> The Mission: Operation > by Blueness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previously... A few things happened in a short amount of time. I was transported into Equestria, in my new body, to go on a mission for Nightmare Moon to keep my family safe. I have to get information on the princesses and Canterlot to make a tactical plan to overthrow them. In order to do that, I need to make some connections by getting to know the people of Ponyville, where I am starting out. I need to gain their trust so they will not suspect anything, and I can operate smoothly. I have made some connections so far, and hopefully it will be enough to make a start, so let's pick up where we left off. > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I hopped out of bed, not minding to make it, I decided to start by seeing what I could find in the library. I figured that since I was in the library, which would be a good place to start. As I descended down from the bedroom, I heard some clamor coming from outside. Looking through the window, there was a small crowd of ponies outside the library, as if they were waiting. Then there was a knock on the door. I went to get it, and it burst open in a blur of pink. As quick as it had opened, it was shut, with a pink pony holding it shut, as if trying to keep the crowd out. She wore a tired smile as she looked up at me. "Hey, Blue! Did you sleep well?" "Actually, no, I'm still...getting used to the new place. How about you? What's happening?" "OH, you mean the crowd? Well, when everyone heard about you moving in, they were excited that the library would be up and running again, so they're outside, waiting for it to open!" "I see." Forgot: I have to run this place. "Well, give me a minute to freshen up, and then we'll open." A few minutes later, we were outside, standing in front of the crowd of ponies, some I recognized from the party last night, including the town's heroes, minus one. Now that I was fixed up from my bedhead, I was ready to hear the Mayor make a statement to open the library. "I am happy to announce the re-opening of the Ponyville Library!" The crowd cheered, ready to enter. I know it wasn't that original, but it did the trick. We didn't have any red ribbon with huge scissors, so we just opened the door, and let everypony in. Soon, the place was bustling, and business was pretty good. The place, luckily, was surprisingly clean, so we had no complaints there. I did my best to help those looking for books, but I wasn't familiar with where anything was, so I needed to familiarize myself later. Just as there were ponies borrowing books, there were ponies returning them. They said they were unable to return them for so long because the library was closed. Because of that, I decided not to charge late fees, but still had to charge for damage, which there was a little of. Some books had stains, others had small rips. Pinkie and her friends were a great help, because they had organized the place before with Twilight, so they knew where things went, and such. "It's a shame Twilight's not here," Applejack had lamented at one time. "She would have loved to see this place so busy. Hope this gives you a good start, Blue." "I think it will, Applejack. Thank you and your friends for your help. I need to get myself acquainted with where everything is once we close for the day. I'll be better at this once I am." "You most certainly will, and it was no problem helping out! That's what friends do!" "Friends, huh? That has a nice ring to it...anyways, thanks again; maybe I'll give you each a cut of the earnings for your hard work." I gave her a mischievous grin and a wink. She grinned. "Well that would be mighty kind of you, but don't feel obliged to. It's all because we wanted to help, right guys?" she asked to the others as they walked up. Rainbow spoke. "Actually, I could use the bonus." She got a dirty look from everybody. "What? Just saying." I chuckled. "Don't worry, girls, I'd be happy to give you each a share. I have to repay you somehow." Applejack brought her hoof to her chin, like she was thinking. "Well, if you want to repay me, you could do some work on the farm if you want. I don't really need the share." That got them all thinking. It appeared that they each had something they could get me to do. Rarity said she had a new line of clothes for stallions she needed a model for. Pinkie Pie had to babysit the Cake's children again, and needed some help, and Fluttershy had some new animals to take care of. "Umm...that is, if you don't mind," she said, hiding behind her mane. Another chuckle from me. "Don't worry; I'd be happy to help." Rainbow Dash spoke again. "Well, he's not a Pegasus, so I don't see how he could help me with anything." She got more dirty looks. "What?" And still I continued to chuckle. At this rate, I'd be Rolling On The Floor Laughing. "You sure, Rainbow? You don't need your cloud cleaned, or something?" Now everypony was chuckling with me. "Actually, yeah, I have to, but I haven't got around to it, yet. You don't mind helping, do you?" She asked, almost embarrassed to need help for such a simple chore. Will I ever stop chuckling from the amusement of these ponies? "Sure, why not? So it's settled, then. I'll help you, in return for helping me." "That's what you said," Applejack responded. "All right, then. When do you want me to come to help?" They said I could come over whenever, as long as I kept my side of the deal. "All right, then. Now that we have that settled, let's get back to work." The rest of the day ran smoothly, and everypony began to file out around lunch. After that, the rest of the day was quiet, as a library normally should be. Applejack and the rest had gone home as well, so I had some time to myself. Now I had to get myself familiarized with the place, and find some information for Nightmare Moon. Even though these ponies were really nice, I still had my family to think about. Call me a two-timing jerk, but a guy in a tight situation has to do what he has to do. From getting to know the library, I got to know some things about Twilight Sparkle in the way she took care of the place. Of course, she was really organized. The books were organized in their proper genre, and in alphabetical order. Nothing seemed to be out of place, because it had a place to go. As I said before, I could not see any dust or dirt anywhere. Maybe she put a spell on it before she left to keep it intact. I also found some calendars around to schedule out each month; one activity I always found was a scheduling time for the next month. There were also times for reorganizing the library, as well. Yep, really organized. There were also some blank calendars. I might use them to plan ahead, because that helps, sometimes. Once I was familiar with the layout, I started looking for some books that would bring some useful information on Canterlot Castle and the Princesses. The History section seemed the best place to start to me. I started looking: A, B, C, D, E, F, and I saw some thing that might be of use. The book was called The History of Canterlot. Now that I had a lead, I needed to figure out how to get it off the shelf... > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was the next day, early in the morning, the sun just coming up over the horizon, giving everything a purple color, and I was heading to Sweet Apple Acres to do my work for Applejack. I had managed to get that book off the shelf, and now I had a start of a report in a notebook back at the library to be sent to Nightmare Moon when it was ready. For now, I had to be ready for some hard labor, as I expected as much from Applejack. Approaching the gateway, I had a clear view of the farm. I knew most of it, since I had seen it on the show: The big barn in the middle was the most obvious, with the vegetable gardens and what looked like chicken coops, and the orchard behind them. I never noticed the carrot farm in the background, though. Looking around, I saw Applejack. She was hauling in some apples from the orchard, it looked like. After she finished putting them away, she finally noticed me, then smiled and waved as she walked over. "Howdy, Blue! You ready to work?" "I guess. What's first?" "Well, we need to finish bringing in the last o' these apples, so we got to buck 'em off the trees into bushels, then bring 'em into the barn, here. Think you can do that?" "Yeah, I think so." "Then lets git to it!" As we headed to the orchard, we stopped on a hill that looked over Sweet Apple Acres. It looked like the trees went on for miles. Thinking about all those apples, I couldn’t help but ask: "Are we going to harvest ALL the apples off these trees?" "Not by ourselves, we ain't! We got Big Macintosh and Applebloom to help!" Right on cue, the two both appeared on the hill with us, Big Mac ready with a big, deep, "Eeyup." Both were as expected to be, since I had seen them on the show: Big Mac was usually silent, except for the occasional agreement or disagreement, but he has spoken in full sentences before. Applebloom was also as I had expected: a big red bow on her mane, and yet to find her talent. Lots of things seemed to be similar to what I saw on the show; it just looked more realistic in person. Huh. After addressing them both, we got to work. We split up into teams, to cover more ground. Applejack and Big Mac were one team, so I was with Applebloom. Before we split, Applejack showed me how to buck the apples off the trees. "When you fill up the bushel baskets, move on to the next tree, and we'll collect 'em all at the end. Let's go!" We headed out, ready for the task at hand. As me and Applebloom headed into the sea of trees, she started up a conversation: "So, yer True Blue?" "That's me, but you can call me Blue." "OK! Applejack mentioned you being new around here. Did Pinkie Pie throw you a party?' "Yep, in town hall. Were you there?" "No, I was at a meeting with my friends, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. We made a secret society called the Cutie Mark Crusaders! It's somethin' we came up with to help colts and fillies like us find their Cutie Marks." To emphasize the point, she stood on her forelegs and wiggled her hindquarters, showing her blank flank. "Ah, yes, I think I've heard of you before." She looked at me for a moment, and frowned "Hey, you don't have your Cutie Mark either! Why not?" I figured she would ask. "Well... I guess I never found my special talent." Her face all of the sudden brightened up. "Maybe you could join us and help us find ours, and yours!" I couldn't help but smile at the thought. It kind of sounded like baby-sitting. "Maybe, but for now we have to get to work." I walked over to an apple tree with some barrels under it and did what Applejack showed me. Stand on your forelegs, retract the hind ones, and kick. I watched as all the apples fell off the tree and into the baskets. Applebloom face seemed to go to immediate shock, "Wow, that's pretty good for your first time. Hmmm...I have an idea." She put on a grin of scheming mischief: I was interested. "Let's see what you can actually do: buck as many trees as you can in a minute. Wanna try?" Well, I wasn't one to not accept good challenges. "Sure." Excited, she pulled out a stopwatch from somewhere. "Ready?" I got ready to run. "GO!!" I broke out into a gallop, heading for the first tree I saw with baskets underneath. When I was close enough, I turned, and bucked the tree, which became the ongoing process until my time ran out. In between the beginning and the end, I tried to figure out strategies to get to trees faster, like using the momentum of hitting the tree to also launch off of it to the next one. This got me to the tree, but too close to turn around and hit it. Oh well, it was a good try. At one point, I tripped over a root I could've easily avoided, and killed myself over that one. I kept going until I heard Applebloom yell "STOP!" I screeched to a stop, almost running into a tree, but tripping over the root. Ugh. After I got up, Applebloom told me my score. "Twelve trees. That's not so bad." "I suppose not, for the first time." "Maybe yer special talent is apple harvesting!" "Maybe...anyway, let's keep going." As we continued harvesting, we continued to talk, as well. Things like what the Crusaders had done to get their Cutie Marks. Some of the things I already knew, but some things weren't mentioned on the show. I wouldn't be one to think that they would try working at the Quills and Sofas store. It sounded boring. "It was," she said after I asked her. "I can't think why we actually wanted to in the first place. I had already tried selling apples, and that didn't quite work out." "Well, that's OK. We're almost done anyways." After a few more trees, we regrouped with Applejack. When she saw me, for some reason, she started laughing like she was at a stand-up comedy show. "Well, howdy, you two. Blue, you’re sweatier than a bull in a rodeo." "Eeyup." I looked myself over, and I actually was pretty sweaty, but between talking with Applebloom, and bucking trees, I hadn't noticed too much. Applebloom spoke next. "I decided not to tell you because I thought you would be embarrassed." I couldn't help but smile. "I wouldn't have been embarrassed, Applebloom. I don't mind sweating; it just means I was working hard." "Well, I would say you were," Applejack responded. "Eeyup." "You shouda seen him, Applejack! He was bucking those trees as if he was doin' it forever!" Applebloom seemed ecstatic. "Do you think his Cutie Mark has something to do with apple harvesting?" "Applebloom, hush. Yer being impolite." "Oh, it's no problem. Applebloom was suggesting I join the Cutie Mark Crusaders." Applebloom practically groveled before Applejack. "Please, Applejack, Pleeeeeeeeeease?" She chuckled. "I don't see why not, but it's up to Blue. In the meantime let's keep working. Now that the apples are in bushels, we'll take 'em in to the barn." After I shook myself off, we started stage two of the harvesting. We worked as a team of four this time, so we could help each other load up with bushels. Big Mac was loading me up with a set; they came in twos connected by a strap that went over your back; and they felt moderately heavy, but thanks to Nightmare Moon, I had a bit more strength than I normally do, so I asked Big Mac for a second set. He looked skeptical, but loaded me up anyway. Yep, that's more like it: A full load to carry. Applejack seemed surprised. "Well, well, well. It seems you’re stronger than you look." "Eeyup." "I told you, Applejack, I told you!" "You did. We'll just have to see what else you can do. Let's get these apples in." *** I went home, exhausted from the day's work. Applejack had a lot of jobs for me, like feeding the pigs, repairing a few things, and plowing the fields. I think I even helped Granny Smith at one time or another. Even still, I found no Cutie Mark, which I didn't mind, but I told Applebloom I would think about joining the Crusaders. Now I needed a bath, and some water. I went to go look for where the water was kept, when I received a visit from an unexpected guest. She was in the library already when I walked in. "What in the world happened to you?" I smiled as I looked up at the dark mare, my sweaty mane covering my face. "Just getting the trust of the residents." She seemed surprised, but pushed the thought away, I guess. "Very well. Give me the progress of your report." I had to work on that, too. "It's coming along nicely. I was going to work on it after I finished bathing." "Well, you best hurry up. I need that information for the plan as soon as possible." "I'll let you know when it's done. Don't worry." "You better. Your future depends upon it." > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hmmmm…uuuuggghh…I can’t think of anything. I was in the library, continuing my report. I had woken up a bit early to work on it, but even though I had the research, my mind was drawing a blank, and I was at a standstill on how to continue. This sometimes happened back in the human world, perhaps mostly because I wasn’t sure how to write down my ideas on paper. Sometimes, listening to music would help. Other times, I would just end up drifting away into the world of my imagination. The human world. My family. I wondered what was happening over there. Did they notice I’m gone? Did Nightmare Moon leave a clone of me in my place? If not, did they even miss me? It seemed the only way out of all this was to keep doing what I was doing in the first place: aiding in the revolution no one…err…nopony…probably wanted. But, I had to do it. For my family. I know it seems selfish. Maybe that’s why I couldn’t continue writing: because of the guilt I felt for plaguing the lives of every pony and other creature in this world for my own benefit. And yet, I felt there was nothing else I could do, so I tried to concentrate on the paper in front of me. Hmm… I could’ve just copied out of the book, but I kept telling myself it was plagiarism. But who says Nightmare moon will care? Nopony will ever know. True, but I’ll still know. Over and over again the thoughts came up, and even though it didn’t really matter, my conclusion was that it was like a school essay, in your own words, and if I was going to be the end of Luna and Celestia’s rule, infamous for such actions, I might as well be legit, and not be remembered, or remember myself, as a cheater. But, again, I wasn’t actually producing anything but doodles and the side of the page, which probably won’t be appreciated by my “boss.” Oy. So, as I sat there, letting my mind wander to other things, I felt sudden warmth on my back. I turned around to the open window behind me, and realized the sun was rising, as well as Ponyville. Stores began to open, and stallions and mares began to head to their jobs. While all this continued on, I considered whether or not it was a good idea to open up the library. It was probably still too early, and nopony would need a book this early, yet would they? Plus, I’m still working on my report. I turned back to the practically empty paper aside from the doodles. Was I really? Looking from the paper to the window and back again, I finally decided to take a stroll through the town. Perhaps that would help me get some ideas going. Stepping outside, I immediately became aware of the sounds going along with the sights of this small town called Ponyville. Some chatter came from one house, like a family having breakfast, some bickering coming from a nearby stand, like the stallions there were haggling for a good deal before any better offers came in. Overall, the scene was happy and peaceful. It was like the beginning of a perfect day where nothing could possibly go wrong. And yet, those were the days were the worst things happened, where everything went wrong in practically a blink of an eye. I started thinking again of why I, of all people, or ponies, would want to bring a calamity upon such a place. Is far as I knew, they did nothing of any sort to deserve this. I could refuse to help Nightmare Moon, but what good would it serve? She’ll probably just find another way to accomplish her will. But did that mean I should merely just do whatever she tells me to? That could be disastrous, and it just wasn’t right. This whole thought process just left me feeling stressed and depressed, and basically unwilling to associate with anypony or creature, which is probably how it should stay. Attachments will only make the job harder. That was when, all of the sudden, I heard a loud crash, and what sounded like a cry of desperation. I then realized my wanderings had led me to end up by Rarity’s boutique. It seemed normal outside, but judging from the noise, something was definitely happening. Seeing nopony else around to inquire of, I slowly, and skeptically, for fear of what could be possibly happening, made my way up to the door, and knocked. “JUST A MINUTE!!” someone screamed. A couple seconds later, with some more crashing, who other than Rarity should open the door? She had her red glasses on, and her normally perfect mane was slightly messy. She looked busy, and confirmed it with a quick, impatient “Can I help you?” At first, the ‘greeting’ intimidated me, but I decided to play along, and responded accordingly. “Hey there, Rarity. Umm…are you OK in there? I heard some loud noises, and wondered if something had happened.” “Uh-huh…and why should I tell y - oh, Mr. True Blue, good morning! I’m sorry; I didn’t recognize you for a second. Yes, I’m fine, I merely bumped something.” She sighed, “It seems that today isn’t off to a good start for me. I’ve been trying to find some inspiration for my new clothing line, but I can’t seem to ‘get the juices flowing,’ as it were.” “Hmm…I see,” I responded, “Well, I hope you find something that will help you.” Like I was saying before, I wasn’t particularly in the mood to socialize, so I figured I would politely end the conversation with a nice ‘good morning,’ and head back to the library. As I turned around to walk away, Rarity turned the tables. “Oh, wait a minute!” I cringed, knowing what she was going to say, “I do believe you have some work you owe me; you wouldn’t mind helping me out a little, would you?” Sighing quietly to myself, I turned around to respond. “Well, I’m a bit busy today...” “Oh, I won’t keep you long. Please?” She flashed a set of puppy eyes at me. After another quiet sigh, I gave in. “Sure, why not,” I said trying to sound positive. “Excellent! You really are a dear. Please, come inside!” And with that, I followed her inside. My first impression upon walking through the door was that inside was a mess, but I then remembered when Rarity needed inspiration, she found it, sometimes, within her “organized chaos,” but she also had accidentally found her Full Spectrum Fashion when Sweetie Belle cleaned everything up. It also dawned on me that my knowledge of these ponies’ lives was quite strange, to some, and I shouldn’t say too much. That would arouse suspicion, which wouldn’t be good. “I hope you’ll pardon the mess,” she said following my gaze around the boutique. “Normally it’s very tidy in here, but my search for something to work with has grown outside its normal boundaries.” “Not at all,” I responded, putting on a friendly smile, trying to hide the anxiety I felt to go back to the library and lock myself to where I was working. “Just tell me where you want me.” “Well, for the moment, I need a mannequin. All the other ones are being used. So if you could stand over there,” she pointed at a clearing in the forest of mess, “I can use you to model the clothes! Head over there, I’ll be back in a second!” “Alright,” I said, and began to work my way through the maze of assorted fabrics and tools and such. When I got there, Rarity had returned with a piece of fabric, which she draped over my body, and began making measurements, meanwhile making small talk. “So, how’s your work with the rest of the girls going?” she asked, “I’d assume you’re making decent progress.” “I guess,” I replied, “but I have some other things going on, handling the library and such. I don’t know if I’ll be able to finish everything with everybody.” “Well, I’m sure you’ll figure it out. It’s all a matter of prioritizing you know…could you stand a little taller?” She asked, so I adjusted my position. “Thank you, anyways, priorities. You just need to figure out what’s the most important thing that needs to be done and work on that first, then you can move on to the rest of your tasks…” As she continued, I did just that: weighing my priorities. What was currently more important? Helping out the rest of the girls, or focusing on getting back home? Hmmm…