Nightmares Aren't That Easy to be Rid of

by Kori Kitsune

First published

Luna was released of the burden of NightmareMoon one day one but something says otherwise.

Day one of Twilight's adventures in PonyVille she and the other elements of harmony rid Luna of NightmareMoon yet through what is shown of Luna something else is to say as Luna sits in front of the statue of her curse on Nightmare Night.

Leave Me Be!

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“A thousand years... that is one thousand years that I may never get back all because of one hateful thought.” Luna rasped as she sat in front of the statue of NightmareMoon. “You cost me a thousand years of my life and for that you got a statue?”

“Oh I got much more than that!”

“You’re gone. The elements of harmony made sure of that.”

“Are you so sure of that? They have failed before who is to say that they are all powerful? I mean look at yourself! If they were all powerful then why did you become me while in possession of them?”

“We were naive.”

“Was!? You are still! You see me as gone yet here I am all you have to do is look at me.”

“We won’t give you that. Our mind has made the image of you and we refuse to acknowledge it.”

“Oh but you already have. You’re talking to me and you are listening so why not just steal a glance at me?”

“We refuse.”

“We? You keep saying we. You said it on my very day and you still say it now.”

“Stop it.”

“You can’t let me go and the elements can’t truly destroy me!”

“Stop it.”

“The elements hardly trapped Discord, what with him getting out because of three fillies fighting in front of him and all. You believe that they could kill what held you for a thousand years?”

“Stop it.”

“Just look up. If this is a figure of your mind then why don’t you just prove that I’m not here?!”

“We said stop it!”


“I said stop and I will forever say it. Just leave me alone.” Luna bellowed dropping her head further to show that she would not look at the hallucination that she knew was before her.

“Of course you refuse to look. You know that I am here and you are afraid that if you look then I will take back your body that should be fine to begin with! Coward.”


“You heard me. You are to much of a coward to lift your head and prove one of us wrong and the other correct.”

“I’m not a coward.” Luna began as the memories began to flow back into her mind. “A thousand years alone without a soul to keep me happy as I hid away in myself to stay as far from you as I could..... a thousand years without so much as a hello.”

“All because of me.” NightmareMoon taunted and rested a hoof on the shoulder of Luna. “Is there really of hoof there or do you imagine that as well?”

“I don’t know anymore. How could I believe anything any more?”

“You know that you can’t hold me back any longer. Maybe when I get out I’ll go for the one who punished me in the first place?”

“No... you shan't attack her!”

“Oh I shall.” NightmareMoon said tormenting the mare under her hoof that she pushed down send a shot of pain through the mare. “That can’t be imagined! Use what you have left because when I come I will make sure that you can’t show your face ever again.”


“Goodnight Luna. Sweet Nightmares!”

“No!” Luna burst lifting her head to see nothing but the statue before her the pain in her shoulder gone. “Stay out of my head!”

“But why would I?” Came the chilling reply as the statue looked down at her color in the stone and fire in the eyes. “Its just to much fun to do this!”

“Your time is up Nightmare! Leave me now!” Luna said losing a shot of pure energy at the statue ripping it apart revealing a figure of pure horror beneath it.

“Nice try filly. You can’t kill me without ending yourself as well.” NighmareMoon teased digging her horn into her own skin leaving a cut on the two of them. “For we are one and the same.”

“Two spirits.”

“One body.” NightmareMoon finished and saw that Luna was close to broken. “That is enough for now. I’ll break you another time.”

“I’ll find a way. There has to be somepony who can attack a soul that doesn't belong.”


“What is! I’m sick of the riddles so just say what you mean to say witch!”

“Attacking me is just attacking yourself. Yet I will do as I ask.” Nightmare said putting her answer layered in more riddle. “You think that a pony would know how to attack anything? Let alone something as powerful as a very soul?”

“No... I don’t think that a pony would know how to.”


“But there are many others that may be able to.... Zecora for one.”

“Don’t make me laugh. Attack me and I shall do as you did when I attacked you. You can’t attack a spirit Luna so you may as well get ready for the day that I take back that which is mine. For on that day. Celestia dies.” Nightmare finished leaving Luna a mental wreck as the statue’s remains came back up around the ghost of Nightmares and came as one leaving no trace of the struggle.

“Why can’t she just leave me be?” Luna cried looking up as here moon fell and Celestia’s sun rose signaling the start of a new day. “Just let anything come to help... anything at all.”

Luna was done with the subject as she spread her wings and began her flight to Canterlot. She was losing hope of the spirit ever leaving her and she knew that if it ever decided to take back control that not even the elements of harmony could save her.

“How do you remove something that has defined who you are to this day when that is all that you have left?”

Luna was flying home unaware of the creature coming through the very forest which she had just left. A creature of pain and suffering that had nothing in its life but its very soul to keep it going. This small creature may just be able to save her before it was to late if only she could see it.