> My Little Halo Ring > by Da Bass Cannon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Farel woke up in a cold sweat. Finding himself laying in a crater in the middle of a dense forest. He looked around and saw nothing but trees upon trees upon trees as far as the eye could see. The only thing he remembered was fighting the covenant and a hunter jumping down and shooting him with a modified plasma cannon. He tried to sit up, but cringed and layed back down again. He did a full body check with his helmet scanner and other than him being a horse and the giant plasma burn on the right side of his stomach he was fin...... WAIT WHAT. He looked down at his hands and saw that they were no longer hands but a pair of hooves. He looked at his armor and saw it morphed with him becoming more equine in nature. He sat there staring in shock at his own body and how it changed from human to horse. Then he thought things could not get any weirder he felt a pair of extra muscles on his back and looked behind himself. He saw something that shocked him even more, he had a pair of dark blue wings. He sighed at this and stood up, grunting with pain. He then looked around for his Assault rifle and Magnum. He saw them both sighed with relief. He picked them up surprising himself at how easy it was to pick them up with a pair of hooves. He looked over his trusted weapons and saw they were not damaged. He put his magnum on his hip and shouldered his Assault Rifle. He decided to stay still for a while and try to get some sleep. A few hours into dreamland he heard a sudden beeping. He opened his eyes to see his motion tracker blaring at him with six small orange dots which meant possible hostiles. The dots were coming towards him at a steady pace, so he decided to stay and ambush them. He activated his cloak and climbed a tree looking at where the dots would enter the crash site. He shouldered his assault rifle and aimed it at the exact spot. About ten minutes later he heard a faint rustling and what came out of the trees surprised him the most, which was really hard considering he was a horse. He looked down to find six other horses. He saw that one was lavender colored with a purple mane with a pink stripe through it, the same going for her tail. Another one was a type of cyan color with a rainbow main and tail. Then there was one that was constantly bouncing up and down with excitement, it had pink fur and a dark pink mane and tail. Then he saw a horse that looked like the strongest of the bunch with orange fur and blonde hair, she was also wearing a cowboy hat. Then he saw a white horse with a deep blue mane and tail,constantly nagging about how humid it was in the forest. Then the last one was at the back of the bunch looking frightened, she had light yellow fur and a light pink mane and tail. He stared at them. "What the fuck is going on here" he thought. He then noticed that the six mares (He had finally figured out they were mares by the sound of there voices) were looking at his crash point with interest. They all scavenged about looking for the source of the crater. He then got over his shock and decided to take action. He hopped down to the ground,his cloak still being active of course. He then flanked behind the group and deactivated his cloak and aimed his rifle right at them. He then let out an "Ahem" and they all turned to find a large dark blue Pegasus staring straight at them with a weird looking device in his hooves pointed straight at them. They also noticed he was wearing a suit of what looked like armor. They all just stared at him making Farel feel uncomfortable. He then sighed and started to speak. "Do you mean me harm, did you come here to kill me?" he questioned,still pointing his rifle at them. Then the lavender one stepped forward and started to speak. "Um, hello there my name is Twilight Sparkle, and to answer your question, no we did not come here to kill you we came here to investigate the light that came from the sky." she said with noticeable fear in her voice. Farel lowered his weapon slightly and sighed with relief. He then put his weapon back on his back and removed his helmet. The girls all gasped at once when they saw his face. He had a a red mane and tail with deep brown eyes that said "I got your back." " Well then I really must be go...." Farel was cut short by a cyan blur smashing into his face. He was propelled backwards landing flat on his back. He had lost his rifle,pistol and helmet on impact. He got back up cringing with pain, to see a very pissed off rainbow maned mare staring straight at him. He chuckled then said "Hoof to Hoof combat then? Fine you asked for it." He then chuckled at his joke and lunged at the mare at mach speed tackling her to the ground. He went to throw a punch but found his hoof being restrained by a glow of purple aura. He stared at it and thought "What the..." his thoughts were cut short by him being lifted off the ground via the purple aura surrounding his whole body. He tried to struggle but couldn't move. Then the cyan mare flew up to him and punched him right in his plasma burn. He screamed in pain, making all six of the mares jump. Farel then proceeded to black out. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Farel woke up to the faint beeping coming from somewhere over to the right. He slowly opened his eyes to find he was laying in a hospital bed with restraints around his hooves. He looked around to find that five pairs of eyes were staring straight at him,with concerned looks on there faces He groaned with pain trying to sit up straight,then felt a hoof on his shoulder pushing him back down. He looked up to find the lavender horse smiling at him,Twilight Sparkle if he remembered correctly. "Hey now, you need to rest you really took a beating." she said still smiling at him. Farel rolled his eyes and sighed, "Do you know who you are talking to darling?" he growled still angry he had passed out. Farel then proceeded to sit straight up and get a better look at the group in front of him. All of the horses from yesterday were there, except the rainbow maned one who had punched him. He looked at all of them, he looked straight at there eyes, trying to find hatred in them for what he had tried to do. But all he could find was sincere worry. "Did you all come here for me? he asked questioning all of them. "Well of course we did!" said the horse with the cowboy hat. "May i ask why?" said Farel " I mean I tried to kill the rainbow maned horse for punching me, i assumed she was your friend." he said a hint of hatred in his voice for mentioning the mare. "Well you see...." began Twilight "We are not horses dear we are ponies." The white one with the blue mane cut in. "Anyway..." Twilight said turning back to Farel with a annoyed expression on her face. "The reason we are here is because, we knew that you were scared facing all six of us and we wanted to let you know we forgive you for tackling our friend." she said in a calm tone. "She had no right punching you even if you are from somewhere we don't know about and that you pointed a lethal weapon at us out of fear." she said smiling again. Farel looked at her his mouth hanging open. "You would really just forgive me." he said frowning slightly It was Twilight's turn to look surprised. "Of course we do, here in Equestria we are very forgiving people and we can't really hold grudges it's just not natural." she said giving him a big hug. Farel was stunned to say the least. He quickly returned the hug feeling a little awkward because Spartans were usually not this mushy. "Where is my armor?" he asked. "Oh we figured it was the source of your power so it's at my library/house so we could study it and keep you out of trouble." Said Twilight "Well you figured wrong." Farel said calmly pushing Twilight away from him and quickly breaking the restraints. "Where is this library of yours." he said jumping off the bed and standing on his hind legs. This made all six of the mares gasp and stand up. "What" he asked. "I'm not staying in this hospital for who knows how long when there is a perfectly good medkit attached to my armor." He said making his was to the door. "Oh no you don't" said the orange mare jumping in front of him. "You are hurt very badly and need to stay here and get some rest." she said trying her hardest block most of the door. Farel calmly walked up to her and put his hooves under her lifting her up and setting her aside like she was nothing more than a feather. He then opened the door and started walking towards the exit. He was stopped by all of the nurses and doctors that came up to him, but he did the same thing he did with orange mare and lifted them and put them aside. After a while of this he gave up and just started pushing past them. He finally made it to the exit and noticed that the six mares were following him a few feet behind. He turned to look at them. "Alright now that I'm out of there will you please direct me towards the library." he said with mock politeness. Twilight nodded and said "Alright" and lead the way ................................................................................................................................................................................................... Once they had arrived at the library, Farel rushed inside to find his armor in pieces scattered on the floor. He walked over to it and pressed a button on the wrist of the armor and a compartment opened, in it lay four syringes. "You may want to close your eyes." he said to the mares. They just looked at him confused. "Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you." he said closing his eyes and breathing deeply. He then looked at his bandages and ripped them off. He then saw the real damage the plasma had done. It was a deep burn that actually showed his ribs poking out. He breathed again, this time stabbing himself with the shot. Pain soared through his body as the medicine entered the damaged area. He looked down again and noticed it was already starting to heal, the rib no longer showing. He breathed a sigh of relief. He then turned towards the mares behind him and noticed they all looked horrified. "That is why i told you to look away, now that that is out of the way, Twilight is there a shower here?" he asked grinning a tired grin. She nodded regaining her composure."There is one upstairs."she says pointing to it. He smiled at her and said "Thanks" as he walked towards the shower. "Towels are in the closet across from the bathroom in the hallway." said Twilight Farel nodded in acknowledgement and walked up the stairs to the shower. Farel let the water run down his body soothing the burnt area. He was thinking about how the past two days had gone so far. The first day he got here he had crash landed and woke up to find he had turned into a pony and then got found by six other ponies that happened to be mares. Then after when he felt safe talking to them he got punched in the face by the rainbow maned one. AND THEN he had tried to kill her for causing him pain. Why he had done that remains a mystery to even him. "What the fuck have I gotten myself into" he thought scrubbing his mane, tail and wings. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Farel's eyes shot open. He found himself in a bed that he didn't recognize, It wasn't the old tough green military bed that he always slept in at base that was for sure. This bed was so soft that he felt like he never wanted to get out of it, it also had dark blue sheets and covers, Farel's favorite color. He sat up getting a better look at the room he was in. It was a small bedroom with its own bookshelf and desk that were piled high with books. He rubbed his eyes with his hands, except they weren't hands they were hooves. The events of the past two days came rushing back to him like a flood. He thought he had had some crazy fucked up dream, but nope, whatever god was in this world just kept on making his life better and better. Farel sighed and peeled back the covers, instantly regretting it. "It has got to be at least -2 in here." he whispered to himself. He couldn't actually tell the temperature because the blankets had such a warmth to them, that he couldn't feel the outside world. He got up and went to the restroom to take care of his business. Once he was finished he washed his hooves and gazed into the mirror. What stared back at him made him sigh with relief. " If I'm going to stay in this world I may as well look damn good." he thought smugly. Farel walked downstairs to find he was in Twilight's Tree Library, he actually remembered where he was which he thought was a good way to start the day. He walked in to the kitchen to find a note left on the table with the name Farel written on it. Dear Farel, I'm going down to Sugar Cube Corner for some breakfast with my friends. Make yourself at home and when you feel ready come on down so I can properly introduce you to them. There should be a saddle bag with a map and some bits for you to bring with you. -Twilight Farel was thankful that he had been invited to get something to eat because he was hungry out of his mind. He walked over to his suit of armor and detached the wrist command modual and put it on. He took out the map of the town called Ponyville. He located the bakery, picked up his saddle and was out the door faster than you could say "fire". When Farel walked outside he was greeted with a fine summer day. The sun was shining, a few kids ran around causing mischief, and adults lounged about at the wide selection of shops, restaurants, and cafes. His mood darkened, " If earth was half as peaceful as this then it would be heaven." he thought. He walked slowly at first taking in the scenery and breathing in the fresh summer air. He then remembered why he had come out and made a mad dash for the little bakery. He looked at the building, it was a quaint little cafe/bakery with smells coming out of it that made Farel's mouth water. He walked inside and instantly was hit with the same smells except maximized times ten. He walked up to the counter was greeted by a plump blue mare with a bubblegum pink mane. "What can I get for ya darling." she asked giving him a warm smile. "Umm.... could I get a chocolate chip cookie with a medium coffee." he asked while yawning. "That'll be seven bits." she said as if she had memorized the number by heart. He reached into his bag and pulled out seven small gold coins which he figured to be the currency. He handed them to the mare and she smiled and said "It'll be right out sir." He nodded in acknowledgement and sat down at one of the cafe tables. He was still half asleep and didn't notice six pairs of eyes staring at him. "Hey Farel come over here and meet my friends." said Twilight waving at him. Farel got up and walked over to to a large booth in corner were the six of them were sitting. "Everyone this is Farel, the guy that fell from the sky." she said smiling. Farel was about to say hi when he was tackled by a pink blur. "OHMYGOSH A NEW PONY IN PONYVILLE I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO MAKE YOU A WELCOME TO PONYVILLE PARTY GOT TO GO SEE YA LATER." the hyperactive mare said while sprinting out the door. "What was that." Farel said still not knowing what happened. "That was Pinky Pie the most silly pony in Ponyville. Twilight said. "This is Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash." Twilight continued gesturing to each of her friends. Farel shook each of there hooves ending with Rainbow Dash. "Well you seem to be taking this really well." Farel said to her. "What do you mean." asked Rainbow Dash feeling confused. "Well considering you just shook the hoof of the Spartan that you punched in the face two days ago, you seem to think we can instantly be friends." Farel said coldly. Rainbow's eyes widened in realization. She slowly reached for the knife sitting on the table beside. "You........ you stay away from me." she said with just a hint of fear in her voice. "Don't worry i'm not going to harm you, I tried to kill you and for that I am truly sorry." Farel said. He got up which made Rainbow Dash jump and throw her knife. The knife dug itself firmly in Farel's shoulder. Farel sighed and wrapped his hoof around it and pulled it free, he then set it in front of Rainbow Dash still covered in his blood. "Nice shot" he said coldly. All five of the mares were gaping at what had just happened. "Tell the owner of this cafe she can keep her food and the money that goes with it, I'm going to go find a quiet place to sleep." said Farel still looking at Rainbow Dash. He then calmly turned around and walked out the door. ................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................... Farel lay on his back on the top of a cloud. (He had figured out how to fly extremely quickly.) He lay there pondering whether or not he handled the situation properly. He felt that he wanted to be friends with Rainbow Dash, but something was holding him back. He didn't know if he would ever forgive the Rainbow maned mare for what she had done. Farel heard the soft fluttering of wings and the sound of hooves touching down on the cloud he was on. He looked up to see a certain Rainbow maned mare staring at him with a sad look on her face. "What ever it is you're going to say say it." Farel said with noticeable anger in his voice. "Listen I'm sorry for what I did today you just startled me that's all." she said trying to ease a smile on to her face. "I guess I must have startled you two days ago when you punched in my open wound and made me black out in pain." Farel said standing up and staring daggers at the mare. Rainbow Dash took a deliberate step away from the stallion standing in front of with a frightened look on her face. "I......I....." she started to say but was interrupted by something unexpected. "I'm sorry." Farel said calming down. He realized he would just make matters worse if he stayed mad at the mare. Farel was about to say something else but was cut short by screaming heard from the ground. "HYDRA!!!!!!! CELESTIA HELP US." somepony yelled. Farel looked over the edge of the cloud to see horrible sight. There in the middle of town was a giant serpent spitting fire at anything and everything. Farel tapped three buttons on his wrist command unit and jumped off the cloud. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Farel fell through the sky his black combat suit started to grow from his wrist modual. After a few seconds he was covered in a flexible black suit that could withstand small caliber bullets and temperatures up to five-thousand degrees. Then a few beeps came from his wrist telling him his MIJOLNR Mark 2 armor was inbound. Seconds later he caught sight of six large pieces of metal hurling towards him. His hoof pieces caught him first, the back ones growing to become the hip and groin of the armor. Then he caught his chest piece, which grew outwards to connect with the hoof pieces to cover the rest of the body. Lastly he caught his helmet and put it on. It beeped to life and a blue heads up display appeared on Farel's Military combat visor. He was now covered in a green titanium and platinum metal suit that to him felt like a feather. He then landed with a metallic clank in front of the hydra, which was about to eat an old light brown mare with a grey mane. "Move, go on get outta here." Farel said without looking at the mare to see if she had followed his instructions. His focus was purely on the monster in front of him. Farel looked at it more closely and saw it was basically a big snake, a really big snake for it towered over town hall. It was covered entirely in red scales making up a fierce armor. It had a long tail with a sword sized blade on the end of it. "Oooh am I actually going to get a proper fight." hissed the hydra. "It has been so long were I have had the pleasure of fighting someone and then getting to marvel at how delicious they tasted even after I destroyed them." he said licking his lips. (A/N: Do snakes have lips????) "Well let's say you will get a lot more than you bargained for, you scaly son of a bitch." growled Farel. The hydra hissed and lunged at him, mouth fully open ready to tear through Farel's flesh. Farel saw the move coming and prepared a counter. Right as the hydra reached him he put his right forehoof in the air above him and stuck out his left backhoof out in front of him. He caught the hydra with his hooves forcing his mouth to stay open. The hydra was surprised that this weird little pony had the strength to do that, but quickly shot fire from his mouth forcing Farel to roll out of the way. When Farel finished his role he lunged at the hydra giving him a swift round house kick to the face,knocking a few teeth out in the process. Then hydra quickly recovered from the blow and lashed out his tail to try and stab Farel. Luckily for him he didn't get caught by the blade, but did get hit by the tale itself. This sent Farel flying into a house crushing it in the process. Farel tried to get up but he had to much rubble piled on top of him. The hydra smiled at this and slithered over leaning down to Farel's level. He hissed into his ear,"Any lassst words." "See you in hell mother fucker." growled Farel. The hydra was about to enjoy his feisty meal when suddenly he heard another voice behind him. "Farel catch!!" yelled Rainbow Dash throwing a familiar looking L-shaped object over the hydra to Farel. The hydra quickly lashed his tail at the cyan Pegasus, catching her with the blade making a deep gash in her stomach. She fell to the ground screaming in pain. This filled Farel with rage,giving him the strength to push his way out of the rubble and catch his trusted magnum. He then flew up above the hydra's head. The hydra then turned around only to find that his meal was not under the pile of rubble. "PEEKABOO DICKHEAD!!!!" yelled Farel bring down both forehooves on the hydra's head,slamming him into the ground. He then landed on the hydra's head pinning him to the ground. "Mercy Mercy please." begged the hydra. "You come to this defenseless town, injure innocent defenseless ponies, destroy half of the town and injure one of my close friends, there will be no mercy on this night." Farel said coldly before punching the hydra in the eye with so much force that it popped. Warm blood spurted out covering Farel in it. The hydra roared in pain. Farel then took his magnum off his hip and emptied and entire magazine of 20 rounds into the hydra's eye socket,the hydra had stopped moving after one. Farel was still seething with rage, but remembered a certain important detail. He turned to find the six ponies he had met earlier all gaping at what he had just done, all except one. Farel rushed past the dumbfounded crowd to Rainbow Dash. She lay there eyes still open, coughing up blood. Farel fell to his knees and threw off his helmet. "Damn it Dash why'd you have to go and get yourself hurt." Farel said opening up his med-pack and taking out a syringe labeled 'Nanites'. He stabbed her in the arm and pushed down the plunger. This made her body stiffen and then relax. "I just felt bad for what I had done to you the past three days." she said giving him a tired smile. "Don't worry about me I des-." she was cut off by a hoof covering her mouth. "I swear to god if you say you deserve this then I will never forgive myself." Farel said before placing a hoof on her injured stomach. "Computer, activate protocol 'Man Down'." he said to his wrist. The suit complied by making his hoof armor fold up his leg till it settled on the upper part of it. Then the nanites in his combat suit glided over his fur onto Rainbow covering up the wicked gash. "Alright, put your hooves around my neck." Farel said to her. She did so without question, then Farel picked her up in his hooves. "Okay, where do you live." he asked. She pointed to a cloud floating above a small hill. Farel took off without another word to anyone. ................................................................................................................................................................... When Farel touched down on the cloud he was surprised to find that somehow there was a house mad entirely out of it. He pushed open the door with his back hoof and walked inside. It was everything you expected to find in a house except made of cloud. How this was physically possible Farel had no clue, but he did not care he was to damn tired at the moment. He searched the house until he found Rainbow's bedroom. He walked inside to find a bed made of cloud, and a few posters that featured some ponies called the Wonderbolts. He walked over to the bed and set Rainbow down and covered her up with the cloud covers. She smiled at him before saying, "Thank you for helping me home. "Not a problem, anything for a friend." Farel said giving her a tired smile. "Now don't move to much the nanites I injected you with have to work there magic." he said getting his serious look back. "Ok thank y- Wait you consider me a friend?" she asked. "Even after all I've done?" she questioned again. Farel looked at Rainbow. "Yes I do and yes I forgive you for the past three days." He sighed before adding, " I lost my squadmates in a firefight, and from that day forward I vowed to never let anyone innocent die ever again. I lost so many good friends that day, I couldn't bare to lose another." he said as a single tear rolled down his cheek. Farel stood up and walked towards the door. "Wait!" he heard Rainbow Dash say. "Do you think you could stay here tonight." she asked giving him a sheepish smile. "It's just you make me feel safe." she added quickly. Farel thought about it for a moment then smiled. "Sure, I'll just be on the couch if you need anything, Goodnight Rainbow." he said before closing the door.