> My crispy crepe. > by Panda Hat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A story with one chapter. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy took a deep breath. Today was just another day of her young pegasi life, working. This is a family tradition. Once a member of the Shy family has graduated flight school, they must go live independently for a year before returning home to find their way in the world. Fluttershy chose to live in Canterlot, as she loves the fashion world, before continuing to study in Cloudsdale University. After all, this would be her only chance to indulge in the fashion world before going to pursue a career in being a Vet. It is her destiny to be a Vet. She can feel it. But she might as well indulge herself in her favourite hobby, right? She stepped into the little clothing shop where she is working. It was a little place, selling casual wear for ponies of all ages. Behind the counter, an old stallion perked his ears up. "Hello Fluttershy. I have to leave on a business trip. you wold be alright here on your own right? asked her bos, wheeling a small bag to the entrance. "sure thing boss. I know my way around this shop. You can count on me," chuckled the butter yellow pegasus. The stallion laughed in appreciation before trotting off without another word. Fluttershy was used to his sudden departures. She picked up a broom and began sweeping the shop. It was still early, so she would have plenty of time to get the shop in order before the customers come swarming in the Canterlot Mall. In other ponies were also busy arranging, sweeping, wiping and displaying their goods to catch anypony's attention. Fortunately, Fluttershy work place is sited in a quieter part of the mall, way behind the noise and chaos. and It suits her just fine. Even though she has to wear clother everyday to suit the Canterlot lifestyle. A blond unicorn knocked on the counter. "good Morning Fluttershy!" "Morning Stacy," sang Fluttershy. Stacy was just a nickname. The brown unicorn, who's build was not unlike Mrs Cake, worked in the shop next to Fluttershy, which sold the trendiest casual wear. Her real name was Powder Puff and had a powder puff as a cutie mark. She was the first friend the shy pegasi made. Stacy showed her how to survive the Mall world, and which ponies to befriend and whom to avoid. "Gonna see the hunk today?" asked Stacy with a sly smile, tugging Fluttershy's skirt. "Of course, Thunderlane always meets me everynight," Fluttershy flicked her short pink mane from her eyes, focused on sweeping. Thunderlane and Fluttershy started dating sometime in their last year in Flight School. While Fluttershy worked at the small shop, Thunderlane worked as a fitness instructor for pegasi at the other end of Canterlot. "I'm not talking about Thunderlane." Fluttershy froze. A deep blush began creeping up her face. Fluttershy wondered around the Canterlot Mall food court. she wasn't really hungry, but out of sheer boredom, she needed something to munch on. She passed various food stalls and eyed the food. nothing took her fancy. Everything was so boring or too heavy to snack on. Almost giving up, a delicate smell wafted up to her. She followed the smell and found a small kiosk named "Berry Munchies". Fluttershy scanned the menu. It was mostly various crepes and milkshakes. She smiled "Excuse me. One chocolate chip crispy crepe please" A light brown stallion in a black beanie turned around, He froze. She too froze. Blue eyes locked on brown eyes. Time seemed to stand still between them. He smiled. She blushed. The stallion made her crepe with a flourish. Fluttershy pretended to look at something else, but was stealing glances at him was she in love? "how did you know?" asked Fluttershy, in a quiet voice. "Oh please, you are always buying crepes or milkshakes everyday. Sure they're good, but not really an everyday snack." giggled Stacy, tossing back her blond mane. Fluttershy shuffled her hooves uncomfortably, blushing furiously. I cant believe it. Is it that obvious? If Stacy noticed it, what if he noticed it too? Or what if Thunderlane had noticed it? Oh Fluttershy how could you! As the pegasus was having a mental arguement with herself, Stacy was looking through the calender. "hey its your last month here!" That snapped the pegasus out of her trance. "what?" Fluttershy dropped the broom she was holding and zoomed to Stacy, flipping the calender. It was true. It is her last month working here. That meant she can go home to Cloudsdale and go to university. She had already applied months ago and not long after that an acceptance letter arrived. She can be the vet she had always wanted. But... That meant leaving the Canterlot Mall. That meant never going to see Stacy and having all those fun times together. No more lunches and dinner together. no more sneaking out of work early to go window shopping. That also meant never going to see him again... "Fluttershy?" asked Stacy, prodding her with a hoof. "I have to stop seeing him. I love Thunderlane. and it will never happen between me and the crepe guy," mumbled Fluttershy, more to herself than Stacy. "Alright Fluttershy. I just hope you are happy with you decision. You are a diamond and any stallion would be lucky to have you." With that said Stacy left the shop and went back to her own. Fluttershy locked herself in her own shop. She hid behind in the stockroom and wept. what am I supposed to do? I care a lot about Thunderlane. But sometimes he can be a complete jerk. I do all I can to make him happy. But when it comes to me, he turns things into a fight. But him... "Here's a little extra on your crepe. free of charge." the stallion winked. "Im sorry, I'm short of bits. I really thought I had enough," mumbled Fluttershy, digging through her purse. "It's alright. This is enough," He swiped the bits off the counter and into the till. "you're only 3 bits short." "Thank you" "Wow nice flower clip. It suits you well." "Hey I cant believe we're both wearing red today!" "Would it be a chocolate chip crispy crepe or a double chocolate milkshake today?" "You haven't seen me in a couple of days have you? Well," He fished out a small photo from out of his saddlebag," I just graduated from collage. I took a few days off for my graduation" It was a photo of him and another stallion, his best friend probably, wearing graduation gowns and caps. Both were holding their plaques and were laughing. He wasn't wearing his beanie. This was the only time she ever saw him without a beanie. "Hey you feeling ok? Its really hot outside." He really did care about her. But she cant... A few days later You can do it Fluttershy. Just tell him its your last day tomorrow. And say goodbye. Than its over Fluttershy was psyching herself up. The next day would be her last time working here. She had to say goodbye to him. She wanted to avoid not saying anything to him, but it felt to cruel to leave without at least telling him that she was going back to Cloudsdale. As she neared the kiosk, her heart was beating loudly. A bead of sweat formed. Gulping, she took a step closer. and another. and another. "Hello there," he said with a smile. As always he was wearing his black beanie. "Um... I...I..." "You ok? What is it?" "I'm leaving!" she blurted out. "Um.. tomorrow is my last day." "Oh, where are you going?" "Back to Cloudsdale. I'm going to university... to study to become a vet." "Goodluck then..." he smiled sadly. The next day As she was locking up the shop with Thunderlane, for the last time, she saw him again. He was nervously pawing the ground with his hoof, outside a shop nearby. He kept glancing to Fluttershy then Thunderlane. "Uh.. Thunderlane? Sweetie? Why dont you go on ahead. There are a few things I need to do." "What? ok then dear. whatever ," Thunderlane glided off. After locking up, she trotted up to the stallion. "Hi," she said shyly. "Hi.." "So uh... why now? of all the times I've been working here, why do you look for me now?" asked Fluttershy. It was true. all the time she was here, she had never seen him around in her area. "I haven't seen you in a while. Then you suddenly show up... saying you were leaving. I had to say goodbye properly," he said sadly, looking deep into her eyes. "I did look for you. But when I found you... you were with your coltfriend." "I'm sorry.." "No its ok. I understand. I know you have feelings for me, as I have for you. But you are already with some pony else. He might be your special somepony. He might not.But I'd rather be there for you when he wasn't. I know what it feels like to be alone with nobody close you can trust. If I had to be anypony, I wanted to be that pony, the pony you can be comfortable with. Your safe place in this Mall is me and I'm glad to be that," he took of his beanie and apron. Flutterhy gasped. He had a long black mane and tail, impossibly too long to stuff under his beanie. But what made her gasp was that he had dyed a pink strip into his mane. The same pink Fluttershy had. "I would never forget you. And to help me remind me of you, I did this," he pointed to the pink strip with his hoof. "to remind me that kindness can easily make friends with a stranger. so promise me.." He reached out a hoof to touch her mane. "Grow out your mane long. Like mine. to remember me. and our kind friendship." "I will... I will always remember you.... and your kindness.. stranger" "I'm Crispy Crepe." "I'm Fluttershy." "Fluttershy?" "Yeah?" "Goodluck." A few years later, in Ponyville Fluttershy trotted from her cottage next to the Everfree forest to Sugarcube corner, her long mane and tail flowing gracefully in the wind. She looked up into the sky. Then to Canterlot. "I miss you... Crispy Crepe." Crispy crepe took off his beanie, having made a dozen crepes in a rush for a herd of little fillies. He looked into his reflection on the counter top. He ran a hoof through his black mane, cut shorter now than it was a few years ago. He tugged at a pink strip of hair he had dyed again recently, to maintain its color. "I miss you... Fluttershy." And what happened to Thunderlane? Fluttershy found him one day in bed with another mare when she came home unexpectadly from university. So she kicked him out after giving him the Stare, replaced him with a pet rabbit and they never talked ever again. THE END