't you?" she inquired. The grin that Oculus had possessed faded to a small frown in response. "I...I underestimated the trauma of more or less cramming the moonlight gemstone into my chest, princess. And to add to my problems the Solar Channelers guarding the rings saw me do this and open fired. I could not get within range without getting burned to a cinder. Thus I had to flee," he lamented before he regained a minute fraction of a smile and added, "However that is where you all come in. You could summon the royal army to storm their base. Then I can destroy that damned device once and for all." A bout of uneasiness formed in my stomach as me and Twilight looked at each other. "That...that is a problem," I said and took a deep breath before adding, "The royal forces are more or less depleted from the battle with the rogue vampires and lycans. They do not have the numbers required to 'storm' anything at the moment. And in fact they seem to barely have enough to keep order in the ruined city of Canterlot. We are more or less it in terms of aid." Oculus's mouth hung open for a few seconds in reply before he buried his face in his forehooves. "So that is it hmm? This far only to trip at the finish line. My...fate gleefully loves tormenting me so," he mumbled seemingly to himself. Despair soon spread to everypony like a heavy blanket. We all had forgotten up until this point that we were just about on our own. Thus I had no idea how we were going to get out of our current situation let alone defeat Solar Burn. But just before I lost what little hope I had left a very distinctive laugh grew in my mind. "Truly? Are you all demoralized that easily? Sooooo focused on one option that you overlook the other one that is so close at hoof," Death chuckled before I felt his presence leave my mind. "What? What are you talking about?" I said standing up while thoroughly confusing the others. And while Death did not answer my inquiries, what did happen was in my haste I slipped on some dirt and lost my hoofing. This resulted in me slamming face first into the ground. Then not but a second later something heavy and solid smashed into the back of my head. I saw Twilight rushing over to me before my vision blacked out for a second or two. But as I regained my sight I saw the object that struck me. It appeared that Star Swirl's tome had come loose from my fall and stuck me before landing wide open. And at first I thought my vision was still off when I noticed that the page in front of me began to shift and move. Then as my vision cleared fully the previously undecipherable symbols on it had shifted in such a manner to reveal something truly...interesting. My eyes soon widened as I began reading what I had been seeing. It was honestly a long shot. A completely untested and borderline mad method of action. However, we were out of options and I suppose even an insane plan was better than none at all. "Oculus! Drop the ward!" I blurted out. His mouth went agape as he shot back, "What?! Absolutely not! If you had not noticed there is a swirling horde of rather unfriendly spirits not but a hoof touch away! And I am not sure about you but I quite enjoy remaining in one piece!" "If you have any trust in me you will do as I ask!" I screeched back. Oculus swallowed heavily before he stopped whatever concentration he was previously holding. The silver circle around us instantly lost its silver glimmer but I did not waste any time after it fell. "SPIRITS OF THE UNJUSTLY SLAIN I BESEECH YOU! LEND ME YOUR EARS!" I bellowed out. Pitch black ethereal fog seeped into the barn as everypony fumbled to get behind me. The fog then formed into nearly countless vague forms of ponies each with seething red burning eyes. Their gazes leered at all of us with overwhelming malign intent but they ultimately remained just out of reach. Then not even a second later I cleared my throat before I shouted, "WE ARE NO FRIENDS OF THE ONE CALLED 'SOLAR BURN'! FOR HE AND HIS ILK HAVE CAUSED DEEDS FAR DARKER THAN THE DEEPEST WELL! AND FOR THIS I AGAIN BESEECH YOU! PLEASE AID US IN OUR TIME OF NEED FOR I POSSESS THE INSTRUMENT OF YOUR RETRIBUTION!" The feeling of the spirits around us went from a force of unchained rage to a near limitless aura of absolute desperation. But I in turn did not dwell upon such things as I yelled in righteous fury the words that follow. "COUNTLESS SPIRITS OF UNJUSTLY SLAIN FOR DARKEST DEEDS ARE THUS YOU LAIN RISE UP FROM YOUR EARTHEN BED FOR I GRANT YOU JUSTICE FOR THE DEAD!" As a result of my spell the blackened spirits fired away in all directions causing the barn we were in to explode outwards. Then not but a second later I fell to my knees as I begin coughing up pitch black ooze. The strange material then formed an unnatural looking alchemy circle around me whose symbols were completely foreign to me. Upon seeing this my friends quickly scrambled away from me as black ethereal chains fired from the circle and wrapped around my legs, neck and middle. Then just as I believed my horrible experience had peaked, lightning of the darkest void chaotically arced from my very body right into the town in front of me. But just when the unfathomably large bolt reached the town it splintered off into dozens of smaller ones which each in turn struck one of the many grave mounds that were littered everywhere. And as quickly as it all happened, it faded just as fast. However, the strain on my body was so great that I collapsed to the ground when the ethereal chains let go. Then everything went quiet. And I wish I could say it was from my weakened body but that was not the case. For not even the creatures of the night dared speak of what happened next. The ground shook and black lightning crackled from the grave mounds and shot towards the heavens. Then the mounds themselves shifted and moved until countless skeletal hooves burst their way out. And soon the decaying bodies of the fallen pulled themselves free from the earth to walk Equestria anew. "By...by the stars above. What...what have you done, Blood Mo-" Oculus began to speak before Cloud Streak and Rainbow Dash cut him off. "WOOOOO ZOMBIE PONIES! EAT THEIR FUCKING BRAINS YOU ROTTEN BASTARDS!" they blurted out in unison while completely oblivious of the various stares upon them from everypony else. I probably should have scolded them on how terrible of a taste those statements were. I could have even stated that I was going to limit their obvious overindulgence of horror comics before bed. But that is not what actually happened. For you see I am not certain if it was my fatigue or the sheer amount of surrealism that has happened up until this point, but I broke into hysterical laughter. This of course bewildered many of the others and clearly horrified Oculus. "Have you lost your mind?! You just summoned the vengeful dead from their very graves! And you find this humorous?!" Oculus screeched out while making the most amusing mixture of facial expressions. I quelled my laughter after a few seconds before I summoned my scythe. Then looked him square in the eyes and said, "Gone mad? Oooh no no nooo. That would indicate that I have not already been there this entire time. Besides I find it truly hard to sympathize with ponies whom have probably slaughtered thousands for something so petty as their damned addiction to solar energy. And by Tartarus having the ones they have slain down the years destroy them is quite the fitting and poetic end if I do say so myself." Needless to say I left Oculus gaping at me while I addressed everypony else. "Alright it appears we have gotten our chance. Now as you all probably have assumed I do not control the risen dead so we shall have to be cautious. I doubt they know friend from foe at this point so they may end up attacking us as well," I said before gathering my thoughts and adding, "Rainbow Dash and Cloud Streak, fly above the town and report the movement of the risen dead and our foes. We will need to know as much as we can." "Yes sir," they both stated before they flew away. I then turned to Twilight and stated, " Twilight, you, Spike and the other elements minus Rainbow Dash please take point. You all are probably our best chance at plowing our way to the rogue Solar Channelers' base." "Okay," she replied as she attempted to steel herself. I then turned to Night Fang, Sharp Fang, and Silver Mane before stating, "You three guard Oculus with your lives. We need to get him in there alive and in one piece. That device of his needs to be destroyed for the good of all ponykind." "Alright," Sharp Fang and Silver Mane replied as Night Fang merely nodded her response. I then turned to Oculus and said, "I am sorry for what has happened to you. I truly wished this had never happened to anypony. However it did happen and now we must deal with the consequences. If you are true to your word I ask you to fulfill what you have previously stated. That device needs to be destroyed." "Indeeeeed. One way or the other, this nightmare I aided in creating shall end," he replied as the silver gemstone in his chest glowed brighter. And then just as I was about to leave I turned to the spirits of my adoptive father and Pure Blood. "I cannot thank you two enough for what you have done. For this and everything else. I truly wish we had more time together and that we did not meet under these conditions, but it seems fate is not always the kindest. However, I ask you two to remain here for the time being as you have already done your part. And I promise you both, when this is all done I shall be here to see you on your way myself," I said as I straightened my back. My adoptive father gave me a weak ethereal smile and said, "I know I did not state this nearly enough when I was alive. But I am proud of you son, we both are. I am sorry we could not be there for you all these years, but again as you stated, fate is not always the kindest. We will be waiting for you here when this is all done. Now go, end this nightmare once and for all." And that was that. Twilight and her friends took point as we galloped through the swirling mass of the risen dead. High above Rainbow Dash and Cloud Streak barked down directions on where the dead were most concentrated and where they were going. And this continued until we reached the center of town where there stood a rebuilt town hall. Rogue Solar Channelers were all around us by this point, but we were ultimately lucky in the fact that the sheer mass of the risen dead drove them back. In fact they were so outnumbered we met little to no resistance minus the occasional crazed "zombie". This in turn lead us to the front doors of the town hall that the risen dead had made short work of. This building however appeared to be a front in that it had stairs that went deep underground. But even this served as no real obstacle as we rushed our way through until we finally arrived for what we came here for. The double doors to the Sunlit Rings of Sanguinity remained closed but we broke them down in short order. However upon doing so two figures sped from the room. Though it was strange in that it appeared that one was chasing the other more than running from us. We in turn left Oculus, Night Fang, Sharp Fang, and Silver Mane to destroy that foul invention as we charged onward. And so we galloped and galloped following those two figures running down hallways and passageways until we were forced to halt. For when the two figures entered a final room at the end of a hallway two large golden doors slammed shut and sealed us out. We in turn tried to force our way in, but the magic on the doors proved too strong to overcome so easily. But just when we were going to throw everything we had at it I overheard something that I made everypony stay their hooves over. Because from behind the door I heard two voices shouting at each other. "We-we do not need to do this!" the first voice pleaded. But the second voice was much less kind. "I could never believe whom I helped bring into this world! Your mother would have lamented what you have become! The horrible deeds that you have done in the name of what? Power?! NOTHING BUT YOUR DAMN LUST FOR POWER!" the second voice snarled. "I couldn't help it! You know what it's like living with this magic! I can't sleep! I can't eat! I just want more and more of it!" the first voice snapped back. "AND YOU THINK THAT EXCUSES YOU?! YOU HAVE SNUFFED OUT COUNTLESS LIVES! YOU HAVE DESTROYED THE VERY CITY AND KINGDOM YOU SWORN TO PROTECT! YOU EVEN FORCED ME TO WATCH AND FUEL YOUR DESCENT INTO MADNESS!" the second voice howled in rage. "What-what are you doing?! No! STOP! STAY BACK!" the first voice pleaded again. I then heard magic discharge and it shook the walls around us. But this did not last long before the first voice let out a terrified warbling scream. Then not but a second later the sound of screeching metal on metal transformed the scream into a choking gurgle and then silence. But right after when all went quiet I heard another voice that was similar to the first. "F-father? W-w-what have you done? Where am I? Why am I like this? I'm scared...so scared," they whimpered. After that voice had said its final statements I heard Death speak from everywhere and nowhere. "Scared are we? Yes, I am sure that is how your victims must have felt before you ended them. Oooh for all the souls I have sent on their way yours will be one of the ones that I enjoy the most. Do have a nice trip will you..." Then out of nowhere a booming voice bellowed out but a single word, "GUILTY!" I could then hear the familiar sound of that awful burning portal open up before listening to wailing screams of the soul of somepony getting pulled into it. And afterwards silence reigned again. Seconds later the glowing golden symbols on the door in front of us faded before the doors swung open. Behind them in the middle of the room on a throne sat a lone figure with a golden gem in their chest. Next to them was the unmistakable body of Solar Burn. And upon noticing us the figure dropped the greatsword they were holding and said in a ragged voice, "I knew that you all would be coming for him. However, as it was I who aided in bringing him into this world, it was my responsibility of taking him out of it." I was puzzled for a moment, but I soon recognized who was speaking to us. "General Dawn Bringer I assume?" I questioned. "Unfortunately yes, it is I" he replied as he walked over to us. He then let out a low chuckle before adding, "I apologize for what my son has put everypony through. I...I did not think he was capable of such atrocities." "With all due respect, General, do not apologize for the acts of your son. For I fear that the stallion that you raised all those years ago perished long before today," I said and saluted him. A small glimmer of a smile crawled up his face as he said, "I too fear that you are right. Now please, let us away from this place. It possesses far too many horrid memories for my taste." I smiled in return and said "Agreed." And such was the end of the rogue Solar Channelers. So consumed by power they met their end by those they had used to obtain it. Such is the way of evil. In turn Oculus succeeded in destroying the Sunlit Rings of Sanguinity though the attempt had hospitalized him. The vengeful dead got their justice and passed on. General Dawn Bringer was reinstated under the command of Princess Celestia though he would have much work to do. And lastly I had revisited my adoptive father and Pure Blood before saying one last farewell as they passed through their very own white ethereal portals. But after all this I sat back in Canterlot alone with Twilight fearing for this day that I dreaded. Death met with us just as the sun dipped under the horizon. His shade form stepped forth from a black portal before he sat down in front of us. "Sooo it appears the mission that I have tasked you has been completed, he said in an even tone, well even for him anyway. Both me and Twilight swallowed heavily before I said, "In-indeed it has. I suppose I shall cut to the chase and respectfully ask for us to remain on this mortal plane." Death tilted his head and scratched his skeletal chin with his forehoof as he said, "Hmmm well you two did indeed make valuable assets. However...it is truly not my call to make." I swallowed again before Twilight spoke for us this time. "Begging your umm...pardon mister umm...Death sir. But who is well... whose call is that to make?" she said in a shaky voice. However before Death could state anything a cloud of butterflies flew up next to us before forming a vague pony shape. "That'd be my say dear princess. For it's my job to regulate the life in this world. However, I do have to agree with my counterpart in that you two really are valuable assets. And by the wellspring you both lasted far longer than Death's previous choices. Although there's one teensy little problem we need to address if you two wish to remain here," Life said through her swarm of butterflies. "What problem is that?" me and Twilight replied, both of us filled with crippling suspense. Life looked over at Death as he chuckled to himself. Life then matched his laugh in her own way before stating, "We both are the balance between life and death in this world. And currently that balance is tilted in Death's favor. However being as Death is already linked with Blood Moon I suppose this falls on you, Princess Twilight Sparkle. So I'll ask you this. Are you sick of being Death's lackey and having that tacky black fur all the time? It did not take much thought to discover what Life was alluding to. In other words, Death had his own advocate so Life required one to balance the scales if you will. So in turn Twilight took on the mantle of Life's Advocate while I remained in the position that I was. A strange course of events if there ever was one but I supposed it beat getting sent to the afterlife. And though I could not have been happier with the results of what had taken place. The rogue forces had been destroyed. Me and Twilight still remained in this world under some new and interesting conditions. I ultimately had to acknowledge something I would never have thought in my wildest dreams. That even when the future looks it bleakest, there is always something there that is a glimmer in the night. A proverbial "spark in the dark" if you will...hope. And well the fact that I am far too stubborn to quit, especially now when I have even more work to do. > Chapter 50: Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sword of fate swung true and cleaved off the last head of the proverbial hydra plaguing this land. But unlike the mythical creature of legend no new head reared. All that remained was a body that flailed around in search of leadership, but finding nothing as we dispatched each splinter group in turn. The war...was over. It was if a weight that nopony knew was there had been lifted from our collective minds and bodies. Peace for the most part was finally achieved, though the cost was great. Countless lives down throughout the millennia of conflict had been extinguished, but they shall not be forgotten. As for everypony else we made our own various paths down the years in hopes of rebuilding our futures. First off there was Applejack and while she still remained close to her roots, her unfortunate condition of lycanthropy still plagued her. However she took such things in stride I suppose, but she faded more into the background of the Apple family as she hid her new nature and "unique" appetites. Though her family did get clues of such every now and again in that their crops were always free of animal pests. Rarity on the other hoof took up fencing again and seemed to incorporate such things into her new fashion trends. She even developed a rather odd set of opera masks that looked vaguely like the one she made for my late mother. I had once asked her about them, but she merely put the back of her hoof to her mouth and looked sorrowful before changing the subject. I suppose she may have missed her almost as much as I do. Rainbow Dash however had more of an interesting time reconciling her new vampiric state. Given that she could not stay in the sun for long her dreams of becoming a Wonderbolt was snuffed out. But that did not stifle her hopes though. For with the support and permission of Princess Luna she founded the "Shadowbolts". And their nighttime routines soon rivaled even the Wonderbolts themselves admittedly. Cloud Streak ultimately joined her in this endeavor and while Cloud Streak herself was still under my command it was more of "on paper" than actual reality. I did not push the matter, they deserved it after what we had been through. Pinkie Pie ran off on the road with some fellow named "Cheese Sandwich". Traveling entertainers in a way, but she always returned home at the drop of hat as it were when the Cakes needed a baby sitter. What else she did with her life was well...best summed up as her being "Pinkie Pie" I suppose is what you would call it. Fluttershy remained at Canterlot for a while and aided in the medical supply upkeep of the hospital there. It appears her animal friends had quite the knack if you will at finding wild herbs and medicines. And being she was truly the only one able to properly talk to them she became the center point of that plan. After a while of this she returned to her cottage and continued living a quiet life with her animal shelter. As for Oculus, he recovered luckily and I quickly put him to work under my command. I was still truly miffed at him, but I found that his near constant paranoia that others would discover what he had done was punishment enough. And well the fact that having a channeler of moonlight magic kept things nice and cool on those hot summer nights. Night Fang in the end did not change all that much. She was still glib with others and her ex-assassin nature had to be culled every so often, but she still remained loyal. Though in an odd sort of twist her and Oculus became somehow smitten in a strange and borderline frightening relationship. However, I chose not to ask too many questions about such things, it was far safer that way. Sharp Fang and Silver Mane did not know what to do with themselves for the most part. I kept them under my proverbial wing to keep them out of trouble, though it was not difficult. I believe they looked to me as a father figure of sorts like Cloud Streak did, much to her jealousy. Eventually they became my somewhat of a de facto back-up in my duties as Death's advocate and quite useful at that. As for Twilight her new responsibilities as Life's Advocate made her life a bit more complex, but nothing she could not handle. Though plant life did seem to bloom and grow far more quickly every time she sneezed...or walked on them...or pretty much existed anywhere near them actually. At least my mint tea crop never withered because of this. And on a side note it appears her bodyguard was never truly relieved of his duties and was always close by. We mulled over the idea of perhaps of something more "formal", but the thought of being a prince did not sit well with me, at least for the time being. However we ultimately did have a castle built for us as a gift from the Princesses and several others in thanks so I suppose that was a benefit. But that is truly all there is to tell to be honest. Time moved ever onward and my duties never seemed to stop piling up. Oh the grand irony that the Advocate of Death rarely rested. But even with all this, for the first time for as long as I could remember, I found myself smiling and actually looking forward to what the future held.