> The Curse > by FriendlyFire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > One- One late night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One- One late night Vinyl Scratch, aka DJ PON3, the world renowned DJ from Canterlot is preparing for a concert at The Dizzy Weasel in PonyVille. She's got her scratch board set up, the lights are working fine, and she's got all of her songs picked out. It just struck 9:00 p.m. and the concert doesn't start till 9:30. "Woah, looks like I just barely made it. Okay, LET 'EM IN!" she yelled at a bouncer by the door. The bouncer nodded his head at Vinyl and began to open the door0. Vinyl walked to her scratch board and flipped some switches filling the room with music while the club flooded with ponies. Pony after pony the room began to fill more and more. Looking out at the crowd gathering in front of the stage Vinyl couldn't help but burst out in a smile. She stood up on her hind legs and pointed to the crowd. "ARE YOU PONIES READY FOR SOME WUBS!!" Vinyl shouted at the crowd. The crowd cheered violently and explosively. Vinyl placed her front hooves on the record and paused. looking upward she trust her left hoof forward instantly bringing the crowd to a roar! The crowd went wild. They loved Vinyl's DJ skills. After all, she was the best DJ in Equestria. Everypony loved her music...at least, that's what Vinyl thought. After a few hours DJ PON3 finished her concert. It's now 2:45 a.m. The club is clearing out, and Vinyl's back stage signing autographs. "You're the best, PON3!" Said a crazy fan. "Aww, you know it!" Said Vinyl as she used her horn to sign the fan's book. She wrote "Keep the beat alive. WUB DJ PON3.". Vinyl just finished dotting the period and she gave the book back. The fan screamed in excitement. Then a bouncer came and dragged the fan away as she screamed: "I LOVE YOU PON3!!!!". A few minutes later, the bouncer came back. "How many ponies are left?" Vinyl asked the bouncer. "Everpony's gone, miss Scratch." Answered the bouncer. "Then it looks like your job is done." "Do you need any help?" "Naw, its cool. I got it." "Are you sure?" "Yea, I'm sure. Go home" Vinyl told the bouncer. nodding gently the bouncer walked out the back door. Vinyl levitated her scratch board with her horn and walked it outside. She has a wagon that she hawled her DJ board to and from concerts. After placing her scratch table in the bottom of the cart she went back inside the club. She sighed and walked into the storage room. And came out with a bucket of water and a rag proceeding to clean the floor of the stage. She was doing this because the owner said she could have the club for the night if she cleaned up. It was about 3:15 a.m. when she finally finished cleaning. tired from the hours of work, Vinyl was ready to go home. She placed the rag and bucket of water back in the storage closet were she got it from. *Thud!* Something hit the roof. *Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!* continued the noise on the roof. Vinyl looked up to see where the noise was coming from, following the noise it started walking down the wall and stopped by the back door. Vinyl walked towards the door and hesitated momentarily unsure if she should open the door. Slowly and carefully she opened the door and peered out side. There was a dark blue stallion wearing a black cloak, standing beside Vinyl's wagon. Vinyl starred at him for a while. "Can I help you with something?" Vinyl asked the mysterious hooded pony. Vinyl waited for a moment for him to respond but all he did was exhale air from his mouth. Vinyl slowly walked backwards into the club and she closed the door. She then took a deep breath. "That was...strange" Vinyl said. She turned around and screamed. The mysterious hooded pony was inside, just a few feet away from Vinyl. The pony peered up at Vinyl eyes glowing bright red. "I'm a big fan." Said the mysterious stallion. "Y.. Yea?" Said Vinyl as she started backing away. The mysterious pony started walking towards her slowly and menacingly. "My names Swift Shadow, miss Scratch." Said Swift Shadow. "Nice to meet you, Swift, b.. but, I...I have to go now." Vinyl said as she opened the back door behind her with her horn hastily and slamming it shut behind her. She turned around and jumped back hitting her back to the door. Swift Shadow was standing beside her wagon again Vinyl was terrified. "What's the rush, miss Scratch?" Swift Shadow asked. As he spoke Vinyl noticed the fangs in Swift Shadows mouth. Vinyl froze to a horrifying realization, he was a vampire. Swift Shadow slowly walked towards her. Vinyl bolted to her left in a state of terror and tried to run away from the vampire. But she was instantly nocked to the ground by some unknown force. Her face smashed into the ground, shattering one of her lenses. Trying to get up she felt a hoof get placed on her shoulder as she was slammed up against a wall. Swift leaned in slowly and bit Vinyl's neck. Vinyl screamed and spun around slamming Swift Shadow into the wall in a fit of rage and terror. Vinyl was bleeding from her neck and her nose as she held Swift Shadow up against the wall. Swift Shadow simply smiled at Vinyl. "You really think you can overpower me?" Swift Shadow said as he pushed Vinyl to the ground. Vinyl's back collided with the same rock her face did. Vinyl squirmed in enormous pain. Swift Shadow leaned over her. He held her arms and legs down. Vinyl was struggling as best as she could, but it was no use. "It's no use, miss Scratch. Your strength is nothing compared to mine." Swift Shadow said. Vinyl shot Swift Shadow with a blue beam from her horn out of desperation with all her might, but it didn't do anything. Swift Shadow laughed. "Unicorn magic is useless to vampires" Swift Shadow said as he lowered his head for a bite. Vinyl struggled as best as she could. Then she noticed a rock to her right. Levitating it carefully with her horn she brought it over head. She brought it down hard into the back of Swift Shadow's head before he could bite Vinyl again. She rolled out from under Swift Shadows arms and ran to her wagon and hid behind it. Swift Shadow stood up and looked around. "ITS NO USE, MISS SCRATCH! YOUR BLEEDING,... AND I CAN SMELL BLOOD!" Swift Shadow yelled in the air. He started sniffing the air moving his head with the smell. He stopped sniffing when he was facing the wagon. He smiled and slowly walked towards it. "You can't escape, miss Scratch." Swift Shadow said. He stopped and looked into the wagon. Nothing. He looked on the other side of the wagon. "Found you, miss Scra... What the..." Swift Shadow said, looking at a weak Vinyl hiding behind strange speakers. "Do you like...MY BASS CANNON!" Vinyl said as she smashed a red button with her hoof. The speakers started exploding the air into abeam of blue light powered by WUBS. Swift Shadow yelled as the beam collided with his whole being and launched him far into the distance. Vinyl couldn't see the vampire anymore. Vinyl was breathing hard and she was very weak. She levitated the bass canon into her cart and started pulling the cart home hastily. > Two-Strange behavior > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two-Strange behavior It's 4:23 p.m. and Octavia just came inside after one of her performances. "VINYL! I'M HOME!... ARE YOU UP YET!" Octavia yelled as she walked up some stairs, walking down a hall she stopped at Vinyl's door and knocked. "Hey, you in there?" Octavia asked on the other side of the door, waking up Vinyl. Vinyl slowly opened her eyes. Everything was upside down. "Huh?... What the-" Vinyl said as she fell to the ground. She sat up and rubbed the back of her neck. "Did I... sleep on the ceiling?" she said to herself. "What are you doing in there? Come out!, you've been sleeping all day." Octavia’s voice said on the other side of the door. "Kay. I'm coming." Vinyl said walking to her door and opening it. Octavia was standing on the other side smiling, but her face slowly began to grow worried. "Oh my gosh! What happened?!" Octavia said, in a concerned, scared way. Vinyl looked down and touched her neck, but when she did, Vinyl grunted and fell forward as the pain finally caught up with her, Octavia lunged out and caught her before she could hit the floor. Octavia couldn’t believe what she was seeing. As she looked down at Vinyl’s neck all she could see was a piece of her neck missing. "I guess it wasn't a dream." Vinyl said faintly. "We have to get you to a hospital!" Octavia said. She bounced Vinyl on her back carrying her downstairs to the front door. "A little help?" Octavia asked Vinyl. Vinyl's horn glowed and the door opened. But her horn Glowed red instead of its normal blue glow. Octavia saw the glow and grew a great deal more worried. "We have to hurry…" Octavia said as she trotted outside. The moment Vinyl came into contact with the sunlight she let out a horrifying scream. Her coat was smoking, and the sun was burning and it felt like the sun itself set vinyl on fire. She screamed in horrible pain and rolled off Octavia's back. Vinyl summoned all of her strength to squirm into the shadow of a tree. Octavia now in a panic ran over to Vinyl. "Vinyl?! Are you ok?! C'mon, we have to get you to the hospital!" Octavia said as she grabbed Vinyl's hoof pulling it into the sun. Instantly Vinyl's hoof started smoking causing Vinyl to scream and pull her hoof back into the comfort of the shade. "N..No... Can't...go in...sun." Vinyl said in unbearable pain. Octavia looked around worriedly for anything she could do. She saw Rainbow Dash lying on a nearby cloud. "Rainbow!...Rainbow Dash!!!....RAINBOW DASH!!!!!" Octavia yelled. Rainbow Dash groaned as if just waking up from a nap, looked down at Octavia. "Oh, HI! What's up?" Rainbow Dash yelled back. "Come down here! And bring that cloud!" Octavia yelled. Rainbow Dash obeyed and flew up and pushed the cloud down with no question noticing the worried tone of Octavia’s voice. "What do you need this cloud for?" Rainbow Dash asked Octavia. Octavia pointed to Vinyl, who was knocked out in the shade. "Something's wrong with Vinyl. She can't go into the sun and she needs to get to the hospital. I need you to give her shade while I carry her to the hospital." Octavia told Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash nodded and flew up behind the cloud, and pushed it over Vinyl. Octavia bounced Vinyl on her back and the three ponies trotted over to the hospital. It was 6:45 p.m. The sun was going down and Octavia and Rainbow Dash were sitting in the waiting room. "So what happened?" Rainbow Dash asked Octavia. "I don't know." Octavia replied as the double doors opened and the doctor came out. Octavia stood up instantly "How is she?" Octavia asked the doctor. "Surprisingly, just tiered. She'll be alright." The doctor said. Vinyl walked out from behind the doctor. She had a bandage wrapped around her neck. "Hey Octavia...and Rainbow Dash?" Said Vinyl. "She gave you shade while I carried you here." Octavia said. "Now remember, Vinyl, Don't take off those bandages for at least three weeks." Said the doctor. Vinyl nodded as all three ponies walked out the doors of the hospital. Vinyl opened the doors, and again, when she did. Her horn glowed red. The three ponies decided it was in their best intentions to go to bed, after all nothing seemed to be wrong anymore and it was pretty late. So Rainbow Dash went to her cloud mansion, and Octavia and Vinyl went to their house. Vinyl's stomach growled. The time, is 12:00 a.m., Midnight. Octavia woke up as she heard a noise. She sat up from her bed. Her door was open. Octavia was a little scarred, because she always shuts her door before she goes to bed. She held her breath, as she heard breathing. She looked around her room. Except her door being open, there was nothing different. Panning her head around the room she heard a creek...on the ceiling. She looked up and saw Vinyl on the ceiling, but there was something different about her. Her bandage was gone and her wound was healed, and her eyes were reptilian in nature, no… they were demon eyes. "V..Vinyl? W..What are y..you doing?" Octavia asked. Vinyl exhaled through her mouth and slowly stepped forward. Octavia noticed Vinyl had fangs. Octavia, now terrified, paid close attention. Vinyl jumped from the ceiling towards Octavia in an instant. But before she could get her, Octavia lunged out of the way. Octavia standing in the doorway looked at Vinyl. "Vinyl! Stop!" Octavia screamed. Vinyl stood on Octavia's bed and growled. She whipped around and tackled Octavia in the doorway. Vinyl was faster than lightning and the tackle cracked three of Octavia’s ribs. Octavia managed to get away from Vinyl and run down the stairs . Vinyl chased her on the wall. The bottom floor had lights lit up, and a window was open. Octavia ran for the window. But the window glowed red, and it closed. Octavia stared outside, it started raining. She turned around and saw Vinyl in the middle of the room. Her horn glowed red and all the lights went out. It was pitch black. Lightning struck and lit the room for a second. Vinyl was closer. Lightning struck again, and Octavia saw Vinyl for another second. She was closer. Octavia bolted for the kitchen door way to her left. She smashed her left shoulder into the door frame and fell down. She crawled under the table and tried to hide. All of a sudden, the table flew up and all Octavia saw was red eyes and she was thrown out of a window. Octavia was covered in rainwater, blood, and glass. Looking at the house she saw Vinyl crawling out of the window. Vinyl's horn glowed red and Octavia's blood which she was now covered in flew off her body and into Vinyl's mouth. Vinyl licked her lips and smiled. Octavia got up and tried to run but Vinyl's horn glowed red and fire circled Octavia. Octavia stopped in her tracks and turned around. Vinyl walked through the fire and stood in front of Octavia. "Stop, Vinyl! This isn't you! You’re not a killer! You’re my friend!" Octavia yelled. Vinyl's demon eyes disappeared and the fire disappeared. Vinyl's horn glowed blue and the glass in Octavia levitated out and her cuts were healed. Vinyl ran over and hugged Octavia. "I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me!" Vinyl said, crying. Octavia started crying too. "I'm glad you're back" Octavia said. "I'll never hurt you again." Vinyl replied, as the two friends cried in the raining night together. > Three-Answers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three-Answers The time, 8:00 a.m. Vinyl and Octavia are trotting to Twilight's library to find out what happened to Vinyl. This time, Vinyl's got an umbrella instead of a cloud. The two ponies entered the library, to see twilight reading a book at a desk while spike was cleaning. Spike left the room as Twilight looked up. She smiled and walked towards them. "Hi. Can I help you with something?" Twilight asked Octavia and Vinyl. "Yeah. You see, two nights ago I was attacked by a vampire. It bit me and now I can't go into the sun, sometimes my magic will grow red instead of blue, and I nearly killed my friend here." Vinyl told Twilight. Twilight walked to her shelves and pulled out a book. "Here is a book about “vampires”. It's fictional, but it's the closest thing I have for what you're describing." Twilight said as she levitated the book with a smirk. Vinyl used her magic to grab the book, and dropped it to the floor opening it, her magic was blue. "It says that vampire unicorns are rare. When they use their magic, in a vampire state, their magic will change to a dark, red magic called blood-magic. Blood-magic is stronger than regular magic and involves shape-shifting, mind-control, invisibility, teleportation, fire, healing, and other forms of dark magic." Vinyl said as she read the book aloud. She turned through the pages, back and forth. "I guess that explains the red glow. But it doesn't say anything about a cure, or a way to control it, or anything." Vinyl said aloud. She glanced up at Twilight, who was trying to take things serious. "I guess you can go see Zecora if you’re serious about this, she probably knows a thing or two about vampires." Twilight said. "Thanks." Vinyl said as her and Octavia ran out of the library. They ran for a few hundred meters, and stopped. Vinyl looked at Octavia. "Do you know where Zecora lives?" Vinyl asked Octavia. Octavia thought about it and looked up, then smiled. "No, but I bet she does." Octavia said as she pointed in the sky. Vinyl followed Octavia's hoof and saw Rainbow Dash destroy a cloud. Vinyl looked at Octavia and they trotted over and stood under Rainbow Dash. "Hey! Rainbow Dash! Down here!" Vinyl yelled at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash looked down at Vinyl and Octavia and flew down and landed next to them. "Hey guys. Still having that sun problem I see." Rainbow Dash said to Vinyl. "Do you know where Zecora is?" Vinyl asked Rainbow Dash. "Sure, she's at her hut in the Ever Free Forest." "Do you mind taking us to her?" "Sure, do you mind if ask why you're going to see her?" "Vampires." "Vampires?" "Long story. If you don't mind, we're in a hurry." Vinyl said to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash nodded and began flying east. Octavia and Vinyl followed Rainbow Dash to the Ever Free Forest. The time is 9:15 a.m. and Zecora is looking at Vinyl's fangs. Rainbow Dash and Octavia both are watching in anticipation. Zecora moved back and Vinyl closed her mouth. Zecora stood back and tossed a cup at Vinyl's face. Vinyl's eyes changed to demonic eyes and her horn glowed red and the cup exploded. Her eyes went back to normal and her glowing stopped. "A vampire is what you are. But the answers you seek are not too far." Zecora said. Vinyl's stomach growled and she clutched her stomach. Her eyes changed and both Rainbow Dash and Octavia made a scarred noise and backed up. Zecora quickly grabbed some red berries and dropped them in a cup. Then she smashed the berries in the cup till they were a thick red liquid. "Here, take a drink of this. Your transformation will certainly miss." Zecora said as she gave Vinyl the cup. Vinyl grabbed the cup and chugged it fast and her stomach stopped growling. Vinyl looked at the inside of the cup. "Blood-berries." Vinyl said as she gave back the cup. Zecora placed the cup on the table. "Blood-berries taste the same. Eat these and you won’t have to chase game." Zecora said. "Thanks Zecora. Is there a cure for the vampire curse?" Vinyl asked. Zecora gestured her head to a room and walked inside. The three ponies followed Zecora to her back room. There was a table in the center with a map of Equestria on it. There was a shelf of books on the wall and Zecora took one down. The cover was fine black leather with a belt across it. Zecora flipped it open a few pages read a little and walked out of the room. She came back in walked over to the map and placed an X on an island outside of Equestria. "Trotsilvannia is where we will go. But when we get there, we'll have to stay low." Zecora said. Rainbow Dash grabbed the book and started reading aloud. "It says that the head vampire, Bloodsucker, lives in the village Hoofremszek. Only Bloodsucker has the cure for the vampire curse. But the whole island of Trotsilvannia is filled with vampires. How'll we get past all of them?" Rainbow Dash asked Zecora. "We'll disguise ourselves. They won’t know it’s us, themselves." Zecora said. Rainbow Dash flew up on the table. "Okay. Zecora, do you have a wagon?" Rainbow Dash asked. Zecora nodded. "Good. Zecora, load the wagon with supplies. Be sure to pack lots of Blood-berries, I don't want to be bitten. Octavia, you stay in PonyVille in case anypony asks about us. Vinyl, you go get in the wagon, you'll need the rest. Everypony clear on the plan?" Rainbow Dash asked and Everypony nodded their heads. "Good. Then let’s get to it." Rainbow Dash said. Octavia ran out of the hut and into PonyVille. Vinyl slept on Zecora's bed while Zecora and Rainbow Dash loaded the wagon with supplies. It would at least take a week to get to Trotsilvannia. > Four-A long journey > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Four-A long journey It’s now noon, Zecora is pulling the carriage through the Ever Free Forest. Rainbow Dash is reading the map Zecora made, and Vinyl is sleeping. Meanwhile, in PonyVille, Octavia is cancelling all of Vinyl's shows up for a month. She didn't know when Vinyl would be back, but she thought it couldn't take more than a month, and if she came home early she could stay home and rest. The carriage stopped moving and Rainbow Dash looked up from the map. She stepped outside the carriage. "Why'd we st-" Rainbow Dash was about to ask Zecora. Stopping in the middle of her sentence, she knew why they stopped. There was a giant cliff in front of the carriage. Glancing to her left and right she looked for another route, but there wasn't one. Rainbow Dash turned around and opened the carriage door. "We'll have to find anoth-... oh boy." Rainbow Dash said. Zecora turned around. There were at least thirty timber wolves a few feet behind the carriage. They started howling and growling as Zecora got out of the harness and stood beside Rainbow Dash. "What do we do, Zecora?" Rainbow Dash asked, not breaking eye contact with the timber wolves. "The only way out, is to stand and fight. So show no fear, and give them all your might!" Zecora said as she ran forward and jumped on three timber wolves shattering them into hundreds of pieces. Rainbow Dash smiled and yelled as she flew into five timber wolves shattering them into pieces. The two stood back to back as the timber wolves circled them. Four timber wolves pounced on Rainbow Dash and Zecora, but they kicked and punched them before the timber wolves could come to harm. The circle grew tighter and tighter and Zecora and Rainbow Dash were smashing as many timber wolves as they could into pieces. But there were too many. "Maybe this was a bad plan." Rainbow Dash murmured. A timber wolf lurched forward and caught Rainbow Dash off guard throwing her into Zecora. They both fell and the timber wolves started to pile onto them. Zecora and Rainbow Dash yelled and screamed for any help. The sun light was blackened out as a nearby cloud floated by and covered the sun. There was a loud roar and the timber wolves looked towards the carriage. They saw Vinyl with her demonic eyes pined on them and her horn glowed a horrifying red. Ten timber wolves ran towards her and instantly exploded, Vinyl was gone. One timber wolf began glowing a faint red and attacked another timber wolf. The other timber wolves in a state of confusion attacked and killed the faint red one. A little ball of red light flew out of the timber wolf's head and took the form of a pony which revealed to be Vinyl. Three timber wolves pounced at her. But before they could reach her, the timber wolves and her horn glowed red and they stopped in mid air. They started howling in pain and agony right before the moment they exploded. The pile of timber wolves got off Rainbow Dash and Zecora and circled Vinyl. Rainbow Dash stepped forward and was going to help Vinyl, but Zecora stopped her. Vinyl looked down and all the timber wolves tried to pounce on Vinyl, but before they touched her. Vinyl disappeared and left nothing but black smoke. Then a faint rumbling was heard as the ground suddenly caved in and a deep hole with a red fiery vortex at the bottom was created. It happened so quickly, the timber wolves didn't have time to react. They all fell in, and when the last timber wolf fell in the hole closed. "Where did Vinyl goooAHHH!" Rainbow Dash turned and asked Zecora. But Vinyl was standing between Rainbow Dash and Zecora and startled Rainbow Dash. Vinyl opened her mouth, then the cloud in front of the sun moved and the sun beam landed on Vinyl. She screamed and ran inside the carriage. Rainbow Dash looked at Zecora longingly, but Zecora just walked over to the carriage door. Vinyl hissed at her and Zecora threw in some blood berries. Rainbow Dash walked up to the carriage. "Thank you, Zecora" Vinyl said, Zecora nodded and hooked herself in the harness. Rainbow Dash got back in the carriage and Vinyl went back to sleep. Zecora backed the carriage up and started looking for another route. It is now 2:25 p.m. It’s been three days since the timber wolf attack and Vinyl’s tried to attack Rainbow Dash twice since then, but she's been controlling her vampiric abilities better. Zecora pulled them outside of Saddle Arabia and it’s been a long journey. Rainbow Dash was looking at Zecora's map and according to the map, they were half way there. The carriage started speeding up. And continued accelerating, getting faster and faster. It grew to horrifying speeds as Rainbow Dash stuck her head out of the carriage window. "What the hay is going on!?" Rainbow Dash asked Zecora as a sudden pie flew past Rainbow Dash's face and the carriage jerked to the left. Rainbow Dash and Vinyl fell against the other door Rainbow Dash rushed to help Vinyl up. "What's going on?" Vinyl asked Rainbow Dash as the carriage jerked to the right. They both slammed into the other door, the force of their combined body weight opening the door. Rainbow Dash's head was hanging outside, inches from the gravel. She turned her head to the left. There was another wagon being pulled by two ponies wearing hoofercheifs over their faces. There was four ponies in the back throwing pies at Zecora's carriage, and they too, were wearing hoofercheifs. "I think we're being attacked by bandits." Rainbow Dash told Vinyl as she pulled Rainbow Dash in. Rainbow Dash sat up and turned around. The bandits were about to ram the carriage again. But before they could, Rainbow Dash flew out and rammed the bandit's wagon. Causing the bandits to pull away from the carriage and start following Rainbow Dash. Zecora turned the carriage around and followed the wagon. Rainbow Dash began to fly away, but a lasso wrapped around her. Then another lasso, and another lasso joined by a fourth. Rainbow Dash couldn't move her wings and fell to the ground. "RAINBOWW!!!" Zecora and Vinyl both yelled. The bandits pulled Rainbow Dash into their wagon and they trotted away. Zecora began to chase them, but it was no use they were too fast. Zecora noticed a small camp off in the distance and knew instantly that was their camp, and that there was a lot more bandits there. Zecora stopped and watch the bandits and Rainbow Dash run off in the distance. "What are we going to do?" Vinyl asked Zecora. "We shall wait until night. Then you'll give them quite a fright." Answered Zecora. It's midnight. Rainbow Dash is still tied up, but she is now lying beside a fire place. Some bandits are asleep, most are awake. They all had machine guns around their necks and shoulders. She counted; there are exactly twenty three bandits. Rainbow Dash laid there beside the fire, wondering why Zecora and Vinyl left her. She looked at one bandit who was guarding the camp. He saw something off in the distance and walked off in the dark, over a hill, and disappeared. A few seconds later there was a loud scream and a flash of red light. The bandits who were asleep jumped up in the sudden commotion. All the bandits were now alert. The wind starting blowing hard and there was a fast, white blur that came over the hill and grabbed a guard, disappearing into the dark. No pony had enough time to react, it all happened in under a second. They were looking all over the place up and down left and right now in a fit of panic. They heard hoof steps all around the camp. Rainbow Dash saw hoof prints walking in front of her and walk behind a bandit. Then the bandit flew up in the air screaming. All the bandits watched him into the sky. One bandit ran off screaming, and sank through the sand. The remaining bandits were sweating and pacing around nervously forming a circle around the camp. One bandit turned around and looked at Rainbow Dash he had demonic eyes. He winked at Rainbow Dash and turned back around. Then black smoke came up from the sand and covered the camp. There was a screaming and gunshots were heard everywhere. Then there was silence. Rainbow Dash saw red demonic eyes looking at her through the black smoke. The smoke cleared really fast and she saw the bandits all knocked out and Vinyl standing in front of Rainbow Dash, eating blood-berries so she wouldn't kill anypony. "Vinyl!" Rainbow Dash yelled in excitement. As Zecora cut the ropes that had Rainbow Dash tied. "Zecora! You guys came back for me!" Rainbow Dash said as she stood up. "Of course we did, we wouldn't leave you behind." Vinyl said. Her voice sounded like ten ponies talking at once. Rainbow Dash and Zecora both starred at Vinyl. "What?" Vinyl asked, in her weird voice. "N..Nothing. We should get going." Rainbow Dash said. Vinyl nodded and they all got in the carriage and traveled. Two days later they arrived at a beach shore. It is now 5:56 p.m. and the sun is starting to go down. Zecora is looking at the map, Rainbow Dash is tying tie trees together to make a raft, and Vinyl is using her magic to cut down trees. After three hours, they finished their raft. Zecora walked up to Rainbow Dash with black and purple mane dye. Rainbow Dash looked at the mane dye, then back at Zecora, irritated. "Oh no. No no no no no! We are NOT dying my mane! They don't call me RAINBOW Dash for nothing." Said Rainbow Dash, backing away from Zecora. Zecora got dressed in her Nightmare Night costume from last year. A cloak and fake spiders in her mane. She tossed Vinyl a cloak. "We must look like them, so we won’t be slain. Now lean your head back, so I can dye your mane." Zecora said as she walked to Rainbow Dash. "No! You’re not touching my mane!" Rainbow Dash said. Then she glowed red and she was paralyzed. Vinyl smiled at Zecora. Zecora smiled back and walked towards Rainbow Dash with the mane dye. > Five-Trotsilvannia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Five-Trotsilvannia The time, is 1:00 a.m. Rainbow Dash is sitting at the edge of the raft glaring at the sea, still upset about her mane. It’s all black except the ends of her mane and tail, they're dark purple. Zecora is reading the map, and moving the raft in different directions with a paddle. Vinyl just finished eating a couple of blood-berries and walked over to sit beside Rainbow Dash. "Hey." Vinyl said, trying to start a conversation. Rainbow Dash gave her a harsh looking glare. "Don't worry, it's not permanent. It'll wash out... It's actually pretty cool looking." Vinyl said. Rainbow Dash looked at Vinyl. "My name is Rainbow Dash. RAINBOW...Dash. What do I call myself now?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Call yourself Gloomy Star. Act gloomy, because we are not far." Zecora said as she pulled the hood over her head. Vinyl walked to the other end of the raft and got into her cloak. She ate a few more blood-berries and placed them into a pocket inside her cloak. Zecora quickly turned around and looked at Vinyl. "Quickly, dye your mane! And we will call you Bloody Rain." Zecora said as she tossed vinyl red mane dye. Vinyl quickly applied the mane dye while Rainbow Dash helped. When they finished drying Vinyl's mane and tail, a few feet away from a dock. The time is 1:27 a.m. and Zecora, Rainbow Dash, and Vinyl just docked at the island of Trotsilvannia. Five miles from the dock is the capital of Trotsilvannia, Hoofremszek. There’s a vampire guard at the end of the dock leading to Trotsilvannia. The only way to get into Trotsilvannia is to be a vampire, or to be friends with a vampire. Zecora walks up to the guard. "Show me your teeth." The guard said. Zecora stuttered a little. Then the guard started chuckling. "I was getting hungry for a little snack." The guard said as he leaned in to bite Zecora's neck. "WAIT!" Vinyl yelled as she ran up beside Zecora. "She's with me." Vinyl told the guard. The guard looked at Zecora. Then back to Vinyl. "Show me your teeth." The guard said. Vinyl opened her mouth and the guard leaned in to look. "Looks good. Who are you?" The guard asked as Rainbow Dash walked up beside Vinyl. "I...I'm Bloody Rain." Vinyl said. Then pointed to Rainbow Dash. "This is Gloomy Star." Vinyl said. Then pointed to Zecora. "And this is...umm....Zecora?" Vinyl said. The guard looked at all the gothic ponies. "Well. Welcome to Trotsilvannia, Miss Rain." The guard welcomed Vinyl, as he stepped aside to let the ponies pass. Vinyl nodded and walked past the guard, Rainbow Dash and Zecora followed. "It is 2:36 a.m. Zecora, Rainbow Dash, and Vinyl are walking down a dirt trail. A few feet away there were giant castle walls and a castle gate. Beside the gate was a wooden sign with blood on it. It read "Welcome to Hoofremszek". The three ponies walked through the castle gate. It was a big city with vampires, buildings, and a big castle tower in the middle of town. Rainbow Dash looked to her left and puked in her mouth. Zecora and Vinyl looked to the left to see what unsettled Rainbow Dash, and they almost puked themselves. There were two vampire ponies eating a dead pony. Its stomach was ripped open and its intestines were hanging out. They were looking at the ground and noticed it was covered in blood. Zecora, Rainbow Dash, and Vinyl looked at each other disgustingly. Rainbow Dash saw behind Vinyl there’s a wanted poster. "Uh Oh" Rainbow Dash said. Vinyl turned to her right. "What?" Vinyl asked. Then she saw the poster. It was a wanted poster of her. It read: "WANTED: Vinyl Scratch. For assaulting a vampire. Reward: 100 bits and 10 gallons of blood.” "Good thing we disguised you, eh Bloody Rain." Rainbow Dash said to Vinyl. Vinyl turned to Rainbow Dash and opened her mouth. Then her eyes widened. She hid behind Zecora. Rainbow Dash turned around. "What?" She asked. Rainbow Dash saw a stallion with a dark blue coat and a cloak. "That's Swift Shadow." Vinyl said quietly. Swift Shadow walked towards the two vampire ponies who were eating the other pony. "WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT FEASTING IN PUUBLIC?!" Swift Shadow asked the ponies, angrily. "W...We... Were just-" One of the ponies was trying to say before Swift Shadow pushed him down and stood on his neck. "LOOK HERE YOU FILTHY PEASANT. PUBLIC FEASTING IS FORBIDDEN IN HOOFREMSZEK. IF I FIND YOU FEASTING AGAIN, IT'LL BE YOUR GUTS HANGING OUTSIDE YOUR BODY." Swift Shadow told the pony. Then he walked off into an ally way. The vampire pony grabbed the carcass and ran off. Rainbow Dash turned around and saw Zecora looking at the castle tower with Vinyl. "I bet Blood Sucker is there." Vinyl said. "So you’re looking for Blood Sucker, eh miss Scratch" Swift Shadows voice said from behind the ponies. They all whipped around. "Well, you'll all see Blood Sucker soon enough." Swift Shadow said. Then they were all surrounded by vampires in armor. They all stood at the tower entrance, and the doors opened. Swift Shadow had Vinyl, Zecora, and Rainbow Dash in chains. They walked up a thousand stairs, and at the top of the tower was a throne. In that throne was a demon; a large black stallion with glowing red eyes, a red horn sticking out of his head, large bat wings, and black smoke coming off his coat. He was an alicorn, a king. The king of vampires. "Swift Shadow, my loyal apprentice. What brings you here?" Blood Sucker asked in a deep. Demonic voice. "This is the unicorn that assaulted me, my lord" Swift Shadow told Blood Sucker. Blood Sucker glared at Vinyl. "A hundred years in the dungeon...or until I get hungry." Blood Sucker said as vampire guards dragged Vinyl, Rainbow Dash, and Zecora off. They all screamed and yelled and Vinyl saw her blood-berries fall out of her pocket. The guards dragged the ponies down the stairs and into a dungeon with other ponies and they were then chained to the wall. The guard left and closed the dungeon gate. Vinyl's stomach began to growl. > Six-Freedom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Six-Freedom Six-Freedom Zecora and Rainbow Dash struggled to get out of the chains. Vinyl had her eyes closed and she was shaking her head fighting the vampirism from taking control. Rainbow Dash and Zecora were struggling as best as they could. "It's no use." One pony said that was chained on the wall. He was a very skinny pony with a brown coat, white long beard, and white, receding hair. Zecora and Rainbow Dash looked at the old pony. "We've been fighting these chains for years and years. It isn't any use." The old pony said. "We? I only see you and us." Rainbow Dash said. "They were all eaten. By the vampire king." The old pony answered. Vinyl grunted and she started squirming. Her chest was hurting bad and she started crying. "Are you okay?" Rainbow Dash asked Vinyl. Vinyl's chest lunged out, then back. Vinyl grunted again, this time louder. "Vinyl, are you-"Rainbow Dash said before Vinyl interrupted her with a loud, painful scream. Vinyl's head started shaking really fast. Then she stopped moving all together and looked down. She brought her head up and looked at Rainbow Dash. Vinyl's eyes were demonic; Rainbow Dash and Zecora started struggling again. Vinyl broke one chain with her right hoof. Then she broke her leg chains. A vampire guard came running down the stairs and opened the dungeon gate alerted by the commotion. He ran to attack Vinyl but before he could, Vinyl broke her last chain and teleported behind the guard, leaving only black smoke. The guard ran into the wall but quickly turned around gasping. "A vampire unicorn." The guard said as he was punched through the brick wall. The guard fell into an ally way and Vinyl jumped on top of the guard. The guard looked at Vinyl, who had him pinned. Her horn glowed red and so did the guard. His body started swelling up bigger and bigger until he exploded. There was blood everywhere; but Vinyl levitated the blood and drank it. Vinyl climbed through the hole in the wall and looked at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash, Zecora, and the old pony all starred at Vinyl intently. "What's going on down here?!" Swift Shadow said as she walked through the dungeon gate. Vinyl looked at Sift Shadow and dashed towards him. But before she could grab him, he moved out of the way very quickly and Vinyl was kicked into a wall. Swift Shadow grabbed her by the neck and threw her up stairs. Vinyl turned invisible, and walked up a wall as Swift Shadow ran up the stairs and looked around. Vinyl slowly moved to the ceiling, and over Swift Shadow. Swift Shadow looked up. "You can't hide from my eyes!" Swift Shadow yelled as he jumped up and punched Vinyl through the ceiling. They both landed on the top of the dungeon and Swift Shadow walked over to Vinyl lifting her by the neck. "I'm going to finish what I've started." Swift Shadow said. But Vinyl turned into black smoke and floated into the air. The ground erupted with lava, the walls cracked and exploded and the ceiling flew up as they appeared inside a black tornado. Vinyl turned back into her original self and floated to the ground onto lava sinking through and disappearing. There was a pounding and the ground shook. Swift Shadow looked at the ground. It was cracking; and in that instant a giant flaming skull shot out from the ground and into Swift Shadow's face. He fell back and landed on his back. Hooves wrapped around him and he turned his head to try to look back. He was lying on Vinyl stomach. He tried to break free, but it was no use, Vinyl was too strong. "It's no use. Your strength is nothing compared to mine." Vinyl whispered in Swift Shadow's ear. She bit into his neck and began draining the blood from his body. Rainbow Dash, Zecora, and the old man starred at the stairs behind the gate seeing a shadow. The shadow was walking down the stairs. As it neared the end of the stairs Vinyl came into view and stopped in front of the gate. She looked at the three chained up ponies and walked to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash was sweating, and she closed her eyes. Then she fell to the ground looking up; Vinyl was breaking Zecora's chains. "I thought you were out of control?" Rainbow Dash asked Vinyl as she helped the old pony. "I found the blood-berries." Vinyl said. As she led the ponies up the stairs. They opened the dungeon door and entered the bottom of the tower. Vinyl looked up the tower. "You should go. I'll take care of Blood Sucker." Vinyl told the ponies. "Can do." The old pony said as he trotted out the tower door. Vinyl turned around to see Rainbow Dash and Zecora still standing there. "Didn't you hear me?" Vinyl asked the ponies. "We're not going anywhere." Rainbow Dash told Vinyl. "He is too powerful for you alone. You cannot defeat him on your own." Zecora told Vinyl. Vinyl smiled and the three ponies trotted up the tower. At the top of the tower, Blood Sucker sat on his throne and he stood up from his throne and stood in front of the three ponies. "What are you doing here?!" Blood Sucker demanded. "We are here to stop you and to free the world of the vampire curse!" Vinyl yelled at Blood Sucker, Blood Sucker laughed. "You cannot get rid of the vampire curse. Even if you do manage to kill me, somepony in a hundred years will be born with the curse." Blood Sucker told Vinyl. "Then there will be a hundred years of peace!" Vinyl said as she shot a fire ball at Blood Sucker, knocking him on his back. He got back up furious at the action; He yelled and the walls and ceiling crumbled. They crumbled so much there was nothing left. Blood Sucker shot a giant fire ball at the three ponies. It exploded sending the ponies flying. Zecora flew off the building and Rainbow Dash hurried after her. Vinyl got to her feet. She tried to mind control Blood Sucker. Blood Sucker laughed and he made lightning strike Vinyl. "You cannot mind control other vampires." Blood Sucker told Vinyl as he walked towards her. Vinyl got up and used a powerful wind blast to cut Blood Sucker's face. Blood Sucker now extremely angered yelled. Clouds formed in the sky and started swirling. They swirled until there was a green vortex in the sky. He teleported behind Vinyl and slammed his hoof in the back of her head. Driving her face into the ground. She teleported away but Blood Sucker moved faster and punched her face. He punched and punched repeatedly. Then he grabbed Vinyl by the neck and started strangling her. Vinyl tried to shoot fire at him, but she was too weak. Her vision was fading and Blood Sucker was laughing. Then Vinyl heard an explosion, Blood Sucker was confused on the noise and loosened his grip. Vinyl took advantage of the moment and rolled out of his hooves. Then the floor exploded in a rainbow and Rainbow Dash rammed into Blood Sucker's gut and pushed him up doing sonic rain boom through the tower and threw Blood Sucker into the vortex. The vortex closed and the clouds cleared. Then sun was up, and Vinyl flinched. Nothing happened, Vinyl looked down at herself, she wasn't burning or smoking or anything; Vinyl smiled. Rainbow Dash grabbed Vinyl and flew her down the tower beside Zecora. A bunch of confused ponies started walking around town looking at themselves. "We did it. The curse is lifted." Vinyl said. Then the ponies cheered. They ran over and carried Vinyl, Rainbow Dash, and Zecora. Then town was happy for the first time in a hundred years. Six days later, Zecora returned to her hut. Lots of ponies needed her healing brew. Rainbow Dash washed out the black and purple in her mane and tail. Then she went into town to tell her friends about her amazing adventure. Vinyl went home and told Octavia about how she lifted the curse. Then she rested for a few days, until she was back doing the thing she loved. Making mad WUBS for her fans.