The Marionetter


First published

A tale of a Princesses internal struggle with the strange creature she has befriended.

Ever since her return to the strange kingdom of Canterlot, Luna has had to adjust to significant change. While some of it has been bizzare, one change she adores is the newfound nightlife.
Of late, there is an addition to this nightlife that has drawn her interest; a performance said to be unlike any other. While she does not take interest in the so called 'unseen', she does wish to see it before the week is done. This is the first act she has heard of that dares to tell the story of her fall to Nightmare Moon.
There are many bizzare changes in the new kingdom, this one however will prove to be the...strangest one yet.

3 years in the writing and it's ready. Don't even read the comments, the author, or look at the rating, just read.


Chapter 1. Performance

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It was very bright up here. From her hiding place she could only make out the murmuring crowd under this balcony. There was a hum of patrons below blissfully unaware of who was joining their merriment this eve. It was by grace alone that the manager, and owner, of this humble theatre had allowed safe passage anonymously. She was given the private balcony but it was unfortunately well illuminated. She would have to hide behind the rail until the lights dimmed.

The seating was a testament to the former glory of days long past. The cushions were polished clean but nevertheless faded from use, the edging beginning to lose its stitching. Brass feet were worn and their once shining plating had been long lost to a carpet with absent chunks of weave. Observing the contrasting care with which the under level was maintained, it was clear a high ranking member of society had not graced The Starlight Lounge for a long time.

A long time.

Princess Luna slumped against the rail with a heavy sigh. A long time indeed. So long in fact that great halls as these could have been planned, built, used, and worn down in her absence. In younger years she would have reviled the upkeep but now she could not care for its condition in the least. She had after all recently been in a place far worse.

It was a reminder of one thousand years lost under banishment spent in an unsound nightmare. A thousand years was a great time to lose even for a pony with her seemingly endless lifespan. A thousand years is a great time lost even to immortals. Luna had wished to pass her thousandth birth year in a kingdom restored to its former glory, sadly the alternative proved traumatic.

The changes were maddening, but her sister had made the return as comfortable as possible. Princess Celestia was burdened by heavy heartache having had to banish her only family under a terrible turn of madness. Celestia had planned for that return however and cured Luna of the madness that she bore for a millennia. She had even taken great strides to rally her sister's strength.

To this end she had suggested Luna to take an evening free to enjoy some of the new features of this strange world. Luna would have preferred training further in diplomacy, spell crafting, anything to help her become the ruler she saw herself being in this time. The gossiping ponies in the castle however made it impossible to stay away.

This performance was on the tongues of everypony in the castle staff. Tonight was a magic stage show of sorts in this theatre. A song and routine supposedly depicting the era Luna fell to a darkness within.

She shuddered and wrapped her wings in battle against the icy grip in her stomach. Concentration on the pattern of the wallpaper helped relieve her mind of that turmoil. She was sickened with her legs trembling slightly, with her hooves clutching her belly. This might have not been the best of notions to attend that story. It was difficult to remember such things.

The thought of what might be was keeping her nerves at bay, that and the warm tea served by a fawning manager. Tea was a drink Luna enjoyed a great deal.

An exhale to calm her breath and the clattering plates became the preoccupying sound. Her name could be heard being whispered over many a table. Luna did not enjoy the endless interest and fascination brought down by this new world. It had been difficult to maintain the royal demeanour, but there were a few ponies that made it far more welcoming than hoped.

As experience had taught, this might prove to be an occasion worth facing. Luna would stare down her past tonight, or at least something close. She would make peace with it. Princess Luna found herself excitedly anxious.

The lights slowly dimmed to dark and the excited murmurings of the crowd fell silent. Finally taking the chair on her balcony, Luna was still worried over this act she was about to see. Tonight was the second last performance of this story, she had to see it.

Despite the condition it was comfortable up here. She was alone as preferred and warm. The manager quietly stepped beside her and laid a plate of confections. Luna lit her horn slightly and ruffled for some bits. The manager denied them however and once again Luna could not pay. She was so eager to pay for something, but it was impossible being her and paying it seemed. At least this owner had kept her word and been discrete. No nervous performers tonight, Luna would enjoy it as every other pony did.

As the audience waited, she admired the courage of the act; to tell the tale of what had happened to her. Nopony yet had been brave enough to try since her return, the reputation as Nightmare Moon, her madness, still fresh in the minds of Equestria. This Marionetter was the first one to perform it on stage, and she was still completely anxious over what to expect.

Heavy steps echoed around the darkened theatre and the murmuring began again. A single dim, broad light shone on stage and illuminated a thick cloud. Luna found it more than strange to see a cloud of all things on a ground level stage. There came a pure white glow through a dense fog. In the centre rear of the stage was a black, shiny pony, neatly dressed in modest dark wear; no tie, no colour at all. She could only make out the head and eyes from here. The fog was too dense to see through as it poured over the edge of the stage and into the small band below. Even from here though, she could see it was a pony magician.

The mist was oddly captivating. There was a tone that struck odd in Luna’s mind. It did not move naturally. There was no weight to it, no indication of a breeze. It was moving with purpose, pulsing in and outwards to form a thickness she could best make out around the head of the black pony.

A spotlight came to escort an elegant mare from the left of the stage, the mist parting before her. She was an amber earth pony, no horn or wings to be seen. She wore a fine red dress, a gown with crystal stoned embedded around the shoulders. Luna found her beautiful surrounded by the fog. She gracefully bowed, the pony behind following cue. The patrons politely applauded to welcome them and the theatre was completely silent as the mare stood tall.

“Welcome to The Starlight Lounge Performance Theatre, we hope you are enjoying your dining experience. My name is Melody. Tonight we shall go on a journey in time. We shall go back to when The Princess Celestia and The Princess Luna were but days away from the fateful night where Nightmare Moon came into being.”

The mare closed her eyes and cleared her throat. A single piano chord struck and she released a single note that echoed around the theatre, the volume was impressive. Luna smiled as it carried around and blanketed her, such a powerful voice from such a modest performer. It abruptly stopped.

The piano carried a light melody and Luna was amazed at the sight. The fog was taking shape, the kingdom of Canterlot, and its castle, rose behind the mare. The images were as solid as life, an impressive feat for any magician. She could see the source from here, the black pony as it held two small white wands that glowed brilliantly. She felt a tingle up her spine as the mare began and the magnificent scene breathed a life of its own. The piano stopped, only the sweet voice carried out. There was such silence that each ending note echoed long and proud.

The castle seemingly pulled closer, made larger as the image was brought through to the main foyer. Celestia and Luna were shown seated side by side on adjacent thrones.

“Two sisters of old, they watched over all.

Nopony could see, how far one would fall.

Their love was once strong, but soon it did fade…”

The Celestia effigy looked over to Luna in terror as her sister was engulfed in a pitch black flame,

“And from that lost love, a monster was made.”

The darkness around the Luna twisted open and birthed Nightmare Moon. She was frightening to behold and held every menace Luna remembered. It is not real, she reminded herself with a deep trembling breath.

The black pony swept the wands sharply and the scene was wiped clear to a pause of silence. A single violin played out, the melody perfectly accompanying the vocalist to deliver a sharp chill to Luna’s spine. She leaned forward and rested her head in her hooves on the edge railing. This was going to be good.

An upwards swipe from the black pony and the fog cloud shot up to create what was Princess Luna’s tower, once again the view pulled into her room. The details were remarkable, they had everything correctly represented down to the pictures on the walls. Sometimes she hated the attention she got, no doubt those magazines of home decor were to blame.

The full band played the melody. A mournful saxophone, a light hearted piano, a grumpy drum, and an excited violin

“One had the night, the other the day,

Yet only in light, did ponies go play,

Her sister was sad, and so full of spite,

For she wanted her ponies, to enjoy her night.”

The image of Luna was on her balcony staring out over a vast emptiness of a sleeping kingdom. The view grew smaller until all of Canterlot was on the stage. Tiny lights scattered about to create a surreal perspective of the height and distance. It was remarkable considering the modest size of this stage. It was frightening that she could remember those nights so well seeing this. The Luna effigy dropped her head and another swipe came from the black pony to twist the image about and glide over the silent kingdom.

“All ponies did sleep, in sweetest of dreams,

All addled with joy, not nightmarish scenes.”

Luna nearly gasped as the violin cut to something sinister and sharp, gripping her gut. A single ominous bell rang out. There were terrifying shadows growing on the walls of the kingdom, engulfing it in blackness. Luna managed to close her gaping mouth, this was as she had seen it. The coincidence was remarkable, such a scene did exist to near perfection all those years ago.

Another swipe and Celestia was now on her own balcony, a tide of pony images stretching out around the singer and cheering their princess. Not a sound came from the figures though. Luna saw the sticks the pony held grow brighter.

“Her sister was blind, in the light of her fame.

While her back had been turned,”

A sinister shadow rose up from behind Celestia,

“her love went insane.” The shadow pulled back into the castle, the image followed it to see a Luna convulsing on the ground. The scene became as large as the stage, as the body projected began to crack apart and show itself to cry.

“Her envy was strong, yet against it she fought,

The tide was too strong, her strength was for nought.”

The body shattered and Nightmare Moon rose up. She took off and floated over the crowd to their gasps and screams. While it did hurt Luna to be reviled that way, she had truly never seen something like this. The light emanating from her Madnesses effigy carried over and shone on the ponies underneath.

“The nightmares did come, and forms did they take,”

Luna gasped with the crowd as the black pony raised both sticks high, a sea of dark shadows following the cue in a twisted mass. The sight was awe inspiring. Celestia's image stood defiantly against Nightmare Moon and the horde. Luna was grateful the act left out how much damage had been done before this part. The shadows engulfed the stage, pushing the image of Celestia back over the crowd. She flew higher and the ponies in the audience screamed under the black smoke that twisted after the effigy in pursuit, breaking into the shapes of monstrous phantoms.

They emitted a glow about themselves, darkened blue tint which lit the strangely delighted faces of the ponies they flew over. The eyes and mouth pierced the silhouettes with sharp teeth and angered glares. Each spiralled after the other to be swatted away by the bright white wing of her sisters image. One spiralled to the balcony where she was, her heart terrified with what approached at alarming speed.

It stopped right before her. Luna grew nervous now, no longer able to see her subjects, barely able to separate a memory from what was witnessed. She had to keep reminding herself this was a performance. Many had seen it already, and they certainly did not exaggerate in their descriptions. That brief moment of clarity prevented her from parrying away the apparition with her own magic.

It encroached at hoof’s breadth, and Luna instantly watched the crowd below to see them staring up. They were not. Spaced evenly about the theatre were many apparitions. They held over tables and stalked the onlookers menacingly. Luna returned her attention to the one before her, unable to prevent her head from tilting in contemplation. The gaze the monster cast was hungered, leering in its secret thoughts. The sound of laughing patrons followed a mare's scream, cradling her hoof with delight after touching the apparition.

The band performed phenomenally, their music eerie and dark with long notes that strained to each individual completion. Luna reached up to the phantom hesitantly, passing her hoof into the wisps that dusted off it. Something in the air was of notice; the scent of rain soaked autumn leaves on a forest floor. It was a scent of magic, one she was not familiar with. Her hoof felt the cold air within, the prickling sensation drawing her own laugh out with the other ponies about.

Her sisters effigy had fallen and was restrained by these shadows, fighting to break free. Luna caught herself in admiration of the scene. There were more than a dozen shapes moving about, each one seemingly of their own volition. The one controlling them was too heavily bathed in mist to be seen. It demanded a great deal of concentration to wield this many characters without seeing them, and there was the slightest moment of respect to what was required to create this.

The Celestia image leapt up with a bright flash of light and the shadows restraining her exploded. The lingering ones in the audience returned their attention to her, retreating to leave the crowd laughing and whispering in their excitement. So many smiles adorned the faces. Luna caught herself joining them. The music returned to the tune of the song, the mare remaining in her position for a beautiful continuation.

“The sister fought on,”

The Celestia became surrounded by a wall of shadow around the stage, leaving her visible through a parting as she tried to stay the tide,

“but fell in their wake.”

The shadows closed in and she was engulfed. Luna could see it again, this version was far more glamorous. In her memory the nightmares blocked out the very sky.

A swipe from the glowing sticks and the dark cloud left, leaving the Celestia bound in chains with Nightmare Moon laughing out over her.

“The day had seemed lost, yet love did endure,

For the sister’s dark heart, was nowhere as pure.”

The image of Nightmare Moon clutched her chest and fell. Luna could not help a satisfied smirk, this was her favourite part.

“With the last of her strength, the night mare did cry;

Dear sister, dear sister, thou must banish I.”

Even Luna’s ears pinned back with a twinge hearing that rhyme. It was far from an eloquent one yet the ferocity with which the mare bellowed it out made her conviction in this poor wording commendable. It did depict a madness against which her effigy was grappling.

The scene was frightening as Nightmare Moon convulsed violently on the floor, alternating between torn shards of both Luna and Nightmare Moon. Celestia’s weeping form tried desperately to reach out to her sister from the chains. Their sound was incredible as it jingled the strain and looking to the band revealed a burly pony pulling on chains. Such detail was admirable.

Luna had remembered this moment with a heavy heart, seeing it here though... These effigies lies did that night honour. Sadness could be felt by all the ponies watching as the sisters struggled to reach for one another, one trapped by chains and the other by her seizure. Luna wiped a tear away remembering her sisters cries again.

The stage itself was silent with the violin building tension, but that anguish from so long ago never left her. The Celestia then stopped trying from her bindings and shut her eyes, tears falling as she lowered her head and her horn slowly glowed to brilliance. Ponies in the audience actually cried out for her to stop. The violin fell silent.

“With the heaviest pain, our sisters must part.”

A beam shot out from the horn to engulf the Luna and Nightmare Moon. The effigy mimed out her final cry as she was encased in blinding light and thrown to the sky. The chains around Celestia broke but she merely fell to the floor, unable to stand. Luna could feel the strain as her sisters image slowly lifted her head to follow the direction. A circular spin from the black pony and a large moon appeared, the shape of Nightmare Moon’s shadow growing across it.

“For one thousand years, broke is each heart.”

The Celestia transformed into Luna, the stage turning into the familiar white scape of the Moon itself. Luna was afraid, she hated that place. To see it again nearly made her scream.

Her heart stopped and her breath was caught as she saw the black pony look to her. She held still thinking it a coincidence. The fact that it hesitated however, showed it recognised her. In hindsight, it would have been wiser to remove the crown or take disguise. Too late now. The scape faded to darkness with only the moon in view, Luna did not doubt this Marionetter had seen her distress and grew ashamed. Even in this darkness she felt exposed. The piano burst to life and drowned her thoughts.

“But fear not my friends, one more chapter must be,

A thousand years past, and the Nightmare was free.”

The shadow on the moon faded, as did it. An elegant twirl and the scape showed Twilight and her friends facing off against Nightmare moon.

“Forever in night, was Nightmare’s true curse,

Yet the harmony stones, did save us from worst.”

The dramatised battle of the seven figures waged on as they danced around the singer. Never did her eyes open to the surrounding images.

“Then there came the six, who the burden did bare,

To pluck our young Princess, from eternal despair.”

Luna felt a tear seeing the struggling Nightmare Moon as the elements bathed her in their beautiful white light. This part was wrong, for it was a multicoloured rainbow light. She could feel it again, Nightmare Moon and her becoming one once more. That overwhelming peace she had felt being free. The ponies in the crowd cheered on. Luna Joined them, keeping her voice in check to remain undetected.

That black pony still focused on her though. Luna found it odd that it never blinked. The Luna image and the Celestia came to each other, sharing a warm, tearful and tender embrace to the cooing of the crowd. Such emotion in this performance. It captured the expressions of their relief, such detail to the craft.

“Our sisters are whole, and the day has been saved,

And because of one, their fears did they brave.”

A swipe and the Celestia and the Luna stood proudly together with Twilight Sparkle and her friends, a picturesque pose to end the story for sure.

“Remember these words, my ponies so dear.

As long as there’s love, you’ve nothing to fear!”

The mare held that note an impressive time before she, and the characters, bowed to cue the lights to cut off.

The crowds applause thundered around in the darkness. Luna cheered along and dared to whistle with them. She enjoyed that tribute very much, letting her tears carry out the emotion that built up seeing this. The lights returned and the vocalist smiled to take a bow. Luna was confused, the black pony was gone. The cloud slowly faded as the mare cantered out with another bow, still no sign of her partner.

This act had thankfully not met Luna’s fears, indeed it had performed a great service. The new world was not as welcoming and ignorance of her ordeal was abundant. This was a story to enlighten. More would come from other venues, yet this one had courage for being the first.

The lights to the theatre returned and Luna sat back in her modest hiding place with a sigh, her ears falling back as she caught her breath and dried her cheek. The adrenaline and emotion of the event drained away to leave her in a period of calm. This was the first time she had been calm since returning.

She tried to recall the endless tide of documents that needed to be signed over the past few weeks, and yet not one came from a theatre of any kind. There was a sense of infuriation at not being consulted for permission, yet it faded once she realised this would have never been should they have done so. Luna conceded her demeanour was still caught in the old world, its cold and regal exterior serving to divide herself from the ponies she once loved…still loved.

She noticed her hooves did not tremble, her legs were sturdy. She had found herself enjoying this traumatic memory with a certainty to see it once more. This was strange in a wonderful way. Luna had enjoyed this performance.

There was an opportunity this eve which prickled her ears high in its mere thought, her hoof touching her lips in consideration. Despite the fear of these strange ponies, she had to go and express her thoughts. Such performers deserved to know they had impressed the subject of the medium, honoured her; the Princess of the night.

The manager had been nervously waiting outside the balcony entrance. She stood to attention almost ready to bear Luna's wrath. Instead she smiled to the nervous mare.

“Very eloquent,” she sighed.


“A most pleasurable evening. Your performance was well orchestrated.”

“Oh no, Princess Luna! This was all The Marionetter. I warned-”

“The black pony?” she interrupted.


“I wish to thank them all for their labour. Is this possible tonight?” The manager almost turned white.

“I do not know…”

“It shall not be long, merely my gratitude.”

“They are such a boorish bunch and your highness-”

“Merely my gratitude,” Luna repeated sternly. The mare shifted nervously. She had a host of twitches and it was clear her position held a great deal of stress.

“I’ll prepare them, Princess.”

“Nonsense,” she chuckled. “I want to surprise them.” Luna trotted along the corridor but noticed a lack of hoofsteps with hers. She smiled to the manager, still rooted in her spot. It was clear she was terrified of Luna’s reprise, or more terrified of Luna herself. Neither was complimenting. This mare was a lot more composed when she welcomed her. Luna gestured to her side. “I believe this is your theatre?”

“OF COURSE!” The mare bolted to Luna’s side and began an lengthly eulogy of the rundown theatre. It was built by a pony a long time ago and used for performances until the area became less prominent. It was apparently on the rise once more, and Luna was pretty sure she knew whom this mare had to thank for that.

The backstage area was dark and quiet. Luna followed the mare into the cavernous room to be greeted by the sight of the band ponies. They were laughing with a few drinks until the manager cleared her throat to get their attention.

“Ladies and gentlecolts, you have an admirer who wants to thank you for your performance.”

“Hey, Princess Luna!” the burly chain pulling pony laughed, “pull up a chair and grab a mug. You look like you could put a few away!” Luna stood frozen. The casual speech, the ease, the boldness of it. The only thing that stopped her from correcting this pony was how odd it felt. Nopony had spoken to her that way. That stopped her, and the trembling red face of the manager.

“This is the real Princess Luna.”

“Oh sure,” a red pony laughed. He sported his violin bow behind his ear as a scribe would their quill. He jumped up and tilted his head patronisingly to her, “Tell me, wha’s it like visitin’ this wee hole in your kingdom?” They all laughed out.

“Melody, this joke is getting old!” the ebony called out. “At least dress her up in something sexy to keep it interesting!” Luna’s cheeks flushed with fury. She did not know what was happening but she would speak up before they dug deeper graves.

“I assure you, good ponies, I am real.”

The laughter stopped dead.

The band of ponies did not smile anymore. They stared at Luna, then looked amongst themselves.

“Ya don’t think-”

“I think these cloud creatures of his can talk now.”

Cloud creatures. Luna found that oddly clarifying. It appeared the Marionetter might have taken the liberty of impersonating her offstage.

“Sure ‘LUNA’,” the burly pony gestured an exaggerated bow, “you are a real girl now!” His bravado won the approving laughter of the band. Luna’s cheeks only grew redder. Her fury was stopped short by the clattering sound behind the band. They turned about to reveal the singer, Melody, in a bath robe with a look of utter wide-eyed horror.

“Did you hear me? Next time dress her up-” the burly pony was silenced as Melody’s hoof slammed over his mouth. She was still wide-eyed, still rooted in place. Her hoof was stuck brushing her hair, but the brush had fallen.

The laughter stopped dead.

“I am so sorry about this, Princess Luna. The Marionetter make’s sport of them with his talents. I will discipline the ruffian as soon as your visit is done.”

“Please tell us this is a joke, lass.” Melody shook her head very slowly with a whimper.

The stage exploded in a chaotic blur as the few ponies scrambled around and over each other to line up and greet their Princess. They all bowed, nose to the ground and all cursing this Marionetter under their breath. Luna lost all anger and had to fight back an overwhelming urge to laugh. Decorum needed to be maintained at all costs.

“I…ahem, shall n-not hold it against thee, ahem, good ponies.”

“This is why I tell you not to play these jokes. No, I forbid them from now on. Am I clear?!”

“Yes Ma'am,” they chimed in unison.

“I see not the orchestrator of the stunt. Where is the one who wielded the little glowing sticks?”

“I’m afraid he has already left in urgent business, your highness,” the burly pony spoke to the floor, “he did not say where.”

“He? No matter, I shall still enjoy offering my most heartfelt congratulations to you all. You make your princess proud to serve the kingdom of Equestria. Your performance tonight was beautiful.” They remained silent in respect to her. “Rise, please.” Yet again she could not inspire the warmth and ease her sister could, seemingly striking that familiar fear into them all. She sighed, it would take time as her sister said. She shook each hoof enthusiastically, the warmest smile she could muster to accompany.

“Good. Please take your fooling around elsewhere lest we all get in trouble.” The manager was shaking from the ordeal. indeed it did almost turn out very unfavourably for them. They scattered and apologised profusely while backing out, leaving Luna and the manager alone.

“This black pony, was The Marionetter?”

The mare seemed caught in the question, “Yes...Princess Luna.”

“Is he the shy sort? Tis the reason he hides, your Princess assumes.”

“Not at all, Highness! He is a busy one.” She shuffled her hooves while Luna let the excuse hang between them. He had seen her whilst performing. It seemed he did not wish to wait for her wrath.

“Tis no matter. There shall be more moments for gratitude in the future. I shall enjoy visiting to pay witness to the next tale.”

“You are of course welcome any time at all, Princess Luna.”

“Perhaps next time I shall see the one who could not stay?”

The mare nodded, “ and I will ensure this chicanery stops tonight.”

“And that I may offer my gratitude to him in kind.”

“I will try to keep him here next time.” The owner smiled as she came out of her bow. “Let us be off, our chef has prepared his finest dessert for you. It is called moonlight serenade and has his secret recipe for ice cream.”

Luna’s ears perked up. “With the sprinkles of the chocolate?” she excitedly asked.

“Of course.”

“As long as I may pay for this.” The mare tried to protest but Luna glared that protest into submission.

Oh how these delights of the new world did tempt her. How could she remain when there were sprinkles of the chocolate to consume. This stallion would have to wait for this night, Luna could wait to thank him. After all, he was scheduled for another act tomorrow night.

Chapter 2. Hiding

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“And what is his business of urgence today?”

“I’m terribly sorry, your Highness. I tried but he is such a stubborn one! He did not-”

“Say,” she finished. The same excuse as always. “This is most frustrating. I wish to pay him his honour.”

“I know, your Highness. Please allow me to convey the message so you need no longer trouble yourself with his annoyance.” The same offer as always.

“Absolutely not. I will do so in person, such is the proper way of things.”

“Perhaps you could partake in your usual?” Luna thought about it for a minute, “With the sprinkles your highness so loves?”

“Nay. Not today I think, I no longer have an appetite.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” The mare looked crestfallen. The owner of The Starlight Lounge and Theatre had taken a shine to Luna’s visits in her mission to thank The Marionetter. Not one word was spoken in this tight band and these visits remained secret. She enjoyed catering to her needs, although Luna never demanded much.

“Tis a pity indeed. I do ask you to leave one message from me to your Marionetter. Tell him if he is hiding from me, he need not fear. Also mention that I can wait a very long time.” Luna chuckled as did follow the nervous manager. “I shall wish you goodnight once more, dear proprietor. Until next time.” She saw herself to the rooftop exit, no longer needing a guide, it had been done many a time already.

Princess Luna stepped out into her night, the moon welcoming her arrival with gleam. She enjoyed seeing it there, far far away from her. It was nevertheless her duty to control it, although she feared that place beyond all reason. It was after all where her sentence was carried out. A long time.

She fluttered her wings and took to the next rooftop to meet her posted guard. “What did you see, Sir?”

“Highness,” he bowed, “Nothing left the back alley since your arrival.”

Sir Nightlark was a haughty and robust character. He was short for a guard, not the strongest either. He bore the proud wings of the batpony though and was the fiercest warrior she had. He was well known for his intellect.

“Then it stands to reason there is an unknown exit, The Marionetter is more versed in subterfuge, or he never left.”

Over the past month Luna had grown increasingly interested in this black pony and his performances. The vocalist, Melody, was always a pleasure to talk to as she carried away on stories about the lives of other ponies in Canterlot. The Marionetter though was a sensitive subject, always meriting changing the topic quickly when mentioned. Luna did not even know his real name. If she was honest with herself it should not matter, yet she had an overwhelming desire to meet him now.

She had learned some things about The Marionetter; he kept to himself, rarely spoke, created all his own performances, wielded genuine magic and made all the other ponies very nervous. It was enticing to think about it. Every time she tried to meet him though, there was always the excuse. At least he had the courtesy to never change it.

It was a polite way to avoid meeting her. Now she had seen five of his acts over the past four weeks. Two performances of her tale and three more, each one different and telling a remarkable story of what held the ponies interest at the time.

The latest was the sweetest tale of a stallion on a bridge. He was ready to jump, but was pulled back and cradled by a mare. She did not know him but fought to keep him safe. Then there was a beautiful moment they shared, a kiss in a moonlit meadow under a cherry blossom tree. Then they saw the life the two built together; the family they raised to their old age in their home. Still so in love. The end was poetic as they returned to the bridge scene, but the mare never came to him.

Luna enjoyed the fact that the shows made her think a little. Each one had a message to the ponies, a beautiful story with a strong lesson.

“Princess Luna, if he does not wish to meet you then just leave him be. These brooding thespian types are nothing but trouble anyway.”

Luna sighed in defeat. “Thank you for your honesty. You are the only pony I would trust to speak frankly.”

Indeed he was. Sir Nightlark was nothing but loyal and extremely protective of Luna. He was the best soldier she had, apparently chosen by Celestia for his honesty.

“Why are you taking such pains?”

“You have seen these performances. I think it right I should thank him.”

“I think the oaf was riding your fame to boost his.”

“If so…then why be so reclusive?”

“Why hide during your visits,” the knight reflected.

Luna had to speak frankly to this knight, “He is afraid of me. I do not wish to be feared.”

The knight watched Luna as he thought on her words. “Fear is a good thing, Princess. It protects you.” Luna laughed. Such was the shortcoming of this knight. It was difficult to understand her position for anypony, she did not hold it against him.

“I ask thee, good Sir, to humour thine Princess.”

The knight sighed. He nodded and returned to watching the alley. It was their plan to remain here for a while longer. Luna wanted to observe this pony’s habits.

She did see something strange. A shadow was cast in one of the rooms at the back of the theatre, the shape of a pony. It could have been any pony of course, but the glow of white light suspended her doubts.

Luna wanted to see this The Marionetter and meet the mind responsible for that first performance. Five failed meetings, a royal summoning and rejected invitations was enough. She could no longer be patient.

“Sir, I want you to go about your patrol without me tonight.”

The knight stared dumbfounded at her. “I do not think it wise to be left alone with a magical being, Princess.”

“I can look after myself,” she reassured him.

“Even so…”

Luna wanted to put her hoof on his shoulder, but she already felt awkward thinking about it. “I do not wish to lay siege to his home. I will enter alone and perhaps then you may observe from afar?”

“Highness!” He bowed and took flight without question. In the least her good knight did not doubt his own abilities to protect her.

Tonight was not a busy one for Luna, a nightmare did not require as much intervention as ponies believed. Only when the pony was alarmingly terrified was it necessary. Tonight was a quiet one, so she would try to see him, if it was him.

Feeling mischievous she kicked off of the rooftop and glided silently down to where the window was on the second floor. A moth flew crashed into her muzzle, she blew it gently away with some effort. She disliked glowing at night, especially around the insects of the night.

As Luna focused on the window, to her surprise the shadow was gone. It was doubtful, there was surely nopony with hearing that sharp. She floated over the railing and unlocked the latch with her magic. This was very unbecoming for a princess but it was not the first time she had broken a silly rule since her return. She leaned her head into the room, there was nothing to be seen but it was a sight.

Feeling curiosity’s fatal pull she stepped in. The interior was strangely bland, only alight by her moonlight. A single modest mirror rested atop a desk. A set of couches, most likely, had a tan blanket draped over. A single tall wingback seater stood before the fire, uncovered although its adjacent companion was not. There was a newspaper pile about three hoofs high in the corner, all turned to the puzzle pages that had been solved neatly. A solid wooden screen for changing held a very odd shirt.

Luna went closer to examine it. The material was very smooth to the touch, lightweight and carried a sheen. She did not think it proper, but she continued her searching of the room. There was a bathroom attaching to the main room, steam still leaving from it. He had just been here.

White caught her eye and drew to the two wands he wielded, neatly placed on a dresser top. She moved to it and gently prodded one. They did not look remarkable in the slightest. Examining them with more scrutiny she could see a faint carving in the body of each. She picked up one and it began to mildly hum.

Luna knew this magic, these things seemed familiar somehow. They were not very long, only slightly wider than her hoofs frog. She tapped the top of it, shouting and dropping it with fright as it burst into a staff. She covered her mouth looking wide eyed around and had to giggle at her slip. These sticks were amusing, although it was admittedly best to leave them be.

A movement caught her eye, a gentle ruffle of another blanket draped over something. She had a suspicion and slowly cantered over to it. She held her muzzle close to the odd object as the large blanket atop it gently swayed. Listening closer it seemed more likely but...she stomped her hoof and the blanket jumped. She giggled at this silly pony.

That was what drew her interest. The familiar scent. Inhaling deeply she could see the demonic apparition which had stalked the audience in his performance. The taste in the air of rain soaked autumn leaves on a forest floor. This was the scent of his magic.

“Are you hiding from me? The Marionetter.” No answer came but she heard the trembling breath, this poor stallion was petrified. Luna had to laugh, “Are you afraid of this princess? I would have thought your performance would teach you otherwise.” She noticed how, as she said princess, the head seemed to bend lower under the cover.

He was endearing. A clearly modest performer and the architect of her portrayal, hiding of all things. She was feeling oddly at ease with this pony. He was afraid of her, as any other pony was, but hiding under a blanket made it almost cute. It was the slight shudder, the easing back. “Are you going to come out, or must I come in there? You know it is considered an insult to ignore a princess when she addresses you.”

“Forgive me, Princess. I did not mean to disrespect you.” Finally he spoke, a modest voice for a stallion, nowhere near as deep as she had imagined, “I am afraid I am not decent to present myself to your Highness.”

“Then perhaps I should come back another time. Farewell.” She trotted in place softening her steps to silence, a finishing touch of closing the window with her magic. She eagerly watched the blanket.

“Your...Highnesses shadow does cast on me. I pray you will forgive my impertinence in seeing through your facade.”

Luna giggled, “You are forgiven.” The figure under the cloth clearly turned its head in the direction of the door. “Dost thou wish to flee? Shall I not hold open the door for thee?” He did not answer. “What good shall flight serve? I see no reason. Perhaps the Marionetter would care to enlighten me?”

“I do…wish to remain under here.”

“Surely one that faces the crowd of the Starlight Lounge should not fear facing one more little pony.”

“You are no little pony, Princess.”

“Nay, tis the truth. For this you fear me?” He nodded, much to her heartache. Even the one who had crafted a tale in her honour was afraid of the past. She sighed long and heavy. “Thank you for telling the story kindly.”

“I am…honoured?”

She had succeeded in engaging some conversation. It became clear that this visit entailed a game of sorts. Luna enjoyed all manners of games, from the tap of a checkerboard to the navigation of a treaty. It had been a game this entire time to meet him. She was yet to win.

“Tell me, why dost thou hide from me truly?”

“I am not decent.”

“Nonsense, your princess wants to see the one who so lovingly crafted the tale of my exile.”

“Forgive me, your Highness, I did not intend it to offend you. I take responsibility for the idea-”

“Not at all, The Marionetter! I did so say I love its portrayal. Such tenderness, such emotion, such splendour. I wanted to meet the pony responsible.”

“He humbly welcomes your enjoyment, Highness.”

“I know you have seen me in the audience, why do you avoid my meeting with your urgent business?” She leaned in close to the draped cover and whispered, “Is it a disorder of a lavatorial kind? I understand the matter of privacy in such matters.”

“Thank you for your understanding, Highness, I am sorry to so abruptly end your visit.”

This was surprising. “Still you must attend the matter? Surely that is an illness. I know of a doctor that can help. It is late but she is a friendly one and can-”

“Your Highness need not pay me any attention. I seek it not.”

Luna’s smile faded. “Is everything alright, The Marionetter?”

He took a slow breath, Luna could hear it tremor. “All is well, thank you, Princess Luna.”

“Then why dost thou still hide?” She crouched and tipped her hoof under the drape with a chuckle. Almost as soon as she lifted there was a shift in his movement, more tension. She stopped to see if he would ease, indeed he did. “Would you deny me seeing the pony responsible for bringing such joy to my night time?”

He took a deep breath before sighing. Strangely the draping did not sway out with the breath as expected. “Your highness will be disappointed, I am no pony.”

“Oh?” Luna felt a little embarrassed in her assumption, “Please forgive my presumption. I still wish to see thee, not-a-pony. Do you dare to deny your princess?”

Now his breath was trembling, “Highness you are a wise ruler. I ask you listen to me with an open mind.” Luna was rather enjoying the nervous whatever it was. It was not appropriate for a princess to sit while present in the common order, however there was only one of them here. She playfully planted her flank on the floor, an irritated grunt coming from the whatever under the cover. “The path that you choose to travel now, will only bring disappointment.”

She giggled, “Why would that be so? The Marionetter.”

“I tend to inspire…adverse reactions in those I meet.”

“As do I.” She glanced over the form to try imagine what lay underneath. “I see no issue here.”

There was a huff of defeat. Luna smiled as he rallied for another attempt. “It is bad for business if the populace knows I am not a pony.”

“Yet you appear to be one and do not seem to hide yourself on the stage. Your princess does promise to hold the secret to her.” Another huff, another undoubtable attempt yet to be. Luna found the battle of debate every part as exhilarating as that of the field. The clumsy sway and stagger to be met and wrung unto victory amidst the ever weakening shield of her opponent.

“You will be upset. I do not wish to upset a beautiful princess.” Flattery was a sign of the final stand.

“Such playful banter that you use to cover your excuse making. I cannot be disappointed.” He was a little dramatic, but he was a performer after all. Perhaps speaking with honesty would convince him. “In earnest, Marionetter, I have been plagued by that memory every waking and dreaming moment. Your performance convinced me it is but a chapter past. I do wish to thank thee for helping me see that.” She adjusted her seating and smiled at the covered drooping head. “I await your reveal, The Marionetter.”

“Could I beg a favour?” Last rights of the defeated. Luna relished her victory, then reminded herself to remain grounded. Excitement of conquering an obstacle, no matter how seemingly small, was a sign she found more of a hoof hold in this strange new era.

“First you must come out from there.”

“I ask…I ask you to…restrain the urge to… I mean you no harm.”

Luna was stunned, “ could you imagine me...are you one that requires this? Need I be concerned?”

“I have found and do find unwelcoming ponies in your kingdom.”

Although she was seated, her reflexes were wound to action. “Hast thou committed a crime of ill will against my ponies?”

“My only crime is being here and being different.”

Her tension faded under the weight with which he carried his words. Instincts could have been misleading, but she allowed herself to be comfortable for a moment. “Tis two crimes you confess to then, not one. You make your princess sad. I do not see such things. Have my little ponies committed a crime against you?”

“Not against me, your Highness. So you will not?”

“Of course not, The Marionetter.”

He sighed long and heavy, “Your highness was warned. I will respect your choice to proceed. No matter the reaction, please know that I understand.”

Luna had seen many creatures in her time, this would be no different. The figure under the blanket stood up. She watched as the height rose to level with hers. She held herself high. Before she could speak an oddly bending leg emerged from under the covering. The whatever grew further to nearly tower over her. She was not very nervous, but it was unexpected. “Does your Highness still wish to proceed?”

Luna’s smile had faded, her eyes widened. “She does.”

An arm lifted from under the covering to firmly grasp the blanket, halting as though expecting her to say something. The digits were familiar, more rounded at the ends and clearly wearing a white glove. It looked strange to see five rounded fingers instead of the common four. A great deal of tension within them was to be seen. Luna discovered she was standing once more, unable to remember rising up.

He took a deep breath and pulled the cover off to let it glide neatly to the floor with a wisp of dust. Luna stepped back in shock at the sight, but more to take in what she was seeing. This was a surprise, but she had to quickly clear her throat and correct the involuntary smile which crept its way through that shock. She won the game. It was not an unpleasant surprise.

The head was nought but a mask, from this distance the difference was now obvious. The unblinking eyes she thought had been looking at her were artfully sculpted deceivers. They seemed crafted of a smooth glass, underlying porcelain with grey irises and a splendid sheen, they looked every part real eyes. The face was perfect to every detail; the light fur coat, the indentations of nostrils, the slight curve where the mouth would be subtly melded in. His mane was presented with a traditional northern balling, not commonly seen in Canterlot. When he spoke, it was clear and crisp. To the ear it sounded unmuffled, as though there was nothing obstructing the speech.

“I did not mean to…frighten, Highness.”

She returned to her seating in defiance to this assumption. The legs and arms were oddly straight, no bends were visible as they stood at attention. He stood on two, but his arms were far too short to have been used for walking.

Stage folk in this age were glamorous and bold, while the attire before her was very quiet. There was a white collared shirt, the sleeves mildly wrinkled and running the full length of the arms. The legs and torso were adorned with a black suit, strangely covering every part of him. It was more common to see a jacket top with tails, yet Luna did notice how the creature underneath these draping were nowhere to be seen. He remained still, awaiting her praise or disapproval. She was not done making him wait.

The body was large, standing hooves above. The shirt met with the mask in tidy unison, hiding the whatever completely. It was a planned ensemble, in the least showing he did follow some sort of dress code.

As she glanced over, there was a subtle turning of the head to be noticed. It did not occur he was taking in her sight. There in the mask, behind two deceitful holes on either side, were the true eyes no doubt looking upon her. She could not see them, but she could inexplicably feel them.

An eerie sense flowed over to what phantom she was seeing. She expected this creature to glide across the distance and about her in the circling swirl of the smoke it commanded. If anything was to be eerie, it would have been the lack of movement. It held very still, poised without a hint that it even drew breath. The distance was too close for comfort should this have been an enemy, yet her instinct to see this as an enemy was nowhere to be found. She did try imagine it might have been as nervous or even afraid as it seemed.

Luna straightened her seating to the most regal poise she could project. Shoulders raised, chest out, ears on high, neck back with head subtly bowed for a curve. She made effort to stare into the empty sockets which served as his view, and in time the mask looked away. She flared her wings suddenly and startled the calm figure a few steps back, much to her amusement.

“Art thine eyes pleased?” she laughed as he tried to regain composure.

“I am sorry to…have offended?”

“Tis understandable. Tis not every day one would meet a princess. Indeed, tis not every day one would meet a not-a-pony.”

She had not seen a creature like this one before, but it was not odd enough to frighten her. There had been many stranger beasts after all. The whatever shifted in its place as it stole nervous glances between her and an apparently interesting chair yonder. Luna giggled seeing the funny long paws it had at the end of the legs, they wore the strangest shoes. Perhaps they were elongated hooves. There was nothing inherently wrong with them, that is what made them odd.

“Still you hide from your princess?” she chuckled. Fortunately he seemed to join her for a moment, a nervous laugh with an exhale of relief. “I see no problems here, The Marionetter.”

“Your…Highness is too kind.” He bowed to her, the legs remained oddly straight. It would take the slightest tempting tip to topple him. Luna had to admit this was a pleasant surprise to her patience’s end.

“Would you remove that mask?” The answer seemed obvious, yet he only shook his head with a great weight on those shoulders.

“I do not intend to offend and I beg your understanding.”

Luna did not want to upset him. From the tone, this standing was a firm one. “Very well.” She noted his sigh of relief on the lowering shoulders. “...and you are a what exactly?”

“I am a humble performer, relieved he has not upset his princess.”

“Very well,” she repeated, extending her hoof to it as dictated by new custom. “I may finally congratulate thee on an inspiring portrayal, and express my thanks for telling it so kindly.” He straightened up and looked in confusion to the hoof. “You may accept this gesture,” she clarified. Slowly he extended his odd hand to hers. There was hesitation, an uncertainty. She pushed her hoof into the hand with an insistent smile. “You must answer a lady’s favour lest she would not extend it.”

“It is my honour to know you enjoyed it, Princess Luna.”

It felt odd as the fingers cautiously wrapped around her hoof. A firm grip lifting to the tip of the mask’s muzzle. It touched the top finger to the false lips, and returned her favour. Luna enjoyed seeing some etiquette from the old world. As he released, the heat lingered to remind her how cold this room was. She tucked it to her belly in a straightened seating.

“Have you chosen to dress my effigy differently then?”

“Pardon?” He was clearly confused.

Last night, whilst visiting thine comrades, I was considered a cloud creature with a newfound talent to speak.

“Oh,” he realised. “I’m afraid Melody does coax me into her games to mess with the boys, as she says. I cannot actually….um…Melody is very insistent.”

“And you took no pleasure in controlling me at all.”

“I…assure you the strain is far too great for me to wield my creations lightly. Melody’s prank and the stage is where they belong.”

“Was it her crafting of the tale then?”

“I accept responsibility for that.”

“Might I inquire as to how you deciphered the events? I believe my sister never archived them.”

“It was purely fabricated, Highness.”

“Then the coincidence is remarkable.”

“Was the story accurate?” he said surprised. “It was made from a dream, I had no idea that was...your Highness jests with me surely.”

“I do not, therefore a remarkable coincidence. Tis the truth then you dreamed it, odd. I have certainly never been in your dreams.”

“I do not dream often, Princess.”

“Everypony dreams, even if they cannot remember.”

“That could be.”

“What manner of creature do you go by? I have never seen something like you in Equestria,” Luna whispered to it now, smiling sheepishly, “I can hold your secret.” She shuddered as he lowered himself closer to whisper to her through the mask. It was clear, as though he was not wearing one at all. He stood at attention. “What an odd name you all go by. Where do you hail from?”

“Distant lands of another world, brought here to apprentice under my mentor. A pony who is no longer with this world I am sad to say.”

“I am sorry to hear that.”

“You need not be. He lived a long and happy life. I learned much from him, including the art of wielding the Marionette Sticks, my namesake.” Luna looked to the staff she had stumbled upon. “He always told me my nimble fingers would make me a talented performer, and had such high hopes.”

Luna felt more solemn now, “I should think he would be proud.”

“Enough of this depressing nonsense,” he waved his hand, “What more would your Highness like to know?”

Luna smiled, she liked him; very abrasive, painfully awkward, socially shy. He was not unlike herself. It was clear by the tensed hands that he was still petrified. Perhaps it was time to leave.

“When is your next performance?”

“Same time tomorrow, Highness. We have one show every day unless I stop.”

“Then I shall see thee tomorrow.” She chose to bow her head slightly to repay the gesture, he replied with a deep one to tempt her to topple him once more. “And you shall not hide from me.”

He was silent to the order. “Does your Highness have any requests?”

Luna found it time to stand. She turned about to the window and let it open with a flick of her horn. She inhaled deeply with the night air as it rushed in. There was no sound of movement, she found the edge of the modest balcony and turned to see he had not moved at all.

“I have but one at this moment...never stop.” He only bowed to answer. She smiled and took off to leave him in peace, glancing back to see the figure no longer framed by the window but swallowed by his dark room.

She wanted to know much more about this odd thing. Tonight had only proven the curiosity was justified. It was time to be patient once more though, until tomorrow. She had time after all, and tomorrow there was a new performance from The Marionetter.

Chapter 3. Unexpected

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The curtains were closed.

Princess Luna was beginning to feel insulted. She stood on the rooftop across The Starlight Lounge, a full hour after his performance had concluded, and she was greeted with closed curtains to ward her off. Only last eve she spoke with The Marionetter and they had agreed to meet again tonight. In earnest, she invited herself. Upon reflection, that could have been a greater insult to him.

It was too interesting. That was the problem. An odd creature, spell weaver and recluse was a change and a welcomed distraction. Sir Nightlark had even commented on Luna’s improved mood.

“And you are sure he is safe to be left alone with?”

“I will be more than safe. The Marionetter is a painfully shy one.”

“So are scorpions until you get too close.”

Luna chuckled, “Then one must not get too close.”

“It is far from a joke, Princess,” he haughtily argued, “If this thing proves to be yet another threat to Equestria, he could very well influence your judgement should the need arise to-”

“I will fell any foe,” she snapped. “I am not a flower to be coddled. You speak to Luna! Conqueror of the golden plains! The Chief…” the knight shrank back in shame, as did Luna’s anger. She stared at the curtains again, realising the bad temper was misplaced. “You are kind to care for me, Sir Nightlark. I assure you I am investigating his potential as a threat.”

“Oh,” he laughed, “Then your Highness is one step ahead of me as always.” He beamed to her, although Luna felt ashamed she had lied to her most trusted knight. If anything, she was very careless last night and did risk that creature harming her. Perhaps it was the instinct in her gut or even the way his body moved, but Luna did not see a threat in this Marionetter.

“I will still speak with him. Would you prefer to-”

“I must insist I accompany you, Princess. Allow me to observe and I can perhaps aid you investigation.”

The Marionetter was too shy. Luna was old enough to know better. If she showed herself with guard then he would probably flee as he nearly did yesternight. Sir Nightlark was still coddling her, gruff old cocker that he was.

“Do I project a dauncy visage, Sir?”

The pony blinked a few times. “Umm… no?”

“I assure thee my mind is not in zwodder. Now leave thine princess to her charge lest I seek council from yonder oddity.”

“Umm…yes, Princess Luna. I will keep watch.” he hammered his spear to the rooftop and saluted. Luna liked that he could bear her anger with pride. Her pony would often fall away when she felt stressed or angered. It recede to the ancient language she spoke before her banishment. The new dialect was irritating and mocked her once proud speech. It was with regret Luna studied it.

“I thank thee, Sir Nightlark.” She kicked off the rooftop and glided once more to the window. This time she landed neatly on the tiny balcony and flicked the latch open with her magic. It was not locked at least. She poked her head through the curtain, very hesitant to see what lay beyond.

The room was still very dark, only dimly lit by two candles, one placed at either end. There was a fireplace. It bathed the room in its warmth and Luna’s body felt jealous of her face.

“P…rincess Luna?” The voice held such confusion. She forgot herself a moment, nearly falling through but fortunately regaining her step for a hopefully graceful landing. The creature was stunned, caught with his arms up and hands about the collar. Luna noted the day, double checked it in her mind. She did say she would return, yet here he seemed to not remember her.


“Y-Yes…” He dropped his arms and brushed the garment he wore down in an instant. “Please please”, he clumsily gestured to the seat by the dusty fireplace. She moved towards it, but hesitated as he pulled the draping away to a cluttering dusty pile on the floor. She beat her wings to fan the encroaching speckles away, now illuminated by her moonlight beams.

The seat was a magnificent piece, almost exactly the same as the chairs in the castle study. A wingback with striking height and fine woven rimming. Deep purple or dark blue in colour. The room lightened under the familiar distraught glimmer of a candle. She seated herself and watched as he sought to lighting more of them. The height and odd appendages proved useful and it seemed he did not need to use any magic at all in their versatility. He fumbled, scrambled to present himself and the room, she looked away with a sheepish smile when he adjusted the belt around what she imagined was the belly. Awkward, simply amusingly awkward.

“You have a fine abode hidden under sheet.”

“Thank you, Princess. I am very sorry but the lights here are not working well. Something with that fuse on yonder wall.” He casually gestured without facing her, still attending to the windows and pleading with the night air to remove all this dust. Following the gesture revealed these new age light switches, and told the tale of the large scorch marks decorating it. He was shocked, and she was surprised he was shocked. With the windows open he darted to sit opposite her, sitting on the edge and bending those knees in a manner that made her cringe for a moment.

She eyed him patiently, but in moments he hit his head as though forgetting something. He stood abruptly with a clumsy bow almost forgotten.

“I am sorry. I forgot the tea. May I interest you in milk or sugar?” She waved her hoof dismissively with a smile. “Perhaps a few biscuits with lemonade? I must not leave The Princess Luna thirsty or peckish.”

Luna nodded. “Lemonade with some biscuits would be fine.” She somehow knew he was about to fuss over the biscuits. “Surprise me with what you are comfortable in choosing.”

He bowed yet again and darted off to the dresser. There was a single cup and a teapot with steaming nozzle. Built into the counter was a refrigeration machine from which he took a bottle and poured the lemonade into the cup. He elegantly chose the biscuits, arranging them in a fan pattern without a second thought. Luna did notice something odd; the loose strap on his back collar. He seemed to pick up on her sighting, and the strap was buckled in an instant. It occurred that while the eyes of the mask were fixed on the serving tray he laid out, the eyes underneath might have been watching her. Such a thought was eerie.

“Were you not expecting me Marionetter?.”

He lay the tray down before her on the table between the two seaters. It was a little disheartening to see that nothing matched. The cup, the saucer for the cup and the biscuits, the tray and spoon. He lived in that poverty with them, although his wages seemed a bit lower than the others. “In truth I was not, I am very sorry.”

She inspected the tray and elegantly pinched a single and sadly small biscuit. “You must surely have one with me,” she offered. The delicacy was very bitter, housing the dark chocolate she adored as a palate cleanser. It was not the most favoured of sweets in Equestria, so to have one here was a pleasant surprise.

He had stepped a distance away, remaining standing before the seater. Luna hated this, she hated the nervousness with which her company was received. He stood at attention to her every whim, but she did not wish to lord any authority over any creature in their own home. That was what this place seemed to be for him at least, a home or a venue of quiet she intruded.

“I would of course have to refuse. It is no disrespect at all but I bind myself to my false visage while entertaining company.”

She pushed the chair back with her magic to coax him to sit.

The Marionetter spun to the side, she nearly choked on her biscuit in shock. It took a moment for him to realise she was coughing, but Luna noted his hands were already clasped firmly to those wands he wielded. While she recovered her composure, he found calm enough and poured a glass of water from the bathroom tap, very hesitantly offering it to her in case needed. She coughed it up, and took a small sip without using magic to lift the glass. He did not like magic. This was intriguing for one who presented a firm grasp of it.

“I am so sorry, Princess.”

“Ahem. Marionetter, I do not hold a grudge for my startling you. Indeed I apologise to you. Now please sit to receive me lest I consider it rude and have you thrown in the stockade.” The comment, while a joke, left him paralysed. Her smile faded. It was becoming clear this might have been a mistake. He was another one to fear Princess Luna of the night. A wave of foolishness swept over, enough to ask herself why she had bothered returning at all.

“Were you to throw me in the stockade, I fear your current incarcerated would protest a great deal because of the awful smell.” Luna smiled as his tone lightened. It still held nerves, but a hesitant confidence.

“Then perhaps your incarceration would encourage them to mend their ways. We must hurry there at once! I shall summon the guard!” She bit on her biscuit piece with a mischievous grin.

“Indeed. You should in turn join me for your outrageous eating habits.”

“What!?” she cried out.

“Or do you make a habit of decorating your hosts abode in their own food?” She did not catch the reference instantly, but following his hand’s gesture to the crumb covered floor made her laugh out with burning cheeks.

“Oh I like you,” she finished. “Please sit down, it makes me uncomfortable to sit alone.”

“He did so,” but remained on the edge uncomfortably. “It was a start to say the least.”

She took a sip of her lemonade. It was those new soft drinks with bubbles.

“To what do I owe this pressure, Princess Luna?


“Pleasure!” he exclaimed. “I forget my words sometimes! Sorry!”

“You are forgiven,” she exhaled exhaustively. “I said unto thee that I would return, so I have.” She fluttered her wings for a little flare. “Are you not honoured and humbled? Maybe the desire for flight courses through your veins or whatever it is you have.”

He laughed, a light chuckle that the mask could not muffle. In truth the clarity of the speech was remarkable, and eerie considering the mouth did not move nor the eyes blink. “I am all the things expected of me aside confused as to why you would…waste time here.”


“I would not visit me.”

“Perhaps I need to know you a little better to be appropriately repelled.”

“Then we have a purpose with a set goal to this visit,” he enthusiastically responded. “What could my humbled self offer unto thee?” She took another sip, having noted his apprehension in her levitating it with magic.

“Another splendid performance of course. Do you use any particular spells to create your visions? If I may ask of course,” she politely added.

“It is more the Marionette Sticks controlled with proper technique. They craft blank canvas to be manipulated at the will of the wielder. The manipulations required were taught by my former mentor.”

“Interesting, might I have heard of…him?”

“A him indeed,” he nodded. “Although his name will not be known to anypony.”

“That cannot be,” she said in what she hoped was convincing disbelief, “if he wielded such enchanting tools his name must be noted in Equestrian history.”

“A history you have studied a great deal?” She set her cup down, and the smile was gone. So it had been seen that he was thinking on her shame, her crushing expulsion for a millennia. It was an innocent question though, he could not have known. “I am sorry, Princess.” He stood with a bow to her. “I am terrible at navigating the labyrinth of conversation.” He remained bowed. “My mentor’s name was changed each time he performed, never remaining in one place too long. I do not think he ever told me his real name.”

“An…umm…an odd pony.”

“He certainly was.” The creature stood tall once more, remaining at attention. Luna did not know what to say, but his reminder had dampened her enthusiasm in the flood of memories. “Your departure must have been very difficult. I did not mean to open old wounds.” She nodded with a slight smile and gestured for him to sit. He returned so, this time leaning back. “I find my mind in unease not knowing the full truth of your thoughts on my portrayal.”

“You seek compliment?”

“I seek your comfort in its expression. There was no envoy or reply to the letters we sent out asking for approval. We assumed our show too minor for the important matters of state, and thought our showing of said show would incur no wrath.”

“Wrath? You think I would rain down a fearsome wrath for an offensive portrayal?”

“I would.”

She smiled with a chuckle, that calm returning once more. “It did not offend me one detail. I enjoyed how you assumed I implored my sister to banish me. I did implore her, but she could not hear me from where I did so.”

“Interesting. Know I do not inquire further. The story seemed to be appropriate now as public opinion of you has ventured into the freedom of press.”

“If I may ask, Marionetter…why would you choose my story? There have been a great deal of republications of the mare in the moon of late, with a detailed exposition from Canterlot’s royal scribe. Why venture a guess based on a dream?”

“In earnest,” even his mask looked away, “I knew about your story a long time ago. Then I had that dream. You see, I became angry with the increasingly adventurous comments in those tabloid publications. It motivated me to try my best to show Equestria you are not a mad witch like those cartoons they drew.”

Luna had to think on what he said. This was a strange comment to make. It seemed now he took an interest in the story of her return. “You seek to protect my name? I am grateful-”

“Forgive me but I did not venture this portrayal for anypony’s gratitude,” he explained, and the interruption was forgiven. “Your story is a heartbreaking one, Princess Luna. Now you have returned to your home, and all is restored at last. To see those articles, those bodies of text angered me.”

“ Angered?”

“I imagined you reading them and taking offence. I know my medium reaches a small audience, but it is something that can retain the reality of that event.” He was leaning forward and gesturing with his hands. “It is nothing to make light of in the least, and it must have been tartarus while it happened. Free speech unfortunately grants a venue with enough readers and sometimes listeners to encourage inappropriate things. I hoped my contribution would be more…well not offensive.”

Luna was lost on most of his explanation, his need to explain himself to her. “Why do you imagine myself in these situations? I find it…odd.”

“I am sorry if you-”

“No no, odd is not bad. Please enlighten your Princess.”

He sat in silence while the head looked about the floor in a search for words. “I am from very distant lands.” Luna felt foolish not understanding it sooner. “My arrival here was untimely and very traumatising. Reception was…shall we say the mask was put on for a reason. I thought I understood what it is like to go through that loss and the fear of arriving in a pond so changed and different to what is familiar.” His head dropped to a hand with a chuckle. “Of course now I feel stupid saying this to the Princess of Eq-”

“Thank you,” she interrupted. Luna needed only speak to stay his words, not strain her voice at all over his impassioned one. “Tis appreciated. Very much so.” She smiled and sipped more tea with another biscuit silently. He awaited her next word, obviously confused at what had been said. She stirred the cup, speaking into it. “I admit that I happened by chance upon your stage, yet I did enjoy that refuge. To see my ponies reacting to your story, to your partner’s song, I felt more welcomed home when they shared in the triumph.”

He nodded slowly, the hands rubbing on themselves in his relieving tension. “I appreciate that, Princess Luna.”

There was a silence that came upon the room a few moments, and it was a comfortable one. Luna felt confident in her expressions, as well as a little pleased at having brought this performer praise of his story. It was the highest praise in her mind not because it came from a princess, but from the protagonist of the story itself. It occurred that his other tales were not as powerful, and she knew then this story was truly his creation.

“How long do you plan to perform this story?”

“One more day, seven days of one show a piece with optional follow ups three hours later. We alternate different tales a week much like the moving picture theatre down the road. Sometimes there are a few ponies but they do enjoy it nonetheless.”

“You have not been here long enough to make a name for yourself.”

“I do not seek a name. The only disappointment is the limited audience who can learn from one story. It does feel right to know even one pony is better for seeing it.”

“I am indeed better for it.”

“Then two,” he chuckled. Luna could feel a smile there. It was absurd, there was no expression in that mask, but she could feel that smile.

She glances about this venue with the brighter lights, taking in the new sights. The skirting of the walls had a very beautiful carving pattern. There were a great deal of objects hidden, he did not use many of them it seemed.

“Is it inappropriate to ask if you live here?”

“Not at all.” He paused in thought, as though this simple question was a query of life’s great mysteries. It took time to get any direct answer out of him, but Luna did admit she appreciated his thoughtfulness. “I eat here, sleep here.”

“So you live elsewhere?”

“I…” he hesitated, “I live here.”

“Tis not what you wanted to say. I do not like hearing what I am thought to like to hear.” It was amusing to speak this way, to try confuse him in his careful speech. Luna was considerably more versed in conversation, that was clear from her reflexive wit. Although she did reflect on the lack of attention to his body. Movement was more revealing than words and tone of voice. She did not need to understand how to read his movements, for his body spoke of ease while he hid in darkened garments. It was disturbing to look at those empty eyes, incredible in their realism. They drew her attention from the tiny pupils that were actual holes through which he watched the world. A limited view it must have been.

“I do not want to bore you, Princess.”

“I thought my knowing you was to see how repellent you are,” she teased. “Repel me.”

He shook his head with a laugh, leaning back in new found comfort. “Alright. I eat here, I sleep here, I bathe and relax here. I live on the stage, for it is there I feel alive again.”

“A wonderful thought, Marionetter, you speak with literal sense. I can see my words must be carefully chosen about you.”

“The culture here is confusing at times, so I ask you forgive anything I do not grasp.”

“It does confuse me in kind. Perhaps two confused minds can make sense of it?” she mused.

“I have been trying a long time,” he chuckled, “however I welcome our teamwork to align the befuddlement.”

“Then perhaps my future visits shall be twofold in purpose.” Luna set her empty cup down and stood up. He shot right up with her. “For now, I might have to leave our musings.” He nodded, a very funny sight with that mask. “I apologise for the short visit but you do have a very messy home.” She gestured to the crumbs and he laughed with her.

“I will clean it.” He bowed politely and walked beside her to the window.

Luna was ready to take flight but she thought it would be best to not be an intruder anymore.

“Marionetter… Would I assume too much should I presume you to expect me to return?”

He thought on it, raising a hand to his chin. “Your presumption would not be too much.”

“Then it seems I am welcomed to return?”

“As you please, Princess Luna. For as long as my little chapter keeps you interested. Please do not fear, I shall be better prepared of course.”

She turned to face him. “Please do not prepare too well. I ask no compromise on the lifestyle you have. In earnest, I enjoyed this little conversation.” She smiled, then realised her fault. “Not that it was little as in insignificant! I meant it little in scale and form.” She flapped her wings about in gesture to imaginary grandeur. “Normal discourse for myself is sought in larger venues of-“

“I enjoyed it in kind, Princess. Although it seems I failed to repel you,” he laughed. “As you wish, not too great a fuss.” She composed herself to recover from that embarrassing attempt to backtrack upon a misplaced word. He waited patiently, unmoving and motionless. Luna stepped back to the full bodied window and onto the small balcony.

“I bid thee a good night, Marionetter. I must try to say this right… Break a leg?”

He nodded, “Most eloquent, and I wish you success in all your night.”

She nodded her thanks and opened wings wide, darkening the room in their eclipsing span. “Until next time.” Without waiting for a reply she beat down to propel her up and outwards over the edge.

“When was that?” he faintly called after her. Luna smiled to herself and pretended not to hear him. A quick twist with a sturdy flap sent her soaring over the rooftops. She chanced a glance back to the window, and The Marionetter stood on the edge watching her soar into the night.

In moments she was joined by the loyal Sir Nightlark.

“What is that thing?” he said with unrestrained shock. He clutched his spear tighter and stared hard at the Marionetter. Luna made the effort this time to place her hoof on the soldier's shoulder. It was more a show to assure this creature she did not intend him harm.

“He is nothing to be afraid of.”

“If you say so, Princess. It would be wise to consult your sister on this thing first.”

“That thing is but a humble resident of our kingdom, Sir Nightlark. And that thing does have a name.”

“Which is…?”

“The Marionetter.”

“And its real name?”

Luna’s cheeks turned red. She completely forgot to ask. “I need not prove myself to thee, Sir.”

“Very well, Princess.” He flew by her with a mischievous smile. “I will not interfere with your ‘investigation’ so long as you keep your sister informed.” He highlighted the word sister in that slang gesture of sarcasm from this new age. Before Luna could speak the knight bolted ahead.

“It…It is an investigation!” she protested. She was investigating this intriguing thing she found in her new kingdom. It was the most interesting thing it had produced thus far.

Chapter 4. Story

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Princess Luna fluttered once more through the window of the Marionetter, him standing from his single seater with a bow in greeting.

Two weeks on after their first meeting she had become oddly interested with this performer, often visiting the theatre to see the latest show. The stories he and Melody told were always sad, but hopeful in the end. Most tales she had seen before, some in person, yet each time it was told with such respect to the characters and their plight she had to admire it.

Talking with him was always a pleasure. The second and third time she visited, he had tried to avoid her again. Luna’s determination wore down that resolve and he had taken to greeting her instead of hiding. This week she had visited him almost every night. Her duties thankfully never interfered. She was happy to have something to do, something to relieve the monotony already she had sunk back into.

Sir Nightlark no longer commented on The Marionetter. Indeed he did not protest or even discuss him with Luna. She did notice that the knight had a more cheerful disposition of late. The same had been said of her.

She wanted to express her feelings over tonight's performance. Such a sad story of a lone father raising his son to take the skills he learns forward in life. Upon his passing the father left the son a single gift; his workshop, all that he had. The son carried on in his father’s memory to create beautiful works in tribute. It was a sad but happy story. Very few were left unaffected by the emotional performance and the sweet song of Melody. The mare’s voice carried passion in every note and the band played with instinctive talent.

Luna tried not to hate herself for thinking it, but performers like these should not have been confined to this time worn venue. After having met the owner though, she could understand the allure.

The employees of The Starlight Lounge were not paid well in the slightest. They lived in veritable poverty. Melody explained though that they lived here rent free, with no obligations to upkeep aside their own rooms and a strong wifi connection that supported all the users, whatever that was. They were paid in groceries and on a percentage of the monthly earnings.

Having had a tour of the rooms, Luna was impressed with how much freedom each pony, and indeed not-a-pony, had. She was even shocked to learn that rehearsal time for a performance was only a few hours. The musicians demonstrated unbound finesse and improvisation. No one performance was like the other.

Of late, with a new addition to the roster, the earnings had improved greatly and the owner nearly wept telling Luna her theatre would be whole again one day. As big a gimmick as The Marionetter was, he was helping these ponies. More importantly, Melody was helping these ponies. She was apparently the one who convinced The Marionetter to join them.

The royal bearing held less and less importance with these ponies. In the two weeks, Luna tried to offer her best wishes on a score of occasions and each time they accepted it with gratitude. In two weeks they were less nervous about her person and more at ease with her jokes.

After every show, she was offered to be escorted to see The Marionetter by the manager, but she usually declined. Her decision was from noticing that over the past week, he had turned his furniture to face the window she normally entered through. Now after a show he would always be there to welcome her in his quarters but never backstage.

It seemed, oddly enough, that the ponies were very weary of him. He was not famous for having a friendly disposition and after each performance retreated to that room until it was time to rehearse the next day. Sir Nightlark had been right about the brooding perhaps.

Luna did not notice this. It was refreshing to speak with The Marionetter, usually about his travels around the different kingdoms. He had covered a remarkable distance for one who preferred to hide.

“I enjoyed your performance today.”

“Princess!” he clumsily stood to attention at her presence, wearing that mask.

“Still you hide from your princess,” she sighed.

“I would if I could, but I-”

“Can’t so I shan’t... I know.”

“Would you care to partake in some savouries? I asked them especially for you.” Luna saw the beautiful platter awaiting her, any other time and she would have gratefully devoured it. She shook her head smiling, her appetite was lacklustre at best today. Without a word he replaced the cover to keep them fresh. He placed his hands together and bowed slightly to her, “To what do I owe today's honour?”

“How could I not want to speak with you and discuss such a sad story today.”

“I hope your Highness enjoyed it.”

“Oh I love a sad story every now and then. I enjoyed your conclusion, very hopeful. Did you dream that one too?”

The way he spoke gripped Luna, “I wish I did.” She dared not pry further.

“I did enjoy it very much, The Marionetter.”

“Princess Luna, I ask you simply call me Marion for short.”

A name at last. “Will you then call me Luna?”

“Of course not! Such disrespect is unforgivable.”

“And what if I...wanted you to?”

He appeared shocked for a moment. “I still could not.” He gestured to the large couch, setting a cup of her favourite tea. Luna was still impressed he had learned in such a short time to prepare it the way she liked. The tea was an expensive brand though and she always felt guilty despite his protests.

“Oh you needn’t.”

“Nonsense, I insist, it even has the Fillyda Lemons...”

“You tease me, Marion, making your… me feel so guilty.”

“You shouldn’t. I am happy to have been introduced to something new and luxurious. More so I am happy to have a connoisseur to sample the stock. Thanks to you the manager wants to introduce it to the beverage list. Pending thine permission.”

Luna chuckled and came to sit before him, she tapped the couch and he joined her with a little coaxing, and a tug to his uniform. He never sat in her presence unless she forced it. It was charmingly annoying.

“Granted. And if I ordered you to call me Luna?”

He sighed, “Then I would have to oblige.”

“Good. Marion I order you to call me Luna from now on.”

“Could I at least say Miss Luna?”

“I am old but I do not wish to feel old. Luna or nothing, Marion.”

“Alright… Luna.” She felt a little shaken hearing it from him, possibly because his own voice trembled as he said it. Such a nervous one.

“Your name is interesting, is it your birth name?”

“No. I do not remember it, I am but Marion now.”

“Marion the Marionetter. That is a strange name to have. Am I mistaken or is that not a word in the modern language.”

“It just came to me. The Marionette Sticks.”

“Yes. Such riveting wands. Would you mind if I see how they work?”

“I would show you but they are drained now. Daily performances take their toll.”

“Tis a shame. Someday then.” There was a question Luna had wanted to ask him. It was the way the vocalist acted when she spoke of him. It was with great reservation. After his initial tolerant greeting to her, Luna could not understand why. “Marion...are you and the singer Melody friends?”

He laughed at her question to her surprise. “Highness, that battle axe would barely speak to me when I first came here! Nowadays, months down the line, I might get a 'good evening'! Still she has a voice that could melt the cold itself. She’s actually a very nice pony to the others, not so much to myself but it is understandable.”


“I am a private person Mi-Luna. I enjoy the peace and solace. This on the other hoof,” he tapped the mask, “does little for my social life, as you might imagine. She takes issue with the effigy and considers it an insult that I will not show myself, says I am not to be trusted.”

“Then why not take it off? You do not seem to like it.”

“You really are trying to take it off, aren’t you.”

“Why not at all my friend.” She sipped from her cup trying to avoid looking mischievous, and failing. A thought occurred to her as she lowered it to rest on the table, “Friend...”

They looked to each other in surprise of saying it in unison. She snickered and they released a laugh at the coincidence. That warm laugh of his was always a pleasure to hear.

“That was weird!”


“Well what, your Highness-I mean Luna sorry.”

She giggled, “Are we friends?”

He seemed stunned by the question, “I...don’t know. Are we?”

“Well I would like it if we were. I do so love making new friends.”

“Then I guess we are. Huh…”

“What is it?”

“Nothing, Luna.”

“Come now my friend.”

“Oh it’s nothing, a thought about having a new friend.”

“Am I not to your high standards?”

“Luna you are most certainly to my standards, you have a heartbeat and that is enough.”

“Oh stop,” she chuckled while playfully nudging him. He chuckled and yawned, the sound louder within the mask.

“I apologise, you need to sleep I suppose and I have been keeping you.”

“I do not normally sleep until morning.”

“You sleep in the day?”

“Indeed. I find at night I am more creative, it is when I do my best work.”

“You flatter me, Marion.”

“And you honour me, Luna. I am old enough to know when I perform my best work.”

Luna was happy he had said this, the extent of his diverse travels merited this question, “While on the old are you?”

“There is no need to be inquisitive.”

“Tis a simple question,” she protested.

Marion remained silent. He seemed to do so while mulling a thought over. She watched him reach for another cup, then leave it with an obvious reason.

“I will be two hundred and fourteen next season.” Luna had to hide her exhilaration hearing this, the rush of realisation which explained a great deal about this odd creature. “I promised him, my mentor, that I would never stop counting birthdays. We made sport of the way time moves in a very similar manner here. What is one year for your home is close to one year in my own.”

“How old would you normally grow?”

“If we are lucky the normal age is fifty.”

“So you do not age?!” she excitedly asked, having to reign her enthusiasm back.

“There is no need to hide this from you, my friend. It seems my time is indefinite as a keeper to this artefact,” he gestured to the Sticks. “They do not guarantee longevity however as there has been a score of hosts to them. I am but the next.”

“Immortal keepers to a benevolent master…why have I heard of this?” she asked more herself than Marion.

“Old legends predict a lot of things. That one has been around for a while. Unfortunately ponies tend to forget the important stories.” He adjusted his mask. “Please do not refer to me as immortal. That word is empowering and deceitful. It tells legends of powerful beings that master time and become great good or evil.”

“The opposite is true I fear.”

“Only one of longevity would understand that.” Luna felt a little proud of her decorum. “Not powerful but this insignificant toy time plays with. Fragile and eternally fearing what comes around each corner. Breaking a bone or a life long disease are-”

“Terrifying,” she finished for him. Her eyes watched the table on which the savouries rested. It was a heavy oak not unlike the type which decorated ballistas in the ancient equestrian war fields. “I never feared dying. Even in the most weighted battle I never feared it.” He coughed and made her jump.

“We became friends moments ago and I already am throwing my weight across your shoulders. Please forgive that.”

“I am happy you feel comfortable to speak with me in such a manner.” As Luna pondered the remarkable information, there was something that came to plague her thoughts, “Why have we never heard of you? Why has my sister never heard of you?”

“I ask not fame or glory, I ask to be in peace and spread what little joy I can.”

“Marion...something has vexed me awhile, would you answer honestly? For me?”

“But of course, Luna.”

“I understand there is need to be weary of many things in this age, and I do not presume to disrespect your hosting. Do you hide from me because you are scarred?”

“Oh no, that is not the reason at all.” The response was immediate and unexpectedly at ease.

“Then what is? I want to know the story behind this, The Marionetter.”

“It is depressing to hear, depressing to tell. I dare not speak of it.”

“Then show me.”


“If a pony concentrates on their memory I can experience it as they do. Tis one of the benefits of being able to see into dreams.” He reflected on this for a few minutes, and Luna wondered if it would be possible to see his memories when his dreams were darkness to her. She had tried but never once did she see a dream.

“Are you sure you want to know? It is very depressing. I mean this mask is not a choice, more a…refuge.”

She sat up and placed her head closer to the mask. He recoiled before she could touch it. “What are you doing? I will tell you this story.”

“I…” Her cheeks began to warm up, she could not force them back. “I thought you were agreeing to…” Insolent cheeks. She nearly threw herself back, staring with feigned regality to the far wall, hoping he could not see her embarrassment. Nuisance cheeks. “Is this the truth or is this another story?”

“The worst kind of stories are the truthful.” He stared out to the back wall, a simple tan curtain replaced the old ragged stained white to blend with the wall around.

“You do not hide the truth then?”

“Why would I? I see no reason to. This truth though...perhaps you would be wiser to avoid it.”

“Should it be as depressing as you say, I will seek comfort in my friend.”

“I cannot show but I can tell.” He took a deep breath as she adjusted her seating to lean back on the tall seater, having to pull him back with a giggle. “The town I was first living in no longer exists. My mentor had groomed me to be ready in total secret. He chose me for my power and the fact that I could leave my old life behind. Apparently I was a natural.

I had only been in Equestria for a few months, that night was my debut. The owner of a tavern we met agreed to allow us to perform. She sung the accompaniment to the piece, she was not unlike Melody actually. Needless to say I did not wear a mask back did not go well. I was forced to leave the stage by the patrons of the tavern, they were offended by my appearance. They said they lost their appetites.”

“That is horrible!”

“We are not done yet, do you wish me to continue?”

Luna reached out and took his hand, “I do.” Luna looked to her hoof in question how it had moved. Contact was something she was averse to, yet here there was a surprising absence of reluctance to touch. The glove was smooth, the structure it covered was too soft for a hoof but too hard to be feathers.

He took a deep breath and squeezed her hoof, looking down to leave those unblinking eyes staring at her. She could see the difficulty he was having. His voice began to tremble. “The owner was upset that I did not get the cheers she had hoped. My mentor shouted on about cretins and philistines but eventually he was silenced by a single young colt who knocked on the back door. He enjoyed what he had seen. He and his few friends wanted to see the conclusion of the knight fighting the dragon. That was a popular story at the time. They were weary of me at first but I performed it for them in the alley, and they loved it. The owner, she saw my crushed spirit that night and provided much comfort. She and my mentor were the only ones who did not fear the way I looked.”

“I have read of those dark days in Equestrian history.”

“That night I was so broken, Luna. I wanted to sleep and never wake up again. Then she came to me, held onto me the entire night and took my pain for her own. Such love in her heart, a kind soul.”

Luna could barely contain herself to do as this mare had done. Having to rub her hind legs together in the urge to gain an outlet. Hugging was…incredibly strange to say the least. Hugging was to be very vulnerable to an attack, or to even be vulnerable to oneself’s inner thoughts. Luna was never fond of hugging, but Marion seemed to draw the need out of her. Such a stranger he was, but to embrace and share that understood sympathy was leaning towards a sense of duty to this creature.

He seemed to sense her turmoil and the shorter of the fingers on the end began to stroke her hoof as the head leaned back. She chanced a peek under the mask, only to be met with disappointment. Even now the neck was artfully covered by a fabric similar to the jacket. It stretched and aligned to the contours, beings gracefully weaved with the darkness inside the mask he wore.

“She let me perform again, speaking out to the crowd to let them see the show before passing judgement. I wanted to wear a mask but she refused to let me hide. She would not let me hide. Little did we know a rival tavern hired a few ponies to provoke the others into protest. It was an ideal moment to eliminate competition. The argument was against letting something like me take the work away from other deserving performers. It ended very…badly.” He fell silent for a while. Luna eventually broke the quiet.

“You need not go into the details Marion if you do not wish it.”

“Do you wish me to continue though? Even Melody does not know the extent of what happened. I wish to speak but only if you wish to listen.” Luna nodded her answer nervously. “The tavern was burned down by ponies that hated me, she lost everything she had. All her families work, all her memories. All because she insisted I step back on that wretched stage.”

“Memories are in are hearts and minds Marion. We can never lose those.”

“From what I understand about mares in Equestria, she was rather beautiful. She lost everything for me Luna.” The free hand tightened into a fist and she could hear him sniff under that mask. “It’s been so long but you never forget. I’m so sorry to rant on as a-”

No longer could she contain herself, pulling close to lean on him and press her forehead to the cheek of the mask. Sometimes her horn was a nuisance as it bumped clumsily against it. To embrace though, it was completely…oddly…soothing.

He did not recoil in shock of a royal’s display of emotion. He did not retreat or hold his breath. For no reason Luna could fathom, her embrace had a calming effect on him. It was quiet to be there, and soon his hand found place on her shoulder.

“You may stop now my friend. I need not hear the rest.”

“Would you… listen to it though? I have never told the true story to another before. It is strange but you know of suffering, Luna. I do not want to upset you but it feels-”

“Of course I will, Marion. Please go on. Your friend is here for you.”

She leaned on his side and took one hand in both fore hooves.

“I have never spoken of it fully. It feels so liberating.” He took a deep breath, Luna gently squeezing. “In the fire I tried to save the crystal glass her father had left her, they were beautiful and a prized heirloom. My efforts were futile and I nearly lost my life. She pulled me from the building, so strong she was. The smoke and glass residue in the air took her singing voice, the fire took her beauty.”

The mask seemed to be full of something; pain came to mind. She remained silent to let him speak on. “I hated it, I wanted to tear them apart but she stopped me before I could start. I don’t know what ponies see in beauty, Luna… but standing between me and the ones responsible for her suffering, protecting them, her face and body laden with those terrible burns that pained her… I have never witnessed such beauty in all my life.”

“She sounds amazing.”

“I could have literally torn them to pieces and made them pay for hurting her. She stopped me though. My mentor had to explain she stopped me to save me, not those cretins. I wanted to hold her that night but her sisters would not let me, they hated me for bringing that on them.”

“You did not insist?”

“I agreed with them.” That response was one she could not imagine how to answer. It was a relief when he continued, “I was made to leave the town the next day by the mayor for quote, civil disturbances, unquote. My mentor never left my side, saying he and I were doomed to share each other's fate.” He sniffed, “I never saw her again. I could only leave that crystal glass and my mentors compensation on those steps. Never saw her again,” he repeated to himself. “I wish I knew what happened, Luna. I want to know she lived a happy life despite my being there. I can never know though.”

“Come here, Marion,” she whispered pulling his large head down to her. He was resistant but she held strong and he crumbled to allow himself to lean on her. “Do you know her name?”

“Amici Multa.”

“Amici Multa,” Luna repeated holding onto that name as tightly as she did him. “You poor thing,” as she said it she felt her tears building, she tried to hold them back and be strong for him.

“Do you wish me to go on?”

“There is more?” she asked horrified. He nodded slightly, Luna did not want him to, but she knew he needed to, “Please go on my friend.”

“A month later my mentor passed.” Luna could not stand it and her resistance fell with her tears on the mask she cradled. “It turns out he was very sick, an ailment of the body they had not yet learned how to treat. The teachings to me was his way of living on through me. No family, no children, never told of his real name.

He just went to sleep one night under the stars with me. Told so many stories that evening, told me so much about his own troubles and how he had to overcome them. The ponies in those days did not take kindly to stallions who preferred the intimate company of other stallions. The last thing he told me before he fell asleep was that true greatness comes from suffering, and that he was honoured to be my mentor.”

Luna shut her eyes tight trying to hold back the sob, this story was too sad to think about. Marion suddenly rose out of her cradling and she felt his arms hold her to his warm body. He was a large creature.

“S… Sorry...”

“I warned you it was depressing. Thank you for listening, for trying to take that from me. It feels so good to talk about it. I had to soften up some of the detail for Melody but are familiar with suffering.”

With a sniff she forced herself to speak, “I am here for my friend.”

“It’s alright, Luna. It is done now. I survived. I found more friends eventually. Remarkably I am here now with the princess of the kingdom, and a truly wonderful friend.”

“It is too sad that ponies lived like that.”

“Some still do. They are the strongest beings I can imagine to carry their head high every day. Such beauty and a testament to the spirit itself. They are never truly gone as long as we remember them. Their actions will always remain. Now I have told an immortal their tale, they shall live forever!” Luna smiled but she could not stop herself from crying. It was unbecoming for a princess to cry, she hated failing to bear his pain. To have him here though, holding her. She was frightened how comforting it felt. “I understand, thank you for helping me, Luna. Please feel free to cry, I will hold your secret… right?” She nodded and pressed into him, closing her eyes to let herself be lost within. It felt good for somepony to hold her like this, firm and tender. This horn was a nuisance sometimes.

She had to laugh to herself thinking how he had to comfort her now. “That was when I chose to remain an enigma to the world. I have visited many Kingdoms, seen much, learned much. The world has changed a great deal in comparison to those days. I am happy I was able to see it and that I was able to spread a little happiness along the way with his Marionette Sticks. Now though I choose to stay here for my friend Miss Melody, I rarely dare leave the room I am so comfortable.”

“Then how do you fetch food, learn of things, explore the world?”

“Right now? Melody.” Luna felt him smile saying her name, the tone seemed to be uplifted with a fondness. “She may dislike me but she respects me. You see there was a much more famous mare who had seen my performance. She wanted to recruit me, it would have meant more money, more fame and more respect. I had to let her down gently though, she respected my decision and left me her card if I ever reconsidered. I never will.”

“Hear it from the words of a mare who knows, never is a long time. Why did you turn her down?”

“Two reasons,” leaning back he raised a single finger from the free hand to point at nothing above them, “Number one, I was always taught an artist must suffer to produce truly great works, even if they are never recognised in their time. They will be great if they have suffered for it.”

“Your mentor sounded very wise.”

“He is.” The second finger raised, “Number two is my battle axe of a Melody.”

“I do not understand.”

“She is the one who liked my talents and asked if I could do it bigger. I told her yes and she fought everypony here to give me the chance to perform. So I did and here we are. We are distant with each other, but I will never leave her service until she no longer has need of me.” He sighed. “She has the sweetest voice and the sharpest tongue.” They laughed. “She looks after me, saves me the trouble of having to sneak around the city.”

Luna looked to the floor, “You sound fond of her. You two are...close?”

“She made it very clear to me her kindness was to better herself. She tries to hide it but she doesn’t hate me, and that’s a start. I cannot be close to anypony, your Highness. It is not kind to subject them to my condition, the scorn they would face, the torment. No. If I care for any of them, I will leave them alone.”

“So a self imposed banishment?”


“Well, I don’t hate you. I’m grateful we met. I think you should try to take off that mask. It must smell terrible under there.”

“It does not. Nice try.”

“I do not know what you mean,” she giggled winking at him. It was sad she couldn’t see him smile, “So you have been here how long?”

“In this theatre I have lived for a few months. Before that I was happy lurking in abandoned homes. Before that my mentor was able to negotiate lodging without fail. He was very powerful and intelligent. His choice in heir was not a wise one, I think.”

“Why would he be unintelligent to choose you?”

Marion looked at his hand in contemplation of her question. She did not believe it was too complicated or in depth. It had not occurred to Luna that he might have never been told.

“I miss him.” All Luna could think of was to nod slightly. “That old fool rattling about, cursing my existence then lording it over all who defied his vision. How he tried to build my spirit to be unbreakable. He could never understand these things.” Marion held up his hand up as though he was discovering it for the first time. “I miss him…”

Luna eased into her question to pull him from that old memory. “Was he as long lived?”

“Longer. I suspect he might have been present during your reign.”

“Tis a long time…”

He dropped his hand and rested on it, taking a long breath that held weight. “Tis,” he halfheartedly chuckled.

“Your mentor taught you much. I know you honour him.”

Marion did not reply, even the blank stare of the mask watched the ground. Luna did not notice it until now, but the gaze crafted to the pony face was a little sad. “We speak little of you. I find myself growing curious of my favourite visitor.”

Luna sat up but continued to lean on him. He did not protest. “Then we must satisfy thine curiosity.” She poised herself in good humour. “Ask.”

“Are you truly enjoying your visits here?”

“Of course I do,” she calmly answered.

“There are many things to do and I read many events going on about you. Your sister’s student was recently coronated. Is that not a development?”

“It is…” Luna hesitated and looked over this creature as he awaited her reply. Truly he did seem to care for the answer, and she would share the respect he had shown her. It was strange to see this oddity in a new light. Indeed Luna had rarely been in the company of one she considered an equal, an equality without measure for there was no need to measure.

“Was my question too far?”

“Not at all. It is exciting but scary.”

“Scary is an interesting choice.”

“It is so. I cannot explain it, but I fear her ascension is a beginning of something…” Luna could not find the word.

“Something,” Marion finished for her.

“It sits in my gut with constant worry. I worry for her, for what could become of her.” Luna reached to the table and sipped her tea but held the cup up to hide her cheeks. “I worry.”

“Tis very sweet of you to care.”

“Alicorns are not perfect.” Luna looked to her hooves. “They are not what we appear to be.”

“Your worries are unfounded.” She dared to hope he understood. “Whom is more ideal to guide that imperfection than you. I see no other more capable.”

Luna had to sigh with relief. He was right. She could see what could become of her sister’s protege and more importantly she could understand it.

“I thank thee for thine words.”

“As I thank you, Luna. Tell me more of yourself please. Are the savouries satisfactory?”

“I do enjoy them but I must mediate lest the figure fall from grace.”

“You can eat all you like here, I do not.”

“Or you will not in my company.” His answer was to tap the mask with a finger from the palm it rested upon. “I find these encounters very calm. Indeed your visits are a welcomed moment of peace.” She chuckled. “I get so little of this calm at home. There is nary a moment that goes by without the simplest of problems, the temptations of naughtiness, that Discord and his shenanigans.”

“He is settling in after his time away?”

“He is.”

“You two share that past.”

Luna had to laugh. “We do. T’would have driven him mad were he not already so!” She laughed at the humour, but Marion only chuckled politely. He would have needed to have known Discord from those years long past. “He does provide a welcome distraction when I find myself reflecting on this sudden change.”

“It is good to be back though?”

“Indeed it is.”

He stood up and poured another cup for her. Magic was useless in wake of those appendages. So effortless and odd, very nimble unlike the brutal grip of what she had seen before. “I cannot imagine a moment so sad…”

“So sad?”

He hesitated and replaced the pot, holding up two fingers and gesturing to the sugar cube bowl. Luna shook her head with a smile. He held up one finger and she nodded her permission. “Perhaps I should not bring up painful memories.”

“Memories often are.” She accepted the cup as he passed it with a little cream pot over it. She declined with a shake and he retreated to his seat. Luna was impressed he did not turn his back to her, then concerned it may have not been politeness which motivated such action. “I do wish to speak earnestly with you. Please ask your question.”

“I thought…how painful it might have been to become something you fought against.”

She sipped her tea to hide her surprise. “I think you think a great deal too much on this pony.”

“My mind dwells on things when idle. Your company of late has lead it to dwell upon yourself.”

“Then it dwells boldly.” She summoned her courage to explain a thought. “Can you recall a feeling where you have woken from a ni… bad dream?”

“A grip of terror.”

“Tis the way I felt my entire incarceration.” She looked to the window and the calm drifting clouds outside. “Sometimes I…” She did not know him well enough to reveal that.

“I thought it a bad idea to relive these past experiences.” He adjusted his sit. “May I propose we discuss your choice of speaking?”

Luna smiled at that.

“I think boldly on you. It sounds like you have been alone a regrettably long time.”

“I hope you will forgive me for saying this Luna, but I do not choose to regret what I cannot change. Besides, the latest chapter in my adventure is by far one of the best.”

“Oh? What chapter is this then?” Her tears had stopped and she felt him dry her cheeks with a tissue, very gentle and delicate in the motion. She imagined his description of his own strength and could not believe them under such a touch. It was not invasive or uncomfortable, it was closer to gratitude for the simple ear she lent to this tale of woe.

“A princess steals away the night with a coward. She is persistent and after a few meetings she befriends him, breaking through the tough hide and daring to ease the burdens he carries. She now seeks to comfort his pain, and does a wonderful favour. He does not know why he trusts her, but he does trust in her history. She is able to understand what it is to be regarded as a monster.”

“Thank you, Marion...for trusting me enough to share that.”

“Thank you, Luna.” He motioned to rise and seeing the time she was forced to stand herself. He stretched with a crack or two and put his jacket back on. “Time for the next performance.”

Luna trotted to the window and straightened her breastplate. That could not have been comfortable for him.

“You will understand of course that I must attend to my own duties.”

“Why would you see the same show twice? The first time holds the fondest memory after all. I am honoured you choose to see any of them.” he bowed to her.

“Good night to you, The Marionetter.”

“And a good night to you, Princess Luna. I mean Luna. Until the next time.”

She took flight to her night and her duty. She needed to review a treaty and sign it by morning. This meeting had been a special one, she had never expected it to go that far. It was exciting that he may live a long time, that he was a tortured soul in need of her comforting. There were other ponies like him, but they had not suffered so alone as he had. She wanted to stay longer and for the first time, she wished she could impart her duties so she could stay but one night with her friend; The Marionetter.

Chapter 5. Sticks

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Tonight, Princess Luna was a little distressed after her meeting with The Marionetter, turning the events over in her mind to understand what had happened. Only last week he had poured his heart out to her, today he was cold after she tried to wield one of his Marionette Sticks.

Luna had flown in as always, sharing a savoury with him over the discussion of his latest story; the tale of a lone fishercolt who never left the sea. After learning of the remarkable griffon he had been inspired by, she had inquired into the nature of his Marionette Sticks again. He was as evasive as always, but she decided to be playful and taunt him with one.

A spark had unintentionally flown out and he had blocked the embers from touching her with his hand. The ember burned a hole in the glove, it was the first time she had seen under the clothing he wore. The fur had been burned with the fabric and a distinct pale scar was visible. She did not mean to appear shocked. She had thought he had been hurt but on further inquiry was asked to cut their meeting short for tonight, with him abruptly taking the Stick.

She was shown the door leading to the backstage and the anxious manager, now eager to please. Luna did not feel like eating at the moment. This abrupt anger she had caused was a stain on their perfect set of encounters. She had never seen that side of him, to be so bold as to make her leave. He had done it in such a subtle way though, never once did he behave disrespectfully, but he had stopped calling her Luna then. It was now back to the usual princess, highness nonsense she hated.

As Luna went to the exit she noticed the singer, Melody, was preparing herself in front of a tiny makeup mirror carefully balanced on a stool. Sometimes Luna forgot how humble this place was. She suddenly had an idea, ears perking up at the thought. “I wish to speak with your vocalist alone if you please.”

“But of course, Princess.”

The backstage was deserted aside her and Melody. Sadly the band, Melody and Marion were the only performers in this theatre. It must have been a great pressure to keep their nights entertaining to the Canterlot ponies.

Melody was not the type who’s looks would charm her way into fame. She had that raw, sophisticate appeal that said she was beautiful but one would have to know her to see it. With her pronounced muzzle, strong cheeks, golden hair and amber body, she projected a strong visage. The red dress with woven crystals was clearly her favourite, she wore it every night. Luna had a nagging suspicion though that it might have been the only dress she had. Her full figure and strong body was reminiscent, and fitting, of the description of ‘battle axe’ that Marion often gave her. Luna had tried to visit her dreams, a particular one with Marion causing much embarrassment and burning cheeks. She approached the mare, oblivious to the princess in her enrapture of reciting scales and readying for the next performance.

Luna took a deep breath, “Thine voice does so sweetly sound, Melody.”

The mare spun around, “Oh my gosh, PRINCESS LUNA!” She sang. The nervous mare, nearly falling over, bowed to the point where her muzzle almost touched the ground. Luna always found it difficult not to laugh as she did it, suppressing a multitude of giggles bubbling traitorously.

“You may… rise.”

“To what do I owe your company, Princess Luna?”

“We speak seldom I find.”

“That’s fine! How could I be so selfish?!”

Luna hesitated, rubbing her foreleg with embarrassment. “I am afraid I am being selfish right now.”


“We have spoken a great deal and your gift of, I believe gossip is the word, has impressed me. I have need of knowledge over your colleague.”

“Colleague? Oh you mean Lead Foot! He catches many an eye of the fillies. How can I help?”

“Not him, good pony. I meant your rather mysterious colleague.”

“Oh! Brass Tacks? Now she used to be part of a syndicate of traveling musicians…who…toured Equestri…a…” Luna watched the nervous mare shifting awkwardly for a moment.

“Melody… must we play this game?” The mare could not look her in the eye, and Luna knew she needed to tread lightly. “I do so love games, but now is not the time please. I need know more of his attachment to the wrappings he wears.”

“He…likes to dress sharp.”

“Which is why he evicted me so fortuitously when I mistakenly beheld a fragment of what he was?”

The mare shot to her hooves. “He kicked you out?”

“Indeed he did.”

“Excuse me!? He did WHAT?” Melody marched past Luna with burning anger in her eyes. Before she reached the door, Luna grabbed her shoulder to spare Marion that wrath. Melody cooled down as the event leading to tonight's sudden eviction was explained.

“I can understand.” Luna admitted.

“I can’t! How dare he kick a Princess out!”

“Perhaps it was fear that guided the action.”

“You are too forgiving, Princess.”

“And you are not, it makes us a good team!”

Melody laughed at her joke. “I guess we do.”

Luna did not wish to damper the lighter mood, but there was much still to be discussed. Having seen Melody interact with stage hoofs and other performers, she learned the mare appreciated earnest intentions and honest speech. It was possible to speak of other things such as the weather, but a mare that savvy would see though the charade to end up resenting it.

“I wish to thank you for taking in my friend Marion from the streets and fighting for him to perform here.”

The mare looked surprised. “Is that what he told you?”

“It is the truth?”

“Umm...” she began tapping her hoof with a nervous smile.


“Princess, he would be so angry if I said anything.”

Luna leaned in to whisper to her, a naughty idea in mind to get the truth, “Does he… hurt you?”

Her ears sprang up in alarm. “WHAT?!”

“Shh! Keep your voice low in case he hears. Does he hurt you? You are a type of possession to him?” Luna liked watching the mare’s eyes grow wider with each word, “If he has hurt you, I will see to it-”

“NO! I mean...umm...he would never hurt me.”

“Speak the truth to thine Princess, I shall hold it to me.”

“He called you his friend, Princess?”

“As true this is as the moon is in my night.”

“Princess Luna I am unable to say anything personal about him.”

“Something is different in him lately, he seems to grow weary of me.”

“Oh that’s just Marion,” Melody casually dismissed. “He will grow out of it in a day or two.”

“He seemed very worried when I tried to examine his sticks. He has apparently lied to me as well about your knowing him casually. You do after all know of his habits. Are you and” Luna had to look away from the mare's eyes.

“Eew no! Marion?! I mean he’s nice and all but I’m a committed mare, Princess.”

Luna let her sadness carry her words, “Then at least his lies are but one fewer.” Melody remained silent, “He lies to me about his Marionette Sticks. About the way you two met, his true name probably-”

“Princess. Please forgive my interruption but how has he lied?”

Luna looked to the mare, a concern clearly visible in her modest features. Her ears fell back in the weight of what was felt.

“Why would he hide truths from me? I would not hurt him, scorn him. He is a good friend and I do so enjoy picking that mind. Is he even as old as he claims? I feel...lost.”

Melody lead Luna away from Marion’s room. She kept her voice low. There were no ponies around but there was still a need for discretion apparently. Luna could see her worry, without any idea why.

“Marion can create a story in moments, it makes him a talented liar. He lies to protect me, to protect himself. There is something about him that may be hard to hear.”


“I am still here because of him, but he had to do something very…dark for that.”

The once bouncy mare Luna had come to know gained a new appearance in her eyes. The secret she held was tempting to hear, and she was willing to tell it.

“I wish to know regardless.”

The mare hesitated, whispering even more quietly in the silence of the wings. “You know those sticks of his?”


“They are not meant to be used for acts and smoke tricks. Princess please promise me you will listen to this carefully and not act rashly.”

“You dare to presume your Princess shall act rashly!?” Luna was annoyed but it was irresistibly funny to watch the nervous mare wriggle. She could barely speak, Luna winked at her to try and reduce the fright.

“He...umm...saved me with them.”

“Oh? The Marionetter is a hero then?”

“He would never accept being called it, but he is one to me.”

“Please tell your princess… your friend,” Luna gestured to an upturned wooden basin large enough to accommodate them both, sitting down and waiting for Melody to join her. This story seemed too good to pass up. Melody was reluctant at first. She took a deep breath after sitting beside her.

“I was on my way here on a late night. There were some colts trying to take my money...”

Luna raised her hoof letting her loudest voice echo forth, “Despicable! I shall have their heads! Show me the memory and I will hunt them down. I will see them pay for harming the-”

“He beat you to it.” Luna was stunned and her hoof fell back down in unison with her ears.

“Then they are no longer...” Melody nodded and Luna’s heart was gripped. The mare battled against her eyes but began to cry. She felt guilty for pushing her. “Show me what happened, think upon the memory and I can travel to it. There is less pain then for you. I am sorry to push but I must see if he is a danger to ponies.”

“Princess please, he is not. He is the sweetest soul. Please do not hurt him.”

Luna was stunned, he had asked the same of her when they first met. Now she understood his fear, “I promise you, Melody, I shall not. Princesses honour.” She put her hoof to her chest for emphasis. Melody smiled and dried her tears, the battle axe was not as sharp as Luna had imagined.

“It’s a big thing to promise.”

“Marion is strange but I do not think him dangerous. There will remain a lingering doubt until I know otherwise. Thine… You have the ability to aid your colleague, your friend. I will never force thee, but I ask you consider this.”

She did consider it a moment. “Alright, Princess Luna. For Marion.”

Luna smiled. “Close your eyes please and remember what happened. It might feel a little cold.”

Concentrating, Luna let her horn release the darkened mist around the pony, the scene unfolded as clear as night.

She was in the eyes of Melody, able to see and feel every detail that was happening. She was frightened, cornered in an alley with what seemed to be seven shadows around her. She cursed herself for not reading the pegasus forecast today, and for not realising they needed a shower to clean the streets from the dust that had collected. She hated being that forgetful.

There was a heavy rain that night, it fell cold on her, merciless in its stinging ice. Warm water was on Melody’s face from the tears. She was begging the shadows to stop. “Don’t do this guys, please leave me alone.” They did not answer. Only two chuckled as they closed in. One did not come closer as the other four pushed her to a back wall. She could see the hunger in their eyes, taking her purse was not enough.

Two grabbed her forelegs and forced them to bend, lowering her front. She was unable to scream, she could barely breathe with the terror. That terror numbed her then as the seventh shadow grew larger behind the colts, nearly twice as large. It held two forelegs above them with a series of small sparks of white light at the end of each. The sparks drifted down, to form strings like a spider's thread. The grip on her released. She looked up to them, unable to understand.

It was pure silence for a moment. Then it broke when the ponies were trying to call out through their closed mouths, a chorus of muffled screaming. The more prevalent statement; ‘I can’t move’ amongst them. A deep rumble spoke out to her, she covered her head with her hooves in fear of this phantom.

“Miss...I am sorry I could not act earlier. I had to be sure.”

“H...h...he...” she could not breathe.

“Run away and leave this place, they will no longer be a problem.” The eyes in the colts darted about trying to see the figure, their muffled screams growing as they sputtered. Saliva was spraying through the nostrils of some in their effort to break the bonds. She did not have the strength to move, only to look up. The glinting strands wove about each colt, reaching into and around their bodies. “They apologise to the pretty lady.” On cue the phantom raised and the colts bowed. This was horrifying to watch, to hear their bodies strain under the force.

“Thank...” As it turned away she squeaked with the shock, the large eyes of a black pony coming into view, unblinking. The colts clumsily followed after it.

Her terror subsided as she watched them line up against the adjacent wall of the alley. From the glow of the sticks of the phantom, she could see their faces; their rapid breathing and those horrified expressions matching her own. She wanted to gallop away, but the phantom's voice spoke out clearly to hold her there.

“I could have forgiven the insult had you not taken a life only days ago. You are all very sick to be that cruel. I only regret not doing this sooner. I waste my words because I believe your spirits will carry them on. Do you see my hands?”

Melody looked to them, outstretched high above it. They seemed to pulsate rhythmically to an unheard beat. The colts began to scream through their sealed mouths at the sight. She recognised the rhythm then, a heartbeat. The phantom twisted its sticks and the voices all fell silent in an instant.

“Remember this in your very soul; act wicked and I shall find you in your next form. I swear it. Ut inveniam salutem animarum vestrarum.” The hands stopped pulsating for a brief moment, then clenched around the sticks. The muffled screams fell silent. The silence of that rainfall descended heavily upon them.

Melody could not look away, Luna had to see the rest.

These colts were once infamous for terrible murders in the residential theatre district. They were sick. This creature was the one who had silenced them. She had found him and now knew what he had done.

She had to know how he had moved them on his own. The answer nearly made her lose the contents that was dinner. The bodies, while lifeless, did not drop. They remained standing, wide eyed and limp. With a flick of the wrist they marched out the alley and to the place where they were found. The phantom did not follow them on their canter.

Melody could not move. She was terrified. A long time passed with it remaining in the alley next to her. Those horrible unblinking eyes of the phantom watched on as the bodies neatly lay on the sidewalk. It was fitting that their calling card, a black carnation, was lain on top of each one. The glow from the phantom faded. Pulling the sticks under the cloak it wore, it remained still.

Only the sounds of the cold rain played out as they hit the surface of the streets, an odd thundering to accompany it. The creature stepped into the street and to a payphone. She could not hear what it said to the thing it called.

She sneezed and felt the freezing air seeing her breath. No mist came from the form of the phantom as it turned to the new sound, the eyes never blinking. She wanted to run but as it walked towards her, but these legs buckled and she failed to force out a scream through her sobbing. She collapsed and covered her head, a great warmth and darkness covering her. After some moments she dared to look up. The rain was no longer falling. The darkness became obvious as a sweet voice spoke to her. The cloak of the phantom was draped over, she could only make out the eyes. The wands it held glowed to light, and Melody did loose the contents of her stomach.

Occupying a memory was something else. They are created and therefore less accurate, the reason why a memory changed as any creature grew older. Luna had discovered that trauma was an exception to this rule. To actively remember a sensation or place was a wilful construction of the mind, trauma was never wanted. It had the nasty habit of sitting there and often refusing to change.

Melody had an exceptional memory. Luna regarded the creature before her through her own eyes, instead of this terrified mare’s, and his mask was exactly as the one he wore now. The clothes were not of the same cut, they were far less elegant. Luna was grateful she had not seen him this way in their first meeting, for her actions towards him would have been shamefully dismissive.

He was wearing an abundance of torn clothing belonging to creatures nowhere near the same cut as his own. The leggings were by far were the most poorly constructed. It was not one single shirt, or tunic, or even cloak, but many held firmly in place by the odd rope or two. Her eye caught a flash of colour against the darkness, a tear in the lower leg. It felt taboo to look upon the exposed piece of flesh, but taboo had not stopped her thus far.

It was severely scarred, burnt enough that no trace of his fur coat could be seen. The form was a very meaty muscle which pressed out of his leg in a vulgar protrusion, much as a boil did. Her heart stopped with a terrible thought, one which dared to address his entire body with that single protrusion. He could have been a mass of those vulgarities…down to his face. Luna actively shook her head to push that thought away, she would face it alone and not at this time. She jumped as he spoke. His voice was deeper here, a deep hiss that whispered mercilessly through the rain.

“Miss...I am sorry you had to see that. Please do not fear, you are the safest you have ever been. I will not hurt you.” Still she could not move seeing the lifeless eyes on her. “Do you live close by?” She sneezed again. She wanted to say something but the shock was holding her back, her mind unable to form words on her lips in its flurry. “That does not sound good. How could you let yourself get caught like this? Do you not listen to they way the populace talks, this storm has been planned for nearly a month.”

All she could do was whimper to reply, her body now shivering. She wanted to cry out as she felt the arms close on her, and the ground fall away. “There is a place close by, Miss. I cannot leave you out here in this condition.” The body was unbelievably warm under the cloak. She released and let her head sag on the shoulder as the arms supported her. He let the cloak comfortably drape over her head to leave her muzzle free, whispering sweetly, “You’re alright little one, let’s get you somewhere warm and safe.” They went out into the night and Luna found the end to the memory as Melody passed out.

She opened her eyes to see the mare smiling at her, tears flowing freely with drooping ears. Luna reached out and pulled her in close, Melody’s hooves holding her in kind. Both their hearts were still beating rapidly and took some moments to return to a rest.

“That was...”

“I know, Princess… They had hurt ponies, they were going to hurt me. Maybe they would have done worse. I promised to keep that secret but you are his friend. You deserve to know.”

“I have wondered on the fate those cruel ponies met. There was no lead to be found, a simple notifying through the telephone machine to the guard, but nothing.” Luna noted the mare’s nerves. “A princess can only do so much. I wanted to find them and enact a swift justice for invading my night. I am sorry you were nearly harmed.”

“Are you going to punish him? Please-”

“Hush now, my little pony, I cannot. He acted with forethought and at great personal cost. As you said; he beat me to it. They had taken more than their share of lives.” Luna thought on the barrage of reports of the four mares left for dead after such unspeakable cruelty, the nights she spent ruthlessly combing every scream and whimper, every dream and thought to discover them. Marion was considerably more merciful than she could have been, and she would wager it left a bad taste in his mouth not to exact due justice. “The one he must have witnessed was their last.”

“After this happened I was numb and sick. I thought he was going to do that to me too. Marion was using this old empty baker on Pinenut Avenue to sleep in. He held me all night in that home; run down old place. Just sat there humming some sweet things and let me take my time to recover. He was so sweet Princess, I know what he did was wrong but I cannot hate him for doing it. If he hadn’t-”

“You need not think on that. I understand his actions, I will not hold him to it. The nature of his power though is distressing.”

“Princess, I will tell you something I have managed to learn about Marion; if his life's in danger he will not fight. If anypony else’s is, he can be ruthless. He has no enemies, do you understand?” Luna pulled away and levitated a makeup tissue box to them, passing a piece to melody then taking one for herself.

He had none for he made no mistake of leaving them alive. That, Luna could understand. She and her sister had fought on many occasions on the wisdom of sparing a fallen enemy. Celestia had not been wrong to do so, more so she had convinced Luna most eloquently. She shuddered thinking that Marion did not have a Celestia to debate him, thus his mercy was a swift end.


“Would…would it matter if he did look like that?” The question stopped Luna’s heartbeat. Of course this mare knew what she thought, it was the great downside to explore a memory of a conscious creature. In her eagerness she had thrown caution to the many disciplines of thought that should have anchored her to stillness of mind. Luna would not lie to this mare, she would speak truthfully and earn the trust already placed in her title.

“It would make the use of his mask more understandable,” she replied without revealing her revulsion.

“I see no reason to think anything else of him.” The thought was a musing to herself, but it shamed Luna deeply. A mare with a drop of her lifetime contained more wisdom than she. Luna realised that it was not the shape she was averse to, but what her idle mind thought of doing with that shape. She pushed the thought away with a rehearsed smile but could not stop the brief flash of colour to her cheeks. She needed to continue speaking, to forget.

“Does he wield that power often?”

“That was the only time I saw it, Princess.”

“If you two are this close, then why does he hide from you all?”

“He just wants to be left alone. He is always there for me though. If my day goes badly or I just need somepony to listen, he is there. Never tries anything. It just feels so safe to be near him, you know?”

Luna’s smile faded, “He sounds charming.”

“Princess, do not worry. We cannot be intimate. I have a special somepony waiting for me back home. He is so innocent, I just love that about him.”

“It is no interest of mine about your bedroom habits!” she snapped.

“Sorry, Princess!” Melody back stepped, “please forgive me. I felt the need to emphasise Marion’s innocence.”

Luna had to adjust her pout from the misunderstanding. “Yet he can take lives,” she bitterly reminded herself.

“He does not do it out of choice. It hurts him to do that. Those ponies he… well. He did that because they were beyond help. They had a desire to hurt others and he had to take them away so they could not hurt anypony else. In doing so the burdens of loss are passed on to him. Because he did not act sooner, the ponies that were hurt before became his responsibility to bear. That’s how he explained it anyway.”

Thinking about it, Luna could understand his reaction to her playful mistake. “Yonder oddity is very… damaged, isn’t he?”

“Princess, would you mind if I asked you something a little personal?”

“I believe we are passed that limitation after what we have shared.”

“Has a pony ever fallen in love with another creature?”

“I have been back for a short time, but I have heard of a few griffons and ponies falling for each other. Wait! What are you-”

“I saw how sad you were when you thought he and I were...more than partners on the stage.”

Luna began to blush, hating her ears for shooting up in betrayal. “Tis a lie! Thou art a liar! I could never-” Melody giggled, “What does amuse you so!? Hast thou found joy in your Princesses embarrassment!?”

“No Princess. I find it really cute.”

“Cute! CUTE! Thou art… art...” Luna sighed at the sheepish grin of Melody, “We are so alike. I want to take that pain he carries away. Is this… wrong?”

“Forgive me, Princess.”

“What must I forg-” she stopped as Melody hugged her, squeezing and squeaking with a wide smile. Luna was glad they were alone at the moment, because her cheeks threatened to ignite they burned to such a degree. She did not fight it though.

“Can you make my friend happy, Princess?” Luna was more stunned than she was moments ago, speech failing her. Melody pulled away and closed Luna’s gaping mouth with a giggle. “He is so sweet when he wants to be. He just lights up after you visit him, and tells me all you do is talk. He loves talking to somepony who likes to listen to it.”

“Dost thou think he holds a flame for this princess?”

“He told me you always talk like that when you get nervous. He might, I like to think he does. I don’t know. Why do you keep visiting him?” Melody prodded Luna’s chest.

“It is my...duty to see this unique… umm… creature, there may… be more and...” she trailed off. The sceptical look of Melody was not accepting it, “It has been but a month. In so short a time I am already thinking about such inappropriate things.”

“A month is a long time if you are honest.”

“He has not been honest.”

“Well… I think he is as honest as he can be. Maybe he does not want to upset you. I mean it could be possible. Marion is very cheerful lately.”

“I do not think him interested, or curious enough to try. We are so very different and he has suffered much because of being so different. Imagine the embodiment of that torment taking interest in him.”


“He has suffered greatly under ponies, my ponies.”

“He has been involved with many kinds, Princess. Marion is not the type to judge all ponies based on the actions of one.”

Luna could not understand that. “One would think his caution would outweigh anything else.”

“From what I have seen of him, there is that cold judgement reserved for the truly sick.” Luna hung her head seeing the bodies of the vision, looking up to Melody as her hoof touched her shoulder. “But there is still this stubborn part that refuses to stop being so gullible to see the better nature in anyone.”

“I find this…tough to believe. After hearing his first reception to Equestria I scarce understand why he does not indeed hold greater resentment.”

“I heard that story, flank head is not so private about it. One of his best untold ones.” She sighed. “Luna, I just want him to be happy. I want my friend to stay the way he is after he sees you.”


She laughed to herself. “I don’t know why I’m telling you this, but I caught him looking at himself in a mirror.”

Luna was beside herself. “What is under that mask? Surely you-”

“Calm down, Princess.” Luna, and these ears, retreated back in shame of her outburst. “I did not see his face, but I did catch him posing in the mirror.”


“He…studies his body. He tried to flex the muscles in his arm and in his belly.” Melody blushed. “I might have been looking for more than a minute. There is a tough layer there for sure. It is…odd.”


“No hair at all.”

“No…hair?” Luna tried to picture it, the only image of service being a balded pony. The mass of boils somehow became less menacing if only in the wake of Melody’s mischievous grin that held no place in a traumatic remembrance.

“Marion is another creature, you have to respect that nature made him the way he is. He cannot, or will not, change because that body is disturbing for some ponies to see. It freaked me out, but I was not prepared for it.”

“Tis so…odd?”

“Well yes,” she bluntly clarified. The boiling mass came back to mind.

Luna felt her ears falling in her disappointment. The plans once made slowly withering apart. Love could only transcend so much in her experience. For him to be barren, without a single flicker of colour was indeed disheartening. For him to appear the way he did in her mind was a very stark reality to transcend.

“Then the unwelcoming reception was not without reason,” she sighed, already feeling her eyes well. The sadness stayed a moment as Melody rested her hoof on Luna’s shoulder to regain attention.

“You are missing it.” She puffed herself up and flexed. “Marion is thinking about his body and the way he looks. Maybe he does it normally, maybe he does not know why he is doing it, or maybe he wants to test how much of a shock it is going to be for you.”

“Me, me?” Luna felt dizzy hearing that, the thought inspiring anxiety she never imagined. “Me?”

“It really was not bad,” the mare spoke softly to ease Luna into a breath. The soothing tone was as calming as a mother's, doing justice to the name of Melody. “I will not tell you why I was shocked, but please do not scream when you see.”

“There shall not be a ‘when’!” she huffed. “You assume me to be a foolhardy filly chasing what? A fantasy? Tis a laugh to think I, Princess… that I…” That stare was hypnotic in its mischievous grin. “I wanted to see without him fearing, I think.”

“Luna, he is never going to be comfortable enough to do that. You have to push,” she nudged Luna, “a little.” Melody leaned back and sighed. “I think he was upset you would have the reaction I did. So I am trying to prepare you without depriving you of your genuine feeling.” Luna was grateful Melody thought she spoke of his fear, it was shameful to be otherwise.

“A…spoiled her?”

Melody glanced back with confusion. “A what?”

“I hear many new things, what you describe is the spoiled her. To reveal information left best discovered so as not to deprive a pony of their full emotional reaction.”

“Oh,” Melody laughed, “It’s a spoiler alert.”

“Yes, that.” Luna blushed with a shy smile. “That does harken true.”

“Sure. Let’s call it that.” Melody sat up and focused on Luna. “No matter what, do not scream at what you see. Mare to mare promise.”

Luna looked up at the extended hoof awaiting hers, the stern glare of Melody replaced by an encouraging smile. She liked this mare, enough to not correct her at referring to Princess Luna as nothing more than Luna. She lifted her hoof and tapped it to Melody’s.

“I promise I will not scream should it come to that.”

Seemingly satisfied, Melody looked away and peered to Luna with a smile of content. There was a bond struck there, one with which Luna understood she had made more than one friend in her continued visits here.

“I do ask you are sure you want him. I know you like Marion but you cannot break his heart, do you understand?” Luna slowly nodded.

“I know not of love, but I do see you love him deeply.”

She smiled to Luna. “Marion is a scary guy, but he’s got a lot of heart to give. I love him, but not in the way you do. I am ashamed to say it but I could never love a non pony like that. That is my shortcoming, not yours.” If only that were true.

“I…appreciate this council, friend Melody. I will be sure where I stand and of what I desire.”

Melody glanced to a hanging clock and stood up, “I must excuse myself, it is nearly time for my solo. I will say one more thing Princess.” She adjusted her mane one more time in the small mirror. “Ever since your second meeting, he has always waited for you at the window. Even on the nights you did not come.” Melody winked and trotted off to the curtain, smoothing her dress as an introduction was made to her piece by a single rising saxophone.

This knowledge left Luna surprised, in the most pleasant way imaginable. He was different but not different. That image of a grotesque mass of boils became more symmetrical and softer. He was still Marion, nothing would change that. Love, she now thought on that word, was holding a new and strangely powerful meaning. Her niece would no doubt shower every cliché upon her. Perhaps it was possible those clichés were repeated so often with reason.

It was clear there was something in his mind, possibly hers. Luna was the princess of the night, unbound to time or pony. Her night was her one true, yet this strange Marionetter had shattered that. Truly it was not wise to involve herself with this odd one, and yet she wanted to. The only question now was if she should try to make The Marionetter…hers.

Chapter 6. Appointment

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Tonight Princess Luna’s mind was still in turmoil after the previous meeting with The Marionetter and his friend Melody. She had spent the past two days mulling over a weighty choice and tonight had decided to play out the evening to see where it went.

It was a strange comfort to carry the thoughts she did. This hermit, this Marion, trusted her. It was difficult to understand why he would allow himself to do so after all his time alone. It was a trust that carried her higher in knowing she alone held it.

Sleep had proven to be evasive in the last day with the single thought, one of how this Marion had fit into her life of late; sharing stories of sadness or joy over much spilled tea and savouries. It was a long time she had stared into nothing around her room, every waking moment almost dedicated to end the tide of voices. He was everything she wanted in a friend, all but a pony. While this did not concern her, there was concern over what he did look like underneath to provoke such persecution. There were too many images for her to decide, she had seen many nightmares after all. For now, the pony mask was the only face that she could place to his name.

The meeting with Melody had shown her there were some inner workings she was not aware of for this being. There was a certainty in her mind that tonight she would know his inner workings after her gift. To stifle these thoughts, she needed only to concentrate on the task ahead; to make peace.

In her night now she had failed muster the courage to see the latest performance. It was more comfortable to wait a while on the opposite rooftop to peek in his room, the window shut and the curtains drawn. It weighed heavy to see that.

“I do not think he wants to be disturbed anymore, Princess Luna.” Sir Nightlark was not amused when Luna had recounted the evening, omitting some details of course. “Monster or not, one does not eject The Princess.”

“Twas nothing to be spiteful, Sir.”

“He is a waste of your time.”

“It is far from limited,” she smiled. “I hope that you will not act rashly.”

The soldier tapped his spear and stood at ease. Luna could trust this one to listen.

The insects around her did provide a welcome distraction, landing on all places from hoof to ear. She sought about studying them. Moths were her favourite insect of the night. They had beautiful wings with modest colours. One would have to look closer to appreciate them instead of having a bright pattern waved in their face. One landed on her gift and she blew it gently away.

Luna read the article in the old newspaper she had, a peace offering for her friend. She knew it would make him smile, even if she could not see it. She had wanted to go into his dreams and speak with him, but she had discovered the horrible truth that he did not dream. True as he said, every time she attempted it there was only an engulfing darkness. She would have to be there herself. If that window remained closed however, it would be one more night to wait, and she could wait.

The excited discussion of two ponies leaving the theatre drew her attention. From their gestures and onomatopoeia, it was obvious another performance had gone well. The drawn curtains swayed. Luna’s heart fluttered as they opened to reveal her Marion. He had not noticed, so she held still to watch him.

He took out the platter he always had, freshly laying it with some savouries Melody brought him. A few moments passed by with him straightening up the room with tiny details. Luna had noticed it was indeed cleaner. Some draping sheets were changed but her chair and the countertops had been dusted.

An outburst from Melody forced him back. Luna was shocked as the once gentle voice began tearing at him. She could not make out the words but the sound was most amusing, managing to leave her sniggering at the thought of him being put in his place by such a deceptively strong mare.

Melody came into view at the window again, turning sharply back around and holding her forelegs out for him. Eventually, after much coaxing and glaring, he approached and kneeled to hug her. They patted each other’s backs and released. She gripped the mask, said something to him, hit the thing sharply on the top and trotted out smiling to herself. Luna had great difficulty holding laughter in as she saw him stand up and adjust his wear. He then settled down to the single seater facing out the now open window.

“Into the fray, Princess.”

“Believe me, Sir, I do wish this was one.”

Luna’s good humour faded quickly with the daunting task of what was to come. On one hoof it could end very badly, on the other hoof it could start beautifully. In her experience the only way to truly find out was to spread her wings, push off and glide to him. He saw her approach and stood at attention to receive. She waited at the windows edge and quietly took a deep breath, the strength to enter the room was not there.

“Marion?” she quietly called to him.

“Come in, Princess.” Still the name she hated him to say. She eased herself over.

“I am sorry I offended thee the other night...” He did not answer. “Marion?”

“You know Melody gave me a good talking to. My battle axe of a Melody.”

“She spoke of our discussion yesterday?”

“She told me you had something you wanted to discuss with me. She added I should bow at your hooves and beg your forgiveness for my quote, flank headedness, unquote. You did not offend me, Princess. Truth be told I was worried the spark would hurt you. Truth be told no pony or otherwise has seen my form under this wrapping in a very long time. You see it tells the truth of my life. It is the one thing I cannot hide.”

“Tis alright. I understand you must hold some secrets to you. I wish of you to know I do not hold a single resentment for thee.”

“I am unworthy of that forgiveness.”

He gestured to the double seater then offered the plate and Tea as she sat down. Luna politely refused, far too nervous for anything. “My fears are away now...and you are still my friend?” She looked hopefully to him for his answer as he returned the tray to the table.

“We are still friends of course, Princess.”

“Luna please.” He remained silent to her. “I ask you, not order you, to call me by my name and not my title, The Marionetter.”

“Luna, can I ask your thoughts on a riddle that vexes me so? I thought to benefit from your wisdom.”

“You find me wise? I shall try.”

He sat down and lay back in the single seater, placing his fingers together in contemplation. Luna always loved seeing the strange shapes neatly line up. She had the distinct feeling his eyes narrowed to match his tone. “Why does a ruler of a kingdom, a legend, with legions of friends, choose to waste her valuable time with some monster that does not have enough respect to take off his hat in her presence?”

This question had come up many a time in her own mind. “Legions thou thinks?”

“Am I mistaken?”

“I have but good friends, few friends that I enjoy the company of. What thou sayest is true, I have many friends...but not so many I would quote, choose to waste my time with, unquote.”

“Then why me?”

She held her hoof to her chest and giggled. “Doth thou seek a compliment? Surely tis a jest?!”

“Tis not an answer...”

“Nay, tis not. Thine kindness has intrigued me, thine stories entrapped me, thine story has drawn me to thee. We are alike, I enjoy the company of one to whom I can relate.”

“Are we alike then? I do not remember having wings or a tail.”

She chuckled with the simple remark, and the image this summoned. Returning to calm her chosen words could be spoken clearly. “You are kind but must face a darkness far too dangerous to remain free; you are a soul who finds trouble in adapting to the culture around you; you are feared because of the way you look and the monster others assume you are; you hide from a past that threatens to engulf you every day you wake. You and I are so much alike Marion.” He remained silent in thought at her words, she took the paper bundle to him, savouring the gift she was about to give. “I have a peace offering for thee.” He gently took it from her, handling it delicately seeing its age.

“An old newspaper?”

“I had my friend, Twilight Sparkle, do some searching for it.”

“The new princess? I heard the coronation was wonderful.”

“Indeed it was. Her new rank grants new permissions to the archives. I thought the task of your past would provide direction in the tide she is buried under.” Luna chuckled, but he remained very still. It was simple to conclude his silence. “Nopony knows you are here. This I swear as a trusted friend.”

“Thank… you for practicing discretion.”

“She is most fascinated with something odd that appeared among the research. She was amazed at this oddity’s results.”


Luna squeezed herself in the single seater next to the large figure. He accommodated her by shifting but it was still a tight fit, as she wanted. “What do you see my Marion?”

He spoke nervously,“Griffons now… equals all over Equestria.”

She leaned into him to let her cheek fall on his shoulder. Each breath was loud and full to hear, each word carried clearly as that vibrating neck tickled the top of her head. The fact alone that he would let her hold to him as this should be evidence enough, the fact that her stomach would have some relief from this touch alone. “Read it to me.”

“Alright,” he sighed, “I dislike following news.”

“Read it.” She closed her eyes as her ears eased back.

“Today shall the calendar be marked in Equestrian history as the day Griffons have gained equal status amongst all provinces in Equestria. While this is not new to the Canterlot kingdom and more central regions, it is an achievement of monumental proportions for the outlying townships that have been plagued with intolerance and hostilities over the conflict that ended eons ago. The final town charter forbidding Griffons from owning land, and other such severe restrictions, was redrafted and accepted almost unanimously. Founder of the Freedom Wings Organisation...” he trailed off. Luna giggled as he stared over the words. She could feel his heart beating faster as he read the name over and over again. As he spoke he sounded shocked, “ this...?”

Luna nodded and smiled, “She became an activist for the rights of other creatures. Do you know of the movement?”

“Everypony knows of the FWO… but I couldn’t imagine...”

“We gathered clippings and added them. There are more articles from other papers you would surely enjoy. Many of them claim to have had an inspiration from an oddity described as something that I do not find odd. Do you recognise those ponies?”

He flipped through the paper looking at the old photographs, “Some I the moon and sun...” His hands began to shake, releasing the paper to fall into his lap.

Each pony there had been affected by him, those seemingly small acts he performed had influenced her kingdom, and others, in unthinkable ways. New laws, charity organisations, branches of law enforcement. In all kingdoms his small works could be seen.

His breathing shook as a hand pressed up on the neck of the mask, the head sagging down with a congested sniff and shaking body. Luna instinctively reached around and held him close to her, stroking the back of the mask to let him know she was there. He retained his poise, for a while. He pulled her in close and held tightly, letting his relief flow out freely. Luna did not say a word, instead joining him. She could feel the tears run on her coat, it was the sweetest thing she had ever experienced.

She held him for what seemed moments, amazingly half an hour had passed before he calmed once more.

Marion slowly released her and reached to the side to bring them a box of tissues. Without a word he stood up with a slight bow and retreated to the bathroom. In the silence she did hear him expel his stomach. He did have one at least.

Luna placed the fallen paper on the side table after drying her own eyes. She was amazed at that reaction. Never in her wildest dreams dared she think he would be that happy. His tormented soul. How so like her he was.

This Marion...should not exist in her thoughts as he did now. He should not hold her breath as he did, yet he did. The feeling to hold him close was as she had felt upon waking up from the nightmare of banishment. Luna searched but did not understand what had drawn her to this quaint home time again. She did not feel the tension of title as they spoke, the duty of presentation as they sat in company. He was versed in the rules of etiquette, yet those rules were towards a lady, not a princess.

“I said are you alright Luna?”

“Oh!” she was startled, not having heard him approach, “I am fine. The question is; how are you?”

“Luna…” he kneeled before her and rested a hand on her hoof, “I wish I had the words but nothing can express it. Thank you. I am indebted to you for your kindness.” He reached about and hugged her firmly again. He stood high and she was now suspended off the ground with that crushing force squeezing her tenderly. “She lived happily… Thank you,” he whispered, “Thank you.”

Luna was not used to being handled in this manner, but she never wanted him to let go. He was the most damaged, yet tender soul she had met. Not one time did he let the pressures of his existence compel him to harsh action. She was ashamed he had remained hidden for this long.

Her stomach ceased to pang in this embrace. It lifted with joy to know he was unburdened. It soared knowing she was the one who did that. To feel his body against hers quaked that ache, his scent filled her thoughts in its purity. Luna’s mind was made up.

“It is my happiness to help my Marionetter.” He replaced Luna to the ground, to her disappointment. She looked to him, even with the mask he never appeared better, “I know you have carried that for too long a time, you have been alone too long. I know you must be strong to have held on this far without ever knowing. You asked me why I waste my time with you, because it is not a waste.”

He chuckled as she was awkwardly released. “Words to soothe a bruised ego. Perhaps they come from one in kind?”

She seated herself once more and looked to the table with a nod. “Tis so.”

“You are strong to have endured what you have and still seek the comfort of others.” The compliment was made to return her own, but well hidden with thought. The seater shifted as he sat by her with a sigh. Marion was at complete ease now, the startling realisation instilling a bond she could not understand. All their time thus far had been comfortable with the rules he abided by, yet now no action was dictated by her status. The gift Luna bestowed could have done far more than she realised.

“Two bruised and battered monsters.”

“Still alive.” He laughed at her addition.

“I swear you are just what I-” he halted in his thought, the tension creeping back between them. A moment of ease was not something he enjoyed having.

“I understand,” she exonerated him from finishing. “All but what you should seek.” This was a veiled comment she doubted he could pick up on.

“I see Melody has been talking to you.” He leaned back, but that tension remained in the body. “I don’t seek the torment of a partner, Luna.”

“Torment?” It was difficult to mask her indignation.

“Melody has recruited you to her endless song of matchmaking. Please do not send a horde my way,”

“I do not… this time I am lost for your meaning.” Endless song did not carry a good tone. It was possible Luna was not the first pairing the mare had attempted. That thought was laced with offence. Melody had not known him long, and it was never mentioned to her that the tough mare was encouraging a coupling. Luna thought to play the role as he saw, and learn what she could before finding that certain ground.

“I do not seek a mate, yet you and her imagine it so.”

“We worry,” Luna fell into the role quickly with relief. “It is a prejudice against the variety?”


“Do you seek the feminine half to your kind? Perhaps you are the feminine half,” she teased. “That would make a great deal of sense considering…” she stopped deliberately to torment him.

“Considering…?” he encouraged.

“You claim the place of stallion yet I realise there is no evidence to that. You could be akin to a mare for all I know.”

“So you want me to… prove myself male?”

“What say you of males and females?”

He chuckled a little darkly, the game set before them enticing that banter Luna had grown to love. His conversations were forever interweaved and unnecessarily long. She enjoyed that.

“Males, if they are anything like me, think about sex almost all the time.”

“You, think…!” The shock he coaxed drew a dark laugh and she hit his head with her hoof. The dull thud shook the mask a moment but did not damper his spirits. “All the time? Males are so truly?”

“I think about it when there is time. Work and other world tasks still its hum, but that never goes away.”

“A virile male indeed,” she commented with heated cheeks.

“What of Princess Luna and her partners?” His question sounded sincerely curious. “Or will you hide behind the traditional lady’s secrecy and bat away my-”

“Mares do not think about sex as much.” The answer was far worse than that, but Luna would not admit such truth to even this creature. There were experiences to draw on, tales to tell, but he would be the first to speak. “My first story for yours. Which of your lifetimes craved flesh?” She could not help giggle and was grateful the dim lighting hid her blush.

To speak so abrasively was exactly as the stallion guards did. In truth it was tormenting to sit by his side and not embrace. It would have been more bearable were she to know him suffering in kind.

“My first…” He leaned to the side but Luna leaned further to encourage him to lay against her. He stumbled a hold but ultimately dropped where she wanted. Her hoof’s brush to his shoulder encouraged him to stay there, and he stared out to the ceiling as they spoke.

“How many have you tormented in bed?”

“It had nothing to do with my reservations, Luna.” The tone faded from its humour. “I think about it too much to be healthy, but what else is there when you cannot explore it.”

“Explore with touch and taste?” Luna had to admit this was a little mean, “the supple curve of a flank and shake of that partner’s nether implanted by your own?” Marion crossed his legs and Luna grinned wickedly. A male indeed.

“Females… of my race were truly bewildering creatures. That never changes.” He patted a hand to her shoulder and she did not mind in the least as he subtly brushed it. The flow was not intimate, but contained gratitude to her for encouraging this freedom to speak. Conversations were battlegrounds in their own right.

“Tell me of them.”

“All beautiful in their own right, magnificent and unattainable. In my youth I used all my wealth to afford one night with a truly versed one.”

Luna was stunned. “you mean you paid bit for-”

“It was a lifetime ago, please do not judge me too harshly.”

The next thought voiced itself before she could stop. “You have paid for alike services here?” He shook his head. “That was something I once did.”

“Really?” The mask tilted towards her.

“I used my power to try bed an old soldier. Older at least.” She leaned back on his outstretched arm and threw her forelegs to the ceiling in defeat. “Thighs carved from marble.”


“We failed a coupling because I could not bring myself to do it. There was an absence of the partner and more the conqueror.”

“To bed the princess.” He laughed suddenly, “You are so cruel to kick him out just before-”

“I sought more than a shaft to fill me!” Her snap was of such vulgarity it shocked herself beyond reason. “I am sorry to say this so.”

“I wish I was as you.” He let her slip pass. “Desire and inexperience lead one to be of such idleness in thoughts that the only choice to quell them was to satisfy them.” She did not know what to say. “I bedded my paid mate and it was a night I cannot forget.”

“Oh,” Luna commented feeling oddly foolish for hoping otherwise.

“It was this hollow conquest and nothing remotely satisfying. I think your judgement wise beyond years to choose patience.”

“Yes, patient but unbelievably frustrating.” Luna had to giggle as she spoke. “Hast thou seen the Canterlot guards? Their chiseled flanks are but preparations I do so seek to feed on nightly.” It felt very good to admit that.

“Very elegantly phrased.”

“I am supposed to be regal and poised all the time. It is exhausting to deny that very instinct which is outright taboo these days. When I grew up it was far too free,” she waved her hoof, “then this era sees to pretend it is not even there!”

“I guess they need to balance it.”

“They will. Eventually. In the meantime we must battle our urges to just rip that armour off and…” she smiled sheepishly, “rip those helmets off.” It was a little subtle. Luna had to cross her legs now.

“I practice self indulgence now to quell those urges.”

“As do I.” Luna laughed at her confession, he laughed heartily along. “I should not say that!” she said amused. “That is not for the ears of anypony to hear!” She clamped her hooves in the ears of the mask with an irrepressible smile. “Forget it I say! Luna is boring and has no organs that howl to her!”

“Oh I’m sure,” he chuckled wickedly.

“And you, good sir, have drawn this confession as artfully as your cloud creatures.”

“I think it appropriate for very good friends,” he protested. “We are well acquainted and I am honoured you feel free to speak with me so.” She could not help feeling embarrassed beyond reason. Her cheeks were hot enough to melt that mask of his. Marion was too unknown to confess this and yet he drew it out. There was a trust in him being confidant to that, perhaps the same draw.

“Very good friends,” she mused. “In truth I thought about it but it is difficult to find a mate who wants to be with me. I admit my experience is limited due to the time away yet…”

“Nothing but an honest partner.”

“You do understand. None would bed me honestly though.”

“Spells to change shape?” he mused. “Such magic is beyond my talents but you could try.”

“I once practiced shape shifting yet-”

“They would not be your mate but the disguises.” He understood it unsurprisingly well. Isolation was a norm for Luna, and him. Their equal loss of trusted company had become like minded ground for their friendship.

“Do you linger a gaze as many do?”

“Certainly not!” He sat up, the shoulders rising in what she was certain was his embarrassment.

“I thought us good friends, Marion.” She giggled at his sudden tension. “I admit my eyes strain once in a while to peek at certain… oddities that dangle-”

“That is far too much for anypony to know!”

“Is it not hot in there?” She tapped her head and took a deep taunting breath. “Tis so fresh and cool out here. Join me,” she smirked smugly. Marion watched her sitting upright with the mischievous grin she could not hide. His shoulders eased and he shook his head, audibly breathing a little deeper.

“So utterly despicable.”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

He tilted his head in contemplation. “What difference would my visage make?”

“Nothing,” she answered quickly.

“Then would you get bored of me if you saw?”

Luna did pause to consider, “I like talking to you, a visage does not make a difference. One does imagine it is difficult, and uncomfortable for you to remain in hiding. I think of your comfort, and…” she was struggling, this did not seem the right moment.

“You want to help ease my burden,” he finished for her.

“We have not known each other long, Marion. Despite that I think we understand each other very well. You have lived enough to understand what plagues my thoughts. It is foolish, you could be an enemy or agent, for all I know.”

“But despite all my experience and knowledge, I want to throw away caution to believe she does genuinely care for my well being. I do believe she speaks the truth when she calls me her friend.”

Luna smiled. “Sometimes one does know when they meet somepony special.”

“Indeed they do, and not because she is a princess.” Luna was unable to command her cheeks to cease their blush.

“It is not easy to spend such a long time alone.”

“It gets hard sometimes, but the thought of loved ones keeps us going. I made a promise to my Mentor. If I failed to keep it, I wouldn’t be surprised if he came back just to give me a good sorting out!” To see his mask’s stoicism in contrast to the happiness, was strange.

There was great hesitation in her now, for a doubt came of his own thoughts towards her. That mask made it impossible to truly tell where his eyes lingered, if the smile was genuine, if his relief was as heartfelt as hoped. There could be a manner to resolve that doubt.

“I want to speak of mares with you.” She cursed her abruptness.

“What of them, Luna?” He did not seem to see it, to her relief. “Surely you would be better versed in these matters? I prefer to avoid any and all company.”

Luna tapped her hooves. “Marion, self indulgence leaves much to be desired. I find it difficult to believe you have never taken one to bed.”

“Oh you do?”

“The stallions who guard me cannot go two days without some type of release. Here you expect me to believe your lifestyle is celibate?” Luna tutted with a teasing smile.

“I am no stallion.

“Fair enough.” She straightened herself for the game set out. “Non pony visitors are as bad. Last week a griffon ambassador was caught entertaining himself with a chamber maid.”

“I am no griffon.” His tone thankfully remained mischievous.

“In fact, I could venture your colleagues are exploring such activity this very eve.”

“I am no musician.”

“You are a male. I am fairly certain of this. My question of thee, oh Marionetter, is why thine libido seems to be ever so wrapped up?”

He laughed at her comment and rubbed her shoulder. “Am I to assume yours is not?”

“I!” Luna was shocked. “Infernal cheeks! Twas not my question.” She looked away with what little decorum she could salvage. Marion’s chuckle was playful, not mocking. Even his laughs were sweet.

“I am indeed male and very apologetic to any doubts otherwise.” She looked back to him with a smile. “It is a fair question. To answer… he cleared his throat, I am kept in check by personal morale, survival, and varying circumstances.”


“Yet, my dear friend, I am not innocent. What I say is true of course, never a mare. I have however explored this world in its reach and found company with creatures-”

“Minotaurs! I knew it!” Luna was beaming but his shoulders held that familiar slump. She brought herself in on an unfortunate error and one she already regretted making.

Marion let out a long sigh. “She was a higher rank in the tribe I once lived with.” He rubbed the chairs arm and sat straighter. “What a minotaur she was. It was no longer than a year my mentor left this world and I happened upon a caravan. There I earned my keep, despite my grotesque form. A comrade, then made, spoke fondly of his conquest amongst the others. Such boasts drew my attentions.”

Luna smiled and allowed herself to ease. Marion was foremost a storyteller.

“At this time I was a runt in the litter. Intellect has little use in a place of skill and strength. In time I was able enough to start earning my keep and then some. In this time I began to feel the first weight of my isolation.”

“You were stranded here.”

He nodded. “I thought I was going home. My prolonged stay and the deception behind it was…heavy to bear.”


“In my grief I sought that conquest, a striking creature as sweet as morning dew and coarse as any of the brutes she lay with.”

“Sounds charming.”

“At first, I was too…shy…to umm, say anything. I tired to focus on other things but my imposed celibacy caught her attention. She approached me and we…”

“Met,” Luna offered. He nodded. It was obvious that he was shy about this. “You do not have to speak of her should it leave you-”

“I see no reason to stop,” he chuckled, “thine nose finds my business and is welcomed to stay. Well I must say she was very kind with me. I still visit those nights when I feel the weight of it all bearing down.”

Luna felt slightly crestfallen. This was a versed companion. It was surely her experience that allowed for such a memorable encounter.

“She was a special umm… lover?”

“I…sex, Luna, is so much more than a chance roll. At the time I only sought to satisfy a curiosity but she was…well she made me earn an understanding. It was intimacy and love. I think to this day, at some level, she had enjoyed what we shared.”

“From a chance encounter?”

“For her, it was duty to bring peace to the tormented. I was deeply tormented. Luna… I know what mares must think of males like me, males who would trade for the favour of a lady. I am sorry if you feel degraded but it is an old profession.”

Luna did not shift. She held steady because his experience cut close. She had thought often of soliciting a guard.

“This lady, for she was respectful to me, brought me to her. I answered a call, in a way. She was umm… she liked the way I presented myself.” Marion stroked the chin of the mask. “I did not trim my hair for a year and it grew wildly.”

“So she…lusted after you?” Luna found this story a little erotic. It did not help.

“I think she wanted to bring me peace. It was fairly… obvious I was not at peace.”

Luna smiled. “She sounds very special.”

“This lady was. Which brings us to what happened…”

“Tis never a happy tale with thee.”

“My interest in her, and hers in me, brought us both to a very terrifying place. There is no sad ending for her I feel. We spoke one night for hours and ceased our-”

“The group did not like your new found passion.”

“Hated it. She wanted to stop. We shared something very special, Luna. It was not love but it was a profound bond. Sexually, we did not engage in that much. We did however spend every possible night resting together. Talking, laughing.”

“Such as we are…”

“You are far braver than she, my friend.” At least Luna felt less of a repeat. To think this had already happened, that he was already conquered. It did not dampen her spirits but did make her more nervous.

“I was made to leave once more but I left very quickly. They tried to kill me after six months of befriending each one. It was yet another time of many. The experience hardened my heart to your world.” She could hear the bitterness on his tone. “The scars unseen and seen will be my constant reminder.”

Luna could not restrain herself. “Scars?”

Marion took a digit and traced a line along the mask entirely. Luna did not want to imagine it, the distortion another challenge she would bear. “I am still worried when we speak. I become worried-”

“Nopony is going to drive you out!” she snapped, her mane burning brighter with the mere thought, “Let them try.”

Her sudden ferocity did make him jump. Luna laughed with him as the fright subsided.

“I do trust those words of yours.”

“Good. Then you know I will raise Tartarus should the slightest infraction be brought.”

“Then you would share her fate.” Luna felt her heart pang. She did not want to know this but his slight nod sealed the fate of the one he spoke of fondly. “Not dead. I did not fight and she was spared death.”

“Marion… I am so sorry this has happened.”

“I performed your tale because it caught my passion. I did not wish to endanger you.”

“I am certa-”

“You are strong enough to be a friend, such as Melody is.” He exhaled. “Luna, I will do much worse to prevent that from happening once more. I… I hope you understand what will happen. I will protect my friend this time.”

“To harm others does not bring restitute.”

He slumped. “I know…” He sighed once more and rested his head on the back of the seater. “I will not allow it to come to pass.”

“I understand your fears, my friend. I speak in earnest that my comfort in thee lies heavily with thine weighted shoulders. Whereas this minotaur once sought to tame the tormented heart she met, I seek only company for one as pained as my own.” He tilted his head and gazed on her. Luna hoped he was thinking about that time and the joy instead of the sorrow.

“Sex can be beautiful. I encourage you to seek it once more.”

Once more was not accurate, but Luna would not correct that.

“I am… this will not leave this room… I am afraid of having sex.” Marion’s head turned to her questioningly, this was his shocked face. “It is difficult to talk about.”

“I am here for my friend,” he softly spoke. “It need not be now.”

Luna knew this was the truth, he would not pry. Tonight they had shared so much now she saw no reason to stop.

“when I was still in the days of my youth, a long time ago, I happened upon a debauchery festivity. There were… I really don't wish to describe it please.”

“Luna, you do not have to force yourself to speak of these things. I actually wonder about the weather this eve.”

“The mares did not have a look of joy and since then I always imagined sex to be as brutal as any other fight. I am not scared of stallions but I feel better flying solo.”

He rubbed her shoulder and raised his hand in gesture, “to flying solo.” Luna raised her hoof and bumped his hand in a mock salute of clinking glasses.

“There is no need to fear, but I am scared.”

“Stallions are scared too. Mares are more hostile than other races. They can become wild and kick. I have not tried, mind you, and this speculation comes from what few I have met. Almost, anyway.”

“Yet never have you been curious?”

“Not really, maybe… no. I say no.”

“Do you regard us as so many have regarded you? Are we but hideous monsters to you? Embodiments of your torment.”

“Yes.” Luna was stunned, she forgot her breath, “and no.” She felt him smile seeing her shock. “Each piece I can help makes every last burn, cut, curse, pain, worth it. I see the cruelty you are all capable of. You however...I know your cruelty comes from another place. I see nothing but the kindest heart in two centuries when I look on your smile. While I have met a hoof ful of kind ponies in my time, you are the first who is not afraid, or weary, of my company.”

“I should say the same of you. No being, including my sister, has truly been as welcoming, as at ease. It is strange you do not fear.”

“I will share something with you, Luna, you deserve to know. The only being I truly fear, is myself.” There was a great lifting in her to know this of him. “This form I see sitting here, Nightmare Moon or otherwise, cannot deter from such a true friendship. It is one that refuses to leave me be and gives my breath more life to draw each time.”

The way he spoke to her now...this was not a friend. “Why are you trusting to me? Why not flee as you have before?”

“Times are different now. I also consider it very foolish to flee from you. If for the only reason that you are genuine in your company.”

“The form of Nightmare does truly not terrify you?”


Luna smiled at that. “She has long been a stain on my visage.”

“You know it is funny when you think about beauty, Luna. I learned a long time ago what true beauty is. For me there is pretty and beauty. Pretty is outside, beauty is inside.”

Luna could not resist, “So how would you describe me?” she nervously teased. He could have made sport of it, laughed with a jape. The Marionetter did have a way of understanding when Luna wanted a genuine answer no matter how thin she veiled the question.

He stroked the chin of the mask and eyed her. “Persistent, nosy, sweet. Not beautiful though… more… radiant.”

“Am I not beautiful?” she feigned sadness in a dramatic fashion to taunt him.

“I have just added a category prin-Luna sorry.” She giggled at the slip, “I have added one because of you. There is now pretty, beautiful and,” he pointed to her with a single digit, “radiant.”

Luna felt a blush as she looked away. "You embarrass your friend.”

“I mean every word. Your presence brings life to others when they know you, such a gift is...remarkable to witness. Luna it is truly my sincere pleasure to know you.”

“Is this why you do not distance yourself then?”

“Why would I.”

Luna could not help smiling. “Why wouldst thou indeed...”

These words… his sincerity. It made it difficult to understand him. While her mind was made up, it was unsure his was. Her legs felt weak as she stood and slowly turned to face him. Her breath was failing, her eyes unblinking, her ears fully poised, her heart racing. She was certain now this had to be done. Her head looked to his odd shoes as she came closer, eventually having to stop when she could not move forward anymore.

“Is everything alright, Luna? You look a little ill.” He leaned closer to her.

Luna closed her eyes and took the deepest breath she had ever taken in her life. She trembled an exhale, opening her eyes and looking to the lifeless mask wrapping him so tightly.

“It would appear thou hast something on thine muzzle.”

“Oh?” He motioned to rise but she moved between the odd legs to block him. “Umm… please excuse me, Luna. I had better attend to anything unsightly.”

“The thing of which I speak is not unsightly at all, one would describe it as radiant.” She held her breath and pressed her muzzle to the mask’s, “Me.”

They fell back with her hoof against his chest. She held herself there to him, him being completely stunned. He was not breathing, the light shining into the mask revealed his eyes through the holes. They were a darkened jade green, as wide in alarm as hers. There was no going back now.

She brushed her muzzle upwards against his mask’s, letting her lips fall open to press the lacquered black surface. It was torture incarnate. Luna had experienced torment to untold depths of pain but his was the most cumbersome by far. No matter how hard she pressed, to the point where her lips nearly broke, she could not capture that wonderful spark but a breath away.

He was pinned, trying to twist but she held him there with a grab of her free hoof. She wanted to tear it off and savour the contents, but could not force him. He could never be forced to take that one step more. It must be done willingly, nothing else would be acceptable.

There came his hand upon her collar, pushing away with such gradual force. This was the strength of his body, not the power it could wield. Luna fought to hold herself there, the determination to touch that spark overcoming the senses. Everything fell silent as the one she knew for his steady calm, whimpered.

The strength faded with that whimper, it proceeded the shudder of the body and the sharp inhale more than familiar.

“Shh,” she whispered with great effort. “Tis I. Tis Luna.”

An odd sensation stole her concentration, the hands movement along her chest. The way it brushed that much more gently with her easing pressure. She pulled her head back slowly and he followed. The eyes within were closed, the muscles under her loosing all their desire to fight.

Luna was confused how this could still not give him the strength to break free. He enjoyed her torture and apparently his own. It was more than that though, for he was not able to touch with his lips if there were any at all. He could not taste her as she did this prison. Luna would accept this today, to be allowed to come this close to one as tactful as herself. She would savour this moment and make him regret every second he hid from her.

Finally exhaling she closed her eyes to surrender, letting herself taste the mask. It was strange, but the aim was to encourage him out of there. She gently exhaled again, this time forming a stifled moan as her ears dropped and wings unfolded.

She tried harder with another moan turning into a whimper to beckon him, this time letting her chest rest to his. Such a hardened body for a hardened heart; a heart within beating strong and fast.

She gasped at the feel of his hands on her side, gently pressing in. They slid up the back and hooked around her croup to pull closer. The single digits were ticklish in their tenderness. She allowed herself to gently release all strength and fully feel him under.

He did not seem as tall laying back on this large seater. The body was softening as his tension faded. To feel those large arms holding her, nopony could do this. None she knew could hold her like this, massage her coat like this, bring her happiness with touch alone. It was a fantasy, impossible to know truly as long as that breath separated them.

She fought it, but had let it flow. A few shed tears had to come with the outpouring of her heart. He was not fighting her, not the way he held her. She gasped as the hands slid to her sides and pressed in, stroking with more strength to let her feel the tenderness in the muscles fade. The skills he had following each contour with ease was caring. She leaned past the muzzle to firmly press her cheek to the masks, stretching her neck to brush on it with an open mouthed moan. The wings shuddered their call to him, the gentle breeze of feathers passing heated scent.

His hands stopped suddenly, a voice that sounded strangely sad following, “Luna...”

She kept her eyes closed and fell lower to press her lips to the shoulder briefly, this nuisance horn nearly piercing the back of the seater. “Please don’t stop my Marionetter. I beg of not stop.”

“Luna. I cannot do this. You deserve more than this.” He was pulling himself upwards.

“No, please do not stop, Marion. You do not have to remove your mask, we do not have to do anything but hold to each other, please. It has been so long since I last felt such a tender embrace. Please wouldst thou hold to me, even for one night?” She was now seated on his upper legs, him supporting her sides with those warm hands. Her body was literally aching to hold him close again, the phenomenon disturbing in its pleasure.

“Luna...” he sighed.

She could feel the tears in full force now, how quickly they had turned from ones of joy to such sadness. Her anger at this resistance kept her voice steady and firm. “My Marion, all I ask is your touch. I know it is not prudent, I know tis strange for both of us, but if you feel what I do you must have a truly hardened heart to spurn my simple request.”

He could not answer, only silence. Each moment that passed gripped her painfully. She closed her eyes and pressed the muzzle to the top of his head, hoping he would act as she desired. Her heart sang as the mask turned to the side to rest a cheek to her collar. The arms slid around and he held her firmly, closer to him with those firm forearms fully cradling her. Luna let her forelegs reach and hold his head, a kiss to the top. He inhaled a deep trembled breath and she felt the large body grow under her as his chest stretched.

“What of your duties?”

“I...” She hated him for being right, for pushing her away. The princess of the night had an obligation, a duty, but tonight was the closest she ever came to abandoning it. “Will you wait for me? Will you wait for first light and hold me in my sleep?”

“If you order me to then I must, right?” The light humour was appreciated.

She chuckled. “No more orders, Marion. You must say yes because you want to.”

He hesitated a moment too long for her comfort, a squeeze around her. “I...want to. Yes.”

Luna nearly cried hearing it. “You feel as I?”

“I share what you feel, I want to have someone warm to hold in my sleep for once. Someone I can trust. Having somepony here… willing to suffer that. Even for one night, I want you.”

“Tis not suffering.” It was all she could do to tear herself from him. Luna had to leave now or she would never have the strength to do so. “I shall see you at first light.” Wiping her tears on a nearby cover, she turned from the window to see him bowing in half to her.

“I shall be awaiting you, Highness.”

She spread her wings and had to throw herself out into the cold night. The biting winds and mirky sky did little to settle her anxiety. It was going to happen, should he keep his word. He would, her certainty came with his confession. He would wait for her and they would embrace. Luna would make him suffer until that covering broke, she would savour every piece of him until he could return that wonderful feeling yet to be.

Sir Nightlark was at his post. Luna grew increasingly ashamed as she drew nearer. The gruff guard saluted her landing on the rooftop and remained silent. There was no doubt he had seen that display and Luna hated him for invading her privacy.

“Well?” she snapped.

The guard removed a clean handkerchief for her. She dabbed her eyes and blew her nose. “Princess Luna. I am afraid I musk ask this; why did you two stop?” Luna had to hold her rage back. She was not going to provide some show. “I was ready to leave but now you are here. Does he not return the favour?”

“I do not need to explain myself to thee.” Luna hated how soft Nightlark’s eyes could get. “We wish to share company in bed. I want to do this, Sir. Resting with company.”

“What stopped you just now?” Luna turned to face the window. He was sitting on the single seater with his false face buried in his hands. This was painful for Marion, Luna would respect that and be very gentle when they… she could not even think about it, it hurt that much.

“The Marionetter did,” she sighed.

Nightlark smiled, Luna could swear this soldiers eyes were welling. “That is a gentle colt. I can see why you like to investigate him.”

“The non-pony monster is umm…”

“Princess, I can see what he is to you.”

Luna nodded her gratitude and returned the handkerchief.

“Let us end these chores tonight quickly. I will need you to keep me vigilant.”

“As I shall.” He nodded to Luna and made ready for flight.

She beat her wings down and the two shot up to the night sky. Seeing the time on Canterlot tower she cursed herself. There was a mountain of documents to read, a knighting ceremony for graduates of her guard, members of the griffon kingdom to welcome. She was grateful then for Nightlark. Not only did this pony of the age accept her investigation, he supported it. This held a great deal of promise should events transpire overwhelmingly favourably.

Every time it became too cold that night, she would think of the morning, and what would come.

Chapter 7. Sleep

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Princess Luna shot through the window of The Marionetter to crash land in the single seater of The Marionetter. It was less than elegant yet unavoidable. She was simply too excited thinking about today. He was going to keep his promise and hold her. As the sun rose in this morning she would bask in him for but one sleep. A sleep she hoped would preface an eternity of more.

His admittance to want to hold to her had released all reservation. His feelings for her were true, this was without doubt now. The only issue that plagued her future was his own admittance of those feelings. Today she wanted to show him the path to this. Strangely though, he had not been waiting for her in the chair. In hindsight this might have been a good thing considering inelegant landings. At the moment he was nowhere to be seen. Luna had this horrible feeling about the reason for this.

The room itself was still much of the same to her. All the odd shapes with their off white coloured coverings draped neatly around. Her platter was in its usual place, the tea had been freshly prepared, still steaming in the simple pot. She looked about thinking he might be hiding again, it would have been a wonderful preface to the day.

A crash drew her attention to the door as he stumbled through, with Melody pushing him along very abrasively. Luna found it exceedingly difficult not to laugh at this rather large creature being so intimidated by such a small mare.

“You are going to keep that promise or I will break out those glass eyes and stick them-HELLO PRINCESS LUNA!”

She sniggered, “Hello my friends. What’s all this?”

“Deeper than a teacup here was trying to weasel out of his promise to you!”

Luna was very sad hearing this, her good humour falling away instantly. “Marion?”

“He was going on about some nonsense how you may have some serious feelings for him and that he is scared because he-” his arm wrapped around the back of her neck, hand clamping on mouth. She could not break free of the grip, he held on to the point where her stomping on his paws failed to shift him.

Luna knew what Melody was about to say and she giggled seeing the odd pair, her sadness washing away knowing his feelings for her.

“I apologise for her Luna, she forgets that it is not her business.” Melody rolled her eyes and reached for the lid of the savouries, a quick toss and a loud ring making him stumble back and release her. Melody was unusually spirited today, now Luna saw where the ‘battle axe’ came in.

“You should hear some of the questions this here fool has been asking! He’s so nervous-hey! Put me down!” He had hoisted her up, carrying the struggling mare to the door. “Oh so you’re just going to throw me out huh?! After all those weird things you kept asking you’re just saying cheerio? Well fine! Luna! If he tries to run you got to trip him up! You understand?” Luna was in hysterics seeing Marion struggle, the sniggering into her hoof barely being held back.

He dropped her out the open door and made ready to close it on her, bending low to her scowling face. “Are you quite finished?”

“Yeah I’m finished! I’m finished forcing you to go be nice to her! You better worship the ground that there mare trots on because we all know you have no luck finding somepony willing to put up with your boring jibber jabber, or your ridiculous need to wear this thing,” she hit the mask, a small ring echoing off. Melody’s head poked out from behind Marion’s stunned body. “Sorry, Princess.” She smiled sheepishly with a wink as he tried to recover. “Oh and one more thing!” She pulled him down from the collar of his dress jacket to her. “I better hear good things when us ladies catch up. You got that, lover colt?!”

Luna could see him giggle, “Thank you, you battle axe.”

Melody grabbed his head, nearly bringing him over in the simple hug. These creatures had poor balance. She gently spoke to him, smiling to Luna, “You look after her now.” She released and trotted off mumbling something to herself about kicking that flank of his. The mangled Marionetter closed the door with a sigh and adjusted his collar.

“I am sorry about that, Luna.”

She had settled, wiping her eyes from the effort to hold back. “As you should be, you were trying to run from me? Dost thou not know I have flight?” She flared her wings open for emphasis, and a little to dazzle.

“I was not trying to run. Just had a little...ahem...concern.”

“I have had some time to ponder tonight, I do not wish to push you.”

“I am told by some sources that it is needed. I am actually very tired now, normally I do not wait until the dawn. Would you mind if I drew the curtains?” Luna used her magic to quickly shut the window and curtains, a cheeky grin cast to him. “Well that works.” It became very silent around the room, the dawn shone though just enough. She found the dim light very inviting, the thick curtains bathing the place in a dull golden glow.

“I am tired in kind.”

He stood there, probably as nervous as she was. It did not help to see him nervously shifting about.



“...Where dost thou wish to lay?”

He walked past her and pulled a large white covering away to a puff of dust. Underneath was a beautifully carved bed frame with patterned white and deep purple coverings. Seeing such remarkable colour in this humble room, Luna wondered what other treasures lay hidden about.

“Normally I do not bother sleeping here, I fall asleep on the wingback there.” Luna thought about how Melody told her how he would wait every night. “I think this is fit for a Princess. If not perhaps we should then arrange a different day to-”

Luna flew over him and crashed to the bed, nestling in and rubbing her face to the silken sheets. He had excellent taste. She looked up to see him still standing there nervously, it was very cute. She let her hind legs fall limp and pushed herself up on her forelegs with a twist of the body and a flare of the wings. Despite her efforts to tease him, he only shook his head with her playful tap on the bed. She watched him gently step to the hanger, removing the jacket then coming to join her.

“Is there something wrong Luna?” Her concern was apparently showing.

“The garments thou dost wear, would it not be more comfortable to remove them?”

“I am fine thank you.” He sat on the edge and removed his odd shoes, she was amazed at the bizarre paws as she leaned over the edge on her belly to peek. They were similar to his hands, but the digits were shorter and the body of it elongated. The claws were uselessly short, barely capable of their function it seemed. It looked funny, mostly because there was little hair on it, not the coat of fur she had hoped to snuggle. He leaned back with a sigh, she felt his tension of the nights work being released in it. Still he wore the gloves to great annoyance.

Reaching for one of them, she took it to her muzzle and gently bit the tip to pull them away as she held the wrist. He hesitated by clenching it to her anguish. She laughed softly to his fear, calling his name gently, “Marion...”

“Please no Luna.”

“I thought we were friends. Is this but another one of your falsehoods?”

“...I do not-”

“If we are friends, then please trust your friend. What could these possibly hold to bring such fear?”

“The hoofleg hands, not-”

“I will not hear it, Marion. I wish to at least feel an honest touch please.” She remained laying on her belly as she waited for him to reply. It came in the form of him looking away, then allowing his fist to unclench. She resumed her pinch of the glove with her teeth, watching them slide down to expose the underneath.

By the stars he trembled. Such a fear was as frightening for her. All she could do to the half uncovered hand, was bring her lips for a quick press and massage it between her hooves. The trembling did quell as her frogs glided over and took the shape of the soft palm. It was concerning to see the many scratches and grazings he had. Those sticks did require some mastery.

She then slid the glove off entirely. The hand was odd, but not strange. Already she could see an old scar on the left one, running across the digits neatly. It had a digit too many, oddly rounded claws at the end that seemed useless, again hairless. What struck her attention was how warm they were, such a warmth to emanate into her muzzle as she pressed to it.

“Radiant,” she whispered. He seemed to exhale sharply with relief, the shoulders sagging a noticeable amount.

She shifted to the other side of him and repeated her gesture, this time taking the glove off in one clean glide. She had to repeat it, only then could she grant him the permission to grant himself that freedom. “Simply radiant. Such a warmth that does carry from thine heart.”

She could hear the congestion as he spoke. “Thank you… Luna. I am sorry to be-”

“You have every right my friend. I understand your fear to expose that which causes others to fear you.”

“You do. They are disgusted by it though, not afraid.”

She softly chuckled once more. “I am not, you are not I hope. So there is no reason to fear.”

“Why aren’t you? The lack of hair is already off putting to most.”

“Marion...all I hear is they are afraid, they fear, they disgust, they. I am here, I adore these. Thou hast a most unique hold, they are surely thine secret of such success.”

He was silent for a while, she felt the grip tighten with a slight tremble. “Thank friend.”

She slid a hoof to the collar, only brushing the edge against the white button there. It was surreal to see her hoof there, so close to him with so much in between. Taking a breath, she stole her courage. If he could find even that strength for one moment, it would need to be from her. “I want to feel you completely, please do not hide from me anymore.”

The response was immediate, instantly she felt the tension spread as he made ready to rise. Her grip loosened however, and as surprisingly he remained there. There was a draw to him, to her. As difficult as it was to understand, the one who had fled for so long did not.

“Luna… I am so different, no feathers, no fur, no scales, nothing but bare skin. It has so much pain on it, you will be upset. Please reconsider.”

“How could I be upset with you? Shed then and let me feel this so close.”

“I w-would if I cou-” His words stopped in an instant, and Luna was beside herself realising what she had just done. With all the frustration and fear, she had indeed pushed her muzzle in the gap of the collar for one thrilling moment. His neck tensed at the touch, she made effort to accent her breath with a swoon before lifting away. It might have been a mistake, for now he was not breathing at all.

“That was for me, Marion. You may breathe again.” He exhaled abruptly, almost choking. “You may never be able to repay that gesture, in this I find peace.” Another sharp breath trembled out. “I wish not to loose you, for in all our insanity my fondness aches for anything. What words could I say to tempt you free of your idea that I will be so disgusted by what is there? How long will you make me wait with false promises to even innocently hold to you?” She waited in silence, savouring the firm back she clung to. “Speak…”

“It has been very long…please.”

Luna sighed heavily, an ancient wisdom colliding with another. She had to be the first to make any gesture, yet it would fade in its meaning without context. To tell him would be to reveal a truth so few knew of, yet she trusted him. It was then her thoughts found a place to hold to; every push was her doing, and none thus far were protested. He was either accommodating, or perhaps exactly what she was. Surely this was too soon to tell.

“Listen to me my friend.” Sometimes it was frustrating she could not see his ears display his focus as other ponies, the silent ones of the mask ever rigid. “In my crown,” she raised it off her head with the simplest spell to float before the mask, hoping he was indeed looking out of it, “lies a power that protects me.” Another flicker and her breast plate unclipped to slide free, floating under the crown. “My armour, the same power therein.” With a deep breath her hoof wear slid free to join the presentation before them. “Therein,” she gently repeated.

It was an odd sensation to be this exposed around another individual, oddly safe around him. The cold clung to the places the armour once did, and her chest was given warmth by the trembling back. He might have been terrified, but he was not fleeing.

“They are…lovely?”

“The charm that protects me, I forsake for thee.” She cast them to the side in a dramatic toss for emphasis. The ethereal ring each part emitted as it collided to the floor was a welcomed flare.

His shock was obvious as the mask subtly followed her rolling crown, the title she wore no longer in front of them. There was no power in these relics of course, no magical power at least. Perhaps it was her turn to express a half truth in the way he did his own falsehoods.

Marion picked up the piece and replaced it atop her head. Perhaps it was important for him.

“You are insane…”

She chuckled at that. “You wear these garments to keep you safe, to keep you protected from so much hurt. It weighs heavy on me you see a need to protect your person from me.”

“Tis not from you. I know you will not hurt me.”

“Dost thou? It will hurt should I gallop out yonder window in shock.” She could not resist, this time only kissing the collar of the shirt. There was this subtle bend in his back, and she dared to hope he was leaning into her. “I will not lie in presuming the sight will not shock me, but I speak in earnest when I say it cannot be enough to force me away from here. No scale, plumage, hairless, could be enough.”

“Can it not be another day?”

“When you hold me, let it be an unshielded body that does and not a fabric.” She inhaled deeply, hoping her calming exhale would be contagious. “You fight so hard against yourself, Marion Marionetter.” Although Luna was smiling, a tear tolled off her cheek. It was turmoil incarnate to see him this way. “You guide me to finding peace, to finding bravery. Set aside yourself long enough to listen to yourself. Does this make sense?”

She waited, every tick of a clock in the room louder with each second. It was difficult, and extremely irritating. He was trying to back out of a promise he made to her in person. That embrace they shared but a day ago seemed to mean nothing to him, the words he had spoken caught up at the time in emotive speech.

As hard as she tried to be annoyed, years of wisdom and experience could only bask in his bravery thus far. Being hidden this long would cause any creature to loose sanity. She would be content to share his hold, his bed. Embrace was a gift he did bestow to friends, such as Melody, and Luna. Now she wanted more than anything for him to turn around and sink with her to the sheets. She had set the path, it was his turn to follow suite. The mask could remain on for now, but only for now.

Still a steady breath as her heart pounded in her head. Her forelegs tightened about him, squeezing the body in fear he would vanish. When the sniff sounded from within the garb pressed to her cheek, she almost jumped with the broken silence.

“Thank you…my friend. Sorry…”

Luna loosened her grip with held breath, allowing his arm to lift. He unfastened the top slowly, each moment of the descent burning an anticipation in her. As the neck became visible she was not too worried to see the bare skin, not unlike the throat. He paused though.


“Do you wish to proceed?”

Luna came in close and pushed herself up to hold on his tensed shoulders, pressing to his firm back. Her ears fell in that ease, her wings relaxing to slump to the sheets. Such fierce trembling with each inhale. She felt guilty for forcing him. “I shall not force thee, Marionetter.”

“I cannot do this, but you can.”


“You can choose. Luna the path you may choose to tread will bring you sadness.”

“Then I shall seek comfort in my friend. Art thou ready?” He slowly nodded and bowed his head, Luna noting his hands gripping the bed sheets very tightly. She gently tugged with her teeth and let it roll right off his shoulders, arms and expose the flesh underneath.

Her breath caught, the grotesque mass of boils was nowhere near to what she had imagined. There was an abundance of protrusions, yet markings not expected at all. She could not contain herself at the sight and fell onto him, holding for all she was to this pain. It was a battle not to pity him, she could not pity him after all this courage.

“You… are so brave, but still such a coward.” She pressed her cheek on the bare body, failing to retain her tears. The many years of The Marionetter had not been kind. It seemed his incredibly thin fur coat was natural, unable to hide the journey of his time.

It was heavily laden with healed markings of scarring, easy to decipher despite the dim light. Luna could instantly recognise the talon scarring of a griffon, the bite of a dog, the scratches from sharp and blunt tools, old burn wounds from what she hoped with all her heart was an accident despite their precise placement, amongst others decorating too much. His body had endured punishment, and in seeing it her heart nearly broke.

He gently turned around in her hold to raise a leg on the bedside. The front was as bad, if not worse because of a single marking; a brand burned over the heart with the symbol Luna recognised as the pony mark of the monster. That marking was painful for her to see. She loosened her grip to look up at the mask she hated, she hated not being able to see him and his sadness. His arm came around and pulled her in. She let herself free to cry over her friend, his warm body doing much to comfort her as it took her soft cheek to the shoulder. Her ears fell back in their sadness, the wings almost instinctively holding around. There was an overwhelming desire now, all she wanted to do was protect him.

“I did not want to make you cry, Luna.” She felt his hand pass through her mane, it was soothing enough that she could ease into him. Such a firm hold, as tight as the one given to him. She did not like being this sad of course, her heart was aching seeing this much suffering and knowing it was still in her kingdom. The once perfect picture she held for the new ponydom was now marred. “Some of these I earned Luna, I have committed such terrible acts.” She heard the depth of his inhale. “The Sticks you see are not meant-”

“Melody told me, Marion,” she forced through her congestion. “I am not afraid.”

“She what?”

“I convinced her to show me the night you saved her. I am sorry my kingdom has done this to you. I am sorry you have been under such frustration and sadness, that you have been twisted to this. You never stopped being so sweet though. You stayed strong and kind, my sweet Marion.”

“Melody...” he growled. He released Luna and stood up, slowly backing out of her wings towards the Marionette Sticks, “Are you not going to act to contain me? Do you not weep for your duty and what you must do?”

Luna felt such pain to be parted from his embrace and to now be feared by him. She did something very unwise at that moment considering his stance, unwise for her to let her guard down and leave herself exposed. His hands now hovered over the sticks. She could see it in the way his muscles tensed, he was ready to fight. Luna smiled as best she could, sniffing and closing her eyes. She did not look but spoke, feeling each word resonate in her.

“Please do not be afraid of me, I do not fear you. You are naught but a tool for retribution, a being who takes such burden for my ponies. They wrong you, fear you, scorn your appearance. They have tortured and tried to break you, yet still you stand for them. You never stopped being kind to them. Marion if you think I dare bring harm to you after seeing all that is, then I have failed you as a friend.”

His voice was surprisingly soft. “Then you are as ignorant as Melody.”

“Ignorant? How… you offend me. Justify this accusation.”

“Why bother waste word-“

Luna could not contain it. “Is this how you treat MY GESTURE?!” she thundered. “How dare you spit on the mercy, the kindness I TRY TO BESTOW UPON THEE?!”

“So it is charity you spend time here?!” He was as angered.

“IT IS MY FRIENDSHIP WITH THEE! IT IS…my…” Luna caught herself alarmingly fast. Not this way, this was not the way she could tell him. Her blood boiled, but it cooled somewhat seeing his hand no longer over his weapons. Her blood cooled seeing the scarred body before her and all the reason he thusly had to defend it. She took a deep trembling breath to compose herself, cleared her throat and spoke clearly. “I know of thine exploit which rescued Melody from a truly terrible night.”

“Then you…” Luna was happy he had calmed in kind, “…know of why I did that?”

“I think so. I do know of your comfort given to her and the trauma you caused. I know you cradled her the entire night as she wept.” He eased his stance to the relaxed one Luna was familiar with. “This is all I know, all I need to know.”

She tapped the bedside but he did not approach. “You will understand that I am less than able to believe your acceptance, princess.”

“I think I know why you ache at their loss.”

“I do not ache.”

“You are a poor liar. Why else were you so quick to assume I would enact justice?” He did not answer. “Perhaps you think it is earned, alike the scars I see upon thee.” Marion took a deep breath in kind.

“There… is…” The voice became hoarse.

Luna closed her eyes once more. “I am not here to place judgement upon thee.” She took her crown off and threw it towards him. It hit the mark but she did not move. He did not in kind. “I know there is a great weight that does trouble you. I shall listen to my friend, but he must lay his grief out before me should our friendship be of such trust.”

“Our friendship is strange to me as it is. Your crown is beautiful.” Luna waited without looking. She had excellent hearing and absorbed the brush of his digits on the grain of her ornate headpiece.

“I know you have told me great falsehoods in this short time we were together, but now I beg you to answer this with all the integrity I know you possess; hast thou ever taken an innocent, or allowed an innocent to be taken?”

A long pause followed. Luna did not like waiting for the answer, she kept her eyes shut with this tension. Now she would truly be endangered if he was not the one that she knew. He was though, she was certain of it. Her breath was shallow, her heart beat loud, she needed an answer from him, but she would wait.

The sound of her crown’s ring approaching nearly broke the determination, the hum of its ancient power echoing in the silent room. She exhaled sharply as her cheek felt his touch, and the returning of that crown to her mane. His eyes, or that of the masks, seemed to bear more grief.

“Never. Luna you are insane to let yourself be that… I could have just as easily been-” He was cut short as she reached up and pulled him close to rest her cheek to his chest. His heart beat as fast as hers, his breathing as shallow. He understood what had happened.

“You would not. I am certain now more than ever of the sweetest heart… that I hear nervously beating.” Her heart sang again as his arm came around to hold. “Speak, my friend.”

“There is a… truth about creatures in groups; they act with evil never thought possible. Good creatures can do very bad things when there is a group of them and the fabric of morality pales. They can do things never thought possible and think it right. It does not make them evil but… I feel that I ended the lives of five ponies who were simply stupid. They did not deserve to-”

“They understood their actions, Marion. They knew their intentions and repeating the event was their death warrant. What you speak of is true, but it is explained in the context of one happening. Acting with forethought is different than acting on the spur of the moment.”

“Words to find peace with a cruel truth.”

Luna knew this feeling too well. “The ponies hurt four mares, you mourn the inability to save them?” She felt his nod. “You think they were not worthy of that reprise.” Another nod. “I treasure life in many ways, Marion. I do not have patience or mercy to those who disregard it more than once.” She stroked his back, the silken touch of bare skin warming to her frogs. “I fear you mourn the lives taken in a time past.” He held more tightly. “You have seen lives ended that may have not deserved their fate. I assume this when your time was younger in this land.”

“It is sickening. The way creatures can enforce a belief and subjugate masses with themselves.”

“I pity them. In some cases it is a mercy to end their lives.” Her ears dropped feeling that weight return.

“That sounds very cold.”

“A truth I share between us; I have been through the depths of war. It is not easy to accept it but these events create themselves. You fought against soldiers I assume, they accept their task with knowledge of what it might bring.”

“They leave their loved ones behind under this ideal enforced upon them.”

“I believe the explanation is indoctrination. The word and its arrival in my absence is subject to great study.” Luna still held tight to him. “I would imagine you hunted the leaders as well as their soldiers.”

“I left every creature that I fought dead.”

“Smart”, she thought aloud. “No survivors is no enemies. The kin could have been a problem but-”

“I do not announce my actions to the world.”

“Marion”, she released a little to look into the masks, hoping to see those eyes, “I understand your grief for I fought in campaigns an age ago. I know this much of where you are; the ideal you held to feels shattered. It will heal and become stronger, but do not fear a slight amendment to it. I promise clarity will come to thee. I fear tis only thine mind that can see it.”

She shifted on her haunches for comfort, studying the mask down to the neck. Her spirits were uplifted to have brought some experience to this creature. It was a place Luna was at a long time ago, having to understand this necessity of action on her own. These were words she remembered hearing from a soldier that long time ago. There was hope they could comfort him as they had her. His hand rubbed her shoulder slightly.

“Here you are comforting me once more with a heavy burden. Your words found their mark, they do help. I thank thee, friend Luna.”

She chuckled, more relief than anything else. He chuckled in kind and the standoff was complete to her. Some minutes soothed while she held her cheek to his chest and past them listening to the easing heartbeat.

She was leaning back to try pull him down to the bed, him stubbornly holding fast. He was a strong one, but Luna was clever and well versed in mischief. Her ears perked in the idea that came. Using her magic to give the slightest pull on the carpet that he stood on, he lost his balance to fall atop her. He was fast, a single arm shooting out to catch the weight while the other still supported her in the bounce of the catch.

She was feeling very hot as his soft bed took to her shape with ease. There was an ache in her that wanted him closer, that wanted his body to hold to hers eternally. She spread her wings and let the calling ripple run over the feathers to display her want. She let her mane playfully wave about, a downwards tilt of her head with a blush and a coy smile to preface her desire.

“That was a dirty trick, Luna.”

“Yet dost thou not love it so.” His other arm slid out from under as he tried to rise. Luna felt that ache scream out of her before she could stop it, “Take me!” Her vision shook as she said it, he halted instantly and she could see the shock on him despite the mask he wore. His response though was unexpected for any male in this situation.

“Are you...INSANE?!”

Her embrace held tighter. “No my Marionetter, I am not, I have never been more sure. I ask of thee to take me now. Let me be one with-” his hot hand clamped on her mouth, it was trembling.

“Luna, I will not.” Her eyes widened with shock. “You are a princess of this land, to be tainted by some foreign beast is...wrong. You asked me tonight to hold you as you slept, that I would love to do. To… umm...”, he swallowed hard, “t… take you… I could never forgive myself.” She tried to speak but his hand remained firm. “You are beautiful and pure my friend, you are carried away right now with emotion. Should I… umm...” he swallowed hard again, this time looking away from her, “take you… it would not heal my pain. Having somepony to hold close to me though… that would be tremendously powerful. Please Luna, don’t make yourself my first innocent.” His hand pulled away to leave her gaping in surprise.

The pain Luna felt burning was enough to cause her to roll on her side and arch inwards, her once proud wings curling up in kind. She hated him for doing this to her, for torturing her in this way. It was clear he did not understand how innocent she truly was, the weight with which her question was asked. She needed him to understand it, now. Forcing herself to speak through her sobbing was a battle in itself.

“I have never...” she could not finish, closing her eyes tight and feeling the warm tears spill out. “Please… my Marion...” His left arm bent and he lowered himself beside, her back facing his front, that large arm wrapping around and pulling her in. She did not know where this was going, but she hoped with all her heart it was where she wanted it to. This so called tainting was not so, she wanted him to be all that he was with her.

“Luna, I will share something very special with you right now. Will you listen and follow my every word?”

“Y… yes...” her sobbing was levelling off, a wave of energy and heat rushing over. He spoke now in the sweetest, most tender voice.

“I want you to release all this tension you carry.” His hand pressed on her chest, closer into him. She tried to release it, but it was proving to be a monolithic task. “Luna, the physical is so easy. It is temporary, but it must be shared with a special stallion of your choosing.”

“I want you to be my sta-”

“Shh shh shh, Luna. Listen, do you feel your stomach right now? There is a severe ache I am sure.” She nodded. What you want to do is feed that ache, it is not your body crying out but your soul. I cannot explain why it cries out, that is a mystery, but I can feed it for you until my novelty wears off.”

“It would never.”

“I am sure it will, let us give it time for you to reconsider this path. Tonight, let us follow this one though, together.”

Her voice was trembling, “Wh… what must I… do?”

I want you to close your eyes and feel that ache flow through you as a river. Channel it inside every muscle and fibre of your being and feel it to the most intense depths. Luna was trying to concentrate, there was much resistance from her ache. She was sweating with her feverish anticipation.

“I cannot.”

“Perhaps you need help then, allow me to guide you.” Luna gasped as she felt his hand slide under her side and the arm bend around to place it to the stomach, pressing firmly in. His jaw clamped down on the top of her head and his thighs pressed up against her flank, her ears falling to the side as the cheek accepted the silken embrace of the sheets. The hand on her chest pulled away a moment to adjust her tail for comfort. She felt dwarfed by him as he encapsulated her.

Her breathing was shallow and quick, face burning in accompaniment. “I want you to feel the ache in your stomach where my hand is. Let it flow here,” he pressed the hand on her chest for emphasis, “You must not fight the current Luna, let it flow, let it spill over and be free. Let me feed it.”

She could feel it spilling over, the tide was very slowly washing away. His hand widened and pressed the stomach area firmly. She moaned through her blocked throat, leaving it a paled whimper. His hand on the chest pressed down further and she felt herself being crushed to the hard body, the heat in her face building with the pulsating pressure.

He was very strong. It did not hurt but the intensity with which he held her was incredible. It was as though she was ready burst with the feeling of his hot hands and body. She threw her head back against his neck with a groan to echo her agony, letting the scratchy fur caress her mane and scalp. His body began to arch inwards, the muscles all around her tightening. The arms on her side, the thighs against her flank. She could feel it now, that flow in her every being, ready for more, wanting more. Her skin tingled feeling him there, coat standing on end, her breath was caught, restricted from his compression. She did not care it was difficult to breathe, she wanted him to keep going.

He suddenly released all of his strength and she gasped for the fresh air through her feverish heat. This ease now was cause enough to allow collapse; every muscle no longer straining, the ache fading away with each beat of her heart. With the tension in her jaw gone, she let her mouth hang open to take on more air. Each breath felt strangely full. How he had done this was a mystery, but one amazing one. She knew it for sure now, she knew then that she loved him entirely.

“Well done, Luna,. Are you feeling better?”

She whispered to him, “I lo-”

“No you don’t! You will save those words for somepony who deserves it.”

“Can I not love a friend? Can my love not be of the innocence with which you hold me?”


“I love you. You do deserve it. I wish you would let yourself deserve it.” He did not answer.

She took his hand in her hoof and brought it to her lips, a kiss and a squeeze to tenderly comfort. His hand pulled back and turned over to expose a warm palm, a slight bend of the fingers to ask her to him. She was happy to place her hoof in that warmth and feel the caress on her sole, the hot bare skin holding so gently around it. His arm brought her in closer, pressing into his body. This feeling was as though to caress every fibre. When she breathed now it was a different feeling, a warmth that filled her mind and body in all entirety.

She felt sleep cruelly come to take her in that release, yet managed to defiantly whisper to him, “Thank you my Marion the Marionetter.”

He exhaled and she felt his warm breath caress her mane and horn. He spoke with such a sadness she nearly turned over to kiss that prison. “Thank you, Luna. I am sorry we cannot be, but I am honoured to share this with you.”

“As am I. You will forever cradle my heart.” A kiss atop her head and she let herself sleep now. As long as he was there upon waking, this happiness would still be there. She knew though with certainty, her Marionetter would be.

Chapter 8. Afternoon

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Princess Luna managed to wake from her sweetest sleep yet, and it scared her. The normal days of tormented dreams did not descend. It was scary to think he had that much power, or that she felt so safe with him.

Her crown lay on the bedside, although she did not remember removing it. Without any armour she felt exposed.

Rubbing her eyes she nestled under the sheets to fend off the cold nipping her nose. Her ears tried to retreat in kind. It was going to be winter soon, no doubt the festivities were near. Soon Hearths warming eve would be upon them.

It was truly warm under these sheets, and all without a the hot bottle. She remembered how her sister would share a bed when they were young. Luna could not muster enough courage to ask it of her now. Yet, she chuckled at the thought, yet she had asked it of this odd creature. During the day he had not moved and she remained with her head rested on his arm.

She kissed the supple flesh cradling her to a hot body. It was a surprise, then overwhelmingly joyful. Her sweetest day was the truth, he was still with her and she never wanted to move again. Luna closed her eyes, not to sleep but to feel this moment where they were the only two in the world.

She had just realised something; she felt his breath, he had kissed her head before she slept. Even more shocking was that his jaw was neatly resting over her head this very moment. It moved, it was supple. He was not wearing the mask.

Such a desire flared up then to look on him and see what he was, to taste him and break the final wall he held before her. Luna painfully wanted to, but she would not. With a reluctant sigh she arched her back and pushed into him to feel that heat envelope more of her.

There was a shape she could decipher from what was felt. Luna used the back of her head to feel that form. With concentration and closed eyes she brushed his muzzle into her mane with key strokes to sculpt her picture of him. It did not bode as well.

The image slowly crafted was not as hoped. Her mind created a depiction of a stallion without a muzzle, a gaping maw with exposed incisors or lack thereof. She could envision the wound where once a long and proud nose was, a deformity left in place of a face. A quick bump felt something soft, scar tissue or lips were her choices. She hoped for lips, at least some lips.

After what felt a mere moment his arm quickly lifted away.

She cleared her throat to sleepily call out to him, having to press her face harder into the pillow to fight temptation, “No, please no. Stay. I did not look. I promise.” It felt painful as he got up to don the mask again, each cruel click of the harness sounding out clearly.

“Good afternoon, Luna. I know you did not look, you are still here. You want to.”

“Tis… the truth. Your body is warm,” she giggled.

“As is yours, you have a very embracing coat.”

Luna looked to the clock on the bedside. It was not late, he did not sleep long. “Do we have to stop now? Your performance is not for some hours. I want to go on forever.”

“I think we must stop.”

“Why?” Luna could not mask her upset. “You and I share such tortured stories, why can we not live out our chapters together?”

“Luna. That would be a depressing book.”

“And yet you make me feel sad now.”

“Do not fear. I will be here for my friend until she no longer is in need of my service.”

Luna would forever need him now. The feeling of her revitalised body as it stretched with a groan told her this. The way these wings fluttered open to greet the afternoon, the way her muscles sang as they stretched out, the way her back longed for his warmth to return. This was the greatest sleep she had in a long time.

“Are you decent?”

“Yes, Luna.” She rolled around to see him sitting on the bedside, that mask she hated resting atop his head. If felt right to pull herself up to sit by him, a wonderful idea coming to mind. “Is there not some lucky stallion thine eyes doth linger upon?”

“Tis not so, thou art the first partner to share my bed… and I am not done yet.” She pushed herself closer to him, savouring the touch of his arm on her back and her belly against his side. It was his turn to be held. She reached up to hold him as tenderly as he had her, letting her weight fall back to the bed. He did not fight. She pressed her cheek to lay on his chest, having to mind the placement of her horn once more. Marion pulled the sheets over them both with a shudder, this one from the cold. “Thou hast delivered great warmth unto thine princess. I ask of thee to accept her return of thine favour.”

“Forsooth, thou art a persistent one.”

“Dost thou not love it so.” She felt that big arm come round and press into her side again. Closing her eyes she exhaled a gentle swoon to feel this moment and reward him in whatever way she could.

“I do.”

“I know you have suffered, but I want you to know my offer will always stand. I cannot forsake my Marion because of the way he looks.” Those hands gently stroked her side as he spoke.

“In time the novelty will wear off and you will find somepony more suitable; one who has a strong heart, a smooth coat, a real pony head, a sturdy flank, the means with which to truly bring pleasure to you, I could go on.”

His concern for her was comforting. “I will share a secret with my friend, it may be true that the means are considered important, but that should not be the part of it that truly matters. I always promised myself to feel love before I let a single stallion touch me.” Luna realised what she had just said, judging by his increased heart beat, so had he. “We did share a very special touch.”

“Love? Surely your highness does jest.”

“Will you stay here with me until nightfall? Tonight requires my full attentions so I will not be able to see you tomorrow. There is a matter of which I cannot speak.”

“This will end badly, Luna. Please stop this, for your love to be wasted like this-”

“Shh shh shh my love.” Her voice trembled as she said it, yet it never felt so comfortable to say. “I will not have you speak such falsehoods. I have found thee after so long and I never want to loose you. Be silent now and let me savour the sweetest dream.”

He sighed without another word as she clung to him, letting herself rest and feeling those hands caress again. Marion found his ease. It was impossible to resist the exhale of his swoon. She kissed his mask’s cheek and basked in her reward. A swoon, any exhale of pleasure, betrayed Marion entirely. A doze descended and she enjoyed a half sleep in a peaceful place.

The sound of retiring creatures of the day, pony and non, murmured outside the dim room as time passed. The gentle hum nearly returning the mind to sleep. She wanted to stay awake with him now though, no dream could equate this. A great deal was left unsaid in the time they lay there, it was the longest time in each other’s company without speaking. Luna loved talking with him, but this time she loved being silent with him. Enough time soon passed that the inevitable question would surface.

“What time is it?”

“About, four.”

Luna groaned. “I must raise the moon.”

“You nearly missed the deadline?”

“Sometimes my moon does linger.”

Luna pushed herself up to stand by the window. Sir Nightlark was nowhere to be seen. Thankfully the trusted soldier had left them to rest together. She respected him for trusting her. The cold was terrible, a nuisance nipping at every inch.

Luna closed her eyes and felt the familiar spin of existence. She could sense every fold in this world and many, all spinning around each other and about themselves. The moon was there, it needed to be guided to rotate about this home once more. Luna need only find its spin and encourage her moon to go for another day.

Her magic reached out, wings fluttered open, and that smallest of spins sent her beloved moon on another journey. She opened her eyes, and the moon began to rise.


Luna turned about to see Marion was sitting up and focused on her. She hated this respect, this unfound admiration for doing nothing more than her duty. She hated that he was in awe of her.

The Princess took a deep breath and folded her wings, unable to look at him. “I am still Luna,” she whispered.

“I cannot marvel at your magic?” he folded his arms and huffed playfully. “After all the times you gawked at mine!” She chuckled at that.

“What… did you think then?”

“Performers that are passionate about their work exude such joy when they craft it. I witnessed thine passion and it is radiant. I think you are talented at spell weaving. I am also thinking Princess Celestia is less worried knowing her sister is alright.” Luna smiled and could not look away. “Did I… misstep?”

“Not at all.” She did not feel inhibited and walked over to Marion, then on top of him. Slowly they descended to the bed and a flicker of her magic drew the sheets over, still thankfully warm. He was not afraid of the spell.

“Very forward,” he whispered with a gulp.

“Very,” she agreed without any shame. She kissed the lips of the mask. It lasted a moment but she let the parting linger. Luna locked to his eyes and cradled his head, stroking the sides gently. Luna loved him, and it scared her.

“What have you done to me?” They chuckled at the coincidence of saying it together. It was scary.

His hand lifted to her cheek and smoothed the contour very tenderly.

“Luna, can you promise me something?”

He could never remain silent for long enough. “One would have to hear it first.”

“Tonight when you are trotting about the grounds of your home, I want you to really look at the stallions that guard Canterlot. I need you to see them, and understand what it is you are truly leaving. There must be some colt to suit thine fancy. Please really look.”

“I have.” She took his hand in her hoof and kissed the scarred top, then the warm palm.

“I’m sorry?”

“There are many colts, Marion. Stallions of might and legend who would be a fairytale match for me. They are strong hearted, fierce, loyal, true heroes to Equestria.”

“Then there you go, perfect.”

“No. For all their strength and virtue they still see me as Princess Luna, and her monster; Nightmare Moon. The most charismatic dare to whisper a faint word to me. It all still does pale under their fear. There are those who do not fear, but they prove to be too naive for my liking.” She exhaled to relive the memories and anxiety of the failed courting, rubbing her cheek to that warm chest for comfort. “You were never afraid of me. I see this hesitation… shyness.”

“I am very afraid of you.”

She pouted and squeezed his body. “Tis a cute sort of afraid.” He laughed with nerves. “I can still turn the bravest courter coward should I speak of myself and Nightmare Moon as one.”

“I thought you and that were at peace now. You’ve stopped referring to yourself as we after all.”

“The plural of we carries the name of Canterlot and my family. Tis a habit unlearned to suit the times. Nightmare however… is still here, but we are together. She was simply a part of me I pushed away until she and I became different.” Luna stared at the folds of the bed they lay on in contemplation. “I think it so at least. Now though we are one and I feel so much better in that truth.” Luna examined her hoof a moment. “Tis how I explain it anyway.”

“Could she… ever, um… come back?”

“I hope not. At least I know this time I will have a friend to hold to when the days get harder to bear.” She felt him squeeze her in reply, the embrace which fought against a painful anxiety.

“Luna, if you ever do suffer like that again… I will never allow it to come to pass.”

“Oh my Marion,” she kissed his chest on the mark of the beast, “I know you wouldn’t, although your abilities would serve little aid. However knowing you as my friend is what holds me steadfast. You see that’s the fate I am, the way they all see me. It is the one difference I see in you, compared to these courters you push me to, that brings me closer. Yesternight I made up my mind about what I want with you.”

“I…” He hesitated, and gulped with an amusing tone. “Luna… is this because I do not age?”

Her ears and eyes shot up to him in the shock. “Nay! Of course not!”

“Then were I mortal, you would still be this way?”

Hearing it she realised something about his patterns, this was but, “Another falsehood...”

“If it was?”

“I feel such sadness knowing this… knowing you have spoken falsely with me once more. Why do you not-”

“Luna, please answer. Would it change if I were not as you are?”

“The only change would be your absence in my eternity.” She ended this with a kiss to his cheek, knowing this was a poor test for her, pleased with how certain she was of her own words. “Every day apart would be lost time.”

“I am not mortal Luna. You need not fear times reprise with me.”

“Oh,” she exhaled while tucking her muzzle to the neck, “twas a cruel trick, my love.”

“Maybe… I am sure there are immortal ponies somewhere, Luna.”

“Of course. Perhaps I might sway you were you to know what swayed me to you?”

“I cannot imagine.”

“I see your hesitation for my benefit and of such sacrifice to what you desire. Last night you had the Princess of Equestria under you, begging for satiation. You fought it, never allowing yourself.” She could not resist brushing her muzzle against his throat, a loud swallow betraying his fear. “The day we first met is my fondest, you did not hide because you were afraid, but because you were shy. I know you want me to reconsider it, but may I ask you something that vexes me so? No more falsehoods between us.” She clung tighter to await his consent.

“What is it you wish to know?”

“Have you ever taken a mare?”

“E...excuse me? I already-”

“Have you ever taken a mare?” she repeated, having to giggle at his nerves and rapid heart.

“That is very personal, Luna, you should know better. Very improper behaviour for-”

“Have you?” There was an uncomfortable pause. She wanted him to be like her, the poetry of the moment would resonate in all time.

“Not a mare.”

Luna was relieved to hear that. “How did you not seek relief?”

“My work. If you have a passion in life you do not want to go to sleep, you wake up early just to greet it. It fills your every action and moment, you can sleep for minutes and still feel that energy to press on.”

Luna buried her face lower against his chest before asking this question, it had worried her a great deal after that resilience last night, “Do you not find my body at all interesting? Does my form not please you? There are spells… temporary but they can help.”

“You do not have to change for anypony my friend. You are radiant, remember?”

“Then why do you fight me? Why will you not see this?” It seemed hours before he answered her.

“Why does mine not repulse you?” The question left her stunned.

“I… don’t… How can I be repulsed?”

He took a deep breath with what was certain to have been a whimper. “L…a…st day I disrobed before a pony, and they were not… sickened. I am scared.”

“You weave such a difficult conversation, Marion. You may always seek courage in me. Could I umm… at least ask you to see me again? I want another day like today, if possible the one after tomorrow.”

“And where will this lead to?”

Only one word came to mind. It captured the feeling to such perfection that she said it as instantly as she heard his question, “Happiness.”

“Luna… I need some time to think. There are held truths you should know. Please, I beg of thee to grant me time to consider.”

Hearing this, Luna’s wings stretched out and rippled, her body did not ache in the same way it had before. Now to hold him there that ache drew something from him, gave something to him. She could not explain it.

“How long does my Marion need?”

“I don’t know.”

He was shuddering and Luna had to giggle at his resilience. She would have to leave eventually but now there was time to savour. She kissed the salty chest once more, letting it linger for three deep breaths before nuzzling her head to it and feeling his heart’s beat. She let her eyes close and smiled, embracing the tense body under her. “Alright my Marion the Marionetter, you forget your Luna can wait. She has time. This night though, I will spend with thee. I fear there will no longer be one.”

“Listen, I will always be here for you. What my friend asks of me though is more than a warm bed. I must know my answer before I give it.”

“When will you perform tonight?”

“If I do not show then there are alternatives. They pay for the food, not the theatre.” He curled her mane in his digits. “Rest, sweet mare. I do so think thou requires a fine night.”

Luna eased and found herself slowly drifting back to sleep. She did not dream of time nor place but of a feeling of warmth that encapsulated. It pressed in every crease, weaved through every lock. No nightmares came, no fear or shame. Luna was here and she was safe. The warmth retreated its caress and she was forced to wake.

Marion was still laying beside her. He had rolled to his side in his own doze. She wanted to cry, for it hurt to look at that mask. The sounds of the world outside this room came to present themselves to mind. Her thoughts carried away from the bed and to the noises that were a pleasing distraction.

The room was warmer, she could feel Marion’s sweat and her own. A crack drew her attention to the heat radiator, his jacket was laying on it. She remembered seeing a story in the moving picture theatre which involved a mare wearing the shirt of her beloved. The affair was ultimately doomed in the story so she hesitated thinking about it. Luna had to try though, and gently eased out of the bed.

This was not made for ponies. She touched the weave, it felt nothing like his shirt. The evening was still cold and his jacket was warm. So she slid into it, one hoof through the sleeve then the other. Luna did not notice her lack of magic. It was odd how free of its hold she was in his company.

The fit was terrible, but the fill was extraordinarily big. She had to fold it inwards and over itself to make it fit in any fashion. She simply enjoyed the heat with an exhale, seating herself and staring out to the city streets below. Her mane was thankfully not too noticeable, her place far too hidden for a casual onlooker. Luna could understand why Marion enjoyed this room.

The Canterlot city bustle was a thing of beauty in contrast to an age long past. Ponies flooded the streets eve with all manner of forms and frenzies. There was a pony selling something baked and full of squares. A mare bought two to share with an eager filly or colt who enthusiastically hugged her with a great bite to the treat. A musician with a cello of all things was performing on the corner with a hauntingly beautiful melody Luna recognised from the Canterlot archives.

She watched the night come to life, the busy streets below with lights galore and festivities for the eyes to behold. Luna never could keep her composure seeing this, her joy was expressed as a silent sob. It ceased its sounding as the beating steps of Marion came through her hooves. She wanted to look about, but her body was more eager to look to the street.

His hand found her shoulder and he kneeled behind. She awaited something expectantly, yet nothing came of it. Her hooves felt empty, her shoulders cold. “Enjoying my apparel?” She nodded to his amusement.

“I am cold this eve.”

“Tis cold, he agreed.”

“Wear you your trappings still?”

“| do. Why is this of consequence?”

She looked about and reached for his hands, guiding them to hold about her in an embrace. This guidance was the permission he required. She leaned back gently to the support of the body, she accepted the draped sheets he wore as a cloak as they encompassed the two in its thick warmth. His jaw, or that of the mask, found her shoulder. She no longer felt bare, a heavy sigh leaving his gaze with hers on the street below.

“Tis beautiful,” he admitted.

“How I would enjoy being amongst them.” She lifted her hoof to his hand with a brush of her cheek to his.

“I understand that,” he sighed. “Let us go then.”

“I think we would make quite a sight.”

“True,” he giggled half-heartedly. In this silence they sat together until the room grew too dark to see. Luna sat gracefully on her haunches against him. “Thank you my friend,” he whispered. “I…” There was hesitation, a loss for words. Luna smiled and dared to hope he wanted to confess. She would allow him the grace of implication, last night was more than enough.

“I love you too.”

“It is… hard to say. I enjoy your company very much, but I do not know if this-”

“You cannot love a friend.”

“I love Melody.”

“Then you cannot love me as a friend. This is encouraging yet discouraging.”

He thought on the answer, and Luna laughed lightly seeing the filly or colt dragging the mare through the streets. “I don’t know.”

“I can see why you need time to think.”

“There is a great deal to consider. More than your acceptance or rejection of what will be seen.”

“I have thought much on this already.”

“Enlighten me, wise one.”

“I dare to think you love me. This nature has been denied to you and it is terrifying. I believe you do not know what love is. You fight against it to retain your strength yet it is eaten away with each stroke of the clock.”

“I think so.”

“This is how I feel, but it is something I want to share. You are a great friend, a wonderful companion and so incredibly patient with my advances. You are not afraid of Princess Luna, but Luna. This flatters me. I find this… cute.”

“Then you correctly accuse me.”

“There is solace in a single thought; Were we to stride as partners in the grandest halls of my home, were it to be amongst the countless tourneys of diplomats and high society, I find myself comforted by your presence in those moments. I am more than nervous navigating those functions so I excuse myself on the falsehood of duty.”

“It has been a very long time since I attended a party. What would make you think I would enjoy becoming the abject of disgust at such a grand occasion? Besides enjoying your company of course.”

She smiled, showed no hesitation to kiss the cheek of the mask. The poor grain of hair could not replace the supple yield of a true body. “So with me thine bravery could traverse uncertain ground?”

“I never…” She could not help giggle and his arms playfully squeezed her. “I think I could,” he said surprisedly.

“Am I helping you think?”

“A great deal. He had not released her, and Luna watched the street below not even caring if they were seen this way. The world could go hang for their thoughts as long as he held her like this.

“I have not slept that well for a long time. After returning the duties have become tasking. Please understand I need to-”

“share a bed with you,” he continued, “yet we need not bed each other.”

“Exactly. Then why resist if you share this agony?”

“Because last night you came very close to losing control.”

“I was carried away.”

“It is clear you cannot love me as a friend would another.”

“I protest that-“ she stopped realising his words. “You came close…”

“Too close. That denial is very painful, especially for the normal stallion. Our minds are awash in a very deceitful daze. We need to be apart and cool them to gain clear reflection. It hurts me in ways not yet experienced.”

She laughed. “Oh that has to go down in Canterlot history. The first male to not listen to what makes a male, a male.” She picked up one hand on her belly and kissed it. “You are wonderfully strange. It is apparent you seek more than a short term companion.”

“As do you.”

“There is truth in that. It is strange because it is common practice to explore ones partners before making such decisions.”

“So what if there was a stallion out there who was more tender than myself? A proven survivor of life with no-”

“Should such a stallion exist, he would find my eyes were to draw elsewhere.”

“Why?” He sounded lost, searching for an answer.

“Only you, of all the creatures I have met, can understand what it is to be alone in this world so completely. How much it hurts to lose friends and family. You know so much about me because it seems you hail from such a difficult life.”

“As have you…” he completed her thought.

“You keep asking me why, and I suspect this is intentional so I am sure. So to you, Marion, I ask why. Why did you climb into bed-”

“Fall into bed,” he corrected.

“Why did you fall into bed with Luna? Or was it princess Luna?”

He thought for some time, and the poor mare found a moment's peace as her son watched a unicorn practicing some magic with balloons. “Why did I fall into bed with my friend?”

“Oh. So you fear losing our friendship?”

“I slept with you because it felt so… peaceful. Luna, I truly do think you are wonderful, but you have not made many friends and our feelings could be confused.”

“To my understanding, you wish to simply wait and see if my feelings or your feelings will change?”

“Something like that.”

“Of course there are other beings that live prolonged lives. I could search them all to try find an acceptable partner.” She turned about in his arms to face him, parting the blanket draped about his shoulders and looking at the scarred belly. “You neglect yourself in such heart breaking ways, and you need somepony to help you see that.”

“I doubt I neglect anything.”

She touched his chest, right over the mark of the beast branded into it. “All the pain I see has failed to create what this stands for. You contain such a rare grain of kindness that all this failed to harm it.” She looked into the eyes of the mask, catching a dimly lit glimpse of his true ones for a moment. They were spectacular. “I could never find another as resilient as yourself. Appreciate it. You need not be a partner in bed but one to me as Melody is to you.”

She leaned in as he held her waist, sighing at the force holding tight. He sniffed and Luna watched the neck lining of the mask as it released a drop or two. She could understand why.

In that moment, she appreciated her friends, her sister, her subjects, and all they had done for that traumatic return. Nopony can overcome hurt alone, Luna wanted to be here for him as so many others were for herself. He would not express it easily, but the actions made were expression enough.

“Luna. There is too much… I could never hope to find anyone as brave as you.”

“Or as half baked,” she jested.

“Half baked indeed,” he chuckled. She let her wings reach about to cover this creature. All Luna wanted to do was protect him. “You need not look for another to confide in. That is a privilege I am honoured to share with you.”

“So let it be said that our friendship shall always remain true.”

“Should we find ourselves beyond a simple state as that?” She felt him brace for the answer.

“Let it be so tonight.” She rubbed her eye on his shoulder. “I do want to sleep again with thee.”

“I will have the answer ready the day after the next.”
She huffed her disappointment. “You know you try my patience. So it shall be.”

“Thank you.”

“But it must be an answer with a reason, for you have two nights to think.” He nodded and she ruthlessly hugged him. Tucked over the smooth shoulder the clock became an unwelcome presence. It nagged and barked the hour loud and clear to torment them both with their tardiness. It was late, almost an entire night was gone in what felt like moments. Luna had to welcome some visiting dignitaries for the festivals before morning.

“Melody has not come to yell at me yet.”

“I think thine compatriot does not hasten proceedings. You are lucky to have her.”

“She reminds me every night.”

Luna held to him, refusing to look at the clock face despite its nagging glare. It was the firmness of the shoulder, the sweet taste that came to kiss it. It was the breath tickling her neck that made leaving here such torment. He was exposing himself, the true self. When she found strength to lift her eyes, fifteen minutes had thrown themselves past.

“I need to leave. Do not ask me stay please, I fear I cannot resist it.”

“I understand.” Her wings hesitantly folded inwards and his arms slid back to hold her hooves in those odd paws. She lifted her apparel onto herself with magic, he did not show any fear of her doing do. “Luna… I am not…” he took her armoured hoof, “thank you for your bravery. You deserve someone equally brave.”

“I think you are.”

“Despite everything, I am honoured to be your friend. Have a good night, Luna.”

It should not have been this difficult to turn away. She had her desire to rest with him and yet the idea to remain with him tormented Luna beyond her understanding. This was agony, but was it love?

She slid her hooves away. “I shall see thee on the eve after. Good night, Marionetter.” It was difficult to look away, to unlock the window and dive to the crisp night air. It was near impossible to not look back and wonder if he still watched her flight.

Fortunately, NIghtlark was ever vigilant and by her side in moments. He lead two larger soldiers who followed in near perfect unison. She noted their faces should rumour spread about her activities. Luna did not yet trust the new regime as she once did her own. She shook the sting out of her head, more grateful for the distraction.

One of the guards pulled up by her, his shield labelled him as Luna’s senior most captain. “Princess Luna, the ambassador will arrive in three hours.” She watched this stallion in his flight, how the beat of his wings was powerful and elegant. His throat was thick and defined. He was a fine specimen indeed.

What scared Luna was how every detail she absorbed failed to coax Marion from her mind. She would think on him all night, Luna already knew that.

“What of my sister?”

“Princess Celestia has retired.”

“I shall be ready to meet the envoy. Fetch me when they enter the Castle grounds.”

“Yes Princess!” The guard saluted and glided back into formation. It was clear they were all tense about Luna’s ability to welcome the guests. They could have been tense knowing where she had slept. Her cheeks flushed thinking about it. They knew, and the first one to speak of it would suffer.

They were well trained at least, and could maintain that secrecy. Indeed she found it irksome and grew to detest these guests for prying her away as they did. Thankfully it subsided in the wake of her duty. She needed to be there to greet them and source an agreement for a comfortable exportation inflation price. It was not easy to deal with such matters, yet she was grateful for the distraction.

Luna Took a deep breath and flew faster. She needed time to eat, bathe, drink and prepare herself to receive.