Test of Loyalty

by FriendlyFire

First published

Rainbio Dashitore is known as Rainbow Dash to her friends. She is secretly an assassin, but when her next target is Twilight; who will her loyalty go to? The creed or her friend?

Rainbio Dashitore is the best assassin, but when her target is princess Twilight Sparkle, Rainbio must choose. Her friend or her creed?

Rainbio Dashitore

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Hi, my name is Rainbow Dash, at least that's what people think. My real name is Rainbio Dashitore. I was an assassin, and this is my story.

When I was a filly, my parents told me about my heritage. They told me that I was part of a secret organization; that I was an assassin. They told me about the Templars, our greatest enemy. We've been fighting them for thousands of years. All because of a golden apple known as the apple of Eden. But its not an apple, it's a weapon; a key, for something that will save the world. But the apple has been lost, but a group of assassin's tracked it down in Saddle Arabia. A pony, by the name Dismane Miles, has the memories. He's the one that'll save this world from complete anarchy. While the other assassin's keep the Templars occupied. But this is not his story, it is mine.

Today, I'm tracking down a unicorn by the name of Croce Rossa. He's a Templar captain in PonyVille. I have with me, Octavias Cheloblade, but everyone calls her Octavia. Croce is at sugar cube corner, I'm hiding on a cloud and Octavias is blending in with a crowd of ponies. As I scanned the area, I spot him. I let out an eagle call to signal Octavias. She looks up at me and I gesture my head down towards Croce who is now heading for the park. Octavias starts to slowly follow him. I fly down to a rooftop and follow him. Croce turns around and Octavias quickly blends in on a bench between Lyra and Bon Bon. After looking towards Octavias for a while, Croce turns back around and continues walking. Octavias is a rookie assassin, but she's proven more than a couple of times that she can take care of herself. I see Croce moving around the corner of a building, so I quickly fly over the building onto the other side to cut him off. I'm standing there, waiting. Then he comes around the corner, and he is now walking towards me. I start walking towards him too, looking at the ground. He is three feet away from me, I get my hidden blade ready. And right before I stab him, somepony grabs me by the shoulder and turns me around.

"Hi Rainbow Dash! What's with the fancy get-up?" It was AppleJack. I turn my head to the right to see Croce walking away. I turn my head to the left. Octavias is starring at me. I gesture my head to Croce, and Octavias starts walking. I look back to AppleJack and pull down my hood.

"Oh hey, AppleJack. Uhh....white makes me stand out. Now everypony will see my awesome stunts. What are you doing here?" I asked AppleJack. She looks a little confused, but the confusion disappears right away.

"Oh. I'm here ta visit Pinkie Pie. I saw ya over here an I thought I'd come over an say hi."

"Oh. Well Uhh.... I have to go,,, practice my stunts. Gotta impress those Wonderbolts." I told AppleJack as I flew away. She said something, but I couldn't hear her with all the wind. As I flew, I saw Croce's dead body lying on the ground in a pool of blood with ponies circling him. I saw Octavias sitting on a building, watching Croce's dead body. I flew by and sat by her. We both sat there looking at ponies taking Croces' body away until Octavias spoke.

"Do you ever feel guilty?" She said to me. Then I looked at her.

"What do you mean?" I asked her. Then she looked back at me.

"Do you ever feel guilty about lying to everyone? Lying to your friends?"

"I do. Every time I lie, I hurt inside." I said. I looked down to the ground. Rarity and Fluttershy are walking by, talking to each other. They looked happy.

"But if they found out about what I do, they'll never look at me the same. They'll hate me." I continued.

"If you told them why you were doing it, they might not hate you." Octavias told me.

"Wouldn't matter if I told them why I was doing it, they'd still hate me. What if you told Vinyl? She'd hate you too. The only ones who don't hate assassins, are assassins." I told Octavias. She sighed and looked over to the right of the building. She stood up.

"C'mon. Our work isn't done." Octavias said, as she pulled me up. I smiled and we walk to the edge of the building. We looked down and there was four Templars standing under us, talking. Me and Octavias looked at each other and jumped off the building onto the Templars. Sinking our hidden blades into the back of their necks.

I just got out of my assassin cloak and put it on a mannequin in a hidden room in my house, when I heard a knock on my door. I closed the hidden door/wall and walked down the hallway. I opened the door and Fluttershy was standing there.

"Oh, umm hi. I didn't interrupt you from anything did I?" Fluttershy asked in her quiet voice.

"No, I was just putting away some clothes. What's up?"

"Oh, umm me and the girls are going to visit Twilight in Canterlot, and we were wondering if umm you wanted to join?"

"Of coarse!" I told Fluttershy. I closed the front door and we started flying to the hot air balloon which was getting set up at AppleJack's farm. I was excited to see Twilight, she's been at Canterlot for about four days to learn royal duties on being a princess. She's only staying there for a week, but a weeks too long to be away from friends.

The hot air balloon was already set up and Pinkie Pie, Aj, and Rarity were already inside. Fluttershy flew in and I untied the rope and the balloon lifted. I flew in beside Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Everypony was chatty with each other, I could tell we were all excited. I leaned over to Pinkie.

"Does Twilight even know we're coming?"

"No ,silly! It wouldn't be much of a surprise if she knew we were coming!" Pinkie answered excitedly.

"What if she's too busy?" I asked.

"I'm sure she can take a break ta see her friends." AppleJack answered. Then I heard a scratch. I looked behind my shoulder and there was a messenger hawk with a letter tied to it's back on the basket. I quickly looked at the other ponies, they were all too busy chatting with each other. I reached back and pulled the letter off of the hawk's back. I unrolled it and it said:"Macchia di Sangue" with a picture of an earth pony. He was my next target. I threw the letter out of the basket before any other pony saw it.

Canterlot trouble

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We landed our balloon in Canterlot. Pinkie Pie was excited, like usual. AppleJack, Rarity, and Fluttershy were all talking to each other. They left me to tie down the balloon. Once I was done I flew over them and started following from above. I was about to join in there conversation, but somepony caught my eye. It was another assassin. I flew away from the group to talk to the assassin; they wouldn't notice I was gone. I flew and landed beside the assassin.

"Rainbio Dashitore from PonyVille." I told the assassin as I held up my hoof, showing the assassin the mark (When we join the creed, we are branded with a symbol of the assassins on our front right hoof.). The assassin looked at the mark, and held up his hoof.

"Headshot from Canterlot. What's your business?" Headshot asked me. I've heard about him. Both his parents were killed by Templars when he was a little colt. Poor bastard.

"I've got a contract on Macchia di Sangue." I told Headshot. Little did I know, Aj and Fluttershy were watching me talk to the pony in white. Good thing they couldn't hear our conversation.

"Where's your gear?" Headshot asked, noticing that I was not wearing my cloak or that I had any of my weapons.

"Ditched them. Had to keep an extra low profile, I'm here with friends. Besides... Its not the gear or the robes that make you a good assassin. Its the pony under the hood." I said. Then I glanced over Headshot's shoulder, that's when I notice Aj and Fluttershy watching me. I had to wrap this up.

"Where's Sangue?" I asked Headshot.

"I don't know. But he shows up quite a bit around town. Didn't know he was a Templar. Good luck sister, if you need help... just whistle. This town is full of allies." Headshot said as he walked past me into an alleyway. I watched him disappear around a corner. When I looked forward, Aj, Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy were all watching me. I walked forward to meet them.

"Who was that, darling?" Rarity asked. But as soon as I opened my mouth, Pinkie jumped in.

"Oooo! Was it a fan of your rainbooms?! Or was it a salespony?! Or or was it a traveler asking for directions?!" Pinkie asked in her excited tone as she hopped up and down in front of me. I was always quick with lies, but who needs to think of a lie when you got Pinkie.

"A salespony." I answered as we walked to the castle.

Twilight was shocked, but thrilled to see us. She hosted a feast in our honor. It was good to see Twilight again. Things went normal for once. Nothing interrupted our dinner. Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Shinning Armor were all there to teach Twilight about their individual roles as princesses. Except for Shinning Armor, I guess he wanted to see Twilight. Twilight told us about her duties of being a princess. Pinkie laughed when Twilight said "Duties", then we all laughed. It was a nice dinner and afterwards we all went to bed. Well, almost all of us. Twilight let us stay in our own rooms in the castle. While everypony slept, I snuck out the window to do the job I was assigned.

I flew swift, and quietly into the night sky. The moon was full, the lights were out. The air was cool, and the night was young. I glided to the rooftop of a cafe. Once I landed, I had a good view of the night town of Canterlot. I watched the streets patiently for hours. Waiting for a pony with a drop of blood for a cutie mark. The letter told me about the cutie mark. It also told me how he got away with it by telling everypony it was a drop of ketchup. Ponies can be so gullible.

I waited for the pony to walk out of a house, but alas, he did not. The only ponies I saw were guard ponies, fellow assassins, and I thought I saw a white pony in a suit standing behind some trees. But my mind was playing tricks on me, for it had no face. Once I circled the town for the hundredth time, I snuck back through my window. I would get Sangue in the morning.

My eyelids lit up and I opened my eyes. The sunshine was stretching from my open window to my eyes. I smiled at the sun and sat up in my bed. Stretching my legs and wings, popping my neck in between. I dropped to the floor and walked to a mirror that stood across from my bed. Damn I'm sexy. I winked at myself and walked out of my room.

Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie had prepared us all breakfast. Pancakes and hay beacon strips. The best breakfast royalty can provide. I don't really know what the best they can provide is, but hey. HAY BEACON STRIPS! Anyways, we all ate at the royal table chatting away.

"You know what we should do? We should make Twilight a crown made out of pancakes!" Pinkie said in her happy voice to Rarity who had just finished a bite of her pancake. With the glow of her horn, she wiped her muzzle with a purple napkin. Pinkie and Rarity sat to the left of me.

"That, being a marvelous idea, would not be acceptable. Twilight's crown needs to be made from royal gold and silver with a green emerald on top. I of course would be able to perform such a feat..." Rarity told Pinkie. But my attention wandered towards Fluttershy. Twilight and Fluttershy sat across from me.

"You have power over ponies, but what about animals?" Fluttershy asked in her almost whisper voice to Twilight.

"I don't know. I haven't tried it yet. But it would be fun to try, I can..." Twilight answered Fluttershy. But my eavesdrop was interrupted by Applejack.

"Boy, it sure was kind of everypony ta make breakfast an all." Applejack said looking at me.

"Yea it was. I would've helped too if I gotten up earlier." I answered. Aj started talking but I didn't pay attention, for something caught my eye. Outside the window behind Twilight, was a pony. A pony with the cutie mark of "ketchup". It was Sangue, talking to another pony beside a bush.

"Uh-huh. Yea, sure is. Excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom." I said as I scooted back in my chair and stood up, walking down the hallway to the bathroom. In the hallway, I stopped by a window. I opened the window and turned around and looked at everypony. They were all laughing and talking, non were looking at me. I didn't notice it, but just as I jumped out the window, Aj glanced at me. She saw me jump through the window.

I crouched behind a bush. Ever so slowly making my way to Sangue. I peaked over the hedge that I hid behind and saw Sangue a few feet in front of me. He then quickly looked back towards me and I quickly ducked down. Normally I would have shot a poison dart at him. But I don't have weapons this time. I'm just going to have to wring his neck. I took a deep breath and vaulted over the hedge. I ran about a step before I realized I was ambushed. Sangue was staring at me with a bunch of Templars in silver armor standing beside him. I looked at the ground as the Templars circled me. I was just glad we were away from the window Twilight was sitting in front of.

"I've been tracking you, Rainbio. Once I saw you got off the train, I knew this would be my time to strike." Sangue said in a raspy voice. But I just kept my head down.

"You were quite a legend." Sangue said as he started circling me.

"But every legend ends. Now..." He said standing in front of me.

"You'll become myth." He said as he stepped backwards and nodded at the Templars. I whistled as they all unsheathed their swords and walked towards me. Then, *Few!* *Ping!*. A sound that the Templars last heard before they all fell over dead around me.

"What?!" Sangue said in complete shock as I cracked a smile and slowly raised my head. Giving him a happy, creepy glare. His eyes were wide and his jaw was dropped. Then he turned around and ran. He didn't make it seven steps before his head was snapped backwards, looking me into the eyes as I said:

"Rainbio Dashitore is no myth." His corpse fell to the ground. Lucky for me, I ran into a fellow assassin last night. I told her to keep a watch over me. Looks like she did.

I stood before the elder ponies in the sanctuary of the assassin's creed. Young recruits, some skillful assassins, and well known legends all stood before me. I had no idea why they were all here to watch me. Maybe because I am so awesome and they wanted to see they legend in person.

"Rainbio Dashitore. You successfully assassinated a high powered Templar and for that, we thank you. But now we ask you for the most difficult task." The elder assassin said to me.

"I am ready for everything for anything you can throw at me!" I responded.

"Your next target is a mare."

"Who is she?"

"She is a princess, by the name of Twilight Sparkle." The elder assassin said as I stood before my fellow assassins. My eyes were wide and my mouth was dropped. I looked around at everypony as if they were playing a joke on me. But they all stared at me with respect. They were serious. I stared at the floor for a moment, trying to think of a way out of this.

"Since you are already near her, this should be an easy task. Will you do this for your creed?" The elder assassin asked. With my mind made up, and with a tear running down my cheek, I said:

"It will be done."

My dear friend

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I sat on top a cloud hovering over the Canterlot Castle, staring at my hidden blade. It has a golden blade; a gift for completing my jobs. And now... I have to stain this golden blade with the blood of a dear friend. One of my best friends. Twilight Sparkle. Why is beyond my understanding. But it'd be nice to know why I have to assassinate the princess of friendship. It doesn't make sense! Twilight isn't a Templar, nor are there any around her. Twilight isn't even a threat for Celestia's sake! Why do they want her dead?! I punched the tip of the cloud off and watched it fall and evaporate before hitting the ground. A tear ran down my face. It's not like I can refuse the contract. Even if I did, they'd send somepony else to kill her. At least this way, I can assure her a painless death. I could slit her throat in her sleep, poison her...wait. What am I thinking?! I can't kill her! I won't kill her!...But if I protect her...they'll kill me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my five friends exiting the castle. They were laughing. They were happy. If they found out assassins were coming for me and her, they'd stay and help... And we'll all die together. Twilight's guards would be dead before they saw any danger. There is no way out of this... To assure the safety of my friends... I have to murder our dearest... best-friend. I closed my eyes when they filled with tears. I wiped my eyes with my right wing, took a deep breath, and glided down to my friends.

"There you are! We were wondering where you went... What happened?!" Twilight asked me when seeing my bandage around my right front leg. Everypony was looking at me. I wrapped a bandage around my leg so nopony saw my hidden blade.

"I uhhh...scratched my leg on a nail going to the bathroom. Looked pretty bad, so I saw a nurse. I didn't want you guys to worry." I lied through my fake smile. Everypony said "Oh" and smiled. Everypony, except Applejack. She was glaring at me, seeing through my fake smile. Of coarse it's obvious that the element of honesty could see a lie a mile away. But this was the first time she has seen one of mine.

Ponies started talking and walking. We were heading towards a Colosseum. Probably to see the Wonderbolts. Time to put on my fan girl act and act crazy for the Wonderbolts. But before I could do anything...

"I saw you jump out the window..." Applejack said in a hush tone as she walked beside me. My eyes grew wide and I looked upon the ponies in front of us. They were talking and having a good time. They weren't paying attention to us.

"So? I wanted fresh air." I told Aj.

"What about them bandages?"

"Thorn bush."

"What about the white robes?" Aj asked. I stopped. Aj stopped and looked back at me. I shook my head, closed my eyes, and flew past her about an inch from the ground.

"S-So! I like white."

"What about them murders?" Aj said. I stopped completely. More shocked than ever. I turned around and looked at Aj who didn't move an inch. Aj walked forward saying:

"I know what you are. What you do." Aj stopped a foot in front of me.

"My parent's were part of the creed too. Then they failed." Aj said looking into my eyes. I looked back, listening to what I have heard before.

"If you don't stop, you'll be killed. Or you might have ta kill somepony ya love." Aj said. I immediately thought of Twilight. I looked back at Applejack.

"You... I..." I tried speaking. Then I looked down at the ground. I thought about Twilight and the other assassins I have known to die. I looked back up at Applejack, wondering why I joined in the first place.

"I'm on my last contract. Don't worry." I answered Aj as I turned around.

"C'mon. Let's catch up to our friends." I said as I started walking.

"It's one of us, ain't it?" Aj said. I stopped and stood there for a while.

"I'm not killing anypony no more. But I will do what I must to keep us safe." I said as I continued to walk. Knowing I've sealed my fate. I knew the assassin in the alleyway was eavesdropping.

I sat behind Twilight while Applejack took her seat next to Rarity.

"There you two are. Where were you?" Twilight asked, looking back at me.

"We were looking for snacks." I once again lied.

"They were kissing." Pinkie Pie whispered to Fluttershy.

"W-What?" Fluttershy asked in her quiet tone.

"Oh. Where are they?" Twilight asked. I was glaring at the back of Pinkie's head. I was trained to hear whispers.

"I'd ship them." Pinkie whispered back at Fluttershy.

"Huh?" Fluttershy asked. I flared my nostrils at Pinkie and I continued to glare.

"We couldn't find any." I answered Twilight without taking my eyes off Pinkie. But out of the corner of my eye I saw an assassin across the field of flying Wonderbolts. He aimed a crossbow towards Twilight. I acted fast.

"What's that?!" I yelled as I pointed at the ground a pushing Twilight's head down.An arrow shot into Twilight's seat, an inch above her head. Applejack turned around and saw me pull the arrow out of Twilight's seat and hide it behind my back.

"What?!" Twilight asked, looking around at the floor. Then she looked back at me puzzled. I smiled and said:

"Never mind. I thought I saw something." I said.

"Oh. OK." Was Twilight's reply as she turned back around and watched the show.

The Wonderbolt show lasted for another hour. Assassin's kept trying to attack Twilight. Luckily I stopped them without Twilight noticing. As far as she is concerned, she was never in danger. Even Applejack stopped an assassin by throwing an apple.

Everypony has gone to bed except me, Twilight, and Applejack. There was no choice; I had to tell them the whole thing. I just got done telling Twilight and Applejack the whole story.

"We have to leave to PonyVille early in the morning. There are still some good assassins there." I told them.

"But what happens then? Are ya just going to keep fight'in the assassins forever?" Applejack asked.

"I think there's something wrong with the elder assassin. There is absolutely no reason to kill Twilight. Once we defend Twilight in Ponyville, Octavias will travel and overthrow the elder pony." I responded.

"We'll figure this out in the morning. Let's get rest. Sounds like we'll have a very busy day. My royal guards will watch over us during the night." Twilight said.

"They won't last. Send them home. I'll watch over us during the night." I told Twilight.

"But..." Twilight began.

"She's right sugar cube. Guards are no match for assassins." Applejack backed me up.

"How do you know so much about the assassins?" I asked.

"Before my parents died, they taught me about the creed. They even wanted me ta join, but I didn't want any part in it." Applejack answered.

"Your parents were assassins?!" Twilight asked in shock.

"Another time. Let's go to bed, she can handle it." Aj told Twilight. Twilight looked at me with a worried look.

"OK." She said as they walked away. Twilight told her guards to go home before her and Aj went to bed.

I stayed up all night. Patrolling the hallway to my friends bed chambers. Occasionally flying to Twilight's room making sure she is still alive. Pinkie Pie scared the rainbow out of my mane by acting like a ghost. But I made her go back to bed and kept patrolling. Out of that whole night of patrolling, I saw not one assassin. Thought I saw that white pony in the suit again pinning paper to a tree, but it disappeared. As the sun came up I was exhausted. I was so very tiered. But I was also worried. Why weren't there any assassins? But now it is morning, my friends will be waking up soon, and now... I have no energy to protect them.

Last Stand

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On the train ride back to Ponyville, I tried to get some sleep. I lay down on a seat in front of Twilight and AppleJack. Everypony else sat on the seats beside us. Twilight and AppleJack was explaining the situation to Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy. I fell asleep when the train started moving, when I woke minutes later, Twilight just told the story of why I had no sleep. But I quickly fell asleep again. The clickety clack of the train woke me again. Everypony looked serious, even Pinkie Pie. I was awake enough. I sat up and looked at Twilight and AppleJack. They smiled, but sadly smiled. I looked at everypony else; they were also filled with sorrow. I was about to break the silence, but Fluttershy had the same idea before I opened my mouth.

"Well..." She began as everypony looked at her. She then smiled.

"Since we're confessing. I am...sort of a mimbrss..." She said quietly. We all looked at each other. Then at her.

"What was that?" I asked. She looked at me as if shocked that I was awake. Then she smiled like she had confidence. She looked at everypony with a shy smile.

"I said I was a... a mob boss." She said proudly. We were all staring at her with shock and confusion. A mob boss?! How?! We were all shocked. Rarity looked more confused then shocked. Not surprising that she was the first to say something.

"A mob boss? How'd you manage that?!" Rarity asked. Then Fluttershy gave us a story... and hope.

"Well... It started just a few months ago. During Winter Wrap-Up, I was waking up some animals. I was on my way to wake up a bear when I saw a blood trail. I thought one of the animals was injured so I ran as fast as I could while following the trail. I ran over a hill and saw a tree. The blood trail stopped on the other side of it. So I ran to the other side of the tree and saw Mr. Breezy in a suit holding his side that was drenched in blood with his left hoof, and a gun in his other. I began to panic, and I checked his pulse. He was dead. Then I heard yelling from behind me. When I turned around I saw three ponies running towards me. I began to panic and didn't know what to do. Before I knew it, the ponies were standing in front of me. I hadn't realized it but while I was panicking, I grabbed the gun in case of self defense. One pony looked at Mr. Breezy and asked me if I killed him. I tried saying no but I was stuttering so badly, he didn't understand. But he began laughing and placed a hoof on my shoulder. We began walking while he was explaining. We passed so many dead bodies. Turned out that they were having a gang war and Mr. Breezy was the rival boss. Then he offered me a job. I thought he would kill me if I refused so I accepted. Over the next days they kept coming and making me do missions... I've accidentally killed so many ponies!" Fluttershy began crying. Pinkie Pie and Rarity sat in front of her. I got up from my seat and sat beside Fluttershy and gave her a hug. After moments of crying, she finished her story.

"Eventually our mob boss got impressed with me and he promoted me to second in command. One day, we were having a gang war with the only other gang in Ponyville. I was hiding and crying while bullets flew through the air. When the firing stopped, a unicorn from our gang told me the boss wanted to see me. I thought he was mad that I was hiding. But when I saw him, he was lying in a pool of blood. Turned out he was shot too many times and was dying. When I spoke to him, his dying words were: "You're in charge now." After that, we had defeated the only other gang and there were no more rivalry. I told them to stop the crimes and they were free to do whatever they wanted. But they said I was still the boss and I only had to call... When we get back to Ponyville, I will make that call." Fluttershy finished her story. We were all blown away.

"Could you really?! That would be so much help!" I said happily.

"Of coarse." Fluttershy replied.

"You do realize Ponyville will be a giant battleground. So many ponies could be injured!" Rarity commented.

"Me, Rainbow, And Twilight could draw 'em to the farm!" AppleJack happily suggested.

"Your farm?! Are you sure?" Twilight asked in a concerned tone.

"Look!" Pinkie said while pointing out the window over AJ and Twilight. We all looked out the window. Ponyville was close.

"We'll sneak out the back. Assassins will most likely be hiding at the train station. Me, Rarity, and Twilight will go through the Everfree forest and try to lose some of them. AppleJack, you go to the farm and prepare for battle. Fluttershy, make that call. Pinkie..." I began, then sighed.

"I know about your weapon fetish. Get some explosives." I said. Pinkie's face was red and everypony was trying not to laugh.

"What?! How do you know?!" Pinkie demanded.

"We both had too much cider a long time ago and I told you about being an assassin and you told me about your weapons and you... you kinda...sorta..." I leaned towards Pinkie and whispered. "You started grinding on an old missile." When I leaned back, she was practically glowing red.

"What?" AJ asked Pinkie.

"What'd she say?" Rarity also asked.

"Not important. We leave now!" I commanded. We didn't stop yet, but I thought we could get a head start. We started heading towards the back of the train, then *clank!* Something landed on top of the train. Hoof steps headed towards the back.

"Everypony, stay behind me." I commanded in a loud whisper. The hooves landed on the outside of the door not five feet away from me. Twilight, and Rarity's horns started glowing. AJ and Fluttershy pulled out a gun. I was extremely surprised but didn't show it. AJ had a revolver (typical cowgirl) and Fluttershy had an oozy of some sort...doesn't look so sweet now. Suddenly the door opened, and Octavias stepped inside.

"Rainbio! I've come to help you!" Octavias said happily. Everypony looked confused but I kept a stone cold glare.

"Why?! The creed will be after you too!" I warned her.

"I don't care! Neither do some of the assassins here! We've got some double-agents hiding at the station." Octavia explained. Speaking of the station, it was only two minutes away.

"You're doing all this for me?" I asked.

"Not for you, for you." She said looking at Twilight.

"Me?" Twilight asked.

"We know you're not a threat and we think you can do great things for Equestria!" Octavia happily told. The screeching breaks of the train and the sudden jerk forward, forced us all to the ground.

"What in tarnation?" AJ asked. Suddenly there was an explosion. Then another, and another.

"The train is blowing!" I yelled.

"Get off!" I screamed. Pinkie laughed.

"Shut up!" I yelled at her, knowing she was thinking dirty. We all jumped out of the train before our car blew up. I saw it in slow motion; we were all lying on the tracks and the whole car flew up in the air over all of us, then everything was back. Gunshots were going off everywhere. I was so relieved it was before town, but it was close. Assassins were fighting left and right.

"No time for the farm! Fluttershy, Pinkie, go!" They nodded and ran past the train. An assassin dove towards Pinkie but Octavias tackled it just before it got Pinkie. Then Pinkie and Fluttershy disappeared into the smoke. Sounds of blades colliding, gunshots, and explosions came from every direction. An assassin tried sneaking up on Twilight, but I tackled him before he got a chance to hurt her. Twilight was startled, and I knocked him on his back. Luckily I knocked him unconscious when his head hit the rail. I took his sword and Rarity used her magic to take the assassin's throwing knives.

"Protect Twilight at all costs! Form a safety circle!" I commanded as they all circled around Twilight. I don't know where Octavias went but I'm sure she's fighting somewhere.

An assassin dives from the clouds, but AJ shoots it down with her revolver using two shots. Rarity throws a knife at a charging assassin. Takes it down immediately. Twilight is constantly shooting lasers from her horn. An assassin runs towards Twilight but I swing my sword at it. Unfortunately it dodges. It stops and we're face to face. It's a mare unicorn, but I don't know who she is. Her horn glows yellow and throws knives. I try to dodge by doing a corkscrew towards her but one clips my right wing. While doing the corkscrew, I bring the sword up and slice her throat. A throwing knife dives into my back and I let out a painful cry. I whip around with my sword and cut an assassin's stomach and it's intestines fall out. An assassin is flapping in the air. He's the one who threw the knife. I take the knife out of my back and throw it at him. But he dodges and shoots towards me. But another assassin tackles me, driving his hidden blade into my side. I fall to the ground and close my eyes. The assassin who tackled me was shot by the flapping assassin. I can hear myself breath heavily and my heart beating. It is beating louder than everything else. I feel so tiered and painful. Is this what death feels like? I open my eyes to see the flapping assassin aiming a gun at me. But another assassin flies by and slices his throat. The same assassin lands beside me and lends a hoof.

"C'mon Rainbio, you ain't dead yet!" The assassin says. Judging by the voice, it's a she. Everything sounds so faded. But I still grab her hoof. She pulls me up, says "Good luck!" and flies after another assassin. I hold my side and look towards my friends. Man, they've taken a beating. AJ's barely standing, looks like she's been shot in the arm and leg with a knife in her shoulder. She's barely standing. Rarity has four knives sticking out of her and a gunshot in her shoulder. Twilight doesn't have a scratch on her. Thank goodness for that. I look back towards the train, as I do an assassin ignores me and runs pass towards Twilight. As he does, I use my hidden blade to slice his throat. I look at the chaos around the train. An explosion goes off beside me and I get blown to the left. My eyes are once again closed and now my ears are ringing. I am so tiered. So very, very tired. I struggle to get back on my hooves, but I manage. I open my eyes to see a glorious sight. Assassins exploding by Pinkie Pie's cannon that she is riding like a tornado, throwing grenades everywhere. An assassin shoots my left hind leg and it goes limp for a second. I cried out and force myself to stand on it again. But then I hear Pinkie cry out.

"Twilight!" I turn around to see a lot of assassins diving from the clouds towards Twilight. There must be at least twenty. They were sneaking along the clouds the whole time! How could I have not suspected that?! No, No time for that now! Rarity is out of knives, and AJ is out of bullets. All of the good assassins are too far away, but they try shooting some assassins down. Only a few get shot.

"Twilight!" I cry out. The assassins are almost to Twilight. Rarity and AppleJack cover Twilight, using themselves as a pony shield. But before the assassins get to Twilight, they all get shot down. I look around and see ponies in suits everywhere shooting assassins. There is at least fifty ponies in suits that start to form a circle around Twilight. Fluttershy steps beside me, wearing a black suit with a red tie, and she smiles at me. We have won.

It only took about five minutes after Fluttershy's crew showed for things to finally calm down. After that, I passed out and woke up in the hospital a week later. Rarity and AppleJack were in too, but they were out before I was. Octavias woke up an hour after I did. One hundred and forty five assassins were killed, good and bad. Lots more were injured. Twilight is fine, and now assassins have been hired to be her security whenever she has to go do business. Fluttershy is still stuck with the mob, but she is making them do nothing like before. No pony was injured on the train. Luckily, Octavias hijacked the train before we left Canterlot. Nopony knew about what happened, although the doctor was extremely shocked by all the patients. In the end, Octavias took a team of good assassins to Canterlot and overthrew the elder pony. She had somepony else lead and she too, retired. It seemed like everything was back to normal.