> Dreaming of another world > by MyPeculiarSelf > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Dreaming of another world > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you are the spirit of chaos and disharmony is expected that you have very strange dreams. And Discord actually did it. They were mostly fun and the spirit could control them and mold them the way he wished. But he had a particular dream that he couldn’t change. A recurrent dream. A dream where they were in. Everything starts with Discord flying quietly in a strange place. The sky hadn’t sun, moon or stars. It was just a red sky as far as the eye could see, red as blood. The ground was black as pitch, shadows hovered close to him as black fog, making impossible to see anything on the ground. As a result you couldn’t tell if Discord was flying feet or miles from ground. Not that it affected the draconequus. He liked unknown and unexpected, after all the chaos was his nature, his matrix. He flew quietly through strange landscape no problems. For some time nothing called his attention, until something happened. With the corner of his eye, Discord seemed to catch some movement out of the shadows underneath. He stopped, looking at a certain point and waited, but nothing. All so quiet and gloomy as was when he got there. "Awww, come on. Appear, appear! Whoever you are.” He said flying closer to the shadows and smiling with his usual playful tone. "You haven’t reason to be afraid of your favorite draconequus. I don’t bite. Frequently." But again no answer. The darkness still massive and silent. "So ..." Discord started getting serious and putting his hand on the sides. "You want to play this game? Too bad for you sir “unknown and mysterious”. Because I'm the world champion of hide and seek!” He announced triumphantly snapped his fingers and calling for a night vision goggles on his face. The draconequus looked determined for the shadows waiting to see something, but specifically what he had seen before, but imagine his surprise to find that even with your new amazing glasses he couldn’t see anything. "Is the batteries weak?" he asked shaking his glasses, putting it and again looking down. The darkness still there and sound like enjoying of his ingenuity. The determined expression of Discord slowly giving way to shock and mild terror. Never something this way had happened to him before. "Well..." He said trying to recover from the initial shock. "You aren’t fun!" He said crossing his arms and blowing a raspberry to darkness. He returned to flying, pretending he doesn’t care about this strange darkness. More time passed and Discord didn’t want to admit it, but this darkness was beginning to bother. He was not scared, obviously. Discord, the lord of chaos, had nothing to fear. It was just that this darkness was ... terrible ... intimidating ... boring? Yeah! It was boring, nothing chaotic and definitely isn’t fun. In fact he decided it was time to leave this tedious darkness behind. He started flying up, closer to the sky, hoping to leave this dark mass. He felt the wind in his horns and passing by him as he went higher. When he thought it was far enough away he looked back down. The darkness was there. It seemed that he hadn’t even an inch away from her. "That can’t be right." He said to himself summoning a tape measure. He placed it near his tail and held the other end in his paw. He arched his wings, convened aviator’s hat and glasses and shot upward with all his strength. Eyes squeezed shut, the cold wind through your hair and penetrating your skin. Eyebrows and beard swinging wildly in the wind, his lips trembling. At this time he could easily go from Canterlot to moon and back in less than a minute. Finally he stopped and sighed, taking a second to catch his breath. Surely now he had achieved. Couldn’t be different. Discord looked down. His face in shock and fear beginning to rise. The darkness was in the same place. So visible like before. Discord looked at the tape in his paw and saw that it hadn’t stretched more. He could still see the tape near his tail where he had placed showing the same number of before. This isn’t make sense. And no! Wasn’t fun nonsensical, but annoying nonsensical. To him! Ok! He was done with it. Discord wasn’t going to lose to stupid and boring darkness. Time to change to something else. As a beach where the sea was chocolate milk and the sand was cotton candy or comfit. Discord snapped his fingers and… Nothing happened. "What?" Few more attempts and the same result. Discord was starting to get stressed. He couldn’t get away from this thing and couldn’t change his dream? "Luna!" He yelled to the heavens. "I know it's you, Miss I-can-enter-in-the-dreams-of-others-when-I-want-and-without-permission! And if this is a joke isn’t fun! Or creative! I mean darkness wich follow you? Seriously? You're better than that.” He waited still staring the sky. No answer. No. Probably it isn’t Lulu. She is better than that. He thought. Maybe something I ate? That pizza was highly suspect. But in my millennia of existence I ate a lot of worse things that would make a hydra vomit and it never happened. So what? Bah! No matter! I'll just keep flying. An hour that dream will occasionally end. And so he continued doing his best to fly, but ignore darkness below him proved be increasingly difficult. It wasn’t just because the darkness refused to attend his wishes, but the longer he stood there the more he felt that something wasn’t right in that darkness. It looked like something evil, something wrong. Something which just increased with time. Not that he was scared, of course. Discord was too incredible to have afraid of the dark. Suddenly he heard something. It seemed a whisper or hiss. Discord stopped, waiting to hear back whatever it was, but nothing. He continued to fly. Later he would again hear whispers, but would stop again. But after the whispers didn’t stop more and remained constant. Actually seemed louder and was beginning to irritate Discord. Even if he decided not wanting to look at the darkness he give up and see if found the source of those voices. And this time he sees something. First darkness seemed unchanged, but soon he had a glimpse of something. Like a paw or a tree branch that disappeared as fast as it appeared. Shortly more after-paws appeared and other stuff too. Discord looked shocked as strange things began to appear from the mist of darkness. Very shrouded in shadows to be able to see through, but he could have an idea. Whatever it was they were biped, apparently with arms resembling tree branches, with five toes on each paw. Short and/or long manes covering their heads, but unfortunately he couldn’t see much more than that. These things were so surrounded by shadows that he could clearly see them. Discord was immediately interested in those things. He looked them. Apparently the whispers which he heard came these things, they talked among themselves. These creatures were unlike anything Discord had even seen or thought to creat, and it was enough they deserved some spirit’s attention. These things were just wandering around and had the most diverse imaginable behaviors. While some were limited to talk to each other and play with objects that seemed to Discord large rectangles, others would be running around like crazy, throwing themselves on the floor and other strange behavior that neither Discord seemed to be able to understand. And speaking of understanding, Discord couldn’t understand what they were saying. And it seemed that with exception who talked to each other, was as if they didn’t recognize the presence of others or draconequus. It was as if every one were in their own bubble. Discord moved closer trying to see better. Apparently he could not get away from the darkness, but get close okay. He came very close to one of these things, their heads two or three feet away, and yet he could not clearly see the creature still shrouded in shadows. The creature still ignore him despite the proximity. Suddenly Discord’s breathing made, due to the proximity, the creature's front hair swing. He seemed to feel it because he raised it head and looked in the direction of Discord. For the first time his presence has been recognized. "Discord ...?" The creature asked. By tone of voice Discord guessed it was male and young, probably a teenager. Although it is very difficult to Discord see anything, he could envision a smile of the creature. "Discord ...?" "Discord ...?" "Discord ...?" Many other voices asked. The draconequus looked back and saw the other creatures starting to look at him too. As if the fact that only one of them have noticed him had awakened everyone else. Everybody quickly turning to Discord. Although he couldn’t see their faces he could tell that they were quite happy for him to be here. They also seemed to be of both sexes and various ages. "OMG! Discord! " "It's really him!" "I can’t believe! My dream has come true! " Soon the creatures formed a circle around Discord. They seemed very happy and amazed when they saw the draconequus near them. "You know me?" Discord asked in a mixture of shock and happiness. "Of course, silly." One of the creatures spoke like Pinkie Pie. "You’re Discord. Lord Chaos, Master of disharmony, King of the pranks and all the other titles that I don’t remember now." "You're the best pony.” "I love his horns and his beard." "You look so adorable." "Make to rain chocolate milk!" Discord was stunned now. He never had fans before. He felt like a celebrity. The creatures were talking about their creations and how they were incredible. "So ... do you like my chaos?" "Of course! We love your chaos!" They agreed happy. Discord was speechless for the first time in centuries. The life forms that had already enjoyed him could be counted on one paw, unfortunately. He couldn’t remember a moment in his life where more than a being had said something good about him and his chaos at the same time, much less a crowd gathered around him to say he was amazing and the best pony, though being a draconequus. "Discord?" One of the creatures, a female by the voice, asked suddenly snapping Discord out of his reverie. "Are you crying?" Discord felt his face and saw that he had something hot and wet dripping from his nose. Indeed he had dropped a tear without notice. "Are you okay?" Suddenly everyone seemed very concerned with their favorite draconequus. "No, no. It's okay. I swear. It's just... "Usually Discord was hard to show his emotions but for some reason he felt comfortable with these strange creatures. " ...even after all Celestia doesn’t like me and what I do. Nopony appreciates me in Equestria.” "This is very sad." One of the creatures said. "But I like Celestia." "Yeah! She is the best pony. After Discord, of course. " "But she is very conservative." "You have a point." The creatures were about it for some time leaving Discord alone to think about how creatures that he didn’t know could to know about him and so many other things of Celestia or Equestria. Then finally they talked again with Discord. "But in any case they should appreciate him more. Who couldn’t like chocolate milk rain?” "Thank you." Discord said triumphantly to see that finally somepony thought like him. Clearly these beings had rather good taste. "Actually, why don’t you come with us?" One asked suddenly. "It's a great idea!" Others agreed. "Go with you? Where? "Discord asked legitimately confused. "Our world, silly. You would love it. " "You really want me in their world? Usually I'm the last thing that any life form want in their world." "But we aren’t this way. We are already accustomed to chaos. We can handle a little more." "Really? Well, I think I could even make a quick visit. After all, every artist owes a debt to his fans.” He said arrogantly followed by many shouts of joy. "Great! So, come on! It's there. "He said pointing to a strange portal that began to form from the shadows. Discord didn’t know why but his long neck were starting to shiver and he had a bad feeling. Everything became clear when the portal was complete and he looked through it. He froze in horror. There, staring back at him was something black and red with a decrepit and rotten presence. As if exhaling evil. And that smell? Was blood? "What do you think?" One of them asked. "What kind of world is this?" Discord asked alarmed and with glazed look. "It's ours. It's quite beautiful, isn’t it? It's called Earth and is also known as blue planet, despite being surrounded by green and white of the clouds and earth. But it's beautiful." Discord didn’t know where to start. Questioning the sanity of these things? Why hasn’t white, blue or green in this “planet”. He just saw black as ink that resembled something rotten and decaying. And that bright and unhealthy red merged it? Sweet chaos. Look like it was bleeding. Bleeding to death. "Ready to go?" One asked him cheerful. "Well... I don’t know. I forgot my baggage and have nopony take care my cat.” He began to retreat. "Silly. You can take your cat with us. We didn’t even know you has a cat. The other bronies will love. " "Bronies? But... I... "As if obeying some mysterious force the fog shadows dissipated, showing for the first time the appearance of the creatures. They were like a twisted nightmare. They hadn´t hair exception with the mane. Their skin was exposed, he swore he could see veins up in some parts. Skin color remembered wax in many different shades, varying for each them, from almost white to brown as his hair. It seemed that everyone wore clothes, but also varied among themselves and went from simple to more garish and strange. He didn’t know if was for fashion or because due to lack of hair the creatures had some increased sensitivity to cold, but he silently thanked for they were dressed. The last thing he wanted was to see their bodies without fur fully exposed. He wished they would cover their faces too. On their faces they had a nose that didn’t look like any he had ever seen, it ears (at least the ones he could see) seemed more a handful of wrinkled skin and placed on the side of the head. And the eyes? Exception of some greenish and blue he could see the vast majority had dark eyes as if they had perforated their orbits. Holes showing a scary and intimidating empty. The arms were not so different from what he saw in the shadow, but the color of wax and fingers more long and thinner than any other creature he had ever seen wasn’t helping. "What freaks are you?" Discord crying. "Don’t be silly Dissy.” One of the creatures said as he grabbed one of the legs of Discord. By Chaos! It was so strange feel the touch of exposed skin on his own. It felt wrong. Almost revolting. "Obviously we're human." "Human?" he asked almost speechless. "Yeah, you know. Evolved primates. Some of us just love ponies. And too many of those love you.” Other humans began approaching Discord and hug him too. "We love you, Discord." "We love you, Discord." "We love you, Discord." "We love you more than anypony can love." He felt humans begin to push it toward the portal. "No! Wait! "Discord was sure didn’t want to go with these things. Primates? Looked more like some kind of demon that had managed to dodge out of Tartarus. And this planet? It was worse than a nightmare. It literally exuded evil. He tried to get rid of these humans. It seemed easy. He was Lord of Chaos and had the strength to literally reduce mountains to rubble, but found that somehow he couldn’t disentangle himself these things. They kept pulling and pushing toward the portal. "Come with us Discord." No "Come with us Discord." No "Come with us Discord." No "Discord ..." "Discord ..." "Discord ..." ... ......................................... ... "Discord?" "Discord?" "DISCORD!" "Nooooooooooooooooooooo" Discord finally woke up screaming. He sat up in bed gasping and feeling cold sweat mixed in his fur. "Discord?" A soft female voice asked. Discord turned to see the Princess of the Night to his side. "Luna? What are you doing here?" "We would like to ask a few questions. Primarily why thou were so restless? We and Night Court could hear thy screams from castle’s other side.” Luna said concerned. "That isn’t of your subject Lulu. If you're so interested in my dreams then why you don’t enter them in the next time? "Discord asked boastful. Luna looked away suddenly. As if she was embarrassed or something. "Luna?" Discord asked raising an eyebrow. "What are you hiding?" "We? Nothing ...” She said getting nervous. "Luna!" Discord said in a harder tone of voice, clearly losing his patience. Luna knew she couldn’t lie to Discord. "We try to enter in thy dreams. We could only see darkness in everywhere and hear thine voice, but we couldn’t find thou. We had to give up and try to wake up thou in real world.” Ok. That was worrying. "What did thou dream?" Discord was reluctant but relented. "About a strange demon kind. But really I prefer don’t talk about it. " "What kind of demons?" "Have you heard of something like humans?" "Human?" She felt the word in her mouth. "We can’t say that we did. But we weren't here by 1000 years. If thou wish we can ask to our sister.” "No!" Discord cut. "The last thing I need is Celly knowing I have nightmares at night!" "As you wish." Luna agreed. "We go to kitchen making a snack. Would thou like to join us?” "And the Night Court?" "Cancelled due to cries of a darconequus." "Oh!" If somepony talk something about I swear by the chaos that will transform them in cookies. "Well, I guess I won’t get back to sleep so early." He said getting up and following Luna. ------------------------------------- "And they were his fans? And they wanted to take him to their world? "Luna asked holding laughter. "Forgive us but it’s comical." "I know." After two cakes and a lot of pranks with night guards Discord had returned to normal. "They were very strange. And when I say that something is strange is because it’s even strange.” Discord said eating his cake. "I agree." Luna smiled. "Do you feel better now, Discord?" "Actually yes, my dear Lulu." He said finishing his cake. "But tell somepony about it and I'll turn your mane into honey. Do you understand?" "Thy secret is safe with us Discord. As long as thou stop flood our room with jelly.” "Deal." Discord agreed. "But that dream make me to think. Sometimes I swear I'm being watched by hundreds of eyes.” "Really? I also feel it." "Even?" "But we are a princess Discord. Somehow all our subjects look at us. Hoping what we'll do." "It is. You have a point." "Don’t worry Discord. We know you make chocolate rain and turns everything around, but until that dream is too ridiculous to be true. " "Yeah, you're right. Demonic primates who are fans of ponies and I don’t know that? Now this is impossible. " --------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, in another universe, in another planet, thousands of creatures known as humans roamed around. It was weekend night and each went own way. Some would be just at home watching TV, other would go to parties or have fun with friends, others would... well... anything else. And finally some would post fics on the internet. Like a certain girl who had just posting a fic about a certain draconequus being afraid of humans.